PROJECT:. ?rotative Tract Hsps Not. 15839, 15840, DATE; September 28 I998
15541, 13542, 13343 and 15844' - - -
Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 15839, 15840, 15841, 15842, 13843 and 15844 Tentative Trac Maps Nos. 15839, 15840,
15842, 15842, .5843 and 15844 Tentati ?
LOCATION: Banded by Surtsrait Avenue to unmoils, Lytle Creek' Road to the east, i-hginland Conditions of Approval '
Avenue cad. Rout• 30 0o theConditions ofApprovai
south, and Interstate IS and the extension of San Sewaine September 2.3, 199a
to the west, within the Summit Heights Specific Plan September 23, 1998
• 27. The street address small be posed with a minimum of four 4 inti � the contribution, locations and sizes of catdnments and system connection points
street and dmiN the hosan of numbers shag be internally
r rdsmbers, visible from the plus an downs" m � mitigation mcmren•
Approval contained heroin shall be • darlQiea die
1. All Conditions of Y Y illuminated with
incorporated sato all applicable final a lox voltage poiwv sour+os, Posted numbers shag contrast with their
- All C n i ti plan and a of the» conditions background and be legible S0. AD neo�y was for public utility and dry must be Wdiated on the Final
00'P7' sued by the property owner � legal droao the sbrsrit m aeoordsasoe with the Unilorn(s Finn Cada Wi>ere aetbscics exceed one Map.
for seentative shall be ptacad-on the fast sheet of the final budding plans prior to issuarsce of any bred (100) Bert 8rna tlr roadwray, additional
btaiM g prrtrs Bea (4) inch' numbers shall be S I, Prepsra and submit a ugh �g P� showing pad elevations,
. � � . .. `• displayed at the. property sccaaa drainage � rough 8mdp, drainage routes,
2. The rights and privileges granted by Tasbtnne Tact lb[aps NOL 13$3 ,' 15903--1584-1.15942, 28. The and each and other in wag= and elevations, exo=m control, scope
development phase thereof shag have too (2) points ofwehioular a�oi:ers for Bre and Code (v•B•� aacondA:sce with Chapter 70 of the Uviform Building
• _ 13943, and 15344 ipil'not broonrse nor shag dr Applicant � :t1se use '6or which - • • other
eennargaicy egtsipmept, And Sic routesof escape which wig handle
• :•s . :. three Tentative Traefip �:Fantad, ugtsi both of tkse i'olfowdng haus ooaQrad:: � the Dev�eb safely �+iscxiationa as
.:�: required er pmmt Coda ''= • 52. All , . .
• . _ i : `!..: ,�+ � drainage, easements -
s. � . - . - • - • • . • necsxtaryr, to acconuacrdatc the gradin and -
_ .. of the improve�steco!v'p alttrstiorss and otherwork set-fcrds int?exetative Tract a• 29. Prior to Fire cieerann f+or .. _.` � �ffWW � but wed by the � g $e P�sbail b-
� may. as a lila aafety�Sre=`sprmk�c' systetu and accepted for opm'stio�n and tn*intemaRx. ' • • urrt0 erg pubec �mProveme�ts ire com�kted
Mapes Nos, lS839, 1Si40, 15841, 18542, 13843 and ISi4+t hsve:beai coetiipieted and haw - ' � is�s�ecgiirrd�• ?tris sysbam st�si,caotply r�tb I�•PAPampdet 4t3D And Fire r-
bem accepted by as avideaced by thr � �..ti • • : �.. .-+ _
.• City, City's dasaaoe a�fa'CertipcArce of conerpledioa .. .01 0.507D. The devrjoper abaft. aitimit iflelal't pisses � cat _ .
Or Other dOwrllrats ev�roim tit Chy's Bad ' .�. � to: 'the Sea ' ',�:�,_w53• P� atreti and ; ,,,•. :::, :...
and °a► ao ptaace flu. 'avorl� and Baro Coue�► Faro Deparmxat. FeeA are required at fire time of plea mz ttal 1 + = ' ,; ' :,!n rdsrsoe with the Stunmo Heig
°f . unlit supply shag be a nos Tach metra ' - , . - •,r;, ,,; - ., required by the Crry Eat; .. P
b. A8 erdser Caa>�tiaua of � .. - _ ,. - - • ' .. '
Approval imposed by ?ratadv+e Tract,IvlaPs Nos. 1Si39, 25340, .. :• S4. No ora
_ - I5841, 13542, 15843, and 1as44 have been llitBited• • - .. ' - _-- ... � - 30. Prior to Any ltin®g cooutr:rceioes ooauniesgi w a -� Puede Fm . � _ .. � to be grAabed or recorded ovrrr�y;p�; �� Pc'oJ� �. rhe date' .
-= • Staff anti a lrttrt from the weber .. � � � � and the. date of recotdiag of the Fnial .
3. Thin project shag comply with erg appGwble ieanda:ds esf the Snsennit'Hams -have baro made for the g � � Saus«1 srrang�ents '. - � ntnlass se�aratdy approved by � . 11�lap '
eil�d ' Bre hydriuYts and wvitea
• . • - SPS P* Siactsaet HeWft Specific PWNggetiviv Dedrros�, aril Clspotr 26 (Sutidivisioro) - • - sYstass will arat distance -and Bre 8orir;�egain+aoseilta � Fara Bag ws�r .
of the Cod• of the ahsg csesform with erg ' � � � :. P� � PSL � m�ertAla cot lite ' . • �� �• �'a ��:: ss, AD drawusga wbaniaed m the �� •
•�• City ofFontaaa. Further erg _ -
` - Monitoring Iii-srbe- s -____e-__ -be
..fubmitted ora City standard 24 iads'x 36'inch'stteefawith a ! inch � 4p� P�.:� _
. 3.1. •Tlse _ trcalt,df t+rgmred pr+o!vtde "COb�OSTIE� DEVELOPMENT '
4. The dev�etopmarrt of the 6,200 square fob lots is oontnngernt upon Planning Cammssot:-and City •- � ,. ' agreeasrsst >s this � for P�'� ��� 36. App�st abaft � wed �P � .. .. _
Cosrodi apptvvai of as proeessresg. Subsoil floe comect� verbiage -- m floe State ofCalrsonais, Al � .' -.
amenity gtsKh will be addressed is the Dkve�.Iopment (CDP) to for County Survaror ksbt $ling and A of the regsm+ed pubbc ua
copy approved CDP utiltilm trate • °i^° A, lots( not meted m: ;
�'°�' • :, ; : Erre Depart paint � � wR fist recordation, The CDP sbap elect � � � � aim �' � and S. Curtis Av+mw (Street A) ioerrsewioes awl statomsntm folloarrag my �ed c:a of and/or. detour plans} F ty _
) aLga up with the street directly *ansa r' � � by � City , a nequi�ed, '
6. Off -sat lasuckbs must beqWoved by the tel► _ . a Thin pt+aject la ps+obecxed b7 the Foe Deparbocar� Prior to nay Comts>xtion ocxta�riaQ on nay Stu�at paverssem Aga sbaD taloa unto
- of the app�st ilWl comply wNls floe adopted smisorm Frro Code and all loadurg and blue a ddiga li# af20 aeoowe � grade � stm' � P traffic
apPlic" codes, ar+ , and staada(rids of Sea Bern Bernardino Canty. �� � � l"�a �► deecarAitrve or P� � �" a �
' b. SPEL'IAL NOM Due to the (moot• mesal lot owners shall be regcurtd to ' � � �� �'� °'r tx�c roes ,
provide their oars Sro peaoectioa maasesRs as determined aPproprim by the Foe Department; 37• All pian dkck Ser nio be paid wits the $�
7. Awry taosporaryr bus�dnig, trAilrt, eo4moexr�Ai a� etc, ins:taped and/or used is connection with Prior to any bsa'ling primal( isinarsas, Fare . plan
a Pr 'o1 Abd may► with Foatema City Ordinance No. 1007. the: � mwurea may include sp or aonit of ofag plan dmk flea will be nude �s} ion gi Fria!
I. Individual IIre probecxioo water k3ot each lot res 5A p� to � r!ecord�ors. wP reoordatiarn and mut be paid
DQ -1S 2.I. Automatic fire jor,Wes erg gra- 38, Pu*iPM in the devred
Mainteng y FAa�itiea District by aoeg y
Conditions of Approval
Tentative Tract Maps No:. 15839, 15840, -
Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 15839, 15840, - .: _
t entat 15842, 15843 and .1544 15841, 15842, 15843 and 15844
Tentative Tract Maps Nos. I5839, 15840, -
September 25, 1998 Conditions of Approval 15841, IS841594Z 15843 and 15844
September 28, 1998 Conditions of Approval
September 28, 1998
a. All Perimieter/bouadaryuatts shag be dei - 3. no insagstion of road surScing•
axed and cons4vcted so list the outer/exteeior face of 4. A to k binding road nu =*Cin � documents to guarantee particdpation prior to recordation of the -map, or as approved by the
the wall is as dory a: possible to the property titan In any case, the arter/exterior face of the wall lot to a county maiataiaed road. e��g �ov�ts from each Project Community Devdoprnent Director. be within
� (Z} iad� ofthe property tore• Distances grater thari-two (2) i maybe • . .
prior construction by lice Bfor S9. Survey control shag conform with Stats Regulations, Profieasional Practice and Fontana City
� �� �' a � Code 26 which
{FCC) Chapter , prohibits use of plastic plug:. Only brass tags and nags sW be
32. Sight distances shalt be in accordaave with C' S used is iron pipe mornmotnb.
9: AS property �Mr. man" huts~ eba shag be vertical and horizo:stal nY Standard Detail 140, taking into considmdon
located aed/vr relocated -m snub a mamser a: to not - ��• 60. A to the '
cause : to become � tho �requinments of the latest Seaun� gtiarAntee proper satts�ig of all ir»Wrior and boundary monuments irn an atnauut
adopted edidoo -of the VW&rm Bn i� or �, other .� Iswv 33. The shell ' ed is the or Land S
,: .. ... , , ordrnas:cq or code- not �iaatig 4u>asaping, wall:. fiessca or -�fi by � urve:yor'of.Record, shag be provided
10.13e T mania than 30 height is the critical �O� that will be to the aq. Morwmentatioa Inspection flea shall also be paid: 'Tic. shed information shall be
•r t
ract''Mapa['?rcoid to � so sight mance areas Standard
•. P� � a of airy �n7ding paw' shag apply. �Y � Detail 240 criteria submitted to the (",sty. •- • - .
•j�{ r fir`.• 34. Al street the median orae :;"'� 61. provide a 8iliy elceaited Subdivision Agr+eerriart with Ta
1 I ' . ' '� for a 60 !t. t�udk«�.�i�� ridiva Putted bade from (bursar riossvvaiic lite to provide: ca buction and oa of ail rtequited pub } }�A*' seaire the
• � • 't '��� +i"'— 1•. ... .i !=. �1 cJ: 5 ��� � �'••• rt6 the
. _ . . Y �.. c„ }• r.; _ � d!r C�:of rS•r�/�aY SpR�icatloee, _ _ . •.. - Finai Map. The farm aod'o�aee of arch agrean� shag be apprQ►R{.by
. 12 � • .. . , _ . • {• S �- 33.Oa oogectot oe hiahir , - . ' . - .. ; .• �.� ' . .. •• the City gam ;2'!Se• :lash be ptnaunst to the Se�On 664
- - l�sectidn • lot aI ro�0ersectaaa :: .. s#rem and itriipin6 P�'+��Provide•for signed "No . • - . -. {;� • • • • ��' 99.' ,
. dh' _ Drawsr 140) �bD SmPPua�` sR+eaa. 1Vo atOPplmt area wgl provide for demmoe uasog thr 33'� percentile ;
x -�, ':stden sed gaga for erg eollactoir, int bighrr • • - 62. Provide a copy of the• Pe''oPo�ad avvbnsaab� eonsdsdorss and r+estricticna .{C.C. -1k R's at
' bait :�•aot ennead (bitty {30) iociies, - .: ` ` � . - street taoters«•tioas�°Bn•�u °ed�Sor local >tiald�isl .. to flan project. Tlis.C:C:�.� R 's usual be recorded ooracvrr+erstfyr vvit6the p'tiial }. spplicalale
13. Laeedseapn -: M O.
waatsen`phns shag comply with _ Sp cs�ic Ptah• 36. Cross -for-ilactac std hider strrw will be` 63. Map boundaries dermic phased construction shag AligA with the,froat, side or back property
,:wkkoad an removed or scotched and
- I4, Al Jaadscspe aod:i�ptiiori •diol �p ' - - a Proms � fir higisert 88th• perir�e speed at the ,• � as ��� cad sbap erose abreets alt sight eagles ); .
- �erat moo• syaggs� � �Osdioanoe dl� tolerant materials and water .interThis batt �t be done in a !0 foot BAltaied .. .. - The
... Article IV, Section 2E=91-F.C:G) - . ' 64. Dasiga Engineer/i�arsd Surviey�ot •:Mdl Provide to the
ZS• The iiiUoaring plana � PPr Bim _ 37. prapoaed, amrlred p ctbo, c � will be submitted with j<sati$pt , • sisludurepage) of fiatl ti'actJpaccd map in *digital cad format ori �k or -CD.
lr'�t. Submit taro {2) c_ opira !br � - P� bD of a bsa'idmg • a Pr"olected Pedes vohm�, .. -
' a AProlated iciaol �°#mAn v°iun`eas" and -OF - .. .
LmdscapsPw � dAtati, wP school locations within 3,000 feet, '. 6S. Recordation of lbs approved subdivision map for floe .
project sitq, or As otherwise Approved by
G Pw details. etsk 38. Awry proposed a gtgrn trAft signal aispstd los submitted with an eight trout � City
seedy Asad a preliminary signal conduit and iW be submt conduit per,
16. Ttis 66.Ofibite right-o�wary beyaod +eitbAr tlu phased oomtrttexiocs and/or tracx boundary regttired to
i s locatW vert'" a CFD• AHoereeoareem 39. S' .
by the a required to be sued Sot ratting vddClp shall be in >eoCordarsce wilds Y Standard Data 140. Proms .1 and/or vehiastAr uigrer and egress shall be dedicated
�'alopw t ath ads+aspe anaioteaanoe s and/or acquired pec City standards Off site' rn:tiucxion ahaU be sexsmd And
1?. Td cAbh teievisicn cable and ateclr�cai banns
40'Property shall be set back so a vrhide iboppsd to opts a Sate does not block the so get ted poor to this iaewaCe of Cend6cate of abatpancyr, •
w*�d a dry park or the designed use shall not be �-0��= S �rhase:ppiipble. 67. A taadsape pea and his issuance:
: ofCa to m aacordalscx gids City Gu and Spaaficstio d
P�sy►s absrtti� lir parr. fon' all area betweta coy curb stud right of way line or pazmeter wall shag be sssbatiaed to cad
4I . No residential days shall be d within ser bonecaon or withim 10 feet of the curb approved by the City. The plans shag show that esh sight &stance gwxkc& are neat and iadscabe
t0P0� ON PIW species, sinner and batons, and also show the related irrigation
Tentative Tract Maps No:. I5339, I58409 Tentative Tract Mapes No:_ 15839, 15840, . _--. .•
Tentative Tract Maps Nos. 15839, 15840,
15541, 15842, 13543 and .5544 - -. 15841, 15842, IS843 and IS844 _ - - 15841, I5842, I5843 and IS844
Conditions of Approval Conditions of Approval Conditions of Approval
Septatsber 25, 199: September 28, I998 - -
September 28, 1498 return of as intersection. - systendconsarois and water meter nervine .
I. All pariersetrr/bouadary walls shag be designed and aoasgycted so that the outer/octertor See of .
t� � within two � irsdres of the wall is as don as poft-* to the � ima' las es'!' � the outer/ See of the wag - 42. Residential volumes over $00 vehicles per dry require inclusion of traffic 68. shag Proms a � �� -.
�� p� to coomuction by the
lino Distances greeter tlua-two (2) inches any elements of �'°� °�: ca�'P*d� est P��e within the type of land of the regsmemeent � submit m the State Waterto .Resources Pur+aaet of subdivider or devdop" - Building Oeidal • oo a for extenuating or � �Pc' on �� mw�g�me elements and the expected - (NO]) clawas to comply with the tams of the General Com �� � a Notice of Intent
deliv+ey emergency vehide tralBc. discharge storm vista � Activity Storm (?rain Penult to • .- of
General ns wilds
the disturbance of u 1 ��_ indoles dentin grading
9: ProPertlt . aswtsraot yea shall be located aadbt nioated is such a anAnnec as to not 43. Street asediaai at iabersrct cos must have the noses paged back to provide for tn>Dddc, bw cad fire =caved=vityan final less is east acres of total land ua. Co or
saes eq+� a permit if the
cause alfi•; �i •st:trettir+e to beoorsse ' � die requirements of the lAtaR vehicle intuit with a n pug back for the mealaa' nose of 10 feet. Refrer to Fontana , _ cot n P� of lens thea $ale :. . , construction is part of�
adoptadedib'as -of the-Unib'orm B� Coda, or � �:; le low Strut Dexon Quide� � . ' ..... aueret or nab• iia -
ordi::srsoe, or coda
10, life ?rte 11yps A4, prior to the issuance of _ �''' _ �• �d:wbrrrit a Bud grading plan shawvnng ,
�' Pte.` grades,.' dram,, .
i ;a•;,. ,.,:, •�. :r,, Pad devationa, finished
w,. '- devatiors, cambia, slope and other• egwan$ And
1.: :• ;��`��',, �, -;-• , - _ . .. Chapter 70, of the.U.B.C. - ... :.. . - oa in ea+eptaacx with, .. •
11. Alt ,ti• ' • • ':. • .. _ �: - ... :....- • - ' - ... ..
� � oonrsplj►ba floe CJtj►:ofFaita�s • `tao�and S �• hof P►ltiosr trap abusti� the a�ttioua�duy'of Tru* IS841 Aid Tract - . ... 70. De:ve3oprr•o#'t[se-=ice .. .h,•�.- ,,.:
- - 12 , _ � - ISi4Zahadbe.iesodiied as required by tie City Erb`': ' Speck tr�mast+5'oir tayart of die -'• +` • necessary the �� a street � mold• 'Jays I�-.fig a!! street B
llabsrse�t�o�n •S�t` br ai otaraaCtior . , . �..,�.' .. - :� coat�natiOs trail'. ... - developer of site. Form � be a 24" x 3b"'sq�ed - �-
(tlyi Stan�ed Dri�►iag 14� cubo t ►ogq mad sdervapc) sham be submitted skeet.
aeoount Ant., • ��;+'� aaeinamrsant -*� •�,� � _ - � �• �► � nviw subject to Botl isppravaiby`t>tii` Buser, - • - 71. - '
} • .: retaining�• �' APP�t chap away to U erg
' •not ei°oaad tliirtY {30 rachis. - .. -. d �i otiee'brad utility, geiea o[331ty or kis and .
13. Lmdsesp� and - •ems s _ 43• � anis wvAnthe Beta. map atust aorripty with floe C�rrrrnt State Subdivision MapraWsions ofp overhead hurt in the la 'or, m necessary as nig" ��° � ' ' `, L°� � ate► � _
wttY Suannt Sp C c hdimiapel CaeM said of the aniir+ent Fontana of 35 1Cv or.. less. t m lieu � 'O � Ph► to erg power tuna
may 14. All hudsespf sod inript o4 slap ieoorpp :;' *ccotdwoe with Fonlans Coefq Clnptee' 23 Article IV wed im ' iipprile° i°
. � {Ordioanoe dt10a7 tolerant �anaLs and water . � Ti ltle . . 2'113.1. .... • _ . - • .. 'Section 25-130 and Section
•.. •. . Attide IV, Section *011.0 C.) 46. Submittals must
� � dated b � p� to the Scit[owing -
1S. The P� • iippeovr Bos Dry,eiO ` • - - ... *) P� ) gyp• •'� .:.. .. -
PSK P� to misudanoe of a �i
Pmt• Submit two (2)-oojies hr review. .. ' 47. For a pYnw tentative map ends pisare slot be: �.os•_ to be provided in a �• p*Y � - `. , ' .. � ..
L AMAM Phm � plow Shap be bodied aeparatdy Sot ib public improvenaeats, Add�p*aY, - aPP�blt savtce and srmpsct. Sus p�uacst to fisc: City' o�fFo�s� �;� C� •
and dAtat'ls� � dataps tbro� a00Oo°t � h�itM required b0 � that no coastnaction traS will be permitted � �- Access to say phased site abal! � ��
b. � 1� bear �loared � s
ale tact Maps Nos. I5839, 1584x,
15841, 15842, 15843 and 15844
Conditions of Approval
September 28, 1998
76. AgCity pidd utility meters fa to be installed per plan WE be requested through the City Fjdd
EangiQaering Division and aro to be
. accurately located on the appropriate
rP Plans usdsauiag the purpose for which they will be wed, such as: irrigation, street
g8htins or...
77. All Irnits required in order to accomplish planned eOusbruction, must be obtained prior. to
. -
constructing or' existing
.. = ;78. Accor to airy plsasad construction siteshall 1k rtitritted by * temparsry iwtailatioe
....lidaed Swsoe with loch to resoict pubic. access or othermom as approval by the *'��
but alloanng gmwSw;y vdsrda access ss per. City seceptsbte Acrangemecnts, ..: ,_. ::� •'":. _. .
79,:..Conatrucpon traffiC access t0 an an -going Phased construction site stub not be ' r
- . :'ti's - �•�y adpcmt devdoprrserst site which has beat ,.,,..,..le,d �� � _
' unless odietvHse approved by the City and acted by � �, '
�_ APPS � provneie, but nail be >irswibrd the �lovyje�g • - -
_ �' under` garexrnd utrTtY ser'hoea to eac�t
' �- �► dam. wry saa�ats, wAber, eleetrsc Powis`, telephone, and able tebvisioa~ � ...
*W► necessary as determined by dse yte'Gty, company. .. .
-� a1. The s ,h.n kiispy icarsitrssct public • -. -: . ' pet spp�v,� P� � •- .. , ; . _ .
- '.:..nod Sprafications, and the satis&ction oftir
$2. The RIPH ant aliatt provide "Capin cif record" ofttu completed pabOC rri'IprpV � -,' ' ,•
p1Aas;&tr the eatu+e project , -
83, It is the-spppcaot's r+espoesssbiGiy► to mointsin ap v I and u0ti+es within public tigbt4
' g*Y. ssrPc prior to fiat a6ceptarnce by the City.
84, Provide locations. and idmtifcati.on numbers of MR City Paid utility :Mteea in the public right -of-
. way .
83• six* tree per. Int, of a cries approved by the City shall be planted on each
fesidgmW ICA. or As 3110wn on approved bodscaping per„
$6' Tine shall fiAY coosa uct ousts and ofFm per approved plans,
the Csty Standards and SpeaficAtiow, And shag obtain the City Inspectors final m ign.
oB'nfiet mon of sale oak dance standards aro oaL . Landscape impr+ovatsanta shall Also
D2 - 24
R .
Tentative Tract Maps Nos. I5839, 15840,
15841.:15942.15843 :rod 15844
Conditions ofAPprovat
September 23, 1998
inJU" completion' of landscape dements within and abutting lettered ata dedicated foopen r
_ spaces a: well as hsndscape asateats• .'.. '
The "'PW M*`camt hu re@4 Mbovvkdges the contort ofaad-agrees to the Cotndtiorn
of APPS for Tentative Tract Mapes Nos. 15839, 15840, 15841, 13842, 13843, and 15844.
Sigaatuire sad Tide ate
' END of coNDrizoNs
D2 - 2s .
a NIEft On and deta& previoasly &x oaArprcy � Snr:�e with lodes to restrirx public saxes, � ng �°�► ' , ace;essa �
' 48. Ptasssaat ba Seceion 66490 altar CaiSornia GoMernmaot � ���' � �
This �0. salts report must
16. '
by the Developw k&muigg looted witi�t s CPD. A AytiAeerot iA tequbW to be signed rays°Md' and sppswed ere regsar<red by the Csty g.:rgbeer• 74. t1& access to as aq poigg pisses
oflandempe maiotesrece aseessarsant 49. Ptepar+s and websnit a Raaf sand WY � Aga wlsich hr bum canPkad ske' not be Permitted
1?. T � • . sbosm dtAiw aced do•roa�aong3► � cRsdy:hoiarmj the tributaq► area, layout of of ss atbvgiae spptav+ed �, yr � by the City Sir ,
��R teievisioa °� � electrical bO°0sc use shalt not be annum � a Port as defined by the closest r�eoeivsog poem on a
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TRACT. #515839, 15840
DV Q. W.:
/ 9
10630 Town Center Dr., Suite 128
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
(909) 484-2800
Fax (909) 484-2802
`,.��•.,• Richard Krumwiede
CA Lic. #2834
AZ Lic. # 29115
NV Lic. #446
TX. Lic. #1884
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