HomeMy WebLinkAbout2242-2DORSEY COURT R41)mri J-1 n n LA . , . STORM RAI -N ® .. ..... ..... --------------- u u i' R41 DORSEY COURT %WORK AREA ARROW I--------------------------� -- I .... ..... ..... �... _ .... ..... ..... Cid —r R 1_7 u v . 1 I BLVD. Q w z 3 GENERAL NOTES - 1.. AU work and 'materials shallcomply with the Caltrans • llaiwal of Traffic Controls for C and r Maintenance Zones, latest editions. 2,: All striping and markings shall conform to the State oftallfomia, Standard Plans and Specificationit•and•-.- the State Traffic ManwL ; .3.* The Contractor shall provide access to All adjacent properties. except as .necessary for conitruetion ` -'activities in.the immediate vicinity of the work area. The Contractor shah tnake provisions, for emergency access .at all times on ad routes. 4. Construction operations shall be conducted in such a manner as to cause as .kale +-,corwenienca.-as•"' possible to the public,. . abutting property. owners, and the tr6eling public. The .Contractor shall have all signs, delineators, barricades, etc., property installed prior to coestrucuon. • 6. The Contractor shalt maintain, on a 24-hour basis, all signsur s, delineators, barricades, etc., to ensure proper :_. flow. and safety*of traffic.. .7: The Contractor 'shall utilize' qualified flap men during work hours as deemed necessary, 'td assist in' � maintaining, safe traffic flow. ; ..8. Flashing Arrow Signs (FAS) shall be used for all lane Closures. -When placed adjac6nt to -residential areas,' they shall 'be solar- powered. .9.. : A minimum lane width of 12' shell be maintained at all times during construction. 10. Any; miscellaneous. lane closures shall' be in done . in accordance with the .Caltrans Manual of Traffic ..Conttols for Construction and Maintenance .Zones: r 11.: Flashing yeHow beacons, Type 'S', shall be used on all C18 or C23 signs and .on all barricadb& that protect.the.work area for overnight lane closures. 12. All signs shall be reflectorizW and of standard size, minimum. 13. All conflicting stripes, pavement- markings, and legends shall be completely -removed -by abrasive. bust cleaning prior to any change. in the traffic pattern.. 14, The Contractor shall be required. to replace all damaged striping and leperids as needed after completiont7` of construCtion. 245 1 250' - , 250' , 250' . 250' 150' 245 245 '00 � ' 250' 250 N ' 1 . 15. • Aa delineators shall be 36" minimum portable, reflectorized traffic delineators, orange in color, with Q mL R 18 ---- ------ ---- U -r----r--r---�--- ---r-- •:� - .we�hted -bases or sandbag rings and shall be. kept in their proper position at all times, and shah be - -- ':repaired, replaced,: or' cleaned as necessary to preserve their appearance and continuity. L.L_I W , , , lie _ T l and II barricades may be used In lieu f or in adds C ; Type Y �o addition to traffic delineators, with Traffic Engineer's approval, when they are intended to provide additional emphasis in areas where workers are present. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `.`C27 'Open Trench''•sipns'shaq be used in conjunction with Type 11 barricades during construction and t 5b -nighttime -closures as applicable. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... R17 'No Left .Tum' symbol signs shall be placed at affected commercial driveways and side streets as • ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' • ' . . • ' • • • • . • • ..... Consaction progresses. _ u ..... ..... ..... ..... 19. When lights aro used to delineate the traveled way through and around the work area, they shall be type C. steady burn lamps.. NORTH .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 20. " W* a street closure . 4 •.approved by the Traffic Engineer, the Contractor shall notify the Police U U - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Deperbrm". -the Fire Department, the local transit district, affected residents, and affected businesses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -at last thre (5) working days in advance. Access for local traffic shall be maintained at all times. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -77- Z�. Verwlwj for , open -cut : pipe Installation shall be backfilled or plated at the end of n Q Q y ----- -- ------ --------------- opukatkxa eacdi. day.,. - 22. When.* temporwy ONo StopoV* zone on the street is approved by the Traffic Engineer, the Contractor I -shall notify, the. Police Department at least three (3) working days in advance and post 'Tow Away, I I Temporary No Stopping'. signs at least 48 hours in advance. The duration of the temporary parking' 1 ' restriction shah be' indicated on ' the signs. I LEGEND :230,...., Any signal timing andbr signal modifications. "I have written approval by the Traffic Engineer, and the DORSEY C 'Contractor shah notify the Traffic Engineer at least five (5) working days in advance of the work to be _ done in order. to coordinate the . chArge:. City shall make any such signal timing charges at the expense ARROW of the Contractor. R41 or • Traffic Cone or Delineator 24. • Contractor shall replace any and -all traffic detector loops damaged during construction per Caltrans BLVD, 1 :Standard.. N n I 2& These plane indicate vehicular ttaffte control In the work area during construction activities. AddMonal S "'`ttsfflC'Caf1lTdTa'1TSTRL' - - - - — - - r- - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - =- - --�-- - - - - - - - — Sign 4W%, 1dt 5'amca es maybe necessary or require m ttFie leg. ie�oritractor shall be responstcle for the placement of any additional devices necessary to assure safety to the public WORK AREA I - ------------------------------------------------------------ cm -- _ L1J FLASHING ARROW SIGN STORM DRAIN .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... Type II Barricade EPSON I 1' 111' I' 00 ARROW BLVD. 250'250'250' DORSEY COURT R 41 ir ------------ - -- -- -- „ - C50 WORK AREA I ----------------------------;---------------- - - - ---------- ST072M_ffRAIN .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ... ..... .. ... ... ..... ..... ..... .. .... ... .. ... .. ...-... ..... ..... ..... IN 00 IT- U 0 25U' 250'' 250' V%pFESS/O,$,� VX L ca -& .S LU No. 1637 Expl- SOF At -1 � y �Z`' = 2 No. 1637 EXP. -S�, I bf Cl�U�/ REV. RE/WN DESCRIPTION NORTH SCALE: 1"=40' DATE ENGR. CITY DATE ARROW BLVD. Type -III Barricade WORK AREA Direction of Travel (Not a Pavement Marking) 250' . 250' 250' CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA DRAWN BY: SCALE: CITRUS AVENUE STORM DRAIN DESIGNED BY' TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DAs' Date: Mivj . CHECKED BY: APPR DWG. NO.: *►•oe DATE: Y -1-93Z .3/ 9,3 ENGINIOYR R.C.E. 2_61;47 22,d'7 (� CITRUSH co 0 0 N N 0 U --------------- u u i' R41 DORSEY COURT %WORK AREA ARROW I--------------------------� -- I .... ..... ..... �... _ .... ..... ..... Cid —r R 1_7 u v . 1 I BLVD. Q w z 3 GENERAL NOTES - 1.. AU work and 'materials shallcomply with the Caltrans • llaiwal of Traffic Controls for C and r Maintenance Zones, latest editions. 2,: All striping and markings shall conform to the State oftallfomia, Standard Plans and Specificationit•and•-.- the State Traffic ManwL ; .3.* The Contractor shall provide access to All adjacent properties. except as .necessary for conitruetion ` -'activities in.the immediate vicinity of the work area. The Contractor shah tnake provisions, for emergency access .at all times on ad routes. 4. Construction operations shall be conducted in such a manner as to cause as .kale +-,corwenienca.-as•"' possible to the public,. . abutting property. owners, and the tr6eling public. The .Contractor shall have all signs, delineators, barricades, etc., property installed prior to coestrucuon. • 6. The Contractor shalt maintain, on a 24-hour basis, all signsur s, delineators, barricades, etc., to ensure proper :_. flow. and safety*of traffic.. .7: The Contractor 'shall utilize' qualified flap men during work hours as deemed necessary, 'td assist in' � maintaining, safe traffic flow. ; ..8. Flashing Arrow Signs (FAS) shall be used for all lane Closures. -When placed adjac6nt to -residential areas,' they shall 'be solar- powered. .9.. : A minimum lane width of 12' shell be maintained at all times during construction. 10. Any; miscellaneous. lane closures shall' be in done . in accordance with the .Caltrans Manual of Traffic ..Conttols for Construction and Maintenance .Zones: r 11.: Flashing yeHow beacons, Type 'S', shall be used on all C18 or C23 signs and .on all barricadb& that protect.the.work area for overnight lane closures. 12. All signs shall be reflectorizW and of standard size, minimum. 13. All conflicting stripes, pavement- markings, and legends shall be completely -removed -by abrasive. bust cleaning prior to any change. in the traffic pattern.. 14, The Contractor shall be required. to replace all damaged striping and leperids as needed after completiont7` of construCtion. 245 1 250' - , 250' , 250' . 250' 150' 245 245 '00 � ' 250' 250 N ' 1 . 15. • Aa delineators shall be 36" minimum portable, reflectorized traffic delineators, orange in color, with Q mL R 18 ---- ------ ---- U -r----r--r---�--- ---r-- •:� - .we�hted -bases or sandbag rings and shall be. kept in their proper position at all times, and shah be - -- ':repaired, replaced,: or' cleaned as necessary to preserve their appearance and continuity. L.L_I W , , , lie _ T l and II barricades may be used In lieu f or in adds C ; Type Y �o addition to traffic delineators, with Traffic Engineer's approval, when they are intended to provide additional emphasis in areas where workers are present. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `.`C27 'Open Trench''•sipns'shaq be used in conjunction with Type 11 barricades during construction and t 5b -nighttime -closures as applicable. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... R17 'No Left .Tum' symbol signs shall be placed at affected commercial driveways and side streets as • ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ' • ' . . • ' • • • • . • • ..... Consaction progresses. _ u ..... ..... ..... ..... 19. When lights aro used to delineate the traveled way through and around the work area, they shall be type C. steady burn lamps.. NORTH .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 20. " W* a street closure . 4 •.approved by the Traffic Engineer, the Contractor shall notify the Police U U - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ Deperbrm". -the Fire Department, the local transit district, affected residents, and affected businesses - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -at last thre (5) working days in advance. Access for local traffic shall be maintained at all times. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -77- Z�. Verwlwj for , open -cut : pipe Installation shall be backfilled or plated at the end of n Q Q y ----- -- ------ --------------- opukatkxa eacdi. day.,. - 22. When.* temporwy ONo StopoV* zone on the street is approved by the Traffic Engineer, the Contractor I -shall notify, the. Police Department at least three (3) working days in advance and post 'Tow Away, I I Temporary No Stopping'. signs at least 48 hours in advance. The duration of the temporary parking' 1 ' restriction shah be' indicated on ' the signs. I LEGEND :230,...., Any signal timing andbr signal modifications. "I have written approval by the Traffic Engineer, and the DORSEY C 'Contractor shah notify the Traffic Engineer at least five (5) working days in advance of the work to be _ done in order. to coordinate the . chArge:. City shall make any such signal timing charges at the expense ARROW of the Contractor. R41 or • Traffic Cone or Delineator 24. • Contractor shall replace any and -all traffic detector loops damaged during construction per Caltrans BLVD, 1 :Standard.. N n I 2& These plane indicate vehicular ttaffte control In the work area during construction activities. AddMonal S "'`ttsfflC'Caf1lTdTa'1TSTRL' - - - - — - - r- - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - =- - --�-- - - - - - - - — Sign 4W%, 1dt 5'amca es maybe necessary or require m ttFie leg. ie�oritractor shall be responstcle for the placement of any additional devices necessary to assure safety to the public WORK AREA I - ------------------------------------------------------------ cm -- _ L1J FLASHING ARROW SIGN STORM DRAIN .... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... Type II Barricade EPSON I 1' 111' I' 00 ARROW BLVD. 250'250'250' DORSEY COURT R 41 ir ------------ - -- -- -- „ - C50 WORK AREA I ----------------------------;---------------- - - - ---------- ST072M_ffRAIN .... ..... .... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ... ..... .. ... ... ..... ..... ..... .. .... ... .. ... .. ...-... ..... ..... ..... IN 00 IT- U 0 25U' 250'' 250' V%pFESS/O,$,� VX L ca -& .S LU No. 1637 Expl- SOF At -1 � y �Z`' = 2 No. 1637 EXP. -S�, I bf Cl�U�/ REV. RE/WN DESCRIPTION NORTH SCALE: 1"=40' DATE ENGR. CITY DATE ARROW BLVD. Type -III Barricade WORK AREA Direction of Travel (Not a Pavement Marking) 250' . 250' 250' CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA DRAWN BY: SCALE: CITRUS AVENUE STORM DRAIN DESIGNED BY' TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN DAs' Date: Mivj . CHECKED BY: APPR DWG. NO.: *►•oe DATE: Y -1-93Z .3/ 9,3 ENGINIOYR R.C.E. 2_61;47 22,d'7 (� CITRUSH