HomeMy WebLinkAbout2242-31 ARROW CITRUS AVEN U E R17 -r Lam' —` .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ; :Y ..... ... , .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... C30 R17 wL R17 R17 oo------ U w I 1 250' 250' 250' 245' TRANSITION DELINEATORS @ 35' O.C. 15 0' DELINEATORS @ 35' O.C. 150' DELINEATORS @ 25' O.C. ARROW R17 L— SM. UfTf11.IV ..... ..... ..... 14 1 1 I I I BLVD. R1 C30 BLVD. I LEGEND -I SIGN � HIGH LEVEL WARNING. DEVICE: M FLASHING ARROW SIGN I TYPE II BARRICADE I TYPE- III BARRICADE • DELINEATOR jM'W0ITK AREA JGiNERA tvo�rEs '1' s• , ,,. �r.••t •,r:r , ., - ,..} I-'•..,•� tit. ,. �- and .mater'iatt ShO COMIji.•witti:the Caltranli Mer�iiat Qf 7raffic,CorRrols for t:Cnstniciton_ and i .Maintenance- Zones' latest editions. 1 AH'stdpMq and markinge.shall confOrrrt to thi State 'of Csllfiotj�ts Stillndard Ptaiis, and .8 •� ths' State Traffic Marx,al and:. , l 3. Tfie:.ContreCtor, 'shiA 'provide eGdesi to all .adjact `propergrs : exce0too for ConatruCtion ' -activities in the• itiftdlate vici of the work area.. elf Tbe;Cgntroctor shah make pr+oviaions forrDancl/ ;aCceiis'at all thus -on air routes Gor►atniation`. operations shall be;_aonducd,:in sucl`a .it►anner as to.causeas lithe. l�corwrtierwae u possiblo.to -the • public►• abutting .property•• owrtara,, and the-,traveiinp •�: The Contracta`shaltfiave.�tslgn=; delineators, barricades; oto., properly.MataVed.'pr `to:coAttiuttio�. -.'6. .1tw Contractor: akar. inain�.. on'a 24 -tour basis, an signs delineators ba7kadef atc - 'flow and safstj ' of traffic - e ` Pr • • 7 The, Contractor sha i . ` .- . it -ut tize� quatlfied:flap tnen.� durirrQ^.iWgrk.:hours • as'•'.deemed,necessary• to•':asslst -wtraffic• flow, . . marintaini�g says. T - . 7. FlaahinpARQN► Signs iFASi shaltbe u �r ail 1ar►d dosuceir WKenptbCAd:k4aden;tq • - •they, shall ,be' •solar= powered.; t• . w - , ^ �•.. - _ . y- v _ A minimum•iine *dth of: 72: st,an be at ab •10-, '' � : iniscetlanea�-: lane ctosures•'shan be .lot d nein 'f � • �'•' •'• _ •� •t' , � • • All.- Q .apcordar�ce -with the :Caftxi�` Maiiilet •� 1' �•'-,. ' Controls for Constriction and Main tbna ,tones: 11: 'Floshit'yellow'•beaeons,Ie r8" shell be.'tp d :a .C18.or:C2 fir► aft cades1thst' Protect the work area .for ovemipht, lerie �_ All signs shall •bi • ref la�torized ,arid of standard sire; ^/1 ' f ' ` ' ': , 'ti ' ` ■ '•'l 111♦. •. - .I ' �`•'••I - •^I 13: AN conflicting; stripe:, .pavement'mar�cir►Os,,.srid hpend; :shall .Ae' -H : fete f ,� - +. cleaning lir �p lY- eA>oled by abrasive blast tip ranyf. change' in 1ht tra►ifiC pattern. • ' �; z t 4.. The Contractor. •tegw� 5 ' • r ' .. :• • rQd'm replace sa darnaped s1 -and legerids. o:aAeed'Rld',jte: oom�p!l4tion• ••" , j Of CilnstrUCtlOf4,� , tr. , • .. ` : , All delihWors 4t+slt bi 38' � minimum ;portal fle;'tefleeetQrized 'ataffic del;r110064' ,. ortn 1 in'golcr j wkfi weighted.bafes•Or.saridbaq rings :SM Shalt be kept iA,!.ttx*'proper 'position MitTsb.ttrtW 'and SW ba _,: tepalted,: roplac", ,or 'cleaned as necessary -to preserve, their' appearance adid : 16. Type i It barricades may lie -used, in Gess of or addition to traffic delO*ato� , with ItaffiC -approvel,,.when- they.; are .,intended to provide -additional heats Im areas w .17.::- ;C27:'ApertT�ench :si .shalt• �� � a��. �• � Ons be ivaed in.cgnjtx�tiort:with Type a barricades_dtjrlr�p'Constn�ation ani...• ,. ��i closures ais applicable..a• . ad. R17''1Jo Left. Tum'.xyrft6l.si0nt shsN be --pt ct st.dHected '66mmerd ' driv�bvii t Y �RA1 ! , y'e•and.s# straits •- • co - n . progresses.... -.r ' -_, • - .` d ,•{ ♦ t _ .. 18: Where lights aro. used to delin"'tt aveled �/��� ' r a.. g a vVeY thrOuph -and around tie wo�it arsai�'ice be t1►Pe' .� C - •steaity bum. lamps.x.'� t 20. When'. s strait closure, is spplrowed'..bY a :Yra�- ,. t6bb t",Ar�itracfot`s�isil 'not�Y: the' Polios :.. Departmrnent, •the :Fire Deparbvent,,'the J bai transit district,. affected resider_ m :snd.af%CtW, _ ..at -least five (5) working :days in advance,,.:Access for local, vaffie shall 46maintalnad •at,;plt AN; trenches : for aper - t.. -pips: inst8liat1ofl:• shalt ' be: backfilled • or, plated at the incl`' of construction 'r operstioAs 7 _ , 27: Nhen a temporary .rNo' tappings mne the statist b approved by lila '11raffic i , .. shall* notify' thaE •Pdioe int- at feast- 3 ,'!hd Corraa�or - Departm throe .t 1 woikk p days M advsnca and post Tow Jlway�, Temporary 'hlo Stopping'• . signs st least 48: hours *i advame.••. The duration:of ,the Urnporary pa", est rriction . be bAcatefi on- the '. . 23. .Arty signal v k ,r• .>: .vmlrtQ and1or.signal modification! shad havoV+rrltten appr�orval by tha'1'raific'Enoinr,. and.tha% . Contractor• shad:notify.'.ft Traffic rmgMeer .at teast,fuve IS�;working days in advance of -tha :work to be, - .:..done in Order to' c50ordinsts the changes.` Chy•shap ntialoe any such signal timing changes at ft expense.:' of the Contractor.: , .. i 24:: Contractor, loo rep shah lace .any grid ; all-traft'�e �etectot J ♦ _ loops damaged Standard. dixinp:. corutr�iction aper �atorar►s. 26. .These plans lii6 atewehicular:traffta control in the worst vm'•• •• • • 'k during construction, actM • - Addltionsl ' traffic controis, traffIdslam. and/or barricades may be necessary or required in the•fleld. Contractor' shall be responsible •for the placement, of any additional devices necessaryto usws safety t6 the.ptublie at.all times during construction: r N I vuL_ 1 1 1 1 I 6C 31t 1LA R 1 R 1 Az I _ i• :r -0 tl WN MI. � mm0m ' y �xp.p y l : _ � Q� 1• r.r:� �i�11 a7���� . pili. NORTH SCALE: 1" =40' • tib--_.__- -�--' _(A .�1 �.j1. fail `: •1 �1•..� �, Il..,r. �•. . 1-30 Prepared Under The Supervision Of: DRAWN BY: /,• DESIGNED BY: 0 CHECKED BY: CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA CITRUS AVENUE STORM DRAIN SCA TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DATE: APPR DWG. NO.: ft J-1 a JA DATE: `l-�l -q 3 3 ENGIN r R.C.E. 2, 90 12242 CITRUS5