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Remove a// pavemem` mark/2. pa to these ///22. it s, Colin& to do a// restriP;fly._ Catch Basin 0 1 .18 1 /7 11 . I it--"Itb , \#11 PS /1 // Wiper i in-x r' (--,?, / / / /7/5":•-///-•-• / / / -..-‘7.' . • 1 • rv i i itc7. 37+00 to Pa, 321-35...t FIELD BOOK REF. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO - ' ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 0 IV i Creole ow,/1 h•-,orn 5Ia. , ROAD DEPARTMENT -1 , ROAD NO. i - e• /-1 -,..•' DESIGNED BY DRAW N BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY CHERRY AVENUE 228150 - AJ 3.5-#00 to .370-0o. --I- •;ro au r. ,..,,,,,,, krueper engineering a associates 0 C) G. ATKINS M. GORES IV civil engineering land surveying -.., .,...- ,-•• • • LIMITS I / i Dra/a. age C'hai7i7e/ • 568 north mountain view f C.D.E. ASST. COUNTY ENGR• ROADS DATE NORTH OF INTERSTATE 10 103 -102 884-2159 son bernardino, california 92401 rs3 1 40 tail ... . 4if A Revi$ed Coi757`• of/r7/9. Pipe . . . - . RECOMMENDED/APPROVED BY FONTANA 3> ._...<-_,/........e.--z...e..&" , i . A Revised Curl,Return gracterv •: ,"•/(-•.',.• if.1-1-1.e. ),/,0G1a z•9-7z . 2 Date /2-27-7/ Cold Reg No. 17419 MARK REVISIONS APPR DATE ASST ROAD COMMISSIONER ENGR. DATE COUNTY ENGINEE DATE SHEET of 2 5276-2 70-10.02 P-4-/27 , • _ _ • _ _ . . . . . _ _ . , „.,_ ... .„ ... _._. . _ ,_ ... . _ . .. . _.....