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01 Jd 01 [5.13om] [5.231m] GENERAL NOTES .. 10 4' GENERAL 2 10 2 [1.21gmJ [2.7g3m] [1.21gm] m 1 1 4 1 4 1. All construction and workmanship shall conform to the 1997 � `� 3 1 Uniform Building Code and the 1998 CBC. O 2 u 2. These notes shall be used in conjunction with the plans and any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the cn Arch itect/En gin eer. -r 5 7 5 iy 3. Contractor must check all dimensions, framing conditions, - F - q O and site conditions before starting work. Architect/ `� cNv N (z �q, q Engineer shall be notified immediately of any discrepancies `� ` 4 4 O O I or possible deficiencies. _ m u _ m 3 u r� �r m� 3 mU) 4. Conditions not specifically shown shall be constructed N 3 N c`j O similar to the details for the respective materials. ry 2 5. The drawings and specifications represent the finished structure. All bracing, temporary supports, shoring, etc. is the sole responsibility of the contractor. Observation visits to the job site by the Architect/Engineer do not 14 include inspection of construction procedures. The contractor is solely responsible for all constructionll :'•'' " `: methods and conditions at the worksite. These visits will �� not be construed as continuous and detailed inspections. 2' 3' 21 1-211 [O.m13,-2" 221 10 1.6om] [O.g14m] [o.6og] [4.012m ]6. Design, material, equipment, and products other than those (g[0.61om [34o3m] described below or indicated on the drawings may be 15� „ considered for use, provided prior approval is obtained from 2R 15-2 the Owner, Architect/Engineer, and the applicable governing [2.133m] 2" [4.622m] code authority. 3►i� 7. All conditions noted as existing are based on the best CORBEL information currently available at the time of preparation �IMENSIOI.IS of these drawings. The Contractor is to verify all conditions before starting work. Should conditions arise A FOUNPATION PLAN which are different from those shown on the drawings, the SIPE ELF.\v/ATION (P) 1F=9C0NT ML ION Architect/Engineer shall be notified immediately and additional drawings based on more accurate information will be prepared. 8'-8" 16'-10" 4Of 16'-10 m] [5.130m] [5.130m] 8. All soil excavated for grade beams, piers, etc. shall be 8 S disposed of off-site in a suitable disposal area. (o 10" [4 622mJ 10" £ 6 8 [0.254m] � m _ [0.254m] CONCRETE ry Cq 7 N .� ^ 2' 2' p 0 [0.60gm] [3.403m] [0.610m] �N 15 1. Unless noted otherwise, all concrete shall attain a minimum p 4 2 3 compressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days. - r 2. Aggregates shall be natural sand and rock conforming to - - q 4 4 ASTM C33. N d) Q N N cA N q q 60 :;t 1q: ' W_ ' N a- 3. Cement shall be Portland Cement conforming to ASTM C-150,19- 4 q, N 2 Type I or II, low alkali. 4 T N m _� N O u I 4. Water shall be potable, clean and free from injurious amounts 5 r- of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials, or other _ F [0.45,7m] 3 substances that may be deleterious to concrete or ^ 2 m �r 1.2 13 in N reinforcement. - £ _ E 2 _ m O^ ,n O in \ N O u 5. Admixtures to be used in concrete shall be subject to prior cv p ry 3 approval by the Engineer. 14 g 1 p 14 r, u lk 6. Maximum permissible water -cement ratios for concrete when ^ strength data from trial batches are not available shall E p conform to Table 4.5 of ACI Standard 318-95. Maximum slump shall be 4 inches for slabs, and 5 inches for footings.. 1 p 1 u �r 7. Concrete shall be cured while in a moist condition for at � (DJ r, 2 2 / J least the first 7 days after placement. Methods for _F= accelerated curing shall have prior approval of the Engineer. 3' 3' 3'o, in 4' g'-2" 4' [O.g14m] [O.g16mJ [O.g14m] � 0 [1.21gm] [2.'7g3m] [1.218m] 00 � N [4.012m] 8. The following minimum clear distances between reinforcing O steel and face of concrete shall be maintained unless noted 1i'-2" otherwise: [5.23om] [2.i43m ] . Slabs on grade ......................... Center of slab Concrete below grade, formed " Concrete below grade, unformed (poured against earth)..................3" Concrete exposed to weather ................... 1 1/2" NCP%TH�SCUTH SECoTION E MAST�^MST BE TION FLOOR PLAN 9. Pipes may pass through structural concrete in sleeves, but 16'-10" shall not be embedded therein. Pipes or ducts exceeding[5.130m] one-third the slab or wall thickness shall not be placed in I „ �� 10 CONCRETE FOOTING OVER °i5% ` MP GTED SU$GRADE 13-2 20 X44 SOLAR PANEL 55IN BY ' the structural concrete unless specifically detailed. 2 SPLIT -FACE MASONRY PILASTER ,TAN COLOR PEfL. CARCO P y SOLAR OUTDOOR LIGHTING, ING. I BLOGK CO. - " CHoC6LA-TF STANDARD COLOR:Fop- CAP[4.o13m] - s f N �� G � 1'-11�" LO J I O3 M L ORCO���-A SPLIT FACE LD -3 I..D-3 LD -3 10. Provide 3/4" chamfers at all exposed corners. O Ry s/S FIVBLOCK � C0,6[0.604m] F_TsTO P, NEL 2"X2" ALUMINUM ® 8 X 8 LAIOOD POST 11. Refer to architectural drawings for reveals, areas of textured AND RAFTER BELOY�1 - concrete or special finishes, items required to be cast into ANGLE 1/4" THK SEAL ALL CONNECTIONS 0 8 X 12 YNODD SEAM 00 concrete, curbs and slab depressions. 60 I 2 X 6 Y�OOD RAFTER5 12. All concrete shall be vibrated.' 3"X3" ALUMINUM ANGLE - 7 1 X 6 ODD FASCIA BOLT TO RIDGE BEAM 8 X YNOOD RIDGE SEAM $ HIPS 11 _ X4Y`IOODCORBELS - SUBMIT SHOP DRAkNING5 80� FOUNDATIONS I F , CONCRETE ROOF TILES "SLATE SERIES" PER PIONEER 5 CONCRETE TILE ROOFING TILES; I.G.S.O. #5748; INSTALL PER MANU- 1. All existingfill soil and disturbed natural soils are to be OVER 30 LBS. FAGTURER 5 HEAVY Y�IND AREA RE00MMENDATION5; excavated and replaced with properly compacted fill. All I 11 DOUBLE 2X6 YXOOD RAFTERS filling, backfilling, recompaction, etc. is to be ASPHALTIC FELT accomplished only under the supervision of a soils engineer. OVER 3/4" PLY- 1 GONGRETE BENCH - 5' LONG; SEE 5PEG'S YNOOD 8"XS"X1-7" 13 CONCRETE TRASH RECEPTICLE; SEE 5PEG'5 2. All excavations are to be inspected and approved by a Soils LENS BATTERY 1 FINISH GRADE OR SURFACE Engineer prior to the placement of any concrete or 1©RDOFLINE ABOVE reinforcing steel. ENCL05URE NORTH SIDE 3. Footings are to be carried a minimum of 18" into firm SOUTH SIDE OF SHELTER NOTE: ALL EXPOSED YNOOD MATERIALS SHALL RECEIVE 2 _ F_ E inN in cv u u 1 ! � 0 00 L 11 6 g 5 6 5 4 undisturbed natural soil or approved compacted fill. OF SHELTER(TOYVARDS I•�IAL,L,� I COAT5 OF APPROVED PRIMER AND 2 GOATS OF APPROVED NOTE: ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE 5/4" RESAYVN EXTERIOR PLYY�IOOD Y�11TH 10d GALV. -roi,�IAKDS sTRE�� 4. Design bearing pressure is 1000 psf with a 33� increase for -00 EXTERIOR Y�IHITE PAINT. �� „ seismic or wind loading. NAILS AT 4 O.G. ON EDGES AND 12 O.G. IN FIELD. 5. Relatively non -expansive fill should be used in backfilling �1 behind walls. All walls shall be adequately shored during SOLAR LlCwHTINS ECUIPMENT LF.SENP NOTES ROOF I=LAN the backfill operation. I gecoIZD o izA w I N CaS 30 o37 � D A DESIGN SCAPE �It T. CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA SEE SHEET LD -3 FOR �'� �P 7�' 16787 BEACH BOULEVARD, #105 � �v 3i�8 � tia DRAWN BY LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS EA: 317901 ADDITI❑NAL NOTES, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92647 �/� � m T.H. SCALE: PH. 714 379-4777 FX. 714 379-4440 * DESIGNED BY FOOTHILL BOULEV RD STREETSCAPE As SHOWN o Z � DATE: PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: �'�� ( ��. CHECKED BY S S E P ANS JULY 2001 JOB N0. . .� DR. N0. SHT. NO. Z� C7F.NMRAL. NOTES . ..........✓. !� APPRO � REFERENCE PLANS REVISIONS ENGR S. DATE CITY DATE MICHAEL T. HARADA R.L.A. NO. 3848 DATE: 6y hc o / FHB 0005 CITY ENGINEER 1152 DATE LQ'Z 18 OF APPROVAL APPROVAL L� , 2-9 4'7