HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract 18209J.N.: 0208 C 589 1 1:=j LAMDA ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT 28364 Vincent Moraga Drive, Suite "J", Temecula CA 92590 (951) 676-7688, (951) 676-7288 fax lamdadev (q--� yahoo.com LAMDADEV.COM PROJECT: Site Hydrology Hydraulic Report TM 18209 LOCATION: Athol St at Juniper Ave, Fontana OWNER: Mr. Eladio Cruz REVISIONS: DESIGNED BY: o '�-OR A 0 1 No. C-049311 2 M :X P)9-39- rr' m � d1l Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 July 17, 2008 INTRODUCTION: This office has been retained by Mr. Eladio Cruz to prepare a Hydrology and Hydraulic Report to determine the site' s tributary flows to the referenced property and to size the on site culverts to handle said flows as they traverse the site. EXISTING CONDITION of the DRAINAGE BASIN: The drainage basin studied is approximately 1.05 acres, there isn' t any off site flows that come into the subject property, any off site flows by pass the site via an existing box culvert to the west on a 7' storm drain easement and to the east off site flows stay on Juniper Ave., the soils classification of the basin is A, according to the San Bernardino County Hydrology Map, the land is f lat and drains to the west on Athol Street. In general the area is residential. PROPOSED CONDITION: The development consists of the construction of 6 new single family residences, this project includes the construction of driveways and walkways, as well as landscaped areas this will require the grading of slopes and swales to direct the drainage flows away from the new buildings, the development grading plans were prepared by this office. All flows will be directed via earthen swales as flows traverse each one of the lots and then flows will spill over to the street, where flows have gone historically. No alteration of existing flow patterns is proposed, per the development plans. No substantial negative impact by on-site flows unto adjacent down stream properties is expected due to this development. Page 1 Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 July 17, 2008 Note that all existing off -Site flows are not combined with any on site flows. it should be the responsibility of the upstream developers to design systems that will minimize the drainage impacts onto this property, flows upstream should be clean and should be treated for water pollutants upstream by upstream land owners. HYDROLOGY: Using the County of San Bernardino Hydrology Manual, and implementing the Rational Method Hydrology for drainage areas smaller than 640 acres, this office has developed calculations to determine the existing run- off. All charts and tables used are attached for review hereon on Appendix A. HYDRAULIC ANALISYS: With the calculated 25 year frequency flows we have checked the depth of flood on the street, and it has been determined to be adequate, the computer calculations and charts used to verify storm flow velocities and depths of flow are shown attached for review on Appendix B. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service, if you have any questions or comments regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact this office at your earliest convenience. .pp, ��qR 0 F S ��q , �� Sinc"eel 4 No. H t >ec o r ara, P. E. C-04931, Principal 9`30-20 Page 2 IL Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 Aw� N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 Appendix "A" Hydrology Study m m OD CD CD C\j 4.) 04 0 ul P4 H 01 0 04 OD 1.3 4-) 0 r 1 $4 4� 0 0 U) >1 0 4-) (A 4 00 44 U') 0 r) $4 OD 0 0 U Cq $4 pa z 0 z ,Q 0 t -D (L L 0 U) 0 N Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N1W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 ----Wm I- [ALCi1j;im- Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 TAUX Q2. ft r=TYMCAt= ApW a C D f4AJrURAJA 1.0 0.41 0.27 0-12 0.14 DErms 1.0 0.39 R.w CCOPS (Poo 0.41 4 aj 0.29 0.40 0-n 0.31 Gma (120 I.g O.0 (ilk) 1.0 O.0 0.62 ' 0-43 0-34 Wood1wd (ink) 1.0 a." 0.69 0.50 0.40 URDAIft D.1a It.1dorfig (I DUIAO 0.30 0.60 0.43 0.37 Resbcopado Cz DUIAO 0." 0.6Z , 0.�3 o.o 0.39 0.311 0.32 0.28 R,,Wanda (4 DUIAC) 0.60 -0.33 i�� O.W 0.22 0.13 Radd*NW (10 DWIXC) 0.40 0.35 0.34 0.26 0.20 0-16 &wblk 1kil Puk o.23 0.21t 0.1.) 0.14 0.12 Apwwwnts 0.20 0.19 0.10 O -L5 O -U 0-1t 0.06 0-09 0.05 CQMMwCwIkv*-wBI 0.10 KOM ra) Racmw-4,d P Thm ft*m FIPM C-4 (Z) AMC a as , for aR F16 Vakws (3) C" vakmg sAskwd k- F*- C-3 (4,) OU/AC-dwelft urAt p- - C-16 M Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 --WO L N 4100 LOrTATIONS, 1_ UO&I" wook - MO FOO IMMU-s- (0 L. 014 N-&dV-UW* OffdOPWAO, Tc -12A WAL (a) Le "do No sd� & CNN 4 Dankpma, T4.267 a& TIME Of- CONCI SM BERNMUM COLM" NOU00" HyDROLDGY MANUAL FOR W"AL N TC I N 141ERMAKE Rational Method Hydrology Tc: time of concentration from Fig. D-1 in minutes County of San BernarcHno 1: Intancity from wencity Duration curve Job file: 0208 c 599 Fm: max loss rate from table C-2 Job Address TM 18209 n1w cor Athol at Juniper Avenue city of Fontana Soils Type: per plan Date: 2125008 Storm Frequency: IOYR Development cond: DEVELOP C Q Q ff2d2 Arm Areas Deslan, In TC Fro I-Frn 0.§=A &W I soils type A A-1 0.18 7.5 3.20 0.58 2.62 0.43 2 0.18 0.43 soils type A A-2 0.17 7.5 3.20 0.58 2.62 0.39 3 0.35 0.83 soils type A A-3 0.17 7.5 3.20 0.58 2.62 0.40 4 0.52 1.22 soils type A A-4 0.17 7.5 3.20 0.58 2.62 0.39 5 0.69 1.62 soils type A A-5 0.17 7.5 3.20 0.58 2.62 0.39 a 0.85 2�01 soils type A A-6 QM 7.5 3.20 0.58 2.62 0.47 T COG 2.48 Storm Frequency: MR Development cond: DEVELOP Q Q N2112 Area Desion, In A Frn L -Em O,M MUM Aran II soils type A A-1 0.18 7.5 4.00 0.58 3.42 0.57 2 0.18 0.57 soils type A A-2 0.17 7.5 4.00 0.58 3.42 0.51 3 o.35 1.08 soils type A A-3 0.17 7.5 4.00 0.58 3.42 0.52 4 0.52 1.60 soils type A A-4 0.17 7.5 4.00 0.58 3.42 0.51 5 0.69 2.11 soils type A A-5 0.17 7.5 4.00 0.58 3.42 0.51 6 0.85 2.63 soils type A A-6 7.5 4.00 0.58 3.42 0.61 7 1.05 3.23 Rational Method HYdrologY . time of concentration from Fig. D-1 in minutes Tca county of San Bernardino I- Interwity from Intencity, Duration curve Job file: 0208 c 689 Fm: max loss rate from table Cl2 Job Address TM 18209 nhv cor Athol at juniper Avenue city of Fontana Solis Type: per plan Date: Storm Frequency: I OOY- Development cond: DEVELO C H2d2 Area Deslan. In A TC I EM LEM O,VC! Acum Aron I soft type A A-1 0.18 7.5 5.00 0.58 4.42 0.73 2 0.18 0,73 "is type A A-2 0,17 7.5 5.00 0.58 4.42 0.86 3 0.35 1 AO soft type A A-3 0.17 7.5 5.00 0.56 4.42 0.67 4 0.52 2.06 soft type A A-4 0.17 7.5 5.00 0.58 4.42 0.66 5 0.69 2.73 soils type A A-5 0.17 7.5 5.00 0.58 4.42 0.66 6 0.85 3.39 sops type A A -e 7.5 5.00 0.58 4.42 0.79 7 1.05 4.18 N N preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 Appendix "' B " Hydraulic analysis 6--Im N typical athol cross secUon q 100 Worksheet for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File c:XhaestadXacademicXftrw\cruzfont.fm2 Worksheet ex. street cross section Athol Street Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Input Data Channel Slope 0.004000 fttft Elevation range: 0.33 ft to 1.24 ft. Station (ft) Elevation (ft) Start Station 0.00 1.24 0.00 12.00 1.00 12.00 0.33 13.50 0.45 30.00 0.78 46.50 1.11 Discharge 4.18 cfs Results AMP. Wtd. Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Water Surface Elevation 0.71 ft V*W Flow Area 2.11 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 14.67 ft Top Width 14.28 ft Height 0.38 ft Critical Depth 0.69 ft Critical Slope 0.004888 ft/ft Velocity 1.98 ftfs Velocity Head 0.06 ft Specific Energy 0.77 ft Froude Number 0.91 Flow is subcritical. End Station Roughness 46.50 0.013 typical athol st section q 100 Cross Section for Irregular Channel Project Description Project File c:\haestad\academickfmw\cruzfont.ftn2 Worksheet ex. street cross section Athol Street Flow Element Irregular Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Water Elevation Section Data Altd. Mannings Coefficient 0.013 Channel Slope 0.004000 ItIft Water Surface Elevation 0.71 ft Discharge 4.18 cfs 1.3f I I 0. 9 C 00. 69. U= 1= -1= 0.6- 0.5- 0.4- 0.3' 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 Station (ft) OMI �11 0-M Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Study For TM 18209 N/W Cor of Athol St. at Juniper Ave. Fontana Job No. : 0208 C 589 March 17, 2008 Exhibit Hydrology Map