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TO THE BEST =_=====aa I-a=Sas== ® aaa=>•SaSSa_=i__==s1=a=I�,1aaaaa Eane=aa=�Ba: a=== ==S= I ..=aa _ --- a� --a— —sass aaa a �— -aa OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THERE ARE NO EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS SHOWN ON THES PLANS.+ _ __ =a= Bea=_== as = ===8===a--_ __—__----__==---a =_—_—_ ®=i • • a=--=__ THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITY =r -==--x� ----axa�= =masa=- -- - -- x� —==a a - a = S =a-- a -a--- BBaaaaas---- a as- s--- ---- a -- aa s a- :. i==BS====a =seal•ss= a=s1�ISlsaaslsaaaBBla CaC.m=. EIaaa=====a==ss __ 1= I=lls sC - _ LINES SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR FURTHER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND =- --_= ----aa - a--a= _ _ --- sa e S f S a---- --- --_ -- --a--aaaaaaaaaa---=-- _-- :a aaa RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN M=NEEMmmlalT=sM==aaMalsal=alsSaa=aSSISSSITiIGMSS=SSSTiSSS===a=li =1=a= ill==WIMM SsM wm CIE =i== -ON THESE DRAWINGS_ _ = a_ _= =—Emeeme = ______ —x=a===== EWareeaaa BENCHMARK =a=== S = ----=a=====83r_-__= aflaaaaaxaa88==—r�===_=aaa -aa== -aaaaa== CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME. SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE a>•IsssBBIIaIBBieBi1 SSSSS=Biieiisa>.ssslsa=Si EBGsslsassa>.ssa>.a>.a>.s:slsssss.ss=! =iBisBii= =SSS BBrsM ■rC ONDITION$ DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF a---- _ - ---- =___ ___ =a aaa.= eee. =mesa BM. NO. B - 19 _ ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY: THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT saMMIWIMae= =SaSSSe 1�■assssssl�i= = SSssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS a S S SS _ _ SSS • LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY =s=�sSSSS SSS..CCBBBesssss = =—=SSS sS S=SSSs� sssslssBG --aC =M �Bi= a CHIZ. " " ON WALK OF BLDG. 90' AND HOLD THE COUNTY, SC= _ = a = a = __ _ _ _ THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY KIND OF LIABILITY, as a s ===c —= •a==--=---==aa=== =====C=== EAST a 60' NORTH OF INTER. REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT. EXCEPT- =a= a ----xxx===aaa a—aasaaasa== seam --a=_ -aaa—a==x s _ IN FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM SOLE NEGLEGENCE OF THE ___ a=== =Mr========e== =tim _= ===a= ==_====aaC= = OF MULBERRY B SLOVER AVE. OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. / /�//� === ====saE=a E__-----_sal =aaa=—_ =s--asaas= � ==a = === tea ` 4C = a a x =--=a== Asa=a—=aaa= a=- __ --a ==a ___ ___-----s= aaaaa==_==__ -- _ __ --__--_ _ -- - __ - EEE-_ E L E V, 991. 445 SCALE GENERAL NOTES L0 9 8ACE AT D 7 6 5 4 HOR. I " = 40' NOTE : CURB FACE" P 3 CURB RTN. DATA P VERT. I" = 4' I. All work shall be done in accordance with this plan and the San Bernardino County Standards and Specifications. S/W - 0 . L ()Mt o R = 20' L a A permit will be required from the San Bernardino County Transportation Department prior to any encroachment "' 1r. A= 90° - or construction within the County easements or right-of-way. °' m L = 31. 42` 3. All pipelines or structur- sof any kind,and telephone or power poles, water meters. valves,hydrants, etc. shown or not rd. a . n T = 20' 3.5' DIA. CONC. STAND PIPE IIHIGH shown on these plans within the limits of this development or in adjacent areas where imorovecnant work is to be I I - r w °;3 ;;v is T.C. 992.65 _ a done shall be removed or relocated at the developer's expense, and at no cost to the San Bernardino Transportation . 8+ 20 END CONST. o a 3 I a� 0 F L 991.98 Department. It shall be the owner's responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. I (� 992.51 T.C. + a4 "0 60 • 1 EXIST. R/W m �� O 6x EXIST. R/W 4. If asphalt concrete Is to be placed directly on subgrade of road or drainage facilities, a soil sterilant . registered � . _ by the E.P.A. for use under A.C. and P.C.C. shall be uniformly applied at the manufacturer's recommended < ' \,.,,,,..___ EXIST. FENCE � „ ' pr „ rote for the full pavement width prior to paving. IN PLACE � �� .M. 5. Existing County I(Kidd which will require reconstruction shall remain open for traffic at all times with ” 4141' ��` 3�MA fAa PP 1682244E 61 adequte detours during actual construction. EXIST. C a G 95 ®A. TRAFFIC SIGN 6. Immediatly following removal of existing pavement or dike or curb and/or gutter, the contractor shall -� • . ' T.C. 992. 15 : �' 326586 TO BE RELOCATED _ 3-M.B.S TREE .. AVE . s diligently pursue this portion of work until completed. S LOVER F.L_ 991.48 - CONST X-GUTTER PER STD.119 1 1 STUMPS I . I"� - �r o -� 7. Transportation Deportment approval does not include water or sewer system or estimate of quantities. • - I o 9 e T 0 6 EXIST. E.P . �' 8. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill, compacting original ground, all sub-grades —� / >TP 832844H . M TP 2302382E • TP 485256H shall be performed at no cost to San Bernardino County. A written report with these compaction tests \ J r ' shall be submitted to the Contracts Administration Division of San Bernardino County Transportation / Department for approval , prior to placement of base materials and /or surfacing. \ I I EXIST. R/W� 1 FUTURE R/W� a 9. At the completion of paving, materials report shall be submitted to the Contracts Engineer of San Ber- R/W SOUTH SIDE NOT PART R/W nardino County Transportation Deportment listing all tests or determinations completed to verify: Q of THIS IMPROVEMENT A. R-value, sieve analysis and sand equivalent of aggregate bases. I 104' B. Stability, oil content and sieve analysis of asphalt surfacing. - I I I I CONSTRUCTION NOTES ' 52 � I < 52 1 10. Curb and gutter, cross gutter and spandrels shall be so constructed that a minimum of ponding occurs; 12' 40 ' ' 40' 12 sections having gradients of 0.50% or flatter shall be water tested in the presence of the inspector Q immediately prior acceptance. Sections which have water ponding than 6" wide or more than 4' long I aV I QI CONSTRUCT 0. 25' A.C. ON PREPARED SUBGRADE I shall be sawcut and removed In lengths not less than 4' and replaced to reduce ponding to the ( OR MATCH EXIST. 0.25'MIN. 6.500 S. F. ) f 26 14 13 27 4' 6=6" 2' FEATHER maximum specified. MIN. 2O CONSTRUCT CONC. CURB a1 GUTTER PER STD. 115 r--,. .6 - -/.63� To -3.22% _ _ _� ( 92 L . F. ) - 2EXIST. PVMT. • --_ Q3 _ CONSTRUCT ST TYPE ENTRANCE W/X - GUTTER STD. ! ( 1.35% 702.07%) FUTURE ( I EACH ) - - .+ SAN BERNARDINO FREEWAY SITE 4®- CONSTRUCT 4" THICK CONCRETE SIDEWALK STD. 109 B TYPICAL SECTION SLOVER AVENUE ( 520 S.F. ) • NO SCALE i m a a m m Z a - FIELD BOOK REF --__ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO IMPROVEMENT PLANS W.O. NO. GARY R. WALKER LOCATE PPt1682244E 20' LT. DESIGNEDR °AAD CHECKED DEPARTMENT r' ROAD No. —"el 0 o m A DELETE REQUIREMENT TO RE- WN oc, ' fl OF STA. 5+98 BY CUP 139 104 • 1360 S. CARL ST. S LOVER AVE. 760800 O VICINITY MAP ANAHEIM , CA. 92806. e �� i 'I ' CO. ASST. COUNTY ENGR-ROADS DATE 139- 140 UBMITTED BY ���-� 2 3 6- 0 2 I - 08 Pt 09 ^ -�_ NO SCALERECOMMENDED/APPROVED BY V ti,,,aaC8462N '20 _ laM 11• g go Q P N _ SHEET I OF 1 R.C.E. 270 EXR 9-30-93 DATE MARK REVISIONS APPR. DATE ASST. ROAD COMMISSIONER ENGR. DAT E COUNTY ENGINEER DATE 51.55-1