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Mallory Sewers
RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Kenneth Heasley $94.03, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-231-09 Project: #~99-/~ Principal: $873.40 Legal owner as listed on lien: Kenneth Heasley 16304 E1 Molino Please issue release of lien to: Kenneth Heasley 16304 E1 Molino Fontana, CA 92335 Geo~ Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Guy Centanni $94.03, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-231-33 Project: #1-99'/F~ Principal: $873.40 Legal owner as listed on lien: Guy Centannu 16496 E1 Molino Please issue release of lien to: Guy'Centanni 16496 E1 Molino Fontana, CA 92335 George~irs~ko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Chester Hoover $94.03, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-232-01 Project: Principal: $873.40 Legal owner as listed on lien: Chester Hoover 16303 E1 Molino Please issue release of lien to: Chester Hoover 16303 E1 Molino Fontana, CA 92335 George~ir~sko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Orvil Adair $110.35, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-232-22 Project: ~1~9~/~ Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Orvil Adair' 16384 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Orvil Adair 16384 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontaria, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Sergio Medina $110.39, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-03 Project: Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Sergio Medina 16327 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Sergio Medina 16327 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Reyes Nunez, Jr. $110.39, in payment of Chapter 87 lien. Parcel: #251-233-04 Project: ~99~/[~ Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Reyes Nunez, Jr. 16335 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Reyes Nunez, Jr. 16335 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Samuel McGlathery $110.39, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-05 Project: Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Samuel McGlathery 16345 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Samuel McGlathery 16345 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Shirley Houchens $110.39, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-07 Project: ~/Ff Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Shirley Houchens 16363 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Shirley HouChens 16363 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Farrell Hinkle $110.39, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-11 Project: Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Farrell Hinkle 16399 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Farrell Hinkle 16399 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of William Greer $110.39, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-12 Project: ~99~/F~ Principal: $819.1~ Legal owner as listed on lien: William Greer 16407 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: William Greer 16407 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Damon Newton $110.39, in-payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-14 Project: Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Damon Newton 16423 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Damon Newton 16423 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 Finance Department City of Fontana CALIFORNIA January 4, 1995 File~ Chapter 27 #189 - Hensman APN #251-232-24 Mr. Kevan Hensman 16368 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 RE: APN 251-232-24 Release of Lien Dear Sir: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at I6368 Mallory, Fontana, California, (APN 251-232-24) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Stneets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW: wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O, BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~ recycled paper Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Kevan and Robin Hensman 16368 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 81-174405 on Auqust 6, 1981 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Kevan and Robin Hensman as obliqors, is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows. to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 251-232-24 Obligors: Kevan and Robin Hensman Dated this 4th day of January , 1995 Robert W. Wedd] e, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On January 4, 1995 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., ersonally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. W~ha~d~~ Maria M. Hamilton . . .onI Ch, 27 #189-Hensman RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontaria, California Date: June 30, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Kevan Hensman $94.03, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. / Parcel: #251-232-24 Project: Principal: $873.40 Legal owner as listed on lien: Kevan Hensman 16368 Mallory Please issue release of lien to~ Kevan Hensman 16368 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 George Pirsko Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: April 10, 1990 To: Public Works Received of Joaquin Machado $$104.14, in payment of Chapter 2_/7lien. Parcel: #251-233-06 Project: #~178 Principal: $$819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Anita Butterfield 16355 Mallory Please issue release of lien to: Joaquin Machado 16355 Mallory Fontana, CA 92335 Finance Department City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 6, 1989 File: Ch. 97 #,]89! First National Mortgage Company 350 S. Winchester Boulevard San Jose, CA 95128 Gentlemen: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 16376 Mallory Avenue, Fontana, CA, Assessor's Parcel No. 251-232-23, under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the lgll Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, . and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this proJetty. .- ' cerely y rs, Anntvor AC:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 Recording Requested By: When Recorded Hail To: First National Nortqage Company 350 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose. CA 95128 RELF_/~SE OF LIB The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property heretnafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 81-174406 on Auqust 6. 1981 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Anthony Oftado obliqor. is hereby satisfied and disqharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 251-232-23 Obligors: Anthony Oftado Dated thts 6th day of Novem~ , ~989 Annivory ............ ~,_.~ of Fontana STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On NoVember 6. 1989 , before me, Wilma Plnsalc, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Annivory Calvert, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same on behalf of said m..tctpal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Ch. 27 #189 Oftado RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: October 6, 1989 To: Public Works Received of First National Mortgage Co. $186.02, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-232-23 Project: #189 Principal: $819.18 Legal owner as listed on lien: Anthony Ortado Please issue release of lien to: First National Mortgage Co. 350 s. Winchester Blvd San Jose, CA 95128 George Pirsko Finance Department City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 28, !.988 File: Chapter 27 #189 Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Co. 275 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 100 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear your property. ,~ames Mocalxs ~ · %c Works Director JM:ll Attachments 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 923344)518 (714) 350-7600 Reeordir4 requested ~en recorded mail CommOnwealth Land Title Ins. Co. 275 W. Hospitality Lane, #100 San Bernardinn, CA 92408 authority vetOed in him by the Improvement Act of 1el1 upon the rea~ property here- insfear described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and ~hat certain Notice of Lien ra~rded u ~ucz%unent No. 81-17441& on August 6. 1981 , Offiela~ leocords of Sam B.s~dtna County, California, nm~nJ Eva Bryant me oblilmre, le hereby anticried an~ discharged. ~ne real proparL7 hereinbe~ore manciound and upouvhich · lien is e~atmad, ~s Cha~ certain piece or paree~ of had lyinI and being bs the Cl~y o~ Yoncane, County of San brnsrdtno, State of Csl~for~ta, and par~ic~arly described an fol]~va, Co viC: Assessor's Parcel No. 251-233-10 ~li~OrSl Eva Bryant ~=~ ~4m 28th ~N~V~mh.~ , t of Toncane ~ N~v,mher 9~ 1 ~ , before u, Wllma Pinsak a Noca, hblic in ~ for anid'~un~ a~ S~a=e, p~sos~ ap~ur~ James Mocalis ~M =o ~ Co be the Super~n~en~ o~ S:ree~s of ~he Cl~ of FonCn, a a~lci~al ce~o=- a~ion, and ~M cG M ~o be =ha person w~ee a is t~acribed :o ~he ~chin i~r~c ~d ac~led~ed ~ he executes ~he am on beef ~ said ~nicipal co~ora:i~. ~SS m7 han~ and official seal.- Cn. 27 ~189 - Bryant RELEASE OF LIEN , SEWER LIEN Fontana, California ~ Date: November 4~ ~988 To: Public Works . Received of Commonwealth Land Title Ins. co. $273..36, payment of Chapter 27 .lien. Parcel: ~251-233-10 Project: # 18__9 Principal: $820.51 , ~ ~ . Interest: $231.94 Legal owner as listed on lien: Eva Bryant Please issue release of lien to: Commonwealth Land Title Ins. 275 W. Hosipitality Ln. ~ San Bernardino, CA 92408 Ge Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: O~tober 27, 1988 To: Public Works . Received of Stewart Title Company $272,02, in payment Of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #251-233-18 Project: #189 Principal: $819.18 Interest: $230.61 Legal owner as listed on lien: Opal Kitchens Please issue release of lien to: Stewart Title~Company 1585 South D St. San Bernardino, CA 92408 G Finance Department City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 27, 1988 File: Chapter 27 #189 Stewart Title Company 1585 South "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's Office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 West Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the'records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. The additional copy is for your files. GS:sl Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 923344518 (714) 350-7600 Record4nZ requested ~hen recorded m~dl t~o: Stewart Title Company 1585 South "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 on Auqust 6, 1981 , O~flc~ ~i~2 ODal Kitchins as obl~[o[s, hereb~ sa~isfi~ ~ discMraed. ~e real pr~ez~ he=einbefo=e mn:ioned =hat certain piece o= parc~ o~ ~d lyin8 of San ~rd~, S~aEe of ~l~fo=~a, a~ paTticuhrly d~:=i~d as fol~, Assessor's Parcel No. 251-233-18 Oblilors: C~al October 27, 1988 , b~ore ~ ~ilma Pinsak · ~o~ 2d ~o~ said ~un~ a~ 8~ate, perso~y%~eared George Caswell. =o be ~he Supe~in=~en: of ~t~ee~s of ~ Ci~ o[ Fonts, · ~ictpal c ~or- a=~ou, and ~M :o ~ to be ~he pezs~ ~ee me Is s~sc~lbed ~o the iM:r~n= and ac~ledSed tha= he executed =he sm ~ be~lf of said ~nicipal corporat~. WI~SS my hand and official seal.' Ch. 27 #189 Kitchins City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 12, 1987 File: Ch. 27 #189 Rinks First American Title Insurance .Company P.O. Box 6337 San Bernardino, CA 92412-6327 Attention: Gomez 891654:L 'l Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien Was filed in the County Recorder's Office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 West Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this prqperty. The additional copy is for your files. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Servi.oes Agency~irector RS:wp Enclosures ~,'.'.'~53 .SIER=IA A',/'=-NUE (P.O. BOX 51 B) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 Recordin~ requested hy: When recorded mail to: First American Title Ins. Co. P.O. Box 6327 San Bernardino, CA 92412-6327 REpE~S~E OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under hereby satisfied an~ discharged. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is 9bligors: Ridhard D. &Rita Rinks Robsr~ Schoenborn, STATE OF CALIFORNIA "~"SS Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontana COUh't? OF S~ 3~INO) ' f ~ June 12, 1987 , before me, Wilma Pinsak a No~a~ Public in and for said ~unty and State, personfly appaa:ed Robert Sc~enborn, ~o~ ~ ~ ~o be the Superint~dent of S~ree[s o~ ~he Ci~F o[ Fontu, a municipal color- ation, and ~o~ to me co be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instr~ent and ac~ledged ~hat he executed the same on behalf of said ~nicipal coloration. Wl~SS my hand and official seal.' ~h. 27 1~189 Rinks I~EI.FASE OF LIEN Sewer Fontarm, California ~ Date June 11, 1987 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARXMENT RECEIVED OF First American Title Ins. Co. $ 331.67 , in pa~lr~nt of Chapter 27 Lien. Parcel No. 251-233-19 , Project 189 Principal $ 808.33 Interest $ 204.36 Please issue Release of Lien. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: Richard & Rita Rinks 16469 Mallory Fontsna, Ca. 92335 Assistant Finance Director PI,EASE PILEAgE LItl~ TO: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS. CO. P. O. BOX 6327 SAN RERNARDINO, CA. 92412-6327 ATTN: Gomez 891654:L City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 17, 1986 File: Ch. 27 #]89 Tri City Escrow 9841 Sierra Avenue Fontana, CA 92335 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Re- corderrs office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 West Third Street, San Bernardino CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The record- ing fee is $9.00. Please record this Release in order to clear the prgpert7. The additional copy is for your files. Robert Schoenborn, .P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director RS :wp Attachments 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 Recording requested by: ~hen recorded mail Tri City Escrow 9841.Sierra Avenue Fondand. CA 92335 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontand under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property here- inafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder-having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 81-174422 on August 6, 1981 , Official Records of San Eernardino County, California, naming Ronny D. Franks & Conhie J. Franks as obli~ors, is hereby satisfied an~ discharged. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Cit7 of Fontand, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's No, 251~233-16 Obligors: Ronny D. Franks & Conhie J,. Franks Robert Schoenborn, P.E. : Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontana STATE OF CALIFORNIA '~ *SS. COUNTY OF SAN BEPaARDINO) On October 17, 1986 , before me, WilmaPiusak a NotaryPublic in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontana, a municipal cotpot- · a~ion, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instru~ent and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal.' Ch. 27 ~189 Franks Fontarea, C~liforpj. a · Date October 16, 1986 TO PUBLIC I~DRKS DEPARIMENT RECEIVED OF Tri City Escrow $ ' 434.15 , in pay=ent of Cbapzer 27 Lien. Parcel No. 251-233-16 , Projecz #189 Principal $ 819.18 In~eresZ $ 201.97 Please issue Reles~e of Lien. Legal Owner as liszed on Lien: Rorn~y D & Conhie J0 Franks 16441 Mallory Fontana, Ca. 92335 Finance Director Rk~,FASE LIEN TO: Tri City Escrow 9841 Sierra Avenue Fontaria, Ca. 92335 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 25, 1984 R.F.S. Escrow, Inc. 300 E. State Street, Suite 101 Redlands, CA 92373 Attention: B0nnie Subject: Escrow No. 693 - Release of Lien on Property Street improvements were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's.office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can nowbe released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder'Is Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA ~92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $4.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear the property. The carbon copy is for your files. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Work~ Director RS:~p Enclosures q353 SIERRA AVENUE ,P O. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92335 rH~Y~+I (714) 350-7610 Recordfng requested by ben recorded mail ~00 E. Scare Street, Suite 10i _ Redlands. CA 92373 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fentens under euthortty vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hers- innfief described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrumau~ No.Sl'1744~gn AuRust 6, 1981 in Book . Page . .~ Official Records of San Berner- as obligors, is hereby satisfied and discharged." The real proparhy'hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fonta~s, Cotm~y of Sen Bernardino. 5tats of California, and particularly described as follo~s, Assessor's No. 251-233-13 Obli$ors.. Ruth S. & Russell E. Lane, Jr. Robert 8ehoex~n~rn~ P.E. ~perintendent of Streets, City of Fontann S~ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CGUNTY OF SAN BEKNARDINO) On October 25, 1984 before me, Wilma Pinsak a Notary Public in and for said County ~nd State~ persor~tlly appeared Robert Schoeuborn~ known to me to be the ~uperintendent of Streets of the Cfty of Fentans, a municipal corFor- instrument and acknowledged that he executed the s~me on behalf of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~. Ch. 27 #189 Lane R~.FASE OF LIEN Fontana, California Date October 2~, 1984 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT RECEIVED OF R.F.S. Escrow, Inc. $ 607.83 , in payrrent of Chapter 27 Lion. Parcel No. 251-232-30 , Project 617 # 189 Principal $ 819.18 Interest $ 144.62 Please issue Release of Lien. Legal 0wner as listed on Lion: Russell, Jr. & Ruth Lane ~~ 16415 Mallory Street , Fontana, Ca. 92335 PLEASE ISSUE RELEASE TO: R.F.S. ESCROW, INC. 300 E. State St., Suite 101 Redlands, Ca. 92373 ATTN: Bonnie Escrow No. 693 Ci'[y of Foniana CALjIFO~-LNIA May 7, 1984 File: Cb. 27 #189 Ticor Title Insurance 3490 Tenth Street Riverside, CA 92501 Attention; Jean Warren Enclosed is a Eelease of Lien on the property of Bobhie J~ & Linda M. Jones, Assessor's No. 251-232-21, By recording the enclosed Release at the County Recorderrs Office, the records pertaining to the property can now be cleared. If y~u should have any further questions regarding this matter, pleas~ contact this office. ]~obert Sehoenborn, P.E. ~ublic Works Director By; Bob M, Porter Deputy public Works Director RS:BMP:wp Enclosure 8353SIERRAAVENUE(POBOX518) FQNTANA, CALIFORNIA92335 (714) 823-3411 ,: i ~ ;;;q' J' Recor~in~ requested by ~h~n recorded mall RELEASE OF LZEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent o~ Streets in the City o~ Fentans under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property insurer described is hereby released, the claim her~under having been fully paid 81~174408 and satis~ied, and that certain Notice o~ Lien recorded as Instruman= No. August 6. 1981 in Book. Page O~ictal Recorde o~ San Bernar- as obltgore, is hereby satisfied and dischar~ed. The real property hereinb~ore mentioned and npon which a lien ie claimed, is that certain piece or parcel o~ land lying and being in the City o~ Fontaria, Cctmty o~ Sau Berna~dino, ~tata o~ Cali£orniam nnd partic~larly described ns Assessor*s ~o, 0blt.$owsl Bobbi_ J. & Linda M. 3ones Dated this da~of. ~ . , Robert $choenb~n, PoE, 2np~rintendent of Streets, City o~ Fontand STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C6UNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) SSo On Hay 7, 198~ before me~ Wllma Flns~k a Notary Public in and for said County slid State, persor~lly appea~ed loberr Schoenborn, kno~l to me to be the ~uperintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a m~nicipal corpor- ation, end known to me to be the person ~hose name is subscribed to the within imstnu~ent and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf oe s~td mmtcipsI corporation. WITNESS my hand end official seal. T~WILMA PINSAK Jones #189 RmFASE OF LIEN Fontarm, California , Date M~y 7 ~ ]oSh TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPAKTMENT RECEIVED OF Tieor Title Tn~nlr~n~ C~. $ S84.SR , in pa~nt of Chapter 27 Lie. Parcel No. 251-232-21 , Project #617 Ch. 27 #189 Principal $ 819.18 Interest $ 121.62 Please issue Release of Lion. Legal Owner as listed on Lion: ~ .~ Bobhie J. & Linda M. JOnes er '~ PLEASE ISSUE RELEASE OF LIEN TO: FLnsn TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY P. O. Box 701 ~ ' RIVERSIDE, CA. 92502 Reccrding requested City of Fontaria When recorded u~il tot City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~q Pursuant tO tile authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19. 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June 19..81., by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real proper~y in the sum of Eight ~undred and Eight and 33/100 Dollars ...... ($ 808.33 ) and the same shall be a lien upon'said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19 ~, has been paid in full and dischar~ed of record. The real property hereinbefore ~entioned and upon which a lien' ~s claimed. that certain piece or parcel of land lying and be~ng in the City of Font~na, County of San Bernardins, State of California, and particularly described as follows, Assessors No. 251-233~19 : .L: ,,, ,~,,%, / ....Rinks ~189 Reccrding requested by City of Fontano When recorded mail to: City of Fontand P, O, Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer , 19 81,,,, cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June 19 8~..., by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight }bandred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ...... ($ 819.18 J and the same shall be o lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rote of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July , 19 ILL, has been paid In full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, that certain piece or parcel of land Iying and being in the City of Fontaria, County of San Beroardioo, State of California, and psrttcularly described as follows, to wit: .... Assessors No. 251-233-18 Obligors: Opal Kitchlns 31st STATE OF ~LIFO~ ) SS ~ C~N~ OF SAN B~EO) Robert Schoenborn, P,E. On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a Notary Public in end for said County and States persoDally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontann, a mnicipsl corporation, and known to me to be the person whose nsme is subscribed to the within ~nst~ment and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said ~nicip8I corporation. WIEESS my hand and official seal. ~4~ Rk~ .FASE OF LIEN Fontana, California Date September 16, 1982 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIVED OF Bosick, Edward, Jr. $ 845.83 , in payment of Chapter 27 Lien. Parcel No. 251-233-17 , Project P 617 Ch. 27 #189 J ~z0 ~ewer Principal $ 819.18 Interest $ 26.65 Please issue Release of Lien. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: Bosick, Edward, Jr 9752 Alder ~ Bloomington, CA 92316 Edwin E. emeyer Finance Director Recording requested by When recorded mail Edward R. Bosick, Jr. 9752 Alder Avenue Bloomington, CA 92316 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontaua under authority vested in him hy the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property here- insfret described ie hereby released, She claim bere~mder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrum~n~ Noel'17442an August 6, 1981 tn Book Page __ Official Records of San Bernar- STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ' '$S,m~ , d and official see1, ePATRICIA M. MURRAY ' Reccrdlng requested by City of Fontann %qhen recorded mail City of Fontann P. O. Box 518 Fontann, California 92335 NOTICE OF Fursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May 19 81 cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontann did, on the 16th day of June 19 81., By Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid no= any part thereof, and the said City of Fontann does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Nundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, ~¢ith interest at the rate of . 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July , 19 8]., has been paid in full and discharged of zecord. The real property herelnbefore mentioned'and upon which a lien is ~laimed~ is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontann, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, STkTE OF ~LIFOP~ ) Da 31st Jul in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known ~o me and acknowledged that he executed the same o~ behalf of said mnlclpal corpora~ioe. XdI~ESS my hand and official seal. Retarding requested by City of Fontand When recorded mail City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~ Fursuant to the autho.~ity vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , ~ause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 ,, by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon che real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the sa~d City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($ 819.]8 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 . percent per annum, from the said ~ 16th day of July , 19 8] , has been paid in fulI and discharged of record. The real property heretnbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certaln piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontand, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: ...... COUNTY OF SAN B~D~O). SS Ro haenborn, Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontan~ On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L, Wandel, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, persoDally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontan~, a ~nicip~l corporation, and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said ~nictpal corpora~ion. WI~ESS my hand and official seal, ............. ~ Franks #189 t~ELEASE OF I~ NecordinS requested by When recorded mail to: RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property here- inSfreE described is hereby released, the claim here~nder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice Of Lien recorded as Instrument Noal'174~2~n as ohligors, is hereby satisfied and discharged. Joseph S. and Jennie R, Mayberry Robert Schoenbu~n~ P.E. ~xperintendent of Streets, City of Fontaria STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) C~ OF SAN BER~INO) ~ Fe~Tuarv 2. 1983 before mes Wllma Finsak a Notary ~blic in and for said County and Sta~es perso~lly appeared me co be the ~perintendent of Streets of the City of ation ~ and ho~ to me to be the person ~ose na~ is subscribed to the ~hin Sostrash= and acknowledged that he executed =he s~ on behalf of s~d mu,! corporation. WIT~SS roy hand end offic se~. Mayberry ~189 Eeccrding requested b' City of Fontana When recorded mail tol City of Fontana P. O, Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~q Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May 19 81 cause' Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontana did, on the 16th day of June 19..81 , by Resolution No, 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ........ ($ 819,18 ) and the same shall he a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of . 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19 ~1_, has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, A~seesors No. 251-233-15- -' 6bligors: Joseph S. and Jennie R, MayBerry C~N~ OF SAN B~I~D~O), SS ~e t .S Ro r choenborn, P,E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontanm On July 31, 1981 before.me, Geraldine L, Wandel, ~ Notary Publi~ in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said ~nicipal corporation. WI~ESS my ban4 and official seal. :'~: ~ ' Mayberry ~189 City of Fontand When recorded mail tot City of Fontand P, O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LIMq Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19. 81., cause Sanitary Sewer to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June real property hereinafter described, @nd the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight ~undred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ........ ($819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, ~;ith interest at the rate of . ~ percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19 a] , has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon ~hich a lien is claimed, ~hat certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City'of Fon[ana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and pareicularly described as follows, Assessors No~ ~51~233-1~. O51igors: D~n ~, Newton and WandaNewton C~N~ OF SAN B~O)· SB Robert .Schoenborn, P, E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before me, Ger~]dine L. Wandel, ~ ]]otary Public in and for said County and Sta~e, persoDally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintenden~ of Streets of the City of Fontana, a ~nicipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within Inst~ment and acknowledged that he executed the szme on behalf of ~aid ~nic~pal NI~ESS my hand and official seal. Reccrding requested by City of Fontand When recorded mail to: City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LIE~q pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , csuse Sanitary Sewer to be constructed, and the City of Fontana did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part ther'eof, Mnd the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ......... ($ 819.18 ) an4 the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of , 6 percent per annuma from the said 16th d~y of July , 19.83__, has been paid in full and discharged of recOM. The real property hereinbefore mentioned dud upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontan~, County of San Bernardins, State of California, and particularly described as follows, Assessors No, 251~233-13 , , ~ STATE OF ~LIFOP~ ) Da ' ~ _ Jul7 _, 19 Lane #189' City of rontana When recorded m~il City of Fontant P. O, Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~q pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontana did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property heroinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Right Rundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, ~ith intereat at the rate of ..6. percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19/]L, has been paid in full and discharged of record, The real property heroinbefore mentioned and upon x~hich a lieu is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontand, County of San Zernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows. AsseSsor, No. 231 233-12 Obligors: William O, Gr~er and Rfta Norton STATE OF CALIFOpjqIA ) Dated thF,~/' 31st day of July _, 19 8j COUNTY OF SAN BE~N~LRDINO)- SS Robert .Schoenborn, P,E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontana On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, e Notary Public ~n and for said County and State, persomally ~ppea~'ed Robert Schoenborn~ known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, e municip~l corporation, and known to ~e to be the person whos~ name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municlpal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Recording requested by City of Fontaria When recorded mail City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~ Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May 19 81 cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontaria did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinmfter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Pontaria does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... 7' ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19~Ll_, has bee, paid in fulI and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City'of Fontaria, County of San Bernardino, State of California. and particularly described as follows, Asses~or~ No. 251-233-11 ~\~ Obligor~: Fartell J. Minkle and Annen B. ~inkle e m ay of Jul COUNTY OF SAN BE~LMARDINO)-8S Robert.Schoe~born, Superint~ndent of Streets, City of Fontaria On July 31, 1981 before.me, Cer~ldine ~. Wandel, a H0tary Publi~ in and for said County and State, personally ~ppeared Robert Schoenborn, known to m~ to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fon[ana, a municipal corporarich, and acknowledged that he executed the s~me on behalf of said municipal corporation. WItlESS my hand and official seal. Minkl~ #189 City of Foncana When recorded mail City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Actor 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer , 19 81 cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property herefnafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim ~ lien on said real property in the sum of Eight ~undred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ........ ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of. 6 percent per annum~ from the sa~d 16th day of July 19 33_, has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property herefnbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, that certain piece or parcel of land ly~nE and beinz in the City'bE Fontand, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: bass,ors No, 251~233-10 ~ ~ Obligors: ~ Bryant COUN~ OF SAN B~N~INO). SS Robert .Schoenborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a Hotsty Public in and fez said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the city of Fontand, a municipal corporarich, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instm,nent and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said ~nicip31 corporation. WI~ESS my hand and official seal. Reccrdlng requested b City of Fontand When recorded ma~l to: City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~ Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer · 19 81 , cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the . real property hereinsfter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part in the sum of E~Sht Mundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall he a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the ~ald 16th day of July .~ 19 ZJ__, has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real propert~ hereinbefo~e mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, ~ Obligors: Sk~leyA, Youcharts COUNTY OF SAN BE~MARDINO). 8S Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On _ July 31, 1981 before me, GerAldine L. Wandel, a Hotdry Public in and for said County and State, persoDally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a ~nicipal corporaCinn, and known to me ~o be the person whose n~me ~s subacribed [o the within inst~men~ and acknowledged that he executed the same on Behalf of said ~nic~pal corporation, WI~ESS my hand and official seal. City of Fontand When recorded mail tel City of Fontana P. O, Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I didm on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of_June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, end the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, ~.;ith interest at the rate of ..6 ,percent per annum, from the said 16th day of JuJy 19 ~] , has been paid in full and discharged of record. The reel property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Cityof Fontana, County of San Bernerdino, State of Californio, and particularly described as follows, to wit: - · ~ ' .... -- As.e ,ors e.251-233-06 . . Obligors: Anita (chadick) Butterfield COUN~ OF SAN B~I~O)-S~ ' ' Robert Schoenborn, P,E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fon~anm On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L, Wandel, a Hotdry Publi~ in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known ~o me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a ~nic~pal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose n~me is subscribed to the wi~hin tnst~ment and acknowledged that he executed the ~ame on behalf of said mnic~pal corporaalert. WI~ESS my hand and official seal. Recording requested by City of FontaDo When recorded mail toz City of Fontana P. Oo Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~Q Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May 19 81 . csuse Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructedj and the City of FontaDo did, on the 16th day of JuDe 19 81., by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the reel property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of FontaDo does hereby claim a lien on said real proper~y in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ..... ($819.18 } end the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the 'said sum, with intere~t at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 1Sth day of July 19 ~1_, has been paid In full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed~ that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City'of. Font~na, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to w~t: ' .... -- Assessors No. 251-233-05 O51igors: Samuel L. McGla~hery& Janice K. McGlathery STATE OF ~LIFO~ ) Da 17 . 19 81 COUN~ OF SAN B~M~O)- ss Robert .Schoenborn. Superintendent of Streets. City of FontaDo On _ July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a ~]otmry Public ~n and for sai,' County and State, persoDally appeared Robert Schoenborn. known to me and known to ~ to be the person whose n~me is ~ubscribed to the within t~st~ent and acknowledf ~ that be executed the same on behalf of ~aid ~n{cfpa~ corporation, WI~ESS my her ~nd off' 'el seat C~Q~'~ k ~ . Reccrding requested by City of Fontann When recorded mail City of Fontana P, O. Box 518 Fontnna, California 92335 pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did., on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer · 19 81 , cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontann did, on the 16th day of June 19 8!, by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any pert thereof, and the said City of Fontann does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ........ ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall he a lien'upon said real property until the said sum, with intere~ at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July , 19 B] , has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the Ctty"of Fontann, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit; Assessors No. 251-233~04 ' ' ' ~/~ ....... ',, Obligors:' Reyes Nunez, JT; ann Mary J. Nunez STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Dat ' . Jul7 ~ 19 8_._1 RobertSchoenborn, On July 31, 1981 before me, Ger~ldlne L. Wands1, a ]~otary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official ~ne~ #189 Reccrding reqt!ested by City of Fontand When recorded mail City of Fontand P. O. Box Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~q Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I aid, on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer · 19 81., cause Facfl~ties to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such constr~ctio~ upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said reel property In the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ($819.18 ) end the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of .6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19R1, has been paid in full and discharged of record, The real property herefnbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is thut certain piece or parcel of lend lying and being ~n the Ctty"of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: -_. '__'.'LL_ ' ..-~ A, ses.o= No. 251-23 -03 Obl~gors:Serglo Medtna a'nd Maria Medtna CCFjNTf OF SAN BE~MABDI'NO). SS RobertSchoenborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before me, Oer~ldine L. Wandel, a 1lotdry Publid In and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, know~ to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person wboae name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Medtna #189 Recording requested by City of Fontand When recorded emil tel City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LIEN Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May ' Sanitary Sewer , 19 81 cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontana did, on the 16th day of June 19 81., by Resolution No. 81-73 . assess the cost of such construction upon the real property herainafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred S~venty Three and 4b/lO0 Dollars--- ($ 873.40 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July , 19 hl , has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City"ofFontena, County of San Bern~rdino, State of California, and particularly described as fellows, to wit: Assessors No. 251-232-18 . Obligors: Donald R. and Ludema T, Cimo~ski STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Dat~' July , 19 8_1 Re choenborn, P.E~ Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a ]totdry Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporarich, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said uranlcipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Cimowski'#189 ' Reccrding requested by City of Fontand When recorded mail City of Fontand P. O. Box Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~ Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer , 19 81 , cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($ 819.18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of. 6. percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19J~l_, has been paid in full and discharged of record, that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontand, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, Assessors No. 251-232-20 Obligors: Russel Lane, Jr. and Ruth Lane COUNTY OF SAN B~NARDINO). SS ' R~ertSchoenborn+ Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before.me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a Notary Publio in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me and acknowledged that he executed the ~ame on behalf of said ~n~cipal corporation. WI~ESS my hand and official seal. Lane ~189 Reccrding requested by City of Fontaria Hhen recorded mail to: City of Fontaria P, O. Box 518 Fontaria, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~q Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer , 19 81 m cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Font~na did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereofm end the acid City of Fontnag does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight· Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ....... ($819,18 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sums with interest at the rate of .6 .percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July , 19 81 , has been paid in full and discharged of record. The reel property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, ls that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontand, County of Sen Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit:__ Obligors~obhle J. and Ltnda M, Jones COUNTY OF SAN BEI~TARDINO)- Ss Robert Schoenborn, P.M. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a Notary Public in and for said County and States personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is 6ubscrlbed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on hehalf of said municipal corporation,' WITNESS my hand and official seal, Jones #189 Recerding requested by City of Fentans When recorded mail City of Fentans P. O. Box 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF LIMQ Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did., on the 29th day of May Sanitary Sewer , 19 81..., cause Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fentans did, on the 16th day of June 19 81 , By Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any pert thereof, and the said CIty of Fentans does hereby claim a lien on said reel property in the sum of Fight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ...... ($ 819,18 } and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, ~ith interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of Juiy , 19 B1 , has Been paid in full and discharged of record, The real property herelnbefore ~entioned and upon which a lien that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fentens, CoUnty of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as followsm to wit: .... ~sessors Da?~~f JUl7 , 19 81 STATE OF ~LIFO~ ) CGUN~ OF SAN B~NARD~O) Robert Scho~nborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of FentanS On July 31, 1981 Before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a lqotary Publi~ in and for said County and State, parseDally appeared Robert Schoenbor~ known te me to b~ the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fon~ana, a ~nicipal corpo~stion, and known to me to be the person whose name ~s sub~cribed ~o the within inst~ment and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of maid ~n~cfpal corporation. Reccrding requested by City of Fontana When recorded mail City of FOntend P. O, Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LIng Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontane did, on the 16th day of June 19. 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 . assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been pa~d nor any pert thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Hundred Nineteen and 18/100 Dollars ($ 819,18 ) and the same shell be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19R1, has been paid in full and discharged of record. The reel property hereinbefore mentioned.end upon which a lien is claimed, that certain piece or parcel of land lyins and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as fellows, . Asse~sor~s No, 251-232~23 ' Obligors: Anthony Oftado S~TE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) Robert Sch6enborn, Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a ]~otary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, knowo to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporation, and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal ~orporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Reccrding requested by City of Pontand lqhen recorded mail to[ City of Fontand P. O. Box 518 Fentuna, California 92335 NOTICE OF LI~ Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fentans did, on the 16th day of June 19 81.., by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property herei8after degcribed, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand do~a hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight ~undred Seventy Three and 40/100 Dollars ($ 873.40 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said. 16th day of July m 19 8]., has beeB paid in full and discharged .of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien that certain piece or parcel of land lying and bein8 in the City of Fontand, County of Safi Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as fOllowS~ ASsessors No. 251-232-24 Obligora:Kevan and Robin Hensman STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Da~~~ Jul7 , 19__81 COUNTY OF SAN BEKNARDINO). SS Robert 8chOenborn, P.E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On 3uly 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, a ~otary Publi~ in and for said County and State, personally appears8 Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporaticn~ and acknowledged that he executed the same o~ behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Reccrding requested b~' City of Fontana When recorded mail tom City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 Fontaria, California 92335 NOTICE OF Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th May day of , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontann did, on the 16th day of 3une 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter describea~ and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontann does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of E~ght Hundred Seventy Three and 40/100 Doliars ($ 873.40 ) and the same shall be a lien upon said real property until the said sum~ with interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16rh day of July 19 P~L_, has been paid in full and discharged of record. The real property heroinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: A~esso~s No. 2Si-Z32-0i qO~ Obligors: Chester D, and Vickie Hoover ST~TR OF ~LIFORNI~ ) SS ' COUNTY OF SAN B~a~0) Rober~ Schoenborn, Supe~intendent o[ Streets; City of Fontaria On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. ~andel, s Notary Public In and for said County and SZa=e, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn; known to to be ~he Superintendent of g~reets of the City of Fonta~, a mnicipal corporation, and ~nown ~o me to be ~he person whose name is subscribed to the ~i~hin instrument and acknowledged Chat he executed the same on behalf of eaid ~nicipal UI~RSS my hand and official seal. Boovet #189 ReccrdtnS requested b- City of Fontand l~ben recorded mail to: City of Fontsea P. O. Box 518 Fontand, California 92335 NOTICE OF LIEN Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructedm and the City of Fontand did, on the 16th day of June, 19 81 , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontand does hereby claim a lien on said real property in the sum of Eight Eundred Seventy Three and 40/100 Dollars ($ 873.40 ) and the same shall be a 1fen upon said real property until the said sum, with interest at the rata of 6 percent per annum, from the said 16th day of July 19 81 , has been paid in full and discharged of record, The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel Of land lyinS and being in the City of Fontend, County of San Bernardleo, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to ObliSors: Guy R, and Joyce Centanni STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS ' COUNTY OF SAN BERNAP. DIN0). Robert Sch6enborn, P,E. Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontand On July 31;11981 before me, Geraldine L, Wandel, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontand, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name ie subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and officfa1 seal. Centanni ~189 Recording requested by City o~ Fontaria When recorded mail City of Fontana P. O. Box 518 Fontana, Ca%ifornia 92335 NOTICE OF LIE~] Pursuant to the authority vested in me by the Improvement Act of 1911, I did, on the 29th day of May , 19 81 , cause Sanitary Sewer Facilities to be constructed, and the City of Fontann did, on the 16th day of .June, 19 8I , by Resolution No. 81-73 assess the cost of such construction upon the real property hereinafter described, and the same has not been paid nor any part thereof, and the said City of Fontann does hereby claim a lien on said ~eal property in the sum of Eight Hundred Seventy Three and 40/100 Dollars ($ 873.40 ) and the same shall be e lien upon sa~d real property until the said sum, ~ith interee% at the rate of 6 percent per annum, from the said i6th day of ~ul? ~ 19 81' , has been paid in full and discharEed of record. The real property hereinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lyin~ and being in the C~ty of Fontann, County of San Bernardino, State of California, aM particularly described as follows, to wit: Assesor's No. 251-231-09 ~ Kenneth W. and Kathlene ~easley Obl~Eors: C~NTY OF 5AN B~A~O). SS R~bert Schoe~born, P,E. Superin~endent of Streetss City of Fonta~ On July 31, 1981 before me, Geraldine L. Wandel, s Notary Public ~n and for sa~d County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to b~ the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontshas a municipal corporation, and k~wn ~o me to be the person whose name is subscribed to ~he within insCru~ent and acknowledged that he executed the same o~ behalf of said municipal corporation. WI~ESS my hand and offlcial seal, w2ity of FontaWa CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM FILE: Chapter 27 #189'~' TO: Finance Director P-617 FROM: Public Works Department SUBJECT: Distribution of Cost , DATE: July 29, 1981 The improvement project for the construction of sanitary sewer facilities on Mallory Drive between Oleander Avenue and Cypress Avenue is now complete and your records should reflect the following: Payment to J & J Sewer (Progress Est. #1) $25,154.78 " " " (Progress Est. #2) 574.64 " " " (10% Retention) 2,858.83 Payment to Herald News 65.69 Credit to 157.4 (Engineering & Administration) ' 2,573~00 Total Project Cost $31,226.94 Property Owner Assessment (Attached) ' 124,829,83 To he charged to Sewer Funds 67397.11 Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate cc - Irene City Council Minute~ - 8 - June 16, 1981 Public hearing was opened on Notice of Cost to install sewers on PUBLIC HEARING Mallory Drive between Oleander and Cypress - total cost $24,829.83. NOTICE OF COST 31 parcels were involved in the project - individual costs ranging SEWERS MALLORY DR. from estimated $700 to $900. No written communications were re- CH 27 #189 P-617 ceived nor oral statements made in favor of or in opposition to the RES. 81-73 proposed costs. Hearing was closed. Public Works Director Schoenborn stated the council previously approved the allowance of 10 annual installment payments, in response to in- quiry by City Clerk Murray. Resolution No. 81-73, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA OVERRULING ALL PROTESTS, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT, ASSESSING THE COST OF INSTALLING SEWERS IN MALLORY DRIVE BETWEEN OLEANDER AND CYPRESS, Chapter 27 #189, P-617, allowing the payments of $50 or more to be made in 10 annual installments with interest at 6% per annum, and ordering Notices of Lien to be delivered to the County Auditor, was introduced by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Councilman GiIday, and adopted by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Gilday, Koehler, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: None .: :. RESOLUTION NO. 81-73 A E3~SOLIrEION O~ THE CI~/~UNCIL OF ~E CII~/OF FO~A OVERI{ULING ALL PROTESTS, CO~IP, MING ~I~tE REPORT OF ~E Slq{EET S~ERI~rIE~EIQT, ~SESSING S COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF S~ ~IN A~ ~T~ IN ~LLORY DRIP, OL~ER A~E TO e~SS AV~E. BE IT RESOLV~ by the City Council of the City of PontaRe foll~s: EECTION 1. That all protests be overruled, the report of the Street Superintendent be confimed~ and the cost of construction of sewer ~im and laterals in Mallory Dr~ve, Oleander Avenue to Cypress Avenue, he SECTION 2. Tkat the pa~ent of such assessments of $50.00 more be allowed to be made in ten (10) annual installments with inte)?est at 6% per anu~. SEC~ON 3. ~at the Not{ce of Lien for ~ork performed ~e ae3.ivel?ed to the County Recorder. SECTION 4. ~at the amount of the lien be entered on the County Assessment hook and be collected with all other ta~es. EECTION 5. That this action be taken in' accordenos with Section 5893 of the Streets and Highways Code. ~PRO~ ~OPTED this 16th da~ of June+ 1981. . ~ /S/ ~rank Horzen · Ma~or of the City of FoRtaRa A~EST: /s/ Patr~c~ M. Murray City Clerk hereby certify that the foregoing ~esolution was duly and reSularly adopted the City Council of the City of FontaRe at a re~ular meetbE thereof, held on the 16th day of June, 1981~ by the foll~tn~ vote to wit: AYEE: .~yor Horzen, Councilmen ~reeman, Gilday, Kochlet, Kra~ness NOES: None ~S~: None' /s/ particle M, Murray City Clerk of the City of ~PRO~D AS TO /s/ John M. RaSer City Attorney Recording requested by City of Fontsos When recorded mail City of Fontsue P. O. Box 518 Fontsos, California 92335 NOTICE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3086 of the Civil Code of the State of California and authorization of the City Council of the City of Fontana, NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN that work on that certain project known as lPetellatieA of $ee~ YaJ~and Late~tts its !!a~len ~(ive. 01--,~*. Ave. ee Project No. ~-&17 , for the City of Fontsos, was completed and accepted by the City of Fontana on the t,a day of ~ 19 Sl . The said work was performed by J & 3 8~ C~Spa~ of 499~ ~F' St, ehi~, Ca 91710 in accordance with the terms of Written agreement dated the lltk day of ~e~, 19 L- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Sg Dated this ~thday of j~sae ,19 81 COUNTY OF SAN BEENARDINO) Robert gchoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director, City of Fontaria On Jess $, lS$1, before me, Qeral4iaeL, ~s~el, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Public Works Director of the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporations and kGo~h~ tO me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporations WI~ESS my hand and official seal, MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA REGULARMEETING JUNE 2, 1981 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fontana was held on Tuesday, June 2, 1981 in the City Hall Council Chambers, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California. Mayor Horzen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Following the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, invocation was given by Reverend Bill Gunn, Fontana Community Church. Present - Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Koehler, Kragness ROLL CALL Absent - Councilman Gilday Motion was made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Councilman MINUTES Freeman, to approve minutes of May 19, 1981 Regular Council Meeting as submitted, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Koehler, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gilday Motion was made by Councilman Freeman, seconded by Councilman CONSENT CALENDAR Kragness, to remove item H from Consent Calendar (hl~ concern being with Item Nos.l-3 on pg. 2 of proposed resolution) and to approve Consent Calendar items A thru G, as recommende by staff as follows: A. Adopted Resolution No. 81-61, approving warrants 14291 through 14323 and C-44832 through C-45017 in the total amount of $125,971.80. B. Denied claim filed by Sprague, Milligan and Beswick, Attorneys at Law, on behalf of Donald Keith Bowman, Claimant, dated Apr{1 14, I981, for alleged assault and battery. C. Accepted as complete the subdivision improvements in Tract 10523, and authorized the release of 50% of the security guaranteeing performance of the Subdivision Agreement - remaining 50% to be released in 6 months less any claims filed. D. Released $1,740.00 to Woodhaven Developers per Suspense Deposit A/C 141 No. 1380 to guarantee monumentation of Tract 10523. E. Adopted Resolution No. 81-62, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA / ACCEPTING THE SEWERS IN MALLORY DRIVE AS A PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. F. Adopted Resolution No. 81-63, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA, IN SUPPORT OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE CHIN0 BASIN WATER RECLAMATION STUDY. G. Set public hearing date for Tuesday, June 16, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chamber, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, for the purpose of considering adop- tion of (1) Operating Budget, (2) Revenue Sharing Budget, (3) Sanitary Sewer Revenue Fund Budget, (4) Redevelopment Budget, for the City of Fontana for FY 1981-82. Motion carried By the following vote: AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Kochlet, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gilday CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - 5 - JUNE 2, 1981 Motion was made by Councilman Freeman, seconded by Councilman ACCEPT WORK PERFORMED Kragness, to accept as complete the work performed by J & J BY J & J SEWER CO. - Sewer Company on Mallory Drive between Oleander and Cypress APPROVING FINAL EST. Avenues, approving the Final Estimate in the amount of $28,588.25, OF $28,588.~5 (P-617) and authorized the Public Works Director to execute and file the Notice of Completion, and carried by the following vote: ; . AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Koehler, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gilday RESOLUTION NO. 81-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA ACCE~TING THE SEWERS IN MALLORY DRIVE IN TRACT 3964 AS A PART OF THE SEWER SYSTEM. W~EREAS, Section 26-57 of the Code of the City of Fontand provides that each addition to or extension of the sewer system shall be accepted hy Resolution of the City Council; and W~EREAS, the Resolution of Acceptance shall contain the terms of any special consideration which shall apply to the sewer so accepted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fontand that sewer Lateral 4112 in Mallory Drive from Manhole No. 3A in 0leander Avenue to Cleanout No. 1 is hereby accepted as a part of the sewer system of this City. No special consideration shall apply for Lots 6, 7, 31, 32, 56 thru 83 of Tract No. 3964. kPPROVED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 1981. /s/Frank Norzen Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: /s/Judy ¥. Mills Deputy City Clerk I, Judy Y. Mills, DeputyCity Clerk of the City of Fontana, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly ;idopted hy the City Council of the City of Fontana at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 2nd day of June, 1981, hy the following vote to wit: AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Koehler, Kragness NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Gilday /s/Judy Y. Mills Deputy City Clerk of the City of Pontaria APPRO!rED AS TO FORM: /s/ John M. Rager City Attorney ks Distribution: Contractor CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No. 2 & Final of work done on Contractor: J & J Sewer Co. Installation of Sanitary Sewer Facilities in Mallory Drive, Oleander to Cypress Period Ending: 5/22/81 File: P-617 QUANTITIES Contract Item Description Previous This Est. Total Unit Price Amount i Sewer anhole 4 4 Each 875.OO $3,500.00(:: 2 8" Vitrified Clay Pipe 1180 30 1210 L.F. 13.00 15,730.00 3 4" Vitrified Clay Pipe 670 28 698 L.F. 7.00 4,886.00 4 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 117.85 0.50 118.35 Tons 35.00 4,142.25 5 Sewer Terminal Cleanout 1 0 1 Each 295.00 295.00 Amount at Contract Prices $28,553.25 Prepared By: ~__.,~ Extra Work C.C.O. #1, Item 3 35.00 Checked By: Total Value of Work Completed 28,588.25 Deduction - 10% 2,858.83 _. ate-.~Z_~ Total Amount Due to Date o D Total Previous Paymemts Approved for Payment:~~ ~"J'~/ Amount Due this Estimate $ 574.64 Public Works Director Date HearinE Date: June 16, 1981 5/29/81 Chapter 27 #189 P-617 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - CHAPTER 27 #189 - REPORT OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT ON WORE DONE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF TME STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE, The work includes the installation of sanitary sewer facilities on Mallory Drive between Oleander Avenue and Cypress Avenue at a total cost to the abutting owner of $24,829.83. Assessor's Amount of Number OWner and Mailing Address Assessment 251-231-O8 Bennett, Willie & Esther $704.92 9495 Acacia -09 Haaslay, Kenneth W. & Kathlene 873.40 16304 E1 Molino -33 Centanni, Guy R. & Joyce 873.40 16496 E1 Molino 251-232-01 Hoover, Chester D, & Vickie 873.40 16303 E1 Molino -24 ~ensman, Kevan & Robin 873.40 16368 Mallory -23 Oftado, Anthony 819.18 16376 Mallory ~22 Adair, Orvil L. & Evelyn M. 819.18 16384 Mallory -21 Jones, Rohhfe J. & Llnda M. 819.18 16392 Mallory -20 Lane, Russel, Jr. & Ruth 819.18 16415 Mallpry -19 Shaffer, Sylvia B. 819.18 2214 Pasadena Ave., L,A. 90031 -18 Cimowski, Donald ~. & Lodema T, 873.40 16426 Mallory -17 Aull, Darcella A. 873.40 16495 E1 Molino Ct. 251-233-02 Denney, Raymond E. & ~azel L 873.40 9885 Oleander -03 Medina, Sergio & Maria 819.18 16327 Mallory -04 Nunez, Reyes, Jr., & Mary J. 819.18 16335 Mallory -05 McGlathery, Samuel L. & Janice K. 819.18 16345 Mallory -06 Butterfield, Anita (Chadick) 819.18 16355 Mallory -07 Mouchens, Shirley A, 819.18 16363 Mallory -08 Fitch, Orval E. & MarJorie M. 819,18 16373 Mallory -09 Dossay, Clyde & Gloria N, 819.18 16381 Mallory -10 Bryant, Eva 819.18 9244 Sierra REPORT OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT 3/29/81 Assessor's Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address Assessment 251-233-11 Hfnkle, Farrell~J. & Annen B. $819.18 16399 Mallory -12 Greet, William O. 819.18 3225 Miramonte Dr., San Bernardino 92405 and I. Norton, Rite 5615 Stanton, Highland -13 Lane, Russel E. Jr., & Ruth S. 819.18 16415 Mallory -14 Newton, Damon L. & Wands 819.18 16423 Mallory -15 Mayberry, Joseph S. & Jennie R. 819.18 16431 Mallory -16 Franks, Ronny D. & Connie J. 819.18 16441Mallory -17 Bostck, Edward ~., Jr. 819.18 9752 Alder, Bloomington, 92316 -18 Hitchins, Opal 819.18 16459 Mallory -19 Rinks, Richard Do & Rite 808.33 16469 Mallory -2- Ch 27 #189 City of Fontana CALIFOI~NIA June 3, 1981 File: Chapter 27 #189 Property Owner: Subject: Notice of Cost for Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Mallory Drive between Oleander and Cypress Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of ~st. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for in the Notice. If not paid it will become a lien against the property and will accrue interest at 6% per annum and ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you hook your property to the sewer you will be required to pay $ connection charge of $151.00, $20.00 for a plnmbing permit, and a "d~linquency" deposit of $1]..40 for a one bathroom house ($13.40 for two). The City Council has already given its approval for this project to be paid for in ten annual installments with interest at 6% per annum. If you have any questions about the cost of the work please get in touch wi~h us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/gw 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOx 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3411 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing linearfeetofcurb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and hu~.te~ Se~er ~'e~Ll.~t~.ee in front of your property, located at ~eeeee~t'e ~;o, 25Z-2~Z-08 Fontana, California, was $ 70~.92 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3mu~ ]-6..1.98I at 1;.10 1~."- , ~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date a'.~.e 5, 1981 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A.OU.T SNOWN A.OVE WILL .S OUE City Of FOntana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and S,n:l. ta~',~ ~ef ~'ac~.l~.t:[.. in front of your property, located at ~aamaore 14o. 2~Z-23Z-09 Fontana, California, was $ ~73-~,n , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ,It,...,. 16. 1181 at 7=30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3tme $. 118X THIS NOTICE: IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.s A.ou.'~ ..OWN Asove w,~ se Du. City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411, MENCS 3! DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. llmmmley/1189 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Sa,,{t~r~ Sever ~'~e~,ti~eB in front of your property, located at ~es~ore To, 2~1-231-33 _ , Fontana, California, was $ ~73./~0 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontaria, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .1'.-~ 16, 1981 f~t lt]0 p.m. ,:~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.. AMOUNT E.OWN ASOV. W~ .. DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DEL!N- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL C(SM- City Hail, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and ~a~i~r), Sesz~.f rs~ili~ies in front of your property, located at ~,aeeseo~:e Ho, 2~51-232-01 Fontana, California, was $ ~73.~0 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on J'~n-_ 16, 1981, s~ 7030 p.~. , all in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A.OUNT S.OWN AEOVE WILL sE DU; City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE NEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing linearfeetofcurb and glitter, square feet of sidewalk,, square feet of paving, and ~saitar~ ~ewe~ lf,,cili~ies in front of your property, located at ~kssess~re ~lo, 2~1-232-2~ Fontana, California, was $873.~,0 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June ~1, THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A.OUNT SHOWN ASOVE W~LL aS DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MINCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. N TI Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and ~,,ttt~ff Ilefa~ l~,,aiL-Ltles in front of your property, located at Ae~zemln'P~ )in, Fontana, California, was $ eZg. ZB , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, 3ertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .T,ne 16, 1961, at sn the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date .fa-e 7, 1981 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A'~OUNT SHOW" ASOVE W"-~, RS DUE City Of FOntaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTER]~ST AT 6~0 PER ANNUM W[LL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE Sl DAYS AFTER THe; NEARING. Ottado i*18~ N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and la~-'4c:~r~/I~&~-,e~ ~Zae~l~.t:!.e., in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ t;i.9.18 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ,1',me .S, 1481 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A~OUNT E"OW" ASOVE W'LL BE DUE City Of FOntana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AI' 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall. Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE SI DAYS AFTER THE HEARING, N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing linearfeetofcurb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and S~.c~t'~' 8ewe~ ~.~.J,c~.ee in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ 82,.~.~,.~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on `T-,,e ~6, ]gSt, ~ 7~ t' '~, ,~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3u=m 5, 1~81 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A~OUNT S.OWN ASOVE WILL .E DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. ,Tones t189 N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and s~t~:[taz~ Se~y®r ]~c~..t~.tt. ea in front of your property, located at .~seeso~'~ 1,T~, 251-~q12-]0 Fontana, California, was $ Rlq. ~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3tree 16, 1981 ac 7~30 p.=. in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE .MOUNT S.OWN A.ovE wiL~ .~ DuE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If fUrther, nformat on s needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- Cit~ Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYE AFTER THE HEARING. Lane J189 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and !ant~at'y 8ev~r Faeil~gtas in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ 819.18 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3u.~ :[6. :tSSl, ~t 7:~o I'-~. , Ii in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ,TeRm S, 10ll THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A"OUNT SHOWN ASOVE W,LL "E OU~ City Of FOntaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEAR[NG AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WELL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411, MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING, N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Sedtaz7 Sewer rac~.]j.t-~.eE in front of your property, located at Aese~solcs ~Io. 2~51-232-I8 Fontaria, California, was $ R1]~.&O , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3.,,,.. t~. 19~.. Ec 7:3rJ p.z.. , i:k in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ,lane ,9, 1981 THiS NOTICE IS YOUR BELL Superintendent of Streets, T.E AMoU.T .HOWH AROVE W,LL eE =us City of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYB THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 3f DAYS AFTER THE HEARING, N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and !"'":tt&L'7 lSe~,.e~ Facilities in front of your property, located at AIIISIOrl ~O, 2~1-2~2-17 Fontana, California, was $ 873.t,o , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3u~e 16, I98Z, ,tl: 7:30 p,m. ,:~1~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date J'~ae J, ZIeZ THIS NOTICE Is YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E ^.OUN? S.OWN ASOV. W.LL e. DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6(>/0 PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. AuZZ ll~J9 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and sa~itar7 Sevar aei 2tcliue~are in front of your property, located at AsseSsors No. 2~1-2~3-02 Fontana, California, was $ 873,40 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. June 16, 1981 at: 7:30 p.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~t in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3uaa 5, 1981 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE WILL BE DUE City of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAY8 THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING, Dammy e189 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Se~.t,.r~, Se~er ~aci].:ttiee in front of your property, located at ,4.eses~o~e ~To. 2~1-~33.-03 Fontana, California, was $ alg. ~s , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~'~n.~ ]-6. ].981. ~t 7::~0 p.3=. .~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ,~me .% t918]. THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A,~OU.T SHOWN ASOVE W,LL eE DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT e% PER ANNUM WILL CON- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. ~dtna #189 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and 8=,,4tltr/Se~er !'aetlttfee in front of your property, located at A~sese~re t~o. 2~],-233--04 Fontana, California, was $ 819,18 and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .T~.. 16. 1981, ~ 7:30 ~... , ll~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date .$~q,e ~, 1981 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E ..OUN? ..OW. A.OVE w,u, .E Du. City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. ~m~ e189 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and S.u~,ta~:~ Se~e3: l~ae~.li.t~.ee in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ 81q. ~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on J'tme Z6. Z981. at 7:30 ~.m. , IC~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such constructi on end any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Jm 5, 1181 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A~OUNT S.OWN ..ORE W~ .E ~UE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENt FiVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE B~ DAYS AFTER THE HEARING, aeClathex~ fZ89 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and 8rod, tel,/tll,,zer ~ec:tt:f_tiee in front of your property, located at Aaeeeeo~-s 1~o. 251-233~06 Fontana, California, was $ 8],f~.la , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on $,--, 16, 1~el ~ 7:~o t~.~,, , Ii in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3tram ~. 1911 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN AROVE WIlL .E DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WELL COM- MENCE 3f DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Rm~itlrY Sl.fer l?eetlJ. t:i. ee in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ 819.18 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Jm",.e 5, 1181 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A.OU.T ..OWN AS<~VE w:u, ss DuE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT S% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER TH~ HEARING. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and mm.~tmt7 Smve~ ~eil~ti~ in front of your property, located at A=sa~crs t~o. 251-233.-08 Fontana, California, was $ s~q.~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ,1'una 14, .1.991 et 7.'30 ~.m. ,1t in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3tree S, 1~1 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE W~LL SS DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. f:l.teh tl~l N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and !-_-J.t~7 ¶r.~r hd.:Ltt~.- in front of your property, located at Assess~x$ So,2,~1-233 09 - ~ , Fontana, California, was $ is19,18 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on -~u~ 16, 1ILL1., ,,t 7:30 p.,~. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ,/,,-e 5, 1911 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A.OUN~ SHOWN ABOVE W~LL eE DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEEEAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE Sl DAYE AFTER THE H~ARING. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Se~t-ta:V Se~.'~r~ ~'acilities in front of your property, located at ~easors ~e. Fontana, California, was $ e~9.1R , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~,~e 16, 198,1, a~: 7:30 p.m. . ~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date J-,",e 5, :!..18~ THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A.OUN? S.OWN AeOVE W~LL SE DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714) 823-3411, MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING, N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HER EBY GIVEN that the cost of constructs ng linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Sm~.~at-~ Sev~ t~ac~.~L~.t~.Gs in front of your property, located at ~seeaofe ~e. 251-233-Zl Fontana, California, was $ ~:L~.~2, , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~.no 16. :l.t~j. e~ 7:30 p.~.. , al~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3une 5. I961 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOU.T SHOW. ASOVE WILL RE DUE City Of FOntaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and imd.~s~nz Se~ef Ysci].$.~.~e in front of your property, located at Assessors fie. 251-~.~5.-12 Fontana, California, was $ ~19.18 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .f~e 16. ].98]. ac 7:30 p.m. , ~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ,Tune 5, 1981 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE ,MOUNT ..OWN AeOVE W,~L .E DUE City Of FOntaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAY6 THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTERSST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. G'l'tsr/Nort:on t189 N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and s,,~.7 S~ve~ ~I~H.,, in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ 61~, ~[8 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on J.~e Zb. Z~8;~ eL 7;3~ l~.,~. , ~i~ in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Jwam 5, XtS], THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE WILL, BS DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DEL,IN, QUENT FIVE DAYB THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714) 823-3411. MENCE 2If DAY2I AFTER THE HEARING. N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and s~t~ ~er F~cilitl~ in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ ,qlg. la , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3'.~.~_ 16. 1081 .- 7.'30 D.ra~ ,.t]~E in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date J'urLe 5, 19~1 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A.OUHT SHOWN ABOVE W~LL .. CUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN~ QUENT FIVE DAYS TNEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone JNTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall. Public Works Dept. (714)823-3411. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and San~t,.~ Sever ~aC~l~t~..R in front of your property, located at Fontana, California, was $ P,I'_',.z8 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A.OUNT ..OWN AeOVE W,~L se DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. May%erry N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing linearfeetofcurb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and S,.utt~r~¢ Se~fer F~e~li~s~ in front of your property, located at Assessors No, 251-.,933--16 Fontana, California, was $ 819.1,~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3tf,,~ 1~, lc~;~, et 7 '~0 l~m, ,~t in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3une J, 1~81 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E AMO..'~ a.ow..EOVE wa.L .E DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAY9 THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall. Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. F,za~ks #189 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and ~:~:,:3c~, ~e-z~= ~;L].~,t~,, in front of your property, located at Aeseleors l~To. Fontana, California, was $ iZI.Z8 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3uue 16. ].~83. at. 7:30 p.no ,Xit in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such constructi on and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 9. THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE ^MOUN? SHOWN ASOVE WtLL eS DUE City Of Fontaria, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, pFease phone iNTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. MENC[ 3! DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linear feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and s~,,~.r~ s~r ~ac~!i~es in front of your property, located at A~sessors l~'o, 251-,"~2,1~ Fontaria, California, was $ 1~9.~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on J~c 3_G, l~al at 7-36 p,m, , ~: in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ~, S, ~tS~ THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E A,~OU.T S.OWH ABovE w,u, .a DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT rIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone [NTI~REST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411. N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing linearfeet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Santt~z ~e~e: zadl~ies in front of your property, located at Assessors ]io, Fontana, California, was $s0~,~ , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Ju~,~, ~_6, 19f:;~, Rt' h'm p.m. , It in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date J--e .~, 1t8~ THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE WILL BE DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, ]f further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-3411, MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. Rinks By aeb N. hrter Accounting PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Distribution: Contractor CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA City Clerk Progress Estimate No. 2 & Final of work done on Contractor: J & J Sewer Co. Installation of Sanitary Sewer Facilities in Mallory Drive, Oleander to Cypress Period Ending: 5/22/81 File: P-617 QUANTITIES Contract Item Description Previous. This Est. Total Unit Price Amount i Sewer a hole 4 4 Each 875.0O $3,500.0 2 8" Vitrified Clay Pipe 1180 30 1210 L.F. 13.00 15,730.00 3 4" Vitrified Clay Pipe 670 28 698 L.F. 7.00 4,886.00 4 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 117.85 0.50 118.35 Tons 35.00 4,142.25 5 Sewer Terminal Cleaxmut 1 0 1 Each 295.00 295.00 ~_.,~ Amount at Contract Prices $28,553.25 Prepared By: Extra Work C.C.0. #1, Item 3 35.00 Checked By: Total Value of Work Completed 28,588.25 Deduction - 10% 2~858.83 Contractor Date Total Previous Paymemts ~ . Approved for Payment: Amount Due this Estimate $ 574.64 Public Works Director Date 'NVmCE ,JSe,.Co 9104 ~OLDTO City Of Fontarm, Ca, SHIPPED TO Sewer main &Laterals · rREET&NO. P,O Box 518 Fontana STREETaNO. Mallory Dr CITY Purchase Order No, 42178 C~TV Fontaria, Ca, 5/20/81 Extras on Job 30 1,f, of 8" v,c,p, $13,00 Per F~ $ 390, 00 28 1,f, of 4" v,c,p, 7,00 Per Ft 1~. 00 1-- 8'' by ~'' wye 35,00 each 35, 00 1/2 ton asphalt 35,00 Per ton 17, ~ Total $ ~n~ ,^ INVOICE ~3G PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 Date: May 14, 1981 Installation of Sanitary Sewer Facilities in Mallory Dr., Oleander to Cypress File: P-617 TO: J & J Sewer Co., 4994 "F" St., Chino, CA 91710 YOu are hereby directed to make the herein described changes from the plans and specifications or do the following described work not included in the plans and specifications or the contract. 1. Increase contract item #2 - 8" Vitrffied Clay Pipe ~ feet at contract unit price of $13.00 per L~near Foot. We; the undersigned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed, and hereby agree, if this proposal is approved, that we will provide all ~quipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perform all services necessary for the work above specified, and will accept as -full payment therefor the prices show~ above. By reason of this proposed change, -0- days extension of time will be allowed. Accepted: ~~ Robert Schoenborn ~c~-~7c~ Public Works Director Title~ Date: ~//%1~'/~/ .... Da~ ~ ~' ~98~ Distri tion:/ Contractor CI~ OF FO~, ~0~ City Clerk Progress Est~te No. 1 of ~rk d~e on ~ntractor J & J Sewer Co. Installation of Sanitary Sewer Facilities in Peri~ Endin~ 5/14/81 Mallory Dr. ~ Oleander to Cypress F. ile: P-617 QU~ITIES C~tract ~nt It3 Description Pre~ous ~is Est. Total Unit Price 1 Sewer Manhole 0 ~ 4 Ea. 875.00 ~3,500.00 2 8" Vitrified Clay Pipe 0 1180 1180 L.F. 13.00 15 ~ 340.00 3 4" Vitrified Clay Pipe 0 670 670 L.F. 7.00 ~,690.00 4 Asphalt Concrete Payment 0 ~.sv~u'(~.~, 117.85 117.85 Tons 35.00 4~124.75 5 Sewer Teminal Cleanout 0 1 1 Ea.. 295.00 295.00 Extra Work Prepared By: ~,~ Total Value of Work Completed 27,949.75 Deduction - 10% 2~794.98 Checked By: , Total Amount Due to Date 25,154.78 Total Previous Palments 0.00 Amount Due this Estimate $25,154.78 INVOICE NO. J ~ J sE,,,,ER coV V 9 10 2 4994 "F" STREET CH1NO, CAL. 91710 PH. 628-3635 ~,_~o..~,® ~ INVOICE 7H 738 CALIr-fJRNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE 338212 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT.. . merit or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any P · O, BO~' _'~91_ (address of person or firm furnishing labor, scrvices, -.JA~aj:bf. 4 ~z', e,a'i if,_ QO608 F '1 ;quipn~ent or m~terial)' E~ai'ile 8.8 CX, TD. ez' has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment, or materials of the following general description: ~ Pipe & Eitt~s for the building, structure or other work of improvement 10catedat: ~ ~ande~ ~ Ma~Zo~, _ . FOLD HERE (address or description of job site Fo~t, on~, ~11 I.at~rals ~ufficient for The .ame of the ~ersen er firm w~o contracted for the ~urchase Bf such labor, services, equipment er material i~: J & .T S~w~rs ~5262 (name and address of ~erson o~ rum) ~,994 '~' Street OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (onpublicwork) C~nO~ C~l~. (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, m~ices, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: ' ' ~ ' ~ optional as to owner or contractor) " "' ;92D5 (name) (address) Construction loan no. (if known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (addressl NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in fell for ~e labor, ~ices, eqeip* ment, or ma~rials fernished or to ~ fernished, a me- chanic's lien leading to the Io~, ~rough court fore- closere proceedings, of all or part of your proper~ being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so impro~d may be placed against ~e proper~ even Reputed Contractor, if any though you have paid your contractor in fell. Y~ may wish?o pro~ct yourself again~ this con~que~ce by (1) requ~rmg your contractor to fernlob a signed relea~ by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any offier meffiod "' ' :: ~erations ~lgnature ~,~.o.~,.~b~213 ~ 692-0865 This form (No. 594 Revised 1180) © Copyrighted by and distributed thr~Jgh BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 382-7151 CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE ,N ACCORDAN N,TH SECT,ON 3087 AND 309B. CA.FOE , ~,V,. CODE338212 THIS IS NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY (,UNTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT. ,, ~ ~ssion C]~y 1~toducts Corg._ (name of person or firm furnishirla labor, services, edulp- merit or material) CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any P~ 0s' ~ 39Z (address of person or firm furnishing labor, services, ~rmttt, ier, Cali£o 90608 ~ 2, . equipment or material) ~ U ~r has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment, or ~ materials of the following general description: ,: } 3et~,er Pipe & Fittin,t,,e :t (general description of the labor, services, equiOment or material furnished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement Iocated at:CJlea)~deZ' & FOLD HERE (address or description of job site FOntor. a, ~+11 surricienf for identification} The home of the person or firm who contracted for the ~orchase ,of such labor, serviaes, equipment or mataria} is: J & J s~rs (n~me ~nd addres~ of person or fi~m) ~+99~ 'F' Street OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY ' or Reputed Owner (on pubnc workl Chine, Calif. 91710 (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: ~)~ (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lende~ S~ - o.t,o.., as ,o o. ner or co.,,.~tor, , ~)5 , ;-:-~ :,: :',~ .:-Tf.st E..ds to which S. ppleme... ~ri.go Be.efi. a.e , ,,,,": :':" ':/'i,-,-,: · :,:~, ", : Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (address) Construction loan no, (if known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills a~ not paid in full for fie labor services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be ~urnished, a me- chanic's lien leading to the Ios~, through court foe- closure proceedings, of all or part of your property being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed against the property even Reputed Contractor, if any though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (I) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by she person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) auy offier meffiod I" 3 or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. Slt11~e 8,8' [~ller Dated: ~ 3'31-81 7 ' sienatore ) -'~-O Chiuo, ~ ~n4 ht~rals ~,~ ~ailo~ ~ive, Olea~ds~ Avenue ~O C~eSs As m~nt~d i~ ~o~lette~, s~a~ti~ dat~ fo~ th~s project is ~rch 19, 1981. " ~obert 8cho~bo~, ... ~,.. ... ~/~ ~"'~' : ~ - 6it~ ~Zark _ You may now release any bid bonds you may be holding fo~ this p~oJec~. : cc - Finance Director - You may now releas~ any cash bid bonds may be holding for ~his project. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN MALLORY DRIVE, OLEANDER'AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUE This agreement, ~nade aud concluded this 18th _ day of ~e.bruary ~_, 19 81 , ~tween the City of Fontana, party of ..... J & J ~evsr the ~ ~ ~ ~ the sa~ ~a~ o~ the ~s~ ~a~, ~ ~is o~n ~o~e~ cos~ a~ ~pe~se ~o.~o a~ the ~u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u~ ~ ~m~ ~u ~ goed werlmanlike nnd substantial ~nner, the following: Furnishing and installation of sewer main and laterals in Mallory D~ive, Olennder Avenue to Cypress Avenue. in ncnord~nce w~th the Special Provisions, and also in accordance ~ith the specifications entitled "City of ]~ontana, Public Works Depnrtment, City Standard Specifications", which smrid speciml provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to a~d by s~}th reference msde a part hereof. Said werk to be done is sl~own on the following plans: "Mallory Drive, Lmteral No. 4112", ~g. No. 1047 AR'I'ICI.E II: A~}d ~be snid Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for fu'fnishjng all mmterials and for all the work contemplated and cmbrated in this agreement; nlso for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the ~ofk aforesaid, or from the ~cts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which m~y arise or be encouutered in the prosccutfon of the work until its actep~'mnce by the City of Fontann ~nd for roll r~sks of every description conuccted ~ith the ,~ork; also for all e>~pense ~ncurred by or in consequence of the suspension or distont'~n~mnc~ of work, and for well and faithfully completing the york, and the whole thereof, ~n the man~'~er and according to the plans and specifications and requ~re~nents ~u~der them, to wit: Eact~ Su~.,er }~anl~o]e at 1].80 Linear Feat 8" Vjtrif:j~d Clay Sewer P~pe nt 670 Linear Feet/~" V:itrifled Clay Sex4er Lateral at 130 Tons Asphalt ConCrete Pave- 1 E~ch Sewer Terminal Cleanout at , ~ ~ ~ ~ ARTICLE III -- Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV -- It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict bet~een the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA .~C'~ito/f~Fon a BY: City Clerk, City of Fontana / APPROVED: CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana Std. 23 3/72 J AND J SEWER COMPANY STATE tiC. NO. 237203 4994 "g" ST. * CHINO, CALIFORNIA 91710 (714) 628-3635 (714) 627-1187 March 11, 1981 City of Fontana File: Ch 27,189 P-617 The followi~ information requested by you is as follows: 1. The name of the sub-contractor. None. 2. The name of the person authorized to sign contracts, change orders and similar is, Joe Sanchez Sr. 3. The name of the Superintendent, Joe Sanohez Jr. 4. Approximate work schedule to be started the week of March 19-20. Workto be done dailyat 200 hundred feet a day, untilcmpletion of work is done. 5. Primary class number, C-42 and state contractor's license number 237203. Sincerel3~ Joe Sanchez Sre, Owner J & J Sewer Service Chi~o, CA 9l~lO At the February 17, ~981 meetl~ o~ &he City Cou~tl, the concrac~ for cho l~talla~t~ of 8~er ~ala s~ h~erals in ~lloty ~ive , .: f~ Ole~ew ~enue =o ~prels Av~me vie Iward~ to y~r e~pa~. Four copies Of C~ coneriot are enelo~d ~or signtats of t~ ptoper ~lota~.. ~l~se retut~ ~hrae sopits to us aM keep one files, A fully executed copy viII be s~t Co you a~ s la~,~ da~e. YXeaSe supply u~ with t~ ~equ~ ~ont~aet ~ond9 Withim eight d~s as required b7 the epeCi~icati~e, r~ is also toques=aS f~ote~ ~e with the ~Ollewi~ ~.~e ~e o~ the S~pet~ee~en~ ox o~h~ pe~sem ~o ~11 ~ in ~hatSe, ,; 4, An appt~te leh~ule o~ e~ work, .. ~ 'J, h~ el~s ~d ~ez of your State ~ttaetor'l ~e goutlot t~ hblie WOt~ D~sz~t ~ so~ ~ possible to set Up a ~e-eo~t~gtt~ e~fet~t tO 20 ~etI t~ defile of e~ proJeGt, Motion was made by Councilman Free_man, seconded by Councilman Gil- AWARD CONTRACT J & J day, to accept a bid of $28,375.00 and award a Contract to J & J SEWER COMP~Y - P-617 Sewer Company for the installation of sanitary sewer facilities in CH. 27 #189 PROJECT Mallory between Oleander and Cypress, in accordance with their pro- posal, to be assessed to property owners and sewer funds (Engineer's Estimated $35,992.50) P-617, Ch 27 #189. Motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Gilday, Koehler, Kragness ~-17~'/ NOES: None ABSENT: None / CONTRACT PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINLAND LATERALS IN MALLORY DRIVE, OLEANDER AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUE To the City Council Of the City of Fontaria: The undersigned as bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications, and read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furi~ish all materials and do all the work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans, if any, ~and specifications in the ~ime and manner therein prescribed, for the onit price set forth in the following schedule. In case of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. -, _ !%~_ ___, TY ~ITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOT~V 1 4 Each Sewer Manhole at Each, 2 1180 Linear Feet 8" Vitrified per L.F. 3 670 L~near Feet 4" Vitrlfied per_ L.F. 4 130 Tons Asphalt ~oncretc Pave- .p_e__r yon. __ Each Sewer Terminal Cleanout ............... Each. City of Fontax ,a CALIFORNIA MEI~{ORANDUM TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR FRO~~ DEPUTY CITY CLERK SUBJECT: TRA/qSMITTAL CHECK FROM BID OPENING 2/10/81 DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 1981 Attached is Cashiers Check #2727763 in the amount of $2,986.50, dated February 10, 1981, received from Sclafani Construction, 17575 Filbert, Fontana, CA. regarding installation of sewer main and laterals in Mallory Drive, Oleander Avenue to Cypress Avenue - P-617. (SECOND TO LOWEST BIDDER) It is anticipated the bids will be awarded February 17th. Jm cc: Public Works Departmentx~/ I~CApi_nlrLATION OF BIDS Page 1 of 2 pages FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SFWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN M~LLORY DRIVE, OLEANDER AVER~ TO CYPRESS Bid Opening: February 10, 1981 IN THE CITY OF F0h~fA-NA Public Works Department Fontana, California Pile: Ch 27 #189 P-6!7 J & J Sewer Co. 8clafani Constr.__ C~P_ Cn~- Cn. Engineer's Estimate Chino , Fontana Ontario Item Description Quantity unit unit Price Tozal Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total 1 Sewer Manhole 4 Each $750.00 $3,000.00 $875,00 $3,500.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,020.00 $4,080.00 2 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe 1180 L.F. 13.85 16,343.00 13,00 15,340.00 11.00 12,980.00 12.50 14,750.00 3 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Lateral 670 L.F. 9.85 6,599.50 7.00 4,690.00 5.50 3,685.00 9,20 6,164.00 4 Asphalt Concrete Pavement 130 Tons 75.00 9~750.00 35.00 4,550.00 70.00 9,100.00 61.00 7,930.00 5 Sewer Terminal Cleanout 1 Each 300.00 300.00 295.00 295.00 100.00 100.00 265.00 265.00 TOTALS $35,992.50 $28,375,00 $29,865.00 $33,189.00 B & ~Construction ._ F. M. Mancha Novcoo, Inc. Lawrence A, Gosh ' =City Construction Co. Montclair Fontana Corona Los Angeles Covina Unit Price Total- Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total $750.00 $3,000.00 $890.00 $3,560.00 $755.00 $3,020.00 $1,149.25 $4,597.00 $740.00 $2,960.00 12.00 14,160.00 10.90 12,862.00 15.78 18,620.40 15.00 17,700.00 17.70 20,886.00 15.50 10,385.00 10,00 6,700~00 13.34 8,937.80 15.00 10,050.00 10.00 6,700.00 60.00 7,800.00 98.00 12,740.00 42.69 5,549.70 30.00 3,900.00 47.00 6,110.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 302.00 302.00 250.00 250.00 290.00 290.00 $35,595.00 $36,362.00 $36,429.90 $36,497.00 $36,946.00 RECAPITULATION OF BIDS FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS Page 2 of 2 Pages & LATERALS IN MALLORY, OLEANDER TO CYPRESS Ch 27 #189 - P-617 J & B Contractors Burch ~ngineering S.R. Pipeline Const J.R. Kirk Const. Co. Beecher Const. Co. M. Grbavac Const. Crestline Baldwin Park Plco Rivera Glendora W. Covina LaVeroe Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total $1,100.00 4,400.00 $1,000.00 4,000.00 $1,000.00 4,000.00 $900.00 3,600.00 $1,050.00 4,200.00 $950.00 3,800.00 14.88 17,558.40 18.00 21,240.00 18.00 21,240.00 22.50 26,550.00 18,00 21,240.00 14.55 18,349.00 11.82 7,919.40 14.00 9,380.00 15.00 10,050.00 10.50 7~Q~b.oo 16.25 10,887.50 12.00 8,040.00 · - 75.00 9,750.00 45.00 5,850.00 45.00 3,850,00 39.00 5,070.00 50.00 6,500.00 110.00 14,300.00 350.00 350.00 600.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 350.00 350.00 750.00 750.00 ~50.00 650.00 $39,977.80 $41,070.00 $41,640,00 $42,605.00 $43,577.50 $43,959.00 W. R. Company G.R. Frost, Inc, Kershaw Construction Ontario Los Alamitos Montclair Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total $~36.00 3,744~00 1,000.00 4,000.00 . 1,000.00 4,000.00 19.15 22,597.00 23.00 27,140,00 25.00 29,500.00 16.60 11,122,00 15.00 10,050.00 20.00 13,400.00 77.65 10,094.50 60.00 7,800.00 40.00 5,200.00 314,00 314.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 $47,871.50 $49,290.00 $52,600.00 MINUTES OF THE ~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA i.~,5 )~ REGULAR MEETING ~ -January 6, 1981 A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fontana was held on Tuesday, January 6, 1981 in the city hall council chambers', 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California. Mayor Morzen called the meeting to grder at 7:35 p.m. Following the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, invocation was given by Councilman Charles Koehler. ~ Present: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Gilday, Koehler ROLL CALL Absent: Councilman Kragness Motion was made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Councilman Gilday, MINUTES to approve minutes of December 16 Regular and December 17, 1980 Adjourned Regular Meetings, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Horzen, Councilmen Freeman, Gilday, Koehler NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Kragness Motion was made by Councilman Koehler, seconded by Councilman Freeman, CONSENT CALENDAR to approve Consent Calendar Items A through E, as recommended by staff, as follows: A. Adopted Resolution 81-1, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA APPROVING WARRANTS 12384 THROUGH 12688 AND C-42480 THROUGH C-42880, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $1,266,146.92. B. Adopted Resolution 81-2, A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA REVISING TIlE CLASSIFICATION PLAN for the Deputy City ~lerk position. C. Accepted the final map of Tract 10423, accepting as public all dedicated streets and easements, and authorizing the proper dity officials to enter into an Agreement with the subdivider for the construction of improvements in said tract. D. Approved plans and specifications for construction of sanitary sewers in Mallory~ v s d / 8 8 j E. Set public hearing date for Tuesday, January 20, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. in the city hall council chambers, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, to 1. Establish private parking facilities pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22511.8 at Kaiser Hospital. 2. Consider proposed amendments to Sections 28-34, 28-50, 33-36 and 33-37 of the City Code. 3. Consider Zone Change 338, requested by David Wiener, to fezone property on the west side of Sierra Avenue, between Slover and Santa Ana Avenues, from A-1 Agricultural to RE-20 Residential Estate. Motion carried by the following vote: City CounCil Minutes - 2 - December 16, 1980 Public hearing was opened on Notice to Construct sanitary sewer . PUBLIC HEARING facilities inMalloryDrive from Oleander Avenue to 1150 feet east, SEWERS - MALLORY DR under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code. CH 27 #189 No written coEmunicatiOns were received in favor of or in opposition to the matter. Mrs. Rita Norton, owner of property at 16407 Mallory Drive stated she is an absentee owner of property in the project and was not notified, other than posting of her property of this hearing. She stated she is a realtor and is concerned with the property owners in the project area not being aware that there will be additional costs to them ].n con- necting to the sewer once the lines are installed. Public Works Director Schoenborn advised that there is no regulation that requires the property owners to connect to the sewer but they will have to pay their cost of installing the=m'ain and lateral sewer lines Re stated that besides posting the property, notices were mailed both regular and certifi~ mail but if she did not respond to the notice that she had certified mail at the post office, she would not have received the notice. Ne reminded the Council that the City Attorney had previously advised them of the certified mail procedure situation. In response to inquiry by Council he stated that Council action on bids will considered approximately 60 days from the date the properties were posted. Mrs. Norton stated her notice was posted December 5th. Mr. Kevan Hensman, 16368 Mallory Drive, stated his notice on the project was mailed to the previous property owner. Mr. Russell Lane, 16410-15 Mallory Drive, was advised he would be permitted 10 years to pay for the sewer installation and the Council could reject the bids received if they so desire - it was estimated each property owners cost would he $1500. Mr. Orvil Adair, 16384 MAllory Drive, spoke in favor of the project. He stated he circulated the petition for the improvements and there are 41 homes on the street of 1150' and obtained approval of over 60% - except for two houses on a portion of E1 Molino and Mallory. Ne stated the absentee owner (Mrs. Nortom who spoke earlier) was not available and her tenter did not know how to contact her - visited her home 5 times hut unable to contact her. He stated he received only 5 negative responses. Nearing was closed. Motion was made to overrule all protests and ratify and confirm all acts and determination of all officers of the City of Fontand in relation to the ordering the construction of sanitary sewer facilities in Mallory Drive from Oleander to 1150~ east, Chapter 27 #189 project, Motion was made by Councilman Gilday, seconded by Councilman Kochlet and carried by the following vote: AYEs: Mayor orzen, Cou,ci en Freeman, Cilday, Koshler, Kragness\ i i i X NOES: None ABSENT: None SEWER iOJECT ON OLEANDER AND MALLORY Assessor's No. ~251-231-08 ~er and Mailing Address -09 ~Kenneth W. & Kathlene A. Heasley 16304 Ei Molino ~ 9 -33 Centanni, Guy R. & Joyce 16496 E1 Molino ~ Ellis, Lorraine 9870 Cypress 251-232-01 ~oover, Chester D. & Vickie 16303 E1 Molino 16368 Mallory 16376 Mallory ' -22 Adair, Orvil L. & Evelyn M, 16384 Mallory ,~, -21 Jones, Bobhie J. & Linda M. 16392 Mallory 16415 Mallory -19 Shaffer, Sylvia B. 2214 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90031 .[i -18 Cimowski, Donald H. & Lodema T. 16426 Malloryu 16495 E1 Molino Ct. 251-233-02 Dennay, R~ond E. & ~azel L, 9885 Oleander '~ -03 Medina, $erg~o & Maria 16327 Mallory ~-04 Nunez, Reyes, Jr. & Mary J. 16335 ~llory ~ -05 McGlathery, Samuel L. & Janice K. 16345 MallOry 16399 Mallory 16415 Mallory *~ -1~ Mayberry, Joseph S. & Jennie I 16441 Mallory -~]7"-- M~r~n, Thomas G. & .T~'nat p City of Fontana CALIFOBNIA December 5, 1980 File: Chapter 27 #189 P-617 Property C~ner: Cbamter 2Y of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a C~ty to order the construction of a variety of street improve- ments within a block when that particular type of improvement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage vf the block, or when a petition requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is filed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improve- ments to be conatrocted. A block i~ defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to your property in the area of Mallory Drive from Oleander Avenne to 1150~ east. We are posting your property with a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is also enclosed, The Notice sets the time and place for a public bearing. If you wish to attend you may, hut your attendance is not required. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the City Council orders the ~mnrovements installed, the property owner has to have the required improvements installed by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received. The only ~ractical course for sewer construction would be to take no action and allow the City to have the work ~one by contract and assess the cost to the benefiting property. If you bare any questions, please get in touch w~th us before the hearing. Robert Scboenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/gw 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P. O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 823-3411 e Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construd lineal feet of curb end gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and - S~er7 Selrer raciZit~es in front of your property, located at Aesessore ~mo. 2sl-zs~-os . Fontone, California. All work shall be done ~n accordance wffh t~e City of Fontone Standard Speci~ce- flons, Standard Drawings and Drawing No.- , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the Ci~ of Fontone. Before sta~ing work it will be necena~ for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Depa~ment. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and wigout interruption p~se- cured to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~c~a~ 16.19~0, e+ ?~ ~ '~' in the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hall in the Ci~ of Fontone, Cellfornla, any and ell persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear e~ show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in wrlti~ and must be delivered to the Ci~ Clerk prior to the flme set for the heerlng. Dat~e. ~, Superintendent of Streetre, Ci~ of ~ntena, Gelifo~ie CONSTRUCT Pursuant to the provision~ of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of Carltorn|a: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end guffer. square ~ceef of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and ~,,,~,~-/.~,,o~ ~,~t~,, in front of your properfy~ located at ~--..mm-e ~n. ~'~.-~-09 . Fonfena. California. All work shall be done in accordance with tl~e City of Fontshe Standard Speci~ce- flons, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file In the Public Works Department of the City of Fontshe. Before starting work If will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the con.trudlon of said work or improvement is not com- menced wlth;n 60 days after notice is given and diligently end without |nferrupt~on prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be e llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chainbare in the City Hell in the City of Fonfana, California, any end all persons hevlng any object|on, fo the propoeed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work ,hould not be done or carried out. Protests must be In wr~flng and must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior to the time ,el for the heerlng. Date Super|ntendenf of Sfreetl, City of Fontshe, California ~eesle~/#189 Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of Catlfornle: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fo construct lineal feet of curb and gutter, square fee+ of sidewalk, square fee+ of paving, and · ,.~t,r~ Sa~er ~,4~t~a,, in front of your property, located at Awesmasse lie. ~q,-2:l~ 33 , Fonfana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with +l~e City of Fontshe Standard Specifice- flons, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontshe. Before starting work i+ will be necessary for a construction permit +o be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after noHce is given and diligently and wlfhou+ in+erruptlon prose- cuted to completion +he Superln+enden+ of Streets shall cause the consfrucflon fo be done and +he cost of the same shall be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fon+ana, California, any and all persons having any objections +o the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should no+ be done or carried out. Protests must be in wHflng and must be delivered +o the City Clerk prior to the time set fpr the hearing. Date he. S, 1~80 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fonfena, Callfo~nla Ce~t~z~9. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb and gutter, square fee+ of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Saltier7 5~ ~aeS~ltS~m in front of your property, located at a~eeem,,;,~ ~,. ~X4:I~-~aX , Fontone, California. All work shall be done in accordance with +l~e City of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontone. Before start;ng work it will be necessary for · construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on December Ze, ZSeu , at ~. ~ p .e. in the Council Chambers in the City Hell in the City of Fontone, California, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the heerlng. Date Dec. 5, 1980 Superintendent of Streets, City ef Fontone, Callfo~nle Pursuenit of he provisions of Chepfer 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the Sfete of Callfornie: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to conetruct lineel feet of curb end gutter, .q.or. f. sqUer. fe.t pov .g.e.d [n ~ronf of your Meeeeore ~. propeHy, located st , Fenfene, Californle. All work ,he[I be done ~n ecco~ence with f~e City of Funlane Sfenderd Spec[~ce- tlons, Standard Drewings end Drew~n9 No. ,copie, of which ere on file in the Public Works Depe~menf of the C[~ of Funtens. Before sfeHing work it will be neceue~ for · con,frucfion permit to be obfeined from the Public Works DepeHment. If the construction of seld work or improvement i, not com- menced wlfh[n 60 deys effer notice h given end diligently end without [nferruptlon pro.e- cured to completion the Superintendent of Street. shell ceuse the construction to be do~ end the co~t of the ,eme ,hell be e lien on the prope~. ~c. 16, ~980 1:~ p,m. NOTICE IS FURTHER ~IVEN fhet on , ef in the Council Cheruberr in the Ci~ Hell in the Ci~ of Funlena, Celltorn[e, eny end ell persons hevlng eny objecfion, to the propoeed work or improvement mey eppeer end show cause why ssid work ,hould not be done or cerried out. Profe,t, mu,f be in writing end must be delivered to the Ci~ Clerk prior to the time ,el for the beering. ~/s/~ Dete Superintendent of Streets, City ef Fontana, Callfo nla Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of Ca!ifornla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of pavln9, and ~.. 4 t.t~ Se,~er ~ae~! ~ t ~ e.: in front of your property, located af ~"~-~)2-71 . Fonfana, Callfornle. All work shall be done in accordance wlfh '+l~e City of Fonfana Standard Speci~ce- flons, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in +he Public Works Department of the City of FoBlane. Before starting work i+ will be necessary for a construction permlf +o be obfalned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced wlfhln 60 days after notice is given and dillgently and wlfhouf in+errupflon prose- cu+ed to completion +he Superln+enden+ of Streets .hall cause the consfrucflon fo be done and +he cost of the same shall be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~e~. Z6, ~gso ,at 1:30 D.=, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in +he City of Fon+ana, California, any and ell persons having any obiecHons +o the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be del;vered to the City Clerk prior fo the time set fgr the heerln9. Date see. S. xglO Superlnfendenf of Streets, City of Fontana, Callfo~nla o~tmlo Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end gutter. square feet of sidewalk. square feet of pavlng, and - Sanitary Sewer lactJ. Lt~Lea in front of your property, located et ^essssor~ ~/o. 25~L-]32-2! , Fontand, California. All work shall be done in accordance with th'e City of Fontana Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file In the Public Works Department of the City of Fontend. Before starting work it will be necessary for · construction permit +o be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end without in+erruptlon prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shell cause the construction +o be done and the cost of the same shall be e llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN fret on r~. 16, zg~0 , e+ 1:30 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fonfana, California, any and persons having any objections fo the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date nee. 5. 1980 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontend, Callfo~nla Me~Lr ~3.S9 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end gullet, sque~ems~fu.p, yf~iadvd~tw~aka~tZj. t:L. squ.re ~ceet olc paving. and in front of your property, Iotafed at A~eeeao=e ~;e. 25Z-232-23. . Fonterie, C811fornle. All work shall be done in accordance with fl~e City of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontone. Before starting work ;f will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shell be a llen on the property. ~ee. 16, 1980 7:30 p.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on , at in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontone. Cellfornle, any and ell persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in wr;t;ncJ and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Dee, 5, Date Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontaria, California Jouee Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end gutter, square feet of sidewalk. square feet of paving, and ian~taz~ -~erer Fecflil:~.ee in front of your property, located at Assessors So, 25;L-232-20 , Fontand. California. All work shall be done in accordance wlth +l~e City of Fontand Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drewlng No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontend. Before starting work ;+ will be necessary for a construction permit +o be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end w;thout interruption prose- cuted to completion +he Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~ec. Ze, z980 , e+ 7:30 in the Council Chambers in the City Hell in the City of Fentens, Cellfornle, any end ell persons having any objections fo the proposed work or Improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be In writing end must be delivered fo the City Clerk pr~or fo the time set for the heerlng. Date Dec. 5, 1980 Superintendent of Street,, City of Fontand, Callfebrile ~*-~e tle9 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of Californle: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb and guffer, square feet of sidewalka square feet of paving, and - E~t~f.~ar~, S':-:-,~ ~7~H*~ in front of your property, located at ~ec~e~w~ i~:. ~t-~-19 , Fonfana, California. All work :hall be done in accordance with fl~e City of Fonfana Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fonfana. Before sfertlng work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without |nferruptlon prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shell be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN thaf on Dee. re, ;t~ ,at ~:~ ~.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in +he City of Fontshe, California, any and all persons having any objections +o the proposed work or Improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the heerlng. Date lice. 5, 3.980 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontone, Cellfohtla rea~er 110 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb and guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and property, located a+ uaegso~s fro. 2~Z-232-~8 , Fonfana, California. All work shall be done ~n accordance fions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Depa~men+ of the Ci~ of Fonfana. Before sfa~ng work if well be neces,a~ for a construction permH fo be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement i, not com- menced w~fh~n 60 days after notice is g~ven and d~llgenfly and w~ouf Interruption prose- cured +o completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause +he construction fo be done end +he cost of the same shall be e I~en on the prope~. 7:30 ~.m, NOTICE IS FURTHER ~IVEN that on ~ec. ~6, ~9~ , ef ' in the Councfi Chambers in +he C~ Hell ~n the Ci~ of Fon+ana, California, any and all persons having any objections +o the propo,ed work or improvement may appear and ~how cause why ,a~d work should not be done or carried out. Profe,h must be En writing and must be delivered +o the Ci~ Clerk prior fo +he flme set for +he heerlng. Date ~e, 5, ~9~ -. __ Superintendent of Sfreeh, CT~ of Fontone, Cal3fo~a CONSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of Ca!ifornla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to conetruct lineal feet of curb end gutter, square feet of sidewalk. square ~ceet of paving, and - ~ndlte~ ~a~.z ~fiL~es in front of your property, located at ~..~.,~r. ~GQ. ]~-~252--17 , Fontana. California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Speci~ce- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Depa~ment of the Ci~ of Fontene. Before stalling work it will be necesse~ for a construction permit to be obtained fro~ the Public Works Depa~ment. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end wigout interruption prose- cuted to completion +he Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on , a+ ~n the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hell in the Ci~ of Fontana. California, any and eft persons hav]ng any objections +o the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should no+ be done or carried out. Protests must be in wr~fi~ and must be delivered to the Ci~ Clerk p~or to the time set for the beerlng. Date ~e. St Zt80 Superlnf, ndenf o~ Sireera, 01~ of ~nfana, OalI[o~I8 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the *'Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE ~S HEREBY GIVEN to construct ~ineal feet of curb end gutter. square feet of sidewalk. square feet of paving, and s~s'T ~.~ ~,~t~.~i~ in front of your prope~y. located at ~tee~ ~. 9~2~0~ . Fonfane, Californle. All work shall be done in accordance wlth t~e City of Fonfane Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drewlng No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Depa~menf of the Ci~ of Fonfana. Before ste~ing work if will be necesse~ for · construction permit fo be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and wlthouf interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be e llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER ~IVEN that on in the Councfi Chamber, in the Ci~ Hall in the 01~ of Fontone, Oellforn~e, any end ell persons having any objection, to the propoeed work or improvement may appear end show cause why sold work ,hould not be done or carried out. Prote,f, must be ~n wrifin9 end must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior to the time ~ef for the hearing. Date ~ee. ~. 1980 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontone, C:al;fo~nle Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Sanitary Se~'er in front of your property, located at ,~eeasoz~ ~o. 251-233-0,3 , Fontone, California. All work shell be done in accordance with tl~e City of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drewlng Noo , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontone. Before stertlng work it will be necessary for · construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end wlfhout interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done end the cost of the same shall be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~.~. ~n ~so , at 7~30 p.~. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontone, California, any end ell persons having any objections fo the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carfled out. Protest, must be in writing and must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior fo the time set for the hearing. Date he. 5, ~9tO Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontone, Callfo~nle ~d~ t1~ Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of Cellfornla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb and guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and Iie~ttan lieFee ~eett&ttee ........ in fron~ of your property, located at ~4,8,~,, ~..t~1-I33 O~ . Fontone. California. All work ~hall be done in acco~ence with t~e City of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , cople~ of which ere on file in the Public Works Depadmenf of the Ci~ e{ Fenfens. Be{ore stalling work It will be necesse~ for e construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Depa~ment. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced widen 60 days after notice is given and diligently end wiffiouf interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shell cause the con~fructlon to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER 61VEN that on ~, IS, ~ee , at hI9 ~. in t~e Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hell in the Ci~ of Fonfane, Cellfornle, any end ell persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in wrffZng and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the beerlng. Date ~ I, Zt~ Superintendent of Sireeft, City e~ Fonfana, Callfo~nla !~e: eZSt NOTICE TO Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of Catlfornja: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fo construct lineal feet of curb and guffer, .quare .q.ere feet of pavl,g. a.d in front of your property, located at ueeesore So. 251-23}-o5 . Fontann, California. All work shall be done in accordance w~th +l~e City of Fontand Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Depa~ment of the Ci~ of Fontand. Before stewing work it will be nece,e~ for a construction perroll +o be obtelned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption p~se- cured to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on he. 16, z980 , at :- in the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hell in the Ci~ of Fontand, Callfornie, any and ell persons having any objections fo the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be In writing and must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Superintendent of Streets, Ci+v of Fontand, Califo~nle Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of Cetlfornia: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to consfru~ lineal feet of curb and guffer, square feet of sidewalk~a · square feet of paving, and in front of your proper+y. located at Assessors ~o. 2~1-233-0~ , Fontone, Californle. All work shall be done in accordance w~h +~e Ci~ of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drewlng No. , copies of which ere on file in ~e Public Works Department of the Ci~ o~ Fontshe. Before stalling work It will be necessa~ for a construction permit +o be obtained from the Public Works Depa~ment. If the construction of said work or improvement is no+ com- menced wlfMn 60 days after notice is given and diligently and wigout jnhrruptlon prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the prope~. ~. ~6. ~ 7~30 p.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER 61VEN +hat on , at in the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hell in the Ci~ of Fonfana, Callfornle, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or cerrled out. Protests must be In writing end must be delivered to the Ci~ Clerk prior to the time set for the heerlng. No. $, ~80 Date Superintendent of Streets, Ci~ of Fonfena, Callfolio Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and - in front of your property. located st Aeseeeo~ ~o. 2~1-233-.C~7 , Fontone, Cellfornie. All work shell be done in ~ccordence wHh t~e Ci~ of Fontone Standard Specifics- tions, Standard Drewlngs end Drewlng No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Deps~ment of the Ci~ of Fantens. Before stalling wo~ it will be necesse~ for · construction permit to be obfeined fro~ the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is net com- menced within 60 days after notice is given end dillgently end wigout ~nterrupfion prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shell cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be ~ llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER ~IVEN that on ~- IS. ~SO , st 7 ,~ ~,~. in the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hell in the Ci~ of Fontshe, Cellfern[e, any end ell persons having shy objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why ssld work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in wr[ting end must be delivered to the Ci~ Clerk pr[or to the time set f?r the hearing. · Date Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontone. Callfo~nla Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of Californla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end guff~', square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and 8al~tez~ Se,,re~ ~'tci].~.ttel in front of your property, located at ~eeeeore ~o. ZS1-23~ . Fontena, California. AJI work shall be done in accordance w~th t~e City of Fontshe Standard Specifice- tlons, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the Ci~ of Fonfana. Before sta~ing work It w~ll be nece,e~ for a construction permit to be obtained fro~ the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shell cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~' ~' ~e~ , at T ~ p .u. ~n the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hall in the C~ of Fontshe, California, any end ell persons having any objections to the proposed work or ~mprovement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the Ci~ Clerk prior fo the time set for the hearing. Date Superintendent of Streets, City of Fantans, Callfo nia Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of Californla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construes lineal feet of curb end Suffer, square feet of sidewalk. square feet of paving, and 8~nttnlCy ~s1~er ~a~,slLt~es in front of you; property, located at m~eote ~. 25~-~3~ . Fontana, Callfornle. All work shall be done in accordance wHh f~e City of Fontand Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file In the Public Works Depa~ment of the Ci~ of Fentans. Before stalling work if will be nece,e~ for a construction permit +o be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice Is given end diligently and wigout inferruptlon prose- cuted +o completion +he Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be and the cost of the same shell be e llen on the prope~. De~. 16, 1980 T:30 p.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on , at in the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Mall in the Ci~ of Fontand, California, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be In writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk pilot to the time set for the hearing. Date ~. 5, Superlntendent of Streets, CIty of Pentans, Callfo~nla oossey tXSt Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the. "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb end guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and - property, located at ~.r~,eg~ocs ~o. ~51-2~3.-10 , Fontone, California. All work shall be done in accordance w~fh fh*e City of Fontone Standard Speciflce- tions, Standard Drawings end Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Worh Department of the City of Fontone. Before sfartincJ work if will be necessary for a construction permif fo be obfelned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and wlfhout inferrupflonprose- cured fo completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the consfrucflon fo be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the proporb/. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~ec, 16. 1980 , at 7 =~0 ~ ,m, . in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontone, California, any and ell persons having any objections +o the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carfled out. Protests must be in wrltln9 end must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the heerlng. Date ~e~. 5, 101!,0 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontone, California )~Fant #189 Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of the State of CaJlfornia: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN fo construct lineal feet of curb and guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and ~.a.~.r), ~,.,-,~ ]"~.-~'L~_~e~ in front of your property. located at Acg~-- ~ ~1-~1-~ , Fonfana. California. All work shall be done in accordance with f~e City of Fontone Standard Speclflce- lions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontone. Before sterting work it will be necessary for a construction perall to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~,~.. ~s. zg~o , at 1:~ p .~. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontone, Callfornie, any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontone, Callfo nla ~f,~d~le ~189 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of Californla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construct lineal feet of curb and gutter. square feet of sidewalk. square feet of paving. and in front of your property, located at .'~s~ L~o. ~1-2:~-i2 . Fontena, California. AiI work shall be done in accordance with tl~e City of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in the Public ~Vorks Department of the City of Fontena. Before starting work if will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced wlth;n 60 days after not;ca is given and diligently end wifhout interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be e llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on ~,;. ~_e~ i~..o , at 7; ~o p .m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontone, California, any and ell persons having any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should not be done or carried out. Protests must be ;n writing end must be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ~e, ~ le~o Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontshe, Celifo~n|e C~eer Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911 a. Of me State of Callfornia: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construot lineal feet of curb end guffer, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of pevlng, and-- - in front of your All work shall be done in acco~ance with +~e Ci~ of Fonfana Standard Specl~ce- +ions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No.. , copies of which are on file In ~e Public Work= Department of the Ci~ of Fontone. Before stalling work if will be necessa~ for a construction permit fo be obtained ~rm the Public Works Department. If the consfructlon of said work or improvement is not com- menced wlfhin 60 days after noflce is given and dillgently and wigout inferrupflon p~se- cured to completion +he Superlntendenf of Streets shall cause the construction to be done end the cost of the same shall be a lien on the prope~. NOTICE IS FURTHER ~IVEN the+ on , af in the Council Chambers in the Ci~ Hall in the Ci~ of Fen+one, Callfornle, any and ell persons having any objections +o the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why sold work should no+ be done or carried out. Protests must be ~n wrEfin9 end must be delivered +o +he Ci~ Clerk prior to +he time set fpr thehearlng. Superlnfenden+ of Streets, of Fontana, Callfo nla Pursuant to the provisions of:Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of ~e State of Ce!ifornie: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ito construct lineal feet of curb end gullet, square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and - proper+y. located at A~ad~e~e ~o. TbZ-~.~3-Z6 , Fontann. California. All work shall be done in accordance with +l~e City of Fontone Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontann. Before stertlng work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. Ifithe construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given end diligently end without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be;a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVENSthe+ on ~c~-~ ~j~, ~gn , at. 7 .~n ~ . _ in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontann, California, any and ell persons having any objections +~> the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work shouldi not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior fo the time set for the heerlng. Date Qee.dsc~ 5, t91Q Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontann, Callfebrile Pursuant to the provisions eliChapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I" of tile State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~fo construct lineal feet of curb end gutter, square feet of sldew~lk. square feet of pevlng, and ~enitar'y ~-~2~'er : in front of your property. located at Aeseeeor~ ~o. 75Z.-233. t~ , FenSane, California. All work shall be done in accordance w|th tJ~e City of Fenlane Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which are on file in fee Public Work, Department of the City of FenSane. Before starting work if will be necessary for a construction perml+ fo be obtained from the Public Works Department. If!the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced wlfhln 60 days after notice is given and dillgently and wlfhouf inferrupHon prose- cuted fo completion +he Superln/mnden+ of Streets shall cause the consfrucHon to be done and +he cost of the same ,hall bee llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN:Sharon in the CounCil Chambers in +he City Hell in the City of Fon+ana, Callfornle, any and ell persons having any objecHons +O the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work shouldi not be done or carfled out. Protests must be |n wrlflng and must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior fo the time set for the heerlng. Date ~' '$' Z~80 Superlnfendent of Streets, CIty of FenSane, Callfo nla Pursuant to the provisions of!Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I' of the State of Celifornla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~o construct lineal feet of curb end gutter. square feet of sidewalk, square feet of paving, and - Se~i~,~,~ ~,~,. -~'~I. LtLt~m in front of your property, located at bo~ ~ ~:t-:~5~-~ . Fontene. Celifornie. All work shall be done in acCordance wlfh~'the City of Fonfana Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and D~ewlng No. , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fonfana. Before sfertlng work it will bS necessary for a construction permit to be obfelned from the Public Works Department. If ithe construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently end without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superln~endent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall bea llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVENSthat on n~, ~.c. ~.~ , et 7,30 ,~.~. in the Council Chambers in the City Hell in the City of Fonfana, Celffornle, any end ell persons having any objections fe the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should; not be done or cerrled out. Protests must be in writing end must be delivered to the City Clerk prior fo the time set for the hearing. Date ~--. ~. ~) Superintendent of Streets, City ef Fontena, Callfohtla hanks 118t Pursuantto the provisions off Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 191 I*' of tile State of Celifornla: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~to construct lineal feet of curb end guffer, square feet of sidewtslk, square feet of paving, and .. - Se~'~arr/?e~:zr YaeJ. l~.t:~ee in front of your property, located at Atip~ee~ze ~o: 2sl-z3:}-17 . Fonfene, California. All work shall be done in accordance with fl~e City of Fontana Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No.. , copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work If will b~ necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If]the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after noiice is given end diligently and without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superln~endent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall bee llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVENthat on ~0c. Is. 1,980 , e+ 7530 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fonfana, Callfornle, any and ell persons having any objections t6 the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause' why said work should! not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered to the C|fy Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Dee, 9, 1180 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontana, Califo nie ]oelck t189 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the *'Improvement Act of 191 I" of f~e State of Celifornle: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~to construct lineal feet of curb end guffer, square feet of sidew~slk, square feet of paving, and sei].l:~z~y s~ve7 Fac~lit4ee in front of your property, located at Aeeeeeo;n )/o. 251-233-18 , Fontene, Cellfornla. All work shall be done in accordance wffh tl~e City of Fontana Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Drawing No. , copies of which ere on file in Public Works Department of the City of Fontene. Before stertlng work it will be necessary for a construction permltto be obtained from the Public Works Department. If !the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given end diligently and without interruption prose- cuted to completion the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construct;on to be done and the cost of the same shell be !e llen on the property. Dec. 16, 1980 7:30 p.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVENSthat on , et in the Council Chambers in the City Hell in the City of Fontana, C~alifornia, any end ell persons hevlng any objections tO the proposed work or improvement may appear end show cause why said work shouldnot be done or carried out. Protests must be in wrifin9 end must be delivered fo the City Clerk prior te the time set f?r the heedng. Date Dec. 5, Superintendent of Streets, CIty of Fontena, Callfo~nle Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of +lie State of Callfornia: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN =to construct lineal feet of curb and gutter, square feet of sidewalk, square fee+ o~c paving, and ieutte~.~ Se~;~;~ ~c~1~ in front of your property, located at Ueeeeelre ~o. 2sl-~]-~e , Fontand, California. All work shall be done in accordance with +l~e City of Fontand Standard Specifica- tions, Standard Drawings and Dtewlng No. , copies of which ere on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontane. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit +o be obtained from the Public Works Department. If~the construction of said work or improvement is not com- menced within 60 days after notice is given end diligently and without interruption prose- cuted to completion +he Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be'a llen on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVENthat on um:e. 16, 19/)0 , at lr.3~ v.~. - in the Council Chambers in +he City Hall in the C;ty of Fenlane, Cal;fornla, any and ell persons having any obiec+ions +e the proposed work or improvement may appear and show cause why said work should" not be done or carried out. Protests must be in writing and must be delivered +o the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearlng. Date Dee. 5. 1980 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontend, Callfo~nle Motion was madeby Councilman Gilday, secondedby Councilman SANITAt{~ SEWERS Freeman, to instruct the Public Works Director to order Sanitary }~LLORY DRIVE ~H 27 Sewers installed in Mallory Drive from Oleander Avenue to Cypress Avenue under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor pro tem Kragness, Councilmen Freeman, Gilday, Koehler NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Horzen I~,/~) i~~ ~ OWNER~ qAME8 AND MAILING ADDRESSES FO~ SEWER _i~OJECT ON OLEANDER AND MALLORy Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 251-231-08 n~4~L,--~e~ E. -09 MArkS, Fay K. ~//~4J C4. ~Z ~"~ -C/~enneth ~. & Kathlene A. Heasley 16304 E1 ~olino --33 Centanni, ~uy R, & Joyce 16496 E1 Mollno -34 Ellis, Lorraine C. 9870 Cypress 251-232-01 Hoover, Chester D. & Vickie 16303 E1 Molino 16368 Mallory -23 Raney, Robert D., Jr. & Beck~ L. 16376 Mallory -22 Adair, Orvil L. & Evelyn M. 16384 Mallory -21 Jones, Bobhie J. & Linda M. 16392 Mallory -20 Lane, Russel, Jr. & Ruth 16415 Mallory -19 Shaffer, Sylvia B. 2214 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90031 -18 Cimowski, Donald M. & Ledema T. 16426 Mallory, -17 Aull, Dareells A. 16495 E1 Molino Ct. 251-233-02 Denney, Raymond E. & Hazel 9885 Oleander -03 Medina, Sergio & Maria 16327 Mallory -04 Nunez, Reyes, Jr. & Mary J. 16335 Mallory -05 McGlathery, S~uel L. & Janice 16345 Mallory -06 Butte~f~eld, ~ita 16355 Mallory -07 Houchens, Shirley A. 16363 Mallory -08 Fitch, Orval E. & M arJorie M. 16373 Mallory -09 Dossey, Clyde & Gloria 16381'M~llory -10 Bryant, Eva 9244 Sierra 251-233~11 Hinkle, I~aM~ ~.' i. 16399 Mallory -12 Greet, William O. & Rita A. Norton 727 W. Highland Ave, San Bdno 92405 -13 Lane, Russel B. Jr. & Ruth S. 16415 Mallory -14 Newton, Damon L. & Wanda 1642~ Mallory Mayberry, Joseph S. & Jennie R. 16431 Mallory -16 ~ranks, Ronny D. & Conhie J. 16441 Mallory -17 Bosick, ~dward R. 9752 Alder, Bloomington 92316 -18 Mansfield, Kirt & Annette S. 16459 Mallory -19 Rinks, Richard D. & Rita 16469 Mallory -20 Martin, Thomas G. & J~net P. et ai 13639 Douglas, Yucaipa 92399 251-233-01 Jackson, Beverly 17171-A Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 92647 -02 Denney, Raymond E. & Hazel L. 9885 Oleander 251-012-07 Luongo, Joseph H. & Jean 9870 Oleander 251-012-08 Veteto, John W, & Dorothy R. 9886 Oleander -09 Diaz, Ernest & Amelia 9896 Oleander FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 ~IEA{ORANDUM FILE: New Account Estab].ished TO: Finance Director ~ FROA~: public Works Department SUBJECT: New Account DATE: October 7, 1980 The Public Works Deparment has established P-617 for Construction of Sanitary Sewer Drainage Facilities ~ncluding lateral connection from main to property l~ne for hor~h a~d south sides of Mallory Drive between Oleander Avenue and Cypress Avenue, Chapter 27 Project #189. Project to be paid for by the property owners, Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate cc - City Clerk - Attached for your files are o~iginal petitions (4), City of Fon ana C~LIFORI~IA July 24, 1979 Property Owners: Pile: Tract 3964 Subject: Petitions for the Installation of Sewer Mains and Latera]s in Oleander Avenue and Mallory Drive within Tract 3964. Sanitary sewer facilities can be constructed under the prov/s.ionsofChapter 27 of the Streets a~'~t~hWay~ Code in front of the property described above. In order to have a successful petition, 60% of the property o~ers on both sides of the street in which the sewer is to be installed must sign the petition~ Under the provisions of a Chapter 27 improvement project, the property o~ers pay for their improvements according to their street frontage. Lots that front a cu~ed street are computed at the building set-back line. For corner lots the costs are fiSured usinE the shortest frontage with the exception of a corner lot that fronts on ex~st~n~ sewer main and is not connected. In this situation the propert~ o~er's costs are figured according to which frontage the sewer is installed. Regardin~ costs~ at this time~ it is very difficult to estimte a cost to each property o~er. There are a number of unknowns. The main unknown is how lonE the petitions are out beins circulated. If it takes a long time to ~et a sufficient number of signatures because of inflation, the construction costs would be much higher. With the above information in mind~ a rouSh estimate of the cost per property owner would be as follows: If all petitions are successful, $1,000 to $1,500 per lot. If there are any questions please feel free to contact our office. Robert Schoenborns P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering AsSociate B~/gw ~353 Sz~^ AV~I~E (P.O, Box 518) Fo~*i'~^. C.g,I'~*oRl~x^ 92335 (714) 82,3-3411 PETITION REQUESTING ]2~PROV~MENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersipped owners of property frontlug on the south side of Mallory Drive between Oleander Avenue and Cypress Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter' 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of Califo~dia. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owner is shown in the a~:tached letter. Costs are figured for the short side of lot frontage. OWNER ~' 'ADDRESS · ~ ' ~ ....... ..... ~,,,,,.- : , , ' . ,,.,. · , ,, ~b~1 ., . ~ · Petition ~3 'g/S Mallo PETITION REQUESTING TMPROVEMENTS UNDER TKE pRDVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS'AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the north side of Mallory Drive between Oleander Avenue and E1 Molino (west), hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer mafn per property owner is shown t~ the attached letter. Costs are figured for the short side of lot frontage, Petition ~4 N/S Mallory PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF C~2TER 27 OF THE STREETS AND NIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontaria, California: We, the undersigned owners of property fronting on the north s of Mallory Drive between E1 Molino (west) and E1 Molino (east), hereby re st the construction of ean~'tary sewer drainage facilities inclhding L zral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions o~ ~hapter 27 of .. the Streets and Highways Code of the State %f Califo~ia. ~e estimated cost of sewer main per property o~er is sho~ in the attached ~%7F~ ett . Eo ~s are figured for the short side of lot frontage. :..., (':~ . . Z .- - ': ,"'~ ~ -.. ~ '.~'~.-. . . .::':' PetitionS5 N/S Mallory pETITION REQUESTING 'IM2ROV~4ENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STP, EETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned owners of property frobring on the Inorth side of Mallory Drive between E1 Molino (east) and Cypress Avenue, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordsncewith the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main per property owners is now in the'attmched letter. Costs are figured for the short side of Iot frontage. Petition ~6 N/S Mallory. · s!lau{~l Yeae~rel ievJ. e4~$ & ~a~ Assn. ~, CA 92335 o~ sanita~ s~er ~ilittes, ~ne lien iS Eog a ten yea~ p¢~tod "', By Bob ~. ~orte~ >'~l Civil E~lneeri~ Associate .~,:i :~., ~/~ .. ~k~.FASE OF LIEN Fontarm, Catiform_ia Date Sept. 30, 1983 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR%MEBTf RECErCED OF Darcella A. Aull $ 786.06 , in pay=ent of Chapter 27 Lien. Parcel No. 251-Z32-17 , Project 617 #189 Principal $ 786.06 Interest $ 36.40 Please issue Release of Lien. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: Darcella A, Aull . ~ / 16495 E1Molino Cr, ' Fontana, Ca, 92335 Edwin E. Luekemeyer Finance Director Sewer Main and Laterals in Mallory Dr., Oleander to Cypress P-617 Bid Opening: February 10, 1981 1. Office Copy 2. F. W. Dodge' 3. City Clerk 4. Inspector ~-) , ~ '1 q'~-Vt 7 : :: :: CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA SPECIAL PROVISIONS, PROPOSAL & CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN MALLORY DRIVE, OLEANDER AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUE P-617 CITY COUNCIL Frank Horzen, Mayor William Freeman John G. Gilday, Jr. Robert Schoenborn William Kragness City Engineer Charles Koehler R.C.E. 18932 CiTY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California, until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, February 10, 1981, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows: Installation of Sewer Main and Laterals in Mallory Drive, Oleander Avenue to Cypress No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified or cashisr's check, or bidder's bond made payable to the City of Fontana for an amount equal to at least ten (10) percent of the amount bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done is in accordance with the "General Prevailing Wage Rates" current at time of bidding as published by the State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 (Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the contractor or any sub-contractor under him. Section 1777.5, aa amended, requires the contractor or sub-contractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade. for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journey- men that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprentice- ship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a, ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis state- wide or locally, or D. When the contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The contractor and any mub-contractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex officio the Administrator of Apprenticesh~p, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. -2- All bids are to be qompared on the basis of the City Engineer's Estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code° Plans and forms of proposal, bonds, contract, and special provisions may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 8353 Sierra Avenue,.Fontana, 3 0 California. The non-refundable charge for plans and specifications is $ . 0. The special attention of prospective bidders is called to the "Proposal Requirements and Conditions" annexed to the blank form of proposal, for full directions as to bidding, etc. The City of Fontaria reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or informality in any bid to the extent permitted by law. CITY OF FONTANA By: Robert Schoenborn City Engineer Dated: December 30, 1980 -3- Section 1~ BID ORENING (a) Sea]ed proposals will be received st the office of the City Clerk, Cizy ltsll, 8353 S~erra Ave., Fontana, CA until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, February 10, 1981, at which t~me they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows: Installation of se~er main and laterals in Mallory D~tve, Oleander Avenue to Cypress Avenue, Section 2. WORKING DAYS The designated number of working days for this contract is forty five working days from the date of said approval of this.contract as outlined in Section 8 (c) of the City Standard Specifications. Section 3. CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE 1. Sewer Manhole ~ Each . 2. 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe 1180 L.F. 3. 4" Vitrificd Clay Sewer Lateral 670 L.F. 4. Asphalt Concrete Pavement 130 Tons 5. Sewer Terminal Cleanout Z Each Section 4. SCOPE OF WORK Unless otherwise shown in these Special Provisions, the scope of the work shall conform to the City Stl~dard Specifications and Standard Details. Section 5. ASPHALT C0NCRETE PAVEMENT The mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete pavement shall confor to the grading specified for one-half inch (1/2") maximum size, medium gradation. Your attention is directed to Sections 19 and 39 of the City Standard Specifications. Permanent asphalt pavement two inches (2") in thickness shall be placed within the sewer trench to the surface of the existing roadway. Minimum of three inches (3") total over trench. The final asphalt concrete overlay shall vary from one inch (1") in thickness and shall feather out to 0" in thickness within the limits of construction. Measurement and payment for asphalt concrete pavement shall be bid price per ton of material placed in both the sewer trench and the overlay. Section 6. REMOVALS All removals unless otherwise shown on the plans shall be hauled away and disposed 'o'f_by the Contractor off the job site. All removals necessary to complete the work specified including that for asphalt concrete pavement removal shall be included in the various contract items and no separate payment will be made therefor. Section 7. SEWER CONSTRUCTION - Sewer construction shall conform to the City Standard Specifications and Standard Details. S~ction 8. BACKFILL OF PIPES All sewer pipe installed shall be backfilled with sand to 1-1/2 feet'above the pipe. The remaining backfill to the grading plans shall Conform to the City Standard Specifications. Section 9. SEWER LATERAL' All four inch sewer laterals shall he installed to the property lines and plugged as designated on the plans. Measurement and payment for each sewer lateral shall be~paid per unit price per linear foot and shall include full compensation for furnishing and installing main "Y" branches of sewer lateral, plugging of property line and all labor, materials, tools and incidentals to complete the work specified. Section 10. SEWER TERMINAL CLEANOUT Sewer terminal cleanouts shall be installed wherever designated on the plans. Measurement and payment for each sewer terminal cleanout installed as part of the sewer construction shall he paid per unit price for each and include full compensation for furnishing and installing sewer terminal cleanouts and all, l~bor, materials, tools and incidentals to complete the work specified. Section 11. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Unless otherwise noted in these Special Provisions, all measurements and paymeuts shall conform to the City Standard Specifications. Your attention is directed to Section 9 of the City Standard SpecificationS. -5- CONTRACT PROPOSAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN MALLORY DRIVE, OLEANDER AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUE To the City Council of the City of Fontana: The undersigned as bidder declares that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he has examined the plans and specifications, and read the accompanying ~nstruct~ons to bidders, and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all tbe work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans, if any,,and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit price set forth in the following schedule. In case of a discrepancy between words and fig~jres, the words shall prevail. ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE UNIT ~ _ .I~.E_M_ ..... y WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE TOTAL 1 4 Each Sewer Manhole at 2 1180 Linear Feet 8" Vitrified Clay Sewer Pipe at per L.F. 3 670 Linear Feet 4" Vitrified Clay Sewer Lateral at per L.F. 4 130 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment at ~ Ton. 5 1 Each Sewer Terminal Cleanout at Accompanying this proposal is (Ir~sert "$ cash", "Cashter's Check", "certified check", or "Bidder's bond", as the case may be) in the amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract, with necessary bonds, within eight (8) days, not including Sundays end legal holidays, after having received notice that the contract has been awarded and is ready for signature, the proceeds of the security accompany- ing his bid shall become the property of the City of Fontshe, and this proposal and the acceptance thereof may be considered null and void. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of contractors, License NO, Signature of bidder (If an individual, so state. If a firm or co-partnership, state the firm name and give the names of all individual co-partners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of president, secretary, treasurer, and manager thereof.) Business Address Dated: , 19 Std. 25 SUGGESTED BIDDER~S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Principal, and ___., as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontaria in 'the sum of ($ ), to be paid to the said City or its certain attorneys, its successors and assigns~ for the payment of which sum, well and truly made,'we bind ourselves~ our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the certain proposal of the above bounden to construct dated , 19 , is accepted by the City of Fontaria, and if the above bounden ...... , his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract for such construction, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds described within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of the mailing of a notice to the above bounden by and from the said City of Fontaria that said contract is ready for execution,' then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our bands and seals this day of _ , 19 Std. 24 6/75 CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAIN AND LATERALS IN MALLORY DRIVE, OLEAi~DER AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUE This agreement, made and concluded th~s day of ., 19 81 , ~tween the City of Fontand, party of the first part, and , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the paymeuts and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, hearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees w~th the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: Furnishing and installation of sewer main and laterals in Mallory Drive, Oleander Avenue to Cypress Avenue. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of Fontand, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said specidl provisions and Standard SpeCifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: "Mallory Drive, Lateral No. 4112", Dwg. No. 1047 A~TICLE II: And the said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which ~ny arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Yonrand and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or djscontinnance of work~ and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: Each. 2 1180 Linear Feet 8" V~trif~ed Clay Sever Pipe at 3 670 Linear Fcet 4" Vitrif~ed Clay Se~er Lateral at ...... per L.F. 4 - · 130 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment at per Ton. 5 ' ' 1 Each Sewer Tcrminal Cleanout at Each. ~¥ ~lI[~ ~ W~D~ ~ p~ T~T~ 4~ Each Se~er Manhole at : ~.:.....-.: ~. ~ -:_ * "' -- ': .' ;l ' Eight ~undred S~vehty ~ive and $~75-;~00.'t'''',' '$B,50D,00 no/100 Dollars' " 7.-.. L..j'.-i'-' Each, 1180 Lfncar Feat 8" Vitrifjed Clay Sewer Pipe at ~irteen and no/100 Dollars 13,00 !~,.340,00 per L.F. 670 L~near F~et 4" Vitrified _- · Clay Sewer LateraI at Seven and no/100 Dollars 7~00 =. _ .~'~,69D.00 ' per L.F. 130 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pave-. .;: ~ , -~. -; , : .. ment 'at. -~hirky ~{;~e and "' q35-~00 -:' - ~'550,00' _l ~ ..... %: ~: ':' " ~r Ton. 1 Each Sewer Terminal Cleanout " at ~o Hundred and Ninety 295,0Q 295,00 Jive and _noZ100_Da~a~ " Each, ARTICLE Ill -- Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to provide the materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the times in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV -- It is further expressly a~reed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and notbin8 herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith, In Witness l4hereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA BY: Mayor of the City of Fontand ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Fontana APPROVED: CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana BY: Std. 23 3/72