HomeMy WebLinkAbout1788-3cZ1RvE oArA rAeZE No. IPAO/US A� L/ WaZzl 40' O /v/0'.400, /A �J /.i eoi• 'Z� 1� .?/,? ?If' •A7 s+ _ \ 12'02 ,z6 ~ .208.0S' T Q 990.00' 001,/.3" 161403' S,Z.a CIViL ENGINEER R.C.E. 40964- E' EYCJ�—T.C.CI6�9T oN G.�nt� LOc.i7T ON tj • � ' 14 014Z.-tel— , N /a `ZZP sc.c.6 9Ti a.v - .ee-le> yr._0 cZ1RvE oArA rAeZE No. IPAO/US A� L/ WaZzl TANSZA- O /v/0'.400, /A �J /.i eoi• 'Z� 1� .?/,? ?If' •A7 s+ Q 990- 00, 12'02 ,z6 ~ .208.0S' Q 990.00' 001,/.3" 161403' S,Z.a CIViL ENGINEER R.C.E. 40964- E' a d cc WATER _ I Ex/ST. O ^'1 �O oQ�a t _ CONSrI�UCT/ON N07ES' / 70 SO © w Q �o b to Q (�, Q I, ►. ?7• f3• ®� At ©� e /7\ u u '� /1� FUTURE STREET , CONSTRUCT CURB IN4ET PER C17Y OF FONTAIVA STD. /2/ MODIF/FD T Qi v V h Q 0 h �' IMFROVEMF�UTS ,o ;PGPs� �.�,.rso.v �y a O h �� ©" 'W' PARIES AS INDICATED ON PLANS45EE XrAIL MEET /) ' CONSTRUCT MANHOLE AX PER CITY OF I?IV. STO. 430 i; LU 2�s �9 �B�S PRcTEcT IN a ti Q -a �e-s6�— 0 3 14 INSTALL CONCRETE BULKHEAD TYPE "All rA :-r�-•'� Ix 51 Q - � 3 q �ovsT,Pacr3Z�o�G,Lf'�eo`,e��- >DOo.� P � to Q � © PROP. 78 ,P. -GP BY OTHERS n h ual 00 fi0 o �0 '�Oh xo� r , A s� Z886.d- '32 WIZ/' NOTE P = CONST, 48.34L.F. OF 78'R.C.P. 1350 D @ 1.09% ~ N e (n cri ti O t7 91. 4% i• No.G 762 CONST. 56./9 l..F. OF I8'R.C.P. J750D����� G@ 23.0 8/d. AS CLOSE TO GUTTER AS POSSIBLE. 70.41401D FUTURE Cfc _ CCWFLICT WITH FWNDdTION ' OF SIGNAL UGA,'T POLE(15 -P). 27� A. A. WEBB 4zs0c1,4T�S o,4re HYD. 7 AONG y) BEECH AVENUE __ - C f+G I 1= SEAL JOHN ELAN AS*Q...O%fm,'ffhIA T ES, ZINC. Consulting Engineers 366 ORANGE SHOW LANE SASS BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92409 ( 714) 689 -0676 ( 714) 825-1550 `� GE/YE2lL NOTES wer• end 51bex 0r�in I►lanho% Frames and Covers shy// be /ai5* 0 y�dde at tha lcfion of pallh�g by the Iavi79 cchfrdcfo�: Z The AViale a// set sufficient stakes to ewb/e the coot�acfon co�st�uct the work fo the 3, A permit frvm the City nfa dub/ic lwo�ks /�e�f. a// be 00A9ined 1vrivr fry the lx,9in711? ofany war 4.1H work Mcg//he done ir1 acro ce wi hese pans ane/ fhG 547,7*rds and spec111cW1ions of the City of na, S All pipe/inceor structdres of an Te%hone on Power /'o%s, Dater tlefer51 Halves or /lydranl0, Shown Cr. not SM4/ /7 on these P/ane, and /ocjfed Ih�iin tie area be im eo; ani interfering with c'onsfrdctio� 5/�a/i rt/oc4tc4l of no Cost 1b-11he City o ana It Sha/1 be Me contruclars fo aati& a// agencies r 4cerne , fore beginning construct ' . i As 8 • t plans will be proNide d to the City - b y the con tracto . 7. a premoistened sand upto spriny line. .I 0 ONLY �RECO' D. SET's-°s-` - CITY OF FONTANA„ `CALIFORNIA BENCH MARK LOCATION: R.R. SPIKE ON P.P. No. 674320E AT THE INT. OF JURUPA AVENUE AND MULBERRY AVENUE. ELEVATION ..................918.40 +-- .-•..+...+ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ! +-i►- PLANS PREPARED BY, INDUSTRIAL PARK SCALE a -JURURA BEECH AVENUE •A7 s+ - DESIGNED BY DATE STORM DRAIN PLANS 12' 14-88 CHECKED BY APPRO D �'� rA %BY CIViL ENGINEER R.C.E. 40964- E' EYCJ�—T.C.CI6�9T oN G.�nt� LOc.i7T ON W • � ' 14 014Z.-tel— , 6. /a `ZZP sc.c.6 9Ti a.v - .ee-le> yr._0 DATEe •7V. 'telADD .4.0,05.0. LA7;-_.2A1_ L STA 3fOD.OD �p•�yOK- FELVE . CABRAL, R.C.E. No. 29001 ' TITLE& CHEF ENIO;NEER DATE.,2 JOB NO. DRAWN BYs DESIGNED BYE CHECKED BYs 3 PER -CHECK AATF.D 5/3/89 90 -le-,53 _ r 1'•f� ,REVI_jSO -86 - - - A JOHN ELAN AS*Q...O%fm,'ffhIA T ES, ZINC. Consulting Engineers 366 ORANGE SHOW LANE SASS BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA 92409 ( 714) 689 -0676 ( 714) 825-1550 `� GE/YE2lL NOTES wer• end 51bex 0r�in I►lanho% Frames and Covers shy// be /ai5* 0 y�dde at tha lcfion of pallh�g by the Iavi79 cchfrdcfo�: Z The AViale a// set sufficient stakes to ewb/e the coot�acfon co�st�uct the work fo the 3, A permit frvm the City nfa dub/ic lwo�ks /�e�f. a// be 00A9ined 1vrivr fry the lx,9in711? ofany war 4.1H work Mcg//he done ir1 acro ce wi hese pans ane/ fhG 547,7*rds and spec111cW1ions of the City of na, S All pipe/inceor structdres of an Te%hone on Power /'o%s, Dater tlefer51 Halves or /lydranl0, Shown Cr. not SM4/ /7 on these P/ane, and /ocjfed Ih�iin tie area be im eo; ani interfering with c'onsfrdctio� 5/�a/i rt/oc4tc4l of no Cost 1b-11he City o ana It Sha/1 be Me contruclars fo aati& a// agencies r 4cerne , fore beginning construct ' . i As 8 • t plans will be proNide d to the City - b y the con tracto . 7. a premoistened sand upto spriny line. .I 0 ONLY �RECO' D. SET's-°s-` - CITY OF FONTANA„ `CALIFORNIA BENCH MARK LOCATION: R.R. SPIKE ON P.P. No. 674320E AT THE INT. OF JURUPA AVENUE AND MULBERRY AVENUE. ELEVATION ..................918.40 /785 BID 5ET SHEET 3 of 9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ! DRAWN BY INDUSTRIAL PARK SCALE -JURURA BEECH AVENUE - DESIGNED BY DATE STORM DRAIN PLANS 12' 14-88 CHECKED BY APPRO D �'� rA DR Na -7� N Q r� 40r 9 CIViL ENGINEER R.C.E. 40964- /785 BID 5ET SHEET 3 of 9