HomeMy WebLinkAboutSewer Installation (8) April 22, 1983 File: Chapter 27 #203 70-7207 Property Owner: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWERMAINS AND LATERALS IN MAWTHORNE/S~OIAAVENUES Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of 3bur property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $10.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $32.00 for a single family. On April 19, 1983, the City Council raised all rates including the con- nection charge which went from $150.00 per connection to $600.00. If you take out your sewer permit and pay your fees on or before May 15, 1983, the old connection charge of $150.00 will still apply. The City Council has already given its approval for this project to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% per annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP:wp Enclosure FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 MEMORANDUM APPROVED BY TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT:' Agenda Item Notification DATE: November 9, 1982 1. COUNCIL ME.,ETING DATE: November 16, 1982 2. AGENDA ITEM Public Works Department (Reading) Motion to instruct the Public Works Director to order the installation of Sanitary Sewers in Rawthorns and Sequoia A~enues, within Tract No. 3933, east of Catawba and north of San Bernardino Avenue, lunder provisions of Chapter 27 of the StTeets and Highways Code. M/ S/ 3. ADDRESS & LOCATION: Tract No. 3933, east of Catawba, north of San Bernardino AVenue. 4. SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS ATTACRED OR LISTED: A. Copy of petitions B. Map of area 5. PREVIOUS CITY ACTION AND EXISTING POLICY: In the past, it has been the policy of the City Council to order the sewers installed whenever petitions requesting such installation have been signed by 50% of the residents of a block. 6. STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff would recormmend approval as t~is is an older subdivision whish was recently annexed and needs sewers. All petitions have at least 50% sig- natures, and the overall percentage is ~8~.. PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS lrNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontaria, California: We, the undersigned owners of property ironring on the north side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. ow~m ~ z,'~ ',fi ,~),: ~ ,,~,c(.~ ~_~L',-,,ADDREss /.'~ ~ H-~ ....~l~, ~,,~_ f Petition No. 1 PETITION REQUESTiIJG DIPROVDILYTS bq,'DER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property f ronting on the north side of HawthDrne Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, hereby reouest the consrruct~Dn of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property lkne in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. Petition No. 1 PETITION REQUESTING I~fPROVD~S UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF C}L~?TER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue to 15947 Hawthorne, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. Petition #2 PETITION REQUESTING iMPROVEMENTS UNDER TME PROVISIONS OF CHA~TER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue to 15947 Hawthorne, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. ADDRESS Petition #2 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the west side of Sequoia Avenue between Hawthorne Avenue to 15950 Sequoia Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lmteral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property o~ner is shown on the attached letter. Petition #3 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STKEETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the east side of Sequoia Avenue between Hawthorne Avenue to 300 feet north, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. / Petition #4 ~ . ~'E7'~710:; P. FOUESTi:;C L'.?ROVDiE~F !'27.'.VE THE PROVISIONS OF CF_XPTEE 27 C~F ~EF STFr]'75; LND }{IG~d/.YS CODE To the City of Fontaria. C,:lift,rrlia: b/e. tt~c undc!rsjgDec Ox.7!f'rb ('i preperty froriLing on the north side of Hak'thorne Avenue ber~t-er. ~3rak'ba Artnut and Sequoia Avenne, hereby request the constructioL of sanitar, s~.k'er dra~n.~e faci]itic~ 1no]riding lateral connection from =ain to property ~.~:. in actorcanoe Wjt?~ t]~e previsions cf ~apter 2~ of Lhe Streets and Highways Go.de of t~c, Srat~ of Cai~fornja. Th~ es~tj:nated cc~it t,: .~ ;-r g.a~ll per J~TODOTEN owner ig ShO'~l On the attached lette:. Petition No. ~ ~ ~ q NAME LIST FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND SEOUOIA AVEN~E, WITHIN TRACTS 3770 AND 3933 Petition No. 1 Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-291-12 James E. & Patricia Cuthbert (Should also sign Petition #3) 15914 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-291-13 Eugene C. & Ethel J. Wier 15910 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana Petition No. 2 233-293-02 '/ Edith B. Corrigan ~"~-~ - ' 9922 Almeria Ave., Fontana 233-293-03 Michael Jr. & Virginia B. Gere ~ ~ / 15929 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-04 _ Marie F. Fletcher 15937 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-05 I~ Douglas E. & Donna M. ThompsSn ~ 15947 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana Petition No. 3 233-291-06 J Ruth L. Phillips 15950 Sequoxa Ave., Fontana 233-291-07 I~'~.' Vance J. & Jane McDonsld 15944 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-08 ~ Daniel P. & Dorayada A. Iharra 15938 Sequoia Aye., Fontana 233-291-09 Arnulfo & Maria E. Perez 15932 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-10 Brett D. & Paula S. MacCharles ~ 15916 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-291-11 ~ Robert P. & Ethel M. Gist 15920 Sequoia Ave., Fontana Assessor's No. ~r and ~,Ta~]in~ Address ., ' Petition No. ~ 233-292-05 ' George F. & Audrey L. Thayer · t,~ Timothy & Bronwyn Perez ~ " 15921 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-292-06 ~ Robert G. & Dorothy L.. Buker 15951 Sequoia Ave., Fontana wo,ca N.o "' 247' AFANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Address z7575 Filbert · Fontaria, California 9'~335 · Office (7x4) 829-3034 Residence (7 J4) 823-52~rX CATE April 11. .1983 ;ana. Ca. 92335 TELE,,O~F (714) 823-3411 ,ia ~ Fontana LOT aLR TRACT ARCHITECT M [ Estimated Unit Total Quantity Price ice Foot to grade (option) ~ 2,497.80 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE ~; 2,497.80 ;'.~>IE LIST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND lATERALS IN HAI/rHORNE AVENUE, SEQUOIA AVENUE,/ MANZANITA DRIVE, ~[ANZANITA E4D~AR~ AND IIOLLY DRIVE WITHIN TRACTS 3933 AND Z~. Assessor' s No. Owner and Mailing Address ~/ 2 3-291-01 Kenzie Davis ... 7 1599 Sequoia Ave , Fontana ;~ l,,k) i ~ tA/~l ) " .,/2 Ho arFae treet ~/ 233-2{. -03 a h F ' 7~1~- 17851 Foo Blvd. , Fontaria 233-291-06 Ruth~Phillips 15950 Sequoia Ave. Fontaria ~r) 233-291-07 Vaneel& Jane McDonald -~ 15944 Sequoia Ave. Fontaria ~ 233-291-08 Danjell& Dorayadallbarra ~ 15938 Sequoia Ave. Fontana ~ 233-291-09 Arnulfo & Maria]Perez Q, ' 15932 Sequoia Ave. Fontaria D,. 233-291-10 Brett~ & PAnlahMacCharles - · .. 15926 Sequoia Ave. Fontaria '.;. :: 233-291-11 Robert^& EthelGist : ' ;. . , ~'.~ ' : 15920 Sequoia Ave. Fontana . .- · H ~ 233-291-12 JamesA& Patricia Cuthbert ~ ' · 15914 Hawthorne Ave., Fontaria 't d. ~r. --: · 233-291-13 ' Eugene~& Ethe~Wier 15910 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana ' " I 984 H th rne A e., Fontana , 233-292-03 Ric -a Joan EdwardsFontan 233-292-0 wthorne Ave., Fontana Assessor ' s No~ Owner and Mailing Address ~S~ n0~ ~o.~ 233-292-05 GeorgeA& Audrey^Thayer Timothy & Bronwyn Perez . 15921 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-06 ~cth7 ~951 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-2~2-07/ Jo~ & De pha Price / 15~63 Se uoia Ave,, ontana 233-292-08 ~bert & Violet ight 1597 Sequoia. e, , Font / 233-293-02 Edith~Corrigan 9~22 ~eria Ave., Fontana 233-293-03 M~chae~& Virgini~ Gere 15929 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-04 MarieAFletcher -i 15937 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-05 DouglasA & DonnaAThompson ~ 15~47 ~awthorne Ave., Fontana 33- ui 15995 Hawthorne Av City of Fontana CALIFOBNIA Mayl3, 1983 File: Hawthorne/Sequoia Avenue Sewer ProJ. Ch. 27 - 70-7207 #203 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: Sewer Connection Fee of $150.00 and Deadline for Payment at This Rate For clarification, the following information is provided to the residents involved in the above referenced project: 1. The deadline for the payment of the Sewer Connection Fee in ~he amount of $150.00 for the people in the Hawthorne/Sequoia 'Avenues Sewer Project, Chapter 27 ~;203, has been extended to the end of the present fiscal year--June 30, 1983. 2. Payment of the connection fee at the rate of $150.00 assures connection at that rate indelinitely. The $150.00 connection fee rate does not expire and will not be increased if it is paid before June 30, 1983. 3. The connection fee permit charge of $10.00 and the plumbing permit fee of $20.00 will expire in 6 months. It will be necessary to take out those lpermlts again and pay the fees of $10.00 and $20.00 respectively after the 6 months expiration date. Robert 'Schoenborn, p.E. Public Works Director RS :wp J. }, NAME LIST IFOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE, SEQUOIA AVENUE, MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE WITHIN TRACTS 3933 AND 4564. Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-291-01 Kenzie Davis 15994 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-291-02 Howard and Fae Street ' 15984 Sequoia Ave., Forttans 233-291-03 Thomas & Elizabeth Franks 15974 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-04 Frank & Jean Dececcio 15964 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-291-05 Raymond & Lauia Cuchrane 178~1 P~v~l-~tt Elvd~==, Foff~ana 233-291-06 Ruth Phillips 15950 Sequoia Ave., Fontana b~"5~.9 233-291-07 Vance & Jane McDonald 15944 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-291-08 Daniel & Dorayada Ibarra 15938 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-09 Arnulfo & Maria Perez 15932 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-10 Brett & Paula MacCharles 15926 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-11 Robert & Ethel Gist 15920 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-12 James & Patricia Cuthbert 15914 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-291-13 Eugene & Ethel Wier 15910 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana ~J,{ ~ · 233-292-01 Gerald & Pauline Comstock 15994 Hawthorne Ave,, Fontaria 2s3-292-02 J. L = ...... 15984 Hawthorne Ave., Fontaria 233-292-03 Richard & Joan Edwards, 15974 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-292-04 ~e~ A. lk~ rd D'O~ ~ ~lO~4 15964 Hawthorne Ave. Fontaria Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-292-05 George & Audrey Thayer Timothy & Bronwyn Perez 15921 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-292-06 Timothy ~ite 15951 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-07 John & Delpha Price 15963 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-08 Albert & Violet Wright 15973 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-09 Donald & Donna Burnich 15983 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-10 Boyce & Margaret Braswell 15993 Sequoia Ave., ~ontana 233-293-02 Edith Corrigan 9922 Almeria Ave., Fontaria 233-293-03 Michael & Virginia Gere 15929 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-04 Marie Fletcher 15937 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-05 Douglas & Donna Thompson 15947 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-06 Donald & Sharon Anderson 15957 Hawthorne Ave., Fontaria 233-293-07 Roger & Karen Crane 15965 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-08 John & Carol Sinclair 15975 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-09 15985 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-10 Ferdinand & Theresa Huitric 15995 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-302-01 Shirley Keeler 9569 Manzanita Ct., Fontana 233-302-02 Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffner 9561 Manzanita Ct., Fontana City of Fontana CALIFORNIA May 13, 1983 File: Hawthorne/Sequoia Avenue Sewer Proj. Ch. 27 - 70-7207 #203 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: Sewer Connection Fee of $150.00 and Deadline for Payment at This Rate For clarification, the following information is provided to the residents involved in the above referenced project: 1. The deadline for the payment of the Sewer Connection Fee in the amount of $150.00 for the people in the Hawthorne/Sequoia Avenues Sewer Project, Chapter 27 #203, has been extended to the end of the present fiscal year--June 30, 1983. 2. Payment of the connection fee at the rate of $150.00 assures connection at that rate indefinitely. The $150.00 connection fee rate does not expire and will not be increased if it is paid before June 30, 1983. 3. The connection fee permit charge of $10.00 and the plumbing permit fee of $20.00 will expire in 6 ~nonths. It will be necessary to take out those permits again and pay the fees of $10.00 and $20.00 respectively after the 6 months expiration date. Robert 'Schoenborn, p.E. Public Works Director RS: wp NAME LIST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE, SEQUOIA AVENUE, MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZAMITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE WITHIN TRACTS 3933 AND 4564. No. o er and Mailing Address 233-291-01 Kenzie Davis 15994 Sequoia Ave. Fontaria , 233-291-02 Howard and Fae Street ' 15984 Sequoia Ave.., Fontaria 233-291-03 Thomas & Elizabeth Franks 15974 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-04 Frank & Jean Dececcio 15964 Sequoia Ave. , Fontana 233-291-06 Ruth Phillips' 233-291-07 Vance S Jane McDonald 15944 Sequoia Ave. , Fontaria 233-291-08 Daniel S Dorayada Ibarra 15938 Sequoia Ave. Fontana 233-291-09 Arnulfo & Maria Perez 233-291-10 Brett & Paula MacCharles 15926 Sequoia Ave. , Fontaria 233-291-11 Robert & Ethel Gist 15920 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-291-12 James & Patricia Cuthbert 15914 Hawthorne Ave. Fontaria 233-291-13 Eugene & Ethel Wier ~F%O~ ~n~ec~o~ ~ 15910 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana ~ l~ 233-292~01 Gerald & Pauline Comstock / 15994 Hawthorne Ave. Fontaria 233-292-02 ~ ~u 15984 Hawthorne Ave. rontana 233-292-03 Richard & Joan Edwards, 1597~ Hawthorne Ave. Fontaria 233-292-04 Be~) A. l~d 15964 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana Assessor' s No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-292-05 George & Audrey Thayer Timothy & Bron~n Perez 15921 Sequoia Ave. Fontana 233-292-06 Timothy l~ite ................. 15963 Sequoia Ave. Fontana 233-292-08 ~bert & Violet Wright 15973 Sequoia Ave., Fontan8 233-292-09 Donald & Donna Burnich 15983 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-10 Boyce & Margaret Braswell 15993 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-293-02 Edith Corrigan 9922 ~eria Ave. Fontana 2~-293-03 Nichael & VirSinia 6e;e 15929 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-04 Marie Fletcher 15937 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-05 Douglas & Donna Thompson 15947 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-06 Donald & Sharon Anderson 15957 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-07 Roger & Karen Crane 15965 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 2~-293-08 John & Carol Sinclair 15975 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana .......... 15985 Hawthorne Ave. 233-293-10 Ferdinand & Theresa Huitric 15995 Hawthorne Ave. Fontaria Tract No. 3770, M. B. 4 ~'~%c~ No. 3933, M.B. ~ / 193 "-..,.3~ ,." , ~,~ . e X~ ~ .......~"' "~ ' HAWTHORNE -- AVENUE  tV20 & 't~- 14 ~F' o~ e" ~,,,:',' ~- ~0% E"b :'~'j;'~d~- ' .... 65'C*f .~, - . City of Fontana CALIFORNIA May 13, 1983 File: Hawthorne/Sequoia Avenue Sewer Proj. Ch. 27 - 70-7207 #203 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: Sewer Connection Fee of $150.00 and Deadline for Payment at This Rate For clarification, the following information is provided to the residents involved in the above referenced project: 1. The deadline for the payment of the Sewer Connection Fee in the amount of $150.00 for the people in the Hawthorne/Sequoia Avenues Sewer Project, Chapter 27 #203, has been extended to the end of the present fiscal year--June 30, 1983. 2. Payment of the connection fee at the rate of $150.00 assures connection at that rate indefinitely. The $150.00 connection fee rate.does not expire and will not be increased if it is paid before June 30,1983. 3. The connection fee permit charge of $10.00 and the plumbing permit fee of $20.00 will expire in 6 months. It will be necessary to take out those permits again and pay the fees of $10.00 and $20.00 respectively after the 6 months expiration date. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director RS:wp Ci of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 17, 1983 To: Holders of Plans and Specifications From: Public Works Department Subject: Addendum to Specifications (Bid Date January 25, 1983) Projectr Installation of Sewer Main and Laterals in Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue File: Chapter 27 #203, 70-72071 Please make the followinF~ change in specifications, Section 7, page 7: Delete: Clean-outs and Wye on all Service laterals Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Carlos Nayafro Civil Engineering Assistant RS: CN :wp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P, O. BOX SIC) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 923'~5 (714) 823-14tl CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN. , I~.~ERALS AND IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE 70-7207 Ch. 27 #203 CITY COUNCIL Nathan A. Simon, Mayor William Freeman Robert Schoenborn Don Day City Engineer William Kragness R.C.E. 18932 Charles Koehler CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on January 25, 1983 at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows: Installation of Sewer Main and Laterals in Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond made payable to the City of Fontana for an amount equal to at least ten (10) percent of the~amount bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general pyevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the worlr is to be done is in accordance with the "General Prevailing Wage Rates" current at time of bidding as published by the S~ate of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. -1- Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 (Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) and 1777.6 of the Labor'Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the contractor or any sub-contractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the contractor or sub-contractor employinE tradesman in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and ~ich administers the apprenticeship program in that trade, for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journey- men that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less thmn one to five except: A. ~en unemployment in the area of coverage.by the joint apprentice- ship co=mittee has exceeded an average of 15 perceot in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a. ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis state- wide or locally, or D.. When the ,contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he,employ= registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other contractors on the public works site nre making such contributions. The contractor and any sub-contractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex officio the Adm/nistrator of Apprenticeships San Francisco, Californlas or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. -2- All bids are to be compared on the basis of the City Engineer's Estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. Plans and forms of proposal, bonds, contract, and special provisions may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California. The non-refnndable charge for plans and specifications is $7.00 The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements and Conditions" annexed to the blank form of proposal, for Eull directions as to bidding, etc. The City of Fontana reserves the r~ght to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or informality in any bid to the extent permitted by law. CITY OF FONTANA By: Robert Schoenborn City Engineer Dated: December 21, 1982 -3- CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION of sewer facilities on Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California, for furnishing all labor, services, materials, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, utilities, and all other items and facilities necessary therefor, as provided in the Contract Documents, for the construction of this project and all appurtenances thereto, in strict accordance with the specifications on file at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Fontana. the bids will be publicly opened an rea~ aloud. ~ids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes marked on the outside, "% PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF FONTANA FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITIES ON HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE." LOCATION OF THE WORK - The work to be constructed hereunder is located in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California. WORKING DAYS - The designated number of working. days for this contract is twenty (20) working days from date of said approval of this contract outlined in Section 8 (c) of the City Standard Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK - The work to be done in the Construction of Sewer Facilities on Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue. AWARD OF CONTRACT - The Bidder's attentionis directed to the provisions of Section 3, "Award and Execution of Contract", of the Standard Specifications and to "Proposal Requirements and Conditions", of these Special Provisions for the requirements and conditions concerning award and execution of contract, CERTIFIED CHECK AND BONDS - Each bid must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check, or by a corporate surety bond on the form furnished by the City of Fontana, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if an award is made to him in accordance with the terms of his bid, promptly secure workmen's compensation insurance and liability in- surance, execute a contract in the required form, and furnish satisfactory bonds for the faithful performance of the contract and for the payment of claims of material suppliers and laborers thereunder. Said check or bidder's bond shall be in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid. The Faithful Performance Bond shall be not iess than fifty percent (50%) of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The Payment Bond shall be not less than fifty percent (50%) of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The City of Fontana reserves the right to reject any bond, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the Surety's acknowledgment is not in the form included in the contract documents or in another form substantially as prescribed by law. -4- PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES - In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions, and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done is in accordanoe with the copy of "General Prevailing Wage Rates" effective on date of advertising as published by the State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Depsrtment of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (a) The Contract Documents shall consist of the Notice Inviting Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, accepted Proposal, Bid Proposal Form(s), the Contract, the Faithful Performanoe Bond, the Payment Bond, the Special Provisions, and the Standard Specifications of the California Department of Transportation dated January, 1980, together with all additions, deletions, modifications, and appendices and all addenda, as prepared prior to the date of this bid opening, setting forth any modifications or interpretations of any of said documents, are hereby made part of this Notice Inviting Bids. (b) A full set of specifications is available for inspection without charge at the office of the Public Works Director of the City of Fontana. (c) Complete sets of said contract documents, except for the Standard Plans and of the State Director r t rc ' per set and are obtainable from the Director of Public Works of the City of Fontaria, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335. No refund will be made of any charges for complete sets of contract documents. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - The City of Fontana hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertise- ment, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for the award. ADDRESS AND MARKING OF PROPOSAL - The envelope enclosing the proposal shall be sealed and addressed to the City Clerk and delivered or mailed to the City of Fontana, P.O. Box 518, Fontana, CA 92335. The envelope shall he plainly marked in the upper left hand corner with the name and address of the bidder and shall bear the words, "BID PROPOSAL FOR..." followed by the title of the specifications for the work and the date and hour of opening of bids. The certified or cashier's check, money order, or bidder's bond shall be enclosed in the same envelope with the proposal. -5- SECTION 1 - CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1. Sewer Manhole 4 Each 2. 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe 1,369 L.F. 3. 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Laterals 856 L.F. 4. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 86 Tons SECTION 2'- SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor shall furnish and construct, in accordance with the specifications and drawings, all labor, equipment and materials required for the construction of sewer facilities in Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue in the City of Fontana. Unless otherwise shown in these special provisions, the scope of all work shall conform to the City Standard Specifications. The City reserves the right to make alterations, deviations, additions to or omissions from the plans'and specifications, including the right to increase or de- crease the~quantity of any item or portion of the work, as may be deemed by the engineer to be necessary or advisable and to require such extra work as may be determined by the engineer to be required for proper completion or construction of the whole work contemplated. When the Contractor feels compensation for an item of work should be subject to adjustment, the Contractor shall furnish the City with adequate detail cost data for such item of work. Such data shall be submitted with contractor's request. SECTION 3 - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT All asphalt concrete pavement shall conform to Section 19 & 39-of the City Standard Specifications. The mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete pavement shall conform to the grading specified for three-eights-inch (3/8") maximum size fine gradation. Permanent asphalt base pavement shall be two inches (2") in thickness and shall be placed within the sewer trench to the surface of existing roadway. A minimum of two (2") inches total cover over trench shall be placed. No final overlay of asphalt concrete pavement shall be ~equired. The contract unit price paid per ton of asphalt concrete pavement shall include full compensation for preparation of existing asphalt concrete pavement surfaces to be joined and for furnishing and installation of asphalt concrete pavement as specified, and no separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 4 - REMOVALS All removals shall conform to Section 16 of the Standard Specification and in accordance with the plans and limits of construction as shown. All removals, including but not limited to, pavement removal, shall be hauled away and disposed of by the contractor. All removals are to be considered incidentals to the various contract items, and no separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 5 - SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION All sanitary sewer construction shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction. -6- All sewer manholes shall be constructed per standard detail #112. The contract unit price paid for standard pre-cast manholes shall include full compensation for construction of shelf, placement of pre-cast sections, and standard manhole frame and cover, finish work, and all other labor or materials, tools, equip- ment and incidentals involved. SECTION 6 - 8" V.C.P. SEWER PIPE Unless otherwise specified, all 8" vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction in the City of Fontana. The unit price paid for linear foot of 8" vitrified clay pipe shall include full compensation for all labor, materials, tog~s~I equipment and all incidentals involved in the performance of this work. SECTION 7 - 4" V.C.P. SEWER SERVICE LATERALS All sewer service laterals shall be four inches (4") vitrified clay pipe (V.C.P.) installed from the main to the property line and plugged. A clean-out shall be in- Construetio~ shall conform to City Standard #125, ~ SECTION 8 - BACEFI~S ~11 sewer pipes installed shall he hackfilled with sand to two feet (2~) abo~e the pipe. The remaining backfill shall conform to the standard specifications. Backfill with sand shall be included in the various contract items and no separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 9 - ADJUSTMENT OF MANtOLE TO GRADE Upon completion of paving, the paving contractor shall adjust to finish grade all new manholes, frames, and covers where required. Adjustment of facilities to grade will he considered as included in the prices for various contract items on this project, and no separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 10 - TESTING, CLEAN-UP All testing shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction in the City of Fontana. Before final inspection, the project site and all parts of the project shall be left in a neat and presentable condition. Full compensation for final clean-up will be considered as included in the 'prices for various contract items of this project, and no separate payment will be made therefor. SECTION 11 -MEASIrREMENT AND PAYMElqT Unless otherwise noted in these Special Provisions, all measurements and payments'shall conform to the City Standard Specifications. Your attention is directed to Section 9 of the City Standard Specifications~ -7- CONTRACT PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINAND LATERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE To the City Council of the City of Fontana: The undersigned as bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications, and read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans, if any, and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit price set forth in the following schedule. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. APPROXIMATE ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL Each Sewer Manhole at 1 4 Each Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay 2 1,369 Sewer Pipe at per L.F. Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay 3 856 Sewer Lateral at per L.F. Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement at 4 85 per Ton TOTAL -8- Accompanying this proposal is (Insert "$ cash", "Cashier's Check", "certified check", or "Bidder's bond", as the case may be) in the amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract, with necessary bonds, within eight (8) days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after having received notice that the contract has been awarded and is ready for signature, the proceeds of the security accompany- ~ng his bid shall become the property of the City of Fontshe, and this proposal and the acceptance thereof may be considered null and void. Licensed in accordance ~.~th an act-providing for the registration of contractors, LiCense No. . Signature of bidder (If Bn fndividual, so state. If a firm or co-part~ership, state the firm name and give the names of all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of president~ secretary, treasurer~ and manager thereof.) 0 Business Address Dated: Std. 25 ~9- SUGGESTED BIDDER'S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL KNOWN ALL ~N BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Principal, and · as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana in 'the sum of ($ ), to be paid to the said City or its certain attorneys, its successors and assigns; for the payment of which sum, well and truly made, 'we bind ourselves ~ our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the certain proposal of. the above bounden to construct dated , 19 . , is accepted by the City of Fontana, and if tie above bounden , his heirs, executors~ administrators, successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract for such construction, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds described within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of the mailing of a notice 'to the above bounden by and from the said City of Fontana that said contract is ready for execution, then ~is obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals this day of _ , 19 Std. 24 -10- 6/75 BIDDER'S WORK REFERENCE TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL Please list the last four jobs completed by your company as the principal contractor. Please list job, contract amount, working days, contracting agency and telephone number. The bidder shall list the names and addresses of each subcontractor to whom the bidder proposes to subcontract portions of the work. NAMES AND ADDRESSES: DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF WORK TO BE SUBCONTRACTED: -11- CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN RAWTHOtNE AVENUE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE This agreement, made and concluded this day of , 19 , ~tween the City of Fontana, party of the first part, and ~ Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: Furnishing and installation of sewer main and laterals in Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of 7ontane, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue Plan - Drawing No. 1123, 2 of 2 ARTICLE II: And the said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the 'acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: -12- APPROXIMATE ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL Each Sewer Manhole at 1 4 Each Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay 2 1,369 Sewer Pipe at per L.F. Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay 3 856 Sewer Lateral at per L.F. Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement at 4 85 per Ton TOTAL -13- ARTICLE III -- Said. party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said ConTractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work accordinE to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. } ARTICLE IV -- It is further expressly aEreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA BY: Mayor of the City of Fontshe ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Forttans APPROVED: CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana -14- FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE AND SEQUOIA AVENUE To the City Council of the City of Fontana: The undersigned as bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications, and read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans, if any, and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, fDr the unit price set forth in the following schedule. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. APPROXIMATE ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL Each Sewer Manhole at Each Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay 2 1,369 Sewer Pipe at per L.F0 Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay 3 856 Sewer Lateral at e,. per L.F. Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement at ~9,.. A"'ro~ qZ.':'''-° ~ 970, per Ton ~oT~t ~j4 1~5 ~ ~8- PUBLIC HEARING ON: Notice to construct sanitary sewer facilities in Hawthorne and Sequoia Avenue, within Tract No. 3933, east of Catawba and north of San Bernardino Avenue under provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code. Motion to overrule all protests and ratify and confirm all acts and determinations of all officers of the City of Fontana in relation to ordering of Construction of Sanitary Sewer facilities in Hawthorne and Sequoia Avenue, within Tract No. 3933, east of Catawba and north of San Bernardino Avenue, Chapter 27, Project #203, 70-7207. REQUEST FOR JOB COFA~L~'"IO~ DATE FIr.~n WITH YOUR AA~N6~ PLEASE DEPOSIT IN BEEURN MAI~ Wku~N COMPLETION NOTICE BAS RW~-N ~T.~'~, Address on reverse side. Project Titles . Loosttonz Hawthorne & Sequoia Sts. ~entlemenz We be&~n supplyin~ sewer manholes be6dmnin~ 3/25/83 Sol~ Const~ction on ~e a~ p~eot. ~ ~d ~atly app~ciate you p~ o~ co~ wi~ ~ p~Ject's CO~ION ~ when it ~ been filed or ~en ~oep~ed by ~ ~y. Dste of Completion o= lccep~ Tb--~t-~ you ~ ~ce for yo~ p~ss ~ t~te mt~ 8tnce~ly, T.~ Coyote Conerection, I~. ~' ~ -: .. CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE 568203 IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE THIS tS NOT, A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREOY NOTIFIED THAT . FO 8192,~738 _~l Conc~e'l;~) ~t!~A~tion (llal~e Of person or fi~m furnishinq labor, setwoes, equip- ment or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any _2434 (address of person or firm furnishing labol, services, P~ivezside, _CA 925Q~ F~ '] equipment or material) has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equ,pment, or Nozle materials of the following general description: Sew~er _m,mhole sub-contractor (general description of the labor, services, equipn, ent or L J material furnished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at:_ ~8,w'bhol'P.e FOLD HERE (address or description of lob site _Fonte,,_ sufficient for identification} The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: Sclafani Construction (name and address of person or firml o. OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) :~O]3.t;B. llg, t CA 92335 (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: ~ ~ : ............... ~ 3500 ' · .... ' · $* .00 (Dollar amount must De furnished to construction lender City Of ~Pont;en__- . -optionalastoow ...... contractor) P. O; ~,0X'518 Fol~,tana, CA 9233E: ', , Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are Payable, (Material men not required Io furnisH) (name) (address) Construction loan no. hf known) (name) (addressl FOLD HERE ' (narn~] (address1 (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished. a me- chanic's lien leading to the loss, through court fore- closure proceedings, of all or part of your property being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed against ~e property even Reputed Contractor, if any though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (Z} any other method ' : : : or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. : Dated: Apxtl lli 1983 · e,ep.one ...,her I71~LI 788--9720 SCLX' ANI CONSTRUvCTION CO. Mailinll Address 1757.~ Fill~rt · Fontaria, Californin ~23Z~.~ · Office (714) 8'~9-3o34 Residence (714) 82t-5251 April 12, 1983 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontaria, Ca. 92335 RE: Extra on Sequoia & Hawthrone 1" A.C. cap Attention: Bob Porter Bid P~oposal Tonage price if prepared and cleaned by Sclafani: Est.: 263 tons @ $45.00 per ton $ 11,835.00 Tonage price if prepared and cleaned by City of Fontana: Est.: 26~ tons @ $43.00 per ton $ 11,309.00 SQ. FT. Price - Estimated 43,808 sq ft. @ .29¢ sq. ft. $ 12,704.32 Note: Quantities are estimated subject to field measurment unit prices prevail. SignedA~ani~C~~ Sclafani Construction Co. PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fromring on the south side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue to 660 feet east, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property lime in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached name list. OWNER ADDP~ESS Tract 3933, Petition PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CH~TER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronttng on the north side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage fmc~lities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached name list. OWNER ADDRESS Tract 3933, Petition #2 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undsrsigned owners of property fromring on the north side of Hawthorne Avenue between Sequoia Avenue to 3,420 feet east, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer maim per property owner is shown on the attached name OWNER ADDRESS Tract 3933, Petition #3 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 0F THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned o~rners of property fronting on the west side of S~quoia Avenue between Hawthorne Avenue to 400 feet north, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of california. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached name list, OWNER ADDRESS Tract 3933, Petition #4 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the east side of Sequoia Avenue between Hawthorne Avenue to 330 feet north, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached name list. OWNER ADDRESS Tract 3933, Petition #5 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF T~E STREETS AND HIGIB~AYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the north side of Sequoia Avenue between Sequoia Avenue to 420 feet easE, hereby request the oonstruction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisons of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached name list. OWNER ADDRESS Tract 3933, Petition #6 To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Sequoia Avenue between Sequoia Avenue .to' 420 feet east, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities in~luding lateral connection from main to propeTty line in accordanc~ with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, llst. · OWNER ADDRESS Tract 3933, Petition ~7 I Tract No.3770 f_y~9..~," Fentara City M.B. 49/27 Tax Rate Are~ 10027 ,.,,-?~ ~,,~ i., ~Nb i Y~ ,Yes AVENUE 28 27 ~ 2S 25 24 '2 23 ~ Yes Yes Y~s ~s :y~. Tr ocl No. 3770, ~ 3 · M.B. 49/:>7 Tax Role arec 10027 Assessor's No; Owner and Mailing Address 233-292-05 George & Audrey Thayer Timothy & Bronwyn Perez 15921 Sequoia Ave., Fontana ~/233-292-06 T~.mo~hy-White 15951 Sequoia Ave., Pontana ." 233-292-07 John & Delpha Price .: '. 15963 Sequoia Ave. Fontana ! 233-292-08 Albert & Violet Wright ~!'~:: 15973 Sequoia ,Ave. Fontana ~i, b/ 233-292-09 Donald & Donna Burnich 15983 Sequoia Ave. Fontana V 233-292-10 Boyce & Margaret Braswell 15993 Sequoia Ave. Fontana ~/233-293-02 Edith Corrigan 9922 Almeria Ave., Fontana ~{) 233-293-03 Michael & Virginia Gere 15929 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana ~O 233-293-04 Marie Fletcher ?i 15937 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana ~//233-293-05 Douglas & Donna Thompson 'L=~ ' 15947 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana :1i7'~i: ~/~':~33-293-06 Donald & Sharon Anderson .: 33-293-07 Roger & Karen Crane :~:.-' ·' ~.: ' 15965 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana '~"' :*.': · :i: ':., ~/::'233:293-08 John & Carol Sinclair "~15975 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 7' "'233-293-09 Donald & Lu Ann Grant ~ 15985 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-10 Ferdinand & Theresa Hultric 15995 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana NAME LIST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE, SEQUOIA AVENUE, MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE WITHIN TRACTS 3933 AND 4564. NO. Owner and Mailing Address " ~ 233-291-01 Kenzie Davis ~t~. 15994 Sequoia Ave., Fontana '..'-- k~ 233-291-02 Howard and Fee Street j-' . 15984 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 1'.~ 233-291-03 Thomas & Elizabeth Franks .,-~ . j:. , 15974 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 'r~ 233-291-04 Frank & Jean Deceecio · , 15964 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria .~ 233-291-05 Raymond & Laura Cochrane ' ~'~ '[ 1~851 Foothill Blvd., Pontaria -~'. ,/' 233-291-06 Ruth Phillips 15950 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria .'!z~O 233-291-07 Vance & Jane McDonald ~! 15944 Sequoia Ave., Fontana - b'/233-291-08 Daniel & Dorayada Ibarra 15938 Sequoia Ave., Fontana '.b,/ 233-291-09 Arnulfo & Maria Perez · ~' ' .' 15932 Sequoia Ave., Fontana Zz~. .~/ 233-291-10 Brett &Paula MacCharles · fT~:': ~ l'll>. ~ 15926 Sequoia Ave., Fontana ;r/2~Si291-11 Robert & Et 1 Gist ~ ~ .,15920 Sequoia Ave., Fontana ' , 233-291-12 James &Patricia Cuthbert · ;!* ' 15914 Hawthorne Ave., Fontaria '233-291-13 'Eugene & Ethel Wier ...... ' '~'-' '15910 Hawthorne Ave., Fontaria -~,~..,~ ~/r 233-292-01 Gerald &'Pauline Comarock "- 15994 Hawthorne Ave., Fontaria '2 233-292-02 ~Anne J. Cook ' 15984 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-292-03 Richard & Joan Edwards 15974 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana "2 233-292-04 ~Betty A. McCord 15964 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS FNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the north side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. OWNER ~,J~l~d,/~' ~j-~Y'U ADDRESS /~I0 Petition No. 1 PETITION REQUESTING DflPROVEMENTS UiNiDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the north side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Sequoia Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chmpter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. Petition No. 1 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue to 15947 Hawthorne, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. Petition #2 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Hawthorne Avenue between Catawba Avenue to 15947 Hawthorne, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. OWNER AI)DRESS Petition #2 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the west side of Sequoia Avenue between Hawthorne Avenue to 15950 Sequoia Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. OWNER ADDRESS Petition #3 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS IrNDERTHE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the east side of Sequoia Avenue between Hawthorne Avenue to 300 feet north, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimat d cost of sewer main per property owner is shown on the attached letter. OWNER , ' ADDRESS /i-f~J'/,'~~ ~ Petition #4 PETITION RFQUE$ rl,';c I.~fPRUV-~}ILCTS I'XF. KR THE ~RO~)ISIONS OF CE~PTEK 27 OF 7'~ STRFI'T~; '~N[) ~IG~'AYS CODE TO the City of Fontann. C.,lif~,rni:i: We, the und,crsi~ned c;w:~cx5 ~i property i~onting on the north side of Ha~tht~rne --~ Scout, in Avenue, hereDv xequest the constructiox~ of sanitary; s~'wer d;ajn~P facil itie: inq~pding laterai connection flora main [o , property l~l~ in ac-~,rd.tnce ~'ith the provisions cf aapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Cit,e of the S;rz!L~ cf C.tliivrnia. i The estimal~.d c~,.st tff .,.;-r main per proptr~v owner tslshown on the airached Petition ~o. ~ j Enginel 2 Estimate $34,753.00 70-720 7 Ch. 27 #203 Installation of sewer main and laterals in Hawthorne Avenue and Sequoia Avenue Bid Opening - January 25, 1983 Cost - $7.00 1. Inspector 2. F. W. Dodge, 532 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino 92401 3. ACI Building News, 464 S. Sierra Way, San Bernardino 92408 4. Operation Second Chance, Inc., 341 W. 2nd Street, Suite 1, San Bernardino, 92401 Sims Construction Corp., P.O. Box 4428, Riverside 92514 (714) 684-8020 16. Engineer ~ s Estimate $3~ ' t J3. uu 70-7207 Installation of sewer main and laterals in Hawthorne Ave. & Sequoia Avenue Bid Opening - January 25, 1983 Cost - $7.00 t T ALLIED CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES OF SAN BERNARDIN0 AND RIVERSIDE COUNTIES, ~NC. PLAN ROOM · WEEKLY PUBLICATION · GROUP INSURANCE · NOTARY SERVICE P.O. BOX 6266 · SAN BERNARDIND. CA 924'~2 · 464 SO. SIERRA WAY · (714) 889-3'120 OR 824-1460 LETTER OF TKANSMITTAL DATE J-/- / A~ZO~ ~ R~U~NING THS ENCLOSED P~OJECT P~NS ~D S~ECIFICATIONS WITH ~NY THAWS. MAY WE HAVE THE PLEASURE OF SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMP~ ~ TIMES TO COME. TH~ YOU. DEBBIE HENDERSON P~N ROOM ~NAGER N ec'u'~nt, f~ '/'uP, P~4~TR1 I(~TIIO N INDUSTRY FOR OVER ~7 YEARS