HomeMy WebLinkAbout4077-20 1 s 311< ik.... ARCIHIT FCT URE,INC. ,j HIa LU 2575 an Jacinto Ave.,San J •' •,Calif-orals 92583-5318 Phone:951.925.2504 fax:951.925.0244',Ematl:atic@§tkinc.Com OLU Dil z CONSULTANT: T 4_. I _ 1 i TYPICAL PILASTER: SEE PLAN FOR LOCATIONS \ DIMENSION IS I so TO I TOP COARSE OF CMU 6" MINIMUM 1 TYPICAL 12" MAXIMUM� C.'\ 31'') TOP COARSE OF CMU I ' TOP COARSE OF CMU 2 1 2 111111111111 C ) 2 IIIIIall.IMIIIIMIMIII. MI IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111MEIrMill' i II MEM MI zo 4 1111111111111111 LU 111111111111111 1111E11.1 (.0 -I 2 11111111111111111 I 2 11.11111111111 2 �-_--_ I . 411111111.1111 - ePADE- .o x L - - - - -� L-- - _�- i x Izo I_-J L- -- - L _ `o I -_ .___.__� i 3'-0" PROJECT FOR: F � GRADE 1 I ` / BEN N W / C NEN O_ TDP OF E OLN� �_ ADJACENT L- - -� L J -r- 'L CITY OF GRADE I I TO 2 t 1 SLOPE L L - -_ _ ___ __ __ __ _ __ __ ___ I _ II I FONTANA TOP OF FOOTING � L GRADE 2 1 II L T I PROJECT NAME: FIRE STATION L_ — J 1 79 5075 DUNCAN CANYON RD. FONTANA, CA. liclw b li SCALE_ � � � �� TYPICAL SITE WALL CONSThCON GUIDE LINES SHOWING THE CRERIA C FOR A WALL CONFIGURATION NOT AN ACTUAL CONFIGURATION FOR THE WALL ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINES I/2 =I -0 2 .1 0 1 0 ) E5 CO 9Q 2 CD >a g P � O U6 4nQQ MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: I. Cement shall conform to UBC STD No.21-11 and 21-14 and ASTM CI 50;Concrete blocks shall conform to UBC ISSUE INFORMATION: STD No. 21-4; Reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A615 Grade 40, and shall be deformed; Aggregate shall conform to ASTM C404 for grout and ASTM C33 for concrete; Water used in mixing concrete,mortar,and grout DATE: INFORMATION: shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, salts, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to the concrete,mortar,grout or reinforcement. 11/16/05 RPLAN VI SI ON ECK 2. Footing concrete shall be: 1 part Cement to 2 parts Sand to 3 parts Gravel.(f'c=2500 PSI minimum) REV SI ON ECK 3. Grout shall conform to the requirements of UBC STD No. 21-19 and shall be: 1 part Cement to 3 parts Sand to 2 yAR(;H 2006 parts Pea Gravel—maximum size 3/8".(f'g=2000PS1 minimum) PLAN CHECK 4. Mortar shall conform to the requirements of UBC STD No.21-15 and shall be: 1 part Cement to '/..part Lime to 3 A MAY 2006 REVISION parts Sand. PLAN CHECK MAY 18,2006 REVISION ( WALL PLASTERWALL GENERAL NOTES: tROPERTY 1. 6"wide Slumpblock and 4"wide Precision Block are not permitted. DEC 2007 AS—BUILT w ..CAP 2. All materials shall be stored in a manner such that deterioration or intrusion of foreign materials is prevented and ' /r......................4 that the material will be capable of meeting applicable requirements at the time of mixing or placement. Masonry materials shall be stored so that at the time of use the materials are clean and structurally suitable for the intended i 4, use. Concrete masonry units shall not be wetted unless otherwise approved. /r"~ 3. Reinforcement shall beplacedprior to inspection and grouting,with vertical reinforcement located in the center of --- --- u� P g g. i •.r; the cell. All reinforcement shall be free from loose rust and other coatings that would inhibit reinforcing bond,and 1.4 ( shall be secured against displacement prior to the placement of concrete or grouting by wire positioners or other 7,-,•:::V., ,-,:'• te'' suitable devices at intervals not exceeding 200 bar diameters nor 10 feet. Grout stop shall be completely omitted at I s �--.; , _� SUJNPSTO\E C.&116x6»16) all cells containing vertical reinforcement. a 1 I € �, 4. All reinforcing steel shall be a minimum of three(3) inches from earth/soil/dirt in order to provide a minimum of SHEET INFORMATION: ,;., �; ' three(3)inches of concrete cover. iv:;:,. groundslopes,footingtopfooting'' mamas_Pew. m>� g PP PROJECT NO.: - 1 I say GROUT ALL Ci3LS All excavations shall be clean and contain no loose earth or other foreign materials. j g o FF.,.•_ 6. The method of measuring material for mortar and grout shall be such that proportions of the materials can be SCALE. AS NOTED ' r ! controlled. The mortar shall be sufficiently plastic and units shall be placed with sufficient pressure to extrude w ! 'P0 '"•: ,,,. mortar from the joint and produce a tight joint. Mortar or grout which has hardened or stiffened due to hydration of DATE: DECEMBER 2, 2005 i 7 pQ } s the cement shall not be used,but under no case shall mortar be used two and one-half hours(2-1/2 Hrs),nor grout Q ','1.2!.;'.: 4P•: , '.'d,:;.-'i' ..` used one and one-half hours(I-1/2 Hrs),after the initial mixing water has been added to the dry ingredients at the PLOT DATE: k4 ::y. ; job site• DRAWING NAME: ^..`''. "" 7. The initial bed joint thickness shall not be less than 1/4 inch nor more than 1 inch;subsequent bed joints shall be not Ell al MIN .::;:.r. less than 1/4 inch nor more than 518 inch in thickness. All head and bed joints shall be filled solidly with mortar for ,+,,Y, a distance in from the face of the unit not less than the thickness of the shell. (If required, head joints maybe 4 i ,,,a `: omitted in the first course for weep holes.} SEAL: BADE 8. Surfaces to be in contact with mortar or grout shall be clean and free from deleterious materials. + r' - - 9. Prior to routing the grout space shall have vertical continuityand shall be clean so that all spaces to be filled with _. 11 °II-1" i' *; ° -II h - 1 gout do not contain mortar projections greater than'h inch,mortar droppings or other foreign material. All cells and — 1I—I[ ._" t 1'4-'41=41h-41=4 — —'— — — — — — — — — _ — \ . T4-.. II 4 1111=11 .; spaces containing reinforcing bars shall be filled solidly with grout. t _ R • a 10. If any portion of the wall is to extend across a property line,written(notarization may be required)permission from the adjacent property owner is required. l— —I— — — — \ . 1 i. Inspections Required: 1" — Footing (Setbacks and footing trench with reinforcing steel in place), 2nd —Bond .. Beam (Reinforcing steel in wall prior to grouting), 3rd — Final (Wall complete, earth properly placed and site clean). (No concrete or grout shall be placed prior to inspection and approval.) 1 4 AttI L - J YIELUBMSOMELealni fl 3 r--/ A —i- Y euennisani SHEET TITLE: SITE WALL ELEVATIONS SHEET NO.: CMU WALL PILASTER CMU WALL SPECIFICATIONS ._ A 1 .4 DRAMANG NUMBER 4077 20 of 66