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_ - - -__�_ __ _ ___��_____� , _' ~_- __ -__ _ _~ __ _____-_-_ _______�__ ___�__-_____' _ ' -____�__� __�__ _�~�___ �_�_�_�___����__~�_�'____�_�� �-�__���~�- `, --��,
ond Do genem| oond��one ond the dno��ngu. The i�*nt
uf thooe doouments io to ino|udo oU |obo� mote�o|o.
ond ae,�oea n�ueaaory for tho pro�� axecution on thn
work. The dooumo�s oro tn bo oon�dored oa ono.
�hotever � ooUnd for by ony poda shoU bo oo binding
' om if ooU�d for oU po��.
B. VER|R�ATDN� The Con��dor ohoU wa�� meosurome�s
th d i b�uru bo i � k |n ooao of mrror
C. �KTE�|ALS. �ACH|NE�� EWPLOYEES� Exo�pt o� oth�nv(ue
noted' th� Controctor ohoU provide ond poy for o||
moter|o|a` |obor' ton|s' ond other itema nec*auory ond
|inc�d*nto| to the oomp|et�on of hio *ork
/ .
D. SURVE�S` PER�|TS. RE�ULAT|ONS� The Own�r ahoU fum|�h
on od oto ou of the p Tho �ontrootor
ohoU obto�n ond poy for oU permits ond comp|y w�th oU
|o�u ond ordinonouo b�ur|ng on tha oporotion or oonduot
of the work ua drown ond epecified. |f the Contmotor
obaorwa thot o vo�onoe ex|otm there��h ho ahoU
pmmpt� no@y tho D�nm�n Repnaaento�ve in ���ng
ond ony neceso�y ohonges �ho|| be od��md oa prm�ded
|n tho oontrout for chongm� in the �ork.
Controotor �hoU od te| protect tho �urk' o�ouent
proper�, ond the pub}�c' ond oho|| bo reoponsib|a for
ony domogoo or injury due to h�a oot.
F. CHANQE5 |N THE �ORK� The O�n�r moy ordor chongoa �n
the wnrh. ond the oontroct oum being od�u�ted o�cording|y.
�| uuoh urdera ond od�uotnn�nta p|ua c|o�nn� by tha
Contmotor for extroa muat be mode in writ�ng beforo
exeouting tho wor4 �nvo!ved.
Q. COR�ECO0N OF �ORK� Tho Contro�or ahu|| na-exeoute
ony work thot foUs to oonform to the raquinaments of
tho oontmot ond aho|| mmwdy d��ota duo to fou�y
mote�o|s nr *orkmone�p upon wr�ban noOce hnm the
D�ne�a R�presontob�o for o pe�ud of n�ot (8O) 6oyu
�om the dot: of� oump|et�un nf the controct
Coordinotor octa oe the outhorized repreaentotive uf the
0�ner in con�unct�on �ith the pr�ect monoger. ond hoa
outhority to oocopt or n�oot mofer|o|e or *orknnonahip
ond to moke minor ohongea in thn wor4 not invo|v�g extm
onst. Ho wU| o|oo interpret the �eoning of th� onntroot
ducumento ond moy utup the wurk if neooaaory to enaune
its prop*r exe�u�on.
� i th dm i thurough� � �a. the Controotur'e
reopon�ibO�' to o|ohfy w�h the Ownoro Repnsoentot�e
ony quesDonm tho Contro�tor moy hovo rq�ndng the
method of oonotruot�on' quun�t�ao. or quo|�y nf nnoto�o|a
inn|uded or oo||ed ouL |f the Controotor connot oontoct tha
O�ner'u Repr eentntiva. tho Controotor muat |�f h| bid
or ocoept fhe interpretot�on of the Owner'a Ropr oentot�ve
on thn queationob|e onaoa os they deve|np dudng cnnatruo�on.
J. SA�PLES� Thn O�ner`o Ropneaontotive noaerven tho r�ght to
to�e ond ono|y�e oomp�s of motrho|o fur ronfonn�y to
opeoif|cotlone ot ony tlrno. The Controotor oho|| furn7ah
aomp|es upon requa�t by the U�nnr'o Repreanntot�ve. ��eoted
motorio|o ohoU bo immod�ote� namnvod frnm the m�tn ond
rmp|ooad ot the Controoto�a mxponae. The 000t u� teot�ng
moterio|a not meat�ng opeo�iootiona aho|| be poid by the
K. PRE-CON3TRUCOON CONFERENC� Sohedu\e o pre-conatmobon
mea�ng with tha 0wn��� Repreaonto�ve ot |eost aeven /7)
doyo b�om beg�nn|ng �or�. Tho �npoue of thia oonferonne
io to r��e� ony � no th* Contmdor moy hove nngording'
tha wo,k. odminiotrotiv� procoduem du�ng conntruubon ond
pn��� �urk aohodu|o.
|[�[�|���T|/lN C�[]��`|�|����|��N��
/ / � / � / �� r� / / �// v `�/ �_��/ / / �� r� / / ��/ v `�
The Conbootor ohoU rovd oU |obor too�, moohina�� ond
pmnesaea nooeaoo� to in�o|| o comp|�o �nigo�on nyo�m
ua uho*n nn tho dro�inga ond/or apooUOed her|n. �hon
oump|etnd the inigo�on oy�em ohoU be o 1UO� covemge
��tem in tot | functiuning monnoc
A. VE�|RCATON OF D|�EN5|ONS� N| aco|ed dimen�ono oru
oppmx|�oted. Beforu eud� g �t ony �oM� tho
Controotor oho|| co��u|� check ond vo��y ox �immnsiony.
Spooing of �r�otion h�odo. |000�ons uf vo|veo ond bo��|o�
pmventmm, ond �oposed P.0.C. ahoU bo oo indicoted on the
dmwinga. Any de�ot�on fmm tho p�ns musd hovo tho
opprmm| of tha D�ne�a Rnpreaento�we.
B. VE�|RCATON 0F F|N|SH �RAOE The Contno�nr ohoU inopont
the o�e ond oheok oU f��h gmde� �th�n the work oreo
tu enuure �o propor aoU oovemgo [oo apou��A uf thm
inigotion aye�m pipno.
C. �ATER SUPPLY� The Contno�ur aho|| vu�y ond b*
fonni|ior with the auunoe of �oter aupp|y to the irhgution
ay�tenn os �nd1noted nn the dm�inga.
O. PER�|T� ANO FEE3� Th� Contmctor �ho|| opp� ond poy
for o|| n oo perrn[tm roqu�red |n the punyu/t of h�o
work oa mquinad by the gov�rn�ng oodma.
E. CARE 0F EX|ST|N� BU|LD|N�S AND STEPS� The Contmotor
ohoU be heid reeponaib|e fur the cona ond pneoemot�on
of o|| exi�t�g buOdinga ond s�ruotuneo o the pno e��
ond ud�ouent promiaeo ond oontiguouo proper�. Any po�
of theoo pmperties ��urod' domoged or d�oturb�d
b000uae of hia work oho|| bn repo�nad. nap|ored or o|eored
by tha Contmotor ot h�a axpenao.
� RENBN 0F DR/0YNCS� |t io the Cnntnooto�a reaponaibi|ity
to r��ew �r�otkzn drow�ngo ond n�� ony oreoo he
be|ioveo odd�tiono| hoodn or vo|v�o ore roquirnd p�or
tu aubmi��ng o bid. if no chongoo ore oubmitted' the
Controctor ia reopono�b|e for fu|| oovorog� uf oquipmont
oo neoe000ry ot the Contmotor'o oxpenoo.
�. �OVERN|NA REQULAT0N� AJ| i000|' munioipo| ond atote
io*n. ru|on ond nngu|ot�ona governing or ro|oting to
ony po�ion of thio �ork ond horeby incnr oroted �nto
ond mode por of theoo apeuif[oot�ono. ond tho�r
pruv�oiona oho|| bo oor�ed out by tho |r�gotion Contnootur
H. D|A�RA�WAT|C DE�|�N� The donign io diogrommot�o. AU
pip*' vo|vem, �tc., ohn�n within povnd onaon ore for
dem�n o|ohfiootiono on|y ond ahoU bo �nato||ed �n
p|onted onsoa where poaoib|e. Nevor insto|| the bockf|ow
pnaventere �n |own onao� o|woym |n ehrub oneoa.
L |N3TALL4J|ON� AU �rhgotiun moteho|a ehoU ba
i ot U d i rd ith th to hni o d
m/ pomnnnz ��acr/pcwe x��r zure /anuoo oy znose monu,mccumra
b � f th s a ificotionu o�mr boving been oppmved
by tha outhohzad Owner'o Re t t��. �uch inatoUotion
md�oma ohoU bo fn||o�od on|y if tho diraotiona of thm
ir�gotinn drowingo ond �pec�ootions do not thomugh�/ond
oo�peto|y ordor tho nnmthoda or teuhn�umo to bo fo||owod.
|natoU oU equipnnent ond mote�o|o oo ohown per d�oi|�.
J. S|TE PROBLEWB� The |rhgot;on Controotor ahoU not
wiUfu||y inntoU the inigotion oya em oo indiuuted on
the dnowing� �hen it �o obviouo in tho fie|d thot thens
on* unknown obatruotiono' gmde d��nanooa. ond/or
diooroponoioa �n the oreo dimensiona un�| ounh nonditimna
ona bmught to the ottont[on of tho Owne�o Repreoontot|vo.
|nigot�n mot�ho|� ond equ�ment shoU be nf ��e, s�e ond
|uco�on oo notod ond indiootnd mn thm dro��nge. Un|�ou
ponn�oa�on to chonge io grontod �om the O�nere Repmoontot�e�
muto�o|a om to be n�w ond �n por�c oondn5on. No dev�o�onm
from tho apmoh�ootona �hoU be oUo�od. Tho dooiaion of tho
O�nw/� Reprooentob�e ahoU be �no| in d��nninot�on of the
quo|�� of motaro|o.
1. Th Cont��o h U ver�y | � of U
norm� �urw pmrn �ozerm/' on�` o or
do�oged by ony wnr� unde t�s oont�ot shoU be
�. ��nohe, fu U be out to ��uired gmde |�e
ot o trur �od�ent to pmwide un�onn �uppo� for the
|ength of tho p\pe.
�. De�� of bonchwa ahoU be au��oiont to pm�de o
mininnum oover obove tho tnp �f thw pipe os notod on
tho drow�ng�.
B. JO|N|N� P|PE�
1. The �on�odor |a rempon�b|e to bo fomO�r w�h the
rnothodo uf oaaomb|ing. �o�n�ng' ond in�oU�ng tho vohouo
typea of pipaa to be used. He wiU odhore �n �hot
oouordonc� �ith the rnonufooturer`y eoornnnondod
2. PVC p7po ohoU nut ba threodad ond oU trona0on fronn PVC
to m�o| piping ahoU be by PVC rno|e thneoded odo��r
C. BACKFLO� PRE�ENTER� The bockf|ow prmmntion de�oe
�pecif�md henein aho|| be voMfied w�th |oco| p|umb�ng ond
heo|th codeo. |n the nvent of ony co�f|/ct nn the de�oo
or th* inato||ot�on mothodu` tho 0wnoro Repreaentot�v�
�hoU be notif�ed PR|OR TO B|D OPEN|N�.
�. /U| mo�n Unea ond �t ro| |�ea wh�h hovn g|ued �o�t
under pov�g �n �e ays�nn �hoU be oopped ond
pnanuur* teutod ot 150 PSi
2. Preaoune ahoU be �uotoined in tho |/neo for not |o�u thon
two (2) hours. |f ieoka devn|op, the ��nty shoU bu
mp|oced ond the teat rep��md untO tho an�m oy�em
is woto�ight.
3. T�o ohoU be obaerwad ond o rmmd by the 0wner'a
Rmpreaentotivo p�or to bock�U.
4. �h th i �go�on t m hoo be�n comp|eted (ond
bc�ons p|onting hom boqun� tho Controoto� �n tho
preoeno� of the Own�r'a Repreaentot��. ahoU teot the
�ovoroge of wotsr o�orded to the |own ond p�nting oreoo
ma oonnp|�e ond odoquoo. Th� Contro�or ahoU fin�ah
oU mote�o|a ond pe�onn oU �or� nequired to con*ct
nny inodequoo|ou of ooveroga.
5. The Contnodor �hoU �nform thm O�n��a Repnaaento�ve
uf ony dmv�u�ona fmm th* p|on r�quinad by wind' p|ont[ng.
�oi|o' or a�e �ondnion� thot hoo o o�ect un pne�ent
1. Shrub ond ground uover ap�y heodo o��ocent to nu��
or �o|ka shoU be in��Uad 1 1/2" owoy frum the ourb ur
�o|k ond thm hood� ahoU bo pop-up mode|o oa
ind�ooted nn tho dm��ngs.
2. �hrub aproy heoda ��oo:nt to bui|din fonnmo or
oimi|or atmctunes ehoU bo inatoUed 1 t/2'' owoy fmm the
atruoture ond tho nozz|o ohoU bo 2 1/2^ m�n|mum obove f�n�oh
gmdu. (No �g�d �oero)
4. |n�oU oU ir�gut�n heoda p*r det ��.
The hr�ot�n �ontmotnr ohoU f|uah ond u��ust oU inigo�on
h�odo for uptmum po�onnonms ond tu pmment uvor�noy o�o
wo|ko ond bui|ding� os much oa p000ib|e. Thio shoU inc|ude
ae|�ctng thm bemt degree of oro to f� exiating aite n�uobona.
Thio o|ao �no|udea u�ng the oppmpr�to rodiu� reducbun
Th* Cunho�o/ ohoU ncd oUmw ur uouoe ony of h� worb to be
covermd or end000d un�| � hos been inapooted' ��ted ond
oppmvad by the outho��ed D�ne�a Repro��nto��o. Shou|d
ony of hio �ork be eno|oaed ur oovomd before auoh
�nopection ond teot, ho ehoU un�over tha work ot hio o�n
expenoo ond o�or it hoe been �nape�*d. teetod. ond oppmvod'
he ahoU mo�e oU repoira ��h |iko mote�o|a neoeo�ory to
reutore oU hio *orh on6 thot nf other �ontrootoro to �o
ohgino| conditiun.
1. Bo��iU shoU not be p|ooed unti| �� in�o|�d irhgo�on
h been �opeotej ond opproved by the Owmn�o
2. �enohea nhoU bo bock�Ued w�h o nnin�rnum of 4' of
f�ne. gronu|or motn�o|o to t�ct th p�n fmm tho
o|oda or mcko. The mmo��g oxuovoted di� con bo
used oo bookfiU. Tho Controntor ohoU not �oco
dothnnontu| ouboo|| or rooka |n th� top S° of book�U.
3. |f a��|emmnt ocouna ond odjuatmento �n p�e vo|vao`
inigotion hnoda. or ony othor �nigoDon d*�on. neoeaaor�
to b�n th� nyatom to pmper wu/�ng order. The
Controctor ehoU, oa o po� of hlu wor� undor thi�
oontmot moke oU thm neoe000ry odjuatmente without oxtro
�oat to the Owner.
1, A 120 vo|t o|ac��oo| po�er out|ot to the oontrn||or
ahoU be provdod by othnrs. 0�rm/ided the Londacop�
Contnootor hoa not ino|uded the e|eot�ou| uonnoot|on
�n hia acope of �ork) the |r�got�n Contmctor sho|| bo
roeponoib|e fnr moking thn hno�up fmm the out|et to
the oontroUmr.
2. �| w�m fmm tha onntmUer tn e|ectric contm| vo|vea
ahoU be �o|id oopper U.F. �14-0OO vo|t direct bu�oi
Uoe �h�a for �ommon, b|ock for |o�n ond
ehrub oyo��o ond nad for mo�atum eonoom; oommon
oontrn| �ire. |notoU in common trenoh �ith moin |�ne
p�pe wh�m ponoib|o. Topo oontro| �|�� ot 1O` O.C. to
moin |ine pipa. Prov|de min�mum 1O' covorog*.
3. �irn nonneoUono ahoU bo mod� ��h "S��ch-Lok" �|rc
conneotor aeoUng pock� ��57O or �peory "Dh-�phoe"
��h oeo|ont D� �OO or opprm�d equoi
4. There ohoU b� o contro| wire from eooh contno| vo��
running to the onntroUe� ond eooh nontro| vo|ve shoU
bo oonne�ed tn the uommon gmund w�ro.
5. �A| ����oo| wnrh nhoU oomp� �th the oppUoo�o oodea.
0. |n�oU oU vo�ea per d��Us` ond monufoctu��
�0|8TURE �EN�OR |N�TALLATDN /� o��kmb|e)�
1. |n�oUoUono ond wihng ore to be duno Cont�ob�
�n compionoe with in��Uo�on ond oper��� inotruc�ons
eno|o�ed w�h tho moi�ure non�or ond ino|uded ��h
theoe opeo�| |na�uoOono.
2. The Cnntrootor ahoU fum�h 2-A��-UF �14 (or |onge�
�n� f�m �e nunbnUer to �e m�n�n* nenaor co��|
���ons, �oot�n� ohm*n on drov�ngo. Provdo odd�Unno|
1O' expony�n |ood to eooh �o�on for �no|� |000lng of
�enuoro. AU senaona om to be wirod in pomUe| (see w�re
on|or notn obove>.
I Amntek 8^ extenoion boxeo No. �0-17O-OO� oovemd by
Amnte� gr�,n cnv�r Nn. NC-1O-175-OO4' or opproved
oquo|. ahoU bm |n��Uod ou detoi|od.
4. AJ| wi�ng connec�on� ot vo|ve |000�ona ahoU bo �otnr-
5. One ser�oe unit wiU bo purnhosed tn proper� propone ond
oerv�oe the moiature mynonr. The o�rv|no un� o|ung ��h o||
pr�tod op�ro�ng �natruc�nns ore to fumiahed tu th�
O*n�r by the Con�o�or ot f�no| inapoc�on.
0. �o��ure Sonaor opn���ng ond marv�o in�r n�on ond
oporo�nna monuo| io to bo p|ooed in thm oon��Uer
7. Sp000| dopth ond �ooemont �nfonno�nn to ougnnent
�oietuna Boneur |n��Uo�on ond Oporo�un |notrudjon.
io to be pmvided by tha �peci�ed �onufocturoc
�� |notoUot7on muot b �no �ed ond 000epte� by the '
�onufootunem Reopmaento�ve.
Tho Cont�dor ahoU provdo ond ��o up to d��' �n
ocoordonca w�h this menOon. o oom |�� net of mourd
^oo-bui|t" b|ock |inn o�o|id pr�nta *hioh shoU be oonncted
do�� ond aho� ovo� ohong* fmm tha ohgino| dro*�nga ond
apeo�cot/ona ond t�e exoot ^on-bui|t^ |000tions. yi�ea ond
kind� of aquipnoent. Phntu for thln purpoee m b o��ined
from tha Ownmr. Thia net of dro�ing� shoU be kept on the
a�e ond ohoU be ueed on� oa o nmnrd mot. Thnse drowingo
ohoU o|ao senm oa *ork prvgmo� ohooto ond the Conbnotor
ahnU rnoke noot ond }og�b|e n�o�on� thn�on doUy' oe thm
*or� pruoo*da` uho�ng the �ork o� ootuo|� [notoUed. Thoaa
drow�ngn ahoU bo ovoDob|e ot thw timeo for ino u�on ond
ohoU bo kopt |n o |000tion deolgnote� by tho 0�nor'o
1. The Controdor shoU d�mem�on fmm nnonent
pu�t of �denence' bui|d�g oomera. aid�wo|x�. ur mo�
�ntena�cbons. �o.' the |uoot(on nf the foUo��ng �emo�
o. Cot vo|ves
b. Tho mut�ng of the inigo�on rno�n |ineo
o. Connoo�un to the exioting �oter }inea
d. |rhgot�on contro| vo|vea
o. Ouiok Coup|�ng vo|vou
f. ContmUer/Roin-oheo� |000tiono
g. �o�er vo|ve or Pump
2. Thm dro�ing ohoU aho* opprovod ouboitu�onn of ai�ea,
mote�o|�. ond monufocture�e nome ond �oto|og numb�r.
On or before the dota of f�no| inapecUon. the Cuntrootor
ohoU daUv�r the correoted ond oomp�te b|ouWinoo tu the
O*no/a Reprm�ontut�o. Do|ivo of b|ooN�n�a �|U not no|�mvo
the Contmc�or of the reaponsibOity uf furnish�g roquired
|nfonnobon thot moy bm orn�nd fmm tho phnbs.
1. Aa-bui|t dno�ing� ohoU be rece�od ond oppr vod by
th� Owner'o Rep�sontotho p�nr to prepoMng contmUer
oho�o. -
2. Pm�de one controUor oho� fwr eoch oontmUer oupp|iod.
�. The cho� ohoU be o reduoad dm��g of tho octuo|
oa-bui� oyst m, uaing o di��mnt co|or tn ind�note the
omo of oovoroge for eooh etot�on.
4. �hon the oho� �a comp�ted ond ed by the O�ne�o
Raprooentotive. � �hoU be hermetico|� aoo|ed ond p|oced
�n the contmUer box.
A. SCOpE AND FRB]UEN�� Af�r in�oUoOon opem�ona
hovo been oomp|eted. remove oU tmsh. oxoeas aoi| ond
rubblah from prope�� �| ecoro. rutu. ur oth�r mo��
in tho onoo oouoed by this work ohoU be reponed ond
the gmund |�� �n o n�ot ond ordeMy oond0nn
thruughout thm aite. Tho Controotur nhoU p�o� up uU
throoh reou�ing from h�a *ork no |ess thon eoch Fhdoy
b�oro |oo�ng tho alto. onoe o �ee� ond/or the |out
�or�ng doy of eoch week. �| tnooh ohoU be removed
comp|eta|y fmm tho oite.
& SCOPE� The en�re �r�o ahoU be guoro��ed
by the Contm�or ou th motoho|a ond wur�nonohip,
induding ao�|in f boo��U oreoo bo|o* gmda for o
pe�od of one �} yeor foUo��ng tho dote of �no|
000eptonce of the *ork. |f. *�hin ono (1) yaor from
dote uf oomp|e�on' �mtUing oocurs, ond d nto in
pipea, wo��a' ond �nigotion heods' aod. ir�go�on dov�cos'
or � ia n�oeaao� � bhng the oyotem. ood or
pov�g to the pmper |eve| of the pennonont grodee' the
�ontro�or. oa po� uf tho wor� under th|o uontnzot. ohoU
nnok* oU odjuatmento w�hout extm uust of the O�n*�
/no|uding the comp|ete ��tomt�on of oU domogod
p|onbng' pov�ng or othnr �mprov�m*ntn nf ony �nd'
B. RESPQNS|B|LOY �hou|d ony opero�ono{ d��ou|�es �n
conn�nt�nn ��h the �n���ion ��tem �ithin the o o0ed
guomntoa p�rind �hioh �� �n tha opinknn nf the O�nor'o
Re ntot�e duo to �nfehur moter�o| ond/or *or�mon-
ohip. ao�d dh�iuu|t|eo ohoU bo innno�diot�� oonactad by
the �ontrodor to the ao���c�on nf the Owne�o
Rn oontot|v� ot nm odd��ono| coot to the O�ner
ino|uding ony ond oU other dumoge couoed by ouoh
C. |N�TRUCT|ON�� ��er thm ir�gu�on aystem hoa boen
comp|ate6 ond the oonneotiono mode. thm Contmctor
sho|� instruct the Own*r or his mpnyaentotkm' �n �he
opero�on nnd mo�ntenonce of the oyahsm.
� | � N T| N [� ��� �[`| �| �� � T| ��N �
/ /_r�/ v / // v �� `�/ �_��/ / /�/r� / /��/ �.�
A. Fum�h oU �boc moter�|a ond aquipment nmoeeaory to
pro/�e ond in�oU p�nt mut��o|o oo aho�n on the dmv�ngo
or oo opoc\f|od horo/n.
B. �ork �nc|uded in thia naot�on (�erna �no|uded but not |imited
1. �mde. �nduding moundi�� mo|d�ng ond oh��ng �u�oce
of oU p�n�g o�oa os [nd�otad |no|ud|ng the ranoovo|
of ex���g vmg�o�on un|eoo othemv�ea �poo�ed.
2. P d �U O in |on6n reo� inc|ud�ng furniohing
of oU omendmento oa apedf|ed. N�� thut omendmanto
indinotwd th d i /un|�ss othenwiae apooJed)
ore for bid pur��aea on�. ��uoi soO omendmento �O|
b* boaad on tho aoUo toot roou|to.
3. Furnioh ond p|ont o|| �ont rnotaho|o oa indiootod in the
drow�ngo ond opeoif�co�ons.
4. Pe�onn oU pmn|ng oo mquirod.
5. �toke ond �e oU p|ont motoho|a oa ope�Jied.
8. Prov�e for the mo���nonce of the �onbng un�|
oocept nce of the jnb by the Owner's R�praue�othe.
7. D�apomo nf oU deb�o ond ourp|uo moteho|a.
8. C|eon-up.
Q. �uoro��a.
1O. �ointanonce.
A. EXC/NATON� The Controctnr ohoU ver�/ exoct |ocotiono of
oU �xla�ng aub-aufoce utOl�oo (mmohonioo| ond o|eothou|)
phor to exoovo�on. Any u�|�je�` A.C. po�ng, �oncrete �ork.
�o.' ��otmynd or domogod by ony �orh und�r thie uontmut
ohoU bm epoimd or nop|oced ot the �ontronto�a expanae.
B. �U�-SURFACE DRA|NA�E OR �O|L CONO|�ONS� �hou|d oub-
ou�ooe d i o or ooU uond��ono be ennountered whioh
|d b det� nto| to wth or aur�vo| uf p|ont mote�o|
�r|ung. ozonng zno oonomona ono auomu o pmpouo/ oovonng
000t of conac�on. |f the Controctor foOa to no�� th�
0�ne�a Repreonntot�e of auoh oondit�nna. he �hoU bo
roapona�b|u for p|ont mote�o| under thm guomntee c|oumr of
the opro�ioo�ona.
�. D|�ENS|ON�� /A| aco|ad dimeneiono ono oppruximute. Bofore
pr ceod�ng w�h ony wod'' the Contmotor shoU coref�|y oheok
ond ve�y oU d�monu|ona d nt0wa, ond mhoU imrnod�oto�
�nfo�� the 0wner'e Rnpnsnentot�a of ony dioon*ponc�eo bet�wan
the infonnotion on th d ln nd the ootuo| oonditiono,
��roi in from doing ony work �n oo�d oreoo un�| g�en
opprovo|to do ao by tha O�ner'a Ropnaoentot��.
1. N�mgen �oN|�ed �d�ood aowduat ahoU be 1DO�
n� �obiU�od (b� by dry ��ght) ond fmo of
aho�ng por�dos |orger thon 1/4^ poaoing thruugh o
1OO nneoh aonoun.
2. ��| ��uro�U � a��o� �mmo��| g�de.
�. �| Com�nor-�-C ����o - 10� 0�-�11
or �ox) {QOQ\ 5gO-��01.
� Bono mmo| 2��-O ohoU be mono����� by ��U��
�upp�. N8|m�ngton. C&
5. Azo|eo or o | | ter rnix �1O� ehoU be mon��cturod
by Bondini For�|izoc
G. Ph Ac�doU nho|| bn monufootu�d by KeUogg Supp�'
VW|mington. ��
7. Por - 5 mho|| b� monufontured by Ko|bob Fomat Pmduoto.
8. Commeno�o| fe�||��er aho|| be Beot Produoto oy oppmvod
0. Wycorrh��o| �noou|um - T�-C Entorpriaeo. 1 (8OOl
B. TDP �O|L�
1. Top�oU oono�tu of o f�rU|e. f�ob|� noturo| |oom nf
un�onn quo�y. frea from oubaoU. at�� o�y hord o|odn.
hord pon eod` po��oUy dia�ntegroted deb�a' or uther
unde�rob(e moteMo|e.
2. Tupooi| nhoU not contoin obnoxiouo woedo' ouoh oe
morn�ng g|ory' oore|, nxo|in' apurg�, onnuo| poo.
nut gro�� or bormudo gr000.
1. P|ont nomou in tho P|ont L�t oo�ornn to "St ndord�ed
P|ont Nom�o° by Amor�on Jo�nt Comn�t�� of
Hn�icu|tum| Nnnneno|otum, exoept �n cooeo not covared
therein. |n theoe inz�oncea tho es�obiiehed ou�om of
th� numery trod� in foUowed.
2. P|onts shoU bn eound. heo|thy. �gomuy' fme fmm
d�000uo ond weed�. �nmeut pouha of th*ir e ond ahoU
hovo heo|t�� nnrnno| root syn�ma. �oU DU�ng th�ir
ountoin�� but not to the point of baing mot bound.
�. P|onts ohoU not be pruned pr�r to de|ivery exc�pt oa
outho��ed by tha 0wn�r'a Repronentot�e. |n no ooan
ahoU treeo bn toppod.
4. AU p�nt motoho|a ohoU be �ub�ct bo oppmvo| nf �iz�.
heo|th. quo�y' ohomctn� �c, by the O�ner'�
5. Tho he�ght ond apreod of oU �ont moto�o|o ehuU be
meuaured with bmnchea in the|r nonno| pon��on.
O. Tha oo|ipmr of oU �neo shoU be nneoou�d 4' obova the
au�ooe of thm gmund.
7. �hene oo|i r or other dimen�ion� of ony p|ont motoho|n
ona onn�te6 fronn tho p�nt Uat' �t uhoU be under�ood
thut the�e p|ont mote�o|a shoU be nonno| stock for the
type Hnted.
�. P|ont m�aho| nhuU be aymmet�co|. t��oo| for voh��
ond op�c|oa, ond ohoU oo�orm to m�ouunomenba opocUi�d
in the P|ont �sb/Logond.
8. P|ont nnotoMu| |orgor thon thoom ap�o|fiod moy bo
supphed � connp�ng in oU other reape�� ond ut no
o6ditiono| ooat to the O�n�r` upon oppnmo| of the
Owner'n Rnprea�ntotiv�.
�O. AU �ont mot�r�o<a muat hovs baen pr��ou�� �nopectod
ot tha nuro�ry by tha County Ho�ivu|turo| Depo�mont
ond aho|| be subj�ot to oocoptonce o� to quo|�ty by
the Owne/o Ropnaeento�vo.
11. �ubotitutlono wO| bo penni�ed on|y oa �ndiooted, or if
pmof ia aubmi�od thot ony p|ont opecifiod io not
ovoUob|o. o pro | �iU be oono�donad for the uoe of
the neoreot oqu�vo|ont oi�e ur vo��ty with on equitob|e
odjuatment of th� oontroot p�oe.
12. �uontit�es ohown nn the noU out� nn thm P|on�ng P|on
ore for tha �onwan|on�e of the Cnntroctor on�.
�uontitiea dmwn on the p|on r by o�rc|es. dota or
thonq�a ore tho fino| outho�y ond sho|| be furn�ohed
ond inoto||od oe drown. Tho Owner'a Roproauntotiwe ahoU
hove th* �no| outhohty oo to |000tion nf oU p|ont moto�o|.
1. �eed aho|| bo o|non. fnaah' ne* orop oeed ond aho|| be
the mixtuna oa notod on the P|onting P|on.
2. �eed aho|| be mixed by tha deo|er ond furn�ahed ��th the
doo|or'o guomntoe atotement of compoo�inn ond
peros�toge of pu�y wh�oh yho|| ba fumiohed to the
�wne�o Rnpn:aentotivo. Seed tog� �hoU bo deUvomd to
tha Owne�o �epnaoentotiva ot the time of inato||otion.
E. STAKEB� AU otoko� ohoU bm por d�oi|a.
& CONTRACTOR'S RE3PONBB|L�Y� the Oontro�or �o nsoponaib|e
for vor�yng the |000t|on of oU utU�y |inea ond othor
underground obsdruotiona ao thot proper pre�ou�ono moy be
token not to d��urb or domoge auch improvem�nte. |n the
ovent of o oonf|ict bntweon yuoh |�nea ond p|ont |000�ono.
th� Controdor ahoU prompU� not�y the O�ne�o Raprooentot�e.
*ho ahoU onnnge for the re|000�on uf una ur the othe�
FoO�ng to foUo� thio pruoedum, the Cuntmotor ohoU ot hia
own oxpenan mo�e ony ond oU repo|ns for dornogoo reou|�ng
fmm hio wor�.
A. �LUN�l �U oU p|on�ng oreoo os �pmo��d hon�n.
B. UN|F0R� �RADE Af�'r �Uing, oU oneos ahoU be brought to
un�onn gmdm by �oo�ng or hond ro�ng.
�. ��AOE RELATONSH|PS� �nioh grode of �ont�g onooa o�her
opp|icot�on of yoU omendmenta ohoU ba 1" 6e|o� top of
omnc��e wo|ky ond curb gr doo ond 8" be|ow �niah f|oor
of buDding or oo noted by apot o|evot�on�,
D. SLDPE FRO� BUiLD|NQS� a�| oreoo od�cmnt to buUd�ngo ohoU
o�pe owoy fmm the bui|ding ot 2� minimum for 10 feet ond
ohoU �ont�nue to o|ope ot o m�nimum of 1� untU wobsr droina
to otroat or� �onn ayot m.
E. ROCKS UH CLODS� No mcko or c|odo over 3/4° �n diometer
oho|| bo un top of prepomd p|onting beda.
A. K|LUNC �EEDG Co t to hoU � t nd doot
�u��cient *oter �hoU be opp|�ed to oouse woed ao�d tn �prou.
Young �eodm ohoU thun ba dmatroyed ond mmoved b�oro the�
howe uppo�unity to aet oeed.
B. �DD00NAL RBJU|RE�ENTS� For oddhiono| �nnd �Uing m�or
to P|on�ng N��o un the P|onting P|on.
A. �0L REPO�[ Before �oMjng soi| prepom�on th� Contm�or
ohoU oubm� o aoi| repo� to the O�ner ond tha Own�r'�
Rmpe��nto�ve. |f no onU napn� ia aubmK±ed � �U| bo
000umed thot omendmento *ere not odded ond the Londocopa
Contro�or wU\ b� r�qu�d�d to g�e o uned� fur a�\
B. CO�PACTED AREAS� Soi| or000 thot oma oompootod to mom
thon 8O� du�ng ��� poro�on �hoU be hpped to o nninimum
of 1�" p�or to bag�nn� ooi| prepomUon. Thmaa onyoa ahoU
ba do�n�d by the Ownero Ropreoentobve ond be bO|od o� on
mdro � the un� pr[oe |o quoted in the bid.
C. WETH0O OF �D0N�� |f the a|ope � under' 2 to 1. tho ooi|
�r����on m�e�o|e ahou|6 be broodo�d un0onn� ovor oU
|ondaoope oreoo ond �orked to o dapt of G' by m��iUer or
other 0000ptob|� meohon�oo| moons to ubto(n o uniform b|end
in the aoD. !f th a!o �s gr otor thon 2 to 1. the
om�ndme�a mhoU be hydrou|�coUy opp|ied for oreoo over 1OOO
oquom feet und nzked in for omoU or000. For tho aoi|
ornendment bid mix ��or to the P|on�ng N��� un the
P|on�ng P|on.
D. EXT�ANEUU� �ATER|AL�� in oddddono| to the rk ifi d
obov� tho Controutor ohoU ramovo oU ��ronenua moba�o|u thot
ore evponod on the �u�ooe ond grode to fuci|��te run-�� of
au�ooe woter.
E OELNERY SU�� Sup�� d��e� a|�py �om th* ouppUer for
the aui| omendme�� to the a�e. Bu|� |uodo �om the
Controcto/u yord wU| not be onuopto6. �upp� om�y bogu for
fer�|izer tu the �upo�ntendont of tho �ob ond tho Owne�o
Ropmaont t�e.
/� CDRRELAT0N� Trm� ond ahrubo ahoU not be p|o��d un�|
|| o r�� e �n oonjunot�n ��h the in��Uot�n of the
�r�otion ayotom hove boon co�peted. �no| grodaa hovo boon
eatob|ished. und the p|on�ng bedo pmpor� pnepored by
ou|t�votion ond f�rbUzotion oo oov�red �n the�a oponif�ootione.
B. PL�NTN� ��E� No p\onOng nhoU toko p|oco dudng ex�*me�
hot` dry. *indy ur frendng �omthec
C. U]C/�!UNS� Ra|ot�e pos��on of oU p�nt ond tmeo ia aubject
to opprmm| of the O�nmr'a �op��entoUve ond th�y ohoU. �
neoeaeory' bo re|ocoted ot hio dipec�on oa po� nf thia
uontroot. �n�� ohoU normo|� be |ocoted o minimurn of 5'
fmm buOd�ngu, aitm onnen��oa ond wo|kwoya.
O. O|STR|OUT|ON� No mom �onba ahoU be diat�bubed obaut tho
|ondaoope oneo thot oon be p|onbad ond wo��red on the
aome doy.
E. CONTANER REWOVAL P|ont oontoinara ahoU be remuved �hen
p�on�ng the p|onts. Contoiner moy bo opH on both o�eo,
ho�mvo� without uao of �xe or opodo. �| contuinern ahoi| be
rwmoved fmm the o�te.
E PLANT|N� P|TS� N| tree und shrub pit� shoU hove o d�orn�er
of ot |eoot hx�e the d��m�*r uf tho noot bni|. Pit dopt��
ohoU be o rninimum 1�^ deepmr thon thn roo| bo|| fur tmeo
ond 8" do*par thon the root bo|| for shruba or oo pmr
p|on�ng dotoDa.
�. PL�C|N�� P|onto aho|| ba p|ooed ond hn|d du�ng bookf|U in
on uph�ht posn�on in the oenter of the pit. P|onta aho||
b� hm|d ot` or s|�ghUy obove nur�ery |evoL Tho oo�h bo||
ahoU bo �ep intoct. Any expoaed ruot� oho|| be apneod
out |r�ured rnots aho|| be pruned.
H. BACKF!LL� P|ont p�t bockfiUing soi| ohoU o�noi�t uf 1 po�
n�mgen ��bi|ized sn�duat tu 2 po�a topaoii �oto�u|n ahoU
bo thomugh|y m[xed bofure p|oumment. |n odd�on to
bookfO|' Th - C C�yoo Pooks 7 gm. tob|etn ahoU ba oddmd to
p|ont p�a ot tho foUu�[ng rotea�
1 pok pmr 1 goUnn oontoiner
2 pnks per 5 goUon oontoinar
S poko por 15 oUon contoinar
1O poka per 24' box
12 poko per 3D" box
10 poka per 38^ box
18 poko p�r 42" box
20 poko per 4R^ bux ond thoam box n|zoa *hioh uny |orger
|. Y�TE�|N�� �han the p� hoo been boo��Ued to thnae quo�ers
of itu dapt *oter ahoU bm �ourod obout the motn. �6r
pook�t ahoU be e|�min�od ond bo�k�U oon�nuod unti| the
boc��U la brought to gmdo |evei
J. �0�PACTN& BookfiU oho|| not b� �ompooted omund tha
roots or bo|| of tha p|ont du�ng or ofter p�nt�g. The
boc��i|| on which tho p|ont bo|| reota nho|| be |ight|y oompoctod.
N. SET[LEWENT� P|onta *h�oh am�|e oho|| bo ro�ood to the
�quired |eve| nr nep|o�od nt the optun of th� Controctor
Ro|aed p|ontn wh/ch fo[| to gm� ohoU bo rep|oc�d.
L. ST��|NQ Stokeo aho|| be dr�en tn ou�icient depth to ho|d
the tree ri�d. Treoe shoU be auppo�ed by ot |eoet bvo tieo
(oee detoOo).
�. PRUN|NQ� Umb�. bronoh�o` coney ond mnnera *hiuh r��ire
t�mm�g ohoU bo romoved to |eove o o|eon out f|uoh with
tho trun� (pr�n�ng on|y ou d�moted by tho 0*nor`a
N. PLANT|NO BEO�� P|onting bedo ahoU be edged ond ou|�vot*d
to the |ine nuporoting oneou oo aho*n. Beda ohoU be bmught
to o omouth even au�000 confurming to eotob|iahod grodeo
o�er fu|| ne�|ement hoo oo�unnd.
A. REFERENCE� Rofor to Porogroph V, V|. Y||. for f�n|oh gmd|ng'
wmed contm|' ond ooi| proporo�on.
B. SO|L PREPAR�[|ON� Prepore the aoD oa per th000 apeoificotiona
ond tho P|ont�ng Notma on the P|onting P|on.
C. �RA0N�� Areoo uhoU bo mked ond f|uot�d omooth to pmvide
o true ond uniform ou�ooe.
D. PL4NT P�3 AND,FE�OL|ZER� P|on�ng ita fur gmund covor
aho|| bo 4^ x 4 or odequote to 000ept p|ont moturiu| from
f|ota or 4" poto w�thuut oruohing or deforming th� rnotbo||.
P|oom u 1/2 �p. Tr| - C Endo 12D fe�|O�er tob|et in 000h
�ndividuo| ground cover pit.
E. SPAC|NC� P|ont 0000rding to opocing ond in ureoo indiooted on
tho drowings. So�| aho|| be firm|y tompod nround eoch p|ont,
ond the ex�000 eo|| rennoved frum thm cro�n.
F. V�TER|N�� Eoch oection of ground nover sho|| bm immed|otm|y
�otered upon comp|etion nf p|onting' ond thereofter os
�. 8PAC|N� FRO� ED�E� The firot /ow uf ground oovor ohou|d
o|woys be �ithin G" of the edge of p|onting oroo ond tr�ongu|or
A. REFE�EN�E� Refer to Porogmph V. V|. Y||. for fin�oh groding,
w*ed oontro|. ond �oi| proporotion.
B. �O|L PREPARAT|ON� Prepore the noi| oe per theae speuifiootiono
ond tho P|onting Notna on the P|onting P|on. .
C. 0R�D|N�� Aroom oho|| be rokod ond f|outed amooth tn provide
o tru* ond unifnrm au�oce.
D. OUAL|TY OF PLANTS� P|onta aho|| be hoo|thy onnuo| p|ont
rnotor�o| in b|oom in thn oi�o indicotod on tha drowingo.
E. PL4NT P|TS,ANU,FEHT|L|ZER� Eooh p|ont plt for oouaono| oo|or
aho|| be 8' x 8 ` or odequote to oocept mute�o| in the
mquired aize, w�th ono tnompoon uf bnno nneo| m|xod into th�
bookfi|| mix (ahrub boohfi|| m�x ahou|d be ua*d' not thw
Agrifurm p|ont tob|ets1.
F. �PAC|N�� P|ont ot opooing ond in oreoa ind�coted on the
dmwings. �oi| aho|| be firnn|y tomp�d oround eoch p|ont'
ond tho ex000a uoi| romoved from tho oro�n.
�. VW�ER|N0� Eoch oect�on of oeoaono| co|or aho|| be immediote|y
�otenad upnn comp|etion of p|ont�ng. ond �otered thensofter oo
H. SPAC|N� FRO� ED�E� the f�rat row uf �e000no| �o|or �hou|d
be o|woym �ith7n G° of th� edge of the p|onting oreo.
A. REFEREN�E� R��r tu Porogroph V. N. VU. for �ninh groding,
woed controL ond ooi| prepomDon.
B. PREPARATON� Sod oreo h to �ont�ng ohoU be mUmd
|i ht| nd otered to o dopth of 8' the doy p�nr to
p|on�ng. |f ony oir pook�ta oro h»und. tho mn»o ehoU bo
rogroded oa neoeyaory. �ght|y �oter the oneo to be
p|onbad �uat pMor to p|on�ng.
C. �UALnY� 3od ahoU be �1 �mde' moohine cut ot un�fonn
thioknena of 5/8" oxc|ud|ng top gr wth ond thotoh. weed
fnea ond ahoU be nu |esa thon eight nnontho nor mor� thon
��enn montho o|d.
D. ��|N& |n�toUot|nn aho|| tok� p|ooe with�n 24 houra o��r
E. |N�T�LLAT|ON� �ud �hoU be (oid in o atoggered po�em. w�h
� ht ]oi�o ond �n th� oom� 6�mct[on eonh �m�. On oU
a�pe� oud ohoU be �natoUed from tho bo�um up ond the new�
sod ohou|d be p��e��d by �o|k�ng on bourds oa inatoUer moveo
up*ord. On a|opeo' pin tho �od do�n �ith wmoden po�s. No
rn�o| atop|ea wiU be oUo�ed. Nu end of |�oo thon 18' in
|ength wO| be uUm*od.
E JO|NTS� �d��n the s�ct�no uf ood �nn� tug�hec � oir
ap0000 oocur botwe�n aouUone of aud th*y muot be fU|od
�ith aond or thn aod re|oid.
(� ROLLN& �vU ood w�h on odequote� *o���d roUer to
ernoot uut thu eod bed.
H. PROTE�TON DF EO�E3� � d to protwc the odgea �um
d,y|ng J mowing edge ia not uoed.
L ��'ER|N�� After �nato||ot�on ood nnuat be �op thorough�
wote�d tn o depth of 8^ No foot tmf�c ohoU be o||ownd
for 2 tu 3 wo*ka from the duto uf inotoUut|un.
J. |NSPECT|ON BY SUPPL|ER� |f there ore ony queotiona regordlng
thw quo|ity nf and �nato||otion o ro naaontot�ve of tho oupp|�er
sho|| be requested to inapoot the �notoUotion ond the
Controotor ohu|| ooU out tho aupp|io/u nypmaentot�ve.
�. �EFERENCE� Refar to Pomgroph V' N' N|' for fin�ah grod|ng,
�eed oontroL ond aoD proporoGon.
B. PREPARAT|ON� Cu|�voba to o depth of �" be|ow �n�ah gmde.
namuve �onoa, fomign growth of ony k�nd ond mxtron*oua
mo�er. ond grode to rcmove r�dg�a ond depre�iona on thot
onson o�er o��|omont wU| onnfonn to the finioh gr d*. RoU
ond mke |�ght� unb| the au�ooa ia amooth. f�ob|e ond of
unifonn �ne textune.
�. S0�|NC� 3ww |uwn aoed �n the omm d��gnotm� on tho
drowing� ot the rote oa dn��gnotod on the P|onting P|ono.
So� the |o�n |n two dinac�ona.
D. TOP DRESS|N�� Roka |ight�. opnood 1/4" of Por -5 tnp
dresoing ��h o mechonioo| spreoder. mU ��h o 2OO |bo.
mUer ond wotor w�h o f|na ap�y.
& QENERAL Th� hydro�u|oh ohoU be oppUod in the fonn of o
o|u nonoiabng nf �ood oeUu|oae �be� oeed. chem|oo|
oddiUvoa, oommero�| harO|izor und w��r ��nn hydmu|�o|�
�pmyed on tho aoO ou�oom, the hydromu|ohing ohoU fonn
o b|o�er |i�� gmund oover impregnoted un�onn� *ith �oo6
ond fe�Oizer ond ahoU oUow the obaorption uf mo�atuna ond
no�nfoU to pnrco|oto to ths undm��ng soD.
B. EQU|P�E�� Hydrou|� equipment uoed for the opp|ioo�on of
forO aeod' ond o|u of pmpo�ad �ood pu|p ahoU b�
of the ^aupor hydro-aeeder' type oo opproved by the Ownuro
C APPUCAJUN� Tho oporotor �hoU apr y the oreo �ith o un�ornn
�aib|o coot by uaing the grean oo|or of the �ood pu� oa o
guido. Tho o|uny ahoU bn upp|�ed �n o awnoping moOon in o
orohed �treom oo oa to foU |ik* roin oUo�ing the wood �bena
to buUd un 000h other untU o good 000t |u oohievod ond the
mota�o| ia opneod ot the required roto per oure.
O. �WE L|�O[ AU o|ur� mixture which hoy not been opp|ied
w�h�n four hours o�er mixing wO bm n�ected ond namoved
fnom tho pn�eot ot the Contmotor'e *xponoo.
E. PROTECT0N� Speoioi nore ahou|d be ex*n�ood by the
Cuntrootnr in pr��nt�ng ony of the a�r� be�ng spr�md inaide
ony naawrvolr boa�n or onto dro�noge dDohoo ond ohonne|u
�h�ch moy impede the fme f|o� of ro�n or ir�got�on wuter
Any a�r� epU|ed into reshded oreoa ahoU b� c|eonod up ot
tho Controoto�� expenao to the ao��oo�on nf tho O*nor or
Q�ner'� Repreaantot�ve.
�. �NNTENANCE �NO |RR|CATON� Ono� the a|uny mu|ch hoa boen
oppUed und oUuwed to oe� fur ono doy the a|opo ahoU bo
then be ir�goted. Thene ia no aet ir�go�on mqu�mnn�nta �n
goUona p*r m�nutn. Duro�on of t|m� ond number of goUono
to be opp|�d wU| vor fm do to doy ond ayomm to ��tom
dep�nding on the rote of growth ond o|imo�o cond�tions
�noountered. Aa o ru|e uf thumb. tho eo�| au�una muat b*
kept nnoiet ot o|| timeo' po�iou|or|y duhng the oeeding
g�rm�no�on pe�od (opprox�mot�|y 30 doyal.
H. RESEED|N�� �U bore �poto ohoU ba reoeeded {�odded` if
hydmoemd im tu� m�x)' by tho Cmntmotor �|thln 45 doyo doya
iding tho |ock of oover gro�th or mu|ch ie not due to
�nodoquot� ir�go�on or nmo|on couoed by exoeao�vo �otn�ng
by the Owner.
A. 0ENERAL� Tho Controctur �ho|| immndiote|y rep�oe ony ond
o|| moterio|a whinh for ony rno�on die or ore domoged whi|e
undor the Contmctor'u oore. R��ocemmnta aho|| bo modo
��h p|ont of |ike kind ond yize in tho �ome monner oa
upao�i�d for tho ur��o| p|ont�ng (000 �uomnteo "XV|| -O"
for definibnn of deoth ond rep|ooement).
�. CENERAL ��or oU |natoUotion operotions hove been comp|et�d.
oU tmah' exoe�s soi|' empty p|ont contoinera ond mbb�ah
ohoU be removed from the prnpe�y AU o�oro^ ruts or oth�r
morka in the onao oouaed by th�e wonk ohoU be ropoired ond
the gmund |�� in o n�ot ond onjedy oond�on throughou
thm u�e. Controdor ohoU piok up o|| tnoah reou|ting frorn thio
wurk no |eaa thon eooh F�doy before |eov�g the oUo, onoe o
weok ond/nr tho |o�t wod�ng doy aooh ��ok. �| tro�h ahoU
bo rannovod oomp|ete� fmm tho a��.
B. TDP SO|L� Exoeuo topeoU ohoU bo rennoved frnnn the a�te.
C. NE�[NESS� Leove thm e�dowo|ka nnd ntmot in o neot ond
c|eon oondi�on ot the end of eooh wor�ng doy.
D. RE�0VAL OF TA�S� �emove oU toga' |obe|o. nursory atokeo
ond �ee fmm oU p�nt un|oaa othwnwioe dimotod. ond on�
ot the end nf oU �notoUo�ons.
A. QENERAL At oU bmos duhng �onatruot�n, od�quote prot��on
mhoU be provdod fnr �| oreoo ogo�nsd domogo of ony kind,
unb| f�no| occeptonce by tho Owne�o Repreoento�vo.
B. RESPONS|B|L�� the Cuntroutor ohoU b� he|d reapon�b|o for
th: uore ond �aoon/o�on nf oU exlot�n buUd�ngo ond
�ruoturea on the pm ond od�cent premiaoa. Any po�
of them i,�urod. domogod of d�oturbed becouse of hio �or�
ohoU bo repo���. napi000d or c|*on*d by tho Con���or ot
hia nxp�noe.
& SHRUB3 AJ| h bo hoU be tead oa to grmvh ond
heo|th for o per�d of nin�� ( doys o��r comp|ebon of th�
upac�ed mo�nte�once p*�od und/or �no| ooueptonuo by the
O*ner or D�nero Repraoento�ve.
B. TREES� Troeo nhoU bo guoronhoed to |ke ond gr w �n on
000ept b|e up�ght poa��on for one (1) ynor o�er the apoo��ed
mo|ntononc� p��od ond/or fino| oco t th� Uwnor or
Own��a Ropreuentotiwa. The Ownor must pro^da odequote
mointenonoe to enoure the extonded guorontee un treoo.
C. DEF|N00N 0F DEATH� P|onto �hioh die or |ooe mnna thon �D�
of th�ir o�gino| |eovao ohoU be n*p|ooed.
D. REPLACE�E�� The Controdor. wlthin aoven
�M�en not�fiuotion by tho 0*n*r or O�n�r'a Repreoentotivo,
aho|| removm ond r��ooe oU guoronteed p|ont mote�o|o whioh
for ony na000n foH to meet the requ�remento of thio guomnte*.
Rep|ocomont ahoU bm rnod* with p|ont motorio| oa indiootod or
opecd�ed from the o�g�no| p|onting ond o|| auoh rep|ocement
nootudo|a uhoU b� guurontoed oa opeo|f|od fur the o6g}no|
guoronteed moteho|.
A. SCOPE� A��r oU *ork indiootod on the drowing� or henein
�peo�ed hoa been oonnp|obsd' inopectnd ond opproved by tho
Ownnr or Owner'o Ropnaoentotive. the Contnzntor ohoU mointoin
o|| p|ontod oneoa by nnmono uf cnnt�nuou� wotor�g (lno|ud�ng
mnnitohng ond od�ot�g �r�gotinn aohedu|�>. �eoding. ro||ing'
mu*�n apmy�ng. roareding. edg�ng ond/nr ony other
opemtione neo ou f th��r oore ond up�aep for o pmrud of
not |eoo thon n� ( ) doy�. At tho end of the mo�ntononoo
p:hod' oU p|ont moto�o|o ohoU be in o heo|thy. gm�ing
0. �EED CONTROL� AU p|onted oneoo shoU be kept fme of debho
ond ohoU ba �eoded ot not noom thot eeven (7) doy
�ntervo|a. Ar oo thot do not hove o pr�-emergent *omd �Uer
ohoU o|yo bn �u|t�ote6 ot not nnore thot oovon (7) doy
C. FERTUZ|N�� AJ| p�nted o�ou shoU reoe�e o forb|�er
opp|ico�on of �O pounda oer 1.00O oquor f�� of �ro-Power
45 doyu foUowlng tho beginn�ng of mo|ntononoe. �ohar ln
thnrough� o�er opp|ico�on.
D. CONU00N OF �RE� Duhng th� moint�nonoe peho�. koep tho
oro�o neot on6 fren fnonn debrio ot oU t|moo. 0bto�n the
Dwnm/a uppmvo| for on-aito �omge of equ�pment nr
mointnnonce mote�o|a.
�hen oU |ond�oop� im e ts howa benn inatoUed in
oc�ondonoe w�h th | a und i�co�ono the
Controotor�hoU nut�y th� O�ne�a Repnyoentu�ve on� .
' t Fino| Conatruo�on �opoo�nn. |f tho O�norn
Repneaonto��e detann�n�a the work to ba oubaton�oUy
comp�t ond in �onformonoe ��th p|ona ond apoc��ot�ono.
the Controcbur wO| be odvi�ed thot the bosic ninaty (gO)
duy nno�ntanonce p��od �o ���ed.
�. |n ord,r to be oubotontio| comp|oto' ot |eoat the
foUowing muut hove beon �niohed.
o. N| f�ne groding� �nc|ud�ng �Um�not�on of |ow
pointa thot ho!d runoff.
b. � oom |�� ond u b|m |r�got�on myoem.
u. |n�oUotion of oU p|ont nnoterio|o.
d. Sood�ng uf oU oeedod oreoo.
2. W�or �ck-up �enno moy be oomp�tod du�ng the
bua[o mointononco pehnd. Th000 itama �iU bo
determ�ned oo �inor yo|e� by the Uwne�o
B. RNAL ��NTEN�NCE |N3PECTON� At the ond of the
mointenonne pehod ond �hnn the gr und oovor ond tu�
hove e�ob|�ohod ond oU p�ok-up iterns h b n oom |�ed`
the Controdor nhoU requ�� o �no| moinhanonce in�pootion.
The Controotor wiU bo odv|�ed by the Owner's Ro resento�ve
ut th� fino| /napeoDon thot worh |� or ia not ao�ofo�ury.
1. |f the work io so�ofooto�' the boaic mo�ntenonoo
pe�od wiU ond on the doba of the fino| in�p�c�ion
oa d�re�ed by thu O�ne�a Rnpmuento�ve.
2. |f the �urk �a unootiofo�ory the boa� mointenonce
par�d �iU conbnuo ot no oddit�ono| expenan to tho
O�ner un�| the �ork ho� bmen oomp|�ed. insproted`
ond opproved by the Owne�a ��presontot�e.
C. RULURE TO PA�S |N3PECTDN� |f tho work foi|s to poos
5no| �opecbon, ony aubeequent �nopeoiono muot be
��uhodu|ed oo por obovo' ond �O| bo ohorged to th�
Controctor ot the prevoOin hou�� roto of the Ownoro
uf thm Owner'a Ropmoontot�o.
A. Aa aoon oe oU p|on�ngs ore comp|�ed per Con��ct
Dooume�a, Hn|d o pre|�minory mview to d�:nninm tho cond�on of tho �ork
b. Subm� o wr�t n mqueat to th� Ag�noy'a AuU�od��d
Ropnsnantot�n ot |m000 fkm (5) wod�ng doyo p�or to ont�ipo�d dote of
C. h�h the
1. Euoh p|ont ahoU be o|�e ond th��ng. ohowing s�no of gro�th ond no
�gns of growt ond no o�no of st�oo. d|se000 or ony uther
2. /U| p|onts not meeUng theae condi�ons shoU bm rap|oced ond o Nin�y
(8O\ Doy �ointenonue P��od oommenued for auoh p|onta.
J. Lown oneo� ohoU not ba 1OO� �eod free un|eoa othenvimo oppnmed by
the Aganoy`a Authu�zed Repmoentot��.
4. own onao� uho|| howe 1OD� genn�no�on ond ootob|iohmnnt of tu�.
1. V�� uin� no�o�e o�o or ��oc��� � ���udgme�of�o
Aoencv� �uho�zed �epmaaentot�e ohoU be pe�ormed w�hin ten (1O)
oo|ondor doys o��r the Pna-Rno| R��ew.
2. Pe�onn ooneot�o work ond m�eho|s rep|o�ement in 0000rdonce
w�h tho Drowingo ond �pedfioot�nnn ond ohoU be mode by the
Controotor ot no 000t to the Aganoy.
�. ��er coneut�e work �a oom |�ted' the Contnootor ohoU ogoin mquoot
o Pre-Rno| Reve* for Pre-�no| Acce�onoe oo ou�ined obove.
4. Con�nue mointenonco of oU |ondsooped onao� unti| such timo oo oU
oonact|va nnooeu:ya howe been comp|��d ond 000e�ed by the Agency'o
Authodzed RepneoentoDve.
C. Rno| oppmvo| ond ooceptonoe of th* �ork �U| be g�ven
�hen thn foUnwing oond�iono' oe dotenn�n�d by thm Agenoy'o Autho�zod
Repreaentot�n hnwa boon met�
1. At oomp|otion of th� ninety (g[A doy moint�noncp d` ond whmn one
hund�d (1OOl peroent genn�no�un ond p|ont eotob|�ohrnent io o�oin�d.
2. N| p|ontlng omoa ehoU bo �med freo un|eao othemv|me opproved by the
Agenoy'a Authohzed Repreoonto�ve.
3. ��nr ��no| inapeobnn ond 000n��nce by the Agency`o Autho�zed
4. The A�enoy'n Autho�zed Ropnaaentot�e nauen/eu tho npUon to oxtend
tho nnoi�enonce pohod b d (QO\ doye opeoUied. � th*y d�annined
fu�her mo�nbenonoo eatob|iahmont roquired by the Controot
�. Apprnvo| ond ocooptonoo for operot�on ond mointanono� �O| bo g�von in
whting by the �gency'a Autho�zed Repnaamntotive.
& Ref r to the foUowing omcUnns�
1. Lo�ms ond �r oaey- Seot�n O2Q30
2. ��eo. �hrubo. ond Qround Covera- �oc�nn O�Q50
�| | ���z�(`|�|[��T|(lNc� ��AN | [`(lk�p[y VV|TA TA�� (`|TY [l� ��NT�N� ��p��[`|A(`�T|/�N k��K]U�| ��[7 �T����T���p�c� �ND [z�[�����
�� ��