HomeMy WebLinkAboutSewer Installation (7) City of Fontana CALIFORNIA February 17, 1994 File: Chapter 27 #202 - 235-241-13 Elmer Brewer 15856 Azalea Fontana, CA 92335 Dear Mr. Brewer: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15856 Azalea Avenue, Fontana, California, (APN 235-241-13) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~l~ recycled paper Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Elmer Brewer 15856 Azalea Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real proper%y hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 82-256773 on December 23, 1982 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Elmer W., Jr., & Eula M. Brewer as obliqors, is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 235-241-13 Obligors: Elmer W., Jr., and Eula M. Brewer Dated this 17th day of February , 1994 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On Februarv 17, 1994 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WIT/N~3S my hand and official seal. Maria M. Hamilton Ch. 27 #202 City of Fontana C A L I F 0 R N I A February 16, 1994 File: Chapter 27 #202 Dear Mr. Nick Chavez: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15866 Azalea, Fontaria, California, (APN 235-241-12) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure 3353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B,C. CANADA ~llt recycled paper Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Nick Chavez, Sunrise Airport Parkinq , 1236 Airport Drive Ontario, CA 91761 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded ~s Instrument No. 82-256772 on Dec. 23, 1982 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Bobby Hernandez as obliqors, is hereby satisfied and discharged. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 235-241-12. Obligors: Bobby Hernandez, APN #235-241-12 Dated this 17th day of February , 1994 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On February 17, 1994 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNE S my hand~and of ~cial s 1 frta M. Hamilton Ch. 27 #202 ~,LE ~_~/"" 00" ¢~/~0 "E~I~a;,=,ERiNG SERVICES7712 CI, i OF FONTANA ..,.,,, °ATE F'J /~ ":.Y " ,E~rvBF~0~/jtC/r ~ /4,,.h: z. ~.,,xJr'~d /ql~pnr2r Z:~tTp//nJr. ~t~,.~, ~q ~r ~,~ 75 RF~ 95GZ tl-t? o~ . .o..,o~ .... PL~SE pAY CASHIER 7 5 ,.~ CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN February 16, 1994 To: Engineering This is to advise that the 10 year pay-off cycle of the chapter 27 liens for Job #202 is complete and that the Release of Liens for the properties listed below can be issued. Lien 235-241-12 Hernandez, Bobby 15866 Azalea, Fontana 527.70 ' 235-241-13 Brewer, Elmer 15856 Azalea, Fontana 527.70 Please send the Release of Liens to the property addresses. 2~~~=chnician 9. A claim oF l~en recorded December 23, 1982 as Instrument No. 82-256772, Of Fictal Records, Amount claimed: $527.70 City of Fontana. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA February 16, 1994 File: Chapter 27 #202 Dear Mr. Nick Chavez: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15866 Azalea, Fontana, California, (APN 235-241-12) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this ~ropertv. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVEtOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX ~I 8) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Nick Chavez, Sunrise Airport Parkinq ~ 1236 Airport Drive Ontario, CA 91761 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 82-256772 on Dec. 23. 1982 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Bobby Hernandez as obligors, is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 235-241-12. Obligors: Bobbv Hernandez. APN #235-241-12 Dated this 17th day of February , 1994 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On February 17, 1994 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Maria M. Hami~ Ch. 27 #202 City of Fontana C A L I FOB N I A October 4, 1988 File: Ch. 27 #202 First American Title 323 W. Court Street San Bernardino, CA Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's Office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W, Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9;00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear your property. / James Mocalis Acting Public Works Director JM:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 RecordinS requested by: gan Sernardino. CA The ~len claimed by the ~upertn~endenC o~ Streets in the City o~ Yontana under authori~y vesce~ in him by che Zmprovene~t Act of 1911 upnn =h~ real property here- tnaf~er described ls hereby released, ~he claim hereunder h~vinS bee~ ~uZly paid hereby sa~is{ied an~ distUrBed. of San Be~rdi~, D~tl4 thiS 4th d~y o~ October , STATE OF CALIFOP~C~A ,I:~'SS ca SITlets Clty~', of ~ October 4. 1988 , before me, Wilma Pin~ak s NoC~ ~blic imscr~enc and ac~ledSed chac he executed ~he same on behalf o~ said corporatin. WIMSS my hand ~na o~ficiaI seaL' WJ/MA PINSAK SEWER LI~q Fonuana California Daue -30-88 TO Public Worksi ~I~ I~ RECEIVED OF First American Title S 2~8-35~ , in paymenu of Chapter 27 Lien. Parcel No; 275-241-11 , Projecu #202 Principal $ 527.70 Inu~resc $130.91 PI~e issue Rale~e of Lien. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: Martin & Colleen Ginple Doffs A. Mo=~is Finance Director ' i CAI. IFORIW'IA June 3, 1983 Department ofHousing and Urban Development Los Angeles Area Office 2500 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90057 Attention: Clayton W. Olson, Contracting Officer Property Disposition Branch, 9.2HMP This letter is in response to your inquiry of June 1, 1983, regarding work performed by Munoz & Sons Construction for the City of Fontaria. On October 5, 1982, Munoz & Sons Construction Company was awarded a contract for a $5,600.00 Sanitary Sewer Construction Project. The allotted construction time was 20 days. The project was completed on time with no cost overruns. The City of Fontana would rate the overall performance of Munoz & Sons Construction Company as favorable. If the City of Fontana can be of further assistance, please contact our office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate RS:BMP:wp ;~353SIERRAAVENLiE(PO BOX5181 FONTANA. CALIFORNIA92335 1714)823-3,3J1 y~m.ro,.% DEL~I'MENTOF HOUSING AND URBAN DEV~PMENT LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90057 Gent~emen~ ~ The Department of Housing and Urban Development has received an application from the subject fi~m ~o ente~ into Federa~ Contracts for the rehabilitation of homes acquired and now owned b~ the U.So Govern- merit. The app~ican~ gave ~our name as a ~eference with whom it has conducted business and/or fi'nancia~ transactions. ~t is vita~ important and urgent that we receive accurate in- formation about the background an~ ~ecord of the company so ~hat the Government"5 interests can be protected. ~t wi~] be a great service if ~ou provide this ofqice wi'th a statement of ~our evaluation of this fi~l~ and ~our experience either favorable or unqavorab~e. The infor- mation ~ou provide wi~ be held in stFict confidence. Con~r ring Officer Propert~ Disposition Branch, g.2HNP CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PROVISIONS,.PROPOSAL AND CONTRACT - FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE, ALMERIA AVENUE TO CATAWBA AVENUE 70-7203 CITY COUNCIL Nathan A. Simon, Mayor William Freeman Robert Schoenborn Don Day City Engineer William Kragness R.C.E. 18932 Charles Koehler CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on September 28, 1982 at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows: Installation of Sewer Main and Laterals in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified or cashier's check, or bidderIs bond made payable to the City of Fontana for an amount equal to at least ten (10) percent of the..amount bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general p~evailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done is in accordance with the "General Prevailing Wage Rates" current at time of bidding as published by the State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. -1- Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 (Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the contractor or any sub-contractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the contractor or sub-contractor empIoying tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade. for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journey- men that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less then one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprentice- ship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a, ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis state- wide or locally, or D. When the .contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employ~ registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The contractor and any sub-contractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations~ ex officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. -2- All bids are to be c. ompared on the basis of the City Engineer's Estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. Plans and forms of proposal, bonds, contract, and special provisions may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, California. The non-refundable charge for plans and specifications is $6.00 The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements and Conditions" annexed to the blank form of proposal, for full directions as to bidding, etc. The City of Fontaria reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or informality in any bid to the extent permitted by law. CITY OF FONTANA By: Robert Schoenborn City Engineer Dated: September 10, 1982 -3- CITY OF FONTANA CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION of sewer facilities on Azalea Avenue, Almeria Avenue to Catawba Avenue. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be receivedby the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California, for furnishing all labor, services, materials, tools, equipment, supplies, transportation, utilities, and all other items and facilities necessary therefor, as provided in the Contract Documents, for the construction of this project and all appurtenances thereto, in strict accordance with the specifications on file at the office of the City C~erk of the City of Fontana. DATE OF OPENING OF BIDS - Bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Fontana on September 28, 1982 at 3:00 p.m. , at which time and place the bids will bepublicly opened and read aloud. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes marked on the outside, "BID PROPOSAL FOR THE CITY OF FONTANA FOR THE CON- STRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITIES ON AZALEA AVENUE." LOCATION OF THE WORK- The work to be constructed hereunder is located in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California. WORKING DAYS - The designated number of working days for this contract is twenty (20) working days from dateof said approval of this contract outlined in Section 8 (c) of the City Standard Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK - The work to be done in the Construction of Sewer Facilities on Azalea Avenue between Almeria Avenue to Catawba Avenue. AWARD OF CONTRACT - The Bidder's attention is directed to the provisions of Section 3, "Award and Execution of Contract", of the. Standard Specifications and to "Proposal Requirements and Conditions", of these Special Frovisions for the requirements and conditions concerning award and execution of contract, CERTIFIED CHECK AND BONDS - Each bid must'be accompanied by $ certified or cashter's check, or by a corporate snrety bond on the form furnished bythe City of Fontana, as a guarantee that the bidder will, if an award is made to him in accordance with the terms of his bid, promptly secure workmen's compensation insurance and liability in- surance, execute a contract in the required form, and furnish satisfactory bonds for the faithful performance of the contract and for the 'payment of claims ofmaterial suppliers and laborers thereunder. Said check or bidder's bond shall be in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid. The Faithful Performance Bond shall be not less than fifty percent (50%) of the total amount of the bid price named in the hontract. The Payment Bond shall be not less than fifty percent (50%) of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The City of Fontana reserves the right to reject any bond, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the Surety's acknowledgment is not in the form included in the contract documents or in another form substantially as prescribed by law. PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES - In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions, and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done is in accordance with the copy of "General Prevailing Wage Rates" effective on date of, advertising as published by the State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS (a) The Contract Documents shall consist of the Notice Inviting Bids, the Instructions to Bidders, accepted Proposal, Bid Proposal Form(s), the Contract, the Faithful Performance Bond, the Payment Bond, the Special Provisions, and the Standard Specifications of the California Department of Transportation dated January, 1980, together with all additions, deletions, modifications, and appendices and all addenda, as prepared prior to the date of this bid opening, setting forth any modifications or interpretations of any of said documents, are hereby incorporated in and made a part of the Contract Documents all of which are hereby made part of this Notice Inviting Bids. (b) A full set of specifications is available for inspection without charge at the office of the Public Works Director of the City of Fontana. (c) Complete sets of said contract documents, except for the Standard Plans and Specifications of the Department of Transportation, which are available at the office of the State Director of TranSportation, may be purchased at $6.00 per set. and are obtainable from the Director of Public Works of the City of Fontana, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335. No refund will be made o~ any charges for complete sets of contract documents. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - The City of Fontaria hereby notifies all bidders that it. will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertise~ merit, minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will notbe discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for the award. ADDRESS AND MAlLKING OF PROPOSAL - The envelope enclbsing the proposal shall be sealed and addressed to the City Clerk and delivered or mailed to the City of Fontaria, P.O. Box 518, Fontana, CA 92335. The envelope shall be plainly marked in the upper left hand corner with the name and address of the bidder and shall bear the words, "BID PROPOSAL FOR..." followed by the title of the specifications for the work and the date and hour of opening ofb~ds. The certified or cashier's check, money order, or bidder's'bond shall be enclosed in the same envelope with the proposal. -5- Section 1 - CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1. Sewer Manhole 1 Each 2. 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe 240 L.F. 3. 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Laterals 140 L.F. 4. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 28 Tons Section 2 - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT All asphalt concrete pavement shall conform to Section 19 & 39 of the City Standard Specifications. The mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete pavement shall conform to the grading specified for three-eights-inch (3/8") maximum size fine gradation. Permanent asphalt base pavement shall be two inches (2") inthickness and shall be placed within the sewer trench to the surface of existing roadway. A minimum of three inches (3") total cover over trench shall be placed. A final overlay of asphalt concrete pavement shall vary from one inch (1") in thickness and shall feather out to (0") thickness within the limits ofconstruction, being 8' total width. The contract unit price paid per ton of asphalt concrete pavement shall include full compensation for preparation of existing asphalt concrete pavement surfaces to be joined and for funishing and installation of asphalt concrete pavement as specified, and no separate payment will be made therefor. Section 3 - REMOVALS All removals shall conform to Section 16 of the Standard Specification and in accordance with the plans and limits of construction as shown. All removals, including but not limited to clean-out removal, pavement removal, shall be hauled away and disposed of by the contractor. All removals are to be considered incidentals to the various contract items, and no separate payment will be made therefor. Section 4 - SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION All sanitary sewer construction shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction. All sewer manholes shall be constructed per standard detail #112. The contract unit price paid for standard pre-cast manholes shall include full compensation for cOnstruetion of shelf, placement of pre-cast sections, and standard manhole frame and cover, finish work, and all ether labor or materials, tools, equip- ment and incidentals involved. Section 5 - 8" V.C.P. SEWER PIPE Unless otherwise specified, all 8" vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction in the City of Fontana. The unit price paid for linear foot of 8" vitrified clay pipe shall include full compensation for all lsbor, materials, tools, equipment and all incidentals involved in the performance of this work. -6- Section 6 - 4" V.C.P. SEWER SERVICE LATERALS All sewer service laterals shall be four inch (4")vitrified clay pipe (V.C.P.) installed to the property lines and plugged at propeTty lines. The contract unit price paid per linear foot of four inch (4") V.C.P. shall include full compensation for furnishing and installing and allincidentals involved in this work. Section 7 - BACKFILLS' All sewer pipes installed shall be backfilled with sand to two feet (2') above the pipe. The remaining backfill shall conform to the standard specifications. Backfill with sand shall be included in the various contract items and no separate payment will be made therefor. Section 8 - ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLE TO GRADE Upon completion of paving, the paving contractor shall adjust to finish grade all new manholes, frames, and covers where required. Adjustment of facilities to grade will be considered as included in the prices for various contract items on this project, and no separate payment will be made therefor. Section 9 - TESTING, CLEAN-UP All testing shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction in the City of Eontana. Before final tn~pection, the project site and all parts of the project shall be left in a neat and presentable condition. Section 10 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Unless otherwise noted in these Special Provisions, all measurements and payments shall conform to the City Standard Specifications. Your attention is directed to Section 9 of the City Standard Specifications. -7- CONTRACT PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE, ALMERIA AVENUE TO CATAWBA AVENUE To the City Council of the City of Fontana: The underslgned as bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications, and read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all work required to complete the sa~d work in accordance with said plans, if any, and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit price set forth in the following schedule. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevai!. APPROX. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 1 1 Each Sewer Manhole at Each. 2 240 Linear Feet 8'~Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe at per L.F. 3 140 Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Lateral at per L.F. 4 28 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment at per Ton. TOTAL -8- SUGGESTED BIDDER'S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Principal, and , as Surety, are beld and firmly bound unto the City of Fontana in 'the sum of ($ ), to be paid ~o the said City or its certain attorneys, its' successors and assigns; for the payment of which sum, well and truly made,'we bind ourselves~ our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. TILE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the certain proposal of the above bounden to construct dated , 19 , is accepted by the City of Fontana, and if the above bounden , his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract for such construction, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds described within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of the mailing of a notice to the above bounden by and from the said City of Fontana that said contract is ready for execution, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals this day of _ , 19 Std. 24 -9- 6/75 CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AV]IYUE, ALMERIA TO CATAWBA AVENIFE This agreement, made and concluded this day of , 19 , between the City of Fontana, party of the first part, and , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: Furnishing and installation ofsewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba Avenue. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of 7ontana, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: Almeria Ct, & Azalea Avenue, Lateral No. 4101A & 4101B, Dwg. No. 463 ARTICLE II: And the Said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: -10- APPROX. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 1 1 Each Sewer Manhole at Each. 2 240 Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe at per L.F. 3 140 Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Lateral at per L.Fo 4 28 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment at per Ton. TOTAL -11- Accompanying this proposal is (insert "$ cash", "Cashier~s Check", "certified check", or "Bidder~s bond", as the case may be) in the amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract~ with necessary bonds, within eight (8) days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after having received notice that the contract has been awarded and is ready for signature, the proceeds of the security accompany- ing his bid shall become the property of the City of Fontana~ and this proposal and the acceptance thereof may be considered null and void. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of contractors~ License No. . Signature of bidder (If Bn individual, so state. If a firm or co-part~ership, state the firm name and give the names of all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of presidents secretary, treasurer~ and manager thereof.) Business Address Dated: , 19 Std. 25 -12- 720S, ~ E~neer's Estimate $7,530.00 Plans and Specs for the installation of sewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue between Almeria Avenue and Catawba Avenue Bid Opening - September 28, 1982 Cost $6,00 1. Inspector , 2. F. W. Dodge, 532 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino 92401 3. ACI Building News, 464 S. Sierra Way, San Bernardino 92408 4. Operation Second Chance, Inc., 341 W. 2nd Street, Suite 1, San Bernardino 92401 6.:j,~/v~.~ ~., ~ zg.~- 7~ z --g~,--~ ~9. ~0. ~E. CALIFnRNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE ,NAccOR.. CEWIT. SECT.ONS007ANDSO98, CAL, ,N.AC.V.LCO6E568044 THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT, ,. Z~) 7997,4631 Tnl ~ Co~ret~Co~cti~ (name of person or firm furnishing labor, 5ervl(es, e~uip- merit or material) E CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any 2~3~ ~o~ N (address of parsoR or firm furrushing labor, ~=e~6e, ~ 925~ has furnished Dr will furnish labor, services, equipment, or E ~o~e materials of the following general description: ~ole ~oo~t~to~ (general description of the labor, services, equipment or R L a material furnished or to be furnished) s for the building, ~ructure of other work of improvemeat Catawba & Az~ea; Font~ ~z & Sons P. O, Box OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY P or Reputed Owner (on public work) Y~O~t CA 923~9 y (on pr,vate work) An estimate of the total price of the labor. se~ices, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: $'8~.~ ' C~ Of ~On~ -- optional as to owner or contractor} 8353 Sle~a A~. Fon~ CA 92~35 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefi~ are NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in fu for ~e abor, services, equip- ment, or ma~rials furnished or to be furnished, a me- chanic's lien leadleg to the Io~, through court fo~- closure proceedings, of all o~ part of your prope~ beigg ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed against the properW even Reputed Contractor, if any though you have pai~ your contractor in full. You may wish to pro~ct yourself against this con~quence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed relea~ by the person or firm giving you this notice before reeling payment to your cantractor or (2) any other meffiod or device which is appropria~ under the circumm~ces. ~OZ & ~S ~e~i~ Dated: November 15, 1982 CALIFORNIA PR'ELIMINARY NOTICE ,NAccoR CEW.THSECT,ON30.TAND30.8, CAL, N,AC.V,LCODE568044 THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT . yO ment or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any ~ i~ : ~: ~ ~as fur.is~e~ or wi. material furnishe~%'~e for the building, ~ructure or other work of improvement located at: ~ ~. O.h~6 or Reputed Owner (on pubricwork) ~ ~ W (on private work) An estimate of the total price 0f ~e labor, se~ices, 8353 ~B ~. ~ ~335 Trust Fu.ds to w.ic~ Sun.iem.ta, Fri.ge L NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER Y If bills a~ not paid in full for the labor. ~ices. eqmp- ment. or ma~rials furnished or to be furnished. a me- chanic's lien leading to the toll. ~rough court fore- closure proceedings. of all ot pa~ of your prope~ being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed again~ ~e properW even wish to pro~ct youelf against this con,quen, by (1) the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any offier meffiod Telephone Number ( 70-7203 En~ .~eer's Estimate $7,530.00 Plans and Specs for the installation of sewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue between Almeria Avenue and Catawba Avenue Bid Opening -'September 28, 1982 Cost - $6.00 1. Inspector 2. F. W. Dodge, 532 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino 92401 3. ACI Building News, 464 S. Sierra Way, San Bernardino 92408 4. Operation Second Chance, Inc., 341.W. 2nd Street, SUite 1, San Bernardino, 92401 5. Frank Mancha Construction, 17154 Fontlee Lane 825-6390 6. Sclafani Construction, P.O. Box 701, Fontana 829-3034 ~ 7. Boles, Inc., P.O. Box 537, Tustin 9268D (714) 544-0030 8. J & B Contra'ctors, P,O. Box LJ, Crestline 92325 (338-4371) 9. Gosney Backhoe & Equipment, P.O. Box 381, Bloomington 877-0200 10. Walkers Pipeline Construction, 8792 60th Street, Riverside, CA 925D9 11. Vazzana Underground Construction, 351 Cajon Street, Redlands 92373 793-0256 12. Cit~ Construction Co., 17840 E, 7erness Street, Covina 91723 (213) 331-6777 13. J & J Sewers, 4994 "F" Street, Chino 9171D ~714) 628-3835 14. Kershaw Construction~ P,O. Box9, ~ontclair &27-4497 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. City Clerk Engineer's Estimate $45,450 Specs for Asphaltic Pavin~d Resurfacing of Miscellaneous~reets and Police Department Parking Lot File: 10-6041 21-6722 Bid Opening October 26, 1982 - Cost $3.00 1. F. W. Dodge, 532 N. Mountain View,Avenue, San Bdno. 92401 2. ACI Building News, 464 S. Sierra Way, San g~no 92408 3. Operation Second Chance, Inc., 341 W. 2nd St., Suite 1, San Bdno 92401 4. Inspector 10. t ~ ' ' ' ' '0 / ' '" ' 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 70-7203 ~ Engi~r's Estimate $7,530.00 Plans and Specs for the installation of sewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue between Almeria Avenue and Catawba AvenUe Bid Opening -'September 28, 1982 Cost - $6.00 1. Inspector 2. F. W. Dodge, 532 N. Mountain View Ave., San Bernardino 92401 3. ACI Building News, 464 S. Sierra Way, San Bernardino 92408 4. Operation Second Chance, Inc., 341 W. 2nd Street, S~ite 1, San Bernardino, 92401 5. Frank Mancha Construction, 17154 Fontlee Land 825-6390 6. Sclafani Construction, P.O. Box 701, Fontana 829-3034 7. Boles, Inc., P.O. Box 537, Tustin 92680 (714) 544-0030 8. J & B Contractors, P.O. Box LJ, Crestline 92325 (338-4371) 9. Gosney Backboe & Equipment, P.O. Box 381, Bloomington 877-0200 10. Walkers Pipeline Construction, 8792 60th Street, Riverside, CA 92509 11. Vazzana Underground Construction, 351 Cajon Street, Redlands 92373 793-0256 12. City Construction Co., 17840 E. Verness Street, Covina 91723 (213) 331-6777 13. J & J Sewers, 4994 "F" Street, Chino 91710 (714) 628-3835 14. Kershaw Construction, ?,0. Box 9, Montclair 627-4497 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. City Clerk t ~PRO~TE IT~ WITH ~IT PRICE IT~ QU~TI~ - -~ITT~ I~ WO~S : ~IT PRICE --TOT~ ~ CITY OF FONTANA W CLAIM FORM This claim form is to be used only when General Obligation checks are to be issued and Regular meetings of the City Council for consideration of claims against the City of Fontana are held on the First and Third Tuesday of each month. CLALMANT: Munoz & Sons Constructten DATE: See Belo~z ADDRESS: P.O. Box__516 CHECK NEEDED BY: March 2, 1983 CITY: Yucaipa, CA 92399 2/14/83 Release of retention in the amount of $539.81 being held on Chapter 27 #202, Account #70-7203. The project was accepted as complete by the City Council on December 7, 1982. $539.81 ~ TOTAL $539.81 'ACCOUNT.NIMBER " 'he above iaa the and '~US~ -.FU~CT~OS . $o [ooo tooo oo 'orrect claim against he City of Fontan'a and 70 - 7203 . o part of the same has eretofore been paid. - IGN: - Vendor # Date Invoice # Total Amount FOR FINANCE USE ONLY Payment Date CERTIFIED CORRECT: APPROVED: / DEPT/DIV I{KAD Distribution: Accounting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Contractor CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No.3rd-& Final of work done on Azalea Ave., between Almeria ~nd ContractorMunoz & Sons Const. Catawba Avenue, Sewer Main and Laterals Project in the City of Fontana File: Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 Period Ending 11/24/82 QUANTITIES Contract Item Description Previous This Eat. Total Unit Price Amount ' 1 Construct sewer manholes 1 0 1 Ea $1,044.00 $1,044.00 2 Install 8" V.C.P. sewer line 240 0 240 L.F. 10.00 2,400.00 3 Install 4" V.C.P. sewer line 145 0 145, L.F. 7.00 1,015.00 4 Asphalt Concrete pavement 22.36 0 22.36 Tons 42.00 939.12 · I' Amount at Contract Prices $5,398.12 o~n/~~ Extra Work 0 Prepared By: , , Total 'Value of Work Completed $5,398.12 Deduction - 107. 539.81 Checked By: · = ,//~/ j~ Total Amount Due to Date $4,858.31 Approved By: '~ ~' ~/~ Total Previous Pa~ents 4~858.31 ont or . Date ' Approved By: ~~~ Z-/~- ~ D AmoUnt Due this Estimate 0 Public Works Director Date C.i'[y of Fon'tana C .A L I F O l~ N Febraary 9, 1983 Mr. Jesns E. Munoz Munoz & Sons Construction P.O. Box 516 Yucaipa, CA 92399 Enclosed you will find a copy of a 3rd and Final Progress Estimate which was originally sent to you on November 29, 1982, for signature. As we have no record of this Progress Estimate having been signed and returned, we would appreciate it if you would now sign the form in the space specified for approval by contractor and return it to our office as soon as possible. We will process the $539.81 for payment as soon as we receive the signed Progress Estimate. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact this office. Robert Sch6enhorn~ P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate RS:BMP:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P, O. BOX 5~J} FONTAHA, CALIFORNIA 92335 ~714) ~23-34t~ Distribution: Accounting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Contractor CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No.3rd.& Final of work done on Azalea Ave., between Almeria and ContractorMunoz & Sons Const. Catawba Avenue, Sewer Main and Laterals Project in the City of Fontana Period Ending 11/24/82 File: Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 QUANTITIES Contract · j , 1 Construct sewer manholes 1 0 1 Ea $1,044.00 $1,044.00 2 Install 8" V,C.P. sewer line 240 0 240 L.F. 10.00 2,400.00 3 Install 4" V.C.P. sewer line 145 . 0 145, L.F. 7.00 1,015.00 4 Asphalt Concrete pavement 22.36 0 22.36 Tons 42.00 939.12 / Amount at Contract Prices $5,398.12 Extra Work 0 Prepared By: ~ Total'Value of Work Completed $5,398.12 Checked By: " ; Deduction - 10% 539.81 Total Amount Due to Date $4,858.31 Approved By: Total Previous Payments 4~858.31 Contractor . Date AmoUnt Due this Estimate 0 Approved By: Public Works Director Date  CITY OF FONTANA REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT ADDITION OR CORRECTION Date: Aiic,- S ~q~'2 Fund: Request is hereby made for an additional account to be added or changed: CHANGE: Account'# Account Name Requested py: '. · ' ' /,~{f~-r'//4~,z/~_--y Department Head t Approved by Dir, ector of Finance: Director of Finance ityFortune 2 6778 RECORDED IN ~' OFFICIAL RECORDS ~:, p. o. so~ 518 19~Z DEC 23 PM I: Z~& ~ 92335 SAN 8ERNARDINU ~] CO., CALiE ~ NOTICE OF LIED] Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 24th day of November , 19 82 1 cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontana did, on the 7th day of December 19 82 , by Resolution No. 82-150 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontshe does hereby claim a lien on said real property fn the sum oE Five Hundred T~enty Seven and 70/100 Dollars ($527.70 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent pew annum, from the said 7th gay of December 19 82 , has been paid in full and discharged of record, The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or palcol of land lying and being in the City of Fontshe, County of San Bernardinn, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's No. 235-241-13 Obligors:Paul D. Girkin & Marian Cox/ Elmer W., Jr., & Eula M. Brewer STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS ' COUNTY OF SAN BER~]ARDINO). Robert Schoenborn, P,E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontshe On December 22. 1982 before me, Wilma Pinsak a ]qotary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of FontsheI a municipal corporation, and kno~4n to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS ~y hand and officL~seal. N~o~a/ry Pub~i ' ' ' ecordin re, ,,es,:ed h, 82 2567?2 City of Fontand RECORDED r..lhen recorded ~il Cf~y of Fon~ana ~. o. 8ox 518 Fontana, California ~zss5 CO.. CAUF. NOTICE OF LIB}] Pursuant to the autbority vested in me by tbe Improvedlent Act oE 1911, I didl on the 24th day of November , 19.82 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 7th day of December, 19 82 , by Resolution No. 82-150 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property heretnafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Five Hundred Twenty Seven and 70/100 Dollars ($ 527.70 .) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 7th day of December 19 821 has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of laud lying and being in the City of Fontand, County of San Bernardino, State of Califor~ia, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's No. 235-241-12 Obligors: Bobby G. Hernandez COUNTY OF SAN B~ARDINO) SS Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On December 22. 1982 before me, Wilma Pinsak a Hotdry Public in and for said County and State~ personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me and known ~o me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Recordt. ng requested by city of ontana 82- 56771 /'/hen recorded mail to: RECORDED OFFICIAL RECORDS Ct) City of Fontand [g82 DEC 23 PN I: P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California SA~I r_;EI~I'~ARDhN(., 92335 ~ C0.. CAUF. NOTICE OF LID7 Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improven~ent ~ct of 1911, I did, on the 24th day of November s 19 82.., cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 7th day of December, 19 87 , by Resolution No. 82-150 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property heroinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Five Hundred Twenty Seven and 70/100 Dollars ($ 527.70 .) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sue, with interest at the rate of .~ percent per annum, from the said 7th day of December 19 82, has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property heroinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontand, County of Sa~ Bernardino, State of California, and particularly de~cribed as follows, ~0 Wit: Aasessor's No, 235-241-11 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS " COUNTY OF SAN BER}]ARDINO) Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Pontand On December 22, 1982 before meg Wilma Ptnsak z Notary public in and for said County and State, personally appea~ed Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose n~me is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. WILNA PINSA G~mpel #202 82..-249144 Recording requested by ~ECO~DEO City of Pontaria O~F[CIAL When recorded mail to: maZ DEC 14 City of Fontand P. 0. sox sis SAN BERi'.iARDINt' Fontann, California ~ CO.. CALIF. 92335 NOTICE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3086 o£ the Civil Code of the State of California and authorization of the City Counci~ of the Eity of Fontape, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER that work on that certain project known as The installation of se~er main and laterale in Azalea Avenue, Almerja Avenue Project NO. 70-7203 , for the City of Fontandm ~as completed and accepted by the City of Fontand on the 7th day of December 19 82 The said ~nrk was performed by Munoz & Sons Cons~ructton of P.O. Box 516, Yucaipa, CA 92399 in accordance with the te~ms of ~rrttten agreement dated the 21st day of October 19 82 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 8E D ,e~~ember ,19 82. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARNINO) Robert Schoenborns P.M. Public Works Director, City nf Fontann On D~cember 10. 1982 before me, J~a~' ~,.~, a Notary Fublic in and for said County and State~ personally appeared Robert Schoenborns known to ~a to be the Public Works Director of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person vhose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation, WITNESS my hand and o£ficial seal. Public hearing was opened on Notice Of cost for sanitary sewer Facil- PUBLIC HEARING itieS - in Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria - project NOTICE OF COST cost of $2,110.80 for four properties @ $527.70 per parcel. No SEWERS - AZALEA written communications were received nor oral statements made in CH 27 #202 70-7203 favor of or in opposition to the project. Hearing was closed. RES. 82-150 Resolution No. 82-150, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, OVER- RULING ALL PROTESTS, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT, ASSESSING THE COST OF SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES IN AZALEA AVENUE, Chapter 27, ~202, 70-7203, allowing the payments of $50.00 or more to be made in 5 annual installments with in- terest at 6% per annum, and ordering Notice of Lien to be delivered to the County Auditor, was introduced by Councilman Koahler, seconded by Councilman Freeman, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: MayOr Simon, Councilmen Day, Freeman, Koehler, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: None December 7, 1982 Motion was made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Councilman Free- CONSENT CALENDAR man, to approve Consent Calendar Items A thru J, as recommeuded by staff - Item K was removed for discussion - as follows: A. Adopted Resolution No. 82-147, APPROVING CERTIFICATION OF WARRANTS. (Checks 1 to 36 inclusive in amount of $1,067,260.66 - #2102 to 2347) B. Accepted bid from Rotoio Chevrolet and rejected all others for one 3/4 ton pick-up truck in the amount of $9,875.45. C. Approved appropriation of funds from Equipment Pool Capital Outlay, unappropriated fund balance, in the amount of $9,900.00 for purchase of 3/4 ton pickup truck for Public Works Department. D. Accepted bid from Equipment Service Company, and rejected all others, for purchase of one Emergency Power Generator in the amount of $7,960.38 - to be purchased out of 1982-83 Revenue Sharing Budget (budgeted amount $6,870.00). E. Approved additional $1,090.00 to be appropriated out of Account 21-6731.52 (from which there is an unexpended balance of $8,126.00) for purchase of emergency power generator. Adopted Resolution No. 82-148, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN AZALEA AVENUE BETWEEN ALMERIA AND CATAWBA AS A PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. G. Accepted as complete the work performed by Munoz & Sons Construction Company for installation of sewer main and leterals in Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue, approving the final estimate in the amount of $5,398.12 and authorizing the Public Works Director to execute and file the Notice of Comple- tion (Ch 27 #202, 70-7203). H. Approved the request from USA Today for an annual encroachment permit for news- paper rack in the right-of-way area adjacent to the Post Office located on the west side of Sierra approximately 150 feet north of Upland Avenue - 8282 Sierra. I. Denied claim filed by R. Gordon Laughlin, dated 9/23/82, on behalf of his client David O'Brien in The amount of $400,000.00 for general damages and $500,000.00 for punitive damages occurring on July 22, or July 23, 1982 at Foothill and Linden (#21-8). J. Denied claim filed by Charles E. Coates, dated 7/6/82, for alleged false arrest and assault occurring on May 12, 1982 at Baker's Drive-In on Sierra Avenue (#21-2). Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Simon, Councilmen Day, Freeman, Kochlet, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: None December 7, 1982 Public hearing was opened on Notice of Cost for Sanitary Sewer Facil- PUBLIC HEARING lties - in Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria - project NOTICE OF COST cost of $2,110.80 for four properties @ $527.70 per parcel. No SEWERS - AZALEA written communications were received nor oral statements made in CH 27 #202 70-7203 favor of or in opposition to the project. Hearing was closed. RES. 82-150 Resolution No. 82-150, A RESOLUTION OF THE CItY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, OVER- RULING ALL PROTESTS, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT, ASSESSING THE COST OF SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES IN AZALEAAVENUE, Chapter 27, #202, 70-7203, allowing the payments of $50.00 or more to be made in 5 annual installments with in- terest at 6% per annum, and ordering Notice of Lien to be delivered to the County Auditor, was introduced by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Councilman Freeman, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Simon, Councilmen Day, Freeman, Kochlet, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: None December 7, 1982 NOTI COST Io Ir, e orov,~on~, ut C. napter 27 of the 'Improvement ACt of 1911" of the State of fRla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, "" square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Sa~t~ ~e~et in front of your property, located at 15846 Azalea, Assessor's No. 235-241-14 Fontana, California, was $ 527.70 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~¢~eeJ~r 1. 1~2. 8t 1.30 In the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Courted well hear .; ,~E,.on .u, ld ,opo. by the Su~,-.,e.,~e., o, Sir.t. o' ,,o c., o' ,~.. o0,.,,,~:,.0~ ,.ee~ ~ny written or oral objections or protests. ~f any. wmcn may be ra,se~ l)y any t~opeftf to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other ~ntereSted perSOnS. Writleo should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing, Date ~o~= 24° 1962 City THIS NOTICt~ IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T~ ~,,OU~T ="OW~ ~OV~ W'L~ ~ ~U~ City Of FOntana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 66:, PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Pubb"cuW..erks-De'pl.~?14) 82,3:-3411. Ro.by - Ch 27 ~202 N(3TiC5 C, COS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 6f the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, "' square feet of sidewalk, "' square feet of paving, and sa=~f..~ sa.er FacllitJ.e- in front of your property, located at 15846 ,~:~l. ea, ,t. ssessoree No. 235-241-14 Fontana, California, was $ 527,70 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. ' NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on DeceiVer 7. 1982, at 7=30 in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana,'California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. November 24, 1982 Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, TNE A.OUNT SNOWN A.OVE WfLL SE DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE NEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, [f further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- :~ City Hall, Pub~:aW.,orks-De"~. ~7i4) 1~2,1:-3411. Ro.blz - C'h 27 #202 RESOLUTION NO. 82-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA OVEKRULING ALL PROTESTS, CONFIRMING TEE REPORT OF THE : STREET SUPERINTENDENT, ASSESSING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERMAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE, CATAWBA AVENUE TO ALMERIAAVE~UE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fontana as follows: SECTION 1. That all protests be overruled, the report of the Street Superintendent be confirmed, and the cost of construction of sewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue, Catawba Avenue to Almeria Avenue, be assessed upon the real property described in the report. SECTION 2. That the payment of such assessments of $50.00 or more be allowed to be made in five (5) annual installments with interest at 6% per annum. SECTION 3. That the Notice of Lien for work performed be delivered to the County Recorder. SECTION 4. That the amount of the lien be entered on the County Assess- ment Book and be collected with all other taxes. SECTION 5. That this action be taken in accordance with Section 5893 of the Streets and Highways Code. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1982. /s/Nathan A. Simon MAyor of the City of Forttans ATTEST: /s/Patricta M. Murray City Clerk 'I, Patricia M. Murray, City Clerk of the City of Pontana, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Pontana at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th dry of December, 1982, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Mayor Simon, Councilmen Day, Freeman, Kochlet, Kraguess NOES: None ABSENT: None /s/Patricia M. Murray City Clerk of the City of Fontana APPR0VED AS TO FOEN: /s/John M. Rager City Attorney FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92835 MEMORANDUM APPROVED TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Public Works Department 5UB.JEGT; Agenda Item Notification DATE: November 29, 1982 1. COUNCIL ME. ETING DATE: December 7, 1982 AGENDA ITEM PUBLIC HF~INO - NOTICE OF COST (Heading) Resolution No. 82- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, 0~RRULING ALL PROTESTS, CONTIRF~NG THE REPORT 0P THE STREET SLrPERINTENDE~, ASSESSING THE COST OP SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES IN AZALEA AVENUE, Chapter 27 #202, 70-7203, (allowing the payments of 550 or more to be made in annual installments with interest at 6% per annum) and ordering Notices of Lien to be delivered to the County Auditor. 3. ADDRESS & LOCATION: Azalea Avenue, between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue 4. SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS ATTACHED OR LISTED: Resolution attached Report of Street Superintendent 5. PREVIOUS CITY ACTION AND EXISTING POLICY: City Council ordered construction August 3, 1982. Chapter 27 Notice to Construct public hearing was held August 17, 1982. 6. STAFF COM~NTS AND RECO~SMENDED ACTION: Public Works Department recommends passage of above resolution. AGENDA ITEM RESOLUTION NO. 82- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA OVEP~RULING ALL PROTESTS, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF BE STREET SUPERINTENDENT, ASSESSING THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE, CATAWBA AVENUE TO ALMERIA AVENUN. BE IT I~ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fontana as follows: SECTION 1. That all protests be overruled, the report of the Street Superintendent be confirmed, and the cost of construction of sewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue, Catawba Avenue to Almeria Avenue, be assessed upon the real property described in the report. SECTION 2. That the payment of such assessments of $50.00 or more be allowed to be made in ten (10) annual installments with interest at 6% per annum. SECTION 3. That the Notice of Lien for work performed be delivered to the County Recorder. SECTION 4. That the amount of the lien be entered on the County Assess- ment Book and be collected with all other taxes. SECTION 5. That this action be taken in accordance with Section 5893 of the Streets and ~ighways Code. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1982. Mayor of the City of Fontshe ATTEST: City Clerk I, Patricia M. Murray, City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California, do hereby ~ertify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of rontana at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of December, 1982, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: City Clerk of the City of Fontana APPROVED AS TO FOE4: City A~torney Hearing Date: December 7, 1982 11/29/82 Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - CHAPTE~ 27 #202 - REPORT OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT ON WORK DONE UNDER T~E PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF 1"HE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. The work done includes the sanitary sewer facilities in Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue at a total cost to the abutting owner of $2,110.80. Asseseor's Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address Assessment 235-241-11 Martin J., Jr. and Colleen Gimpel $527.70 15876 Azalea 235-241-12 Bobby G. Rernandez $527.70 15866 Azalea 235-241-13 Elmer W., Jr. and Eula M. Brewer $527.70 c/o Paul D. Girkin & Narian Cox GDN 15856 Azalea 235-241-14 Evelyn M. and Gary A. Roby $527.70 15846 Azalea City of Font a CALIFORNIA MENIOlhNDUNI TO: Ed Luekemeyer, Finance Director FROM: Bob M. Porter, Public Works Department~.~ ___ EARLY PAYMENT TO MUNOZ & SONS, CH 27 70-7203 SUBJECT: THE ~ DATE: November 24, 1982 In accordance with our discussion of this date, it would be greatly appreciated if your department could issue the first progress payment to Munoz & Sons for the sewer construction work done for our department. His preformwas outstanding on the project and due to a bill processing error in our department, his first bill should be paid as soon as possible. BMP/tam 'Ciiy of Foniana CALII~ORNIA November 24, 1982 Files: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owller: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $1.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $11.40 for one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this project to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Yours truly, Robert Schoenbern, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/tam ? 8353 SIERRAAVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA g~385 (714) 823-3411 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 6f the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, "' square feet of sidewalk, "' square feet of paving, and s~.t.~? s~,~r Fac:Ll~t:~es in front of your property, located at 15846 Azalea, A~sessor's NO. 235-241-14 Fontana, California, was $ 52?.?0 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. . ~ NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~ece~r 1, 1982, a.t ?:30 [~.mo in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana,'California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. November 24~ 1982 Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.~ A.OUN~ S.OWH A.OVE W,LL .S =US City Of FOntaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT RIVE DAYS THERe, AFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% P~R ANNUM WILL COM- ~ City Hall, Pub~QW~rk~D~,~4)~2~11. MENCE 31 DAYS A~ER THE HEARING. ~ ~o.~ - ~ 27 ~202 Ci of Fontana C-4_LIFORi~'IA November 24, 1982 Files: Chapter 27 ~202 Property Owner: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATEP~ALS IN AZALEA AVENUE Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $1.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $11.40 for one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this project to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Yours truly, RObert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/tam 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 513) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92333 (7T4) 823-3411 Ci of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 24, 1982 Files: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATEPa%LS IN AZALEA AVENUE Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $1.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $11.40 for one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this proje.ct to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Yours truly, RObert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/tam 8353 SIERRAAVENUE (~ O. 801 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 923~5 (714) 82~3411 ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 6f the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing -- linearfeetofcurb and gutter, "' square feet of sidewalk, " square feet of paving, and senJ. tary Sewer FaciZ~ttes in front oFyour property, located at 15876 Azalea, AsseBsor's No. 235-241-11 Fontana, California, was $ 527.70 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. ' ' December 7, 1982, at 7~30 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Normher 24, 1982 Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T~ A~OUN? SHOW~ ASOV~ W~LL aS =U~ City Of FOntana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS TFIEREAF'rER. If further information is needed, please phone Works Dept. 714) 823-3411. of Fon ana CALIFORNIA November 24, 1982 Files: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owne~. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $1.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $11.40 for one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this proje.ct to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Yours truly, Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/tam ? 8353 SIERRAAVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 9Z335 (714) 823-3411 O'iCE OF 'CO-ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 Of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California:' NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing " linearfeetofcurb and gutter, " square feet of sidewalk, " square feet of paving, and S~nit~r~ ~aw~r in front of your property, located at 3.5836 .~.Lle!~, ~sse~mo~te t~o. 235-2~1-13 Fontann, California, was $ 527.~0 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontann, California. ° ' NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on De~m.ber 1', 1982, ,,~. 7,30 p.-,. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontann, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date No~m;cer 24, 1982 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E AMOUNT SHOWN ^.OVE W,LL .= DUE City of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVS DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT e% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-34fl. MENCE 3¶ DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. C.13dc~m, - Ctt 27 1202 Ci of Foniana CALIFORNIA November 24, 1982 Files: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $1.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $11.40 for one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this proje.ct to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Yours truly, RObert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/tam ? 8353 SIERRAAVENUE (P. O, BOX 5~8) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 923~5 (714) 823-54~[ COS Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 6f the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing "' linearfeetofcurb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Sanlt~x-/Se~er ~a~tlities in front of your property, located at 15866 Azalea, Aeses~or's ~.~o. 235-241-12 Fontana, California, was $ 527.70 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. ' ~ December 7, 1982, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN th'at on in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Nowcr.2~r 24, 1982 Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ASOVE W~L eS DU~ City Of FOntaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYE THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. Eernan~s - ch 27 1202 November 24, 1982 Files: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Subject: NOTICE OF COST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND LATER~LS IN AZALEA AVENUE Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be p~id for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is en- closed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a permit fee of $1.00, $20.00 for a plumbing permit, and a "delinquency" deposit of $11.40 for one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this project to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Yours truly, Robert Schoenbern, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/tam ? 8353 SIERRAAVENUE (p, O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92385 (714) 82~3411 YZity of Fontanna CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: City Treasurer FILE: Chapter 27 #202  70-7203 FROM: Public Works Department ~ SUBJECT: Distribution of Cost DATE: December 8, 1982 The Sanitary Sewer project in Azalea Avenue, between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue, is now complete; and your records should reflect the following: Payment to Munoz & Sons Construction $5,398.12 Payment to The Herald News 65.99 Credit to 10-31607 (Eng. & Staking) 539.81 Total Project Cost 7D'7~0~ $6,003.92 Property Owner Asse~ (Attached) - 2,110,80 To be charged to z%9-~3 $3,893.12 BMP:wp ity of Fonta a CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Finance Director SUBJECT: e nee ng Fees DATE: December 8, 1982 Per City Council Resolution 78-74 establishing engineering fees for City- funded projects, the following are projects that qualify for the engineering fees and are to be credited to Account 10-31607. 1. 70-7203 $539.81 BMP:wp Ci of Foniana CALIFORNIA November 29, 1982 Mr. Jesus E. Munoz Munoz & Sons Construction P.O. Box 516 Yucaipa, CA 92399 Enclosed you will find the following: 1. A copy of Progress Estimate No. 2 for work done on Azalea Avenue. Approval of payment for this work is an agenda item on the City Council Agenda of Dec. 7, 1982. AZter City Council approval on that date, a check will be availshie to you on Dec. 8, 1982, in the amount of $845.21. The enclosed copy of Progress Esti- mate No. 2 is for your files. 2. Progress Estimate No. 3 and Final which needs your signature as contractor. Please signify your acceptance " by signing, dating, and returning this form. to our office. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions concerning it, please contact our office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate RS:BMP:wp Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3411 Distribution: Accounting PUBLIC WOES DEPARTMENT Public Works /Contractor [98Z NOV 29 ~ 2:52 CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No. 2 of work done on Azalea Ave., between Almeria and Contractor Munoz & Sons Const. Catawba Avenue, Sewer Main and Laterals Project in the City of Fontana " Period Ending 11/23/82 File: Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 QUANTITIES Contract ~e'm i Description Previous This Est. Total" Unit Price . Amount 1 Construct sewer manholes 1 0 1 Ea. $1,044.00 $1,044.00,,_ 2 Install 8" V.C.P. sewer line 240 0 240 L.F. 10.00 2,400.00 3 Install 4" V.C.P, sewer line 145 . 0 145~ L.F. 7.00 1,015.00 4 Asphalt Concrete pavement 0 22.36 22.36 Tons 42.00 939.12 Prepared By: C/~ APe~ /~ Total rValue of Work Completed $5,398.12 Deduction- 10~ 539.81 Checked By: Total Amount Due to Date $4,858.~1 Total Previous Papants 4~013.10. , Amoun~ Due ~his Estimate $ 8~5.21 Distribut~on: Accounting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTNENT Public Works Contractor CITY OF FONTANAs CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No.3rd & Final of work done on Azalea Ave., between Almeria End ContractorMunoz & Sons Const. Catawba Avenue, Sewer Main and Laterals Project in the City of Fontana Period Ending .11/24/82 File: Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 QUANTITIES Contract Item Description Previous This Est. Total Uni__t Price ,. Amount 1 Construct sewer manholes 1 0 1 Ea $1,044.00 $1,044.00 2 Install 8" V.C.P. sewer line 240 0 240 L.F. 10.00 2,400.00 3 Install 4" V.C.P. sewer line 145 0 145, L.F. 7.00 1,015.00 4 Asphalt Concrete pavement 22.36 0 22.36 Tons 42.00 939.12 Amount at Contract Prices $5,398.12 Extra Work 0 Prepared By: Total'Value of Work Completed $5,398.12 Deduction - 10% 539.81 Checked By: Total Amount Due to Date $4,858.31 Approved By: Total Previous Payments 4~858.31 Gontractor Date " Approved By: Amount Due this Estimate 0 Public Works Director Date Distribution: Accounting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public ~orks Contractor [SSZ NOV 29 PM ~ 52 CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No. 2 of work done on Azalea Ave., between Almeria and Contractor Munoz & Sons Const. Catawba Avenue, Sewer Main and Laterals Project in the City of Fontalia ' Period Ending .11/23/82 Pile: Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 QUANTITIES contract ( Item/I~i Description Previous This Est. Total Uni__t Price Amount 1 Construct sewer manholes 1 0 1 Ea. $1,044.00 $1,044.00 2 Install 8" V.C,P, sewer line 240 0 240 L.F. 10.00 2,400.00 3 Install 4" V.C.P, sewer line 145 0 145' L.F. 7.00 1,015.00 4 Asphalt Concrete pavement 0 22.36 22.36 Tens 42.00 939.12 Da//- I~ ~ Prepared By: APP~; To~al 'Value of Work Completed $5,398.12 Deduction- 10~ 539.81 Checked By: Total Count Due to Date $4,858.31 Total Previous Pa~ents 4~013.10 , Amo~n~ Due this Estimate $ 845.21 Muaoz &Sons Construction no. #241583 CONTRACTING City of Fontana Public Works Department 8353 Sierra Ave. Fontana. California 92335 November 19. 1982 Att: Mr. Henry T. Garcia Re: P. O. # 44327 Enclosed are copvs of asphalt tckets for above referenced oroJect as requested; I hope that the enclosed copvs serve both our rea'ts for this project. Thank you for the courtesy extended us on this matter. Very truly yours. JEM/bpm Post Office Box 516 · Yucaipa, California 92399 · Telephone: (714) 790-1437 Distribution: Accounting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Contractor ~9B2 NOV IS PH 2:~0 CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No. 1 of work done on Azalea Ave., between Almeria and Contractor Munoz & Sons Const. Catawba Ave., Sewer Main and Laterals Project in the City of Fontand Period Ending 11/5/82 File: Chapter 27 #202 70-7203 QUANTITIES Contract (' Ite__m Description Previous This Est. Total ~i~ Price .. Amount 1 Construct sewer manholes 0 1 1 Ea. $1,044.00 $ 1,044.00 2 Install 8" V.C.P. sewer line 0 240 24b L.F. 10.00 2,400.00 3 Install 4" V.C.P. sewer line 0 145 1~5 L,F. 7.00 1,015.00 4 Asphalt Concrete pavement 0 0 0 Ton 42.00 0 VENDOR ~ ~ ~hv~c~ ............. Extra Work 0 % ~/~,___~//~:Z~ TotalrValue of Work Completed 4,459.00 Prepared By: A~'L ' _ Deduction - 10~ 445.90 Checked By: ACCI.~70__7~p~ Total Amount Due to Date 4,013.10 "' /ZJ_f ot.lFrevio..Pa,,,,e.t. ~P~V~: 0 Amount Due this Estimet:e $ 4,013.~0 91 '1CttOll ' 'c.. #~1-1588 'CONTRACTING N-~ 5 0 9 ;aipa, California 92399· Telephone:(714) 790-1437 rla DATE: NOvember' 5,1982 Debt: ,re 335 tween Catawba and AlmePta Ave P.o.#: 44327 Reautst~lon #.45465 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT e: $ 5.600.00 03~33; 1 ea, 1,044,00 240 If 8" vcD e 10,00 If 2,400,00 I~-"c t 15 00 1-4-O If 4" VC~ ~2/)Ton~ ~ 42,00 ~on 924.00 $ 5,348.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE CITY OF FONTANA r3 W~,TE VENOO.'SCO.~ Purchase Ord~' ~' _,. ~ 618, F~A, CA~IF~IA ~33B ~ c~N,.~ ,~c~ To ~0~'~ ~ONS CONSTRUCTION ~ G.EEN .URCHAS,NG t. O. ~X 516 ~Zg~o YU~AIPA, ~ 92399 70,/Z~OO ~RCHASE ~ER .,.... ,-.,.. ,.. ,.,,o.i.. ,. Ne 4 4 3 2 7 ,Eeu,SmON PUBLIC WOMS E f~Mf 10-~2-82 ~Q, ~5 SH,~O~f~NAi C~ 92335 DE~CmPTION OF ARTICLES OR ~RV~CES REQUI~ .... ~ ~}NttfV~ ~ICE EXTENSION ~OR THB CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY BIWER FACI~TI~8 IN ~IA AVENUE BETWEEN CATAWBA AND ~RI~ AVE~. 5,600 00 P=R CITY C~UNCIL ACTION OF OC~0BER 5, 1982. ACCT. DIIITR|BUTION ACCT. FUND NO. AMOUNT FUND NO. AMOUNT 70 7203 33s - . , 5,600.00 ~;z;~""" '"' ""'"~"" """ '"" "-"'-'"- s.o., # 9518CALIFOr'NIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE ,. AccoRDA,.:E W,~H SECT,ON 30.7 AND 30... CAL,FO..,A C,V, L CODE4 5 3 9 3 6 THIS IS NOT A LIEN. THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT . . Pacific Clay P=oducts, Inc. CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any P, O,w BOX 1660 Pomona, ~ 91769 ~S furnished Or W~B fuffiis~ lab r ~rvices, eqmpmenL or materials of the following gener~cription: Same as Owner ~ Clay Sewe~ Pi~e &, Fittings L ~ Clay Brick Products ~o~ ~e buildinS. ~,ct,~e o~ othe~ work ~ improvement located at: Catawba & A Fontaria, California THe aame ol the pefsoa of lifm who contracted lm the purchase ol sacb labor. se~ices. equipment or matedal is: Munoz Construction Co. & Sons P O Box 516 OWNER o~ ~OSLIC AGENCY or Secured Owner (on ~ublicwo~Ml Yucaipa, CA, 92~99 (on pd~ate work) An estimate ol ~e total pdce el the labor. se~ices. equipmeat of materials famished or to be lumisbed is: '..'...',.:",~t~:~:2'~:,~.:'~g ~L',~,/,~'.:". ~e ".'.'.'.: ~: ...~,/r..~.~ ~ ~' :',~;.~:~..:': ':.J$ 1,000, 00 Construction loan no, (if known) [name) (addressl FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full for the abor, ~rvices. eqnip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a me- chanic's lieu leading to ~e los, throujh caurt fare* closure proceedings, of all or part of your praper~ being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed against ~e properw even Reputed Contractor, if any thouBh you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to pro)ct yourself against this con~quen~ by (I) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed relea~ by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to you~ contractm or (2) any offier method · ~ ...: '.~.. ': :.:. ~.....~ .,, :~: .. ~ ,, or device which is appro~ria~ under the circum~nces. S "' . ~ ~ ~.9~S Dated: ember 9, 1982 ".'. "' .' ..,~ j ."L' [:" : ~ (titlel of Fontaria, CALII~ORNIA October 21, 1982 Mr. Jesus E. Munoz Munoz & Sons Construction P.O. Box 516 Yucaipa, CA 92399 Enclosed you will find a fully executed copy of the contract for installation of sewer main and lateral~ in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba. This copy'of the contract is for your files. If you have any questions regarding this matters please do'not hesi- tate to contact this office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate RS:BMP:Wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3411 City of Fonta CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: City Clerk ' File No. 70-7203 FROM: Public Works Department ~ SUBJECT: Transmittal of Contract D uments for tbe Installation of Sewer Main and Laterals in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba Ave.--Munoz & Sons Const. Co. DATE: October 21, 1982 Attached you will find a fully executed contract for Munoz & Sons Const. Co. regarding the above referenced job; insurance certificate covering Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability for Munoz & Sons; Performance Bond in the amount of $5,600.00; and Payment Bond in the amount of $5,600.00. BMP:wp Attachment CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVERrUE. ALMERIA TO CATAWBA AVENUE This agreement, made and concluded this 21st day of October , 19 82 , h~tween the City of Fontaria, party of the first part, and Munoz & ~ons ~o~r,~ , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except sudh as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: Furnishing and installation of sewer main and laterals in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba Avenue. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of Yontans, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: Almeria Ct. & Azalea Avenue, Lateral No. 410IA & 4101B, Dwg, No. 463 ARTICLE II: And the Said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontaria and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the Whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: -10- APPROX. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITLM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 1 1 Each Sewer Manhole at Onc Thn~n~ IPorty-Four Dollars $1,044.00 $1,044.00 Each. 2 240 Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe at Te~ end nn/]fi6' Dnl]a~s 10.00 2,400.00 per L.F. 3 140 Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Lateral at S~v~n and no/100 Dol/ars 7.00 980.00 per L.F. 4 28 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment at Forty~Two and no/100 42.00 1,176.00 Dollars per Ton. TOTAL $5,600.00 -11- ARTICLE III -- Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the-terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to' the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV -- It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA er , on ana Y t MUNOZ & SONS CONSTRUCTION City Engineer, City of Fontana Std. 23 3/72 Muioz &Sons Construction Ue. #241583 CONTRACTING City of $ontana 8353 Sierra Ave. P.O. Box 518 Fontana. California 92335 Oct. 14.1982 Att: Mr. Robert Schoenborn P.E, Subject: Azalia Ave. Sewewrmain & Laterala As per your request of letter dated 10/6/82 the followinq is submitted: (1} No anticipated sub-contractors (2) Authorized Siqnitures: Viola DeLeon Munoz, Jesus E. Munoz St. Jesus E. Munoz Jr. {3} Jesus E. Munoz Jr. or Jesus E, Munoz St. shall be in charqe of project, (4) Tentaattve start 10/22/82 (5} Primary Classification C-42 (6) Ins, certificates should be in your offices already, {7) Enclosed are {3} three stqned contracts undated as requested. Please advice if 1 have overlooked any thinq, Thank you. Very truly yours; uo'zS~,~' JEM/bDm Post Office Box 516 · Yucaipa, California 92399 · Telephone: (714) 790-1437 ity of Fonta a CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: City Clerk 3 ~ File: Ch. 27 #202 FROA~: Public Works Department 70-7203 SUBJECT: Release of Bid Bonds DATE: October 21, 1982 At their meeting of October 5, 1982, the City Council awarded a contract to Munoz and Sons Construction Company for the construction of sanitary sewer facilities in Azalea Avenue between Almeria and Catawba Avenues. Please release any bid bonds you may be holding on th~s project. RS:wp cc: 'Finance Director - Please release any cash bonds you may be holding on this project. City of Fort±aria CALIFORNIA October 6, 1982 Mr. Jesus E. Munoz Munoz & Sons Constr~jction P.O. Box 516 Yucaipa, CA 92399 At the October 5, 1982, meeting of the City Council, the contract for the Installation of Sewer Main and Laterals in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba Avenue was awarded to your company. Four copies of the contract, are enclosed for signature of the proper officials. Please return three copies to us and keep one for your files. A fully ex- ecuted copy will be sent to you at a later date. Do not date the contract. Please supply us with the required contract bonds within eight days as required by the. specifications. It is also requested that you furnish us with the following ~nformation: 1. The name of the sub-contractors, if any. 2. The name of the person authorized to sign contract change orders and similar contract documents. 3. The name of the Superintendent or other person who will be in charge.- 4. An approximate schedule of the work. 5. Primary class and number of your State Contractor's license. 6. A copy of your ~nsurance certificates. Please contact the public Works Department as soon as possible to set up a pre- construction conference to go over the details of the project. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director RS:~p Fnc]osure 8353 S)ERRAAVENUE (P. O. BGX 5)8) ~O~TANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 1714) B23-3411 CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENU]E, ALMERIA TO CATAWBA AVENUE This agreement, made and concluded this day of , 19 , ~tween the City of Fontana, party of the first part, and Munoz & ~ons ~o~t~,r~n~ , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except sudh as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: Furnishing and installation of sewer main snd laterals in Azalea Avenue, Almeria to Catawba Avenue. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of Fontmna, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: Almeris Ct. & Azalea Avenue, Lateral No. 4101A & 4101B, Dwg. No. 463 ARTICLE II: And the Said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the 'acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: -10- APPROX. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ITEM QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 1 1 Each Sewer Manhole at One Thn~d ~orty-~our Dollars $1,044.00 $1,044.00 Each. 2 240 Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe at T~n ~DH ~n/1O~' Dn]l~rs 10.DO 2,400.00 per L.F. 3 140 Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Lateral at S~v~n and no/100 Dollars 7.00 980.00 per L.F. 4 28 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment at ~orty~Two and no/100 42.00 1,176.00 Dollars per Ton. TOTAL $5,600.00 -11- ARTICLE III -- Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the-terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid~ and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors~ and assigns, do hereby agree to'the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV -- It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or propesal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness I~ereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA BY: Mayor of the City of Fontana AITEST: City Clerk, City of Fontana APPROVED: CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana BY: Std. 23 3/72 P~ECAPITULATION OF BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS Page 1 of 2 pages IN AZALEA AVENIFE, AI/4ERIA AVENUE TO CATAWBA AVENUE File: 70-7203 PuBlic Works Department · Ch. 27 #202 Fontana, CA Bid Opening: September 28, 1982 Munoz & Sons Const. Gosney Backhoe & Equipment . Engineer's Estimate Yucaipa Bloomington Ite~ Description Quantity Unit Unit Pri~e Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total 1 Construct Sewer Manhole 1 Each $850.00 $ 850.00 $1,044.00 $1,044.00 $ 970.00 $ 970.00 2 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe 240 L.F. 15.00 3,600.00 10.O0 2,~00.00 12.90 3,096.00 3 4" Vltrified Clay Sewer Lateral 140 L.F. 12.00 1,680.00 7.00 980.00 6.00 840.00 4 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 28 Tons 50.00 1~400.00 42.00 _1~176,00 56.00 1,568.00 TOTALS $7,530.00 $5,600.00 $6,474.00 Walker's Pipeline J & J Sewer Const. Kershaw Const. Co. Padlay Chino Montclair Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total $1,11G.00 $1,110.00 $1,125.00 $1,125.00 $1,000.00 $1,O00.O0 18.00 4,320.00 15.00 3,600,00 20.00 4,800.00 5.00 700.00 7.50 1,050.00 10.00 1,400.00 30,00 840.00 45.00 1,260,00 50.00 1,400.00 TOTALS $6,960.00 $7,035.00 $8,600.00 RECAPITULATION OF BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN AZALEA AVENUE, Al14ERIA AVENUE TO CATAWBA AVENFE PaEe 2 of 2 pages Public Works Department File:, ?0-7203 Fontana, CA Ch. 27 ~202 Bid 0pening: September 28, 1982 Boles, Inc. J & B Contractors, Inc. Sclafani Construction, Inc. Tustln Crestline Fontana Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total $1,454.00 $1,454.00 $1,200.00 $1,200'.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 22.36 5,366.40 23.10 5,544.00 .35.00 8,400.00 14.20 1,988.00 19.90 2,786.00 15.00 2,100.00 79.29 .2,220.12 69.00 1,932.00 45.00 1~260.00 TOTALS $11,028.52 $11,462.00 $13,560.00 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION {Space below for filing stamp only) STATE OF C,~LmORNIA) County of San Bernardino) as. The undersigned affiant of the County of San Bernardtno, State of CaljfOrnin; being first duly sworn, deposes and says: follows: . That I m, and at all times herein mentioned was a citizen of the United States of America, over the age of eighteen years and No .bid not a party to nor interested in the above entitled matter; that I am the principal clerk of the printer and publisher of or THE HERALD-NEWS bondmade Fon~aoa f! that said newspaper is a newspaper of general circulation printed aile~stf4~ (l amountb!d. t h and published daily, except Sunday, in the City of Fontaria, County of forfeite~ ' whom ~he cb~cl; I~ ~ward~g' San S4~aardino. which newspaper has been adjudged a newspaper of general circulation by the Superior Court Of The State Of California ~P~i~c~s~e~iSecheru~n~ex~m In and For The County Of San Bernardino, under date of March 15, J State of cantorS; the c~ Counci has s~certained 1955, being Case No. 73171; and the and (Name o~ document) Notice to Contractors of which the annexed is a true printed copy, was published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof. on the following dates, to-wit: All bids are to he comlared on :he basi~ of the Ci~)' (Print dates) EarlmaLe of the mtnit~ies of Sept. 16, 23, 1982 dlre~ttOMkStOel4~,etc. The City of FenaM reserve thert~Jbl ere, JectaFr/or&libids and to 'a ire any' ' ulari, h' extent pel'hlft~e~ b,~ Date;t: 5epicember lg, I~S S.D. Good Mfiant ~:ygrontanm ' By: ~ober: p, cheenborn 2 3r' d CIty gn~n~er ~: . Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........................ day Of 'Publisb:~e~: ~,23;1~ ' September 19 82 N t ,~:%~~ 16920 Spring Street O a~y c or said County and Sta '~; 21FIOL~Nf. WILLI~MS Phone: (714) 822-2231 · ' ~r.: '~-~' O1,'~ ~%' P',.:~:;(':, - ~,~t ;- -~%,,~ Pontana, California My CommL~ion ]~Lres: ~ . in Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria, and authorized the Public Works Department to advertise for bids (proposed bid openins 9/28/82 at 3 p.m.) MEMO~NDUM SPROV~ BY a~ER: , / TO: Mayor and City Council M~bers FROM: Public Worb Department SUBJECT: Agenda Stem Notification DATE: SepteraSer 1, 1982 (Heading) facilities In Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and A~eria Avenue, and authorization for the Public Works Department to advertise for bids, 3. ADDRESS & LOCATION: Azalea Avenue between Catawba and Almeria AVenue 4. SUPEORTIVE DOCUMENTS ATTACHED OR LISTED: None 5. PREVIOUS CITY ACTION AND EXISTING POLICY: On August 3, 1982, Council instructed Public Works Department to order construction' of' sanitary sewer facilities. 6. STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDED ACTION; Routine item to be placed on agenda. Plans and Specifications on file in Public Works Department. AC, ENDA ITEM NO. Public hearing was opened on Notice to Construct sanitary sewer PUBLIC HEARING facilities in Azalea Avenue between Catawba and Almeria Avenue NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways SEWERS - AZALEA Code. No written communications were received nor oral statements CH 27 #202 made in favor of or in opposition to the matter. Hearing was ~._//_ ~.~L) closed. Motion was madeby Councilman KoehleP, seconded by Councilman Day, to overrule all protests and ratify and confirm all acts and determinations of all officers of the City of Fontana in relation to the ordering of construction of sanitary sewer facili- ties in Azalea Avenue between Catawba and Almeria Avenue, Ch 27, Project #202, and carried' by the following vote: AYES: Mayar Simon, Councilmen Day, Freeman, Koehler, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: None TO: Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: Agenda Item Notification DATE: August 11, 1982 1. CO~CIL ~ETING DATE: A~st 17, (Heading) and H~ghways Code. Motion to overrule all protests and ratify and conf~ all acts ~nd dete~tnstionS of all officers of the City of'Fon~ana in relation' to the orderlug of con- struction of sanitary sawe~ facil~ties ~n Azalea 'Avenue between Catawba and Almeria Avenue, Ch. 27, Project #202, M/ S/ 3. ~DRESS & LOCATION: Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue 4. SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS ATTACHED OR LISTED: A. Copy of Petitions B. Map of Area 5, PREVIOUS CITY ACTION AND EXISTING POLICY: In the past it has been the policy of the City Council to order the sanitary sewers installed whenever a petition of 60% or greater signed by the property e~rners on both sides of the street is received as provided by the Streets and Highways Code. 6. STAFF COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff would reco~nend approval because within this area a nLnnber of septic tanks have been failing. AGENDA ITM4 N0, PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND NIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the South side of Azalea Avenue between Niagara Avenue and Almeria Avenue, hereby request the construction of senitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Nighways Code of the State oF California. No cost will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ADDRESS z PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE S'~REE'TS AND. HIGHWAYS CODE' To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and NiagBra Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost will be assessed to properties connectedto the sewer system prior to this petition. ~.~. , PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVFgtENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 Of THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontaria, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the North side of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and the alley at the boundary of the west tract, hereby request the construction Df sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, No cnst will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ADDRESS =ettersent to: f FOntaria Evelyn M. Roby, 15846 Azalea Avenue I F O ]R 1NT I A Paul D. Girkin, 15856 Azalea Avenue Bobby G. Hernandez, 15866 Azalea Avenue ~gust 6, 1982 Martin J. Gimpel, Jr., 15876 Azalea Avenue File: Chapter 27 #202 Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of a variety of street improve- ments within a block when that particular type of improvement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage of the block, or when a petition requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is fiJed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to your property in the area of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue. We are posting your property with a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the owner elects to have the sewers installed by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received, he may do so; but the only practical course would be for you to take no action at all, in which case the City will, at the end of the 60 days, have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefiting property. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not required. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate 8353 SIERRAAVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA g~S3S (7i4) 823-3411 C of Foniana CALII~ORNIA August 6, 1982 Martin J. Gimpel, Jr. 15876 Azalea Avenue Fontaria, CA 92335 File: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of a variety of street jmprove- ments within a block when that particular type of improvement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage of the block, or when ~ petition requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is fi3ed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to ~our property in th~ area of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue. We are posting your property with .a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the owner elects to have the sewers installed by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received, he may do so; but the only practical course would be for you to take no action at all, in'which case the City will, at the end of the 60 days, have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefiting property. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not required. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 5)8) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-342[ N O TI CE TO NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 75 T..Fo o£ Sanitary Sewer Facilities and appurtenances ill front of your property located at 15876 Azalea (235-241-11) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard ~pecifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontaria. , Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement js not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on August 17. 1982at 7:30 p.m. in the Councit Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 6, 1982 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed. please phone City Hall, Public Works Department (714) 823-3411 Gimpel 202 C · of Fontana- CALIt~ORNIA August 6, 1982 Bobby G. Hernandez 15866 Azalea Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 File: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of a vsriety of street improve- ments within a block when that particular type of improvement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage of the block, or when a petition requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is filed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to your property in the area of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue. We are posting your property with .a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the owner elects .to have the sewers installed by a licensed contractor Within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received, he may do so; but the only practical course would be for you to take no action at all, in'which case the City will, at the end of the 60 days, have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefiting property. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not required. If you have any questions, pleese get in touch with us before ~he hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P, O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3411 NO:I' CE TO NSTRU T Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 75 f..F. of Sanitary Sewer F~c~ ~tle,~ & A]~,r~¢~.~ in front of your property located at 1 ~R66 A~alPa (235-2/+1-12~ Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard ~pecifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on~-s,~- 'IT, 1982 at 7:30 ~.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontaria, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 6, 1982 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Department (714) 823-3411 Hernandez ~02 Ms. Evelyn M. Roby 15846 Azalea Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 File: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of m variety of street improve- ments within a block when that particular type ofimprovemen[ already exist~ in front of not lass than half of the frontage of the block, or when a petition requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is fi3ed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to your property in the area of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue. We are posting you~ property with a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the owner elects to have.the sewers installed by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received, he may do so; but the only practical course would be for you to take no action at all, in'which case the City will, at the end of the 60 days, have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefiting property. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not required. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 558) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3.4! ! NO:F CE TO NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction lineal feet of Portland 'cement concrete curb and gutter, square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 75 L.Fo o£ Sanitary Sewer ~scil ities &appurtenances in front of your property located at l~R/.~ A,~I~ (?~5-241-14~ Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard ~pecifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on August 17, 1982at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 6~ 1982 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Department ( 714) 823-3411 Roby of Foniana CALI~OI~NIA AugUst 6, 1982 Paul D. Girkin 15856 Azalea Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Pile: Chapter 27 #202 Property Owner: Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of a variety of street improve- ments within a block when that particular type of 75mprovement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage of the block, or when a petition requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is filed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to your property in the area of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue. We are posting you~.property with a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the owner elects to have the sewers installed by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received, he may do so; but the only practical course would be for you to take no action at all, in'which case the City will, at the end of the 60 days, have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefittng property. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not ~equired. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92'~35 (7:4) 823-341l NOTi Tg NSTRU T Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, square feet of.asphalt concrete paving, and 75 L. 7. of Sanitary Sewer Facilities and Appurtenances in front of your property located at 15856 Azalea (235-241-13/ Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on AuLzust 17, 1982at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 6, 1982 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Department (714) 823-3411 Girk~n 202 Motion was made by Councilman Freeman, seconded by Councilman SEWER PROJ. AZALEA Day, to instruct the Public Works Director to order the construc- CH. 27 ~202/70-7203 tion of sanitary sewer facilities in Azalea Avenue~ between Catawba Avenue and Almeria Avenue, under provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code (~202/70-7203). Motion carried bythe following vote: NOES: None ABSENT: None June 10, 1982 File: Tract 4014 Property Owners: Subject: Petiti~ons for the Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Azalea Avenue between Catawba and the West Boundary of Tract 4014 Sanitary sewer facilities can be constructed under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of the property described above. In order to have a successful petition, 60% of the property owners on both sides of the street in which the sewer is to be installed must sign the petition. Under the provisions of a Chpater 27 improvement project, the property owners pay for their improvements according to their street frontage. For corner lots the costs are figured using the shortest frontage with the exception of a corner lot that fronts an existing sewer main and is not connected. In this situation the property owner's costs are figured according to which frontage the sewer is installed. Regarding costs, at this time, it is very difficult to estimate a cost to each property owner. There are a number of unknowns. The major unknown is how long the petitions are out being circulated. If it takes a long time to secure a sufficient number of signatures the construction costs could increase. Another variable in~ this situation is the relatively small size of the project. With the above information in mind, a rough estimate of the cost per property owner would be $1,000 to $1,200 per lot. It should be noted all the above information is applicable to only properties which are not connected to the sewer at this time. Those properties currently being served by the sewer system will have no costs assessed against them if the ~wners sign the petitions. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public ' By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/gw PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the North side of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and the alley at the boundary of the west tract, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in aocordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ~ ADDRESS ~/_ ~. ~., 2/~..2 ,~ ~.- ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~., :,.. ~ / PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND. HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Niagara Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost wilt be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the South side of Azalea Avenue between Niagara Avenue and Almeria Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ADDRESS ~ % t~Or, IraCT I~1 o, ~ (, I~e. 56/81- 82 Property Owners on Azalea Avenue between Catawba and West BoUndary of Tract 4014 Petition #1 Assessor's No.Owner and Mailing Address /235-241-10 Gray, Charles and Patricia A. 15886 Azalea -241-11 Gimpel ,. ,arti, J. Or. a.d Collee, 15876 Azalea ~35-241-12 ~nco~ Savings & Loan Assn. 630 W. 6th St., L~A., 90017 ~35:241-13 Brewer, Elmer W. Jr. and Eula M. c/o Paul D. Girkin and Marjan Cox G~N Y2 15856 A~alea 35-241~14 Roby, Evelyn M. and Gary 'A. 15846 Azalea 235-241-15. Avery. Donald E. and Kat~arina 1399 E. Foothill Blvd., Upland gl'TB6 {15836 Azalea} "" 1~826 Azalea 235-241-17 Wilken, George. O. J~. and SarahA. 15816 AZalea ~ Petition ~35-244L~1 Grisly', James F. and Marjan L. 9756 Cat, awb~ ~-244-26 . N*aSqu~z, .Herlinda and Mtria E. 29DDO Sunset P1., Apt. 311, L.A. 90005 (g755 Niagara}, Petition ~3 ~3'5L243~Ol Anderson, Ma~rie T. : 9756 Ni.ag~ra, 9755 Alme~iB Property Owners on Azalea Avenue between Catawba and West Boundary of Tract 4014 Petition #1 Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 235-241-10 Gray, Charles and Patricia A. 15886 Azalea 235-241-11 Gimpel, Martin J. Jr. and Colleen 15876 Azalea 235-241-12 Lincoln Savings & Loan Assn. 630 W. 6th St., L.A., 90017 235=241-13 Brewer, Elmer W. Jr. and Eula M. c/o Paul D. Girkin and Marian Cox GDN 15856 Azalea 235-241-14 Roby, Evelyn M. and Gary A. 15846 Azalea 235-241-15 Avery, Donald E. and Katharina 1399 E. Foothill Blvd., Upland 91786 (15836 Azalea) 235-241-16 Wilkinson, Clifton R, and Rebecca 15826 Azalea 235-241-17 Wilken, George O. Jr. and SarahA. 15816 Azalea Petition #2 235-244-01 Grisley, James F. and Marian L. 9756 Catawba 235-244-26 Nasquez, Herlinda and Maria E. 29000 Sunset P1., Apt. 311, L.A. 90005 (9755 Niagara) Petition #3 235-243-01 Anderson, Marrie T. 9756 Niagara 235-243-26 Hucharski, Gerald and Florence 9755 Almeria PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the North side of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and the alley at the boundary of the west tract, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ADDRESS Petition #l PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Pontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the south side of Azalea Avenue between Catawba Avenue and Niagara Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facili ties including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ADDRESS Petition #2 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Pontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the South side of Azalea Avenue between Niagara Avenue and Almeria Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. No cost will be assessed to properties connected to the sewer system prior to this petition. OWNER ADDRESS Petition #3