HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCN 12-056 Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL
City of Fontana
Planning Division
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Application Number for the project to which this form pertains:
Project Title:Wal-Mart
Name&address of project owner(s):Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
2001 SE 10th Street, Bentonville, AR 72716
Name&address of developer or project sponsor:Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
2001 SE 10th Street, Bentonville, AR 72716
Contact person&address: Peter Ritchey - Nasland Engineering
4740 Ruffner Street, San Diego, CA 92111
Telephone Number: (858)292-770
Name&address of person preparing this form(if different from above): Same as above
Telephone Number: ( )
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1. Provide a set of color photographs which show representative views into the site from the
north,south east,and west;views into and from the site from the primary access points which
serve the site; and representative views of significant features from the site. Include a map
showing location of each photograph.
2. Project location(describe):Southeast corner of Sierra Ave. & Slover Ave.
3. Assessors Parcel Number(s): 0194-371-12; -13; -14; -15 and -16
4. Gross site area(ac/sq.ft.): 960,343.87 sq. ft / 22.05 ac
5. Net site area(total site size minus area of public streets and proposed dedication): 928,719.82 sq.ft./21.32 ac
6. Describe any proposed General Plan Amendment or Zone Change which would affect the
project site(attach additional sheet if necessary): N/A
7. Square Footage of Structure(s): 194,538 sq. ft.
8. Number of floors of construction: 1
9. Include a description of all permits which will be necessary from the city and other
governmental agencies in order to fully implement the project:
Conditional Use Permit for TLE and off-site alcohol sales ; Design Review and
Tentative Parcel Map. (See Exhibit B for Justification Statement for CUP)
10. Describe the physical setting of the site as it exists before the project, including information
on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, mature trees, trails and roads, drainage
courses, and scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on site (including age and
condition)and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of significant features described.
In addition, site sources of information (i.e. geological and/or hydrologic studies, biotic and
archeological surveys,traffic studies):
This site is rectangular shaped except for the portion of the lot in the northwest
corner, owned by Sierra Hotel Grp. LLC; The existing topography sheet drains
from north to south at about a 1.0% slope; There are 5 existing paved roads
surrounding the site: Slover Ave. along the north edge of the property line,
Production Ave. along the east edge of the property line, Technology Ave. along
the south edge of the property line, and 2 paved sections separating the Hilton Inn from
the Walmart lot: 1) connecting to Slover Ave. running north and south for approximately
430 ft., 2) connecting to Sierra Ave. running east and west for approximately 525 ft.
Existing sidewalk and landscaping in the public right of way surround the entire block; in
good condition and anticipated to remain except where driveways to the site are to be
added; Landscaping in the public right of way consists of grass, shrubs, and mature
trees. A chain link fence surrounds the undeveloped area; There are no existing
structures on the site; Clear and grub will be necessary to remove existing vegetation.
11. Describe the known cultural and/ or historic aspects of the site. Site all sources of
information(books,published reports,and oral history):
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
12. Describe any noise sources and their levels that now affect the site (i.e. aircraft, roadways
noise etc.);and how they will affect proposed uses:
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
13. Describe the proposed project in detail. This should provide an adequate description of the
site in terms of ultimate use,which will result from the proposed project. Indicate if there are
proposed phases for development, the extent of development with each phase, and the
anticipated completion of each increment. (Attach additional sheets if necessary):
See Attached Project Description (Exhibit A).
14. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any
cultural, historical, or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial,
etc.), intensity of land use(single-family,multi-family,commercial,industrial,etc.)and scale
of development(height,frontage,setback,rear yard,etc):
The Hilton Garden Inn, owned by Sierra Hotel Gm. LLC, exists at the southeast
corner of Slover Ave. and Sierra Ave. The height of this structure is approxi-
mately 62'; the area is approximately 28,774SF. The site is zoned light
industrial and is surrounded by a mixture of warehouses, hospitals, restaurants,
and commercial buildings. The building setback along Sierra Ave. is 25'; the
setback to all other secondary and local streets is 5'; the setback between other
zoning districts is 5'. The building height restriction is 100'.
Page 3 of 6
15. Will the proposed project change the pattern, scale or character of the surrounding general
area of the project?
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
16. Indicate the type of short-term and long-term noise to be generated, including source and
amount. How will these noise levels affect adjacent properties and on-site uses? What
methods of soundproofing are proposed?
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
17. Indicate proposed removals and/or replacements of mature or scenic trees:
There are no proposed removals or replacements of mature or scenic trees.
18. Indicate any bodies of water(including domestic water supplies)into which the site drains:
The site drains toward Technology Ave. then to curb inlets on Production and
Sierra. The runoff will eventually enter the Santa Ana River, then flow west to
the Pacific Ocean.
19.Number of residential units: N/A
Detached(indicate range of parcel sizes,minimum lot size and maximum lot size):
Page 4 of 6
Attached(indicate whether units are rental or for sale):
20. Anticipated range of sale prices and/or rents:
Sale Price(s) $ to $
Rent(per mo.) $ to$
21. Specific number of bedrooms by unit type:
22. Describe type of use(s)and major function(s)of commercial,industrial or institutional uses:
Retail and food-related uses.
23. Total floor area of commercial,industrial,or institutional uses by type:
Major commercial retail: 194,942 SF
Outparcel retail: 9950 SF + 8370 SF = 18,320 SF
Outparcel restaurant: 3570 SF
Total Area: 216,832 SF
24. Indicate hours of operation:
24 hours/day- 7 days a week
Page 5 of 6
25. Have the water, sewer, fire, and flood control agencies serving the project been contacted to
determine their ability to provide adequate service to the proposed project? If so, please
indicate their response.
To be researched and analyzed throughout the EIR process.
26. In the known history of this property, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of
hazardous and/or toxic material? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include, but
are not limited to, PCB's, radioactive substances, pesticides and herbicides, fuels, oils,
solvents, and other flammable liquid and gases. Also note underground storage of any of the
above. Please list the materials and describe their use, storage, and /or discharge on the
property,as well as the dates of use,if known.
No known history of storage or discharge of hazardous or toxic materials onto
the site. No known aboveground or underground storage tanks existing onsite.
27. Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use,storage or discharge of
hazardous and/or toxic materials,including but not limited to those examples listed above?If
yes,provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of disposal.
The location of such uses,along with the storage and shipment areas,shall be shown and
labeled on the application plans.
The proposed major retail store may carry pool chemicals, petroleum products,
and paint products. The attached TLE may store discarded motor oil awaiting
proper disposal.
I hereby certify that the statements furnished above, and in the attached exhibits,present the data
and information required for adequate evaluation of this project to the best of my ability that the
facts,statements,and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an
adequate evaluation can be made by the City of Fo 1 , .
Date: ' !7 CV) Signature:
Title:John C •r e-VP of Real Estate,Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
Page 6 of 6
Exhibit A
The proposed Project consists of the construction of an approximately 216,830 square
foot shopping center on approximately 22.36 acres which is part of the larger 218.7 acre Sierra
Business Park, located at the southeast corner of Slover Avenue and Sierra Avenue, south of the
Interstate 10 Freeway. The project site is bounded by Sierra Avenue on the west, Slover Avenue
to the north, Production Avenue to the east, and Technology Avenue to the south. Proposed
customer access to the Project will be provided by a right in/right out entrance off of Slover
Avenue; a signalized entrance and a right-in/right-out entrance off of Sierra Avenue;.
unsignalized access off of Technology Avenue; and unsignalized access off of Production
Avenue. Delivery trucks will access the Project site from the east off of Production Avenue, and
from the south off of Technology Avenue.
The Project site will be subdivided into four parcels. The largest parcel (approximately
18.33 acres) will be the location of a Walmart, associated parking stalls, bioretention basins and
drainage areas. The proposed uses and configuration of Outparcels 1 through 3 are as follows:
Outparcel Proposed Use Acreage± Square Footage
1 Retail/Restaurant 1.0 8,370
2 Fast Food 0.95 3,570
3 Retail/Hotel 2.08 9,948
The Walmart store will be approximately 200,000 square feet in size,with all appurtenant
structures and facilities, and will offer groceries and general retail merchandise, including
alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption. The Walmart will also include an outdoor garden
center with an exterior customer pick-up facility for prepaid bagged garden supplies, such as
potting soil and mulch. The exterior pick-up facility will have an attendant to assist with
customer loading, but will not accommodate direct sales as all supplies picked up from the
exterior pick-up facility will be prepaid. The exterior pick-up facility will operate during the
same hours as the garden center. The Walmart will also include a 3-bay tire and lube facility,
which will provide routine servicing and maintenance of vehicles, including tire service and oil
changes. The Walmart may have outdoor seasonal sales in the parking lot, and may conduct
sidewalk sales along the front of the store. Finally, the Walmart will include a pharmacy with a
drive-through lane.
The Walmart may also include a medical clinic; a vision and hearing care center; food
service; a photo studio and photo finishing center; a banking center and other similar accessory
uses and entry vestibule tenants. The Walmart will include truck doors and loading facilities.
The Walmart will operate 24 hours a day.
Entitlements Needed:
• Conditional Use Permit(required for the tire and lube facility and alcohol sales)
• Design Review
• Tentative Parcel Map
Exhibit B
Statement of Justification
Conditional Use Permit for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages
Walmart engages in general retail sales and will provide consumers with a wide variety
of merchandise, groceries and services separate from alcoholic beverages, which are
offered as a secondary item to other merchandise. The approval of this Conditional Use
Permit ("CUP") will allow Walmart to add wine, beer and liquor to its extensive
inventory, and enhance the value of the store as a destination for"one-stop shopping".
Walmart is prepared to sell alcoholic beverages at this location responsibly and in
compliance with California law. The large store atmosphere, the well-lit parking lot, the
training program, the security cameras, and Walmart's "Responsible Sale of Alcohol
Policy", are all conducive to the responsible sale of alcoholic beverages at Walmart.
With these security and educational measures in place, the addition of alcoholic
beverages to the general merchandise inventory will increase customer convenience,
without any detrimental impact on surrounding land uses.
Below are specific facts in order to support the necessary findings under Fontana
Municipal Code Section 30-46:
Finding 1: The proposed use is consistent with the general plan and the applicable
land use zone.
Facts in Support of Finding: The site has a General Plan designation of Light
Industrial (I-L) and is zoned Light Industrial (M-1). Permitted uses in the M-1
zone include "all other retail sales." The sale of alcoholic beverages will be an
incidental use to the overall general retail sales proposed at this site, and will thus
be consistent with the general plan and applicable land use zone.
Finding 2: The site for the intended use is adequate in size, shape topography,
accessibility, and other physical characteristics to accommodate the use and all the
required provisions of this chapter including yards, setbacks, walls or fences,
landscaping and other applicable regulations.
Facts in Support of Finding: The site will consist of an approximately 200,000
square foot Walmart store situated on approximately 22.36 acres (as part of a
larger, 216,830 square foot shopping center which is part of the larger 218.7 acre
Sierra Business Park). Ample customer access to the site will be provided by a
right in/right out entrance off of Slover Avenue; a signalized entrance and a right-
in/right-out entrance off of Sierra Avenue;. unsignalized access off of Technology
Avenue; and unsignalized access off of Production Avenue. Delivery trucks will
access the Project site from the east off of Production Avenue, and from the south
off of Technology Avenue. The sale of alcoholic beverages will comprise only a
small portion of the overall retail sales at this site, the size and configuration of
which is adequate to accommodate the larger retail use. As shown on the Site Plan
(Exhibit C), the site will comply with all yard, setback, wall, fence, landscaping
and other applicable regulations under both the Fontana Municipal Code.
Finding 3: Adequate streets and highways exist to carry the type and quantity of
traffic anticipated by the proposed land use, and adequate access to utilities and
other services exists.
Facts in Support of Finding: The site is located at the southeast corner of Slover
Avenue and Sierra Avenue, south of the Interstate 10 Freeway. The project site is
bounded by Sierra Avenue on the west, Slover Avenue to the north, Production
Avenue to the east, and Technology Avenue to the south. All necessary utility
connections will be provided prior to the Walmart store opening for business.
(See Utility Plan, Exhibit D).
The existing streets and highways are anticipated to adequately accommodate the
traffic volumes that will be generated by the Walmart store as a whole, and
existing utility systems and City services will be adequate to meet the demands of
the Walmart store. To the extent that the future environmental review of the
Walmart project identifies any significant traffic, utility or public services
impacts, Walmart will be required to mitigate these impacts to the extent feasible,
either through the installation of improvements or payment of fair share fees.
Finding 4: The proposed use at the specific location will be compatible with
surrounding properties and there will be no adverse effect to surrounding
properties or their permitted uses.
Finding 5: The proposed use will be organized, designed, constructed, operated and
maintained so as to be compatible with the character of the area as intended by the
general plan.
Facts in Support of Findings: Walmart will provide alcoholic beverages as one
component of its grocery sales, similar to most supermarkets. Walmart's internal
policies and procedures will ensure that the sale of alcoholic beverages is
compatible with the character of the area, and that there will be no adverse effect
to surrounding properties or their permitted uses (such as increased crime), by
preventing the sale of alcohol to minors; preventing theft of alcoholic beverages;
and prohibiting loitering and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on the
premises through the following measures:
State-of-the-Art Cash Registers: Walmart's cash registers employ state of the art
technology designed to help cashiers confirm a customer's age as part of every
alcohol sales transaction.
Location of the Alcohol Display: Walmart displays alcohol away from the
entrance of the store in order to discourage theft. Also, the size of the store and
the parking lot distinguish Walmart from a neighborhood liquor store, and
decrease the likelihood customers will come to a Walmart to purchase alcohol
Security Cameras: Walmart will secure the alcohol display by repositioning one
or more security cameras at a location where Walmart Asset Protection
employees can monitor the alcohol display area. Tapes of the camera footage
will be stored on site and can be made available to local law enforcement upon
Walmart already positions security cameras above the cashier registers to monitor
sales transactions. The cameras allow Walmart to confirm whether cashiers input
the required driver's license information when prompted to do so by the cash
register (see the attached Responsible Vendor of Alcohol policy). The cameras
record cashiers who "override" the cash register instead of checking a driver's
license, and provide Walmart a tape to use when terminating a cashier. When
Walmart hires a cashier, the employee is advised of Walmart's corporate policy,
which provides for the termination of any cashier who sells alcohol to a minor.
Responsible Alcohol Sales Training Program: Walmart trains all cashiers and
managers to sell alcohol in compliance with California law using a computer-
based training program and in methods to spot fake identification. An employee
must score 100%on the final test to begin working as a cashier.
Security in the Walmart Parking Lot: The Walmart parking lot is well-lit, and the
continual presence of employees retrieving shopping carts discourages loitering.
Furthermore, Walmart maintains a strict policy regarding the consumption of
alcohol on the premises.
Finding 6: Any adverse effects upon the surrounding properties are justified by the
benefits conferred upon neighborhoods or the community as a whole, and those
potential adverse effects to the health, safety and general welfare of the community
shall be minimized.
Facts in Support of Finding: Walmart's inventory includes a wide variety of
products not typically located within any one retail establishment, of which
alcoholic beverages only comprise a small part. The difference or uniqueness of
Walmart's "one-stop shopping" approach is in the convenience it provides to the
customer. The approval of this CUP will allow Walmart to add beer, wine and
liquor to its extensive inventory, and enhance the value of the store as a
destination for one-stop shopping in a safe, well-lit environment. Furthermore, by
providing one-stop shopping, the premises will provide a convenience to the
community that may result in fewer vehicle trips and less traffic congestion.
The census tract in which the proposed Walmart will be located (Census Tract
26.01) currently has only one full-service supermarket that sells a full range of
groceries in addition to alcoholic beverages (the Stater Bros. Market located at
11225 Sierra Avenue). All of the other off-sale licenses issued by the California
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control within this census tract are either for
smaller convenience markets, gas stations, drugstores, and only one other general
retailer(the Target store located at 16964 Slover Avenue). Accordingly, approval
of this CUP will fill a current need that exists in this community for residents to
be able to purchase groceries, general merchandise and alcoholic beverages in
one, convenient location close to home rather than have to drive to multiple stores
to purchase desired products.
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Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. — Responsible Vendor of Alcohol
Because Wal-Mart takes its responsibilities as a good corporate citizen seriously,Wal-Mart trains its
associates and managers on responsible policies and procedures for selling alcohol to the public. The policy
focuses on preventing sales to minors,to already intoxicated customers,and during prohibited times and
Summary of Alcohol Policy
Our policies prohibit underage sales and are reinforced with technology,training,monitoring,and discipline.
In order to prevent such sales,Wal-Mart has instituted the following procedures:
o Instruct store associates on Wal-Mart's Identification Policy,which outlines the following:
o Approved forms of ID—all of which are government-issued
o Pointers for spotting fake IDs and intoxicated customers.
o "ACE"steps for complying with law:
• Assess—Assess whether the customer appears under 27(40—After May, 1,2008)
• Check—Check for ID and birth date
• Enter—Enter date of birth into register to determine age
• Registers perform an integral role in our Training:
alcohol sales compliance program by helping to • New employee orientation for store
prevent sales to minors and sales during managers includes alcohol compliance
restricted hours. training.
• Register Prompts in Place to Prevent Sales to • When a store obtains an alcohol license,
Minors: all associates who act, or might act, as
o When an alcoholic beverage is scanned: cashiers must take an alcohol compliance
• The register stops the transaction and asks computer-based training(CBL)program
if the customer appears to be under 27 and score 100%.
years old(under 40 in some markets). • Associates are required to score 100%on
• The associate must then enter the the alcohol CBL within 15 days of the
customers' Date of Birth before the stores' license issuance or hire date.
transaction can proceed. • All associates who are coded as cashiers
o Cashiers must require ID from any customer must retake the alcohol CBL yearly upon
who appears to be under the age of 27.In the anniversary of their date of hire. This
some markets,the age to request ID is anyone ensures that associates are trained
under 40. The ID 40 Program will be in place annually.
nationwide by May 1,2008. • Training includes information on how to
• Restricted Hours: turn down alcohol sales.
o Registers are programmed with applicable
alcohol sales days and hours by the home
office. Monitoring:
o If an associate attempts to sell alcohol during a • Where required by law,customer service
prohibited time,the register will stop the managers(CSMs)must complete
transaction. transactions for employees under 21.
o Generally,these prompts are set according to
state law.
o If the locality in which a particular store has Discipline:
more restrictive hours of alcohol sales than the Associates who violate this policy will be
state,hours of sale are set based on the local terminated and not eligible for rehire.
WI 365-California ABC Procedures--240390.1
W1365-000 640137
City of Fontana
1. Project Title: Master Case No. 12-056/Design Review No. 12-019/ Conditional Use Permit No.
12-033/Tentative Parcel Map No. 12-010; Wal-Mart/Commercial Pads, Southeast
Corner of Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue
2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Fontana
8353 Sierra Avenue
Fontana, California 92335
3. Contact Person and Phone Number: Shannon J. Casey, AICP
Senior Planner
4. Project Location: 0194-371-12, -13, -14, -15, and -16
5. Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Jason Sheridan
Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
2001 SE 10th Street
Bentonville, AR 72716
Peter Ritchey
Nasland Engineering
4740 Ruffner Street
San Diego, CA 92111
6. General Plan Designation: Light Industrial (IL)
7. Zoning: Light Industrial (M-1)
8. Description of Project Approximately 220,000 square foot commercial
shopping center with three pad retail/food pad
buildings on approximately 22.8 acres.
9. Surrounding Land Uses and Setting: North: Empire Center Specific Plan (Commercial)
Light Industrial (Hotel)
South: Light Industrial (Warehouses)
East: Light Industrial (Warehouses)
West: Community and General Commercial (C-C
and G-C)
10. Other public agencies whose approval is required: Santa Ana Regional Water Quality
Control Board (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan/Water Quality Management Plan), South
Coast Air Quality Management District, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans),
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 2
San Bernardino County Fire Department, Hazardous Material Division (Risk Management Plan
and underground storage tanks), San Bernardino County Department of Health (food storage and
food service), West Valley Water District, California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control, and
any other responsible agency that may have discretionary authority over all or a portion of the
GLOSSARY—The following abbreviations are used in this report:
EIR— Environmental Impact Report
RWQCB—Regional Water Quality Control Board
SCAQMD—South Coast Air Quality Management District
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one
impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact," "Potentially Significant Impact Unless Mitigation Incorporated,"
or"Less Than Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages.
(CHECK ALL THAT APPLY to be completed after you have finished the analysis)
(X)Aesthetics ( )Agricultural and Forestry (X)Air Quality
(X) Biological Resources Resources (X) Geology/Soils
(X) Greenhouse Gas (X)Cultural Resources (X) Land Use/Planning
Emissions (X) Hydrology/Water Quality (X) Population/Housing
(X) Hazards & Hazardous (X) Energy and Mineral Resources (X)Transportation/Traffic
Materials (X) Noise
(X) Public Services (X) Recreation
(X) Utilities/Service Systems (X) Mandatory Findings of
Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21100(b)(3) and CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.4 require EIRs to
describe, where relevant, the wasteful, inefficient, and unnecessary consumption of energy caused by a project.
Therefore, the State Resources Agency created Appendix F of the CEQA Guidelines. Appendix F is an
advisory document that assists EIR preparers in determining whether a project will result in the inefficient,
wasteful, and unnecessary consumption of energy. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to
address potentially significant Energy Conservation impacts.
On the basis of this initial evaluation: CHECK ONE, again, after you have completed your analysis
( ) I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment. A NEGATIVE
DECLARATION will be prepared.
( ) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not
be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by, or agreed to, by
the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
(X) I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an
Initial Study for Wal-Mart Southeast Corner of Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 3
( ) I find that the proposed project MAY have a "Potentially Significant Impact" or "Potentially Significant
Unless Mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in
an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standard and 2) has been addressed by mitigation
measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL
IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed.
( ) I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all
potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE
DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to
that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are
imposed up,n the proposed project, nothing further is required.
'repared ' : Shy: on . asey, A I Dat
Senior i
rAdis • -
APeview By: Don Will ams, AICP e
Community Development Director
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 4
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
1. AESTHETICS. Would the project:
a) Have a substantial affect a scenic ( ) (X) ( ) ( )
b) Substantially damage scenic ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
resources, including, but not limited
to, trees, rock outcroppings, and
historic buildings within a State
Scenic Highway?
c) Substantially degrade the existing (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
visual character or quality of the site
and its surroundings?
d) Create a new source of substantial (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
light or glare, which would adversely
affect day or nighttime views in the
a) Potentially Significant impact. Sierra Avenue is shown as a view corridor with scenic vistas to the
San Gabriel Mountains to the north and the Jurupa Hills to the south as identified in the City's
General Plan, Figure 6-1. Sierra Avenue requires city entry monumentation. The proposed
project, approximately 220,000 square feet of retail and other commercial uses, would be set
back approximately 450 feet from Sierra Avenue and would not obstruct the scenic vistas.
Additionally, Slover Avenue is not a view corridor. Source: City of Fontana General Plan
b) No impact. The properties proposed for development are currently vacant. Aerial photographs
show patterns indicating regular disking of the site. There are no scenic trees, rock
outcroppings, or historical buildings on the site. Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue are not State
Scenic Highways. Source: City of Fontana Aerial Ortho Photograph, 2009; Google Earth Aerial
Photograph, June, 2012.
c) Potentially Significant Impact: Converting a primarily undeveloped site to a commercial shopping
center could substantially alter the existing visual character of the site and its surroundings. This is a
potentially significant impact that will be addressed further in the EIR.
d) Potentially significant impact. Although the proposed 220,000 square feet of retail and other
commercial uses will be required to meet current codes and ordinances in regard to light and
glare, the project will introduce new light sources to a currently vacant property. No light source
is allowed to illuminate properties off site, either directly or indirectly. An Environmental Impact
Report (EIR)will be required to address Aesthetics/Light and Glare impacts and identify required
mitigation measures
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 5
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
RESOURCES. Would the project: ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique
Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide
Importance (Farmland), as shown on the
maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland
Mapping and Monitoring Program of the
California Resources Agency, to non-
agricultural use?
b) Conflict with existing zoning for ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
agricultural use, or a Williamson Act
c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
rezoning of, forest land (as defined in
Public Resources Code section 12220(g)),
timberland (as defined in Public
Resources Code section 4526), or
timberland zoned Timberland Production
(as defined by Government Code section
d) Result in the loss of forest land or ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
conversion of forest land to non-forest
e) Involve other changes in the existing ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
environment, which, due to their location
or nature, could result in conversion of
Farmland, to non-agricultural use?
a) No impact. The proposed project is planned on a site that is designated at"non-irrigated farmland"
on maps designed by the California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping and
Monitoring Program. Land on which agricultural commodities are produced on a continuing or
cyclic basis utilizing stored soil moisture. Non-irrigated farmland is an interim category in lieu of
Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Local
Importance. This project would not convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland or Farmland of
Statewide Importance. Additionally, the project site shows evidence of previous disking and was
previously entitled for large industrial warehouse buildings.
b) No impact. Currently there are no properties in the City of Fontana under Williamson Act contract.
Additionally,the subject property is not zoned for agricultural use.
c) No impact. The proposed project, 220,000 square feet of commercial use, is consistent with the M-
1 zoning district; therefore, no rezoning is required. Additionally, the proposed site is not forest or
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 6
d), No impact. The property is vacant and is zoned M-1. There is no forest land on the site; therefore,
the proposed project would not result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non-
forest use.
e) No impact. The existing designated "grazing land" is surrounded by urban development. This
project would not induce conversion of nearby agriculture land to non-agricultural use.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
3. AIR QUALITY. Would the project:
a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
of the applicable air quality plan?
b) Violate any air quality standard or (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
contribute substantially to an existing or
projected air quality violation?
c) Result in a cumulatively considerable (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
net increase of any criteria pollutant for
which the project region is non-
attainment under an applicable Federal
or State ambient air quality standard
(including releasing emissions that
exceed quantitative thresholds for
ozone precursors?
d) Expose sensitive receptors to (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
substantial pollutant concentrations?
e) Create objectionable odors affecting a (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
substantial number of people?
a) Potentially significant impact. The City of Fontana is located in the South Coast Air Basin which,
according to the 1997 Air Quality Management Plan has the worst air quality in the nation. An
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any Air Quality impacts such as
conflicts with any applicable air quality plans and to identify any required mitigation measures.
b) Potentially significant impact. The City of Fontana is located in the South Coast Air Basin which,
according to the 1997 Air Quality Management Plan has the worst air quality in the nation. An
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any Air Quality impacts such as
violations of any air quality standards and to identify any required mitigation measures.
c) Potentially significant impact. The City of Fontana is located in the South Coast Air Basin which,
according to the 1997 Air Quality Management Plan has the worst air quality in the nation. An
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any Air Quality impacts such as
cumulatively considerable net increases of any criteria pollutant and to identify required
mitigation measures.
d) Potentially significant impact. Sensitive receptors are defined as populations that are more
susceptible to the effects of pollution than the population at large. The SCAQMD identifies the
following as sensitive receptors: long-term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers,
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 7
convalescent centers, retirement homes, residences, schools, playgrounds, child care centers,
and athletic facilities. According to the SCAQMD, projects have the potential to create significant
impacts if they are located within 1/4 mile of sensitive receptors and would emit toxic air
contaminants identified in SCAQMD Rule 1401. Currently, the proposed project is located within
IA mile of existing residences. An Environmental Impact Report(EIR)will be required to address
any Air Quality impacts such as exposing these residents to substantial pollutant concentrations
and to identify any required mitigation measures.
e) Potentially significant impact. Sensitive receptors are defined as populations that are more
susceptible to the effects of pollution than the population at large. The SCAQMD identifies the
following as sensitive receptors: long-term health care facilities, rehabilitation centers,
convalescent centers, retirement homes, residences, schools, playgrounds, child care centers,
and athletic facilities. According to the SCAQMD, projects have the potential to create significant
impacts if they are located within 1/4 mile of sensitive receptors and would emit toxic air
contaminants identified in SCAQMD Rule 1401. Currently, the proposed project is located within
IA mile of existing residences. Potential odors may result from the establishments of restaurants,
trash receptacle areas, or other sources associated with large-scale commercial developments.
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any Air Quality impacts such
as exposing these residents to potential objectionable odors and to identify any required
mitigation measures.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either (X) O O ( )
directly or through habitat modifications,
on any species identified as a candidate,
sensitive, or special status species in
local or regional plans, policies, or
regulations, or by the California
Department of Fish and Game or U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service?
b) Have a substantial adverse effect on (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
riparian habitat or other sensitive natural
community identified in local or regional
plans, policies, or regulations or by the
California Department of Fish and Game
or US Fish and Wildlife Service?
c) Have a substantial adverse effect on (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
federally protected wetlands as defined
by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(including, but not limited to, marsh,
vernal pool, coastal, etc.)through direct
removal, filling, hydrological interruption,
or other means?
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 8
d) Interfere substantially with the movement (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
of any native resident or migratory fish or
wildlife species or with established native
resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or
impede the use of native wildlife nursery
e) Conflict with any local policies or (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
ordinances protecting biological
resources, such as a tree preservation
policy or ordinance?
f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural
Community conservation Plan, or other
approved local, regional, or State habitat
conservation plan?
a) A full biological site assessment will be completed for the project site by qualified biologists to
determine any potential impacts to biological resources that may result from project
a) Potentially significant impact. A full biological site assessment will be completed for the project
site by qualified biologists to determine any potential impacts to biological resources that may
result from project implementation
b) Potentially significant impact. A full biological site assessment will be completed for the project
site by qualified biologists to determine any potential impacts to biological resources that may
result from project implementation
c) Potentially significant impact. A full biological site assessment will be completed for the project
site by qualified biologists to determine any potential impacts to biological resources that may
result from project implementation
d) Potentially significant impact. A full biological site assessment will be completed for the project
site by qualified biologists to determine any potential impacts to biological resources that may
result from project implementation
e) Potentially significant impact. A full biological site assessment will be completed for the project
site by qualified biologists to determine any potential impacts to biological resources that may
result from project implementation
f) Potentially significant impact. The City's General Plan indicates that the site is potential habitat for
sensitive species such as California Gnatcatcher, raptors, Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly, and
sensitive pocket mice. Each has potential to populate the site at different times and for different
purposes. However, because the site is identified in the City's General Plan as potential habitat for
other sensitive species, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any
Biological Resource impacts such as conflicts with the General Plan or other regional or state habitat
conservation plans and to identify any required mitigation measures. Source: City of Fontana
General Plan; City of Fontana Aerial Ortho Photograph, 2009; and, Google Earth Aerial Photograph,
June, 2012.
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 9
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
5. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Cause a substantial adverse change in ( ) (X) ( ) ( )
the significance of a historical resource
as defined in § 15064.5?
b) Cause a substantial adverse change in ( ) (X) ( ) ( )
the significance of an archeological
resource pursuant to § 15064.5?
c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique ( ) (X) ( ) ( )
paleontological resource or site or unique
geologic feature?
d) Disturb any human remains, including ( ) (X) ( ) ( )
those interred outside of formal
a)-d) Potentially significant impact unless mitigation incorporated. .A full archeological and historical
investigation will be completed for the project site by qualified cultural resource specialists to
determine any potential impacts to cultural resources that may result from project implementation.
These are potentially significant impacts that will be addressed further in the EIR in order to identify
any required mitigation measures.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
6. GEOLOGY AND SOILS. Would the project:
a) Expose people or structures to potential
substantial adverse effects, including the
risk of loss, injury, or death involving:
i) Rupture of a known earthquake ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
fault, as delineated on the most
recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake
Fault Zoning Map issued by the
State Geologist for the area or
based on other substantial
evidence of a known fault? Refer
to Division of Mines and Geology
Special Publication 42.
ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
iii) Seismic-related ground failure, ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
including liquefaction?
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 10
iv) Landslides? ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
loss of topsoil?
c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
is unstable, or that would become
unstable as a result of the project, and
potentially result in on-or off-site
landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence,
liquefaction or collapse?
d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building
Code (1994), creating substantial risks to
life or property?
e) Have soils incapable of adequately ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
supporting the use of septic tanks or
alternative wastewater disposal systems
where sewers are not available for the
disposal of wastewater?
i. Less than significant impact. Generally, the Southern California region is prone to earthquakes and
ground vibrations. The General Plan (Safety Element) Goal No. 1 Policy No. 3 requires the city to
ensure that the design of new structures and the performance of existing structures address the
appropriate earthquake hazards. The closest Alquist-Priolo Earthquake faults within the City of
Fontana are the Cucamonga Fault and the San Jacinto Fault approximately 5 miles north of the
project site The proposed development, an approximately 220,000 square foot commercial center
will adhere to the City of Fontana Zoning and Development Code design standards and would be
built to the current International Building Code standards. Therefore, the project will not
significantly expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk
of loss, injury, or death. Source: City of Fontana General Plan, Safety Element, Section 11.
ii Less than significant impact. Generally, the Southern California region is prone to earthquakes and
ground vibrations. The General Plan (Safety Element) Goal No. 1 Policy No. 3 requires the city to
ensure that the design of new structures and the performance of existing structures address the
appropriate earthquake hazards. The closest Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault within the City of
Fontana is the Cucamonga Fault approximately 5 miles north of the project site; however, the San
Jacinto Fault and San Andreas Fault are nearby. Both faults are known to cause strong seismic
shaking. The proposed development, an approximately 220,000 square foot commercial center will
adhere to the City of Fontana Zoning and Development Code design standards and would be built
to the current International Building Code standards. Source: City of Fontana General Plan, Safety
Element, Section 11.
iii. Less than significant impact. Generally, the Southern California region is prone to earthquakes and
ground vibrations. The General Plan (Safety Element) Goal No. 1 Policy No. 3 requires the city to
ensure that the design of new structures and the performance of existing structures address the
appropriate earthquake hazards. The proposed development, an approximately 220,000 square
foot commercial center will adhere to the City of Fontana Zoning and Development Code design
standards and would be built to the current International Building Code standards. The site is in a
zone of low susceptibility for liquefaction and no known fault ruptures are documented on the
project site. Source: City of Fontana General Plan, Safety Element, Section 11.
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 11
iv. No impact. The project site is generally flat and the closest sloped hills, the Jurupa Hills, are
approximately one mile to the south, indicating low to no potential for landslides. The issue will not
be addressed in the EIR.
b) Potentially significant impact. The project site is flat and is not used for any agricultural purposes.
Development of the site would cause the existing soils to be compacted and covered with buildings,
pavement, and stabilized landscaping. Any soil erosion would be minimal; however, construction
activities could disturb soils and potentially expose them to wind and water erosion. Therefore, the
need to prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in order to comply with the
State's General Construction Storm Water Permit exists. The SWPPP will identify the best
management practices to minimize soil erosion and protect local waterways and existing drainage
systems. The EIR will include a more detailed discussion of the applicable BMPs that the project
would be required to comply with and will provide a more thorough analysis of the risks associated
with erosion and the loss of topsoil.
c) Potentially significant impact. Development of the approximate 220,000 square foot commercial
center would be required to have approved entitlements and building and safety permits. The
entitlement and permit process requires review of grading plans, soil reports, and other documents to
ensure the ground is suitable to support the proposed structures. Approval and constriction of the
proposed project requires compliance with City ordinances and adopted guidelines and policies and
the State's General Construction Storm water Permit.The EIR will include a more detailed discussion
of the applicable BMPs that the project would be required to comply with as a part of the project or as
mitigation and will provide a more thorough analysis of the risks associated with erosion and the loss
of topsoil.
d) No impact. The project would not be located on expansive soils. There are no expansive soils in the
area. According to the City's Building and Safety Division, and a review of permits and supporting
documents with those permits, no evidence of expansive soils is evident on any developed projects
immediately surrounding this project; therefore, absent of any geologic anomaly solely on this project
site (which there is no evidence suggest any geologic anomaly exists), it is reasonable to conclude
that the project site is also absent of any expansive soils.
e) No impact. The proposed project would be required to connect to City sewer infrastructure available
in Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue. Water infrastructure is available to the project site.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
7. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. Would the project:
a) Greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
indirectly, that may have a significant impact on
the environment?
b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy, or (X) ( ) ( ) ()
regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing
the emissions of greenhouse gasses?
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 12
a) Potentially significant impact. The proposed 220,000 square foot commercial development would,
at a minimum, increase traffic to the site which is currently vacant. The addition of vehicle trips
throughout the day, including truck traffic, would increase the amount of greenhouse gas
emissions without mitigation. However the EIR will include a more detailed discussion of
greenhouse gas emissions and will provide a more thorough analysis of mitigation measures that
will reduce those emissions..
b) Potentially significant impact. The proposed 220,000 square foot commercial development would,
at a minimum, increase traffic to the site which is currently vacant. The addition of vehicle trips
throughout the day, including truck traffic, would increase the amount of greenhouse gas
emissions without mitigation. However the EIR will include a more detailed discussion of
greenhouse gas emission and will be required to identify any plan, policy, or regulation in place for
the purpose of reduction and provide mitigation measures.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
the project: (X) ( ) () ( )
a) Create a significant hazard to the public
or the environment through the routine
transport, use, or disposal of hazardous
b) Create a significant hazard to the public (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
or the environment through reasonably
foreseeable upset and accident
conditions involving the release of
hazardous materials into the
c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
hazardous or acutely hazardous
materials, substances, or waste within
1/4 mile of an existing or proposed
d) Be located on a site which is included on ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
a list of hazardous materials sites
compiled pursuant to Government Code
Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it
create a significant hazard to the public
or the environment?
e) For a project located within an airport (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
land use plan or, where such a plan has
not been adopted, within 2 miles of a
public airport or public use airport, would
the project result in a safety hazard for
people residing or working in the project
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Page 13
f) For a project within the vicinity of a ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
private airstrip, would the project result in
a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area?
g) Impair implementation of or physically ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
interfere with an adopted emergency
response plan or emergency evacuation
h) Expose people or structures to a ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
significant risk of loss, injury or death
involving wildland fires, including where
wildlands are adjacent to urbanized
areas or where residences are
intermixed with wildlands?
a) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square-foot commercial
center. The proposed project will consist of commercial uses that may require the routine
transport and use of hazardous materials such as gasoline, oils, paints, pesticides, fertilizers,
etc. This is a potentially significant impact that will be addressed further in the EIR.
b) Potentially Significant Impact. See Response VII(a) above. Hazardous materials may be stored
and used on the project site. This is a potentially significant impact that will be addressed further
in the EIR.
c) No impact. The proposed project is an approximately 220,000 square foot commercial
development. The project site is located in an urban setting with numerous schools in the
vicinity; however, the nearest school is 0.4 miles from the project site and not within 1/4 mile
d) No impact. Although some hazardous materials sites are located within the City of Fontana (See
City of Fontana General Plan, Safety Element, Figure 11-6), the proposed project is not located
on one of these sites. Source: City of Fontana General Plan
e) Potentially significant. The closest airport is located approximately five (5) miles northeast in the
City of Rialto. Ontario airport is approximately eight (8) miles to the west. The project site lies
within the approach path of airplanes landing (and occasionally departing) Ontario International
Airport and an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) has recently been adopted.
Although the project site is within this identified plan, it is likely compatible with the adopted plan;
however, because of the recent adoption of the plan, the implementation of key reviews for
projects in the plan area is being coordinated through another agency. The project may require
a review through another agency before it is deemed compatible or if certain mitigation is
required by the plan to make the project compatible. Therefore, this is a potentially significant
impact that will be addressed further in the EIR.
f) No impact. The closest airport is located approximately five (5) miles northeast in the City of
Rialto and Chino airport is the closest private airstrip located approximately 12.2 miles away to
the southwest. Because the project is outside the vicinity of private airstrips, it is not anticipated
that the project would result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the area.
g) No impact. The proposed project is not an unintended intensification or anticipated use under
the Fontana Fire Protection District's Fire Strategic Plan and therefore does not interfere with
that plan. Additionally, the proposed project would adhere to established regulations for
ensuring adequate ingress or egress for public and emergency purposes and would not
physically interfere with the adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan.
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Page 14
h) No impact. The property, although currently vacant, is surrounded by urbanized development.
The project and its location would not expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss,
injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas
or where residences are intermixed with wildlands risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland
fires. Additionally, the proposed buildings would be required to have fire suppression sprinklers.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
the project: (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
a) Violate any water quality standards or
waste discharge requirements?
b) Substantially deplete groundwater (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
supplies or interfere substantially with
groundwater recharge such that there
would be a net deficit in aquifer volume
or a lowering of the local groundwater
table level (e.g., the production rate of
pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a
level which would not support existing
land uses or planned uses for which
permits have been granted)?
c) Substantially alter the existing drainage (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
pattern of the site or area, including
through the alteration of the course of a
stream or river, in a manner, which would
result in substantial erosion or siltation
on-or off-site?
d) Substantially alter the existing drainage ( ) (X) ( ) ( )
pattern of the site or area, including
through the alteration of the course of a
stream or river, or substantially increase
the rate or amount of surface runoff in a
manner, which would result in flooding
on-or off-site?
e) Create or contribute runoff water which ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
would exceed the capacity of existing or
planned stormwater drainage systems or
provide substantial additional sources of
polluted runoff?
f) Otherwise substantially degrade water (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
g) Place housing within a 100-year flood ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
hazard area as mapped on a federal
Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood
Insurance Rate Map or other flood
hazard delineation map?
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Page 15
h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
area structures that would impede or
redirect flood flows?
i) Expose people or structures to a ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
significant risk of loss, injury or death
involving flooding, including flooding as a
result of the failure of a levee or dam?
j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
a) Potentially Significant Impact. There is potential for implementation of the proposed project to
result in degradation of water quality during both construction and operational phases. Polluted
runoff from the project site during construction and operation could include sediment from soil
disturbances; oil and grease from construction equipment, roadways and parking lots; pesticides
and fertilizers from landscaped areas; metals from paints; and gross pollutants such as trash and
debris. This degradation could result in violation of water quality standards or waste discharge
requirements. This impact is potentially significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
b) Potentially Significant Impact. See Response VI(a)(iii) above. There is a potential for
groundwater recharge on the project site. Additionally, it is unknown if the project has potential to
substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge
such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater
table level. This is a potentially significant impact that will be addressed further in the EIR.
c) Potentially Significant Impact. The project may have an increase in runoff water based on the
increase of impervious surface from the construction of buildings on previously undeveloped
land. On site landscaping and retention basins would be provided in which runoff would be
directed. The project site is primarily undeveloped and does not contain any surface water
features. Implementation of the proposed project would alter the existing drainage patterns on
the site by paving a large portion of the site and diverting runoff to a new drainage system.
Compliance with existing regulations developed to minimize erosion and siltation would reduce
this impact to a less than significant level. However, the EIR will include a more detailed
discussion of these existing regulations and will provide a more thorough analysis of the
potential risks associated with erosion and siltation.
d) Potentially Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project would alter the existing
drainage patterns on the site by paving a large area and diverting runoff to a new drainage
system. A grading and drainage plan must be approved by the Building Official and City
Engineer prior to issuance of grading permits to verify the drainage patterns.
e) Less than significant impact. Polluted runoff from the project site during construction and
operation could include sediment from soil disturbances; oil and grease from construction
equipment, roadways and parking lots; pesticides and fertilizers from landscaped areas; metals
from paints; and gross pollutants such as trash and debris. Compliance with existing regulations
developed to minimize the release of polluted runoff from construction sites would reduce this
impact to a less than significant level. However, the EIR will include a more detailed discussion
of these existing regulations and will provide a more thorough analysis of this impact.
f) Potentially significant impact: There is potential for implementation of the proposed project to
result in degradation of water quality during both construction and operational phases. Polluted
runoff from the project site during construction and operation could include sediment from soil
disturbances; oil and grease from construction equipment, roadways and parking lots; pesticides
and fertilizers from landscaped areas; metals from paints; and gross pollutants such as trash and
Initial Study for WaI-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 16
debris. This degradation could result in violation of water quality standards or waste discharge
requirements. This impact is potentially significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
g) No impact. The proposed project would only be able to locate in the light industrial zone;
therefore, flood impacts would occur to housing as a result.
h) No impact. The City's General Plan (See Figure 11-5) does identify areas within 100 and 500
year flood plains. The proposed project is not located in a 100 or 500 year flood plain. Source:
City of Fontana General Plan.
i) No impact. No dams or levees exist within the City of Fontana or near the project.
j) No impact. The City of Fontana is located inland with no existing large, perennial, body of
surface water body; therefore, the any project resulting from this ordinance would not be subject
to tsunami, seiche, or mudflow.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
10. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would the project:
a) Physically divide an established . ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
policy, or regulation of an agency with
jurisdiction over the project(including, but
not limited to, a general plan, specific
plan, local coastal program, or zoning
ordinance)adopted for the purpose of
avoiding or mitigating an environmental
c) Conflict with any applicable habitat (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
conservation plan or natural community
conservation plan?
a) No Impact. The project site is surrounded non all sides by existing public and private roads and
development. Additionally, the proposed project is consistent with the land use plans for the area.
There is no impact and the issue will not be addressed in the EIR.
b) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project is required to comply with all applicable land
use policies and regulations including the City of Fontana General Plan, Zoning and Development
Code, and building and safety codes and regulations. The proposed project will require the
approval of a Conditional Use Permit for alcohol sales in proposed restaurants and for the
outdoor sales portion of the project. This is a potentially significant impact that will be addressed
further in the EIR.
c) Potentially significant impact. Aerial photographs show that the site may have been previously
disturbed by disking; however, the City's General Plan indicates that the site is potential habitat
for sensitive species such as California Gnatcatcher, raptors, Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly, and
sensitive pocket mice. Each has potential to populate the site at different times and for different
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 17
purposes. Therefore, an EIR will be required to address any Biological Resource impacts such
as habitat modification on any sensitive species and to identify any required mitigation measures.
Source: City of Fontana General Plan; City of Fontana Aerial Ortho Photograph, 2009; and,
Google Earth Aerial Photograph, June, 2012.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
11. MINERAL RESOURCES. Would the project:
a) Result in the loss of availability of a known ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
mineral resource that would be of value to
the region and the residents of the State?
b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
important mineral resource recovery site
delineated on a local general plan,
specific plan or other land use plan?
a) No impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square-foot commercial center on approximately
22 acres. Although the site is vacant, no known mineral resource of value to the region and the
State are on site.
b) No impact. There are no known active sand and gravel sites in Fontana. Additionally, known
mineral resource of value to the region and the State exist on site and none are delineated on the
local general plan or other land use plan. Source: City of Fontana General Plan, Open Space &
Conservation Element, (Page 9-5).
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
12. NOISE. Would the project result in:
a) Exposure of persons to or generation of (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
noise levels in excess of standards
established in the local general plan or
noise ordinance, or applicable standards of
other agencies?
b) Exposure of persons to or generation of (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
excessive ground borne vibration or ground
borne noise levels?
c) A substantial permanent increase in (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
ambient noise levels in the project vicinity
above levels existing without the project?
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Page 18
d) A substantial temporary or periodic (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
increase in ambient noise levels in the
project vicinity above levels existing without
the project?
e) For a project located within an airport land (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
use plan or, where such a plan has not
been adopted, within 2 miles of a public
airport or public use airport, would the
project expose people residing or working
in the project area to excessive noise
f) For a project within the vicinity of a private ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
airstrip, would the project expose people
residing or working in the project area to
excessive noise levels?
a) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square foot commercial
development on approximately 22 acres. The site is currently vacant but surrounded by existing
commercial, industrial, and some residential uses. The project can be expected to generate
short term construction noise and long-term noise from a potential increase in traffic. Therefore,
an EIR will be required to address any Noise impacts in excess to adopted standards and to
identify any required mitigation measures.
b) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square foot commercial
development on approximately 22 acres. The site is currently vacant but surrounded by existing
commercial, industrial, and some residential uses. The project can be expected to generate
short term construction noise and long-term noise from a potential increase in traffic. Therefore,
an EIR will be required to address any Noise impacts and to find if any potential ground borne
vibration or noise can be mitigated.
c) Potentially significant impact. The site is currently vacant but surrounded by existing
commercial, industrial, and some residential uses. The project can be expected to generate
ambient noise from traffic. Actions listed in Goal No. 2 of the City's General Plan Noise Element
identify measures to mitigate traffic related noise. However, an EIR will be required to address
any Noise impacts from ambient noise and to identify any required mitigation measures.
d) Potentially significant impact. Any temporary ambient noise that may be proposed as a result of
this project will be reviewed to ensure that the operation complies with all noise thresholds
identified in the City's General Plan; however, a temporary and periodic increase in ambient
noise may be expected during construction. It is anticipated that this temporary and periodic
could be substantial in context of the zoning districts where this use would be allowed. EIR will
be required to address any Noise impacts from ambient noise and to identify any required
mitigation measures.
e) Potentially significant impact. The closest airport is located approximately five (5) miles northeast
in the City of Rialto. Ontario airport is approximately eight (8) miles to the west. The project site
lies within the approach path of airplanes landing (and occasionally departing) Ontario
International Airport and an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) has recently been
adopted that identifies noise contours affecting the project site. Therefore, an EIR will be
required to address any Noise impacts such as noise from airplanes approaching and departing
Ontario International Airport and to identify any required mitigation measures.
f) No impact. The closest airport is located approximately five (5) miles northeast in the City of
Rialto and Chino airport is the closest private airstrip located approximatelyl2 miles away to the
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 19
southwest. Because the project is outside the vicinity of private airstrips, it is not anticipated that
the project would result in exposure to excessive noise levels for people residing or working in
the area.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
project: (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
a) Induce substantial population growth in
an area, either directly(for example, by
proposing new homes and businesses)
or indirectly(for example, through
extension of roads or other
b) Displace substantial numbers of existing ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
housing, necessitating the construction of
replacement housing elsewhere?
c) Displace substantial numbers of people, ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
necessitating the construction of
replacement housing elsewhere?
a) Potentially significant impact. The proposed approximately 220,000 square-foot commercial
development could potentially upgrade nearby existing roads and infrastructure in a manner that
could potentially facilitate population growth. An EIR will be required to address Population and
Housing impacts including directly or indirectly creating population growth.
b) No impact. The proposed project site is currently vacant. No existing housing would be
displaced as a result of this project.
c) No impact. The proposed project site is currently vacant. Substantial numbers of people would
not be displaced as a result of this project.
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Page 20
Potentially Potentially Less than No Impact
Significant Significant Significant
Impact Impact Impact
14. PUBLIC SERVICES. Would the project
result in substantial adverse physical
impacts associated with the provision of
new or physically altered governmental
facilities, need for new or physically
altered governmental facilities, the
construction of which could cause
significant environmental impacts, in order (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
to maintain acceptable service ratios,
response times or other performance
objectives for any of the public services:
a) Fire protection?
b) Police protection? (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
c) Schools? (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
d) Parks? (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
e) Other public facilities? (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
a) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project is an approximately 220,000 square foot
commercial development on 22 acres. The project's proponent would be required to pay a
development impact fee for fire services. Because of the size and scope of this project, it is
anticipated that the impact to fire protection services could be substantial. An EIR will be
required to address Public Services impacts including the need for fire protection and potentially
new or altered facilities.
b) Potentially significant impact. The project has the potential for a substantial increase in calls for
service. The proposed project will be reviewed by City staff including members of the Police
Department for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) standards and
policies. The project's proponent would pay a fee for this service. Because of the size and
scope of this project, it is anticipated that the impact to police protection services could be
substantial. An EIR will be required to address Public Services impacts including the need for
police protection and potentially new or altered facilities.
c) Potentially significant impact. The project application and supporting exhibits will be forwarded to
the applicable school district for review and comment. It is anticipated that a project of this size
and type could generate a substantial number of new students, through a potential need for new
housing, necessitating construction of new schools or significantly impacting existing ones. An
EIR will be required to address Public Services impacts including the need for schools and
potentially new or altered facilities.
d) Potentially significant impact unless mitigation incorporated. The proposed project will be
reviewed for its impact to the City's Parks and Recreation infrastructure. Because of the size
and scope of this project it could generate a substantial increase in the City's population leading
to a significant impact to park services. An EIR will be required to address Public Services
impacts including the need for parks and potentially new or altered facilities.
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Page 21
e) Potentially significant impact. The project will be reviewed by City staff for impacts to other public
facilities. Because of the size and scope of this use, it is anticipated that the impact to City
services may be significant. An EIR will be required to address Public Services impacts.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
15. RECREATION. Would the project:
a) Increase the use of existing neighborhood ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
and regional parks or other recreational
facilities such that substantial physical
deterioration of the facility would occur or
be accelerated?
b) Does the project include recreational ( ) ( ) ( ) (X)
facilities or require the construction or
expansion of recreational facilities, which
might have an adverse physical effect on
the environment?
a-b) No Impact: The proposed project will not result in the construction of any new residential units;
therefore, the use of existing parks and other recreational facilities will not be increased and no
new or expanded facilities will be required. Implementation of the proposed project would result
in no impact to recreation and the issue will not be addressed further in the EIR.
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Page 22
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Unless Impact
project: (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
a) Conflict with an applicable plan,
ordinance or policy establishing
measures of effectiveness for the
performance of the circulation system,
taking into account all modes of
transportation including mass transit
and non-motorized travel and relevant
components of the circulation system,
including but not limited to intersections,
streets, highways and freeways,
pedestrian and bicycle paths, and mass
b) Conflict with an applicable congestion (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
management program, including, but
not limited to level of service standards
and travel demand measures, or other
standards established by the county
congestion management agency for
designated roads or highways?
c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
including either an increase in traffic
levels or a change in location that
results in substantial safety risks?
d) Substantially increase hazards due to a (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
design feature(e.g., sharp curves or
dangerous intersections)or
incompatible uses (e.g., farm
e) Result in inadequate emergency (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
f) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
programs regarding public transit,
bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or
otherwise decrease the performance or
safety of such facilities?
a-b) Potentially Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project will generate a substantial
number of new vehicular trips in the area. A traffic study will be completed for the proposed
project to determine any traffic-related impacts that could result from this increase. These are
potentially significant impacts that will be addressed further in the EIR.
c) Potentially significant impact. The closest airport is located approximately five (5) miles northeast
in the City of Rialto. Ontario airport is approximately eight (8) miles to the west. Chino Airport, a
private airstrip, is located 12 miles to the southwest. The project site lies within the approach
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Page 23
path of airplanes landing (and occasionally departing) Ontario International Airport and an Airport
Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) has recently been adopted. This impact is potentially
significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
d) Potentially Significant Impact. The project site design will be reviewed during EIR preparation to
identify potentially hazardous design features or incompatible uses. This impact is potentially
significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
e) Potentially Significant Impact. The project site design will be reviewed and emergency service
providers will be consulted during EIR preparation to ensure adequate emergency access to the
site. This impact is potentially significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
f) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square foot commercial
development on approximately 22 acres. The proposed use is consistent with the zoning district.
Expected effects of this use may be an increase in vehicle trips above what is normally occurring
without this use (the site is currently vacant); however, because of the size and scope of this
use, it is anticipated that an increase in the use of public transportation to the site would
increase. Additionally, the project proponent would be required to provide any street
improvements, if necessary, to conform to the City's General Plan Circulation Element. An EIR
shall be prepared to address any potential conflicts with adopted policies, plans, or programs
regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance
or safety of such facilities.
Potentially Potentially Less than No Impact
Significant Significant Significant
Impact Impact Impact
Would the project: ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
a) Exceed wastewater treatment
requirements of the applicable
Regional Water Quality Control
b) Require or result in the construction (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
of new water or wastewater
treatment facilities or expansion of
existing facilities, the construction of
which could cause significant
environmental effects?
c) Require or result in the construction (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
of new storm water drainage
facilities or expansion of existing
facilities, the construction of which
could cause significant
environmental effects?
d) Have sufficient water supplies (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
available to serve the project from
existing entitlements and resources,
or are new or expanded
entitlements needed?
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Page 24
e) Result in a determination by the (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
wastewater treatment provider,
which serves or may serve the
project that it has adequate capacity
to serve the project's projected
demand in addition to the provider's
existing commitments?
f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
permitted capacity to accommodate
the project's solid waste disposal
g) Comply with Federal, State, and ( ) ( ) (X) ( )
local statutes and regulations
related to solid waste?
a) Less Than Significant Impact. Wastewater disposal is regulated under the federal Clean Water
Act and the state Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act. The Regional Water Quality Control
Board (RWQCB) implements these acts by administering the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES), issuing water discharge permits and establishing best
management practices. Implementation of the proposed project would result in increased
wastewater flows that would be collected and treated at the City's wastewater treatment plant.
Disposal of treated wastewater flows would be required to comply with WDS regulatory
requirements and would therefore comply with wastewater treatment requirements of the
RWQCB. Capacity of the City's wastewater treatment plant is addressed in Response XVI(e)
below and the creation of polluted stormwater runoff is addressed in Response VIII(e) above.
This impact is less than significant; however, the EIR will more thoroughly describe the
applicable regulations and provide a more detailed analysis of the impact.
b) Potentially Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project would result in increased
demand for municipal water and increased wastewater flows entering the City's wastewater
treatment plant. This is a potentially significant impact that will be addressed further in the EIR.
c) Potentially Significant Impact. Implementation of the proposed project would substantially
increase the amount of impervious surface on the project site resulting in greater stormwater
runoff. The project site is currently undeveloped and does not have any drainage facilities.
Therefore, new drainage facilities will be required on- and possibly off-site. The proposed
drainage plan will be reviewed during EIR preparation to determine potential impacts from its
construction. This impact is potentially significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
d) Potentially Significant Impact. The proposed project will be provided domestic water service by
West Valley Water District. The EIR will describe the available water supplies, estimate the
project's water demand, and determine if there is sufficient water supply available. This impact is
potentially significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
e) Potentially Significant Impact. The proposed project will be provided sanitary sewer service by
City of Fontana through its wastewater treatment plant and collection system. The City of Rialto
treatment facility (where the wastewater from this project would be serviced) currently treats
more than 400,000 gallons of wastewater each day. The plant's capacity and ability to accept the
additional flows from the project site will be analyzed in the EIR. This impact is potentially
significant and will be addressed further in the EIR.
f) Potentially Significant Impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square foot commercial
development on approximately 22 acres. The Mid-Valley Landfill is located approximately five (5)
miles to the north. It is expected that the project could be served by a landfill with sufficient
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 25
permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs. However,
construction activities and operation of retail and restaurant uses generate substantial amounts
of solid waste which could potentially impact the receiving landfills. This is a potentially
significant impact that will be addressed further in the EIR.
g) Potentially Significant Impact. The proposed project is a 220,000 square foot commercial
development on approximately 22 acres. The Mid-Valley Landfill is located approximately five(5)
miles to the north. The proposed project design will be reviewed to ensure compliance with
applicable statutes and regulations related to solid waste. This impact is potentially significant
and will be addressed further in the EIR.
Potentially Potentially Less than No
Significant Significant Significant Impact
Impact Impact Impact
a) Does the project have the potential to degrade (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
the quality of the environment, substantially
reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,
cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below
self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a
plant or animal community, reduce the number
or restrict the range of a rare or endangered
plant or animal, or eliminate important
examples of the major periods of California
history or prehistory?
b) Does the project have impacts that are (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"
means that the incremental effects of a project
are considerable when viewed in connection
with the effects of past projects, the effects of
other current projects, and the effects of
probable future projects)?
c) Does the project have environmental effects (X) ( ) ( ) ( )
that will cause substantial adverse effects on
human beings, either directly or indirectly?
a) Potentially significant impact. The project would have the potential to degrade the quality of the
environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife
population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,
or reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal. The proposed
project is an approximately 220,000 square feet of retail and other commercial uses on a currently
vacant site. Aerial photographs show that the site may have been previously disturbed by disking;
however, the City's General Plan indicates that the site is potential habitat for sensitive species
such as California Gnatcatcher, raptors, Delhi Sands Flower-Loving Fly, and sensitive pocket
mice. Each has potential to populate the site at different times and for different purposes.
Therefore, An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any Biological
Resource impacts such as habitat modification on any sensitive species and to identify any
Initial Study for Wal-Mart, Southeast Corner Sierra Avenue and Slover Avenue City of Fontana
Page 26
required mitigation measures. Source: City of Fontana General Plan; City of Fontana Aerial
Ortho Photograph, 2009; and, Gooqle Earth Aerial Photograph, June, 2012.
b) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project may have a potential cumulative impact on
aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, greenhouse gas emissions, land use and planning,
noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, and transportation and traffic.
Therefore, An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any impacts and to
identify any required mitigation measures. Source: City of Fontana General Plan; City of Fontana
Aerial Ortho Photograph, 2009; and, Gooqle Earth Aerial Photograph, June, 2012.
c) Potentially significant impact. The proposed project may cause substantial, adverse effects on
human beings directly and indirectly. The proposed project is an approximately 220,000 square
feet of retail and other commercial uses on a currently vacant site. Potential adverse effects on
people may occur in the areas of land use and planning, population and housing, and public
services, among others. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be required to address any
impacts and to identify any required mitigation measures. Source: City of Fontana General Plan;
City of Fontana Aerial Ortho Photograph, 2009; and, Gooqle Earth Aerial Photograph, June,
City of Fontana
Planning Division
The purpose of this form is to inform the city of the:basic:.components.of the proposed
project so that the City may! viewthe project pursuant to City policies,ordinances, and
guidelines; the California Environmental°Quality-Act(CEQ.A)_..and the City's Rules and
Procedures to implement ':PEA...--It is important that the information-requested in this
application be provided lll =a
(i['NFR:\I_ INI-0R\IATIO\:
Application Number for the project to which this form pertains:
Project Title:Wal-Mart
Name&address of project owner(s):Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
2001 SE 10th Street, Bentonville, AR 72716
Name&address of developer or project sponsor:Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
2001 SE 10th Street, Bentonville, AR 72716
Contact person&address:Peter Ritchey- Nasland Engineering
4740 Ruffner Street, San Diego, CA 92111
Telephone Number: (858)292-770
Name&address of person preparing this form(if different from above):Same as above
Telephone Number: ( )
Page 1 of 6
1. Provide a set of color photographs which show representative views into the site from the
north,south east,and west;views into and from the site from the primary access points which
serve the site; and representative views of significant features from the site. Include a map
showing location of each photograph.
2. Project location(describe):Southeast corner of Sierra Ave. & Slover Ave.
3. Assessors Parcel Number(s): 0194-371-12; -13; -14; -15 and -16
4. Gross site area(ac/sq.ft.): 960,343.87 sq. ft / 22.05 ac
5. Net site area(total site size minus area of public streets and proposed dedication): 928' 19.82 sq.ft./21.32 ac
6. Describe any proposed General Plan Amendment or Zone Change which would affect the
project site(attach additional sheet if necessary): N/A
7. Square Footage of Structure(s): 194,538 sq. ft.
8. Number of floors of construction: 1
9. Include a description of all permits which will be necessary from the city and other
governmental agencies in order to fully implement the project:
Conditional Use Permit for TLE and off-site alcohol sales ; Design Review and
Tentative Parcel Map. (See Exhibit B for Justification Statement for CUP)
10. Describe the physical setting of the site as it exists before the project, including information
on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, mature trees, trails and roads, drainage
courses, and scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on site (including age and
condition)and the use of the structures. Attach photographs of significant features described.
In addition, site sources of information (i.e. geological and/or hydrologic studies, biotic and
archeological surveys,traffic studies):
This site is rectangular shaped except for the portion of the lot in the northwest
corner, owned by Sierra Hotel Grp. LLC; The existing topography sheet drains
from north to south at about a 1.0% slope; There are 5 existing paved roads
surrounding the site: Slover Ave. along the north edge of the property line,
Production Ave. along the east edge of the property line, Technology Ave. along
the south edge of the property line, and 2 paved sections separating the Hilton Inn from
the Walmart lot: 1) connecting to Slover Ave. running north and south for approximately
430 ft., 2) connecting to Sierra Ave. running east and west for approximately 525 ft.
Existing sidewalk and landscaping in the public right of way surround the entire block; in
good condition and anticipated to remain except where driveways to the site are to be
added; Landscaping in the public right of way consists of grass, shrubs, and mature
trees. A chain link fence surrounds the undeveloped area; There are no existing
structures on the site; Clear and grub will be necessary to remove existing vegetation.
11. Describe the known cultural and/ or historic aspects of the site. Site all sources of
information(books,published reports,and oral history):
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
12. Describe any noise sources and their levels that now affect the site (i.e. aircraft, roadways
noise etc.);and how they will affect proposed uses:
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
13. Describe the proposed project in detail. This should provide an adequate description of the
site in terms of ultimate use,which will result from the proposed project. Indicate if there are
proposed phases for development, the extent of development with each phase, and the
anticipated completion of each increment. (Attach additional sheets if necessary):
See Attached Project Description (Exhibit A).
14. Describe the surrounding properties, including information on plants and animals and any
cultural, historical, or scenic aspects. Indicate the type of land use (residential, commercial,
etc.),intensity of land use(single-family,multi-family,commercial,industrial,etc.)and scale
of development(height,frontage,setback,rear yard,etc):
The Hilton Garden Inn, owned by Sierra Hotel Gm. LLC, exists at the southeast
corner of Slover Ave. and Sierra Ave. The height of this structure is approxi-
mately 62'; the area is approximately 28,774SF. The site is zoned light
industrial and is surrounded by a mixture of warehouses, hospitals, restaurants,
and commercial buildings. The building setback along Sierra Ave. is 25'; the
setback to all other secondary and local streets is 5'; the setback between other
zoning districts is 5'. The building height restriction is 100'.
Page 3 of 6
15. Will the proposed project change the pattern, scale or character of the surrounding general
area of the project?
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
16. Indicate the type of short-term and long-term noise to be generated, including source and
amount. How will these noise levels affect adjacent properties and on-site uses? What
methods of soundproofing are proposed?
To be evaluated in the project EIR.
17. Indicate proposed removals and for replacements of mature or scenic trees:
There are no proposed removals or replacements of mature or scenic trees.
18. Indicate any bodies of water(including domestic water supplies)into which the site drains:
The site drains toward Technology Ave. then to curb inlets on Production and
Sierra. The runoff will eventually enter the Santa Ana River, then flow west to
the Pacific Ocean.
19.Number of residential units: N/A
Detached(indicate range of parcel sizes,minimum lot size and maximum lot size):
Page 4 of 6
Attached(indicate whether units are rental or for sale):
20. Anticipated range of sale prices and/or rents:
Sale Price(s) $ to $
Rent(per mo.) $ to$
21. Specific number of bedrooms by unit type:
22. Describe type of use(s)and major function(s)of commercial,industrial or institutional uses:
Retail and food-related uses.
23. Total floor area of commercial,industrial,or institutional uses by type:
Major commercial retail: 194,942 SF
Outparcel retail: 9950 SF + 8370 SF = 18,320 SF
Outparcel restaurant: 3570 SF
Total Area: 216,832 SF
24. Indicate hours of operation:
24 hours/day- 7 days a week
Page 5 of 6
25. Have the water, sewer, fire, and flood control agencies serving the project been contacted to
determine their ability to provide adequate service to the proposed project? If so, please
indicate their response.
To be researched and analyzed throughout the EIR process.
26. In the known history of this property, has there been any use, storage, or discharge of
hazardous and/or toxic material? Examples of hazardous and/or toxic materials include,but
are not limited to, PCB's, radioactive substances, pesticides and herbicides, fuels, oils,
solvents,and other flammable liquid and gases. Also note underground storage of any of the
above. Please list the materials and describe their use, storage, and for discharge on the
property,as well as the dates of use,if known.
No known history of storage or discharge of hazardous or toxic materials onto
the site. No known aboveground or underground storage tanks existing onsite.
27. Will the proposed project involve the temporary or long-term use,storage or discharge of
hazardous and for toxic materials,including but not limited to those examples listed above?If
yes,provide an inventory of all such materials to be used and proposed method of disposal.
The location of such uses,along with the storage and shipment areas,shall be shown and
labeled on the application plans.
The proposed major retail store may carry pool chemicals, petroleum products,
and paint products. The attached TLE may store discarded motor oil awaiting
proper disposal.
I hereby certify that the statements furnished above,and in the attached exhibits,present the data
and information required for adequate evaluation of this project to the best of my ability that the
facts,statements,and information presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I further understand that additional information may be required to be submitted before an
adequate evaluation can be made by the City of Fo n.
Date: '' /I" fgOIa Signature:
Title:John C =r e-VP of Real Estate,Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust
Page 6 of 6
The proposed Project consists of the construction of an approximately 216,830 square
foot shopping center on approximately 22.36 acres which is part of the larger 218.7 acre Sierra
Business Park, located at the southeast corner of Slover Avenue and Sierra Avenue, south of the
Interstate 10 Freeway. The project site is bounded by Sierra Avenue on the west, Slover Avenue
to the north, Production Avenue to the east, and Technology Avenue to the south. Proposed
customer access to the Project will be provided by a right in/right out entrance off of Slover
Avenue; a signalized entrance and a right-in/right-out entrance off of Sierra Avenue;.
unsignalized access off of Technology Avenue; and unsignalized access off of Production
Avenue. Delivery trucks will access the Project site from the east off of Production Avenue,and
from the south off of Technology Avenue.
The Project site will be subdivided into four parcels. The largest parcel (approximately
18.33 acres) will be the location of a Walmart, associated parking stalls, bioretention basins and
drainage areas. The proposed uses and configuration of Outparcels 1 through 3 are as follows:
Outparcel Proposed Use Acreage± Square Footage
1 Retail/Restaurant 1.0 8,370
2 Fast Food 0.95 3,570
3 Retail/Hotel 2.08 9,948
The Walmart store will be approximately 200,000 square feet in size,with all appurtenant
structures and facilities, and will offer groceries and general retail merchandise, including
alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption. The Walmart will also include an outdoor garden
center with an exterior customer pick-up facility for prepaid bagged garden supplies, such as
potting soil and mulch. The exterior pick-up facility will have an attendant to assist with
customer loading, but will not accommodate direct sales as all supplies picked up from the
exterior pick-up facility will be prepaid. The exterior pick-up facility will operate during the
same hours as the garden center. The Walmart will also include a 3-bay tire and tube facility,
which will provide routine servicing and maintenance of vehicles, including tire service and oil
changes. The Walmart may have outdoor seasonal sales in the parking lot, and may conduct
sidewalk sales along the front of the store. Finally, the Walmart will include a pharmacy with a
drive-through lane.
The Walmart may also include a medical clinic; a vision and hearing care center; food
service; a photo studio and photo finishing center; a banking center and other similar accessory
uses and entry vestibule tenants. The Walmart will include truck doors and loading facilities.
The Walmart will operate 24 hours a day.
Entitlements Needed:
• Conditional Use Permit(required for the tire and lubc facility and alcohol sales)
• Design Review
• Tentative Parcel Map
Exhibit A
The proposed Project consists of the construction of an approximately 216,830 square
foot shopping center on approximately 22.36 acres which is part of the larger 218.7 acre Sierra
Business Park, located at the southeast corner of Slover Avenue and Sierra Avenue, south of the
Interstate 10 Freeway. The project site is bounded by Sierra Avenue on the west, Slover Avenue
to the north, Production Avenue to the east, and Technology Avenue to the south. Proposed
customer access to the Project will be provided by a right in/right out entrance off of Slover
Avenue; a signalized entrance and a right-in/right-out entrance off of Sierra Avenue;.
unsignalized access off of Technology Avenue; and unsignalized access off of Production
Avenue. Delivery trucks will access the Project site from the east off of Production Avenue, and
from the south off of Technology Avenue.
The Project site will be subdivided into four parcels. The largest parcel (approximately
18.33 acres) will be the location of a Walmart, associated parking stalls, bioretention basins and
drainage areas. The proposed uses and configuration of Outparcels 1 through 3 are as follows:
Outparcel Proposed Use Acreage± Square Footage
1 Retail/Restaurant 1.0 8,370
2 Fast Food 0.95 3,570
3 Retail/Hotel 2.08 9,948
The Walmart store will be approximately 200,000 square feet in size,with all appurtenant
structures and facilities, and will offer groceries and general retail merchandise, including
alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption. The Walmart will also include an outdoor garden
center with an exterior customer pick-up facility for prepaid bagged garden supplies, such as
potting soil and mulch. The exterior pick-up facility will have an attendant to assist with
customer loading, but will not accommodate direct sales as all supplies picked up from the
exterior pick-up facility will be prepaid. The exterior pick-up facility will operate during the
same hours as the garden center. The Walmart will also include a 3-bay tire and lube facility,
which will provide routine servicing and maintenance of vehicles, including tire service and oil
changes. The Walmart may have outdoor seasonal sales in the parking lot, and may conduct
sidewalk sales along the front of the store. Finally, the Walmart will include a pharmacy with a
drive-through lane.
The Walmart may also include a medical clinic; a vision and hearing care center; food
service; a photo studio and photo finishing center; a banking center and other similar accessory
uses and entry vestibule tenants. The Walmart will include truck doors and loading facilities.
The Walmart will operate 24 hours a day.
Entitlements Needed:
• Conditional Use Permit(required for the tire and lube facility and alcohol sales)
• Design Review
• Tentative Parcel Map