HomeMy WebLinkAbout2267-PG-000235. Prior to issuance of building permits the applicant shall have engineered e er ed improvement pians prepared by a professional engineer registered in the State of BUILDING AND SAFETY: (See also GENERAL CONDITIONS.) California. All required public Improvements, Including, but not limited to: streets, alleys, utIIItIes, traffic signals, street 11ghts, striping, signs and markings 50. The applicant shall comply with the following Conditions of Approval: shall conform to City Standards and'Specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. (Street striping and traffic signalling to be provided by City of Fontana BI.The project shall comply with the latest adopted edition of the following under separate contract). codes: a Uniform Building -Code and its appendices and standards. 36. Prior to issuance of building permits, all drawings submitted to the City shall , ' Engineering plans shall be submitted on City b.Unlform Plumbing Code and Its appendices and standards. have correct scaled dimensions. - c.Uni form Mechanical Code and its appendices and standards. standard 24 inch x 36 inch sheets with a I inch - 40 feet scale. d. Uniform Building Security Code. e.Notionol Electrical Code. 37. Prior to the issuance of building permits, all plan check fees shall be paid with f. Title 24, California Code of Regulations. the first complete submittal for plan checking. Final determination of all pian g. Uniform Fire Code and its appendices and standards. check fees will be made prior to issuance of permits and must be paid in full before permits are issued. B2. Automatic fire s r1nkIer systems shall be in tall fn ' s ed aII new construct P cos tI n y uc o perFontana City Ordinance N o. 84 1 Design and type eof system shall be 38. Prior to Issuance of budding permits, in lieu of constructing and installing based upon the requirements of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire required public Improvements, the applicant must provide a fully executed Land Code, and the requirements of the Division of Fire Protection, Planning Development Agreement with accompanying security. The form and content of & Engineering of the San Bernardino County Fire Agency. DELETED such agreement shall be approved by the City Attorney and the City Engineer. AT PC 3-22-93. The security must be pursuant to the Government Code, Section 66499. The approved cooperative agreement between the City and SANBAG fulfills this B3.Permlis are required prior to the removal and/or demolition of structures. Condition of Approval. B4.The requirements of the Department of Environmental -Health Services and 39. Prior to issuance of building permits, all permits required in order to accomplish the Air Quality Management District shall be satisfied prior to the planned construction must be obtained prior to constructing g or joining existing i ssuan ce of any perm t If hazardous materials are stored and/or used. Improvements. B5. Any temporary building, trailer, commercial coach, etc. installed and/or 40. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant must pay all applicable service used in connection with a construction project shall comply with Fontana and impact fees pursuant to the Fontana Municipal Code. City Ordinance No. 1007. 41. Prior t the o e Issuancef building o bu n permits, e s the applicant shall B6.A11 per t r a the applicable e e e /boundar w II h p , cab e a s s a I be des n 9 pp n P P ed and constructed • y pp Y g s ucted so that the drainage fees and assessments for Infrastructure Items for the Declez Basin and outer/exterior face of the wall Is as close a possible to the property IIne. Channel and storm drain infrastructure facilities which are in effect at the time In any case, the outer/exterior face of the wall shall be within two (2) of issuance of building permits. MODIFIED AT PC 3-22-93. inches ofthe property line. i 42. Prior to issuance of building permits, all drainage easements necessary to B7.AlI new Industrial and commercial development, Including mu1tl-family accommodate the final approved grading and drainage plan shall be offered for development in commercial zones, with roofs or parts thereof that are not dedication, but maintained by the applicant until all public improvements are flat, with a minimum slope of 3:12, shall be required to have concrete, or completed and accepted for operation and maintenance. - clay tile, or metal roofs which are architecturally compatible with the buildings. 43. Prior to issuance of building permits, the owner/developer shall submit to the State Water Resources Control Board a Notice of Intent (NO i) to comply with the 88. The f l l ow i ng i tems sha l l be comp l eted and/or subm i tted to the Bu 11 d ng terms of the General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit to discharge & Safety Division, as applicable, prior to the issuance of an building storm water associated with construction activity which includes clearing, grading permits for this project: y or excavation that results in the disturbance of at least five acres of total land area. Construction activity on sites of less than five acres requires a permit if the a.Precise grading plans shall be approved. construction is part of a larger common Ian of development of sale. g p b Rough.grading completed iI Owner/developer shall submit to the City a copy of the State's approved General c.Compaction certification. Permit Issued for this project. d.Pod elevation certification. e. Rough grade inspection signed off by a City Building Inspector. 44 Prior t Issuance o ssua ce of occupancy r a c permits, the developer shall s a full construct p y p p public y improvements per approved plans and the Standard City Specifications, and the B9.Not Used. satisfaction of the City Engineer. BIO. Not Used. 45. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the applicant shall provide, but not be limited to, the following underground utility services: sanitary sewers, water, electric power, gas, telephone, cable television. 46. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the applicant shall provide copies of record' of the completed public improvement construction plans for the entire project. 47. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the applicant shall provide a certificate from the engineer of record attesting to the completion of finish grading, in accordance with the City approved grading plan. 48. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the applicant shall fully construct landscape improvements on-site and off-site per approved plans, the City Standards and Specifications, and shall obtain the City Inspector's final inspection sign -off. z 49. Prior to issuance of occupancy permits, the owner/developer shall submit to the a CLW N w City a copy of the Notice of Completion approved by the State Water Resources W w Control Board for the project's cancellation of its General Construction Activity W Storm Water Permit. a ` �SIQNca W a. ' � W No 34931` 0 a Exp. U) sl,9lf o O w Z FCAUF CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA CHECKED BY ! DR.NO. DATE Zw APPROVEDr V" p 1 . t'r is __CITY ENGINEER RE. NO. I - PZ /. w DESIGNED BY CONTRACT N0. M -- _ � Information confidential ` -— all plans, drawings, specifi P. APODACA SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHOR I TY 06320 cations. and or information eROFEss/oyQ� COMMUTER RAiL SAN BERNARDINO LINE furnished herewith sha I I DRAWN BYDRAW I NG NO. N Z remain the property of the R. H O L G U I N ��Qc�O o�PNE KRQi,�� ��� C R R A Profess i ona l Eng i neer i ng Services and Staff Support for the Metrolink Regi ona I Ra i I System 16777 ORANGE A Y F O N T Ai A CALIFORNIA P " 2 Southern California Regional � G-0002 w Rail Authority and CHECKED BY'I a ---- a Ol �1 PARSONS DE LEUW Ii�C.0 LREd I S ION SHEET NO. B. W 1 L SON No. ETo` o shall be held confidential, r34g31 - i ' and sha I I not be used for � Z R. 'IS, Inc.jC1 00 West Walnut 5tr9et any purpose not provided APPROVED BYM1 Pasadena, California 91124 0 N CONDITIONS _ M U� for In agreements with the D. K R A V I F OF APPROVAL 2/ 3 Exp' 9/ 0/ 9 "I CO%20/93 Addendum (—N@W Draw I rl — l n I t I a l l SSue Southern California Regional flgl CIVIL ���� SCALE M � Rail Authority. DAT F OF CA��F� Z REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY U6. APP. �7/20/93 APPROVED: RELEASED: � ,,✓� %/ NONE m N G:\projec+s\dcco\orange\ce\t'ontge2. dgn ,j I I