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All work shall be done in accordance with this plan and the San Bernardino . • 1 . • - . County Standards and Specifications. 1 --'-i. -T".'. -L........-1-:.-•••__-• - ____ i i i6Vatc4 /%7cteg aleM444!ei alle/WA,g)4P. &b 0 Construct 8" curb and gutter per Standard N6. 115 2. If asphalt concrete is to be placed directly on subgrade of road or drainage • _.5'ca/e: /"--- 40 e, , _ --k arooMal Rec,e6(./ylo.)- r__r_1 i facilities, a soils sterilant registered by the "E.P.A." for use under A.C. . 4:1) Construct . A.C. pavement per soilt test . __IsimiLf-ar-\ _ i 1"-----4-.11:1.-,i4 / sc.des6yea) A ig7e.10 )4p I , \ I & P.C.C. shall be uniformly applied at the manufacturer's recommended rate \I •I 4 A W:// r 0 . for the full pavement width prior to paving. -116' Ni ott,, I /?' •R/I iPs.?",'%' -... Construct 8" A.C. dike per Standard No. 117 3. Compaction tests of embankment construction, trench backfill , compacting . . - . 4.1. original ground, and all sub-grades, shall be performed at no cost to -•.:,,,P14.4- • . '4410:5 Ille4m CO Regrade earth ditch San Bernardino County. A written report with these compaction tests shall • . . . A ..g ,lion a71 4 e i oron /6"7) be submitted to the Contracts Administration Division of the San Bernardino •ee. of. , •gee/ion al Ty. f Apron Remove existing chain link fence . - County Transportation Department for approval , prior to placement of base • tt3eg. oVivi. GI , materials and/or surfacing. CIOConstruct commercial driveway per Standard No. 129 (W = 40' )O 4. At the completion of paving, a materials report shall be submitted to the arointeal Rock 4,11111L::AO1 167 1 • Contracts Engineer of the San Bernardino County TrallspOrtation Department - . o Con5/ri/c/ 6idewaIl‹per gin/. No. /09 7frine listing all tests or determinations completed to verfiy: k... . . o Z I, 0 Consirua Grot.ded Rock Atron l'ef. Delz2;/ ihi6 Shee71, L ,/,0' (a) R-Value, sieve analysis, and sand equivalent or aggregate bases: . - ....... kcs \\\\ -Ac:: ,,.... (b) Stablility, oil content and sieve analysis of asphalt surfacing. Truck Yard con521. cola. ca/4,-- pe.- .5%5.C.P:C.I7. ,.5!R/67 5. Transportation Department approval does not include estimate of quantities. .. --. ..i.; k ki ' , L,,. .,...) ,. . i.., iii 6-776-0-7ce Idu N.) /NO , 4, 6. All lateral cuts in County maintained roadways shall be tested to verify •• - C1/4 N ... ''..5 / ///\ 0 Remove ?Recon.d: ...9 /eel? . . 'ik- ,?.i densification to 90% relative compaction (R.C.) at varying depths to within • \ . .............. • . ‘1-.)11 ski 0.5' of grading plane. The top 0.5' shall be densified to 95%. ---.......„.‘11,12") E .C. 6-1 -----tr-Ea.=.------- ...-...."------:.- o' 0 AO /Wei.1 deeec).7,571 , .eke 6‹, c., 463...Fli-iverl 043. 1:&-L'o. e7v. 046 7. All longitudinal cuts shall be tested in accordance with the specified . - .. ..-____-. o _ , Ir. Ntiks„\:1 qi fe,r Cewrid'et/017 or ireCo"2.57`. .06 'A: c.)...i? limits and frequency as outlined in Section "6" of the San Bernardino County • tri kki - Standards and Specifications. • i.. 3. AG Con6./.. /Ai, .garrica<le (Nei)Per,..6.8.C. ‘.6.7ii.36-6.• 1/1/4414=7/.D...7,;71 4ce Al-2 5Zyil- ., .0 8. An encroachment permits must first be obtained from the County Transportation te, , -, t vq, i .. _ Ex.1212i. Yeilow :7e Cherry Avenue • Department prior to making application and issuance of a grading permit or \ - •ins ' ., 20 A ei • it building permit. • . ,_ _ - . • i .25 , .i._÷_e_ Varies t:II 6-X. Whille Zan.- Line -7 1 al{ Oft 9.- Immediately following removal of existing pavement, or dike or curb and/or . ,.. N.) /5' gutter, the contractor shall diligently pursue this portion of work until . ., . . o . t N CI) ••••.1,1‘.3 \ ' . • ‘k completion. - . N N N 0 . : ".... N 1'1/41 10. All pipe lines or substructures of any kind, and telephone or power poles, Ex. 4of -4... 11 4, ..674W /14 -./ .N. v.)" 0 Ili 1,.. White/y_______\_ qo -,.. -4, _ _....+ i _2L71!_a4fL _____.4, - .5..v,44,0a-el_, d, t--4,7' d, . ...ii 1 . "*.i water meters, valves, hydrants, etc. , shown or not shown on these plans . . Line- -___---• __ - - --\\ 6 14i within the limits of the development or in adjacent areas where improvement . Aztc-nia,_-,1= __ ._ ..... 11111 CI 0 -°- iii OA -.. . work is to be done shall be removed or- relocated at no . cost to the San es .....0 A . „-,-;-:.:-, ,,,,........;:, nr...:,4)....i.:,.... ... .... ,,..-_ -4.-.27 .C.R 44 1 6,51 Bernardino County Transportation Department, It shall be th owner's . . ...... , ... ......•......_awigs!,1‘01111111.; "-.0■.---- -121- 071 ----- edh_gea!-:::;?-7---- ___,,- 1 ,./ . 65 ..... / ., responsibility to notify all agencies concerned. . . . t.' '..• • Si rarl. / 11 . A permit shall be obtained from the County Transportation Department prior ---1„; / I to •.) 3. 1 0 5.51‘ l'' -- I . ...e---------A --- ai Fit:AO. ",si V _..V. N• A Nil e ..' Remove 4t.,00'. Ex. 2ia to any construction on this project. A. . A k 1 I I is, . Limirg....____--- ..--.-----,----,-i: , ,7,- Z02.•/ $t A 1, A 'N.!: N ...-.,, N. lis N Ai ag ,a _...,. 1 , 12. Curb and gutter, cross gutter and spandrels shall be constructed that a ,..v i cist(i)ir 7c, 0 'A to i lel v."3 cIT'N . k N."'si 1 tssi \i ic. ---7 .gx./1.e.eae222- cs) ___ 1 __ _ .......4, . -..... k _J_1_I_ii, ........--------iitilohL 0 ' ' \ •N I, 'A NA, i• liqj minimum of ponding occurs; sections having gradients of 0.50% or flatter - "--1 - -------1 _..------- eo-Yeilicaar Access ,- . El.-...-/3 •14:) 4.. :2\.‘t.; % te, C4 ik l`fl7r1% VI -11.. c '• tSohati riacb.et Wa ,.. ... .: Sk‘\C;"..,1 '''..trk".I...41 i, , -,e.con-shie) or more than 4' long shall be sawcut and removed in lengths not less than kffl 1 k.::: ,..Q. , , „en, 0 .... ,,,,. 4' and replaced to reduce ponding to the maximum specified. t. >1 ,c,,k -k,1/4 i\it la)Ci,jii N - - 1k51 Cph a4-I:1 of -...- ac'C:rpt::sce.d ' :c.tt.til:ni:r:UrCiciehc)a,:etW:tert.i.sr):Icitcl.71:1gir:T.:itttlItY6FW7rde, 4 ifFvi4.94E Ccalicans Peed) V k_•• V.,t (3\11 ;k ) ikn . .4.CiPik..4. or .ci .9431 .6- 1)* _..\% z,<•-••,„. „--.... ...q).••• N,T• , '1, 14.1.•• S-' tyl `• N- 7soe -4,5;2. ....) .\,,,.,..x 4 Q.) '4). c::, ''' ''es\-.„,,,/"Le a '. 1 '''..,,.. q;13e. ...........„ .....)....F\ .A, , n [ , (\i‘i --4 -Pie- )6 J• 13. Street markers per San.. Bernardino County Standard No. 303, 303a, and 303b, 0 %. c1 .11\ 4tNc\)k. 59' k,. -& , %„7,-,. -,.... ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES 0 1-irlhaL t......b - --... _444,--. N..3 • shall be constructed at. each intersection. -3 '44 \.., .. 1) i,..1 lilt 1 \ x .. 1., •_,, .11 In I) ‘V ,„._ -..}: Ls -}s. -4.*:. 1... 14.,:44 ...i '-`• irl 1:1 IV N. ,:),..,: ; • <3. 253.1 L.F. 8" Curb and Gutter t 0 14. At the completion of rough grading, 4 materials report and the proposed • structural section shall be submitted by the tract engineer to the San il ik; 1 1 § ezve6-0 111 .... i -./... .-- ••••' ' , kfi it, % % '... \-•, 6:3 I. 1 ,040 S.F. Commercial Drive 7.4,, / gec7tion Bernardino County Transportation Department for review and evaluation. :I /1.-;/-. to, ,,-,,,,, , . .., ,,,,„, sz4 I A p e 1 .ri/ /I / e) . 39.0 L.F. 8" A.C. Dike . /42-4,02 . /B747910.5;14. 2/1-22 :e.i. Approval will be given when all' ttructural section requirements have been met. 15. Any State facilities damaged or disturbed during the pursuit of this project will be % ''''' . .4"/..._...... .....- L.... .." /--e...• "9/ io ..14.:41/e 11/44 ' • replaced or restored to original condition at no cost to the State. NI 1 . ../ 291 .0 L.F. Sawcut and remove A.C. Dike Aloie : .6Zofewak ge-4 a71/9•444 -11 ,_., " t --.., kr, 1 1 \ 0. 930 C.Y. Earthwork (fill ) A.P N. e34-e3/-e6 . --K ori 1 .. . ,.....; (...o 4,0' $4,- 1 ,220 S.F. A.C. Pavement 1\1\\\*\\‘....1 .... A 1 . 53 L.F. 34° R.C.P. 03540-D) 1 Ea. HOWL - Va/4/ aeivi • . , \ I 1 §:Jed 5iie • -1 &9 4 9 g.p Si:dem/4/. - /10 S.F. 6rouled Rock Apron . 1 - . Jeushilay m LINVILLE .. . . . • FIELD BOOK REF. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO W. 0. NO. • . , . ..., ... -- •• - • . . . . - - • • . . .. • ROAD DEPARTMENT „,,,, ) ierP7-1 Civil EngineersILance Surveyors,inc. STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS • Construction contractor agrees that in accordance with generally accepted construction . I:. s...A.77 -• • -• • 9333 Bazeline Road.Suite 190 .- . - -rori ROAD NO. • practices,construction contractor will be required to assume sole and complete responsibility for . rii: ?.:". Rancho Cucamonga.CA 91730 DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY CHECK B' . 714-989-3922 • le/tit- 6 Az. I -\-- Cherry _ job site conditions during the course of construction of the project,including safety of all persons Colifornio Council ,, IF vs. I - . SUBMITTED BY RECOMMENDED APPROVED BY C.D.E. APPROVED BY SHEE1::650/7/ . Avenue • and property; that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to 1 - normal working hours, and construction contractor further agrees to defend,indemnify and hold °faun Engineer/ '-, ..5X9ver 't /ye. LIMIT design professional harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged, in connection with the atanc1Surveyou ; /oe-/03 - ASST. COUNTY ENGR.-ROADS DATE performance of work on this project,excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of design I 1 .11 P/0/ Plan No. 145-/22 , professional. .. 1// /e7i...Za tial, 1/2--------r- 71' 4.-----' f1/45/' hVeiVo- 77706686 .L. P DATE •3. 1 Kg-.1,1it .2sf•ec . - .. . .1TdOt TO 41271:222.12C447/71-6e.geC1110)Y,.._4' Anallimr‘4.7z, °R . ASST. ROAD COMM1SSTONER-E GR. , . . . .. , • - kenHeih /1/. Zierige Pide if:etc:00200 ,e/0.1-74,4e 9/..*AM A RK R.A...1rVISIONS DATE COUNTY ENGINEER DATE - . - . . • ' •.,.:.L -, - TP086 5 2 7 9-1 . 66 - , •