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MARTIN TUDOR AQUATIC CENTER RENOVAT 11660 SIERRA AVE, FONTANA, CA 92337 P9# Sheet Number Sheet Title 1 L-1 TITLE SHEET 2 L-2 HARDSCAPE PLAN BASE BID 3 L-3 HARDSCAPE PLAN BID ALTERNATE 4 L-4 IRRIGATION PLAN 5 L-5 IRRIGATION PLAN 6 L-6 PLANTING PLAN 7 L-7 HARDSCAPE DETAILS 8 L-8 MECHANICAL ROOM 9 L-9 RESTROOM 10 L-10 IRRIGATION DETAILS 11 L-11 PLANTING DETAILS 12 A C1 P TITLE SHEET 13 TW TYP VERT W W/ WD C2 RE DETAIL SHEET 14 DATE: 8/18/2011 C3 BL PRECISE GRADING PLAN 15 FINISH GRADE C4 OUTSIDE DIAMETER EROSION CONTROL PLAN .......... .......................... . ................... ..:...:......:....:..:....:.........:... :...... :.........:........:................................... ............................................................ ..................... ................................................ ............*............................................... ...................... ..: ...........: ............ .:.....I.. ..........:.........:...:...............:..... ; ....:....... ...:........................................................ ..................... ..:..:....:....:. ............... ............. ..... .......................................................................... ............................................-................................. .............................. ........... .................. ..I.. ......... ...................................................-................................ ............ ................. ................................. ................................................................... ........ .............. .*...................................................--.. .............1-..................1...............1.........................................................................I........................................................................ ........................................................................I .,..................... .................................................................... ...w.............................................................. ... ........................ ................... .............E.*......................lectr................... ........ ..Iica]....�. heet In..........dex .............-........ ............x.. .......e............ ..................... . ...... .......................... ........................................ ........................................................................................ .............I... ......-............ .......... ......... . .......I ............................................................................... ...w....... . ............................................. .........I............................................*............................. ......................................... .....:...:......:....:.................................................................................................................................... ................. .................................................... ............. ........ ...... I ........ I.. 16 E0.01 BENCHMARK SYMBOLS LIST, GENERAL NOTES &ABBREVIATIONS 17 PA E0.02 W/O SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM 18 All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finish grade unless otherwise specified. E0.03 DETAILS 19 FL E0.04 POB TITLE 24 20 WEIGHT ED1.10 The contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads and valves for optimum coverage, eliminating over spray onto PARTIAL DEMOLITION ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN 21 BW E1.10 FOB PARTIAL NEW ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN 22 POINT OF CONNECTION E1.11 REFERENCE POINT ENLARGED ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN 23 E1.12 CB NIGHT USE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRICS 24 FINISH SURFACE E1.13 POINT SECURITY LIGHTING PHOTOMETRICS . ................................................................. .................. ................... ................ .................................................... ............ ................................... .... ................. . .................................................................. ...... ............. ...................... ......... ......... ..... ................ ............ ............ .................... . ....... ...1. ...1 ....... ................................................., .............. ....... .... ......*................ ............................................................ ....... ......:.. ......:..........:........... !............:.......... :..........:..........:.........:.........:........:........:..........:......... ;.....I.. :........:..I.......................................................................................... ...... ......... ...... ....................... ........... ..o.... .......w... . ..................................... .......... ................... .........:.. .:.. .:.-.................1 ..................... ...... .I... ........................... ....-........ .. ........ ................................................ .............................. , .......... .....................1.....1..1...'....................I.....,....................p.................................................Aqua....I...-....--tic ....::...:...:...:...:...:...::...::...:. S:..:..:.............................heet.............................nd': e�c... ........ .................................................................... .............. .... ..I. ..... .......... ...... ................ ................ ........;.............. ..;.................................I.............. ....................... -1-W." ............................... ..................................................... ...... ........ 25 WP -1 CENTERLINE WET PLAY LAYOUT PLAN 26 R WP -2 ROW WE_7F PLAY/SLIDE PIPING PLAN 27 Pop-up spray heads shall be installed in all turf areas and landscape areas adjacent to walks and drives. Install pop -ups WP -3 DETAILS 28 FTG WP -4 RAD DETAILS 29 SOUTH WP -5 to the height specified in the irrigation legend and details. DETAILS 30 CONIC WP -6 GND DETAILS 31 STATION SL -1 SECTION SLIDE DETAILS 32 SL -2 CONT DETAILS 33 HORIZONTAL SL -3 STANDARD DETAILS 34 MR -1 SHEET DESCRIPTION: MECHANICAL ROOM LAYOUT PLAN 35 CENTER MR -2 INSIDE DIAMETER DETAILS 36 SHT MR -3 DETAILS . ....... . .............................. .................. . ...... ... .... ............. ... .................................. ....................................................... ................. ......................�............. b��� � �. . ... ,....... . �_ -P1ain ...... ..E.. ..............xtr........ d.,�r�-�.............. ..........................i... .... .r............................. ..uctu......... .. .......................... ..........................................................................................ra[ Sit::-:-.----. .. . . .............. i.................... 37 LINEAR FOOT OR FEET . . . .......... ...............................................................................................................................................e L-A TOP OF FENCE . ....... : ............ ADA EXHIBIT, DESIGNATED PARKING SI................................ X ....TE PLAN �SWER-I'MPPOV-EMcENT PLOA1\3 2 SEWER IMPROVEMENT PLAN VICINITY MAP BMLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AQUATIC DESIGN GROUP 310 North Joy Street, Corona, CA. 92879 1950 Kellogg Ave, Carlsbad, CA. 92008 PH: 951-737-1124 Fax: 951-737-6551 PH: 760-444-8303 Contact: Baxter Miller Contact: Dennis Berkshire LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AQUATIC ENGINEER CITY OF FONTANA, CA. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 16489 Orange Way, Fontana, CA 92335 BID No. ION PROJECT m1a L A N D S C A P E ARCH TW TYP VERT W W/ WD ITECTU RE All sleeves shall be schedule 80 (new). Existing sleeves shall remain in place, if extensions are required the pipe shall be sch. 80. All sleeves shall be P.V.C. or as noted on plans. Pipe sizes shall conform to those shown on on the plans and details. No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes shall be p P P P permitted, but substitutions of larger sizes may be approved. All damaged and rejected pipe shall be removed from the site at the time of said rejection. ADV (anti -drain valve) units as shown in the details are for typical installation only, and may not be required on all heads. Prior to installation the contractor shall verify with the on site grades. If there is an elevation difference of 24" or more o AAAAM DIAL TWO WORKING BEFORE DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG_ YOU DIG TOLL FREE 811 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT DATE: 8/18/2011 310 N. JOY STREET BL BASELINE CORONA, CA 92879 J. T. 951.737.1 124 :.:,.. .....::- ,,:•, , , :, .. ._... ........:.:. � GENERAL NOTES . i: �. .,. ��=� .,' ,- -;: ::, ��•,1: � ' ' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS F 951 737 6551 I 1. The contractor shall call for pre -construction meeting with the Cit of Fontana representatives riot to mobilization. .. P g Y P P 01 2. The contractor shall call for pre -job meeting with theit of Fontana representatives, 48 hours prior to starting any Park ND S j. improvements. 1 14 P E. 41/ i= Th contractor I r n v 3 e cont acto shall cal Underground Service Alert at 811 two days prior to a excavation. 9 Y P Y 6 y ::.:.:. . , .., � .: ,..:.:,-.•-::- ... •- -,. , , ,-, _ . _- � -', 1 117 , 0 9339 4. All grading shall be accomplished b separate grading Ian and permit, obtained from the Cit of Fontana. j' rn i J i SIGNAT , Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 .m. Monday through Friday, for all ark construction. � f - I. / ..r 1, ,. J>: •/ / ,i.).r - O:'�i / -of-way. _ 6. Se crate permits shall be required for an improvement work in the public right -. /:�- ,,' � ` P P q Y P P 99/30/13 ;a . ..; „�•...:- _--__;-' - - �-�•:=: ;. ,, ."-. -'. '-,• , ,...... EXP. DATE .- , , ` ••••. ,.:.,�� o _ , .; ; - .; ; - ,. , , ,; Repair or replace all damaged or altered public improvements as required by the City Representative in the field s P ' / J © ° = 8. All survey monuments shall be protected and perpetuated in place. Any disturbed or covered monuments shall be resetOF F Fo �- +' b a qualified registered civil engineer or a licensed land surveyor at the direction of the Cit Representative. 26 WIDE FIRE LANE 9. It shall thecontractor'sresponsibility t v th location I utilities rstructuresv r I w r w •, a be o erify e loca to of al u t es o above o below ground, shown or i'i' /'`'<i , .. .... ., = ;i' i t'"i i i i i 3 i i i +: �♦: / ; . , -' ■■\ . ;.::, not shown on these plans. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to any utilities or structures caused by • CONSULTANT STAMP: ,;`y, ♦� t.t.:, ���;:� ♦� _ } his work. - .• _.._.. .,- ♦ :," ;, ; i 1 •�/ '\ , fit" + :-/ �..; , /: ,,; , ♦ 10. All exposed CMU block walls are to be coated with Vitrocem anti graffiti coating or equal per manufacturers � �_: ; t ;; �♦; /. /' �_ recommendations 11. The design shown is diagrammatic, the contractor shall review the site conditions prior to bidding. /:. �. � � (,l/r�l�.,�r t < :fit i i't i i� i }: i� I .. •,l � 0 12. for hardsc a areas and a The contractor shall provide for positive drainage away from all structures at 1 /o minimum ap _ - •. minimum for la unless t engineering plans. 0 1 ntr t t tt t t 1 r tstartingt 3. The cot contractor mus notify Landscape Architect, a 95 c737-1124 48 hours Brion o construction. 14. The contractor shall be responsible for obtainingbuildingpermits prior to commencingconstruction. 15. The contractor shall notify the landscape architect if discrepancies exist between existing site conditions and plans. SIERRA AVE 16. All construction shall meet or exceed local codes, standards and requirements. .. .... ; ....-.; '•-...', .. .:::::.. ^_ .:....:::. ` : ......: ... .. ..................- "........_.._ ..... .... _.. .. ._ .. ... .... nitres during the process of construction. Items not -- -� � �� - :.::.:. ""- a contractor shall take great care to protect existing site ame ng specifically identified for demolition shall be protected in place. 18. Refer to manufacturer's recommendation for installation of all amenities. 19. Construction Waste Management Plan to be provided by contractor. : _ _ ■ ;.. - _.. is �'�w _..._. FIELD INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS _ _...... _. - MARTIN TUDOR •• _-.-_ ....,:I:-:: ._.._. ~ MST ...._._ ,,`\ �..._. ..., •, - - Pfollowing: --• •• ••- - - d t t th .._..._ ..._.._ ... - e urs in advance o inspect e AQUATIC CENTER ' -'- Th Contractors shall contact the City Inspector at least 48 ho s • .- ; - - ', �.-- re -job conference with approved plans h work site. � t at the to 1 PP P / a R , i. �. .... _ . anon of all property lines. B Completion of rough rade and identification o rt • - RENOVATIONPROJECT .......... -' - -- . -- - P 9 9 P P Y _ _... � - .... Layout ape pr pour. , ' at installation the following points: -•� u o ar sc forms for o ur .. ..._. .. - .. rig n9 ;��• D Irrigation in all at wi '• .,i , ;` -•••• :;• I •'' - ' i .i' ' �� ' �-•- "" �.::::.._ ' - Trenchin to check mainline and lateral line de th PREPARED FOR. / Bevin location. --- n with pressure test at 150 sl for 4 hours. ,.%,;� ` CITY OF FONTANA G P P • 16489 ORANGE WAY dux.: Mainline installatio • In Point o connection to ..,. r.• : Control valve installation. �.,. :: FONTANA A. 2 :t. C 9 335 •;• � • : ; : • : ,. .: ' '.; . ;:; ;; - � .:;.,: - ........ _ - • joint installation /j ea an swing o , � Head coverage. E. Rock removal and finished grade preparation. CONTACT: DAN WEST : , F Flood test of finished grade.PHONE: 909-350-6530 G. Weed abatement. .. .._ ...... \� G H. Plant layout. I \� PROJECT TRACKING DATE / ,,; /; , , -,,,. ,,' , , � a •., - • ...._ .. ... - plant quality and quantity at delivery site. Acceptance of pia 1 PROGRESS SET 8-1-11 J. Plant installation. K. 30, 60, 90, 120 day Plant Maintenance Review. - - DAB SET 2 81811 /•f l / •: •. °\ FIR E / L. Final Inspection ST PLAN CHECK r Ina ns ec Ion 3. 10-3-11 % J - P ...... ° SECOND PLAN CHECK ' .... 4. 11-9-11 a _ HOLD HARMLESS & INDEMNIFICATION CLAUSE 6. THIRD PLAN CHECK 12-5-11 FOURTH PLAN CHECK CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT THEY SHALL ASSUME SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS1.12.12 DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND7. 6• PROPERTY, THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL • ' -- %/- °. I,';: WORKING HOURS AND HOLD THE COUNTY, CITY AND THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT HARMLESS FROM ANY AND 8• js0 J ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER, OR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MAINTENANCE DELTA REVISIONS DATE 1. All park areas are to be maintained by the contractor for a minimum of 120 days. Contractor shall request a .. _ f.. . walk-throu h eve 30 days b the Cit of Fontana. A minimum of four 4 walk-throughs shall be completed at 30 da 2 '� g every Y Y Y () g P Y interval prior to City Acceptance. 3• • - - �. 2. All areas must be continual) maintained in a health weed free, and vigorous condition. 4. • - � Y Y� g / _ ,� _ -...- ° �� \ _. / --5. � �� _._ - LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 6. contractor shall o rocks t is d la from the p 1 h fine grade of the turf areas 7. SITE MAP.- .�,..- �, ..��-_�-i t-' i •` ' i I � � i 1. The on remove cks 1' 'n dia. an larger f within e to 2" of the finish i �~ - 4; ° ; :i 2 All landscape areas other than turf shall receive a minimum of 3" medium grind bark mulch. ..... - . - _ - _ ' t}` IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. The design is diagrammatic only. Allpiping, valves, backflow reventors, wiring,etc. shown within paved areas are for 1-1 1-12 g g Y p DATE PREPARED: desi n clarification only, and shall be installed in planter areas where ever possible. A • 9 Y� P NTS 2. Do not willful) install the irrigation system as shown on these drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions Y g Y 9 DRAWING SCALE. NTS PATH F TRAVEL N ADA O grade differences or differences in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in the engineering. Such ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN DATA obstructions or differences shall be brought to the attention of the City's authorized representative. In the event this DRAWN BY: SK, SF PROJECT BREAKDOWN DEFERRED ITEMS notification is not performed in writing, the contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revisions necessary. 3. It is the responsibility of the contractor to familiarize themselves with all grade differences, locations of fixtures, utilities, DESIGNED BY: JH OCCUPANCY TYPE - U APPLICABLE CODE YEAR (S): signs, posts, poles, walls and paving. The contractor shall repair or replace all items damaged by their work. They shall LIMIT OF WORK - 40,150 SF (AMOUNT TO BE GRADED) CONSTRUCTION - MASONRY 2010 CBC (2009 IBC) Water Slide Framing and Foundation - By Vendor, SL1 HARDSCAPE AREA - 10,931 SF RESTROOM - 255 SF 2010 CPC 2009 UPC coordinate their work with other contractors (if any) for the location and installation of pipe sleeves and laterals through CHECKED BY: BAXTER ( ) Light Pole Foundation Calculations - By Contractor, E0.03 walls, under roadways and under paving, etc. TURF AREA - 11,105 SF MECHANICAL STRUC. - 646 SF 2010 CMC (2009 UMC) Poligon Structure Foundations/ Calculation - By Vendor, L-8 4. All irrigation equipment shall be installed as per manufacturer's recommendations and specifications. Refer to BMLA PROJECT NO: 1001 1210 FIRE SPRINKLED - NO 2010 CEC (2008 NEC) Masonry Screen Wall - Per City Standard, L-8 specifications for additional information. 2008 ENERGY STAND. Restroom Structure - By Vendor, L-9 5. All lateral, mainline piping and control wires under paving shall be installed in separate sleeves. Mainline sleeve size 2010 CGBSC (CA GREEN shall be a minimum of twice 2x the outside diameter of the pipe to be sleeved. Control wire sleeves shall be of. BUILDING STANDARDS CODE) ( ) P P sufficient size for the required number of wires under paving. Refer to plan. \,\ ARMSTRONG &BROOKS ENGINEERS 1530 Consumer Circle, Unit B, Corona, CA. 92880 PH: 951-372-8400 Fax: 951-273-3443 Contact: Bill Brooks ABBREVIATIONS AD AREA DRAIN ALN ALIGN APPROX APPROXIMATELY ARCH ARCHITECTURAL BF BOTTOM OF FENCE DN EJ EL EQ E DOWN EXPANSION JOINT ELEVATION EQUAL EAST MISC N NG NTS OC MISCELLANEOUS NORTH NATURAL GRADE NOT TO SCALE ON CENTER TW TYP VERT W W/ WD TOP OF WALL TYPICAL VERTICAL WEST WITH WOOD 6. 7. 8. All sleeves shall be schedule 80 (new). Existing sleeves shall remain in place, if extensions are required the pipe shall be sch. 80. All sleeves shall be P.V.C. or as noted on plans. Pipe sizes shall conform to those shown on on the plans and details. No substitutions of smaller pipe sizes shall be p P P P permitted, but substitutions of larger sizes may be approved. All damaged and rejected pipe shall be removed from the site at the time of said rejection. ADV (anti -drain valve) units as shown in the details are for typical installation only, and may not be required on all heads. Prior to installation the contractor shall verify with the on site grades. If there is an elevation difference of 24" or more o AAAAM DIAL TWO WORKING BEFORE DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG_ YOU DIG TOLL FREE 811 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT DATE: 8/18/2011 CIVIL ENGINEER BL BASELINE FG FINISH GRADE OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER IV IV 4V between the highest head and lowest head on a system, the ADV's shall be installed per the detail. BM BENCHMARK FIN FINISH PA PLANTING AREA W/O WITHOUT g. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finish grade unless otherwise specified. BP BOTTOM OF PILASTER FL FLOOR POB POINT OF BEGINNING WT WEIGHT 10. The contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads and valves for optimum coverage, eliminating over spray onto BW BOTTOM OF WALL FOB FACE OF BUILDING POC POINT OF CONNECTION RP REFERENCE POINT CB CATCH BASIN FS FINISH SURFACE PT POINT REQ REQUIRED walks, streets, walls, etc. CL CENTERLINE FT FOOT OR FEET R RISER ROW RIGHT OF WAY 11. Pop-up spray heads shall be installed in all turf areas and landscape areas adjacent to walks and drives. Install pop -ups CLR CLEAR FTG FOOTING RAD RADIUS S SOUTH to the height specified in the irrigation legend and details. CONIC CONCRETE GND GRADE BREAK STA STATION SECT SECTION 12. The irrigation system shall be fully automatic. Control valves shall be installed per details. CONT CONTINUOUS HORIZ HORIZONTAL STD STANDARD SF SQUARE FOOT OR FEET SHEET DESCRIPTION: CTR CENTER ID INSIDE DIAMETER TC TOP OF CURB SHT SHEET DF DOUGLAS FIR LF LINEAR FOOT OR FEET TF TOP OF FENCE SPEC SPECIFICATION DG DECOMPOSED GRANITE MAX MAXIMUM TOC TOP OF CONCRETE SQ SQUARE TITLE SHEET NTS DIA DIAMETER MFR MANUFACTURER TR TOP OF RAIL DIM DIMENSION MIN MINIMUM TRD TREAD ARMSTRONG &BROOKS ENGINEERS 1530 Consumer Circle, Unit B, Corona, CA. 92880 PH: 951-372-8400 Fax: 951-273-3443 Contact: Bill Brooks ALTA CALIFORNIA GEOTECHNICAL, INC 2900 Adams St, Suite, A-15, Riverside, CA. 92504 PH: 951-509-7090 Contact: Tom McCarthy OMB ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, INC 1101 California Ave, #212, Corona, CA. 92881 PH: 949-753-1553 Contact: Victor Becerra CITY OF FONTANA Sheet 1 of 11 oanwN BY: ' H, SK, AN PROJECT NAME MARTIN TUDOR WATER PARK < DESIGNED By JH DATE: 8/18/2011 CIVIL ENGINEER SOILS ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEER IRRIGATION DRY UTILITIES CHECKED BY: APPROVED: WG NO. � B� CITY E 51152 R.C. . ' 4923 37 • � IV IV 4V 9 9