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kl_�� 11 I -0N 4216/42117- OF- THE G"WERtNMENT
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TOLL FREE 1-80-01-2tZi 2600
sepa"L cowirow
1. .- -'�' VIM T5, �5�jafl consist of .9peI::iIFV�a0ons cind 115
i k,ON7� ,A6T L:jOC _FN � I
gonorol,;�.ordiflc,,nsi and the drowinq5, The ,intent ,-3F these
oocument5 g, to Include. all to&. -,r, moterfole, and gervices,
nocess�-ry Par the p:,cp--r exeoulilo-n of ,"he work. 71'.P'�-
oo4umentg ane to toe considered as ore, and t-jhotever 16
e,olled for by any port ,*hall be os binatrio as
by all porks, � ; if called ,for
2. VER!FICATION, The contractor shall verify measurements or,
the drowingg L-AePore beginning work, in cage, OF error or
d15 --re I poncy in the drowings or spocif/4_-Rons or in work OF
other -
r offec-tine his work, he shall notify the, ot-,iners,
reprosento0yee immediately, The contractor shall be held
respon--lble, For any domage or loss otiAvv W his failure to
v-brsc-v.-_i ,�,,haoe irr,t �
. _;,ruct-Ie,._-.
5 LICEN5f_�`. All work shall be perform--,,-,)' k�., a C-27-CoIiFarnla
Licensed Londscano Controctor,
4. INWRAN'CE-1 The, Contractor shall carry ,all l-4orkman's
Compen_;��otion, Public Llok;41fty ord Provertu Oornaqe Insurance
as reoufr��_,! by oil appl(coble codes, regulot
,:10., -Is ;,7,r,d the
� �,
C-1 I 4 n er" �
5. LAN05CAFE ARCHIrECT�5 LIA_51LITY.� 7'ne oHner ond contractors,
r;5coar,.,..zIng the lnhoren&k rl'�3�* _connocfecl i -,,:;'h ,.�;onstr-,,-,_t-ion,
agree. cc, limit any and oil Pability, cla,im, For damages,
cost of oefense., or oxpen5es to be levied cIgoinat the
Londs,_-ape .Architect or-, cccr_un� of cv,q design dc-Pect, error,
Or.i�.i=10-f-I., f�:7i- r`Wr_0Fe51rpIOr0I -nfr--!f9Cj-JCe to ,-- �_-urn not. to, ex,-,eccl'
- . tl
0. C0N:57',RLk_-,T.'0,N 5AFE7'-,r'. -the t1eglon, odequac.y oncl 9cfety or
, ` �
- erecbior4 ex6ovatlon, brocin_-, -r-,horing, temporary supporte,
etc., Is kh.-- sole regivor-eilblilty of the. Contractor, and has
nolr 1��-en con!Wdelod &�, the L0n0.'r,-_o_,f- Archl-tCe-C, or hi!�-�
con,suitonts. The ,.,ontn�,<,Ior 1-;; rosponzible, For the.
r,t<:ib1lI14y OF any structures and exe,ovottong and shall
provide the necessary brocinci to ,orovido .r;-tobllity durinc;
H, o e.ntfre constr tion proo - ts to _* -
I Vc _re,4_55, C`b5e'rV01_-IOF? Vi'5!4' the
site i;�;y the Landscape Arc.h!P,ec;-' or his consultorts, !��hoil not
1nc&0,s ingpe,,-fion OF the- c:ibove items,
7. 5URVEY5, PERMITS, ,R_E-C-VLATI0N:5t Vic owner shall Furnish on
Weqoato- 5urve,y Of` the property. 71-te contractor shall
. I �:, .. I -
obtain and poy For oil permfvs ord ctomoly with ,,;?it lowo orld
'In " -
crd cmco!�-; t;eorii-,9 on rtt-!e, oporotJon or ,onduct of ,.he work
C45 drak4r, Ono' specified. 1F the conlroctor ob5erves; thot a
venrionce existz; therewlth he sholl promptly notify the.
owner's .-,t��ivre--,--nr,,--��,!�."-:, tr, ,�%illl-�Pig, cn-fq onmi r._c:c!5s,-.iru ,:-,.h,on,—,,_s
Bhall be oaj.-.,c,te_-J os providod �n I:h5--, coti�rcTct Par �;Ihange,5
In .1he j�qork,
&. PI-��,-,17a,:;Th_*'��Ni r.,-': i-,lC-,1R-,'<, f�7-70FERZ71"%:' A,N'0, JFER,50N. r -lc Cor-trCict.or
rofec,,' the, work odjocert ,property and the
' ' �'
publir", and 5ha", bv respoirrslblv- For any damage or Inlury
due, to hl�:- cnc�� �
q. CHAN,5w,E55 11-4 THE HOP�K- 7'he oki.cr moy order ch--inges In tho
work, 7'he contr.—.-t surn tbein��, adjusted occoralnqiy. Ali
-,rL6 'he � -!, !-V
sur -h orderf. cmid oajIustir"i �L- plug z;!-_Im!� by, t corltr_-,�.S' r
for eitro_a� miust be r,94:4d,�-, before, executing the work irivolved,
10. PROV15i'ONS 5OR EXTRA5: No new .-work OF awu kind shall e, --
con=:,o1,?_r0d On eytr��? unless, a s4o�porot� ,-_51:1,-n�,te 1!5 izover Z
" , : _,--�_
. -
-r-aJ.-4orl� be4or& it 1;5 c�;,mme:nced and i)(itil satne ,,!� a roved
by tho owner, ond then rot uniies-5 the Owner First .5o Ordered
In NrItInq ond the portfcvlor cxtro kiork. i-= !�pecifi_-d in
t-.rIrir-9 ,�5nfl thc. co5t c -c, ed upor b-- rtwe�en the C.�,�nor ond thi:7-
contractor, Except For -extra i-,,ork order -ed by the owner
according to unit prices which hove been bid ', any extro kork
perFor.,re,J, rot outhorlzcd c* F1110,�,,ld-zPci obr.:,ve, .will -ot oind
corinct _-�o poid For by tho- oi-;ner,
ll� 505TITUTION5: All ir-,7tv-rIaI5 shall be spe-clPled. unloat5s ,the
controctor ci7m esto_'�1,15h the, Fact thot theq cre uncivalid5fe".
a -d s-ubstItution5 ore cippro,,,,cd in Aritirg 1�y �h& Loncf_-capl!:�
12, LAND50AP7E cOCROINA-re,P,!�, !3,,rA.7,L.S.. ,rp,e landsceope, coordinator
acts as the authorized repre5er7totive of the owner in
conjun,ctfon wtth the prolect mancoor. ond has 'the. cluthorthy
t6; oc,-ept ort re/ect o-.6r'erio' '�5 cr:�Ji�jc�rkmnansh,lp and i`.c mnk.:X�'
mTnor chonoes 15- work not' involving, extra c,or,t. He will
also lnter�5r'et tho ,r.-k,,aning of the, co,ntroct docornonte� ond may
stop the i4ork if ne-c-es,,sory �,,:2 fn�ivre ilts .0rOper e,xa,-,uJ1or.
13. CILARIFICATION OF ORA14INC-5 13EFOR-11 31L)PINC-Y; After reviewing
the dro;�-41nqq thorovohly it 15 tha controcror.s responsibility
to clar,'Fq w,tth the _1Z-nA1_;ccp,e: Arc.hfte6�t or ,z%-,iner'.-:,
reprer'ientotive, cinq questions the contractor may have.
reqorclimv, the rnet�o�t of con5truc-tlon, ovantitle-s, or quviltu
of motcr�l_aI5 indic,oted or colled out, !I' the -_ontroct�-r �
connot i��cntcvct the, L_,vn,5_-c-,' 45 Architeci-. or o,;1..1r4,_�r,f-:
repreoentotive, the contrac. I for must quolfPy his t;ld or
accept the interpreto.rion of the Lof-,dscope Ar�_-hltect or
owner'5 repre5entlotive on the cluee!'lonable areo5 os �heu
, r - I
develop aur.;?-,�
,g construction,
14, SAMPI-E3, 71 -he Londscope Archltec�, reservec- the riaht to take
and �7-riolqz-0 c-,aimp!e:5 of mc7�_et-U-15 FOF ,con.P-or-r-nith,; to -
Spec, I-FicoNons ot any time. The contractor shall 4urnish
somplz* upon request by the Landscape Architect. R-_jo4:;tv-d
material shoil be immedlotelti removed Prom the 5it-, oricl
reploce-,J cit cor',troottor--w e4len,&. --he -cot:'l. OF be'!�,tfnq
materials not meet"Ing spec.1ficotion5 shall be paid For by
,the, contractor,
0. FR&-00*J5TPJ,�_',TI0N CONFERENCEi 3chedule a pre! -conz truc.i:L�n
meating with thg!,- Londscop6 ,Architect at leo5t 7 before
beginning 4,qork. The purpose of this conFerence [��r
� to review
any questfoms� the _�Ontracl.-Or moy have- re-goirdIng the �4crk-
odmlnl!5tra�lve procedures c*;r1,74 constructions and prq,ject
work !�ichcdulv,
165, COMPLE-TiONIG Completion I5 der"Ined as LvIre xi7t�!n oil
condItTons of the contract hove t7even c4r,�,,orrpllshed,
_47pecIfic-dIly wher, oil Items are ln!5tolled, ,the areas -cleoned
and the moft,tenoric�o Period 5otISFoctorlki �;omolcted, ond hon
a// 5pecIVI tooi5 and . equi ' pment, InstructOns, PqIltten
guarantees, as-buill, plons,, Ilen reloosC5 and anu items
required bil the contract documents have rbeer, properly
executed and do-Ilvered, to ,the, oHnor.
The Lond5cqpe Ar-chitect 5ho"I have Pull authority to acct!�ptl
or reject the contract items ond Hill promptlu _notiftj the
owner ,.-�)rr c0�i-1p6`e.`-;on- I � -
IT (�WJARANTEE. In oddition to spe,clflot;t ou-orontees provided For
In the sep,_nrato sections of the 5pecif�!Jc.or.lon'-7, "he
contrc�ctor 5holl auch-anto-_ ir. wrl' . iris, --III k,orkmon5hip ond
lots to be rree from defoct Par a period OF one, year
from the date. of occeptonce OF the work, bti the o! --mer k1thout
additional cost to the owner,
IRR167ATION .5FE�,-/F1,G-AT10,N5
i. SM" or mom
The Contractor shall provide oil tabor, too!5,
machinery and processes nece5sory to lr5toll a
compiet,� irripollor system a-- shown on the plons
andlor specl led herein, Pqhen completed the,
IrrIgotion sy-NI.-cm shall be 1005% coveroge 5LIstom. In
total Functioning manner.
A. VERIFICATION OF VIMEN5101\1, At/ sc.oled dimensions ore
opproximate. 5efore proceeding with, any work-, the
Contractor 5holl carefully check. and varlFy oil
d(men5lono, 5po6ing, of' si"rrinker heocl!5, location of
volver, c -Ind v,�5,cuur� breoker5, onct proposed P.O.C. shall
be m Indle-oted on the drawings, Anq deviation from
the plans must have Nha aporova! o.1-tho owner'q
Repreoentative or the Lano''5-:;ope Ar-4�hltect.
B� VERIFICATION OF FIN15H C7RAPE: The Contrc-c-Por shall
Inspect the _lte o?id check oil Nw5h c:rodc-v P-4thir,
Me work oreo in order, t�o Irrvure the'proper gait
coveroge, (os, sper,ffled) of ,9prinkler 5y,stem pipee.
C. NATER 5_11PF1'r.. Vie Contractor shalt vorif,u oind be
Familiar with the source of i,4ater stppiq to the
sprInklor as Indicated on the drowfr107
01. PERMIT5 ANP FE65;: The Cortroctor shall oppl Ono pay
for oil necessory permits and Fees re-quired in �h,e
pursuit of his ;,4o�� or, required by the governing
ff. CARE OF EX15TIN67 BUILPIN6,07 ANO 51TE: ',ne Contractor
shall be held re5pon5lble for the car,-- and
In 5
and con"
, _�
� �
a 10 0 ex 5� 9 bu,"d",
eso ' I i I - " ace pre �
0 � O�d 0 n,
n he "��r_ - '
pr r
0 ' �r
erly, 1. ' m
off t r� An art Of he �`Ured, d `,Oged or
prop _ _� p
su _ � r h�
ed tPecoLse 0 5, NO, -k 5 Oil be opolrod,
r I " �, ,
op aced ur c leaned by him at ��ls exponoe�
I �:-�P ,�
,4 �,�, oc>i;,�_::�P�7,_"v
F, RE%17E),�I OF Or'��AWIN55, It Is the Controctor's
responsiblitty to re vlei,q !rrIgict Ion drowlhcI5 and note
I �,
" aroo-s he believes oddfilorial heads -or valves ore
required rior to submItfing a IbIld IF no chongog ore
sub;r!t,_oZ1he. Contractor Is res,ponsible For Pull
coverage of the sor-Inkler system and roviding
'additlono'l aquior�.nt cis necessary at rhe Contractor's
6. CSOVERNINO RE&ULATION; All local, municipal and state
lows, rules and regulations governing or relating to
or�q portion of this work ore hereby Incorporated Into
and mc;; -Jo a part OF Ithose specifications, and their
provisions shall be. carried out by the sprinklor
H, J_-�IAORAMMATIC, O,F_516M This de,51gr; 15 dloorommop"Ic.
All pipe, volvee, etc. shown within paved areas, ore
for design clorificotior? only and 5holl be. ins,talled
�. plonter arec,5 where possible, Never fn5toH
backf low proventor-s in loi�n orer.;5, ot,.loya In shrub
1, 11`45TA.1-i ATION; All irrigation motorloI5 shall be
Ins,tolled In oc-cordan-_-e with the tochnlqves arid
specifications ,-set forth k,vg each respective
m ;-L.' , C I. I
, %;r?vFoc,1 rer. AH P r�'frent* descriptive, fi�ervturC
f5sued by these, monuFocturers, becomes port OF fhe,5--
5pe�-,ificotions after having been approved by the
0�-.-�rer'�-, outhorf.��el-,� re , ore5ento�!-Ve. 5vch lr5tollo;llon
f Ic n
pn�4t�; I e,5 5holl be, polfo�-Ie,d 01-11� IF t� ,-;, dIrvc,0c,n5 of
the IrrIgotlon drow,Incp and epeclricotlon5 do not
thoroughly and couo_lete�y order the method -m or
fbechniques to be followed. Install oil equipment and
rflator014 o-3 .'hoi-qn in detalis.
J. 51TE PF:_:OBLEM�7. Tl w Irrigation Controctor shalt not
,-4Il.!Fuitq fp5tafl the sprin_14�r syec,tom as Incticate,cl on
clro��,Ifr;gs ,when it 14 . obvious In the Field that there
ore unknown obstructions, grade, dlfforencc5, ondlor
cil.5croponcles in the area dimensions until such
conditions ore brotlghfk to the attention or' the
Landscape, Architect.
M. 91"_,7_RWA4.S
A, 5prinkler materials and equipment shall be of type,
51z-- and locatlon a.- noted and Indicated on the
dro"Ir,_35. U�Ies- pertrulssion ,to chorge ls grctntecl from,
the, Landscope Khite�_-t or e_-)wners Representative,
moterlol?�;Ire to tke re;�j and In perfect condition, No
cleviotion,-, from the 5peciFico,trons, 5holl be c4lowed
7 -ho cfe_-(��,Iorl of Che i.Xin,,dsccpe, Architect sholl be final
In ,
, the cletorm1notior. OF the quality of materials,
1. 5upply in5 o Port OF thl.5 contract the following
TWo (21' sets of special tools roqulrod For
removing, diso--sembling and cc ustin each
type v � 9 sprinkler and -volve _5upplleTon
t t -�, I D p r c �Jl,_ c t �
Two f�V five 1`00t valve keys for operation of
j�.?,:iLe %,-,-:ifV,0s.
Two ,'2,,' key5 For each outomatt,; controller.
F (4.) awl. --k cct,rpler .keys and niakc.'mg rhose
- ri
Bi-ilve,15 For each type of qiulck couptim-4 volve
_.� -
- furn ,�-;vor the. required equiorriont to �ho Owner ot
the conclusion of the project, prior to final
! � 7he Contractor sh,�7111 verify exact locations of
oil oxf%lno, fwbsurfoce utilities (any
mer,nor1cc7l ,c.n_-4 electriCol) Prior t& excovaflon,
Any utliftles, A,,,.S. poving, concreto Hork,etc.,
destroyed or ck,:irragod by any work under this
contract- shall be repaired or replaced at the
Controctor'5 exponse.
2. 7-renr,he5 for P .shall be rot to required grade
' toe ,
Une at a true grodlent to provide uniform
- '. For the, full length of pipe,
=; A�
, Pelpt,h of tr.nches 5holl be sufficicnt to provide,
a m..l.ri"mum --ove- 0-1--;ve ;".he top or" ,�he pfpe _1r,
notao� on i:he aroNing5.
F3, _01N!0'4� T--�'IPEs
I. The Contractor 15 responsible to be Famillor
;-jith the, methods of ossornbling,joinInq, ond
Installino the vorlov5 typo- or pipe, to be. used.
He, ;-4111 i�dhera in stri'ct accordance, with the
monufocturer'5 recommended procedure5,
2. No Pv!�-, p1pe 511hat? be threaded and all tronsition
From PVC to meiloi p1pincl shall be by PVC mole,
thread adaptor ,'itting,
L; �, T,!:- 3 T_'�i :
1. All main, Ifnes and ,lateral lines which hove
glued.joini:5 ,.�nder paving In the system shall be
cc7ppeol orc(pressured fe5ted at 150 p5l,
1. Pre,,:�.-,ure 15holi be, sus&1-4Wned In the lines For not
le5s, than Poor hours. IF leoks develop the,
Joinh-� 5hoi , I 1:7,e replaced ond the test repeated
brkil the. entir.c; 5y5tem I-,, wotertIght.
3. Tests sholl be, Observed o;nd opproved by Ownor'f,
repreeerltokive prior to back -Fill. I
4. k*en the sprink!&r oyr7tern !�� ,:ornplet-ed, (and
before plonffnt;? is begun) the Contractor, in the
presence of thie akqner�5 repre.,:,entotive, shall
test the co-verage, of water afforded the lo�-jn and
planting orea-s as completed and odequote. The
Contractor f,holl furnish oll materials and
perform all work required to correct onq
Inodequocle's of coverage, disclosed -
5. 7 -he Contractor shall Inform the Owner'-->
ropresentotiv.- of any devotion Prom the pion
reqvlred i�y wind -plonting, 5,vil or .site
conciftfon;;', that beor or, present coverage.
1. 5hrubbery or around --over sproy heads ac�jocenl
to curb* or .walksshall be fns5folled 6" owo
Prom the curb or walk and the nozzle, shall L 6"
above ftnl5heod ,grade, vile!35 otherHise
2. _45hrubbeery spray hoods adjacent to buildl
Fcn6 7 %
, es, or 5imilar gtructures 5holl be fnstoTe
6" o"oy il�-crn the, gtructure arid the. nozzle, aholl
be 6" above finished grade,, 5hrubbertj sproy .
heads not neor paving or structures gKol; be set
6" o4pove finish grade, urfless other wise,
J - Icaked.
5� Ali sprinkler heads are to have swing Joints or,
d _- t 0 I 1 6,-J,
4. Install sprinkler heoc(5 per details.
I� 77-te Irrigation Contractor 5holl flush and adjust
oil sprinkler he -acts For optimum performance and
to prevent oversproy onto .w,olks and bulicilru
gs as
. much as pos,rqlble� This shall 'Include selecting
the best degree, of orc to Pit exl5i:lng s-fte
tho t��n�roctor ��holl not allow or cause anu of his
work to be covered or enclosed until it hci---' been
Inspected, tested and approved by an authorized
re-presentotive OF the Owner. 5hould any of his work
,I,--- enclosed or covered before, .such Insp,ctIor? and
test.. he shall uncover the work at his own expense and
oFter it ha5 been Inspected, tested, and opproved,
shalt make a/I repoirf, with Ilke motertols, riecossory
to re5fore oil his work and that of other Contractors
to Its original corortion.
I. BockPlll shall not be placed until the In.5tallod
sprinkler system has been Inspected and approved
by the Owner's representative,
2. Trenches shall be bockf filed with a minimum of
4" of Pine granular moterlaig to protect, the
pipe Prom the clocts of rocks the remaining
excavated dirt can be used as bockPill, -1ho
Contractor sholl not place detrimental subsoil
In the top 6" OF bockfIll,
0. IF settlement occurs and odo.5tments in pipes,
valves, sprinkler headsor sod are necessary to
brin? the system to proper working order, th&
Con'roctor shall as o port OF the work under
this contract make oil the necessary adjogtment
without extra cost to the Owner.
1. A 120 volt electrical power outlet to the
controller shall be provided by the, electrical
contractor, Refer to the electrical engineer's
plans For the exact location, The Irrigation
contractor sholl be responsible For making the
hook-up Prom the outlet to the controller,
2. All Hire from the controller to electric control
vo/ve5 shall be solld copper U F # 14=600 volt
cilrect burlot. Use white wire for common, blue
for lown systems, block for ishrubsy.stems and
red Pormoisture sensors common control wire,
Install in common trench with main line pipe where
possible,. Provide minimum le" cover,
.9, Hire connections .shall be mode with "_Gcotch-Lok"
wire connector sooling pocks #,3576 or 5peor6
"r2ri-splice " with sectiont E75 500.
4. There shall be a control wire Prom each control
volve running to the controller, and each
control volve sholl be connected to the common
5, All electrical work shall comply with applicable codes,
0, Install oil valves per details.
Procure from Landscape Architect transparency (Ozolld)
of popping layout and accurately locate volveso
existing trees For future use, remote control volvv5
with number of stations, and wiring Prom controllers
to remote, control valves, Plmenefon from two
permanent Features such or, buildings and wolk!s. After
final Inspection and beFore Final payment,
transparency ,-,hall be delivered to Landscape
Architect. One, -set of prints shall be supplied to
Opqrier bq the (.Sontroctor,
%4. CLEAN -We
A. 5COPE ANO PREOUENC"r, After all Instollotion
operations hove been completed, remove- all trosh,
excess soil and rubbish Prom the property. All 5cors,
ruts or othermorks in the area caused by this work
sholl be repaired and the ground left In a neot
and Orderly condition throughout the site. The
Contractor shall pick up all trash resulting from this
work no less than each Friday before leaving the sife,
once a week andlor the lost working day each week.
All trash shot] be, removed completelu from the. site,
V71. CkX4q.ffY1M
A, IN!5FECTION: inspection OF complete Irrigation system
Hill be, mode of pre-mointononc-c and Final inspection
For plonting, per arrangement with Landscape Architect,
E3. OUARANTEE5, 7'he entire, sprinkler system shall be
guaranteed by the contractor as to material and
workmanship, Inc luating settling of bockfIlled areas
below grade, for a period of (1) year Following the
doto of Final acceptance. or the work. If, within one
year Prom the dote of completion,5ettlIng occurs, and
odjustmont5 In pipes, valves and .sprinkler heoc1s,.9od
or paving 15 necessary to bring the sy.,5tem,.eod or
poving, to the proper level of the permanent grades,
the Contractor, as port of work under this contract,
shall make oil odu5tments without extra cost to the
Owner, Inc luding
�, the. complete restoration of oil
damaged planting, paving or other improvements of any kind.
C�. RIE5FON51BILITY; 5hould onq operational difficulties
In connection with the sprinkler system develop within
the 3pe-clf led guarantee period which is in the, opinion
of the Landscape Architect due to InFerlor material
ondlor workmanship, sold diFfIcultles shall be
immediately corrected by the Contractor to the
5atlsPocklon OF the Lonciscope Architect at no
cdc)(tional cost to the, Owner, including any and
all other domage caused by such defer-ts,
P. IN5TRUCTIONt After the system has been completed and
the, connections made, the, Contracbors,holl instruct
the, owner or his representative, in the, operation and
maintenance of the, system,
�=. TEMPORAR'r REFAIR5, The, Owner reserves the, right to
make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the,
sprinkler sy5tom equipment in operating condition.
The, exorr_15e of this right by the Owner shall not
relleve the. Contractor of h16 respon6lbliftles under
the terms of 1he ,guarantee or herein specified.
I. satm or J1=2
A. Furnish oil labor, materials, arid eclulpment necessary
to provide and Instoll plant materials as shown on the
draHings or of, specified herein.
5. P4ork Included In this 5ectlon-�Itams included but wk
limited to),
1. Oracle, In6ludin mounding, molding and shaping
6urFoces of a?, planting areas, as indicated
Including the removal of existing vegetation
unless otherwise speclPled,
2. Fropore and till soil in planting areas
Including PurnIgh OF all soll amendments or,
3. Purnish and plant all plant materials as
Indicated by the drawings and specifl6otiong.
4. Perform oil pruning as required.
5. 5fake and tl,,=) oil plant material or, specified,
6. Provide For the maintenance OF the planting
� until occeptance OF the job by the Landscape
7. 1711spoge OF oil debrIs and .surplus materials.
b. Cleon,up
q, evorantee
/a. t-falritenance
A. EXCAVATION. 7'ho Contractor shall verify exact
locations of all existing sub-twrPoco utilities
mechanical and electrical prior to excovotion. Any
. utilities A,C,,, poving, concrete work etc,, destroyed
or clamoyed by any work under this contract shall be
repalre or replaced at the contractor's expense,
; ....
"Y'l, I -
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_50-5URFACE PRAINAC7E OR 501L CONE71TION5.. -Shovidsub-
ROCK5 OR CLOL75: No rock or clods over 5/4" in
surface drainage or soil conditions be encountered
diannoter shall be on top of prepared planting bect,
which would be detrimental to growth or survival of
REFERENC6 Refer to Paragraphs V, VI. Vit, For Finish
grading, wead control, and soil preparotion.
5OIL PREPARATION: PI-opore the, soil as per these
KILLINO PqEEP5.- Contractor shall gorminote and dogtroy
specificotiong and the Planting Notes on the Planting
existing wood goods before preparing areas for
planting, 55uffrclent water sholl be applied to cause
week seed to .5pro9t. "roung woods sholl then be,
&RAVINCS: Areas shall be raked and Floated smooth to
destroyed and removed before they have opportunity to
provide a true and uniform surface.
PIMEN.51CN5, All scoled dimensions ore I proximate.
set seed.
Before proceeding with ony work, the Confroctor shall
OUAL17Y OF FLANT5, Plants shall be, healthy annual
carefully check and verify at/ dimensions and
ADT71TIONAL REGUIREMENT5: For additional Hood klllfncl,
plant material in 4" pots in boom.
quantities and sholl immediately Inform the Landscope
Architect of any discrepancy between the Information
roPer to Planting Notes on the Planting Pion,
PLANT PIT5 ANP FERTILIZER., Each plant pit For
seasonal color shall be 6"Wxb" with one teaspoon of
on the drowings and actual conditions refraining
doing any work in sold areas until given approval to
bone mool mix into the backPiti mix. (Use shrub
do so by the Landscape Architect,
501L REPORT; Before starting soil preparation the
b6ckffll mix). Po not use AgriForm plant tablets.
Contractor 5holl submit a soil report to the Owner and
Lancf,5�cqpe Architect, IF no ,soil report 16 submitted
PqATERINO: Each section OF seasonal color shall L -:k --
It will be assumed that amendments were not added on*d
Ir"medlotel Hotered upon completion of planting, and
the I ondscape Contractor will be. reque6ted to give a
watered twereofter as required.
credit For -soil preparation.
5FACINC-7 FROM E06ff: The First row of 5eosonol color
1, Organic Amendment -shall be nitrogen -s tobtlized
OOMPACTEP AREA5, 5-oll areas that ore, compacted to
should always be within 6" OF the edge, of the, planting
shavings, bark or 5owdust that meets the
more thon cI25% cluringsite preparation shall be ripped
following requirements,
to a minimum of 12" prior to be Inning goil
Particle. 51zo,
preparation, These aroos 5ho?l be deflned by the
Landscape Architect ore be billed C15 on
Minimum q3% possing 4 mesh screen (1149
extra IF the unit price 1.5 quoted in the bid,
GUAL17Y: 5od shall be #67rade, machine cut at a
Minimum e0% possing e mesh screen Ole')
uniform thickness of 516" excluding tip growth and
C, �
METHOV OF MIXINO: If the, slope i6i under 2 112 to I
thatch, waard free, and shall be no less than eight
the .soil preparation materials should be broadcost
months nor more, than sixteen months old.
5holl no higher than 3.5 millions per
uniformly over all lond,5cope aroa!5 and worked to a
centimeter ot 2.5 C as measured by saturation
depth OF 6" by a rototiller or other acceptable
Tlf,-fIN6: Installation .shall take place within 24 hours
extract conductivity.
mechanical means to obtain a uniform blend to
offer harvesting.
Nitrogen contenti
the soil, IF the, slope 15 greater than 2 112 to I the
omenoments sholl be hydrovIlcolly oppired For areas
REFERENCE. Refer to Forogirophq V. Vt, VII, for finish
0.7% for sawdust or shavings
over 1000 square Feet and raked in for small areas.
gradIng, Hood control, and soil preparation,
/,0% for bork
For the soil amendment mix roPer to the FlontIng Notes
an the Flanking Pion.
PREPARATION. _45od area prior to plontinq shall be
rolled lightly and Notered to a depth of 6' the
2, Commercial Fertilizer - shall be commercial
EXTRANE005 MATERIAL, In addition to the work
above the Contractorsholl remove oil
prior to planting, IF any air pockets are found, the
ghtly water
area shall be regraded as necessary. Ll<
ode, I �o-qlont` fertilizer. one
it ganu or, pi
ro of he container nitrogen shall be readily
extraneous moterfol that 15 expoged on the ,surface and
the, area to be plontedJust prior to planting,
available for Initial feedIng, The rematnIng
holf the, nitrogen of the contained
grade to foc flitate run -oft of surface water,
IN5TALLATION: 5od shall be lord in a staggered
of and oil
potash shall be derived Prom non-leochIng,
DELIVER 5LIP5; 5upply delivery ,slips, Prom the
pattern, with tight joints and In the -same, cl_fr:��ctlon
each time. On all slopes sod shall b4e installed from
coated, controlled release Fertilizer for
sustained Fooding of Four to six months, In a
-supplier For the soil amendments to the ,site Oulk
toads Prom the Contractors yard will not be accepted.
the bottom up and the newly laid sod should be
protected bAj walking on boards as Installer moves
slow soluble, non -burning form.
_5upply empty bogs for fertilizer to the 5uporTntonclent
OF the JobIll
upward. On metal staples will be allowed. No sod of
Fertilizer shall be delivered to the .site In the
less Own lb" In length will k*_- allowed. No soci of
less than le" In length Hill be allowed.
original unopened container, bearing the
manufacturers guaranteed onolygig. Any
fertilizer that becomes caked or damaged, making
CORRELATION, Trees and shrub5 shall not be, planted
JOINT5. Ad in the section of sod firml together,
90 V
IF air 5poces occur between sections a sod they must
it unsultoble For use, will not be accepted,
until all operotiong in conjunction with the
be 1,111'ed with sand or hove, the. sod relold.
3. 5oll Conditioner--: - shall be ogriculturol grade
installation of the sprinkler system have been
completed, Final gractag hove been e!5itabil.9hed, and the
ROLLINCS. Roll sod with on oclecpotely weighted rollor
gypsum, s,oil sulfur arid Iron r,u/Tote.
planting bects properly prepared I�y cultivation and
to smooth out the sod bed.
4. Fine 5ond - shall be clean, natural fine sand
Fertilization as covered In those ,specification5.
PROTECTION OF E06E5: Regrade to protect the, odqe5
Proo Prom deleterious material woodseeds, cloy
14ANL)LIN67 ANE? 5TCRAOE: All plants shall be handled and
from drying IF moNing edge is not used.
balls or rock with cl,53% minimum possing a No. 4
stored go they ore adequately protected Prom drying
stove and 10 maximum passing a No. 100 slove,
out, !�wn, windburn or any other injury.
PqATERINO: After Installation sod must be kept
5. Foot Nos5 - .�5ihall be a commercial, boled
FLANTINO TIME. No olonting shall take place during
thoroughly watered to a depth of 6". No Foot trof Pic
should be allowed Par 2 or 3 weeks Prom the. date of
Canadian spho num material, with ph of 4_9 to
extremely hot, dry, w6dy or Freezing weather.
.53 the mo,s!�i .59oll be free of woody material and
minerals or foreign matter harmful to plant
LOCATION5: Relative, po5ltfon of oil plants and troes
IN5FECTICIN BY' OUPPLIER. IF there are any questions
life. "!Fgmshlne" brand or equal.
Is subject to approval OF the Londs,_,ope Architect and
they IF necessory, be relocated at his
regarding the quallt OF sod In5tollotion a
tge st,pplier shall be requested to
representative OF
dIro,,,Non or, port OF this contract.
inspect the fnstallotion and the Contractor called out
I, Topgoll sholl constst of a fertile, friable
1715TRIBUTIOM No more plants sholl be distributed
by the supplier's representative.
natural loom OF unrPorm quality Free Prom
about the londscope area than can be planted and
subsoil, hard clods, stiff cloy, hard pan,
wotered on the same cloy.
,sod5porticilly d1510togroted debr-1.5, or any
other undegrroble material.
CONTAINER REMOVAL: Plant containers, 5holl be removed
ER05ION CONTROL., Instollatfor will be required in
when planting the plants. Cans shall be split an both
location,,,- specifically delineated on the drawings or
2 Topsollsholl not contain obnogfous weeds, such
,Ideg. An axe or spoclo shall not be used, All
o -s neco5,9ory due to field conditions.
as morning glory, spore, oxtalls, spurge, annual
containers shall be removed from the site.
poo, nut gross or bermudo gross, In no case
1, The surface, of the slopes 5holl uniformly smooth
shall there be more than �i* by volume of the
FLANTINO PIT5. All tree and shrub pltg shall have a
and even with all debris and rocks raked out,
diameter OF at loost twice the diameter of the
The soft shall be sufficiently moist to permit
rootboll, Pit depths shall be minimum 12" deeper than
the Firm laying of ,erosion control matting and
0 stones smaller than one inch
the rootboll For trees and 6" deeper than the root
to prevent sloughing of topsoil,
11 coarse sand
boll For shrubs or as per planting clotolls,
11 small cloy lumps
2 The erosion control motting.9holl be laid with
FLACIN6� Plontg 5holl be placed and held during
the direction of flow of surface drainage, and
5. 51ze - the size OF the plants will correspond
bo,ck-Pill in on upright position In the center OF the
in accordance with the monuFacturers
with that normally expected For species and
pit, Plants sholl 5e hold at, or slightly above
directions. The matting -shall be cut to provich5i
variety OF commorcGlly avollable, nursery stock,
nursery level, The earth boll shall be kept Intoct,
a Visually pleostrx
g slope.
or og meosvred before pruning with the branches
Any exposed roofs 6holl be sprood. Injured rootg
in normal position, ghall hove normally well
-4holl be pruned,
3. ne mottir-R3 r7holl be 5topled in place and firmly
developed branch systems, arid vi(qorous and
Plbrou!5i or
embedded by means OF tomping or rollihQ, as
root systems which are nof-root pot
OACKFILL. Plant pit bockPlIllng ,.,oil sholl consist OF
approved by the Owner, to ensure that the
bound, All inspection certificates required by
low each and be
I part n1troclan stabilized 6owdu5t - 2 parts topsoli.
matting is in contact with the soil and that no
shall accompany shipment
f4citerfaig shall be thoroughly mixed before
erosion con take place under the motting,
delivered to the owner, I
replacement. In addition to backfill commercial
Fertilizer 20-10-5 AgrIForm 21 grom toblets shall be
4, Planting of turf, ground c-over5, shrubs andlor
4, T -ho caliper of oil trees shall be measured 4"
odded to plant pits at the Pollowing rates.
vines may be required in aroos protected by
above the evrfoce OF the ground,
erosion control matting as .specified in the
5. Nhere caliper or other climens,lons OF any plant
9 one tablet per one gallon container
9 two toblot_,�� per five gollon container
plans or as becomes necessary,
materials ore omitted Prom the plant list It
6 three tablets per 15 gollon container
shall be understood that those lont materials
9 four tablets per 20" and 24" box
, I�
..;hall be normal stock For type
11 five, tablets per 30" box
6ENFRAL. The Contractor .shall immediately replace
11 six tablets per 56 " box
any and oil plant materials Nhich For any roo.5on die
6, Plant material .shall be symmetrical typical for
11 seven tablets per 42" box
or ore damaged while under his core, Replacements
variety and spectes, and shall conForm to
,5 eight tob)et6 per 60" box
shall be macto with plants, OF like kind and size in the
measurements speciPled In the plant /Ist.
11 nine tablets per 72" box
game manner as specified For the original planting.
7. avontitles ghown on the call outs on the
11 ton tablets per 64" box
11 ground cover plants planted from Flats or tlner6 in
Planting Plan are For the conventence OF the
2, I or steeper slopes sholl receive one 5 grom tablet
Contractor only, Ovantities drown on the pion
per plank
(9ENERAL. After oil installation operations hove been
(whether by circles or dots) ore the PInal
completed remove all trosh, excess soil, empty plant
authority and shall be fvrnIshad and Installed
k,IATERINO, k0len the pit has been �vock!`Illod to three-
containers aid rubbish Prom the property, All sicors,
og drown,
r6 OF its depth water shall be poured about the
ruts or other morks in the area caused by this work
= Air packets shall be. eliminated and backfilt
shall be repolred and the !ground left In a noot and
e. Rejection or 5�ub5tltutlon - all plants not
continued until the bockffll 15 brought to kho grode
orderly condition throughout the .site, Contractor
co�Pormlng to the requirements herein speciPled,
to ve. 1.
shall pick up all trash resulting from this work no
shall be considered detective, and such plants,
less than each Friday before leaving the site, once, a
whether In place or not, .shall be marked as
COMPACTINC-.� Bockflll shall riot be compacted cround
week ordlor the lost working cloy each week, All trash
rejected and Immedlately removed From the site,
tha roo��-g or boll of the, piont during or after
shall be removed completely from the site.
OF the work and replaced with new plants at the
p1m0no. The bockPill on which the plant boll rer,ts
Contractor's expense. The plants sholl be of the
shalt i�� lightly compacted,
TOP501L., Excess topsoll shall be removed from the
species, variety, size and condition specified
on the drawings, Under no condition will there
5TAKW6.. 5tokeg shall be driven toguFficlent depth
be any sub,stitutron of plants or sizes For those
listed on the accompanyinp plans, except with
to hold tree r/g/cl, Tree shall t-�-, gvpported by at
least two ties (see details),
NEATNE55., Leave the .91dowolks and streets in a noot
and clean condition at the end OF the day.
the expressed consent o the owner,
PRUNINO., Limbs, branches, cones and runners which
REMOVAL OF TA(95., Remove oil togs, labels, nursery
require trimming shall be removed to leave a clean cut
stakes and ties from at/ plants unless otherHl5o
5TAKE5. All stakes ,shall be as per detolls.
flush with trunk. (Fruning only as directed by the,
directed, only at the end of all Installations.
Landscape Architect).
PLANTINO 5ED5., Planting bod.5 5holl be eciaed and
the line bo Erou ht
CONTRACTORS RE!5PON5161L[Tri The Controctor is
responsible, for verifying the location of at/ Wilt
lines tho?
cultivated to shown, Bects, shall
to a smooth even gurFace conforming to ostobilsCd
grades after full settlement hog occurred.
6ENERAL: At oil times during construction, adequate
and other underground obstructions so
protection shall be provided For oil planted areas
proper precautions may be token not to disturb or
against damage, of any kind, until final acceptance, by
domage such improvements. In the event OF a conFlIct
the, Landscape Architect.
between such lines and plant locations, the Contractor
shall promptly notifti theLond6cope Architect, who
for the the
Rffl:�ERENCE: Refer to Forographs V. Vt. Vill, for
Finish grading, weed control, and soil preparation,
RE_`5P0N5IBIL/7Y; The, Contractor shall be hold
shall arrange relocation of one or other.
responsible for the core and preservation OF all
Failing to follow this procedure, the Contractor shall
at his own expense make any and all repairs for
WIL PREPARATIOM Prepare the ,soil as per these
existing buildings and strvotures on the property and
odocent promises. Any port of them Ingured, e-fomoged
,damages resulting from his work.
speclPicotion5 and the planting Notes on the Planting
or -disturbed because of his work shall 0 repaired,
replaced or cleaned by him at his expen,5e.
ORAOIN65. Areas, shall be raked and Flootedsmooth to
711-1-IN&i Till oil planting oreog as herein specified.
provide a true and uniform surFace,
UNIFORM ORAPS After filling, all areas sholl be
FLANT PIT5 ANO FERTII IZER: Flantirug pits for ground
cover shall be 4" x 4" or ode vote, to accept material
5HRUS6, All shrubs shall be guaranteed as to growth
and health for a period of ninety days after
brought to uniform grade by Floating or hand raking,
from Plots %formirig the
completion of the specified moIntenonce porlod andlor
6RAVE RELATIONSHIF�5i Finish grade of planting are -of,
without crushing or ,, rootboll.
I I 11 I
Place a 20-10--15- Agriform 5 grom Fertilizer tablet in
Final acceptance by the Owner.
after application OF soil amendments sholl be I" 15�low
top of concrete Holke and curb and 6" boloH
each ground cover.
TREE54 Trees shall be guaranteed to live and qrow In
for the
Finish floor of building or as noted by spot
PLANTINO. All ground cover areas noted on the plong
acceptable upright position one, year after
specified maintenance period ondlor final acceptonce,
shall be rooted cuttings Prom Flats and shall be
planted in 5tagrroct rows continuously under all trees
by the, Owner, 7"he owner must provide adequate
5LORE FROM BUILVINO-5; _5011 areas adjacent to
and shrubs at t 0 soacing indicated on the plans. All
maintenance to In5ure the extended guarantee on troo5.
buildings 5holl slope owaij from the buildings at 2%
plants shall be protected from drying out prior to
Z7EFINITION OF PEATH, Plants which die or lose more
minimum For to Feet, and shall continue to slope at a
than 50% of their original leaves shall be replaced,
minimum of 1% until water droins to street or storm
kATERIN6,, Each section of ground cover shall be
REPLACEMENTj T'he Contractor within seven (7) days of
immediately watered upon completion of plonting, and
thereaPter as required, I
written notification by the Ownersholl remove and
replace oil guaranteed plant materials which ' for any
4;FACIN& FROM E067E. The, First row of,ground cover
reason, Poll to meet the requirements of this
guorontee. Replacement shall be mode with plant
should always be within 6" of the edge of the, planting
mote-riols as Indicated or specified for the first
planting and all such replacement materials shall be
guaranteed cis sipecIfled For the original guaranteed
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A. MAIWENANCE FERIOV: The maintenance period shall
commence upon the Owner�5 written approval of oil
phos&g of planting installation and shall be for the
Following perlod:qo VAIrS.
B. OENERAL: The general core, and maintenance OF all
oreag shall consist of proper watering, fertilization,
weeding, cleon-up to maintain all plontgand turf in a
healthy, growing condition and as noted below.
C� OROUNP COVER. 6round cover trom Flot:5-oreoq without
overseed - Tfly a pre -emergent herbicide in
accordance wf h the manuPocturer's printed
0. FERTILIZATION. Moinkenonce work shall include
Fertilization with a commercial Fertilizer of 30 day
intervals as noted herein. The Fertilizer may be,
supersedad by the s,oll_,;� report and shall be approved
by the Landscape Architect.
E. NEWIN6. Any concentrated development OF weed growth
that may oppeor in planting areas during the,
maintenance. period shall be removed at tO cloy
Intervolr2. The, Contractor shall remove ,such
concentratlons of weeds manually,
F, &ROUNO COVER AREA:5: Cultivate oil non-hydroaceded
ground cover oreor, at not more than 10 day Intervals,
6 5HRU55 ANO TREE5: All shrubs shalt be pinch -pruned or,
necessary to encourage, now growth. Oeod, wilted
flowers and dead folloge ghof/ be continuously
removed. No pruning shall be done to r,hrLk-* or trees
without the approval and under the. direction of the,
Landscape, Architect, At/ wounds over 1-112 Inches in
diameter -shall be sealed with on approved tree, seol,
H. TURF AREA5: Edge and maw to a height OF 2 inches
whenever the turf reaches a height of 3 inches. Ora. -55
clippings, shall be removed off-stfe.
1. 50135URFACE ORAIN5: All subsurface area droing .-,hall
be periodically Flushed with clear water to avoid
build-up oPsIlt and de&15. Keep all drain Inlet5
clear of leaves, trash and otherdebrig.
J. PROTECTION: Purine the maintenance period, the
Contractor shall be re5pon5lble For maintaining
adequate protection of all planting areas. Any
damaged areas shall be repaired at the, Controctor�5
K. RE-H)'OR05EEPIN6. The Contractor shall re -hydro -geed
all hydro5eed areas, eroded or non-germinoting at the
end OF each 30 days of maintenance,.
L, IRRI19AT/ON. Ali Irrigation must be operating properly
and adjusted properly For efficient coverage, and
minimum oversproy of the end of the! maintenance,
M. FINAL ACCEFTANCEs t4ill be given at the end OF the
maintenance period For all planted areas once
hgdro6eed germination and plant establishment ho5 been
o tolned and there, are no barren areas larger than �&"
x 3". All plants must be in a hoolthy,growing
condition as approved by the LondE-,cqpe Architect and
N. CONE21TION OF 51TE: Puring the, maintenance period,
keep the, project noot and Free Prom debris at all
times. Obtain the Owners approval For on5fte storage
of equipment or maintenance rnoterlolq.
, ,
Mwebwe NOR&OTM
improvements hove been installed in accordance with
the plans and specifications the Contractor shall
notify the, Landscape, Architect and request a "Final
ConstrucNon" inspection, If the Land5cape Architect
determines the work to be 5ub5tot,tlally complete and
in conformance with piano and spec IP[cot long, the
Contractor will be advis,ed that the basic maintenance,
period Is started.
I. In order to be substantially complete, at least
the following must hove been Finished:
a. All Pine, roding, including elimination of
low polnZ that hold runoff,
b. A complete and operable Irrigation system,
c, Installation of all plant materials.
d. --,coding of all 5eeded areas,.
2. Minor pick-up Items may be completed during ,;he
basic maintenance period such as,,
a. Res000fn<3 of bore, gpofs in town,
b. Replacement of domages or non-conformirg
plant material.
C. Re-5toking or tying of trec5.
d. Lowering of sprinkler heads to grade. after
turf has established.
P, Replacement OF unauthorized substitutions.
maintenance period and Hhen ground covers and turf
hove established and oil pick-up items hove been
completed, the Contractor shalt roque5t a Final
maintenance inspection, The. Contractor will be,
advised by the Landscape Architect at the final
Inspection that work 15 or Is not satisfactory.
1. If the, work is satisfactory, the, basic
mointenonce period will end on the date of the
final Inspection.
2. IF the work is unsatisfactory the, bo5ic
maintenance period will continue at no
additional expense to the, Ot4nor until the work
hos, been completed, Inspected and approved by
the Landscape Architect.
C, FAILURE TO FA55 INOFECTION. If work folls, to pass
Final inspection, any subsequent inspections must be
rescheduled as per above, and will be chor ed to the
Contractor at the prevailing hourly rote, OF �he
Lonciscope Architect,
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