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GENERAL NOTES 1, All work shall conform to the local building code and/or the latest UBC/IBC. 2. Welding shall be: done by AWS (American Welding Society) certified welders; in accordance with fabricators'"Quality 10 8 I - Control/Welding Manual" and "Welding Procedures Specifications" as utilized and practiced in accordance with the intent of AC S5. S5. 172 and AC 10 Acceptance Criteria by ICC-ES; in accordance with ANSI/AWS DI.3-98 Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel < 8'-0" ) Procedures; and done in an approved fabrication shop in accordance with UBC 1701.5 & 1701.7. ) ( 1 1 /2" < 3'-9 3/4" 3'-9 3/4" ) El< 3. All cold-formed, light-gauge structural steel members shall conform to ASTM specification A-500-3, Grade B and/or third party _ Ti independent testing lab for verification and compliance thereto. - -7` ,. _ I 4. Miscellaneous structural steel-plates & angles of 1/8" or greater thickness- shall conform to ASTM specification A-36 \ l '-4'' (Fy=33ksi min.). / \ )< I 5. All members shall be coated so as to be corrosion resistant. _ -__ ______.____. _....._ 6, Steel bolts shall conform to ASTM specification A-307 Grade 'B' unless specifically noted otherwise. Holes for bolts in steel ,„ 2575 San Jacinto Ave.,,*nJadinto,Calcium a 92583-5348_ Phone 9°i1.925 2504 Fax:951.925.0244 Email stk@stk,nc.Com shall be of same diameter as bolt plus 3/32". ALLOWABLE DESIGN SHEAR OF'/4"A307 BOLTS IS 490.87 LB;ALLOWABLEA 3'-9 3/4" \. DESIGN TENSION IS 878.12 LB. 7, All self-drilling screws shall be 'Tek' as manufactured by Buildex or equal. ( 8'-0" > ,� • . L , I 2 -4 B.O.T. 8. Materials of equal grade or better may be substituted for material shown. 0� 8 CONSULTANT: ri • 9. No structural members shall be cut for pipe, ducts, etc., unless specifically detailed. S5. ir - X 10. The contractor shall verify all dimensions on the job site. 11. The contractor is responsible for the placement and accuracy of the jigs for the location of anchors bolts and finish of the )1I( 1 1 /2 / 1 4" 1'-4iNGI EE I G concrete slab \ - r c = �'I ' ' c=2/c 12. The contractor shall verify all conditions and dimensions as shown on the plans, Should conditions exist which are contrary T T 1 } l }( =" 'uARROW Rt' T` '' '?"A d 110 CUCAMONGA,CA n'730 to those shown on the plans and/or discrepancies and/or differences between the structural 'S' and any of the architectural T -� % P,iONIE(909)980-8098 pages, details, 'typicals' and/or the specifications, they must be brought to the attention of the Architect of record when the plans (- 6„ Mi s,A" ;' 9-8838, ;;r are reviewed for bid and/or prior to construction. - - 3'-9 3/4 \ 13. The contractor is responsible for the erection/installation of the framing system components regardless whether or not the \\ contractor contracts the erection/installation to a subcontractor. Sub-trades scope of work and responsibilities between the 3'-6 1 /2" 3'-9 3/4" different sub-trades that attach to, are supported by and/or integrate with the steel framing system are the sole responsibility of /" the contractor to insure this coordination. Any differences in the scope of work, if any, between the steel framing and those m �,- 1 B.0.T. ; sub-trades are the responsibility of the contractor, 4'-3 3/4" 14. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assure that all columns, wall panels, trusses, etc. are adequately braced l.' 19'-10 1 /2 ' � _ X during construction. 15, Interior non-bearing partitions shall be located as per architectural drawings. U16. See architectural plans for specific floor plans, elevations and door& window schedules. r\ K , A 17, Refer to architectural plans for required exits, fire walls, area separations, wall finishes, floor finishes, etc. '` ` � '_ " _20 1 1 /2 3 9 3/418. Due to the modular nature of the construction, contractor shall verify exact locations of openings prior to placement of J c Xconcrete. �\ / \19. Desi n soil bearin ressure is as er soils re ort re ared b desi nated roject Geo-Technical En ineer. 1275 PSF. �'-5 1 /4'12'-6 3/4'' "9 9 P P P P P Y 9 P 1 9� 3 -9 3/420. See soils report for recommendation not shown on these plans. All existing man-made fills shall be completely removed, \ 17'-0" back-filled and compacted per soils report. The Geo-Technical Engineer or Special Inspector should monitor all grading voperation, back filling, compaction, etc. as per soils report. See "Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation" prepared by Inland 9'-6" Foundation Eng. Inc. Dated: 27, April, 2004; Project#: R007-042. \, �. A 21. Concrete shall have a minimum strength of 2500 psi @ 28 days and shall have at least 5 sacks of cement per yard and no .� 5'-4" K \ i / more than 7 1/2" gallons of water per sack. 22. All footings shall be 12 inches min. below natural grade and finished grade; whichever is lower. All footings shall rest on firm, / 10'-O" undisturbed soil, or certified compacted soil. 3'-9 3/4" • 23. Grade 5 bolts to be used in Truss to Wall connections. See S/3.0 and associated details. Persuant to Section 1701.5.6 DOUBLE DIAGONALS AND WELDING PROJECT FOR: Uniform Building Code all A325 bolts specified by Structural Engineer to be inspected by certified 3rd party inspector or engineer PER DETAIL 2A/S5.1 .1 REQUIRED of record. 3'-9 3/4 AT ALL STRUCTURAL PANELS DENOTED \ ON SHEET S1 .0 WITH PENTAGONS CITY 0 E- Design soil bearing pressure is 2500 lbs./sq. ft. per PRELIMINARY soils report by INLAND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING, - - X >> ALL OTHER PANELS MAY HAVE SINGLE INC#S168-108 DATED 12/13/04. / 1 -4 - ,J DIAGONALS AND WELDING PER DETAIL STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION PROGRAM O 4/S5.2. SEE 6A/S5.1 .1 OR 6A/S5.0 - 0\ A \ A THE OWNER SHALL EMPLOY THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STRUCTURAL v V \ " F.F. 16 GA. END STUDS REQUIRED AT ALL DESIGN, OR ANOTHER ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT DESIGNATED BY THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT .r STRUCTURAL SHEARWALL PANELS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN, TO PERFORM STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION AS DNG TYP. FOR 2-4/S5.0 2 �> DOUBDETAIL DIAGONALS 1A1N RED QUIRED 3'-9 3/4'' DEFINED IN SECTION 220 (CBC). OBSERVED DEFICIENCIES SHALL BE REPORTED IN WRITING TO THE SS < X X X ) 1 -4 AT ALL STRUCTURAL PANELS DENOTED / PROJECT NAME: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE, SPECIAL INSPECTOR, CONTRACTOR AND THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. THE \ 1,-4„ ON SHEET S1 .0 WITH PENTAGONS - ' - X 1 '-4" STRUCTURAL OBSERVER SHALL SUBMIT TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL A WRITTEN STATEMENT THAT 1 4 l'-4'\ l '--4 1 -4 ALL OTHER PANELS MAY HAVE SINGLE / THE SITE VISITS HAVE BEEN MADE AND IDENTIFYING ANY REPORTED DEFICIENCIES THAT, TO THE USE (2) 1-3/8"x6"x18 GA. 'C' © C. OF DIAGONALAND S 6A/S5 WELDING ORR6DETAIL A/S5 0 BEST OF THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVER'S KNOWLEDGE, HAVE NOT BEEN RESOLVED. TRUSS TYPE 2 BEARING WALLS v F Fs - IR - TA 110\ 1 . FOUNDATION AND SLAB PREPARATION TO VERIFY PROPER STEEL PLACEMENT AND FOOTING 16 GC END STUDS REQUIRED SAT ALL B PANEL LONGITUDIAL SECTION PANEL: ELEVATIONAL VIEW STRUCTURAL SHEARWALL PANELS ...?..... # 7 g SIZES PRIOR TO POUR. \,,_/ DBL STUD REQUIRED A T ALL 60 FT TRUSS SUPPORTS TYP. FOR 2-4/S5.0 �2� 2, AT COMPLETION OF ROUGH FRAMING TO VERIFY PROPER DETAILS ARE BEING FOLLOWED AND I 5. < �( y( �( �( ) 1 '-4" 5075 DLAGAV CANYON 'D. TO MAKE DIFFICIENCIES KNOWN EARLY ENOUGH TO ALLOW FOR CORRECTION PRIOR TO c-5) G 9 B ' 11 \ ( TA 1 CA . ENCLOSING(OBSERVATIONS TO INCLUDE): 1 4 l '-4'N 1 '-4 1 -4 1 4 a. FRAMING SIZE AND SPACING \__S5. S5. . �5 \r," PANEL LONGITUDIAL SECTION PANEL: ELEVATIONAL VIEW b. WALL PANEL PLACEMENTS. B DBL STUD REQUIRED AT ALL 60 FT TRUSS SUPPORTS c. POST ANCHORAGES AND NUMBER OF FASTENERS t ..... ..... __. d. LEDGER AND HEADER ATTACHMENTS t __. ... :.__. i 3. FINAL INSPECTION AT COMPLETION TO VERIFY CONSTRUCTION WAS COMPLETED IN GENERAL _ r ---1-) 98 0 i CBD5 10enCONFORMANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. OWNER TO SUBMIT ENGINEER'S NAME -, �S5. \._ 5. S5. r--, S5. S5. \:- AND REGISTRATION TO BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT. APANEL PLAN/SECTION VIEW J i.............. .._._.., ._......._......._........._.. . .4�_- _ - `� THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION, THE A -� CONTRACTOR AND APPROPRIATE SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL HOLD A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING A PANEL PLAN/SECTION VIEW iiia,_ TO REVIEW THE DETAILS OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM TO BE STRUCTURALLY OBSERVED. NO FIELD CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING OFFICIAL AND TYP. 8' WIDE WALL COMPO\E\T-LIVI\G 0,.,ATES SCALE I TYP, 8' W DE WALL COvPO\E\T- APPAAT,�S 3AY SCALE2 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF : CORS- _ - 112" = l'-0" 112" ° I'0" . iir \_ BOTTOV CHORD: 1 -1 /2" SQ. x 16 GA. T.S. TYP. 3 2" X 1 2" HSS T.S. 16GA. < 2'-0" 2'-0" X 2'-0" X 2'-0"--) A 12,-0" ) II 11 in ((- 3'-9 3/4" ----) < >- 1'-9 3/4" I4/2" X 3)/2" X 16 GA, _ ©- INDICATES AN II/32" DIA. B © © © ©B I I/2 SQ. X 16 GA, T.S. 8 10 HOLE PARALLEL TO PANEL n FOR ROOF PANEL TO ROOF _ = 1" SQ." X 16 GA, T.S. 14'-0" �� PANEL ATTACHEMENT SEE / ,. I" SQ." X 16 GA. T.S. 016' O/C TYP. 3'-9 3/4" - 3'-9 3/4" 3'-9 3/4" < 1'-9 3/4" 1 1/2" �� 14,15/55.2 % ISSUE INFORMATION: ml6" O/C TYP. _ = B.O.T. s t�'X V'2" X 16 GA. T.S. I Y'XY' X 16 GA. T.S. 110,_10/„2" I " DATE: INFORMATION: 1 ADD (I) tt14X2 )/2 TEKTOEA. . ,.. . PLAN CHECK 2'-2 /2' _ f j 2'-5 1/2" PANEL DURING INSTALL 8'-0„ DATE: j05 REVISION 6'-4" !-I/2' SQ. X 16 GA. T.S. / 6" / 1� MARCH 2006 PLAN CHECK = - - I 14 -0 AF "X 1 "x 16 GA, T.S. TYP, _ / \ REVISION _t I 2 F'LAIv CF C,. //; i A 2001 1 1/2" - L_\ REVISION _ ' e (8) 3/8" A307 BOLTS I�' 3y' X 16 GA. T.S. ��/ 18,2006 PLAN CHECK I-I/2" SQ. X 16 GA. T.S. _ = I = FROM HEADER TO WALL 24 _ = ,I = ® / AD C. 14,2006 HDR/CMU/WALL CONN; TRELLIS/WALL 7'-0" AFF `, i /1 " SQ. x 16 GA. T.S. TYP. / CONN 240 8 u CD a n u \ V S5. 8,_0„ /) /3/ X 16 GA. SEE 2/S5.2 FOR COv1MON FRAvIE WELD DETAILS (SIMILAR TO WALL IN DETAILS 1 &2) SHEET INFORMATION: TES 0R WALL -EADER (GI_ 2) S2 Ao 8 TYP. -EADER 0 APPAAT,S 3AY DOOMS SCALE 3 TYP. F ELD ROOF COVPO\E\T 1 2ALE,_O„ 4 PROJECT NO.: - Use (10) 3/e" I" SQ. SCALE: AS NOTED 8 DIA. A307 10 8 GA. T.S. TYP. 1 -1 /2" SQ. x 16 GA, TS. TYP. DATE: DECE3E� 2, 2005 VP ELD ONLY 3 SIDES AT SECOND B - INDICATES AN 11/32" DIA.DIAGONAL 2 -0/ i _1 /2sQ. xi6 2'-0" X 2'-0" X 2'-0" X 2'-0" ) PLOT DATE: Web to Web. / I y' X 3 y' X 16 GA, DIAGONALS, TYPICAL BRACE HOLE PARALLEL TO PANEL �-2'-0" 2'-0" X 2'-0" X 2'-0"-� Use (12 %8" ( , ALL HORIZONTAL MEMBERS FOR ROOF PANEL TO ROOF DRAWING NAME: DIA.A307 Bolts From IL 1L ' J. PANEL ATTACHEMENT SEE e 0 Header End Tubes to _NN ---' T , 1/8" r ` 6 1/8" V Wall Panel Tubes. 1'-3 1/4" 14,15/S5.2 0 ©- INDICATES AN II/32" DIA. © © © © SEAL: = y HOLE PARALLEL TO PANEL FOR ROOF PANEL TO ROOF 0,0Ess/oN,y� m o PANEL ATTACHEMENT SEE 4�°oP��-""• P'4,- -1- 4,, � �, I-I/2" SQ. XI6 GA. 14,15/S5.2 co No. C 057577 m 3'-8 1/4" T.S. HORIZONTAL ADD (I) #14 X 2 TEK TO EA. EXP.12/2007 c - I/8" V PANEL DURING INSTALL ADD (I) #14 X 2 )/2" TEK TO EA. *T 5 c,vt 07 r so' X 16 GA. T.S. 5 I I/2 SQ T.S I� GRA; --��- PANEL DURING INSTALL 4TFOF cAt °�� 016' O/C TYP. c c 11'-6° "X1 "X 16 GA. T.S. TYP. _ - - 11'-21/2" ® 10'-0" 2„ X 1" X 16 GA. T.S. TYP. `- I-I/2" SQ, X 16 GA. 10'-0" Vix is X 16 GA. T.S. - _ 3'-9" T.S. HORIZONTAL SHEET TITLE: TYP. FOR DIAL, - P R - ---_ - A B 1 " SQ. x 16 GA. T.S. TYP. i, 1I/A _. A �- 1' SQ 1 SQ. x 16 GA. T.S. TYP. 30,f 1 _ _ IA' x3Y' x14GA. T.s. T it DIAGONAL `0" R0 P A \ FA \ - S 2S, :\NN = 1'-6" BRACE � _ NW :0, \ N./ v 1/8" /3/4" 1/8" r 3/4" 'C) \ 1'-10 1/ ' < ) (-- 3'-9 3/4" 3'-7" 24 E 6'-0" X 4'-0" ) I->lz' X 3 y' X 14 GA. T.S. " " v v '© Or S5.2 Y2 XI X 16 GA. T.S. Y2"XI"X 16 GA. T.S. SHEETN 0, 8 ,0" 10,-0" 1 8'-0" S5.3 © © SEE 2/S5.2 FOR COMMON FRAME WELD DETAILS (SIMILAR TO WALL IN DETAIL 1 &2) I SEE 2/S5.2 FOR COMMON FRAvIE WELD DETAILS (SIMILAR TO WALL IN DETAILS 1 &2) \TES 10R A OP SCALE SCALE SCALE SCALE __ - •._1- _ ,_, 318": l'-0' 7 GOOF PA\EL FAUI \G DETA LS 1/2" = Ng 6A TYP,CO \E� ' 0OF COMPO\E\T (W/ A<E EAVE C/-) 1/2"= 1' o" 6 TYP, SAVE GOOF CON/PO\E\T (W/ SAVE 0/-) 1/2" = I' o" 5 S <, 0 DRAWING NUMBER 4077 --i•. of 66