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Edge Line E,.O-�=- =- - ---- �} 15.24 - { 0) 15.24 - _--------------------------------KVD, ,�----------- ----.---_..,. �XOL�TRIEIw-------- - - -121.92 152.4 182.88 30, g 60,96 91,44 _ _ _ _ _ _ ------ (O+OO)--------{------------(2+00)------------(,d+�AO-}-------- 1---{4+A0�� _ - -- _--- _,-.&-15+00) -.'------ --�-- � -------- - _ _______ _ ___---.--S-A------,2'8,2.x-_..-----_..--_..-1- ..---------- - - -- - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - _ _ _ - - - - < 6) 14.02 -- A -ESP _ W CUT 5.85 _/Exist Edge Line 18.29 15.24 _..__. ----- 0 5.24 - --- - _-- -----.....-- � _..=--�..4.�'1�-- _ 0,277 368,33 1 5 SAW CUT GRADE TI] DRAIN ILC08,44) 2 Fi �Cz EXISTING R/W ..� _ : � 1� / i - --ic- - - -- - - (3+27)99.67 xist. Curb EXIST! G R/W CU FLCOi8.403368.321 7MExIst. T77 ole Exist. C M A Mail o43 Q CL.F i m W +� L c s. I c I rn III .� C,LLJ LIJ r ROUTE 66 - �, o, i I 91 z x o x a f I _ 9 + I AUTO SALES I WEST COAST ? W '�'� "� AUTO SALES >- M i L m w EXIST. BLDG �f 11 as ~ ? w � Jv o I 0 -�� J fL 230-031-04 230-031-05 a 230-031-06 } 230-031-07 230--031-08 i- 230-031-09 W 1 m SOUJa.a I� �I CONSTRUCTION NOTES PRIVATE ENGINEEER'S NOTES TO CONTRACTOR O CONSTRUCT 1" MORE OF ASPHALT CONCRETE, TYPE A, 1/2" MAX. CONTRAC"OR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB COARSE AR 4000,THEN EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE THICKNESS. SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OVER CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE, 1" MORE THEN EXISTING CLASS 2 OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT TO 3E LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, AGGREGATE BASE. INDEMNIF( AND HOLD THE OWNER, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, AND THE COUNTY HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON CONSTRUCT CURB & GUTTER PER CALTRANS STD. A87 TYPE A2-8 THIS PROJECT, EXCEPT FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER. CONSTRUCT SIDEWALK PER CO. STD 109, TYPE C THE EXISTENCE AND LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY PIPES CONDUITS, OR STRUCTU RES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE OBTAINED BY A SEARCH O� THE AVAILABLE ® CONSTRUCT DRIVEWAY PER CALTRANS STD A87 BOTTOM WIDTH (24') RECORDS. TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE THERE ARE NOT EXISTING UTILITIES EXCEPT AS 3+51.25 SHOWN C N THIS PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO TAKE DUE PRECAUTIONARY STA ) 107,06- (10.5')3,20 LENGTH MEASURES TO PROTECT THE UTILITY LINES SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING. THE CONTRACTOR O REMOVE EXIST. PAVEMENT &REPLACED PER PROP. STRUCTURAL SECTION FURTHER ASSUMES ALL LIABLIITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UTILITY PIPES, CONDUITS, OR STRUCTURES SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. Q�() ESS/0 50 * EXP. 03-31-07 J� CIVt1- OF CAL1���� BENCH MARK CHISELED "X" 0 TOP RING F.H. SOUTHWEST COR. CALABASH AVE & FOOTHILL BLVD PER C.S.F.B. 4015/771 EL 1209.40 t'RGMM 15.85 12.19 50'}- 40') - - :7E XIST. AC �f7 �'ooilsild Arw .IRRO�i R011Td�' VICINITY .f -IP scar1=40) 0.025=12.192 HOR 1=4) 0.025=1.219 WRT 4:1 OR 101.19 126.49 STA (3+32) TO (4+15) SECT A -A NOTE XXX.XX METRIC XXXX.XX) IMPERIAL EX xxxx.xx) EXIST. IMPERIAL R/W 15.24 GENERAL NOTES 1 An encroachment permit Is required before any work may begin In the State and County Right of Way. 2 AU work within the State Right of Way shall conform to Caltrans' State Standard Plans dated July 1996 and Standard Specifications dated .truly 1995 and the Manual of Traffic Control dated 1996. All work within the Countv Richt of Way shalt conform to the San Bernardino Coun-ty S-tandards and Specifications, 3 No equipment or materials may be stored on the State right of way. 4 ALL disturbed areas In the State right of way must be treated for erosion control (hyroseeding or equivalent, or as directed by the State's representative). The responsibility for maintaining erosion control will not be released until the seeding Is well established. The Contractor will be responsibte for the cost of Caltrans cleaning any drainage structures/channels which have become cluttered with debris and/or sitt as a result of, or caused by, the construction project. 5 The structural section shown within the State right of way is for estimating purposed only. The actual section WILL BE designed by a Soll Engineer after native soft testing has been completed. A traffic index CTI) of______ shall be used in the design of the traveted way, and a TI of _ shat[ be used for the shoulder design. The laboratory reports and the design calculations shall be submitted to the State's representative for approval prior to construction of the structural section. 6 Where survey monuments exist, such monuments shat[ be protected or shall be referenced and reset pursuant to Business and Professions _ Qode, Sections 8700 to 8805 (Land Surveyor's Act). 7 The pavement shalt be saw -cut 2' minimum from the edge of pavement. The saw -cuts must be perpendicular or paraRet to the State highway centerline, 8 All signing, striping and pavement markings shalt be in conformance with the current edition of the Traffic Manual, published by the State of Catifornia, Department of Transportation , and the Special Provisions, All pavement markings shall be thermoptastic unless otherwise noted on the plans. 9 The exact location of at( signs shall be determined In the field by the State's representative. 10 All conflicting striping and pavement markings not shown on the ptans shall be removed from the pavement by sandblasting by the contractor. 11 All conflicting signs shall be either removed or relocated by the contractor. Relocatabte signs shall be installed as specified on the plans or as determined In the field by the State's representative. 12 All signs, roadside markers, etectrotfers, etc., shall be protected and/or re- placed in-kind according to the current State Standard Plans and the current Traffic Manual, at no cost to the State. 13 Traffic shad be maintained in accordance with Section 7-1.08 and or 86-1,05 and 86-1.06 of the State Standard Specifications. 13 During construction, a traffic control system shalt be In corporate consisting of closing traffic lanes and/or shoulders in accordance with the details shown on the Caltrans Standard Plans for lane closures. T-11 All traffic Controls used for the Traffic Control System shall conform to Caltrans Traffic Manual, Chapter 5, ' Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones 8.23 SLOPE 2±% 7 EXIST. AC I R/W 0.30 EXIST. GD. FEATHER TO MEET EXIST: FOOTHILL BLVD. TYPICAL SECTION NTS APPLICANT GEORGE RAAD 13957 FOOTHILL BLVD. FONTANA, CA 92335 (909) 357-6666 18.29 0.61 (2') 2' m 0.61 R/W 1.98 1/48' W SAWCUT & JOIN EXISTING ., EXIST. GD. 1 OR FATTER EXIST. GD. Underground Service Alert 0 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG SAVE AS ROUTE66 4/22/03 5288-1