HomeMy WebLinkAbout5389-1. - - � _; - _. � I 7- - - - t _4 � � - - . - - - � � - - - - _; _. I -r- . - __2 -i : w - - - � __; _. _ i . I i- - I +_ - . ; - ; -4 -12 .� w .;- w .; w - .. - - � __: .; - .- - - . - � __; _. _. -r- . ipl- - ; -4 - w - - - I __; _.Z _. - +_ I +_ . +_ - _11 .; w , - - � - - __; . __: - . I 4- . - I T - - I - -i -i -i -i , .; - .- - . - I - - - - I ..z ..Z -�_ - - - I . +_ - . +_ -i -i -_ . - . .. . - . � .-Z .-: � i- - - . - . +_ - Z Z -4 -2 - .;- . ;- . - - - . I - - z -�_ - . - . - Z _11 -i : . .; . .� , W - - - __: �- r ir- . +_ - . -2 -i -i -i - - I __: � _. _. ir- - I i- - Z - - � - _: r-* - - - - - - - - . - - - -r- - - � - - ;_ - - - Z -_ - - - - __ __ - - - - - - - ___ - - � - I - � __ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - - - - - __ - - - - __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ - - - __ __ - - - - - __ --- - - -_ -_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -_ - - - - - -_ - - - - - - - - - � -_ - - - - - --- - -IF - - --- - I- - - - - � ____ . ­ , � � _____ __ __ _______ -I---- - - - __ - __ ___ __ - - __ ____ __ ____ ___ __ - ___ - __ - ____ - - - - 1111�1 - . - - -_ . �­ . . . I a � . _­ - . . . I . 0 . . I I � . . . ­ . . . I " . . -_ -_ I - ' - I . I 4 I . - . , FUEL MCIPIFICATION ZONE LE67ENP ANIP VESPETATION MANASEMENT - 'e, FII�E ACCESS POINT . ­ . _a; - , I . �-", FIRE LANE NOTES: I I � . 1-41 ! ! .. '. ! ! � � � � - - - - "" - soo, maximum distance between access points to f uei modif i(roation areas. . I - A sign "No stopping fire lane" CONCEPTUAL EXAMPLE OF STRUCTURAL PROTECTION ANP MANAGEMENT ON INPIVIPUAL LOT � - , I - ____ . - - ..". ZONE 1 (private Homeowner irrigated Maintained Lot Area. kNet Zone Lots 1 -SO)- Approx. 2 M7 6,5 1 6 Sq. Ft.) . - / -- - 1'....".".......*.....",....'.""...."."..'..* . . . shall be installed at approx. every 550 ft. � . ...-- - � - I " IN M _­ . . - .­ - I - .. - The first 1 00'from any struature within private lots (not inaluding the San Sevaine Coanyon wall) shall be irrigated. open access . - . . r__,'', 29 �1� . - . - . . . Also all sides of all roads, and top of the San Sevaine ridge shall have an irrigation system. I F - I I - . I - . . ­ - � NOTE: I M � , ..­ .................. ... . ,&NIA . - _ EXISTING FOOT ACCESS TRAIL NOTES: . \ 1-1 .... ..... - - 'r I . k- A: -1-76 Closed access (gate accessible) - - Mere trail is less than 1 O'wide, exterior - All street trees and HOA and CFP maintained . K HOA or CoFP Maintained wet zone (Per John Hanna 4 Associates plans) 9 2 I 1� j . A -11W � sprinklers on rear structures are required. wet zones shall meet the same requirements for ZONE 1 - 4 ZON . I�N . zone 2 and 5. I a 01 MIN. I so, MIN. iiilll \"� Yi_; - ---'-%!---- Access gates and easement . . I FROM STRUCTURAL N.T.S. FROM STRUCTURAL � _A ZONE 2 (HOA or CFP Maintained: Lots 1 -42, including the sides of the San Sevaine Canyon.) 0 "� I I . ZONE 2 #4 / le /_ - ZONE 2 14 .......... J_ Z - Area beginning at Private Homeowner lot line extending to 200'from structure) 0 Fuel modif iasition identif ication markers shall be constructed to identify the limits - ZONE 5 4 200'MIN. FROM STIRUCTUIRAL 4 4 1 200- MIN. FROM STRUCTURAL - ./ ZONE 5 "�_��, *# N�_, 500'MIN. FROM STRUCTURAL *1 *1 *1 I 500'MIN. FROM STRUCTURAL PROFESSIONAL of applicable fuel modif ication zones. Marker design shall be 1 1 /2" dia. x EV -0" Power Line Note: oe oe oe -.-.-.- . I �11 *1 I *1 - - - - - - - long galvanized pipe. Embed minimum 2'-&" into solid ground. Faint top 6" with -Vegetation management required on power line easement to a distance . 0 E S I G N .-.-.- ZONE 5 (HOA or CFP Maintained: aUL-PE-SAC, LOTS 45-50, including the sides of the San Sevaine Canyon) , ­ . _. _. bright color. Provide six (6) 5/4" dia. x 1 0'-O" long Sah. .40 pipes, paint ends with 5. -,ZONE 1: PRIVATE HOMEOkNNER IRRISvATEP MAINTAINEP LOT AREA 4. ZONE 2: PERIMETER VEGETATION MANAGEMENT ZONE (LOTS 1-42, AREA BF-c-VINNINS7 AT -.-.-.- - Area beginning at Private Homeowner lot line and extending to 500'from structure) � . of 1 00'below the development. Vegetation clearance needed 50'on *# I �,, 5. ZONE 5: PERIMETER VE67ETATION MANAGEMENT ZONE (Lots 45-50, area beginning at ASSOCIATES bright color. � . . . . each side of Foxborough road from phase 2 to phase 5. - K4� tree c,anopies, or limbs within 1 O'of a struature or e,himney. PRIVATE HOMMO�NNER LOT LINE ANP EXTENVINCIv TO 200'FROM STRUCTURE) Private Homeowner lot line and extending to 500'from struCture) (Zone 2 4 5 Approx. 1,5 4 2,4 5 6 Sq. Ft.) , ­ . - Trdes must be limbed up 1 /5 Ht. or 6'. � - All vegetation is to be pruned, limbed up, thinned, mowed, removed, and arushed to slow down f ire spread and - All vegetation is to be pruned, limbed up, thinned, mowed, removed, and arushed to slow down fire spread and Landscape Architects IR Stand pipe connection (1717C). (See plans per Firesaf e Planning# -Note all onsite Power Lines are to be underground. N",�� - Trepi� in the rear yards are required to be spac.ed so'on aenter when aligned individually, or redue-e flame height. Non irrigated vegetation to be kept mowed to 2". No trees in non -irrigated areas. reduc-e flame height. Non irrigated vegetation to be kept mowed to 2". No trees in non -irrigated areas. 1 . VEGETATION MANAGEMENT FOR THE FUEL MOPIFICATION ZONE FOR PKI\/ATE LOTS Titled: Pry stand pipe and installation plan). . 0 0 1 4CIo� aenter between alusters, with no tree c.anopies within so'of any struature on any lot where - Planting shall consist of sper,ies listed herein unless submitted and approved by the San Bernardino County Fire Pepartment. - Planting shall e,onsist of sper,ies listed herein unless submitted and approved by the San Bernardino County Fire 17epartment. . .. I.. 1793 W. Arrow HIghway - Homeowner shall maintained a "Def ensible Space" on a year-round basis by removing and clearing away all dead and dying vegetation and all dry grasses. � I W, - 'IF, . e r property line is greater than 50'from the strue,ture. For any lot where the rear yard - No Chamise, Chapparel, Manzanita, Duakwheat, Sage, Sagebrush, Salvis, Aaaala, Conifers (Pines, cedar, ec.t.), Muc,alyptue, - No Chamise, Chapparel, Manzanita, Suakwheat, Sage, Sagebrush, Salvia, Aaaals, Conifers (Pines, cedar, ec.t.), Euaalyptus, Upland, Callfornla 91786-4297 - No tree canopy shall be within 1 O'of a structure In the front yard. @) Pry Stand Pipe (See plans per Firesaf e Planning1t . � . 1/4 - lee than 50', a single tree Can be plaaed, and only within Wof the rear property line. Palms, Cypress, Junipers, Peppers, Olive trees, or Pampas grass are to be planted. Palms, Cypress, Junipers, Peppers, olive trees, or Pampas grass are to be planted. (909) 949-6159 / fax (909) 985-3405 - Trees must be limbed up 1 /a height or 6'. . . Titled: Pry stand pipe and installation plan). - I No Cy ress, Junipers, Aaaalas, Conif ere (Pines, cedar, eat.), Suaslyptus, Palms Peppers, olive trees, - Shrubs, plants and grounde,over in irrigated areas are limited to Myoporum parvifollum (5" high, Wo.a.) - Shrubs, plants and groundc.over in irrigated areas are limited to Myoporum parvifoliuni (5" high, Vo.a.) --- - . . . I - # Pam 9 grass, Chamise, Chaparral, Sage, Sagebrush, Bue,kwheat, Salvia, or Manzanita are to be planted. - Trees In irrigated areas are to be spar,ed approximately 50'on aenter when aligned individually, or 40'on Center - Trees in irrigated areas are to be spac.ed approximately 50'on Center when aligned individually, or 40'on center - Trees in the rear yards are required to be spaced 50'on center whem aligned individually, or 40'on center between alusters, with no tree canopies within 50' of any structure on any lot where . # -NON-COMBUSTABLE kNATF. - Veg ation is to be fire resistive and from the list outlined herein. Any deviations must be submitted and between Clusters. Breaks shall be maintained between tree c-anoples of 1 O'f or slopes less than 20111o; 20'f or slopes between alusters.'15reaks shall be maintained between tree c.anopies of 1 O'f or slopes less than 2001o; 20'f or slopes Iq the rear property line Is greater than 50'from the structure. For any lot where the rear yard is less so', a single tree aam be placed, and only within 5' of the rear property line. .0, Fire Hydrant (Spaced approximately 500'-S 00' apart). co TANK PER FONTANA kNA approved by the San Bernardino County Fire Pepartment. between 2 1 016 and 4 0111o, and 5 O'f or slopes greater than 40016. between 2 1 016 and 4001o, and 50'f or slopes greater than 40016. T11 - Vegetation within this Zone shall be Irrigated lawns and irrigated plantings from the approved plant list attac,hed herein, or as approved in writing by the San Bernardino County Fire Department . . . TRACT BOUN17ARY - Gro�ndaover, shrubs, and plants to be maintained to a maximum 1 a" high. - All trees are to be pruned 1 /5 their height to a maximum limb up to 6'. street trees to be limbed to 1 w -b" over roadways. - All trees are to be pruned 1 /5 their height to a maximum limb up to 6'. Street trees to be limbed to 1 5'-&" over roadways. (O T11 and the City of Fontana. ,@, Existing Fire Hydrant . - . = __ = __ = - = __ = W/0000, / - Turf is to be mowed to 5" high. - installed 4" to 6" long, 1/2" diameter, ahipped biomass under trees and extend 4" beyond dripline. - installed 4" to 6" long, 1 /2" diameter, ahipped biomass under trees and extend 4" beyond dripline. = :0M * - No Cypress, junipers, Acacias, coomif ere, Eucalyptus Palms, Pepper, olive trees, Pampas swass, cohamise, sage, sagebrush, cohaparral, buckwheat, or manzanita are to be planted. r�""` -PRIOVIVE 50, PE LE , �_ . - All dead flammable vegetation must be removed. - Southern California Blank Vialnut, Mahogany and Canyon Oak may be preserved if properly loasited and maintained. - Southern California Blank �Nalnut, Mahogany and Canyon Oak may be preserved if properly lor,ated and maintained. CD 0 . . . 11 (CLEAREP) AR I - or amental vegetation, shrubs, plants shallbe Fire nepartment approved natives, low growing, high - Non -irrigated areas are to be mowed to 2" - Non -irrigated areas are to be mowed to 2" . 11111111M 1111111111111 9 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT FOR THE FUEL MOPIFICATION ZONES IBEYONP PRIVATE LOTS -PROVIVE A F (F I R I- m isture Content and be 1 6" high or less, spar,ed 1 Wo.a. and 20'from drip line of trees. IV = l-_ 7 - Do mot disturb the Riparian zone within 1 o'im each side of the c,reek bed. -.--- . i.a ME - = LOT "All ION) - Al landee,ape within the private lot area shall be irrigated. , 111111111M = . . 2 0 ex Cc - swoundc.over, plants and shrubs in irrigated areas, including under trees, to be limited to myoporum parvif olium (Max. 5", spaced Vo.c,.) . HELIPAP 0 1 = cc W 1111111111111111 -11 - All Vegetation in dry, non -irrigated areas shall be c,ut1weed whipped to 211. No trees. . . =3 = Ce - All approved trees shall be trimmed up 1 /5 height or a min. of &'off the ground. Street trees to be limbed to 1 W -b" over roadways. I �NATMR TANK I I . in a = !3 0. - All Irrigated vegetatiom shall be 1 6" high max in zones 2 and a. - 2. Fuel Modification Zone, Landscape Maintenance Notes: . UNIPESIRABLE PLANT SPEVES (TARGET SPECIES) W = = lam - All Vegetation, including trees, shall be from approved plant list hereon, or as approved by the San Bernardino County Fire Department and the City of Fontana. . . I EXISTINC-7 5'MVE FOOT ACCESS ROAP . I Certain plants are aonsidered to be undesirable in the landse.ape due to aharac-teristlas that make them highly f lammable. These . --- MW CX lliiiiiiiiii 20 interior and Manufac,tured slopes . I . : 0 I 1� M6 = Ca .. ; 111111111111111 - All dead vegetation shall be removed. L . . ,� Co MMUNITY ENTRY . aharac.teristlas aam be either physlaal or ahemiaal. Physic -al properties that would Contribute to high flammability inr,lude large amount of = 0. &U ,M... 1. The fuel modification, Zones 1,2, and 5 shall be maintained as originally Installed and approved. ACCESS TRAIL L = CX E - Trees in Irrigated area are to be spaced approximately 50'on r,enter when aligned individually, or 40'OM center between clusters. Breaks shall be maintained between tree camoples of lo'for I I I /I dead material retained within the plant, rough or peeling bark, and produation of c,oplous amount of litter. Chernlaal properties inalude the 11111111111111 bu Maintenanae requirements as outlined herein must be incorporated into final. aonstruation dor,uments and [39I = < slopes less than 20%; 20'f or slopes between 2 1 010 and 40%; and 50'f or slopes greater than 400/o. TO BE MAINTAINE17 CLEAR .. The Community Entry area shall not be required presene,e of volatile substanaes sucoh as oils, resins, wax, and pitah. Certain native plants are notorious for r,ontaining these volatile Size and position of vents must adequately limit CX Co () olf ied clearance is provided around the aluster. Conveyed to HOA and/or aity representatives and Home buyers.. substanaes. . BUILPING CoONSTRUCoTION FEATURES the Intrusion of fire and f lWlmg debris. wo a - individual clusters of 2 to 5 trees maw be utilized if the spec 2. The property owner is responsible for all maintemanae of the fuel modif ic,ation within his/her private lot. FOR F.P. BY HOMEO�NNMRS I t strictly comply with the Zone 2 and 5 bu = <� - Avoid planting in unbroken masses. . I X11 I Plants with these aharar,teristlas shall not be planted in any of the fuel modif ic,ation zones. Should these speales already exist within these kNITH FIRE SPRINKLER PROTEC,TION Z - No Cypress, -Junipers, ACoaclas, Comif ers, Eucalyptus Palms, Pepper, olive trees, Pampas swass, ahamise, sage, sagebrush, cohaparral, buckwheat, or manzanita are to be planted. I L � NVIOS111511101,_ Stan ar M NX < . . 5. All areas must be maintained in aCcordanae with approved fuel modif ir,ations plans. This generally I ASSOCIATION OR _* H;=4 IOU09r ,/ Z/W in this area, an enhanced areas, they shall be removed ber,ause of the potential threat they pose to any struatures. They are referred to as "Target Speales" sincoe I Lho a �- X ff \1"1401 - . X - � �-- I 141--i., -I%k. Approved chip material shall be use to keep growth from regenerating. Chip biomass; C,al trams #2. 1/2" diamete -&N length, no grass. inaludes a maintemanae siativities throughout the fuel modif ic,ation areas annually by May 1 2. other ,. ii:lq I! bw - -- r by 4" L MAINTENANCE COMMUNITY �*i*;: -01 4ey"1010F ZI-1 __ their aomplete removal is a c-ritiaal part of hazard recluation. These f ire -prone plant specoles are (but not limited to): class'A'Nomaombustible tile or - .,.% .-; -- -- .. :;:; . ftft=O - I." . L Ian aping design shall be allowed, subject to _�� _* - The requirements of Zone 2 shall be met and maintained within SO'of Foxborough Road between phases 2 and 5 of Hunter's Ridge. siativitles inalude maintenanae or irrigation systems, replaaement of dead plant material, and removal of ­%� A I clay roof (fire stopped at ends) Fa 1J_ - A safety zome shall be provided as shown below. This area shall comply with Zone 2 requirements and/ or shall be hardsc.sped. undesirable speCles. FACILITIES PISTRICT,. L X io royal by the San Bernardino County Fire FIRE PRONE PLANT SPEVES (MANIPATORY REMOVAL) _�,� . ') I Boxed eaves (no vent) M. This area shall be available as an emergemay evacuation area, in the event people are not otherwise able to evaauate. . I 94Q� AF64�__ 9., 4 1*1 Foam, stucco 4 wrought iron 4. The HOA shall submit an annual complianae report to the Fire Pepartmen ' t. - The report shall assure that . _12=" .. I - 1 00016 removed from all areas within project. arcohitecotural enhancements a 1 Hour rated noncombustible exterior - The helipad is to be aleared of any vegetation other than mowed grass. The Hellpad area is to be 1 oo - by 1 co- or 1 oo, Diameter cleared area. No trees or tree canopies may emaroacoh ongoing aomplianae with the vegetation management requirements is ocaurring. I -_ / I / Pe artment. Botanical Name laommon Name 0 q 0 within the helipad area. S. CC, 4 R, 17eed enaumbranaes on private lots, Homeowne . re Assoalation, or Maintenanae C,ommunity 11.� . 00 -1 � � 0 - The mortherm om-site water storage tank (alosest to Lot 50) Is to be within a So'defemsible (c.leared) area. . I .:. iii I!. I I Coynara C,ardunc.ulus / Artlahoke Thistle CD 00 - A water sprinkler system is to be installed at the top of ridgeline along San Sevaime to pretreat vegetation during high fire risk periods. The system will have manual activation aspability to be Faallities Vistriat will enforce aomplianae on private lots. F glainus Coommunis / Castor Bean Plant ornamental: ___ I W I,*- = = = = :t:! T_ operated by the Fire Department, Homeowners Association, and/or Maintenance Community Facilities District to wet slopes during high fire risk periods. o I - :�::;1::%;�;:: :;::i: Cirsium Vulgare / Alld Artichoke Corraders Pampas arass Dual glazed or Tempered 00 C3 1 CQ LD M I - Vegetation management may not be dome in Bullock Canyom near ripariam during bird nesting season (noild February to end of August). . . L - / Sras5laa Nigra / Black Mustard glass windows 0 �!d U) U) 17) co . iiiiiiiiiiii . Coupressus epp. Cypress I I,*.- I,-- - Select areas within zones 2 and s shall be Irrigated at the disr.retion of City and developer; however, other areas within this zone are not required to be irrigated and cam remain "dry". . I :i:i!:i::ii-;-:-. Silybum Marianum / Milk Thistle -00 I - . . . TRACT BOUNPARY Muc.alyptus spp. Euaalyptus I I I I,- 4-4---4--j --- -4 I I I a--) . IM!"W" 2t TZ 04 T- I I . = 1�r I I 1: I Saasola Austalls / Russian ThistlelTumblewood C) :3 0.) LO I = - �111 = = - = - = - = - =1 ___ = - I :: Juniperus epp. Juniper 0) = = =1111 M - = - = - = �_ = iiiiiiii I 0 - = - M __ L - X iiiiiii Nlaotlana Sigelevil / Indian TobaCao 111111=111 M . . ::s: ; : Pinus epp. Pine W 0 <L . 0 iiii : . . : Nlaotlana alauaa / Tree Tobaaao - No skylights � . - 0 ::j. iiiii I 4i i ::: ... Palm epp. Palms L- Solid c -ore doors. (11 5/4"thiak) 0� a) iiii! I Laatuaa Serriola / Priakly Lettu(:,e - No debris on roof or gutters EL -11-0 :! .. i iiii i! Sahinus epp. Pepper Tree - No tree limbs within 1 S'of chimney 1. C: � :;. Wi: / Fi,gRIMMTER kNALL LE(SiiENP Coonyza Canadensle / Horseweed 4::� . iii! : olea epp. Olive Tree - 1 OO'gardem hose and nozzle shall be lor 2 , a Z . .ated om sides of houses with "Fire Hose, Do not Remove" sign. : :;:;:;::;:;:;: :;:;:;!;!;;:;: LOT � :::::::::::::: Heterothaaa aranclif lora / Telegraph Plant Aaaaia app. Aaaala - Internal sprinklers (NFPA 1 SR.) shall be included In structure attics, garage, emc,losed porahed, and small enclosed spac,es, [is W M 0 0 �;:;::: �: . . . . . . . I I &'-O" HT. MIN. SLUMP BLOCK �NALL Anthemix aotula / Mayweed - The home address shall be visable from street, 4" Imheight and Internally Illuminated. C) CU W 0 1 . . I . . - .;:;:;: Cinnamornum epp. Camphor Tree I*- . : - I Hour or heavy timber patio cover E_= Z C 0 C3) ... 1. . . . . . :V: �§R�25�xs�65�03 &'-O" HT. MIN. COMBO �NALL Urtiaa Urens / Durning Nettle Callistemon spp. - 1 Hour or heavy timber deck closed ends and sides . Fr� < L -j I I . 0 02 . I - . . . - L.,, Coardaria Praba / Noary Coress, Perennial Peppergrass - Every chimmeW used Im aonjuction with any fireplace or any heating appliance In whiah solid or liquid fuel Is used, ahll be maintained with an approved a AM . :::!!!Ili . _j � ims. : (SPLASS FENCE ON BLOCK �NALL) 0 I,*- : . : I— .. . - --------- / Iiiiiiiiiiiiii I !I!!!: :Illl 1 I I Brasslaa Rapa / kNild Turnip, Yellow Mustard, Field Mustard spark arrestor visible from the ground, as Identified In the Uniform Fire Code. Wo Z (.) T_ .. I -1 / ::: :;::;:;; - 1-0 - All combustable wood architectural enhancements (shutters, pot shelves, and decorative porch railings, eta.) shall be replaced by foam, stur.c.o, - LO . :4ii:N:S;ri:V:S:;:s- . iiiiiiii Adenostoma Fasaiaulaturn / ahamise Ademostoma Sparelfolium / Red Shanks = � .. : :::::;:;:;::;:::::;: I & " HT. TUBULAR STEEL FENCE md wrought Iron materials. Ida C) : :::::::;:;::;:::;:;: a 0 0 a 0 - 0 1 1 ::::::::::::::::::;: . . :iiiii "1 Iiiiiiiii a 11116 U') %_01 . ........ - !;!;!:::. = .,. � SAFETY :;:::; . I ­ -..:..::;:::;!;!;!: i I Cortaderia Selloana / Pampas arass - French doors shall be solid core ( 1 5/4" thick) with tempered glass panels. a :: ... i NJ .. .. :: ... :: -I . HIIIIIIIIHII "IM11111III111 + V-0" HT. VINYL SPLIT RAIL FENCE Artemisla Calif orniazi / Calif ornia Sagebrush - All perimeter walls to be aombimatlon of masomarW amd tempered glass with No * __ I 60"KIPM ROA17 � 20'^IrPF= FIRE LANE �- ­;­:­; : : . a total minimum height of between &'-o" and .11-011. T_ . ,:, � . lb : V :: . :::: :...: . . iiii I - Fire f Ighter acaes gates to be c.omstruated f rom solid, non-combustible material. I iii i :. �,:: I 11 i. i I I ii , 10 Erlogonum Fasalaulatum / Common Suakwheat ZONE / iiiiiii i:::!!!i!!! N. .-Ii.il: -vH PRIVE) a � 7zy / , ; ::::: - - . I'll" , . . (FOXBOROUC 1 7 � I . Salvia Mellif era / Black Sage 0 . I . I I - Is In lieu of a req ilrement for closeable shutters. . ....... I ' __L sougainvillea epp./Bougainvillea . I., - - "' _��f,Z]' ��� - . - . :.. i I - No plastic, gutters or downspouts , 5;/ . ; :: NOTE: S11ET TITLE . -I% . . ;:::; ;::: : ;:;:;: 1. , . -7." .-Mr-r- !!! :::: ii:0:44:0 I Mahonla epp/Mahonla . - No combustible Insulation or paper bac,ked Insulation In ventilated spaces. 7 AlL. � -NON-COOMBUSTABLE �NATER I I, ;.:;:;:: - MINIMUM 6-0" HT. PERIMETER �NALL - Vents are to be 0 Hagen double vent system with 1 /6" mesh as recormended by Arahitec.t. FINAL 11 /.. _1� --.--- . 11 CoONSTRUCTEP OF MASONRY ANP/OR Aratostaphylos epp./Manzanita MARCH 5 1, 2004 _. _., ff - I " - . 1� YS TANKS PER FONTANA kNATER . ____ - - - - 1. �ii....!Iiii . � I TEMPEREP GLASS. aparra epp. APP NPIX A: ** - I . ir_H)11�- ��r COMPANY � I - - . iiii, 's I .-.- .. f _PROvIPE 50'PEFENSIBLE 1�1 %6AM60 . :! AC F.9 FIRE SAFETY ANO 11 - _�_ ;:;: :::: :. I EC7ETATION MANAaMMENT �_ . -.-. . .-. .- (CLEAREP) AREA L : (SPA � :;: I :v .., "_�_,��__ . . .. :: PLAN SUMMARY . ft . _. . . - 0 V 1 P I. A F P C, (F I R 5 __-I-;- \\ .. ::s:::: 4: . . .. :;;;:;: . .. I I ::::I:: (FSVMPS) . . :; . Botanical Name /Common Name /Plant Form Approved Plant Palette - Qualffication statements for Select Plant Species ;: ::a : ::: . I . . . :)N) ;:: :;:::: I FUEL MODIFICATION ZONE PLANT LIST Botanical Name /Common Name /Plant Form : Frankeni Salina /Alkali Heath /Ground Cover Lotus scoparius /Deerwe I /Shrub rcus a a oast ve ree ea uave ens: ay e use in mi. e mo i c ion zone. , p ss e use "' : Botanical Name /Common Name /Plant Form Cerastium tomentosum /Snow -in -Summer/ Ground cover/Shrub Quercus berberdifolia /California Scrub Oak /Shrub as single specimens with mature spacing between plants of 30'minimum. ''I < ENT C42 okfr�n �_,_,_;�_ _��\\ . - - �-- : Botanical Name /Common Name /Plant Form I... , : :i:;:; ::ej Iiiiiii D .-. - - - .,_.�_�,C_ : : ; : .. .... ; : ___---�- � :i:;:;: V. - I... .. ... ..I.. ... - ... I ..., !::: Fremontondendron californicum /California Flannelbush /Shrub upmus anzonicus esert upne I 91511 I \\ :-:0:i:4: ­:.: ;:;:;:;: ::. I!!!!! Abelia x grandiflora /Glossy Abelia /Shrub Ceratonia siliqua /Carob /Tree Heteromeles arbutifolia: May be used in the mid to lower "2 & 3 " fuel modification zone. The plants 0- lilill. i I!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ;�� Lupinus benthamii /Spider Lupine Annual Quercus dumosa /Coastal Scrub Oak /Shrub drawings are the property of . __::_� .-. : : : Gaillardia x grandiflora /Blanketflower /Ground Cover I ........ N !I !I i i:i :i;:;l!R'1! Acer macrophyllum. /Big Leaf Maple /Tree Cercis occidentalis /Western Redbud /Shrub/Tree Quercus engelmannii /Engelmann Oak /Tree may be planted in clusters of up to 3 plants per cluster. Mature spacing between individual plants or Professional Design Asso ZI LOT ...ii:� ....... � .... 1�\ . ;:::;:;:! i !!Ili . . I : !*11111 I . --!i2�* N�,_� Galvezia speciosa /Bush Snapdragon /Shrub Lupinus bicolor /Sky Lupine Flowering /annual c usters s e minimum. , . C::� .-i*!-ili !.;­^`, L, ; ................ iiiiiii !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-I 111 I : :;: ... San emum eucan emum. xeye Sy ro over :;:; I I ,:;: :;;;:::: Achillea. millefolium /Common Yarrow /Low Shrub Quercus suber /Cork Oak /Tree ��� -,�- - ; -I GarTya ellipta, /Silktassel /Shrub Lupinus sparsiflorus /Loosely Flowered Annual Lupine/Coultees Lupine /Annual In () 1:5M.F..: i i ii i i i � i i i: i i 1% ; : Cistus Crispus /no common name /Ground Cover Rhamnus alaternus I/talian Buckthorn /Shrub Liq iidambar s aciflua: May be used in the mid "2 & 3" fuel modification zone. The plant shall be : I . - - - i1iiii! : Gazania hybrids /South Affican Daisy /Ground Cover Lyonothamnus floribundus ss ). /Asplenifolius Femleaf Ironwood /Tree I ::: : I :iii; - - . , 0, - - 4-11. I....... 1"...... "...... _ilii!iiii 11 eonium decorum /Aeonium /Ground cover Cistus hybridus /White Rockrose /Shrub Gazania rigens leucolaena,rFraining Gazania /Ground Cover Macadamia integrifolia /Mac�damia Nut /Tree Rhaninus californica /California Coffee Berry/ Shrub used as single specimens with mature spacing between trees and 30'minimum. changed, assigned, or copied in any form. - .. . * Any cha other then M PAVEP A iiiiii�� I 1 &I, 11 I! I I I! I, I I Cistus incanus /no common name /Shrub Quercus berberdifolia: Additional information may be required as directed by SAN BERNARDINO " i iii. i I Rhamnus crocea/ Redberry /Shrub - -ii ,Ili; . ::j;:;:;:; 1::::::::;:::;: Aeonium simsii /no common name /Ground cover 'I ;:::;: P.DA, without first obtaining the written iiiiiiii., iiiiiiiiii!il iiiiii-I . : Gillia capitata /Globe Gilia /Perrenial Mahonia aquifolium'Golden Abundance'lGolden Abundance Oregon Grape /Shrub - t- �NMATHMR 9 : ;:;::::: :.� �b_� _L _L 7L Cistus incanus ssp. Corsicus /no common name /Shrub Rhaninus crocea ssp. Ilicifolia /Hollyleaf Redberry /Shrub C DUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT. Mililililililil !i!i!i!:;:%;:;:;:;: _____ Agave attenuata /Century Plant /Succulent Cistus salviifolius /Sageleaf Rockrose /Shrub Gilia leptantha /Showy Gilia /Perrenial Mahonia nevenii /Nevin Mahonia /Shrub Rhus integrifolia /Lemonade Berry /Shrub permission and consent of P.DA, shall 1;:;:;:;:;:;:;;: ,!�iillliliiiil :;:;:;:::;;:�Z:ii1ii L :;:;:;:;:;;:;:;:;:;j 0 ::;;::: I Gilia tricolor /Birds Eyes /Perrenial Malacothammis Fasciculatus /Chapparal Mallow /Shrub !;!;!;!;!; ­' _. . . .- I -_ - I stus, x purpureus oc Ginkgo biloba /Maidenhair Tree /Tree Malephora luteola /Training Ice Plant /Ground Cover S ancea can umac e . a <1 :�:;:M:li --- I �_ ,_L� __ Agavevi toriae-reginae /no common name jroundCover Citrus species /Citrus /Tree Rhus ovata /Sugarbush /S ib S all be 30'minimum. ::::::, . . :::N::M111111 :::::::. +_ - _.. - . -1WQW T- - --H - :::: ;:e: L Ajuga reptans /Carpet Bugle /Ground Cover Clarkia bottae /Showy Fairwell to Spring /Annual Gnaphalium Californicurn /California Everlasting /Annual Maytenus boaria /Mayten Tree /Tree Ribes aureurn /Golden Currant /Shrub Rhus ovata: May be used in the mid to lower "2 & 3" fuel modification zone of inland areas only. The V ': � :;: '** Grewia occidentalis /Starflower /Shrub Melaleuca nesophila /Pink Melaleuca /Shrub . ;:i:v:;: . - - i- . . .-. ' _. ." I - ____ - I I I ).- Alnus cordata /Italian Alder /Tree Cneoridium dumosum /Bushrue /Shrub Ribes indecorum /White Flowering Currant S/hrub plants may be planted in clusters of up to 3 plants per cluster. Mature spacing between individual plants ;:;:i : ;:;:;.; I- ) __1 .:: "::;: : ::::.: � ____� __- 715k 7 "" I Grindelia stricta /Gum Plant /Ground Cover Metrosideros excelsus /New Zealand Christmas Tree /Tree . . I ; ..... I Ili . . - . . I . :0:4:0:0:0: _,-�- ------I . il � -escens /Tree Aloe /Shrub Co ostaphylis diversifolia /Summer Holly /Shrub Ribes viburnifolium /Evergreen currant /Shrub sma �nus o t1iiiiiii, i:;: . L ACC see L V Aloe arbo Mirabilis californica /Wishbo .e Bush /Perrenial D. It. �1 � . o' ;:;:;: I ;:;:;:;:;:; EXISTINSP Aloe aristata /no common name /Ground Cover Convolvulus cneorum /Bush Morning Glory /Shrub Hard ribergia comptoniana /Lilac Vine /Shrub Romneya coulteri /Matilij a Poppy Shrub OUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT. .11 _� Heliathernum. muutabile /Sunrose /Ground Cover/Shrub Myoporum debile /no common name /Shrub . b No. 4113 _)1e>_1=�- - - -IR =:f-2 K.-- < Coprosma kirkii /Creeping Coprosma /Ground Cover/Shrub Romneya coulteri'White Cloud'/White Cloud Matilija Poppy Shrub 1_1� 511_1� - _. iiiiiEiiii 67ATE OAK Aloe brevifoli/ no common name /Ground Cover Coprosma pumila /Prostrate Coprosma /Low shrub Helianthemum scoparium /Rush Rose /Shrub Myoporum insulare /Boobyalla /Shrub Rosmarinus officinalis /Rosemary Shrub -4 .. iiiii* . I D Aloe Vera Medicinal /Aloe /Succulent Heliotropium curassavicurn /Salt Heliotrope /Ground Cover Myoporum parvilfolium /no common name /Ground Cover , ,i!�Iqnafure . , I _ n_n :i ::::: ::::: I! ... : iiiiiiiiii`iiiiiiiii iiiii::� Coreopsis californica /Califlornia Coreopsis /Annual Helix Canariensis /English Ivy /Ground Cover Myoporum'Pacificum'/no common name /Ground Cover Sambucus mexicana /Mexican Elderberry /Tree Plan prepared with the assistance and expertise of. V, Renewal Date .�t�- - - - ::: ....... ­:!iiii;:::;::::::::vj:;:;:: i ;:�:i:i 7- Alogyne huegeii /Blue Hibiscus /Shrub I - .:a:;:s:;;1 I ii ANIP T 9 I= M SATE %:j:j:�:j ::a:o IN ... ;­;.;­;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *i: -, . L- ACCESS C Coreopsis lanceolata /Coreopsis /Ground Cover Santolina, charnaecyparissus /Lavender Cotton /Ground Cover __ ' :;:,:*:;:� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: Hesperaoe parviflora /Red Yucca /Perennial Nassella (stipa) lepidra /Foothill Needlegrass /Ground Cover ,P,\,,; 1.V1 47- ;il!iliiii -I i - �. ,,,,Z D.t. , , ._..�� i��_ - 1111iiiiiiiIii :;:;:; :�ii�i�i!iiiiiiii!liiii!i!;i�i;�i!i;.t� TE ZI Amorpha fruticosa [Western False Indigobush /Shrub Corea pulchella /Australian Fuscia /Ground Cover Heteromeles arbutifolia /Toyon /Shrub Nassella (stipa) pulchra /Purple Needlegrass /Ground Cover Santolina virens /Green Lavender /Cotton Shrub FIRESAFE PLANNING --A - �� .::: :;:;:;:;:;Ili; .... ACCESS SvA OF CA,% -%W --- :.. i0il ­ SME ANIP EASEMENT () Anigozanthus flavidus /Kangaroo Paw /Perennial/accent Cotoneaster buxifolius /no common name /Shrub Satureja chandleri /San Miguel Savory /Perennial 0 � .... ..i ;:i:4 : ii*! N Hypericurn calycimum /Aaron's Beard /Shrub Nemophilia menziesii /Baby Blue Eyes /Annual 31815 ','AMINO CAPISTRANO, STE. 19 i ; :1i!i0:S::::: 11-11' . ANIP EASEMENT M Antirrhinum nuttalianum ssp. /no common name /Subshrub Cotoneaster congestus 'Likiang' Likiang /Cotoneaster /Ground CoverNine lberis sempervirens /Edging Candytuft /Ground Cover Nolina cismontana, /Chapparal Nolina /Shrub Scirpis scutus /Hard Stem Bulrush /Perennial HELIPAP . . Aptenia cordifolia x 'Red Apple'/Red Apple Aptenia /Ground cover Cotoneaster apmeyi/ no common name/ Shrub lberis umbellaturn /Globe Candytuft /Ground Cover Nolina species /Mexican Grasstree /Shrub Scirpus californicus /California Bulrush /Perennial SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 ' ::::; :iiiiiiiii� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii::11iP. . . I- Arbutus unedo /Strawberry Tree /Tree Crassula lactea /no common name /Ground Cover . Sedum acre /Goldmoss Sedum /Ground Cover (949)481-7526 (949) 388-1367 FAX -�.; ; ,i::;; . . . . . . . . - - I:.: !!! Isocoma menziesii /Coastal Goldenbush /Small Shrub Oenothera belandieri /Mexican Evening Primrose /Ground Cover . ::::: .... : ... I ;::: i **.:,.. i j.: = ;:::: iiiliiiiiii lqii Crassula multicava no common name Ground Cover :::;:Ili!! ......i.i.i.i. TRAIL (MIN. 1 O'YSIPM) I *... -a*,�i:;;;:i:;i;i!;i;i!ii;i!i:i:i:i!ii:!: : 5XISTING7 FOOT ACCESS - Arctostaphylos pungens /no common name /Shrub Sedum album /Green Stonecrop /Ground Cover �_ Ai 1i 11 i !I i I i I i I ii I !I ::: 10 Isomeris arborea /Bladderpod /Shrub Oenothera hookeri /California Evening Primrose /Flower I . iiii!iiiiiii � Crassula ovata Jade Tree Shrub of . .. . . ;: Ili! V 1� .., �� _� . BY < Arctostaphylos uva-ursi /Bearberry /Ground Cover Crassula tetragona no common name Ground Cover Iva hayesiana /Poverty Weed /Ground Cover Oenothera speciosa /Show Evening Primrose /Perrenial Sedum confusum /no common name /Ground Cover 0 , 4 :::::::::::jj-.jI ii :;:;:; . - %... . _', . BE MAINTAINEEP CLEAR FOR F -V Sedurn lineare /no common name /Ground Cover I : .. ;;:!I!!!;. ... :::; TO iii Artemisia caucasica /Caucasian Artesmisia /Ground Cover Juglans californica /California Black Walnut /Tree Ophiopogonjaponicus 4ondo Grass /Ground Cover SIC-7NATURF. SLOCoK NORTI .3/ :: ::;:;ii . .- - 0 01 KPM) V Arternisia pycnocephala /Beach Sagewort /Perennial Croton californicus /California Croton /Ground Cover Juncus acutus /Spiny Rush /Perrenial Opunti toralis /Prickly Pear /Cactus Sedurn x rubrotinctum /Pork and Beans /Ground Cover A . to : ; NNERS ASSOCIATION 09 MAINTENANCE EXISTINSP FOOT ACC 95 I- Atriplex canescens /Four -Wing Saltbush /Shrub Delosperma'alba! IWhite trailing Ice Plant /Ground Cover Keckiella antirrhinoides [Yellow Bush Penstemon /Subshrub Opuntia oricola /Orade Cactus /Cactus Senecio Serpens /no common name /Ground Cover SCALE 1 -100'-O" ....... HOMMOk / : 10 - _. . oLEAR FOR F.P. By - Atriplex lentiformis ssp. breweri /Brewer Saltbush /Shrub Dendromecon rigida /Bush Poppy /Shrub Keckiella cordifolia /Heart Leaved Penstemon /Subshrub Opuntia prolifera /Coast Cholla /Cactus Stenicarpus sinuatus /Firewheel Tree /Tree - - f6 1ATE 5-51-04 :...... - ...... ... / PISTRICT. TO BE MAINTAINEP C Dichelostemma capitatum /Blue Dicks /Herb Strelitzia nicolai /Giant Bird of Paradise/ Perennial L781re _��� :... UNITY FACILITIES _. Keckiella ternata /Blue Stemmed Bush Penstemon /Subshrub Osmanthus fragrans /Sweet Olive /Shrub . . COMM I 11111� . ���� -N*-- I � Baccharis emoyi /Emory Baccharis /Shrub Distinctis buccinatoria Blood -Red Trumpet Vine Vine/Climbing vine Kniphofia uvaria /Red Hot Poker /Perennial Osteospermurn fruticosum /Training African Daisy /Ground Cover Strelitzia reginae/ Bird of Paradise /Perennial ugla - - - - - - - - . . . - -.-.- . . . count f San Serizrano DRAWN BY L.H. __ =>_JW;,Z� - _11� HOMMOYSNERS ASSOCIATION OR MAIN Bacharis pilularis ssp. /Consanguinea Chaparral Bloom /Shrub Dodonaea viscosa /Hopseed Bush /Shrub Lagerstroemia indica /Crape Myrtle /Tree Parkinsonia aculeata /Mexican Palo Verde /Tree Symphoricarpos mollis /Creeping Snowberry /Shrub .-. . _. Q_KC2UQH - " - - - - - - - . . c anspluansvar.pivans win e s win el ro over agunanap ersomi nmrose ree ree &:% � ISTRICT. - ...* _____14���� 'W A COMMUNITY FACILITIES P 1 Baccharis salicifolia /Mulefat /Shrub Drosanthemum hispidurn /no common name /Ground Cover Lamprathus aurantiacus /Bush Ice Plant /Ground Cover Penstemon species /Beard Tongue Shrub Tecomaria capensis /Cape Honeysuckle /Ground Cover 7 9;;::::� 11.1 /,. ____ - - - - - - - :Z� .-.A .. . . . . - . T / S"/ C".C., �_:__�._�. .�;; "O��,07 1 . - 9=11111 201 YSIPM FIRE LANE � Baileya Multiradiata /Desert Marigold /Ground Cover Drosanthemum speciosus /Dewflower /Ground Cover Lampranthus filicaulis /Redondo Creeper /Ground Cover Photinia fraseria /no common name /Shrub Teucariurn charnedrys /Germander /Ground Cover , - _ - / - REVISIONS . V66. -.-.- 4, , .-.-.-. 3111111m.7.0 .-.- Brickellia californica /no common name /Subshrub Dudleya lanceolata /Lance -leaved Dudleya /Succulent Lampranthus spectabilis /Trailing Ice Plant /Ground Cover Pistacia chinesis /Chinese Pistache /Tree Thymus serpyllum ALemon Thyme /Ground Cover an& Pate f we ,&Per Developer 1 2-25-05 . ----------------------------- -.-. L-)1�%aCESS 67ATE Bromus, carinatus /California Brome /Grass Dudleya pulvendenta /Chalk Dudleya /Succulent . Lantana montevidensis /Trailing Lantana /Shrub Pittosporum undulatum Nictorian Box /Tree Trachelospermum j asminoides /Star Jasmine /Shrub . - \ . Camissonia cheiranthifiloa /Beach Evening Primrose /Perennial Shrub Elaeagnus pungens /Silverberry /Shrub Lasthenia californica /Dwarf Goldfields /Annual Plantago erecta /California Plantain /Annual Trichosstems lanatum. /Woolly Blue Curls /Shrub Per Developer 1 - 1 0-06 ------------------------------ . . . ANIP - Carissa macrocarpa /Green Carpet Natal Plum /Ground Cover/Shrub Encelia californica, /California Encelia S/mall Shrub Lavandula dentata, /French Lavender /Shrub Plantago insularis [Woolly Plantain /Annual Trifolium hirtum 'Hyron! /Hyron Rose Clover /Ground Cover - /" e�4 - Z - -Z,c, .5 _( i _.- 111 . Power Line Note: Carpobrotus chilensis /Sea Fig Ice Plant /Ground Cover Epilobium canum [Zauschneria /californica] /Hoary California Fuschia /Shrub Leptospermum laevigatum /Australian Tea /Tree Shrub Plantago sempervirens /Evergreen Plantain /Ground Cover Trifolium fragerum'O'Connor's'/UConnor's Legume /Ground Cover se-ott gale ,- Pate -_ I I . - -11 = 0_7 :_ - w9m__ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eriastrum Sapphirinum. /Mojave Woolly Star /Annual Leucophyllum frutescens /Texas Ranger /Shrub Plantanus racemosa /California Sycamore /Tree Umbellularia califomica /California Laurel /Tree Shed H 9 I md Empire Division, LP A ____ __ --------------------------- . . Note: Maintenance Right -Vegetation management required on power line easement to a distance Ceanothus gloriosus'Point Reyes'/Point Reyes Ceanothus /Shrub Eriobotryajaponica /Loquat /Tree Leymus condensatus /Giant Wild Rye Large /Grass Plumbago auritulata /Plumbago Cape /Shrub Verbena lasiostachys /Western Vervain /Perennial A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . I Ceanothus griseus'Louis Edmunds'ALouis Edmunds Ceanothus /Shrub Eriodictycon crassifolium /Thick Leaf Yerba Santa /Shrub Ligustrurn japonicum /Texas privet /Shrub Popolus fremontii /Western Cottonwood T/ree Verbena peruviana/ no common name /Ground Cover . . I The homeowners association that manages this property shall have the of 1 00'below the development. Vegetation clearance needed _50'on Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Yankee Point /Ground Cover Eriodictycon trichocalyx /Yerba Santa /Shrub Limoniurn pectinaturn /no common name /Ground Cover Portulacaria Afra /Elephant's Food /Shrub Verbena species Nerbena /Ground Cover ,2- // 5- 1 cw,o - Z� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I right to enter upon and maintain City lots A, 15, P, E-2, F, G, and H in a each side of Foxborough road f rom phase 2 to phase S. - Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis /Carmel Creeper Ceanothus /Shnib Eriophyllum confertiflorum /no common name/ Shrub Limonium perezii /Sea Lavender /Shrub Potentilla, glandulosa /Sticky Cinquefoil /Subshrub Vinca Minor Dwarf /Periwinkle /Ground Cover Bob Yod�/ pate - � Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Nankee Point Ceanothus /Shrub Erythrina species /Coral Tree /Tree Liquidambar styraciflua /American Sweet Gum /Tree Potentilla. tabemaemontanii /Spring Cinquefoil /Ground Cover Vitis girdiana Desert [Wild Grape Nine shed Homes &nd Empire Division, President I .-.-- �� . manner consistent with this plan and other agreements between the City -Note all onsite Power LiMeS are to be underground. I Ceanothus megarcarpus /Big Pod Ceanothus /Shrub Escallonia species Several varieties /Shrub Liriodendron tulipfera /Tulip Tree /Tree Primus caroliniana /Carolina Cherry Laurel /Shrub/Tree Vulpia myuros 'Zorro' Zorro/ Annual Fescue /Grass I ___������ Ceanothus prostratus /Squaw Carpet Ceanothus /Shrub Eschscholzia californica /California Poppy /Flower Lonicerajaponica'Halliana! /Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle Vining /Shrub Primus ilicifolia ssp. /Ilicifolia Holly Leafed Cherry /Shrub Westringia fruticosa/ no common name /Shrub -- and the homeowners association or the subdivider. I . I Ceanothus spinosus /Green Bark Ceanothus /Shrub Eschscholzia mexicana /Mexican Poppy /Herb Lonicera subspicata /Wild Honeysuckle Nining Shrub Prunus Iyonii /Catalina Cherry /Shrub/Tree Xannithorrhoea species /Grass Tree /Perennial accent/shmb . . AA, -"..- ,Zf16 44 I Ceanothus verrucosus /Wart -Stem Ceanothus /Shrub Euonymus fortunei /Winter Creeper Euonymus /Ground Cover Lotus corniculatus /Bird's Foot Trefoil /Ground Cover Punica granaturn P/omegranate /Shrub/Tree Xylosma congestum/ Shiny Xylosma /Shrub Jarmle V. Nalton :;ate , I - ___j I . Feijoa sellowiana /Pineapple Guava /Shrub/Tree Lotus hermannii /Northern Woolly Lotus /Perennial Puya species Puya /Succulent/Shrub Yucca Species /Yucca /Shrub Prof asional Design Assor,lstea 1 � . . Fragaria chiloensis /Wild Strawberry/Sand Strawberry /Ground Cover Pyracantha species /Firethorn /Shrub Yucca whipplei /Yucca /Shrub . I I = M = ��� = ��� M M!11111111111111�1111110 M 11�1111�� M �� = ��� = 0 M __ M = - __ M = = = �1111111110111111111� = ��1111111 = �1111111�� = ��� M 1111�1�11N = ��11110 = = = = - - = = __ M M = ____ IM ��� M ��� . � - . "� �_, ��� , _', a I I I I U ,00e \ <�- � 0 /000 A - I" , /0001 :: - NO p I = ax 111111110- E 1C M 1� M I CA I I I I - rm: - __ - __TRACT BOUNPARY ------ - I _____ - - _____ __ ___ I I I OF 1 SIEETS - . __ I - - - __ - ­ - - - - __ __ - - __ ___ - - __ - - ___ - - - - - - - - - - ___ - - - __ - __ __ - __ ___ - - - - - ___ __ - - ____ ­ __ - ___ __ - __ - - - � - - -