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If asphalt concrete is to be placed directly on subgrade of road or drainage facilities, a soils sterilant registered by the "E.P.A." for use under A.C. 0 Const. parkway drain per detail this sheet. . & P.C.C. shall be uniformly applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate for the full pavement width prior to paving. Scale : l'.--•40' . 0 Remove existing A.G. pavement. 3. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill , compacting original ground, and all sub-grades, shall be performed at no cost to in 11 .:-) ..),... lal Saw cut to neat, straight edge. San Bernardino County. A written report with these compaction tests shall be submitted to the Contracts Administration Division of the 'San Bernardino ,4 . 0 Const. A.C. overlay (varies). County Transportation Department for approval , prior to placement of base (:.1) .\ A \ materials and/or surfacing. - ...T4 1..)4.k Crneupontryt Transportation tubimonitpteedpatrotmetnhte V ill V 0 g listing all tests or determinations completed to verfiy: Const. commercial driveway per Std. 129. W = 30' 4. niri-eac.ctrrnegti)::ro:fpitIllen1;naB:arrti:rricleiLln: piCi;t: N % rtIN•11 . \3„,_ q\ ZN ciNi (a) R-Value, sieve analysis, and sand equivalent or aggregate bases: -; Il (b) Stablility, oil content and sieve analysis of asphalt surfacing. . 5. Transportation Department approval does not include estimate of quantities. 6. All lateral cuts in County maintained roadways shall be tested to verify 14 NA N i %I N 0 714 4 • densification to 90% relative compaction (R.C.) at varying depths to within , cs; to ..., 4 Lti .././ 1 ,e .0 % .-S i• % ':13 N. • • k.9 0.5' of grading plane. The top 0.5' shall be densified to 95%. . (4 0 ... NI ik,/,/ ••21,...../..<..,/ ,..... ---a N \,..,,N.-. ' iy< 7. All longitudinal cuts shall be tested in accordance with the specified -N. oi k.ki kv,I, cy/ 1-- \--1 a .3 9.961 t \I limits and frequency as outlined in Section "6* of the San Bernardino County si 1. ;a -1- . .: ..N, , Standards and Specifications. 0 .S) ‘11 - Ex.No. Curb \V \ -I. - ----- ____, - -122111111-11-.• ----- I --- .;- - „...,...., '_._____. ..,. .a. . Se An encroachment permits must first be obtained from the County Transportation 0 7 'te-----x.e.e 1 y .MMWIIIIIIIIMAIW. ' % •.. ' ' '' :-A-- Department prior to making application and issuance of a grading permit or / 'i ta it t e 18 e Che5atif Avenue . \ buil ding permit. I- 4 .. Is , • , 4 . . . . 15- • 4. , , 7 L ! -----4111- -I 9. Immediately following removal of existing pavement, or dike or curb and/or ....er; am 1.10 N44:0 0 0 gutter, the contractor shall diligently pursue this portion of work until ite-Ex. SO. Ctlrh •••••.% "N. "4... .._ completion. -s... -=.,...„7 , , ...,_, , .„. , • . I I . , IQ 10. All pipe lines or substructures of any kind, and telephone or Power poles, -..... Ni water meters, valves, hydrants, etc. , shown or not shown on these plans - 0, kK I , s'o, . within the limits of the development or in adjacent areas where improvement - Ozi til work is to be done shall be removed or relocated at the develwer expense,amiela/no - 1 IkCi(i '014 A . . „c) k co5i iMe-Lan Bernardino 490,7,517;arayeriallieart Pepa' rhwei :nIt shall be the owner's •• izgme.x " '46-4(:0 Y . A) .... i, cLN 1‘ -4. 1 responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. 11 . A permit shall be obtained from the County Transportation Department prior 4 tNIC: . 11111Iiii- 11.%4 0- . t . k to any construction on this project. STEIL.UST N• ..,\S 1 %. • ,,,,i? .4. LP 4:. 12. Curb and gutter, cross gutter and spandrels shall be constructed that a * '''`.6 w s 41,1014W1210 moat -1.-4_ ,- SA . .I IN II- ,•%.4,-• ... • -4,. 11 I& II et e 3- 2saits3111- ' i a.3 '7" , 4 3-.3 ... , • N...... .Z'',..,-. 14.r ,,,3 minimum of ponding occurs; sections having gradients of 0.50% or flatter 1.• '; f(‘ . ..,",......„..,.:, 4.-01 - • 3 . 5/1 f•,..94. cill • shall be water tested in the presence of the inspector immediately prior . ••• - \•9 Ni... ....... to tract acceptance. Sections which have water ponding more that 6" wide, . 0 - . .• • . le 0 .....„. SIII:14%.". N•..........-.....ro . or more than 4' long shall be sawcut and removed in lengths not less than . . . - ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES • 4' and replaced to reduce ponding to the maximum specified. . Pat NIL .. .1.11 lir 11. ( IV' . ourdiihk ''. - . 252•1 2'at Vert...-6" . otriier - Chet?Attn. 4 7 _ . . /3-0jeG71 . . *suet .. , . • Anchor(75e.) • 1 . 317.9 L.F. 8" Curb and Gutter (Inc. Dwy. Dep.) -, 13. At the completion of rough grading, a materials report and the Proposed . •• ANCHOR . PL A.NI , Shi'e - . • • 2. 3,846 S.F. A.C. Pavement structural section shall be submitted by the tract engineer to the San d li . , /9.60' . Bernardino County Transportation Department for review and evaluation. 111EM i i I • 4P;3 fe" 1-4 Ua•ts -4 J Bar Moie:Ar Stec/gee PL. -• 3. 2 Ea. Parkway Drain Approval will he given when all structural section requirements have been met. maq• r..•.: 1 4 Siefe/Liol. .Q.0 CAC$ id' .349/ 3-itr[Own .. * • ... :., ... •.... Vs , 304 la . 1/0 4. 810 S.F. Commercial Driveway • - Ave. sar , • at:IL . w . . .ittic . . . isamamir . , • . , arm - - - /8/ p -4 • . • Li.1 -LaiL(1134eL. Cete4C. SUM OR • - " . . , • #r°12231FmilivL 1:1111111.11"2111w 4-11 Sirroi•C-3ooct 5. 5,070 S.F. Remove ex. A.C. Pavement - • Ar , , •4 ,, k v ,8 1 / Il.... _. /e.5-/ - 6;6-d..., 'A. . er• • -- . . ,. . . 5ECTiON A-A i... r.._Z."..e ..-./hil 6.00 ISI a•0491 A. . . • • . - • . SECT/OM 8-5 . 6. 1 ,923 S.F. A.C. Overlay 4.,-- • . i, 4 . •,,i . . . ... - . , 4 71.,„...,Th.ek...., , .. • 459 P>RKWAV DRAIN ' •-, ,..A .:. 'r•. •• Wetly 'few ..• - . .. /70/ ..5(..411.12 -----e ofESSiatiel • fist to sade . - - , . . . , • , . - . s .. . ,•-•:', ,.t•,:', • .,t W. 0. NO. I 0 :,.,-, . 0 0 . ' .• - 6-N. e 41 -..- $ $ Lmville - CE1L.51 Inc. . FIELD BOOK REF. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO - . , . , ., • liA ROAD DEPARTMENT , , - . .., ; STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS .. • V' `,I;:-- - • " ._.. . . .. - , cz C - ,-.onstruction contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction Typical gechon .0, - ROAD NO. Tri DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECK D,BY • practices,construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for 4 Af)74 74e, spezk t . Ida CIO , NO• 20 M 100- S X . Reh0 et/4.111'701-7,40......, 42/110.r1114 9/7.30 K.Al I• 6.A.C. APPROVED BY -- ,.. , • . . ., . „. . . .., . .' .. Che7Lnu/ livenve 229200 . job site conditions during the course of construction of the project,including safety of all persons California Council. ii, 9-3a-09 * egt DA.,--._ * - , FILE NO . and property; that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to Te/ephone: (7/49 9469-39Ze . - - PP 134 -8/ . SUBMITTED BY .D.E. normal working hours,and construction contractor further agrees to defend,indemnify and hold Of Civil Engineers' . I, ,zr ._ ASST. COUNTY ENGR.-ROADS DATE , design professional harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the &Land Surveyort. . 4 .CIVIL - 4 ize ./.24 A. TP/2704 - RECOMMENDED/APPROVED BY . A PW ee9 -052-/7,/8 . SHEET of . . . performance of work on this project, excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of design OF C'0 ' /1"----c----` 0.- g----.--#.4. x/g7 eS-eivaa) 4 .2-5 .2.) .professional. . . . .. ._, _ . ASST. ROAD COMMISSEONER-ENGR. / / . _. ... .. ' - REVISIONS APPR DATE DATE COUNTY ENGINEER DATE ' . ..._....._ . .. . . . , entlerih/A 41/74/Pie Af.c.6 00.000 .t- -..pale /1,02_ . . . _.... . TP/Z 7g 5282-1 . .„--g-i.- ,MARK , - _._..._._. ... ___ . .