HomeMy WebLinkAbout5230-12L0 N LA M IRRIGATION SYSTEM I. GENERAL A. SCOPE OF WORK Provide all labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to umish and install Irrigation System as shown on the drawings and described herein. B. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REQUIREMENTS 1. Permits and Fees The Contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and all inspections as required. 2. Manufacturer's Directions Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shalbe followed in all cases where the manufacturers of articles used in this contract furnish covering in directions co e g po is not showing the drawings old specifications. 3. Ordinances and Regulations All local, municipal and state laws, and rules and regLations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incorporated into and made a part ofthese specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained in tlese specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules and regulations of the same. However, when these specifications and drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is require(by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. 4. Explanation of Drawings Contractor is respons?ole for all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc., which may be required but are not indicated. Contractor will carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of the work and plan the work accordingly, furnishing such fittings; etc., as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting, aid architectural features. The contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field eat unknown obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in engineering. Suchobstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Owner's authorized representative. In the event this notification is not perbrmed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. C. SUBMITTALS 1. Material List Furnish the articles, equipment, materials, or processes specified by name in the drawings and specifications. No substitution will be allowed without irior written approval by the Architect. a. Complete material list shall be submitted prior b performing any work. Material list shall include the manufacturer, model number and d:scription of all material and equipment to be used. b. Equipment or materials installed or furnished whout prior approval of the Architect may be rejected and the Contractor required to removesuch materials from the site at his own expense. C. Approval of any item, alternate or substitute inccates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted. d. Approval of any item, alternate or substitute inccates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications on the basis of the information or samples submitted. 2. Record Drawings a. The landscape contractor shall request in writirg from the landscape architect the documents necessary to proceed with the preparation of the as-builts. b. The contractor shall dimension from two permaient points of reference, building comers, sidewalk, or road intersections; etc., the Iocatiois of the following items: (1) Connection to existing water lines. (2) Connection to existing electrical power. (3) Gate valves. (4) Routing of pressure lines (dimension max. UO' along routing) (5) Irrigation control valves. (6) Routing of control wiring. (7) Quick coupling valves. (8) Other related equipment as directed by the .rchitect. C. On or before the date of the final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver the corrected and completed record drawings to the Architect. DeMvery of the record drawings will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required informationhat may be omitted from the prints. 3. Controller Charts a. Record drawings shall be approved by the ArcFtect before controller charts are prepared. b. Provide one controller chart for each controller supplied. C. The chart shall show the area controlled by theautomatic controller and shall be the maximum size which the controller door will allow. d. The chart is to be a reduced drawing of the actal as -built system. However, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the draving is reduced, it shall be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. e. The chart shall be a or blue line solid print and i different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each station. f. When completed and approved, the chart shalloe hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils thi:k. g. These charts shall be completed and approvedprior to final inspection of the irrigation system. 4. Operation and Maintenance Manuals Prepare and deliver operation and maintenance mantals as specified in Division 1 and as follows: a. Catalog and parts sheets on every material anc equipment installed under this Contract. b. Guarantee statement. C. Complete operating and maintenance instructicns on all major equipment. d. In addition to the above-mentioned maintenano manuals, provide the Owner's maintenance personnel with instructions for major equipmen'and show evidence in writing to the Architect at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. 5. Equipment to Be Furnished Supply as a part of this Contract the following tools: a. Two sets of special tools required for removing disassembling and adjusting each type of valve supplied on this project. b. Two five-foot valve keys for operation of gate v.lves. C. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Six quick coupler keys and matching hose swivels for each type of quick coupling valve installed. f. a handheld remote device to remotely control ad inspect irrigation system The above-mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the City at the conclusion of the project. Before final inspection can occur, evidence that the Owner has received material nust be shown to the Architect. D. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings: The (ontractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading, unloading, and storing of PC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe shall be transpored in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject it to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, if installed, shall be replaced with new piping. E. GUARANTEE The guarantee for the irrigation shall be nade in accordance with the form shown below. A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the operations and maintenance mc-lual. The guarantee form shall be retyped onto the Contractor's letterhead and contain the following information: GUARANTEE FOR IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the irrigation system we have furnished ind installed is free from defects in materials and workmanship, and the work has been coroleted in accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or rnglect expected. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may develol during the period of one year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replace any damage resuing from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time, as determined by the Owner, after receipt of writt!n notice. In the event of our failure to make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after eceipt of written notice from the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or-eplacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. PROJECT: LOCATION: SIGNED: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: PHONE: DAT OF ACCEPTANCE: II. PRODUCTS A. MATERIALS 1. General: Use only new materials of brands and types nded on drawings, specified herein, or approved equals. 2. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings a.. Pressure main line piping for all sizes shall be FVC Schedule 40. b. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1 Grade 1 PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 1785. All pipe shall meet regirements as set forth in Federal Specification 70. (Solvent -weld pipe). C. Solvent -weld fittings shall be Schedule 40, 1-2,11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM test procedure D2466. . . . . . . . . . . d. Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent -weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. e. All PVC pipe shall bear the following markings: (1) Manufacturer's name. (2) Nominal pipe size. (3) Schedule or class. (4) Pressure rating in PSI. (5) NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval. f. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's name or trademark material designation, size, applicable I.P.S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. 3. PVC Non -Pressure Lateral Line Piping a. Non -pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC class 200 with solvent weld joints. b. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type 1, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1784. All pipe shall meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS -22-70, with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. C. Except as noted in Section II-A,a & b, all requirements for non -pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent -weld pressure main line pipe and fittings as set forth in Section II- A-2 of these specifications. 4. Backflow Prevention Units a. Backflow prevention units shall be of size and type indicated on the irrigation drawings, Install backflow prevention units in accordance with irrigation constructions details. 5. Control Wiring a. Connections between the automatic controllers and the electric control vales shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be a different color wire form each automatic controller. Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each automatic controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than #14. b. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. C. Where more than one (1) wire is placed in a trench, wiring shall be taped together at intervals of ter( 10) feet. d. An expansion curl shall be provided within three (3) feet of each wire connection. Expansion curl shall be of sufficient length at each splice connection at each electric control, so that in case of repair, the valve bonnet may be brought to the surface without disconnection of the control wires. Control wires shall be laid loosely in trench without stress or stretching of control wire conductors. e. All splices shall be made with Scotch -Lok #3576 Connector Sealing Packs, Rainbird snap-tite wire connector, or approved equal. Use one splice per connector sealing pack. f. Field splices between the automatic controller and electrical control valves will not be allowed with our prior approval of the Architect. 6. Automatic Controllers a. Automatic controllers shall be of size and type shown on the Plans. b Final location of automatic controllers shall be approved by the Owner's authorized representative. C. Unless otherwise noted on the plans, the 120 volt electrical power to the automatic controller location to be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shall be the responsibility of the irrigation contractor. 7. Electric Control Valves a. All electric control valves shall be the same manufacturer as the automatic controllers. b. All electric control valves shall have a manual flow adjustment. C. Prcvide and install one control valve box for each electric control valve. approved equal. A. INSPECTION 1. Site Conditions a. All scaled dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall check and verify all size dimensions and receive Architect's approval prior to proceeding with work under this Section. b. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities which are caused by his operation or neglect. Check existing utilities drawings for existing utility locations. C. Coordinate installation of irrigation materials, including pipe, so there shall be no interference with utilities or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, and ground covers. d. The Contractor shall carefully check all grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the irrigation system. B. PREPARATION 1. Physical Layout a. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stake out all pressure supply lines and routing. b. All layout shall be approved by Architect prior to installation. 2. Water Supply a. Irrigation system shall be connected to water supply points of connection as indicated on the drawings. b. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. 3. Electrical Supply a. Electrical connections for automatic controller shall be made to electrical points of connection as ind sated on the drawings. b. Connections shall be made at approximate locations as shown on drawings. Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. C. INSTALLATION 1. Trenching a. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on sand bedding at bottom of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. b. Prcvide for a minimum of eighteen (18") inches cover for all pressure supply lines. C. Prcvide for a minimum cover of twelve (12") inches for all non -pressure lines. d. Prcvide for minimum cover of eighteen (18") inches for all control wiring. 2. Back filling a. The trenches shall not be back filled until all required tests are performed. Trenches shall be carefully back filled with the excavated material approved by the Soils Engineer for back -filling consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, free from large clods of earth or stones. Back fill shall be mechanically compacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Back fill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas, humps or other surface irregularities. b. A fine granular material back fill will be initially placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than one-half (1/2) inch in size will be permitted in the initial backfill. C. Flooding of trenches will be permitted only with the approval of the Soils Engineer. d. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments in pipe, valves, planting, or other construction are necessary, the Contractor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the Owner. 3. Trenching and Back fill Under Paving a. Trenches located under areas where paving, asphalt concrete or concrete shall be back filled with sand (a layer six inches below the pipe and three inches above the pipe) and compacted in layers to 90%. Trenches for piping shall be inspected by the Soils Engineer prior to installing the pipes. All trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade. The irrigation Contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piping under paving prior to the paving work. b. Generally, piping under existing walks is done by jacking, boring or hydraulic driving, but where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks and /or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the Contractor as part of the Contract cost. Permission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the Architect. No hydraulic driving will be permitted under concrete paving. C. Provide for a minimum cover of twenty-four inches between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all pressure and non -pressure piping installed under asphalt concrete paving. 4. Assemblies a. Routing of irrigation lines as indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic. Install lines and various assemblies to conform with the details shown on drawings. b. Install no multiple assemblies on plastic lines. Provide each assembly with its own outlet. C. Install all assemblies specified herein in accordance with respective detail. In absence of detail drawings or specifications pertaining to specific items required to complete work, perform such work in accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of Architect d. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and moisture before installation. Installation and solvent -welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe and fittings e. On PVC to metal connections, the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC, and on all threaded PVC to metal joints. Light wrench pressure is all that is required. Where threaded PVC connections are required use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. Line Clearance All lines shall have a minimum clearance of six inches from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. 11 Automatic Controller a. Install controller in a vandal proof enclosure. Refer to the details. b Install as per manufacturer's instructions. Remote control valves shall be connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the drawings. i Remote Control Valves Install where shown on drawings and details. When grouped together, allow at least twelve inches between valves. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve box. I Flushing of System a. After all new pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to installation of dripline the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the system. b. Dripline shall be installed only after flushing of the system has been accomplished to the complete satisfaction of the Architect. L TEMPORARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Builder -Developer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the terms of the guarantee as herein specified. E EXISTING TREES Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation in areas where two-inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand. All roots two inches and larger in diameter, except directly in the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching machine is run close to trees having roots smaller than two inches in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand -trimmed, making clean cuts through. Roots one -inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of Tree Seal or equal. Trenches adjacent to trees should be closed within twenty-four hours, and where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. E FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1. Adjustment of the System a. The Contractor shall flush and adjust all dripline for optimum performance as much as possible. b. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the Contractor shall make such adjustments prior to planting. 2. Testing of Irrigation System a. The Contractor shall request the presence of the Architect in writing at least 48 hours in advance of testing. b. Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and prove watertight. NOTE: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. C. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch and proved watertight prior to paving. d. Sustain pressure in lines for not less than two hours for mainlines, or as requested by city. If leaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system is proven water -tight. e. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Architect or other duly authorized representative of the Owner. No pipe shall be back filled until it has been inspected, tested and approved in writing and shall be re -tested after back fill operations are complete. f. Furnish necessary force pump and all other test equipment. g. When the irrigation system is completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Architect to determine if the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from plans or where the system has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate without bringing this to the attention of the Architect. This test shall be accomplished before any ground cover is planted. h. Upon completion of each phase of work, entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. �. MAINTENANCE 1. The entire irrigation system shall be under full automatic operation for a period of seven days prior to any planting. 1. CLEANUP Cleanup shall be made as each portion of work progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving shall be broomed or washed down, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. DRIFIRRIGATION PRODUCTS I. MTROL ZONE KITS A.GENERAL 1. Commercial Control Zone Kits for zones with flows from 3.0 to 20.0 GPM a. Control Zone Kit shall be per plan b. The 1" control zone kit shall have a 1" isolation ball valve. c. The filter shall be a 1" inline Quick Check Basket Filter body constructed of heavy-duty, glass -filled, UV resistant polypropylene capable of withstanding pressures of not less than 150 psi (10,3 bars). The design shall be a basket style body with jar -top cap. The cap shall incorporate an indicator that goes from green to red during operation when the filter element needs cleaning. The dimensions for the filter shall not exceed the following: Height: 6 1/2" (16,5 cm), Length: 6'/2" (16,5 cm), Width: 3'/" (8,9 cm). The filter element shall be constructed of a durable stainless steel mesh attached to a propylene frame and shall be a standard 200 -mesh (75 micron). The screen shall be serviceable for cleaning purposes by unscrewing the cap from the body and removing the filter element. d. The control zone kit shall have an inline pressure regulator. The pressure regulator shall be constructed of durable, UV resistant non -corrosive material able to accommodate an inlet pressure rating of not less than 150 psi (10,3 bar). The pressure regulating device is a normally open device that allows full flow with little pressure loss unless the inlet pressure is greater than the preset level. As the inlet pressure increases above the preset level it compresses a spring and begins to reduce the flow and downstream pressure. The inline pressure regulator shall have a preset outlet pressure of approximately 40 psi (2,8 bar). e. The control zone kit shall have a 3/4" or 1" automatic irrigation control valve. The valve pressure rating not to be less than 150 psi (10,3 bars). The valve body and bonnet shall be constructed of high -impact, weather -resistant plastic, stainless steel and other chemical/UV resistant materials. The valve shall have a diaphragm constructed of a durable Buna-N rubber material reinforced with nylon. II. LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE A. Inline Emitter Tubing 1. Pressure -Compensating Rain Bird Landscape Dripline a. The inline emitter shall be welded to the inner circumference of the polyethylene tubing. The inline emitter shall have dual outlet ports, 180° apart, ensuring only one port has contact with the ground when the tubing is installed at grade and mulched over. b. Rain Bird's ADI emitter (Advanced Drip Inline) shall pressure compensate by lengthening the emitters turbulent flow path. The emitter shall be cylindrical in shape and provide surface area for filtration throughout 360" of its outer circumference. This increased filtration surface area shall assure that the water that enters the inline emitter can always come from the upper half, or cleanest part of the flow path in the polyethylene tubing regardless of how the inline tubing lays on the ground. c. Rain Bird Landscape Dripline tubing shall be brown in color and conform to an outside diameter (O.D.) of 0.630 inches (16 mm) and an inside diameter (I.D.) of 0.540 inches (13,7 mm) and wall thickness of 0.045 inches (1,1 mm). d. Rain Bird Landscape Dripline shall have factory installed, pressure -compensating, inline emitters installed every [12] or [18] or [24] inches. OR e. Rain Bird Landscape Dripline shall have factory installed, pressure -compensating, inline emitters with spacing as indicated on drawings. f. The flow rate from each installed inline emitter shall be a consistent [0.6] or [0.9] gallons per hour when inlet pressure is between 8.5 and 60 psi (0,7 to 4,1 bars). g. Operating pressure range: 8.5 to 60 psi (0,7 to 4,1 bar). h. Models: per plan 11 III FITTINGS A. Compression Fittings 1. Easy Fit Compression Fittings: a. The Easy Fit Compression Fitting System shall consist of 3 fittings (tee, coupling and elbow) plus 5 Edapters and two removable flush caps. b. The Easy Fit Compression Fittings shall accept all polyethylene tubing from .630" to .710" (16mm-1 Emm) OD and shall provide a leak -free compression fit. They also shall provide connections to threaded components when used with any of the 5 adapters. The fittings shall be molded from UV -resistant ABS material mith a Buna-N rubber seal for long-term, leak free connections. c. The adapters shall be made of UV -resistant ABS materials and shall only be used with Easy Fit Corrpression Fittings. The adapters shall be installed in the Easy Fit Compression Fittings and threaded onto Y2" or %" Male- or Female -threaded components. Pressure loss for the Easy Fit Adapters is a maximum of .1 PSI for each adapter used. d. The removable [black] or [purple] flush cap shall be used to close off a line. The purple flush cap shall be used to close off a line containing non -potable water. e. The operating pressure range for the Easy Fit Compression Fitting System shall be 0 to 60 psi (0 to 4,1 bars). f. Models: i. Tee: MDCFTEE ii. Coupling: MDCFCOUP iii. Elbow: MDCFEL iv.Below Grade Irrigation Emission Stake: BIGIESTK v. Adapters: I. '/2" Male pipe thread adapter: MDCF50MPT II. %" Male pipe thread adapter: MDCF75MPT III. %2" Female pipe thread adapter: MDCF50FPT IV '/." Female pipe thread adapter: MDCF75FPT V. 3/4" Female hose thread adapter: MDCF75FHT vi.Flush Cap end closure for potable system: MDCFCAP vii. Provide purple flush caps for non -potable zones: MDCFPCAP 2. Compression Adapters a. Rain Bird compression adapters shall be made of ABS. b. The compression adapters shall be used to allow connection of PVC to polyethylene tubing. c. The 700 Series Compression adapter shall fit 1/2" polyethylene tubing with 0.700" O.D. d. The 600 Series Compression adapter shall fit Rain Bird Landscape Dripline and any 1/2" polyethylere tubing with 0.620"- 0.630" O.D. e. The operating pressure range for the compression adapters shall be 0 to 50 psi (0 to 3,5 bars). f. Models: i. 700 -CF -1: 1/2" Compression Adapter ii. 600 -CF -1: 16mm Compression Adapter I. LOC Fittings 1. The LOC fittings shall be used with any polyethylene tubing from 0.620 to .0630" OD (16 mm OD). Tte fittings shall connect and disconnect polyethylene tubing with a screw -on cap. 2. The LOC fittings shall be made from glass -filled polypropylene. 3. The operating pressure range for LOC fittings shall be 0 to 50 psi (0 to 3,5 bars). 4. Models: a. LOC 16mm 050 MPT Adapter b. LOC 16mm 075 MPT Adapter c. LOC 16mm Tee d. LOC 16mm Elbow e. LOC 16mm Coupling C. Landscape Dripline Insert Fittings 1. Rain Bird Landscape Dripline insert fittings shall consist of 3 fittings: coupling, tee and elbow. 2. The insert fittings shall be used with any polyethylene tubing or inline emitter tubing with ID of 0.54", iicluding Rain Bird Landscape Dripline and 16mm Distribution Tubing. 3. The insert fittings shall be brown and made from acetyl. 4. The operating pressure range for the insert fittings shall be 0 to 45 psi (0 to 3,1 bars). 5. Models a. Tee: LD16TEE b. Coupling: LD16CPLG c. Elbow: LD16ELB D. 1/4" Barb Transfer Fittings 1. Rain Bird'/" barb transfer fittings shall consist of 3 fittings: connector, elbow and tee. 2. Rain Bird '/4' barb transfer fittings shall be used to connect 1/4" distribution tubing (DT -025 or PT-025,with an ID of 0.16"(4 mm). 3. The transfer fittings shall be barbed on one end to permit easy insertion into any Y2" or %" polyethylerE tubing. They shall be able to be inserted into %2" or %" tubing by the use of the Xeriman® tool. 4. The'/." barb transfer fittings shall be made from UV resistant acetyl. 5. The operating pressure range for the 1/4" fittings shall be 0 to 50 psi (0 to 3,5 bars). 6. Models: a. XBF1CONN: 1/4" Barb Connector b. XBF2EL: 1/4" Barb x Barb Ell c. XBF3TEE: 1/4" Barb x Barb x Barb Tee END OF SECTION CITY OF FONTANA DRAWN BY: SF, SK, YM PROJECT NAME DESIGNED BY: MIL ARK AMP HEATR= DATE: JH 07/29/2014 CHECKED BY: APPROVED: �WG NO. BAX CITY ENGINEER 51152 R.Cl L A N D S C A P E ARCHITECTURE 310 N. JOY STREET CORONA, CA 92879 T: 951.73 7.1124 F: 951.737.6551 �0 �MDSqP I N URE rn n 9/30/15 J, EXP. DATE P CA CONSULTANT STAMP: PROJECT: MILLER PARK AMPHITHEATRE SHEET DESCRIPTION: IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS L-1 2 Sheet 12 of 15