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137171 GENERAL NOTES FOR 41100002=0WIMPROVEHENT PLANS - 1. All work shall be done in accordance with this plan and CJ the San Bernardino County Standards and Spectlications. - O f' 2. Na+ Used xN cg b at)3. If asphalt concrete is to be placed directly on sub- I O �• ' O 9 -Y - grade of road or drainage facilities, a soil sterilant 1� dS 0 9 h- registered by the E.P.A. for use under A.C. and P.C.C. shall be uniformly applied at the manufacturer's recom- - _ _ mended rate for the full pavement width prior to pay- 7____ --- -- '� SI lana- s ,- - p :_-- ___ .ST= a ONE"Kg- • = -_ ing' � �� UR - - �% __ ====sssss ____ - ___s-��C�_.'�� S �1��' sss s T� ��s `r a : _e .. ..rem==== _a lana-- SNE"_ 'th �saM=si EMEra _ 4. At the completion of rough grading, a materials report �� - ___ �= 0: � ,�jj. r_ .�.� �sssss ! .........., ��sssss _�___- ® --T�====____ and the proposed structural section shall be submitted =-� lana __CS ° __ ____. e ___...��C �s��� - � . v � � s�rs______� by the ��r engineer to the San Bernardino County Meal I-:- - _ 111111111111111111 - �.-:�____ .s s� -.lana lana ��� ssssssss e sssss • s�i�ss�e� ss lana �,s�"' - °n • s-�-e� �.; '�..-�, Transportation Department for review and evaluation. �_'�� b) 1111111111:11111111111111111== �C.) ---: - ===== -+. - S =_`- == I === •. __ ===== s=s��===mm �e �= - - '7 --� '�" :-. _.� S�ss �`�'ss approval will be =__ 1' __ __ • .- ___ ____ _ • - 4 __ _ -o ___ PP given when all structural section _�__�_ E_E - .11 -. .. �N_ =J-: ._._.. s�=lana=lana • �a�EHEIE�a ' _=e==�E �� _- _- - - 0 ..4 ss_s sss- s_�_�� requirements have been met. - e_ Vflp _ • ' - lana En - , __ lana __ -_ _ .. - �YJlana-- _ `• �� ��-- -�i s __ lana -ee_me�� - __e • - ' ° _E.99 ..� - r� __- /•i -•�- T= __ _-_ • -_=s=_ =s __ 5. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench F' == _• _-lana 1 1-__ `-t1_ _= u . lana _lana a -� -__ _ _ _ _ __ P = 9 == tri -weenee_e_--_e � �� �__ � _m E ME _s__m__ _-- backfill, compacting original ground, all sub-grades __ !- _ • ! - • < ' lana- E-_ ^ �T- -� __ o , �' _ = s ee __= eealana:__ _-a _ _ lana-_ _ _-- s ��s�- s� __ a ssssss:==� _� �,fss sa®s- shall be performed. at no cost to San Bernardino County. s=_ Q ===s= 9 E_ o - _EMEME=-sss n� Amman � T3STE_ e �_l ______����� � ���ii �.�s�i��'�_ �_�=mss= _� ___ � _______ _ _ A wr>,tten report with these compaction tests shall be - _ a -_ lana- lana � lana '�- -��- lana --- _M NI - M � _ �� � ® ____ i������ ��®�■ !� �ssss�==-- �_�_s�_s--� �.' 3� � �M� ss �����a =_- Tis __= submitted to the Contracts Administration Division of -1. 00 0 - __ _� _=' San - Bernardino County Transportation Department for o - - _. RE G~ V lana - �_-, -- -- - 111111111111111111111111111111111 lana - 1,'E., _: _ .. moi'==�'=_'=tea ssss.�i�'s'�' �s'�is.ss��'��1"4' -_� ___ _� ��i=-=�� approval, prior toplacement of base materials and/or - ____-; __ __ .�, __ __ PP / t 6-- surfacing. >i ��_ ... S s -,, • .� -lO - ' 7"-F , lana.. .... �- s���ssss s sss ss s 111111111=e1=== =ssss= arae SSSS ei sss - _� - � s �s� s� sss =lana- lana- �� �___�__ _ � � �� illmmlimil 6. At the completion of paving, a materials report shall - - s= lana = _ ee_ -_ _ - sss-- Ikess ss=' ss_S.Csss----sssssss___ be submitted to the ,Contracts Engineer of the San -((-11� _ - - lana _-`_ _ _= ;if_ =-_ `y'-lana ssssss =--s :C e_ _ ____ �_______ ==t=== = Bernardino County Transportation Department listing all $ . 'L4,._ s -" - lana lana - Ela' - b '= =eeee ° �na-Me.'=eaeE_�- ===a===��--X9_=-====== -____�'�====== � � lana -_ '� = �'�' �� _ tests or determinations completed to verify: • ` -. �. - ::- e-• _ _ _ _ _______- __ ___ _=_g __lana _ mE_ MEM _-_ �s�� _ =s ==�=mss==�= = s A. A-value, sieve analysis and sand equivalent lana- > • - `ill' ' lana -- m, - =_s•=== �_ lana CCs. _ C== of aggregate bases. =gam 6'4 __���� 4I EXtB GRAbE ea r == ____s= ___= 's __ _ rIn =____ iiilii -_� =_ I=M- ���������_� � �� ____lana M -- - = = = __=__� B. Stability, oil content and sieve analysis ___- ' = _ __ s a' '=i = -s=== _���� �_ -, _�� ` �_�_ _�-- � �� __===��ilims='i=�==s=====sss��'s _____ ___ = e ! _ __ of asphalt surfacing. _�_=== moi = =� �_ �_ == _ =s_= � ___-_-= �ST .� __ MEM=__ ____III�____ � __= sss= __=====s = s== __ __�--� __ _ _ _ _ __ _ =sss __sss ss=ssssss_ssssssss sssss= ___ 7. N Used N EM NEE EEMEME EEMEE----�sm____e _ _ __ __ �_r- -=_ _lana-_ _m _______ ssssss �� � -e---�_ ____ i. __ _ __ ____ ____ 8. An encroachment permit must first be obtained from the _-_ __ C� - __ _ CountyTransportation Departmentprior to making appli- � �� ��$ � _�� 111111111111111 - i T �_=, s=sem ��5�i • �� - ---- iQ. _�=Q. . =���=ate =1=�'�e permit. __ ___ 1 _ ___ . __ ___ __ P P 9 PP ®= s ss s�i'�=s= s n.. T ___ n ___ _ cation and issuance of a grading permit or building MMEESE!___ __---- a MINN n --- �.� -:-�� �� ���. �.� • __=__lana .era ='�.T'=r= � ___ _ ___•� _ MEIN -e ms ��� • _� -yS---- ___ __ 5 = T=EES __ P =___ C=== ' _ lana ____ __ __ _ __ ' _____=eeeee� _ e_resm s mo sess=w mem MEED . , MEEM EE=mem-' _- lana ==IMME__ _� - � _�-� _ 9. Transportation Department approval does not include __ __ __ __ nee= E_� P _� __ ==s= s s s s Water or sewer system or estimnte al` van-titles. _____ _ _ __ -. - Cl= M- -.. - ___ _ ____ ____ ____ ___= s== ME= _ a ' ___ _ __ r __ 10. A permit shall be obtained from the CountyTransporta- ��'�.'�`�"�'-_,'�_.�'�� ��.���,�� - _ - lana _ _� -�� Milli •• �� ', �� ��� �' �_____- '_______ , ' •' _�____'�'.�.�' ' . "�'�'.__ �.' " ___ tion Department prior to any construction on this._ • _- __-- �.'.S.EMCg -,1 _s- _�� M� l�.�-• " s- ____s _� -.�.� ___ _� -==s = i� -- s- i project. �_ ��== =isses�! __ •N �_ _�__ 9 __ -_ s � --Meee= -s .s-EaW'=e_-EMEME_==-- 5 EMM---SaSSMS EM --=== C--= _ _ s __ ____ =======-ME =C _ � _ o en _'-A_ =e_ _:-` ca ,�' - _== s=E E NEENEE_EEEM M ram-_-LIE_ =_= emmeeee 11. All pipe lines or substructures of any kind, and tel * _ _ - - - ` lass _ or power poles, water meters, valves, hydrants, 's - yss _ a - ��."`-E. o-._-_ • =s s__==__ •�, S s =�===E�5= __-�� = '� IIMERse--EME=1-- phone �___ etc. , shown or not shown on these plans within the = 'Va �4 == i, Es =__ - _sS==CC===== _� _ s s_ s � �___ __ __= TS_ _ ____ _ __ = =e ======s `� s =___a. _ ____ limits of this development or in adjacent a eor ,' p��=== per-=lana$ �.-_ � = _��E e _ e_ ___==s= ms s ______ . _=s==� °'•_ _-� --= v ' a •G�,.:- _� •• _'__.�� __ === improvement work is to be done shall be removed or = - �g =s s _ s -�-_�� lana- _ ill relocated at developer's expense, and at no cost to the M�� =5��= �___aiET= =C = �?ss___ _ __ _- _ _ -s= -_ _� lana_ ' -:� -_ • • i__lana- -s_=_ ���_���--___lanai-� _� -. ==--_- •�• fie__ _. ___ -_��___- �_. - _ • .� lana__ San Bernardino County Transportation Department. It =__ ___� � =1======.====1= ��� e_- 0 _=_ � __�_____ __ _- �____- 0 82 0 .DEM EE_ig5E E ms__=_ R__ shall be the owner's responsibility to notify all , I. agencies concerned. __ _ ss __ ___ __== T = _ 'S.�= =sss A: _ = s • a _ __ _ 12. Curb and gutter, cross gutter and spandrels shall be so s:==•� �� s s s s EE �_�� E � ���= SSSS = lana- M==M -_- -MEaae=_e ee ==-sc �' . aceee=eek - _ - _eeeeeee eeee eee constructed that a minimum of ponding occurs; sections lana_ lana-- lana- s: ___ __s --=r¢r���1�=M /t' _- eeeeeee- _e=== eeeeeeeeee s sss see having gradients of 0. 508 or flatter shall be water =__O �,___ _ _ _ �� _�_ ___ �=s=_ sss== _- =eemlana_--_ - _-_ EEMEEPIEBEEE ==5� �.s % s o • s ____ __ ==ss- lana-- - tested >,n the presence of the inspector immediately EMI E ___ a li ====s sss= P P ��� __ - e_� _$_-.-� ss_s=s-== �• s_ �� � _- � �_lana- � _� x to = . sss=s= _ ___nth __:� _ ��� prior to acceptance. Sections which have water ponding lana s - _J@�== _ - ____ ssssss s_ __ _ more than 6" wide or more than 4 ' long shall be sawcut - __ �.-�i �� �.���� • i e. __ = _ _g_ �MEErle .'__ ine=. and removed in lengths not less than 4' and replaced to • _: _ lana s=WM _-ssssss •� f Em • � s -� ---- lana s -� ____==_==s== __MEM _ - s = ___ s_ �_ ___ __e_______ =s__ reduce ponding to the maximum specified. • _==___S'eee= r0e Rim O-k=- = a- _.==� C •s sa0 _= lana-- - __lana lana-_ ___ __ ___ _ 7 ss =s ssssss mmm _ __ _ 13. All 0.408 or less curb grade lines shall be staked at - _==t== eeee a _: 9' e X t9 �= 'lana__. ==-=---� =ss = mardErE •�• _ po25intervals and forms certified by engineer before '- - __ lana lass _-______ _ _- - pouring concrete. - • f _ __ _ LI sssssss$ 4 rC= _e__ _�i _���� lana �� _�__�_ �ee _E EEEEEE_E -_-' Ma= M EMe___ _ ----_lana- �_____ ����_�______ _ _____��� ___ 14. Existing county roads which will require reconstruction lana- s s s sj====s ======5 _______ _� TS T===sem=��=_ _ _- = A a ___ _ __ s== = sss = _ _= s shall remain open for traffic at all times with ade- __= a _ == _ _ � -��__ __ �=�==s `a �= ==5 =��= Ms ==EEE �ss=sssssss_=__ sss=MEEMENU �__ _ quate detours during actual. construction, s - a-. lana _____ ___ - his lana s==s== ==ss =_ Is. uo+ used _ E S E___ INLMIE___ s _� me__==aMEME Terd i� ., a===���� _____� �� 1�==mss_=a _ _� lana - - - - m -- _ -_ - - _=_- _--- ssssssss -=sssssr�====--___ __1 _ � _ � ___ 6 W. ALL signing, SHALL BE in conformance with the current edition of the S__ _ DEME=Es= ss= _ ===s= _ =s �� rEnIEMEMEMMMMEMEIMEEMEMEmms _ _- lana-- lana- -MEE lam inna _TRAFFIC MANUAL, published by the State of California, Department of = - - __ _____�__�� s s s __�- _ �=_ g S� �� �� s __ lana- ��-��� Transportation. ta.le e _- eEE Erma ss sIlreaSIMEELIMINIItY. ALL signs and roadside maznle s SHALL BE of high intensity (FHWA s __ _ -A 4111 at= =s=== _ _ ====s __s-s=�= _- ! M�� �� _�-�__� __ _lana-�_e_eEM��EE��� PROFILE SCALE s= _ _ - s _s MEEK lana lana -_ _ R- Type Ilij reflective sheeting unless otherwise noted on the plans. C=am== • -- --res-me �� lana- s��s - _ _- -_�-- IS IS. A final walk through review of traffic control devices is to be IIMss===== - :Lissinniii.n...di.ap................ � = H O R I Z. (n = ^ O I =______ ___- IMM_ ___��_ lana_ - scheduled and approved by Traffic Division prior to final project a = ____ _ =s-� `t lana ---� -�- -- - -� P PProvats ��•.�. •��� ___ t e__w�_ �� 5 _�' '�S.1T==== --_lanalana II I -_� =S= ' _ - _ � � lana- lana= - e_ _ = s VERT • I = 4 m_ = - _lana --_ -_� _mm_NE�_- s lana __ __ _= === - _- _ =__ _ _ _ _ _== CO kit ST R U CT I O N MOTES 4 QUAMTITIES 5 6 r 8 9 10 I I 12 13' 14 0 co MST. 8•CURB s<' I8`GUTTER TER. COUNTY SCD, DWG" IIS 435 L.F. - - ` 0 CO4dS` . COMMERCIAL DRIVE APPROACH PER STD4IaRA(W=2o;R=2d) 1,831 S,E - ` FL t1JR.E LIMITS OF WORKtxIST1f- IG 0 CONST. 4"P.C.C. SID thLAUC 4tt< COUNTY Sm Do 'TYPE-5" WG,*loZ,050 S.F. CURB GUTTER 4 SIDEWALK - . • (Da PLACE 0.25' A.C.PAVEMEI•ITOVER CAM PACT NATIVE 1245 S.15 2 O O Z • O CONST. A.C. FEPcn4ERTo FORM SMooT1L IOtN 8 3 © RELOCATE EXIST FF. B`C OTRERS 4 EA. Z O W v i . © Co4JST. VAR ,TW+tCKMESS AC. OMER.LA`( (0,10' MIN') isao S.F. - - to n a - . ® 1/9') v • ® INSTALL FIRE HYDRANT PER FOIJTAILA WATER CA STD 2-C 2EA Y tce 4Y 9 X 0 a JI y Q RELOCATE EXIST MAILBOX 3EP, - �� p7Y u 1 O W O ikl J W o ® J X i F 7 r fo GRADE To DRAT t I {� N _ d m r d 91 a m a LUMP SUM oz � z� Z 3 A JC 'n o co iv i ? tim °` 4 t sr o o ,� � r6, , Y In ' MOT USED ff1 _ v til Z• y o0 - - x " 010 N o IL ® NOT USED - J �d� 07o �ain �' � w + � +� r � � � o X09 r Y 9 + N a a' Nc"h 72 0w GRADING AI ID REMOVALS 4S hIECESsARf LUMP SUM wr ° cn N 1 + N u� 3 0- c lil 3 - +' p ID 9 o n, u - • �® CO W A b .9 + 9 u- r co SiV- 0 r )- t Viii (Y s4 r !n I d N 0 0- a 1PTO . W n ; o PLACE TWO 2 TRAFFLC MARKERS PER COUNTY STD DWG, .No. 304 2EA to a- fl 1n n m cJ Q h a >4 }� p: 0� pp '� COf tSTi2UCT .9 Z I Q: �� A- OQ - 0'p a: _ T4 0: - N `, h. } F TEMF'oR_ARY ,, 4 A U K o'( A.• • fY d1 5: 1 TAPER W nL nj c� ��Q� 19004 P�G • W Q W W (> 4 s' CC , o� 11 I O (O :ck �9 P Vy 0 / ��G� q� o • . Jo 7i, � 4w `auP' Q APj Ino Q I �/ W ® 4 Q tV Q IW O ' © W �°r�P%� Ex. EX•CURB4GUT ER 0> A O �� �� i� ��1' a��®�war�s►v! J rm. - I O o ,J - rim -saes► _ �- _ !- _ _ - __ ____ _=.tz W - - Q®.� w w W w w w -4T-- ,1 ift i \ , r' , , /j /, • /�, 1, 1, ,1' SAPr .111111r77 • Mar lana Ar .... h anal 21 /4' I. f, ( �CR' La� GACVEMf�IT �o�$!/- ATL cuA &u--rrE.R __ --=-lana----lana----W� t - --- --- -- lana --lana �� I- --I / -lana- - __ ___ _______�,�__=_________ 0� lana lana \ I it ( >/� lana , - - 2 EX, FIRE .Ct cl )_. I I} HYDRANT DRIVE WAY CURB h N . r�• I •I• CAMEO 4e RETURN •DATA 0 1 P- I bRiVE • 7 I I - et 6 OI �• = Co3' 15' 2'.�•• O A= 90'oo'Oo R = 2_0.00 R= 5,00' P 0 c5 T = 22. 08• T = 5,00 CALA5AS H - �.VE . / DtcaTtohl �� }�IoTE: ADD goo,00 To ALL ELEVATIOt�LS. 3/ 30 - CCC 33' } 3s, Il` 22' -III 22' ll' • BEti1CN MARK: I RAtLRoAD SPIKE lt-i PRA' 8919 09E. AT 11.1=. CDR. CHERRY AVE. k SAhITA. ANAAVE. - 0.5^ 4' Il•50 C1' 2' ELEV. Cirri. 2(08 - - - . 7`�7 L� REF : PLAN * PRoFILE h10. 2ooaso los-Ito 7 E-77-/ -/ M / I /��AVE • 1 - T-B.M. I SET C441SLED SoCARE Ltd EXIST• CUi;r3 I GUTTER 1320 SouTH OF SLOVER * 22' EASZ OF SCALE : I 40' QQ �y © U © CALABASH ELEV. c 9(08.82' - - • CALABASH ���.�Z. AVE, y4�r` tax. A.e, lana• }" •- PREPARED BY: Imo _ N 0 z% ros`�o _ PAVe.MEKT n---- �� ° GILBERT ENGINEERING FIELD BOOK REF. COUNTY of SAN BERNARDINO w. O. No. ��-��'! -_lana 11 ` ��0` „. TRANSPORTATION 81 FLOOD CONTROL STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS BANA A AvE. lana -I 0 0cx. culz6 4552 LINCOLN AVE: SUITE 206 lana CALABASH AVENUE ROAD No. Q W O 000 . o °sono O d L 1 iGyTf> R ��s" CYPRESS CA 90630 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY a Q EK. CwiZDClKD J WttEn_ •./ r O 2. rJ S!`•'• 3 F Oc.CctRutG - Ns. few it (310) 402-0196 (714)995-7144 n z ca4PACTED - SECTION T /� * I �F/ STA. 4 + 00 TO STA. 13 + 20 FILE NO. NATIVE_ TYP ) CAL JCC l ION - '41> .. ; SUMMED BY CDE RIO _ ( " �1�lDEX MAP CALABASH AVENUE 4t0����,to, , PREPARED/ UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF : lana RECOMMENDED;APPROVEDBY: ASST.DIR.OF T12AFl5PORTATON DATE FO N TA N A SHEET OF • • .� - EXP. 0 / 97 R.C. GILBERT R.C.E. 16104 4 DATE�� MARK • , ONO TE tato-e EMIGINe-ER. - DATE DiRECOROFTRfr4x5FORTMS(oN DATE A. P. NO. 2 3 6 - 071 - 20, 24 , 25 1 1 s 5324-1 9s-t3 -.-e-'. - - F