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1. Contractor sholl provide oil labor, moteriok and equipment far the insloNotion of
plant material as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.
2. Controcior " coordinote planting with other site improvements. Un6ss otherwise
specified, structural improvements shoN be instoNed prior to planting operations.
3 Contractor sholl be responsible for locating and stoking existing sower, wooer and
utility lines above or below grade that might be dom►oged as o result of planting
operotoons. Contractor shoN osu n e sole responsibility fee any cost incurred due to
domoge and For replocement of oforemenokxod utilities
A. AN work on the ire�►ggc�tion system, including horostotic, coverage, and operational
tests, and of,e bockfiNong and compaction of trenches shoN be performed prior to
planting operations.
5 Samples of fertilizers, soil conditioners, seed, or other materials shoN be submitted
to Owner fortyoight (48) hours prior to incorporation in the work.
6 An ogricuburol suitability and "fly onohysis soils report sholl take precedence over
these specifications
1 . Plant motor►ol sholl be in accordance with the Slate Deppoortment of Agricubure's
regulations for nursery inspections, rules and groding. Alf0pZnts sholl be of No. 1
Grade and hove a normal habit of growth, and shall be sound, heohh , vigorous
and free of insect infestations, plant diseases, sun scolds, fresh bork abrasions or
other objectkmble disfigurements All plants shoes hove o normal, weR<6v*loped
branch system and vi ous and fibrous root system which is not root bound and is
free of kinked or gir ling roots
2 Nursery growth sock shoN be selected from high quality, wellshoped stock, grown
under dimotic conditions similar b those in the project locale. Minimum acceptable
size of plonts as indicohd in the drawings shoN correspond with that normally
expected for the species and variety of commefciolly available nursery stock.
3 Where applicable, caliper shot be the diom+eter of the trunk one Foot (1 ') above the
ground surface.
4 Oversize plants may be used if not root bound, but sholl not increase Ih» Contract
price. Up to ten percent (10X) of undersized plants in any one (1) variety and
grade may be used, provided they ore larger than the overage size of the next
smallest grade.
5 Scientific and common names conform, to customary nursery usage
6 Types and sizes of plant m,owools "I be as indicated on the drown s Quantities
shown ore o guide only, Contractor sholl verify quantities by pion check
7 The Owner reserves the right to refuse or reject any unsuitable plant material.
Unsuitable plants shall be removed from thepnoted site and replaced at the
Contractor's expense Replacement plants shall be the some species, variety, size
and conditions as specified
6 Pruning of plant materials sholl not be done prior to delivery After planting,
pruning stroll be limited to the minimum necessary to remove injured owigs and
branches, dead wood and suckers
9 Pont mooe6ol is subject to substitution based upon availability Subititu►ed material
shall be approved in advance by the Owner
1 Fertilizers :boll comply with applicable requirements of the State Agricultural Code
and sholl be packaged, forst grode, commercial quality products identified as to
source, type of mok-fol, weight and monufoeyurer's guaranteed onoysis fertilizers
sholl not contain toxic ingredients in quantities harmful to human, animal, or plant
life When requested, Controctor sholl furnish the Owner with Certificate of
Compliance stating that the material subsionfially meets the specificotoons
2 Commercial fertilizer shall be a pelleted, blooded, or gronulor product having the
chemical analysis specified herein and shall be free-flowing material delivered in
original unopenedl containers Use of material which becomes coked or otherwise
d o m og sd s6oll not be permitted
3 Organic boss fertilizer shoes be comprised of decomposed animal, fish and
vegetobk matter with humic acids and a bacterial s►imvlant, manufactured as Gro
Power by Southern California Organic Feriilizer Co , Glendale, California, or
opproved equal
1 Nitrogen stabilized orgonic amendment shall be o around or processed wood
O product derived From wood of redwood, Fir or cedar, treated with o nor -fxic agent
to absorb wooer quickly Nitrogen content, based on dry weight, sholl be 0.5% for
redwood and 0 7% for fir and cedor. Iron content, based on dry weight, sholl be
0 1 % Pine sawdust is not acceptable
2 When requested, Contractor sholl Furnish the Owner with a deliveyy receipt and
Certificate of Compliance stating toot the material substontiolly meets the
I Topsoil sholl consist of fertile, friable soil of homy character, and sholl contain on
amount of organic mover normal to the area. It sholl be reasonably Free from
weeds, refuse, roots, heavy or stiff cloy, stones larger than one inch (1 `) in diameter,
snicks, brush, litter and other deleterious substances Topsoil may be obtained from
the site if approved by the Owner.
2. When required, imported topsoil shoN be subject to inspection and testing at the
source of supply prior to delivery to the project'.
1 Plant material shall 6e delivered with legible identification labels, handled and
stofed odequably to maintain a healthy condition, protecting them From drying out,
windburn or any other injury
2 Inspection of piano mooeriols required by City, County, Stole or Federol outhorities
stroll b. tow retrnsibiloty of the Cor*octor When requested, Contractor shofl
furnish copies of such permits or certificotes to Owner.
i f aniliz►r,g and condioion►ng moreriok shall be as specified in Ow project ogricuhurol
suitobiliy teport
7 If on ogrocubutol suitobiliy report is not available, the IoMeriving omendments, or
opprovrd equal, slooll b* mechanically Wood and uniformly cukiv®tod into the
upihol sir ►ndoes (t,•) r 1,000 square Fell of boil by suitoblo equipment oapetooed
fit opforiowwoely ►H or sus in of bort two 21 diredionif
A T Y Iritic en oubibzed orgonic, amendment
150 IsGlofewer Plus
I W IM`► Agrir ithwal gyprum
;I kowisi►►u S A SIw►A I» clwan, a► fly IrkwWe cand►fian rind suffablo lot FAirwi g
1. The irrigation system and finish grode shoN be completed prio to weed obotemem
ope'ations .
2. Contractor shot operate the irrigation system to keep planting areas uniformly moist
for o period of three (3) weeks (21 consecutive calendar dc"). At the end of the
three (3) week period, Cootroctor shoN spray all visible weeds with a contact
herbicide. Application msethwd shoN be as recommended by manufacturer. Ahw
sproring, planting areas shoN remain unwatered for o minimum of forty-oight (AS)
hours. Remove weeds from site.
3. Water seven (7) additional consecutive colondor days from the first application, and
opply o contod herbicide as may be necessary. After second sproyinngg wooer shall
not be applied for on odditionol for"ight (48) hour period. Applications shall
continue at seven (7) day intervols as determined by the Owner.
4 Controctor shot oppy spray chemicals when air currents ore still; preventing drifting
onto odjoining property and preventing any toxic exposure to persons whether or
not they ore in or near the project
5 Weeds and debris shall be disposed of off-site.
1 Bockfill sholl be as specified in the project ogr►cuhurol suitability report, machine -
mixed and opproved by the Omer prior to incorporation in planting pits
2 If o agricultural suitability report is not ovoilobk, the following amendments or
opproved equal, sholl be incorporated
6 ports by volume On-site soil
4 �its by volume Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment
17 l8S per CY of mix Gro -Power Plus
1 LBper CY of mix Iron sugote
10 LBS per CY of mix Agricultural gypsum
1 Stoke plant locations and secure approval from the Owner before excovoting pits
Excavated pits shall be as indicated in the details on the drawings Dust sides of
Pits with gypSL m before bockfillong
2 Containers sholl be opened and removed such that the rootboll is not injured
3 Wooer all planting areas thoroughly oher installation of plant materials Additional
backfill shall be added to fill voids caused by water settlement
Trees shall be stoked at time of planting as indicated in the details on the drawings
1 -ontroctar shallgguorontee plant material through one (1) full year after the dote of
acceptance of tl,e work
2 Replacement plant material shall be of the some species, variety, b size as originally
planted and shall be guaranteed for one (1) full year from the date of re -planting
3 Cost incurred due to replacement of dead or dying plant material shall be ►he
responsibility of the Contractor
This section is supplemental to the General Plonting Section Where applicable, plonting
sholl be in accordance with conditions therein
1 Sod shall be grown from high quality propagative material, free from weeds,
diseases, and insects, and sho(i be in accordance with the standards for regulation
for nursery inspection of the applicable State of the protect
2 Sod shall be machine cut of a uniform thickness of five-eighths of on inch (5/8')
(excluding top growth and thatch) individual pieces sholl be cut to the supplier's
standard width and length with an allowable deviation of two percent (2%) Broken
rolls or uneven ends wilt not be acceptable
3 Sod stroll be harvested, delivered and installed within a twenty-four (24) hour
4 Contractor shall furnish the Owner with delivery rete•►s and a Ceriifico►e of
Compliance stating that the material substantially meets the specifications
1 Prepore soil and provide weed abatement operations in accordance with the
General Piontinq Section Roke, cultivate, Boat and roll until areas to receive turf ore
in a smooth on, uniform condition
2 Finish4, grade for turf areas shall be one inch (1') below the finish surface of walks,
curbs, or related hordscope
3 Prior to sodding, soil sholl be moist to a minimum depth of one inch (1
4 Prior to instollation, area to be sodded sholl receive sulphote of ommonia at the rote
of one (1) pound per 200 square feet.
5 Sod shoN be bid and Comped with bull joint in o staggered 'running bond' pattern.
6 After installation, sod shall be rolled with a 200 -pound wooer -filled lawn roller'
7 Sod sholl be as indicated on the drawings.
This rection w wpplementol to Ow Gerwfol Mamino Section Where applicable, planting
Shall be in occo+dunce with condition& tfoetein
I Sia ed slail lie het►h, Mout►, pore new rtt,p rood lded 61WIl lso rdolivero) 1040V site
urrmtwrtl, fro u4s"rf oe W161 t 40*11r0rS t of h 600601 r tfrltctinef rhfill I,efif Ow wed
suppliotio kV Irwdit.dOlnU ase cw*iinarr weight, easel t�yypo, reefl purity ianff
VestmtutcNfur►, and ceffilkxrte rel to6ase key oa C ourty uVifrullowiM itummmionot
2 . Cortroc kw "I furnish the Owner with delivery receipts and o CediFicvte of
Compliance noting that the material substantioNy meNs the specifications.
3. An ogriculoturel suitobliliy report that has beenprspored far the specific site shaN
take precendent over the folow� p materiok. If suchort repis not ovailable, the
following materials "N be of such o character that when dispersed in a uniform,
slurry shoN form on absorbent porous mot:
3000 goMons per ocre Fresh water
2000 pounds per ocre Wood ceNulase fiber
80 pounds per ocre* Organic stabilizer
1000 pounds per ocre•' Gro -Power Plus, or opproved equal
80. pounds per ocre in summer, 120 pounds per ocre in winter.
• • in turf areas where soil is prepared with Gro -Power Plus, use 400
4 Seed mixture sholl be as indicated on the drawings.
5 Water sholl be Fresh, Free of impurities, excess chlorine and soles.
6 Filer shoN be dean, weed-kee mulch of wood cellulose containing no germination
or growth►ronhibfiling Factors. Fiber sholl contain a hormless, temporory green dye
1 Mixing sholl be performed in a lank, with a built-in continuous agitation and
recirculation system, of sufficient operating capacity to produce a homogeneous
slurry and o discharge system which will opply the slurry to * designated areas at
o continuous and uniform rote
2 The slurry preparation sholl take place of the prol)'act site and sholl begin b adding
water to the tonk when the engine is at hoh throttle. When the wooer level hos
reochied the height of the ogitotor shop, good recirculation shot) be established, and
of this time the seed sholl be added. Fertilization sholl then be added followed by
the wood cellulose fiber, when the tank is at least one.third (1 /3) filled with wooer
Spraying sholl commence immediately when the tank is full
3 Controclo( shall Nxoy des�gnoted areas with the slurry in o sweeping motion, in on
arched stream, til a uniTarm coat is achieved and the material is spread of the
required rote per ocre.
4 A slurry mixture which hos not been applied within four (4) hours after mixing sholl
be rejected and replaced at the Contractor's expense
5. Slopes sholl be hydroseeded after weed obotemerw operations and planting of trees
and shrubs
6 Costs incurred For repair or replacement of bore, sparse or damaged areas sholl be
the responsibility of the Contractor.
1 Contractor shoe provide oN labor, moteriols and equipment to perform work during
the PosNnsoallotoon Maintenance Period, as specifed herein, including but riot
limited to; adequate watering of plant material, replacing unsuitable plant material
and controlling weeds, rodents and other pests.
2 Contractor sholl maintain the project on a continuous basis from the first day offer
planting is completed, until acceptance of the work.
3 Costs incurred due to damage or re locem,-nf during Post-Instollotion Maintenance
F%riod sholl be the responsibility of the Contractor.
4 Unties: stipulated otherwise br the Owner, the Post-Insiollotion Maintenance Period
sholl consist of o minimum of ninety (90) consecutive calendar dogs.
5 Pc stanstollotion Maintenance Period may be extended by the Owner if the project
is improperly maintained, appreciable replacement is required, or other correctove
work becomes necessory_
1, All areas including, but not limited to, turf, ground cover, and concrete Hotwork,
sholl be kepi clean and free of weeds, liner and debris
2 Subsurfoce drains and catch basin grows sholl be kept door of leaves, litter and
debris to ensure unimpeded passage of water. Drainlines sholl be periodically
Hushed with clear water to ovoid build-up of sib and debris.
3 Before weeds exceed two inches (2') in height, thty sholl be removed and disposed
of off-site Serious weeds sholl be spot sprayed and teff in place for seven (7)
calendar days Areas sprayed shot remain unwatered for a minimum of foryaight
(48 hours. Dead weeds sholl be removed seven (7) calendar days oher application
and disposed of off-site.
A. 9 the Owner notifies the Contractor of failure to control weeds as specified herein,
the Contractor shot kill oN weeds within ten (10) calendar days of such notification.
The Poo4rutohation Maintenance Period will bee extended for every day after the ten
(10) colendor days until such weeds have been kiNed.
5. Contractor sholl take appropriate steps to eliminate rodents.
1. Controcior shot operate the irrpwion system automoticorry and shah properly and
completely maintain oN pods of the irrigation system.
2 Corwoctor stroll pro0de for delivery of water in sufficient quantities and adjust
water application to compensole for seosoml conditions.
3. Costs incurred due to repow or replocemi" of equipment shoN be the responsibility
of the Controic of . Replooemeno porn, shop be identical to the material and as
indicated on the drawings and specified herein
1 Prior to occeptonce 01 00 pro_ttect and rnointenolce period, turf areas 6hal be
esto3bl►ahed with a undcoo" Ail% coverage, heaMw vigorous growth and bis
minimum of two IndwS (2") in 6W Carp imurred lot f"ir or tepkrcrmenoorf
laden, apart of da matged of'" XH be 00 lierpainribility of the Coliw000f
? H An oaVoKukura) ruittibiloy tulle repoo it to ovailrablo, W afoot Iihhrall 60 leflllo#0d
wOi 6Wftfrfrwer Haritrapo 1 "9 w oWaverd equal wv*ty hoer hveo IA -5) calondat
days, set a into iiocumtoriended key oho manui(et
a 1Int n►aw►n� of her♦ N ko prrlwoired when the roar is two anaim, 0 kwim
12 1 /20) in lie ht � fetK i or►r►wirtV, ►w166 be scut ar cnida n0erwry to
mairMain Ow twat a Height o►wo "i to p201 for 66"ttess and lestt ues and ane
A Coinitrocloir shol trim, around wir" toon hoods to oillow for unimpeded $way; of *0
base of • •atboordws• • •walks, mowssiripsand •
dippings from project site.r• - s.
R - r
GROUND eu 1 •� ,
0 an avictAurol suitability..rt is not availab�jround cover areas shol be
fertillized with Gro -Power Hionitrogpen 1 "9 or oppra equal every forty" (A5)
collendar days,at . rate recommended . the monufacturior.
1 . 0 utred, or of the direction of the Owner, trees planted as port at we t,onoresa
shtgN pruned or hooded bock, to ohmirate diseased a dam c ged growth, reduce
or wind doiage maintain growth witthin space limitotioou, maintain natural
appearance, due to vandalism, and to balance the crown with the root structure.
2. Staking of trees shot be checked frequently for damage, and to prevent choffing or
girdling. dosts incurred due to do or replocemen► due b improper stalking
motorial: shoN be the responsibility of tie Contractor.
3. At the request of the Owner, wounds over one and ore-hoN inch (1 1/21 in
diometer may be sealed with on approved tree soot.
4 Dead or dying trees shall be ►n tnedowly replaced of the Controctor's expense with
material of obe some species and size and guororteed as described in these
specifications tS
5 Controckv sholl exercise preventive meosures when using `weed♦oterse neor tree
trunks. Costs incurred due to damage or replocement of trees due to improper
msosures shoN be the responsibility of the Contractor. ort
1 Prior to acceptance of the project and maintenance period, slopes sholl be
established with o uniform 80% coverage, heobhy vigorous growth. Costs incurred "
for repair or rtcontroctor cement of bore, sporse or domoged areas shoN be *+e
responsibility of
2 Seed for replacement shot be of the some type and quantity rotto as specified in the
Plant List on the drawings
3 N a soils report isnot available, slopes shoN be fertilized with Gro -Power Ht -nitrogen
14-1-9 or opproved' equal every forty-five (45) calendar days, of a rote
recommended by the ,monulocturer
0No 1 W 11%_
1 Maintenance shall include, but not limited to, spraying to control or prevent disease 0 (a �
and weekly water nwnogement includin�gg soil probing, observation of soil moisture r,�
sensing devotes (where applicable), and polm tree pruning oho V V
M a
2 Pruning sholl be done with sterilized rete�focal sows r2t chain sows) to prevent Q W d
transmission of disease causing agents from free to tree. Saw blades shall be Z fa 5 Z
sterilized before and between pruning of each frond br immersi the blade in o E-' Q d d
solution of fifty percent (50X) household bleach and fifty percent (50%) wooer for V on 00
pG Z Z
foe (5) minutes. the solution should be kept up to strength by the regular addition O W 0-4t- O
of more blench. E-• Gi. w w
Upon completion of the Pos instolbtion Maintenonce Period, Contractor shall request on
inspection for acceptance of the work performed in accordance with the Controct
Documents. The request sholl be mode to the Owner, a minimum of seven (7) colondor
days prior to the dote for inspection
Maintewince Guidelines:
Landa a shalt be wainbmW w a wt, dept. wand Ince ase b ahky.poedidow TWs shall irdris but no be
1. Crllivu oe et obsiwed beds M ie -Z Ads sot to a tared up (1C) days
L )Re1ubr W'"ist r eieieoie iseru bdgk sot is asteseed owe (7) iistlres (rill racy rid .
1. lctubr pining -.4 plane b iiiei=niiii 7 a e�owQ of and deaf poartA.
s. Schedubed woe e< irtriirreoe eostrdkt d ftsiims eppBc kdm ttsn e( resit Noir U
Paper plan vvw*• Drip imcsimm May re+eenniete com
S. Imaboi tom ee7t2c:111new o(irtipilim ■sererials as endow d 0eirimie good wwwag a0doolets.
Fat undm its a netubr whop auk as neo winewa by On wtetdu ttea its Peau prow
7. IMNwdiase mak er iepbarn mm e( impdm smanab at seal/ d eeioie Row waw anwid6k
3. Stakes Rays and ties m orae: stash be dwebW mTWwly Not a tt.a hieetdoo• Tin an is be Wpwa i tr `
avoid *rasions or sirdWsg d trok or btmctiwL
9. Upon completion of three (1) month (40 day) eaonutnet tsieintenattoe period an isispection Shat be niece brute
Community Development Depenment Engineering Divisive L,andscspe hispection Staff. Me lridscwe shell
be maintained in accordance with these landscape maiMenanm smadards.
10. The Developer/ Builder is responsible to contact the City and schedule die maintetwioe inspection,
Wwh I) lot bermudo jD i
ovtb rr
tie uoy lVI44 No, #?-108