HomeMy WebLinkAbout5132-13r I ; 1 I I I ce LANTING SPECIFICATIONS I. GENERAL SITE PLANNING The Owner shall have a soil analysis made after completion of the rough grading. The Contractor shall incorporate all soil amendments and fertilizers prescribed herein. The soil preparation specified below shall be adjusted according to the analysis, after approval from landscape architect. A. Weed Control for Lawn, Shrub & Ground Cover Areas (Except Slopes) 1. Remove all existing weeds from surface. Remove all roots of Bermuda - Johnson Grass, etc. and dispose of off site. 2. Install irrigation. 3. Fertilize all shrub/ground cover areas. Apply 10 lbs. of 16-20-0 commercial fertilizer per 1,000 sq. ft. or as directed by soils report. 4. Water all shrub/ground cover areas for three (3) weeks to germinate weed seeds. Apply water at low rate to avoid erosion. 5. Licensed applicator shall apply systemic weed killer to all planting areas per manufacturer's specifications. B. Soil Preparation & Finish Grading 1. Rough grade: Site to be received by Landscape Contractor to within 1/10 foot plus or minus by owner based upon Civil Engineer's grading plan. 2. Finish grade: Finish grading to consist of grading, raking and hand work necessary to achieve desired contour and flow line patterns, based upon Civil Engineer's plans, resulting in evenly finished surfaces free of debris and litter. 3. Spread over all lawn, shrub and ground cover areas, amendments and fertilizer prescribed in soils report. Thoroughly mix into soil to depth to of 6" or more and fine grade. Shape mounds as shown on plans. Contractor to import soil necessary to attain design grades and berms, all import soil shall be free of weeds, debris, and have balanced Ph. Smooth and even grading without depressions or high spots, to provide smooth and even surfaces for proper drainage. Final grade shall be 1" below walk/top of curb. Remove from the site all stones over 2" in size. C. Planting Plant trees, shrubs and ground cover as called for where indicated on Planting Plan and as detailed on Planting Detail sheet. Substitutions of plants will not be accepted unless approved by Landscape Architect. 1. Ground Cover - Flats and/or Cuttings All plant materials specified as rooted cuttings or flat stock on Planting Plan shall remain in the flats until time of transplanting. The flat soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that soil does not fall apart when lifting plant from flat. Ground cover plants shall not allowed to dry out before or while being planted. Roots shall not be exposed to the air except while actually being planted. Wilted plants will not be accepted. At the time of planting, the soil around each plant shall be firmed sufficiently to force out air pockets. Plants to be planted in triangular spacing as specified O.C. (On Center). All cuttings shall be minimum of 6" long. Install plants in 6" X 6" planting pits. Water immediately after each planting until one inch of water penetration is obtained. Care shall be exercised at all times to protect the plants after planting. Any damage to plants by trampling or other operations of this contract shall be repaired immediately. 2. Shrub & Trees Plant all container -grown plants in planting pits, two (2) times wider and two (2) times deeper than the container, as directed on Planting Detail sheet. Thoroughly mix 1/3 organic backfill (Nitrolized Redwood Shavings or equal) and the amendments specified in the soils analysis with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. Install Plant Tablets, per the manufacturer's instructions and as detailed on Planting Detail Sheet. Contractor shall construct basins around all trees not in lawn areas; basins shall not exceed top of root ball crown. 3. Top Dressing Top dress all ground cover and shrub areas with 3" thick layer of OGC (Organic Ground Cover), to be specified on all planting plans. 4. Staking Stake all trees as detailed on Planting Detail Sheet. D. Special Backfill Mixes 1. Azaleas - Use 80%o coarse Peat Moss, and 20% clean top soil. 2. Camellias & Ferns - Use 50% Peat Moss, 25% Forest Humus and 25% Site Soil 3. Pots and Planters - Use Kellogg's Indoor Planter Mlx. E. Sod - See Planting Details Sheet for sod type. 1. Areas shall have a smooth and continual grade between existing or fixed controls, such as: walks, curbs, catch basins. Roll, scarify, rake and level as necessary to obtain true, even soil structure. 2. Apply fertilizers as specified on Planting Detail Sheet and mix into the soil. 3. Sod shall be installed the same day it is delivered. Sod shall not be left on pallets in the hot sun. Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damage to sod not installed on day of delivery. 4. Unroll sod carefully and place in staggered pattern of strips. Sod shall be installed against adjacent strips to eliminate joints and edges. 5. Trim sod to conform to lawn shapes designated in the Planting Plan. 6. After sod is laid, it shall be irrigated thoroughly to provide moisture penetration to at least 6" into prepared soil. 7. All sod in sodded areas shall be handled and laid in a high standard workmanship manner. All ends, joints, and cuts shall fit tightly so that there are no voids and the final appearance is one of a continuous lawn. Sections of sod less than 18" long or 9" wide shall not be used. 8. No sod area will be accepted until approved by the Landscape Architect. F. Hydroseed Turf Hydroseed all areas designated as'Hydroseeded Turf. See Planting Detail Sheet for type and quality of seed mix, fertilizer and additional amendments. 1. Application a. Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed, and fiber pulp, shall be of the 'Super Hydro -Seeder' type as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-in agitator system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fiber mulch plus a combination of 7 lbs. fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons of water. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which shall place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to be seeded. b. Preparation: The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water level has reached the heights of the agitator shaft, good circulation shall be established and at this time the seed shall be added. Fertilizer shall then be added, followed by fiber mulch. The fiber mulch shall be added to the mixture after the seed and when the tank is at least one-third filled with water. All fiber mulch shall be added by the time the tank is two-thirds to three-fourths full. Spraying shall commence immediately when tank is full c. Application: Apply hydro -mulch in the form of a slurry consisting of wood cellulose fiber, seed, chemical additives, commercial fertilizer and water. When hydraulically sprayed on the soil surgace, the hydromulching shall form a blotter -like ground cover impregnated uniformly with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rain fall and percolation to the underlying soil. Remove construction. Leave site broom -clean. 11. GENERAL SLOPE PLANTING The Owner shall have a soil analysis made after completion of rough grading. The Contractor shall incorporate all soil amendments and fertilizers prescribed herein. The soil preparation specified below shall be adjusted accordingly to the analysis after approval from the landscape architect. A. Planting Preparation 1. Slope Texturing a. Cut Slopes: These surfaces shall be roughened in a horizontal direction following the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. b. Fill Slopes: These surfaces shall be compacted and finished and alsc . oughened in a horizontal direction following the contour of the slope. The roughened texture shall be made by hand raking or similar mechanical means. 2. Weep, Eradication Procedures a. Manually remove all existing vegetation and dispose of it off-site. b. Fe,"`ilizc all planting areas with fertilizer based on Soil Labs recommendations. (See Planting Detail Sheet). Add any and all soil amendments as required, per the soil analysis. Begin watering process to activate fertilizer and additive chemicals. c. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of two (2) consecutive weeks. The Landscape F *chitect shall approve specific watering duration and frequency program designed to germinate all residual weed seeds. d. Discontinue watering process for two (2) days, then apply recommendation by licensed applicator, if perennial weeds appear on the slopes. If annual weeds appear use straight contact herbicide as pe the pest control advisor's recommendatifens. No water shall be applied for a minimum of f jur (4) days followin` application of contact weed killer. e. Allow sufficient period of time to insure that all weeds are dead. SII f. Water all planting areas thoroughly and continuously for a period of three (3) weeks. A shorter watering period may be permissible at the discretion of the Landscape Architect and/or the pest control advisor. Discontinue the watering process for one (1) day prior to the second application of the herbicide spraying. Re -apply the spraying operation with a straight contact weed killer, as per the pest control advisor's recommendations. Allow a minimum of four (4) days without irrigation, for effective final weed kill. g. Clear all desiccated weeds from the slopes to the finished grade. h. Water all planting areas on the regular irrigation controller schedule for three (3) consecutive days prior to the hydroseeding operation. i. Then allow planting area soil surface to dry out for one (1) day only, prior to the hydroseeding application. Care must be taken not to allow the soil surface to be super -saturated with water prior to the hydroseeding installation. At the same time, the soil surface should not be dry. There should be some residual moisture within the first 1/2" of soil surface. j. Begin the hydroseeding operation in all areas, as specified. 3. Planting Plant trees and shrubs as called out where indivated on Planting Plan and as detailed on Planting Detail Sheet. Substitutions of plants will not be accepted unless approved in writing by Landscape Architect. Install planting tablets as called for in legend. Plant all container grown plants in planting pits two (2) times wider and two (2) times deeper than the container. Thoroughly mix the specified materials found in the soil analysis and those specified in the Planting Detail Sheet, with the site soil, prior to backfilling of planting pits. 4. Planting Tablets (See Planting Detail Sheet) 5. Hydroseeding Specifications For Slope Areas a. Hydroseed Mix Hydroseed mix and mulch shall be amended to suit specific site conditions. Verify hydroseed mix with the Landscape Architect and Soils Report, upon results of the soil analysis. The mix shall be applied to all slope areas directly after the installation of all plant materials as final dressing. See Planting Detail Sheet for type and quantity of seed mix, fertilizer, and additional amendments. 6. Application Refer to Hydroseed Lawn Notes for hydroseed application. III. GENERAL NOTES A. Clean -Up 1. After all installation operations have been completed, remove all rubbish, excess soil, empty plant container and trash from the site daily. All scars, ruts or other marks in the area caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left in a neat, orderly condition. Leave site in broom -clean condition at the end of each working day. Hose down all paved areas, including walks and patios, upon completion of all work. B. Maintenance 1. The Contractor shall maintain during installation a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work herein specified. Plant maintenance work shall consist of applying water, weeding, caring of plants, including ground covers, shrubs, vines and trees, edging and mowing lawns, fertilizing, control of pests and diseases, and maintaining walks free of debris and dirt. Upon completion of each area of installation, the Contractor, Landscape Architect and Owner shall conduct an inspection of completed area, along with the Owner's maintenance representative. At this time, a list of corrections, if any, shall be made which are the responsibility of the Contractor. 2. After all work has been completed, inspected and accepted, all areas will be maintained for a period of ninety (90) calendar days or as long as is necessary to establish thriving trees, shrubs, turf, and ground cover without bare spots. 3. Keep all areas weed -free, adequately watered; and neatly cultivated for the ninety (90) day period. Remove all debris from site and keep the entire site broorn-clean. Mow turf areas weekly. Hydroseeded turf areas shall be irrigated after the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one (1) day. The soil surface must be kept moist at all times during the germination period to avoid desiccation of seedlings. 4. Re -seed all bare spots in turf areas at two (2) week intervals and maintain until an even stand of turf, without bare spots, is obtained. Re -seed all slope areas that fail to germinate evenly. Repair all eroded surfaces at no cost to the Owner. 5. Damage to any planted area shall be repaired immediately. Depressions caused by vehicles or foot traffic shall be filled with topsoil, leveled and replanted. Exterminate gophers, moles and repair damage. 6. The project shall be so cared for that a neat, clean condition will be presented at all times to the satisfaction of the Owner and Landscape Architect. The Landscape Contractor shall be expected to make a minimum of one weekly visit for maintenance purposes. 7. At the end of the maintenance period, all areas that have been planted shall be fertilized with commercial fertilizer, analysis and rate of application shall be per the soils report. 8. The Contractor shall request a final site visit seven (7) days prior to the end of the maintenance period. This request shall be written and directed to the Owner and the Landscape Architect. Upon written acceptance of the project, the Contractor shall be relieved of any further maintenance. C. Guarantee All turf, hand -planted and hydroseeded ground cover, and shrubs shall be guaranteed to live and grow to a period of ninety (90) days after installation and acceptance by the Owner. Trees shall be guaranteed for one year. Any material that fails to grow through the specified maintenance and guarantee period shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the Owner. D. Observation 1. Obsery ,;tion visits specified herein shall be made by the Landscape Architect or his representative. The Contractor shall request observation at least two (2) working days in advance of the time that the observation is requested. 2. Observation visits are suggested for the following parts of the work: a. Upon completion of grading and soil conditioning prior to planting. b. When trees are spotted for planting, but before planting holes are excavated. c. Written acceptance of the project to release the Contractor from further maintenance shall occur after Final Observation with the Owner or his representative at the end of the maintenance period. E. Verification of Dimensions 1. All scaled dimensions are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions and quantities, and shall immediately notify the Landscape Architect of any discrepancy between the drawings and/or specifications and actual conditions. No work shall be done in any area where there is such a discrepancy until approval for same has been given by the Landscape Architect. F. Utilities 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the location of all underground utility lines prior to any construction, so that proper precautions may be taken not to damage such lines and plant locations, promptly notify the Landscape Architect who will arrange for relocations of one or the other. Failure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility for, at his own expense, making any and all repairs for damages resulting from his work. G. Existing Trees 1. Contractor is to insure the preservation of any existing trees on the site. Damage or loss of these trees will result in replacement of equal size by the Landscape Contractor. H. See P} ting Detail Sheet for additional notes. A D. R. HORTON TRACT 18245 - CFD LANDSCAPE PLANS DRAWN BY- V SCALE: CN PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS NTS DESIGNED BY- BY- DATE: 06-16-14 CHECKED BY: PP °VED II DRAWING N0: 5132 13 SMP CIT E GINEER RCE NO. 51152 DATE 13 SUMMERS/MURPHY & PARTNERS, INC LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 34197 COAST HIGHWAY, SUITE 200 DANA POINT, CALIFORNIA 92629 (949) 443.1446 FAX (949) 443-1631 o DSC,gpF rphy 4gpc w Signature 7-31-14 e Darted �Q 9�F OF CA If These drawings and/or the accompanying specifications are the exclusive property of Summers/Murphy & Partners, Inc. and their use and publi- cation shall be restricted to the original site for which they were prepared. ',Re -use, repro- duction or publication by any method, in whole or part, is prohibited except by written permission from Summers/ Murphy & Partners, Inc. SHEEP D CRIPTI N PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS DESIGNED SMP DRAWN SMP CHECKED SMP DATE 10/30/13 JOB NO. 616005 GD FILE SHEET NUMBER OF 13 SHEETS 0 N V_ 0 I AIIJ W d 0 W CL ZI Z O An Z � V W V 9 a� J Z O V o Z V Z V z W ,e>c y Q V 00 Z O ,1 Q Q a SHEEP D CRIPTI N PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS DESIGNED SMP DRAWN SMP CHECKED SMP DATE 10/30/13 JOB NO. 616005 GD FILE SHEET NUMBER OF 13 SHEETS 0 N V_ 0 I AIIJ W d 0 W CL ZI Z O An W J V Q V 00 Z O Q Q a: O<"`�' Z9Z _ M oIC0 Z (� CO Cr N *' 3 O � N 0 0 W Z O 0. W V Z W W o aZ 4 O Ma c0w CL J 0. 'Q N� z .. W � �4 Z W Z 0 aZa co � LL O V SHEEP D CRIPTI N PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS DESIGNED SMP DRAWN SMP CHECKED SMP DATE 10/30/13 JOB NO. 616005 GD FILE SHEET NUMBER OF 13 SHEETS 0 N V_ 0 I AIIJ W d 0 W CL ZI Z O An