HomeMy WebLinkAbout2267-PG-0001CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL • # _ I7. The project site plan shall be developed and constructed in accordance with a CASE. Design Review 93 07 DATE: 22, 1993 p Cooperative Agreement between the City of Fontana and San Bernardino PROJECT LOCATION: 16777 Oran 9 e WaY`, Fontana, California _Associated Governments. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Contractor 1s to provide only items shown on Contract Drawings and Specifications Pr r t the construction of an modifications aII structural and aesthetic changes 18. A minimum eight -foot wide sidewalk shall be constructed by the project o o y g to the project design must be requested and approved in writing by a Case proponent along the south side of Orange Way, and the north side of the railroad Planner, Manager of Planning, and the Community Development Director. All tracks' from Juniper Avenue to Sierra Avenue. minor changes to approved construction plans must be reviewed. and .approved as , above with the additional authorization from the City .Engineer, Manager of I9. Decorative safety lighting within the parking lot and along the project's frontage on Orange Way and - Building and Safety, and Community Development Director. Major structural Serra Avenue shall be provided consistent with the ornamental and aesthetic changes exceeding the codified parameters of administrative policy lighting in the historic downtown area. shall be presented to the Planning Commission for approval. Changes made without approval as stated herein, will prevent the issuance of a Cert Ificote of LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT: (See also GENERAL CONDITIONS.) Occupancy until corrections are approved in writing by all appropriate staff. 20. All landscape and Irrigation plans shall comply with the Cityof Fontana St ndar d 2. The following Conditions of Approval shall be incorporated into all applicable Specifications. final construction plans and o copy of these conditions shall be placedon the first sheet of the final building plans prior to issuance of building permits. 21. All landscape and irrigation designs shall incorporate drought -tolerant plant materials and water -efficient irrigation systems. PLANNING: (See"also GENERAL CONDITIONS.) 22. The following plans require approval from Landscape Development, Community 3. Prior to construction of any improvements on portions of the site reserved for Services Department, prior to issuance of a building,permit. Submit 2 copies for - future use (i.e. designated on the plans to remain vacant or unchanged in the review: interim),the developer shall file a new Design Review Application for review and approval by the Planning Commission, a.Londscope construction plan and details. b. Irrigation pIan and details. 4. Approvalofthe Design Review shall be valid for a period of two years, with no c. Planting pIan and details. .time extension. Said time limit requires the issuance of a building permit and the 23, .Landscape maintenance bonding is required for one year. Bond amount will be commencement of construction prior to the expiration date. computed based upon current rate in effect when9 .Buildin Permits are issued. 5. Areas designated for off-street parking spaces, required access drives and p al maneuvering areas shall not be used for. the outdoor storage of .materials, 24. The Landscape Architect is responsible for on-site inspections and Instlation , equipment or inoperative vehicles. guarantee according to approved plans. A Certificate of Completion shall be filed with Landscape Development requesting a Final Inspection of Occupancy. 6. Exterior lighting shall be arranged or shielded in such a manner as to direct. illumination -on-site and to avoid glare on any adjoining site. 25. Street trees are required to be planted in accordance with city standards. Species to be determined by Landscape Development. 7. The following parking facility improvements shall be provided: 26. The applicant must comply with the Tree Mitigation Ordinance No. 985. a. The surface shall be paved with hard, durable plant mix asphaltic . 27. The applicant shall retain the existing trees on site as per the recommendation of pavement at least 2 inches thick after, compaction or with Portland Cement 9 o certified arborist A -tree mitigation program shall be submitted, reviewed and Concrete at (east 3 inches thick, approved prior to the issuance of grading permits. b. Wheel stops shall be provided where necessary to protect a structure or 28. The applicant shall provide a meandering, undulating mounding at the front and : other parking vehicles. p 9 9 g Y setback. c. The developer shall provide directional s1gns and. striping (of parking spaces, aisles, and driveways) as necessary to ensure safe and efficient 29. The applicant shall provide Iown and street trees at parkway. operation of the parking facility. d.A parking area for anon -residential use shali be illuminated. FIRE AGENCY: (See also GENERAL CONDITIONS.) 8. The project 1s subject to Fire Fees per City Ordinance, which shall be paid prior 30. No comments. to the issuance of building permits. ENGINEERING (See also GENERAL CONDITIONS.) 9. The applicant shall provide decorative parking lot light poles for the front parking area. 31. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall prepare and submit a final hydrology and hydraulic study showing the tributary area, layout of storm 10. Parking lot light poles are not permitted at the end of landscape islands. drains, and downstream impacts to a point as defined by the closest receiving point on a master storm drain line or existing facility as approved by the City 11. Transformers are not permitted in any landscape area adjacent to the street. Engineer. The study shall identify off-site and on-site runoff impacts resulting from build -out of -permitted General Plan uses, the project's contribution, 12. A sign program shall be developed for the project consistent with applicable city locations and sizes of catchments and system connection points plus all codes that may include slgnage.installed along Sierra Avenue by the City. Prior downstream drainage mitigation measures. All recommendations resulting from to installation of any signs, the sign program shall be approved by the City the final approved study shall be included In the improvement design submittals. Planning Commission. 32. Prior to issuance of building permits, the project shall be served by the City's 13. A trash receptacle shall be provided at or near each platform canopy. sanitary sewer system and all sewer facilities shall be constructed In accordance with the Master Sanitary Sewer Plan and as approved by the City Engineer. 14. A kiosk shall be provided on the station site providing information about (Projects located outside the city limits will be required to execute an Annexation transportation and the City of Fontana. Agreement with the City.) DELETED AT PC 3-22-93. 15. All intersections within the parking lot should be designed and constructed with 33. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant must prepare and submit a enhanced decorative concrete paving. final grading plan showing building footprints, pad elevations, finished grades, Z W drainage routes, drainage acceptance approvals, retaining/non-retaining walls andu: ZE a TRANSPORTATION PLANNING: (See also GENERAL CONDITIONS.) elevations, erosion control, slope easements and other pertinent information In w accordance with Chapter 70 of the U.B.C. Additionally, this pion must be 11 accompanied b a report on the disposition of the Trees and Shrubs In accordance 16. A traffic control plan shaII be developed for the project to accommodate the oROEst, y p M - additional traffic to the area associated with the project.controls �R with Chapter 30 of the Fontana Municipal c i pa I Code. % Z Traffic sha l I be���.Q�a - w constructed and installed per the cooperative agreement between the City and San`"�, W w W 34, Prior to Issuance of building permits, the applicant mush have an approved set of Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG). (Traffic Control Plan completed by No,3a93 o E9public improvement plans on file with the City Engineer's office. N a City of Fontana). Q Z 0 Cr co CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA o v o CHECKED BY f I. , APPROVED ,ii�/ tT KF� "• y:' Imo. `` C F TY ENGINEER RE. NO. � CONTRACT NO. C6320 ,, Z w Information confidential DESIGNED BY n %D � - al I plans, drawings, specifI- P. APODACA oFEss�o I I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REGIONAL RAIL AUTHORITY COMMUTER RAIL SAN BERNARDINO LINE cations. and or Information QR NQ! DRAWING N0. furnished herewith shall DRAWN BY �E KRAp16777 ORANGE WAY, Engineering Services and Staff Support for the Metroiink RegionaI RaiI System remain the property of the R. HOLGU I N Sp r 000 I r, Z Southern California Regional >< z Rail Authortty and CHECKED BY ti rr^., 1�_iL_ -tlPAREC�24S DE.LEUW, lNC:.REVISION SHEET N0. i B, W i LSON No. F A M E R L 01 INE I fc Fok L #% mm" A shaII be heId confdenttaI C34931 F� R. Hmis, Ins. 100 West 4Yalnut Streetand shall not be used for0 � z} Pasadena.CaI1forn1a 9I'I24 (�c/�e /any purpose not provided APPROVED BYp Exp. �9`L V ® ®' T' V ®F A ®VA f. / NW-IREV. for in agreements with the D. KRAV I F SQ _SCALE 0 7/20/93 Addendum I -New Drciw I n - I n i t i (i I Issue Southern Cal tfornia Regional DAT qlF CIVIL Fa�� Ra 1 I Authortty. F CACr BY/20/93 APPROVED: RELEASEQ: NONEco DATE DESCRIPTION ua. APP.� �/ N G:\projects\deco\orange\ce\fontgel.dgn