HomeMy WebLinkAbout5061-124. All plant materials shall be subject to approval of size, health, quality, character, etc., by the Owner's Representative. 5. The height and spread of all plant materials shall be measured with branches in their normal position. 6. The caliper of all trees shall be measured 4' above the surface of the ground. 7. Where caliper or other dimensions of any plant materials are omitted from the plant list, it shall be understood that these plant materials shall be normal stock for the type listed. 8. Plant material shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, and shall conform to measurements specified in the Plant List/Legend. 9. Plant material larger than those specified may be supplied if complying in all other respects and at no additional cost to the Owner, upon approval of the Owner's Representative. 10. All plant materials must have been previously inspected at the nursery by the County Horticultural Department and shall be subject to acceptance as to quality by the Owner's Representative. 11. Substitutions will be permitted only as indicated, or if proof is submitted that any plant specified is not available, a proposal will be considered for the use of the nearest equivalent size or variety with an equitable adjustment of the contract price. 12. Quantities shown on the call outs on the Planting Plan are for the convenience of the Contractor only. Quantities drawn on the plan (whether by circles, dots or triangles) are the final authority and shall be furnished and installed as drawn. The Owner's Representative shall have the final authority as to location of all plant material. D. SEED MATERIALS: 1. Seed shall be clean, fresh, new crop seed and shall be the mixture as noted on the Planting Plan. 2. Seed shall be mixed by the dealer and furnished with the dealer's guarantee statement of composition and percentage of purity which shall be furnished to the Owner's Representative. Seed tags shall be delivered to the Owner's Representative at the time of installation. E. STAKES: All stakes shall be per details. IV. OBSTRUCTIONS BELOW GROUND: A. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY: the Contractor is responsible for verifying the location of all utility lines and other underground obstructions so that proper precautions may be taken not to disturb or damage such improvements. In the event of a conflict between such lines and plant locations, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Owner's Representative, who shall arrange for the relocation of one or the other. Failing to follow this procedure, the Contractor shall at his own expense make any and all repairs for damages resulting from his work. V. FINISH GRADING: A. TILLING: Till all planting areas as specified herein. B. UNIFORM GRADE: After tilling, all areas shall be brought to uniform grade by floating or hand raking. C. GRADE RELATIONSHIPS: Finish grade of planting areas afther application of soil amendments shall be 1" below top of concrete walks and curb grades and 6" below finish floor of building or as noted by spot elevations. D. SLOPE FROM BUILDINGS: soil areas adjacent to buildings shall slope away from the building at 2% minimum for 10 feet and shall continue to slope at a minimum of 1% until water drains to street or storm system. E. ROCKS OR CLODS: No rocks or clods over 3/4" in diameter shall be on top of prepared planting beds. VI. WEED CONTROL: A. KILLING WEEDS: Contractor shall germinate and destroy existing weed seeds before preparing areas for planting. Sufficient water shall be applied to cause weed seed to sprout. Young weeds shall then be destroyed and removed before they have opportunity to set seed. B. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: For additional weed killing refer to Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. VII. SOIL PREPARATION: A. SOIL REPORT: Before starting soil preparation the Contractor shall submit a soil report to the Owner and the Owner's Representative. If no soil report is submitted it will be assumed that amendments were not added and the Landscape Contractor will be requested to give a credit for soil preparation. B. COMPACTED AREAS: Soil areas that are compacted to more than 90% during site preparation shall be ripped to .0 minimum of 12" prior to beginning soil preparation. These areas shall be defined by the Owner's Representative and be billed as an extra if the unit price is quoted in the bid. C. METHOD OF MIXING: If the slope is under 2 to 1, the soil preparation materials should be broadcast uniformly over all landscape areas and worked to a depth of 6" by rototiller or other acceptable mechanical means to obtain a uniform blend in the soil. If the slope is greater than 2 to 1, the amendments shall be hydraulically applied for areas over 1000 square feet and raked in for small areas. For the soil amendment bid mix refer to the Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. D. EXTRANEOUS MATERIALS: In additional to the work specified above the Contractor shall remove all extraneous materials that are exposed on the surface and grade to facilitate run—off of surface water. Call Underground Service Alert at least 2 days before you dig Know what's below. Call before you dig. E. DELIVERY SLIPS: Supply delivery slips from the supplier for the soil amendments to the site. Bulk loads from the Contractor's yard will not be accepted. Supply empty bags for fertilizer to the Superintendent of the job and the Owner's Representative. VIII. SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING: A. CORRELATION: Trees and shrubs shall not be planted until all operations in conjunction with the installation of the irrigation system have been completed, final grades have been established, and the planting beds properly prepared by cultivation and fertilization as covered in these specifications. B. PLANTING TIME: No planting shall take place during extremely hot, dry, windy or freezing weather. C. LOCATIONS: Relative position of all plants and trees is subject to approval of the Owner's Representative and they shall, if necessary, be relocated at his direction as part of this contract. Trees shall normally be located a minimum of 5' from buildings, site amenities and walkways. D. DISTRIBUTION: No more plants shall be distributed about the landscape area that can be planted and watered on the same day. E. CONTAINER REMOVAL: Plant containers shall be removed when planting the plants. Container may be split on bath Sides, however, without use of axe or spade. All containers shall be removed from the site. F. PLANTING PITS: AH tree and shrub pits shall have a diameter of at least twice the diameter of the root ball. Pit depths shall be a minimum 12" deeper than the root ball for trees and 8" deeper than the root ball for shrubs or as per planting details. G. PLACING: Plants shall be placed and held during backfill in an upright position in the center of the pit. Plants shall be held at, or slightly above nursery level. The earth ball shall be kept intact. Any exposed roots shall be spread out. Injured roots shall be pruned. H. BACKFILL: Plant pit backfilling soil shall consist of 1 part nitrogen stabilized sawdust to 2 parts topsoil. Materials shall be thoroughly mixed before placement. In addition to backfill, Tri—C Myco paks 7 gm. shall be added to plant pits at the following rates: 1 pak per 1 gallon container 2 paks per 5 gallon container 6 paks per 15 gallon container 10 paks per 24' box 12 paks per 30" box 16 paks per 36" box 18 paks per 42" box 20 paks per 48" box and those box sizes which are larger I. WATERING: When the pit has been backfilled to three quarters of its depth water shall be poured about the roots. Air pockets shall be eliminated and backfill continued until the backfill is brought to grade level. J. COMPACTING: Backfill shall not be compacted around the roots or ball of the plant during or after planting. The backfill on which the plant ball rests shall be lightly compacted. K. SETTLEMENT: Plants which settle shall be raised to the required level or replaced at the option of the Contractor. Raised plants which fail to grow shall be replaced. L. STAKING: Stakes shall be driven to sufficient depth to hold the tree rigid. Trees shall be supported by at least two ties (see details). M. PRUNING: Limbs, branches, canes and runners which require trimming shall be removed to leave a clean cut flush with the trunk (pruning only as directed by the Owner's Representative). N. PLANTING BEDS: Planting beds shall be edged and cultivated to the line separating areas as shown. Beds shall be brought to a smooth even surface conforming to established grades after full settlement has occurred. IX. GROUND COVER AREAS: A. REFERENCE: Refer to Paragraph V, VI, VII, for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. B. SOIL PREPARATION: Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. C. GRADING: Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and uniform surface. D. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER: Planting pits for ground cover shall be 4" x 4" or adequate to accept plant material from flats or 4" pots without crushing or deforming the rootball. Place a 1/2 tsp. Tri—C Endo 120 fertilizer talblets in each individual ground cover pit. E. SPACING: Plant according to spacing and in areas indicated on the drawings. Soil shall be firmly tamped around each plant, and the excess soil removed from the crown. F. WATERING: Each section of ground cover shall be immediately watered upon completion of planting, and thereafter as required. G. SPACING FROM EDGE: The first row of ground cover should always be within 6" of the edge of planting area and triangular spaced. H. DELIVERY SLIPS: Supply delivery slips from the supplier for the soil amendments to the site. Bulk loads from the Contractor's yard will not be accepted. Supply empty bags for fertilizer to the Superintendent of the job and the Owner's Representative. VIII. SHRUB AND TREE PLANTING: A. CORRELATION: Trees and shrubs shall not be planted until all operations in conjunction with the installation of the irrigation system have been completed, final grades have been established, and the planting beds properly prepared by cultivation and fertilization as covered in these specifications. B. PLANTING TIME: No planting shall take place during extremely hot, dry, windy or freezing weather. C. LOCATIONS: Relative position of all plants and trees is subject to approval of the Owner's Representative and they shall, if necessary, be relocated at his direction as part of this contract. Trees shall normally be located a minimum of 5' from buildings, site amenities and walkways. D. DISTRIBUTION: No more plants shall be distributed about the landscape area that can be planted and watered on the same day. E. CONTAINER REMOVAL: Plant containers shall be removed when planting the plants. Container may be split on both sides, however, without use of axe or spade. All containers shall be removed from the site. F. PLANTING PITS: All tree and shrub pits shall have a diameter of at least twice the diameter of the root ball. Pit depths shall be a minimum 12" deeper than the roof ball for trees and 8" deeper than the root ball for shrubs or as per planting details. G. PLACING: Plants shall be placed and held during backfill in an upright position in the center of the pit. Plants shall be held at, or slightly above nursery level. The earth ball shall be kept intact. Any exposed roots shall be spread out. Injured roots shall be pruned. H. BACKFILL: Plant pit backfilling soil shall consist of 1 part nitrogen stabilized sawdust to 2 parts topsoil. Materials shall be thoroughly mixed before placement. In addition to backfill, commercial fertilizer 20-10-5 Agriform 21 gram tablets shall be added to plant pits at the following rates: 1 tablet per 1 gallon container 2 tablets per 5 gallon container 3 tablets per 15 gallon container 4 tablets per 24" box 5 tablets per 30" box 6 tablets per 36" box 7 tablets per 42" box 8 tablets per 48" box and those box sizes which are larger I. WATERING: When the pit has been backfilled to three quarters of its depth water shall be poured about the roots. Air pockets shall be eliminated and backfill continued until the backfill is brought to grade level. J. COMPACTING: Backfill shall not be compacted around the roots or ball of the plant during or after planting. The backfill on which the plant ball rests shall be lightly compacted. K. SETTLEMENT: Plants which settle shall be raised to the required level or replaced at the option of the Contractor. Raised plants which fail to grow shall be replaced. L. STAKING: Stakes shall be driven to sufficient depth to hold the tree rigid. Trees shall be supported by at least two ties (see details). M. PRUNING: Limbs, branches, canes and runners which require trimming shall be removed to leave a clean cut flush with the trunk (pruning only as directed by the Owner's Representative). N. PLANTING BEDS: Planting beds shall be edged and cultivated to the line separating areas as shown. Beds shall be brought to a smooth even surface conforming to established grades after full settlement has occurred. IX. GROUND COVER AREAS: A. REFERENCE: Refer to Paragraph V, VI, VII, for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. B. SOIL PREPARATION: Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. C. GRADING: Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and uniform surface. D. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER: Planting pits for ground cover shall be 4" x 4" or adequate to accept plant material from flats or 4" pots without crushing or deforming the rootball. Place a 20-10-5 Agriform 5 gram fertilizer tablet in each individual ground cover pit. E. SPACING: Plant according to spacing and in areas indicated on the drawings. Soil shall be firmly tamped around each plant, and the excess soil removed from the crown. F. WATERING: Each section of ground cover shall be immediately watered upon completion of planting, and thereafter as required. G. SPACING FROM EDGE: The first row of ground cover should always be within 6" of the edge of planting area and triangular spaced. X. SEASONAL COLOR: A. REFERENCE: Refer to Paragraph V, VI, VII, for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. B. SOIL PREPARATION: Prepare the soil as per these specifications and the Planting Notes on the Planting Plan. C. GRADING: Areas shall be raked and floated smooth to provide a true and uniform surface. D. QUALITY OF PLANTS: Plants shall be healthy annual plant material in bloom in the size indicated on the drawings. E. PLANT PITS AND FERTILIZER: Each plant pit for seasonal color shall be 6" x 6", or adequate to accept material in the required size, with one teaspoon of bone meal mixed into the backfill mix (shrub backfill mix should be used, not the Agriform plant tablets). F. SPACING: Plant at spacing and in areas indicated on the drawings. Soil shall be firmly tamped around each plant, and the excess soil removed from the crown. G. WATERING: Each section of seasonal color shall be immediately watered upon completion of planting, and watered thereafter as required. H. SPACING FROM EDGE: the first row of seasonal color should be always within 6" of the edge of the planting area. XI. SOD LAWN MATERIALS AND PLANTING (IF APPLICABLE): A. REFERENCE: Refer to Paragraph V, VI, VII, for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. B. PREPARATION: Sod area prior to planting shall be rolled lightly and watered to a depth of 6" the day prior to planting. if any air pockets are found, the area shall be regraded as necessary. Lightly water the area to be planted just prior to planting. C. QUALITY: Sod shall be #1 Grade, machine cut at uniform thickness of 5/8" excluding top growth and thatch, weed free and shall be no less than eight months nor more than sixteen months old. D. TIMING: Installation shall take place within 24 hours after harvesting. E. INSTALLATION: Sod shall be laid in a staggered pattern, with tight joints and in the same direction each time. On all slopes sod shall be installed from the bottom up and the newly sod should be protected by walking on boards as installer moves upward. On slopes, pin the sod down with wooden pegs. No metal staples will be allowed. No sod of less than 18 in length will be allowed. F. JOINTS: Adjoin the sections of sod firmly together. If air spaces occur between sections of sod they must be filled with sand or the sod relaid. G. ROLLING: Roll sod with an adequately weighted roller to smooth out the sod bed. H. PROTECTION OF EDGES: Reg rade to protect the edges from drying if mowing edge is not used. I. WATERING: After installation sod must be kept thoroughly watered to a depth of 6". No foot traffic shall be allowed for 2 to 3 weeks from the date of installation. J. INSPECTION BY SUPPLIER: If there are any questions regarding the quality of sod installation a representative of the supplier shall be requested to inspect the installation and the Contractor shall call out the supplier's representative. XII. SEED LAWN PLANTING (IF APPLICABLE): A. REFERENCE: Refer to Paragraph V, VI, VII, for finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation. B. PREPARATION: Cultivate to a depth of 2" below finish grade, remove stones, foreign growth of any kind and extraneous matter, and grade to remove ridges and depressions so that areas after settlement will conform to the finish grade. Roll and rake lightly until the surface is smooth, friable and of uniform fine texture. C. SOWING: Sow lawn seed in the area designated on the drawings at the rate as designated on the Planting Plans. Sow the lawn in two directions. D. TOP DRESSING: Rake lightly, spread 1/4" of Par -5 top dressing with a mechanical spreader, roll with a 200 lbs. roller and water with a fine spray. XIII. HYDROSEEDING SPECIFICATIONS (IF APPLICABLE): A. GENERAL: The hydromulch shall be applied in the form of a slurry consisting of wood cellulose fiber, seed, chemical additives, commercial fertilizer and water. When hydraulically sprayed on the soil surface, the hydromulching shall form a blotter like ground cover impregnated uniformly with seed and fertilizer and shall allow the absorption of moisture and rainfall to percolate to the underlying soil. B. EQUIPMENT: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed, and slurry of prepared wood pulp shall be of the "super hydro—seeder" type as approved by the Owner's Representative. C. APPLICATION: The operator shall spray the area with a uniform visible coat by using the green color of the wood pulp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion in a arched stream so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers to build on each other until a good coat is achieved and the material is spread at the required rate per acre. D. TIME LIMIT: All slurry mixture which has not been applied within four hours after mixing will be rejected and removed from the project at the Contractor's expense. E. PROTECTION: Special care should be exercised by the Contractor in preventing any of the slurry being sprayed inside any reservoir basin or onto drainage ditches and channels which may impede the free flow of rain or irrigation water. Any slurry spilled into restricted areas shall be cleaned up at the Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of the Owner or Owner's Representative. G. MAINTENANCE AND IRRIGATION: Once the slurry mulch has been applied and allowed to set for one day, the slope shall be then be irrigated. There is no set irrigation requirements in gallons per minute. Duration of time and number of gallons to be applied will vary from day to day and system to system depending on the rate of growth and climatic conditions encountered. As a rule of thumb, the soil surface must be kept moist at all times, particularly during the seeding germination period (approximately 30 days). H. RESEEDING: All bare spots shall be reseeded (sodded, if hydroseed is turf mix), by the Contractor within 45 days days providing the lack of cover growth or mulch is not due to inadequate irrigation or erosion caused by excessive watering by the Owner. XIV. REPLACEMENTS: A. GENERAL: The Contractor shall immediately replace any and all materials which for any reason die or are damaged while under the Contractor's care. Replacements shall be made with plant of like kind and size in the same manner as specified for the original planting (see guarantee "XVII—D" for definition of death and replacement). XV. CLEAN—UP: A. GENERAL: After all installation operations have been completed, all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers and rubbish shall be removed from the property. All scars, ruts or other marks in the area caused by this work shall be repaired and the ground left in a neat and orderly condition throughout the site. Contractor shall pick up all trash resulting from this work no less than each Friday before leaving the site, once a week and/or the last working day each week. All trash shall be removed completely from the site. B. TOP SOIL: Excess topsoil shall be removed from the site. C. NEATNESS: Leave the sidewalks and street in a neat and clean condition at the end of each working day. D. REMOVAL OF TAGS: Remove all tags, labels, nursery stakes and ties from all plants unless otherwise directed, and only at the end of all installations. XVI. PROTECTION: A. GENERAL: At all times during construction, adequate protection shall be provided for all areas against damage of any kind, until final acceptance by the Owner's Representative. B. RESPONSIBILITY: the Contractor shall be held responsible for the care and preservation of all existing buildings and structures on the property and adjacent premises. Any part of them injured, damaged of disturbed because of his work shall be repaired, replaced or cleaned by the Contractor at his expense. XVII. GUARANTEE: A. SHRUBS: All shrubs shall be guaranteed as to growth and health for a period of ninety (90) days after completion of the specified maintenance period and/or final acceptance by the Owner or Owner's Representative. B. TREES: Trees shall be guaranteed to live and grow in an acceptable upright position for one (1) year after the specified maintenance period and/or final acceptance by the Owner or Owner's Representative. The Owner must provide adequate maintenance to ensure the extended guarantee on trees. C. DEFINITION OF DEATH: Plants which die or lose more than 30% of their original leaves shall be replaced. D. REPLACEMENT: The Contractor, within seven (7) days of written notification by the Owner or Owner's Representative, shall remove and replace all guaranteed plant materials which for any reason fail to meet the requirements of this guarantee. Replacement shall be made with plant material as indicated or specified from the original planting and all such replacement materials shall be guaranteed as specified for the original guaranteed material. XVIII. MAINTENANCE: A. SCOPE: After all work indicated on the drawings or herein specified has been completed, inspected, and approved by the Owner or Owner's Representative, the Contractor shall maintain all planted areas by means of continuous watering (including monitoring and adjucting irrigation schedule), weeding, rolling, mowing, spraying, reseeding, edging and/or any other operations necessary for their care and upkeep for a period of not less than ninety (90) days. At the end of the maintenance period, all plant materials shall be in a healthy, growing condition. B. WEED CONTROL: All planted areas shall be kept free of debris and shall be weeded at not more that seven (7) day intervals. Areas that do not have a pre—emergent weed killer shall also be cultivated at not more that seven (7) day intervals. C. FERTILIZING: All planted areas shall receive a fertilizer application of 20 pounds oer 1,000 square feet of Gro—Power 45 days following the beginning of maintenance. Water in thoroughly after application. D. CONDITION OF SITE: During the maintenance period, keep the project neat and free from debris at all times. Obtain the Owner's approval for on—site storage of equipment or maintenance materials. XIX. FINAL CONSTRUCTION AND FINAL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION: A. FINAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION: When all landscape improvements have been installed in accordance with the plans and specifications, the Contractor shall notify the Owner s Representative and request a "Final Construction" inspection. If the Owner's Representative determines the work to be substantially complete and in conformance with plans and specifications, the Contractor will be advised that the basic ninety (90) day maintenance period is started. 1. In order to be substantial complete, at least the following must have been finished. a. All fine grading, including elimination of low points that hold runoff. b. A complete and operable irrigation system. c. Installation of all plant materials. d. Seeding of all seeded areas. 2. Minor pick—up items may be completed during the basic maintenance period. These items will be determined as Minor solely by the Owner's Representative. B. FINAL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION: At the end of the maintenance period and when the ground cover and turf have established and all pick—up items have been completed, the Contractor shall request a final maintenance inspection. The Contractor will be advised by the Owner's Representative at the final inspection that work is or is not satisfactory. 1. If the work is satisfactory, the basic maintenance period will end on the date of the final inspection as directed by the Owner's Representative. 2. If the work is unsatisfactory the basic maintenance period will continue at no additional expense to the Owner until the work has been completed, inspected, and approved by the Owner's Representative. C. FAILURE TO PASS INSPECTION: If the work fails to pass final inspection, any subsequent inspections must be rescheduled as per above, and will be charged to the Contractor at the prevailing hourly rate of the Owner's of the Owner's Representative. CITY OF FONTANA LANDSCAPE PLANS DRAWN lY' DESIGNED DTI CHECKED 9Y, SIERRA CREST - PARK SITE 'D' SPECIFICATIONS SCALD AS SHOWN eTEs AI, 6/ CITY EIS R.C.E. 51152 EXP. DATE DATE' DWG. las 5061 12 17 S I T e S C A P e S Landscape Architecture and Planning 3190-82 Airport Loop Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92625 Richard Polhamus, License CA -#2782 (949) 644-9370 (714) 210-3140 FAX NO. REVISION 6-4-14 REVISE TOT LOT EQUIP.. TRELLIS AND BENCH NODE L A. H W 0 a N 00 U w FONTANA, CALIFO 0 0-1 1156 N. Mountain Avenue Upland, California 91786 (909) 985-0971 rI — SPECIFICATIONS LSPC 13-000022 DATE 5-19-14 'SOB # 10-031 Li 1 of 17