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ond aenicea neoasoory �� um pmper execut�n on th�
wmrk. Th* dooumn�� ono to be oom�dorm� on one.
�hotever ln noUed for by ony po�� uhoU be oa binding
oo � coUed for oU po��.
B. VE�|F|�ATON� The Con�n�nr aho|| vo�� meonunaments
on tho dm inga bofore b; l n| g wnrk |n 0000 of ormr
or o/acnaponoy m zno oro�mgo or specmr000no or /n
the �nrk of othom o�e�t|ng h|a *ork' he oho|| not|fy
tha Ownor'a Repmaento�ve �mmed�ote|y. Tho Controctor
shoU b� he|d neypono�b|m fnr ony domogey or |oa� dun to
hlo foUure to obaerve thomo �natruo�ono.
C. WATER|ALS. �ACH|NERY' BNPLOyEES� Exoapt oa othonw|�e
noted' the Oontnootur �ho|| pruvido mnd poy for u||
m�ter�o|�. |obor. too|a. ond oth�r |tomo nov*aoory ond
ino�donto| to tho oomp|otion of hio work.
O. �URVEYS. PER�|TS. RE�ULAT|0NS� The Owner aho|| furn|oh
on odoquote numoy of tho propor�. The Contmotor
/o�o ono orumon000 oe g o zne oporozon or conoucc
of ths *ork om d �on�m'tor
o�amrvea thot o vo�onma exYat� thonaw(�h h* nhoU
' prompt� not�� th� Ropmnonto�ve in ���ng
ond ony n�o�oe�y chong�a �hoU be odju��d oo pmvidad
in the oontroot fur ohongeu ln tho �ork.
�� Contmutor yhoU ode oto� protoot the wor�, o�ooent
pmpor�. ond the pub|�o` gnd oh�| bn n,oponoib|e for
ony domogon nr injury doo tu hln oot.
F CHANQES |N THE �ORK� Tho O�nor moy ord*r ohongoa in
�m �ork. ond the oontroct oum being od�a ed oocnrding�.
' AJ| auoh ordora ond odjuahnonto p|ua o|u|nno by the
�ontroctor for extno� muat ba modo in wr�ing bofona
'� execu�ng tho �n,� |nvohod.
�. �O�RECTON OF �ORK� Tho �on��dnr ahuU no-exeouta
ony �ork thot foUo to nunform to the mquirennente of
tho oontroot ond ohoU mnn*dy d��otn duo to fmu�'
motar�o|o or wo,�nnona�p upon wr�t n noDoa fmm the
O�no/a Re tut�o for o pa6od uf n�ot (8O> doyo
�um the doto of oom�*t�n of tho oontmct.
W l th d ; tho h� � |o tho Controotor'a
mo/uoeo ur c0000 ouz. n zne �onzmrcor oonnnz oonroc, mo
O�ne�o Raprooentot�e. tho Co t dor muot |Ky hl �d
or occept the interpretution nf the 0�ner's �opr o�nuzuve
un tho qu���onob|a onaoo oo they deve|np du�ng oonntmo�on.
J. SA�pLES� The O*nor'o Ropreaontotivo naoemea tho �ght to
toka ond ono|y�a oomp�o of mote�o|o for oonformdy to ,
ut ony �mo. Tho Cuntrootor aho|| furnYah
�ump|ea upon roqueat by thm O�ne�a Repr000ntotivo. ��act�d
moter|o|u �hoU bw imnoodi�te� removod from the oito ond
rap|ooed ot tho Cuntnoutor'o expenme. The oust of t�ating
| nnt meeting openi5ootlono oho|| bo poid by tho
�. PRE-CUNSTRUC�ON C0NFERENCE� �chedu|e o pre-oonetruotion
meebng �ith tho O�nor'a Repreeentotive ot |eoat aeven /7)
doya befor boginn|ng work. The �npnoe uf this oonforonno
�a to r��ow ony quea�ono tha 0ontrootor moy hovo mgording.
th� wor�. odminietrot�e prooedumo du�ng oonotrucUon ond
p��eot �ork uohodu|e.
|����|���-F|/�k| c�[)����|��|/`�-F|��K|��
//�/�/��r� //��/v .// �-��// /��r� //��/v.�
The Con�no�� ohuU prov�o �| |obor too|a. mooh�ory. ond
prncea�oo nuc�a�o� zo mmox p cnmp/�n /mgonvn x'u�m
oa ohonm on the dmvNngo on�/or opoo�od her[n. �hon
ommp|o�d the inigo�on oy�om ohuU bm o 1O�� oovaroge
myotom in toto| funotion|ng monnor.
A- VER|RCAT0N 0F D|�EN�|0N3� �| yoo|od d7menniono ore
oppro�motod. B fom rm��d| g �h * rk tho
Cont�otor ohoU ou��u|� oh*ck'pnd vo�/y oo uim�no/ons.
Spo�ng of �r�oUon hooda. | uf vo|voa ond boohf|ow
pmvontoro. ond pmpnood P.O.C. nhoU bo on indiootnd on tho
dmw�nga. Any d��o�nn from tho p�no muat hove tho
upprovu| of the 0*no/� Rapmaonto�ve.
B. VER|R��TON OF RN|SH �RAD� Tho Contru�or ahoU inapoot
the �te ond ch�nk oU f�n�ah gmdea �ithin thm �orh omo
to �nuum tho pr��or aoi| ooverogo (ua opeoi�ed) of tho
inigotion ay�am �peo.
C. �/�ER SUPPLY� Tha Con�ootor uhn|| wa�� ond bo
fomi|ior with the ouunue of woter aupp|y to tho |rhgot�un
oy�em oa �nd|ootod on th� drz�|ngo.
D. PERW|T� AND FEE�� The Contnodor ahoU opp� ond poy
for o|| n�oeomo pernn�tn roqu�nad �n tho punau�t nf hia
*orh oa roquimd by tha govern�ng nodoo.
E. C�RE UF EX|S�N� BU|L0N�S �ND STEPS� Tha Controotor
ohoU be ho|d naaponoib|e fur the �ore ond pnaaonmtiun
of oU �xi�t�ng buUdings ond otruotunaa n the pm �y
ond ud��oent pnannlaoa ond oon�guoua Any po�
uf th��e propo��oa ��urod' domoged or diaturbed
ba�ouuo of hin �ork ohoU bo mppin,d. rep|oced or c|eomd
by tbe Contmotor ot hiu oxpmnae`
F RENB� OF DRA�iNCS� |t io thoContmotor'm mopnnn�bi|ity
t� ravew �r�otion dnz�ingo qnd noto ony orooa he
bo|/ov�a oddityuno| hoodu nr |vs orn naqu|rod pdor
t a�brni�ing o bN. � nu oho ubm�ted. thu
Controotnr io reaponsib|efor f�| ooveroge of aquipment
on n000yoory ot tho Contnz�o�o oxpmnoe.
C. =
H. m|
wno oe. 000x/ow
pr�vnnzor m /o*n or�o� o/woyo m unmo o�o�.
L o�
J. S�E PROBLE�S Tho | Co c�n h U ot
.�' tho d��wings when ��� obv�ua in the �e|d thot
. qm un�no�n obn�uot�no. grmd* d�fm�noeo ond/or
` cU�oreponoioa in �e o�o d�mona�na un�| ounh oond�ona
ona brought to tho oMonUoh of tho Owno�u Repmao�ot�o.
Ui � '
K( \ �
` `
1. Th� nt �o �h U of U
, a�crn�oy pnor no
�. p"vmy. "o.u"= "".� �v=` "�=�.. =".. "�=""r�" "'
domogod by � work under t�o contn�t eh�| be
mpo��� or mp|000d ot tha Cont��o�o oxponsa.
2. �enohes U bo �� tu �quimd g�do �ne
. ot o true ��dient to prov�e un�onn ouppo� for the
|ongth of tho p�po.
l Dopth of t�nohoa nho| ba au���nt to prov�o o
mininnum omvor obovo the top of the pipw oe nutod on
thn dm�7nga.
8. JO|N/N� P|P�
1. The Controotor |o roopono/b|e to bo fomUior ��h the
m�hodo of onoomb|�ng. join�ng, ond in�oUing the vorioum
typao of p�peu to bo uood. Hm wiU odhure �n at�ot
oouurdonoe �t tho monufooturer'n r000rnnnondod
2. PVC p�o ohoU not b� thnyodod ond oU tnonu�|on fmm PY�
to nn��| piping shoU bo by PVC�rno|e thmaoded odo��r
C. BACKFLO� P�EVENTEFt Tho bookOmw prmmnt�n devloo
ope��iad herein oho|| ba vehf�od with |000| p|umb�ng ond
heo|th cod�u. |n the ewant of ony oo�fUot on the dov�ca
or the in�oUot�on mothodc. tho Ownmr, Reproaentot�vo
oho|| be notified PR|0R TO B|D OpEN|NO.
1. /U| moin Unea ond |otono| |�nea wh�h hovo g|ued ���a
' under ��n � the oyobym ehoU be oopped ond
preeeur* to�nd ot 15� PSi
2. P�mouma ohoU be ouatoined in th* |�neo for not |es� thon
two [2> houra. |f |eoko deve|op' th� ���� ahoU bo
rop|ocod ond the teat mp*otod unti| tho on�no ay�om
io �oto�ight.
3. Tent �hoU bn obaem�d ond opproved by tho Ownor'o
Rnpnaoontotive p�ur to boo��iU.
4. �hen thr irhgotion t hoo beon oomp|eted (ond
bofona p|ont�ng hoo bouun� tha Controoto� |n th*
pmoenuo of tho Ownor'a Repreoenbot��. ahoU taat tho
oovoroge of woter o�ordod to the |own ond �onting onaoa
on oomp|eto ond odoquoo. Tho Cnntro�or oho|| finiah
o|| mohario|� ond po�orm oU wnrk requ�nsd to oonoct
ony [nodequoo�om of oovemgo.
5. Tha Contmotor ahoU inform tho Owner'a Ropnaowntotiv*
of ony doWotiono from the p|on requ|ed by �ind. p|ont[ng'
ooi|a. or e�o onnd��ono thot hoo o o�ect on pre�ont
1. Shrub ond ground cuver npmy heods odjooent t� ourb�
or wo|�� ohoU bm in�oUod 1 1/2^ o*oy from the ourb or
wo|k und tho h*odo ohoU bm pop-up modo|o oa
ind�ooted on the dmwinga.
2. Shrub opr�' hoodo m�ooen to bui|din fono or
�innUor atruotu�� ohnU be /n�oUed 1 ��'' o�oy fmm tho
o�u��m ond thu nozz}e uhoU bo 2 1/2^ m�nimunn obovo �n�h
grodo. /No �gid �aana)
�. n heoda om to hovr dou�e ��ng ��nt oo
4. }n�oU oU �r�u�un heoda por dot ��.
The |rr�otion Cnntrootor sho|| f|uah ond o��uot oU ir�go�nn
hoodo for op\rnuno p*�onnonoo ond to p�went ovompr�' onto
wo|ka ond bui|dingo oa nnuoh on pooaib|o. Thlo ehoU |ndude
mo{eo�ng the b,ot dogr e of om to f�t oxioting oito a�uo�ono.
Thia o|oo �nc|udao uo�ng the oppmphote rod/ua reduution
Tho Contno�or ahoU nut oUo* or oouoe ony of hie wmr� to ba
oovo�d or ano|uond un�| � hoa boon 7n�pocted. teeted ond
opprov*d by thn outhohznd O�no�a Repreoanto�ve. Shou\d
ony of h�a *ork b* eno|000d or oovemd before auoh
innpoot�on ond teot. he ahoU uncovar th� w�rk ot hia uwn
exponmm ond o�or |t hoo bonn inopectod. booto�. nnd opprmvod.
hn shoU mo�e oU napoira �ith |/�� mote�o|o nooe000ry to
nestnro oU hia wor� ond thot of othor Controo�nra to �t�
u�gino| oondit�un.
1. BonkfiU ahoU nnt b* p!o�*d unti| thm in�oUed inigo�on
t,m hoa b�en inapeot�d ond opprovod by the 0wno�a
2. �annhoa ohoU be bookfiUed �ith o minimum of 4' of
f�nn. gmnu|or motoMo|a to teot tho ph,e fmm tho
o|oda or moko. Tho remo��g �exoovotod di� oon be
u�ed oa bookfi|L The Controctor aho|| not �ooe
dotMnoonto| oubuol| or moka /n the tup �" of booNl|L
3. |f a�tt|oment oocum ond ocUuotmonto |n p�o vo|vao.
irMgntnn hooda, or nny othor irrigotion dov�o*. neoeoaor�
to br�g t e oyotenn to pmp�r wnrWng order. The
Contro�or uhoU, uo o po� of h|a *ork under thla
oontroot moke oU the nocooaory od�u�tmenta withnut extrp
coot to the �wner
1. A 120 vo|t o|ootrioo| power out|et to tho ountro||er
ahoi| bo prov|ded by uthar�. ��ovided the Londnoope
Controotor hoo not /no|udnd tho o|ootrloo| oonneut�on
in h�u ouupe of work\ the |r�got�n Cuntroctur aho|| be
nyspnna�b|n for mo�ing the hnnk�p from tho ouUot tn
tho oontro||�r.
2. �|| w�ra fmrn the contrn||er to eieotr�o �ontro| vo|voa
aho|| be eo|id coppor U.F. �14-SOO vo|t dinant buho|.
Uee �hita for common. b|ook for |n�n ond
ohrub oyotornn ond rod fur nooioturo ooneom/ oornrnon
oontm| wiro. |nato|| in oommon tnenoh �ith mo|n |ine
plp� �hem pooaib|o. Topo oontro| *[�� ot 1O' O.C. to
moin |ino pipo. Prov�de nninimum 18'' oovomgo.
3. �|ro oonn�ot|uno oho|| bo modo *\th "Sootoh-Lnk^ w|ro
cunn�ctor 000|ing pooka �3578 or Spaors ^Dr�-op|�ce^
with seo|ont D� 30O ur opproved equo|.
4. Thor* oho|| bo o contru| �iro from eooh oontm| vo|ve
running to th� onntr�||or. ond eooh oontro| vo|vo oho|i
be oonnentod tn th� oomnnon gmund �ire.
�. /U| e|ecthoo| �ork ahoU oomp� �ith tho opp|ioob|o oode�.
8. |natoU oU vo/vea por detoUo, ond monufoctuneo
�O|�TURE SENSOR }NS7�LL�[0N (� opp|ioob|�)�
1. �natoUot�ono ond �i�ng oro to bo done by the Controotor
in oo�p|ionce �ith in�oUotion ond npam�ng inotruotiono
eno|ooed w�h the moiotum eennur ond inoiuded �ith
theoo opeoio| fnotruo�ono.
2. Thn Controotor ohoU furnioh �-��O-UF �14 (or |orgo�
w�ma fmm the oontnoU�r tu the muiotuma oonaur oontnu|
etotiona, |o�ot�nna shnwn un dmwings. Provido odditiono|
1O' oxponaion {ood tu 000h otot�on for fino||y i000ting of
oananrs. �U oenaom o,o tu be w�rad in poro||e| (�ee w�re
oo|or not� obov�).
3. Amotek �" o�onoion boxeo No. 1O -17O -00J oovermd by
Amete� �aon oover No. �C-1O-173-OO4' or upproved
oquo|. ohoU bo |nutoUod oa dotoDod.
4. N| wi�ng oonnaoUono oL vo|vo |noo�nna ahoU bo �ntnr-
5. Ono nomice un� wiU bo pumhoyed tn pr pedy pnapona ond
mon/�o tho mn�oture oenaor. Tho aem[o� un� o|ong w�� o|
pr�tad oper�ing ine�ucUony one to fum(uhed to tha
0�n�r by the Controotnr ot fino| inepoo�un.
8. �c�atum �en�or opemting ond �en/ice inotruotion ond
opemt/on� monuo| ia to bn p|oond in tha oontroUwr.
7. Speoo| 6opth ond �ouoment informo�on to ougment
�oiatuna �onaor \notoUo�un und 0pam�on |netruo�on.
ia to be providod by the �paoifi�d �onufocturar
8. |nsto||otinn muot b* [no ��d ond oroopted by the
Wonufocturena Heopm��nto�ve.
K DR/�/|NQ� 0F RE�ORD ��-BU|LT�)�
Tho Cnntm�or ohoU prov�o ond ke to d��' in
0000rdonoe ��h thi� aoc�on` o o |�a oet of nacord
"us-buUt^ b|ock |ine nzo|id phnto �hinh ahoU be co����d
doi� ond aho* nvo� ohongo,from th� o�gino| dm*in�n ond
spec�oot�ona ond the exoot oo-buOt |000buno' ai�*o ond
k�ndo of equlpnoont. P�nto for thio purp000 m b o�o7ned
�om the Uwnor. Th�a aet of drowinga ahoU be hapt un tha
o�� ond ehoU bo uaod on� oo o nmond ��. Thnaa drowing�
ahoU o|oo nemo on *ork progmao oho�� ond tho Con��otor
ohoU nnoke n�ot ond |eg�b|n not�]ons thereon doDy. oa the
�ork pruoo*da, ohn*�g the �ork ua ootuo|� �n��Uod. Th000
drowin8� ahoU ba ovoi|ob|e ot tha bmoa fnr ino eo�on ond
ohoU be kop |n o |noo�on dnolgnote� by the �nnor'�
1. The Cont�dor ahoU d�menolon fmm two ( nnon�nt
pu�t of refarenoe` bui|d�n mera. aidewo|xa. or mo�
intonseo�on�' �o, tho |ocoUon nf tha foUo�ing ibamo�
o. �ote vo|wso
b. The nouUng of tho inigot�on moin |�nea
c. Cunneo�on to the a�atlng woter Unaa
d. |r�got�on oon�o| vo|vao
e. Qu|ok �oup|ing vo|veo
f. CnntmU�r/Ro|n-ohnck |onot�ona
g. �uater vo|vo or Purnp
2. The dmw�ng ohoU mho� oppmved ouboitubono of oizes.
moteho|o, ond monufooture�s nome ond ooto|og nunnbmr.
0n or befons the dote of fino| [napootion. tho Cun�ootor
sho|| de|iv�r tho uorrectmd ond comp�t b|o��Unoa to the
0*no�u Ropreeontotho. De|i o of b|ooW|nou wU| not reUove
the �ontmctor of the re�ponoibi|ity uf furniohing required
|nfonnot!on thot mny bo om�tt�d from the p�nto.
1. Aa-bui|t dmwingo uhoU be roceived ond oppr ved by
the Ownor`a ��pnnmnntot>va pdor tu pnapor|ng cnntmUor
2. Prov�do ono oontmUor oho� for 000h �ontro||or oupp|iod.
�. The cho� �hoU be o paduoed dmw�g of the ootuo|
o�-buDt oyatem. un|ng o di��ront oo|nr to �ndicote the
onao of oovnmgo for aooh atotion.
4. VYhon the oho� io oom�otnd ond d by the 0�no�o
�epreaontutive. it ohoU be harmetiooUy oeo|ed ond p|oond
|n tho oontro||ar box.
�. 3CDPE AND FREOUEN�� Af�r in�oUudnn opnm�ono
�ove baon comp|�tod. rernova o|| tnosh. axoeon �oi| ond
rubbleh fmm pmpo�� �| aoora. rutu. or other morka
�n the ureo couood by th�o �ork uho|! b� reponed ond
tho ground |�� |n o noot ond ordeMy oon6��on
thnnughout tho aito. Tho Cnntmotor ohoU pio� up o||
thmoh roau|ting frunn hiu �ork no |oos thon aooh F�doy
befuro |oo�ng the o|te. onoo o *ee4 ond/or tho |oot
�orkin doy of eoch wee�. AU troah oho|| bo nsmuvod
oomp|ete|y from the a/te.
A. �C8PE� Tho on�re �r�o no ohoU be guonontoad
by tho Cuntrootor oo th mote�o|o ond wo,kmonah�p'
ino|ud|ng a��Rn f bookMU or000 ba|ow gmdo for o
pehod of ono �) y�or fo||nwing the dote of fino|
0000ptonoe of the work. |f. �Dh�n ono ( frnrn
dot� of uomp|e�un. ye�|ing ocouro, ond d nta in
pipoa. vo|vm�. ond irhgotion heod�' ood. ir�gotion devinna.
nr ing io n000aoory to b�ng tho ��t�m. aod ur
poving tm the propnr |eve| of the pannonont grodmo' tho
Contro�or. oo po� uf tha worh undor th|a oontnout. aho||
nno4a nU od�uotmenta *ithout extnz ooet uf the Owne�
�nn|ud|ng tho comp|ot� reotomt|nn of o|| domoged
p|onting. poving nr qthnr improvemonta of ony �ind,
B. RE�P0N�|B|LR�� Shou|d ony upero�ono| d�fou|�ee �n
connnctinn w�h the |��goton �yaem ��h�n thm a ciOed
guorontee period �h�h �a in tho o i �n of the O*ner'o
R nto� d to infe�or m��do| ond/or �nrkmon-
uhip. ao|d d�f�u0on ohoU be (mmod�obe� oonnoted by
the Contro�or to tho �o���ction of the O�na�o
Roprnsontotivo ot no odd|tiono| comt to the Ownor�
�no|uding ony ond oU uther domog� couaod by ouch
C. |NBT�U��|ON�� ���r tho irhgot)on ��tam hoo been
�nmp|oted ond thn oonnec�|npo rnodo, tha Cnntmotor
oho|| inatmct the O*ner or hiy nap,esantut�o. in the
opemtion ond mointononoe nf thn ��tam.
O| �NT|N[� ����`|�|���T|��N�
/ �_r�/ v / // v �� .�/ �_��/ / /�/r� / /��/ �.�
/� Fum�h oU �bo� m��ho|a ond oqulpmont neuo��ry to
pruvde ond |netoU p�nt moto�q� oo aho�n on the dm��nga
or oo opoo��od hona�n.
B. �nrk |nduded �n this oeotion (|tomo �ndudod but not |im�ad
��� 1. �rode, �nc|ud�g mou�ndin�� mo|�ng ond ahop�g aur��o
of oU �nU onma oe �d�otad �no|ud[ng the romovo|
of axiat|ng veg���on un|�aa othmmviea apooJ�d.
2 P d �U oU in p|on�n �o �n�|uding furn�oh�ng
uf oU onnendmento n� apmziUed. N�a thot omsndments
7nd�ootod th dmwin (un|eoa othem�oa apec�ed\
ore fur bid pu�o�eo on|y. Artuo| ooi| omendm�ntn wD|
bo boa�d on tho ooUo toot mou|tn.
3. Furniah ond p|ont o|| p|ont rnotohm|o oo indiootod in the
�mw/ngo ond apauificotiono.
4. Pe�orm oU pmn|ng oo mqu|red.
5. �to�� ond tio o|| p|ont moto�o|o oa opooifiod.
0. Pmv�de for tho mointenono� uf the �ont�ng untU
occeptonoe of tho job by the 0wnor'a Repmaentotive.
7. Diapowe of oU dobha ond ourp|us moter�o|o.
8. C|eun-up.
Q. �uorontoe.
1O. Wointanonoe.
/� EXC��TON� The Controdor nho|| ver�' �moot |000tiona nf
oU ox|ot|ng nub-ouf000 utU0oo (mochon/uu| ond *|�ot�oo|)
phor to �xoovot�on. Any u�|Ojea. A.C. po�ng' oonoete work.
etc., deatruymd or domoged by ony �urk under.thYa nontroot
�ho|| be mapoinad or rep|oced ot th� Contmcturo axponoe.
8. �U0-SURF�CE DRAJN��E DR 30L COND\T)ON�� Shou\d aub-
ou�ocn droino or aoi\ ound1�ono bo enouunterod wh|oh
wuu|d bo dethmonto| to th our�vo| of p|ont nnote�oL
the Controctor ahoU no�� the Owner'� Repreaentotivo �n
���ng. ototlng tho omn�|t|ona ond aubnn|t o propoou| oovnMng
coot of co�eot/on. |f the �onLrootnr foi|a to no�� the
Ownn�o Repreaentot|vo of ouoh cnnd7t�nnm' ho oho|| bo
naaponaib(n for p|ont mote�o| under the guomntoo c|ouao of
tho op�uifioo�ona.
C. �|�EN�}�N�� A|| aco|nd dimonaiun� om oppr ximote. ��fore
prno�ed�ng w�th ony �ork. the Contmotor nho|| cnnyfuUy chook
ond ve�� oU dimwna|ono ond quont��wo. ond ohoU �mmod|oto�
�nfonn thn Ownor'� Repreaonto�va of ony d/ooroponn�en botwnen
th� \nformution on th drow� nd the ontuo| oond0ono.
n�minin from doing ony work �n ooid onsoo unti| given
oppruvo| to do ao by the O�n�/o �epreoentot�e.
�. N�rogon �obUi��d d d d ot h U bo 1OO�
n�ro o ��bi|ized (5� by dry ' h� ond fnao of
ahoving porUo{oo |orgmr thon 1/4^ p000ing through o
1O0 moeh ooreon. '�
2. �uJ ou�ur ahoU be �ondord commeru�i gmde.
J. Soi| Condibonmr - Th -C Enterpr�oa - 1(8OO) 027-3311
or (fox) (Q.Og\ 5QO-JJO1.
4. Bono moo| 2-22-O nhuU be mon�o�u�� by NeUogg
3upp�. wM|mington. C�.
5. Azo}eo ��on� p|ontor rnix �1O� ahoU be monufootured
by Bondin7 ForO|bec
8. Ph AoidoU ahoU bm monufootured by KoUogg Supp�'
VW|mington. CA.
7. Por - 5 ohoU b� mon���u�d by Kuibob Fnrmv Pmdu��.
8. Commoru�o! forU|�or ahnU be Baot Prudud� of mpprovod
Q. �yoo�h��o| inoou|urn - Th -C Entorp�000. 1 (8O0)
g27 -J311.
1. TopaoU connioto uf o fmrb|o. f�ob|e notum| |oom of
un|form quoU�. fme fmm oubaoU. atl� o�� hord o|odo'
hord pon. aod. po�/o||y dieintegmted dmb�a. or othor
undea�mb|e mobaMo|a.
�. Topooi| shoU not oontuin obnoxioum *ooda. auch oo
nnorn|ng g|o,y. aone|. oxoUo. opunge' onnuo| poo'
nut gmna or bermudo groao.
1. P|ont nomoo in thm P|mnt �ot oonfurm to '3tond�rd��ed
P|ont Nomee^ by Amo�con Jo�nt Commltbam of
Ho�cu|tum| Nomono|otun� exoopt in couoa not covmred
themin. |n theao in�onceo the eatobUohed ouot m of
the nuroory trode in foUowed.
2. P|onta ohoU be ouund. heo|thy' �goroua. free fmm
d�aeooe ond wn�da' |nonot pooto uf thvir ond ahoU
hove heo|t�� normo| root ayo�m�. w�U �H�ng thoir
oontoine� but not to the point of b�ing mot bound.
3. P|o�� ohoU nut bo pmned pr�r to de|ivo,y oxcept oo
outhod�od by tho Owne�e Rnprpaontot�e. |n nn 000e
ohoU tnseo bo toppnd.
4. /U| p�nt motedo|o ohoU be tn opprnyo| of obe.
hoo�h. quoU�. ohomda� ato, by the Ownor'o
5. Tho height ond apnaod of uU �ont mote�o|a ahoU be
meooumd w|th bmnoheo ln thulr nonno| poo0on.
8. Tho co|iper of oU treeo ahoU be meoau�d �' obove the
�u�ouo of tho gmund.
7. �hera co|� r or other d|menaiono of ony p|ont motoho|s
om om��d fmnn tho p�nt |�� lt ahoU be undor�ood
thot theae p|unt motn�o!a ahoU be nnnno| aton� fur tho
typo Un�d.
�. Fqont m�eho� shoU be symnnet�uo|, �p�o| for vor�t
ond opnc|no. ond ahoU conform to m�oourementn apeo��d
�n tho P|ont Uyt/Lag*nd.
Q. P|ont motoMo| |orgor thon th000 upoc|fied mny ba
oupphed if oom��ng �n o|| othor naopeoto ond ot no
odd(t|�no| 000t to tho O�nor. upnn opprovo| of the
0wnor'a Roproonntotiva.
10. A// �ont motor�o/e muot hovo been pm,viou�� (n�peuted
ot tha nur�ory by th* �ounty Ho�iou|turo| Dopo�ment
ond aho|| be aubjnct to 0000ptonoe oo to quo|ity by
the Owner'a Reprooantot|ve.
11. Subatitut\onn *i|| be permi�ad on|y oa �ndiooted. or if
proof �a aubmi�od thot ony p|ont opwoified ia not
ovoi|ob|e. o pro ao| wi|| bo conoid�rad for tho una of
the n*oroot oqu�vo|ont �iz* or vorloty �ith on oqu|tob|e
odjuatnnent of tho controot pric�.
12. �uontitie� shown on the �o|| outo on the P|onting P|on
or� for the oonveni*nco of the Controotor nn�.
�uontitiea dmwn on tho p|un (whether by c�rn|e�. doto or
trionq�a ore th� f�no| outho�� ond oho|| be furni�had
ond |nato||*d oo dro�n. Thm 0�nor'o �oproaentot|vo oho||
hov� tho fino| outhor�ty oa tu |ocotinn of o|| p!ont nnote�o|.
1. Sned aho|| bo o|oon. frooh. n�w nrop aoed ond aho|| bo
tho mixture oe noted on tho P|on�ng P|on.
2. �ond �ho|� bo mixed by the dno|er ond fum�ohnd with the
doo|or'o guorunt*o mtotomant of oompnaition ond
perm�togo of pu�� whioh eho|| be furn�ohed to th�
O�nor'o R�pr000ntot|vo. S�ed tog� oho|| bn d�|7venad to
the Owner'o Repnesentutive ot the timo of inato||otion.
E. STA�E3� AU atokoo ahoU bo por dotoUa.
�. CONTRACTOR'� REGPONS|B|L|TY� tha Cnntroctor �o reoponoib|e
for vor�yng the |000t|on of o|| utU�ty Onae ond othor
undenJround obatruotiono ao thot proper pnycou�ona moy bm
token nut to dioturb nr domogo ouch improvemonto. |n the
event of o �onf|iot bot�oon ouoh |�nea ond p|�nt |onotiono,
tho Controotor nhoU pronnp�y not�y the �wn*r's Ropnayentotivo.
�ho ohoU orrongo for the ro|oco�on of ono or tho othor.
Foi|ing to fuUow thio pmuodum. the Cuntrootor oho|| ot h�o
own oxpenaa mo�� ony ond o|| repo|ra fnr donnogeo nyou|�ng
frnm hia �odh.
\( RN|SH �R�0NQ�
A. �UUN�` �U oU p|onting omoa oa opon�iod herain.
B. UN|R]R� ��ADE� /�tor �U7ng, oU onoua ohoU bm bmught tn
un�onn grodo by f|no�ng or hond m�ng.
C. �RADE RELATONSH|PS� Rn�oh� gnod* of ��nt�g onaoo o�her
opp|in�t[un of aoi| ornendmon�� ,hoU bo 1' be|on top of
cnnoro� wo|ko ond curb gnodeo ond 8" be|ow �n�h �cmr
of buUcUng or on notod by opot e|evo�ona.
D. �L0PE FR0W BU|LD|N�S� ooU o��o od�oont to buiid|ngo ohoU
n�pn o*oy �om tho b�|d[ng ot 2� minimum for 1O feot ond
�hoU nont�nue bo a|npe ot o minimum of 1� unti! ���r dmina
to atmat or �onn oyet m.
E. R0CKS OR CLODS� No roo�o or o|qda ovor 3/4^ �n diometor
ohoU bo on top of propon*d p|onting b*da.
& �|LUN� �EEDS C ntrootor ehoU i t ond doat
3u�iciant *oto/ ahoU bo opp|�nd tu oouae wood aomd to aprout.
Young *ooda mhoU then bo doatmyod ond remuved bofum they
hove oppo�un�ty to �ot oend.
B. �OD00NAL REOU|RE�ENTS� For odd�iono| �aod kiUing ��er
to P|o��ng Notea on the P|onting P|on.
A. �O|L �EPOR� B�ore �orbng ooU proporot�n the Contro�or
ahoU submD o ouO nopo� to th� Ownar ond the Owner'm
Ropn000ntoUve. |f no ooU nopo� io aubm�tod |t �i|| be
ooeunn*d thot om�ndmanto �eno not oddad ond the Lond000pe
Controotor �U| bo roqueotod to g�ve o ored� for ao(�
B. COWP�CTED AREAS� Soi} oreoo thot or* com�ooted to mom
thon gO� du�ng sito preporotion aho|! be r�pped to o nninimum
of 12^ pdor to bog�nn� ooi| pnypurotion. Th000 oreuo aho\|
ba dofinod by the Ownero Ropre�entotivo ond be bi||ad oa on
extm if the un|t price |a quoted |n tho bN.
C. �ETHOD OF �|X|N�� |f tho a|ope �u undor 2 to 1. thr soi|
pr��r t[on motmMo�a aho�d bn bm d oot unlfonn|y over oU
\ondscope oreoo ond woM^od to o depth of 8' by mtotU|ur or
othor oc�eptob|e rneohon/�o| meonn to nbtoin o un|fonn b|end
�n tho aoO. |f the o|u io ��oter thon � t� 1. the
omendnnont� aho|| b� hydrou|�oo|� upp|ied for oreoa over 1ODO
equore foot ond mked �n for amoU omoo. For tho ool|
omendment bid mlx refer to the P|on�ng Notoa on the
P|on�ng P|on.
O. EXTRANE0US W�r R|�L�� |n odddiono| to the wmrk o i�ed
obuvo the Contmotor ohoU romovo oU mxtroneoua moha�o|o thot
ore oxp�ood on the nu�ooa ond gro�e tu fooiUtote run-�� uf
yu�000 *otor.
E. OELNE�Y SUPS� Sup�y d*|�e� �ipo �nm tho ouppUor for
the ��| omendme�� to tho a�e. �u|k bmd� fmm the
Controoto�o yor *O| not bo u000ptod. Suppy �nn�y boga for
fo�Di�or to tho �upe�ntendont uf the �ob ond tha Owno�o
& CORRELAT0N� Trm� ond ohruba ehoU not be p|o�ad un�|
U erotionn in omnjunction w�� the �n��Uotion nf the
�r�otlon oyotom hove been oo�p�od. �no| gno6oa hnve boan
�etob|/ohod` ond tha p|onting bedo propor� pn*pored by
ou|t�otion ond fe�i|�zotlon oo oovenad in theoe apooif�cot/ons.
B. PL�NT|N� �WE� No p|ont|ng ohoU toke p|oco du�ng oxtname�
hnt. dry. *indy or ��ozing �outhoc
C. LOCAT|ONS� Ro�o��p po�iDon of oU p�n� ond tnaoo ia ouN�nt
to opprovo| of the O�nor'o �ep���nt��e ond thay aho||. �
noce�aory. bo re|ocoted ot him dire�t�un oo po� of thio
oontroct. ��ou ahoU nnrmo|� bo |oo�ted o min|mum of 5`
fmrn buUdinga. aita omenit�oa ond wo|kwoyo.
D. D|3TR|BUT|ON� Nn more �onta shoU be d�atributed obout the
|ondonopo oroo thot oon be p|onted ond wotensd on the
aomo doy.
E. CONl�|NB9 RBW0VAL� P|ont uontoinoro ahoU bo removed when
p�nt�g the p|onto. Contoiner moy ba oph on both oides'
howovor. w�thuut unn of oxo or apudo. �| oontoin*rn ahu|| be
ramovod from the o�te. �
F. PLANT|N� P|T3� �V| trao ond ahrub pita shoU hove o d�onn�or
of ot |eoot bwloe tho �|�motor uf tho roo� bo||. Plt doptho
eho|| be o minimum 12'' doepar thon the mo| bo}| for treaa
ond 8" deoper thon the ront boU for ahrubo or oo por
p|onting dotoOo.
�. PL�C!N�� P|ontu oho|| bo p|000d ond he|d duMng bookf[U |n
un upr�ht pom�ion in tha conter nf tho pt. P|onta �ho||
be hn|d ot. or oUght|y ohuws nuroory |eve|. The oo�h boU
ahoU be kop intoct. �my expoaed ,00ta ahoU be apreod
out. |njunsd rooto ahoU br pruned.
H. 8ACKRLL P|ont p� bocNiUing o�| ahoU conoiat of 1 po�
n�rogen �obi|i�ed aonduot to � po�o topaniL �otoho|o ohoU
bo thorough� mixed hofnna p|000mont. |n udd��on to
booNiU, T� - C CWyop Pocko 7 gm. tob|*ty ahuU bo oddod to
p�nt p�o ot tho foUo��ng rotoa�
1 pok p*r 1 gmUnn vontoinor
� poko por 5 goUun oonto�ner
8 poka por 15 oUon uo�nlnor
10 poko per 24' box
12 poky per 3D" box
10 po�u por 30" box
1� po�� per 4�' box
2O poka por 48^ box und thnao box o|zaa �hinh ne |orger
L V�JER|N�� �hen the p� huo boen book�Ued to threm quo�ero
of itu dopt �otor ohoU bo pou�d obout tho rooto. A]r
poo��ta ahoU be e|�minoted ond bookfiU con�nued untU tho
book�U |m bmught to grod� |ove|.
J. �OWPACTN�� BockfU| eho|| not be nnmpocted omund the
ruota o, boU of the p|ont duhng or ofter p�nt�g. The
bockfiU un whioh tho p|ont bo|| reets ohoU bo |ight|y compoctnd.
K. SETTLE�ENT� P|onta �hioh ao�|o aho|| bo mioed to tho
�quired |ove| or rep|oced ot th� option uf the Controotoc
Ro�ood p|onte �hioh foU to gmw �hoU bu mp|ooed.
L �T��|N0� Stokoo oho|| be dr�von to ou�ioimnt depth to ho|d
the tmae ���. Trean ahoU be auppo��d by ot |eoet twn tiea
(ooa dotoUe).
�. P�UN|Ng� �nnbs. bronchea. oonea ond runnero �hiuh rm�uire
t�mm�g nhnU bo mnnovad to |eove o deon out f|ush �ith
tho trunk �ng on|y oo d|roctod by tho O�no�o
�. PLANT|N� BED�� P|unting bodo ehoU be edg*d ond ou|�vot�d
to the ||no aeporo�ng oreou oo ahown. Bodo ohoU ba bmught
to o annooth ovon �u�000 ounforming to eatob|iohad gmdos
o�er fu|| oo�|nment hoa oocunod.
�. REFERENCE� Rufor to Porogroph V, N. V||. for �n�uh grod|ng.
�eed oontroL ond ooi| pmporotion.
B. SO|L PREPAR/�|ON� Preporo th� nnU oa por thooe ape��oo�ono
ond the P|ont(ng Noteo on tho P|onting P|on.
C. �RAD�N�� Ar000 oho|| bo roked ond f|ootod umooth to prov[da
o true ond uniform ou�ooe.
D. PL�NT PR� AN� FE�DUZER� P|on� gmund oovor
ohoU b* 4^ x 4' or odequotn to 000npt p|ont mote�o| frnm
f|oto or 4' poto w�thout cruoh�ng or dofonning tho rootbo||.
P|nom o 1/2 �p. Td - C Endo 12O fo�U(�or tob|ot |n �ooh
ind�v�duo| ground cover pit.
E. SP�C|N�' P|ont 0000rding to opooing und in orooa indiooted un
the dm�ingo. SuU ahoU b� finn|y tomped oround eooh p|ont'
ond tho oxc000 �ui| rumoved from tho om�n.
F V0\T[R|Ng� Eooh o���on of �round oover ohoU be irnmedi�e�
wotered upon connp|etion of p|onting. ond thanauMar oo
Q. 3P�C|N� F�O� EDQE� Tho ��� m� uf ground oover �hou|d
o|noyo be ��hin 5' of tha adge of p|on�ng oeo ond thongu|or
A. REFE�ENCE� Refer to Ponogroph V. V|. V||. for finiah groding.
weod oontro|' ond oo|{ pn:pomt|on.
B. S0|L PREPAR/�|ON� Prepore tho ooD oa per thea� ypoc�fiootiono
ond the P|ont�ng Nntoa on tho P|onting P|on.
C. �RAD|NS� �reoa nho|| bo rokod ond f|ootwd mmooth tn provido
o true ond un|fo/m ou�oco.
D. QUALRY OF PLANTS� P|unto nhoU ba hoo|thy unnun| p|ont
moterio| in b|oum in the oizo ind/coted on tho drowingo.
E. PL�NT p�S AND,FER�L|�ER� Eooh p|ont p� for uooaono| oo|or
ohoU be 8' x 8 . or odequoto tu 0000pt moteho| in the
n*quirod aize. with ono teooponn of bnne mao| nnixnd into tha
boo��U m�x (ahrub bookfiU m�x ohou|d bo uood. not the
Ag�form p|ont tob|oto\
F. SPAC|N�' P|ont ot �pocing ond in oreoo /ndinotod un tho
dro*inga. SnU ahoU be firm|y tonnpod omund eoch p|ont.
ond tho exooma ao|| romuved fronn tho omwn.
�. V0�ER|N�� Eoch o��ion uf a000uno| oo|or ohoU be immadioto�
wuton,d upon oomp|otion of p|on�ng' ond wotenad the�o��r oa
H. �PAC|N� FRU� ED0E� the �nat row of aooaono| oo|or ahou�d
be o|wuyo w�h/n 8" nf the odge nf the p|on�ng oreo.
& RE��EN�E ��r tn Pomgm h �\ N. N|. for �nh� go�ing'
�oed oon�o|. ond aoi| pnapopo§on.
B. PREP�R/�{ON� Sod oreo � to �onting ohuU be mUod
|i ht{ d te d to dapth of O^ tha doy p�or to
p|onUng. � ony o\r puo4eta ona fuund. thm o�o ohoU be
ragmded oo neceoao,y. Ught� �otor tho o�o to bm
p|ontod �uat p�or to p|onUng.
C. �UALDY� 3od ahoU bm �1 �mde' rnoohine out ot un�form
th|okneao of 5/8" oxo|ud|ng tnp gr wtM ond thotoh. weed
fme ond ohoU bo no |ooa thon eight montha nur moro thon
aixt*an montha o|d.
U. T|Wi�& |noto||ot7on aho|| toko p|oca wlthin 24 hnuro o�or
E. |N�TALLAJ|ON� 8od ohoU bo |oid in o otoggored po��m. with
t! ht ] | t ond �n th� oomn d�naot�on oo�h t|mo. On uU
o�peo aod aho|| bo inoto||ed fmm the bo�om up ond the new|y
ood ohou|d bo p��o��d by �o|king on buurds oo inobzU�r movos
upword. 0n n}�pea. pin tho nod dn�n with �onden po�o. No
rnnto| atop|es wi|| be oUowed. No ood of \aau thon 18' �n
|ongth */|| bo oUo�md.
F. JO|NT�� Adjuin the �eotiono of aod firnn� togethec |f oir
apooea 000ur bot*oon moo�ono of ood thoy muet be f�Uod
with oond or the nod rwio�d.
�. ROLLNC RoU aod �t on odequote� we��*d mUer to
o�ooth out tho aod bmd.
H. PROTECTON OF ED�E�� Ro rod to pr��ct the adgo� fmm
dry|ng |f mow[ng ndgo /a not uaed.
|. �ATER|N�� After inntoUot�n ood nnuot bo k�� thnmugh�
noterad tn o dopth of O' No foot trof�c ohoU be o||owod
for 2 tu � �eoka fronn tho doto nf /notoUot[un.
J. |N�PECT0N BY �UPPL|ER� |f thero ore ony questiuna negording
tho quo|�� of nod inotoUot�on o r t t�v* of thm aupp|�*r
aho|| bo requeoted to in�peo the �notoUotion ond tho
Controobur oho|| ooU out tho aupp|io�u nyprea�nto�vo.
A. REFERENCE� Rofor to Porogr��h Y` N. �|. for f|n<eh gmd|ng.
�oed oontro|` ond noO proporoton.
B. pREPARATON� Cu|���� to o d��h of 2" b�|ow �niah grodo`
mmovo oton*a. foro�gn gmnth of uny kind ond oxtmnoouo
nno��r. ond grodo to nemove ridgaa ond depre�ions ao thot
o�oo o�or a��omant wU| nonfonn to tho �n|oh grodo. RoU
ond mhe |ight� un�| tho ou�oca � omooth, f�ob\o ond uf
unifonn �ne t��una.
C. 5U��N�� Smv |o�n moed �n the omo deeignotod on tho
dmwingo ot the roto oo deo/gnoted on tha P|ont�ng P|ono.
So� the |own in two d�moUono.
D. TDP ORES8|NQ Ro�� Oght� op�od 1/4^ nf Por -5 top
dmnaing ��h o m�chonioo| opraoder. mU ��h o 2OO |bo.
mUer ond �otor w�h o fino op�y.
�. QENERAL Tha hydmmu|ch oho|| be opp|ied in the fonn of u
s�r� uonoioting of wood oe||u|ooe �bo� a�ed. oh�mico|
odd|tiv*a' oornnooroio| fo�Uber ond *otec �hon hydmu|ioo|�
aproyed on tho ao�| uu� th h ahoU fornn
o b|o�or |�4e ground cnv*r impnegnotnd un[form|y *�th o�od
ond fo�i|izor ond ohoU o||ow the obeorption of mo�oturo ond
' m�nfoU to pnrco|ota to the undmdy�ng aoiL
8. EQU|P�E�� Hydmu|�n equipnnant uoed for tho opp|iuo�on of
tho for�|�zor. �ood. ond o|u of pr*pon*d *ood pu|p ohoU b�
of the ^ u r hydm-uaodar^ typo os uppruved by the 0wnero
C. APPUC�OON� Tho operotor shoU upr y tho oroo with o un�orm
�aib|e 000t by u�ing the groen oo|or of the wood pu!p on o
gu�do. The s|urry oho|| bo oppUod in o aweoping motion in o
orohed otreom ao oo to fo|| |iko roin o||owing the wood �bero
to buUd on 000h othor untU o good oomt [a oohi*vo6 ond the
moteho| ia opreod ot tho requimd roto por ocro.
D. T|�E L|�|T� AU a|ur� mixture �hich hoo not baen oppUod
w�h�n four houro o�or m�xlng �iU be n�*ctod ond ramoved
from the pm�oot ot tho Con�rootor'n oxpenao.
E. PR0TECT|DN� Spmoiu| ooro nhou|d bn em*noieod by the
�ontro�nr in p,e/ n�ng ony of the a|urry bo[ng sproy�d ina�e
ony muorvoir boo|n or o�o dro�nogo d�ohoo ond ohonnm|o
wh�uh nnoy impode the �ao �ow of roin or inigot�n wotec
�ny a�r� apU�d [nto naatdobad omoa ohoU be o|oonod up ot
tho Cnntroo�u�o oxponae tn tha no��ooOon of tho Owner or
Own*�o Ropraamntot�ve.
g. WA|NTENANCE AND |�R|CATON� Onoe the o|uny mu|oh hoo b�on
npp|�od ond oUowod to uot fur ono doy th� o|ope ohoU be
thon bo ir�gotod. Th*re im no oet ir�go�on mqulremonto in
goUona per mlnuto. Dum�on of �mo on6 numbnr of goUon�
to bo opp|�d �/U vor �om do to doy ond aynem to ��tom
depond�ng on tho rote uf growth ond c|imo�c oondit�ons
enoountomd. Ao o ru|o of thunnb. the eoO au�oo� nouut be
kept nnoist ot o\| times' po�iuu|or|y duhn� tho aeeding
gornn�not}on pe�o6 (opproxirnotn� J0 doya).
H. RE�EE0Ng� �| bona opota �hoU be reaaedad [sodded. if
hydrouood |o tu� rn[x). by the Cuntrootor w�hln 45 doym duyo
providing the |onk of cover gr wth or mu|ch �s not duo to
inodoquote ir�go�on or nm�ion ooumod by exoeus|ve woba�ng
by the O�nor.
�. QENE�AL The Controotor ohoU immod�ote|y nap�oe ony ond
o|| moter|o|o whlch fnr ony mmaun die or orn domoged whi|a
under thm Contmotor'a oore. R�docementa aho|| bo nnode
w�h p|ont of |ike ��nd ond ai�e �n tha �ome nnonnar o�
npoo0od for the or��o| p|onting (eue guomnt*e "XV|| -D^
for definition of dooth ond rop|onamont).
A. �ENERAL ��er oU �natoUot�n opunotlono hov� beon oomp|s�od.
oU troah. excooe eoi|. empty p|ont contoiners ond rubb|eh
h U b namoved from the pm e�y AU �nors mto or ��er
B. TOP SO|L� Exuoua topooU ahoU bm nymovod from tho n�be.
C. NEATNE�S� Leovo thw �do�o|ka ond a�net �n o naot ond
o|eon �ondition ot the ond of eoch worWng doy.
D. RE�0VAL OF TA�S� Rernov� o|| toga. |obe|a. nura�ry atokeo
ond �oo fmm o|\ �onta un|noa othomv|ae d|root*d. ond on|y
ot tho end of oU inatoUoti�no.
�. QENERAL At oU Urnaa duhng oonstruct�on. odoquote prot�nt�on
nhoU �o provded for oU omoo ogo�not domoge of ony Nnd.
un�| �no| ocoe��noo by tho O�no�o ��prosento�ve.
B. RESPON8|B|L[r� the �ontrontor ohoU bo he|d respono�|e for
the oona ond ��monm�on of U |ot� �uUd�nga ond
otruotunoa on tho nnd md�oent premineo. Any por
of them injunad' domog*d of d�oturbed baoouse of hio �oMk
aho|} b* repoired. mp|nood or deoned by the Controdor ut
hia expenoo.
& SHRU8S' /U| h b h U b t d oa to gm*th ond
heo|th fu f i ( oyo o�or cornp|o�on of the
apec�od noo�ntononoo po�o� ond/or f|no| 000*ptonoe by tho
D�ner or O*no�o Repn,eento�vo.
B. TREES� Tmoa aho|| bo guurontood to |�� ond gmw in on
0000 t b|e uphght poai�on for ona (1) yeor o�er th� apnu�ind
mo�nt�nmnoo poMod ond/or flno| occoptonoo b th� 0�nor nr
O�nor'a Roproenntotiwe. Tho O�nmr nnuot pnmido odequoto
mo|ntanonoa to anauna the oxbanded guomntee on tnseo.
C. UERN00N OF DEATH� P|onto �hioh dye mr ioa� more thon JO�
of their o�gino| |ooveo ohuU bw mp|oo�d.
D. REPLACEWENT The Con�odo� �0�n oev�n
�M�on no��ootlon by tho O�nor or 0�ner'o Ropreoen��km,
oho|i rernove ond r��ooe oU guoronteed p|ont mote�o|a �hioh
for ony re000n foi| to moet the mquin,menta of thio guorm`te�.
Rop|ooemont n��| b� modo with p|ont rnotnMo| on indiomtwd or
apeo�ied from the oMgino| p|onting ond oU euch rep|oc�ment
mot��u|u ehoU be guorontmod om epoo0md for tho o�gho|
guorontaed motohoL
A. SCOPE` »Jbsr oU work |nd|ootod on the drowingo nr hera/n
epoo�ed hoa been oomp\�ed. \nopacted ond oppmved by tho
Ownnr or �*ner'o Repreaontntiwy. tho Contmctor ahoU nnointo�n
o|| p|mntod onaoe by nnoono of oont|nuoua �otor�g (lno|uding
�nunitn�ng ond o'�u�t/n �nigotion oohadu|a). �endin�. ro/|�ng.
mo�}n np��i�g. roamed|ng. odg|ng ond/nr ony nther
opem�ona n ceoo f thoir core ond upkeep for o pmrud of
not |eao thon ni ( ) doya. At tha end of th� nnointenonce
pohod. oU p|ont moto�o|o nhoU be in o hoo|thy' growing
8. ��ED C0NTROL� AU p|ontod oreoa ohoU be kept free of debdo
ond ahoU bo weoded ot not mony thot uoven (7) doy
intorvo|a. Ar oa thot do not hove o pre-omargent weod WUor
nho|| o|an bo nu|tivoted ot not more thot oovon (7) doy
C. FE��UZ|NQ' �| p|unted oneoa yhoU rece�o n forU|�zer
opp|ico�on of �O poundn uer 1'OOO �quor foet of Qro-Po�ar
45 doym foUow|ng tha beglnn|ng of mo|ntononoa. �otor ln
thorough|y o�er opp|iootion.
D. CDND00N OF S�E� Duhng tha mointenonoe pehu�' k�ep the
proeot neot ond froe from debr�a ot o|| t�men. 0btoin tho
0�n*�a oppmvm| for on-n�o �nmga of oqu�pmont or
mo�ntenon�e moto�o|o.
�hnn oU �nd�nop* im to hovo been in�oUed in
0000rdonoo w�h th | d � �o th
Controutor uhoU nut�y the O*n�(o �opmoento�vo ond
ot "Fi | ConatruoUon^ �npoo�on. |f tho 0wne�o
Repraoantob�o d�enninea the woM, tn bo aubaton�oUy
oomp�t ond in confonnon�e w�h p|ona ond opec�icotiuno.
th� Contmotor wU{ be od��ed thot tha boaio ninety (gO\
doy mo�ntenonne po�od |a �oMod.
1. |n order to bm aubotontio| oomp|et*. ot |ooyt the
foUp�ing rnu�t hove been finiahed.
o. /A| f�ne groding� �nn|ud�ng eUm�not�on of |ow
poinbs thot ho|d runoff.
b. � oo�p�ta ond o b| irMgot(on oy�tem.
o. |notu||otion of u|| p|ont motnrlo|u.
d. Seed�ng of oU 000dod oreoo.
2. �lnor p/�k-up Dema moy bo oomp|etod du�ng tha
boaio mo�ntononoo poriod. Thoao itomn �O| bo
dat�rminod oa �inor oo|e� by the Owne�o
B. RN�L �A|NTENANCE |N3PECT|ON� At the end nf the
molntononoe pe�od ond *hen th� gmund oov*r ond tu�
hove ostob|�ohed ond o|| piok-up ltoma hov� boen oomp�ted'
thn Controotor oho|| raqueot n �no| mo�ntonon�e inapoot�on.
The Controotur wO| bo odv[ond by the Ownor'e Re tot|ve
ot tha finu| �nopootlon thut �or� (m or |a not oot�ofootory.
1. |f the wor� iy aotiafooto�. the boaio mo�ntenonce
pe�od wO| end un the dote of the fino| inapeotion
oa d�rooted by the O�nor'a Roprearntobve.
2. |f the work iu unoot�ofoctory the boaic mo�ntenonoe
por�d *iU oont[nue ot no odd�t�vno} exponno to tho
Owner unti| the work hon bmen oonnp|��d. inopootod.
ond oppmvnd by tho Owner'a R�pnaoontot�e.
C. ��LU�E TO P�8� |N3PECT|ON� |f thm work fol|o to poaa
fino| �opeoUon. ony auboequent inop�nUuno muat be
reochadu|ed om per obove. ond wU| bo uhorged to the
Contmotor ot. tho pravoOin hour� roto of thn O*nor'�
of tha Ownaro Ropr�nentotiva.
A. Ao �onn oo oU p|onbngo ore oomp�t d por Cpntnzo
Dnoumenta' Ho|d o pre|irninory reviow to detorm�ne the cund��n of the �ur�
b. Subm� o �r�t n roqu�d tn tho Aoencvo Au�or��d
Ropreaon�twa ot |0000 f�o (�� *w��ng doyo p�or tn unt�ipotad dote of
C h�h tho
1. Eooh p|ont nhoU be o|�o ond thh�ing. ohowing aigne of growth ond nu
�gna of gmwth ond no algn� of at��o' d/oao�o. or ony othec
2. �| p|o�� not mea�ng theoe oond0ono ohoU bo rep�ced ond o N�n�y
(QO\ Ooy Wointenonoe Pe�ud oonnmonood for muoh p|onto.
3. Lown o�oa oho|| nut bo 1O0� �oed freo un|eoe othenw�ao opprovod by
th� Agenoy'e Authohz*d Repreaentot�e.
4. u*n oreoa ohoU hove 1O0� gann�no�on ond eotob|iahment of tu�.
1. �ur� uired ournact�e oct�n or m�000ment � the �udg��nt of the
�uencva �uhuhzed Re tothe ohoU be p*�onnod w�h� ten [1[8
oo|endor doyo o�or the Pre-�no| Rovew.
2. Pe�nrm con�cbve work ond mote�o|o | am nt in 0000rdonoo
w�h th* Drowinga ond 3pmni���iono ond shoU bm mode by the
Contmotor ot no coot to tho �gonoy.
�. ��ar onrnect�� work io oum | ted' th� Contmotor oho|| ogoin raque�t
o P,a-Rno| Roviaw for Pna-Rno| Acceptonce o� out|ined obove.
4. Cnnt�nue mointononoe of oU |ondecoped oreoo un0 ouch timn oa oU
oonaot|ve rnoomuroo howe been oonnp|�od ond uooepted by th* Agonoy'a
Autho�zod Ropmaentotivo.
C. � �no| opprovo| ond 000eptonoe of tho work �U| be g�von
when the foUo�ing conditiona. oo ��tonninod by the Agonoy'a Au�ho�zod
Ropmaontot�o hove boon mot�
1. At onmp|��on of the ninnty (QO1 doy moint�nonoe peho�. ond �hen one
hundrod [1DO) pen:ant genninotiun ond p|ont metob|�ahnoant ie obtolnod.
2. �| p|onting meoa aho|| bu wood fmo un|oao othenw[ao oppnm�d by tha
Agonoy'n Autho��ed Ropmoontotive.
3. ��er �no� inapouDnn ond 000aptoncm by tha Agency'� Authohzod
4. The Agoncy'n Authohzod RnpreuentoUwa n*o�rveo the opt|on to �xtend
tho mo�ntononoe po�od b d (80) doya apooifiod, if thoy d�ennined
fu�hor mo�ntenonoo eytob|iuhmont requ|md by tho Controct
5. �pprnvo| ond 0000ptonow for opo���on ond mo�nbanmnoo �iU be g�ven in
w��ng by the Agenny'a �utho�zed Rep�aentotive.
A. � Rofo/ tn the fo||�wing aectiona�
1. Lown� ond Qroaaoo- Seot�un 0203D
2. Treea. �hruba. ond �round Cov*ra- �eo�on O2Q5O
�|| ��p���|�|�`��/lNc� ��A�U �`(lk�p[y VV|TA TA� ��|TY O� ��NT�N� ��p�/�|�|��T|[lN ��4NU4[ ���7 �T����T���p�c� �N[l p���k'��