HomeMy WebLinkAbout4422-10PLANTING NOTES 1. EXISTING UTILITES - Information on the drawings relating to existing utility lines and services is from the best source available. All such information is furnished only for information and is not guaranteed. The Contractor shall excavate test pits as required to determine exact locations of existing utilities. Call utility locating service for precise utility locations before beginning any work. Underground Service Alert (800)422-4133. 2. UTILITY REQUIREMENTS - The Contractor shall notify the following agencies at least 48 hours in advance of excavating around any of their structures. The utility companies listed below shall be contacted: Gas company Telephone Company Electrical Power Company Cable Television Company Water Supply Company The California Public Utilities Commission mandates that, in the interest of public safety, main line gas valves be maintained in a manner to be readily accessible and in good operating condition. The Contractor shall notify the Gas Company's Headquarters Planning Office at least two (2) working days prior to the start of construction. 3. Contractor shall be responsible for making himself familiar with all underground utilities, pipes and structures. Contractor shall take sols responsibility for any cost incurred due to damage of said utilities. 4. Do not willfully proceed with planting as designed when it is obvious that unknown obstructions, grads differences and/or area differences exist that may not have been known during design. Such conditions shall be immediately brought to the attention of the owner. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for all necessary revisions duo to failure to give such notification. 5. Contractor shall be responsible for any coordination with subcontractors as required to accomplish planting operations. 6. Landscape Contractor to receive site graded to +0.10. Contractor shalt obtain Letter of Grads Certification from owner prior to project execution. 7. See Specifications for planting requirements, materials and execution. S. See Details and Specifications for staking method, plant pit dimensions and backfill requirements. 9. WEED AND EXISTING GRASS CONTROL. Weed and grass types should be identified by an approved licensed post control advisor to ensure compatibility with chemicals and season of the application. Do not use chemical/method that would adversely effect new plantings. Remove existing perennial weeds from site by mowing and grubbing. Following soil preparation and installation of all specimen trees, perform weed abatement procedure as follows: a. Apply 100 lbs. 46-0-0 commercial fertilizer per acro according to manufacturer's recommendations. b. Water four times daily for 14 consecutive days to promote existing wood/seed germination. c. Cease watering for three days. d. Spray area with a non -seloctivo/non-residual systemic herbicide to eradicate germinated weeds. s. Lot weeds die for a period of seven days minimum without irrigation. f. Remove all weeds from site by hoeing and raking to a minimun depth of 1/2" below soil surface. g. If woods persist, the above eradication procedure shall be repeated. 10. Soil testing shall occur after all soil has boon imported to the site, but prior to soil preparation. The Contractor shall obtain a Soils Test for Agricultural Suitability and Fertility prepared by a California Association of Agricultural Laboratories member. Report shall contain recommendations for soil preparation and backfill mix. This report shall be furnished to the Owner and Owner's representative for review prior to implementation. Two samples shall be taken at each location, (1) ground level to 10" deep; (2) 24" to 36" deep. Each sample shall contain approximately one quart of soil and be labeled per location and depth. 11. Soil preparation - Follow Soils Report Recommendations, but for bid purposes, assume the rototilling of the following amendments into the soil at rates indicated per 1,000 square feet: 5 C.Y. nitrogen stabilized redwood shavings 150 The gypsum 125 The Gro Power Plus 12. All soil for landscape planting areas or berms shall be obtained from on-site excavations. Should import soil be necessary, indicate source location. Soil shall be sandy loam containing no toxic chemicals and testing shall be done for this import with results submitted and approved prior to soil importation. This testing shall be for Agricultural Suitability and Fertility. It shalt include a report with recommendations and be done by an approved California Association of Agricultural Laboratories member. 13. After ammonding soil, but prior to planting, Contractor shall perform percolation test at selected location(s) - see plan. Notify Landscape Architect 48 hours prior to the test. Test as follows: - Dig 24" box- size pit; fill with water and allow to drain. - Immediately refill with water and monitor and record hourly the water level. If the ro-fillod water drains within one hour or fuer, tree shall be installed without drain sump. If the water drains slower, the Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect and install the drain sump per details. 14. Contractor's initial bid shall include drain sump. If the test proves that it is not necessary, supply credit to the Owner. 15. All shrub/groundcover areas shall be top dressed with a 2" deep layer of shredded, composted wood fiber mulch 'Forest Floor' (1/2" tot -1/2" pieces) by Aguinago Fertilizer Company (949)786-8558 or approved oqual. 16. Concrete mowstrip - Install concrete mow strip per detail wherever groundcovor areas meet turf areas as indicated on the drawings. 17. Contractor shall submit for approval photos of all boxed trees. Photos shall include a person for scale purposes. All boxed tress shall be of quality as dote, mined by the Owner's representative. Material found unsuitable for the design or specification intent will be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. 18. All tress of a given species shall have matching form unless otherwise specified. 19. It is the Contractor's responsibility to furnish plant material free from posts or plant diseases. Pre-sotoctod or 'togged' material must be inspected by the Contractor and certified post and disease free. It is the Contractor's obligation to warranty all plant material per the Specif ications. 20. Final location of all plant material shall be subject to the approval of the owner's authorized representative. 21. Contractor shall notify owner's authorized representative 48 hours prior to commencement of work to coordinate project inspection schedules. 22. Contractor shall verify plant material quantities on the plan. Graphic symbols take precedence over written quantities. 23. Contractor to assure a minimum of %2positive drainage in all planting areas. 24. Groundcovor shalt be triangularly spaced. 25. In areas with existing turf or groundcover, Contractor shalt be responsible for repair of bars spots and all scars due to irrigation installation or ro-grading, and shall match existing planting to achieve a uniform overall appearance. 26. Location of existing tress are approximate. If during grading, existing grading cannot be maintained within driplino of tros, contact the Owner's representative for direction prior to continuation of grading. 27. All trees in parking islands and planters less than 10' wide or trees planted within 7' of buildings, walls, and pavement shall have root barriers by Century CCP-Serios; ph: (714) 632-70833 OR Deep Root Corporation [ph: (800) 458-76683. 28. Contractor shalt obtain copy of the latest Architect's or Civil Engineer's parking striping plan. Troos are intended to be placed in line with parking stripes wherevor possible. Contact Owner's representative immediately if conflicts occur with light standards. 29. Annual color shalt be selected by Owner's representative at time of installation. 30. At edges of planting aroas, the center line of the last row of shrubs and/or groundcover shall be located no farther from the edge than two --thirds the specified on -center spacing. 31. Existing Trees - where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation shall be done by hand where roots that are two (2) inches or larger in diameter occur. All roots two (2) inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with wet burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a trenching machine is run close to tress having roots smaller than two (2) inches in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand -trimmed, making clean -cuts through. Roots one (1) inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of Troo Seal or equal. Trenches adjacent to trees shall be closed within twenty four (24) hours; and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas and kept damp. TRIM 1/3 OF FRONDS COTTON ROPE AT (2) LOCATIONS TIE PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO STABILIZE FRONDS AND PROTECT HEART. TRIM UNIFORMLY =1 1=111111 12" DIA. PALM PLANTING SEE DETAIL A SECTION 5 GRAM AGRIFORM TABLETS SEE SPECS. - l 1 2' DEEP WALK-ON BARK MULCH BLANKET � I • ♦ • • • ♦ • • • • • • .7r AMENDED Cir NATURAI -.r .. Em� n GROUNDCOVERSEE PLANTING PLANS FOR SPACING DEEP , MULCH BLANKET 2/3 SPACING TO WARDSCAPE OR MOWSTIR. - PLAN GROUNDCOVER PLANTING CINCH TIES TREE TRUNK TEMPORARY WATERING BASIN MAINTAIN FOR 6 WEEKS 4" DIA PERF. PIPE W/ THD CAP SET 2" ABOVE F.G. TREE TRUNK TWICE WIDTH OF ORIGIANL ROOTBALL (2) 2" DIA. X 10' LONG PINE LODGE POLE STAKES SEE PLAN VIEW �IES SECUREIRE TOTAKES )RWOF ) WWITH ROOFING RTNAIL ARBOR GUARD IN TURF AREAS TOP OF ROOTBALL 1"-2' ABOVE FINISH GRADE � _ *40(FINISH GRADE + " lu _�' * BACKFILL MIX PER 501E TEST S -} r =ROOTBALL CL - -I _ i = - ROUGHEN SIDES AND BOTTOM VIII - Till (III I I I) AGRIFORM TABLETS - SEE SPECS 4" DIA. PERF PIPE" C410RAGTOR TO UTILIZE SUMP AROUND PERIMETER 12 DIA. AUGERED SUM MAINRALTERNATIVE IF IT 15 NEEDED OF TREE PIT A5 W/4 DIA. PERF. PIPE. BASED ON RE5t�..TS OF THE REWRED SHOWN, WRAP W/ FILTER CLOT PERCOLATION TEST SHRUB PLANTING AND FILL SUMP W/ T'EATWICE WIDTH OF GRAVEL. ORIGINAL ROOTBALL TREE PLANTING W/ALT. SUMP DRAIN Ir MAX. 1 1/2' DEEP TEMPORARY WATERING BASIN 2" LAYER MULCH BACKFILL MIX PER SOIL TEST FINISH GRADE th RCIOTBALL ROUGHEN SIDES AND BOTTOM II►II AGRIFORM TABLETS - SEE SPECS TC TC 1" CONCRETE GAP BETWEEN ROCK AND BACK OF CURB PBOVE ET TOP OF ROCK 1A"2" TOP OF CURB " L - COBBLE PAVING 36" MIN. UNDER PAVEMENT 18' MIN. OTHERWISE DIRECT BURIAL' LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL W I RES SET ROCK TO FULL DEPTH IN CONCRETE BED WITH RMIRED 1/2" EXPOSURE ABOVE TC, WIRE BRUSH FINISH JOINTS BETWEEN ROCKS 6' MIN. PEA GRAVEL CONCRETE BED qM MIN. COMPACTED SUBGRADE OR BASE MATERIAL PER PLANS AND SPECS. 0 a as SECTION PLANTING PIT EDGE ROOTBALL ENTERLINE OF TREE TRUNK 0 1 TREE TRUNK ROOT BARRIER AS NOTED BELOW PLAN -TREE WELL APPLICATON �CONCRETE PAVING ROOTBARRIER REQUIRED FOR TREES NOTE: PLANTED 7' OF 14ARDSCAPE ROOTBARRIER MATERIAL TO BE .085" POLYETHLENE/PROPOLENE COPOLYMER 7' MAX. ROOTBALL OR APPROVED EQUAL, WITH MOLDED FINISH GRADE CIO DEGREE VERTICAL RIBS 0 6' MAX. O.G. NO SOLVENT -WELDED RIBS OR CONNECTIONS. JOINT RIBS INWARD. IIPROVIDE CONNECTION NON -BREAKABLE BARREN PANELS IERS FOR ROOTS SOIL BACKFILL MIX INSTALL ROOT BARRIER 6'-0" MIN. LATERALLY FROM TRUNK OF THE TREE BOTH WAYS ADJACENT TO 14ARDSCAPE NATURAL SOIL ROOT BARRIER COBBLE STONE NOTES: 1. STONE SIZE SHALL BE COBBLESTONES, MEASURING MINIMUM 6", MAXIMUM 12" ON LARGEST DIMENSION. STONE SHALL BE SMOOTH, RODDED, FREE OF OBJECTIONABLE DISFIGURATION AND IRON CONTENT, TO MATCH EXISTING STONE PAVING ON SITE. SUBMIT SAMPLE AND OBTAIN CITY INSPECTOR'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. LAY ROCK FLAT, SET 1/2' MIN. ABOVE TOP OF CURB. 3. A SAMPLE AREA OF MIN. 10 SQ. FT. SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE REMAINING ROCK WORK. 4. FINAL RESTING POSITION OF ALL ROCKS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 520-D-2500 4 INCH SLUMP CONCRETE. 6. WIRE BRUSH ALL JOINTS AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF THE ROCKS 7. AFTER CONCRETE MORTAR HAS SET, HYDRO BLAST AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. BRUSH ROCKS TO REMOVE CEMENT COATING. WALK, PAVEMENT OR OTHER STRUCTURE 6" A. 12" MIN. 'I -111111111 111111111-I �'''11� NON -PRESSURE LINE (LATERIAL PIPE) NCHING PRESSURE LINE (MAIN OR LATERAL) 8. HAND PLACE ROCKS IN CONCRETE SETTING BED FLAT SIDES UP. q. DEPTH OF STONE EMBEDMENT TO BE NO LESS THAN TWO-THIRDS THE DEPTH OF THE STONE FOR SIZES 4"-12", NO GREATER THAN ONE-THIRD THE DEPTH FOR SIZES LARGER THAN 12" DIAMETER. 10. COMPACT SUBGRADE TO A HARD, FIRM, UNYIELDING SURFACE, SMOOTH AND TRUE TO LINE AND GRADE TEST FOR REQUIRED COMPACTION PRIOR TO PLACING ROCKWORK. 11. ADJUST PLANTER AREA GRADES TO FLOW 0 2% MINIMUM INTO DRAINAGE COURSE, (TYPICAL) N.T.S. !�LC/T Y OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ORAWN DY: SC4LF Dff6rA% D DY= DATE ,:L. CM04W 251r: 1 CITY fi?4a1NkWR RCZE. 311 -DATE 4422 DRAIN CAP .-ABOVE -a O L; C q C O BELOW HARDSCAPE O WHE- - �_ °-a FF L- O Oma'o sY js U (O5 Op0o C-4�w C+L•' a 0.2 .0 a A oa -„ BALL • • - BACKFILL FOR PALM 3 PARTS o r O Esu bc 0 3 r. E. WAS14ED O � U p PART TOPSOIL,OR AS SPECIFIED ....:.. PER SOILS REPORT. �0.'.❖. 40 PVC DRAIN PIPE THIROUGH ROOT ZONG .❖•••••� Qv U PALM SHALL BE TRIMMED, UEANED CD I AND TIED AT ORISINAL LOCATION IFRIOR TO TRANSPLANTIN& 810 (on 10.40 4' PVC PERF. DRAIN PIPE WRAPPED W/ FILTER FABRIC j FILL AREA -. . PIPE or GRAVEL OR CRUS14ED ROCK =1 1=111111 12" DIA. PALM PLANTING SEE DETAIL A SECTION 5 GRAM AGRIFORM TABLETS SEE SPECS. - l 1 2' DEEP WALK-ON BARK MULCH BLANKET � I • ♦ • • • ♦ • • • • • • .7r AMENDED Cir NATURAI -.r .. Em� n GROUNDCOVERSEE PLANTING PLANS FOR SPACING DEEP , MULCH BLANKET 2/3 SPACING TO WARDSCAPE OR MOWSTIR. - PLAN GROUNDCOVER PLANTING CINCH TIES TREE TRUNK TEMPORARY WATERING BASIN MAINTAIN FOR 6 WEEKS 4" DIA PERF. PIPE W/ THD CAP SET 2" ABOVE F.G. TREE TRUNK TWICE WIDTH OF ORIGIANL ROOTBALL (2) 2" DIA. X 10' LONG PINE LODGE POLE STAKES SEE PLAN VIEW �IES SECUREIRE TOTAKES )RWOF ) WWITH ROOFING RTNAIL ARBOR GUARD IN TURF AREAS TOP OF ROOTBALL 1"-2' ABOVE FINISH GRADE � _ *40(FINISH GRADE + " lu _�' * BACKFILL MIX PER 501E TEST S -} r =ROOTBALL CL - -I _ i = - ROUGHEN SIDES AND BOTTOM VIII - Till (III I I I) AGRIFORM TABLETS - SEE SPECS 4" DIA. PERF PIPE" C410RAGTOR TO UTILIZE SUMP AROUND PERIMETER 12 DIA. AUGERED SUM MAINRALTERNATIVE IF IT 15 NEEDED OF TREE PIT A5 W/4 DIA. PERF. PIPE. BASED ON RE5t�..TS OF THE REWRED SHOWN, WRAP W/ FILTER CLOT PERCOLATION TEST SHRUB PLANTING AND FILL SUMP W/ T'EATWICE WIDTH OF GRAVEL. ORIGINAL ROOTBALL TREE PLANTING W/ALT. SUMP DRAIN Ir MAX. 1 1/2' DEEP TEMPORARY WATERING BASIN 2" LAYER MULCH BACKFILL MIX PER SOIL TEST FINISH GRADE th RCIOTBALL ROUGHEN SIDES AND BOTTOM II►II AGRIFORM TABLETS - SEE SPECS TC TC 1" CONCRETE GAP BETWEEN ROCK AND BACK OF CURB PBOVE ET TOP OF ROCK 1A"2" TOP OF CURB " L - COBBLE PAVING 36" MIN. UNDER PAVEMENT 18' MIN. OTHERWISE DIRECT BURIAL' LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL W I RES SET ROCK TO FULL DEPTH IN CONCRETE BED WITH RMIRED 1/2" EXPOSURE ABOVE TC, WIRE BRUSH FINISH JOINTS BETWEEN ROCKS 6' MIN. PEA GRAVEL CONCRETE BED qM MIN. COMPACTED SUBGRADE OR BASE MATERIAL PER PLANS AND SPECS. 0 a as SECTION PLANTING PIT EDGE ROOTBALL ENTERLINE OF TREE TRUNK 0 1 TREE TRUNK ROOT BARRIER AS NOTED BELOW PLAN -TREE WELL APPLICATON �CONCRETE PAVING ROOTBARRIER REQUIRED FOR TREES NOTE: PLANTED 7' OF 14ARDSCAPE ROOTBARRIER MATERIAL TO BE .085" POLYETHLENE/PROPOLENE COPOLYMER 7' MAX. ROOTBALL OR APPROVED EQUAL, WITH MOLDED FINISH GRADE CIO DEGREE VERTICAL RIBS 0 6' MAX. O.G. NO SOLVENT -WELDED RIBS OR CONNECTIONS. JOINT RIBS INWARD. IIPROVIDE CONNECTION NON -BREAKABLE BARREN PANELS IERS FOR ROOTS SOIL BACKFILL MIX INSTALL ROOT BARRIER 6'-0" MIN. LATERALLY FROM TRUNK OF THE TREE BOTH WAYS ADJACENT TO 14ARDSCAPE NATURAL SOIL ROOT BARRIER COBBLE STONE NOTES: 1. STONE SIZE SHALL BE COBBLESTONES, MEASURING MINIMUM 6", MAXIMUM 12" ON LARGEST DIMENSION. STONE SHALL BE SMOOTH, RODDED, FREE OF OBJECTIONABLE DISFIGURATION AND IRON CONTENT, TO MATCH EXISTING STONE PAVING ON SITE. SUBMIT SAMPLE AND OBTAIN CITY INSPECTOR'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. LAY ROCK FLAT, SET 1/2' MIN. ABOVE TOP OF CURB. 3. A SAMPLE AREA OF MIN. 10 SQ. FT. SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE REMAINING ROCK WORK. 4. FINAL RESTING POSITION OF ALL ROCKS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. 5. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 520-D-2500 4 INCH SLUMP CONCRETE. 6. WIRE BRUSH ALL JOINTS AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF THE ROCKS 7. AFTER CONCRETE MORTAR HAS SET, HYDRO BLAST AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR. BRUSH ROCKS TO REMOVE CEMENT COATING. WALK, PAVEMENT OR OTHER STRUCTURE 6" A. 12" MIN. 'I -111111111 111111111-I �'''11� NON -PRESSURE LINE (LATERIAL PIPE) NCHING PRESSURE LINE (MAIN OR LATERAL) 8. HAND PLACE ROCKS IN CONCRETE SETTING BED FLAT SIDES UP. q. DEPTH OF STONE EMBEDMENT TO BE NO LESS THAN TWO-THIRDS THE DEPTH OF THE STONE FOR SIZES 4"-12", NO GREATER THAN ONE-THIRD THE DEPTH FOR SIZES LARGER THAN 12" DIAMETER. 10. COMPACT SUBGRADE TO A HARD, FIRM, UNYIELDING SURFACE, SMOOTH AND TRUE TO LINE AND GRADE TEST FOR REQUIRED COMPACTION PRIOR TO PLACING ROCKWORK. 11. ADJUST PLANTER AREA GRADES TO FLOW 0 2% MINIMUM INTO DRAINAGE COURSE, (TYPICAL) N.T.S. !�LC/T Y OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA ORAWN DY: SC4LF Dff6rA% D DY= DATE ,:L. CM04W 251r: 1 CITY fi?4a1NkWR RCZE. 311 -DATE 4422 ;aotlo '>oOC.rEta0o -a O L; C q C O C O O O O .r DOa E �ndE Ns°n0 �_ °-a FF L- O Oma'o sY js U (O5 Op0o C-4�w C+L•' a 0.2 .0 a A oa E000 -0o w a�C Ec> it C 0. v 'o O �c>C 8 m ooE«oo o r O Esu bc 0 3 r. M d c- _a� to O � U p Qo �0 0p,`6."O• � Oy C) -2L �P �v E EV, NC P� UCF OUV'O a �2 m O �S vo evo Cv.0 w00- Laoa:--oo IE >= 0 0 E * r Qv U CD �1SID .o N N N c � m C a J V m p F- � 3 m Z Q n O - Z V) 0 W Z J Z o?f Z (n Q J O Q � CW L W Q >- Z Q O Z) Q to QLLU I- O Z Z LV Lu w 0 N V< U J a . Q � �a^ Z m Q Lu OU%a m H 0zx cn Z WW z°z� .: a` � �a00 J 5 � J vLi (- Project No. 06044 Drawn KK Checked MO File Name 060441/8pd.dwg OroiW Issue Date Current Issue Date 01.08.08 02.18.08 Sheet Number L-9 Sheet 10 of 11