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�`[�K][�[� /\ | /`/lK]Fl|T|��K|(�
A. CONTRACT O0CU�ENT�� ShoU oon�yt of ape�f�ot�na
ond �� gonem| cond�ono ond tho 6m��nga. Th� intent
of theoe �ooumenta � to ino|ude oU |obo� m��ho|s.
ond ae��o nec��� �r �e pmper ����n on �e
wmrh. Tho donumo�� ona to bo oon�d��d oa one.
VYhutaver is oo||ed for by ony pods nho|| bo oo b�nding
o� if ooUod for o|| po��.
B. VE�|F|CAT|ON� The Cnntroctor ahoU verify meosurennente
on th dm�lng� befona bo i � k | f
or o,onnaponoy m ms orowmgs or opror/0000no nr /n
tho work 9f othero offect�ng hio work' he oho|| notify
tha O�nor's Repreoentot�ve immediote|y. Tho Controctor
oho|| be he|d rasponsib|e for ony dpmoges or |oms due to
hla foOuna to obaerve theao lnotruct�ono.
C. �/�E�|�LS. ��CH|NERY' EWPLOYEES� Exuopt oa othor�|oe
noted. the Cuntroctor �hoU pmv�de ond poy for u||
mo��!o|a. |obor' too|o' ond nthar |temn nno�aoor� ond
ino�dento| to the �omp|*tion of hi� �mrk.
U. �URVE��. PERW|TS. RE�U�J|0NS� Th� ��n�r aho|| furnioh
on ud t of tho p The Controctor
ohoi| nbto�n ond poy for o|| permits ond onm�y with oU
}o�a ond ord|non000 booring on the opmnot�un or oonduot
of the �ork oo dm�n ond spe��fied. |f the Cuntmotor
oboo�eo thot o vo�onoe ex(nto thenaw/th he ahoU
pnnmpt� not�y thm O�ne�o Repmoentot|vo in ���ng
ond ony neceao�� ohongmo ohoU ba odjus�� on provided
7n the controot for �hongeo �n th* wmrk.
Contnzotor oho|| odm t | protwnt the work. odjocant
propar�, ond the pub|�c, ond aho|| be reopono�b|e for
ony domogeo or i�ury due to hio out.
E CHAN�ES |N THE W0RK� The Dwner moy ordor ohongen �n
tha wmrk` ond the oontroot sum b�ng od�aed oocording|y.
AJ| uuoh ordmra und odjuotnnonta p|ua o|oim� by thm
Contructor fur extroo muot be mode in *�ting befure
ex�uu�ng th* work �nvo|ved.
C. CORRECTON OF �ORK� Thm Contro�ur ahoU re-exocute
ony �onh thot foUs to co�orm to the requiname�� of
the oontroot ond ahoU r*m�dy d*footn dun to fou�y
mobsr�o|a or workmons�� upon wr�t n noOoe fmm th�
D�na�e Re �t� for o pe�od f | (8O) doyu
from the dote uf cump|ebon uf the oontmct.
H. LAND8�APE CO�RD|NATOR ST4JU�� Th� Londacope
Cuordinotor oota oa tha outhuh�ed repneaentotive of the
D*ner in conjunction w�h the pr�ent monoger. ond hos
outhoMty to m000pt nr m�eot motor|o|a or �orknoonahip
ond to moke minor chonges �n the work nnt invo��g extm
cont' He wU| o|ao �nt�rpmt the meoning uf th� contmot
�ocumenta ond moy stup the �ork if neoeoaory tu enoure
its propor exacu�on.
� i th d i thurough� � |o th* Controotor'a
re�punoibOM� to c|ohfy w�h the O�nor'a Repreoentot�a
ony queationo tho Contnoutor moy hove r��r�ng tho
method of oonatruot�on, quontition' nr quo|ity of nnoto�o|a
ino|udad or oo||ed out |f tho Contrortnr oonnut oontoot the
O*nmr'a Re�r a�ntot<v�. the Controotor nnuut ||f h| bid
or occept the interpretution of the Owner'a Repr aentot�e
on the queoOonob|e onaoo oo they devo|op du�ng oonatmntion.
J. SA�PLE8� Tho Ownor'a Ropreoontotivo maervn� tha �ght to
toka und ono|y�e oo�p�s of moteho|o fnr conform�� to
apoo|floo�ono ot ony �nne. The Controotor uho|| furniah
opmp|�o upun requeat by the O�ner'o Rmpnauentotive. ��ected
moter�o|a aho|| bo imrnediote� remowod frmm tho aitn ond
rep|ooed ot the Contro�o�o oxp*neo. The cost of teat�ng
rnoterio|s not meoting apeo�cotionu oho|| be po�d by the
K. PRE-CON3TRUC�ON CONFERENCE� Sohodu|e o pre-oonatruotion
moeting with the O�ner'e Repeaentot�v� ot |eoyt aeven (7)
doy� befom beginning work. The �npoae nf thia ounferenoe
iu to r��e� ony qu�obono tho ��ontmotor moy hovo mgording,
the wnr�. odminiotnot�wa procedumo duhng oonotruc�on ond
pro]ent *or� oohodu|e.
|[]��|���l-|/lk] c�[][�/�|[�'/��l-|��K]c�
//�/�/��r� / /��/n ��/ �_��// /��r� //��/v`�
Tho Conbnotor e��| prm�de oU |obor too�. mooh�o�, ond
prooraaea to i ��U |�e i � ayo�m
oo ano�n on mo oro�mgo ono/or opeomeo n�nn. �n�n
comp|ebsd the inigotion oy�ann ohoU be o 10O� oovemge
oyotem �n totn| funoUon[ng monnec
& VER|F|CAT|DN DF D|�EN�|0N5� �| aoo|ed dimonsions ore
op�rox|motod. Bofona no e di g with ony *orh` tho
Contnzctor sho|| co��u|� check ond vw�fy oU dimensiono.
Sppcing of irMgot|on heoda. |000tiona of vo|veo ond bookf|ow
pmaventnm. ond pmp000d P.O.C. aho|| be on indicoted on the
drowings. Any do�otion fmm tha p�no muot hovo the
opprovo| of the 0wne/a Ropmyontotive.
B. VER|F/CAT|ON OF F|N|SH �RADE� The Cnntroctor oho|| inmpoot
the ��te ond ohack o|| finiah grodaa ��thin the work oreo
to onaun* the propor noU oovemge {oo epec�f7ed) mf the
irhgotion oyatem pipeo.
C. �/AZR SUPPLY� Tho Contmotor oho|| we�� ond bo
fom�|ior *ith the oource of wotar aupp|y to th� irrigot�on
ayotem om �nd�ootod on the dro*�ngo.
U. PER�|TS ANO FEE�� The Contmctor ohoU opp� ond poy
for o|| n oaaoo perm|ta mqu�n*d in the punsuit of his
�ork oo nequ�red by the govarn�ng uode�.
E. CARE 0F EX|ST|N� 8U|LD|N�S ANO STEPS� The Controctor
sho(| bo he|d mapunaib|e for the oone ond pneeemot�un
of oU exi�t�ng bui|dinga ond atru�turea th �
ond odj000nt pmm|aoa ond oont|guouu Any po�
of theo� prope�ioo ��ured' domoged or d�mturbod
becouoe of h|a wnrk ahoU be repo�md. nap|ocod or o|nomd
by the Controotor ot hio expenoe.
� RENB0 0F DRA�N�S� |t io thn Contmoto�a ruapunoibi|��
to revew �r�ot�on dmwingo ond n�a ony or000 ha
be|iov�o odd�t|ono| hoodo or vo|wao oro mqu��d p�or
to aubm�t�ng o bid. |f no ohongeo oro aubm��d. the
Controotor in rosponoib|e for fuU covamge of oquipment
oo neoeaoory ot the Contmct��e oxp�nae.
8. �DVERN�NQ RE�UL�l0N� �| |000L mun[c�o ond �ot�
|o*o' m|oo ond mgu|o�one � m|o� to
ony por�on of th� rk d h i�o
ond mode por of theo* ap*oif�cotiono. ond thoir
prov�o�ons ohoU bo oonied out by the |r�go�un Cuntrootuc
H. 0��RA��ATC DE�|QN� The deaign i� dioqromrno�c. N|
pipe' vo|v�a. eto.. ohown ��h�n poved ornoo nre for
d*n�n dohf�oot�ona on|y ond ohoU bo �notoUod in
p|onted oneoa whare p000ib|a. Never �nstuU tho bockf|o�
preventnm �n |o*n onyo� o|woyu in ohmb o�o�.
i |NSTXLLAT|ON� �| ir�got�on motmho|u ahoU bm
th h
b � nf th pruvmd
J. S�E PRO8LE�S� Th� hr�o�on Cnn��dor ohoU not
wU�uUy inotoU the ini��\on ayat m oo indio��d un
the dro*ingo when it �o obviuuo in tha �e|d thot thore
oro unknpwn obotmo�onn. gmdo d��mnoeo. ond/or
di�oreponoiwu in tha oreo dimenaionn un�| auoh condi�one
oro brought to tha o��nt|on of tho O�ne�o R�pnaaentot�o.
UL �/�ER�L��
|nigobon rnoteho� ond mqu�ment ahoU be of type. ��e ond
|uoo�on� oa nmtad ond ind�ootad on the dm�lnga. Un|�no
pmnn�ee�on to ohongo ia gronted �om tho O�nora Repeaontot�e�
moteho|a ore tn bo new ond in por�o onnd�on. No deviobono
from the apenUioobnne nhoU be oUowod. Tho de�aion of tho
Owne�s Repreoentot�e ohoU �e �no| in detennino�on of the
quo|Uy of nnotu�o|o.
& EXCA\4�|ON�
1. Thn Cont�c�r �hoU ver�' �ootoma of oU
m�a�ng aubau��oe oO|U�a (m*nhon�oo| ond
e|ncthno|) phor to exuovotiun. Any u0i�ea` A.C.
po�ng, oono�te �urk. p|ont roote�oL �o.' dootmyod or
domoged by ony �od' under thia oontnzot sho|| bo
n,po/red o, rop|ucnd ot the Contmoto�o exp�no*.
2. �nnchey fo U be cut to �quimd g��o |�e
ot o �uo �od�ent to pmv�e un�unn suppo� for the
|ongth of tho pipa.
3. Do�� of tmanohmo ohoU be ou�ic|ent to pm�do o
minimum oowor obnvn tha top of the pip� oa notnd on
the dno�;ng�.
B. J0N|N� P�PE�
1. Th Con���or � re �b| to be 6zmi|�r w�h tho
mothndn of oeoemb|ing. �o�n�ng, ond �n�oUing thu vohouo
typeo of pipea to be uood. H� wiU odhere in ot�ot
0000ndonoe wUh th* noonufootunar`u moommendod
2. PVC pipo ohoU not bo threodod ond o|| tmn�0on from PVC
to m�o| p|ping �hoU be by PVC mo|e thnaodnd odo��r
C. BACKFLO� PREVENTER� Tha bookf|ow prmmntion do��e
apeoif�ad herein aho|| be vehfied ��th |o�o| p|umb�ng ond
hao|th codea. |n tha mv�nt of nny co�fUot on the d��ce
or the �n�toUot�un methoda' the Ownera Repnaonntotivo
ehoU b� nu�f�ed PR|OR TO B|D OPEN|N�.
1. �| moin Unee ond |otoro| |inma wh�h hove g|ued ����
under pov�g in the oya�m` ohoU be oopped ond
prennuro tootod mt 1�D PSi
2. Pmsouru ohoU ba auatoined �n tho |�noa for not� |eao thon
bwo (2) houra. |f |noku deve|op. the ��nts ohoU bo
r*p|uoed ond the haat mpeuted untU th* onOno oy�om
io wobsr�ght.
3. Teut ohoU be obnem�d ond oppmved by the Uwner'�
Reproaento�ve phor to book�U.
4. �hen the �nfgot�n te h b n m�eted (ond
��ore p|ont�g hon bo �� tho Conbootor (n the
presanoe of the O�ner's �opreaentot��. ahoU �a th�
onverogn of *ot�r o�orded to thu |o�n ond p�nt|ng oreoo
o� onmp|�e ond odmquoo. Th* Contmdnr ahoU fin�ah
oU mote�o|o ond p��onn oU work noquirod to oonect
ony �nodequuo|eu of �ovmnogo.
5. The Controotor ohoU infonn thm 0wna�a Repreaentotivm
of ony da�o�ono fmm the p|on requ[ned by �|nd. p|onting.
ooi|o. or s�e oondMjons thot hoa o o�eot un pna�ent
1. Shrub ond gruund oovnr ap�y hooda ocUooent to curba
or wo|�� �hoU bo inotoUed 1 1/2" owoy fmnn the curb or
wo|k on� tho hooda ahoU be pnp-up modm|a oo
indicoted on the dm�ing�.
2. Shrub aproy h�oda m�ooent to bui|d�n fo
�inni|or otructure� ahoU be �natoUed 1 t/2'' o�oy fmm the
utruutuna ond th* nuzde uhoU be 2 1/�^ m�nimurn mbove �niah
grode (No �g�d �sona\
�. �| i n heodo orn to hove dou�e ��ng ���� on
4. |n�oU oU ir�go�un heoda per d�oi�.
Th ��uot oU inigo�nn
heodo for optmum po�onnonmy ond to prevont ovumpr�/ o�o
�o|ka ond bui��ga oa muoh oy pneoib|e. Thio ohoU ino|ude
ao|ecUng tho bent degr o of ono to f� ex7obng aite ��uo�ono.
Th�o o|oo �no|udoa using th� opprop�ote rodiva mduct�on
The Cuntroctor ohoU not oUow or oouoe ony of h|a work to be
oovered or eno|000d un�| it hoo been �nopected. teated ond
oppomed by the outhodzed Owno�o Repremantot�e. Shou|d
ony of hin work bo eno|000d or oovorad bofore nuoh
�napeoOon ond teot. hm yhoU unoovor tho �ork ot hia nwn
expenoe ond o�wr it hoo baen inapo��d. taatod. ond oppnmed,
he ehoU moke oU repoins with U�e mote�o|y nece000ry to
ne�or� oU hla *nnk ond thot of other Contmctora to Mo
ohgino| condit�on.
1. Bock�U �hoU not bm p|onmd un0 �e ���|�d n
�ysbam hoa been �napocted ond opprm�d by the O�nn�n
2. �anohao �hoU be bookfO|ed ��h o minimunn uf 4" of
�ne` gronu|or moto�o|n to teot th p�o from th�
doda or nuoka. The r*mo��g exoovoted d�� oon b*
u�ed oo bockf3i Tho Contmotor nhoU not �000
dethmento| aubuoU ur m�ko |n th� top G" of booN7U.
3. |f a��|ement occuna ond ocUumtmonts �n p�e vo|vea`
inigoton heoda' or ony other inigo�on d��oe' neoe000r�
to br�g the ��tem to proper worNng order. Tho
Contnuotor ahoU. oo o po� of hia �odk under thlo
ountmct moke oU the neceeoor� odjustmento without extro
coat to th* O�ner.
1. A 1�O vo|t e|motriom| po�er ouUet to the onntrn||or
aho|| bn provided by oth�r�. ��o�ded the Londaoope
�ontroctor hoa nmt �no|uded tho m|eotrioo| oonneot[on
in hia �cope of wur�) the |rhgoton �ontmotor aho|| be
mapnnoib|e for mo4�ng tho hoo�up from th� out|ot tn
tho unntro||er.
�. A|| �ire from the contm||*r tn �|eotrin oontro| vo|vea
oho|| be ao|id nopper U.F. �14-OOO vo|t dir�nt burio|.
Uoa �hite for common. b|ock for |o�n ond
ohrub oyateme ond r*d for moloturo omnaor � oommon
contm| wire. |nsto|| �n common trenoh with moin |�ne
p|pe �here p000�b|e. Topo oontro| *|re ot 1O' O.�. tn
moin |�no pipe. Provido minimum 18" coveroge.
3. ��ra oonneotiono oho|| b� mod� w|th ''�ootoh-Lnk" �|re
oonnectur oeo|ing pocks ��570 or Speore ''Dri-op|ioe^
�Dh oeo|ont D5 �OO ur opproved equo|.
4. There sho|| be o contro| �ire fronn eoch cuntm| vo|v�
runn}ng to the oontro||mr, ond ooch oontrn| vo|ve �ho||
be conneoted to tha common gmund wire.
5. A|| o|motrioo| �ork eho|| onmp|y �ith thu opp|ioob|a oodoo.
G. |noto|| o|| vo|ve� per deto�|o. ond monufootureo
�D|�TURE SEN�OR |NSTALLAT|0N (�f opp|ioob|o)�
1. |notoUotionm ond wihng ore to be done by tho Contmotor
in oump|�onoe *ith in��Uotion ond openoting inotruotiona
en�|oeed with tha moiotuns ooneor ond �no|ud�d �ith
thome apeoio| inatruotlona.
2. Th� Controotor oho|| fum|sh 2 -0N8 -UF ��4 (or |orgo�
��ro� from the oontmUer to tho muiature oenoor contro|
�totione. |ocot[ons shown on drowinga. Prov�de odditiono|
1O' expono�on |ood tn eooh ototion for �no||y |000ting of
oensors. A|| aenaona ore to be �imd in poro||n| /ooe w/rn
oc|or noto obovn).
3. Amnte� 8' exton�on bnx�a No. �O-17O-UO3 oovonad by
Amet�k gr�en nover No. NC-1O-173-OO4, or oppmvod
mquo|. uhoU be |n�oUmd o� detoOed.
4. �| w��ng cnnnectiono ot voiv* |000�ono ohoU be w�er-
5. One o�mice unit �O| be purchooed to propeMy prepore ond
oer�ce the mn|ature oenonr. Tha aem|ca un� o|ong *Kh oU
pr�ted opembng inotruo�ona ore to fumiahed to the
O�nor by the Con�o�nr ot �no| inapec�on.
8. �o�otum 3onaor openoting ond oarviom in��ruct[nn ond
oporotiona monuo| �a to be p|000d in the controUoc
7. Spoc�| dopth ond | ce nt infonno�on to ougment
�uiature Senour |n�oUo�on ond Oparo�on |n�ruoUon.
�a to bo provided by the Spaoi�md �onufooturac
B. |n�oUotion nnuot bo �n �ed ond 000ep�d by tha
�onufooturem Reapmnonto�vo.
V. D�/�UN�� OF RE�ORO ��-BU|LT�)�
Tho Contro�or ohoU prov�e ond km: to d�o, in
0000rdonoe w�h thio oeo�un. o com |�� oet o, �ound
"oe-buiit" b|ock |ino ozo|id p�nts wNoh shoU be con�cbsd
doi� ond aho� ave� ohongo,fmm th� o�gino| drow�ngo ond
apeof�not�ons ond the exoct oa-bui|t |000�un� aizaa ond
k�nde uf �quipment. Phnta fur this purpoae �oy bo o��ined
�unn the O�ner. Th�e aet of dro�inga ohoU be kept on the
n�e ond nhoU be uoed on� oa o rocord oot. Theae dnoningo
ohoU o|oo oonm oa �ork progmae ahn*ta ond the Controotor
ehoU nnokm n�ot ond |eg�b|e noto�ono thereon do�y. oo thm
�ork proceods. ohow�g the *ork oo ootuo|� inetoUad. Th�aa
drow�ngo ahoU be ovoi!ob|e ot tho t�meo for ina o� ond
nhoU be kopt in o |oco�on de��gnotod by the O*no�o
1. The Contm�nr uhoU d�rn�mo�n fmm two nnonnnt
po�t of ��euanco. buUd�g comera. nidowo|ka. or mod
interaeo�nno. eb, tho |000tion of thm foUo*�ng �emo�
o. �otn vo|vo�
b. Tha mut�ng of the �nigot�on moin Unea
c. �onnecOon to the exicding woter |ines
d. |rrigotion cnntro| vo|veo
e. Ouioh CoupUng vo|voo
L ControUer/Roin-oheok |000t�ono
g. �oater vo|vo or Purnp
2. Thn dro�ing ohoU oho� oppmved ouboitutiona of aizea'
nnote�o|o' ond monufocture�s nomn ond coto|og number.
Dn or befure the dote of f�no| �nspeotion. the Contmotor
oho|| de|iver the corrected ond oomp�t b|ooWin�a to thm
U�ner`o Roprmaentot�e. Do|ivo of b|ook||nou �U| not nyUmve
the �nntrootor of tho r�opons�bDity of furniohing requ�red
�nfonnot/on thot moy be om�bed frnm tho p�nta.
1. Au-bui|t dm�ingo ohoU bo neoeivad ond oppr ved by
the 0wn�r'a Rapreoontotivo pMnr tn pnaporing oontmUmr
�. Pmv�do one oontmU*r cho� fnr ouoh oontm||er oupp|iod.
3. Thu oho� oho|| be o naduned drow�g of the ootuoi
oo-bui|t oyotnm. u�ing o di��nant oo|or to indicotn the
oroo of oovaroga for eooh atotion.
4. �hon the oho� ia �ump�ted ond u d by the �wno�o
Repreaentotive. it ohoU be herrnetico|� smo|ed ond p|ooed
�n tho uontroUer box.
A. SCOPE AND FREQUENCY Af�r in�oUo�un opero�ona
hove boen cnmp|etnd. r�mqve oU tmsh. uxoeas soD ond
rubbioh fmm prupo�� 4J| auons' mto. or other moMm
in the oreo oou�ed by thia wurk ohoU ba reporad ond
the ground |�� in o nnot ond nrdeMy oond��on
thrnughout tho aite. The �ontrootor ohoU p�nk up oU
throah reau|ting fmm h�a �ork nu |eso thon eoch F�doy
b�oro |uo�ng the aite, onue o wook ond/or the |oat
wud�n doy of eoch wenk. N| tmoh nhoU ba mmoved
nomp|e��� fmm tho oite.
A. �C0PE� The enbre �r�o� rn ahoU be guoronteed
by thn Contm�or oa th moteMo|a ond �or�monship.
�no|uding o��|in f book0| orooa be|ow grodo for o
pm�od of one �) yeur foUowing tho dote of finu|
ooueptonco of the �ork. |f. *�h�n ono �) yeor from
dote nf curnp|e�on. �e�|�ng oocura. ond d nta in
pipea' vo|vnu` ond �nigobon heoda, ood' }nigo�nn dewi000`
nr � ia nooenuo� to bhng the ��h*m' ood or
pov�g to th pm | | f the pennonent gmdeo. tho
Con�o�or. un po� of the �ork under th�a oontroot. ohoU
moke oU odjustmenta w�hout extro coat of tho Ownec
|nc|ud�ng the oomp|ete ��tomOon of oU domoged
p|on�ng, poving or othor improvomonto of ony �nd.
B. �ESP0NS|B|L[�� �hnu|d ony opero�ono| d�f�u|�eo in
oonnoction ��h the i�igot�on ��t�m *Kh�n the e cif� d
guorontme pnriod �hioh ia �n the ��n�on of the Owner'a
Ro tot�e due to infohor moter�o| ond/or workmon-
�h�p. ao�d d��iou|t|oo ohoU bo |nommd�ote� uonactod by
the Contro�or to the ao�ofoction of tho Ownmr'o
Ro re entotive ot no odd0ono| 000t to the D�nnr
inciuding uny ond oU other domoge oouood by uuch
C. |NSTRUCT{ONS� ��mr the irhgo�on ��tnm hos baen
oomp|eted ond tho oonn��|ono mode. the [�ntroctor
ohoU inotmut the Dwner or hio repnsyentot��. in the
opero�on ond mointanono� of the �st*m.
�| �NT|N�� �[)�P|�|��AT|[�N�
/ �_/�/v ///v�� .�/ �_�/// /��/� //��/v.�
A. Fum�h oU �bo� moter�|a ond equ�mont neoeaoory tu
pro/�e ond in�oU p�n moteho|o oo ahmwn on the drowingo
or oo �pooifiod horo|n.
B. �ork �no|uded �n thio ��otiun (it*rno ino|udod but not |im��d
1. �rode' �ndud[ng moundin�� mo|ding ond �h��ng �u�oce
of oU p�ntng oroo� oa lnd�otod ;no|ud�ng tho re�ovo|
uf existing vmgeto�on un|ea� othemv�ae up�oif�d.
l Pnapore und �U ooi| in p|on�n inn|uding furniah�ng
of oU omendmento oo opeoifi�d. N�a thot omondmenta
indicoted un the dm�in (un|mso otherwioe apeo�ed)
ore for bi� pur��aea on�. ��uo| soi| omendment� wD|
be boeed on the soUo tont reou|ta.
3. Furniah ond p|ont oU �ont mmteho|o oa indiooted in the
drow�ngs ond opeoifico�ons.
4. Po�onn oU prun�ng oe required.
5. �toke ond �e oU p|ont m��ho|a oa apec�ed.
O. Prov�e for the moi��non�� c� the �on�ng un�|
0000ptonoe of tho jnb by the 0wnor'a RepmaantoUve.
7. Oiapos� of oU d�b�a ond surp|um moterio|a.
8. C|eon-up.
A. Quoront*e.
10. Wointenonce.
A. EXCA�uJUN� The �ontro�or �hoU vor�/ exoct |o�otiona of
oU oxiating aub-auhzo* utUiboo (moohonioo| ond e|��Moo|)
phor to exoomd��n. Any u0d�ea' A.C. po�ng, ooncrete wor�,
etc, deotmyed or domogod by nny worh under thio oontroot
a�oU ue repoinad or nap|oced ot the �ontrootor's expenae.
B. �U8-�URF�CE DRNNA�E OR SO}L CONO0ON�� Shou\d oub-
su�000 droinoge or ooi| �ond�tiono ba encount�md whlch
*ou|d bs dot�monto| to th or our�vo| of p|ont moterioL
the Controctor aho|| nn�fy the Own�r'o �epre�enhot�vo �n
���ng' ��o�ng the oond0ono ond oubmit o pmpoao| oovoMng
oost of co�eot�on. |f the Controotor fo(|a to notify the
O�nor'o Ropreoentot�o of ouoh oond|t�ona' he oho|| bo
neopono�b|o for p|ont motoho| under thm guomntee o|ou�e of
the �pocifiootinna.
�. D|�EN8!0NG� /A| aco|ad dimena�ona ore uppr ximoto. Before
pmcmeding wlth ony wor�. the Controctor eho|| corefu||y chec�
ond v��� oU dlmona�uno ond quunt|t�ua. ond uhoU |mrnod�obm|y
infnnn the O�ner'o Ropnesento�ve of ony disoroponoieo bnt�een
th� informotion on the d in nd the octuo| condit�onn,
��roinin from dning ony work in aoid omoo untO given
opprovo| to do �o by thp O�nmr'e Repra�entot�e.
1. N�mg�n atobi|izod nedwood oo�duat �hoU bo 1O�%
n�rn e �obOizod �5� by dry ��gh� mnd fmo of
shoving po�ic|eo |orger thon �/4^ poso�ng through o
1OO n000h aoruan.
�. ��| auUur ohoU b� �ondord oummerc�| gmde.
3. Soi| Condi�onor - T�-C Entorpr�oa - 1(8OO] Q27-3311
or �ox) {QOg) �QO-�3O1.
4. Bone meo| 2-22-O ohoU be monufootumd by KeUogg
�upp�. �i|mington, CA.
5. Azo|eo or on� p|ontar m�x �1O3 nhoU be monufootumd
by Bond�n� F�r�|iz�c
6. Ph Ac�oU ohoU be mnnufontunad by KeUogg Supp�'
' VW|mington' ��
7. Por - � ohoU bo monufo��md by Ko|bob For�� P�ductz
8. Cunnmorc�o| ferU|l�ar uhoU be Bmut Produoto of oppmvad
8. Wycorrh(zo| inocu|um - T�-C Enterphaoa, 1 /800)
1. TopooU cons�t of o ferU|e' f�ob|e notum| |oom of
un�unn quoR�, free fmm oubaoi|. otKT o�y hord o|oda.
hord pun ood, po�ioUy d�aintegnoted dab�o. or oth�r
und�a�mb|e moto�o|o.
2. TupaoO shoU not oontoin obnox�ua wmeda' ouoh oa
mom|ng g|ory` uonaL �xoi;a, apu�e. onnuo| puo^
nut groon or bnnnudo gr000.
1. P|ont no�ea ln the �ont L�t oo�onn to "St ndord�ed
P|ont Nomeo' by Amo�con Jnint Cumm�tme of
HnrOcu{turo| Nonoondoture' exoopt in c0000 not oovenad
thenein. |n tha�e ins�oncea the eotob|iohod cu�om of
thm nuraary trode in foUmxed.
�. P|onts ohoU be oound. heo|thy. �goroua. frem from
d�000ao ond wredn. �ns�ct peato of theYr o ond ohnU
hov� hao|t�� normo| root aya�mn. weU fiUing their
contoino� but not to tho point nf being mot buund.
J. P|onto �hoU nut b� pruned pr�r to do|ivor� oxompt oo
outho��ed by the 0wne�� Repnaaentot�e. |n no oose
ohoU tmeo bo topped.
4. AU p�nt motoho|o ahoU be sub�ot to oppmvo| of a|�n.
heo|th, quoU�. ohomctec etc, by the Own��o
�. Tho h�ght ond ap�od of uU �ont m�e�o|a ohoU be
meoounsd ��h bmnohoa �n th�ir nonno| poo�on.
G. Tha oo|�per of oU tnaoa ohoU bo nneooured 4' obovo the
au�ooe of tho gmund.
7. �hore oo|i r or oth�r dimon�un� of ony p|ont m��ho|u
ore onoKt d fmro thm p�nt |iet. �t ahoU be undenatood
thot theoe p|ont mote�o|m ahoU bo nonno| otoc� for tha
type |�oted.
8. P|ont mote�o| ohoU b� aymmetriuo|' �p�co| for voh��
ond up�nioa. ond mhoU onnform to meoounrmon+n up�cUled
�n the P|ont Uob/Lagend.
0. P|ont mot*Hu| |org�r thon thouo apeu�f|ed moy be
ouppUed � oump�ng in oU �her reapeota ond ot no
odd0ono| no�t tn the O�ner' upnn opprm�| of th�
Owne/a Rmpnyaontotive.
1O. N/ �ont mote�o/o muot hovo beon p�v�u�� �nsp��od
ot thm nursery by tho County Hn�iou|tum| Depo�ment
ond sho|| be aubjeot to occeptonc� oa to quo|ity by
the O�ne�a Ropmuento�vo.
11. �ubo�tutinno wD| bo porm���d on|y oa �ndiooted. or if
proof �a aubmi�od thot ony p|ont ap�oif�ed ia not
ovoOob|e. o pm | O| b oons�dered for the uae of
tho neoront equ�o|*nt u|z� or voM�� *ith on equMob|�
od�uotment of the oontroot p�oe.
12. Ouontit�a� ohown on tha coU oute on the P|onting P|on
ona for the conven|�no� of the Contmotor on�.
�uontities drown on the p|on r by o[rc|os, dote or
t�onq��) ore the fino| outho�Y ond sho|| bm furn�ohed
ond |noto||od oo dm�n. Tho O�ner'o Ropr*oentotkm oho||
hove the fino| outho�ty oo tp |000Unn nf oU p|ont mote�o|.
1. ��ed aho|| b� deon, fnooh' n�w urop o�ed ond shoU be
the mixture oe n��d on the P|on�ng F9on.
2. �med ahoU be mixed by the deo|er ond furniohed *�h the
deo|o�n guorontee ototnmont of oompooiUnn ond
per��toge of pur�/ wh�ch shoU be fumishad tn the
0wn��o Ropnanontot��. Seed bzgo mhoU bn do|Yv�rnd to
the Uwne�y Repreoentot�e ut the �nne of inatoUotion.
E. ST�KES� AU otohem �hoU be per d�oOa.
A. CONTRACTDR'� RE�PON�|B|LOY� thm Contro�or is reoponoib|�
for vor�yng th* |000t|on of oU utO�y Uneo ond uth�r
undmrground ob�truotions so thot pmper preoou�ons moy be
token not to d�aturb ur domogn ouch �mprovementa. |n th�
evont of o conf|iot bot*oen ouoh |ineo ond p|ont |nooUono,
the �untroctor shpU prompUy not�y the O�ne�o Rmp��ontotkm'
whu ohoU ononge for the re|000�on of on* mr the uthcc
Foi|[ng to foUow thio pmoedure` the Contmctor ohuU ot his
o*n expenoe rno�e ony ond oU repo|na for domogeo reou|Ung
fmm hio �ork.
V. RN|SH ��AD|N��
& �UJNQ �U oU p|on�ng oraoo oa apec��� hen�n.
B. UN|FO�� �R�DE� /�ter �Uing, oU or�� shoU be bmught to
un�onn grudn by �oo�ng or hond noNng.
C. QRADE REL�TDNSH|PS� Rn|�h grode of ��nOng onaoo o�hor
opp|�oot�un of sui| omondmento ohoU be 1' bo|u� top of
cono��e wo|ko ond ourb grodna ond �" be|ow �niah f|oor
of buJdlng or os n�cd by apot w|ovo�onn.
D. SL0PE FRO� BU|UD|N�S� �d| omoa to buUdlng� ohoU
a�pe owoy fmm th* bu�|ding ot 2� minimum for 1O fnot ond
ohoU oont�nuo to s|ope ot o m�n�mum of 1� unti| �otor droino
to otnemt or �onn ay��nn.
E R0CKS OR CLODS� No m�ka or o|ndo ovor 3/4" in diomntmr
ahoU ba on top of propon*d p|onting boda.
& K|U]N� �EED5 Con�odor ohoU i �e d d ot
�umc/enz wozor anon oe oppoeo no couoe we�o �e�o nz eprou.
Young �eedo ohoU than bo d�otmyed ond mrnovad bofure they
hov� oppo�unity to oet oead.
B. ADO0�NAL REQU|RE�ENT�� For odd�ono| wood �Uing r�ur
� to P|onting Notea on the P|on�ng P|on.
& S0L REPO�� Bafore ��rbng ��| prepor��n the Con�o�or
ahoU subm� o ooi| repo� to tho D�nor ond the Own�r's
Repnaoento�vn. |f np ooU nspo� |n oubm�ed lt *iU bn
ossum�d thot omandnnanto were not odded ond the Londocope
Contnzotor ,�(| bm roqu��ed to g�� o cmd� for aoU
B. C0�PACTEO ARE�S� SoO oreoa thot om compontod to moro
thon QO� du�ng oite porotion sho|| bo �pped to o mininnunn
uf 12" prior to bng�nng ooU prepuro�on. Th000 oreo� ahoU
be dof�ned by tho O*nera Repreoento�ve ond be bO|ed oa on
�xtm if the un�t pr�ce �� qunt�d in tho bid.
C. �ETHOD OF �|X|N�� |f the a|opo i� under 2 to 1' the aoi|
pr�mr t|on moto�o|a ehou|d bo bmodoo�t un�form|y owsr oU
|ondacope oreos ond �orkad to o depth of 8' by rototi||er or
othrr 000eptob|e moohonico| msona to nbto�n o uniform b|end
in tho �oU. |f the a|op� �o �eotrr thon 2 to 1. the
omendmonto aho|| be hydmuUroUy opp|iad for oreoo over 1OOO
aquom foot ond ro4ed |n for emoU omoo. For tho ool|
ornendment b�d mix nefn! to the P|on�ng Notoo on the
P|onting P|on.
O. EXTR�NEOUS �ATER|AL�� |n odd|bono| to the �ork if� d
o6ove the Controctnr yho|| ramovn oU extroneoua mote�o|o thot
ore *xpoaod on the au�oon ond grode to fuoi|�toto mn-o� uf
�u�ooe woter.
E. OELNERY �UP3� Sup�y dn|�o� o|�po from tho muppUor for
the aoi| ornondme�a to the u�e. Bu|k |ood� fmm the
C���oto/o �� �U| n� be omre��. �u�� e�p� bogo for
fer�|izer to thn Bupmhn�ndmnt of the �ob ond the 0wne�a
A. CORRELAT|0N� Tne*n ond ohruba nhoU not ba p|onted untD
o|| o arotiony in �on�unotion with th� insto||otion of the
[nigotion ayotom hovo bo�n ou�petod. fino| gnoduo hov* b�an
antob|iohed. ond the p|onbng bedo proper� prepomd by
cu|tivotion ond fo�i|i�otion ua cnvomd in theoe opeoifiootiona.
B. PLANT{N� T|WE� No p|onUng aho|| toke p|oo� du�ng oxtnenoa�
hot, dry. �indy or freo�ing *emthnc
C. LOC/�0NB� Re|ot�ve poo�un of o|| �onta ond tnaoy is aubject
to opprovo| of th� Ownor'u Ropnsaontotive ond thoy oho||, �f
necesaory` be re|ocoted ot hio direct�on oo po� of this
oontroot. Tr eo ohoU normo|� be |onoted o m�n�mum of 5'
fmm buOdingu, oito omenities ond wo|k�oya.
D. O|BTR|BUT|ON� No muro �ont� shoU b� d/ythbuted obout the
|ondmnope oreo thot oon ba p|onted ond �otered nn the
aornm doy.
E. CON�NNER REWOVAL� P|ont conto�nem nhoU bo mmovad when
p|on�ng thn p|ont�. Conto�nar moy be sp6 on bnth eideo.
ho�ever. without uoo of oxe or �pude. A|| contoinmra nho|| be
nsmovad fronn tha s�te.
F. PLANT|W� P|TS� �| tree ond shrub p�tn oho|| hove o d/om�er
of ot |euat t�ioe th� dionnotor of the mot bu||. Pit d*pt��
nhoU bo o minimum 1�" deepar thon the noo| bo|| for treea
ond 8" 6eeper thon th*.mmt bo|| fur ohruba or oe per
p|onUng detoDo.
C. PLAC|NQ� P|unta nho|| be p|000d ond he|d duhng bookfiU in
on upr�ht pooi�on in the oonter of the pit P|onto oho||
b� ho|d ot, or o|ight|y obove nurnery |eve|. Th� eo�h bo||
uhoU be kept intocL Aoy expoaed rooto aho|| be spreod
uut. |njured roots ohoU be prunod.
H. BACKF|LL� P|ont p� bockfi||ing ooi| ohoU coneiat of 1 po�
nitrngen atobi|�z�d �owduot to 2 po�o toponi|. �otoho|m nho||
bm thorough|y m�xod boforo p|ooemnnt. |n odd�tion to
bockfO|. T� - C C�yco Pocko 7 gm. tob|eta oho|| be odded to
p|ont p/to ot the foUo��ng mteu�
1 po� por 1 goUnn oontoinmr
2 poko per 5 go||on oonto�ner
G poka per 15 �oUon oonto\nar
1O poks per 24 box
12 poko por �O" box
18 poka por 38^ box
18 poks per 42^ box
2O po�a par 48" bux ond thoum box aizea wh�oh ore |urger
|. V�JER|N�� �hen the �t hoa been bookfJ|ed to thnae quo�ens
of ita dopth *oter oho|| be pounad obout tho nuota. AJr
pookmt� ohoU be e|iminoted ond bockfi|| oontinuad unti| the
bockfiU ln brought to grodo |ove|.
J. CU�PACT|N�� Bookf|U oho|i not b: oompooted oround the
roota or bo|| of the p|ont du�ng or ofter p�nt�g. Tho
bookfiU un whioh the p|ont bo!| reats yhoU be |ight|y oompocted.
K. SETTLE�ENT� P|onta �hioh am�|* oho|| be ro[ood to th�
�quined |eve| or rep|oo�d ot the np�on of tho Cnntmctor.
Roiood p|onta wh7ch foi| tn gmw uhoU b� nap|ooed.
L. STAK|N�� �tok�o aho|| be dr�von to ou�ioient depth tn ho|d
tho trme ri�d. Tnaes ehoU be �uppo�ed by ot |eoot t�o tiee
{o:o d�toUo).
�. PRUN|N�� Umbo` bmnches' uonea ond runnero �hioh ra�im
t�mm�g aho|| be ramoved to |eove o c|eon cut f|uah �ith
tho trunk ing on|y oo d�reotod by tho D*ne�e
N. PLANT|N� BEO�� P|ont[ng beds ohoU be edgod ond ou|tivoted
to thu |�n� aepurot�ng oreoa oa aho�n. Boda ohoU be bmught
to o smuoth evon au�ooe conforming to eotob|iohed grodeo
oft�r fu|| oe�|emont hoa 000urred.
A. REFERENCE� Refer to Punogroph V, N. VU^ for fin|ah gmding,
�oed contro|, ond �oi| propomtion.
B. G0L PREPAR/�0N� Propom tho ooU oa por theom npeoifioo�ono
und th* P|onting Notea on the P|onting P|on.
C. �RA0N�� Aroou ahoU bo rokod ond f|ootnd mnnuoth tu prnvido
o true ond uniform au�ooe.
O. PLANT P|TS ANU FERT|L|ZER� P|on�ng itn f gmund nover
ohoU bo 4" x 4" ur odoquote to ocoopt p|ont motorio| frnm
f|oto nr 4' pote w�hout orush�ng or deforming the motboU.
P|ocm o 1/2 �p. T� - C Endo 12O fe�iO�er tob|�t |n euoh
indiv�duo| ground covor pit.
E. �PA�|N�� P|ont oouording tu spooing und in oreoa ind�ooted on
the dro�ingo. Soi| ahoU be firm|y tomped omund eunh p|ont,
ond tho uxcoaa aoi| removed from tho om�n.
F. V0��R|N�� Eooh smct�on of ground cuvmr ohoU bo immediote�
���nod upon oomp|etion of p|onbng, ond themo�er oa
�. �PACNQ F�O� ED�E� The ��� m� uf ground �over ohou|d
o|�oyu bo w�hin O' of tha edge of p|on�ng onao ond t�ongu|or
A. REFERENCE� Refer to Porogmph V, N. VU. for fin�oh groding'
���d oontro|. ond oo�| pnsporo�nn.
B. �O|L PREPAR/�|ON� Prepore the aui| ou per these apeci�ootiona
ond the P|ont�ng Noteo on th� P|onting P|on.
C. �RAD|NS� Arnoa ohoU bo rokod ond f|ootod omooth to prov�do
o trua ond uniform au�oce.
D. QUAL�Y OF PLANTSr P|onto aho|| be h�o|thy onnuo| p�ont
moterio| in b|oonn in the oi�e ind�ooted on the drowingu.
E. PLANT P�� AN� FERT|L|ZER� Eooh p|ont p�t for aeoaono| oo|or
ohoU be G" x O"' or odaquote to 000apt mote�o| in tha
roquirnd oizo, with nne tooapnnn of bnne nneo| mixod into tha
bockfiU m�x (ahrub bookfi|| m�x ohou|d bo uaed' not thm
Agrifurm p|ont tob|eta).
F. �PAC|NQ� P|ont ot apooing ond �n oreoo ind�coted on thu
dm�inga. �o�| ahoU be firm|y tomped oround aoch p|ont.
ond thm �xouaa ooi| rennoved from the urown.
�. V0�ER|NC� Eooh oeotion of oeoaono| oo|or oho|| be immediote|y
�oten*d upon comp|et}on of p|ont�ng' ond �otered thereufter oo
H. SPAC|NQ FRO� EDCE� the firot rnw of aeo�uno| cn|or ohuu|d
b� o|woyu withln R" of tho �dge nf the p|ont�ng oroo.
A. REFERE�CE� Refer to Ponogroph V. V|' V||, for fin�oh groding.
�eed oontro|' ond oo�| pmporotion.
B. PREPARAT|ON� Snd oreo p�or to �on�ing ahu|| bo rn||od
|i ht| d wotered to o depth of B'' the doy pr�or tn
p|ontlng. |f ony oir poc�ata orn fuund. the oroo uho|| b�
regroded oa naceoaory. �ghUy woter the oroo to ba
p|onted �u�t prior to p|onting.
C. �UAL|TY� �od sho|| bo �1 �rode. mooh�ne cut ot un�form
th�okneaa of 5/8" exo|uding top growth ond thotuh. �e�d
free ond oho|| bm nu |moo thon eiyht nnuntho nur more thon
aixtean montho o|d.
D. ��|N& |notu||ot�nn oho|| toka p|ooe wlth�n 24 houra o�or
E. |N�TALLAT|ON� �od shoU be |o|d in o otoggonad po�nrn' w�h
t| ht { � to ond �n the aomo d�nect�on eooh t�nne. �n oU
o�pea aod sho|| b� insto||ed fnom the bo�nm up ond thm ne*|y
eod ohou|d be p��e�ted by wo|king on boordo oa inoto||er muves
upword. 0n a|opeo. pin the ood down w�th �ouden pe�e. No
rnato| atop|o� wO| be oOowed. No ood of |e�o thon 18' �n
|ongth �U| be oUo�od.
F. J0|NTS� Adoin tho aectiona of �od �rm� togothoc |f oir
ap0000 oouur bot�eun am��ono of aod they mumt be �Ued
�ith oond or the aod re|oid.
(� R0LLN(� RoU sod w�h on odequote� we�hted roUer to
amooth out the ood bod.
H. PROTECTON DF ED�ES� Re rode to pr��ct thm edgea fmm
dry�ng if mo�|ng �dgm ie not u��d.
L �ATER|N& Af�r inatoUot�on nod muot bo k�� thorough�
wotoed to o d�pth of 8^ No foot trofhc shoU be oUowed
for 2 to 3 weoho fronn tho dote of |n�oUotion.
J. |N3PECT|ON BY SUPPUER� � there ore ony qu�otiono negording
th* quo|�� of ood �natoUotion o ro ntot�o of th* oupp|�*r
ahoU be requea�d t� inspoct tho �n�oUo�on ond thn
Contro�or ohoU ooU out thn oupp|ie/o repmeentot�e.
A. REFERENCE� R��r to Porogroph V. N` N|' for fin�uh gmd[ng,
weed contrnL ond �oU proporo�on.
B. PREPAR/�|ON |t�ote to d " bo|o� f�n�ah gmd�'
namovo atoneo. fomign gmwth of ony kind ond oxtmnooua
mo�mr. ond groda to remove ridgea ond depr�m�ono ao thot
oreoa o�er ae�|ement wiU oonform to the f�n�oh gr dn. Ro||
ond roke Oght|y unti| the ou�000 ia omooth, f�ob|e ond of
un�form fine texturo.
C. S0W|N�� So� |o*n ueod �n tho omo dea�gnoted on the
dnz*ingo ot the rote oa designuted un the P|onting P|ono.
So* tho |own in two d�mcUono.
D. TOP DRES�|N& Roko |ighty. opmod 1/4^ of Por -5 tnp
dnaaoing w�h o nn�ohonico| �pnaod�r' mU w�h o 2OO |bs.
mUer und �oter w�h o f�no up�y.
A. QENERAL The hydromu|ch ahoU be opp|ied in the funn of o
a|u naiot�ng of �ood coUu|ose �be� o�ad. ohmmico|
odd0voo, omnnnooruio| forU|[zar ond woto� �hun hydmu||oo|�
opmyed nn th� soD ou�oo�' the hydromu|ohing ohoU fonn
o b|nUar |ike gmund covnr impmgnotod un�orm� w�th a�ed
ond fe�Dizer ond ahoU oUow the obaorp�un of mo�ature ond
noinfoU to pen:o|ote to the und�My�ng ooiL
B. E�U|P�E�� Hydrou|� equipment uaad for the opp|iuo�on of
thu ferD|i�er' oe�d. ond e|u of pmporad wood pu|p ahoU bo
of the ^supor hydm-oeeder^ type oa oppr�ved by the O*ner'o
C. APPL|C/�|ON� Tho opmmtor ohoU npr y the oreo with o uniform
�eib|e 000t by uoing the greon co|or of the �nod pu� oo o
guidm. The �|un� ohoU bo opp|ied in o ��moping mo�on in o
orohed otruom oo os tn fo|| |i�e ro[n oUowing the wnod �bera
to bui|d on eooh c�her un�| o good oout |a oohievod ond the
nnote�o| ia opreod ot the mqui�d rotm per ocm.
D. D�E L|�n� AU �|ur� mixturo �hioh hoo not been opp|ied
w�hin four hours oDmr nnixing nO| b� n�eotmd ond mmuved
fmm thn pn�oot ot tho Contro�or'a oxpnnoa.
E. PROTECTON� Spocim| oone ohou|d bo exnnoiaed by tha
Contmutor in pre/ nt7ng ony uf thm o|urry b�ing epr��d inoide
mny roawmo�r booin or onto dro|nogu dKoheo und chonno|u
wh�oh moy impede th� freo f|uw of m�n or ir�gotiun w�nr
�ny o�r� opU|ed �nto reot��ed oreoo nhoU be o|eoned up ot
tho Contmotor'o expenao to the oo�afoo�nn of tho 0�ner or
Owne/o Repreaentot�vo.
�. �A|NTENANCE AND |RR|�ATON� Dnce the s|urry mu|ch hoo bean
opp|ied ond oUuwod to aot fur one doy the u|upe ahoU be
then be �r�goted. There iu nn oot irhgot�on requirements in
goUona per m�nute. Duro�on of t|me ond number of goUone
to bo opp/�d wiU vor fmm do to doy ond oya�m to ��tem
dnpending on the mte of gmwth ond o|�motio oondition�
enoountered. An o ru|e of thumb, the aoD au�ooa nouat be
kept moi�t ot o|| timeo' po�i�u|ody duhng the oeeding
gorm|not|on pe�od (opprox|mota|y 3O doyo}.
H. RESEED|NC� A|| bore opots �hoU bm reaeeded (aodded` if
hydmaeed |o tu� nn/x). by the Cmntroutur w�hin 45 doyn doyo
nmidi g the |ork of covor gr wth or mu|ch is not due to
lnodequote lr�go�un or �moion couoed by ex000a�ve woto�ng
by the O�ner.
A. �ENERAL� The Contmctor eho|| immod�oto|y rep�oe ony ond
o|| moterio|a whioh for ony naomon di� nr ore domoged �hUe
under th� Controotor'a ooro. R�doc*monta oho|| be modo
*�h p|ont of |ike kind ond ai�n in thn �ome monner oe
np�o�fiod for the or��o| p|ontlng (uoe guorunteo ^XV|| -D"
for defin��on of deoth ond rnp|ocemont).
& �ENERAL� ���r oU inato||otion uperotiona hove been cnmp|oted'
o|| tru�h` exceao aoi|, empty p|ont contoinem ond rubbioh
uho|| bm namoved fmm the prope�y AU onoro' ruto or other
morka in thu oreo oouomd by thio work aho|| be napoimd ond
the ground |�� in o neut ond ordndy cond�tiun thmughout
tho o�t�. Cuntrootor uhoU plok up o|| tnzah reou|t|ng frono th�u
�or� no |e�n thon eoch Rhdoy bofue |oov�g th� o�e, onoo o
�emk ond/or the |oat wnrking doy nooh woek A]| trooh shoU
be removod comp|otm|y fmm tho o�m.
B. TDP SO|L� Exoeos topooi| ohoU b* namoved from the uJ�.
C. NE�TNESS� Leovo tho o�dawo|ko ond otre�t in o neot ond
o|eon oondition ot th� ond uf eooh �orking doy.
D. REW0\�L DF T��S� Remnve oU togo` |obe|o' nume,y mtok�o
ond tiaa from o|| �onta un|eoo othnnvioe d�neotod. ond on|y
ot tho end of oU inato||o�ona.
A. QENERAL At oU bmes duhng oonstruntion' odequote pmtoo�on
ohoU bn pm,�ded for oU oneoo ogoinot 6omogo of ony �nd,
unb| �no| onoeptonue by tho Owne�s Repreaento�vo.
B. RB5PUN�|B|LDY� the Controctor ohoU be hm|d roaponeib|m for
the core ond pr�/e�o�on uf oU exlstin buUdlngo ond
otructuroo on the pmpo�y ond od�oent pnemiaeo. Any po�
of th*rn inJured' domoged of d��u�ed becou�o uf hiy *or�
oho|| be nopo|�d. rep|uoed ur o|�oned by the Controd�r ut
his expense.
& SHRUB� �| ah ba yhoU be �aed t �t nd
heo|th for o per�d of nin�� (QO doys o�er comp|a�on of the
upooUlod nnoint�nonce pehod und/or fino| 0000��nco by the
O�n�r or O�ner'e Repreeentot�e.
B. TREE3� Tr000 ahoU bw guomn�ed to |km ond gro� in on
ocoeptob|o up�ght puai�nn fnr nne (1) yeor o��r the apec��ed
mo|nt�nmno� p�Mod ond/or f�no| ooc t thr O�nrr or
O�ner'� R�pnaoentotiws. Th� Uwner muat prm�de odequ��
mointenonco to onoure the �xtended guomnte� on tmeo.
C. UERN0ON 0F DEATH� P|onta whioh d/e nr |mse mom thon 3O�
of th*�r o�g�no| |eovoa ohoU be nep|ooed.
D. REPL�CBNENT The Con��do� w�hin seven
*��on notD�oot|on by th� O�n*r or O�nor'o Repremantot�v*.
ahnU remove ond r�dooe oU guoronteed p|ont nnoteho|o whioh
for ony r0000n foD to rnoet the mqu�nemenba of thim �e .
Rap|ooernent ahoU be mode with p|ont motoho| oa indicobad or
yp�o��ed fmm th� o�gino| p|onting ond oU auoh rop|onemant
moto�o|o �huU be guoronte*d oo apooifiod fur the m�gino|
guoronteed rnotehoL
A- SC0PE� Afba oU work ind�otmj on tho drowinga or h*r�n
| tod i ect d d ruved
B. �EEO C0NT�0� �U p|onted oreos �hoU be kept ��* of dob�a
ond ohuU be wmoded ot not �ore thot �7)
\ntonm!a. Ar oa thot do �� hovo o pre- need �Uer
ohoU o|oo be ou0voted nt not more thut aevon (7) doy
C. FERTUZ|NQ �| p|o�ad or�za ahoU moe�e o feMi|bmr
��|ioc�on of 2O ��ndn oer 1.�� ��� �� � ���Power
4� duyo foUo�ing th� bog�nn�ng of mointenuno�. �oter in
thomugh� o�or opp|icobon.
D. COND0ON OF S�E� Duhng the moi�enonoe pohod` keep the
pro�nt noot ond fren fronn debMa ot oU t�rnma. 0bto|n tho
O�no�o oppmvu| fnr on-a�e �onoge of oquipmont or
mo|ntenon�e mote�o|a.
��nn oU �ndaoop� �n �� h be in�oUed �
-_. .. -__-__ -- �__ _- -,-_.___-
the Cont��or wD| be odv�ed thot thr boo� nin�y (sol
doy mo�ntononoe p�Mod io ���ad.
1. |n ord*r to b� oub�ontio| connp|ete. ot |eoat the
foUmw�ng muot hove been �niohod.
o. N| f�ne gmding� [ndud�ng e|�m�not�un of |o�
pointa thot hu|d runoft
b. � comp�te ond o b| �h ot|on ayotem.
o. |n�oUotion of o|| p|ont motorio|o.
d. Seed�ng of oU aeeded oreoo.
2. ��nor p�o�-up �omu �oy be oump�to6 du�ng th*
bua�o moint�nonoe pehod. Theoo �*mm wU| be
d�erm�n*d oo �inor ou|e� by the Dwne��
B. RNAL �NNTENANCE |NSPECOON� At the end of the
mointenonca pe�o� ond �hen the gr und covor ond tu�
hove oatob|�ohed ond o|| pink -up itenna hove been �ornp�tod`
tho Controntur oho|| request o f�no| moinbenonce inopection.
The Controotor *i|| b� odvimed by the Own�r`y Re o tot�ve
ut the f�no| |napeut|on thot �ork ie or |o not oot�ofodory.
1. |f the wodk io aoDofocto�, th� booic mointanonoe
pe�od �O| end on the dote of the fino| inopection
oo d�reoted by the O�ne�o �opresontotive.
2. |f the �ur� ia unnotimfootory thn boo�c mointenonoe
por�d �i|| oont�nue ot no odditiono| expenow to the
0�ner untO the �ork hoa bemn oomp|�t�d, inepected'
ond oppnmed by the O*ne/o Ropreaento�ve.
C. FA|LU�E TO PAS� |N�PECT|ON� |f the �ork foOo to poae
f�no| �ypect7on, ony oubaequent |nopect�ono must bo
nauohedu|md oa per obovo. ond wU| ba ohorgmd to thm
Controutor ot tho provoi|ing hour|y rote of the O�ner's
of tho O�ner'm Roprooentot�o.
& 4� nonn oo oU p|on�ngo ore comp|etod per Contnzct
b. Subm� o �r�t n requaat to the Aoonova Au�or�od
Rmpmoo�o�wo ot |0000 f�e (5) working doya p�or to on��ipo�d dote of
C. h�h the
1. Eoch p|ont shoU bm o�e ond t of growt ond no
�gno of grmw� ond no �gn� nf at�ma` d�eo�e' or ony ��hec
2. /U| p|onto not meet�ng theae oond|�nno ohoU be rep|ooed ond o Ninety
(QO\ Doy �ointononoe Pe�od oommenoad for ouuh p|onto.
3. Lo�n or000 ohoU not be 1OO� �ead f�a un|aoo othenw�oa oppr��d by
the Aganoy^a Autho�zed R�pm��ntot��.
4. own oreos �hoU howe 1O0� genn�no�on qnd eotob|�hmen� of tu�.
1. �ork u��d cor��Uve oo�on or rep�cemunt � the �udgmen of the
Aoencvo Autho�zod Re�eaent��e ehoU be pe�ormed ��h�n ten {1O)
co|endor doyo o��r the Pna-Rno| R��ew.
2 Pu�orm cnn�c�ve �ork ond mote�o|o rep|ocement in oocurdonce
with the Drowingo ond �p�cifinot[ona ond ahoU bn mode by the
Controotor ot no coat to the Agoncy.
�. ��er oon�ct�� work ia oonnp|oted. the Contmctor nhoU oguin requeot
o Pma-Rno| Revie� for Pm-�no| Aooeptonc* oy out|ined obove.
4. Continue mointononce of oU |ondaooped oneoo unti| auch tirne oo oU
cn��otive nnaoauma hovo baon ounnp|oted ond 000epted by the Agancy'u
AuthoM�od Ropro�entotivo.
C. � Rno| opprnvo| ond 0000ptonco of tho *ork �U| be g|von
�hen the foUo�ing oond�iona. oa detenninod by the Ag:noy'a Autho��od
Rapronantotive hovo b**n met�
1. At comp|*t�on of the ninaty (QO� doy mointanon�� pe�od, ond �hen ono
hundrud (1OO) p�rount gernn�notion ond p|ont eatob|iahment ia obtu|nod.
2. N| p|ont|ng umoa oho|| be *eed fnse un|eua othanwiae oppmved by tho
Agonoy`o Authohzed Repreaontotive.
�. ��er �no| inopecbon ond ooceptonce by the Agenoy's Authohzed
4. The Agenoy'o Authohzed �npm�nnto�v� re��n/nu tho nptinn to oxtond
the mo�ntononco pohod b d (A0) doye op*o��od. � thoy d��rminod
fu�her rno�ntenonoe eatob|iohmant requinad by tho Contront
5. Appmvo| ond occeptonoe for operotion ond mointanonoo wi|| be given ln
�hting by thn �gen:y'o Authoh�ed Repn*oentot�ve.
& Re�r to the foUo*ing aen�ona�
1. Lownm ond �mooas- �ect�n O2g3O
2. Treeo. �hrube. ond �mund Cnverm- �edjon O�g�O
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