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No. 7- 7& 74 BENCH MARK: C.11).f 1�- 11019/1�� roO. - iiv, 6A.0 iar�-t;,Wo roL*4-rf rmwey TACIA ACV -ror OF 4_091ell I' io�l OF VA. -,T Pr-,TL)I9#4, M5-, 441244&9 V T11412- WISIZ66CT104 00; vb"kly DWP r OAK �t 9� Mr 41, -t ?J n an M40 I 1KWJ +,PO-00 LIve� GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with this plan and -the San Bernardino County Standard Specifications. 2. If asphalt concrete is to be placed directly on subgrade of road or drainage facilities, a soil registered sterilant by the E.P.A. for use under AC and PCC shall be uniformly applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate for the full pavement width prior to paving. 3. At the completion of paving, a materials report shall be submitted to the e r ino oun y ranspor a ion epar men listing all tests )r determinations completed to verify: 9. R -value, sieve analysis and sand equivalent of aggregate bases. 6. Stability, oil content and sieve analysis of asphalt surfacing. 4. A permit shall be obtained from the County Transportation Department prior to any construct on. 5. All pipe lines or substructures of any kind; telephone or power poles; water meters, valves, hydrants, etc., shown or not shown on these plans, within the limits of this development or in adjacent areas where improvement work is to be done shall be removed or relocated at the developer's expense and at no cost to the San Bernardino County Transportation Department. It shall be the owner's responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. 6. All longitudinal cuts shall be tested in accordance with the specified limits and frequency as outlined in Section 6 of the San Bernardino County Standards and Specifications. 7. Immediately following removal of existing pavement or di,ke or curb and/or gutter, the contractor shall diligently pursue this portion of work until com- pletion. 8. Transportation Department approval does not include water or sewer system or estimate of quantities. 9. Existing county roads which will require reconstruction shall remain open for -- traffic at all times, with adequate detours during actual construction. 90-1 AV - upnmtTa oF QvNQTrnCWVr. I ' e; 400eF-OTE, e.AJW4151, ;1 07UTJVW_ C44 *v) J�P. oveviLt^y n -la, r -0%1W. 5r) 4. ovo4L r4ft\1e (Irv* ,P) e .7. W.0 -bo 0 12--0- .0 12o 0, ZVT 6. OVE4Z WATl%4V_ &VF* Farvize 6ugo 4vrTf4r. TYPICAL.. ew�100 wwwi& e�swvrihkA A..c,. w4am FIELD BOOK REF. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD DEPARTMENT DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY Y APPROVED BY SUBMITTED BY ASST. COUNTY ENGR. ROADS DATE MARK REVISIONS APPR DATE ASST. ROAD COMMISSIONEVENGR. DATE COUNTY ENGINEER DATE LJV5 C044. XV04V P -o 4+40s'.&O Tb e:,rAh.-. APtJ 00. 2%,Avp - I & I - ZO - S?_ It-ItpW 140. 149 - 101 W.10. NO ROAD NO. S 101-102 SHEET OrJ10, f ��Jt-� 111ol - a(. 2.0:-:1 li 0, I 4to L;W, evo. 447 L-F 4+".4o V*0--70_W '17TC7. NO. 1* (o4-0to.(0 FIV -V- W<179 -64-r 0 SCALE I" = 40' c-uIep., i ,,icrmw PNr-7 A.7.Jt7P-WA-L-Je- -7+ot4--7o -- -*o' I;;,+e4-V0 -fFr-, WA --r oil C,\ .10 iOL,' dLO 40 00 Fr 41 1!kLotso F, &+44-00 �_ 10' PIFLT VWJV00JA-( pwt7 evizo, 4 e_wrirle�p_ 7+01.0 A. -e_ P_.8gM 'TAf1FJZ cps - �J4 -rz- *4 - & FL *IV. 1,40. )4 krueper engineering & associates K civil engineering - land surveying 568 north mountain view, suite 230 s naV ornia .gn ber ino, alif 92401 884-21 9 4&A, - Date '7-7-'8'7 Calif. Reg. No. 7- 7& 74 BENCH MARK: C.11).f 1�- 11019/1�� roO. - iiv, 6A.0 iar�-t;,Wo roL*4-rf rmwey TACIA ACV -ror OF 4_091ell I' io�l OF VA. -,T Pr-,TL)I9#4, M5-, 441244&9 V T11412- WISIZ66CT104 00; vb"kly DWP r OAK �t 9� Mr 41, -t ?J n an M40 I 1KWJ +,PO-00 LIve� GENERAL NOTES 1. All work shall be done in accordance with this plan and -the San Bernardino County Standard Specifications. 2. If asphalt concrete is to be placed directly on subgrade of road or drainage facilities, a soil registered sterilant by the E.P.A. for use under AC and PCC shall be uniformly applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate for the full pavement width prior to paving. 3. At the completion of paving, a materials report shall be submitted to the e r ino oun y ranspor a ion epar men listing all tests )r determinations completed to verify: 9. R -value, sieve analysis and sand equivalent of aggregate bases. 6. Stability, oil content and sieve analysis of asphalt surfacing. 4. A permit shall be obtained from the County Transportation Department prior to any construct on. 5. All pipe lines or substructures of any kind; telephone or power poles; water meters, valves, hydrants, etc., shown or not shown on these plans, within the limits of this development or in adjacent areas where improvement work is to be done shall be removed or relocated at the developer's expense and at no cost to the San Bernardino County Transportation Department. It shall be the owner's responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. 6. All longitudinal cuts shall be tested in accordance with the specified limits and frequency as outlined in Section 6 of the San Bernardino County Standards and Specifications. 7. Immediately following removal of existing pavement or di,ke or curb and/or gutter, the contractor shall diligently pursue this portion of work until com- pletion. 8. Transportation Department approval does not include water or sewer system or estimate of quantities. 9. Existing county roads which will require reconstruction shall remain open for -- traffic at all times, with adequate detours during actual construction. 90-1 AV - upnmtTa oF QvNQTrnCWVr. I ' e; 400eF-OTE, e.AJW4151, ;1 07UTJVW_ C44 *v) J�P. oveviLt^y n -la, r -0%1W. 5r) 4. ovo4L r4ft\1e (Irv* ,P) e .7. W.0 -bo 0 12--0- .0 12o 0, ZVT 6. OVE4Z WATl%4V_ &VF* Farvize 6ugo 4vrTf4r. TYPICAL.. ew�100 wwwi& e�swvrihkA A..c,. w4am FIELD BOOK REF. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ROAD DEPARTMENT DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY Y APPROVED BY SUBMITTED BY ASST. COUNTY ENGR. ROADS DATE MARK REVISIONS APPR DATE ASST. ROAD COMMISSIONEVENGR. DATE COUNTY ENGINEER DATE LJV5 C044. XV04V P -o 4+40s'.&O Tb e:,rAh.-. APtJ 00. 2%,Avp - I & I - ZO - S?_ It-ItpW 140. 149 - 101 W.10. NO ROAD NO. S 101-102 SHEET OrJ10, f ��Jt-� 111ol - a(. 2.0:-:1 li