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2. SLOPE & PLANTING AREA PREPARATION E. From the time any planting is done, until the end of the maintenance period, the Contractor (2) Repair all dented or damaged pipe by cutting out the dented or damaged section and Polychemical Service, Gardena, California, or approved equal.
shall maintain a sufficient number of men and adequate equipment to perform the work herein rejoining with a coupling. I. Caution shall be utilized in handling Type I pipe due to the possibility of
A. Scarification - Prior to installation of the irrigation system, the surface of all slopes shall be specified. cracking or splitting when dropped or handled carelessly.
cleaned and grubbed to prepare the slope surface for weeding. C. Connection to Utilities j. Where called for on drawings, pipe shall be bell end, conforming to ASTMD-
F. The Contractor will be relieved from maintenance work when the final plant establishment and 2672. Install concrete thrust blocks as recommended in Johns-Mansville
B. Mulch - shall be Silva Fiber Plus (at 2,000 pounds per acre), a green colored, fibrous mulch, maintenance work had been completed to the satisfaction of the Owner. (1) Source of water and power supply: Verify and be familiar with the location, size and installation guide No. TR -624, where conditions dictate.
no growth or germination inhibiting factors. Silva Fiber Plus is manufactured in detail of stubouts provided as the source of water and electrical supply to the irrigation
such a manner that after addition of seed, fertilizer, water and additives in a special 1500 -gallon G. Damage to planting areas shall be replaced immediately at the Contractor's expense. system, as shown on the plans. Source of supply and point of connection shall be (2) PVC High Impact Pipe - Type 2110 (PVC Schedule 40 and 80)
slurry tank, the fibers and above materials will become uniformly mixed to form a existing stub -outs at approximate locations as shown on plans (unless otherwise
homogeneous slurry; and using the green color to facilitate proper distribution, the slung shall H. Depressions caused by vehicles, bicycles, or foot traffic, shall be filled and leveled. Replant noted). a. Type II Grade I High Impact Pipe.
be hydraulically sprayed onto the ground forming a blotter -like ground cover which after damaged areas. b. Outside diameter of pipe shall be the same size as iron pipe.
application will allow the absorption and retention of moisture. Suppliers shall be prepared to (2) Existing utilities and conditions: Prior to cutting into the soil, locate all cables, C. Pipe shall be marked at intervals not to exceed 5 feet with the following
certify that laboratory and field testing of their product has been accomplished, and that it I. Exterminate gophers and moles, ground squirrels, and repair damaged as above. conduits, sewer septic tanks, and other utilities as are commonly encountered information: 7D)
meets all of the foregoing requirements, based on testing, Weight specifications of these material underground and take proper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements. Manufacturer's name, nominal pipe size, PVC type and grade (i.e. PVC
from suppliers, and for all application, shall refer only to air dry weight of the fiber material. J. All paved areas will be washed and maintained in a neat and clean condition at all times, as If a conflict exists between such obstacles and the proposed work, promptly notify the 2110), schedule, NSF approval and commercial standard designation CS 207 -
Absolute air dry weight based on the normal standards of the Technical Association of the Pulp directed by the Owner. Owner who will arrange for relocations. Proceed in the same manner If rock layer or 60.
Industry for Silva Fiber Plus is considered equivalent to 10% moisture. Each package of Silva any other conditions encountered underground make changes advisable. d. PVC pipe shall comply with standards set forth in CS 207-60.
Fiber Plus shall be marked by the manufacturer to show the air dry weight content. K. Pinch -prune all shrubs and trees to encourage new growth and to eliminate rank sucker e. PVC schedule 40 shall not be threaded.
growth. remove all old flowers and dead foliage and limbs. Do no major pruning without a. Where investigation of subsurface conditions has been made by a qualified f. Fittings shall be PVC Schedule 40 or 80, Type II, NSF approved, as required. 00
C. Seed Mixes For Turf the approval of the Owner. Remove damaged branches on tree back to point of growth. body In areas in which local materials may be obtained, the Contractor may g. All threaded PVC pipe shall be Schedule 80, Type 2110.
Turf Seed Mix: "Rebel"
Treat cuts over 2" in diameter with an approved tree wound dressing. request the use of such information but will be directly responsible for its h. Solvent shall be #175 or #710 Gray, NSF approved as manufactured by a 45,000 sq ft - 1 move L. During the maintenance period, should the appearance of any plant indicate weakness and verification and accuracy. Industrial Polychemical Service, Gardena, California, or approved equal.
2500.00 #/A wood cellulose fiber probability of dying, immediately replace that plant with a new and healthy plant of the same D. Inspection
550.00 #/A turf tyype tall fescue blend (3) UVR - PVC - "Brownline" pipe.
400.00 #/A 15-15-15 commercial fertilizer type and size without additional cost to the Owner. Where called for - on grade pipe shall be UVR - PVC pipe anchored at 10' intervals
(1) At all times permit the Owner or his authorized agents to visit and observe the work or with re -bar. All UVR - PVC pipe shall be installed per manufacturer's
M. At the end of the maintenance period, all plant material shall be in a healthy growing any part thereof. Maintain proper facilities and provide safe access for such recommendations.
D. Weed Abatement Program - Upon completion of the irrigation system and after all existing condition. observations to all parts of the work. Where the specifications require work to be co
weeds have been removed form the planting areas, the following weed preservation shall be used: tested, it shall not be covered up until tested or approved by the Owner and governing (4) When connection is plastic to metal, male adapters shall be used. The male adapter
N. Contractor shall continue the maintenance period past the specified data at no additional cost agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Owner and shall be hand tightened, plus one tum with a strap wrench. Joint compound shall be
Apply fertilizer mixture by spray per acre as follows: to the Owner until all deficiencies have been corrected. required agency (48 hours notice minimum required), where and when such work is nonhardening sealing compound compatible to plastics. Compound must not lubricate
300 Ib. 12-12-12 commercial fertilizer
in readiness for testing. Should any such work be covered without such test or the joint.
300 Ib. urea formaldehyde approval, it shall, if so ordered, be uncovered at the Contractor's expense. B.
Brass Pipe
1000 Ib. agricultural gypsum
(2) Observations Required
(1) Where Indicated on the drawings, brass pipe shall be red brass screwed pipe
Apply pre -emergent herbicide as recommended by a licensed pest control advisor to be IRRIGATION a. Prestart Meeting conforming to Federal Specification #ww P-351.
compatible with the seeded plant varieties. b. Layout of control equipment and heads.
C. Main line pressure test and trench depth check. (2) Fittings shall be red brass conforming to federal specification WW -P-460.
Apply mixture per the following time schedule: d. Lateral trench depth check.
Fertilize/water 21 days
1. SCOPE e. Coverage test and prefinal observation. C. Galvanized Pipe
f. Final observation.
Wait 2 days Furnish all materials, tools, equipment and labor required to install a complete operable irrigation (1) Where indicated on the drawings, galvanized steel pipe shall be ASA Schedule 40,
Spray the pre -emergent per Pest control system as indicated on the drawings, as specified and as necessary to complete the contract, including, E. Standard of Installation - Material and workmanship shall be In accordance with local codes mild steel screwed pipe.
Advisor recommendations 7-10 days but not limited to, these major items: and ordinances of legally constituted authorities, except that where provisions of these
Fertilize/Water 14 days specifications exceed such requirements, these specifications shall govern. (2) Fittings shall be medium galvanized screwed beaded malleable iron. Galvanized
Spray Weed Mixture 7 days couplings may be merchant coupling.
Fertilize/water 14 days A. Irrigation system and related appurtenances. F. Preservation and Cleaning - Cleanup all work as it progresses. At frequent intervals, and at
Spray Weed Mixture 7 days all times when directed by the Owner, remove and dispose of accumulations of rubbish and (3) All galvanized pipe and fittings installed below grade shall be painted with two (2)
Grub/Clean all areas to prepare for Seeding 2 days B. Connections to water and electrical utilities. debris of all kinds. At the time of completion, the entire site shall be cleared of tools, coats of Koppers #50 Bitumastic and wrapped with 20 mil tape.
Plant 23 days maximum equipment, rubbish, etc., all of which shall be left in proper, clean condition ready for
TOTAL 100 days maximum C. Excavation and backfill of pipe trenches. acceptance. (4) All nondomestic galvanized pipe installed on grade shall be stenciled or identified
3. PLANTING with green tape at all connections and continuously along its length.
D. Record drawings and guarantees. G. Completion - The work shall be accepted in writing when the entire scope of work has been
completed satisfactorily to the Owner. In judging the work, no allowance for deviation from D. Copper Pipe and Fittings - Where indicated on the drawings, copper pipe shall be type "K"
A. Trees and Shrubs - Trees and shrubs can be planted after weed germination and during the E. Permits and licenses. the original plans and specifications will be made unless previously approved by the Owner. sweat soldered pipe.
contact kill of weeds, as specified.
F. Testing of completed systems. (1) When any item appears on the plan and not In the specifications, or in the E. Sleeves- Must have seperate sleeve for each landscape component; mainline pipe, lateral
B. Hydroseeding specifications and not on the plan, it shall be considered in both. line pipe, wires.
G. Cleanup
(1) When all weeds have been eliminated to the satisfaction of the landscape architect and (2) The Owner or his authorized representative shall have the final authority on all items
Owner's authorized representative, the hydroseeding operation may begin. 2. QUALITY ASSURANCE of the project. Risers
(2) The materials for seeded areas shall be machine mixed before application. A. Qualifications of Installers - Provide at least one person who shall be present at all times H. Equipment to the Furnished - Irrigation equipment, operating keys and spare parts shall be
during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type furnished to the Owner as shown on the plans. All sprinkler heads shall have risers as shown in the detail drawings.
(3) The mixture of stolons or seed and additives are to be applied by a Hydro -Mulching of materials being installed and the material manufacturers' recommended methods of
machine. The nozzle height shall be between 6' and 10' above the ground level, installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. I. Service by the Contractor - The Contractor shall service the system at the Owner's request Valves
Discharged pressure at the nozzle shall be 100 psi. during the guarantee period and shall be paid for work performed which is not covered by the
B. Codes and Standards - In addition to complying with all pertinent codes and regulation, guarantee. If requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish the Owner with a schedule A. Gate Valves
(4) Spraying shall be done in a sweeping motion allowing the slurry to fall evenly and comply with the latest rules of the National Electrical Code and the Electrical Safety Orders of of service fees.
eventually build up a consistent matting. the State of California, Division of Industrial Safety Orders of the State of California, Division (1) Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be 125 Ib. SWP bronze gate valve with screw-in
of Industrial Safety, for all electrical work and materials. J. Final Acceptance - Within 10 days of the Contractor's notification that the installation is bonnet, nonrising stem and solid wedge disc.
(5) Soil moisture: Area to be planted shall be Irrigated to obtain 12 Inched of penetration. complete, the Owner and required agencies will observe the installation and, if final acceptance
Spraying shall be done 4 to 7 days prior to planting. 3. SUBMITTALS is not given, will prepare a "punch list" which, upon completion by the Contractor, and () quipped with a
2 Gate valves 3" and smaller shall have threaded ends and shall be e
approved by the Owner, will signify final acceptance by the Owner. bronze hand wheel or operating nuts.
C. Mixture For Planting A. Materials List -Within thirty-five (35) calendar days after award of contract, and before any
irrigation system materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Owner a complete list of K. Irrigation Guarantee (3) Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be similar to those manufactured by Kennedy or
(1) Commercial fertilizer shall be applied at the following rates: 50 Ib/acre 16-20-0 all irrigation system materials proposed to be furnished and installed. approved equal.
(Best Fertilizer Company Crop maker or equal) (1) The entire Irrigation system g y shall be unconditionally guaranteed by the Contractor as
(1) Show manufacturer's name and catalog number for each item; furnish the to material and workmanship, including setting of backfilled areas below grade for a (4) All gate valves shall be installed per detailed drawings.
(2) Fiber material (Conwed 2000) at the rate of 2,000 Ib/acre. manufacturer's recommendations as to method of installation. period of one year following the date of final acceptance of the work.
B. Quick Coupling Valves -Quick coupling valves shall be of manufacturer shown on the
(3) Water with mixture of 3,000 gallons/acre. (2) Upon approval by the Owner, the manufacturer's recommendations shall become the (2) If, within one year from the date of completion, settlement occurs and adjustments in drawings or approved equal. Each quick coupler shall have a molded vinyl locking cover.
basis for acceptance or rejection of actual methods of installation used in the work. pipe, valves, and irrigation heads, sod or paving to the proper level of the permanent Upon completion of the contract and prior to final acceptance, supply the Owner with quick
(4) Stabilizing binder - 120 Ib/acre for slopes, 80 Ib/acre for flat areas grades, the Contractor as part of the work under this Contract, shall make all coupler keys and hose ells of the quantity called for on the plans. The quick coupler keys and
(3) Do not permit any irrigation system component to be brought onto the job site until it adjustments without extra cost to the Owner, including complete restoration of all hose ells shall be of the same manufacturer as the coupling valve. All Quick coupling valves
D. Watering - Immediately after planting, the slopes and other planting areas shall be watered has been approved by the Owner or his representative. damage planting, paving or other improvements. shall be Installed per detailed drawings.
with a fine spray, care being taken to avoid erosion, and the planted area kept moist until the
seed has germinated (or the plants have become established). (4) Approval of any item or alternate item indicates only that it apparently meets the (3) Should any operational difficulties in connection with the irrigation system develop C. Remote Control Valves
requirements of the drawings on the basis of the information submitted, and does not within the specified guarantee period, which in the opinion of the Owner may be due
E. Cleanup - After completion of the work, all rubbish and surplus material shall be removed relieve Contractor of any responsibility. to Inferior material or workmanship, said difficulties shall be immediately repaired at (1) The electric remote control valves shall be of the type and manufacturer shown on the
from the site, and it shall be left neat and clean. no additional cost to the Owner, including any and all other damage caused by such drawings, or approved equal, and installed per detailed drawings and manufacturer's
4. PLANT ESTABLISHMENT B. As -Built Drawings defects.
(1) During the course of installation, carefully show in red line on a print of the irrigation L. Permits and Licenses - Unless otherwise stated, secure the required licenses and permits (2) Valves shall be installed minimum 12" from all fixed objects and 30" apart.
A. Irrigation - The irrigation will be operated to provide an optimum amount of surface system drawings all changes made to the irrigation system during installation. including payments of charges and fees, give required notices to public authorities, and verify
moisture for germination of the seeded varieties avoiding all run-off and deep saturation of permits secured or arrangements made by others affecting the work of this section. D. Pressure Regulating Valves - Pressure regulating valves shall be of the type and manufacturer
water. (2) Dimension from easily identifiable permanent features (buildings, monuments, shown on the drawings, or approved equal, and installed per detailed drawings and
sidewalks, pavement, etc.) points of connection (water and electrical), wire routing, 5. MATERIALS manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Fertilization - The area shall be hydro -fertilized every 30 days after planting with the following sprinkler main routing, valve locations and other related equipment as directed by Owner.
combination of materials: 250 Ib. acre 16-6-8 (Best Fertilizer Company Crop Maker or Materials listed in this section encompass the general items encountered. If products listed below are E. Check Valves - Anti -drain valves shall be of heavy duty virgin PVC or brass construction
equal) (3) Upon completion of the Irrigation system installation, carefully transfer the as -built not used for the project being installed, they are to be omitted. with F.I.P. thread inlet and outlet. Internal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti -
data to reproducibles as specified in the General Conditions and submit one legible drain valves shall be field adjustable against drain out from 5 to 40 feet of head. The anti-
c. Pre -Emergent Herbicide - Sixty (60) days after planting, apply a broad spectrum pre -emergent copy as described under "As-Buifts" below, to the Owner. 6. PIPE drain valve, where indicated on the plans, shall have an excess flow feature which will
herbicide as recommended by an experience licensed pest control advisor. automatically stop the flow of water when it exceeds the GPM preset by the manufacturer. The
C. Submittal of "As-Buifts" - Upon completion of the irrigation system installation, and as a A. PVC anit-drain and excess flow valve shall be similar to the Valcon ADV -XS, Rain Bird SM -1 or
5. MAINTENANCE condition of it's acceptance, deliver to the Owner the As -Built drawings referred to above. The approved equal. Sprinkler heads having check valves in heads will not require additional check
delivery of the As -Built Drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of (1) PVC Pressure Rated Pipe - Type 1220 (PVC Class 200 and 315 and PVC Schedule valves.
A. Maintenance of the project shall be for a period of 60 days. furnishing required information that may have been omitted. 40-1120.
F. Rain sensors - Rain sensors shall be of the type and manufacturer shown on
B. Maintenance shall include all watering, fertilization, mowing, weeding, cultivation, spraying and 4. Product Handling a. Type I Grade II pressure rated pipe. the drawings or approved equal and installed per manufacturer's recommendations and detailed
pruning necessary to keep the plant materials in a healthy growing condition and to keep the b. Materials shall meet requirements set forth in the ASTM current standards. drawings.
planted areas neat and attractive throughout the maintenance period. A. Protection - Use all means necessary to protect irrigation system materials before, during, and C. Outside diameter of pipe shall be the same size as iron pipe,
after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. d. Pipe shall be marked at intervals not to exceed 5 feet with the following 9. VALVE BOXES
C. Protect all planted areas against damage, including erosion and trespassing, by providing and Information:
maintaining proper safeguards. B. Replacements - In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements Manufacturer's name, nominal pipe size, PVC type and grade (i.e. PVC All valves, including pressure regulating valves, remote control valves and gate valves shall be installed
necessary to the approval of the Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1220), S.D.R. rating class, NSF approval and commercial standard designation in suitable valve boxes as shown in details. (RCV boxes shall have locking covers.)
D. During the maintenance period, all planted areas shall be kept well watered and weed free at CS
all times, (1) Exercise care in handling loading, unloading and storingplastic pipe and fittings e. PVC s
hall comply
with standards set forth in CS 256-63.
cover until ready to install; transport plastic pipe only on a vehicle with a bed long f. PVC Type I shall not be threaded.
enough to allow the pipe to lay flat to avoid undue bending and concentrated external g. PVC fittings shall be Schedule 40 or 80, PVC Type 11.
load. h. Solvent shall be #715 Gray NSF approved as manufactured by Industrial
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