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Sewer Installation (2)
'Ci-[y of Fen-tans C.A. fLI2F'O~vI.A November 14, File: Tract 3933 Tract 456-Z~ Subject: Petitions for the Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Hawthorne~ Sequoia Avenue, Msnzanita.Drive, Manzanita Court and~llyDrivewithin Tracts 3933 and 4564. Sanitary sewer facilities can be constructed under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of the property described above. In order to have a successful petition, 60% of the property owners on both sides of the street in which the sewer is to be installed must sign the ~tition. Under the provisions of ~ Chapter 27 improvement project, the property owners pay for their improvements according to their street frontage. Lots that front ,a .curved street are computed at the building set-back Iine. For corner lets the costs are figured using the shortest frontage with the exception of a corner lot that fronts an existing sewer main and is not connected. In this situation tee property owner's costs are figured according to which frontage the sewer is installed. Regarding costs, at this time,.it is very difficult to estimate a cost to each property owner. There are a number of unknowns. The main unknown is h~t long ~h~ ;petitions are outSbeSng c~rcutated. If it takes a long time to get a sufficient number of signatures because of inflation, the construction costs would be much higher. Another variable In this situation there are two potential tracts'that couid have successful petitions which would affect the quantit~ of work to be done. A larger q~antity of work means a better price per foot. With the above information in mind, a rough estimate of the cost per property o~aer would be as follows: 1. If both tracts have successful petitions, $1000 to $150~3 per lot. 2. If only one tract has a successful petition, $1500 to $2000 per lot. It should be noted all th~ above information is applicable to only propertywithin the corporate limits of the City of Fontann. If there are any questions please feel free to contact our office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By Bob M. Porter Civil Engineering Associate BMP/gw 8353 Sx~ Avn~uE (P.O. Box 518) FON~ANA, CALI~JRNtA ~335 f.7~41 ~3-~11 r6' FO:'~TANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 MEMORANDUm[ TO: City Clerk FRO~I: Public Works Department SUBJECT: Agenda Item Notification DA'FE: July 17, 1979 1. COI~CIL MEETING DATE: August 7, 1979 2o AGENDA ITEM: __ PUBI,IC ~E~ING ~ · Notice to construct sanitary '~'~ facilities in J~niper Ave. from San Bernard{no Ave to 660' south under the provisions of Ch 27 of the Streets & Higt~ays Code. Motion to overrule all protests and ratify and confirm all acts and dete~ination~ of all officers of th~ City of Fontana' In relation to the ordering ~constr~ction of sanitary 'se~er facilities in ~Biper Ave. between San Bernardino Ave. and 6~0~ south. ~. ~.~Z.~ ~rojec~.~178,. ...... ~" 3- ADD~SS & LO~TION - guniper Ave.' B~t~een San Berna~dino Ave. and 660' south. 4. SUPPoRTI~ DoC~S ATTACHED OR LISTED: None 5. F~VIOUS CI~ ACTION A~ EXISTING POLICY: In th~ past it has been the policy of the City Council to order the sanitary sewers installed ~he~ever a petition of 60% or greater signed by the p~opert~ o~ers on both sides of block is ~eceived as provided By the Streets an~ Highways Code. 6. STA~F CO~J]ENTSA~D RECO~Mi~NDED ACTION: Staff would recommend approva~ because within this area a n~ber o{ septic tanks have beeh failing. Cj,-['f,of I ana C'~kL I ~'Oi~N I~ January22', 19~ /' / [ile: Tract 456~/!',' Property Owners: ." Subject:Petftions for the Installatfou of Sewer ~ains and Laterals in Manzanita Drive within Tract 4564 Sanitary sewer facilities cae be constructed under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and H~ghwaya Code i~ £ront of the property described above. In order robave a successful petition, 60~ of the proper~y owners on both sides of the stree~ in'which the sewer ~a to be ~nstalled bust s2ga ~he petft~on. Under the provisions o~ a Chapter 27 ~mprovement project, [he property o~nere pay for their improvements according to their stree~ frontage. Lots that front a · curved street are computed at the building ~et-back ~ne. ~or corner ~o~a the costs are figured using the shorteat frontage ~i[~ the exception o£ a corue~ lot that fronts an exist~nS sewer main and is not connected. ~n thfs the property ow~er's eoa~s av~ ~gured acaordieg to which frontage ~e sewer instailed. Regarding coste, at ~h~s dme, it ~a very difficult, to eatfmate a cost to each property owner. There are anumber of unknowns. The mate un~o~s ho~ long the ~eti[~on~are ou~ being circulated. tf ~[ takes a long ~me [o ge~ a suff~ent number o~ signatures b~canse of ~nfla~on~ the construction ~ould be much h~gher. ~ith the above ~nforma~on ~n mind, a rough es~ate of ~he cost per proper~y o~ner ~ould be 81,000 to ~1,50'0 pe~ lot. I~ should be noted all ~he above ~n~o~at~on ~s applicable to only property the corporate l~m~ of [heCit7 of Fon~ana. If ~here ate any questions ptease ~eel free ~o con~ac~ our o~fice. ~ober~ Schoenborn, Public ~orks D1recot~ By Bob ~. ~or~er C~vil Engineering ~s~oc~ate Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-301-11 Richard Franko 15912 Holly Dr., Fontaria 233-301-12 Richard F. & Barbara J. Foster 9567 Catawba Ave., Fontana 233-302~05 Thomas and Wanda Flask 15980 Manzanita Dr., Fontaria 233-302-06 Ernest R. & Sheri A. Gidcumb 15960 Manzanita Dr., Fontana 233-303-01 Frank & Mabel F. Coleman 15913 Manzanita Dr., Fontaria 233-303-02 William J. and Margaret V, Happe 15937 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria 233-303-03 Daren L. & Myrtle R. Owens 15947 Manzanita Dr., Fontana 233-303-04 Thomas S. & DorOthy R. Rabone 15955 Manzanita Dr., Fontaria 233-303-05 William A. Hughes~ Jr. & Rose 15963 Manzanita Dr., Fon~ana 233-303-06 Bessie TR Moore 2300 S. Palm CaDyon Dr., Apt. 33 Palm Springs 92262 233-303-07 Hilde Rabau 15979 Manzanita Dr., Fontaria 233-303-08 Lawrence D. & Dellarae Lewis 15987 Manzanita D~., Fontaria 233-303-09 Fannie Tocco 15997 M~nzanita Dr., Fontana i l / ~ ~ ~"~A ~2 .... ~ ~2' . ~ ~' i / ' ~ H89'~'~"~- ~,.9~ o ~ ~ '~ ~- - - .-~os'- d ~. ~ __ - ~o~ . ~-~ ~ --- , ~ .'. ~ , ~.~ ~ I "'~ .~.. 104' ~o ~ I "~' ,,- ~ZANtT~ '' ....~" ' 5~.lG' Gg' " ,, J ,, ,, ~ " ~ G9 G9,04' ,~ SA .... BId~. Set ~c~ ~ine Y ,:, ...... ,: j. , . , , 0 ~.~.e. ,~g~,;.~,, ~ . ~.~ ,~.. ~ - . :.~ -~,~ ,: ..... LOT ~C'~ ~, . ........~,~,2, .d "' C ' ' ' " NOTE: " R.' "'" Annexa~:ion ~0. ~ f App].~.eat~.on Date: CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, NANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE. This agreement, made and concluded this At~ day of January ,1985, between the City of Fontana, party of the first part, and Sclafani Construction Company , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the paymentsand agreements heroinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good Workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: For the construction of sewe~ facility Improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzantta Court and Holly Drive. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of Fontana, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: Dr. No. 1286 & 1287, Sheet 2 of 2. ARTICLE II: And the said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: .APPROXIMATE . ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE ITEM . QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE . TOTAL 1 4 each Construct Manhole per City Std #112 ~ Onp T~o~nd Three ~undred Dollars ~a ~ P~n~ $1,300.00 Ea. $ 5,200.00 per each 2 2 each Construct Sewer Terminal Clean-out @ Four Hundred Dollars and no cents 400.00 Ea. 800.00 per each 3 975 L.F. Install 4" V.C.P. Sewer Lines ~ EiRhtDollars and no cents 8.00 L.P. 7,800.00 per linear foot 4 1560 L.F. Install 8" V.C.P. Sewer Lines ~ Twelve Dollans and no cents 12.00 L.F. 18,720.00 per linear foot 5 1 each Remodel Existing Manhole @ Eight ~undred Dollars and no cents 800,00 Ea. 800.00 ~er lump sum 6 215 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement ~ Eighty Dollars and no cents 80.00 Ton 17,200.00 per ton Total Contract Fifty Thousand Five Hundred Total Contract $50,520.00 ~n Words Twent7 and no/100 Dollars in Figures 2 ARTICLE III. Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to providethe materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In witnes~ Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY. OF FONTANA ATTEST: City Clerk, City o on a~a~ APPROVE : CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana 3 POST Ornc~ Box 51a'. FO.NT.~.NA, CAL~FOL~ZA 92_335 Pno.~: (714) 823-3411 Occupant:: P~eas~ hav~ your vehicles of~ ~he s~ee~ so ~ha~ work can bs s~a~ed on ~he above da~e by ~he contractorS. ~L~T ~M~ ~. · PR. 8Z~- ~054 This saheduled a~arting da~e ~y b~ cancelled due to ~nfavorable working conditions, The ~ublic Works Department, City of Fon~ana~ t:ha..-~ks you for your cooperation. Yours t:rul~ Rober~ Sch~nbern, Fubl~c Works Director By · *"" 8ivi! Eng~nserlng Associate /gw City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July: 30, 1985 File: Ch. 27 - Potential Sewer Installation in Manzanita Dr., Holly Drive, & Manzanita Ct. Property Owners: Subject: Petitions for the Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Manzantta Drive, Holly Drive, and Manzanita Court within Tract 4564 Sanitary sewer facilities can be constructed under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code in front of the property described above. In order to have a successful petition, 60% of the property owners on both sides of the street in which the sewer is to be installed must sign the petition. Under the provisions of a Chapter 27 improvement project, the property owners pay for their improvements according to 'their street frontage. For corner lots, the costs are figured using the shortest frontage with the exception of a corner lot that fronts an existing sewer main and is not connected. In this situation, the property owner's costs are figured according to which frontage the sewer is in- stalled. Regarding costs, at this time it is very difficult to estimate a cost to each property owner. There are a number of unknowns, The main unknown is how long the petitions are out being circulated. If it takes a long time to get a suf- ficient number of signatures, the construction costs could be much higher. An- other variable in this situation is that there are a number of streets that could have successful petitions which would affect the quantity of work to be done. A larger quantity of work means a better price per foot. With the above information in mind, a rough estimate of the cost per property owner would be as follows: If all the streets have successful petitions, $1,000 to $1,500 per lot. It should be noted that all the above information is applicable to only property within the corporate limits of the City of Fontaria. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact our office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Fublic Works Directo~ By: BebM~ ~e~he~ DepUty ~ublic Works Directo~ RS:BMP:wp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA,CALIFORNIA ~3~ · ~14) 3504600 City Council Minutes -12- August ~, 1985 Motion made by Councilman Kragness, seconded by Councilman Day, to ORDER ]MS~LL~ to receive letter from Douglas J. Enudso~ requesting that the City ~o ST. XMPR. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 23, 1985 File: Chapter 27 #224 Property Owner: Chapter 27 of the Streets and Highways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of a variety of street improve- ments within a block when that particular type of improvement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage of the block, or when a peti- tion requesting improvements and signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the Block is filed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two intersecting streets. This refers to your property on either Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court or Holly Drive. We are posting your property with a NOtice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is also enclosed. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not required. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If the City Council orders the improvements installed, the property owner has to have the required improvements installed by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received. The only practical course for sewer construction would be to take no action and allow the City to have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefitting property. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us before the bearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( P.O. BOX 518) · FONTANA,CALIFORNIA 92335 · g14) 350-7600 N lET N STR U CT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction -~--.-.-~' .... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, ---=,-~-.---~-~-.-,-square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, --.--,- ....-- square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear £eet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15995 Holly Drive (Assessor"s Parcel No. 233-302-13) Fontana, California, All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontaria. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on ,qer" ~. qqns at 7:'~n p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if ahy, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Ca!ifernia If further infvrmation is needed, please pi~o,ne City Haft, Public Works Department (';14) 823-3'H1 {~224 .Nor4eman N TICE T NSTRU · ~ Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ,-,-v.-~,-,-,-.-~- lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, ,---.----,--~----,--~quare feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, .......... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 7=j 1t'~'r ~=~,pf- r,~= q~,,~,ts~ · sewer fac'fltties and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15913 Manzanita Drive (Assessorts Parcel No. 233,303,01 Fontana, California. -. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3. 1985 at 7:30 in the 'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interesfed persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Ha!!, Public Works Depmlment (714) 823-341~ #224 Coleman NTIET NSTRU ·; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............ lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, .......... -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15937 Manzanita Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-02) Fontana, California. A, II work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if ahy, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date ~,-gu~' 9t, lqR5 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, public Work~ Department (714) 823-3411 ' #224 Happe N lET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. ~-~ lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ..... ------,-,-,-square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........ -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 l:r. neaf feet: of sanaEtary sewer faeil~It:1.es and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15947 Manzanita Drive ~ssessorts ~arcel No, 233,-3~3,03) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3,' 1985 at 7730 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve* ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California if further information is needed. please phone City Hall, F~ubtic Works Department ,~T:4) 823-3411 N ICET NSTRUCT .: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............ lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 linear feet of san'Itary sewer facilities and appurtenances ill front of your property located at 15955 Manzanita Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-04) Fontana, California. : All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontaria. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'r~y, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is headed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Depsrtment !71,~) 823-341: ~?')/~ f~l,r,,,~ : N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction --~-~",-----,----lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, -.--.--~,- .... ~-~ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ......... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 linea~: feet of sa'n:ltary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15963 Manzanita Drive (A,~sessor"s Parcel No. 233-303-05~ Fontana, California. ; All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sent. 3. 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Au~zu~t 23. 1985 Superintendent of Stree[s City of Fontana, Caiifornia if further information is needed, please phone City Haft. Public Works Depa,-tment (/IA) 823-34!1 f/224 Hughes N lET NSTRU T Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ........... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15971 Manzanita Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-06) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a~y, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If furflier information is needed, please ~hone City P, al!, Public Works Department (714) 823-34!1 NOTICE NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. '-lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, --~ ....... ---square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 linear feet: of sanitary sewer facilities and aDpurtenances in front of your property located at 15979 Manzanita Drive (Assessorts Parcel No. 233-303-07) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7;30p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Augugt 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Hall. Pub!ic Works D~partment ... · (714) 823-3411 # 224 Mercado N ICET NSTRU Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction -~-'-"---" ..... -lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, '.',-,,--~-~- square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, -,-------=,-.-~-square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilitles amd appurtenances in front of your property located at 15987 Manzanita Drive (AssessorTs Parcel No. 233-303-08) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a~y, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date A,,g,.~ ?~, lgFtS Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Californja If furtiler infurmation is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Department (7~4) 823-3411 tt224 N lET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. -lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 69.04 linear feet of san'itary sewer facilities and appurtenances jR front of your property located at 15997 'N'~nzan 'lta Dr~ve (Assessor ' s Parcel No. 233-303-09) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wiII be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shaft be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on s,=pf- 3, 198.5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets CHy of Fontana, California if f~, [her in.:orrnatic, n is needed, please phone City Ha',l, Public Works Department ,,714) 82,j-34~1 #224 Tocco NTIET NS'TRUCT .; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... squarefeet of asphalt concrete paving,and 72 linear feet of sanitary · sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15971 Holly Drive (Ass'essor's Parcel No. 233-302-10) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Auguat 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Ca!ifornia If further information is needed, please phone City Hail, Public Works Depa,tment (714) 823-34!I ,' #224 Ra~one N ICET NSTRUCT ,; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE tS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - .......... square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, .......... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear feet of sanitary .sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15979 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-11) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plaps, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City Of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets Chy of Fontana, California If further inforrhation is needed, please [}hone City Hall Public WorKs DeparTment (714) 8~3-3411 #224 Hogan NTIET NS'TRU ·: Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ~--=~- ...... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, ---~--r----.--.-- square feet of Portland cement .concrete sidewalk, ~ ......~-'=-square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear feet of sanitary · sewer facil~tie.~ ~na ~pp,,~ten~.u~~ in front of your property located at 15987 Rollv ;Drive (Assessor"s Parcel No. 233-302-12) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the 'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California !f further information i9 needed, please phone Ci[v Ha;I, Pdblic Wurks Department (714) 823-3411 #224 S-:el;r N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 80 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15960 Manzanita Drt'~e (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-06) Fontaria, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on se~t. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City Of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if ~ny, to the proposed work or improve- _ .ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontaria, California If further :nforrnation is needed, plsase phone City Hall, Pnbl~c Works Department (,'14) 023 3411 ~224 Gid~umb N TICE T NS'TRUCT ·; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. -fkneal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 74 linear feet Of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15919 }tollv Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-07) Fontana, California. -. AI'I work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be don~ and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a~y, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further informat;on is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Work~ Department (714) 823-3411 #224 Gz,r. cia N lET NSTRU T Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ -square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 74 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15927 Holly Drive (Assessor'~ Parcel No. 233-302~08) Fontana, California. AII work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7=30 in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- merit which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written ~rotests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Ausust 23. 19~5 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California '- if fur[her info~rnation is needed, p~ease phone : City Hall Public Works Department (714) 823-3,111 #224 Stirn N lET NSTRU . .; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 73.97 linear feet of sanitary .sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15949 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-09) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3. 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- merit which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Cali-[ornia If further inforrnatior~ is needed, please phone -'- C!ty Hall, Public Works Departmerit : (7~4) 823-3411 #224 Tolich ' N ICET NSTRUCT .; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ........... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 65 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenanees in front of your property located at 15952 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-06) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT onsePt. 3, 1985 at 7:30 in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If furtiler information is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Department (714) 823-3411 #224 Driggers 'N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ........... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 80 linear £eet: o£ sewer f-acilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15944 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-07) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City Of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date AnRust 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontaria, Californic if i'urther information is needed. p!ease phone City Hall, Public Works Department ---' (714) 823-3411 ~'i224 Mol. d N ICET NSTRU Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 73.63 linear feet: of sanitary s.ewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at q 5936 No] 13 Drive (Assessor' s Parcel No. 233-301-08) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontaria Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if ahy, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Ca!ifornia If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Department '- (/14) 823-341] #224 Artz N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .......... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - .............. -square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear feet of sewer facilities and aPPurtenances in front of your property located at 15928 Holl~Dr~ve (Assessorts No. 233-301-09~ Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3o 1985 at 7:30 in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date A~umt 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information i,~ needed, please phone City Hzll, Public Works Department (714~ 823-3411 f'~:~24 Hoerber N ICET · NS RUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 11near £eet of sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15920 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-10) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- _ ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California ~f further information is needed, please phone Ciiy Ha!l, public Works Department (714) 823-3411 Herna~dez NOTICE T NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............ -lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - .............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, .......... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 80 l:!.D. ear £eet o£ seT,~er facilities and appurtenances jR front of your property located at 15912 Holly Drive (Assessor's No. 233-301-11) Fontana, California. .- All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3. 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If furthat informat on is needed, please phone City Hail, Public Works Department (7! 4) 823-3411 " N lET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of, the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, .......... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 80.84 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances irl front of your property located at 9567 Catawba (Assessor's No. 233-301-12) Fontana, California. : All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary fora construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, ]_985 at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City Of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If fu:thei' information is neeoed, pleasc phone City Hall, Public Works Depanrnsnt (7!,~) 82S-34~1 #224 Foster N ICET NSTRUCT ·; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. "lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. -square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... squarefeet of asphalt concrete paving,and 65.18 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 9569 Manzanita Ct. (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-01) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the'Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- _ ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent ol Streets City of Fontana, California If further informatiun is needed, please phone City Hail Pubiic Works Department (714) 823-~_1,/~1! ~2~A Mnnett N TICE T NS'TRU Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. -lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ........... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 60 linear feet of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances jR front of your property located at 9561 Manzanita Court (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-02) Fontana, California. -. AIII work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B&fore starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a~y, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for. the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California il fu~ ~he~ infoi'~natior, is needed, please phone City Ha!l, Pub!ic Works Departmcnt (714',, 823-3,;11 #224 Ruffner/Domingo N TIE T NS'TRU Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............ lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ ~quare feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 61o 20 linear feet: of sanitary sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 9554 Manzanita Court (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-03) Fontana, California. ~ AII work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3. 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Ha!!, Public Works Depa~ment -.' (714) 823-3411 #224 Lukesh N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 60 linear feet of sanitary Sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 9560 Manzanita Court (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-04) Fontana, California. i All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if ahy, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone C~iy Hail Public Works Department (7!4) 823-34il ,,,-'224 Bcese N lET' NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............... lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 84.16 linear feet of sanitary sewe~ facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15980 Manzanita Court (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-05) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary for aconstruction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if any, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, California If furthsr infnrmation is needed, please phone CSty Hal~, Public Works Department (7'i4) 873-3411 #224 ~las~ ' ' City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 23, 1985 File: Chapter 27 #224 Property Owner: Chapter 27 of the Streets and Nighways Code, one of the many State laws, authorizes a City to order the construction of a variety of street improve- merits within a blQck when that particular type of improvement already exists in front of not less than half of the frontage of the block, or when a peti- tion requesting improvements .~nd signed by at least 60% of the property owners in the block is filed with the City, or when the City Council orders the improvements to be constructed. A block is defined as one side of a street between any two ~ntersecting streets. This refers to your property on either Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court or Holly Drive. We are posting your property with a Notice to Construct. A copy of the Notice is also enclosed. The Notice sets the time and place for a public hearing. If you wish to attend you may, but your attendance is not required. The item shown on the Notice is what will be included in the assessment project. If' the City Council orders the improvements installed, the property owner has to have the required improvements insGalled by a licensed contractor within the 60 day period after the Notice to Construct is received. The only practical course for sewer construction would he to take no action and allow the City to have the work done by contract and assess the cost to the benefittlng property. If you have any questions, please get in touch withus before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director By: Bob M. Porter Deputy Public Works Director RS:BMP:wp Enclosure 3353 SIERRA AVE!'!UE ( PO. BOX 518) · FONTANA.CALIFORNIA 92335 · (714) 3,.50-7600 N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............ lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............. square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear feet of sewer fac~ 14 t~ as & ~ppurtenances in front of your property located at 15984 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No, 233-301-02) Fontana, California. : All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it will be necessary fora construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendenl of Streets City of Fontana, California If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, pub:ic Works Deaa~rner, t (7!4) 82R-3411 #224 Parker N lET NSTRU Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction .............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, ' ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, .......... square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear feet of sewer f.acilitfes and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15980 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-03) Fontana, California. : All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies .of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT OnSePt:' 3, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- ~.. ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date A,S,~t 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Ca!ifornia If further information is needed, p!ease phone C!ty Hall Public Works Depa,lmcnt (714) 823-341! N TICE T NSTRUCT .; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............ lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ --square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 72 linear £eet o£ sewer f.acilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15972 Holly Drive (Assessorts Parcel No. 233-301-04) Fontana, California. ~ All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. B~fore starting work it will be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. 3, 1985 at 7:30 p,m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a'ny, to the proposed work or improve- merit which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City ot Fontana, California if further infornlatior' is needed, p~ease Dnone C tv Hail, P ,blic Wort, s Department u (7 4) 823-3411 ;/22;~ ~ooldfidge N ICET NSTRUCT Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, .- ............ square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............ -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 85.26 linear £eet: o£ sewer f.acilittes and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15962 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-05) Fontana, California, All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtained from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a~y, to the proposed work or improve- _. merit which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fontana, Califorr=ia If further information is needed, please phone City Hall, Public Works Degartment (714) 823-34!1 ~'t22"' Cfecu O 7 ~ E ? F ? 14 7 The Construction of Sewer Facility improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Court. Project 71-7229 (Chpt. 27 ~224) Plans & Specs - $6.50 (8.00 if mailed) Bid Opening Date, November 25, 1985 3:00 P.M. 1. City Clerk 2. F.W. Dodge, 202 E. Airport Drive., Suite 130, San Bernardino, Ca. 92408 3. ACI Building News, 464 S. Sierra Way, SanBernardino, 92408 4. Operation Second Chance, Inc., 341 W. 2nd St. Suite 1, San Bernardino 5. Public Works Inspector 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. N I NSTRU .; Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of '191'1" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to construction ............. lineal feet of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, - ......... square feet of Portland cement concrete sidewalk, ............. -square feet of asphalt concrete paving, and 7z linea~: feec of sewer facilities and appurtenances in front of your property located at 15996 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-01) Fontana, California. All work shall be done in accordance with the City of Fontana Standard Specifications, Standard Drawings and Plans, copies of which are on file in the Public Works Department of the City of Fontana. Before starting work it wi II be necessary for a construction permit to be obtai ned from the Public Works Department. If the construction of said work or improvement is not commenced within 60 days after notice is given and diligently and without interruption prosecuted to completion, the Superintendent of Streets shall cause the construction to be done and the cost of the same shall be a lien on the property. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT on Sept. B, 1985at 7:30 p.m. in theCouncil Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon written or oral objections or protests, if a~y, to the proposed work or improve- ment which may be raised by any property owner or other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date August 23, 1985 Superintendent of Streets City of Fon[ana, California ~f further information is needed, please phone Cjly Han, Pubiic Works Department {714) B22-3/HI EnEineer's Estimate: $51,890.00 CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1. SEALED PROPOSAL8 will be received at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontand, California, until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on November 25, 1985 at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows: THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE. 2. BIDDING BOND: No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond made payable to the Gity of Fontand for an amount equal to at least ten (10) percent of the amount bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract. '~' -\ Any bid received after the hour stated above for any reason whatsoever, will not be considered for any purpose but will be returned, unopened, to the bidder. If an award is made to a contractor in accordance with the terms of his bid, the contractor shall promptly secure workmen,' compensation insurance and liability insurances a City Business License, execute the contract in the required form, and furnish satisfactory bonds for the faithful performance of the contract and for payment of claims of material suppliers and laborers thereunder. Said bonds shall each be in an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the total amount of the bid price named in the contract. The payment bond shall not be less than fifty percent of the total of the contract amount. The City of Fontand reserves the right to reject any bond, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the Surety's acknowledgment is not in the form included in the contract documents or in another form substantially as prescribed by law. Contractors attention is directed to Sub-Section 7-1.09 of the State Standard Specifications. All bids are to be compared on the basis of the City Engineer's Estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. Plans and forms of proposal, bonds, contracts and special provisions may be ob- tained at the office of the City Engineer, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontand, California. The charge for plans and specifications is $ 6.50 or $ 8.00 if mailed out and the charge is nonrefundable. The City of Fontana reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or informality in any bid to the extent permitted by law. 1 3. GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATE: In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done is in accordance with the "General Prevailing Wage Rates" current at time of bidding as published by the State of 8alifornia Business and Transportation Agency, Department, of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Any contractor or any subcontractor who intends to use a craft or classification not shown on the general prevailing wage determinations may be required to pay the wage rate of that craft or ciassification most closely related to it as shown in the general determinations effective at the time of the call for bids. CITY OF FONTANA By: Robert Schoenborn City Engineer Dated= November 6, 1985 PETITION REQUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER TEE PROVISIONS OF CEAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE To the City of Fontaria, California: We~ the undersigned owners of property f~onting On the south side of Manzanita Drive between Catawba Avenue to 660 feet east, hereby request the construction of sanitary sewer drainage facilities including lateral connection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Streets and NiShways Code of the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer mai~ installation upder this project ie indicated in the accompanying letter. ADD~SS / Tract 4564, petitio PETITION REOUESTING IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE TO the City of Fontana, California: We, the undersigned o~ers of property frontinE on the north side of Manzanita Drive b~tween Catawba Avenue and Holly Drive, hereby request the Construction of sanitary sewer d~ainage facilities including lateral co~nection from main to property line in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 27 of the Street8 and Highway8 Code ~f the State of California. The estimated cost of sewer main i~tallatt ~ '~n~er this project l~ ~ndicat=d in the ace~anying letter. ~DRESS Tract 4564, Petition ~2 PETITION REQUESTING IMPR0V~ENTS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF T~E STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE TO the City of For~tana, California: (Legal Advertisement) CiTY OF FONT~NA AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION , STATEOFCAUFORN~' . NO ICETOCONTRACTORS T 1. SEALED PROPOS.~LS will be received ai (Space below for filing stamp only) ' s~erra Avenue F~b THE CONSTRUCTI~N'~OF..:~ER FACILITY unless it is mode o~ a p~op~i~fo~ furnished City of Fontana for an amount'~al to at Jeost ten (10) percent of the amouni bid.. such ~A~ O~ CA~,~ for an~ reason whatsoever ~li not be con- sidered for any purpose but ~be returned cardance with the lerms of hiCk.bid. the con- ~e ~de~ed ~fiat of ~e ~ty of Sa ~o, ~o, shall promptly sec~:~workmens' ~ ~ CADS, ~g [~t duly ~0m, dep~es ~d says: .~.c.. a City 8u~iness Liceaa~e~ecu!e t~e contract in the required f~rm 'and fu~nlsh ~at I ~, ad a ~ ~ here~ ~en~o~ w~ a cit~n safisfocto~bon~sforthef~i~b~h~edormance ~ ~e U~ted ~ates of ~e~ca, over ~e age of eight~n ye~ ad ,msd,~ ,uppiiers aM~abo~!~s JhereundeT. not a ~ ~ nor ~te~ in the a~ve entitled matter; ~t I am ~ fifty perce~t {50%)of the pmcip~ clerk of ~e printer ~d pubesher of ~y~d~t ~a the Surety', Ocknowledgment'~ot in the form ~at sMd ne~ is a new~a~r of general ~r~lation p~t~ included in the centCoot 'documents or in and published daily, except ~nday, in the City of Fontana, Couty of so,. Con~raciors eStsnfio, i~ ~irectsd ,o Sub- ~ ~o, which newspa~r hs b~n adjudged a new~a~r d sp..,~.,.~.. · : gener~ ~ula~on by ~e ~Hor ~u~ ~ ~e State ~ C~omia the City Engineer', Estimat~ '~f the quantities 19~, ~ ~ NO. 73171; ~ ~e ,h. provisions N~ICE TO CONTRACTO~ tract, and special provisions. may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer. ~53 Sierra Avenue. Fontana, Californi~';The charge for~ of w~eh ~e ~nex~ ~ a tree p~t~ ~py, w~ pub~h~ ~ uch malledoutandthech~,~n~a~e~unHable. ~ei~t any or :qll bi~aL(~ wane any extent permitted by~l~. their, 0n ~e faring dat~. ~t: accordance wit~ the provisionS' of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Cod~f the State of employer payments for-h~ith and warfare. - November 6, ~O~ 198~ vacation. pensions and similar purposes Prevailing Wage Rates" current at time of ~. C bidding as published ~y the S~ateof California J~ ~, I~ ~. ~ffi~t Business a~: Transpgq~tion Agency. Department. of Public Wb~ks. Division of Highways. on file in lh~'.office of the City November 19 8~ . ~f inatioas may be requir~ lb pay the wage .............................. . .................................. rate of that craft or classification. mast closely NOt~' ~bUc m ~d fdr s~d Coun~ and Sm~ ~t~a: ,o~,~,;~. ~iO~ ' ' 5. ~ ~ ' ; By: Robed Schoen~rn My ~ ' ~ * CAL~~ City Enginee~ -- ~ ~N~D]NO t OR~ Pubfish: Nov. 6.20, 19e5 BID SHEET TAB - CITY OF FONTANA BID OPENING DATE: 11-23-85 TIME: LOCATION: City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, CA. SUBJECT: Sanitary Sewers TR 4564 - Project #71-7229 NAME COMPANY ADDRESS & PHONEBONDINS. L ~Zaf~i Const~c~ion P.O. Box 70~ YEs ~7~ Font~na, CA 92335 2. J ~ B Con~_ors, ~nc. P.O. ~o~ 767~,~_~~ Hi~hl~d, CA 92346 ~' 3. Go~ey Const~ction P.O. Box 381 ~ ~ ~ '~ Bloom~ton 92316 /~ 4. Meekins, Inc. 6293 Pedley Rd. ~5 ~ Riverside, CA 9250~ Corona, ~ 91720 6. Mike B~alo Constmctioa 5126 ~uf~an Ave. C.~,,- ~ · ' Temple City, CA /'~ ~ 91780 7. Ci[y of Foz _- ana C A]L I Ir O Z~ R~ I December 4, 1985 File: Ch. 27 #224, Project 71~7229 Sewer Installation in Manzanita Dr,, Manzanita Ct., & Holly Dr. Sclafani Construction Company P.O. Box 701 Fontana, CA 92335 At the December 3,.1985 meeting of the City Council, the contract for the Con- struction of Sewer Facility Improvements of FLanzanits Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive was awarded to your company~ Four copies of the contract are enclosed for signature of the proper officials~ Please return three copies to us and keep one for your files. A fully executed copy will be sent to you at a later date. Please do not date the contract. Please supply us with the required contract bonds within eight days as required by the specifications. It is also requested that you furnish us with the following information: 1. The name of the subcontractors, if any. 2. The name of the person authorized to sign contract change orders and similar contract documents, 3. The name of the Superintendent or other person who will be in charge. 4. An approximate schedule of the work. 5. Primary class and number of your State Contractor~s license. 6. A copy of your insurance certificate. 7. Proof of a current business license issued by the City of Fontana. Please contact the Public Works Department as soon as possible to set up a mre~ construction conference to go over the details of the project. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director RS:wp Enclosures The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Ik~ 2-231-359 LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND C, ALIFOIINIA--PUILIC CONmACr KNOW ALL MEN 8V THESE PRESENTS, that SCLAFANI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND/OR ANTHONY SCLAFANI 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 asObli~Jee, inthssumof TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND TWO HU(IDRED SIXTY & 00/100 Dollars($ 25,260.00 .) of BECEMBER 1R 85 ' entered into a con~ra~t with the Obliges for ' THECONSTRUCTION OF SE~',"ER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT & HOLLY COURT. Signed and sealed ffiis iOTH dayof DECEMBER 19 8B On this ............day of .......D...E..C...E...M..B...E...R. ..........in the year ....1..9...8..5, before RAMIE CRIDER ................................................................ , a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said fact of Tlfl~ OHIO CABUAI~TY.INSURANC COMP , and ayJlmowl- The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company 2-237-358 Bona N^ PERFORIvtANCE BOND CALIFOPJqlA--PUBLIC CONTRACT KNOW ALL MF.N BY THESE PRE$[NT5: Tha~' SCLAFAN I CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND/OR ANTHONY SCLAFANI 8353 SIERRA AVENUE, FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 COUN'I'YOF SAN BERNARDINO ) o. t.~ ..L°.Z.". ~y o~ ....°..Lc..~.~.e..L~. .............l,, t,. ~.~,., .,~.~..5., b.~o. ,~.. RAMIE CRIDER ................................................................ , a NOTARY PUBLXC in and for sai(i s~ .-o.~w .p.-d ......."..~..~.L.~.:....LL"..."...~.Lv. ................? ,-,-", knowIx to me (or proved to me on the bsais of satisfactory e~de~es) to bIr the i~rs~n wh~6e n~me is subseribsi ' ' trument as the attarmy-in- fact of ~ OHIO CASUAL'II' INSUIIAN COMPANY, and sclmowi- edlled to me that be (she) subscribed the ham t THE IO CA~UAI~TY INSURANCE COMPANY thereto as Su and hi (h~r) own ame as ............... No~ I~.tl~ ~ ~l ~o, ~d ~ I~ ~ ~h~ ........... M.A..V...l.g.~...l.tfl.9. ................,~,~ cl?~R~~ ~ SCLAFANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Mailing Address 1757,~ Filbert · Fontana, California 92335 · Office (714) 829-3034 Residence (714) 823-.{251 December 10, 1985 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontaria, Ca. 92335 RE: Sewer Installation Manzanita Dr., Manzanita Ct., & Hooly Dr. Public Works Department: In regards to you letter of December 4, 1985, please find enclosed our per- formance bond, as required in the specifications, the signed contract's, and below the infonmation that you requested. Our SubContract for the installation of Manholes: Howard Enterprises Autho~ized~person to sign Contract's & Change orders: Anthony Sclafani Superintendent: Andy Chavez - Formen of Work: State Contractor's License #: 263479 Class A All other information requested is enclosed. If you need any other infor- mation, please do not hesitate to ask. / Sincerly, Anthony Sclafani Sclafani Construction scc/ems STATE OF CALIFORNIA -- DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS DIVISION OF APPRENTICESHIP STANDARDS TO: California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Apprenticeship Standards P. O. Box 603 San Francisco, California 94101 EXTRACT OF FROM: AWARDING AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT AWARD 831200000 CITY OF FONTANA POST OFFICE BOX 518 FONTANA, CA 92335-3598 A CONTRACT TO PERFORM PUBLIC WORKS UNDER LABOR CODE SEC, 1777.5 HAS BEEN AWARDED TO: 2. Name of General Contractor 3. Contractor's Ucense Number Sclafani Construction Company 263479 4. Mail Ad~ires$ (Street Number or P. O. Box) 5, City P.O. Box 701 92335 ( 714 ) 829-3034 Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive in the City of Fontana Ch, 27 #224. Pro~ect 71-7229 $50,520.00 12/ 16 / 85 / 20 Sewer Installation ~ NEW CONSTRUCTION ~ ALTERATIONS ~avy equipment operators, Concrete workers, Pipeline workers, Paving workers 17. Is language included in the Contract Award to effectuate the provisions of Section 1777.5, as required by the Labor Code? ............................................. ~ YES ~ NO IS language included in the Contract Award to effectuate the provisions of Section 1776, as required by the Labor Code? ............................................. ~ v~s ~ No eL Printed or Typed Nar~e Bo5 M. Porter ( 714 ) 350-7613 QAS ~ 3 (RV. 7/85) EXTRACT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT AWARD CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE. This agreement, made and concluded this day of ,19__, between the City of Fontana, party of the first part, and Sclafani Construction Company , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the paymentsand agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good WorkmanIike and substantial manner, the following: For the construction of sewe~ facility Improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of Fontana, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans: Dr. No. 1286 & 1287, Sheet 2 of 2. ARTICLE II: And the said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: .APPROXIMATE . ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE ITEM . QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE . TOTAL 1 4 each Construct Manhole per City Std ~112 ~ On~ Tho~,~nd Three Hnndre~ Dollars ~nd ~n r~nt~ $1,300.00 Ea. $ 5,200.00 per each 2 2 each Construct Sewer Terminal Clean-out @ Four Hundred Dollars and no cents 400.00 Ea. 800.00 per each 3 975 L.F. Install 4" V.C.P. Sewer Lines ~ EiRhtDollars and no cents 8.00 L.F. 7,800.00 per linear foot 4 1560L.F. Install 8" V.C.P. Sewer Lines ~ Twelve Dollans and no cents 12.00 L.F. 18,720.00 per linear foot 5 1 each Remodel Existing Manhole @ Eight Hundred Dollars and no cents 800.00 Ea. 800.00 per lump sum 6 215 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement ~ Eighty Dollars and no cents 80.00 Ton 17,200.00 per ton Total Contract Fifty Thousand Five Hundred Total Contract $50,520.00 ~n Words Twenty and no/100 Dollars in Figures ARTICLE III. Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to providethe materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA BY: Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Fontana APPROVED: CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana BY: The Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Bem~IN,- 2-237-358 LABOR AND MATERIAL BOND CALIFORNIA--FUIJC CONTRACT KNOW ALLMEN BY THESE PRESENTS, tbat SCLAFANI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND/OR ANTHONY SCLAFANI as Principal, an~J THE OHIO CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, an Ohio cor oration authorized to execute bondsintheStateofCalifornia, asSuret are held and firrnl boundunto CIT~ OF FONTANA 83 3 SIERRA AVENUE, FON~(~NA, CALIFORNIA 92335 5 asOblilee, lnthesumof TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SICTY & QO/lO0 Dollar~ ($ 25,260. OO ) for which sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally by these presents. THE CONDITION of the above obligation is such that, Whereas the Principal on the 3RD day of DECEMBER 19 85 , entered into a contract With the Obligee for THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT & HOLLY COURT. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above.bounden Principa) or his subcontractors fail to pay any of the persons named in Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of CaUfornla~ or amounts due under the Unemployment insurance Code with respect to work or labor performed by any such claimant, or for any amounts required to be deducted, withheld, and paid over to the Franchise Tax Board from the wages of em pinycos of the contractor and his subcontractors pursuant to Section 18806 of the Revenue and TaxaUon Code of the State of California, with respect to such work and labor, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, and alsoI ~n Case suit Is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court. This bond shaft Inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or corporations entitled to file claims under Section 31 gl of the Civil Code of the State of Cal{fornia, So as to g{ve a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Siln~d and sealed thi~ 23RD day of DECEMBER 1985 THE OMI0 CASUALTY IN~URA CE COMPANY City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: City Clerk File: Ch. 27 #224 Project 71-7229 FROM: Public Works Department, Robert Schoenborn SUBJECT: Release of Bid Bonds and Transmittal of Contract Documents DATE: January 6, 1986 At their meeting of December 3, 1985, the City Council awarded a contract to Sclafani Construction Company for the construction of sewer facility improve- ments in Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive. We are hereby transmitting a copy of the fully executed contract for this job, the insurance certificate, Performance Bond in the amount of $25,260.00, and Labor and Material Bond in the amount of $25,260.00. R /~ ' bonds you may be holding on this project. Thank you. obert S6hoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director RS:wp Attachments cc: Finance Director ~ Please release any cash bid bonds you may be holding on this project. o f F o mt'-t an a L I ,F O I~ N I .A January 6,, 1986 F~le: Ch. 27 #224, Sewer Installation Manzan~ta Dr~ Holly Dr., and Mauzanita Ct., Project 7[-7229 Sclafani Construction Company 17575 F~lbert Fontana, CA 92335 Attention: Anthony Sclafan! Subject: Contract for Sewer Installation in Manzanita Dr.~ Holly Dr.~ and Manzanita Ct~ Enclosed for your files is a copy of the fully executed contract for the subject project. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, piease contact this office. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director RS:w~ Enclosure F135:!,E,I~ERRAAVENL.iE(pODOXF!8/ ~ !~,jTi~A i,5',[.iiOF~NIAg~335-' !7 OWNER OR PUBLIC AGENCY'S COPY B/N FORM 105-B OWNER OR PUBLIC AGENCY'S COPY For Use By Sub-Contractors; Materialmen.Supplic .rchitects; EnRineers; and Other Nan-Contractor Ciaim~ ~.~ On NO,, 3 8 4 2 7 , ~) RE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT: PUBLI~ or PRIVATE Construction Projects. ' Job ~BGll Legal Notice Prerequisite To Filing Claim Of Lien And/Or Stop Nofice--"2O-Day Prelimina~ Notice"~ ~a~':~ ~'' ~"~ ~"' (lrect/Subdivis~on Boundaries) BCBPTS FROM SEC. 3097, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE ~ TO: LENDER (Or Reputed Lender) OF CO~TRUGTION FUNDS Of Any) ~cordifi9 of o mchonic's Hen and prior to the filln9 of ~C. L J """" "'"'" "'"""""~ ""'~" "' "'""'""' , * * * * * * * * * * * * · * * * * ' m:E Name C1~y O~ ~ materials to the jobsite, and shall contain t e following: <*~on~ana, ~ 92334 eThe name and oddross of such person fumishing sac ~ L ~ i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i~ such labor, se~ice, equipment, or mateflaiL -: ~TICE TO PRQPER~ OWNER ~ TO: ORIGINA~ ('~eneral") CONTRACTOR (Or Reputed Contractor) (If Any) If hills are not paid In full for the labor, 2." ices equipment, or materials furnished or to be ~ ~ Sclafani ~nstzuction ~ furnished, a .,chanic's lien leading to the ass, . u Name ._ ~rough coud foreclosure proceedings, of all or pad of your proper~ being so improved may be ~ P,O. ~X 701 placed against ~e proper~ even fieugh you ~g Street hwe paid your contractor in full. You may wish ~'~ Fonta~, ~ 92335 to protect yourself against ~is consequence by ~ Ci~ (1} requiring you~ contractor to furnish a signed rolerose by ~e person or firm giving you this ~ L J -.. ,.,0,. -..., ..-.., ,0,0., Sal~ ~na r~nta~ o~ sbor(ng ~ui~ent of the work of improvement and who 9ires Q preliminary e FROM CLAIMANT: Date 2/2~86 give a preliminery notice as pray ded n suMiv s on o) or tO~ MALLOY C~~ ::~:, CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE :1368L!,,32 :~- IN ACCORDAN ~VlTH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALlFOR' CIVIL CODE THIS 15 NOT A LIEN, THIS IS NOT A ncFLECT ION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY Cc~NTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT.. . MISSION CLAY PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any P.O. BOX 391 WHITTIER, CA 90608 CITY OF FONTANA has furnished or will furnish labor, services, equipment, ~r P · O. BOX 518 materials of the foB0wing general description: FONTANA, CA 92334 SEWER PIPE & FITTINGS material furnished or to be furnished) for the building, structure or other work of improvement Iocated at:~ATAWBA & MANZANITA DR. FOLD HERE - (address or description of Job site FONTANA M/C JOB#6605 sufficient for identification) The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material is: SCLAFANI (name and address of person or firm) P.O. BOX 701 OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) FONTANA. CA 92334 (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the lab0r, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: $ 8,908.00 (Dollar amGunt must be furnished to construction lender CITY OF FO~2~T~A optional as to owner or contractor) P, O, BOX 518 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are FONTANA, CA 92334 Payable. (Material men not required to furnish) (name) (address} Construction loan no. (if known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER if bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a me- chaoic's lien leading to the loss, through court fore closure proceedings, of all or part of your property being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed against the property even Reputed Contractor, if any though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your coatsector to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving yon this notice before making payment to your cootractor or (Z) nov other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. Oated:._ZEBRU~ 21~, 198~6 CITY OF FONTANA )ated:_~ This fofw~ (No, 594 Revised 1/80) © Copyrighted by and d~stributed through 8Ui LDING iNDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCiATiON (213) 382-7151 FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLAN'I: 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA." GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA. (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3737 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALl F. 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. LIC. # 162709 A oRD~ Nd. Jo~;~:'?i~F' ..... ~ ' ~ SOLD TO: .... 'T"l~"~' :'!./,(~ :' ~,.'. h :' . (. 'JOB T '~t ~A [] CORONA ~ OFF T:~E ...... '~ATERIAL: " TGORNOSSS j ~ " ~ 4 ~L! I TAR, -,:.~/..~- Received By X~""~ ~+ = ....~r q, - ~' ~:'' E 262263 ~ ;, 'DRIVER8 dOPY FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLANT 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA. . GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS ~RONA, CA. FONTANA, CALIF. 92~5 (714) 737-8440 ~NT. LIC. ~ 162709 A SOLD TO: , ~ _ . ADDRESS: 'JOB SUB HAUL ~ CORONA ~OFF TA~E MATERIAL: GROSS TONS TONS . iSTART UNLOAD M LV P~NT , AR P~NT M ~"'"" .... ~,., Tr~s~ation char · ~r this material is made by ll~nsed, inde endant track operatom at ~bfic ~illtiB ~mmlssion rates and sub e~, tf ll~b~ to transpodation tax ~ly. NOTICE: Our ~iv~s w I rake eveW e oH o p ace ma era where Custome E 262262 FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLANT 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA, GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA, (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3737 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALIF, 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. UC. # 162709 A SOLD TO: ,, L''~ ('~ ,-," . ~ -' (,~. ("'t 'JOB MATERIA~ ' GROSS ,- ~o~-- ,,, , , :,, " :17 ., AR M UNLOAD ' FINISH ~]~T M LV JOB R M .-".T'~.' E 26228~ DRIVERS COPY ~?~,,--,-.,-.,,- ---,.__-,,., ____.__..,,,.,.....,.., ,. .... ,. FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLANT 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 <714) 737-844{1 CONT. LIC. # 162709 A ORDi::R NO. ,,' Joel~o. DATE "L) ,oLo o: . X,.:,,L..,,,. ADDRESS:: 'JOB. _ ' [] CORONA OFF TARE MATERIAL: TGORNSO~S / .ARR.E. DR.v,. STANDING TIME HRE, MtN. RATE It I~ agreed between Buyer and Seller that sale is consummated and title passed at the plant site, The price ol this material has been quoted FOe, OUr lent and subject to Sales tax on material only. by,,c.nSad panghates ~uut the Company assumes no respo~slhflity for damages Inside curb or properly 'he. No claims allowed unless made when material I~ delivered and re~eipte for, · Received By X L ~.,', '..> , ,~' -,,.-j~ .~' .,j...,:,::-~- 'i;' E 262260 BILLING COPY WEtGHMA~TER'S CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHT AND MEAiURE FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLANT~ 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA. (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3737 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. UC. ~ 162709 A ORDER NO. Jpe NO. DATE SOLD TO: '::~'<'~/~ ~"-/'~ ,~'~ , ~-t~. ,~ , . ADDRESS: 'JOB START'~ LV uNLoAD ::::: ' ARJO~ M UNLOAD · LVJOB M FINISH AR M Received By X 3,j.~:x~ "~'~/~:", ;~::/: :~: .... E262259 ; PA'~/iNG 'iNC~; CORONA. PLANT. ;'.':-~ 14270 MAGNOLIA P.O; BOX 847 ' '~'C~)RONA. CA. · ' '(714) 688-3737 ,:", '--" FONTAN,,~,,,' CAL F. 92335 ('/14) 7374:1440 I ~, ':';" CONT./[li3, i~ 162709 A ' ;, : 0,~,~,o;-:·:~:~;~ ." '.;~ '.' ,-,;~:~i:.:f~. :':1' .:" :': ..~."'~: ::~/.' ;'.. ,. ;'.,,., .';-i.'~::~:.Z' ,;,:-~-:b ....' ' . - ..-'.. ~; ~ ~ ' ' ' t;'= :2,~ , WEIGHED A1 DRIVER "' GR~ MAT RIAL: · saoss ,,-~ ..... '" "'" ~2' '; ' ~ , .~-' ' ~ WEIGHMAS~R .... 'J :""'"' "' '~':"" ':J" :" f t ARJOB , A % ' "' FINISH ', LVJOB '-', :"'~ ", , ' "'M' UNLOAD , -', ' ~ :,, ,...,.~i.., ..,,., ,.., .,: ,. _.....,...~ E,,......, ,...,.., .,,... ,... 0, ,.,. ~,.,., .. Recelv~ By X ,, ,- ' - , , .: '~, , ,~" ' E 262324 · ' "*":~._.2,~ i . '.~:~'~iNTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVINGiNC. CORONA PLANT t "" 8747 S LIMF ,-," 1A?TD MAGNO| IA I . ,,,FONTANA. CA. G,r, NFRAL rNGI'IE, E~IN(.~ (X)NIHACTORS COPX) NA CA - ?!~!:~ <~! 7 4 *:350-373~,, ,,;'~.~,, ' P.O. BOX847, ~ ~' : (7,,14) 688-3737 ~'~Yf-~l"~t:'~):3~868~"Y~::, '~':~',,:::'IFONTANA;CALIF 92335 =' '('~14) 73~-84~,0 ,o,~..::!::::.:i.~ :::::::::::::::::::::: :.{::::~.~:/.~.?::~::,:::: . ~'.i!.?:% ::::~ ~:.: .~ :..:'..::: :,..::::.:'!:::, .::::,:· ,~ :: · 'i:~::,~ ..:'!: ~ .,~-~.. ': ::':::: ' ::"'~ ,::.:.! . ~ , ,. ,., ": .': ": i ~ '7 ,,' ....f'.;.. ';~ .~. ..:. .~. , ',o. . .;:.,,. ]~:,..?_ ...-... .~,,?.., !"~ . . . ] ~,:. ~p. ..l~^~ ~": ~o,,o.~L...L~_....~.,__.~.'I_ .T?. M&TI:FRIAL: TC'OP~'s /' "'.*.t ";. ' l~' -~':2,~ '~' ':., .~:i:~r:~.'::.::!,.~:.:: :,! ~' :~ :. ': ~0~.:: ,: :,:: ': :: =: ~: ~!'ei::." :' ' ' :' , . , : , ' . ." - . · ' '~ START . ii. :' : ::: " .....:: :::-:' :i;:.!-. :,. , : E267,320 FONTANA:~ViNG INC. ;-,., P 0 Box 847 ,, - ' .': :~NT~ LIe'. t,1621~ A . , ~.~ - , .,:.., .,,...?-:,. ~,,, FINISH aNLOAD AR PMNT M E 2624~2 ." ',:::;Fd'NITANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING INC, CORONA PLANT " ,I ,d-270 MAGNOLIA '. .' .- 8747."8. LIME ' !"' '. FONTANA CA". (-;ENERAI. ENG~NEI:II'N('~ CON'IIIAC'I(.),'tS CO,"IONA. CA. '· '~','.' (T4) 350-3737 P.O, BOX 847 . · t71t,) 688-'W37 :: · , ". (714)350-868~, FONTANA, CALIF, 92335 (714) ~3'I-!~440 .? .:.. . . ~ . .." <., ..' . , ..... . ,' .~ . .... I... ·,. SOLD TO: ....... .: ..... Z . .. L , , :""'.'-' I .... ""' ' SUE; AU~. .... ; '~'' '" ";' ' ' · H J ' :' '" ~ ,'~ ,~t.'~:: '.""',.;;~ t ' ', ,., MATERIAL:· TONS ' M M ]' F~ ~IISH . UNLOAD M =LANT M ; . Rgce veal By X ,~; ~ "' "' :";. E 262397 CORONA PLANT.. ' 14270'M;~GNOLIA CORONA; CA. (714)'688-3737 (714) .737-8440 . a~~ LVP~NT'~' ~ ~ M FINISH ARP~NT / M ...... ": E 262396 · ' ' BILLING OOPY FONTANA PLANT ~ FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLANT · 8747 S. LIME ! 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA~ (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3737 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALIF. g2335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. LIC. # 16270g A SOLD TO: C ~A -' ~"~ ' ~"~ ~ ADDRESS: 'JOB ,,, i ~g ~ CORONA OFF TABE g~ ~ ~ O. -'"--' 'r"" "~' -" : ,. E'..:... "'7' ~ ~"' '" E 262719 : . BILLING COPY FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC. CORONA PLANT 8747 S, LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-~737 (714) 350-8688 FO NTAN A, CALl F. 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. LIC. # 162709 A 'JOB MATERIAL: Gnoss kSTART: /: FINISH [VdOB M UNLOA M Received By X ' ¢~-~')z, fl ,t, ~ Z E 262716 FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING INC. CORONA PLANT 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA. (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3737 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALl F, 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. LIC. # 162709 A SOLD TO: ADDRESS: JOB START FINISH LVJOB M UNLOAD M E 6 782 B|LL~NG COPY FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING INC. CORONA PLANT 8747 S. LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA, CA. GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA. (714) 350-3737 P.O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3~'37 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. LIC. # 162709 A oBo~R .o.,o .o. ~'///'' 'JOB ~/~' , 'START AR JOB ' M UNLOAD LV P~NT TIME HRS, pted for. , ~ ~ ~ , , '~ ~--:~'~ ~ ., ~ .. ! E262948 ~ . BILLING COPY FONTANA PLANT FONTANA PAVING iNC, CORONA PLANT 8747 S, LIME 14270 MAGNOLIA FONTANA. CA. GENERALENGINEERING CONTRACTORS CORONA, CA, (714) 350-3737 . P,O. BOX 847 (714) 688-3737" (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 (714) 737-8440 QONT. LIC. # 162709 A oRDER ,o. ADDRESS: 'JOB SUB HAUL ~ : LOAD / I , WEIGHED AT GRO~ ,~0"~" ~ OFF TA%E MATERIAL: GROSS CARRIER DRIVER START 2 ,jL) ARJOB ': M UNLOAD LVPLANT M FINISH LV JOB M U N LOAD AR PLANT M E 263006 (714) 350-8688 FONTANA, CALIF. 92335 (714) 737-8440 CONT. LIC. ~ 162709 A ADDRESS: 'JOB Q co.o,~ OFF TONS TONS ARJOB M UNLOAD M M FINISH LV JOB M UNLOAD M M E263282 CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE 1402704 IN ACCORDAr'r"~WITH SECTION 3097 AND 3098, CALlFOR'''~ CIVIL CODE TH S S NOT ALLEN THIS IS NOT A ..~FLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY ,~.d~TRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT.. . L : ,- SOUTHWEST CONCRETE PRODUCTS '.,: ,.. 'i 1~ i'!'. 'L'~' "~ (nanle of person or firm furnishing labor, services, equiO- E CONSTRUCTION LENDER or Reputed Construction Lender, if any 519 SOUTH BENSON AVENUE D F' '] ONTARIO CA 91762 ecluir)rnent or material) CITY OF FONTANA has furnished PO BOX 518 materials uf the fnliuwing general descriptiun: E FONTANA CA 92334 MANHOLES. R_I_NGS ,( COVERS R u ~ for the huilding, structure or nther wnrk of improvement lecatedat: MANZAN~TA.~ DRIVE S FOLD HERE (address or description of iob site CATAWBA AVENUE, FONTANA, CA. The name af the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labnr, services, equipment or material is: HOWARD ENTERPRISES 5036 WINDHILL DRIVE p OWNER or PUBLIC AGENCY or Reputed Owner (on public work) RIVERSZDE CA 92507 y (on private work) An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is: $ 7,000.00 (APPROX.) (Dollar amount must be furnished to construction lender CITV:OF..FONTANA - optional as to owner or contractor) P0 Z]Q~ 5:1'~ Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe Benefits are FONTANA': CA 92334 Payable. (Material men not re(luired to furnish) (name) (address) Construction 10an no. (if known) (name) (address) FOLD HERE (name) (address) (name) (address) NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills am not paid in full for the labor, services, equip- ment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a me- chanic's lien leading to the loss, through court fore- closure proceedings. of all or part of your property being ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR or so improved may be placed against the property even Reputed Contractor, if any though you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against this consequence by (1) requiring your contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm giving you this notice before making payment to your contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. SCLAFAN~ CONSTRUCTION COMPANV Dated; MARCH 4, 1986 PO BOX 701 ~R FONTANA CA~ 92334 :, ICKE':' ~<"[ETt,;, V.PRESIDENT · e~ennoneN~h~r( 714 I 983-9789 This form (No. 594 Revised 1/80) © Copyrighted by and distributed through BUILDING INDUSTRY CREDIT ASSOCIATION (213) 382-7151 SCLAFANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Mailing Address x TS7S Filbert · Fontana, California 92335 · Office (714) 829-3034 Residence ( 714) 823 - 5251 May 22, 1986 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, Calif. 92334 Pe: Billing -ManzanitaDriVe, ManzanitaCourt, & Holly Drive Purchase Order# 5103 Schedule of Payment Contract Per Purchase Order # 5103 $ 52,520.00 Amount Previously Billed $ 44,265.60 Progress Payment Per Invoice # 584 2,688.00 Total~ork Cc~pleted $ 46,953.60 Less 10% retentionheld 4,695.36 Total Contract Due $ 42,258.24 Less AmountReceived 39,839.04 Total Amount DueThis Payment $ 2,419.20 Checked by~~~/~o~orrY Childress Approved b: bert Schoenborn, P.E- Tony Sclafani SCLAFANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Mnlling Address 17.c7.; Filbert · Font,n,. Coliforni, 9:kS:L; · Office (1;4) Residence (7 ~ 4-) CfANDITI(~I, WAIVER AND ~ELEASE UPC~ P~0GRESS PAYM~qT Upon receipt by the undersigned of a check from City of Fontana in the sum of $ 2,419:25. (~mount of Check) Payable to Sclafani Construction Cc~mpany (Payee,or Payees of Check) and when the check has been properly endorsed and has been paid by the bank upon ~lich it is drawn, this document shall become effective to release pro tanto any mechanic's lien, stop notice or bond right the undersigned has on the job of City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, Ca. 92334 (Owner) located at Manzanita Dr. Manzanita Ct. &Holly, Drive. .' (Job Descriptxon) to the foll~ing extent. This release covers a progress payment for labor, services, equi[~ent or material furnished W Sclafani Construction Cc~manV (Your Customer) through May 22, 1986 only and does not oover any retention or items furnished after said date. Before any recipient of this document relies on it, said party should verify evidence of payment to the undersigned. Dated May 22, 1986 Sclafani Construction Cc~DanV (Company Name) I City of Fontana ///~Z~ .... C A L I ~ O I~ N ! A / 5une 20, 1986 ~~.~/ File: Chapter 27 ~224 Property Owner: Subject: Notice of Cost for Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the wor~ is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted onthe property. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for inthe Notice. If not paid, it will become a lien against the property, will accrue interest at 6% per annum, and will ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the oost is shown in the Notice. Before you connect your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a connection charge of $600.00, $20,00 to the Building Department for a plumb- ing permit, $10.00 to the Public Works Department for a sewer connection permit, and a "delinquency"deposit of $19.20 (4 months sewer bill at $4.80 per month). %n the~past, the City Council has allowed bills for Chapter 27 sewer facilities work to be paid in ten annual installments when requested by the owners. If you want to pay the bill in installments, please send us a request in writing. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director By: Bob'M. porter Engineering Services Director RS:BMP:wp EncloSure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................. linearfeet of curb and gutter, ' ............. square feet of sidewalk,- ............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer ~acilities in front of your property, located at 15919 t{o11~ Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-07) Fontana, California, was $1,053.00 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Jul~ 1. 1986. at 7:30 P.m- , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20. 1986 'rH~S NOT~Cm IS YOUe roLL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE WILL I~E DIJI~ City of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYB THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714)-6-2-3-t34--I-+:-350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Garcia Assessor's No~ Owner and Mailing Address 233-292-05 George & Audrey Thayer Timothy & Bronwyn Perez 15921 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-06 Timothy White 15951 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-07 John & Delpha Price 15963 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-08 Albert & Violet Wright 15973 Sequoia Ave. , Fontaria 233-292-09 Donald & Donna Burnich 15983 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-10 Boyce & Margaret Braswell 15993 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-293-02 Edith Corrigan 9922 Almeria Ave., Fontana 233-293-03 Michael & Virginia Gere 15929 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-04 Marie Fletcher 15937 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-05 Douglas & Donna Thompson 15947 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-06 Donald & Sharon Anderson 15957 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-07 Roger & Karen Crane 15965 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-08 John & Carol Sinclair 15975 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-09 Donald & Lu Ann Grant 15985 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-10 Ferdinand & Theresa Huitric 15995 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-302-01 Shirley Keeler 9569 Manzanita Ct., Pontana 233-302-02 Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet 9561 Manzanita Ct., Fontana Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-302-03 Walter & Maxine Luk~sh Box 829~ Fontana~ 233-302-04 Milton & Betty Boesa 9560 Manzanita A~e.~ Fontaria 233-302-05 Thomas & Wanda Flask 15980 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-302-06 Ernest & Sheri Gidcumb 15960 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria 233-302-07 Tony & Angelina Garcia 15919 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-302-08 15927 Holly Dr., Fontana ~'233-302-09 John & MarEaret Tolich 15949 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-302-10 Joseph & Kathleen Ragone 15971 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-302-11 Charles & Barbara Hogan 15979 Holly Dr., Fontaria 233-302~12 Herbert & Elizabeth Stehr 15987 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-302-13 Arthur & Marilyn Nordeman 15995 Holly Dr., Fontana ~eF~LOA,~ ~OA ~.PAPANDU~cA 233-301-01 ~RXtb~W~DJ~tCe'J~fna~ 15996 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-02 Kenneth & Mildred Parker 15984 Holly Dr., Fontana [ 233-301-03 Albert Riley 15980 Holly Dr., Fontana ~ 233-301-04 Cecil & Lillie Woodridge 15972 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-05 Virginia Primrose 15962 Holly Dr., Fontana ~ 233-301-06 Zoe & Jerry Driggers 159S2 Holly Dr., Pontaria 233-301-07 Louis & Tina Moad 15944 Holly Dr., Fontana ~ 233-301-08 William & Hellen Artz 15936 Holly Dr., Fontana Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-301-09 Pauline Hoerber 15928 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-11 Richard Franko 15912 Holly Dr., Fontaria 233-301-12 Richard & Barbara Foster 19567 Catawba Ave., Fontan~4 233-303~01 Frank & Mabel Coleman 15913 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria 233-303-02 William & Margaret Happe 15937 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-303-03 Daren & Myrtle Owens 15947 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-303-04 Thomas & Dorothy Rabone 15955 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria 233-303-05 William & Rose Hughes 15963 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria ~e ~e o~ D ~a ~ ~e 233-303-06 ~ S a a n 233-303-07 Hilde Rabau 15979 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-303-08 Lawrence & Dellarae Lewis 15987 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-303-D9 Fannie Tocco 15997 Manzanita Ave., Fontana -4- ~--~ NAME LIST FOR INSTALLATION OF SEWER MAINS AND I~TERALS IN HAWTHORNE AVENUE, SEQUOIA AVENUE, MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE WITHIN TRACTS 3933 AND 4564. Assessor's No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-291-01 Kenzie Davis 15994 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-02 Howard and Fae Street 15984 Sequoia Ave., Fontaria 233-291-03 Thomas & Elizabeth Franks 15974 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-04 Frank & Jean Dececcio 15964 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-05 Raymond & Laura Cochrane 17851 Foothill Blvd., Fontana 233-291-06 Ruth Phillips 15950 Sequoia Ave. Fontana 233-291-07 Vance & Jane McDonald 15944 Sequoia Ave. Fontana 233-291-08 Daniel & Dorayada Ibarra 15938 Sequoia Ave. Fontana 233-291-09 Arnulfo & Maria Perez 15932 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-10 Brett & Paula MacCharles 15926 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-11 Robert & Ethel Gist 15920 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-291-12 James & Patricia Cuthbert 15914 Hawtherne Ave. Fontana 233-291-13 Eugene & Ethel Wier 15910 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-292-01 Gerald & Pauline Comstock 15994 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-292-02 Anne J. Cook 15984 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-292-03 Richard & Joan Edwards 15974 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-292-04 Betty A. McCord 15964 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana Hearing Date: July 1, 1986 June 23, 1986 Chapter 27 #224 71-7229 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - CHAPTER 27 #224 - REPORT OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT ON WORK DONE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE The work done includes the construction of ~ewer facility improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court, and Holly Drive, at a total cost to the abutting owners of $34,832.58 Assessor's Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address, ~=___ Assessment 233-302-01 Shirley Keeler 9569 Manzanita Ct., Fontaria $953.06 233-302-02 Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet 9561 Manzanita Ct., Fontaria $897.19 233-302-03 Walter & Maxine Lukesh P.O. Box 829, Fontana $910.54 233-302-04 Milton & Betty Boesa 9560 Manzanita Avenue, Fontaria $897.19 233-302-05 Thomas & Wanaa Flask 15980 ManZanita Avenue, Fontana $961.07 233-302-06 Ernest & Sheri Gidcumb 15960 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $1,119.79 233-302-07 Tony & Angelina Garcia 15919 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-08 Frank C. & Mary Stirn 15927 Holly Drive, Fontaria $1,053.00 233-302-09 John & Margaret Tolich 15949 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-10 Joseph & Kathleen Ragone 15971 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-11 Charles & Barbara Hogan 15979 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-12 Herbert & Elizabeth Stehr 15987 Holly Drive Fontana $1,030,74 233-302-13 Arthur & Marilyn Nordeman 15995 Holly Drive, Fontaria $1,030.74 Street Superintendent's Report, Ch. 27 #224 June 23, 1986 Assessor's Amount of Number Owner and Mail~R~ Address Assessment 233-301-01 Gerald A. & Eva M. Papandrea 15996 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-02 Kenneth & Mildred Parker 15984 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-03 Albert Riley 15980 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-04 Cecil & Lillie Woodridge 15972 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-05 Virginia Primrose 15962 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,178.33 233-301-06 Zoe & Jerry Driggers 15952 Holly Drive, Fontaria 952.83 233-301-07 Louis & Tina Moad 15944 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,119.79 233-301-09 Pauline Hoerber 15928 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-10 Carotee J. & David T. Hernandez, Jr. 15920 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030o74 233-301-11 Richard Franko 15912 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,119.79 233-301-12 Richard & Barbara Foster 9567 Catawba Avenue, Fontana $1,164.31 233-303-01 Frank & Mabel Coleman 15913 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $1,064.15 233-303-02 William & Margaret Mappe 15937 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 233-303-03 Daren & Myrtle Owens 15947 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 233-303-04 Thomas & Dorothy Rabone 15955 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 -2- Street Superintendent'b Report, Ch. 27 #224 June 23, 1986 Assessor's Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address Assessment 233-303-05 William & Rose Hughes 15963 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-06 Brian P. & Sandra J. Sinclair 15971 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-07 Hilde Rabau 15979 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-08 Lawrence & Dellarae Lewis 15987 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-09 Fannie Tocco 15997 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.81 -3- N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,' .............. square feet of paving, and S~n'l~-~'y Sewer 7ac~lttfes it1 front of your property, located at 15936 Holly Dr. (Assessor's Parcel No. 233~301-08) Fontana, California, was $1.048.88 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontaria, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .hlly -=, 'i986, as 7:30 p,m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTIGEI Y ge ~Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE WILL ~E DUE City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER TME HEARING AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREA~ER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT e% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714) 8~-B~350'7610 MEN ~ER THE HE Ch. 27 ~224 Artz City of Fontana CALIFOBN!A June 20, 1986 File: Chapter 27 #224 Property Owner: Subject: Notice of Cost for Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A cepy of the Notice is enclosed. The cost will be due and payable within the five days following the hearing which is provided for inthe Notice. If not paid, it will become a lien against the property, will accrue interest at 6% per annum, and will ultimately be collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you connect your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a connection charge of $600.0D, $20,00 to the Building Department for a plumb- ing permit, $10.00 to the Public Works Department for a sewer connection permit, and a "delinquenny" deposit o~ $19.20 (4 months sewer bill at $4.80 per month). In the~past, the City Council has allowed bills for Chapter 27 sewer facilities work to be paid {n ten annual installments when requested by the owners. If you want to pay the bill in installments, please send us a request in writing. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director By: BobM. Porter Engineering Services Director RS:BMP:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALIFORNtA 92335 (714) 350-7600 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Ed Luekemeyer, Finance Director FROM: Bob Porter, Engineering Services Director ~ SUBJECT: Distribution of Cost- Chapter 27 #224 (71-7229) DATE: June 23, 1986 The installation of sewer facilities in Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive is now complete and your records should reflect the following: Payment to Sclafani Construction $46,953.60 Payment to the Herald News 118.76 Charge for Eng. & Adm. to be credited to 10-31607 3,330.81 Previously charged to 71-7229.11 $886.45 71-7229.19 478.10 $1,364.55 -- 1,364.55 Total project cost $51,767.72 Property Owner Assessment(Attached -34,832.58 $16,935.14 Balance to be charged as follows: Sewer fund $16,935.14 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA MEMORANDUM TO: Ed Luekemeyer, Finance Director FROM: Bob Porter, Engineering Services Directores~ SUBJECT: Engineering and/or Engineering Staking Fe DATE: June 23, 1986 Per City Council Resolution 78-74 establishing engineering fees for City- funded projects, the following are projects ~at qualify for the engineering fees and are to be credited to account 10-31607. 1. 71-7229 $3,330.81 2. 10-6090 624.78 3. 10-6117 705.09 4. 71-7221 624.78 5. 38-7114 22,040.00 7. 38-7108 1,860.00 71-7215 1,650.00 8. 38-7112 2,427.02 71-7216 4,314.70 Total $ 37,577.18 'F-b-TM- -- -5/, 767, >7 C. Accepted as cc~plete the work performed by 8clafani Construction ACCPT. SEWER Company for the COnstruction of Sewer Facility Improvements on FAC. IMPR. Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive, approved the MANZANITA DR., / final est~nate in the amount of $46,953.60 and authorized the CT. & HOLLY DR. Public Works DirectOr tD e~c,~te an~ file the Notice of C~nple- MO 86-317 tion, Proj. Chap. 27 #224 71-7229. City of Fontana CALIFORNIA June 20, 1986 File: Chapter 27 #224 Property Owner: Subject: Notice of Cost for Installation of Sewer Mains and Laterals in Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed recently under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and I~ighways Code in front of your property as described in the attached Notice of Cost. The cost of the work is to be paid for by the property owner. A Notice of Cost is being posted on the property. A copy of the Notice is enclosed. The cost will be due and payahle within the five days following the hearing which is provided for inthe Notice. If not paid, it will become a lien against the property, will accrue interest at 6% per annum, and will ultimately he collected with property taxes. The amount of the cost is shown in the Notice. Before you connect your property to the sewer, you will be required to pay a connection charge of $600.00, $20.00 ~o the Building Department for a plumb- ing permit, $10.00 to the Public Works Department for a sewer connection permit, and a "delinquency"' deposit of $19.20 (4 months sewer bill at $4.80 per month). Tn the~past, the City Council has allowed bills for Chapter 27 sewer facilities work to be paid in ten annual installments when requested by the owners. If you want to pay the bill in installments, please send us a request in writing. If you have any questions about the cost of the work, please get in touch with us before the hearing. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director By: Bob M. Porter Engineering Services Director RS: BMP: wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P,O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 Hearing Date: July 1, 1986 June 23, 1986 Chapter 27 #224 71-7229 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - CHAPTER 27 #224 - REPORT OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT ON WORK DONE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE The work done includes the construction of sewer facility improvements of Manzanita.Drive, Manzanlta Court, and Holly Drive, at a total cost to the abutting owners of $34,832.58 Assessor' s Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address, -._. Assessment 233-302-01 Shirley Keeler 9569 Manzanita Ct., Fontaria $953.06 233-302-02 Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet 9561 Manzanita Ct., Fontana $897.19 233-302-03 Walter & Maxine Lukesh P.O, Box 829, Fontana $910.54 233-302-04 Milton & Betty Boesa 9560 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $897.19 233-302-05 Thomas & Wanoa Flask 15980 Manza ta Avenue, Fontana $961.07 15960 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $1,11q. 79 233-302-07 Tony & AngeliDa Garcia 15919 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-08 Frank C. & Mary Stirn ~ 15927 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-09 John & Margaret Tolich 15949 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053. O0 233-302-10 Joseph & Kathleen Ragone 15971 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-11 Charles & Barbara Hogan 15979 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-13 Arthur & Marllyn Nordeman 15995 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030,74 Street Superintendent'~ Report, Ch. 27 #224 June 23, 1986 Assessorfs Amount of Number Owner and Mailin~ Address Assessment 233-301-01 Gerald A. & Eva M. Papandrea 15996 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-02 Kenneth & Mildred Parker 15984 Holly Drive, Pontana $1,030.74 233-301-03 Albert Riley ~ 15980 Holly Drive, Fontaria $1,030.74 15972 Holly Drive, Fontana~l~ 233-301-05 Virginia Primrose 15962 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,178.33 233-301-06 Zoe & Jerry Driggers 15952 Holly Drive, Fontana 952.83 233-301-07 Louis & Tina Moad 15944 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,119.79 233-301-08 William & Helen Artz 15936 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,048.88 233-301 09 Pauli~ IIo~b~ ~.~ 15928 llolly D~lve, F~ntana 233-301-~2 Richard & Barbara Foeter 9567 Catawba Avenue, Fontana $1,164.31 233-303-01 Frank & Mabel Coleman 15913 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $1,064.15 1593~nzanita A enue, Fontana ~0ee $ 997.35 233-303-04 Thomas & Dorothy Rabone 15955 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 -2- Street Superintendent~'~'Report, Ch. 27 #224 'A June 23, 1986 Assessor's Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address Assessment 233-303-05 William & Rose Hughes 15963 Manzanita Avenue, Fontaria $997.35 233-303-06 Brian P. & Sandra J. Sinclair 15971 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-07 Hilde Rabau 15979 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-08 Lawrence & Dellarae Lewis 15987 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-09 Fannie Tocco 15997 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.81 -3- RESOLUTION NO. 86-138 A P, ESOLUTION OF I"aE CITY COUNCIL 0~ THE CITY OF FONTAMA, OVERRULIN~ ALL PROTESTS, CONFIPa4ING THE RE~ORT O~ TRE STREET /s/Nathan A. Simon /s/Patricia M. Murray /$/Patricia M. Murray /s/John M. ~{a~er N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing .................. linearfeet of curb and gutter,- .............. squarefeet of sidewalk,- .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15979 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-11) Fontana, California, was $ ~ ~oqn. Tz. , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1. 1986 at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS yOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, A~oUN~ ~.o~w., ABOV~ W,LL B~ DuB City of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone ;!4TEREST AT 6~0 PER ANNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714)--89G-,9444. 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Ho~an N TICE OF ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk,' .............. '.~uare feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15949 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-09) Fontana, California, was $1.053100 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .T. ly '1, ]986, at 7:30 ,p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICm IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, ,,Mou.? .~HOWM ABOVE W'LL eE m~l~ City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAY5 THERF, AFTER. If further information is needed, please phone !NI'ER~ST AT 60/0 PgR ANNUM ~VILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 6~3~3+H-7350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Tol:Lch NTICE F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing .............. linearfeet of curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,- .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15927 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel Nol 233-302-08) Fontana, California, was $1,053.00 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. , at m the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE is Your BILL Superintendent of Streets, T~ ~,OL'~!~ =.ow. ~,.ow w;,.,..~ Du~ City Of Fontana, California QUINT FIV~ DAYS TH~REAFTSR. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6~ PER ANNUM WILL CO,M- City Hail, Public Works Dept. (714) 6L~S"'3't1'1.350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Stirn N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ---- .......... :--- linear feet of curb and gutter, - ............. square.feet of sidewalk,- ............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities jR front of your property, located at 15919 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-07) Fontana, California, was $1,053.00 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 TH!S NOTICE iS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, r,~ AMounT SHOWN A.OW W.L~ ~" DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAY~ THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone }NTEREST AT 6°,:~., PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714)-t~--3-34--I,~-~350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Oarcia N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing .................. linearfeet of curb and gutter,- .............. square feet of sidewalk;- ............... square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15960 Manzanita Avenue (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-06) Fontana, California, was $ 1,119.79 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3uly 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICm IS YOUR B=LL Superintendent of Streets, THE A~V~OUNT SHe'/IN ABOVE WILL [~ DUE City of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THER~AFTEIR, If further information is needed, p~ease phone !NTEREST AT 6(~/b PER A'NNUM WILL CCM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8'2'3=3'4117 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing .............. :'-- linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk,' ............... square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 9561 Manzanita Ct. , (Assessorvs Parcel'No. 233-302-02) Fontana, California, was $ 897.19 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Juzy 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California,. the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THiS NOTICE: IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, A,cuNT SHOV, N ABOVE W.LL SE D,E City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone [['~TEREST AT 6'07/0 Per ANNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8L~3"-32~r1.350-7610 MENCE 31 DAYS AFTER THE HEARING. Ch, 27 #224 Ruffner NTICE F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~hat the cost of constructing .............. 7" linearfeet of curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,- ............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 9569 Manzanita Ct~ (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-01) Fontana, California, was $ 953.06 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1. 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E AMO~ S~OW~ ~,BOVE W,LL B= DU~ City Of FOntaria, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone ~NTEF1EST AT 61~'t/PER ANNLI~A WILL C(D~4' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) ~-1_350_7610 ['!SNCE 33 D"~YS AFTER THK HFZARING' Ch. 27 #224 Keeler NTICE F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 19] 1" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................. linear feet of curb and gutter, ,--- ...... ---~---square feet of sidewalk, - .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer 'Facilit'tes in front of your property, located at 15980 Manzanita Avenue (~ssessor's Parce] No. 233-302-05) Fontana, California, was $ 961.07 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Jul,r 1, 1986 at 7 ;30 p.ra. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20L 1986 THIS NOTICE~ IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, ~,~o~' ~owN ~,~ow ~,LL aE ou¢ City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone ]NTEREST AT 6C'~J PER ANNU~4 WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714)B~3-'3'4T1-350-7610 Ch, 27 #224 Flask N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk,' .............. 'square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 9560 Manzanita Avenue (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-04) Fontana, California, was $ 897.19 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, 3ertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at ~n the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, ,.I~ouNT s.o,v. A.OVE W.'_L .E DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone !NTEREST AT 6,0/0 PER ANNUM WILL CO~A- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 82-3-844-~7350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Boesa N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS H EREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................. linear feet of curb and gutter, - .............. ~quare feet of sidewalk,' ............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at Asses sot t s Parcel No. 233-302-03 Fontaria, California, was $ 910.54 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 TI-fiS NOTICE~ 15 YOUR BZLL Superintendent of Streets, ~'~E ,~ou,-~r s~ow. A~OVE WIlL .E .u~ City Of Fontana, California ~UENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed. please phone INTeReST AT SC~ pER ANNUM V/ILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 82'3=-~4'F1. 350-76~0 Ch. 27 #224 Lukesh N TICE OF ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................ linearfeetofcurb and gutter, ' ............ square feet of sidewalk, - ............ square feet of paving, and Sanitar~ Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15980 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-03) Fontana, California, was $ 1.030.74 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE WILL ~ DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FlYF_ DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTErREST AT 6,e,,~ PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8'23-_3~rrl.350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Riley NTICE F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ............... linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,- .............. -square feet of paving, and ,q~n~f'ary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15984 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-02) Fontana, California, was $1,030.74 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THiS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHOWI~ A~OVE WILL BE DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER' If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM 'A~ILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714) 6~'3"34't-1,350-7610 (ly~. 27 #224 Parker N TI'CE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing .................. linear feet of curb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk,' ............... square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15996 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-01) Fontana, California, was $1,030.74 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at m the Council Chambers i'n the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE tS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, AmouNT s~owN Aeov~ W'LL "~ DU~ City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTF. R, If further information is needed, please phone iNTEREET AT 6~)~ PER ANNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823--34-n.350-7610 Ch, 27 #224 Papandrea N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................. linearfeet of curb and gutter, - .............. -aquare feet of sidewalk,' .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15995 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-13) Fontana, California, was $ ~ .n~n. 7~ . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUI'iT SHOWN A]OV= WII, L IZlE; DU~ City of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEReAFTeR. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6{7L PER ANNUM VVILL GOM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8~-3~tllr'350'7610 Ch. 27 #224 Hordeman NTICE F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................ linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,- .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15987 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-12) Fontana, California, was $ ] ,030.74 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3u17 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 5une 20. 1986 THIS NOTICE i5 YOUR ~ILL Superintendent of Streets, T.~ A,~OU~,T ~HO',Vn A~OVE W~LL a~ DUE City Of FOntaria, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, ~f further information is needed, please phone !N'FER=ST AT 6% P~'R ANNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714)-82~J--5'41'1-. 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Stehr N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NQTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ............... linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. Square feet of sidewalk,- .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15971 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No; 233-302-10) Fontana, California, was $1,030.74 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontaria, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT SHO'NN AI~OVE WILL E]E, DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ,~'NNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8'21='3-411~50-7610 Ch..27 #224 :Ragone N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing .................. linear feet of curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,' ............. square feet of paving, and ~anitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15972 Holly Dr. (Assessor"s Parcel No. 233-301-04) Fontana, California, was $1,030.74 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE: 15 YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AhOUNT SHOWN ABOVE ~VILL BE DUg City of Fontana, California QU~iNT ~lV~ PAYS THEREAFTER' If further information is needed, please phone =N3EREST AT 6('~, PEI~ '~NNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714).82,~_q4-!-~ 350-7610 Ch, 27 #224 Woodridge N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,- .............. -square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15962 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-05) Fontana, California, was $1,178.33 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m,' , at in the Council Chambers i'n the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 · THIS NOTICE I$ YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, T~ A.OU~. S~O'~N A~OV~ W,LL .~ DUE City Of FOntana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone ~N'FEREST AT 60'~ PER ANNUM %'ILL COM- City Hall, Public WOrks Dept. (714) 82-g-~4-I-'~ 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Primrose N' TI F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing .............. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,- ............. square feet of paving, and Sanita. z'~r Sewer :Facilities in front Of your property, located at 15952 Holly Drive (AsseSsor's Parcel No. 233-301-06) Fontana, California, was $ 957.83 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20. 1986 THIS NOTICE: IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, THE .~'.O~'~T S.OWN ~.OV= W,LL ~E DUE City Of FOntana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone ~NTERES7 AT 6% PER ANNUM WIL~' CO~'4' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8~3--~;1-'r: 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Driggere N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,- .............. -square feet of paving, and Sar~it:ary Sewer Facilit. les in front of your property, located at 15944 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-07) Fontana, California, was $1,119.yq , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 'rH,S ~OT,CS ,S YOUR BIU_ Superintendent of Streets, AMOUNT SHQV2N A~OVE WILL BI~ DUg City of Fontana, California QUINT FiVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone iNTEREST AT 6!'~] PER ANNUM VVILL CO"' City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714),&?,3=3,41:L 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Moad NTICE F ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,' .............. square feet of paving, and S~n~r~ry Sewer Facilities iR front of your property, located at 15936 Holly Dr. (Assessor's Parcel N6. 233-301-08) Fontana, California, was $1.048.88 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, 3ertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .T,,ly l, leSS, at 7:30 p.m. ,at ~n the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS ,NOTICE IS YOUR BiLL Superintendent of Streets, THE ~,~OUi~T SHOW~ A"OV~ W'~ ~ ~"~ City Of FOntana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed. please phone INTER~'ST AT 6c';j PER ANNUM WILL CQM- City Hail, Public Works Dept. (714) 823'-3~1'T:350'7610 Ch, 27 #224 Art~ N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ............. =--- linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,' .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15928 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel'No. 233-301-09) Fontana, California, was $1.030.74 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on .Tuly 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. ,at m the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE ~S YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, THE AMOUNT ~HO~VN ABOVE WILL BE DUFL City of Fontana, California QUliNT FIVE DAY$ TH~RI~AFT~R, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6c~2 ~R/',NNUN) WILL CONI, City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714)'8"z3=~,fi'l. 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Hoerber NTI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE ISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,' .............. 'square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15920 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-10) Fontana, California, was $1,030.74 ~ and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on 3uly 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THiS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, ,~o~,~ sHo,~,. A.OVE ,v,...E .uE City Of Fontana, California QUINT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone :NTEREST AT 67~/ PER ANNUM VVILL. COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8-2-3-e4-1-'r7350-7610 ~_. 27 ~224 Hernandez NTI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................... linearfeet of curb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,- .............. 'square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at .,. 15912 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-11) Fontana, California, was $1.119.79 ', and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers [n the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 T~-{;S NOTICE 15 YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, 'r.~:E A~o.~.,T s.ow. A=OVE ,V,LL ~ DUE City Of Fontaria, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, if further information is needed, please phone :NTEREST AT 6e,~O PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823-,34-1-1.350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Franko N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ............... linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,' ............... square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 9567 Catawba Avenue (As'sessor's Parcel No. 233-301-12) Fontana, California, was $1,164.31 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on july I, 1986, at 7:30 D.ra. ,at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 'rills ~OT,Cm IS YOUR mU. Superintendent of Streets, r.E ~.oU.",T SHOWr.' A.OVE ,',.LL .E D.E City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIV~ DAYS TH~RI:AFTSR, Jf further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8Z344,~-1.350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Foster N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................. linearfeet of curb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,- .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15913 Manzanita Avenue (Assessoz:'s Parcel No, 233-303-01) Fontana, California, was $1,064.15 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1. 1986.-- at 7:30 pjm. , at in the Council Chambers i'n the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 TH,S .'40?,C= ,S YOUm ~ILL Superintendent of Streets, THE A~O~N~ ~OWN ~OVE 'WILL .E CUE City Of Fontaria, California QUENT FIVE DAYe THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6C~ I=ER ANNUM WILL COH- City Hail, Public Works Dept. (714)8L2-3-~4~-~-350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Coleman N TI ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................. linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of sidewalk,' ............. square feet of paving, and .q~Tdf'~'ry Sewer f'acilities in front of your property, located at 15937 Manzanita Avenue (AssessOr~s Parcel No. 233~303-02) Fontana, California, was $ 997.35 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Jul,r 1, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 rH,s rqoTIcE ~S YOUR mu_ Superintendent of Streets, THE ANfQUNT SHOWN A~OVE '¢ZlLL BIK DUE City of Fontana, California QLIENT FIVE DAYS THE~t~AFT~R. ~f further information is needed, please phone · City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 82'3':3'4T'1.3 0 610 Ch. 27 #224 Happe N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing '-' ................ linearfeet of curb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk,- ............... square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15947 Manzanita Avenue (Asse~sorvs ParCel No. 233-303-03) Fontana, California, was $ 997.35 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July _1, 1986. At 7:30 D,m. , at ~n the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written Or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BIll Superintendent of Streets, ,, TH~ ,~I~,OUNT sHowN A~ov= w,L~ ~ ,,u~ City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTer. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6~'~(, PER ANNU~ WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714} 8es---e-4-11-:--350-7610 Ch. 27 f/224 Owens N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................ linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............ .square feet of sidewalk, - ............. square feet of paving, and sanitary sewer :Facilit:ies in front of your property, located at 15955 Manzanita Avenue (Assessor's Parcel No; 233-303-04) Fontana, California, was $ 997.35 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, ~ertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on Jul,r 1, 1986, at 7:30 np.m. , at ~n the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date Junp 20. 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, AMongsT sHo,.~ A~ow w,~ ~ DU~ City Of Fontaria, California QUENT FIV~ DAYS TN~:R~AFTER. If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL CaM' City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823r-3,,~T1.350'7610 Ch. 27 ~224 Rabone N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing .................. linearfeet of curb and gutter, ' .............. square feet of sidewalk,' .............. 'E~uare feet of paving, and R~-nf f-nry Sewer Fac:[lities · in front of your property, located at 15963 Manzanita Avenue (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-05) Fontana, California, was $ 997.35 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, ~986, at 7:30 p.m. , at ~n the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date 3Une 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, FHE A~QU~,T SHGWN ABOVS WIL~, aE DLI~ City of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER* If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6°~, pER ANNUM ~,VILL CO~,I- City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714~-822G-G4-1-~h- 350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Hughes N TICE Pursuant to the provimons of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................... linear feet of curb and gutter, - .......... square feet of sidewalk,' .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15971 Manzanita (Assessorfs Parcel No. 233-303-06) Fontana, California, was $ 997.35 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July l, ]:986, at 7:30 p.fa. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICe IS YOUR SlL. L Superintendent of Streets, A,~OLr;~,7 SHOWN AI3OV= '¢,'ILL BE DUE City Of Fontana, California QUSNT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER. If further information is needed, please phone ~NTIEREST AT 6(rcl PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 823'-32ft1,350'7610 Ch. 27 #224 Sinclair N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ............... linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............ square feet of sidewalk,' .............. 'square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15979 Manzanita Avenue (Assessor's Parcel No. 233~303-07) Fontana, California, was $ 997.35 , and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July l, 1986, at: 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICe 15 YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E ,.~o'~,~T s~ow, A.OvE w,LL .. ou. City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER '!'HE HEARING AND DELIN- QUEI~ZT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone ,, City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) 8"t3--34-t'l-:350-7610 Ch. 27 #224 Rabau N TICE ST Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostofconstructing ................... linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk, - .............. square feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15987 Manzanita Avenue (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-08) Fontaria, California, was $ 997.35 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, ]:986, at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontaria, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, AMoU~ SHOW. AaOVE W,L~ .. DUE City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS TFI~:REAFTER' If further information is Deeded, please phone JNTEREST AT 6'}L PER ANNUM WILL COM' City Hall, Public Works Dept, (714) 8f~J-~rlI. 350-7610 Ch. 27 41224 Lewis N TICE Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the cost of constructing ................ linearfeet of curb and gutter, - .............. square feet of sidewalk, ' .............. ~uare feet of paving, and Sanitary Sewer Facilities in front of your property, located at 15997 Manzanita Avenue (Assessorts Parcel No. 233-303-09) Fontana, California, was $ qq7 R1 . and that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on July 1, 1986. at 7:30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council will hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or protests, if any, which may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed for the cost of such construction and any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. Date June 20, 1986 THiS NOTICE IS YOUR BILL Superintendent of Streets, '~ ~,~o~? s~o,,,~ A.ov~ w~. ~ DU. City Of Fontana, California QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6~,~ PER/',NNUN~ WILL Cram* City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714)-8'23=3'411. 350-7610 Ch. 27 ~224 Tocco / Recording requested by City of Fontana When recorded mail to: City of Fontana (Public Works Dept.) P. O. ~ox 518 Fontana, California 92335 NOTICE OF COMPLETIOn] Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3086 of the Civil Code of the State of California and authorization of the City Council of the City of Fontana, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work on that certain project known as The Construction of Sewer Facility Improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive Project No. 71-7229 , for the City of Fontana, was completed and accepted by the City of Fontana on the 3rd day of June 1986 The said work was performed by Sclafani Construction Company of 77575 F~]bert, Fontaria, CA in accordance with the terms of written agreement dated the 6th day of Jafl~ary 19 86 COUNTY OF SAN BEENARDINO) SS /, Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Public Works Director, City of Fontana On June 18. 1986 before me, W]]ma Pinsak a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert Schoenborn, known to me to be the Public Works Director of the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ' Ch. 27 #224 SCLAFANI CONSTRUCTION CO. Mailinl~ Address 17575 Filbert · Fontana, California 92335 · Office (714) 8:29-3034 Residence (7 ~4) 823-52~C! April 23, 1986 City of Fontana P.O. Box 518 Fontana, Ca. 92334 Re: Sewe~ Installation ManzanitaDr., ManzanitaCt., and Holly Ct. Attention: Public Works Department To Whom This May Concern: Sclafani Construction Company have completed the underground installation of 8" Sewer Main, 4" laterials, and Manholes. These line's have been balled and flushed, and have been air tested. These lines are now ready to be used by person's requesting to hook up. If you have any questions please feel free to call us. Sincerly yours, July 3,7986 Bob M.Porter Subject: Payment for Sewer Mains in Manzanita Drive As the owners of the property located at 15987 Manzanita Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-08) we request ten annual installments be allowed for our portion of the bill. Please notify us as to how and when to make these installments. Thank you, Mr.& Mrs. L.D.Lewis ,/- ~/ s/ AGENDA ITeM NO. RESOLUTION NO. 86- A P~ESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FONTANA. OVERRULING ALL PROTESTS, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT, ASSESSING THE COST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MA~EANITA COURT, AND HOLLY DRIVE. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Fontana as follows: SECTION 1. That all protests be overruled, the report of the Street Superintendent be confirmed, and the cost of construction of sewer facility improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive be assessed upon the real property described in the report. SECTION 2. Tha~ the payment of such assessments of $50.00 or more be allowed to be made in annual installments with interest at 6% per annum. SECTION 3. Tha~ the Notice of Lien for work performed be delivered to Hearing Date: July 1, 1986 June 23, 1986 Chapter 27 #224 71-7229 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - CHAPTER 27 #224 - REPORT OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT ON WORK DONE UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 27 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE The work done includes the construction of sewer facility improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court, and Holly Drive, at a total cost to the abutting owners of $34,832.58 Assessor's A~nount of Number Owner and Mailing Addressl..~._i.~ Assessment 233-302-01 Shirley Keeler 9569 Manzanita Ct., Fontana $953.06 233-302-02 Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet 9561 Manzanita Ct., Fontana $897.19 233-302-03 Walter & Maxine Lukesh P.O. Box 829, Fontana $910.54 233-302-04 Milton & Betty Boesa 9560 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $897.19 233-302-05 Thomas & WanOa Flask 15980 Man~anita Avenue, Fontana $961.07 233-302-06 Ernest & Sheri Gidcumb 15960 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $1,119.79 233-302-07 Tony & Angelina Garcia 15919 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-08 Frank C. & Mary Stirn 15927 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-09 John & Margaret Tolich 15949 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,053.00 233-302-10 3oseph & Kathleen Ragone 15971 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-11 Charles & Barbara Hogan 15979 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-12 Herbert & Elizabeth Stehr 15987 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-302-13 Arthur & Marilyn Nordeman 15995 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 Street Superintendent's Report, Ch. 27 #224 June 23, 1986 Assessor's Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address Assessment 233-301-01 Gerald A. & Eva M. Papandrea 15996 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-02 Kenneth & Mildred Parker 15984 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-03 Albert Riley 15980 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-04 Cecil & Lillie Woodridge 15972 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-05 Virginia Primrose 15962 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,178.33 233-301-06 Zoe & Jerry Driggers 15952 Holly Drive, Fontana 952.83 233-301-07 Louis & Tina Moad 15944 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,119.79 233-3ol-o8 w lli m '~ 15936 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,048.88 233-301-09 Pauline Hoerber 15928 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-10 Carolee J. & David T. Hernandez, Jr. 15920 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,030.74 233-301-11 Richard Franko 15912 Holly Drive, Fontana $1,119.79 233-301-12 Richard & Barbara Foster 9567 Catawba Avenue, Fontana $1,164.31 233-303-01 Frank & Mabel Coleman 15913 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $1,064.15 233-303-02 William & Margaret Mappe 15937 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 233-303-03 Daren & Myrtle Owens 15947 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 233-303-04 Thomas & Dorothy Rabone 15955 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $ 997.35 -2- Street Superintendent'~eport, Ch. 27 #224 ~ June 23, 1986 Assessor'$ Amount of Number Owner and Mailing Address Assessment 233-303-05 William & Rose Hughes 15963 Manzanita Avenue, 7ontana $997.35 233-303-06 Brian P. & Sandra J. Sinclair 15971 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-07 Hilde Rabau 15979 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-08 Lawrence & Dellarae Lewis 15987 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana $997.35 233-303-09 Fannie Tocco 15997 Manzanita Avenue, Fontaria $997.81 -3- City of Fontana CALIFOI~NIA July 8,' 1986 File: 71-7229 Sewer Facility Improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive To Whom It May Concern: The City of Fontana is currently engaged in a street resurfacing project which involves your street. Resurfacing of your street is scheduled for Wednesday, July 9, 1986. We will need your help in repaying the street. We request that no vehicles be parked on the street on July 9, 1986, the date of the scheduled paving. If we can provide any assistance in this matter, please call Carlos Navarro at 350-7615. Thank you for assisting us in our efforts to improve the City. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director By: Carlos Navarro Civil Engineering Assistant III RS:CN:wp 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 Fontana, California July 10, 1986 City of Fontana Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director 8353 Sierra Avenue Fontana, Ca. 92335 Re: NOTICE OF COST Sewer Facilities Ch. 27 #224 Parker Dear Mr. Schoenborn: Please consider this my request to pay the sewer facilities at 15984 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-02) in the amount of $1,030.74 in ten annual installments. Thank you for your consideration. Kenneth L. Parker Mildred I. Parker 15984 Holly Drive Fontana, Ca. 92335 823-2890 C( ST' Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 27 of the "Improvement Act of 1911" of the State of California: NOTICEISHEREBYGIVENthatthecostof_:r:Ltructing ............... linearfeetofcurb and gutter, - ............. square feet of s;::~!':-'cfik,- .............. '-square feet of paving, and R~n4tary Sewer Facilities ...... in front of your property, located at 15984 Holly Drive (Assessor's Parcel ~'4,, :! ~-301-02) Fontaria, California, was $ 1,030.74 , a~',:J that a report by the Superintendent of Streets, pertaining thereto, has been filed with the C!t>, t~h~rk of the City of Fontana, California. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that on _-]~j~ %,_1986 at 7;30 p.m. , at in the Council Chambers in the City of Fontana, California, the City Council wilt hear and pass upon said report by the Superintendent of Streets of the cost of the construction, together with any written or oral objections or pro~.ests, if ar~ ?, v,.i~ich may be raised by any property owner liable to be assessed forthe cost of such constructior~ E~nd any other interested persons. Written protests should be delivered to the City Clerk prior to the time set for the hearing. ., Date June 20, 1986 THIS NOTICE IS YOUR SILL Superintendent of Streets, T.E ~.OUNT S.OWN ~OVE W,~L ~ ~E City Of Fontana, California THE DAY AFTER THE HEAItlNG AND DELIN- QUENT FIVE DAYS THEREAFTER, If further information is needed, please phone INTEREST AT 6% PER ANNUM WILL COM- City Hall, Public Works Dept. (714) S~-3--34-H,350-7610 (:~_. 27 #224 Farker OFFICIAL RECO'tD ,.,,,.,, .co..,, .~. ,:., 80-203608 :: :u,, 2~ Pn 2 2s 9233~ [ ; I ' RECORDED ti'j OFFICIAL [~, O, 17,0x J[8 ,g" SV~ COS DE~ [2:~ JUL 21 P~I 2:26 Ch. 27 #224 D~iRgers Obligors: Brian P. & Sandra J. Sinclair ....... --': ~ Ch. 27 ];224 Sinclair 92335 CO,, CALIF. City of Fon~ana (Public Works Department) rz: SVY COS -E 773 JU', 2l P]'. 2:27 Ch. 27 #224 Garcia ~ j~jL 21 ?;~ 2:27 .... ~, . Oh. 27 #224 Papandrea 586 JijL 21 ?tl 2:27 ~hen ~:ecotded mall CITY OF FONTANA o,,. t?. - t~JgJlS_"l 1'063 HOW PAID OFFiCI.~L ~,EC 37 ~ :: ~. o. ~ox s~ ~ s,.,~ cos ~ ~6 JVL 21 PH 2:27 In ~he ~ of N~ne Hundred St~v-~e and 07/100 Dollars ($ 961707 ) and Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Vaslle Grecu 15962 Holly Drive Fontana, CA 92335 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203623 on July 21, 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Virqinia Primrose as obliqors, is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being. in the City of Fentana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-05 Obligors: Virqinia Primrose Dated this ~th day of Auqust , 1993 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On Auqust 26. 1993 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Ch. 27 #224-Primrose Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: First American Title Insurance Co. 323 Court Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 RELEASE OF LZEN The lien claimed b½ the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203626 on July 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County~ California, naming Richard J. & Susan Q. Navarro as obligors. is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-08 Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Renaissance Escrow Attn: Debbie Stimson 9190 Sierra Avenue #104 Fontana. CA 92408 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the dalm hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203619 on Ju~y 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bemardino County, California, naming Arthur & Marilyn Nordeman as obligors, is hereby satisfied and discharged. The real property herinbefore memioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontarm, County of San Bemardino, State of Caiifomia, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-13 /---, ~ Recording Requested By: When Recorded Hail To: First Interstate Bank P.O. Box 1449 San Bernardino. CA 92401 IrELEaSE OF LIE]i The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in her by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203609 on July 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet as obliqors. is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which · lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-02 Recording Requested By: When Recorded Hail To: Continental Lawyers Title 11 g8 N. Arrowhead San Beranrdino, CA 92405 ItlELE/tSE OF LIB The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in her by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203617 on July 21, 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Joseph & Kathleen Raqone as obliqors. is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontaria, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-10 Obligors: Joseoh & Kathleen Raqone Dated this 24th day of Seotember , 1990 Anniv Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontana STA~E OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On September 24, 1990 , before me, Nilma Pinsak, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Annivory Calvert, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. t~ZTNESS my hand and official seal. Ch. 27 #224 - Ragone Recording Requested By: When Recorded Hail To: Louis and Tina Moad 15944 Holly Fontana, CA 92335 ELIEASE OF LIB The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in her by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203625 on 0uly 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Louis & Tina Road as obliqors. is hereby satisfied and discharged. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-07 Obligors: Louis and Tina Noad Dated this 6th day of June , 1990 Superintendent of Streets, City of Fontana STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD]NO) On June 6, 1990 , before me, Wilma Pinsak, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Annivory C. Beard, known to me to be the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she executed the same on behalf of said munici pal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OI~IGIAI., SEAI~ Ch. 27 #224 - Noad RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: June 5, 1990 To: Public Works Received of Louis Moad $$739.92, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #233--301--07 Project: #~224 Principal: $$1,119.79 Legal owner as listed on lien: Louis Moad 15944 Holly Please issue release of lien to: Louis Moad 15944 Holly Fontana, CA 92335 Finance Department Sewer Fon=ana, California = Date ~ J_~,/~F& TO PUBLIC ~ORKS DEPAR/MEN~ RECEIVED OF Frank C. Stern $ 1~053.00 , in payment of Chapter 27 Lie~. Parcel No. 233-302-08 , Project #224 Principal $ Interest $ Please issue Release of Lie~. Legal Owner as lis=ed on Liere: Frank C. & Mary Stirn ~~y~ 15927 Holly Dr. Fontana, Ca. 92335 Finance Director Recording requested Fuan~ C. & Mary S~irn 15927 HOlly Drive City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 6, 1986 File: Ch. 27 #224 Frank C. &Mary Stirn 15927 Holly Drive Fontana, CA 92335 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the CoUnty Re- Corder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear your property. The additional copy is for your files. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director RS:wp Attachments 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92835 (714) 3504600 I~k':IFASE OF LIEN Fontarm, California Date November 6, 1986 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT RECEIVED OF Chicago Title Co. $ 1617.27 , in paylight of Cbapter 27 Lien. Parcel No. 233-303-07 , Project #224 Principal $ 997.35 Interest $ 19.92 Please issue Release of Lie. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: 15979 Manzanita Ave. ~ - ' Fontaria, Ca. 92335 ' PLEASE p~r.~SE LIEN TO: Chicago Title Co. P. O. BOx 730 Sen Bernardino, Ca. 92402 Reference: AP #233-303-07 Rabau City of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 7, 1986 File: Ch. 27 #224 - Rabau Chicago Title Company P.O. Box 730 San Bernardino, CA 92402 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisiDns of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and' the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The re- cording fee is $9.00, ~ease record this Release of Lien in order to clear the property, TWe; additional copy is for your records. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Services Agency Director RS:wp Attachments 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92335 (714) 350-7600 CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE 71-7229 CHAPTER 27 #224 CITY COUNCIL Nathan A. Simon, Mayor Don Day Robert Schoenborn Gary E. Boyles Public Works Director Charles A. Koehler R.C.E. 18932 William Kragness CITY OF FONTANA STATE OF CALIFORNIA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontaria, California, until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on November 25, 1985 at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing work as follows: THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT AND HOLLY COURT. 2. BIDDING BOND: No bid will be considered unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by the City Engineer. Each bid must be accompanied by cash, certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond made payable to the City of Fontana for an amount equal to at least ten (10) percent of the amount bid, such guaranty to be forfeited should the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fail to enter into the contract. Any bid received after the hour stated above for any reason whatsoever, will not be considered for any purpose, but will be returned, unopened, to the bidder. If an award is made to a contractor in accordance with the terms of his bid, the contractor shall promptly secure workmens' compensation insurance and liability insurance, a City Business license, execute the contract in the required form. Contractor shall furnish satisfactory bonds for the faithful performance of the contract and for payment of claims of material suppliers and laborers thereunder. Said bonds shall each be in an amount not less than fifty percent (50%) of the total of the contract amount. The City of Fontana reserves the right to reject any bond, if in the opinion of the City Engineer, the Surety's acknowledgment is not in the form included in the contract documents or in another form substantially as prescribed by law. The contractor shall submit all of the above in required form at a pre-construction meeting as agreed upon by the Contractor/City. The Contractor may, at Contractor's sole cost and expense, substitute securities equivalent to any monies withheld by the City to insure performance under the contract. Such security shall be deposited with the City, or a state or federally chartered bank as escrow agent, who shall pay such monies to the Contractor upon satisfactory completion of the contract. The contractor shall be the beneficial owner of any security substituted for monies withheld and shall receive any accrued interest thereon. Securities eligible for investment shall include those listed in Government Code Section 16430 or bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit. All bids are to be compared on the basis of the City Engineer's Estimate of the quantities of work to be done. No bid will be accepted from a contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code. Plans and forms of proposal, bonds, contract, and special provisions may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, California. The charge for plans and specifications is $ 6.50 if picked up directly, or $ 8.00 if mailed to purchaser; and the charge isl;nonrefundable . The City of Fontana reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularity or informality in any bid to the extent permitted by law. 3. GENERAL PREVAILING WAGE RATE: In accordance with the provisions of Sections 1770 to 1780 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has ascertained that the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pensions and similar purposes applicable to the locality in which the work is to be done is in accordance with the "General Prevailing Wage Rates" current at time of bidding as published by the State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department, of Public Works, Division of Highways, on file in the office of the City Clerk. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 (Chapter 1411, Statutes of 1968) and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the contractor or any subcontractor under him. Section 1777.5, as amended, requires the contractor or subcontractor employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the Joint Apprenticeship Committee nearest the site of the public works project and which administers the apprenticeship program in that trade, for a Certificate of Approval. The certificate will also fix the ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the contract. The ratio of apprentices to journeymen in cuch cases shall not be less than one to five except: A. When unemployment in the area of coverage by the Joint Apprenticeship Committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate, or B. When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five, or C. When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30 of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis statewide or locally, or D. When the contractor provides evidence that he employs registered apprentices on all of his contracts on an annual average of not less than one apprentice to eight journeymen. The contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if he employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on such contracts and if other contractors on the public works site are making such contributions. The contractor and any subcontractor under him shall comply with the requirements of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules~ and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, exofficio 2 the Administrator of Apprenticeships San Francisco~ California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. AFFII~ATIVE ACTION - The City of Fontana hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement~ minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of races color~ sexs or national origin in consideration for the award. ADDRESS AND MARKING OF PROPOSAL - The envelope enclosing the proposal shall be sealed and addressed to the City Clerk and dellvered or mailed to the City of Fontanas P.O. Box 5~8s Fontanas CA 92335. The envelope shall be plainly marked in the upper left hand corner with the name and address of the bidder and shall bear the words~ "BID PROPOSAJ~ FO~.." followed by the title of the specifications for the work and the date and hour of opening of bids. The certified or cashier~s checks money order~ or bidder~s bond shall be enclosed in the same envelope with the proposal. 4. WORKING DAYS~ The designated number of working days for this contract twenty (20) working days from date of said approval of this contract as outlined in Section 8 (c) o£ the City Standard Specifications. 5. PARTIAL PAYMENT: The contractor shall~ once in each month~ cause an estimate in writing to be made of the total amount of the work done to the time of such estimate. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of such estimated value of the work doue~ as aforesaids as partial security for the fulfillment of this contract by the contractors and shall monthly pay to the contractors while carrying on the works the balance not retained as aforesaids after deducting therefrom all previous payments and all sums to be kept or retained~ under the provisions of this contract. No such estimate or payment will be required to be made whens in the judgment of the Engineer~ the work is not proceeding ~n accordance with the provisions of this contracts or when in his judgment the total value of the work done since the last estimate amounts to less than Five Hundred Dollars The contractor~s billing shall show any previous payments made~ and shall show the ten percent (10%) withholding. The retained percentage as specified above will be held by the City and will be due and payable to the contractor thirty-five (35) days after filing of the Notice of Completion. 6. FINAL ESTIMATE~ PAYMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF ~ORK: ~henever in the opinion of the Engineers the contractor shall have completely performed the contract on his part~ the contractor shall submit to the Engineer a written statement of the final quantities of contract items for inclusion in the fina~ estimate. Upon receipt from the contractor of written statement of the final ~uantitiess the Engineer will makes in writing~ an estimate in which he will states from actual measurementss the whole amount of work done by the contractor and the value of such work under and according to the terms of the contract. If~ in its discretion, the said City finds that the work has been completed according to the contract~ it will thereupons by Minute Order of the City Councils so find and declare the work to be accepted. Within ten (10) days after the date of acceptance of the work, the Engineer will cause to be filed on behalf of the City, in the office of the County Recorder, a Notice of Completion of the work herein agreed to be done by the contractor. Upon expiration of thirty-five (35) days after the filing of such Notice of Completion of the work, the City will pay to the contractor the amount remaining after deducting from the amount or value stated in the above-mentioned estimate all prior payments to the contractor and all amounts to be kept and retained under the provisions of the contract. If the contractor disagrees with the Engtneer~s final estimate and within said period of thirty five (35) days files a written statement of his claims, the Engineer will issue as a semi-final estimate the proposed estimate submitted to the contractor and the City will, within thirty (30) days, pay the sum found due thereon after deducting from the amount or value stated in the first-mentioned estimate of all prior payments to the contractor and all amounts to be kept and retained under the provisions of the contract. The Engineer will then consider and investigate the contractor's claim and will make such revision in the said estimate as he may find to be due and will then certify in writing to the City Clerk the whole amount and value of the work done by the contractor under and according to the terms of the contract. The City will pay the amount so found due, after deducting all previous payments, amounts to be retained under the contract, and amounts which may be retained in accordance with the applicable specifications. All prior estimates upon which partial payments have been made shall he subject to correction in the final estimate. The final estimate and payments made thereunder shall be final and conclusive upon the contractor. 7. FINAL PAYMENT TO TERMINATE LIABILITY OF THE CITY: The acceptance by the contractor of the final payment made according to the terms of this contract shall operate as and be a release to the City from all claims and liabilities to the contractor for anything done or furnished for or relating to the work. SECTION 1 - CITY ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE OF QUANTITIES 1. Construct Manhole per City Std ~112 = 4 each 2. Construct Sewer Terminal Clean-outs= 2 each 3. Install 4" V.C.P. = 975 L.F. 4. Install 8" V.C.P. = 1560 L.F. 5. Modify existing Manhole = 1 each 6. A.C. Paving = 215 Tons SECTION 2 - SCOPE OF WORK The contractor shall furnish and construct, in accordance with the specifications and drawings, all labor, equipment and materials required for construction of improvements in Manzanita Drive, Manzantta Court and Holly Drive in the City of Fontana as follows= Sewer Main Lines, Laterals, Manholes, A.C. Match-in and Miscellaneous and Appurtenant Work Unless otherwise shown in these Special Provisions, the scope of all work shall conform to the City Standard Specifications- 4 The City reserves the right to make alterations, deviations, additions to or omission from the plans and specifications, including the right to increase or decrease the quantity of any item or portion of the work or to omit any itemor portion of the work, as may be deemed by the Engineer to be necessary or advisable, and to require such extra work as may be determined by the Engineer to be required for the proper completion or construction of the whole work contemplated. When the contractor feels compensation for an item of work should be subject to adjustment, the contractor shall furnish the City with adequate detailed cost data for such items of work, such data to be submitted with his request. The work covered by these specifications include all labor, materials, equipment, excavation, backfill and all incidental work and services required in connection with the construction of sanitary sewers and appurtenances complete, in accordance with the specifications and applicable drawings. Pipe: Unless otherwise specified, all sanitary sewers shall be constructed of bell and spigot type vitrified clay pipe. All vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the applicable provisions of the American Society for Testing Materials Designation 278, currently in use and to the specifications entitled "Vitrtfied Clay Pipe, Materials Sections published by the Clay Pipe Institute. Where provisions of these specifications are in conflict, the more restrictive provision shall apply. All vitrified clay shall be extra strength class as designated in the aforementioned specfications and shall be first quality, durable, sound, wellburned throughout its entire thickness. SECTION 3 - PRESERVATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS The contractor shall not disturb any permanent survey monuments during construction of improvements, except where their destruction is unavoidable, and the contractor is proceeding in accordance with accepted practice. Monuments that otherwise are lost or disturbed by the contractor~s operations shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense by a Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor, registered by the State of California. SECTION 4- EXCAVATIONS Excavations shall include removal of all materials of whatever nature encountered. The excavation shall be true to line and grade, and shall be made a sufficient distance below the flow line to allow for the proper placement of bedding material. The length of an open trench, at the end of a day shall not exceed (50') fifty feet in advance of the pipe laying, or left unfilled for more than (50') fifty feet behind the pipe that has been laid. All excavations shall be made, protected and supported as required for safety and in the manner set forth in the operation rules, orders and regulations prescribed by the California Division of Industrial Safety. Barriers shall be placed and maintained at each end as well as intervals along the excavation as required to warn pedestrian and vehicular traffic of open trench, obstructions, and hazards. The contractor will place warning lights and they shall be maintained along the excavation or at other obstructions or hazards from sunset to sunrise each night. During excavation and construction of the sewer, the contractor shall bear the responsibility for dust and sand control. Whenever the City Engineer determines that blowing sand or dust is a public nuisance, the contractor shall apply water over the necessary area in sufficient amounts to alleviate this nuisance. Contractor's attention is directed to "Under- ground Service Alert", 1-800-422-4133. Full compensation for shoring of excavation, protection and or support, warning barriers and lights, and dust control shall be considered as included in the prices paid for various contract items of this work and no separate payment will be made therefore. SECTION 5 - SANITARY SEWER AND MANHOLE CONSTRUCTION All sanitary sewer construction shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction. All construction of sewer manholes shall conform to City Standard detail ~112. The contract unit price for this construction shall include all labor, pre-cast sections, materials tools, equipment and incidentals involved in this work. SECTION 6 - 8" V.G.P. SEWER PIPE All 8" vitrified clay pipe shall conform to the standard special provisions for sanitary sewer construction- The contract unit price for 8"V.C.P. shall include compensation for all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals involved in the performance of this work. All pavement removal shall be included in the unit price paid for 8" V.C.P. SECTION 7 - 4" V.C.P. SEWER-SERVICE LATERAL All sewer service laterals shall be four inch (4") vitrified clay pipe (V.C.P.) installed to the property lines and plugged. The contract unit price paid per linear foot of four inch (4") V.C.P., shall include full compensation for furnishing and installing and all incidentals involved in this work. SECTION 8 - BACKFILLING All sewer pipes installed shall be backfilled with sand to one and one-half (1- 1/2') feet above the pipe. The backfill material placed in the area around and to within eighteen (18) inches above the pipe and from street subgrade to within the pipe and from street subgrade to within six (6) inches below street subgrade shall be termed "select backfill". Select backfill shall be free from broken pavement matter- Except where otherwise specified, bedding material shall be sand, gravel, crushed aggregate, or native free-draining granular material having a sand equivalent of not less than thirty (30), and shall have a percentage composition by weight which conforms to the following grading: 6 Sieve Sizes Percentage Passing Sieves 2 - 1/2 ........................... 90 - 100 No. 4 ............................. 35 - 100 Backfill material which is not *'select backfill" shall be termed "common backfill". Common backfill shall be free from broken pavement or concretes stones or lumps exceeding six (6) inches in greatest dimension~ vegetable matters or other unsatisfactory material. The select backfill placed around and over the pipe shall be placed evenly on each side of the pipe for the full width of the trench in layers of about twelve (12) inches in depth. Each layer shall be throughly compacted to a relative density of ninety percent (90%) by the use of vibratory or other approved compaction equipment. In lieu of using native excavated material, the contractor has the option of importing slurry type pre-moistened sand as approved by the City Engineer~ which would not require placement in twelve (12) inch layers. The compaction requirements for slurry sand backfilling will be the same as for native material. Particular attention is to be given the class bedding called for, and care shall be exercised in backfilling to avoid damage to the pipe. In all cases~ after backfill is in place subgrade shall be mechanically compacted until the upper six (6) inches is throughly compacted to not less than ninety-five (95%) percent of standard density. All backfilling shall be considered as an incidental and is included in the unit price paid for V.C.P. Class bedding shall conform to plans and specifications as shown, and as prepared by the American concrete Pipe Association Design Manual. SECTION 9 - TEST FOR LEAKAGE When directed by the City Engineer~ the sewer main shall be tested for exfiltration. Tests shall be made after placement of select backfill, but before pavement replacement. The method of testing shall be determined by the Engineer. The Contractor shall, at his own expense~ furnish all waters materials and labor for making the test required. All tests shall be made under direction of the Engineer. Section 10 - ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING MATCH-IN All asphalt concrete paving shall conform to Section 19 and 39 of the City Stan- dard Specifications. The mineral aggregate for asphalt concrete match-in pavement and final overlay shall conform to the grading specified for three-eights inch (3/8") maximum size, fine gradation. Match-In Paving The match-in paving shall consist of asphalt concrete not less than two .~2) inches in thickness. The match-in paving shall be placed immediately after t~e completion of the backfill and shall be maintained so as to provide a smooth- riding surface until the final paving has been placed, but not before tests for leakage. The application of a tack coat will be required unless otherwise specified, It shall be applied at the approximate total rate of 0.25 gallons per square yard of surface to be covered with asphalt paving. The contract unit price paid for this item shall be measured by weight/per ton of asphalt concrete pavement and shall include full compensation for tack coat, asphalt concrete pavement for furnishing all labor, materials, installation, equip- ment and incidentals involved and no separate payment will be made therefore. SECTION 11 - ADJUSTING SEWER AND STORM DRAIN FACILITIES TO GRADE The adjusting of sewer and storm drain facilities to grade shall conform to the provisions in Section 21 of the Standard Specifications. The contract unit price paid per sewer facility shall be per each and shall include full compensation for removals, forming, finish work, and adjustment of facilities, and all other labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals involved in the performance of this work. SECTION 12 - ADJUSTMENT OF WATER VALVE COVERS AND VAULTS TO GRADE It will not be the Contractors responsibility to adjust water valve covers or utility vaults to grade; however, the Contractor will be responsible for contacting the appropriate utility before construction and to cooperate with the utility in the ad3usting of their facilities. SECTION 13 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Your attention is directed to Section 9 of the City Standard Specifications. SECTION 14 - INSPECTIONS The Contractor shall make delivery of all A.C. job tickets to the Job Inspector. The Contractor shall allow the Job Inspector access to all work during the overlay. The Inspector shall insure that material and the workmenship are in acordance with the requirements and intentions of these specifications. Thus, all work done and all materials furnished shall be subject to his inspection. The asphalt paver shall operate the screens and adjust to the required section and thickness as directed by the Inspector. Any defective work shall be made good. Unsuitable material may be rejected, not withstanding the fact that such defective work and unsuitable materials have been previously overlooked by the engineer and accepted or estimated for payment. 8 SECTION 15 - CLEAN-UP RESTORATION FOR FINAL ACCEPTANCE Upon completion of all work and before final inspection of this project site, all parts of the project shall be left in a neat and presentable condition. Final walk-through shall be done as joint inspection (City of Fontana/Contractor), and shall be made to determine if the work has been done in accordance with this contract. Inspection of monuments will also be done at this time~ Contractor's attention is directed to Section 2. Full compensation for final clean-up will be considered as included in the prices for various contract items of this project, and no separate payment will be made therefor. CONTRACT PROPOSAL THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, MANZANITA COURT, & HOLLY DRIVE. To the City Council of the City of Fontana: The undersigned as bidder declares that he has carefully examined the plans and specifications and read the accompanying instructions to bidders; and hereby proposes and agrees, if this proposal is accepted, to furnish all materials and do all the work required to complete the said work in accordance with said plans and specifications in the time and manner therein prescribed, for the unit price set forth in the following schedule. In ease of a discrepancy between words and figures, the words shall prevail. .APPROXIMATE · ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE ITEM . QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE · TOTAL 1 4 Each Construct Manhole per City Std ~112 @ per each 2 2 Each Construct Sewer Terminal Clean-outs @ per each 3 975 L.F. Install 4" V.C.P. Sewer Lines per linear foot 4 1560 L.F. Install 8" V.C.P. Sewer Lines per linear foot 10 5 1 each Remodel Existing Manhole per lump sum 6 215 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement per ton Total Bid in Total Bid Words in Figures 11 Accompanying this proposal is (Insert $ cash", "cashier's check", "certified check", or "bidder's bond", as the case may be) in the amount equal to at least ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required contract, with necessary bonds, within eight (8) days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after having received notice that the contract has been awarded and is ready for signature, the proceeds of the security accompanying his bid shall become the property of the City of Fontana, and this proposal and the acceptance thereof may be considered null and void. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of contractors, License No. Signature of bidder (If an individual, so state. If a firm or co-partnership, state the firm name and give the names of all individual copartners composing the firm. If a corporation, state legal name of corporation, also names of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Manager thereof) Business Address Dated: , 19 12 SUGGESTED BIDDER'S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, as Principal, and , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fontaria in the sum of ($ ), to be paid to the said City or its certain attorneys, its successors and assigns; for the payment of which sum, well and truly made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, successors or assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That if the certain proposal of the above bounden to construct dated , 19__, is accepted by the City of Fontana, and if the above bounden , his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, shall duly enter into and execute a contract for such construction, and shall execute and deliver the two bonds described within ten days (not including Sunday) from the date of the mailing of a notice to the above bounden by and from the said City of Fontana that said contract is ready for execution, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we hereunto set our hands and seals this day of , 19 . 13 BIDDER'S WORK REFERENCE TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL Please list the last four jobs completed by your company as the principal contrac- tor. Please list job, contract amount, working days, contracting agency and telephone number. 1. The bidder shall list the names and addresses of each subcontractor to whom the bidder proposes to subcontract portions of the work. NAMES AND ADDRESSES: DESCRIPTION OF PORTION OF WORE TO BE SUBCONTRACTED: The General Contractor shall provide the City of Fontaria with a 24-hour phone number for on-the-job emergencies that may arise. Your attention is directed to Section 7 (d). Area Code Phone Number Name: 14 AGREEMENT FOR SUBSTITUTION OF SECURITIES FOR RETENTION PAYMENTS THIS AGREEMENT between the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to a8 y and Construction "tit" Company, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", is made and entered into this day of , 1984 and provides as follows: THIS AGREEMENT is entered into with reference to the following facts: 1. On or about , 1984, the City and Contractor entered into a contract for performing works as follows: 2. The contract authorizes the City to retain certain sums from progress payments to be made to the Contractor. In accordance with this contract, the City has retained to date the total sum of $ , said sum being hereinafter referred to as "retained sum". 3. The Contractor desires to obtain release of the retained sum under the applicable provisions of the Government Code Subsection 10261 and Subsection 14402.5. 4. The City is willing to release the retained sum if the Contractor executes this agreement and fully complies with all terms and conditions hereof. NOW~ THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Contractor shall deliver to the Finance Director/City Clerk one or more bank or savings and loan certificates of deposit for a total sum of $ Title to said certificates of deposits shall be held as follows: City of Fontana, California in trust for Construction Company. 2. Upon delivery of said certificates of deposits to the Finance Director/City Clerk, the City shall commence progress payment for total retained sum to the Contractor. 3. The City shall have a possesscry security interest in the retained sum. 4. Contractor shall be the beneficial owner of said certificates of deposit and shall receive any interest thereon. 5. At the expiration of thirty-five (35) days from the date of acceptance of the work described in the Contract by the City, or as prescribed by law, the said certificates of deposit shall be released to the Contractor, except such amounts as are required by law to be withheld by properly executed and filed notices of stop payment, or as may be authorized by the contract to be further retained. 6. The City may pay or apply the sums represented by the certificates of deposit for the same purposes and to the same extent as the City might have applied the retained sum, but for this Agreement~ and, in the event such payment or application is made, the City may then or at any time thereafter convert to cashs all or so many of the certificates of deposit as the Gity deems necessary~ and any interest or other penalties resulting from such conversion shall be borne by the Contractor. 15 7. The Contractor shall pay all costs associated with the issuance of said certificates of deposit, the holding of the same by the City, and the substitution of securities as hereinafter provided. 8. The Contractor shall pay all of the Ctty's costs and reasonable attorney's fees in the event any legal action is commenced by the City, either against the Contractor or any bank or savings and loan association issuing said certificates of deposit, for the purpose of enforcing this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement. 9. While the contractor is not in default under the contract, the Contractor may deposit substitute securities eligible for investment of the type described in Government Code Subsection 14402,5 for the certificates of deposit initially deposited with the City Finance Director/City Clerk, provided however, that the aggregate value of the securities eligible for investment of deposit with the City hereunder shall not be reduced below $ 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall insure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of each party provided~ however~ that the Contractor shall have no greater right to assign the benefits of this Agreement, or the securities held pursuant hereto, than the Contractor would have had to assign the retained sum but for this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first about written. CITY OF FONTANA Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Fontana APPROVED: CONTRACTOR By: City Engineer, City of Fontana 16 CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OP SEHER PAClLITY I~LPROVEMENTS OF MANZANITA DRIVE, FLA. NZANITA COURT AND HOLLY DRIVE. This agreement, made and concluded this day of ,19__, between the City of Fontana, party of the first part, and , Contractor, party of the second part. ARTICLE I. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the paymentsand agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the said party of the first part, and under the conditions expressed in the two bonds, bearing even date with these presents, and hereunto annexed, said party of the second part agrees with the said party of the first part, at his own proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all the materials except such as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by said party of the first part, necessary to construct and complete in a good workmanlike and substantial manner, the following: For the construction of sewer facility Improvements of Manzanita Drive, Manzanita Court and Holly Drive. in accordance with the Special Provisions, and also in accordance with the specifications entitled "City of Fontaria, Public Works Department, City Standard Specifications", which said special provisions and Standard Specifications are hereby specially referred to and by such reference made a part hereof. Said work to be done is shown on the following plans= Dr. No. 1286 & 1287, Sheet 2 of 2. ARTICLE II: And the said Contractor agrees to receive and accept the following prices as full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all the work contemplated and embraced in this agreement; also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid, or from the acts of the elements, or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the City of Fontana and for all risks of every description connected with the work; also for all expense incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in the manner and according to the plans and specifications and requirements under them, to wit: 17 .APPROXIMATE . ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE ITEM . QUANTITY WRITTEN IN WORDS UNIT PRICE . TOTAL 1 4 each Construct Manhole per City Std ~112 @ per each 2 2 each Construct Sewer Terminal Clean-out per each 3 975 L.F. Install 4" V.C.P. Sewer Lines per linear foot 4 1560 L.F. Install 8" V.C.P. Sewer Lines per linear foot 5 1 each Remodel ExistinE Manhole per lump sum 6 215 Tons Asphalt Concrete Pavement per ton Total Contract Total Contract in Words in Figures 18 ARTICLE III. Said party of the first part hereby promises and agrees with said Contractor to employ, and does hereby employ said Contractor to providethe materials and to do the work according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the prices aforesaid, and hereby contracts to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions above set forth; and said parties for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, do hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. ARTICLE IV. It is further expressly agreed by and between the parties hereto that should there by any conflict between the terms of this instrument and the bid or proposal of said Contractor, then this instrument shall control and nothing herein shall be considered as an acceptance of said terms of said proposal conflicting herewith. In Witness Whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands the year and date first above written. CITY OF FONTANA BY: Mayor of the City of Fontana ATTEST: City Clerk, City of Fontaria APPROVED: CONTRACTOR City Engineer, City of Fontana BY: 19 FONTANA PAVING, INC. P. O. BOX ~7, FONTANA, CALIF. 92~ ~ 2~NOTtCE ~ ~ ~ CERTIFIED ~" MAIL SOUTHWEST CONCRETE PRODUCTS . : :' CERTIFIED " MAIL ~ ~.o.,~. RETURN REC ~ REQUESTE R~.FASE OF LIEN Sewer Fontana, California - Date_ Fepruary .3, 1987 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT RECEIVED OF Safeco Title Ins. Co./Albert Riley $ 95~.11 , in payment of Chapter 27 Lien. Parcel No. 233-301-03 , Project 224 Principal $ 1,030.74 Interest $ 59.7 Pl~e issue Rel~e of Lien. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: Albert & Norva Riley ~/~/ 15980 Holly Dr. . Luekemayer Fontaria, Ca. 92335 Finance Director PLEASE R~I,RASE LI~lq TO: Safeco Title Insurance Co. P. O. Box 1130 San Bernardino, Ca. 92403 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA File: Ch. 27 #224 APN 233-301-O3 Albert Riley Safeco Title Insurance Company P.O. Box 1130 San Bernardino, CA 92403 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways.Code. The assessment for the work was ~ot paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office, The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder~s Office, Hall of Records, 172 West Third Street~ San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this ReleaSe oiLlenin order tool.ear this prop- errS, The additional copy is for your files, Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Maintenance/Engineering Service~ Agency Director RS:wp Enclosures ~053 S.E~A ~VEN~5 (P.O. BOX 518} FONTANA. CALIFORNIA 92~5 (714} I~k~,~ASE OF LIEN Fontana, California Date April 3, 1987 TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARIMENT RECEIVED OF Security Pacific Bank $ 915.37 , in payment of Chapter 27 Lien. Parcel No. 233-303-08 , Projec~ Principal $ 997.35 In~eres~ $ 48.01 Please issue Release of Lien. Legal Owner as listed on Lien: Lawrence & Della Pae Lewis 15987 Manzanita Fontana, Ca. 92335 RELEASE LIEN TO: Ass ' t. Finance Director Security Pacific bank P. O. Box 399 Fontana, Ca. 92334. Ref: Loan #125 873 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA April 6, 1987 File: Gh. 27 #224 Re: Loan #125 873 Security Pacific Bank P.O. Box 39~ Fontana, CA 92334 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described in the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 West Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. The additional copy is for your files. Robert Schoenborn, P.E. Engineering/Maintenance SerVices Agency Director RS:sc Enclosures ~853 ,SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA. CALiFORNiA 92335 (714) 350-7600 Recordin~ requested by: ~hen recorded mail to: Security Pacific Bank P.O. Box 399 Fontana, CA 92334 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement ACT of 1911 upon the real property here- inafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203634 on July 21, 1986 , Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Lawrence & Del.larae Lewis as obligors, is hereby satisfied ana discharged. The real property heretnbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-08 City of Fontana CALIFORNIA Hay 1, 1988 File: Ch. 27 #224, Sewer Installa- tion in Manzanita Dr., Holly, and Hanzanita Ct. Security Pacific Bank P.O. Box 399 Fontana, CA 92334 Attention: Ginny Commerford Oear Ms. Commerford: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property des- cribed on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's Office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By re- cording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. The additional copy is for your files. Sincerely, Anniyor AC:wp Enclosures 8353 SIERRA AVEI~E (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORN)A 92334-0518 (714) 350-7600 ~ ~ASE OF LI~N S~ FonCam~, Califor~' ~St 25, 1988 ~l~ 0F ~1 F. & Pa~icia C. Willi~ $ 1~315.68 ~ pa~ of ~apt~ 27 ~m. P~cel ~. 233-302-06 , ~ojec= ~224 ~cipal $ 1,119.79 ~=~es= $ 195.89 ~ ~ ~ 1~=~ ~ ~: ~1 F. & Pa~icia C. W~li~ ~est & ~i Gid~ Accounts Receivable City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 30, 1988 File: Chapter 27 #224 Ticor Title 340 Fourth Street San Bernardino, CA 92403 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property described on the attached form under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's Office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San BeFnardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. the recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear your property. The carbon copy is for your files. GC:do attachments 8353 SIERRA AVENUE (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-.0518 (714) 350-7600 RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: April 27, 1989 To: Public Works Received of Security Pacific Bank $861.10, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #233-302-11 Project: #224 Principal: $1.030.74 Legal owner as listed on lien: % Charles & Barbara Hogan Please issue release of lien to: Security Pacific Bank P.O. Box 399 Fontana, ~A 92334 ATTN: Ginny Commerford George Pirsko Finance Department Assessor ' s No'~ Owner and Mailing Address 233-292-05 George & Audrey Thayer Timothy & Bronwyn Perez 15921 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-06 Timothy White 15951 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-07 John & Delpha Price 15963 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-08 Albert & Violet Wright 15973 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-09 Donald & Donna Burnich 15983 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-292-10 Boyce & Margaret Braswell 15993 Sequoia Ave., Fontana 233-293-02 Edith Corrigan 9922 Almeria Ave., Fontana 233-293-03 Michael & Virginia Gere 15929 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-04 Marie Fletcher 15937 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-05 Douglas & Donna Thompson 15947 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-06 Donald & Sharon Anderson 15957 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-07 Roger & Karen Crane 15965 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-08 John & Carol Sinclair 15975 Hawthorne Ave. Fontana 233-293-09 Donald & Lu Ann Grant 15985 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana 233-293-10 Ferdinand & Theresa Huitric 15995 Hawthorne Ave., Fontana ' '233-3o2-"o1" 9569 Manzanita Ct., 233-302-02 Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffner 9561 Manzanita Ct., Fontana Assessor' s No. ~er aria Mailing Aaaress 233-302-03 Walter & Maxine Luk~sh Box 829, Fontana, 233-302-04 Milton & Betty Boesa 9560 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-302-05 Thomas & Wanda Flask .~ 15980 Manzanita Ave., ~onta 233-302-06 Ernest & Sheri Gi cub **' 15960 Manzanita Ave., Fontan 233-302-07 Tony a ~gelina earcia 15919 Holly Dr., Fontana 15927 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-302-09 John & Margaret Tolich 15949 Holly Dr., Fontaria ~233-302-10 Joseph & Kathleen Ragone ' 15971 Holly Dr., Fontaria 233-302-11 Charles & Barbara Hogan 15979 Holly Dr., ~ontana ¢233-302-12Herbert a Elizabeth Stehr 15987 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-302-Z3 Arthur & ~ariI~ ~ordeman 15995 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-01 ~~Ce'~J~e~e 15996 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-02 Kenneth & Mildred Parker 15984 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-03 Albert Riley 15980 Holly Dr., [ontana ~ 233-301-04 Cecil & Lillie Woodridge 15972 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-05 Virginia Primrose 15962 Holly Dr., Fontana 233-301-06 Zoe & Jerry Driggers 15952 Holly Dr., Fontana 15944 Holly Dr., Fontaria ~ 233-301-08 ~lll~m ~Hell~ 15936 Holly Dr., Fontana ~6 -3- No. Owner and Mailing Address 233-301-09 Paulin~ Hoerber 15928 Holly Dr., Fontana ~.'~ 15912 Holly Dr., Fontana~-~ 233-301-12 Richard & Barbara Foster ~,~ 9567 Catawba Ave., Font~ 233-303~01 ~rank & MaSel Coleman ~o~ 15913 Manzanita Ave. Fontaria 233-303-02 William & Margaret Happe 15937 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria 233-303-03 Daren & Myrtle Owens 15947 Manzanita Ave., Fontana 233-303-04 Thomas & Dorothy Rabone 15955 Manzanita Ave. , Fontana v233-303-05 Will{~ & Rose Hughes 15963 Manzanita Ave,, Fontana Be ie or D~yid Be y 1 233-303-07 %~ ~%~%%nita Ave., Fontana 233-303-08 Lawrence & Dellarae Lewts 15987 Manzanita Ave., Fontaria 233-303-09 Fannie Toceo ~,,~ 15997 Manzanita Ave., Fontana RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: August 16, 1990 To: Public Works Received of Continental Lawyers Title $578.18, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #233-302-10 Project: #224 Principal: $1,030.74 Legal owner as listed on lien: Joseph Ragone 15971 Holly Please issue release of lien to: Continental Lawyers Title 1198 N. Arrowhead San Bernardino, CA 92405 Ge Finance Department RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: March 18, 1991 To: Public Works Received of First Interstate Bank $503.08, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #233-302-02 Project: #224 Principal: $897.19 Legal owner as listed on lien: Glenn Ruffner 9561 Manzanita Please issue release of lien to: First Interstate Bank P.O. Box 1449 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Ge~o~ Finance Department City of Fontana CALIFORNIA 14arch 20, lggl File: Chapter 27 # 224- Ruffnet First Interstate Bank P.O. Box 144g San Bernardino, CA 92401 Attention: Lydia Puga Dear Ms. Puga: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at g561Manzanita Ave., Fontaria, California, {APN 233-302-02) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the lgll Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA g2415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $g.O0. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely yours, Acting Deputy Public Works Director/Traffic Engineer CES:wp Enclosure 8353 S~ERRA AVENUE (P,O, BOX 518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B,C, CANADA Obligors: Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet Dated this 20th day of March , 1991 Acting Deputy Public Works Director/Traffic Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On Hatch 20. 1991 , before me, Wilma Pinsak, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Clyde E. Sweet, Jr., P.E., known to me to be the Acting Deputy Public Works Director/Traffic Engineer of Fontaria, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal WILMA NSAK Ch. 27 # 224- Ruffnet RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: July 23, 1991 To: Public Works Received of John M. Tolich, Sr. $590.51, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #233-302-09 Project: #224 Principal: $5,053.00 Legal owner as listed on lien: John M. Tolich 15949 Holly Please issue release of lien to: John M. Tolich, Sr. 15949 Holly Fontana, CA 92335 Gsorge~o Finance Department City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 25, 1991 File: Chapter 27 # 2~/- Tolich John X. Tolich, St. 15949 Holly Drive Fontana, CA 92335 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15949 Holly Drive, Fontana, California, {APN Z33-302-Og) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment. for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA g2415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $g.O0. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely yours, Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer Engineering Division COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT RWW:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA02334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA Recording Requested By: When Recorded Hail To: John H. Tolich, St. 15949 Holly Fontana. CA 92335 RELEASE OF LIB The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in her by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203616 on July 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming John and Marqaret Tolich as obliqors. is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-09 Obligors: John and Marqaret Tolich Dated this 2Sth .day of July , 1991 Ro~e,/~p~E./''y''~ City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On July 25. lggl , before me, Wilma Pinsak, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., known to me to be the City Engineer of the City of Fontaria, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~~~ sE~ WILM Ch. 27 # 224 - Tolich RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN Fontana, California Date: November 13, 1991 To: Public Works Received of Chicago Title $466.31, in payment of Chapter 27 lien. Parcel: #233-302-01 Project: #224 Principal: $953.06 Legal owner as listed on lien: Shirley Keeler 9569 Manzanita Please issue release of lien to: Chicago Title 625 Carnegie Dr. San Bernardino, CA 92408 ATTN: John Kiefer Title orde~e~ Finance Department gCity of Fontana CALIFORNIA November 13, 1991 File: Chapter 27 #224 - Keeler 9569 Hanzanita APN 233-302-01 Chicago Title 625 Carnegie Drive San Bernardtrio, CA 92408 Attention: John Ktefer Subject: Title Order #9113289~26 Dear Nr. Kiefer: Sanitary sewer facilities ~ere constructed In front of the property located at 9569 Nanzan!ta Avenue, Fontaria, California, (APN 233-302-01) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and allen was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 N. Thtrd Street, San Bernardtrio, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien tn order to clear this 9roDetry, Sincerely, CONNUNITY DEVELOPNEIfr DEPARTNENT Engineering Division Robert N. Neddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure, 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX 518) t FONTAN~ CALIFORNIA 92334~518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, I~C. CANADA Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Chtcaqo Tttle 625 Carneqte Drive San Bernardino. CA 92408 Attention: 0ohn Kiefer RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property herelnafter described ts hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203608 on ~ulY 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, Caltfornta, naming Shirley Keeler as obliqors, ts hereby satisfied and dtscharqed. The real property hertnbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontaria, County of San Bernardtno, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-01 Obligors: Shirley Keeler Dated this 13th day of November , 1991 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CAL]FORNZA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARO]NO) On November 13, 1991 , before me, Milma Plnsak, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert M. Weddle, P.E., known to me to be the City Engineer of the City of Fontana, a municipal corporation, and known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Ch. 27 #224 - Keeler C'ity of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 28, 1992 File: Chapter 27 # 224- Ruffnet First Interstate Bank P.O. Box 1449 San Bernard~no, CA 92401 Attention: Glenn Ruffnet Dear Hr. Ruffner~ Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 9561Nanzanita Ave., Fontana, California, {APN 233-302-02) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the lgll Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By re'6ording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, Hall of Records, 172 W. Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this oroperty. Sincerely, C~~/~~ RObert W. Weddle, P.E.~ City Engineer RWW:wp EncloSure. 7_~,-~/ 8353 SIERRA AVENUI= (P.O. BOX 518) FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92335 (714) 350-7600 Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: First Interstate Bank P.O. Box 144g San Bernardino. CA 92401 RELEASE OF LIB The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203609 on July 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet as obliqors, is hereby satisfied and discharged. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to witx Assessor's Parcel No. 233-302-02 Obligors: Glenn & Elizabeth Ruffnet Dated this 28th day of July , 1992 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On July 28, 1992 , before me, Wilma PinsaK, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., Known to me to be the City Engineer of Fontana, a municipal corporation, and Known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same on behalf of said municipal corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal. W/LMA PINSAK Ch. 27 # 224- Ruffnet CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN July 7, 1993 To: Engineering Received payment in fiscal year 1986-87 the amount to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the property listed below. Parcel: #233-303-01 Project: #224 Principal: $1,064.15 Legal owner as listed on lien: Frank & Mabel Coleman 15913 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: Howard Wickersham 7222 Monterey Lane La Palma, CA 90623 ician City of Fontana CALIFORNIA July 7, 1993 File: Chapter 27 # 224 - Coleman Gold Country Escrow 7002 Moody Street, #112 La Palma, CA 90623 Subject: Your Reference No. 95319VN Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15913 Manzanita Avenue, Fontana, California, (APN 233-303-01) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the lgll Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $g. O0. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure cc: Howard Wickersham 7222 Monterey Lane La Palma, CA 90623 8353 SIERRAAVENUE(P.O. BOX518) · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA92334~.O518 ® (714)350-76OO SISTER CiTY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA ~le~ recycled paper Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mai] To: Gold Country Escrow 7002 Moody Street, #11Z La Palma, CA 90623 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and'satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203629 on July 21, 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Frank & Mabel Coleman as obligors, is hereby satisfied and discharged. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-01 Obligors: Frank & Mabel Coleman Dated this 7th day of July , 1993 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On July 7, 1993 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally Known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by.his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Wi Ch. 27 #224 - Coleman Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Kenneth & Mildred Parker 15984 Holly Drive Fontana. CA 92335 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203620 on July 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County~ California, naming Kenneth & Mildred Parker as obliqors. is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-02 Obligors: Kenneth & Mildred Parker Dated this 13th day of October , lg93 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On October 13, 1993 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Wilma Pinsak '~ ~~9~Ao~i~ Ch. 27 #224-Parker CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN August 26, 1993 To: Engineering Received payment of $455.20 to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the property listed below. Parcel: #233-301-05 Project: #224 P~incipal: $1,178.33 Legal owner as listed on lien: Virginia Primrose 15962 Holly Drive, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: Vasile Grecu 15962 Holly Drive Fontana, CA 92335 (909) 350-9355 Ge~rsko Accounting Technician ~.,'. ':'*""""*~. . 88-203629 · , CFFICtAL .~ I CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN AUgust 31, 1993 TO: Engineering Received payment of $382.25 to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the propertylisted below. Parcel: #233-301-08 Project: #224 Principal: $1,048.88. Legal owner as listed on lien: Richard Navarro 15936 Holly Drive, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: First American Title Insurance Co. 323 Court Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Re: Escrow #164097:1 Geor~Pirsko Accounting Technician Obligors: Richard J. & Susan Q. Navarro Dated this 31st day of August , 1993 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On Auqust 31. 1993 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNES my hand and icial seal. .i ma Pi.sa X Ch. 27 #224-Navarro City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 31, 1993 File: Chapter 27 # 224-Navarro First American Title Insurance Company 323 Court Street San Bernardino, CA 92401 Re: Escrow #164097:1 Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15936 Holly Drive, Fontana, California, (APN 233-301-08) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the lgll Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $g. O0. Please record this Release of Lien in order toclear this oropertv. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE ( p. CL BOX 518) e. FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-O,518 · (714) 350-7600 SISTER CITY -- KAMLOOPS, B.C;, CANADA CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN October 13, 1993 To: Engineering Received payment of $268.86 to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the property listed below. Parcel: #233-301-02 Project: #224 Principal: $1,030.74 Legal owner as listed on lien: Kenneth Parker 15984 Holly Drive, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: Kenneth Parker 15984 Holly Drive Fontana, CA 92335 !~ ~ ~ Re: George Pirsko Accounting Technician City of Fontana CALIFORNIA October 18, 1993 File: Chapter 27 #224 - Foster Union Land Title Company' 1003 Cooley Drive, #101 Colton, CA 92324 Gentlemen: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 9567 Catawba Drive, Fontana, California, (APN 233-301-12) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMHUNITY DEVELOPHENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RWW:wp Enclosure 8353 SIERRA AVENUE(P.O, BOX518) · FONTANA. CALIFORNIA92334-0518 · (714)350-7600 SISTER CITY- KAMLOOPS, B.C. CANADA CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN October 18, 1993 To: Engineering Received payment of $428.44 to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the property listed below. Parcel: #233-301-12 Project: #224 Principal: $1,164.31 Legal owner as listed on lien: Richard Foster 9567 Catawba Drive, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: Union Land Title Co. 1003 Cooley Dr. #101 Colton, CA 92324 · !~ Re: #114398-01 G 6 Accounting Technician Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: UNION LAND TITLE COMPANY 1003 COOLEY DRIVE, #101 COLTON, CA 92324 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinafter described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86-203628 on July 21. 1986 Official Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Richard & Barbara Foster as obliqors. is hereby satisfied and discharqed. The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Bernardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-301-12 Obligors: Richard & Barbara Foster Dated this 18th day of October , 1993 Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On October 18, 1993 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. ~N./~W;~and a~f~ seal. OFFICIAL S WILMA PiNS Ch. 27 #224-Foster CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN April 19, 1996 To: Engineering Received payment of $137.82 (which includes $75.00 release fee)to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the property listed below in June 1986. Parcel: #233-302-13 Project: #224 Principal: $1,030.74 Legal owner as listed on lien: Arthur Nordeman 15995 Holly, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: Debbie Stimson Renaissance Escrow 9190 Sierra #104 Fontana, CA 92335 Escrow #1993-DS G~ko Accounting Technician City of Fontana CALIFORNIA May 6, 1996 File: Chapter 27 #224 Renaissance Escrow 9190 Siena Avenue #104 Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Debbie Stimson Dear Ms. Stimson: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15995 Holly, Fontana, California, (APN 233 -302-13 ) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 A~t of the Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's o~ce. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorder's Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bemardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer RWW:ke Enclosure MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 518 8353 SIERRA AVENUE * FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 * (909) 350-7600 Dated this 6th day of May , 1996 Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On May 6, 1996 , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Kobert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Vernita White CITY OF FONTANA RELEASE OF LIEN SEWER LIEN July 26, 1996 To: Engineering Received payment of $135.71 (which includes $75.00 release fee)to pay-off the chapter 27 lien filed against the property listed below in June 1986. Parcel: #233-303-04 Project: #224 Principal: $997.35 Legal owner as listed on lien: Thomas Rabone 15955 Manzanita, Fontana Please issue release of lien to: Debbie Stimson Renaissance Escrow 9190 Sierra #104 Fontana, CA 92335 Escrow #1993-DS ~~nician City of Fontana CALIFORNIA August 5, 1996 File: Chapter 27 #224 Renaissance Escrow _ 9190 Sierra Avenue #104 Fontana, CA 92335 Attn: Debbie Stimson Dear Ms. Stimson: Sanitary sewer facilities were constructed in front of the property located at 15955 Manzanita Avenue, Fontaria, California, (APN 233-303-04) under the provisions of Chapter 27 of the 1911 Act of tl~e Streets and Highways Code. The assessment for the work was not paid, and a lien was filed in the County Recorder's office. The assessment has now been paid, and the lien can now be released. By recording the attached Release at the County Recorders Office, 222 W. Hospitality Lane, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0022, you will clear the records pertaining to the property. The recording fee is $9.00. Please record this Release of Lien in order to clear this property. Sincerely, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Engineering Division Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer RW~t,r:ke Enclosure MAILING ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 518 8353 SIERRA AVENUE · FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92334-0518 · (909) 350-7600 Recording Requested By: When Recorded Mail To: Renaissance Escrow Attn: Debbie Stimson 9190 Sierra Avenue #104 Fontana. CA 92408 RELEASE OF LIEN The lien claimed by the Superintendent of Streets in the City of Fontana under authority vested in him by the Improvement Act of 1911 upon the real property hereinaf~er described is hereby released, the claim hereunder having been fully paid and satisfied, and that certain Notice of Lien recorded as Instrument No. 86- 203630 on July 15, 1986 OfiScial Records of San Bernardino County, California, naming Thomas and Dorothy Rabone as obligor. is hereby satisfied and discharged, The real property herinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is claimed, is that certain piece or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Fontana, County of San Beruardino, State of California, and particularly described as follows, to wit: Assessor's Parcel No. 233-303-04 Obligor: Thomas and Dorothy Rabone Dated this 5th day of Au_uust~ 1996 Robert W. Weddie, P.E. City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )SS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO) On August 5. 1996, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Robert W. Weddle, P.E., personally known to me to be the pgrson whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the ins ~/~nt, the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WI SS my n an 6fficial seal.