HomeMy WebLinkAboutMango Avenue Elementary School_Onsite Hydrology Study' ~- FOR THE ~ ', MANGO AVENUE ELegy SCH~L " IN "~= "' "- FO~A, CA October 2, 1991 - PREPAPaD BY - ~ENGINEERS,. INC CNIL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS AND CONSTRUCTION ~SULTANTS TABLE OF CON'r~NTS Contents SeQtion Introduction and Narrative 1.0 Detention Performance Summary 2.0 Rainfall Input Values and Initial Tc' 3.0 Undeveloped Hydrographs 4.0 Developed Hydrographs 5.0 Detention Basin Routing 6.0 Design for 0ffsite Flows 7.0 Emergency Escape for 1000-Year Event 8.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this hydrology report is to determine final stormwater runoff quantities and size onsite hydraulic structures for the Mango Avenue Elementary School. This report is required by the City of Fontana to insure that the effect of increased runoff is properly mitigated. EXISTING SITE The elementary school site is located on the west side of Mango Avenue between Baseline Road and Miller Avenue in the City of Fontana. The site is approximately 10 acres bounded by the Mango Avenue centerline to the east and undeveloped grassy fields to the north and west. The existing site drains to the south. The onsite drainage area consists of various grasses growing in the open and on piles of end-dumped fill. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The site plan proposes to construct a minimum of seven permanent classroom structures and about four acres of impervious area for parking, roofing, sidewalks, play areas, and fire lanes. The balance of the onsite area is for landscaping and turf playfield areas. Most of the site will drain to a detention structure in the southwest corner of the site. Hydraulic structures will be designed to achieve the following objectives: 1. Area drains to prevent inundation of the finished floors in the 100-year, 3-hour event. 2. Pipes to convey the 100-year, 3-hour event to the detention structure. 3. A detention basin with an outflow structure which reduces and delays the peak outflow and meets the criteria of the City of Fontana. 4. An emergency escape which allows the 1000-year runoff to exit the basin without damage to the adjacent downstream property. HYDROLOGIC METHOD The following was used to develop the design criteria and design method for this report: 1. 1986 San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual, Sections E & F. 2. Detention Basin Design Criteria for City of Fontana. 3 Mango School Design Criteria per meeting on May 2, 1991. Section J of the Hydrology Manual was not used because it was assumed that a 5-minute unit time will be sufficient to describe the detention basin inflow hydrographs. The portion of the site tributary to the basin was taken to be one tributary area because the sub-areas would be too small if the site was divided further. INITIAL TIME OF CONCENTMATION The initial time of concentration was determined from Figure D-1 of the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual. For the undeveloped case, a flow path (L) of 700 feet and a vertical drop (M) of 13 feet yield a Tc of 11.8 min. When corrected, this results in a Tc' Of 28 min. (at good cover). This results in a conservatively large Tc' (conservative because it results in the least flow for comparison with the developed case). For the developed case, a flow path (L) of 725 feet and a vertical drop (H) of 8 feet yield a Tc of 13.4 min. When corrected, this results in a Tc' of 10 min. (at commercial cover). This results in a conservatively small Tc' (conservative because it results in the greatest flow for comparison with the undeveloped case). See Page 3.0-7 for the determination of Tc'. DESIGN FOR OFFSITE FLOWS Per Felipe Molinos, we are providing a design to intercept the estimated offsite flows until the parcel to the north develops. We are using the following simplified procedure: 1. We are using 1 CFS per acre as a flow rate which approximates a 25-year event for the offsite tributary area of 6 acres. 2. Structures will be designed to intercept and transmit this flow at the normal depth. 3. The consequences of failure are that the parking lot may be flooded and the offsite flows may get into the detention basin which is oversized due to other design constraints anyway. 1.02 RESULTS The developed hydrographs were routed through a 3 acre-foot detention basin using the modified PULS method. A 1-foot diameter orifice provided the required flow reduction. Most events will be substantially over-mitigated because the 2-year event governs the orifice size when only one orifice is provided. In the 100-year event, only 0.67 acre-feet of the basin is actually used as the water ponds 2.5 feet deep with a maximum outflow of 5.2 cfs. For a complete summary of results, see Section 2.0. -, 1 . 0-3 ~t · ~ DE','.:NTION PERFORMANCE SUMMARY W 3269 W, POMONA ROAD., SUITE 104 ~__~ CORONA CALIFORNIA 91720 CALCULATED BY ~/''al V~-f' DATE ;4 ..................................................................... ~": ....................................................................................' ................................: ........................ = ........................... /v//7'/~,~T/o/J Ca/,.'~>/~R-tSa/,./ ?',4/TLE ...................................................................... .................................................................................................... ~.~..%.....~: ...................:.......= ...................................................................................................... ......... R,~.,~..FA.L L ~NDE~ELc3~EL% ..L.J~.D='~JELai~b.: .........D.~.~.~D....~........:.D~.~..~.Q.~.....: ~ ............... 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T ...................................................................................................~ .................. ............................................................................................................ : .......VALLEY ~EA .....................=""""'~ .................................="""'~ .....................~"""""="""~ ....... : x4 - ~ YEAR 24 H~R ' : : ' ' : " ~ : ~ .......+...*.....~..........~.-..--....~.-........; .....................: ...............................~ .........~ o, ~.~o.~ ~ ~, ,, ,,, ..........~ .............;........ :........~.......~ ~ ......~........~ ................~ ...... ......... :"""="""'~""""": .....................: ....................................................~ '~o~ r'--""-*': ..................... ~.,..,,,...:,,...,_,.L,,.....,L.,......,'. ..................... +_..,..~ ................ ~..,***,..~ .................. r .... -.*..'..,.-,= .................... ..................... ................... ~ ~ ' : ' ~ : : ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ I :~ ~ ~ ' '~ ' I .................... ; ...................~'-"""'~*"""'. 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SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH Jm HYDROLOGY MANUAL FOR INITIAL SUBAREA Figure D-I UNDEVELOPED HYDROGRAPIiS File DSKg:MGU2.OUT[103,11] printed on 3e-May-91 17:88:56 Page 1 Unit Hydrograph Analysis Copyright (c) CiviICadd/CivilDesign, 1990, Version 2,2 Study date 5/39/91 San Bernardlno County Synthetic Unit HydroIogy Method ManuaI date - August 1989 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 2-YR UNDEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH USING 2-YR RAINFALL Storm Event Year = 2 Antecedent Moisture Condition = Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity (acres) (hours) (inches) Rainfall data for year 18 9.38 I 1.00 Rainfall data for year 9.30 8 1.78 ................................................................ ,_._ Rainfall data for year 2 9.30 24 3.30 Rainfall data for year 100 9.30 I 1.48 Rainfall data for year 180 9.39 8 3.80 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 24 9.06 SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Pm No.(AMCII) No.(AMC 2) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) 50.0 50.0 9.30 1.000 0.810 1.888 0.010 Area-averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr)= 0.810 m~****m*~ Area-Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb DSKg:MGU2,OUT[103,11] printed on 38-May-91 17:09:14 Page 2 Area Area SCS cn SCS cn S Pervlous (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC2) yield fr 9.30 1.000 50.0 50.0 10.00 0.045 Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.045 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.955 User entry of time of concentration = 0.420 (hours) Watershed area = 9.30 acres Catchment Lag time = 0.336 hours Unit interval = 5.000 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = 24.8016 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.00 (CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.810 (In/hr) Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.955 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak 5-mlnute rainfall = 0.246 inches Computed peak 30-minute rainfall = 0.504 inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 0.664 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 1.216 inches Specified peak 6-hour rainfall = 1.790 inches Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 3 300 inches ' ~ainfall depth area reduction factors: Using a total area of 9.80 acres (~ef: fig. E-4) 5-mlnute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.246 inches 30-minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted ralnfalZ = 0 509 inches . 1-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.564 inches 3-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.216 inches 6-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.780 inches 24-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 3.300 inches Unit Hydrograph Interval mS' Graph Unit HXdrcgraph Number Mean values (CFS) 1 2.2?9 2 563 2 9.823 8 485 3 23.222 15 0?0 4 40.580 iS 483 5 55.928 17 343 6 65.571 18 855 ? ?1.?6o 6 961 8 ?5.929 4.689 9 ?9.296 3.~87 10 82.068 3.109 11 84.416 2.649 12 86.434 2.270 13 88.lee ~.873 1~ 89.589 1.675 is 9e.921 1.493 16 92.015 1.23e III =:File DSK~:MGU2.OUT[103,11] prlnted on 30-May-91 17:09:38 Page 3 17 92 993 1.100 ~ 18 93 ?89 0,895 =~ 19 94 564 0.872 28 95 369 0.83? 21 95 983 8.758 =.. ~; 22 98 531 0.617 i 23 97 043 0.576 24 97.491 0.594 ~: 25 97 905 e.4SS i 26 98 254 9.393 27 98 5?0 6.356 ---; 28 98 820 0.281 ~ 29 99 068 0 2?9 i · 30 99 316 0.2?9 ~, 31 99 564 6.279 ~ 32 99 813 e.279 i 33 lee 000 o.211 i Peak Unit Adjusted mass rainfall Unit rainfall Number (inches) (inches) 1 0 25 0 25 .... 2 0 32 0 88 ~ 3 0 38 8 08 4 0 43 0 85 5 0 47 0 84 ~ 6 0 50 0 04 m ? 0 54 0 83 8 0 56 0 03 ~ 9 e 59 0 69 i 18 e 82 e 03 11 0 64 0 02 12 0 88 e 82 13 e 69 e 83 i 14 8 72 0 03 ls 8,75 e e8 16 e.78 0 03 m 19 8.88 8 83 18 8.83 0 83 19 8.86 8 83 m 20 e.88 e 02 21 e.9e e 02 22 e.93 0 02 28 e.95 e.e2 e 24 6.9? 6.82 25 0.99 e.e2 ~ 28 1.02 e.e2 ~ 27 1.84 8.82 28 1.es e.02 ~,, 29 1.08 0.02 .i ae 1.1e e.02 31 1.12 e.e2 32 1.14 e.02 ~ 33 1.16 e.e2 ~ 34 1.18 o.02 35 1.20 0.02 _ s ~ 36 1.22 e.e2 File DSK9:MGU2.OUT[183,11] printed on 3e-May-91 17:18:88 Page 4 Unit Unit Unit E{fectlve Period Rainfall Soil-Loss Rainfall (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 8.8187 8.8179 8,8888 2 8.8188 8.8181 8 8889 3 8.8185 8.8186 8.8889 4 8.8197 8.8188 8.8889 S 8.8283 8.8194 8.8889 6 8.8286 8.8197 8.8889 ? 8.8213 8.8284 8.8818 8 8.8217 8.8287 8,8818 9 8.8225 8.8215 8.8818 18 8°8238 8.8219 8.8818 11 8 8238 8.8229 8,8811 12 8 8245 8.8234 8.8811 18 8 825? 8.8245 8.8812 14 8 8264 8.0252 8.8812 15 8 8288 8 8267 8,8813 16 8 8289 8 82?6 8.8813 17 8 822? 8 9217 8.8818 is e 8248 8 8229 8.8811 19 8 82?2 e 6268 8.8812 28 8 8294 8 8288 8.8813 21 8 8854 8 8338 8.8816 22 8 8488 8 8381 8.8818 23 8 8571 8 8545 8,8826 24 8 8785 8 86?5 8.8111 25 8 2458 8 86?5 8.1784 26 8 8465 8 8444 8.8821 27 8.8328 e 8886 8,8815 28 8,8255 8 8243 8 8812 29 8.8299 8 8286 8 0814 38 8.8271 8 8259 e 8812 31 8.8251 8 8239 8 8811 82 8.8234 e 8224 8 8811 33 8.8221 8.8211 8 8818 34 0.8218 8.8288 8 8818 35 8,8288 8,8191 8 8889 36 8,8192 8.8183 8 8889 Total soil ra$n loss = 8.89 Total effectlye runoff = 8.23 (Xn.) Total soil-loss volume = 8.7841 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runoff volume = 8,1788 (Acre-Feet) 3-HOUR STORM Runoff Hydrograph Hydro raph 5 Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) 8 2.5 5,8 ?,5 18.8 DSKg:MGU2.OUT[183,11] printed on 38-May-91 17:18:30 Page 5 8+ 5 8.8888 8.88 Q 0+18 8.8881 8.81 8+15 8.8882 8.82 8+28 8.8885 8.84 Q 8+25 8.8889 8.85 8+38 8.8813 8.86 O 8+35 8.88i8 e.e? 8+48 8.8824 0.88 8+45 8.8829 0.88 G 8+58 8.8835 8.89 8+55 8.8842 8.89 1+ 8 8.8848 8.18 OV 1+ 5 8.9855 8.18 QV 1+18 8.8862 8.11 QV 1+15 8.8878 8.11 1+28 8.8878 8 11 QV 1+25 8.9886 8.12 OV 1,38 8.8894 8 12 Q V 1+35 8.8183 8.12 Q V 1+48 e.elil e 12 e v 1+45 8.8129 8.12 G V 1+58 8,8129 8 13 Q V 1+55 8.0139 8.14 0 V 2+ 8 8.8152 8 18 Q V 2+ s 8.8288 8.71 O v 2+18 8.8326 1 83 Q 2+15 8.8535 3.84 Q 2+28 8.8?96 3.78 O V 2+25 8.i826 3.35 Q V 2+36 8.1175 2.16 Q V 2+35 8.1274 1.44 Q V 2+48 8.1344 1.82 Q V 2+45 8.1483 8.85 Q 2+58 8.1452 8.72 Q V 2+55 8.1495 8.63 Q V S+ 8 8.1533 8.55 Q V DSKl:MGU10.OUT[60,9] printed on 31-May-91 09:14:44 Page Unit Hydrograph Analysls Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDesign, 1990, Version 2.2 Study date 5/31/91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ San Bernardino County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1986 ..................................................................... MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 10-YR UNDEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH USING 5-YR RAINFALL Storm Event Year = 5 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: SuB-Area Duration Intensity (acres) (hours) (inches) Rainfall data for year 9.38 1 1.00 Rainfall data for year 2 9.38 6 1.78 Rainfall data for year 2 9.38 24 3.30 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 1 1.48 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 6 3.88 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 24 9.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++7+++ =******* Area-averaged max loss rate, Fm SOS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) No,(AMC 2) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) 5e.e 5e.e 9.38 1.009 0.818 1.000 e.81e Area-averaged adjusted loss r~te Fm (In/Hr)= e.3ze ******~** Area-Averaged low loss rate fraction, Y5 ***~****** File DSKl:MGUle,OUT[60,8] printed on 31-May-91 89:15:03 Page 2 Area Area SCS cn SOS cn S Pervlous (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC2) yield fr 9.38 i.000 5e.O 50.e 1e.ee 0.119 Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.119 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.881 User entry of time of concentration = 8,428 (hours) Watershed area = 9.38 acres Catchment Lag time = 0.338 hours Unit interval = 5.000 minutes Unit interval percentage of la~ time = 24.8010 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.08 (CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.810 (ln/hr) Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 8.881 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak 5-minute rainfall = 0.317 inches Computed peak 38-minute rainfall = 0.048 inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 0.858 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 1.549 inches Specified peak G-hour rainfall = 2.253 inches Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 4.835 inches ~alnfall depth area reduction factors: Using a total area of 9.38 acres (Ref: 5-minute factor = 1.088 Ad3usted rainfall = 8.318 inches 3e-minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.048 inches 1-hour factor = 1.088 Adjusted rainfall = 0.855 inches 3-hour factor = 1.e00 Adjusted rainfall = 1.549 inches G-hour factor = 1.080 Adjusted rainfall = 2.253 inches 24-hour factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 4.895 inches Unit Hydro~raph +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Interval 'S' Graph Unit Hydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) 1 2.279 2.583 2 9.823 0.485 3 23.222 15.078 4 4e.see 19.439 5 55.920 17.343 6 65.571 16.855 ? ?l.?Ge 6.961 8 ?5.929 4.689 9 ~9.298 3.787 10 02.080 3.189 11 84.416 2.849 12 86.434 2 2?0 . 13 sG.lee 1.GVS 14 89.589 1.675 ~,~-7 15 98.921 1.498 16 92.815 I 238 ~ File DSKl:MGUle.OUT[60,0] printed on Sl-May-91 89:15:26 Page S 17 92.993 1.100 ~ 18 93 789 0 895 =: 19 94 564 0 872 20 95 309 0 837 21 95 983 0 ~ 22 96 531 0 617 i 23 97 043 0 24 97 491 0 504 25 97 995 0 466 ~ 26 98 254 0 393 27 98 570 0 356 -- 28 98 920 9 281 ~ 29 99 068 0 279 30 99 316 0.279 31 99 564 0.279 ;* 32 99 813 8.279 i 33 180.808 8.211 Peak Unit Adjusted mass rainfall Unit rainfall m Number (inches) (inches) 1 0,32 0,32 2 9.42 8.18 3 8.49 8.07 m 4 0.55 0.06 5 0.60 0,09 :: e 0.65 0.85 m ? 0.69 9.94 0 0.?9 0.94 · 9 0.76 8.94 ~ 10 0.79 0.03 11 8.83 0.03 -, 12 8.86 0.03 =; 13 0.89 e.e4 m 14 6.93 9.94 15 8.96 e 04 ! iS 1.09 0 03 m 17 1.93 0 93 18 1,86 o 03 19 1.1e o 03 i 20 1.13 e 93 21 1.16 0 03 22 1.19 0 93 i 23 1.22 0 03 m 24 1.24 e 93 25 1.27 0 03 26 1.30 0 93 ~ 27 1.33 9 93 28 1.35 0 03 = 29 1.38 0 03 -' 38 1.40 0 03 m 31 1 43 e.e3 32 I 45 8.02 :~ 33 I 48 0.92 e 34 1 59 e.e2 36 1 55 0.e2 ~iFile DSKl:MGU10.0UT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 09:15:48 Page 4 Unit Unit Unit Effective - Period Rainfall Soil-Loss Rainfall ~ (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 0 0234 0.0206 0.0828 2 0 8237 0.0209 0.0028 m 3 0 8244 8.8215 8.8829 4 0 0247 0.0218 8.8029 : 5 0 0255 0.0225 0.0830 i 6 0 0259 0.0228 8.8831 ? 0 8268 8.8238 8.0832 8 0 0273 0.0240 0,0832 9 00283 9.6250 0.8834 10 e 0289 0.0255 0.0034 11 0.0301 8.82S6 8.8836 12 0.8388 8.8272 8.8837 m 13 8.8324 0.0286 8.8838 14 9.0333 8.8294 8.8939 15 9,0353 0.8311 6.8042 m 16 8.8365 8.8322 8.8843 17 9.8293 0.0258 0.0835 18 8.0389 8.82?2 8.8837 19 e.0351 0 8399 0.8042 m 20 0.83?8 0 8833 8.8845 21 0.0458 0 8402 0 0854 22 o.o514 0 0453 0 8861 m 23 6.6735 e es~8 0 8887 24 8.1811 0 8675 8 8337 25 8,3165 0 8675 8 2498 m 26 8.8599 8 8528 0 8871 27. 8.8412 8 8363 0 8849 28 8.8328 8 0289 8 0639 29 8.0378 8 8333 8.8845 m 38 0.8343 8 8382 8.8841 31 8.8316 0 8278 8.8837 82 8.8295 0 8268 8.8835 m 33 8.8278 8.8245 8.8833 34 8.8263 8.8232 0.8831 35 8.8251 8.8221 8,8838 ~ 38 0.0241 8.8212 0.8829 Total soil rain loss = 1.13 (In.) I Total effective runoff = 8.42 (In.) Total soil-loss volume = 8.8775 (Acre-Feet) i Total storm runoff volume = 8.3229 (Acre-Feet) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 HOUR STORM Runoff Hydrograph Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals (CFS) 4,0 ' ~ Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) 8 2.5 5.0 ?.5 18.8 DSKl:MGU10.0UT[68,O] printed on 31-May-91 99:18:18 Page 5 0+ 5 0,0800 0.01 0+ e e.oess 0 es 8+15 8.8888 8 87 Q 8+28 8.8816 0 13 O 9+25 0.0029 0 18 8+30 8.8843 0 21 O 8+35 e.eeSe 8 24 8+48 0.0077 0 26 VQ 0+45 0.0086 0 27 0+58 0.8116 8 29 0+55 8.0137 8 30 1+ 0 0.0158 0 32 1+ 5 0.0181 8 33 1+18 9.8285 8 35 1+15 8.8238 8 36 1+20 8.0256 0.S8 ~Q V 1+25 8.8283 8,39 ~O V 1+38 8.8311 8.48 ~O V 1+35 8.0339 8.41 }Q V 1+40 0,0367 9.41 ~e V 1+45 0.0395 0.42 ~Q V 1+50 0.0426 9.44 ~e v 1+55 0.0459 0.48 ~Q V 2+ 0 0,0501 0.61 Q v 2+ 5 8.8681 1.45 O V 2+10 8.0816 3.11 V Q 2+15 0.1150 4.85 V Q 2+28 8.1552 5.84 V¢ Q 2+25 0.1986 5.13 e V 2+38 0.2141 3.42 Q V 2+35 8.2304 2.3? e V 2+48 8.2426 1.?? e V 2+45 8.2530 1.51 Q ~V 2+58 8.2628 1.31 Q V 2+55 8.2?80 1.16 Q V 3+ 8 8.2771 1.84 Q V -',,/,o -lO ':Pile DSKl:MGU25.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 19:13:34 Page 1 ~: Unit Hydrograph Analysis ~ Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDesign, 1998, Version 2.2 ~ Study date 5/31/91 ~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ San Bernardino County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date August 1986 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 25-YR UNDEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH USING 10-YR RAINFALL Storm Event Year : 10 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 2 Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity (acres) (hours) (inches) Rainfall data for year 9.30 I 1 Rainfall data for year 2 9.30 6 I 78 Rainfall data for year 2 9.38 24 3 30 Rainfall data for year 9.30 I 1 48 Rainfall data ~or year 108 9.30 6 3 Rainfall data ~or year lee 9.38 24 9 09 SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) No.(AMC 2) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) 58.0 59.0 9.30 1.080 0.818 1.808 0.818 Area-averaged adSusted losa rate Fm (In/Hr)= 8.818 ~,~o~J **~*=**** Area-Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb ~Fiie DSKl:MGU25,OUT[Ge,0] printed on 31-May-91 10:13:53 Page Area Area SOS cn SCS cn S Pervious ~: (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC2) yield fr ~ 9.36 1.000 58.0 50.0 10.00 8.172 Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.172 [] Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.828 ~ User entry of time of concentration = 6.428 (hours) ~ Natershed area = 9.36 acres [] Catchment Lag time = 6.335 hours Unit interval = 5.000 minutes ~ Unit interval percentage of lag time = 24.8018 · Hydrograph baseflow = 0.80 (CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 0.810 (In/hr) ) Average low loss rate fraction <Yb) = 0.820 (decimal) ~ Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak 5-minute rainfall = 0.370 inches ~ Computed peak 30-minute rainfall = 8.?58 inches · Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 1.000 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 1.881 inches Specified peak S-hour rainfall = 2.811 inches > Specified peak 24-hour ralnfall = 5.545 inches =i Rainfall depth area reduction factors: ~ Using a total area of 9.30 acres (Ref: fig. E-4) B-minute factor = 1.080 Adjusted rainfall = 0.370 inches ~ 30-minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 0.758 inches 1-hour factor = 1.080 Adjusted rainfall = 1.800 inches 3-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.881 inches S-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 2.811 inches W 24-hour factor = 1.080 Adjusted ralnfall = 5.845 inches i Unit Hydrograph Interval 'S' Graph Unit Nydrograph :i Number Mean values (CFS) I 2.279 2.563 =: 2 9.823 8.485 i 3 23 222 15.070 4 40 500 19.433 5 55 920 17,343 ~ 6 65 571 le.855 ? 71 760 6.961 8 75 929 4.689 - 9 79 296 3.78? i 10 82 860 3.109 11 84 418 2 649 12 86 434 2 270 ~ 13 88 100 I 873 14 89 509 1 sTs : 15 98.921 I 498 18 92.815 i 230 File DSKl:NGU25.0UT[66,6] printed on 31-Nay-91 10:14:16 Page 3 17 92.993 1.100 18 93.?89 0.895 19 94.564 0.872 20 95~309 6.837 21 95.983 6.758 22 96.531 0.617 23 9?.043 0.576 24 97.491 8.504 25 97,905 6.466 26 98.254 0,393 27 88.578 0.356 28 98.828 0,281 28 99,868 8.279 38 99.316 8.279 31 99,564 0.279 32 99.813 0.279 33 100.000 8,211 Peak Unit Adjusted mass r~infall Unit rainfall Number (inches) (inches) 1 8 37 0 37 2 0 49 8 12 3 8 57 0 89 4 8 64 8 87 5 8 78 8 86 6 8 76 0 85 8 8 85 8 04 9 8 89 8 84 18 8 93 0 84 11 8 97 8 8~ 12 1 00 0 83 13 i 84 8 84 14 I 89 8 84 15 i 13 8 84 18 I 17 0 84 17 I 20 0 84 18 I 24 0 04 19 1 28 0 04 20 I 31 8 84 21 1 35 8 03 22 I 38 8 83 23 1 42 0 83 24 1.45 8 03 25 1.48 8 83 26 1.51 8 83 27 1.54 8 83 20 1.57 8.03 29 1.60 e.83 ~8 1.63 0.09 31 1.66 8.83 32 1.69 0.83 33 1,72 8.83 34 1.75 8.83 35 ~.?? 8.03 ~,C-/J 36 1.98 8.83 DSKl:MGU25.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 18:14:38 Page Unit Unit Unit Effective Period Rainfall Soil-Loss Ralnfall (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) i 8.8278 e 9223 e 6047 2 9 8274 0 0226 9 e04V 3 9 0281 e 0233 0 0049 4 0 9285 0 8236 0 0949 5 0 0294 e 8243 0 0851 G 6 8299 0 8247 0 0052 ? 0 8389 0 0256 0 8953 9 e 9315 8.8268 0 0854 9 e 8327 8.92?8 9 6956 10 8 0334 0.0276 0 0059 11 0 0348 e.e2ee 0 0060 12 0 0356 6.8295 e eesl is e 03v5 0.0310 0 9885 14 0 8385 8.0319 0 0966 15 0 8409 8.8338 8 0871 16 8 8423 0.8358 8.8873 17 8 8342 0.8283 8.0859 18 0 8361 8.8299 8.8862 19 0 8418 8.8339 8.8071 28 0 0442 0.8366 0.00?8 21 0 8533 8.8441 8.8092 22 8 8681 8.8498 8.8184 23 8 8868 8.8675 8.8185 24 0 1182 8.06?5 8.8587 25 8 3699 0.0675 8.3825 26 8 0?08 8.8579 8.el2i 27 0 8482 8.8399 8.0093 28 8 8383 8.8317 0.0068 29 8 8438 8.8363 8.8876 38 8 899? 8.8328 0.0868 31 8 8365 8.8382 8.8883 32 8 8341 8.8282 8.8859 33 8 8321 8.8265 e.eeg5 34 8 8384 e.8251 8.8852 35 8 8298 8.0248 e.eese 38 8 02?? 8.8229 e.e848 Total soil rain loss = 1.22 (In.) Total effective runoff = 0.58 (In.) Total soil-loss volume = 8.9438 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runof{ volume = 8.4519 (Acre-Feet) 3 HOUR STORM Runoff Hydrograph Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals (CFS) ~.~ Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) 8 2.5 5.8 7.5 10.8 File DSKl:MGU25.OUT[68,0] printed on 31-May-91 18:15:88 Page 5 0+ 5 0.0001 0.01 Q · 0+10 0.0004 0 05 Q m 8+15 0,0013 0 12 Q 0+20 0,0828 0 22 Q 0+25 0.0048 0 30 vo ~ 0+30 0,0073 0 36 VQ m 8+35 0 0188 0 40 ve o+48 0 0130 0 43 ~Q 0+45 0 0161 0 46 ~Q = e+se 0 0194 0 43 ~e 0+55 0 0229 0 51 G 1+ 0 0 0266 0 53 G 1+ 5 8 0304 0 55 Q m 1+18 0 0344 0 58 QV 1+15 0 0386 0.61 QV __ 1+20 0 0430 0.64 QV I 1+25 0 84?5 0.66 Q V 1+30 0 0522 0.68 Q V 1+35 0 0569 0.68 Q V i 1+40 8 eG1G 0.69 Q V 1+45 8 8665 0.?1 Q V 1+50 0 0716 8.75 Q V 1+55 0 0774 8.83 Q V m 2+ 0 0 0846 1.05 Q V 2+ 5 0.8595 2.16 Q :: 2+10 0.1287 4.24 ~V Q i 2+i5 8.1725 6.36 V Q 2+20 0.2242 ?.51 V Q 2+25 0.2696 6.59 V Q / 2+30 0.3003 4.47 Q V 2+35 0,3222 3.17 Q V 2+40 0.3388 2.42 Q] V ~ 2+45 0.3532 2.09 Q V m 2+50 0,3658 1.83 Q V 2+55 0.3791 1.64 Q V - 3+ 0 8.8873 1.47 Q V :i DSKl:MGU100.0UT[60,0] prlnted on 91-May-91 10:39:30 Page 1 Unit Hydrograph Analysis Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDesign, 1998, Version 2.2 Study date 5/31/91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~+ San Bernardino County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date August 1988 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 100-YR UNDEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH USING 25-YR RAINFALL Storm Event Year = 25 Antecedent Moisture Condition = Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity (acres) ( hours ) ( inches ) Rainfall data for year 9.88 1 1.00 Rainfall data for year 2 9.90 8 1.78 Rainfall data for year 9.90 24 3.30 Rainfall data for- year 100 9.30 1 1.48 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 B 3.88 Rainfall data for year 100 9.90 24 9.00 ******** Area-averaged max loss rate, Fm ******** SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig cB) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) No.(AMC 2) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) 50.0 58.9 9.90 1.eee e.910 1.000 e.sle Area-averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/HF)= 0.010 ~,O-/~ *=******* Area-Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb File DSKl:MGU100.0UT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 10:39:48 Page 2 Area Area SCS cn SCS cn S Pervlous (acres) {tact (AMC2) (AMC2) yield fr 9.39 1.008 50.9 58.9 18.88 B.237 Area-averaged catchment yleld fraction, Y Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 6.?63 User entry of tlme o{ concentration = 0.426 (hours) Matershed area = 9.36 acres Catchment Lag time = 0.336 hours Unit interval : 5.686 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = 24.8616 Hydrograph base{low = 8.66 (CFS) Average maxlmum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 6.3~6 (In/hr) Average low loss rate fractlon (Yb) = 6.763 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak 5-mlnute rainfall = 8.441 inches Computed peak 36-mlnute ralnfall = 6.96S inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 1.191 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 2.134 inches Speclfled peak B-hour rainfall = 3.084 inches Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 6.988 inches Rainfall depth area reduction factors; Using a total area of 9.36 acres (Ref: fig. E-4) B-minute factor = 1.666 Adjusted raln{all = 6.441 inches 36-minute factor = 1.666 Adjusted rainfall = 6.962 inches 1-hour factor = 1.666 Adjusted rainfall = 1,190 inches S-hour {actor = 1.666 Adjusted rainfall = 2.1~4 inches S-hour factor = 1.686 Adjusted rainfall = 9.684 inches 24-hour factor = 1.806 Adjusted rainfall = 6.986 inches Unit Hydrograph Interval 'S' Graph Unit Hydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) 1 2.279 2.563 2 9.829 8.485 3 23 222 15,676 4 46 566 19.433 5 55 920 17.343 6 85 571 i9.855 7 71 768 6.961 8 76 929 4.689 9 79 296 18 82 666 3.189 11 84 416 2.849 12 88.434 2.2?8 13 88.168 1.873 14 99.B69 .S?S .0-17 15 98.921 1.498 16 92.815 1.236 m ~ File DSKl:MGU10B.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 10:4B:11 Page ii 1,7 92 993 i. 108 18 93 %'89 0.895 _z 19 94 564 8.8?2 me 20 95 309 8.837 21 95 983 8.?58 =; 22 96 531 0 . 617 mm 23 97 043 8.5?6 24 97 491 8.564 --- 25 9,7.905 0.466 i 26 98.254 6.393 2,7 98.578 0.956 28 98,826 6.281 ~ 29 99.868 6.2'79 ~ 38 99.316 6.2'79 31 99.564 6.2'79 ;;;: 32 99. 813 9.2'79 mm 33 186.668 8,211 ~ Peak Unit Adjusted mass rainfall Unit rainfall m Number ( inches ) i 6.44 8 44 2 0.58 0 14 3 0.68 0 16 me 4 8.'77 0 88 5 8.84 0 ~ 6 8 90 8 86 ~ ? e 96 8 86 8 I 01 0 05 ~: 9 I 86 8.85 i 19 I 11 e.e5 11 i 15 e.e4 12 i 19 0.94 --' 13 1 24 0.85 [] 14 1 29 0.85 15 1.34 e.05 : 16 1.39 0.05 ~ 17 1.43 8.85 18 1,48 0.84 19 1.52 e,84 ~ 28 1,56 0.84 ~ 21 1.60 0.84 22 1.64 0.04 ~ 23 1.68 0.84 [] 24 1 .'72 8.84 25 1.76 e.04 ~ 26 1.88 8.84 ~ 2'7 1.83 0 84 28 I, 87 0 04 29 1 98 0 84 --,~ 38 I 94 0 03 8 31 i 97 8 83 32 2 88 8 83 ~ 33 2 84 0 83 N 94 2 0'7 e 03 35 2 lo o.03 ~.~' 36 2 13 8.03 ..................................................................... DSKl:MGUlee.OUT[60,e] printed on 31-May-91 10:40:34 Page 4 Unit Unit Unit Effective Period Rain{all Soil-Loss Rainfall (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 0.0317 8.0242 e.8875 2 0,9321 9.0245 0.0976 3 8.8331 e.0252 e.ee?3 4 e.9335 8.0256 e.eese 5 8.8346 8.0264 8.0882 6 8.8351 8.8288 0,0083 ? e.8384 e.0277 e.8886 8 e.6370 8.8282 8.8988 9 e.0385 e.8293 0.0091 ie 9.0393 0.0300 8.8093 il e.e41e 0,0313 e 009? 12 e.0420 9.8329 0 else is e.0442 e.8337 e 0105 14 0.8454 e.834S e else 15 6.8482 e.e3s8 0 8114 16 8,8499 8.0381 e ell8 17 e.0487 0.0311 e Bee? 18 e.e4se e.8328 e ele2 19 e.e4e8 e.0372 e ells 20 e.0526 e.0402 e 0125 21 e.ess5 e.0484 e e151 22 0.0716 e.8546 0 0170 23 e.1024 e.0675 e 8349 24 8.1488 0 0675 e e733 25 8.4486 0 8675 0 3731 26 e.ee34 e 8636 0 8198 27 e,esv4 e 0438 e else 28 e.0457 e 0348 e else 29 8.8517 e 8395 e 8123 se e.e4s8 e 8357 e 0111 Sl e.e400 0 0328 e ele2 32 e.e4el e 0306 e ees5 33 e.0377 e 0288 e sees 34 8.8357 e 8273 e 0085 35 e.e340 e e2se e 00s1 36 9.8326 e 0249 eeev? Total sell rain loss = 1.31 (In.) Total ef{ective runoff = 8.83 (In.) Total soil-loss volume = 1.0144 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runoff volume = e 6394 (Acre-Feet) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ S-HOUR STORM R u n o f f H y d r o g r a p h Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals (CFS) Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) e 2.5 5.e ? 5 le e DSKl=MGU100.OUT[60,9] printed on 31-Hay-91 10:41:04 Page 5 0+ 5 0.0001 0 02 Q 0+18 0.0007 o 09 Q 0+15 0.0921 0 20 G 8+20 0.0045 0 85 VQ e+25 e.8078 e 49 va 0+50 0 o118 0 58 V O 0+35 0 0162 0 64 ]VQ 0+40 0 8210 0 69 ~VQ 8+45 0 8261 0 74 ~VQ 9+58 8 0314 8 78 ~V Q 0+55 0 8371 0 82 VQ 1+ 0 0 0430 0 86 VQ 1+ 5 0 8492 0 90 Q 1+18 0 655? 0 94 Q 1+15 0 0624 0 98 Q 1+28 0 0695 I 03 Q 1+25 0 0?69 I 07 Q 1+38 0 0844 I 10 aV 1+35 0 0921 i 11 QV 1+40 0 0998 1.12 Q V 1+45 0 1877 1.15 Q V 1+50 0 1162 1.22 Q V 1+55 0 1256 1.37 Q V 2+ 8 0 1375 1.73 Q V 2+ 5 0 1596 3.21 V~ Q 2+18 0 1999 5.85 v Q 2+15 0 2582 8.46 V O 2+28 0 3257 9.88 V Q~ 2+25 0 3849 8.59 V Q 2+39 e 4258 5.94 Q V 2+35 0 4555 4,31 Q V 2+40 0 4796 3.36 Q V~ 2+45 0 4988 2.93 Q ~V 2+50 0 5167 2.59 Q ~ V 2+55 0 5328 2.34 Q~ e V 9+ 0 0 5473 2.12 Q ] ~ V ....................................................................... Ii DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPHS File DSKI:MGD2.OUT[G0,e] printed on 31-May-91 le:51:18 Page 1 Unit Hydrograph Analysis Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDeslgn, 1990, Version 2.2 Study date 5/31/91 Sin Bernardlno County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 198G MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 2-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH Storm Event Year = 2 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration I ntenslty (acres) ( hours ) ( inches ) Ralnfall data for year 10 9.38 1 1.98 Rainfall data for year 2 9.30 8 1.78 Rainfall data for year 2 9.38 24 3,30 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 I 1.48 Rainfall data for year 188 9.36 G 3.88 Rainfall data for year i00 9.30 24 9.00 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) No.(AMC 3) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) 93,e 53.8 9.38 1 eee e ??3 e.jee e 386 Area-averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr)= 8.388 ==m**~=,x Area-Averaged loN loss rate ~raction, Yb Pile DSK1:MGD2.0UT[60,0] printed on 31-May-e1 10:51:37 Page Area Area SCS cn SCS cn S Pervious (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC3) yield fr 4.85 8.588 83.0 53.e 8.8? e.088 4.65 8.588 98.0 98.8 8.28 0.9G0 Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 8.514 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 8.488 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4+++++++++++++++++++++++ User entry of tlme of concentration = 0.170 (hours) Matershed area = 9.98 acres Catchment Lag tlme = 0.136 hours Unit interval = 5.880 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = 81.2745 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.88 (CFS) Average maximum Matershed loss rate(Fm) = 8.388 (In/hr) Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.486 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak B-minute rainfall = 0.248 inches Computed peak 88-mlnute rainfall = 8.504 inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 0.684 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 1.218 inches Specified peak G-hour rainfall = i ?80 inches Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 8.300 inches Rainfall depth area reduction factors: Using a total area of 9.80 acres (Ref: fig. 5-minute factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 0.246 inches 30-minute factor = 1.088 Adjusted rainfall = 0.003 inches 1-hour factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 0.884 inches 3-hour factor = 1.800 Adjusted rainfall = 1 218 inches e-hour factor = 1.008 Adjusted rainfall = 1.788 inches 24-hour factor = 1,080 Adjusted rainfall = 3.900 inches Unit Hydrograph Interval 'S' Graph Unit Nydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) I 8.507 9.588 ~ 49.358 89.198 3 69.520 29.425 4 79.610 il.347 5 85.680 G 89.680 4.555 7 92.543 3.228 8 94.589 2.291 9 96.252 1.881 18 9?,4?3 1.373 11 98.389 1.e3e 12 99.047 e,?4e 13 99.G59 0.689 ~O-F 14 lee. Gee 8.383 DSKl:MGD2.OUT[60,0] prlnted on 31-May-91 18:52:00 Page Peak Unit Adjusted mass ralnfe11 Unit ralnfall Number (inches) (inches) I 0,25 0.25 2 9.32 e.08 3 9.38 e.es 4 9,43 8.95 5 0.4? 0.04 e 0.50 0,04 ? 9,54 0.03 8 0.56 0.e3 9 6.59 0.03 10 0.62 9.93 11 9.64 e.02 12 0.66 0.82 lS 0.69 0.03 14 e.v2 0.03 15 0.75 0.03 ls 0.78 e.03 17 0.88 0.03 18 9.83 0.83 19 8.86 0.03 20 e.88 0.02 21 0.90 0.02 22 9.93 e.e2 23 e.s5 0.02 24 e.97 e.02 25 8.99 0.02 26 1.82 0.82 2v 1.o4 e.e2 28 1.06 6.92 29 1.98 0.82 30 1.1e e.02 Si 1.12 e.02 32 1.14 e.e2 38 1.16 0.02 34 1.18 e.e2 35 1.28 e.e2 36 1.22 8.92 Unit Unit Unit Effective Period Rainfall Soil-Loss Rainfall (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) i e o187 e.0e91 0.0096 2 0 ele9 e.e892 e.ees? 3 e 8195 e.eess 0.01oe 4 e 8197 e.0896 0.e101 5 e 8283 0 8099 e.ele4 6 e 0206 0 elee o.81o6 7 0 8213 0 0104 o.olle 8 0 8217 0 eles o.e112 9 0 9225 0 8189 0.0116 le 0 823o e 8112 0.0118 11 e 8239 0 0116 e.e123 12 0 0245 e 8119 8.8126 13 0 8257 e 0125 0.0132 14 9.8264 0 8128 8.8136 DSKl:MGD2.0UT[G0,a] printed on 31-May-91 10:52:24 Page 4 15 0.0280 0 013G a,0144 16 8.0289 0 0140 0.8149 17 0.9227 0 0110 6.011~ 18 8.8240 0 0117 0.a123 19 0.0272 a 8132 0.9140 20 0.0294 0 0143 0.8151 21 8.8354 a 8172 0.0182 22 9.8400 o 0194 8.8285 23 0 0571 o 0278 0.9294 24 0 0785 o 8322 0.o464 25 a 2458 0 0322 0.2136 26 0 8465 0 8226 a.8239 27 0 0329 8.8158 8.8165 28 0 0255 8.8124 0.0131 29 0 8299 0,8145 6.0154 sa 0 0271 0.0132 8.0146 31 0 8251 a.8122 e 8129 32 0 0234. 0.0114 0 8129 33 0 8221 8.8187 0 a114 34 0 8218 0.0102 0 8108 35 0 0200 a.0097 a ale3 36 0 0192 0.0093 0 0099 Total solz rain loss = 0.50 (In.) Total effective runoff : 6.72 (In.) ..................................................................... Total soil-loss volume = 0.3856 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runoff volume = 6.5564 (Acre-Feet) ..................................................................... 3 HOUR STORM Runoff Hydrograph .................................................................... Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals (CFS) .................................................................... Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) 0 5.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 0+ 5 e.0008 0.09 Q 0+10 e.8039 8.47 0+15 0.0091 e 76 VQ 0+28 0.8152 e 88 0+25 0.0219 e 97 ~Q 0+30 e.e290 i 03 0+35 e.eae5 1 09 e e+4e e.0443 1 14 e+45 e.0524 I 18 eV 0+50 e.eee9 1 23 Q V 0+55 e.0696 1 27 e V 1+ 8 8 8787 1 32 Q V l+ 5 e 8880 1 36 e v 1+10 0 0978 1 41 Q V 1,15 0 1079 1.47 Q V 1+2e e 1134 1.5 v 1+25 e 1291 1.55 Q 1+30 0 1392 1.47 Q V File DSKI:MGD2.OUT[G6,6] printed on 31-May-91 16:52:56 Page 5 1+35 6.1498 1 43 Q V 1+48 e.1594 I 58 Q V 1+45 0.1765 I 62 Q V 1+56 0.1830 1 81 Q V 1+55 6 1974 2 16 Q V 2+ 6 6 2162 2 72 Q V 2+ 5 6 252? 5 36 Q V 2+16 6 3283 16 68 ~ Q V 2+15 0 3840 8 37 ~ O V 2+26 6 4152 4,54 Q~ V~ 2+25 6 4386 3.31 G V 2+30 6 4576 2,76 Q V 2+35 6 4736 2.41 Q V 2+46 0 4882 2.11 Q V 2+45 6 5614 1.92 Q V 2+56 6,5133 1,72 Q V 2+55 0.5241 1.57 Q V 3+ 6 0.5346 1.44 Q V ,File DSKl:MGD10.0UT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 le:59:e? Page 1 U n i t H y d r o g r a p h A n a 1 y s i ~ Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDesign, 1998, Version 2.2 -- Study date 5/31/91 San Bernacdino County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date August 1988 ~ ..................................................................... MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 10-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH Storm Event Year = 10 Antecedent Moisture Condition = Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity ( acres ) ( hours ) ( inches ) Rainfall data for year 9.30 1 1.00 .................................................................... Rain{all data {or year 2 9.38 6 1.78 .................................................................... Rainfall data for year 2 9.30 24 3. Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 1 1.48 ~ain{all data ~or year 188 9.38 6 3.88 Rainfall data {or year 188 9.3e 24 9.ee ******== Area-averaged max loss rate, Fm SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Fm No.(AMClI) No.(AMC 3) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) ss.e s3.e 9.se ~.eee e.773 e.see e.sss Area-averaged adSusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr)= e.3~6 ********= Area-Averaged low loss ra~e ~raction, Yb File DSK1;MGD18.0UT[Ge,8] printed on 31-May-91 18:59:25 Page Area Area SCS cn SCS cn S Pervious (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC3) yield fr 4.65 8.588 33.8 53.8 8.87 0.208 4.65 8.580 98.8 98.8 8.20 0.968 Area-averaged catchment yleld fraction, Y = 8.584 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = User entry of time of concentration = 0.178 (hours) Watershed area = 9.38 acres Catchment Lag time = 8.136 hours Unit interval = 5.888 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = 61.2745 Hydrograph baseflow = e.88 (CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 8.38G (In/hr) Average lo~ loss rate fraction (Yb) = 8.418 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak 5-minute rainfall = 8.3?8 inches Computed peak 38-minute rainfall = 8.758 inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 1.088 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 1.881 inches Specified peak G-hour rainfall = 2.611 inches Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 5.845 inches Rainfall depth area reduction factors: Using a total area of 9.38 acres (Ref: fig. 5-minute factor = 1.888 Ad3usted rainfall = 8.378 inches 38-minute factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 8.?58 inches i-hour factor = 1.808 AdSusted rainfall = 1.888 inches 3-hour factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 1.881 inches 8-hour factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 2.611 inches 24-hour factor = 1.088 Adjusted rainfall = 5.645 inches Unit Hydrograph +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Interval 'S' Graph Unit Hydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) ~ 8,587 9,568 2 43.358 89.198 3 69,528 29.425 4 79 618 11,347 ~ 5 85 638 6 89 688 4.555 7 92 543 3,220 ~ 8 94 588 2.291 ~ 9 98 252 1.881 18 97 473 1.373 1~ 98 389 1.838 ~ 12 99 84? 8.748 13 99 659 e.689 ~,O -7 14 100 800 8.383 File DSKl:MGD10.0UT[68,8] printed on 31-May-9i 18:59:48 Page Peak Unit Addusted mass rainfall Unit rainfall Number (inches) (inches) 1 8.37 8.37 2 0.49 8.12 3 9.57 8.89 4 8.64 0.09 5 0.78 e.88 8 8.76 8.05 ? 8.81 8.85 8 8.85 8.84 9 8.09 8.84 10 8.93 8.04 11 8.87 8,84 12 1.88 8.89 13 1.84 8.84 14 1 89 8 84 15 I lS e 84 16 1 17 8 84 17 1 28 8 84 18 1 24 8 84 19 1 28 0 04 20 1 31 8 84 21 1 35 8 83 22 1 38 8 83 23 I 42 8 83 24 1 45 8 83 25 I 48 8 83 28 151 8.83 27 1 54 8.83 28 1.5? 8.83 29 1,68 0.83 38 1.63 8.83 31 1.86 e.08 32 1.69 8.83 33 1.72 0.83 34 1.75 8.83 35 1.77 8.83 38 1.88 8.83 Unit Unit Unit E{fectlve Period Ralnfall Soil-Loss Rainfall (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) I 8.8278 8.8112 8.8158 2 8.8274 8.8114 8.8168 3 8.8281 e 8117 0.8164 4 8.8285 8 8119 8.8167 5 8 8294 e 8122 8.8172 6 8 8299 8 8124 8.8175 7 8 8389 8 8128 e.elsl S e 8315 e 8131 8.8104 9 8 8327 8 8138 8.8191 18 8 8334 8 8139 8.8195 11 8 8348 8 8145 8,8284 12 8 8356 8 8148 8.8288 13 8.83?5 8 8156 8.8219 ~,,0 14 0.8385 e 8168 8.8225 DSKI:MGD10.OUT[Se,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:80:13 page 4 15 6.0409 0 0170 0,0239 16 8.8423 e 8178 9.8247 17 0.0342 0 9142 0,0209 18 e.essl 0 8158 0,0211 19 0.0a10 0 0170 0.9249 20 8.0442 0 0184 0.0258 21 9.9533 0 9221 0.0311 22 e.esel e 0250 9.9351 23 0 086e 0 0322 0.0538 .24 e 1182 0 9322 0 0860 25 0 3699 0 0322 0 33?8 26 0 0700 0.0291 0 8489 27 0 0482 0.0200 0 0282 28 0 8383 e.0159 0 0224 29 0 0430 0.0182 0 8256 90 0 639? 9.0165 0 6232 31 0 8365 0.8152 0 0213 92 0 8341 0.0142 0 0199 33 8 8321 8.8133 0 8187 34 8 8304 8.8126 8 0178 35 0 0290 8.8128 0 8169 36 0 0277 e.0118 0 0162 Total sell rain loss = 8.61 (In.) Total effective runoff = 1.19 (In.) Total soil-loss volume = 0.4~01 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runoff volume = 8,9253 (Acre-Feet) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 HOUR STORM Runoff Hydrograph Hydrograph in 5 Minute intervals (CFS) .................................................................... Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) e 5.0 10.0 15,0 20.0 0+ 5 0.0010 e,15 0+10 e.0064 0.?? vQ 8+15 0,0149 1,25 V Q 0+20 0.0250 1,45 0+25 e.0359 1.59 e+30 0,0476 1,70 VQ 8+35 0,0599 1,79 VQ e+40 0.0?28 1.87 Q e+45 e,0882 1 94 Q 0+50 0,1001 2 02 Q 0+55 0.1145 2 09 1+ e 0.1295 2 17 Qv 1+ 5 0.1450 2 25 G v 1+10 e.1611 2 94 Q v 1+15 0.1778 2 43 Q V 1+20 0.1982 2 83 Q v 1+25 8.2130 2 58 Q 1+80 e.2See 2 46 Q DSKl:MGDlO.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:00:44 Page 5 1+85 0.2467 2.42 Q V 1+40 0,2643 2.55 Q [V 1+45 9.2833 2.?6 Q V ~+50 9.3945 3,69 Q V Z+55 0.3294 3,62 Q V 2+ 0 9.3629 4.86 Q} V 2+ 5 0.4266 9.27 Q 2+10 0.5460 17.42 V O 2+15 0.6398 13.61 O 2+28 8.6915 7.51 Q 2+25 9.7294 5.51 2+30 9,7611 4.60 O V 2+35 0.?887 4.01 O V 2+40 9.8128 3.51 Q V 2+45 9,834? 3.18 O V 2+50 0.8543 2,85 o v 2+55 0.8721 2.59 O V 3+ 0 6.8885 2.37 Q V ....................................................................... mm mmmmm DSK1;MGD25.OUT[69,0] prlnted on 81-May-91 11:02:17 Page Unit Hydrograph Analysis Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDesign, 1990, Version 2.2 Study date 5/31/91 San Bernardlno County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1986 ..................................................................... MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 25-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH Storm Event Year = 25 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 3 Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity (acres) ( hours ) ( inches ) Rainfall data for year 10 9 30 1 I. 00 Rainfall data for year 2 9 30 6 - ............................................................... ~ _ _ _ Rainfall data for year 2 9 30 24 3.38 Rainfall data for year 100 9 30 1 1.48 Ralnfall data for year 100 9 30 6 3,88 Rainfall data for year ~00 9 39 24 9.00 SOS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) No.(AMC 3) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr} 33.6 53.0 9.30 1.688 8.?73 8.588 6.386 Area-averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr)= 0.306 ~**=***** Area-Averaged low loss rate fraction, Yb me "!File DSKl:MGD25.0UT[68,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:82:35 Page 2 Area Area SCS cn SOS cn S Pervious (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC3) yield fr 4.65 8,588 33,8 53.8 8.87 8.27G 4.65 8.588 98.8 98.8 8.28 8.960 ~ Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.G18 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 8.382 ~: User- entry of time of concentration = 8,178 (hours) Watershed area = 9.38 acres Catchment Lag time = 0.138 hours ~ Unlt interval = 5.886 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = 61.2745 Hydrograph baseflow : 8.88 (CFS) ~) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 8.388 (In/hr) I Average low loss rate fraction (YB) = 8.382 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected ' Computed peak 5-minute rain{all : 8.441 inches i Computed peak 38-minute rain{all = 8.983 inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 1.191 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 2.134 inches ~ Specified peak G-hour rainfall = 3.884 inches m Specified peak 24-hour rain{all = 6,988 inches F~aln{all depth area reduction {actors: Using a total area of 9.38 acres (Ref: fig. E-4) mm 5-minute factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 8.441 inches 38-minute factor = 1.8eo Adjusted rain{all = 8.982 inches 1-hour {actor = 1.880 Adjusted rainfall = 1.198 inches = 3-hour factor = 1.888 Adjusted rain{all = 2.134 inches me G-hour factor = 1.880 Adjusted rainfall = 3.884 inches 24-hour {actor -- 1.880 Adjusted rainfall = 8.988 inches mm Unit Hydrograph : Interval 'S' Graph Unit Hydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) 1. 8.58? 9.588 mm 2 43.358 39.198 3 69.520 29.425 4 79.618 11.34'7 mm 5 85.838 8 89.688 4.555 '7 92.543 3,228 ~ 8 94.588 2,291 mml 9 98.252 1.881 18 9?.473 1.373 11 98.889 1,888 mi 12 99.841 0,?40 13 99.8G9 8.Sss 14 180,880 8.383 DSKl:MGD25.OUT[68,8] prlnted on 31-May-91 11:82:58 Page 3 Peak Unit Adjusted mass rainfall Unit ralnfall Number (inches) (inches) I 8. a4 8 44 2 8.58 8 3 8.88 8 18 4 8.77 8 88 5 0.84 8 6 8.90 0 86 7 0 96 0 86 8 I 81 8 85 9 1 86 8 85 18 1 11 8 85 11 1 15 8 12 1 19 8 84 18 1 24 8 85 14 1 29 8 85 15 i 34 8 85 18 i 39 8 85 17 1 43 8 85 18 I 48 8 84 18 I 52 28 1 58 21 1 80 22 I G4 8.84 23 1 88 24 1 72 25 1.78 8.04 26 1.8~ 8.84 27 1.83 8.84 28 1.sv 8.84 29 1.98 8.84 38 1,94 8,83 81 1.97 B.83 32 2.80 8.83 33 2.84 6.93 34 2.87 e.e3 35 2.18 8.83 36 2.13 8.93 ..................................................................... Unit Unit Unit E~fective Period Rain{all Soil-Loss Rain{all (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) ..................................................................... I e.8317 8.8121 8.8196 2 e.8321 e.8129 8.0199 3 0.0931 8,8126 e.8284 4 e.8935 8 8128 e.828v 5 8.8346 8 8132 8,8214 S 8.8351 8 8134 8.8217 7 8.8364 8 8139 8.8225 8 8.8378 8 8141 8.8229 s 8.8385 8 814? 8.8238 18 8.8393 e 8158 8.8243 11 8.8418 8 8157 8.8254 12 e.e428 8 8168 8.8268 13 8.8442 8 8169 8.8273 14 8 8454 8 8173 8 8281 · . File DSKl:MGD25.OUT[60,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:03:22 Page 4 15 0.8482 8 8184 6.8298 16 0.8499 8 8191 8,0388 17 8.8487 8 8156 0.8252 18 8.0488 8 8164 8.8268 19 8.8488 0 8186 8.8382 28 8 8526 8 8281 e 8325 21 8 8835 8 8242 0 8392 22 8 8716 0 0274 B 6443 23 0 1824 8 8322 8 8782 24 8 1488 8 8322 8 1886 25 8 4486 0 8322 0 4884 26 0 8834 0 8318 8 6515 29 8 85?4 8.8219 8 8355 28 8 845? 8.8174 0 8282 29 8 8517 e.elS8 e 8328 30 0 0488 8.8179 8 8289 31 0.8438 8.8164 8.8286 32 8.8481 8.8153 8.8248 33 8.83?9 8.8144 0,0233 34 8.8357 8.8136 8.8221 35 e.8348 8.0138 8.8218 36 8.8326 8.8124 e.0281 Total soll rain loss = e. S5 (In.) Total effective runoff = 1.48 (In.) ..................................................................... Total soil-loss volume = 8,5842 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runo{~ volume = 1.1493 <Acre-Feet) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 HOUR STORH Runoff Hydrograph Hydrograph in 5 Hinute intervals (CFS) Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) 0 ?,5 15.8 22.5 80.e 8+ 5 8 88~3 e 19 Q 8+18 0 8879 0 96 VQ 8+15 8 8186 1 55 V Q 8+28 8 8318 I 81 VG 8+25 e 8445 I 99 0+30 8 8592 2 11 8+85 e 8?45 2 22 Q 8+40 e 0905 2 32 e+45 e 1072 2.42 Q e+50 8 1245 2.52 QV e+55 8.1424 2,61 QV 1+ 0 0.1811 2.78 G V 1+ 5 8.1884 2.81 Q V 1+10 e.2885 2.92 Q V 1+15 8.2213 3.83 Q V 1+28 8.2431 3.16 Q V 1+25 8.2s58 8.22 o v: 1+38 8.2865 3.08 O File DSKl:MGD25.OUT[GB,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:03:54 Page 5 1+35 8.3875 3,04 Q V 1+40 8.3296 3 21 Q V 1+45 8.3535 3 47 Q V 1+58 6.3882 3 89 Q V 1+55 6.4117 4 58 Q V 2+ 0 8.4545 6 21 Q V 2+ 5 6.533G 11 47 Q V 2+18 6.G884 21 31 V Q 2+-15 6.7951 16 6G Q V 2+26 6.8590 9 28 Q V 2+25 6.9060 6 83 Q ~V 2+38 6.9453 5 78 Q V 2+35 6.9798 4 98 Q V 2+46 1.6098 4 36 Q V 2+45 1.6368 3 95 Q V 2+56 1.0611 3 54 Q V 2+55 1.8833 3 22 Q V 3+ 8 1.1036 2 95 Q V m ~j File DSKl:MGD180.OUT[G0,8] printed on 91-May-91 11:88:28 Page 1 -- Unlt Hydrograph Analysis Copyright (c) CivilCadd/CivilDeslgn, 1990, Version 2.2 ~'~! Study date 5/31/91 San Bernardlno County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1988 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 100-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH Storm Event Year = 108 Antecedent Moisture Condition = 9 mm Area averaged ralnfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity m ( acres ) ( hours ) ( inches ) Rainfall data for year 10 9,30 i 1.00 mm Rainfall data for year 2 9.38 8 1.78 mm Ralnfall data for year 2 9,98 24 3.38 m Ralnfa11 data for year 188 9.30 1 1.48 : Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 8 3.88 = Rainfall data for year 108 i 9.38 24 9.88 = ~ ******** Area-averaged max loss rate, Fm SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig cB) Ap Fm No.(AMCXX) No.(AMC 3) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) __~ 38.8 53.8 9.38 1.888 8.773 8.588 8.388 Area-averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr)= 8,388 ~ ********* Area-Averaged ion loss rate fraction, Yb ::File DSKl:MGD108.OUT[68,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:88:39 Page 2 ' Area Area SOS cn SCS cn S Pervious ! (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC3) yleld fr m 4.65 0.500 33.0 53.0 8.8? 8.361 4.65 8.508 98.8 98.8 0.20 0.968 Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.660 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.340 ~ User entry of time of concentration = 0.170 (hours) Watershed area = 9.30 acres Catchment Lag time = 0.136 hours ~ Unit interval = 5.000 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = 61.2745 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.08 (CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate<Fm) = 0.388 (In/hr) j Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 0.340 (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak 5-minute rainfall = 8.548 inches j Computed peak 30-mlnute ralnfa11 = 1.122 inches Specified peak 1-1',our rainfall = 1.480 inches Computed peak 3-hour ralnfall = 2.639 inches i Specified peak G-hour rainfall = 3.000 inches i Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 9.000 inches Rainfall depth area reduction factors: Using a total area of 9.30 acres (Ref: flg. E-4) ~ 5-minute factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfaII = 0.546 inches 30-minute factor = 1.0~ Adjusted rainfail = 1.121 inches 1-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfaiI = 1.479 inches ~ 3-hour factor = 1.80~ Adjusted rainfall = 2,838 inches m G-hour factor = 1.888 Adjusted rainfall = 3.880 inches 24-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 9.000 inches Unit Hydrograph Interval 'S' Graph Unit Hydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) ~ 1 8,507 9.568 m 2 43.358 39 198 3 69,529 29 425 ~ 4 79.618 11 34? ~ 5 85.636 8 6 89.680 4 555 ;-: ? 92.543 3 229 =; 8 94.580 2 291 m 9 96.252 1 881 ~ 10 97.4?3 I 3?3 =~ 11 98.389 I 830 m 12 99.047 e 13 99.659 0 689 :. 14 100.800 0.383 File DSKl:MGD108.OUT[58,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:89:02 Page 3 Peak Unit Adjusted mass ralnfall Unit ralnfall Number (inches) (inches) I 8.55 8.55 2 8.72 8.17 3 8.85 8.13 4 8.95 8.18 5 1.04 0.89 5 1.12 8.88 7 1.19 8,87 8 1.26 8.87 9 1,32 8.86 18 1.38 8.86 11 1.43 8.85 12 1.48 8.85 13 1.54 8.88 14 1 68 8.86 15 1 66 8.86 16 1 72 8.86 17 I 78 0.86 18 1 83 0 85 19 1 88 8 05 28 1 94 8 85 21 1 99 8 85 22 2 84 8 85 23 2 88 8 85 24 2 13 8 85 25 2 18 8 85 26 2 22 8 85 27 2 2? 8 84 28 2.31 8 84 29 2.35 8 84 38 2.48 8 84 31 2.44 8 84 32 2.48 8 84 33 2.52 0 84 34 2.56 8.84 35 2.68 8.84 36 2.64 8.84 Unit Unit Unit Effective Period Rain{all Soil-Loss Rainfall (number) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 8.8389 8.8132 8.825? 2 8.8394 0.8134 8.8268 s 8.8485 8.e~se 8.8268 4 8.8411 8.e148 8.0272 5 8.8424 8.8144 0.8208 8 8.8431 8.8146 8.8285 ? 8.8446 8.8152 8.8295 8 8.8454 8.8154 8.8380 9 8.84?2 8.01s8 8.8312 18 8.8482 8.8164 8.8318 11 8.8384 8.8171 8.8333 12 8.8516 e.elVS 8.0341 13 8.8543 8.8184 8.8359 i4 8.8538 8.8198 8.8369 DSKl:MGD188.OUT[80,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:89:26 Page 15 0 8594 0 0202 0.8392 16 e 0614 0 9209 0.8486 17 0 8508 0 0172 0.8334 18 8 8534 9 8181 6.8353 19 0 0687 0 8298 6.6481 20 0 8654 0 0222 0.8432 21 0 8789 0 9268 0.8521 22 0 8896 0 6302 0.8588 23 0 1272 0 8322 8 8959 24 0 1749 0 8322 0 1427 25 e 54?5 e 8322 0 5153 26 0 1836 0 8322 0 8714 27 8 8713 e 8242 8 6471 28 8 8568 0 8193 0 0375 29 0 6637 0 8216 e 8421 se 8 8575 0 0195 0 8388 31 8 8529 0 0188 0 8349 82 8 0499 0 0167 0 8325 33 8 8463 0 8157 0 8396 34 8 8438 e 8149 B 9299 35 8 0417 0 0142 8 92?6 36 8 6399 e elss 0 9264 Total soil rain loss = 8.?8 Total effective runoff = 1.94 (In.) Total so11-1oss volume = 0.5433 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runoff volume = 1.8887 (Acre-Feet) ..................................................................... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3-HOUR STORM Runoff Hydrograph HVdrograph in 5 Minute intervals (CFS) Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) 8 7.s ls.0 22.5 ~e.0 e+ 5 0.8817 0 25 e+10 0 0103 I 25 vQ 0+15 0 6243 2 03 V 0+20 0 0488 2 36 :v Q e+25 8 8504 2 59 fv Q 8+38 e 8775 2 77 VQ e+35 e 6975 2 91 va e+4e 0 1185 3 85 va e+45 0 1484 9 17 e+se 8 1631 3 38 Q 8+55 8 1866 3 42 1+ 0 8 2111 3 55 QV 1+ 5 8 2364 3 68 a V 1+18 8 2628 9 83 Q V 1+15 e 2902 3 97 O V 1+28 e 3187 4 15 Q V 1+25 8 34?9 4 24 Q V~ 1+38 0 3?66 4 07 Q V ~= Flle DSKl:MGD180.OUT[68,B] prlnted on 31-May-91 11:89:68 Page 5 1+35 0,4837 4,83 Q V 1+40 8,4336 4,25 Q~V m 1+45 0,4647 4,60 Q V 1+50 0,5002 5,15 Q V 1+55 8,5421 6,89 Q V ~ 2+ 8 8,5993 8,31 ~Q V 2+ 5 8,7024 14,97 VQ 2+18 0,8981 27,25 V O B.' 2+15 1,8378 21,44 VQ m 2+20 1,1211 12,10 o v 2+25 1,1825 8,91 ]Q ~V ~ 2+38 1,2338 7.45 O~ V i 2+35 1,2786 6,58 O V 2+48 1,3178 5,70 Q V 2+45 1,3534 5,16 Q V 2+58 1,3852 4,63 O V ~ 2+55 1,4142 4,21 Q V 3+ 8 1,4488 3.86 Q V m z~ DETMNTION BASIN ROUTING Fli ~ENGINEERS, INC. Joe '1:269 W. 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F"""'~""""; """"i ..................=:"""'T''+'''' 'T .....................i""""'i ..................l ...............T"""T"T""r"/'T""T""T ....... ~File DSKl:MGD2.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:27:49 Page FLOOD HYDROGRAPH ROUTING PROGRAM Copyright (c) ClvilCADD/ClvilDESIGN, 1990 Study date: 5/31/91 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 2-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH ROUTED THROUGH DETENTION BASIN ***===*=*********=*~* HYDROGRAPH INFORMATION i From study/file name: MGD2.rte ***************=************HYDROGRAPH DATA 2 Number of intervals = 49 m Time interval = 5.0 (Min.) Maximum/Peak flow rate = 10.7 (CFS) ~ Total volume = 0.56 (Ac. Ft) ~ Status of hydrographs being held in storage Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 == Peak (CFS) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.008 Z Vol (Ac. Ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 0.000 to Point/Station 1.000 **** RETARDING BASIN ROUTING **** User entry of depth-outflow-storage data .................................................................... Total number of inflow hydrograph intervals -- 49 Hydrograph time unit = 5.000 (Min.) Initial depth in storage basin = 0.00(Ft.) Initial basin depth = 0.00 (Ft.) Initial basin storage = 0.00 (Ac. Ft) Initial basin outflow = 0.00 (CFS) ..................................................................... Depth vs. Storage and Depth vs. Discharge data: Basin Depth Storage Outflow (S-O*dt/2) (S+O*dt/2) (Ft.) (Ac,Ft) (CFS) (Ac,Ft) (Ac.Ft) 0. 000 e. 008 0. 000 0. 000 0. 000 1. 000 0. 075 2. 640 e. 066 e. 084 2. eee e. 388 4. 580 8. 364 8. 396 3.00e e. 970 5. 910 0. 958 e. 998 4. eee 1. s45 v. eee 1. 821 1. 869 ~, o -~ s. eee 3. e85 ?. 93e s. 058 s. 112 File DSKI:MGD2.OUT[GS,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:28:11 Page 2 Hydrograph Detention Basin Routing Graph values: ~I~= unlt inflow; ~O'=out~low at time shown Time Inflow Outflow Storage Depth <Hours) (CFS) (CFS) (Ao. Ft) .~ 2.7 .S .~ 8.? (Ft) ~.883 B.1 ~.~ 8 ~B~ 0 8.167 0.5 0.1 0 082 OI 8 0 0.250 0.8 0.2 8 005 0 I 0 1 0.33~ 8.8 0.3 8 889 0 I 8 1 0.~17 1.8 0.5 8 013 ',OI 0 2 0.580 1.8 8.6 8 016 ~0 I 8.2 0.583 1.1 8.? 8 819 OI 0.3 0. 667 I. I 8.8 8 822 OI 8.3 0.?58 1.2 0.9 8 024 OI 0.3 0.883 1.2 0.8 8.028 OI 0.917 1.3 1.0 8 828 OI 1.880 1.3 1.1 0.838 0 1.083 1.~ 1.1 0.032 OI 0.~ 1.167 1.d 1.2 8.8~4 OI 8.4 1.258 1.5 1.2 8.8~5 OI 0.5 1.~33 1.5 1.9 0.837 OI 0.5 1.~17 1.6 1.3 0.898 0 8.5 1.508 1.5 1.4 0.038 0 0.5 1.583 1.4 1.~ 0.848 0 8.5 1.88~ 1.5 1.4 0.8~8 0 0.5 1.758 1.6 1.4 8.841 0 8.5 1.83~ 1.8 I. 5 0. 048 OI 0.8 1.917 2.1 1.8 0.045 0 I 8.6 2.800 2.7 1.8 8.858 0 8.7 2.883 5.3 2.3 8.864 0 I 8.9 2.187 18.7 2.8 0.182 0 1.1 2 258 8.4 3.1 8.147 '0 I 1.2 2.33~ 4.5 8.2 8.170 ~0 I 1.~ 2.417 3 3 3.3 8.174 ~0 1.~ 2.580 2 8 3 3 0.1~ IO 2 583 2 ~ 3 2 8.168 i~O 1.3 2 68? 2 1 3 ~ 8.162 X '.0 1.~ 2 758 19 ~ 1 8.154 I 2 8~3 1 ? 3 I 8 145 Im,O I 2 2 917 I 6 3 8 8 135 I m,O 12 ~ 888 14 3 8 8 125 I 0 12 3 083 I 3 2 9 8 114 I 0 1 9.167 8.8 2 8 8 181 I 0 11 3.258 8.4 2 ? 8 888 [I 0 1 e ~.333 8.~ 2.~ 8 071 I 0 0.9 3.417 8.2 2.8 0 85? I 0 0.8 3.588, 8.1 1.6 8 845 I 0 8.6 3.583 8.1 1.3 8 038 I 0 8.5 $.867 0.1 1.8 8.829 I 0 0.4 3.?58 8.8 0.8 8.023 I 0 8.3 3.833 8.e 8.~ 0.818 I0 8.2 3.917 8.8 0.5 0.014 Io ~,0~ 8.2 4.008 8.8 8.4 8.811 I0 ~ 0.2 4.083 0.0 8.3 8.889 0 [ 8.1 File DSKl:MGD2.OUT[68,8] prln~ed on 31-May-91 11:28:48 Page 8 4.187 8.8 8.2 0.887 O 8.1 4.258 8.8 8.2 8.888 O 8.1 4.333 8.8 8.2 8.804 O 8.1 4.417 8.8 8.1 8.883 O 8.0 4.580 0.8 0.1 0.083 O 0.8 Number of intervale = Time interval = 5,0 Maximum/Peak flow rate = 3.3 Total volume = 0.55 (Ac. Ft) Status of hydrographs beln~ held i~ storage Stream I Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Peak (CFS) 0.000 0.808 8.080 8.888 0.808 vol (Ac. Ft) o.eee 0.000 0.e00 0.000 0.e00 II ;~File DSKl:MGD10.OUTE60,0] printed on 31-May-91 11=44:43 Page i FLOOD HYDROGRAPH ROUTING PROGRAM Copyright (c) CivilCADD/CivilDESIGN, 1990 Study date: 5/31/91 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 10-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH ROUTED THROUGH DETENTION BASIN '~**'*=*=~==**~**** HYDROGRAPH INFORMATION From study/file name: MGD1O.t-te Number of ~ntervals = 49 Time interval = 5.e Maximum/Peak ~low rate : 17.4 (CFS) Total volume = 8.93 (Ac. Ft) Status of hydrographs beimg held in storage Stream I Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Peak <CFS) 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.008 Vol (Ac,Ft) 0.000 0.000 e.000 0.000 0.000 .d ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ : Process from Point/Station 0.000 to Point/Station 1,000 · w *=** RETARDING BASIN ROUTING ***~ User entry of depth-outflo~-~torage data Total number o~ inflow hydrogFaph intervals = 49 " Hydrograph time unit = 5.000 (Min.) Initial depth in storage basin = e.00(Ft.) Initial basin depth = 0.00 (Ft.) Initial basin storage = 0.00 (Ac.Ft) Inltial basin outflow = 0.08 (CFS) Depth vs. Storage and Depth vs. Discharge data: ! Basin Depth Storage Outflow (S-O~dt/2) (S+O*dt/2) ~j (Ft.) (Ac. Ft) (CFS) (Ac.Ft) (Ac.Ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0.000 1.808 0.8?5 2.840 0 866 8.084 2.000 0.380 4.580 0 364 0.398 3.000 6.979 5.918 0 950 0.990 4.e00 1.345 ?.eee I 821 1.869 "., s.eee 3.885 7.930 3 058 3.112 ~File DSKl:MGD10,OUT[60,8] printed on 31-May-91 11:45:05 Page 2 Hydrograph Detention Basin Routing ..................................................................... Graph values: 'I'= unit inflow; ~O'=outflow at time shown ...................................................................... Time Inflow Outflow Stocage Depth (Hours) (CFS) (CFB) (Ac. Ft) .e 4.4 .7 13.1 i7.4 (Ft.) 8 083 0 2 0 0 0 000 O 9.0 8 L67 0 8 0 1 0 003 OI 0 260 12 0 3 0 009 O I 0.1 8 333 15 0 5 0 016 O I 9.2 8 4~7 16 0 7 e 02~ ',0I 0.3 e 600 17 0 9 0 027 ',0 I 0.4 0 583 ~ 8 1 ~ 0 032 oI 0.4 0 88~ 1.9 13 0 038 oI 0 ~50 1.9 14 0 040 oI 0.5 0 833 2.0 15 0 043 OI 8 917 2.1 16 8 847 0 ~.8 1 888 2.2 1,8 8 858 0 1 883 2.3 1.9 8 853 OI 8.7 i 1~7 2.3 1,9 8 855 OI 8.7 1 258 2,4 2.8 8 858 OI 1 333 2.5 2.1 8.861 OI 1 417 2.6 2.2 8.863 0 8.8 ~.see 2.5 2.3 9.865 0 1.583 2.4 2.3 e.ees 0 e.9 1.667 2.6 2.4 e.es7 0 1.759 , 2.9 2.~ 8.869 oi e.9 1.833 ~.~ 2.5 8.8?2 0I 1.917 3.6 2,? e,e?? 0 2.eee 4.9 2.? 9.888 0 l.e 2.ee3 9.2 2.9 e.ll? 0 ~.~ 2.~67 ~7.4 3.4 e.187 0 I 1.4 2.258 ~3.6 3.9 8.269 o: 1.6 2.333 ?.5 4.2 e.3~4 o: i 1.8 2.417 5.5 4.3 8.338 o: i 1 8 2,588 4,6 ~.3 8.335 oI 19 2.583 4.8 4.3 9,335 o~ I 9 2.667 9.5 4.3 8.331 ~0] 18 2.758 3.2 4.2 8.325 I o~ 18 2.833 2.8 4.2 8.317 I O~ 18 2.917 2.6 4.1 e.3e? IO~ 18 8.888 2 4 4.8 8.296 I oJ 3.e83 2 1 4.8 8.284 I o~ 1 ? 3.167 13 3.9 8,268 ~ o~ ~ 6 3.25e e 6 3.7 e.249 I 0 3.333 e 4 3.6 e.227 0 15 3.417 e 3 3 5 e.2e5 0 14 3.5e9 e 2 3 3 e 183 0 1.4 3.583 e 2 3 2 e 162 0 3.667 e 1 3 1 e 142 0 1.2 3.833 e e 2 8 e ~e2 0 1.1 4.eee e.e 2 3 e e66 0 4.e83 e.e 1 8 e 952 0 -:File DSK~:MGD10.0UT[S0~0] printed on 31-May-9~ ~1:45:4~ Page 3 4.167 8.0 1.4 8.841 I O 4.258 8.8 1.1 0.832 I O 4.333 8.8 0.8 8.825 IO 8.3 4.417 8.8 8.7 8.828 IO 0.3 4.588 8.8 0.5 8.815 O 8.2 4.583 8.8 0.4 0.812 0 8.2 4.887 8.0 8.3 8.809 O 8.1 4.758 8.8 0.3 8.887 O 8.1 4.833 8.0 8.2 8.888 O 8.1 4.917 8.8 0.2 8.885 O 0.1 5.880 8.0 8.1 8.884 O 8.8 5.883 0.8 8.1 8.883 O 8.8 Number of intervals = Time interval = 5.8 (Nin.) hlaxlmum/Peak flow rate = 4.3 (CFS) To~al volume = 8.82 (Ac.Ft) Status of hydrographs being held in storage Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Peak (CFS) 8,880 8.888 8.808 8.080 8.888 Vol (Ac.Ft) 8.888 8.808 8.808 8.888 8.888 DSKl:MGD25.0UT[50,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:42:24 Page FLOOD HYDROGRAPH ROUTING PROGRAM Copyright (c) CivilCADD/CivilDESIGN~ 1990 Study date: 5/31/91 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 25-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH ROUTED THROUGH DETENTION BASIN =~=*******~***~**~ HYDROGRAPH INFORMATION From study/file name: MGD25,rte ~=**~*~"~**~**~HYDROGRAPH DATA Number of intervals = 49 Time interval = 5.8 (Min.) Maximum/Peak flow rate = 21.3 (CFS) Total volume = 1.15 (Ac.Pt) Status of hydrographs being held in storage Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream ~ Stream 5 Peak (CFS) 0.008 0.000 8.000 0.000 0.000 Vol (Ac. Ft) 0.000 0.000 e.eee e.000 0.000 Process from Point/Station 0.000 to Point/Station 1.000 **** RETARDING BASIN ROUTING =*** User entry of depth-outflow-storage data Total number of inflow hydrograph intervals = Hydrograph'tlme unit = 5.880 (Min.) Initial depth in storage basin = e.00(Ft.) Initial basin depth = 0.80 Initial basin storage = 0.80 (Ac.Ft) Initial basin outflow = 8.80 (CFS) Depth vs. Storage and Depth vs. Discharge data: Basin Depth Storage Outflow (S-O'dt/2) (S+O=dt/2) (Ft.) (Ao.Ft) (CFS) (Ac.Pt) (Ao.Ft) 8.000 0.000 8.800 0.080 e 090 1.eee e.e?5 2.640 8.055 e 2.eee o.see 4.see 0.364 0 396 s.eee e.970 5.910 e.950 e sse 4.eee 1.845 ?.eee 1.821 1 869 5.000 3.085 ?.930 3,050 ~File DSKl:MGD25.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:42:48 Page Hydrograph Detention Basin Routing Graph values: 'I'= unit inflow; 'O'=outflow at time shown Time Inflow Outflow Storage Depth (Hours) (CFS) (CFS) (Ac. Ft) .8 5.3 0.? 16.0 21.3 (Ft.) o.e83 0.2 0.0 e eel o e.~67 1.e e.~ e ee4 oz 8.258 1.6 8.4 e 811 O I 8.338 1,8 8.? 8 819 O I ~.417 2.8 8.9 8 826 OI 8.588 2.1 1.2 e 833 0 I 8.583 2.2 ~.4 e e39 OI e.5 e.66? 2.~ ~.6 e 845 oI e.vse 2.4 ~.v e ese o~ e,833 2 s ~.9 e.e54 oI e.? e.9~v 2 s 2.e e.ess o 1. eee 2 7 2.2 e. 962 oi e. 8 1.ee3 2 8 2.3 e.e65 oI e.9 ~.~67 2 9 2.4 e.e69 oI e.9 ~.25e 3 e 2 s e.ev2 o~ ~.e 1.333 3 2 2 s e.evs oI ~.e 1.4~? a 2 2 ? e.ev9 0 ~.e 1.see ~ 1 2 ? e.ee3 o ~.s83 3 e 2 v e.e85 0 ~.667 3 2 2 ? 9.888 O ~ e ~.75e 3 5 2 ? e.e92 oI ~.838 8 9 2 8 e.e98 oI ~.9~7 4 6 2 9 8.~e8 0 I 2,eee 6 2 8 e 8.~25 0 I ~ 2 2.983 t~ 5 8 2 e.~65 0 I ~ 3 2. ~67 2~. 8 3.8 e. 254 0 ~ 6 2.25e ~8.7 4.4 e.856 0 i ~ 9 2.833 9.3 4.7 e.4~4 0 I 2 2.4~? 6.8 4.7 e.438 2.58e 5.? 4.? e.448 oI 2.~ 2 583 5.e 4.7 e.452 o~ 2.~ 2 667 4.4 4.7 e 452 IoJ 2.~ 2 ?5e 3.9 4.7 e 448 I oJ 2.~ 2 833 3.5 4.? e 44~ I oJ 2.~ 2 9~? 3.2 4.7 e 432 I oJ 2.~ 8 eee 2.9 4.? e 42~ I oj 2.~ 3 883 2,6 4.6 e 488 i 0 3 ~67 ~.6 4.6 e 89e I 0 3 25e e.8 4.5 e 867 I 0 8 883 e.5 4.3 e 84~ 0 ~.9 3 417 8.4 4.2 e.315 0 1.8 s.see e.s 4.8 e.289 0 3.583 e.2 3.8 8.264 0 3.66? e.~ s.? 8.299 0 ~.5 3.~5e e,~ 3.5 e.2t5 0 z.5 3.833 e.~ 3.4 e.~9~ 0 ~.4 4.eee e.e 3.1 e.147 0 , 1.2 4.e83 e,e 3,e e,127 o ~ 1.2 Flle DSKl:MGD25,OUT[69,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:43:23 Page 3 4.167 0.0 2.8 0 107 I 0 1.1 : 4,258 8.0 2.? 0 88? I 0 1.0 w 4.333 0.0 2.5 0 070 I 0 0.9 4 41? 8.0 1.9 0 ess ~ 0 0.? --- 4 500 0.0 1.5 0 043 I 0 8,6 4 583 0.0 1.2 0 034 ]0 0.4 4 661 0.8 8.9 8 826 I0 4 750 0.8 8.? 0.821 I0 8.3 ~ 4 833 8.0 8.6 0.816 0 a 4 917 8.8 0.4 8.813 0 0.2 5 000 0.0 0.3 9.010 0 0.1 5.983 0.e 0.3 8.008 0 0.1 ,,, 5.167 0.0 0.2 e.006 0 0.1 5.250 0.0 0.2 e.005 0 0.1 5.333 0.0 0.1 0.004 0 0 0 ~ 5.417 0.0 0.1 8.083 0 0.0 ' 5.500 0.8 e.1 9.002 o 0,e ' ************=***~***********HYDROGRAPH [] Number of intervals = Time interval = 5.0 (Min.) -- Maximum/Peak flow rate = 4.7 (CFS) ~ Total volume = 1.15 (Ac. Ft) Status of hydrographs being held in storage Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 ~ Peak (CFS) 0.000 0.000 0.000 8.800 0.000 [] Vol (Ac. Ft) 0.008 8.800 8.000 0,800 0.000 =::File DSKl:MGD18e.OUT[60,0] printed on 31-May-91 11:34:43 Page 1 FLOOD HYDROGRAPH ROUTING PROGRAM Copyright (c) CivllCADD/CivliDESIGN, 1990 Study date: 5/31/91 MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 108-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH ROUTED THROUGH DETENTION BASIN ~****=*****=~**~*~ HYDROGRADH INFORMATION ~**=~**~*~'~*~'~=~ From study/file name: MGPlOe.rte *~**~*~**~=*~=~***=*=~***~HYDROGRADH DATA*=~*****~***==~==''~===~ Number of intervals = 49 Time interval = 5.0 (Min.) Maximum/Peak flow rate = 27.2 (CPS) Total volume = 1.50 {Ac. Pt) Status of hydrographs being held in storage Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 8 Stream 4 Stream 5 Peak (CFS) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.008 Vol (Ac. Ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Process from Point/Station 8.000 to Point/Station 1.000 **** RETARDING BASIN ROUTING User entry of depth-outflow-storage data .................................................................... Total number o~ inflow hydrograph intervals = 49 Hydrograph time unit = 5.880 Initial depth in storage basin = 0.00(Ft.) Initial basin depth = 0.80 (Ft.) Initial basin storage = 8.80 Initial basin outflow = 0.00 (CFS) Depth vs. Storage and Depth vs. Discharge data: Basin Depth Storage Outflow (S-O*dt/2) (Ft.) (Ac.Ft) (ORS) (Ao.~t) (Ac. Ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 000 0.000 1.000 0.075 2,640 0 06~ 8.084 2.000 0.388 4.580 8 364 0.398 3,000 0.978 5,918 0 958 0.998 4,868 1.845 7,008 1 821 1.869 5.000 3.085 7.930 8 058 3.112 *>~File DSKl:MGD180.OUT[68,0] prlnted on 31-May-91 11:35:85 Page 2 Hydrograph Detention Basin Routing Graph values: ~I'= unit infiow; ~O~=outflow at tlme shown Time Inflow Outtclow Storage Depth (Hours) (OFS) (CFS) (Ac. Ft) .~ .8 13,~ ~.4 27.2 (Ft.) e 258 2 ~ ~,S ~.814 0 I ~ 2 8 333 2 4 ~.9 ~.825 OI e 4~7 2 6 1.2 e.e3~ 0 I e S e See 2 s 1.5 e.843 0 I e 6 e 583 2 9 ~ 8 e.es2 e 66? 3 e 2 ~ 9.959 oI 9 8 e 758 3 2 2 3 e 965 oI e 9 e 833 3.3 2 5 e e?~ oI e 9 e 9~? 3.4 2 6 e 976 oi ~ e ~ eee 3.s 2 ? e es2 oI 1 983 3.7 2 ? e 888 OI ~.~6v 9.8 2 s e 895 oI ~.l ~,258 ~.e 2 s e le3 O~ ~.~ ~.33~ 4.1 2.9 e ~ OI 1.1 ~.4~7 4.2 2.9 e ~28 o~ 1.1 ~.see 4.1 s.e e 12s o~ ~.5s3 4,9 3.e e ~36 oi ~.2 1,667 4.3 S.1 9.143 OI 1.2 ~.758 4.6 3,~ 9.~52 0 I ~.3 1.833 5.2 3.2 e.~64 0 I ~.S 1.9~7 8,1 3.3 B.18~ 0 I 1.3 2,eee 8,3 3,5 e,286 0 ~ 1,4 2,~83 15.8 3.8 8.262 0 ~I 1.6 2.167 27,2 4.6 e.378 0 2,258 21.4 4.9 8,513 0 I 2,2 2.333 12.1 5,1 8.594 0 I 2.4 2.417 8 9 5.1 8,632 0 I 2.4 2,588 ? 5 5,.2 e,652 0 2,5 2.583 6 5 5.2 e.665 OI 2.5 2.66? 5 ? 5 2 8.671 0 2.5 2,~58 5 2 5 2 e,672 0 2,5 2,833 4 6 5 2 e,669 i0 2,5 2.917 4 2 5 2 8.664 I O 2.5 3.eee 3.9 S 2 e.656 I 0 2.5 3,883 3.4 5 2 e 645 I 0 2,4 3.167 2.1 5 I e 828 i 0 2.4 3.25~ 1,~ 5 1 e 6~4 ~i 0 2.4 3.333 ~.7 5 e e 5?5 I 0 2.3 3.41~ e,s 5 e e 544 I 0 2.3 3,588 e.3 4.9 e 513 I 0 2,2 3,583 8.2 4.8 e 482 I 0 2,2 3.66? 8.2 4.? e .451 i 0 2.1 3.758 e.1 4.7 e.419 I 0 2.~ 3.833 8.1 4.6 8.388 I 0 2.e 3.917 8.8 4.4 ~.357 i 0 ~.4_1~ 1.9 4.eee e.e 4.2 8,328 I 0 4.883 e.e 4,1 e,299 I 0 ~ 1.7 -.~File DSKl:MGD188.OUT[58,8] printed on 81-May-91 11:35:42 Page 8 4,167 8,8 3,9 8 272 I O 1,6 4,259 8,8 3,7 e 246 I O 1,6 m 4,333 8,8 3,6 8 221 I O 1,5 4,417 0,8 3,4 8 197 I. 0 1.4 4,599 0,0 3,3 8 174 I 0 1.3 4,583 0,8 3,1 0 152 I O 1,3 ~ 4,667 0,0 3,0 0 138 I O 1.2 4,759 0 0 2.9 0,119 I 0 1,1 ~ 4,833 0 8 2.7 9,991 I O 1,1 J 4,917 0 0 2,6 0,073 I O 1,0 5 008 0 e 2 8 8,857 I 0 8.8 5 083 8 8 i 8 8.845 I0 8.6 ]' 5 167 0 8 1 2 0.835 IO 8.5 iII 5 258 8 0 I 8 8.827 I0 8.4 z~ 5 333 8 8 0 8 8.822 0 8.3 ~ 5 417 0 0 8 6 8.017 0 0.2 [] 5 500 8 0 8 5 8,813 O 0 2 5 583 8.8 0.4 8.010 0 0 1 ~ 5 8s7 0.0 0.3 0.008 o 8 1 ~ 5.750 0.0 0.2 0.08S O 8 1 5.833 8.0 8.2 8.885 0 0 1 5.917 0.8 8.1 8.804 0 0 1 8.888 0.8 8.1 8.883 0 8 0 8.883 8.0 8.1 8,882 o 0.8 ~ ~~*~~~HYDROGRAPH DATA mmW Number of intervals = 73 Time interval = 5.0 (Min.) Maximum/Peak ~low rate = 5.2 (CFS) Total volume = 1.50 <Ac.Ft) Status of hydrographs being held in storage ~ Stream I Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 ~ Peak (CFS) 0.800 8.808 8.080 0.800 0.008 Vol (Ac.Ft) 8.800 e.800 e.eee 8.808 0.000 ~:!le DSXI:MANGOH.OUT[Be.e] printed on 82-0ct-Sl 16:14:43 Pa~e 2 FB515P CD Vers 2.1 ~Ajj~ suE...Ace P~OP._._jIL~ nS_L~NS Pile: ~;NGOH.~SP St~y hie: 18- 2-gl ?i~e: 13:2~:41 KANSO SCHOOL SiTE -- FONT~NA. CA CNSITE Arid OFFSITE DETENIiSN B;31N OUTLEI PiPE iH-~ ~vT~ET F~W -- ~EVE~0PED ELEV ~F FLCi LEv -E~D ~D.EL. ELEV L,ELE~ 50 SP AvE ~F ~86,32 !383,46 i,~4e 1384,5~ 5,2 3.4~ .IS? t384.587 j T;~NS 5TR .e88e3 .fi5518 .18 1893.32 1383.~1 1.e86 1384.696 5.2 2.48 .ag5 1384J91 T~;~S STR .985~8 .BBtBg1 .12 16~1.32 !383.95 .912 1384.862 5.2 1.S8 .SSS 1384,918 W~LL EXiT 1671.32 ~353.55 .9~3 1384,863 5.2 4.~2 431 1385.194 .88 ,878 5e,S~ ,8hS8 .885832 .2S ~122.29 1354,28 ,S38 1365.134 5,2 4,52 ,317 1385.458 ,88 .878 1,58 81,88 ,8e(58 .884892 .~9 .338 1283.29 1384.61 .S39 I385.537 5.2 4,52 ,317 1385.854 .88 .878 1.58 ~HYDRAUL~C JUmP 1283,29 1384.61 .82~ 1385.433 5.2 5.21 .422 1385,855 .31 .88498 .887186 8.88 .938 1283.68 1364.B1 .826 1385.434 5,2 5,21 .422 1385,856 4.48 ,88~38 .88~5~6 .83 .938 1288.88 1384.6~ J95 1385,425 5.2 5,~6 .4~4 1385.889 4,8) .98581 .888518 ,83 .928 1212,88 13B4.65 ,~8 1385.428 5.2 5,69 .583 1385.923 .88 ,818 1,58 1H,~8 .88888 ,8e8969 1.82 1325.78 1385.66 .?~8 13S6.~38 5.2 5,69 .5e3 1386.933 2,91 ,888S6 .8e8959 ,83 File ~SKI:~AN6GM.OUT[68,e] prlqted on 82-3ct-51 16:i5:15 Page 3 ;~5~5~ CD vers 2.1 ~ATE~ SJRFACE P~FILE LISTI!;G i rile. ~ANGOR.~EP Study :ate: 18- 2-31 Tin, e: 13:27:4i K;~SG SCHOOL SIIE -- FD~iTANA. CA :. C!~SITE AN~ OF~SiTE DETENTION S;SIN GUTLET ~ i~8-!~ ~TLET FLOW -- DEVELOPED mm ST~TISN I!~VE~T :EFTri W.S, ~ VEL vEL E~,E;GY S~PE~ ELEV OF ;LG~ ELEv HEAD GOD.EL, E,EV ;~E;IH DIA -- 1)25.51 13~5,B~ ,??a 1355.~56 5.2 5.69 .5e3 138S,559 mm 2'7.23 .8fiS6 .Bese13 .25 ~ I~55.84 1385.53 .,75~ 1386.6~8 5.2 5.,71 .587 131,7.284 II ~ 1331.21 1385.25 .,742 1386.992 5.2 5.SS .552 135,7.5, .ee .8,7B 1.s~ 1.~B ,BleSl ,8116~5 .8i 13S2.21 I3~6.25 .74B 135,7.8~8 5.2 E.S9 .55'7 I38,7.555 ~ 228.68 .91886 .8182Sl 2.26 .'749 rm 1812.29 1~88.41 .,Tq 1389.213 5.2 5.39 .55? I389,178 mmml 14e.2~ .818e6 .~99S82 1.49 ~ 1,7752.56 1389.88 .,752 1398.536 5.2 5.86 .534 1391.t,76 im 28.9? .81886 .589127 .19 1,773.52 1398,~9 .,781 13S8.8,76 5.2 5.59 .485 1~91.361 ,7.81 .81Be6 .888944 .e6 .,748 ~ i'788,53 1398,1~ ,811 13S8,5~ 5.2 5.33 .441 1391.418 2,?4 .elee6 .ee~es5 ,e2 im) 1,783.2~ 1398,19 .843 1391.835 5.2 5.88 .481 1391.437 .88 .878 1.58 ~;~ .67 .91886 .986257 8,89 1,783.94 139.29 .878 1~91.8,78 5,2 4.~4 ,3E4 1391.441 ,88 .~,78 1,5! */8 DESIGN FOR OFFSITE FLOWS el K.W.C. ENGINEERS, INC. /269 W. Pomona Rd., Suite 104 CALCULATED BY__DATE : Corona, CA 91720 ml ~714) 734-2130 cHEc. Ec DY Z~ATE BCA~,._ I " ' ~ ' , , i ....................~ ..................~""""'~""""'~"""""'~""""' ~ .........................="""T"""T""'T""""'~"'"""'F """"'~""""'?"" 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S~o~e ~ .........;""?""~"""""'""'t"""'t"'""~ ..............................i""'""'?"""'r'''''''~, ....................~ .....................~""""";'"-~""""'<"""'7-'~ ...................................................~-"'~ .............. ................... 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Ft.) = 1.B8 Subchannel Rroude Number = 1.013 Computed Irregular Channel Flow = d. B5 (CFS) Irregular Channel Normal Depth Above Invert Elev. (Ft.) = .69 Average velocity of channel(s)(Ft./Sec.) = 3.92 CRITICAL FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR CHANNEL NO. 1: Subchannel Critical Flow Top Width(Ft.) = 3.18 Subchannel Critical Flow Velocity(Ft./Sec.) = 3.689 Subohannel Crltloal Flow Area(Sq. Pt.) = 1.34 Froude Number Calculated = 1.001 Subchannel Critical Depth above invert elevation = G?3 CRITICAL FLOW DEPTH EXCEEDS CHANNEL HEIGHT IN CHANNEL NO. I Depth of floN = .87 Feet Critical depth for Channel No,l= X (Feet) Y(Feet) Y-Axis-> .0 ,2 ,00 67 .11 ~5 ' , .21 02 ~X .32 01 X .42 e2 ,53 03 ~X .84 04 .74 04 .85 95 ' X .95 86 X ~.96 97 X ~.~? 98 X ~.27 99 X ~.38 ~9 X ~.48 .~ X 1 59 .~4 X ~ 79 .~8 X I 89 .21 X i 91 .25 X 2 91 ,28 2 12 ,32 2 2~ 2 33 2 44 2 54 .46 2 ~5 .49 2 78 2 86 2 97 .69 3 ~ .63 3 18 .67 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ EMERGENCY ESCAPE A/~ALYSIS FOR THE ~000-YEAR E~FENT 8.0 SWJN3.rkl File DSKl:MGlee0.0UT[68,e] printed on 02-Jun-91 19:57:97 Page 1 Unit Hydrograph Analysis Copyright (c) CivilCadd/ClvilDesign, 1990, Version 2.2 Study date 8/ 2/91 San Bernardino County Synthetic Unit Hydrology Method Manual date - August 1988 ..................................................................... MANGO AVENUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, FONTANA, CA 1909-YR DEVELOPED HYDROGRAPH Storm Event Year' = 1008 Antecedent Moisture Condition = Area averaged rainfall intensity isohyetal data: Sub-Area Duration Intensity (acres) (hours) (inches) Rainfall data for year 18 9.38 1 1.00 .................................................................... Rainfall data for year 2 9.38 6 1.78 .................................................................... Rainfall data for year 2 9.30 24 3.30 Rainfall data for year 100 9.38 1 1.48 Rainfall data for year 100 9.30 6 3.88 Rainfall data for year 100 9.30 24 9.68 ******** Area-averaged max loss rate, Fm SCS curve SCS curve Area Area Fp(Fig c6) Ap Fm No.(AMCII) No.(AMC 3) (Acres) Fraction (In/Hr) (dec.) (in/hr) 33.0 5~.0 9.38 1.000 e.vv3 0.s00 0.99s Area-averaged adjusted loss rate Fm (In/Hr)= 0.396 ********* Area-Averaged lo~ loss rate fractlon, Yb ********** File DSKl:MG1009.OUT[G9,0] printed on 02-Jun-91 10:57:55 Page 2 Area Area SCS cn SCS cn S Pervious (acres) fract (AMC2) (AMC3) yield fr 4.65 8.500 33.0 53.8 8.8? 0.486 4.65 0.508 98.0 98.0 0.20 0.960 Area-averaged catchment yield fraction, Y = 0.713 Area-averaged low loss fraction, Yb = 0.287 User entry of time of concentration = 0.170 <hours) Watershed area = 9.30 acres Catchment Lag time = 0.138 hours Unit interval = 5.880 minutes Unit interval percentage of lag time = B1.2745 Hydrograph baseflow = 0.00 (CFS) Average maximum watershed loss rate(Fm) = 8.386 (In/hr) Average low loss rate fraction (Yb) = 8.28? (decimal) Valley Undeveloped S-Graph Selected Computed peak B-minute rainfall = 0.725 inches Computed peak 30-mlnute rainfall = 1.485 inches Specified peak 1-hour rainfall = 1.956 inches Computed peak 3-hour rainfall = 3.475 inches Specified peak B-hour rainfall = 4.989 inches Specified peak 24-hour rainfall = 12.355 inches Rainfall depth area reduction factors: Using a total area of 9.30 acres (Ref: fig. E-4) 5-minute factor = 1.006 Adjusted rainfall = 0 725 inches . 30-minute factor = 1.808 Adjusted rainfall = 1.485 inches 1-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 1.959 inches 3-hour factor = 1.880 Adjusted rainfall = 3.476 inches 6-hour factor = 1.080 Adjusted rainfall = 4.989 inches 24-hour factor = 1.000 Adjusted rainfall = 12.355 inches Unit Hydrograph ~ Interval iS' Graph Unit Hydrograph Number Mean values (CFS) 1 8.50~ 9.568 i 2 43.358 39.198 3 69.520 29.425 4 79.610 11.347 5 85.638 6.771 6 89.680 4.555 ? 92.543 9.220 -- 9 94.580 2.291 9 96.252 1.881 10 97.473 1.373 ~i 11 98.389 1.e38 .~ 12 99.84? 8. 748 8.0 - ~ 13 99.659 e.689 180.o88 8.383 ~ Pile DSK1:MGleOS.0UT[GS,8] prlnted on 82-Jun-91 18:58:19 Page 8 Peak Unit Adjusted mass rainfall Unit rainfall :: Number ( inches ) ( inches ) _,~ m 1 8.73 8.73 2 8.96 8.23 ~ 3 1.13 9.17 '~ 4 1.26 8.14 8 5 1.38 8.12 6 1.48 8.18 __~ 7 1.58 8.89 re 8 1.87 8.99 9 1.75 8.88 18 1.82 8.88 i 11 1.89 12 i .96 8.87 _ 13 2.84 8.88 14 2.~2 8.88 15 2.28 8.88 16 2.28 8.88 :_: 17 2.35 8.87 m 18 2.42 8 87 19 2.49 8 87 28 2 56 8 87 i 21 2 62 8 87 22 2 69 8 86 23 2 75 8 88 24 2 81 e 86 mW 25 2 87 8 86 26 2 93 8 86 27 2 99 8 86 lj 28 3 85 8 86 29 3 18 8 85 -- 38 3 16 e 86 31 8 21 8 85 re 32 3 27 8 85 33 3 32 8 85 z] 34 3 37 8 85 mm 35 3 42 8.es 36 3 48 8,85 rml Unit Unit Unit Effective Period Rai nfal 1 Sol 1 -Loss Ral nfa I 1 ( number ) ( i nches ) ( inches ) ( i nches ) W I e 8587 8.8145 8 8362 2 8 8514 8.8147 e 886v -" 3 8 8529 8.8152 8 8377 re 4 8 8537 8.8154 8 8383 5 8 8554 8.8159 e 8395 8 8 8563 8.8162 e 8482 "'-~ 7 8 8583 8.8167 8 8416 8 8. 8594 8. 8178 e. 8424 9 8. 8618 8. 8177 8. 8441 = s 18 8. 8631 e. 8181 8. 8458 Wl 11 8. 8659 8. 8189 8. 8478 12 8.8675 8.8194 8.8482 8.0-3 :: 13 e. 8711 8. 8284 8. 8587 ~ 14 8.8732 8.8218 8.8522 File DSKl:MGleee.OUT[68,8] prlnted on 82-3un-91 18:58:43 Page 4 15 8.8??8 8.8223 8.8555 16 8.8805 8.8231 8.8574 17 8.86?8 8.8~92 8.8478 18 8,8?88 8.8283 8,8585 19 0.8804 0.0231 8.0573 28 8.8866 0.8249 0.0618 21 8.1844 8.8980 8.8745 22 8.1179 0.8322 8.8857 23 8.1685 8.8322 8.1863 24 8.2817 8.8322 8.1995 25 8.7251 8.8322 8.6929 26 8.1372 8.8322 e 1858 27 8.8944 8~8271 8 86?3 29 8.8752 8.8216 8 0536 29 8.8836 8.8248 8 8596 38 8.8754 8,8216 8 8538 91 8.8693 8.8199 8 8494 32 8.8645 0.0185 e 8468 33 8.8686 0.8174 8 8432 34 8.8573 8.8164 8 8489 35 8.8545 8.8156 0 8989 38 8.8521 8.8158 8 8372 Total soil rain loss = 8.78 (In.) Total effective runoff = 2.71 (In.) Total soil-loss volume = 8.5988 (Acre-Feet) Total storm runoff volume = 2.1818 (Acre-Feet) 9-HOUR STORM Runof{ Hydrograph Hydrograph in 6 Minute intervals (CFS) .................................................................... Time(h+m) Volume(AF) Q(CFS) e 18.8 28.8 80.8 48.8 8+ 5 8.8824 8.85 Q 8+18 8.8148 I 77 vo 8+15 8.8343 2 66 v 8+28 8.8572 3 38 ]V O 8+25 8.8824 3 65 ~V 8+38 8.1892 3 98 VO 8+35 8.1375 4 11 v 8+48 8.1871 4 38 8+45 8.1988 4 48 VQ e+Se 8.2388 4 66 8+55 8 2683 4 83 QV 1+ 8 8 2978 5 81 1+ S 8 3336 5 28 1+18 8 3789 5 41 e V 1+15 e 4898 5 62 Q V 1+28 8 4588 5 67 1+25 8 4914 6 81 Q V[ 1+38 8 5313 5.79 Q V File DSKl:MG1080.0UT[60,8] printed on 82-Jun-91 18:B9:15 Page S 1+35 8.5788 5 "74 O V 1+48 e 6126 6 1+45 e 65'.78 6 57 Q V 1+58 8 '.768'.7 '.7 38 Q V 1+55 0 7691 8 '7'7 Q V 2+ 8 8 851e 11 89 ~O V m 2+ 5 0 9945 20 83 V O 2'+16 1 2503 3'.7 15 V Q 2+15 1 4538 29 43 V m 2+28 1 5692 16 8'.7 Q V~ 2+25 1 6559 12 46 Q V ' 2+39 1 7268 le 44 Q V ~ 2+35 1 '.789'.7 9 12 O~ V 2+49 1 8447 8 98 Q V 2+45 1 8946 7 24 Q V 2+59 i 9394 8 58 Q V ~ 2+55 I 98el 5 92 Q V 8+ 9 2.91,.75 5.42 Q V JOS " K.W.C. ENGINEERS, INC. SHEET NO. OF ~ 1269 W. Pomona Rd,, Suite104 CALCULATEDSy~:~::JV~V%] IDATE~ Corona, CA 91720 CHECKED BY ~rv~-r~'T hATE -- ~714) 734-2130 SCALE ' .........~~t~t~`~.~..~+7~T~: t"""'T"""~;~ ~"""'r"""'-r""'-:'--r"'-"r"'-"~ ..................: :: ' ~ ~ ' i ~ ~ · ........... :..,...,. ~.,..,,.,..2.,,__..j ........ ~ ............................... ....................~--.-,. ...........~ ..............................~ .......... = ""'""'~""""""""""'~ ....................~F,~ i .........:~...,......L.....,..,~ ......................;· ~, : ...............................y.,........: .......... } i· ~ ...............................................~L.4-.--..L-.-& ................... ~ L_..L .....................~ ..................... .......... , ...............................~ ..........~~ ........ ~ ..................... f .................... a .........~ ....................:....,.....: .........~} .............................~._._~ .......... -: i ~ .........~......-..-:-.,.....~-.--.~.....-..,'~........~ .....................~......... ~.-...... +...-.... ~.-.-..-~.......-. ~........-. F.....-. ~.--'-" F...-.., .........' ...........i I ~ " ....._.! .......... .......... r........r. ~ ........~--......4,.. ~ ............ : .......... m ..........;..-.-.,-L - ~ I0' ~/~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ' ~ ~ , . ........... ......... ~........L ~ e, ~ ~ '~ ~ ' .................... L =: ~ -~o ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ ........,....-- ~L~x~/~ ~e ...... ' -- .,..,,-SEC T/ON "O" - ": ............ '~' "'~ "~"~ " " ' '~ ~ /' ' ~'~ ......F'T .......... '*'=~* CHANNEL FLOW CALCULATIONS CALCULATE CHANNEL CAPACITY GIVEN: Channel Slope = ,806880 (Ft./Ft,) = .6886 % Depth of Flow = .708 Feet · "* OPEN CHANNEL FLOW - IRREGULAR CHANNEL NOTE: Elevation values adjusted so minimim elevation or invert elevation is set to ZERO feet IRREGULA~ CNANNEL INFORMATION Information Entered ~or Subchannel Number 1 : Point number "X'~ Coordinate "Y" Coordinate 1 ,00 .70 2 .00 .20 ~ 20.00 .00 4 20.00 2.50 Manning~ "n" Friction Factor = .015 Subchannel Flow, Calc. = 40.72 (MGD) 7 ~ Subchannel Flow Too Width(Ft.] = ~.~ Subchannel Flow Velocity(Ft./Sac,) = 5.251 Subchannel Flow Area(Sq. Ft,) = 12.00 Subchannel Froude Number = 1.195 Computed Irregular Channel Flow = 48.92 (MGD) Irregular Channel Normal Depth Above Invert Flay. Average velocity of channel(s)(Ft./Sec.) = 5.25 C~ITICAL FLOW CALCULATIONS FOR CHANNEL NO. l: Subchannel Critical Flow Top Width(Ft.) = 28.08 Subchannel Critical Flow Velocity(Ft./Sac.) = 4.665 Subchannel Critical Flow Area(Sq. Ft.) = 13.51 Froude Number Calculated = 1.000 Subchannel Critical Depth above invert elevation = ,0-7 ~Z Deoth o{ +low = ,70 Feet .= Critical deoth for Crlannel No,l= m X (Feet) f(Feet) Y-Axis-> .a0 70 mW ~.33 19 X 2.00 18 X &: 2,67 I? X ~Wc Ii 3,33 17 X 4,00 .16 X 4,67 ,15 X ~Nc ; 5.33 .15 X Wc iN 6.~0 ,14 X Wc 6.6q .13 X ~ ?.33 ,~3 X Wc m 8.08 .~2 IX Nc 8.67 .~1 ~X 9.33 .~1 IX Wc 10,00 .10 :X Nc 10.67 .09 ~X Wc ::~ 11.33 .09 ~X Wc =~ 12.00 .08 ~X Wc N~ 12.67 ,0~ ~X 13.~9 .0~ ~X ~c ~ 14 00 .06 X ~Wc ~ 14 G? .05 X 15 39 .05 X - 16 00 .04 X =: 1~ ~? .03 X 17 33 .03 X 18 00 .02 X 18 61 .01 X 19 33 .0~ X 20 00 2 50 ~ ' X 7 ENGINEERING DIVISION NON-SUBDZVXSION PRO,IECT CONTROL SHEET Contact Person: ~r~~b~ ~o~ ~,~hone: Address: Engineer: ~.~.0.~~. Phone: CHECK L]ST l. SU~ITI'RL: Item C~k~d By Date Easement Deed Recetved Street Improvement, Santtary Sewer. Storm Dratn Plan Check Fee of: Estimated Construction Cost for each Indlvtdual Nan No. Plan Check Fee $ 0 - $50,000 $575 + 4% of construction cost estimates $50,001 - $150,000 $2,590 + 3.75% of constructlon cost estimates over $50,000 $150,001 - $250,000 $6,325 + 3.5% of construction cost estimated over $150,000 $250,001 - $500,000 $9,775 + 3% of construction cost estimates over $250,000 $500,000 - $1,000,000 $16,960 + 2.5% of construction cost estimates over $500,000 $1,000,001 - and up $25,590 + 2% of construction cost estimates over 1,000,000 Patd ~ * Traffic slgntng, striping, and stgnal plans ($ ) Patd -1- 4/21/92 2. PRIOR TO FLAIl(S) APPROVAL: Item Checked By Date Memo of Revtew from Traffic Memo of Review from Landscaping Memo of Revlew from Operations ~ ' t;,ed b~ the Ctt~ S,gt,eer ~/::~.~/~/~ Ctty Engineer (Parcel No. ) Traffic signing, striping and slgnal plan(s) stgned (Orawtng No. "" ) Sewer improvement Plan(s) Signed ~/~ (Drawtng No. ) Storm Drain Impro ement 1an(s) Signed 3. PRIOR TO CO!iSTRUCTZOR PEII]T ~tem Checked By Date Local Storm Oratn Fee, as requtred ('[o Acres x $ Regtonal Flood Control Fee, if applicable ~//~- ( '~ Acres x $ ~ ) Tr.fnc. i%.tto.... (Permit No, I ¢y.9 (/ ) -2- 4. PRIORTO RELEASE OF SEGIIIITIES: Item Checked By Date Letter of Request from Oeveloper For Acceptance of Improvements Public Improvement Inqutry Form sent to Inspector (Inspector's Name ) Public Improvement Inquiry Form Received From Inspector Approved (Yes), (No) Letter to Oeveloper, (cc: Bond Company/Bank) Authorizing Release of Securities 5. CO~ENTS OR SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: -3- Te;ephon¢: 823-34~ I' RN Da~e Cornpie, red ............... ~ ......... AIm~;caf;~n ;s ~efe~y made ~or pe~m~ss;o~ fo ~orm the work desc6~ed will be N~o~ed ;. ~ccoedance w;~ ~'c~ble ~ws, ~e~u~aHons Permission ~s hereby gran~ to the a~p/i~nt to ~ ~l~mum the ~rk descr~ a~ve. PUB~ .. ~ 0~A .TM ./~. Petit ~i~ion Fee  T~iI hrmit FN Receiv~ From ~ Address HO~ PAID , PAID THA N~ ~OU Money Order /~ ~ Bi ~al~:=a, C~. C~shier DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK~"~ /.: ~F'c'~ ~ DIVISION OF SEWERS Sewer Connection Permit , r ~ Mo.T.LYRATE, authori~ officere, employee, and 8gen~ of the CiW of Fentans to enter and to inset the said premises from time to time. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT PERMISSION is hereby g ran~d for S~ER CONNECTION at the abo~ de~rib~ JOB ADDRE~. If the clarification of the pro~ is found to ~ other thon conform to the proper clarification. NOTICe THIS IS NOT A PLUMBING PERMIT. This T~AN~ YOU S/~ ~. 0 pe~itisforsewersystem use only, Ptumbing permitsare T~41~c.~ ~ : required, and must be obtained from the Fentans ~ 9. O ~ sy ) : ~leP~MustBe8l~dOBADDRE~stTImeotConn~lon ' BILLING DEPT. Fontan~ CA 92334-051S ~ CONNECTION PERMIT: ~ D ADDITION ~N~ Prope.yAddress ?~ ~ ~ ~ THANK YOU APN ~: Tra~ ~: L~NTANA CTT~LL ~ TRANSFER Date Escrow Close~. I, the undersigned applicant for transfer of sewer se~lce, hereby declare that I am the legal owner of the pr~ peRy Iocat~ at the above address and I do guarantee that all bills for sewer se~ice to said propeny and the occupants thereof will be paid, I hereby grant permission to an authoriz~ officer, emOloy~ and/or agent of the City of Fontan8 to enter and Inspect the said premises at a reasonable time and with reasonable cause notice. Date: Signature: Former Owner Former Permit FINANCE City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 2, 1992 Anthony Hiniccuct Coordination of Special Projects/Energy Specialist Fontaria Unified School District 9680 Citrus Avenue Fontana, California 92335 Subject: Nango Elementary Street and Storm Drain Construction Permit Issuance and Fee Requirements Dear HP. Hiniccuct: This letter is to reiterate some of the required fee amounts pursuant to the City letter dated August 9, 1991 {copy attached) and further determine plan check and inspection fees, which are due prior to the issuance of a City Construction Permit. The required fees as define in said letter aforemention are as follows: 1. Payment of Sewer Fees: Chino Basin Hunicipal Water District Expansion Fee $42,361.22 (Revised per fee effective 1/1/92} Connection Fee $13,836.00 Application Fee $ 25.00 Deposit $ 1.004.49 Total Sewer Fees Due $57,226.71 2. Payment of Local Dratnaqe Fees: Local Storm Drainage Fee 10.00 acres x $4,500.00 $45,000.00 (Regional Fee Not Applicable, Drainage to RiMto Channel). Additionally, said letter required plan check and inspection fees which are based on the cost and quantties estimate for those improvements. The approved cost and quanitfes estimate now submitted, yields plan check and inspection fees in the amounts described as follows: 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA fir. Anthony Hinlccuct Page 2 4/1/92 1. Plan Cheek Fees: Cost Esttmate Plan Check Fee Tntttal Amount - $44,492.00 $2,354.00 (Paid) Revtsed Amount - $70,333.63 $3,352.51 Supplemental Plan Check Fees Due $ 998.51 2. Insectton Fees: (Based on Revtsed Cost Estimate) ]Inspection Fees Due $3,180.00 Additionally, satd letter requtred the posttrig of performance securities for all proposed off-stte publlc improvements pursuant to the Fontaria euntctpal Code. Please submit coptes of the executed FUSD/Decca Construction contract for the school's construction along wtth a copy of the requlred performance bond and Certificate of ~/orker's Compensation to satisfy the Ctty Code requirements. Also, please note that the required documents must be submitted and all fees must be patd prlor to the issuance of a City Construction Permlt for the requtred off-site improvements. Additionally, the fee amounts indicated are the fees in effect as of Oanuary 1, 1992. As a remt rider, the tssuance of a Ctty permtt to construct 1 andscape Improvements wtthtn publlc rights-of-way requtre processing through the Ctty's Community Servtces Department for landscape plan checktng and with the landscape inspection sectton of those works. Commensurate fees must be patd as per the attached resolution for each activity. If you may have any questions regarding thts matter, please contact R1cardo Sandoval at (714) 350-6655. St ncerel y yours, CO~INUNITY DEVELOPNENT DEPARTNENT Engineering Dtv~ston Robert N. Weddle, P.E. Ctty Engfneer Rtchard R. Cot~, P.E. Principal Ctvtl EngtneeP RW: RRC/cye Attachment cc: Greg Hulstzer Robert ~/eddle Paul Burton Rtcardo Sandoval Roht t Shaw (~/ol f/Lang/Chri stopher) Carl Coleman (FUSD) City of Fontana CALIFORNIA March 11, 1992 Ms. Gay Kohn Southern California Edison 7951 Redwood Avenue Fontaria, California 92336 Subject: Street Light Installation For Mango Elementary School Dear Ms. Kohn: The City of Fontana requests the following: 1. installation of (4) each 9,500 Lumen Htgh Pressure Sodium, Cobra Head Cut-off on (6) foot Mast Arm and (25) foot Ornamental pole(s), as shown on City Improvement Plan (Orawing No. 2093) on ftle In your office. 2. Removal of (1) existing lumtnalre, mounted on a wooden power pole as shown on City improvement Plan (Drawing No. 2093) on file in your office. The City will accept the energy charges after installation and energization. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. S i ncerel y your s, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert ~/. ~/eddle, P.E. Richard Cota, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer, Land Development RW: RRC: RS/cye 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA 10025, 1003,1 - ~ ~ ~, : ~ ~ .% ~'~ -, ,,, II II II " '~' SENT BY:A.A. WEBB ASSOC, 1-27-92 2:STPM; 7i47P"4i39-, 7i4]80769i;~ 2 A S 80 C I A T E 8 4505 Allstate Drive, $~, i06, ~verside, ~ 9~501(714) 781-6190 F~ (714) 78~1~9 WO: 89-1117 ~ILE: 3801.2~ January 27, 1992 Mr. Richard Cota, P.E. City of ontana Pontaria. CA 92335 Street and Storm Drain Improvement Plans for Mango Avenue School (Final Bfing) Attached is Invoice No, 91-2812, which is the final billing for tile above referenced As was previously presenw~cl to you in our letmr of December 31, 1991, the major factors ~a:'lead to sddifional time and material cxp~nses being incurred included the following: 1. The Hydrology/Hydranlic Study along with the storm drain improvement plans were completely re~scd. 2. Changes by the Traffic Division were made and Wcbb was requested to verify these chan2cs were rn~_e on the plans. ~ 3. The City requested two meetings ro review the plan check commants. Should you have any questions or require ~dditional information please contact our Vet/wuly yours, ALBERT A. WBBB ASSOCIATES WF/ca 89-1117C/hr CML gNGINEEIIING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL ANAI,~515 5URVEYtN6 A,~SESSMENT/3PECIAL TAX ENP, INFERING ALBERT A. ~ WEBB A S S O C I A T E 8 4505 Allstate Drive, $te. ]06,Riverside, CA 92501 (714) ?8]-6]90 FAX (7]4) 788-4189 wo: 89-1117 riLE: 3801.23 December 31, 1991 Mr. Richard Cota City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Street and Storm Drain Improvement Plans for Mango Avenue School with t plans and calculation r('.cornme3n~Y,t~nal review and approval by the City. Please note that we did not review th~ral Calcu!a~o"~and soils report as it appears to be a City of Fontana Building and Safety Department's function. Corrections have been made in response to Traffic Engineering and Operation Departments request. It is also our understanding that the City of Fontana is currently reviewin~ and processing the legal documents necessary for additional street plans, c~'~-- Due to the fact that the storm drain plans and calculations were completely revised, ~ additional time was expended to insure that comments from the Traffic and Operation Departments were made, additional time and ateriM charges were encountered. Further, two meetings were r~quested by the City to discuss the plan cheek comments. As such, the additional $1,500.00 deposit requested on July 15, 1991 has been exceeded. Pursuant to Anthony Manzano'~ December 4, 1991 discussion with ou, we were instructed to provide a final big with this plan check. As our invoices are ic~y 30 days behind the actual time period when the work was $1 ,~~i500.00 as a deposit to cover the additional time and material charges. Upon completion of the Should you ha.v ~,any questions or requ~e additiOnM information, please contact our office. Very truly yours,. ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES · ~: Wally Fmnz WFJAM/ca cc: !~ Mr. Robert Weddle, City of l~ontana Ms. Linda Rombaugh, City of Fontana 89~ 117B/itr CML ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS SURVEYING ASSESSMENT/SPECIAL TAX ENGINEERING ALBERT A. WEBB A B S O C I A T E 8 4505 Allstate Drive, Sin, ].06, ~verside, G 9~50~ (?]~) 78]-6190 ~ (?]~) 7884B9 wO: 89-1117 FILE: 3801.23 July 15, 1991 Mr. Edgar Casasola · City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue lqontana, CA 92335 RE: Additional Plan Check Foc Deposit For Mango Avenue School, (Street and Storm Drain) Dear Edgar:. Pursuant to our agreement, we are to notify the City when additional plan check funds are required (i,e. for time and material.charges after 3rd plan chock). As our invoices are typically 30 days behind the acma/tiine period When the' work was performed, and it is difficult to determine the exact cost to f'mish the plan chock; it was resolved that Webb Associates would provide the City an estimated deposit to cover additional time and material plan chock costs. This letter is to notify the City that the original contract plan check fee rovisions for · Mango School has been exceeded. Therefore, we would recommend that the 8ity collect an additional $1500.00 as a deposit to cover the additional time and material charges. Upon completion of the checking for this project, the mount of this deposit that remains after our invotcang is complete, can be refunded back to the Developer. Plan Chock Tracking Check No.. Submittal to Webb . Submittal To Design Engineers ; 1st 6-8-89 % ,Oa~ ' 6-28-89 2nd %.~.,3t~. 3-23-90 ~,.o.~;~ 4-25-90 3rd *$ ~ 7-26-90 ....... "' 5~ 'kO ~ 7-1-91 z ~hold~ffi~on~Pl~ ' ' Ch~k f~ds ~ de~sit~ AH work on ch~ng ~es¢ plans has ceas~ until ~e City contacts us confining that the aa~don~ ~n~ ne~ed to p~e~ have ~en de~si~. 89-1117/1 tr CIVIL ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS SURVEYING ASSESSMENT/SPECIAL TAX ENGINEERING Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES Wally F WF/DH/ap co: Mr. Robert Weddle, City of Fontana Ms. Linda Rombaugh, City of Fontana Ms. Connie Ashworth, Webb Associates 89-1117/ltx (7 )City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A August 9, 1991 Hr. Ronald Kuehl Wolf/Lang/Chrtstopher Architects 10470 Footht]3 Boulevard Rancho Cucamnnga, CA P!730 RE: Notice e~ ~.~t'~ labtl~ty Proposed Hemlock Elementary $chool and Hango Elementary Schoo'l ~.~:es Dear Hr. Kuehl: Please be advtsed that santtary sewer facilities provided by the City of Fontana are available to the proposed Hemlock E~mntary $chooI and Rango Elementary School. Thts notice of sewer availability does not create a vested right or reservation of capacity for~e subject properties. Additionally, subjec, prop.rt, es. the ,ollowing Hemlock Elementary $chool 1. Submit engineered Improvmnt plans for the construction of all required public improvements tnciudtng streets, sewers, storm drains and detention basin Improvements. (See Land Oevelopment Sectton for submttta3 and phn check fee requirements.) 2. Pa3~nent of Sewer Fees: (see attached sewer work-up sheets) Chtno Bastn Runlctpal Water District Expansion Fee $41,623.30 Connection Fee $31,149.66 Application Fee ~ $ 25.00 Depostt ~ *' $ 1,004.49 3. Pa3~ent of local and regtonal d~nage fees:- Local Store Drainage Fee '~ 9.82 acres x $4,500.00 $44,190.00 Regtonal Store Dratnage Fee 9.82 acres x $4,405.00 $43,257.00 4. Payment of Inspection fees and posting of securities for all off-stte public Improvements to be constructed. Inspection fees and securlttes shall bedetermtned at ttee of issuance of a construction permtt. HanQo Elementary School 1. Submit engineered improvement plans for the construction all required public tmprov~ents including streets, sewers, storm drains and detention basln Improve~nts. (See Land Development Section for submittal and plan check fees.) 2. Pa34nent of Sewer Fees: (See attached Sewer Work-up Sheets) Chino Basin Municipal Water District ~panston Fee $41,623.30 Connection Fee $13,836.00 Application Fee $ 25.00 Deposit ~:...:. $ 1,00~.49 3. Palnnent of local and regioncl drainage fees: Local Storm Drainage Fee 10.00 acres x $4,500.00 $45,000.00 4. Pal~nent of inspection fees and posttrig of securities for all off-site public improvements to be constructed. Inspection fees and securities shall be determined at time of Issuance of a construction permtt. Mdtt~onally, please address all concer~s and ccaents ¶ridiculed tn the attached letter of Apt11 18, 1Hi. Please note that fee amounts indicated are the fees tn effect as of the date of this letter. If there should be any further questions regarding thts matter, please contact Rtcardo Sandoval at (714) 350-6655. Richard Cota, P.E. Principal Ctvtl Engtneer Enclosure cc: Greg Hulstzer, Coeamuntty Development Director Robert Weddle, Ctty Engtneer Dave Marttnez, Butldtng and Planntng Hanager Kurt Anderson, Dep~y Planning Nanager Feltpe Hollnos, Principal Cry11Engtneer Edit. Casaso] AssOciate Engtneer Ovmer: Fontana Un~fied School D~strtct Locatlon: Hemlock Elementary Type: Public School Sewer fees are calculated based on C~ty Code Chapter 27. 1. Based on the Buildtrig & Safety Department review, the total fixture count per the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) was determined to be: 366 F~xture U.tts CFU) ~'~-~+~) Hence, the service unit (S.U.) ts determined by the following: S.U. · 366 FU * 0.0630 - 23.06 S.U. 3. The payment of sewer fees ts based on the North Fontana fee structure effective as of the day building permits are pulled as follows: a. City fees: Application Fee $ 25.00 37 City Connection Fee 23.06 SU x $1611.00- $ ,149.66 Ctty deposit 23.06 SU x $ 43.56 - $ 1,004.49 City Sewer Fees $38,179.15 23.06 =x Prepared By= '~'~~4/ Checked By: {1 SEME]t FEE IiOIIIC SLEET Owner: Fontana Unified School Olstrict Location: Mango Elementary Type: Public School Sewer fees are calculated based on Ctty Code Chapter 27. 1. Based on the Building & Safety Department review, the total fixture count per the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) was determined to be: 3,, Ft.t.r. ,.its CF, 2. Hence, the service unit (S.U.) ts determined by the following: S.U. - 366 FU * 0.0630 * 23.06 S.U. _, 3. The payment of sewer fees ts based on the fee structure effective as of the day butldtng permits are pulled as to 11 ows: a, Ctty fees: Application Fee $ 25.00 Ctty Connection Fee 23.06 SU x $600.00 - $13,8~00 Ctty depostt 23.06 SU x $ 43.56 - $ 1,004.49 Ctty Sewer Fees $14,865.49 b. Chtno Bastn Huntclpal Nater Dtstrtct fee Expansion fee 23.06 EDU x $1805;0(J'-~11~623:3(~ j r4 I)ENGINEERS, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS AND CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS J.N. July 26, 1991 Wolff, Lang, Christopher, Architects 10470 Foothill Boulevard Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Attention: Ron Kuehl Regarding: Mango Elementary School Offsite Storm Drain Gentlemen: Using the Plan Check Fee Schedule for the City of Fontana, we have calculated a plan check fee for the above referenced project of $1,621.08. This is based on $575.00 plus 4% of the construction cost estimate, which is $26,152.00. Please request a check for the above amount from the School District, payable to the City of Fontana. Upon receipt of this check, we will submit the Offsite Storm Drain Plan Check package to the City. If you should have any questions regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Gary Seymour Design Engineer GS:rk cc: Edgar Casasola, City of Fontana GSL10816.rk1 1269 W. POMONA ROAD, SUITE 104 · CORONA, CALIFORNIA · (714) 734-2130 · FAX (714) 272-3308 3903 BROCKTON AVE., SUITE #5 ~ .. .~ ~ ,RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 PROJECT#: DATE: IPAGE i of 1 PHONE: 714/686-1776 FAX: 714/686-5061 1616, 1617 7/25/91 PROJECT:Mango and Bernlock B~emen~a~y Schools CALL C Fontana, A FRO~ TO TO: Pnnhana City Hall ORIGINATOR: ~ -. ~ En.~ique Mu~oz ' .... "~ ~ Fontana, CA 92334 ~ Telephone ~ Fax X A~en: Ricardo Sandoval - Asst. Enq. ~ Meeting ~ Mail E Archite~ ~ ~ Site visit ~ UP$ ~ Structural NOTE: Canyon Crest, Mango and Hemlock Elementary Schools are Prototype. Mango and Hemlock are the same as Canyon Crest with minor changes. As per your request, enclosed are two ~lumbing Site Plans (P.1, P.3) for calculating sewer loads, and sewer availability. Please respond to our office with a "Will Serve" letter to confirm availability. To expedite this we have provided a complete fixture unit count, for your convenience. Thank you. xc: Ron Kuehl, WLC w/o enclosure HM: jc Cf City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 18, 1991 Mr. Ronald A. Kuehl Project Manager ? Wolf/Lang/Christophe= Archer' 10470 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Subject: Public Improvements in Rancho Fontana Dear Mr. Kuehl: Thank you for attending the recent meeting to discuss the City's requirements for public improvements required as par~ of the construction of the Hemlock Elementar~ School, the - Mango ElementarT School, and the Presley residential and Public Works Engineering staff met to review each of the requirements and to develop a formal City staff position. The balance of this letter explains each public improvement requirement and the Justification for the requirement. In those cases where the public improvement benefits your development and future adjacent developments, the City is willing to prepare and execute a Reimbursement Agreement. The provisions of the Reimbursement Agreement will charge future adjacent developments, when those developments are ready to commence, for their fair share of the public improvement costs. Then, their fair share of the public improvement colts will be disbursed to you. Hemlock ElementsTY SchOOl 1. Street Paving on Miller Avenue South of the School - We i are requiring the school distr c~ to install foray-four foot wide street paving on Miller Avenue ands twelve foot wide parkway on the north side of the street. These improvements are required for the portion of Miller Avenue directly sCuth of the school, from Snll~irlgon to Hemlock. ~his street improvement is consistent with City p01icT, 8353 GIEBI~ AVENUE(P.O. 80X 5~8) · FONTANA, CAL.IFOBNIAe~334-O618 · (714)380,7G00 and it meets the General Plan requirements for Miller Avenue, which is designated as a collector street. 2. Paved Knuckle on Snapdragon and Miller - We are requiring the school district to install a paved 'knuckle at the Junction of Snapdragon and Miller (on the south side of Miller). This is a standard requirement for street improvements, which applies to this type of street Junction. 3. Stor~l Drainage on Miller - We are requiring the school district to extend the storm drainage facilities along Miller to the east property line on Hemlock Avenue. As a matter Of City policy, we require all developments to mitigate additional storm run-off resulting from the development. We would be receptive to considering and evaluating Other hydrologic engineering solutions to meet the City's drainage mitigation r, iremont. 4. Sanitary Sewer Line - We are requi~ing the sch~oi district to extend the sanitary sewer line along Miller to its east property line on Hemlock Avenue. Like the city policy on storm drainage, City policy requires all developments to provide sanitary sewer lines and hook-ups to handle the sewage resulting from the development. 5. Related Design Issue - We are requiring Presley to pave Hemlock Avenue along the easterly edge of the school site. This may affect the Hemlock School by making it necessary to redssign the entrance for the school. Manqo Elementary School 1. On-Site Detention Basins - We are requiring on-site detention basins to detain storm run-off. We regrat any previous communications ~bout not needing on-site detention basins. we have carefully re-evaluated the hydrologic conditions of the area and the probability that the City of Rialto will construct drainage facilities in the nex~ few years. We are not optimistic that Rialto's planned drainage facilities will be available when the Mango Elementary School is completed. Therefore, we have determined ~hat it would be better to use detention basins to handle ~he storm m-off. We are open to the idea of reviewing ~he school district's engineer's hydrolog~ study and working wi~h the school district to find the best solution to this issue. We would also like to receive more information about the time schedule for this project. Preslev Residential Development 1. Street Paving on Miller - We are requiring the Presley to install forty-four feet wide street paving and a twelve 2 foot wide parkway on Miller Avenue where the Prostoy tract is adjacent tO Miller. The parkway should be on ~he north side of the street paving. To link Miller between Hemlock and the paving on Miller adjacent to the Proslay tract, we are requiring thirty-six feet wide paving. These street improvements are consistent with City policy, and they meet the General Plan requirements for Miller Avenue, which is designated as a collector street. 2. Storm Drainage on Miller - We are requiring Presley to extend the storm drainage facilities along Miller to the east property line. As a matter of City policy, we require all developments to mitigate additional storm run-off resulting from the development. We would be receptive to considering and evaluating other hydrologic engineering solutions to meet the City's drainage mitigation requirement. 3. Sanitary Sewer Line - We are requiring ?Joelay to extend the sanitary sewer line along Miller to the east property line. Like the City policy on storm drainage, City policy requires all developments to provide sanitary sewer lines and hook-ups to handle the sewage resulting from the development. 4. Secondary Access for Proslay Tract - We are requiring proslay to install paving for a secondary access route on Hemlock. The City already has a seventy foot wide right-of-way to make Hemlock a through street from Miller Avenue to the Proslay tract. This secondary access route~ is necessary to enable ingress and egress to interior lots by emergency police, fire, and paremedic vehicles. Additionally, City policy requires secondary access to residential tracts with more than twenty interior lots. As required by the Rancho Fontand Specific Plan for local streets, (attached) this street improvement for Hemlock must~fifty feet wide. The pavement should be along the easterly edge of the seventy foot right-of-way. 5. Secondary Access for the Area - We are requiring Proslay to install approximately seven-hundred feet of street paving on Miller from the easterly edge of the Proslay proper~y east ~hTOUgh the right angle Junction with Beech and northerly on Beech to Sandhurst. The paving must he thir~y-eix feet wide, which is the minimum street width permitted by City policy. These street'improvements are ne~essar~ in order to provide secondary access to the school, ~he Proslay residential development, and the adjacent areas. If Proslay makes a good faith effort to acquire the property rights for the thirty-six feet wide secondary access route and is unable to make the necessary acquistion, the City may assist Proslay by commencing eminent domain proceedings. 3 We hope this let=er helps to clarify our issues you raised. If you would like to discuss anv of the issues in greater de=all, would we be pleased to meet wi h you. Sincerely Davi . Mart' Comm i D Director ng attachment Greg Hulsizer, Deputy City Manager Development Advisory Board Members DJM:dl 4 v Local Street. Local streets are the 'lowest hierarchy Of vehicular facilities within the plan and are intend- ed to serve a purely internal function of providin~ access to each lot or parcel. Local streets are not shown on the Proposed circulation exhibit but will addressed in Section 6.0. Tratls System. The circulation system also includes ~wo types of non-vehicular facilities: ~lcycle tratls and pedestrian walkways. These facilities are primer- tly located along the V~11ago Parkway loop and are corporated 1nip the spectal street sectton design. Along with the V~llage parkway travel lanes, the ~cy- cle and pedestrian tra~ls reinforce the importance of the lOOp as a primary linkage ~etween the various uses of the plan. Public Street Oes~gn Standards The following street design standards will govern the design of publlc streets wtthtn the Ranthe Fontaria planning. area. Unless otherwise Specified heroin, the street design standards of the City, as ~tll govern. The proposed street r~g~ts-of-~ay are shown on Exhibit 7, Road Sections. Factllt~ Rt~ht-of-Way~ Otvtdld MaJor H~ghwly MaJor Htghway %DO' Secondary HIghway 88' V111age Parkway 82' Collector Strait 64' Local Street SO"' Cul-de-Sac under SO0' tn length 46' Private Street Oestgn Standards The Specific Plan proposes a eodtfted street section for private local residential streets. The private street width would vary free 28 feet to 36 flit, depending on whether on-street parking Mired. Prohibition of on-street parking should be el- owed only iF 1I 1S clearly deepnarrated that off- street parking wtll be adequate. (See Exhibit 7A.) CIrculation Plan Ziplamentation Trafftc generation as the devilalienS of Ranthe Fantans prOgresseS will requtre the p lie construction of d Plan ares is we11 road teprovweents within the epic ftc as off-site road Improvements. The following table tdlnfttte$ needed Improvements and teeing at which they must be constructed. [V-X4 ;City of Fontana CALIFORNIA ~une 15, 1990 KWC Engineers Inc. 1269 W. Pomona Road, Suite 104 Corona CA, 91720 Attention: Bob Hopkins RE: Plan Review on Street Light Layout for Nango Avenue Elementary School Dear Bob: Please make all necessary corrections as noted in red on the enclosed blueline. Once you have drawn those street lights on original, submit an updated blue line copy. Sincerely, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer/fy~/~/ Civil lngineering Assistant XII RWW:EC:GM:sh Enclosure CC: G. Hartinez 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ~..,//-~- CITY ~ FONTNtA CH~ECK~,/"'/~~for BuildIN} Plan Check BUILDING PLAN PLANNING DEPT., FILE 1 st CHK~ ' PHONE PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK PETIT NO. For Bulldlng Department Use Only Sewer Fees for 1. Service lateral ~ls,ln9 In Cos~ $ To be Installed In $ 2. Sewer conn~tlon permit fee ($10 per permit) 3. Sewer conn~,lon charge $600 x servlce unlf $ (Resldentlal = 1 S U) 4. Sewer deposit, 4 X __ servlce unit X __ ~nfhly rate $8 - $ Pink - Engineering ~,E~l~'--'~)r?,l~ ~' EN(~INEERINGSERVICE,~ " CITY OF FONTANA 659S ch~,~ .......... ~Ai~ c ....... PLEASE PAY CASHIER . . ' r~ONS[RUC:TiON pi, RMi[ ~,~e ,~sue~ ~-~ 'e ,2_. . <'~ ..... PUBLIC WORKS ~ ~TMENT W~k must commence wifhi, ~ ~1 from Telephone: 823-3411 Date ~pl~ .............................................. ApplieS;on is hereby made for permission to peHorm the work described below, It is expressly agre~ that the work will be ~ ormed in accordance with applicable laws, re~ulat~onl and s~ciflcations of the C;~ of Fon+ene. Permission is hereby gran~ fo the appllcant to ~Horm ~lnlmum ~ IRe ~rk destribal 8~ve. Plmit Appliulion Fee PUB~y .. ~ DEPA .TM ./~ TOtal hrmit FN R~iv" $ CITY OF FONTANA os,e ~/,'~ 3 ,~9 ~:~' .e~s,.edF,e,.F//::'~ 15334 Address HOW PAID ~P~ 199Z : ~L erepar~ By ~ '~ ENGINEERING SE · "~' CITY OF FONfAF~NA 6 5 6 4 PLEASE PAY CASHE~ ' c~y of Fo, t.,. Z 5677 DcI:)ARTMENT OF PUBUC WORK,., DIVISION OF SEWERS ,Sewe,t Connection Permit JOB ADDRESS 7'~ t,77 ) owNER F:- US./~.' TELE~O.E "__PJ~!D' ' NOTICE: THIS IS NOT A PLUMBING PERMIT. This THANK ¥OTJ permitisforsewersyslemuseony, Plumbingpermitsare 71-31902Connecaon~ required. and must be obtained from the Fon~ana APR3 3 1.~: Department of Building & Safety PUBLIC WORKS /o-319osPermlt ee ,, ~EPARTME~T, S~R ~,~,S,O~, ~ou (~ By TOTAL S B~-- Font~=a. This PermR Must Be at the JOB ADDRES$ at Time of Connection BL/|LD!NG DEEPT CITY OF FONrAMA APPLICATIOM FOR SEliB CO~ECTION PERMIT (Sec. 26-26) ~. ~-~-: of Property to be Co..ected: 7~F~0 ~=~y O~er's Address: ~ ~:~ ~'Y~ / '~ :-:y~ ~tnr~ State: :~ Zip: ~ Number: ~- 4. ~: 5. :'ty i~quirements a There will be a connection charge for sewer hook-up. ~ere will be a sewer lateral charge if it was installed by the City. ~ere will be a monthly billing after connection. APPLICAMT'$ AFFIDAVIT l'we I~ave familiarized myse]f/ourselves with the requirements of the C4ty witT -e~P~ct to preparing and filing this application and that the foregoing st~-am~r~-s and answers herein contained are in all respects true and correct to th, ~Est of my/our knowledge and belief. (5~_, 26-38) Slbml'lJR! OF PERMITTEE: DATE: TYPL'I~R;~r NAHE: FOR OFFICE USE ORLY: 1. Service Lateral Existing To be installed 2, Sewer ConnecfJon Permit Fee ($25 pep permit) 3, Sewer Connection Charge $600 x '~,~Se~v~ce Unit (Residential - 1 S U) ' 4. Sewer depos~C, 4 x Sewer service unit ass~gnmen~ formula fo~ co~ePc~al ~nd 4ndustr~a~. See C~ty Cede Section 26-43 for c~ter~a. TOTAL SE~ER CHARGES ~.~'~(~e~E~ER EXPANSION FEE THA?.;;C YOU APR 2 SgZ 4 PUBLIC liORIC5 DEPARTNIg~':(~,-~,, ~7'?~"~u/~ DATE: '/' ~b-q/Z NOTES-' 1. Allow 72 hours for revtew and research. 2. If out-of-city, connection permtt Is required. Fol]ow requirements of Resolution No. 82-117. CITY QF lqZINT. ANA BNGIN~O DEPARTMINT COST ESTIMATIZ **F, XHIBIT "A" * * DEVEI,OP~ F .,,,-- sc~ol r~,,tric~~OIBCT NAME: 0'14'~ ~1 PARCEL MAP NO. N/A DATI] 1/28/92 STREET IMPROVEMENT,~ ~ qUANTr'ff uNrr uNrr COST ~otnvr 6" Curb &Guttcr 0 - 350 L,F. L.F, 8.50 $. HI LF, - ~ L,F. L,F. 8.00 501 LF. - 1000 L.lm, L,F. 8" Curb & L.F. Guttcr 0 LF, 2.~1 L.F. - 500 L,.~. 41'Z L,F. 8.50 3.544,~0 501 L.E - 1000 1~. L.F. 8.00 1001 L,F, - up L,F, 8" Thick Cross Gutter S,I=, 4,50 4" Sidewalk 0 - 240 SoF, S,F, 2,50 241 S.F, - 480 S.F. $,F. 2.25 ~81 $.E - up 2.676 S.F. 2.00 5.352.00 Wheel (lair Ramp EA 300,00 Drive Way Approaches 1.087 S.P. 2.50 2317,50 Asph t Conc. D' es L.F, 6.00 Fog Seal S.F. .03 Import~l ~ -nt C.Y. 4.50 ,~luZx~adonofSu c 13,674 ,15 2.051.10 ) TON 30.00 *A.C. (900-to 1300 Tons) TON 35.00 "A.C. (I~X) to 900 Tons) TON 45.00 *A.C, (Under 500 Tons) 331 TON 50.00 *A.C. Overlay (1" sin. ~ickness) 1.j~O S.F. .~5 770.00 **PO3 Curb Only (Media) L.F. Adjust Sewer Manhole m ~ 2 EA 300.00 Adjust Sewer Clean Out to Grsk EA 215.00 Adjuit Wa{~ Valv~ to Grade F,A 150.00 /l~'~adcs (Sld. 118) L.F. 15.00 '.~4]Redwood Header 61 L.F. 2,75 167,75 Rex~val of A,C. Pavemum 8.133 S.F. .66 5.967.78 **Removal of P.C.C. Curb 45 L,F. 3.60 162.00 *Removal of A.C. Beam L.F. 1.00 ReUtlnini~ Wall H-2 1/'2 Ft. or less L,F. 13 Block Wall H-6 Ft. L.F. 20,00 _Ag~ga~ Base TON 9.00 Guard Pos~s E~ 40.00 Guard Panel (Woai) L.~. 25.00 Sawcut L.F. :2,50 m,c~ecrors & Losis 7 tFA 85,00 Sxrcet Sis (Stop/Name) FA 80,00 *A.C. Asphakic Concrete ** P.C,C. Portlud Conc~e Cew~ni 89- I I 1 ?~xhibit NCmmi~'onLCost EsI, I STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS OUAN'rlyY I,,TNff COST OUN'r · 18" RCP lg00 D · 18" RCP 2000D L.F. 50.00 · 24" RCP l(xq0D L.F. 50.00 · 24" RCP 2250 D L.F. 55.00 · 30" RCP L.F. 77.00 · 36" RCP L.F. 92.00 · 48" RCP L.F. 108.00 · 54" RCP L.F. 123.00 · {50" RCIP L.F. 138.00 Cash ISasiz~C'urb Inlet: W=7 1]A 3,200.00 W=I0 EA 3,750.00 W=14 EA 4,250.00 W..21 ]]A 5,200.00 luncHon Suucu~re 2 EA 3,200.00 Traffic ~ lunction Su'ucmrc EA 2,808.00 Discharge $u'uctu~ 1 EA 2,100.00 2.100.00 Manholes FA 2,000.00 Loci Delumssion EA 1,021.00 Grate Inlet Su'ucture EA 2,100,00 SU 'rOrAL $ SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Manholes 50" Dia. EA 2,500.00 $ Manholes 48" Dia. BA 2,000.00 Drop Maaholes I]A 2,500.00 Wyes RA 50.00 .R, emodeliag of E~isfing Manhole: EA 800.00 · 4" VCP LF 13.2I · * 8" VCP 28 LF 17.00 476.00 · * 10" VCP I~ 20.00 · * 12" VCP I.~ 24.00 · * lY' VCP _ LF 30.00 TRAFFIC SIGNALS/SIGNS/STRIPING 0 Paint Trfffic 5u'iwpe (2 Coat) L.F. .22 Pedestrian C~oss alk 5ui iag L,F. .25 Pavement Marker (nou-~zd'~ive) EA 1.59 Paveraem Marker (mtlec~ve) EA 3 Rc~ecWrs end Posts EA 85.00 5u-cet 5iSns (o~h~ man Stop of Name) EA 80.00 SUBTOTAL $ ""]f~.~ · Reinforced Concz~tc Pipe · *Vitritied Clay Pipe 89-1117/Exhlbit A/Colmie/FolrlLCos/ESL 2 SENT BY:A.A. WEBB ASSOC. 1-29-92 4:41PM; ?$47~139e ?143EEl?691;~ 4 CENTER LINE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS Q~ANTITY uNrr on Model of 330 Lineal Ft. 14' Wide L.F. $80.00 MISCELLANEOUS ~ OUANTITY Ou~ Suuc.,re S$ L 124ZL~2__ $ S.5OO.00 Remove Pc{: Sidew~mk 4~ ~ 45,00 SUBTOTAL *SUBTOTAL OF 5TRB~, STORM DRAII~, SANITARY SEWER, TRAFFIC IvEH2)YAN, & lV[ISC~.~r .T .,L,",IHOU5 IMPROVEMEN'IS $ 70,333.63 89-I 117/~xhibit A/Comlie/FonLCo~ E~L3 SENT B'f:~,A. WEBB ASSOC. 1-29-92 4:4iPM ~ 7i47_~_4139e ?i4350769i~ 5 OFF. SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMiT (RES S9-194) MINIMUM INSPECTION ~ .............. $30,00 BST/MATED CONSTRUCTION CDST~ COST 0 TO $25,000 - $40 + 5~ OF CONSTRUCTION COST 25,001 TO 50,000 - COST OVER 25,001 X 4,Sqb + 1,290,00 $50,001 TO $75,000 - CO~T OVeR 50,001 X 4,0% + 2,415,00 ' $75,001 TO $100,000 - COST OVER 7~,001 X 3.5~b + 3,415.00 $100,001 & UP - COST OVER 100,001 X 3.0q~ + lrraV,.qlY COST ". THE ABOVE ITEVn~r~ UNIT COST ARE REAL FOR THE LAST QU OF1989. SURVEY TAKEN COMBINED BOTH PRIVATE INDUST SUBDIV. ION IMPROVEMENTS AND 6OVBILNM~NT PROJECTS BIDDED TH UGH AR.Y REPORT NEWS LETTER FOR SAN BERNARDINO, RIVERS & LO NGELES COUNTIES. SUB TOTAL $73.5 14 1:OR BONDING PURPOSES ADD 35~ AS CONTINGENCY COST IN SUgDM SION PROJECTS SUB TOTAL $25330 STRUTLIGHTS._4_ @ ~ = 8.000 WATERIlV!PRO~$ GRAND TOTAL $|07.~44 USE FOR BONDING PURPOSES $1 lo.000 CAI,C[.RATEDBY CHECI~r~ BY: Anthonv ~l',n o DATE Iann,n/28. I~ "$74,215 dqx~it at Fontaria Waxa Canpsny p~ Norms Manning. 89-11 l?/Exhibit A/Connie~FonLCOst ESL 4 · ~,.~.DI~ c~l ~nOq21O ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY: OF FONTANA ' 6 3 2 4 ·'. ~O~,s, /~ .9; ~ . ......... FQNTANA C~ ..... ,. FILE ('>l ~ ~ ~-(~NGINEERING ~ CITY OF FONTA:NA 63~7 RECEIVED FROM ~:3>~-~.-J~" L.~/'~.~'~".~-/~'~; GC~'~;:~I";>"T''. ADOBESS ~Eo~ ~~ ~, .~ '~ , ~ ~~V~ ~-~~- ~ ~ f.,~ HOW .A~D ~ · ., .,.. F, LE _~ C~-C~ (p-~jC~NGINEERING SERVIbES CI~ OF FONTANA', ,~ . ~,~ ~:..~ 6317 ~. ~ ,: ....~,~.~-~ .~.:-- . ' PLEASE PAY CASHIER (/o'ZI :9~ """'"'~ ~ 98so c,TRus PoNTANA. CA, 92338 ~' 9 2 7 5 SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK 8491 SIERRA AVE., FONTANA, CA. 92335 /?'~ CITY OF FONTANA ENGINEERINC~ DEPARTMENT COST ESTIMATE **EXHIBIT "A"** DEVELOPER Fontana School District PROJECT NAME: Mango Ele. School ENGINEER KWC Engineering. Inc. TRACT MAP NO. N/A PHONE NO. (714) 734-2130 PARCEL MAP NO. N/A DATE 1/28/92 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ITEM OUAN'ITrY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT 6" Curb &Gutter 0 - 250 L.F. L.F. 8.50 $ 251 L.F. - 500 L.F. L.F. 8.00 501 L.F. - 1000 L.F. L.F. 7.50 1001 L.F. - up L.F. 7.00 8" Curb &Gutter 0 - 250 L.F. L.F. 9.00 251 L.F. - 500 L.F. 417 L.F 8.50 3.544.50 501 L.F. - 1000 L.F. L.F 8.00 1001 L.F. - up L.F 7.50 8" Thick Cross Gutter S .F 4.50 4" Sidewalk 0 - 240 S.F. S .F 2.50 241 S.F. - 480 S.F. S.F 2.25 481 S.F. - up 2,676 S.F 2.00 5.352.00 Wheel Chair Ramp EA 300.00 Drive Way Approaches 1.087 S .F. 2.50 2,717.50 Asphalt Cone. Dikes L.F. 6.00 Fog Seal S .F. .03 Imported Embankment C.Y. 4.50 Preparation of Subgrade 13,674 S.F. .15 2.051.10 *A.C. (over 1300 Tons) TON 30.00 *A.C. (900-to 1300 Tons) TON 35.00 *A.C. (500 to 900 Tons) TON 45.00 *A.C. (Under 500 Tons) 331 TON 50.00 16.550.00 *A.C. Overlay (1" min. thickness) 1.400 S.F. .55 770.00 **PCC Curb Only (Median) L.F. 6.50 Adjust Sewer Manhole to Grade 2 EA 300.00 600.00 Adjust Sewer Clean Out to Grade EA 215.00 Adju,,sJ~ Water Valves to Grade EA 150.00 ,,Bkrri6ades (Std. 118) L.F. 15.00 ~'4.Ll~edwoodHeader 61 L.F. 2.75 167.75 *Removal of A.C. Pavement 8.133 S.F. .66 5.367.78 **Removal of P.C.C. Curb \ 45 L.F. 3.60 162.00 *Removal of A.C. Benn L.F. 1.00 Retaining Wall H-2 1/2 Ft. or less L.F. 13.50 Block Wall H-6 Ft. L.F. 20.00 Aggregate Base TON 9.00 Guard Posts FA 40.00 Guard Panel (Wood) L.F. 25.00 Sawcut L.F. 2.50 Reflectors & Posts 7 EA 85.00 595.00 Street Signs (Stop/Name) FA 80.00 SUBTOTAL $ 37,877.63 *A.C. Asphalfic Concrete ** P.C.C. Portland Concrete Cement 89 - 1117/Exhibit A/Connie/Font.Cost Est. i STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 1TEM OUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT '18" RCP 1800 D 315 L.F. 45.00 $ 14,175 '18" RCP 2000 D L.F. 50.00 *24" RCP 1600 D . L.F. 50.00 *24" RCP 2250 D L.F. 55.00 *30" RCP L.F. 77.00 *36" RCP L.F. 92.00 *48" RCP L.F. 108.00 *54" RCP L.F. 123.00 *60" RCP L.F. 138.00 Catch Basin/Curb Inlet: W=7 EA 3,200.00 W=10 EA 3,750.00 W=14 EA 4,250.00 W=21 EA 5,200.00 Junction Structure 2 EA 3,200.00 6.400.00 Traffic Type Junction SU'ucture EA 2,808.00 Discharge Structure 1 F.A 2,100.00 2,100.00 Manholes EA 2,000.00 Local Depression EA 1,021.00 Grate Inlet Structure FA 2, 100.00 SUBTOTAL $ "'~'~7~'T57~) SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Manholes 60" Dia. EA 2,500.00 $ Manholes 48" Dim EA 2,000.00 Drop Manholes EA 2,500.00 Wyes EA 50.00 Cleanouts EA 600.00 Remodeling of Existing Manhole: EA 800.00 * * 4" VCP LF 13.25 ** 8" VCP 28 LF 17.00 476.00 ** 10" VCP LF 20.00 ** 12" VCP LF 24.00 ** 15" VCP LF 30.00 SUBTOTAL $ 74'~."~ TRAFFIC SIGNALS/SIGNS/STRIPING Traffic Signal (Complete) EA/LS 10OK, 125K, 150K $ Paint Traffic Stripe (1 Coat) 900 L.F. .40 360.OO Paint Traffic Stripe (2 Coat) L.F. .22 Pedestrian Crosswalk Striping L.F. .25 Pavement Marker (non-reflective) EA 1.59 Pavement Marker (reflective) EA 3.34 Reflectors and Posts EA 85.00 Stxeet Signs (other than Stop or Name) EA 80.00 SUBTOTAL $ *Reinforced Concrete Pipe **ViMfled Clay Pipe 89-1117/Exhibit A/Connie/Font. Cost Est. 2 CENTER LINE MEDIAN IMPROVEMENTS ITEM OUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST AMOUNT Median Island Improvements Based on Model of 330 Lineal Ft. 14' Wide L.F. $80.00 '0- MISCELLANEOUS ITE/Vl OUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST A/VIOUNT Outlet Structure 85 LF $100.00 $ 8,500.00 Variable Height C & G 40 LF $ 10.00 400.00 Remove Pcc Sidewalk 45 LF $ 1.00 45,00 SUBTOTAL $ *SUBTOTAL OF STREET, STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER, TRAFFIC MEDIAN, & MISCE. ILANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS $ 70,333.63 89-1117fExhibit A/Connie/Font. Cost Est. 3 OFF-SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (RES 89-194) MINIMUM INSPECTION FEE .............. $50.00 ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST/PERMIT COST 0 TO $25,000 - $40 + 5% OF CONSTRUCTION COST 25,001 TO 50,000 - COST OVER 25,001 X 4.5% + 1,290.00 $50,001 TO $75,000 - COST OVER 50,001 X 4.0% + 2,415.00 $75,001 TO $100,000 - COST OVER 75,001 X 3.5% + 3,415.00 $100,001 & UP - COST OVER 100,001 X 3.0% + 4,290.00 PERMIT COST $3.180 THE ABOVE 1TEM IZFD UNIT COST ARE REAL FOR THE LAST QUARTER OF 1989. THE SURVEY TAKEN COMBINED BOTH PRIVATE INDUSTRY SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS AND GOVE!LNI~IENT PROJECTS BIDDED THROUGH THE DAILY REPORT NEWS LETTER FOR SAN BERNARDINO, RIVERSIDE & LOS ANGELES COUNTIES. SUB TOTAL $73.514 FOR BONDING PURPOSES ADD 35% AS CONTINGENCY COST IN SUBDIVISION PROJECTS SUB TOTAL $25,730 STREETLIGHTS 4 @ 2000 = 8.000 WATER IMPROVEMENTS $-0-* GRAND TOTAL $107 ~244 USE FOR BONDING PURPOSES $110.000 CALCULATED BY Wally Franz CHECKED BY: Anthony Mannno DATE January 28, 1992 * $74,~15 deposit at Fontana Water Company per Norma Manning. 89-1117/Exhibit A/Connie/Font. Cost Est. 4' Job: Mango Elementary School RESOLUTION NO. 78-86 TOTAL 1. Curb, curb & gutter 30 + .08 ( 417 L.F. - 200) 2. Sidewalk 24 + .02 ( 2,676 S.F. - 1000) 3. Bituminous Paving 12 + .0024 ( 15,074 S.F. - 2000) 4. Driveway Approach 12 ( 4 Each) 5. Cross Gutter 24 ( Each) 6. Drainage Pipe & Culvert .16 ( 400 L.F.) 7. Drainage Structure 20 ( 3 Each) 8. Sewer Pipe .12 ( 28 L.F.) 9. Sewer Manhole & Cleanout 16 ( Each) NOTE: Discard any negative result Conhie/Resolution 78-86 - Planning and Research Fontaria UniZltd School Dis~c~ ' " Ci~ Plan ~e~ Costs Zor Fon~ana Prototype Elemen~a~ies ~oJe~ No, 87153,30 Ha~ 9, 1989 Pag~ -2- Off-S~te Im~rovem~Dts $1~7 $50~001 - 150~000 2,590 + 3.75~ Of cost over 50,000 TOT~ C~YON CREST ' 0~-S~Ce ~m~ovemenCs S34,085 ~0 - 50~000 ~575 ~0 - 50~000 ~575 + 4t o~ consC=uc~on cost ,. .~-:. ,.-. ~ - ,: ,-_. ~ -~ .- . ,. - ...... .,. -- , _ , '~. - .- ~_L.. .- . ~ - .- ~' · ,-, , ~.~-: ,. ..... ' IT=~! UNIT · DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUIfl' ~IClNE~RZN(~, INC. ~ Job Architect: ~ h.C. ~IT ~Z~ ~lT PRlCg ?"ORAL. ' 3~ ~? ESTIhlATE Job No. ' By: F A ~ Checked By: Dote: -'-* UHIT .~ ITEm' · NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT pRICE*: :' ~ PRICE e_ 6""/( 18" pea" Cu.e. C5 ~-~u.-r'TeCe. J,.,{(.~ L.,F, Io.oo ( ~ 5k'..~C.c,.kT E-y,.C'~"T, Ar__P ~84 L,E, 4.00 [o ~ C'P'- F--~:k'T~ER-Tr'. d0[~ EY-isT. L;5?--o 5,F, c · _r~ ~o J[ CoaST. kLtVa~c..e-g. At,~z, T2, A~,-x,?S 4-4,4- 5.F. 4-.oc A S S O C I A E S 3788 McCray Street. ~~, ~71'1) 68~-,1,070 . FAX(714) 788-1256 INVOICE CLIENT: City o~ Fontaria Involoe No.: 91-8818 Alto: Robert W. Weddle~ P,E. City Engineer Date; January 80, 1992 8353 SIerra Avenue Fontaria, CA g8335 PERIOD COVERED: From: 10186/91 To; Prnject ~.e~l:~k:E{~n~.on Crest Work Order No,: 89-1117 and Mango Elementary Sohools AUTHORITY: P,O, No, 0838884 ENGINEERING SERVICES: IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK, OFFICE WORK; P.O./O.R,S~ 6. O Hours @ $79, OO /hour $ 474. DO pA~L ~~pLElt- 17.5 Hours ~ 53.00/hour 9887.50 A~.$ t.0 Hours ~ 38.00/hour 38.00 45 miles ~ 0.86/mile 11.70 Postage 4.30 AppROVAL: ~ Prints ~ Xerox 48'2;> ' IEW~ ' Felephone Toll Charges 4.85 REV /' TOTAL AMOUNT 0F THIS INVOICE ,496~-/ CONTRACT TIME & MATERIALS TO/AL Record Map Impr. Plans Record Map Impr. Plans PreviOUS Invoicing $0.00 $5,861.00 $0.00 $[,500,00 $7,361.00 This Invoice 0.gO O,O0 0.OO 1,496.57 1,496.57 Total Invoiced to Date $0.00 $5,861.00 $O.0O S~,996.57 $8,857.57 O /  PAR~L ~ ALBERT A. A S S O C I A T E S 3788 McCray Slreet, ~verside, CA 92506 (714) 686-1070 FAX (714)788-1256 INVOICE CLIENT: City of Vontana ~'~'~Credit Memo Attn: Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer Reference No.: 91-2812 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 Date: May 18, 1992 Project ~eJ~[oCJ~L Canyon Crest WorR Order No.: 89-1117 and Mango Elementary Schools AUTHORITY: P.O. No. 0~3224 ENGINEERING SERVICES: IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK. OFFICE WORK: (6.O)Hours ~ $79.00/hour $ (474,00) (IT.5)Hours @ 53.00/hour (927.50) (l.O)Hours @ 32.00/hour (32.00) (45)miles ~ 0.28/mile (11.70) PostaSe (4.30) Prints and Xerox (42,~2) Telephone Toll Charges (4.85) CONTRACT TIME & MATERIALS TOTAL Record Map Impr. Plane Record Map Impr. Plane Previous Involcin9 $0.00 $5,861.00 $0.00 $2,996.57 $8,857.57 This Invoice 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1,496.57> (1,496.57) Total Invoiced to Date $0.00 $5,861.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $7,361.00 it/3 / CHRONOLOGICAL EVENTS Nay 9, 1989: Cost estimate submitted by Fontana Unified School District (FUSD), Carl Coleman| along with plan check fee calculations as follows: School Cost Estimate Plan Check Fee Hemlock $127,269,00 $5,487,00 Canyon Crest $ 34,085,00 $1,938,00 '- Nango $ 44,492,00 $2,354,00 $9,779,00 June 8, 1989: Hemlock, Canyon Crest, Nango submitted for pl an check, June 28, 1989: Webb performing plan checks: Hemlock: Submittal was incomplete (nothing resubmitted), Nango: Corrections required. Canyon Crest: Extsttng Improvements on frontage. No Improvement Plan required. Engineer to revise City existing Record Drawing. July 27, 1989: Invotce for Hemlock, Canyon Crest, Nango; for period of Nay 27, 1989 to June 24, 1989 for $5,861.00. August 16, 1990: Nango School 3rd Plan Check returned to Engineer. Ju~y 15, 1991: Letter of request for T&N $1,500 for Nango E]ementary~ 5th Plan Check was held by Webb until additional T&N was paid. Typically, T&H request must be done after 3rd plan check is performed, August 21, 1991: FUSD paid additional T&N fee: $1,500.00 for Plan Check for Nango Elementary $ 225.00 15% Admin. Fee $1,625.00 - 1,521.08 Paid, their check had been wrttten out for this amount, $ 103.92 Balance Due. August 22, 1991: ~ebb Request for Engineering Services for T&N, approved by Richard Cota. August 26, 1991: FUSD pays balance due as part of 8/21/91 ($103.92 paid). October 17, 19gl: 1st invoice for T&N submitted for period of 6/24/89 9/28/91. This pertod of T&N does not make sense, since on 6/24/89 the Nango project was in its 1st plan check. $ 807.99 Requested for Nango Elementary 5,861.00 Previous Invoice $6,668.00 Total Invoice to Date ' ~ qFlet Page 2 November 8, 1991: 2nd invoice for T&N. $ 692.01 Requested for Mango Elem. $6,668.99 Previous Invoice $7,361.00 Total Invoice to Date January 20, 1992 3rd invoice for T&N. $1,496.57 Requested for Nango Elem. 7,361.00 Previously requested. $8,857.57 Total Invoice to Date. RS/cye CITY OF FONTNIA REQUEST FOR ERGINEERIN6 SERVICES IEBB COR~LTA~T$, INC. DATE: AUGUST 22. 1991 REQUESTED BY: GRACIELA RARTINEZ ~ (Prtnt Nam) S~ PROOECT PLAN CHECK FOR: fiNeGO AVFIJE SCHOOL (STREET ~ STORR DRAIN) SERVICES REQUESTED: PROCEED tilTH TIRE NI) DATI]IIALS PLAN CHECK OF ItiPROVEMENTS Ni) RECORD RAP 41'11 NI) $UBSEOUE]IT PLAN_ CHECK. PR0dECT SCHEDULED START: COIITIIEiFn FEE ALLOCATION: Sl.500 - PER LETTER DATED ~JLY 15. 1991 PURCHASE ORDER NLIBER: RE]WK5: THIS IS A tiOIIK AIJll!ORI7akTICH FOR 4TH NI) SUBSEGUENT PLAN CHECK FOR NANGO AVENUE SCHOOL (STREET Nil) STONe D~J~IN). PPR0 Y COalUNITY DEVELOPHI]IT DIRECTOR DATE Or Designated Representative 4/24/91 A $ $ O C t A T E 8 4505 Allstate Drive, Ste. 106, Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 781-6190 FAX (714) 788-4139 89-1117 wO: 3801.23 March 13, 1992 FLEE: Ms. Grace Marfinez City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Forttuna, CA 92335 RE: Plan Check Invoices for Hemlock, Canyon Crest, and Mango Schools Dear Grace: Pursuant to your request, we have researched the billings for the above referenced project and have the following information: 1. We received these plans for first check on June 8, 1989. The City sent these plans to us in one package with one common plan check fee. Therefore, one work order was opened for the plan check of these three schools. 2. Since only one work order was opened and due to the length of time (almost 3 years) that has transpired since first check, it is difficult to allocate work effort to each school on an individual basis. 3. I3Jy_ould appear that a substantial portion of the plan check costs are 1 h atlribUial~ to the Mango Scool since over the two andone-half year time period, from first check to recommendation for approval, it went through nine plan checks. Our plan check records concerning Mango School are attached. 4. Referring to the attached plan check dates, please note the following: Ph Nine (9) months elapsed between first and second checks. Any time a considerable time period elapses between plan checks the efficiency of the plan checker is diminished sinc~ tht~y must cotnpletely refamilarize themselves with the project again. B. Fourteen (14) months elapsed between fourth and fifth plan checks once again decreasing efficiency. C. It should be noted that the first time and materials invoice did not occur until October 17, 1991. Hence, as much Wbrk effort as possible was expended under the original plan check fee. 5. Please note that the later submittal of the storm drain plans yielded plans and hydrologic/hydraulic calculations that were completely revised, hence effectively placing the plans into a "first cheek mode". 6. Please refer to our previous letters (attached) to the City dated December 31, 1991 and January 27, 1992 that provides additional information. 89-1117D/lit CIVIL ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS SURVEYING ASSESSMENT/SPECIAI~ TAX ENGINEERING Ms. Grace Maninez March 13, 1992 Page 2 We hope this information will allow our outstanding invoices for this project to be processed. However, should you have further questions or require additional information, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES Wall WF/ca cc: Mr. Richard Cota, City of Fontana 89-1117D/ltr APPROVED MISCELLANEOUS PLAN CHECK FONTANA 3/12/92 PROJECT NAME CKERW,O.# 1STCK,PECOISTCK, ISSUED 2NDCK,FECI) 2NDCK, LSSUED3F~)CK, RECD 3RDCK. ISSUED BANANAAVENUE EH 90-1113 7/3/90 7/11/90 7/24/90 7/27/90 9/4/90 9/25/90 ~TYPE 4THCKREC'D4THCKISSUED 5'R-ICKREC'D 5THCKISSUED6THCKREC'D 6THCKISSUED 10/12/90 NOTES waiting for hydrology to be approved SENT FOR APPROVAL 1/28/91 PROJECT NAME Ck-'~ERW. O.# 1STCK.REC1;)ISTCK.ISSUED 2NDCK,RECI) 2NDCK. ISSUED3RDCK, REC'D 3RDCK, ISSUED CHERIMOYAAVE JF4:{ 89-1107 3/6/89 3/15/89 3/21/89 3/24/89 ~TYPE 4THCKREC'D4THCKISSUED ~ 5THCKISSUE[:6THCKREC'D 6THCKISSUED S1P, EET ~ DATE AR°ROVED HAWKINS-ROBERTSON NOTES SENT FOR APPROVAL 4/12/89 PROJECT NAME CK~RW.O.# 1STCK, REC~)ISTCK-ISSUED 2NDCK.RECI) 2NDCK, ISSUED3RDCK. RECD 3RDCK. ISSUFI~ MANGOSCHOOL 89-1117 6/8/89 6128189 3/23190 4125/90 7/26/90 8/16/90 ~'PtR5 4TH CK REC'D 4TH CK ISSUED 5TH~C~ 5TH CK ISSUE[: 6'I'H CK REC'D 6TH CK ISSUED STREET & ST. DRAIN 8/23/90 8/29/90 9/4/91 9126/91 9/30/91 12/6/91 ~ DATE AFPROV~D 9TH IN 12/19/91 SENT FOR APPROVAL 12/31/91 PROJECTNAME CKS~W.O.# 1STCK, RECOlSTCK. ISSUED 2NDCK,RECO 2NDCK. ISSUED3FIDCK, REC'D 3P, DCK, ISSUED ~SCHOGL 89-1117 9/26/91 10/4/91 10/16/91 11/7/91 12/6/91 E~ 4TH CK REC'D 4TH CK ISSUED ~CKRECO 5TH CK ISSUEG 6TH CK REC'D 6TH CK ISSUED STOi:~IDRAIN 12/11/91 12/17/91 12/19/91 ~Nd=H DATE APPROVED KWC NOTES SENT FOR APPROVAL 12/31/91 Page 2 A 8 S O 0 I A T S 8 4505 Allstate Drive, Ste. 106,Riverside, CA 92501(714) 781-6190 FAX (714) 7884139 WO: 89-1117 FILE: 3801.23 ~ December 31, 1991 Mr. Richard Cots City of Fontaria 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 RE: Street and Storm Drain Improvement Plans for . Mango Avenue School . - .... De~r Mr. Cota: Attached are the original mylurs for the street and storm drain improvement plans, along with two copies of the onsite hydrology study for the referenced project. We have reviewed these plans and calculations and recommend final review and approval by the City. Please note that we did not review the structural calculations and soils report as it appears to be a City of Forttans Building and Safety Depa~ tment's function. Corrections have been made in response to Traffic Engineering and Operation Departments request. it is also our understanding that the City of Fontaria is currently reviewing and processing the legal documents necessary for additional street R-O-W dedication for this project. It is also our recommendation that construction easement(s) are obtained for the installation of the storm drain pipe as shown on Sheet 2 of 2 of the storm drain plans. Due to the fact that the storm drain plans and calculations were completely revised, and additional time was expended to insure that comments from the Traffic and Operation Departments were made, additional time and material charges were encountered. Further, two meetings were requested by the City to discuss the plan check comments. As such, the additional $1,500.00 deposit requested on July 15, 1991 has been exceeded. Pursuant to Anthony Manzano's December 4, 1991 discussion with you, we were instructed to provide a final billing with this plan check. As our invoices am typically 30 days behind the actual time period when the work was performed, and since it is difficult to determine the exact cost required to complete the plan check, it was resolved that Webb Associates would provide the City an estimated deposit to cover additional time and material plan check costs. We recommend that the City collect an additional $1,600.00 as a deposit to cover the additional time and material charges. Upon completion of the checking for this project, the mount of this deposit that remains after our invoicing is complete, can be refunded back to the Developer. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES ~: Wally Franz V/F/AM/ca Mr. Robert Weddle, City of Fontana Ms. Linda Rombaugh, City of Fontink 89-1117B/kr CML ENGINEERING PLANNING ENVIRONMENTAL .,~NALYSIS SURVEYING ASSESSMENT/SPECIAL T.-LX ENGINEERING A S $ O e I A T E S 4505 Allstate Drive, Ste. 106, Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 781-6190 FAX (714) 788-4139 wO: 89-1117 FILE: 3801.23~_~ January 27, 1992 Mr. Richard Cota, P.E. Principal Engineer City of Fontana Land Development 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RE: Street and Storm Drain Improvement Plans for Mango Avenue School (Final Billing) Dear Mr. Cota: Attached is Invoice No. 91-2812, which is the final billing for the above referenced project. As was previously presented to you in our letter of December 31, 1991, the major factors that lead to additional time and material expenses being incurred included the following: 1. The Hydrology/Hydraulic Study along with the storm drain improvement plans were completely revised. 2. Changes by the Traffic Division were made and Webb was requested to verify these changes were made on the plans. 3. The City requested two meetings to review the plan check comments. Should you have any questions or require additional information please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES WF/ca 89-1117Cttltr CML ENGINEERING PLANNING E.N~,rlRONMENTAL ANALYSIS SLvRVEYING ASSESSMENrF/SPECIAL TAX ENGINEERING CZTT OF FONTAN& REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES Authorized By:~4~ )~4~ 3788 McCray S~eet, ~verside, ~ 92505 (714) 686-1070 Y~ (714)788- 1~56 INVOICE CLIENT: City o~ Fontana Invoice No.: 91-aB1~ Att~n: Robopt W. Widdle, P.E. Clly Engineen Date: Januany 20, 1992 93)3 SjePP~ Avenue Fon~ana, CA ~a335 PERIOD COVERED: Fpom: |0/86/~1 To: 18/~B/~1 PPoject Hem|o(ll~, Canyon Cpeet Work OPd!P No.l 89-I|17 end Hango ElementsPy Schools AUTHORITy: P.O. No. 0~3~94 ENGXNEEI~|NG SERVICES; )MPROVEffiENT PLAN CHECK. OFFICE WORK: ~.0 HouPs e $7~,00/houP $ 474,00 17,5 Hours ) 53.00/hour 1.0 Hours 6 3~.00/hcuP 3a.00 ~ miles ~ O.~6/mils 11,70 Postage 4.30 Prints & Xerox 4~.~ Telephone TOll Charges TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS INVOICE $ 1,496,57 CONT~AC? TIME & MATERIALS TOTAL Reoopd Map lmpr, Plane RecoPd Map Impr. Plane Previous Invoicin9 $0,00 $5,861,00 SO.O0 $1,500,00 i7,361.00 This Invoice 0.00 O. OO O.OO 1,496.57 1,496.57 Total Invoiced to Date $0.00 S5,861~00 $0.00 $~,~96.~7 $8,957,~7 A U $ S R T A. 4!:,, ,:,,% '~ WEBB A S S O C I A T E S 3788 McCrayStreet, Riverside, CA 92506 (714) 686-1070 714) 78'8~f~*; /~ CLIENT-' City o~ Fontand Invoice No.: 91-2298 Attn: Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer Date| November 8, 1991 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontand, CA 92335 PERIOD COVERED: From| 09/a8/91 To: 10/a6/91 Project Hemlock, Canyon erect Work Order No.| 89-1117 and Mango Elementary Schoole AUTHORITY: P.O. No. 023a24 ENGINEERING SERVICES: IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK. OFFICE WORK: 2,0 Hours @ $79.00/hour I 158.00 9.0 Hours e 53,00/hour 477.00 O,S Hours e 32.00/hour 16.00 0,5 Hours ~ 31.00/hour 10.50 Prints & Xerox 1.15 Postage 1.18 Outside Services: Federal Express Mail a8.18 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS INVOICE S 692.01 CONTRACT TIME & MATERIALS TOTAL Record Map lmpr. Plans Record Map Impr. Plans Previous Invoicing S0,00 $5,861,00 $0,00 $807,99 $6,668,99 This Invoice 0,00 0,00 0.00 692,0I 69~,01 Total Invoiced to Date $0.00 S5,861.00 $0,00 S1,500.00 $7,361.00 V~N00~t # P.0./0,R.# PARTIAL __ ~COMPLE~'~ AF~.$ A~T. t~ ~ APPROVAL: ALBERT A. -/ A ~ S O ~ I A T E S 3788 McCray Street, ~verside, CA 92506 (714) 686-1070 FAX (714)788-1256 INVOICE CLIENT: City of Fontaria Invoice No.: 91-2095 Aria: Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer Date: October 17, I991 83~3 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, CA 98335 PERIOD COVERED: From: 06/84/89 To: 09/88/91 Project Hemlock, Canyon Crest Work Order No.: 89-1117 and Mango Elementary Schools ......................................................................... AUTHORITY: P.O. No. O~ ENGINEERING SERVICES; IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK. OFFICE WORK: 1.0 Hours e $79.00 /hour $ 79,00 18.5 Hours ~ 53.00/hour 668.50 1.S Hours ~ 32,00/hour 48,00 Prints a Xerox 13.69 Postage 4,80 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS INVOICE CONTRACT TIME ~ MATERIALS TOTAL Record Map Impr. Plans Record Map Impr. Plans Previous Invoicing $0.00 $S,881.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,881.00 [h~s Invoice 0.00 0.0O 0.00 807,99 807.9~ Tota] Invo~E,q~t~ to D . ' ~ $O.OO $5,861.00 S0.00 $807,99 $6,668.99 PARTIAL ~ CO~LE~ AP~OVAL: REVIEW,~ ~ CIFY OF FONFANA Attachmerit to invoice No.: 9[-2092 t~}ORK OR'[~E~ ,'~0.; 89- I I 17 Date: PRO,]ECT; Hemlock, Canyon and Plango Elementary S,:hoels C[assiE~catlon Employee Hours Rate Extention Project Manager WHF [.0 $79.00 $7g.00 Des/Crier AMM ~a,S $53,00 $66a.50 b}ord Proc w/Equip CJA 1,5 $38.00 $48.00 TOTAL HOURS 15.0 Reimburseables $18.49 TOTAL AMOUNT OF THIS BILLING ATTACHMENT $807.99 ~ "!~ ~Attn:, Annivory Calvert Invoice :~l '~8333 SXerrl Avenue 'Fontana, CA 92335 Date: gul-y PERIOD COVERED: From: 05/27/89 To: 06/24/89 :__ and Mango Elementary Schools WOrk Order . - ........................................................................ !AUTHORITy: ENGINEERING SERVICES; INPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK. 'iCONTRACT AMOUNT: Record Hap !ImPPovoment Plan $ 0.0O 5, B61.D0 ~o~A~ AMouNT o~ Tn,S ,NVOICE ' CONTRACT -TIHE & MATERIALS TOTAL Record Hap llnpr, Pldns Record Hap ,~pP. Plans Previous Invoicing SO. DO $0.00 $O. OO SO. DO SO. DO This Invoice O.O0 5,861.00 O. OO O. OO 5.gdJ.OO Total Invoiced t~ Date $0.00 $S, Gdl.00 $0.00 $0.00 $S,Gdl.00 A L B E R T A. A S S O C I A T E S 4505 Allstate Drive, Ste, [06, Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 78141190 EA, X (714) 7H,q-4139 wo: 89 I 1 I7 HI_E: 3801.23 July 15, 1991 Mr. Edgar Casasola City of Fontann 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontann, CA 92335 RE: Additio~ml Plan Check Fee Deposit For Mango Avenue School, (S~eet and Storm Drain) Dear Edgar: Pursuant to our agreement, we are to notify the City when additional plan check funds are required (i.e. for time and materiM charges after 3rd plan check). As our invoices are typically 30 days behind the actual time period when the work was performed, and it is difficult to determine the exact cost to finish the plan check; it was resolved that Webb Associates would provide the Ci~ an estimated deposit to cover additional time and materiM plan check costs. This letter is to notify the City that the original contract plan check fee provisions for Mango School has been exceeded. Therefore, we would recommend that the City collect an additional $1500.00 as a deposit to cover the additional time and material charges. Upon completion of the checking for this project, the amount of this deposit that remains after our invoicing is complete, can be refunded back to the Developer. Plan Check Tracking ~heck No. Submittal to Webb Submittal To Design Engineers 1st 6-8-89 6-28-89 2rid 3-23-90 4-25-90 3rd 7-26-90 8- l 6-90 4th 8-23-90 8-29-90 5th 7-1-91 On hold until additional Plan Check funds are deposited All work on checking these plans has ceased until the City contacts us confirming that the additional funds needed to proceed have been deposited. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES W WF/DH/ap cc: Mr. Robert Weddie, City of Fontaria Ms. Linda Rombaugh, City of Fontana Ms. Connie Ashworth, Webb Associates 89-1117/lu: CITY OF FONT/iRA REQUEST FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES EBB CONSULTANTS, INC. DATE: AUGUST 22. 1991 (Print Name) " ( gn e) PROJECT PLAN CHFCK FOR: Igt/160 AVFIIUE SCHOOL (STREET NI) STOleN DRAIN] SERVICES REQUESTER: PROCFTn WITH TIE HI) RATFRIALS PLAN CHECK OF INPROVI~IaITS Ale RFCORD NAP 4TH Aim SUBSEQUENT PLAN CHEQ(. PROdECT SCHEDIJLED START: CONTIRUFB FEE ALLOCATION; I1.500 - PER I:'l lut DATI:11 dULY 15. 1991 RENAlKS: THIS IS A NGIK AU'~IORI7ATION Fit 4TH NI) SUBSEiNJBff PLAN CHECK FOR !tANG0 AVF~UE SCHOOL (STK~u HI) STOIIR I)P, AIN!. '~lt~~:~ CO!giUNITY DEVELOPiiENT DIRECTOR DATE Or DestOnated Representative 4/24/91 WLC/8811500 AGREEMENT 00500 (1) inserti~ or corr~tion. attach~ hereto: Notice ~o Contractors Carting for Bids info~ti~ for Bi~ers Bid Fom a~ Designation of Su~on~ractors cer~ifica~i~ of ~orkers~ C~nsati~ GenePat Co~ftions a~ Su~L~ntary G~rat S~c~ice~ons ~ c~tract doc~ts e~ ~o ~ o~hers short ~ d~ as if r~ir~ ~ atL WZTNESS ~HEREOF, this Agre~nt has ~en ~Ly ex~ut~ ~ the e~ve na~ ~rties, on the day Nade~ne Stubben, D~rector of Purchasing Michael B. TITLE V~Ce Typed or Printed Name TITLE Authorized Officers or Agents DATE Sepl:ember 10, 199,I (CORPORATE SEAL). WLC/~11500 AGREEMENT 0050~ (2) ,EP I . lq'- DOCUMENT 00610 BOND N0, llla,[Lb,57a,>6 PERFORMANCE BOND KNO'J ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That 14HEREAS, the Fontana Unified School District, by resolution passed ~Dt-eflt3er 4 19~1 , has given to D~:c8 [jCF}StCLJCti~ COrlOF)F)y. T~. hereinafter desig~t~ as the m,princi~t", ~ Notice of Intent to Award Contract for the work ~scri~ as follows: MANGO ELEMENTARY SCH~L FONTANA UN/FZED SC.~L DISTRICT /~ ¢~ ~rformnce of such Notice. (A) N~ THEREFORE, we, the Princi~t n a t sors a~ assigns~ jointly a~ severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THZS OBLZGATION Z$ SUCH that if the e~ve ~u~ Prtnci~t, his or its heirs, executors, aministrators, successors or assigns, shall in aH things sta~ to a~ abide by a~ will a~ truly k~p ~rfom, the covenants, co~itions a~ agre~nts as defi~ in the said contract a~ any alteration thereof rode as therein provide, on his or their ~rt, to ~ kept a~ ~rfo~ at the ti~s a~ in the m~r therein s~cifi~, a~ in all restate according to their true in~ent e~ maning, a~ shell i~ify a~ save hamLess the District, its officers a~ agents, as therein stillate, then this obligation shall ~c~ null a~ void, otherwise, it shall ~ e~ r~in in full force a~ v~r~ue. A~ the said surety, for value receive, hereby stillales a~ agrees that no change~ extension of alteration or a~ition to the term of the Contract or to the work to ~ ~rfo~ there,at, or the s~cif{cations acc~nying the sa~, shell in any way affect its obtigati~ ~ this ~, a~ it does here~ waive notice of any such change, extension of tim, aLterati~ or a~iti~ to the te~ of the C~tract, or the work~ or to the S~cifications. In the event suit is brought u~n this ~ ~ the District a~ j~gmnt is recover~, the Surety shall all costs incurr~ by the District in such suit, incL~ing a reasonable attor~y~s fee to ~ fix~ ~ the c~rt. IN ~ZTNESS MHEREOF, this (nstr~nt has ~en duly execut~ by the Prlnci~t a~ Surety a~ve ~, on the day of ~ 1~ ~] . By T~ or Print~ Title ~ecu~ve V~ce (corerate seal) T~ ~cjc~, Ir~ucaPce C~ny ~nty of A On SeptembeF 9, 1991 , beiore me, c Notcry I~ublic in and Jor said County and Sttne, residing therein, du)y c~ommmsloned cxnd sworn, pesoholly upSGrad SUSBR A. Toomay known Io me to be Attorney-m-Fact of THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY IN WTrN~SS WH'S_?~EOF, I have hereumo set my hound and affixed my oilicial seal, ~he day and ~ecr stated in t~s certifi~te ~ove. Not~ UDUC · EP 1 . DOCUMENT 00620 LABOR AND MATERIALS PAYMENT BOND KNO~4 ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That ~HEREAS, the Forttans Unified SchooJ District, by resolution passed~. FONTAHA UNIFIED SCH~L DISTRICT ~HEREAS, said princi~l is required by Division ~, Part IV Title IV, Chapter 7 (c~ncin at Section $247) of the California Civi~ C~e to furnish a ~ in co~ction with said contract; N~, THEREFORE, we, the Princi~l a~T~ ~jcar, ~f~u~ar~ Co as Surety, an a itted Surety insurer ~rsuant to C~e of Civil Procedure Section ~5.120 are he~d a~ firmly ~ ~to the Fo aria Unif~ School District, hereinafter call~ the "District", in the ~t s~ of ~ .'510.~.~ __) tawfur ~ney of the Unit~ States of ~rica for the ~t of ~ich s~ welt a~ truly to ~ ~de, we bi~ ourselves our heirs, executors, a~inistrators, s~cessors a~ assigns, jointly a~ severally, f~rmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if said Princi~t, his or its su~ontrector, heirs, executors, a~inistrators; successors or assigns, shaft fail to ~y for any ~terials, provisions, prove~er or other supplies, used in, u~n, for or a~ut the ~rfor~nce of the work contract~ to ~ do~e~ or for any wor~ or ka~r thereon of any ki~, or for a~unts due u~er the U~o~nt lnsura~e C~e, w~th res~ct to work or Labor, or for a~unts due as withholding tax ~rsuant to Section 1~06 of the Revenue a~ Taxation C~e, then said Surety will ~y for the sa~, ~n or to an emunt not exce~ing the am~t hereina~ve set forth, a~ also wit~ ~y in case suit is brought u~n this ~, such reaso~b[e ettorney's fees, as shall ~ fix~ by the court, awarded a~ tax~ as provided in Division 111, Part 4, Title XV, Chapter 7, (c~ncing at Section 3247) of the California Civet This ~ shall inure to the ~fit of any a~ all ~rsons~ c~nies~ a~ cordrations entitled to file claim u~er Section 3181 of the Civil c~e of the State of CaHfornia, so as to give a right of action to th~ or ~ ~ their assigns in any suit brought u~n this ~. A~ the said Surety, for value receive, hereby stiltales a~ agrees that ~ change, extension of t~, alteration or a~itlon to the term of the contract or the work to ~ ~rfor~ thePauPer or the s~cifications acc~anying the sa~ sha[t tn any way effect ~ts obligations on this ~, a~ it does hereby waive ~tice of any such change, extension of tim, alteration or a~ition to the te~ of the contract, or to the work, or to the s~cifications. IN WITNESS UMEREOF, this instr~nt has ~en duly execut~ ~ the Princi~l a~ Surety a~ve ~, on the 9~h , day of ~, 1~ . Title ~ec~ve V~ce County of p On September' 9, [991 . before me, a Notary Public in and for said County c:nd Stcxte, resfdmg thereto. duly commissioned and sworn. personally appeared SUSAN A. IOOMEY known to me to be Attorney-in-Fact of file AHER [CAN INSURANCE COMPANY the corporatmn des~ibed in and ~hat executed the within and foregoing instrument. and known to me to be the ~rson who exerted the sa~d instrument in behalf of the said corporation. and he dui7 acknow}edg~ ~o me that such corporation exerted the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto set my bend and affixed my offi~al seal, the day and year stated in this certificate above. POWER OF ATTORNEY THE AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY 'NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE AMERICAN INSUP, ANCE COMPANY, a Cor0oratlon incor~oratetl under the laws of the State of Nehra-~ka~hasmade'e~nstitutecianaapp~int~'anci~esbytheseDr~sentsma~e~c~nstitut~andapp~mt JA,~ES R.. DAY and SUSA~ A. TOOi'E'Y, jo±nc~.y or severally PHOENZX, beh~r~.untoaffuc~dthia 1st dayof June 19 90 OFFICIAL SEAL -' J. M. VANDEVO~ NOTARY PUBLIC- CALIFORNIA at the County of M~n. D~t~ the ~h day of DOCUNEHT 00661 CO. RAC OR.S CSR, CA E 'EP 1 REGARDING ~K)RL~R'S CC~PENSATION Lal~P Code Section 3700. "Every employer except the State shaLL secure the payment of compensation inane oP mope of the foLLa~|ng ways: "(a) By being insured against LiabiLity to pay compensation in one or more insurers duly authorized to write compensation insurance tn this State. "(b) By securing fr~e the 0irecLaP of LndustrlaL ReLations a certificate of con~ent to seLf-insure, which may be given upon furnishing proof satisfactory to the Director of Industrial ReLations of ability tO self-insure end to pay any coq~ensetion that may beeGee d~e to his eepLoyees. i a~ a~are of the provisions of Section 3?00 of the Labor Code which require every eraLayer to be insured against liability for worker's c~epensation or to undertake seLf-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that cede, and [ wilt comty with such provtsio4~s before con~enclng the parlormanse of the work of this con tract. 0ATE: Se~l;>~emh~r 3~, ~1 ~eccB Contraction Company, Inc. contractor / Sia~tu~i Michael B. ~eing, Vice ~esi~en~, (In accordance with APtlets 5 Ccorr~encing st Section 1~>0), Chapter 1, Part 7, Oiv~sion 2 of the Labor code, the above certificate must be signed and fiteq with the awarding body prior to performing any work under this sontract. ~-- ~4LC/E8115DO CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATE 006~1 (I) RS'V. 9/i/90 FAX CITY 0 CAL IFOR NIA COMMUNICATIONS FROM FAX NO. [714] 350-6613 0 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOW,[NG PAGES TO: N LOCAT I ON: T FAX NUMBER: i~E:~'"~:::~//~ PHONE: A ACCOUNT NO. PHONE: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: ~ DATE:[+/;~NE: ~" (including CoveP sheet) ' PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $. AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA P.O.B~/5~8, FONTANA, CA. 92334 / company / firm a ~r s~ ~ * ho. NOTE: PLEASE RE U THIS COVE ET WITH PAYHENT {ACC.NO .010-0316-2300) JAN. 1992 SKY-- FAX CITY OF CAL FOR NIA C0NHUNICATIONS FROH FAX NO. [714] 350-6613 0 FAX NUHBER: ~ -~ PHONE: ~~O~f A ACCOUNT .0. ~7 ~G r/~' A TOTAL NUHBER OF PAGES: (~ncludtng cover s~) FAX CHARGE ZS: $3.00 1ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $1.50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $~ AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P,O,BOX 518, FONTANA, C / any.L'/~':· phone no. NOTE: PLEA C WITH PAYMENT (ACC.NO.010-0316-2300) aAN. 1992 SKY-- FAX CITY OF CAL IFOR NIA C0NMUNICATIONS FROH FAX N0. [714] 350-6613 O LOCATION: ~P " ~ ~ . ACCOUNT "0. ~~~;~ PHONE: ~D'~ A TOTAL NUMBER OF PAG : ~ DATE: '~TZME: j~ ',eO ( ~ ncl ud~ ng cove~. sheet) FAX CHARGE IS: $3.00 ]ST PAGE (EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) $].50 THEREAFTER. PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO CITY OF FONTANA IN THE AMOUNT OF $. AND MAIL TO: CITY OF FONTANA, P.O.BOX 5]8, FONTANA, CA. 92334 FROM: ~ . ddress ~ ~ phone no. NOTE: PLEASE RETURN THIS COVER SHEET WITH PAYMENT (ACC. NO. 010-0316 - 2300 ) aAN. 1992 SKY-- 4505NIsm~Ddve, SuI~106, RI~, CA 92501 Date W.O. No$9,1117 ~LEPHONE U14) 781~1~ 3~0~2 File No. TO: Attention: ~, ~aceMminez RE: Chy of Fonma 8353 Siem Ave. ci~ of Fontana Font~a, CA 92235 WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop Drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change Order [] Transmitted: COPIES OF II, fCOICE NUMBI~P,S 89-1372, 91-2095, 91-2298, AND 91-2812 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit __ copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit copies for distribution r)q As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return __ corrected prints [] For rovlew and comment ["1 [] FOR BIDS DUE 10__ r'l RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Remarks: Copy to: JE STARICK JS./lz CiTY OF FONTANA PUBL/C ItOIIICS DEPART!IBIT LETTER OF TRNISIqlTrAL 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 File: J"/J':--~v,-r"C, Date: i~/'_~ ATTN:'~C~'~Z~ Gentlemen: , Ne are sendlna you: ~Attached I:J Under separate cover the followlng ttem: I:1 ~t sLetl~ I_1 Change Order I_1 Check Prtnt(s) I_1 Studtes I_1 ~ Prtnts I~1 Plans I:1 samples I:1 specifications ~_1 Other: I I I ~ 3 ..~., c'~ ( I I L.z.-~,- ~'i--"~,,:,C- · '" ' , PUPDOSet Please= For your ~nformatton/records Submit original FoP approval I I Approved as submitted Resubm~t __ cop~es for For your use I I Approved as noted approval. As requested ~e ~ d~stfibuti~n For review & c e L-~_,~ '~: C ~ Return corrected prints FoP b~d due: , Z9_ I' Other PPtnts returned after loaned Remarks: ~BCURREBCE FO~ SZeR-OFF PRIOR ~ CITY ENGTNEER'S APPROVAL Location: Nanqo S/Baseline N/Niller D.R.; P~; Tract Nap No. None Subdivider: FUSD Improy. Plans; Bldg. Plan Check No. Phone 14o.: N/A Engineer: Kt4C Encl~neer Nap(s) None Phone No.: ..(~nsm~ttal Binbet (1 ~2, 3, etc.1 TO: DISTRIBUTION FRON: ENGINEERING/LAND DEVELOPlIE]iT SECTZON DATE: 11-25-91 RE: APPROVAL C~I~E~,~EVISIONS/CONCURRE]iCES (CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ELE!eEI(T) TRACT RAP; PARCEL NAP, D.R., PLAN-CHECK NUNBER, STREET INPROVEleE!(T PLANS FOR: Hanqo Avenue Storm Dra~n Plan Your cooperation in reviewing the attached street improvement for aPPropriate cleanout a~; Droper~Y 1 ~ne etc, is ~mportant. This is an effort to concur on the above mentioned project prior to recommndat~on for City Engineer's approval. If you have no c~nts please indicate "No Coements". DISTRITBUTION: TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DATE: APPROVE])/REVZEIED BY: (C~rcle Appropriate Element) Coemnts: TRAFFIC SECTION DATE: APPROVED/REVIEIED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Coeeents: LANDSCAPING DATE: APPROVED/REVZEliED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Comaents: PLANNIN; DATE: APPROVED/REVZEHED BY: (Ctrcle Appropriate Element) Coanents: CAPITAL DES]GN DATE: APPROVED/REVIEHED BY: (C~rcle Appropriate Eleeent) Coneoats: SPECIAL PRO~ECTS DATE: APPROVEI)/REVTEHED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Coanents: I B (C~rcle Appropriate Element) CITY ENGIHEER'S APPROVAL Location: Manqo. S/Baseline N/Miller D.R.; PN; Tract Nap No. None Subdivider: FUSD Improy. Plans; Bldg. Plan Chock No. Phone No.: N/A Engineer: KWC Engineertnq Map(s) None Phone No.: Transmtttal Nmber (1, 2, 3, etc.1 T0: DISTRIBUTION FROM: EMGINEERINIVUUi30EVELOPNE]fr SECTION DATE: 11-25-91 RE: APPROVAL/COMMENTS/REVISIONS/CONCURRENCES (CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ELEIqENT) TILqCT NAP; PARCEL NAP, D.R., PLAN-CHECK NUMBER, STREET IMPROVENE!ff PLANS FOR: Manqo Avenue Street Plan Your cooperation in reviewing the attached street improvement for aPPropriate site distances and tapers of acceleration etc. is important. This is an effort to concur on the above mentioned pro~ect prior to reco~nnendatton for City Engineer's approval. If you have no connents please indicate 'No Comments". OISTRITBUTION: TRANSPORTATION PLANNING OATE:.. APPROVE3)/REVIENEI) BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Connents: ~FFIC SEC~"~IO'~'~ 0ATE:/I ~ ~C'- '//APPROVE])/REVIENED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) LANOSCAPING DATE: APPROVED/REVIENED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Conmmnts: PLANNIN6 OATE: APPROVED/REV][ENE3) BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Conments: CAPITAL OESIGN OATE: APPROVED/ILrVIENEO BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Conm~nts: SPECIAL PROJECTS DATE: APPROVE3)/REVIEMEI) BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Comaents: OPERATIONS (SERVICE CTR.I OATE: APPROVE])/REVIENED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Connents: 1CONCURRENCE FORM SZGN-OFF PR/O|qw3 ~ CITY ENGZNEER'S APPROVAL Location: Hanqo S/Base]ine N/Miller D.R,~ PM3 Tract Map Mo. None Subdivider: FUSD improy, Plans~ Bldg, Plan Check No. Phone No.: N/A Engineer: K~/C Enq~neerinq Map(s) None Phone No.: T~,l~lsmittal Nmber 2. 3. etc.)l TO: DZSTRIBUT]~ON FROM: ENGiNEERING/LAND DEVELOIqlEIIT SECTION DATE: 11-25-91 RE: APPROVAL/COMN~S~/ISIONS/CONCURRBICES (CIRCLE APPROPRIATE ELE]qENT) TRACT NAP; PARCE .R., PLAN-CHECK NIJI~BERk,.S~ET IIIPROVEIqENT PLANS FOR:~ Manqo Avenue Street Improvement Plans .... Your cooperation in reviewing the attached street improvement for aPProPriate salvaqe, storaqe or relocatlon and an.y additional Comments is important, This is an effort to concur on the above mentioned project prior to recommendation for City Engtneer's approval, if you have no comments please indicate 'No Coments", DISTRITBUT/ON: TRANSPORTATION PLANNING DATE: APPROVED/REVIEMED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Comments: TRAFFIC SECTION DATE: APPROVE1)/REYXEMED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Coemnents:  DATE: APPROVFn/REVIEMED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) ;bY: lie Element) Popriate Element) Popflare Element) OPERATXONS (SERVICE CTR. ) DATE: APPRUVE]J/RL¥1EIIED BY: (Circle Appropriate Element) Comments: PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR~imJlT LETTER rlmm~ TRANSMIFrAL ~'~ 8353 SIerra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 File: Recordation Date: January ]0, 1992 RE: Westerly Right-of-Way of TO: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY RECORDER Hanqo Avenue - Easement Deed 172 W. Third Street San Bernardino CA 92415 ATTN: BETTY SHEAS Gentlemen: We are sending .you: {XI Attached I I Under separate cover via the following I I Drawings { ~ Prints ~ { Plans { I Samples ( J Specifications [ I Copy of Letter I ( Change Order I I Check Print(s) I I Studies Ixl Other: Easement Deed COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION I (Original) Easement Deed for Westerly Riqht-of-way of Manqo AvenUe. PUrpose.' Please: ( For your information/records I ( Submit original I For approval I I Approved as submitted I I Resubmit copies for I For your use I I Approved as noted approval. I As requested I I Returned for corrections I J Submit . . copies for I For review & comment I I Other distribution J I Return . corrected prints I For bid due.' , 19_ IX( Other "F~r Recordatlon I Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: Please note that the enclosed document does not require a recordation fee. Copy to.. Carl Coleman. Fontaria Unified School 0tstrtct Title.. qlneer Recording Requested by City of Fontana When Recorded Mail To: City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 Attn: Engineering Division APN 241-091-34/36/37 Address Building Permit Documentary Tax Due: $ None By: EASEMENT DEED (Grantors) FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a public body corporate and political FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged, does hereby grant to the CITY OF FONTANA, a Municipal Corporation, an easement for street, highway and public utility purposes over, under, and upon the real property in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, described as follows: A strip of land 2.00 feet in width, the east line of said strip of land being the westerly right-of- way of Mango Avenue (30.00 foot half width) as shown on Record of Survey Map as per plat filed in Record of Survey Book 75, Page 22, City of Fontana, County of San Bernerdino, State of California; Said strip of land to extend from the south line of Lot 495 to the north line of Lot 495, said lot shown on the Semi-Tropical Land and Water Company Subdivision as per plat filed in Map Book 11, Page 12, Records of San Bernardino County. Said described parcel is as shown on "Exhibit A", sheet 3 of 3. Description prepared under the supervision of: ' ~ No. 18701 / ~/?c''~] ~';~ ~ Exp. 6/30/93 Ronald J. M R.C.E. Date for KWC Engineers, Inc. OF CAU,~ ~ Sheet 1 of 3 ACKNOt4LEDGNENT OF GRANTOR: Thts 'ts to certlfy that the In- terest in real property conveyed STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS. by l~he deed or rant dated COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO} roe -~d.'~ ~- V)( (~ ~,~. 7 <.d A,~: , a to ~h o Fontaria, California, Notary Publlc ~n and fop the County of a Huntc]pal Corporation, t$ hereby San hrnaPdtno, State of Californ~l accepted by the unders}gned officer pursuant to authority conferred by persons ly ap et~ed,-,~ >~/I ~ ~ reso]ut~on of the C~ty Counctl so ~o~ to me---~- ' ~dopted on Ouly 18, 19 li and the ~ ~~ grantee consents to the recordatton e-~ the beets of thereof by. ~ts duly authorized s evidence to be .the ofttceP, personS) whose name ts/~sub- scribed to the wtth~nstrument and authorized capacity( ~a~n~;tha~ by h~s/~/t~ sqgnature on the ' r t~e pePlon~ ~cted, executed the ~nst~u- ment· Nithess W hand snd offichl seal Notary s~gnatuPe arlene Nichols Sheet 2 of 3 City Parcel No, ?-/=~q ' BASE LINE · · <~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PORTION O~l~ T~D ~ N 89'56'43' E ~ 1~19.9T SOUTH LINE BASIS OF B~ARINGS' TH~ BEARING OF ~ 0' 00' ~3" ~ FOR TH& ~ OF MANGO A V~ AS SHOWN ON R. ~ ?~ / ?~ WAS USeD A S TH& BA SIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS MA~ ~~ DESCRIPTION PRRPAR~D UNDER TH~ SUPERVISION l* ~ ~O0' ~ ~ RONALD ~C~ 18 6'30'93 DATE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ENGINEERS INC ~HIBIT ~* 0.303 AC DEED PL A T ,-~-~ ~.~ CiTY OF FOEAliA PUBLIC WOPJ(S DEPARtLibelf Lu m ER OF~,,~iANSMITrAL 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 File: Date: December 6, 1991 RE: Check No. 24059 for $160.00 TO: DECCA Construction Nanaqers Paid to the City of Fontana General Contractors for Temporary Water Mango Elem. 745 E. Maryland~ Ste. 120 Phoeniz, Arizona 85014 ATTN: Cindy L. Du Chateau Gentlemen: We are sending you: IX] Attached II Under separate cover via the following item: I I Drawings I I Prints II Plans I I Samples I I Specifications I J Copy of Letter I ~ Change 0rder I I Check Print(s) I I Studies IXI Other: Check NG. 24059 COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION 12/6/91 I Return of Check No. 24059 from ~ your ComDanY. Purpose: Please: Xl For your information/records I Submit original I For approval II Approved as submitted I Resubmit __ copies for I For your use II Approved as noted approval. I As requested II Returned for corrections I Submit __ copies for I For review & comment ) ~ Other distribution I'} Return __ corrected prints I For bid due: , 19_ I I Other I Prints returned after loaned to: Remarks: On this date. the City of Fontana, Engineerinq Division received a Check from .your Company in the amount of $160.00 for Temporary Water usaqe for Manqo Elementary School Site. The City of Fontana do~ot handle water usuage. The correct agency for you to contact will be the Fontaria Water Company, located at 8440 Nuevo Avenue, Fontaria. CA g2335~ Telephone No. (714} 822-2201. You may want to re-issue a check made payable to the Water company regarding this request. Title: Richard Cota. P.E. Principal Civil Enq. Subdiv. o.ooA ooNsT..oT,o. oo,,.A.v ,No. 2 4 0 5 9 PHOENIX, ARIZONA / DATE INVOICE NO DESCRIPTION INVOICE AMOUNT DEDUCTION BALANCE TEMP. WATER 4229 160.00 160.00 MANGO NOVEMBER SUB~ 399150 DATE ~ 11 ' ' FOUNDERS BANK OF ARIZONA CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS · GENERAL CONTRACTORS 160 and 00/100 dollars** OATE ll/30/gC~ECKNO. 24059 AMOUNT $160.00 PAY CITY OF FONTANA TO THe L WOLFF LANe CHRISTOPHFR ARCHITECTS, INC. 10470 Foothill Boulevard Virgima Dare Tower > WE ARE SENDING YOU ~Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~ For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit copies for distribution > [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return corrected prints [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: FONTANAUNIHEDSCHOOLr Tt~C~I;Z~ ' , - Office of Planning ~ Resear:. : FR6M~Vinny Gabb ~your information [] Please see me [] For your approval [] Please reply [] For your signature [] Please call me [] For your comments [] Note and return [] Read and pass on m Note andIfile [] Take appropriate action FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ITEM TITLE: Grantinq Easement BD OF ED. MTG: 11/20/91 for'street, highway and public x Action utility purposes to City of Fontana re. Manqo Elementary School BACKGROUND: At the Regular Board meeting of November 6, 1991, the Board of Education adopted Resolution 91-25, indicating its intent to grant an easement for street, highway and public utility purposes to the City of Fontana in connection with Mango Elementary School. Notice of the public hearing was posted in The Sun on November 8, 1991. Following the public hearing the Board is asked to grant the easement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Education grant an easement for street, highway and public utility purposes to the City of Fontana in connection with Mango Elementary School. Further, that the Superintendent be authorized to sign the necessary easement document. Submitted by: Approved for submission to ~_/.~/~ the Board of Education: C~rl B. Col Anthony J. Lardieri Director, Planning & Research Superintendent of Schools I N egt~a'4j~' E 1~9~r 502 T~ B~IN~ OF ~ 0' 00' ~ ~ FOR ~E ~ OF ~60 A V~ AS SHO~ R,~ 75 / ~ WAS US~ AS ~E BASIS OF B~BINGS FOR ~IS S~LE 200' APN Address gutld~nS Permit Ooctm~ntary Tax. Due: $. N~ne ' By,- .. EASI~ENT. ~ (6r;nl;ors) ~ontana Unified School. District FOR A VALUABLE CQNS~ERATZQN, receipt of'which ts hereby aclmowl.edfe~, does hereby grant to.the CITY OF FOIfrAHA, a Nunicq pal. Corporation, an 'easement for street, hight~y and publtc u~ilt~y .purposes. over', r~tw, snd:gpcm!the real -' property 4n the Ctt7 of Fortran&, Co~ty'of S~n h~ntr~uo, State of C~l.~fOrnts, described as fo11~s: ~he"East 32 feet of the EaS~ one-half of: Farm Lot 495, according' to map showing subdiViSion of la~dS belonging. to Semi~Iro~ic Land and Water Company-, as per Plat recorded in Map Book !1, Page.12, Records of San. Bernardino County, California. Excepting therefrom the easterly 30 feet thereof. Sai~ descrl'b~d parcels are as shown on "~xhibit A", sheet 3 of 3. S~EET ~ of 3 RESOLUTION 91-25 OF THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Notice is hereby given that the Governing Board of the FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY adopted the following resolution of intent: WHEREAS, FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY is the owner of the east 32 feet of the east one half of Farm Lot 495, according to map showing subdivision of lands belonging to Semi-Tropic Land and Water Company, as per Plat recorded in Map Book 11, Page 12, Records of San'Bernardino County, California. AND WHEREAS, it will be necessary to grant an easement and right-of-way for the purpose of street improvements in connection with the construction of Mango Elementary School. BE IT RESOLVED THAT it is the judgment Of the governing board, in the best interests of this district, that an easement and right- of-way be granted to the City of Fontana for the purposes of street improvements in accordance with the deed plat and easement deed attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a public hearing upon the question of granting the within easement be held at the Regular Board of Education meeting, November 20, 1991, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California. Adopted by the Governing Board of the Fontana. Unified School District, on November 6, 1991, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ~.~ Governing Board of the F~ont~7~na Unified School District ~ecretgPy ~t~7~v~i~g Board of Fontana Un"~fied School District / CITY OF FONTAliA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMI~r/ LLm mER OI~UISMIITAL 8353 Sierra Avenue Pontana, CA 92335 File: Nanqo Elementary School Date: November 7. 1991 RE: Street Easement, 1st Review TO: KWC Enqtneers, Inc. 1269 Pomona Road, Suite 104 Corona, CA 91720 ATTN: Nr. Gary Seymour Gentlemen: We are sendinq you: IXI Attached I:1 Under separate cover via the following item: I:[ Drawings I:1 Prints I:1 Plans I:1 Samples ]Zl Specifications I_1 copy of Letter I-I Change Order I_1 Check Print(s)I_1 Studies IXI Other: COPIES DATE I NO. DESCRIPTION 1 I Deed (Corrections1 I I I I I Put >ose: P1 ease= For your information/records I I Submit For approval I I Approved as submitted Ixl Resubmtt 2 copies for For your use I I Approved as noted revtew. As requested IXI Returned for corrections I Submit __ copies for For review & comment I I Other distribution I Return __ corrected prints For bid due: , 19_ I Other Prints returned after loaned Remarks: This easement deed is beinq plan checked "in-house" by city staff. A copy of this easement wtll be sent to your plan checker (street improvements) for reference. If you have any Questions call Ricardo Sandoval at (714)350-6655. Copy to: G. Nartineg Signed: , W. Franz (Webb & Assoc.) Title: ' Assistant Enqineer ~ 11/08/81 14:24 ~714 272 8808 KWC ENGINEERS ~002 City O~ 9, O, ~ox 518 Dooumentary T~x D~e= $ None (er~ntors) F0~A~A O~u SCBDOL DISTRICT ~ ~S~en~ ~r s~eet, htghw~ ~ ~1tc utility p~ose~ over, ~8er, ~d u~n ~ =~ p~L= h ~e City of F~r C~t~ of S~ B~uo, S~te of ~li~a, descr~ as follows: A strip of 1 nn4 2.00 fee~ in width, the east line o= said s~rip of L~._'_~_ belug ~he westerly right-of-way o~ Namgo Avenue (30,00 foot hill width) ~ ai~how~ on aecor~ of Survey Map ~s ~ar map recorded in Record of .~u~vey Book 75, Page 72, C4~y of Fon~, CO~IE~ty of Sall Barn~ut~no~ State of C~lffornia; said strip o~ l~d ~ ~e-4 f~ ~e. Sou~ 1~ of Lot 3 of 3. 8~T J Dated this ACKNOWLEDGHENT OF GILANTOR: This is to certlfy that the in- terest in real property conveyed STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS. by the deed or grant dated COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) from On before me, , a to the City of Fontana, California, Notary Public in and for the County of e Nunicipal Corporation, is hereby San Bernardino, State of California accepted by the undersigned officer personally appeared pursuant to authority conferred by resolution of the City Council adopted on July 16, lggll and the I_J personally known to me - OR - grantee consents to the recordatton I--1 proved to me on the basis of thereof by its duly authorized satisfactory evidence to be the officer. person(s) whose name(s) is/are sub- scribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they CITY OF FONTAliA executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the By: entity upon behalf of which the Robert W. Weddle, P.E. person(s) acted, executed the instru- City Engineer ment. Witness my hand and official seal. Notary signature Sheet 2 of 3 City Parcel No. ll/G~/~}I 14:24 ~714 272 3306 I~C ENGINEERS ~003 soz , J DEED PZA T CIVIL ENGINEERS. PLANNERS AND CONSTRUCTION CONS(JLTANTS 3.269 W. POMONA ROAD., SUITE 104 CORONA CALIFORNIA 91720 (73.4) 734-2130 FAX(73.4)272-3308 WE ARE SENDING YOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter E~ Change order [] COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPtiON THESE ARE TRANSMITrED as checked below: E3 For approvel [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit copies for distribution [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return .. corrected prints [] FOR BIDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US RE,,,.^..s ( D(/A3( [ ( _ ~ COPY TO SiGNE~ Recording Req~.Jted By City of Fontana ~.~ -. When RecOrded Nail To~ City of Fontaria P. O, Box Fontana, CA 92334 Attn: Engineering Dtvtsion APN Address Butldtng Permit DoC~nentary Tax Due: $ None By: EASENENT DEED (Grantors} Fontana Unified School District FOR A VALUABLE CONSiDERAT/ON, recetpt of which is hereby ac~owledged, does hereby grant to the CiTY OF FONTAlIA, a Municipal Corporation, an eaSeNnt for street, highway end publlc uttltty purposes over, under, and upon the reel · ' property in the City of Fontaria, County of San Bernardtno, State of California., descrt bed is f011 ows I lhe East 32 feet of the East one-half of: Farm T.Ot 495, according to map showing subdivision of lands belonc~tn~ to Semi-Tropic Land and Water Company, as per Plat recorded in Hap Book 11, Page 12, Records of San Eernardlno County, California. Said described parcels are as shown on "Exhibit A", sheet 3 of 3. PRELIMINARy Dated this . day~e~ , 19 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GP~ANTOR: This is to certify that the in- terest in 'real property conveyed STATE OF CALIFORNIA) SS, by the deed or grant dated COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) from On before me, , a to the City of Fontana, California, Notary Public in and for the County of a Municipal.Corporation, is hereby San Bernardino, State of California accepted by the undersigned officer personally appeared pursuant to authority conferred by resolution of the City Council adopted on July 16, lggl| and the l_J personally known to me - OR - grantee consents to the recordation I I proved to me on the basis of thereof by its duly authorized s~ sfactory evidence to be the officer. person s) whose name(s) is/are sub- scribel to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they CITY OF FONTANA executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(tee), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the By: entity u on behalf of which the person(el acted, executed the tnstru- Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer ment. WitneSs my hand and official seal, Notary signature Sheet 2 of 3 City Parcel No, NORTH LINE LOT 495 " Recording Re,ted By Ctty of Fontaria ~ , Nhen RecOrded Nail To~ Ctty of Fontaria P. O. Box 518 Fontana, CA 92334 Attn: Engineering Dtvtston APN Address Butldtng Permtt Oo~nentary Tax Due: $ None By: .. EASEMENT DEED (Grantors) Fontsna Unified School District FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, recetpt of whtch ts hereby acknowhdged, does hereby grant to the CiTY OF FONTANA, a Municipal Corporation, an easesent for treet, htghwey end publtc uttltty purposes over, under, and upon the real s · ' property tn the Ctty of Fontone, County of San Bernardtrio, State of California, described as followst The East 32 feet of the East one-half Farm T.Ot 495, according to map showing subdivision of lands belonging to Semi-Tropic T.and and Hater Company, as per Plat :ecorded in Map Book 11, Page 12, Records of San Bernardino County, California. Said described parcels are as shown on "Exhibit A", sheet 3 of 3. SHEET 1 of 3 Dated this daY~ , 19__ ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF GRANTOR: This is to certify that the terest in 'real property conveyed STATE OF CALZFORNIA) SS. by the deed or grant dated COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) from On before me, , a to the City of Fontana, California, Notary Public in and for the County of a Municipal.Corporation, is hereby San Bernardino, State of California accepted by the undersigned officer personally appeared pursuant to authority conferred by resolution of the City Council adopted on Ouly 16, 19915 and the ]_l personally known to me - OR - grantee consents to the recordatton I__l proved to me on the basis of thereof by its duly authorized satisfactory evidence to be the officer. person(s) whose name(s) is/are sub- scribed to the wtthtn instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they CITY OF FONTANA executed the same tn his/her/their authorized capacity(tee), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the Instrument the person(s), or the By: entity u on behalf of which the person(sl acted, executed the tnstru- Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer merit. Nttne~s my hand and officlal seal. Notary signature Sheet 2 of 3 City Parcel No. .LJ~c/J NORTH LINE LOT 49~  N e9'56'43° E {/"" ~ CIVIL ENGINEERS PLANNERS AND CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS 1269 W. POMONA ROAD., SUITE 104 CORONA CALIFORNIA 91720 (714) 734-2130 FAX(714) 272-3308 __ WE ARE SENDING YOU z~ttached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings (~/Prints [] Plans [] Samples E] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] .: COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITrED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit copies for distribution -- El As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return corrected prints ,,,~C~or review and comment [] [] FOR BIDS DUE 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS - --- POLICY OF TITLE First' American Title Insurance Con,pa,4r SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a ~ama~a, not excee~inO the ~mouat ol Insurance state~ i~ $cheflule ~ suslaine~ or incurtoil Dy the insurea Dy maso. or: · 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. ~ck of a right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. ,.,,~,~ First Ainerican TitIe Insurance Coinparty ':, " 110182 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 10681 FOOTHILL BLVD., SUITE 101 (P.O. BOX 1769, 91729-1769) RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA. 91730 (714) 944-4343 SCHEDULE A POLICY NO. 110182 SG AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: $7,675,000.00 PREMIUM $8,442.50 DATE OF POLICY: OCTOBER 16, 1991 AT 4:27 P.M. 1. NAME OF INSURED: FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT U.S. TRUST COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, N.A., A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH IS COVERED BY THIS POLICY IS: A LEASEHOLD ESTATE CREATED BY THAT CERTAIN LEASE OF SAID LAND, EXECUTED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES NAMED HEREIN, FOR THE TERM AND UPON THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS THEREIN PROVIDED FOR IN SAID LEASE. DATED: OCTOBER 1, 1991 LESSOR: FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL ACQUISITION CORPORATION LESSEE: FONTA/qA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RECORDED: OCTOBER 16, 1991, INSTRUMENT NO. 91-394300, OFFICIAL RECORDS 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: FONTANA UNIFIEDSCHOOLDISTRICT, A PUBLIC BODY, CORPORATE AND POLITIC / ALTA OWNERS POLICY PAGE 1 (REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS) · 110182 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL NO. 1: THE NORTH 165 FEET OF THE BAST 1/2 OF FARM LOT 495, ACCORDING TO MAP SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF LANDS BELONGING TO THE SEMI-TROPIC LAND A~D WATER COMPANY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 11 OF MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. NOTE: AREAS AND DISTANCES ASSHOWN ON MAP OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SUBDIVISION INDICATE SAME ARE COMPUTED TO STREET CENTERS. PARCEL NO. 2: THE SOUTH 165 FEET OF THE NORTH 330 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF LOT 495, ACCORDING TO MAP SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF LANDS BELONGING TO SEMI-TROPIC LAND AND WATER COMPANY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 11 OF MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. NOTE: AREA AND DISTANCES AS SHOWN ON MAP OF ABOVE DESCRIBED SUBDIVISION INDICATE SAME ARE COMPUTED TO STREET CENTERS. PARCEL NO. 3: THE EAST 1/2 OF FARM LOT 495., ACCORDING TO MAP SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF LANDS BELONGING TO THE SEMI-TROPIC LAND AND WATER COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, COUNTY OF SAN BEANARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 11 OF MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTH 330 FEET THEREOF. AREAS AND DISTANCES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTER OF ALL ADJOINING STREETS AND ROADS AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP. ALTA OWNERS .POLICY PAGE 2 (REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS) · : -. - 110182 SCHEDULE B THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES OF EXPENSE) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF: SECTION ONE: 1. TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING LIENS BY THE RECORDS OF ANY TAXING AUTHORITY THAT LEVIES TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS ON REAL PROPERTY OR BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTERESTS, OR CLAIMS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF SAID LAND OR BY MAKING INQUIRY OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF. 3. EASEMENTS, CLAIMS OF EASEMENT OR ENCUMBRANCES WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, OR ANY OTHER FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY WOULD DISCLOSE, AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR IN ACTS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OR A TITLE TO WATER. 6. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LINE, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL THERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. SECTION TWO: . RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY PORTION OF SAID LAND LYING WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF ANY ROAD, STREET OR HIGHWAY. ANEASEMENTFOR:'THE~HEREINAFTERSET :FORTH SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL~PURPOSES, IP. ECORDED'IN BOOK ·449, PAGE 350, OF DEEDS. SAID EASEMENT .IS~OR PIPE LINES AND CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM THE RECORD. ALTA OWNERS POLICY PAGE 3 (REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS) SAID EASEMENT WAS CONVEYED TO FONTANA WATER COMPANY BY SUCH DOCUMENT. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3) AN EASEMENT FOR THE HEREINAFTER SET FORTH SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED IN BOOK 458, PAGE 319, OF DEEDS. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR PIPE LINES AND CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM THE RECORD. SAID EASEMENT WAS CONVEYED TO FONTANA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BY SUCH DOCUMENT. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3) A LEASE FOR THE TERM AND UPON THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS THEREIN PROVIDED FOR IN SAID LEASE. DATED: OCTOBER 1, 1991 LESSOR: FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT LESSEE: FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ACQUISITION CORPORATION RECORDED: OCTOBER 16, 1991, INSTRUMENT NO. 91-397300, OFFICIAL RECORDS LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT DATED AS OF OCTOBER 1, 1991, BETWEEN THE FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL ACQUISITION CORPORATION, AS LESSOR AND THE FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, AS LESSEE, RECORDED OCTOBER 16, 1991, INSTRUMENT NO. 91-394301, OFFICIAL RECORDS AN ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE WHEREBY THE LESSOR'S INTEREST IN SAID LEASE WAS ASSIGNED TO U.S. TRUST COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, N.A., A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION DULY ORGANIZED AND EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THAT CERTAIN TRUST AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 1, 1991, BY AND AMONG U.S. TRUST COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA N.A., AS TRUSTEE, FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOLDISTRICT,~ SCHOOL ACQUISITION CORPORATION AND THE FONTANA UNIFIEDSCHOOLDISTRICT, PURSUANTTO~WHICH TRUST AGREEMENT THE .TRUSTEEsEXECUTED AND DELIVERED'THEFONTANAUNIFIED SCHOOL :DISTRIICT!'CONVERTIBLE CAPITOL APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE OF ~!PARTICIPATIONI(LANDACQUISITION PROGRAM). RECORDED: OCTOBER16, 1991, INSTRUMENT 'NO. '91-394302, .OFFICIAL RECORDS ALTA OWNERS POLICY PAGE 4 (REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS) THE TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LEASE REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE "A", PARAGRAPH 2, HEREIN AND THE EFFECT OF ANY FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SUCH TERMS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS. SG/RJP / ALTA OWNERS POLICY PAGE 5 (REGIONAL EXCEPTIONS) INDORSEMENT ATTACHED TO POLICY NO. 110182 ISSUED BY FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS POLICY IS HEREBY AMENDED BY DELETING THEREFROM SUBPARAGRAPH (A) AND SUBSTITUTING IN LIEU THEREOF THE FOLLOWING: (A) "INSURED": THE PARTY OR PARTIES NAMED AS INSURED, TOGETHER WITH EACH SUCCESSOR IN OWNERSHIP OF ANY OF THE BONDS REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE "A" OF THIS POLICY, RESERVING HOWEVER, ALL RIGHTS AND DEFENSES THE COMPANY MAY HAVE HA_D AGAINST THE NAMED INSURED AS TO ANY SUCCESSOR TO AN INSURED WHO ACQUIRES AN INTEREST BY OPERATION OF LAW AS DISTINGUISHED FROM PURCHASE. PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF THIS POLICY IS FURTHER HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING SUBPARAGRAPH (I) THERETO TO READ AS FOLLOWS: (I) "BOND" OR "BONDS": CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE "A" OF THIS POLICY. PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS OF SAID POLICY IS HEREBY AMENDED BY DELETING THE PRINTED TEXT THEREOF AND SUBSTITUTING IN LIEU THEREOF THE FOLLOWING: THE COMPANY SHALL RAVE THE OPTION TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTLE FOR OR IN THE NAME OF THE INSURED ANY CLAIM INSURED AGAINST, OR TO TERMINATE ALL LIABILITY AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY HEREUNDER BY PAYING OR TENDERING PAYMENT OF THE AMOUNT OF INSURANCE UNDER THIS POLICY TOGETHER WITH ANY COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES INCURRED UP TO THE TIME OF SUCH PAYMENT OR TENDER OF PAYMENT BY THE INSURED AND AUTHORIZED BY THE COMPANY. IN CASE LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CLAIMED UNDER THIS POLICY BY AN INSURED OWNER OR LEGAL HOLDER OF ANY OF THE BONDS REFERRED TO IN SCHEDULE "A", THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE THE FURTHER OPTION TO PURCHASE SUCH BOND OR BONDS FOR THE AMOUNT OWING THEREON TOGETHER WITH ALL COSTS, ATTORNEYS' FEES AND EXPENSES WHICH THE COMPANY IS OBLIGATED HEREUNDER TO PAY. IF THE COMPANY OFFERS TO PURCHASE SUCH BOND OR BONDS AS HEREIN PROVIDED, SUCH INSURED SHALL TRANSFER, ~ASSIGN 'AND DELIVER SAID BONDOR BONDS, AND ANY COLLATERAL SECURING THE SAME TO THE COMPANY UPON PAYMENT AS HEREIN PROVIDED. :UPON SUCH :'OFFER 'BEING MADEBY THE COMPANY, ALL .LIABI.LITY AND.OBLIGATIONS OF THE COMPANY HEREUNDER TO SAID OWNER OR' LEGAL HOLDER OF SAID BOND OR BONDS, OTHER THAN THE OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE SUCH BOND OR BONDS PURSUANT TO THIS PARAGRAPH, ARE TERMINATED. PAGE 1 OF 2 ANY LOSS UNDER THIS pOLICY SHALL BE PAYABLE TO THE INSURED AS THEIR RESPECTIVE INTERESTS MAY APPEAR. IF PAYMENT IS MADE TO ANY OWNER OR LEGAL HOLDER OF ANY OF SAID BONDS, SUCH PAYMENT SHALL BE MADE RATABLY WITH OTHER BOND HOLDERS. PAYMENT BY THE COMPANY TO AN OWNER OR LEGAL HOLDER OF ANY SAID BONDS SHALL REDUCE PRO TANTO THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY UNDER THIS POLICY TO SUCH OWNER OR LEGAL HOLDER. TITLE OFFICER .ASSISTANT SECRETARY 'CLTA FORM Il~ .2 (REV. 9-23-73) CLTA-LENDER-BONDHOLDER '.EXHIBIT' i(P) MODIFIED MINUTES OF 'SF/UTP SEPTEMBER 13-14, 1973 PAGE 2 OF 2 Pot. Semi-Tropic Lond ~t Water G~ Sub. S.B.L. Id.B. IIII2 Fortelo CIt~ 241 T~ Rote Are~ Nee, Oridae ~ · 1002~} . ';t : L._,__;_,,, !'it® . -... '"",¢. TNafer~teeurvey~thelendbull~l~e~ ~ f~f I.fNmatlo~ by the Firel Ametioan ~ Inaure. ee C~I~ '~m dm ~1~ by t~ olTIclal re~ofcll, ( For. Serni-Trol~ Lond 8 Water Co~ Sub. S.B.L. For~ C,y 24~ -09 &LB, II/12 Tax ~ ~ 1002~i , ~ .-~,~ ~ · .~, .~, 979511 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 10681 FOOTHILL BLVD., SUITE 101 (P.O. BOX 1769 91729-1769) RANCNO CUC~ONGA, CA 91730 i~ (714) 944-4343 " SCHEDULE A POLICY NO. 979511 SG AMOUNT OF INSUftA_NCEI $1,250,000.00 PREMIUM $2,352.00 DATE OF POLICYI AUGUST 10, 1990.AT 8~00 1. NAME OF INSUREDs FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE lAND WHICH IS COVERED BY THIS POLICY A FEE 3. TITLE TO THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND IS VESTED FONTANA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, A PUBLIC BODY, CORPORATE AND POLITIC 4. THE I~D REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSs THE NORTH 165 FEET OF THE EAST 1/2 OF FA|~ LOT 495, ACCORDING TO MAP SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF Ij~NDS BELONGING TO THE SEMI-TROPIC LAND AND WATER COMPAMY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO~ STA~E OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 11 OF MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. NOTE~ AREAS AND DISTANCES AS SHOWN ON MAP OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SUBDIVISION INDICATE SAME ARE COMPUTED TO STREET CENTERS. PAGE 1 979511 THE SOUTH 165 FEET OF THE NORTH 330 FEET 0~' THE EAST 1/2 OF LOT 495, ACCORDING TO btAP SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF LANDS BELONGING TO SEMI-TROPIC LAND AND WATER COMPanY, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER pLAT RECORDED IN BOOK 1~ OF ~PS, PAGE 12, ~CORDS OF SAID COUNT'Z. NOTE~ AREA ~D DIST~CES AS SHOWN ON MAP OF ABOVE DESCRIBED SUBDIVISION INDICATE SAME ARE COMPUTED TO STREET CENTERS. PARCEL 3: THE EAST 1/2 OF F~ LOT 495, ACCORDING TO ~P SHOWING SUBDIVISION OF ~NDS BELONGING TO THE SEMI-TROPIC ~D AND WATER COMPANY, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, IN THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFO~IA, AS PER P~T RECORDED IN BOOK ~1 OF MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTH 330 FEET THEREOF. ~EAS ~D DIST~CES OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY ARE COMPUTED TO THE CENTER OF ~L ADJOINING STREETS AND ROADS AS SHOWN ON SAID PAGE 2 979511 SCHEDULE B THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE {AND THE COMPANY WILL NOT PAY COSTS, ATTORNEYHl FEES OF EXPENSE) WHICH ARISE BY REASON OF[ SECTION ONEi 1. TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN AS EXISTING Li~NS BY THE RECORDS OF ANY TAXING AUTHORITY T}~T LEVIES TAXES. OR ASSESSMENTS ON REAL PROPERTY OR BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS, 2. ANY FACTS, RIGHTS, INTERESTS, O}{ CLAIMS W}t!CH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS BUT WHICH COULD BE ASCERTAINED BY AN INSPECTION OF SAID LAND OR BY MAKING INQUIRY OF PERSONS IN POSSESSION THEREOF. 3, EASEMENTS, CLAIMS OF EASEMENT OR ENCUMBRANCES ~HICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN f{OUNDARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, OR ANY OTHER FACTS WHICH A CO~{RECT SURVEY WOULD DISCLOSE, AND WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN BY PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS IN PATENTS OR IN ACTS AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; WATER RIGHTS, CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. ANY LIEN, OR RIGHT TO A LIEN, f'OR SERVICES, LABOR OR MATERIAL THERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAW ~D NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. SECTION TWOI GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91, NOW A LIEN NOT YET PAYABLE. THE LIEN OF SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES, IF ANY, ASSESSED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 3.5 COMMENCING WITH SECTIO[~ 75 OF T]~E CALIFORNIA REVENU~ AND TAXATION CODE. PAGE 3 979511 RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC OVER ANY PORTION OF SAID I~ND LY1NG WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF ANY ROAD, STREET OR IliGMWAY, AN EASEMENT FOR THE HEREINAFTER SET FOI{TH SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED IN BOOK 449, PAGE 350, OF DEEDS. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR PIPE LINES AND CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM THE RECORD. SAID EASEMENT WAS CONVEYED TO FONTANA WATER COMPANY BY SUCH DOCUMENT. (AFEECTS PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3) AN EASEMENT FOR THE HEREINAFTER SaT FORTH SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED IN BOOK 458, PAGE 319, OF DEEDS. SAID EASEMENT IS FOR PIPE LINES AND CANNOT BE LOCATED FROM THE RECORD. SAID EASEMENT WAS RESERVED TO FONTANA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BY SUCH DOCUMENT. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, 2 AND 3) SC/NM PAGE 4 ALBERT A. WEBe ASSOCIATES ~F~?~ ©~ ~={~77~L 4505 Allstate e, CA 92501 Date ,V W.O. No.89.1117 TELEPHONE (714)781-6190 9/26/91 FiFe No3801.23 1'O: Attention: Mr. KenCrawford KWC Endricers, Inc. 1269 West Pomona Road, Su~.~:¢ 104 city of Fontana Ran Ch~ck Corona, CA 91720 WEARESENDJNGYOU [] Attached ]"]Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop Drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change Order r"'] Transmitted: CHECK PRINTS FOR MANGO SCHOOL STREET PLANS ALONG WITH FIRST CHiECt~ DRAINAGE COMMENTS THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit __ copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit ~ copies for distribution [] As requested [] Returned for corrections ~ Return ~' corrected prints [] For review and comment [] [] FOR BID$ DUE 19__ /"'[ RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US RemarkS: PLEASE MAKE NECESSARY CORRECTIONS AND R,F_,TURN THREE (3) CORRECTED SETS OF STORM DRA]i"f AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PRINTS TO OUR OFFICE. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE FLRST CHECK OF THE DRAiNAGE PLANS AND CALCULATIONS SLNCE TI-jEY ~PjE TOTALLY REVISED. Copy to: Mr. Edgar Casasole, City of Fontana Mr. Wetly Franz, W~bb Associates ANTHONY MANZANO AiVl/ca CIVIL ENGINEERS, PLANNERS AND CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS 1269 W. POMONA ROAD., SUITE 104 CORONA CALIFORNIA 91720 (714) 734-2130 FAX(714) 272-3308 '- TO WE ARE SENDING YOU ,~ Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop drawings j~ Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION - - . J '-! --~ \ ~,!;,," THESE ARE TRANSMI~ED as check~ below: ~ For approval Q Approv~ as submi~ Q Resubmit copies for approval Q For your use ~ Approv~ as not~ Q Submit copies for distribution ~ As request~ ~ Return~ for corrections ~ Return corr~ prints ~ For review and comment G FOR BIDS DUE 19__ ~ PRINTS RETURNED A~ER,LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: ALBERT A. WE ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS w.o. No. 8 9 - 1117 4505 Allstate Drive, Suite 106, Riverside, CA 92501 Date TELEPHONE 6/28/89 (714) 781-6 File No, · to: Attention: RE: K~/C ENGINEERS City of Fontana 720 South Rarnona Avenue Suite Corona, CA 91719 GEN'rLEMEN: WEARESENDINGYOU [] Attached [] Under separate cover via the following items: [] Shop Drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change Order [] TranSmitted: FIRST PLAN CHECK FOR MANGO SCHOOL STREET & STORM DRAIN THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval [] Approved as submitted [] Resubmit __ copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit __ copies for distrlbutior [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return __ corrected prints r--I For review and comment [] [] FOR BiDS DUE 19__ [] PRINTSRETURNEDAFTERLOANTOUS Remarks: PLEASE MAKE CORRECTIONS AND RETURN THREE (3) CORRECTED PRINTS ALONG WITH CHECK PRINTS TO OUR OFRCE. copy to: Ms. Annivory Calvert, City of Fontana Mr. Robert Weddie, City of Fontana WALLY FRANZ Mr. Felipe Molinos, City of Fontana ~/Mr. Edgar Casasola, City of Fontana HEMLOCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OFF-SITE HYDROLOGY STUDY Tc~ LIMITATIONS, L)O0 ~1005 (I) UnI. Maximum length ,1000 Feet ( Tc -- I000 2- 90 2. Moxlmum,.area · I0 Acres '900 ' ~0 3 - '8oo :-7o ~ H__, 6-~ - _ ~ --,~ "~oo_:- 60 ~ > ~-~: ,oo ,: i :.o ~ -~o°'=--- ;~- j -600~_' ? '~._~=-6o 8-=. -.._-- ~ ~ i'_-,,o io-"~ ----J ' ,oo~ _'2 ~ou.,.v'".~p.d "'1'o ,~""~ -"= : ,cad Co.r' J:' . "350 ~ '"" 25Undeveloped 0 c: I~ ' .,"_ _:'18 Single Family ~"~0,-~"' ,/ - - 200 i~~.-.-Tc-.-T,' u II -c 25-- ' ~Z~"lO PI Development ' - 150 ~ - 9 80- Apartment _-- ~- 75- Mobile Home 30 -- - 8 65-Condominium -- -E ' ' 60-Single Family-St000 ft2 Lot.~/_,= / -I::: _-- - 7 40 - Single 155 -:' Family-I/4 Acre Lot- _ - 20- Single Fomil:)/-I Acre Lot - ~- 6 I0 - SIngle Family-2 I/2 Acre Lot - -- I00 _ 40 --' EXAMPLE, -- 5 ( I ) L= 550', Ha5.0', K, Slngle Family (5-7 DU/AC) . Development, Tc-12.6 rain. (2) L, 550', H, 5.0'~ K=Commerclol --4 Development~ Tc-9.7 ml~t SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH HYDROLOGY MANUAL FOR INITIAL SUBAREA Figure D-I D-4 4.0 ~- ]'~' s.o ,~-~::-~- ,. , ': I:.: :. :.'::...::' . ' " ._~j~ o.s I [ _ I j :'} :. F; ~- ~ ~ ' o.8 T "'[ 'J o, 0.6 ~ 'T__ 0.4': :i iZ . "' ~7 ~ 7 .:~ ; ~,--~ ~----... ~7=, :, ..!_,='~ o,2 ~"'~'*' __Z_ ~ '.' '1. 0'12 ~ 4 5 6 T 8 9 IO 20 30 ~ 50 60 70 ~ 90 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY= · ';' YEARS ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL= {;ALINCHES LOG-LOG SLOPE = PROJECT LOCATION INTENSITY - DURATION SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ~,, CURVES HYDROLOGY MANUAL CALCULATION SHEET D-~ FIGURE City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 21, 1991 Jose A. Corrugedo BL Engineering, Inc. 2311Hyperion Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027 RE: Hydrol ogy Study and Calculation for Hemlock Avenue Elementary School Dear Nr. Corrugedo: A review by City staff of the above subject hydrology study and calculations has determined that said study is not in agreement with a more detailed hydrology study completed for Tract No. 13926. Said tract is located north of ~iller Avenue between Beech and Hemlock Avenues, immediately upstream of the proposed Hemlock Elementary School site. The hydrology study for Tract No. 13926 presents a detailed layout of the streets and plot plan for the proposed development. It is the Ctty's opinion that said study more precisely addresses the ultimate drainage conditions to be expected, as well as the runoff and confluence details. It is therefore reconm~ended that BL Engineering incorporate the hydrology study for Tract No. 13926 as prepared by Radole & Associates, Inc,, 1820 East 16th Street, Santa And, California 92701. A copy of said Tract No. 13926 hydrology is available for your review at the City offices, Sincerely, Richard Cote Principal Civil Engineer cc: Ron Kuehl WLC Architects, Inc. 10470 Foothill Blvd. Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 RC:ke 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) m FONTAN~, CALIFORNIA 92834'O518 SISTER CiTY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM /j~=o~?,,(.-!'-F'-.?:)A I ~ -YEAR STORM I-HOUR RAINFALL (INCH)= ~- ~ ~; SLOPE = o. ~ Checked by Dale. ,_ ' Poie, , of Concenlrallon Area (Acrel} Soil Day. T1 Tc ~ Fm Fm Q Flaw Polh Slope V Hydraulics ond Lenglh ft./ft. flJeec. Holel Pojnl SuboviD Tolol Type Type rain. rain. In/hr In/~ *.av~'. ToIol re. ,, 3,,'~ ~ ~ . ~17 ~ 1, g ~ ~.~ ~ ~,~. ~,/a ~ ~ Z: d~ F~o~ ~fi~oL ~/ ~ ~7~L , ,.,, '7~ "l<'t ~, ~ ~ ~ "' / ~ , ~,~ ~,/D ~,? ~ A -/;. ~;7 .~/,.. ~ _ ,¢ 7,~/-_ .5,e - ~;' --~'-~- o,,,~o ..s,s. o.o,,i/, Z,:¢o/ *'/F ; '~'°'~//~ .40 ~. o.~ fV' = ~ -- - -: b. 77 ' /~ l'~,g'7 "IB ~,~./.~,~7+4, t/i CATCH BASIN NOS. so.o- 2, 5(14), 3(21),& 3(28) ;,~ "" 6.0 ......... 5.0 r,.,,, , 2.5 . , [, .. .: ., ,: : :: ,:; ,;, ,.j;:. ;, : '. 0.9 : , ~ The $ubscWptS {Oz)ifl /~e abova equatiGns 0.8 ' ~:~ 0.5 ..... o.I 0,15 o.~ 0.25 0.3 OA 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 LO · r F' ~ ......;; ....\ FOR SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY HYDROLOGY MANUAL ~ ~-;r""'~-. SOUTHV,~ST-A AREA ..... c-~o ~ ~, ~:--- --- ~-~ ,~..; : ..... [:-~. ~ ,. , · .~, T3S-- ; I ~ ~' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY T2S R4W R3 R2W '- I T3S -- _ ~-,..._~ - SAN I:!ERNAF~DINO COUNTY HEMLOCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON-SITE HYDROLOGY STUDY OA 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) /:,.~ DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY=~YEARS ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL=/~ ';'~.. INCHES LOG-LOG SLOPE= PROJECT LOCATION:/"'/?"" '''~: .,4, ,:': SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY INTENSITY - DURATION CURVES HYDROLOGY MANUAL CALCULATION SHEET D-8 FIGURE D-3 TC' LIMITATIONS' I_ --I00 I. Maximum length · I000 Feet Tc -- I000 :- 90 2. Maximum area · I0 Acres ( 5 -- '900 -- 80 ~ ' E 700,: ,o -' - 2; - '- ' i:~, ~ _~_o_~..°=_sa. -! :-coo~T'~ ,= ~.~=_,! - o i- 5: """----j _.J=, _..s _ _ -- ,,,- ~- , .... , -_ ~: ,a,r Co, = _E :t'/"!': ' -- 300 developed 0 c ;" '3~.'~15 --; ~' = :. 20 oar Cover' o - _'; ~ ' ' ' 19 _-e -- ' ~ _c "" ' ~ _'-- 18 Single Family ~ i ' ~- '-"_-~6 _ (Paved) ~'~KEY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.-H-Tc-K-Tc'' . -- 200-- 13 - , e 25-- u - '~,o p~ De,~opme.t ' § _-" 150~e __ 9 80- Apartment - -- ' 75- Mobile Home 30: · _ ~' - 8 65- Condominium ._ - ' 60-Single Family-5,000 ft2 Lot.~_A° / -- - 7 40- Single 35 Family-I/4 Acre Lot- _ - 20- Single Family- I Acre Lot - -- 6 I0- SIngle Family-2 I/2 Acre Lot - -- I00 _ 40 EXAMPLE, - 5 ( I ) L= 550'~ H=5.0', K, SInOle Family (5-7 OuAc) _ Development, Tc-12.6 rain. (2) L, 550', H, 5.0', K= Commerclal --4 Development, Tc,9.7 ml~ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TIME OF CONCENTRATION NOMOGRAPH HYDROLOGY MANUAL FOR INITIAL SUBAREA Figure D-I D-4 RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM /~ = r," '2- ~ ,,),~- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY STUDY NAMI[.~/..//~.~4, Za./~/q-- ,.f,d-f/'0'~/ C~lc,Jlotad by ~'//'~ Oale"~.~/' ~ HYDROLOGY MANUAL / (~ -YEAR STORM I-HOUR RAINFALL (INCH1, Oo ?~; SLOPE t .~. ~o Checkeel b/ Date / · Page at . . Concenlrollon Area (Acree) Soil Day. T! Tc ; Fm Fie 13 Flee Path eelape V Hydroullcl and Length ft./ft. flJeec. Melee Point Subarea Tolal Type Type rain. rain. In/hr In/hr ' avg. Total If, rc=~ , t/s' rt : S~'' RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY STUDY NAME: ,/J,t-,~L~K ,,it ,,~/-./Do/' Cal~daled by ~ Dell ~ HYDROLOGY MANUAL i O -YEAR STORM I-HOUR RAINFALL(INCHI, 4ir~;; SLOPEe a ~ Checked b/ ' Date Pale ef Concentration Area (Acree) Soil Day. Tt Tc I Fm FIn Q Flay Path SlopeVHidecalico and LeeIN Point Subarea Tarel Type Type rain. ndn. M/hr I~/hr eve. Total ft. ft./ft.flitco.Nole$ C-/ a,/B A ~ /o 2.9, o,3~ c-5 ~./~ /~ ,, ,o ~.,~ ,.~7 °37 c-7 ., :~ A- p,,,,f ,o >.9' ~,,~ ,'.2~' ? , F.., C- I~ ~,/~ ,'~ " ~0 2~ ~,S8 ~,~o Z= c-/5 o,~ A ', /0 2~ ,,~ ~,42 ~ ~/./~ RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM ~:)=- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ~ STUDY NAME:/"/~F~'4Z'e/~'' ~ e~e'/a'eZ" Colcolored by ~ Dale ~.-,.27-.~? HYDROLOGY MANUAL /~'b -YEAR STORM 1440UR RAIIfALLIINQt),/,t'~>"; SLOPEeU.~Z:~ Ckeckd Concentration Ares (Acres) Soil INv. Tt Ts Z FB Fin g ~ M Slope V Hidtallies and Point Suberss Telel Type Type mira. role. le/hr ha/Is ave, Total LeSlie ft./fl. fl,/sec. Notes t;#', /j-'f ,,,~ A ,, ,~ ~.~ ,.~ ,.s'7 "' Z.~ a.~ - ~ ~ .c, RATIONAL METHOD STUDY FORM SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY I STUDY NAME: /_.///~1//{.1/~ ~ 5C_,h/~-e/_, [ Calculaled by d.-/'.c~, o Page Concenl~ollon Area (Act'am} Soil Day. Tt Tc ] Fm Fm Q FIo~ Polh apeVHydraullcl and Lenglh './IL flJeec.Hales Poinl Subarea TOlol Type Type sin. sin. In/hr In/~ ' ovg. ToloI ~_/ ~./~ ~ ~ ~-~ ... ~ ~ ', ,~ ~3, '~.~ ~.~ c-3 ~.~ ~ ,. ,~ ~ ,.~ 0-4 ".~¢ ~ ,, /o 4.a ~,~ 0-7 ~.~ ~ ,~ /o ~& ~,/o /,~ p/~ , c-/l ,.~ ~ ~ ,o ~ ~.~ ~,~7 FIr/'= / ~.~<.-E-Y~- 4.77z . ¢,.42.! / .......:;'l., SCALE REDUCED BY 1/2 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY i ,,, FOR HYDROLOGY MANUAL ~'~:;""~. SOUTHWEST-A AREA · ' '~i' ~' K'--- '~ ~'t" TSS - ; I REDUCED DRAWING . ,.y. : SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY '~ ~'-~ew, Rrw "'.. R,~ ' ...: HYDROLOGY MANUAL ns ,T.~ T2S ...... ~'~'.,..-~, ......... R~ RZw ] VALLEY ARE. A ~ ~:',.~..*.~: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ,,,~, "~" HYDROLOGY MANUAL ~______~. ,~.,.,~. ~,:.:,.T,,T,~, ~,.C.S~~