HomeMy WebLinkAbout4571-1W J 01 )01 low ' A -1040 N e 04100° L 1647` rUN 4J'- u 164.%71 2. ,�G %�ti --- 330.171 PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTE TO CONTRACTORS ` tl• THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS- TO THE BEST -OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THl RE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON 71WSE PLANS: THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, THE OWNER, AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL IJABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: The engineer preparing these plsw will not be re+ponibie for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. AU changes to the plans must be in writing and must be. approved by the preparer of these plans. Underground Service Alert 6 ERCH M AK K • San brrnardirlo County 6cnoh Mark No• b144. a Cali: TOLL FREE GhiS "x" in Top of Curb at Soufh IZcturn, 5oufhca-et Gornar of 1-800 Galabayh Avenuc and Foothill boulevard, 422-4133 Elevation: I2o7. ��6 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DOG PAKGEL N0. 022!9 - 071 -12 3. C T�x 9. use ����13s v c, 19A I� G L t ; N �� 9 43 4- E �� 0 � (D',o II. GOT TOWWOO P AVENUE Iug U_ ,s 4 - 10 J Ll. K1W 33' 33' K/W li' 22' 22' I I' 14.5' 6.5' 13' '' 6.5' 1.+15,1 Featht 1 Z' 2' Mite. T •Yar, x•25 y y� �'Jk :1 11=%) V'af 1.87 °� ::• ;e. TO Z y3 yA . g TYPICAIEcTto14 GOTTONWOOt7 AVENUE FIELD BOOK REF. QAOFEssioa . Sof ooIOA, OdU. ENGINEERING and ASSOCIATES J� c LAND PLANNING AND CIVIL. ENGINEERING Cc No. 36361 = z e-30-04 a �f TIE3 N. "D" BTREETi SUITE I' - SAN SERFOARDIHO ,CALIF. 02401 Elqx*l' CiJll �Ir Phones (909) 964-7090 le -e- (909) 984-0124 SOF chi S��e,� Je-C 5 , 2A O 5urcroh Ooddiah, K.G. I-• 36361 nate ARK I• RE RE M v T L -dam i,SYIRISE �, ST .1110 5�:. AK F -00-M , V £ z g yl 13100 e IL u oma. _'3� - N V C 0 0 + a MIX n `tvr / " ' s 6 PRIVATE ENGINEER'S NOTE TO CONTRACTORS ` tl• THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH OF THE AVAILABLE RECORDS- TO THE BEST -OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THl RE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON 71WSE PLANS: THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, THE OWNER, AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL IJABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES & USES: The engineer preparing these plsw will not be re+ponibie for, or liable for, unauthorized changes to or uses of these plans. AU changes to the plans must be in writing and must be. approved by the preparer of these plans. Underground Service Alert 6 ERCH M AK K • San brrnardirlo County 6cnoh Mark No• b144. a Cali: TOLL FREE GhiS "x" in Top of Curb at Soufh IZcturn, 5oufhca-et Gornar of 1-800 Galabayh Avenuc and Foothill boulevard, 422-4133 Elevation: I2o7. ��6 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DOG PAKGEL N0. 022!9 - 071 -12 3. C T�x 9. use ����13s v c, 19A I� G L t ; N �� 9 43 4- E �� 0 � (D',o II. GOT TOWWOO P AVENUE Iug U_ ,s 4 - 10 J Ll. K1W 33' 33' K/W li' 22' 22' I I' 14.5' 6.5' 13' '' 6.5' 1.+15,1 Featht 1 Z' 2' Mite. T •Yar, x•25 y y� �'Jk :1 11=%) V'af 1.87 °� ::• ;e. TO Z y3 yA . g TYPICAIEcTto14 GOTTONWOOt7 AVENUE FIELD BOOK REF. QAOFEssioa . Sof ooIOA, OdU. ENGINEERING and ASSOCIATES J� c LAND PLANNING AND CIVIL. ENGINEERING Cc No. 36361 = z e-30-04 a �f TIE3 N. "D" BTREETi SUITE I' - SAN SERFOARDIHO ,CALIF. 02401 Elqx*l' CiJll �Ir Phones (909) 964-7090 le -e- (909) 984-0124 SOF chi S��e,� Je-C 5 , 2A O 5urcroh Ooddiah, K.G. I-• 36361 nate ARK I• RE RE M VICINITY MAID 12-1I-ol G1ENERAI. NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and the Standards and Specifications of the County of San Bernardino. 2. A Permit will be required from the San Bernardino County Transportation Department prior to any construction on this project. 3. An Encroachment Permit must be obtained from the County Transportation Department prior to making application and issuance of permit. 4. All pipelines or substructures of any. kind (telephone poles, power poles, water meters, valves or hydrants, etc.) shown or not shown on these -plans within the limits of this development or in adjacent areas where improvement work is to be done shall be removed or relocated at the developers expense and at no cost to the County Transportation Department. It shall be the owners responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. 5. Road Department approval does not include water or sewer systems or estimate of quantities. 6. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill, compacting original ground and all subgrades shall be, performed at no cost to the County. A written report with these compaction tests shall be submitted to the County Transportation Department for approval prior to placement of base or surfacing. 7. At the completion of rough grading, a materials report and the proposed structural sections shall be submitted by the Engineer to the San Bernardino County Transportation Department, Field Engineering Division, Transportation. Permits Section, for review and evaluation by the Pavement Management Section. The submittal shall include a plat showing the location of sampling, a tabulation of sieve analysis and sand equivalent test results, a statement of recommended structural section and test data sheets for all R -value tests performed, including, expansion pressure readings. Approval will be given when all structural section requirements have been met. 8. At the completion of paving, a materials report shall_ be submitted to the County Transportation Department listing all tests or determinations completed to verify: (a) R -Value, Sieve Analysis and Sand Equivalent of Aggregate Base, (b) Stability, Oil Content and Sieve Analysis of Asphalt Surfacing. 9. Curb and Gutter, Cross Gutters and Spandrels shall be constructed so that a minimum of ponding occurs. Sections having gradients of 0.50% or flatter shall be water tested in the presence of the Inspector immediately prior to Tract Acceptance. Sections which have water ponding more than 6" wide or more than 4' long shall be sawcut and removed - in lengths not less than 4' and replaced to reduce ponding to the maximum specified. 10. Street markers, per San Bernardino County Standard Nos. 303, 303a and 303b shall be constructed at each intersection. 11. All Lateral Cuts in County maintained roadways shall be tested to verify densification to 90% Relative Compaction (R.C.) at varying depths to within 0.50' of Grading Plan. The top 0.50' shall be densified to 95% R.C. 12. All Longitudinal Cuts shall be tested in accordance with the specified limits and frequency as outlined m Section 6 of the San Bernardino County Standards and Specifications. 13. If Asphalt Concrete is placed directly on subgrade of roads or drainage facilities, a soif sterilant registered by the E.P.A. for use under A.C. and P.C.C. shall be uniformly applied at the Manufacturers recommended rate for the full pavement width prior to paving. 14. Immediately following removal of existing pavement or dikes or curb and/or gutter, the Contractor shall diligently pursue this portion of work until completion. 15, If, during construction, ground water is encountered, a system approved by San Bernardino County Transportation Department shall be installed to dewater said area at the direction of the Soils Engineer. 16. Existing County Roads which will require reconstruction shall remain open for traffic at all times with adequate detours during actual construction. 17. Transportation Department approval does not include water or sewer system or estimate of quantities TRAFFIC CONTROL - GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL signing, striping and pavement marking SHALL BE in conformance with the current edition of the TRAFFIC MANUAL, published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. 2. ALL striping and pavement markings SHALL BE thermoplastic (Alkyd Base Type). 3. ALL signs and roadside markers SHALL BE of high intensity (FHWA Type IIIA) reflective sheeting, except stop signs SHALL BE diamond grade (FHWA) reflective sheeting. 4. Signs SHALL BE mounted on metal posts similar to County Standard 303 (a) and 303 (b). 5. ALL conflicting striping and pavement markings NOT SHOWN on' the plans, SHALL BE removed by Contractor. Removal SHALL BE accomplished by sandblasting, grinding, or as directed by county Representative. 6. ALL conflicting signs SHALL BE either removed, relocated or covered by the Contractor. Relocatable signs SHALL BE installed as specified on the plans or as directed by County representative, 7. ALL existing signing, striping and pavement markings NOT SHOWN on -plans, if removed/obliterated, SHALL BE replaced/restored of same kind, and in conformance with .the current edition of TRAFFIC MANUAL published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. 8. The Contractor SHALL notify County Representative to schedule with Traffic Division personnel for a final review (walk through) and approval of Traffic Control Devices prior to project acceptance. 9. All constIruction signs shall be black on orange background with high intensity (FHWA Type III) reflective sheeting. 10. All construction signing SHALL BE in conformance with the current edition of the Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones, published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. 11. All school waming signs SHALL BE diamond grade fluorescent reflective sheeting yellow -green. GN/EFS -rieAFF/L O/✓/S/" roArz COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DESIGNED By DRAWN By CHECKED BY APPROVED BY >:� rM 5o Ic SUBMITTED BY C D E RECO APPROVED BY A9q_r 0IKeC-r0Z 0FTFANy. DATE N ED L -I -o t APPR DATE L Wa DIE-NCINEO- DATEhqe&-tort of TRANyP2PIZTA-r10N DATE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 10 -Const. AC. Pavement per the recommendation of Soils Test. 2�-Const. Min. 0.10' AC Pavement Overlay per Typ. Sec. (2Mn). 3o -Const. 8" Conc. Curb and Gutter per Std. No. 115. o --Const. 8" AC Dike per Std..No. 117. OS --Const. Conc. Sidewalk per Std. No. 109 (Type "C"). 6a --Const. Conc. Driveway Approach (W=24') per Std. No. 129 (Station as indicated on Plan). O7 - Sawcut edge of existing pavement for all AC Joints. 8�-- Install Yellow Markers per. Std. No. 304. 99 Remove Existing as indicated. 11 Protect In Place Existing as indicated. 12 Install Street Marker per Std. No.'s 303 and 303b. W. O. NO. STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS NO. FAUEL MAPWo. 15604 ROAD 5A FILE NO GOTTONWOOO AV6WUE 81 - 82 SHEET of Fontana Area 0 da flvAca. NO. 4571 i,SYIRISE �, ST .1110 5�:. AK F -00-M V Loa 1W_ g yl 13100 e - 1390 _'3� - 3 ro"�irSHO M1CCTT oFT a MIX n `tvr / " ' Ivy AV > r a SEVILLE AV i. 39 S - SEVILI y�4�. SPRIIIC ST 9 liou 12900 :3300 .'r' 13906 WH Tnw AV WITTRAM AV - 13100 I STA '< ------- THE �KCE --- °A0 LIFO sr.- � �-•rJPEEDMIq CATr VICINITY MAID 12-1I-ol G1ENERAI. NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with these plans and the Standards and Specifications of the County of San Bernardino. 2. A Permit will be required from the San Bernardino County Transportation Department prior to any construction on this project. 3. An Encroachment Permit must be obtained from the County Transportation Department prior to making application and issuance of permit. 4. All pipelines or substructures of any. kind (telephone poles, power poles, water meters, valves or hydrants, etc.) shown or not shown on these -plans within the limits of this development or in adjacent areas where improvement work is to be done shall be removed or relocated at the developers expense and at no cost to the County Transportation Department. It shall be the owners responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. 5. Road Department approval does not include water or sewer systems or estimate of quantities. 6. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill, compacting original ground and all subgrades shall be, performed at no cost to the County. A written report with these compaction tests shall be submitted to the County Transportation Department for approval prior to placement of base or surfacing. 7. At the completion of rough grading, a materials report and the proposed structural sections shall be submitted by the Engineer to the San Bernardino County Transportation Department, Field Engineering Division, Transportation. Permits Section, for review and evaluation by the Pavement Management Section. The submittal shall include a plat showing the location of sampling, a tabulation of sieve analysis and sand equivalent test results, a statement of recommended structural section and test data sheets for all R -value tests performed, including, expansion pressure readings. Approval will be given when all structural section requirements have been met. 8. At the completion of paving, a materials report shall_ be submitted to the County Transportation Department listing all tests or determinations completed to verify: (a) R -Value, Sieve Analysis and Sand Equivalent of Aggregate Base, (b) Stability, Oil Content and Sieve Analysis of Asphalt Surfacing. 9. Curb and Gutter, Cross Gutters and Spandrels shall be constructed so that a minimum of ponding occurs. Sections having gradients of 0.50% or flatter shall be water tested in the presence of the Inspector immediately prior to Tract Acceptance. Sections which have water ponding more than 6" wide or more than 4' long shall be sawcut and removed - in lengths not less than 4' and replaced to reduce ponding to the maximum specified. 10. Street markers, per San Bernardino County Standard Nos. 303, 303a and 303b shall be constructed at each intersection. 11. All Lateral Cuts in County maintained roadways shall be tested to verify densification to 90% Relative Compaction (R.C.) at varying depths to within 0.50' of Grading Plan. The top 0.50' shall be densified to 95% R.C. 12. All Longitudinal Cuts shall be tested in accordance with the specified limits and frequency as outlined m Section 6 of the San Bernardino County Standards and Specifications. 13. If Asphalt Concrete is placed directly on subgrade of roads or drainage facilities, a soif sterilant registered by the E.P.A. for use under A.C. and P.C.C. shall be uniformly applied at the Manufacturers recommended rate for the full pavement width prior to paving. 14. Immediately following removal of existing pavement or dikes or curb and/or gutter, the Contractor shall diligently pursue this portion of work until completion. 15, If, during construction, ground water is encountered, a system approved by San Bernardino County Transportation Department shall be installed to dewater said area at the direction of the Soils Engineer. 16. Existing County Roads which will require reconstruction shall remain open for traffic at all times with adequate detours during actual construction. 17. Transportation Department approval does not include water or sewer system or estimate of quantities TRAFFIC CONTROL - GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL signing, striping and pavement marking SHALL BE in conformance with the current edition of the TRAFFIC MANUAL, published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. 2. ALL striping and pavement markings SHALL BE thermoplastic (Alkyd Base Type). 3. ALL signs and roadside markers SHALL BE of high intensity (FHWA Type IIIA) reflective sheeting, except stop signs SHALL BE diamond grade (FHWA) reflective sheeting. 4. Signs SHALL BE mounted on metal posts similar to County Standard 303 (a) and 303 (b). 5. ALL conflicting striping and pavement markings NOT SHOWN on' the plans, SHALL BE removed by Contractor. Removal SHALL BE accomplished by sandblasting, grinding, or as directed by county Representative. 6. ALL conflicting signs SHALL BE either removed, relocated or covered by the Contractor. Relocatable signs SHALL BE installed as specified on the plans or as directed by County representative, 7. ALL existing signing, striping and pavement markings NOT SHOWN on -plans, if removed/obliterated, SHALL BE replaced/restored of same kind, and in conformance with .the current edition of TRAFFIC MANUAL published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. 8. The Contractor SHALL notify County Representative to schedule with Traffic Division personnel for a final review (walk through) and approval of Traffic Control Devices prior to project acceptance. 9. All constIruction signs shall be black on orange background with high intensity (FHWA Type III) reflective sheeting. 10. All construction signing SHALL BE in conformance with the current edition of the Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones, published by the State of California, Department of Transportation. 11. All school waming signs SHALL BE diamond grade fluorescent reflective sheeting yellow -green. GN/EFS -rieAFF/L O/✓/S/" roArz COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DESIGNED By DRAWN By CHECKED BY APPROVED BY >:� rM 5o Ic SUBMITTED BY C D E RECO APPROVED BY A9q_r 0IKeC-r0Z 0FTFANy. DATE N ED L -I -o t APPR DATE L Wa DIE-NCINEO- DATEhqe&-tort of TRANyP2PIZTA-r10N DATE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 10 -Const. AC. Pavement per the recommendation of Soils Test. 2�-Const. Min. 0.10' AC Pavement Overlay per Typ. Sec. (2Mn). 3o -Const. 8" Conc. Curb and Gutter per Std. No. 115. o --Const. 8" AC Dike per Std..No. 117. OS --Const. Conc. Sidewalk per Std. No. 109 (Type "C"). 6a --Const. Conc. Driveway Approach (W=24') per Std. No. 129 (Station as indicated on Plan). O7 - Sawcut edge of existing pavement for all AC Joints. 8�-- Install Yellow Markers per. Std. No. 304. 99 Remove Existing as indicated. 11 Protect In Place Existing as indicated. 12 Install Street Marker per Std. No.'s 303 and 303b. W. O. NO. STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS NO. FAUEL MAPWo. 15604 ROAD 5A FILE NO GOTTONWOOO AV6WUE 81 - 82 SHEET of Fontana Area 0 da flvAca. NO. 4571