HomeMy WebLinkAboutSan Sevaine & Etiwanda Creek Vol IF`USCOE 111tIL1.rAlNS LINDGREN & SNORT X mill /mill 1 1.11 11 011 HYDROLOGY AND BASIN ROUTING REPORT VOLUME I Report Text February, 1989 SAN SEVAINE CREEK AND ETIWANDA CREEK HYDROLOGY AND BASIN ROUTING REPORT Volume I Report Text February, 1989 Prepared For: The Caryn Company P. O. Box 216 So. Laguna, California 92677-0216 Prepared By: Fuscoe, Williams, Lindgren & Short, Inc. 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 Santa Ana, California 92705 �nF��s�1C No. 36865 Exp. N�£ OF CAL1i�` By: Steve W. May, P.E. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I SECTIONS Page SECTIONI Summary.....................................................................................................1 SECTION II Introduction A. Purpose and Objective...........................................................................2 B. Project Location.....................................................................................3 C. Results of Study.....................................................................................5 SECTION III Previous Studies.........................................................................................6 SECTION IV Discharge Limitations............................................................................... 8 SECTION V Detention Basin Designs A. San Sevaine Basin 1.............................................................................10 B. San Sevaine Basins 2-4........................................................................10 C. San Sevaine Basin 5.............................................................................12 D. Jurupa Basin.........................................................................................13 E. Rich Basin............................................................................................13 SECTION VI Hydrology A. Criteria .................................................................................................14 B. Computation Proceedure.....................................................................14 C. Hydrologic Parameters........................................................................14 D. Model Descriptions..............................................................................16 SECTION VII Development Phasing Opportunities.....................................................19 TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume I (Continued) APPENDICES APPENDIX I Basin Outflow Calculations APPENDIX II Hydrologic Parameter Exhibits Exhibit A Hydrologic Soil Group Map Exhibit B-1 Depth -Area Curves Exhibit B-2 Summary of Depth Area Factors Exhibit C-1 Two-year, Six -hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-2 Two-year, 24-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-3 Ten-year, One-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-4 One hundred -year, One-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-5 One hundred -year, Six -hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-6 One hundred -year, 24-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit D-1 Watershed Geometric Data Exhibit D-2 Summary of Watershed Geometric Data APPENDIX III Pocket Maps Exhibits Exhibit E System Drainage Plan Exhibit F San Sevaine Basins 2-4 Preliminary Design LIST OF FIGURES Page FIGURE I System Drainage Plan ..................................................................................4 FIGURE II San Sevaine Basins 2-4 Preliminary Design.............................................11 FIGURE III Hydrology Schematic Diagram..................................................................17 FIGURE IV Runoff Summary Diagram -- Pre -Developed Condition ............................20 FIGURE V Runoff Summary Diagram -- Developed Condition, FIGURE VI NoDiversion..............................................................................................21 Runoff Summary Diagram -- Developed Condition, MinimalDiversion.....................................................................................22 FIGURE VII Runoff Summary Diagram -- Developed Condition, MaximalDiversion....................................................................................23 TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume II (Under Separate Cover) Pre -Developed, 100 Year Hydrology Computations APPENDIX I San Sevaine Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX II San Sevaine Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX III Etiwanda Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX IV Etiwanda Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX V Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Downstream Of Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX VI Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Jurupa Basin TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume III (Under Separate Cover) Developed, 100 Year Hydrology Computations With Upstream Detention Within San Sevaine Watershed And No Diversion Of Etiwanda Flows APPENDIX I San Sevaine Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX H San Sevaine Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX III Etiwanda Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX IV Etiwanda Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX V Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Downstream Of Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX VI Etiwanda /San Sevaine Watersheds To Jurupa Basin TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume IV (Under Separate Cover) Developed, 100 Year Hydrology Computations With Ultimate Upstream Detention Within San Sevaine Watershed And Diversion Of Etiwanda Flows In Excess Of 3100 CFS To San Sevaine Basin 5 APPENDIX I San Sevaine Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX II San Sevaine Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX III Etiwanda Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX IV Etiwanda Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX V Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Downstream Of Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX VI Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Jurupa Basin TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume V (Under Separate Cover) Developed, 100 Year Hydrology Computations With Ultimate Upstream Detention Within San Sevaine Watershed And Diversion Of Etiwanda Flows In Excess Of 2500 CFS To San Sevaine Basin 5 APPENDIX I San Sevaine Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX II San Sevaine Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX III Etiwanda Watershed To Highland Ave. APPENDIX IV Etiwanda Watershed To Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX V Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Downstream Of Foothill Blvd. APPENDIX VI Etiwanda / San Sevaine Watersheds To Jurupa Basin a i j -OE WILLIAMS t,n[ADGREN & SHO" SEC'T'ION I Summary 1�-181616E :i'1 This report presents a preliminary design for San Sevaine Basins 2-4 and hydrologic modeling calculations which show that drainage mitigation for ultimate development of the San Sevaine and Upper Etiwanda watersheds can be accomplished with the following drainage improvements: a. Construction of main stem channel improvements as previously proposed by Bill Mann & Associates, from the upper end of the watersheds to Jurupa Basin. b. Construction of San Sevaine Basins 2-4 as described in this report. c. Construction of the ultimate San Sevaine Basin No. 5 as previously proposed by Bill Mann & Associates. d. Construction of the ultimate Rich Basin as previously proposed by Rivertech, Inc. e. Excavation of San Sevaine Basin No. 1 as necessary for debris reten- tion. f. construction of a debris retention basin at the upper end of the Etiwanda watershed (currently under design by private developers). This report also shows that a substantial reduction of Upper Etiwanda peak flows can be accomplished by diversion of roughly half of the Etiwanda Channel peak flow above Summit Avenue into San Sevaine Basin No. 5, with only minor increases in San Sevaine peak flows. This would be accomplished by expansion of San Sevaine Basins 2-4 and minor modifica- tion of Basin 5, in lieu of creating detention within the Upper Etiwanda Spreading Grounds. This is the recommended alternative for providing mitigation of Etiwanda peak flow increases resulting from proposed PWRO07 1 442.1001 development, because of (a) physical constraints within the Upper Etiwanda drainage area, and (b) the expected lower cost of a diversion structure compared to an additional detention facility. PWRO07 2 442.1001 r n FUSCOE WILWIMS I LINDGREN &SHORT SECTION II Introduction Purpose and Objective Project Location II. INTRODUCTION Previously completed preliminary designs for the Etiwanda/San Sevaine main stem elements were initiated by land owners within these watersheds to allow for planning of on-going development. Etiwanda and San Sevaine Channels between Highland Avenue and Foothill Boulevard have been, or are being, constructed based on previous studies. Changes in Flood Control District policy, environmental concerns and development phasing has resulted in the need for this updated study of the entire San Sevaine and Upper Etiwanda drainage scheme. The basic alignments of channels and configurations of drainage boundaries used for this report are as previously described in reports by Bill Mann & Associates, Hall & Foreman, Inc., and Rivertech, Inc. These previous reports are listed in Section III of this Volume. The purpose of this report is to establish the preliminary design for San Sevaine Basins 2-4 and to identify the maximum, practical storm water detention capacity of the combination of San Sevaine Basins 2-5, Jurupa Basin, and Rich Basin. The objective, is to establish a preliminary detention facilities design which can be used with con- fidence in evaluating interim development plans and for planning ultimate improvements. B. PROTECT' IDQTION This report covers the entire San Sevaine and Upper Etiwanda water- sheds which encompass approximately 52 square miles within the cities of Fontana, Rancho Cucamonga, Ontario and unincorporated portions of San Bernardino County. The study area is shown on Figure I on the following page and Exhibit E in the back pocket of this report. FWRO07 3 442.1001 1 I FIGURE I Page 4 II. INTRODUCTION (CONTINUED) C. RESULTS OF STUDY Our analysis of stormwater detention potential within San Sevaine Basins 2-5, Rich Basin, and Jurupa Basin is sufficient to provide substantial reduction of peak flows in Etiwanda and San Sevaine Chan- nels. The potential peak flow reduction is sufficient to provide mitigation of increased flows from development for the entire San Sevaine and Upper Etiwanda watersheds. Additional peak flow reduc- tion, beyond that necessary for development mitigation, can be achieved by diversion of Etiwanda flows above 24th Street into San Sevaine Basin No. 5. The benefits of such a diversion would be (a) reduced costs for construction of San Sevaine Channel below Foothill Boulevard and (b) the opportunity for development to occur within the Upper Etiwanda watershed prior to construction of the lower reach of San Sevaine Channel. Figures IV through VII on pages 20-23 show basin storage volumes and main -line peak flows for pre -development conditions, post -development conditions with no diversion, post -development conditions with diver- sion of roughly 50 percent of Etiwanda peak flows, and post -develop- ment conditions with diversion of roughly 60 per cent of Etiwanda peak flows. PWR007 5 442.1001 FUSCOE WILLIAMS LINDGREN & SHORT SECTION III Previous Studies III. PREVIOUS STUDIES Previous studies reviewed include the following: a. Hydrologic Analysis and Modeling of the San Sevaine Creek Watershed; Bill Mann & Associates and Hall & Foreman, Inc., January 1986 (revised January 1987) . b. Design of San Sevaine Basin No. 5, Interim Development Drainage Mitigation Report; Bill Mann & Associates and Engineering Science, Inc., February 1988. c. Preliminary Design Report - San Sevaine Basin No. 5; Engineering Science, Inc., and Bill Mann & Associates, April 1988. d. San Sevaine Basin No 5 - Interim Development Drainage Mitigation Investigation; FUscoe, Williams, Lindgren & Short, Inc., October 14, 1988. e. Hydrologic Modeling of San Sevaine Basin No. 3 Watershed and Hydraulic Design of Rich Basin & Hawker Crawford Channel; Rivertech, Inc., undated (approximately October 1988). f. Upper Etiwanda Creek Watershed Area - Drainage and Flood Control Analysis; Bill Mann & Associates and FUscoe, Williams, Lindgren & Short, Inc., October 1988. g. Day Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks System Drainage Plan; Bill Mann & Associates, March 1983. Bill Mann's 1986 report, Hydrologic Analysis of San Sevaine Creek Watershed, was based on 1983 District criteria. Peak flows determined by PWR007 6 442.1001 this earlier criteria are similar to those determined by current criteria, however, current criteria produces greater calculated runoff volume. Consequently, modeling of proposed detention facilities under current criteria produces lamer basin outflows, as the basins are filled to a greater extent by the time the runoff peak arrives. Preliminary designs for Jurupa Basin, San Sevaine Basin No. 5 and Rich Basin were taken from references "a", "c" and "e", respectively. This report incorporates a minor modification to San Sevaine Basin No. 5, which would increase the volume by roughly 250 acre feet through additional excavation at the northwest corner of the proposed basin within existing District right-of-way. PWRO07 7 442.1001 FUSCOE WILLIAMS LINDGREN & SHORT SECTION IV Discharge Limitations IV. DISCHPR L=ATIONS San Bernardino County Flood Control District policy requires that peak flows within any watercourse be maintained at or below "pre -development" levels until such time as sufficient downstream improvements are crnpleted. Since construction of sufficient improvements downstream of the San Bernardino County boundary are not expects to be completed in the foreseeable future, this "pre -development" level is being used for the planning of drainage and development of the Etiwanda and San Sevaine watersheds. The act of compensating for increases in runoff due to development by means of stormwater detention is commonly referred to as "drainage mitigation". Mitigation of increases in runoff due to development, by means of deten- tion, requires that post -development, peak runoff be limited to approximately 70 percent of pre -development, peak runoff for all frequen- cies of rainfall events. The District's criteria for mitigation by deten- tion is interpreted and paraphrased as follows: The post -development peak flow rate, as measured at a critical control point downstream of development, shall be limited to 90 percent of the pre -development peak flow rate; pre -development and post -development, peak flow rates shall be determined by using the following rainfall conditions: POST -DEVELOPMENT PRE-DEVET DFM= ALL AREAS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AREA NATURAL AREAS 10 -Year Rainfall 5 -Year Rainfall 10 -Year Rainfall 25 -Year Rainfall 10 -Year Rainfall 25 -Year Rainfall 100 -Year Rainfall 25 -Year Rainfall 100 -Year Rainfall PWRO07 8 442.1001 The combination of the 90 percent limitation and the different rainfall frequencies for pre -development and post -development conditions (e.g., 25 - year pre -development vs. 100 -year post -development) means that calculated post -development peak runoff must be less than about 70 percent of the calculated pre -development peak runoff. Ultimate flaws within Etiwanda and San Sevaine Channels between Highland Avenue and Foothill Boulevard are limited to capacities of existing con- crete channels or channels currently under construction. Flows within this reach of San Sevaine Channel, as proposed by any of the scenario described in this report, exceed design flows as shown on improvement plans. However, normal depth calculations show that this reach of San Sevaine Channel has, or will have, capacity for any of the flows proposed in this report with roughly three feet of freeboard. The calculated capacity of existing Etiwanda Channel above Victoria Street is roughly 5,000 cfs with three feet of freeboard. This is close to the calculated pre -development, peak flow rate of 4700 cfs. Reduction of post -develop- ment, peak flows to pre -development levels can be accomplished by the diversion of roughly 3000 cfs of Etiwanda peak flows into San Sevaine Basin 5. PWRO07 9 442.1001 FUSCOE WILLIAMS LINDGREN & SHORT SECTION V Detention Basin Designs San Sevaine Basin 1 San Sevaine Basins 2-4 San Sevaine Basin 5 Jurupa Basin Rich Basin V. DETENTION BASIN DESIGNS This section describes the detention basin designs which were used for hydrologic modeling contained in Volumes III -V. A. SAN SEVAINE BASIN 1 San Sevaine Basin No. 1 is not included in this report as a detention facility because of the likelihood that it will be used for debris retention purposes. Preliminary debris storage volume requirements calculated by Bill Mann & Associates indicate a volume which would preclude combined debris and detention use of this basin. Debris storage for upper reaches of the San Sevaine drainage area is being studied by a consortium of landowners in the North Etiwanda watershed. B. SAN SEVAINE BASINS 2-4 The proposed preliminary design for San Sevaine Basins 2-4 is shown on Figure II on the following page and Exhibit F in the back pocket of this report. In general, the plan shows Basins 2 and 3 combined up- stream of proposed Lower Loop Road, with a storage volume of 550 acre feet. The plan also shows an enlarged Basin 4 with a storage volume of 250 acre feet. Required excavation for Basin 2/3 would be approxi- mately 1,000,000 cubic yards and excavation for Basin 4 would be approximately 500,000 cubic yards. 1. Outlet Works Outlet works for Basin 2/3 consists of a single 10' x 8' box cul- vert at the bottom and an emergency spillway for passage of the Probable Maximum Flood (P.M.F.). This report does not address PWR007 10 442.1001 } ,\ I I• �— \ ��j t ;'• EXISTING HAWKER CRAWFORD CHANNEL - ` \\�. \ " - i• I \ 1' � `�V� \ ,`�,! � APPROX. ALIGNMENT 1\,\ PROPOCRAWFOSED HAWKER RD CHANNEL. r l - • I III \� ''.� �'- . $ K \, �'• a'\ _. — -_ _ �^�� l I J0, CHERRY AVENUE __ — ------ -- ) G `'• SII. I� j� ��.\; 1 � \\ �\ \ \� BASIN 4 BASIN 2/3 x f fi00,000-CY-EXCAVATION BASIN 1 F. STORAGE \ \ \ a:, L _ t OW FLOW CHANNEL 10'X8' RCB \ \ ' INI �I I (DEBRIS STORAGE) (l000 CFS) I �p�s LOW FLOW CHANNEL I (3000 CFS) I 1 II `OlZ , \ I 2-10'X10'RCS'S // \ i 1,000,000 CY EXCAVATION' I I j / 550 A.F. STORAGE r S'ti EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 1466.5` BASIN 5 �L, tSEE PRELIM. DESIGN BY ­jI / - Zf�, 1 PILL MANN & ASSOC. 3/30/87' `. ' II it- r- -- — - - J h � Q• \Q \� Y\• Q• FIGURE II (J 2500 PAW"A�. 5 -AW 100 PREPARED FOR: , wft-p . m IA" r +°92ro5 SAN SEVAINE BASINS 2-4nOWMM (�+a)2so-ttao THE CAAYN COMPANY�na/nO 110 P.O. BOX 216 8N� PRELIMINARY DESIGN SOUTH LAGUNA, CA 92677 (714) 499-5929 . /.mdsuscr�ors FEB 3, 1989 J.N. 442-1001 Pane 11 V. DE1'=ON ( CONTINUED ) spillway requirements, but it can be expected that the spillway width necessary to pass the P.M.F. underneath Lower Loop Road would be in excess of 100 feet wide. Outlet works for Basin 4 consists of a double 10' x 10' box culvert at the bottom and an emergency spillway at elevation 1442 to pass the P.M.F. Low -flow channels are proposed for both Basins 2/3 and Basin 4 to pass low flows without encumbering basin volume, and to avoid erosion of the basin floor during low flow conditions. The proposed low - flow channel for Basin 2/3 would have a capacity of 1,000 cfs, and that for Basin 4 would have a capacity of 3,000 cfs. These low -flow channels must be constructed at a slope sufficient to allow self cleaning to ensure proper function of outlet works. 2. Aesthetics and Recreational Uses Infrequent flooding of San Sevaine Basins 2 - 4 due to high capacity, low -flow features of the proposed design leaves open the opportunity for incorporation of a passive landscape element or active recreational use. C. SAN SEVAINE BASIN 5 The configuration of San Sevaine Basin 5 as analyzed for this report is essentially as shown on preliminary plans prepared by Bill Mann & Associates dated March 30, 1987 and revised July 8, 1988. Several trials of basin routing calculations show that greater reduction of peak flows can be achieved by lowering the basin outlet box to eleva- tion 1396 and reducing the size to 8' x 8'. The adjusted size and elevation were used in basin routing calculations. This report is based on an additional 205 acre feet of storage which can be obtained PWR007 12 442.1001 by expanding the northwest corner of the proposed basin to limits of existing District right -of --way. This apparently was not considered in previous studies because of the presence of stockpiled material which has recently been removed. The total volume provided to spillway elevation would be 2935 acre feet. D. JURUPA BASIN The configuration of Jurupa Basin as analyzed for this report is as shown on a preliminary plan prepared by Bill Mann & Associates dated February 1987. The maximum storage volume available would be 1350 acre feet. Basin rating data was taken from a report by Bill Mann & Associates (see reference "a" in Section III). The configuration of Rich Basin as analyzed for this report is as shown on a plan contained in a report by Rivertech, Inc. (see reference "e" in Section III). Basin rating data was taken from the above referenced report. PWRO07 13 442.1001 FUSCOE WILLIAMS LINDGREN & SHORT SECTION VI Hydrology Criteria Computation Procedure Hydrologic Parameters Model Descriptions Summary of Discharges Hydrologic unit hydrograph analyses were performed for four system con- figurations in order to establish a range of values for comparison and evaluation. Results of commutations are contained in Volumes II -V of this report, and results are shown on Figures IV, V, VI and VII, pages 20-23. Hydrology calculations were performed in accordance with San Bernar- dino County Flood Control District Criteria in effect at the time that our analysis was performed. This criteria is described in the San Bernardino County Flood Control District Hydrology Manual dated August 1986, and a District memorandum from Robert W. Corchero dated Septem- ber 4, 1987. Section IV of this report describes discharge limita- tions established by District criteria. Hydrologic computations were accomplished by using Advanced Engineer- ing Software's "Flood Routing Analysis" program, version 3.OA, and a microcomputer. The 24 data files, contained in Volumes II -V of this report, were created by copying from, and editing, a single master data file, thus ensuring consistency of geometric data. C. HYDROLOGIC PARAMETERS Hydrologic parameters used in the analyses were derived in accordance with District criteria. Geometric data for the Hawker Crawford watershed were taken from a report by Rivertech, Inc. (listed as reference "e" in Section III). PWR007 14 442.1001 1. Rainfall Rainfall data was determined graphically by overlaying a scaled map of drainage areas with Isohyetal maps contained in the Dis- trict's Hydrology Manual. These Isohyetal maps are reproduced as Exhibits C-1 through C-6 in Appendix II of this volume. 2. S-CL=e Values S-curve values were estimated based on land uses in existence in 1986 for the pre -developed computations, and values for developed conditions were based on c=ent land use maps contained in the Etiwanda Specific Plan, the West Valley Foothills Community Plan, and the Fontana General Plan. Lag times were calculated by using the Corps of Engineers Lag formula. This method is generally appropriate for large water- sheds and was conceptually approved by the District prior to preparation of this report. 4. Depth -Area Precipitation depth -area factors were taken from the graph con- tained in the District Hydrology Manual. Peak flows at each point were calculated using depth -area factors appropriate for the specific drainage area involved. The depth -area curves used are reproduced as Exhibit B-1 in Appendix II, and a summary of depth - area factors is included as Exhibit B-2 in Appendix II. PWRO07 15 442.1001 D. MODEL, DESCRIPHONS Four hydrologic models were analyzed. Computer print-outs for the four models are contained in Volumes II through V of this report. A schematic diagram which applies to all models is shown as Figure 3 on the following page. 1. Pre -Developed Condition This model (Volume II) establishes the base peak discharges against which post -development peak discharges are compared. The rainfall used is 25 -year for areas where development will occur and 100 -year for areas where development exists or which will remain undeveloped. The results of this model are shown on Figure IV on page 20. 2. Post -Developed Condition - No Diversion This model (Volume III) establishes fully developed, 100 -year peak discharges in both Etiwanda and San Sevaine channels which are separated down to Foothill Boulevard, and peak discharges in the combined channel from Foothill to Jurupa Basin. Fully developed detention facilities as described in Section V are incorporated. This model shows that full development of the San Sevaine and Upper Etiwanda watersheds can be mitigated by constriction of proposed detention facilities. The results of this model are shown on Figure V on page 21. PWR007 16 442.1001 4 ADD SUB -AREA BI SAN SEVAINE BASIN RICH BASIN El HYDROGRAPH NO. 2 O NODEEl SAAN3SEVAINE BASIN L 1 JURUPA BASIN L-1 A RESERVOIR/BASIN FINO.SAN SEVAINE BASIN NO. 4� SAN SEVAINE BASIN NO. 1 (DEBRIS BASIN) CONVEX CHANNEL ROUTING ChW Engineers - Land Sunw"rs E SAN SEVAINE BASIN BASINS 2&3 COMBINED NO. 5 FOR ULTIMATE HYDROLOGY 2500 la Ana,, CaRfor, Sag 705 ET 0 Nd& M DQ & SAM S E LIQ 0 M C Santa Ana, Cali, jornia 92705 U Q U U U (774) 2501500 FAX(774)250-7420 C n EE j1/( S HYDROLOGY SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM FIGURE III VI. HYDROLOGY (CONTINNUED) 3. Post -Developed Condition - Minimal Diversion This model (Volume IV) is the same as Model 2 with the addition of diversion of 3175 cfs of Etiwanda peak flows into San Sevaine Basin 5, and with a corresponding increase of San Sevaine Basin 5 peak outflow of 45 cfs. This model shows that significant reduc- tion of Upper Etiwanda flows can be achieved with little impact to San Sevaine peak flows upstream of Foothill and a significant reduction of combined flows below Foothill. The results of this model are shown on Figure VI on page 22. 4. Post -Developed Condition - Maximal Diversion This model (Volume V) is the same as Model 2, except that (a) a maximum of 3775 cfs of Etiwanda peak flows are diverted into San Sevaine Basin 5 and (b) San Sevaine Channel flows below Highland Avenue in excess of 4740 cfs are diverted back into Etiwanda Chan- nel. When compared to Model 3, Etiwanda peak flows are reduced an additional 600 cfs at Highland Avenue with an additional increase of San Sevaine Basin 5 peak outflow of only 65 cfs. The peak com- bined flow at Foothill Boulevard is reduced an additional 560 cfs, or 4 per cent, beyond that provided for in Model 3. The off-peak diversion of San Sevaine peak flows back into Etiwanda Channel does not impact the reduced Etiwanda peak flow. The results of this model are shown on Figure VII on page 23. Additional diversion of Etiwanda peak flows into San Sevaine Basin 5 would not be advantageous, because the broad part of the Etiwanda Channel hydrograph would be encountered. This would cause the volume of Basin 5 to be exceeded and basin spillway flaw would become sub- stantial. PWR007 18 442.1001 FUSC©� WILLI�i VIS LINDGHN & SNORT SECTION VII Development Phasing Opportunities VII. DEVELOPMENT PHASING OPPORTUNITIES Development within the San Sevaine and Etiwanda watersheds requires either drainage mitigation upstream of the development or drainage mitigation in downstream facilities with construction of full channel improvements from the project to downstream detention facilities. Improvement of upstream detention facilities then provides the greatest flexibility with respect to development phasing. Developers within the Lower Etiwanda drainage area are faced with con- trolling Upper Etiwanda flows until such time as Lower San Sevaine Channel is constructed. Diversion of Etiwanda peak flows upstream of 24th Street into San Sevaine Basin No. 5 would provide for decreased flows within Etiwanda Channel, beyond those necessary for mitigation of development within the Upper Etiwanda drainage area, and would provide some relief to the Lower Etiwanda areas. The diversion would also reduce total downstream peak flows in Lower San Sevaine Channel. Model No. 4 which incorporates maximal diversion of Etiwanda peak flows would achieve the optimum level of (a) Upper Etiwanda peak flow reduction, (b) minimal increase of San Sevaine Basin 5 peak outflow, and (c) reduction of San Sevaine Channel peak flows below Foothill Boulevard, after it is combined with Etiwanda Channel. PWR007 19 442.1001 4700 Q co ,� 4830 12660 ESS/EXT/* 5 7880 0900 7860 i 0`PS/ HIGHLAND FOOTHILL N.T.S. LEGEND BASIN — DETENTION BASIN BASIN INFLOW BASIN OUTFLOW BASIN STORAGE MAX. STREAM FLOW = DIVERSION CHANNEL JURUPA (REFER TO VOLUME II) I500RedhWALrnue..Suiu]O0 SAN SEVAINE/ETIWANDA �M .Sarva Ana. Gidifnnila W-05 (']a) 50'7)(]o 20 RUNOFF SUMMARY DIAGRAM &SHOW PRE -DEVELOPED CONDITION Ch d! E.njrinerr3 - ]and sun.,nr,n (1986) FIGURE IY 20 5570 2700 7840 20Q' � Q 8870 co 20260 8660 11600 12100 2/3 P�KEO O 0 4 GaP�F 6750 5700 237 AF rj 6105 3490 2867 AF HIGHLAND 8185 14020 500 5020 FOOTHILL N.T.S. LEGEND BASIN = DETENTION BASIN BASIN INFLOW BASIN OUTFLOW BASIN STORAGE MAX. STREAM FLOW DIVERSION CHANNEL JURUPA (REFER TO VOLUME III) ESS/ULT/* ISlX)RedbUl.Itenuc..Suite•1(N FUSCM-Santa SAN SEVAINE/ETIWANDA Ana, Calffomia 92'05 WULUURS=5!_15 RUNOFF SUMMARY DIAGRAM uiw £4a'(-Iv1250 'a20 u DEVELOPED CONDITION NO DIVERSION Cis-UEnginerm • Land Sumvrom JN 442-1001 FIGURE V 21 5570 6275 3175 MAX 2000 FOR BASIN ROUTING 4660 I 4 6440 20000 iF 0PS� 2/3 P�KQRS 4 GaP�F 6750 5700 237 AF 5 7470 3530 2935 AF HIGHLAND 8200 13060 1190 AF 8400 URUP BASIN 12100 500 5065 FOOTHILL LEGEND BASIN = DETENTION BASIN BASIN INFLOW BASIN OUTFLOW BASIN STORAGE MAX. STREAM FLOW DIVERSION CHANNEL JURUPA (REFER TO VOLUME IV) ESS/DIV/* 2500RedhiU.,.%"ae100 uc SAN SEVAINE/ETIWANDA VV WJAIVtS Santa.9na. C9<alt� n2a 42-05 (�'"74Ia i ZSO-15(K� RUNOFF SUMMARY DIAGRAM f. -Ly (-ta) 250-"420 DGIRM U NHO" DEVELOPED CONDITION MINIMAL DIVERSION ChillEngineem • landSum*jyors JN 442-1001 FIGURE $ 22 5570 2700 517 AF OPS\ 2/3 OA�Q 6275 4 G�P�F 6750 5700 3775 MAX 237 AF 2600 FOR BASIN ROUTING cJ 8073 4060 4040 2979 AF HIGHLAND 5130 390 Q �Q 5840 8260 N (� FOOTHILL 12500 N.T.S. 480 7880 1068 AF 11600 URUP BASIN 12100 LEGEND BASIN = DETENTION BASIN BASIN INFLOW BASIN OUTFLOW BASIN STORAGE MAX. STREAM FLOW DIVERSION CHANNEL JURUPA (REFER TO VOLUME V) ESS/DIV2/* 2500Redbillarnue.Suiu•l(Ki FUSM-1llj)rnia 91-(10 MLL� ,Uffi Santa Ana. Ca(7-0) -150-115010 UNDGRM F.4-%:(-14) 250.7410 & SHOM SAN SEVAINE/ETIWANDA RUNOFF SUMMARY DIAGRAtil DEVELOPED CONDITION MAXIMAL DIVERSION Chill Engineers • Land Surt*jors J N 442-1001 FIGURE V I I 23 i n fl i 1� ^-� If .<ar .0 n r 1 APPENDIX I Basin Outflow Calculations FVSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite I00 PROJECT: S.., Serl ac j. E�L� PROJECT NO: �� Z �G 7 1�)//- Santa Ana, CA 92705 WILLIAMS (714) 250-1500 BY: SWM DATE: CHECK: DATE: ILINDGREM & SHORT 1�-A 7-7-tI 6 5UM1K A AY l iril F,rkgineers • Land Surreyor•c SHEET OF DEPTNI Ourpco � I D,1r,�t'ew I Oarac0 V 1 QASf v Z/5 DASrN ¢ 1 %3A.Sov S ?6 'We p o. /ooU 3000 0.7 3 9 too)- 305-17 /0 ,U 1/0/ 311 0( 3z 3 89 3(78 70 /z71 3370 I 3726 zs� 4 -os ( ¢L4 rd i68 435"1 6or /Z l 7178 4-6)2- 6s- 665- 7 ¢g47 6x 11 X 7¢3 �6 zora Sl¢� qo /� Zl d o S38p riz 7 zo ZL °L S -c(7 3 q� LZ 2z9� S�Or�l�cuay �osG ��q6 Z� Z37S gqo / 43 2- ZG 7-6 Zf-6 1214'? Z1Z0 z 8 zs¢z z z8 � 3 O 7-620 z¢¢¢ 3 Z 71676 --- 2-5`8 q 3 Z� 2?70 Z7Z 6 3 Z- 94-Z Z8S5 Do ti ovrccau� C)trr,-4o_ 3 9 spr�ww� 3dG 6 ' Z97� ,U 3783 -- 3047 ¢L — -- 32, /O Jeer'/ waf. 8 Q,3 FUSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 PROJECT: PROJECT NO: 4-4`2.0 76111' Santa Ana C4 92705 WILLUUWS (714) 250-1500 gY:s. /fix DATE: CHECK: DATE: LINDGREN & SHORT Civil Engineers • Land.Surreyors SHEET OF �JuTG �T P �P �- R A r-i�G S (C� P H t° ✓ a.. / i'y� �' L� e7cCa 1— h m ro P L f% L (,k-, ^9 s r�s'/ Ciawar l! e -c e7cCa 1— h m ro P LV,' 6� d""S% e w/7-hi'It id -S r c d � c 7-3 /.3 -ILO ve (O -( i Ps 7Lo CL s s o / -t-le- 7- 0 / p f S S e oma- �. s'o�-a-�� a s � � �i/�4 �` S lour- /urs wi`�l► o-lroaa, d�%aci jLi'es Q rr GC r o Z 0 ACOS a/ k'//e nit h , on i / ►� s e so to o a-�- f c- ra- -iLo �- o -7'` Z1'3 ct K Jr 56t d d�G( D 1r C1/5 u v 7/ 7Z -S . e7cCa V4,4;-7 . Z1'3 ct K Jr 56t d d�G( D 1r C1/5 u v 7/ 7Z -S . FUSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 PROJECT: PROJECT NO: Santa Ana, CA 92705 WOdd1AM5 ' (714) 250-1500 BY: DATE: CHECK: DATE: LINDGREN & SHORT Civil Engineers • Land5lrrreyrrrs SHEET OF Qt/r-1,-r- /ZA T/N (; s /5 A- AAs6�s 213 X114- 9 '4- 9 Qsrti =400 R APPRoAc 14- C # .4 AJ,(J S 4-C#.lN,(Js A _For 8 X 9, 8o x Q= CAe- k �c o.7� i h �/ f yf, 3 1 S" 1 /o 1 i,�— 1 LC' zr 3C 3>` ¢o ¢S C� ?S-/ 1107q 1 /3¢5- 15-67 1 I76 / I /936 ?o 96 ZZ4-S Z38)` zs/G �- (o f / 4o 3 1 S- 1 /-0 1 /,F I z o -z-J— 3 0 1 3.T ¢C) q 1 /8 9 1 34-8 1 / 69/ I / ?17- 71 7-2-0t, 7-¢w a6Lo 1 7- 806 z?8/ 17�¢6 �- (o f / 4o 7-o¢}— ( 4s8q 1774 2476 2-rTZ, i zed? 3077 3323 3.rs,3 3768 3Y77- FUSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 Santa Ana; CA PROJECTS- S va ,uC -5 PROJECT NO: 92705 WILLIAMS (714) 250-1500 BY: s ,lQ DATE:7/x/88 CHECK: DATE: LINDGREN & SHORT C'iril F,ngineers • Land Surtwyors A S N 5 SHEET I OF Fo r��0 ur �e /� S vlo To 0. b s- U s e - P c a ,D a c. �y t o i 7�h i r` �� 77- s s c 7- 4sly—c `DC95- anc� 4 s -r v — c U S B C9 1- -c C. VOL-�/ 0 n/ / / C o -r aG «/S /—�OuT / O ©• BSC�t Z d::8 11. /i S /N 0 1�J \ 1 a _ Vo- lv Ps t ro Ti / 7— 4 a- ` V o-lu<S F►'O7-1 /7— 13 CQ` lit /9 P�ld)k ( V 2- S� 29 6A AJ Dir oTN �Q > (Ft� I 0.17-5' 0.057 3.629 3. ?5.0 14.22 5-,z97 o. 5Z 1,52- .sZZ Z- 0.7-s'o o. (53 5- 9.824- Z - 5'60 79.10 5.05-2- (.Z / 3-2-1 3 0.37T o -Z67 17 219 1-895' 172.66 10.027 /.97 4,87 0.50 0 0.393 25- ITZ- 1.470 Z09 -*7 (1, 40 Z, 4T 6,¢7 662> 0.5'/7 33-056 WY -7 1240 /z.476 7-90 7.170 6 0.75'6 0.632 4.0,448 C-910 SLG -r7 13-ol3 3-16 17.16 S 0-85'0 0.71 Z 4-Y, 5-68 x736 (3. p5-0 S. (7 7- 97 FVSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 PROJECTS IAJ,- PROJECT NO: Santa Santa Ana, CA 92705 WILLIAMS (714) 250-1500 BY: s �� DATE* .,/,,/ CHECK: DATE: UNDGREN & SHORT Civil Engineers • Land ,5urrryora S H E ET ,� OF// A -;sflAt ��� SP�Is of o.BrcQ 0- USG O r -) c c C' q, u ci a_ Id wt a K r r r� S e� ua A Y, r° f— r e 44.1 OL r`M or4-cc CA tlla-- Ad C� �. +- oz, Z- � �L C z, 486 4 ccr+ti0r,wt. WaArl�racy j Dr��"cr 151 7 v47 -'a14 T FLO a rGC SClae ) C7r i god " 0�u t 7�c, FUSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92705 PROJECT: PROJECT NO: ,¢ ¢ gys �� DATE: 7 CHECK: DATE: WILLU MS (714) 250-1500 LINDGREN & SHORT Civil Engineers • Land Surveyors t-- SHEET5- OF / Q , p �.n 4 ,'„ G I -�, .•� � ���� � i�' 1' r C B�Z�3��z 0,0Z6Lzr�L y /¢�Q/� �A z9tio d�z l- l f .oL 6Xso� 4/L�BL486V�8)��)� Q 32- L �- 0 �0•0�3�)00� :- 3 c7. /3 z = 30 4. 0Z 40=- O. 6 7 G►,�- 1.4 6 do 9lrpo" V& X/ 1 C 1 J b = 2, 46 lj p �o� 4-1A o (7-x 3l- Z) C¢ / Z (�= p-ti�4��►D-¢ D h 70 ZZ z¢ ZG 2-8 30 3L 6 8 /d lZ /4 16 B zU 2, Z- z¢ ZG z8 Q 3-76 e45- 7¢3 814- 880 9¢0 997 /OSl 1103 115- /19 I L¢4 FUSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92705 PROJECT: PROJECT NO: gy: DATE: CHECK: DATE: (714) 250-1500 WILLIAMS LINDGREN & SHORT Cirit Enginr(,rs • Land Surveyors SHEET OF 76 t t /0, ,D e- Co D 34- 36 ¢d g g SZ 579 h 3o 3 Z 36 4c) ¢4 q- ?,, L Q 1289 1330 14YO x¢87 IS � /6�-9 109 �oK avTLE7- Tv- 8 �r � � 3 56 = -- Ile 2Z L 6 30 34 3s 4L 4� 4� 5-0 SZ Q l°I7 iz-¢57- 1433 oB r76 / 002- /4,0 zs¢z j z3-- FUSCOE 2500 Redhill Avenue, Suite 100 PROJECT: PROJECT NO: Santa Ana, CA 92705 WILLIAMS (714) 250-1500 BY: DATE: CHECK: DATE: LINDGREN & SHORT (it -it Engineers • Land.Surreynrs SHEET OF Q= G� Lao C = 3.a��� h = ,�- �� 'S�O,-�/�, u y (6-�' 1430 ,VAS(N h � 1741 g3 7074 l 3 Q ;70 i J i FUSCOE WILLIAMS LINDGREN & SHORT APPENDIX II Hydrologic Parameter Exhibits Exhibit A Hydrologic Soil Group Map Exhibit B-1 Depth -Area Curves Exhibit B-2 Summary of Depth Area Factors Exhibit C-1 Two-year, Six -hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-2 Two-year, 24-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-3 Ten-year, One-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-4 100 -year, One-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-5 100 -year, Six -hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit C-6 100 -year, 24-hour Rainfall Isohyetal Map Exhibit D-1 Watershed Geometric Data Exhibit D-2 Summary of Watershed Geometric Data 1250 0 2500 5000 LEGEND: STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB -AREA BOUNDARY SUB_ AREA NUMBER OTYPE SOILS OTYPE SOILS OTYPE SOILS ETIWANDA & SAN SENAINE CREEKS JAN. 7989 FUSCOE y WATERSHED UND�GREN HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP MAP &SHORT 200�Sivllf\ 100 24-HOUR 90 6 -HOUR w a z 80 0 w z 3 -HOUR 0 F- 70 Q H a. U W 2 CL 60 z 5 a u- 0 z 50 w U W a 40 1 -HOUR 30 -MINUTE 30 I I 5 -MINUTE 200 50 100 150 AREA (SQUARE MILES) SAS! BERNARDINO COUNTY DESIGN STORM DEPTH AREA HYDROLOGY MANUAL CURVES EXHIBIT B-1 Node No. Area to Node Point (Sq. Mi.) (Acre) 2 3.06 1,960 3 6.11 31907 4 7.55 4,831 7 8.80 5,630 8 9.60 6,142 1 1.97 1,262 401 6.30 4,032 404 13.48 8,624 4.1 14.39 9,209 41.1 4.88 3,120 4 17.31 11,079 5 17.49 11,196 7 21.29 13,626 8 23.34 14,938 8.1 32.94 21,080 9 39.25 25,118 11 49.04 31,388 12 51.64 33,049 41 3.14 2,009 43 7.02 4,490 SUMMARY OF DEPTH AREA FACTORS 5 Min. 30 Min. 1 Hr. 3 Hr. 6 Hr. 24 Hr. 0.889 0.889 0.889 0.985 0.990 0.995 0.830 0.830 0.830 0.979 0.989 0.993 0.810 0.810 0.810 0.973 0.985 0.991 0.766 0.766 0.766 0.968 0.980 0.990 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.961 0.979 0.989 0.925 0.925 0.925 0.992 0.995 0.998 0.839 0.839 0.839 0.981 0.990 0.995 0.688 0.689 0.690 0.948 0.973 0.984 0.672 0.678 0.680 0.943 0.972 0.983 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.985 0.991 0.995 0.656 0.662 0.668 0.940 0.971 0.982 0.656 0.662 0.668 0.940 0.971 0.982 0.602 0.623 0.630 0.921 0.960 0.976 0.585 0.606 0.618 0.912 0.958 0.977 0.520 0.548 0.564 0.883 0.947 0.971 0.483 0.518 0.539 0.869 0.941 0.964 0.436 0.475 0.490 0.842 0.931 0.957 0.425 0.465 0.491 0.837 0.928 0.953 0.890 0.890 0.890 0.988 0.991 0.996 0.793 0.793 0.793 0.972 0.985 0.990 mull -am - 1250 I`�U 0 2500 5000 LEGEND: �..� STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB -AREA BOUNDARY 43.2 SUB -AREA NUMBER -- - RAINFALL IN INCHES ETIWANDA & SAN SEVAINE CREEDS WATERSHED ISOHYETAL MAP 2 -YEAR, 6 -HOUR RAINFALL JAN. 1989 FUSC'OE L IND�GREN & SNORT rI.L /11lrneTrn � •uM urn�.,n 125 o zsoo s000 � r_ _� L-_ 1 LEGEND: / «� STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB -AREA BOUNDARY 43.2 SUB -AREA NUMBER -- RAINFALL IN INCHES ETIWANDA & SAN SEVAINE CREEKS JAN. 1989fuscof 4w'u WATERSHED WIWAiMS ISOHYETAL MAP &SNORT 2 -YEAR, 24-HOUR RAINFALL ti.^x••^� ^•^ EXHIBIT C-2 r ••� 2 P� t � 41 401 1.2 � ) 43.1 42 3 (401.1 r.� 44 I 43.2 SUMMIT AVE. Ll 1 5.2 6.1 404 HIGHLAND AVE. 4.4 6.2 BASELINE ROAD x(1.0 P� 8.1 g 9 10 11 J lzso 12 0 1 500 50 2 00 L_ --J LEGEND: �••� STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB -AREA BOUNDARY 43.2 SUBAREA NUMBER -- RAINFALL IN INCHES ETIINANDA & SAN SEVAINE CREEKS JAN, 1909 DQE ";w ",;r,; :'::•"n LUAM WATERSHED UNDN ISOHYETAL MAP &SHO" 10 -YEAR, 1 -HOUR RAINFALL 20TU'l C ---(2.3 --(2.2 / 2 —(2.0 FQ ----(l.9 —{ 1.8 401 41 43.1 42 I 3 11401.1 r�i 44 43.2 Ll SUMMIT AVE. 4 5.2 404 i HIGHLAND AVE. 4.4 --(1.5 6.2 7 BASELINE ROAD Q 8.1 8 JO Off' 9 (1.4 10 11 lzso 12 0 2500 5000 r_ —� LEGEND: �••� STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY 43.2 SUB-AREA NUMBER — RAINFALL IN INCHES ETIWANDA & SAN SEVAME CREEKS JAN. 1989 RQE nn,...w,u WATERSHED UNDG ISOHYETAL MAP & SHORT 100-YEAR, 1-HOUR RAINFALL "'""•'" — I -- =BIT C-4 125( 0 LEGEND: -�••� STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB -AREA BOUNDARY 43.2 SUB -AREA NUMBER - - RAINFALL IN INCHES ETIWANDA & SAN SEVAINE CREEKS JAN 1989 FUSCOE c WATERSHEDULLUMS :t NDGREN ISOHYETAL MAP &SHORT 100 -YEAR, 6 -HOUR RAINFALL 111.1-1- 1.1.1 1- —{-18.0 2 —416.0 Pi 0� ^{14. 41 401 --{-12.0 43.1 42 I3 401.1 44 43.2 1 SUMMIT AVE.: 6.1 � � 404 5.2 i HIGHLAND AVE. 4.4 6.2 7 BASELINE ROAD • A 8.1 g �o 9 _{8.0) 10 11 1250 2 0 2500 5000 O _ _ � ••� .J LEGEND: ��.•� STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY 43.2 SUB_ AREA NUMBER - RAINFALL IN INCHES ETIWANDA & SAPS SEVAME CREEKS JAN. 1989 FUSWE WATERSHED WILLumsUNDGREN & ISOHYETAL MAP 100-YEAR, 24-HOUR RAINFALL 7 l�o CP-071 01.1 v F417 41 F43.11 '0' 43.2 C 43 IZIIMMIT AV, 6.1 C • 404 44 404 HirHLANQ AY F6.72 s 4.4 F5.72 BASELINE no . C 8.1 QC aF 9-1 10 9 -QC 11 is Q L19-Is I Ei 27 LN0 200 LEGEND: STUDY BOUNDARY STUDY SUB-AREA BOUNDARY P-1-7 J SUB-AREA NUMBER ONODE NUMBER LONGEST ROUTE OF WATER COURSE CENTROID OF THE SUB-AREA ETIWANDA & SAN SEVAINE CREEKS JAN. 1989 WATERSHED UNC UNC WATERSHED GEOMETRIC DATA &SHORT Y1�m � 0,41" :1• 12 1• •• I •. Subarea L (Ft.) Lca (Ft.) H (Ft.) A ac 1 16,200 8,200 3,520 1,262 2 19,400 11,600 3,880 1,960 3 17,800 8,200 2,330 1,947 401 21,200 10,500 31690 2,416 404 4,000 1,800 80 102 41 14,400 7,000 1,900 899 42 19,400 11,100 1,240 1,110 43.1 15,500 7,200 2,490 1,111 43.2 6,200 4,000 150 119 44 18,900 8,000 290 1,271 401.1 7,200 3,900 460 354 4 12,200 2,400 640 585 4.4 6,200 1,900 100 117 5.2 261600 14,000 330 1,870 6.1 12,600 7,300 310 924 6.2 10,600 5,400 140 799 7 26,900 11,300 250 2,430 8 15,800 61200 150 1,312 8.1 8,600 6,100 105 512 9 33,800 14,100 295 4,038 10 16,800 8,600 200 867 11 33,700 12,500 250 5,403 12 14,400 8,000 115 1,661 L = Length of longest watercourse Lca = Length to centroid of area H = Difference in elevation along watercourse A = Watershed area i L FYSCOE WILLIAMS LINDGREN &SHORT APPENDIX III Pocket Maps Exhibits Exhibit E System Drainage Plan Exhibit F San Sevaine Basins 2-4 Preliminary Design 1 .` -\w, II 1,^. �, e`1 aC,�.I-��illr_ ' j, b, 1 `'✓; \\ ,�1`�1\; �JY�C\\ i�`::''L" E2- _. NJI g,040 j.Eamp fJ •� \ c _ ` `,\ �_,---�-��v i Js---, `'_\ r' 1` 11 _ -'t' !\2aso I i ;� _ - �� ._2719 Y � �� .rte � � � 'FC ��� J �,, � �_�� - =�—�• '4 �\- ,,,,pp e _/ ��_ - = s� , .e?• a •t , (� � nk � , - �. , I =\ I 171111 SPM . � \,`, - ��_\ I J' : ✓-�. ' 1 ���_���� // � � j/r l—tel � '0 ( _ �__ 1,, �� ..' I m Cj -=---- \�-- ! � � \ i. � l � � i; r• � - r`"�-- 600 - 1) i `��. I� `,�,."�l ��-� �' � ,...� � ,-tom 1�,J +``a '��--�>� _ �y-� .If �'� r(•� ��1� •�.� �t\y, 4;< , `.� � �'�\� --_- 'i_�� 't, � 1�. moi,, � . � ' ` .. �J ,c•�;�� \ � �'�..� o ``ro- V�. � �. ' /I •�� ;f 588 l� �'l � �{"' ,jam � ' �,\�,•-� {j,�'-1, �fj`c�l, is „d3. - - - _ .1� ��r�% ��;\�, \; � �!` •1 � -�3=�. �\.-��,.�__ '\� Lt•``��� 1'j� i11�%t%:l!�'iJ _x-3000} -_">t/ _l�l;. o >� f; i / _ I 1 �/(`,-s��, 1j``_..r..; ��..,.� �' �• ) , (��',\ `,ir 1 ,` \ t '`j � ;I J)I f � , \ , 1 t I �`, ?s _ lo• � --a��� 1�`��,�` (�` ,ii ;,,ire✓i;%� _',_�,�'�,,(�+';'�:'�I'�.t_. ��;-,� �i �( \. s� ✓._ ��, �` ,'''.'.. 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