HomeMy WebLinkAbout4093-7PLAN 13M 0 300 mm U4 O 120) ACH WAY 5 mm (1/4") R -----I FACE PLATE ASSEMBLY STREET, GUTTER, OR LOCAL OEPRESSiON URFACE 3: 2 L= , SLOPE C I El in N Ln 100 mm � MIN m (3 ) (0 R 12")mMAX " ter. - --I - - _ - OPTIONAL SUBGRADE B SECTION A -^A CONNECTOR PIPE OR MONOLITHIC CATCH BASIN CONNECTION 200 m8" 013M #4 so• E� DOWEL DETAIL STRUCTURAL DATA WALL AND SLAB DIMENSIONS AND REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS REINFORCEMENT MAX MAX t tF REQUIRED IN W V FRONT REAR BOTTOM END WALL WALL SLAB I I WALL 1.0 m (3.5') 2.4 m (8) 150 mm (6") 150 mm (6") J¢ ® 12" O G. 1.0 m (3.5') 3.5 m (12') 200 mm(8") 200 mm (8") N R R 2.0 m (7') 1.8 m (8') 150 mm (B") 150 mm (6") O E Q 2.0 IT; (7')... Z.5 M.(12') 200 mm (8") 200 mm (8") N U 4.0 m (14') 1.2 m (4') 150 mm (6") 150 mm (6") R F 0 I R 2.4 m (8') 150 mm (81) 200 mm (8") I C E D 4.0 m (14') 3.5 m (IV) 200 mm (8") 260 mm (10") N F E 1.2 m (4') 150 mm (6") 150 mm (61) 0 M E R 1.8 m (6') 150 mm (6') 200 mm (8" C T N 2.4 m (8') 200 mm (8") 200 mm (8") M C) I 0) 3.0 m (10') 200 mm (8") 250 mm (10') E R E 75 3.5 m (12'} 200 mm (8" 250 mm (10" T D FOR W > 9 m (28'), V > 3.5 m (12') OR 6 > 1.2 m (4') SEE PLANS STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION ---PAOiAt7CCl1TF� BY 7?4E-- PueucwN00 (COA4MIrSTANDARINC, CURB OPENING CATCH oREETi9008"0�1►11T7EE BASIN _..S3'ANDARD..PLAN METRIC ��o- 2 REV. tgg2, loge - --- - -- NOTES: 1. WHERE THE BASIN IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED SIDEWALK OR IS CONTIGUOUS TO SUCH SIDEWALK, THE TOP SLAB OF THE BASiN MAY BE POURED EITHER MONOLITHIC WITH THE SIDEWALK OR SEPARATELY, USING - THE SAME CLASS OF CONCRETE AS IN THE BASIN. WHEN POURED MONOLITHICALLY THE SIDEWALK SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A WEAKENED PLANE OR A 25 mm (1") DEEP SAWOUT CONTINUOUSLY AROUND THE'' -EXTERNAL- PERIME7ER••OF -THE' CATCH'--BASiN'-WAU,S;-INC L-UDINC>,'-ACROSS -TME •FUL-L•--W1QTH CCOLOR, SIDEWALK. NiSH,�AND SCORING GOTO ALL NG OR PRSED OPOSED CURB AND WALK 1ADJACENT TO GRADE, BASIN. 2. ALL CURVED CONCRETE SURFACES SHALL BE FORMED BY CURVED FORMS, AND SHALL NOT BE SHAPED BY PLASTERING. 3. FLOOR OF BASIN SHALL BE GIVEN A STEEL TROWEL FINISH AND SHALL HAVE A LONGITUDINAL AND LATERAL SLOPE OF 1:12 MINIMUM AND 1:3 MAXIMUM, EXCEPT WHERE THE GUTTER GRADE EXCEEDS 8%, IN WHICH CASE THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE OF THE FLOOR SHALL BE THE SAME AS THE GUTTER GRADE. SLOPE FLOOR FROM ALL DIRECTIONS TO THE OUTLET. 4- DIMENSIONS: 8 = 970 mm (3'-2") V = THE DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION BETWEEN THE TOP OF THE CURB AND THE INVERT OF THE CATCH BASIN AT THE OUTLET = 1.35 m (4.51). VU= THE DIFFERENCE IN ELEVATION BETWEEN THE TOP OF THE CURB AND THE INVERT AT THE UPSTREAM END OF THE BASIN, AND SHALL eE DETERMINED BY THE REQUIREMENTS OF NOTE 3, -BUT SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN CURB FACE PLUS 300 mm (12"). VI = THE DIFFERENCE iN ELEVATION BETWEEN THE TOP OF THE CURB AND THE INVERT OF THE INLET, NOTED ON THE PLANS. H = NOTED ON THE PLANS. W = NOTED ON THE PLANS. A - THE ANGLE, iN DEGREES, INTERCEPTED BY THE CENTERLINE OF THE CONNECTOR PIPE AND THE CATCH BASIN WALL TO WHICH THE CONNECTOR PIPE IS ATTACHED, 5. PLACE CONNECTOR PIPES AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, THE CONNECTOR PIPE SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE DOWNSTREAM END OF THE BASIN.. WHERE THE CONNECTOR PIPE IS SHOWN AT A CORNER, THE CENTERLINE OF THE PIPE SHALL INTERSECT THE INSIDE CORNER OF THE BASIN. THE PIPE MAY BE CUT AND TRIMMED AT A SKEW NECESSARY TO INSURE MiNIMUM •80 mm (3") PIPE EMBEDMENT ALL AROUND WITHIN THE CATCH BASIN WALL, AND 75 mm (3") RADIUS OF ROUNDING OF STRUCTURE CONCRETE, ALL AROUND ADJACENT TO PIPE ENDS. A MONOLITHIC CATCH BASIN CONNECTION SHALL BE USED TO JOiN THE CONNECTOR PIPE TO THE CATCH BASIN WHENEVER ANGLE "A" iS LESS THAN 70' OR GREATER THAN 110', OR WHENEVER THE CONNECTOR PIPE IS LOCATED IN A CORNER. THE OPTIONAL USE OF A MONOLITHIC CATCH BASiN CONNECTION IN ANY CASE IS PERMITTED. MONOLITHIC CATCH BASIN CONNECTIONS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED TO AVOID CUTTING STANDARD LENGTHS OF PiPE. 6. STEPS SHALL BE LOCATED AS SHOWN. IF THE CONNECTOR PiPE INTERFERES WITH THE STEPS, THEY SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE CENTERLINE OF THE DOWNSTREAM END WALL, STEPS SHALL eE SPACED 300 mm (12") APART. TH TOP STEP SHALL BE 175 mm (7" BELOW THE TOP OF THE MANHOLE AND PROJECT' 65 mm (2-1 2"). ALL OTHER STEPS SHALL PROJECT 130 mm (5"). 7. DOWELS ARE REQUIRED AT EACH CORNER AND AT 2 m (7) ON CENTER (MAXIMUM) ALONG THE BACKWALL. 8. THE FOLLOWING SPPWC ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN: 308' MONOLITHIC 'CATCH- BASIN 'CONNECTION - 309 CATCH BASIN REINFORCEMENT 310 CATCH BASIN FACE PLATE ASSEMBLY AND PROTECTION BAR 312 CATCH BASIN MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER 635 STEEL STEP 636 POLYPROPYLENE PLASTIC STEP W rR '-- -STAN-DARt3-PLANS-FOR-FUSLie--WORk`-S-CON'SrTRUC-TfON-- --- S ANDMETI�h��AR PLAN CURB OPENING CATCH BASIN 300--2 _DIG SLE ► T TOLL FREE -qqmmpw'1-800-227-2600 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT RECORD DRAWING THESE RECORD DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN PREPARED, IN PART, ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION COMPILED AND FURNISHED BY OTHERS. THE ENGINEER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED INTO THE DOCUMENTS AS A RESULT THEREOF 1613 . V r' _ - :�,= CAD 4 Blup Material Open areas to allow concrete to show through PLACEMENT Thermoplastic' ignage is to be installed on the top of the curb approximately %Z inch. behind the curb face. It should be placed laterally centered over the inlet structure. NOTE: See page 2 of 2 for material specifications. Standard pecificatio City ofFontana Storm Drain inlet Signage Standard Specification Storm Drain Inlet Education Signage SE A dumb, high skid resistant, reflective ent signage material to be used on Storm Drain inlets. i .EQUIREMENTS: The maddngs must be a resilient blue therm astir product, wherein every other shaped pofion contains glass beads, or abrasives with a minimum hardness of 7 (Mobs scale). -The markings must be resistant to the detrimental effeds of motor Is: Lubricants, hydraulic flulds ere. Skgnmge must be capable of beim affixed to biilummois and/or Portland cement concrete pavements by the use of the normal Meat of a propane torch. ' ?. The markings must be capable of conforming t� pavement; contours, breaks and faults through the action of traffic at normal pavement temperatures. The signage shall have resealing dharacte&9cs such that if is capable of Rising with itself and �rehnously applied thermoplastic when heated with a torch. i. The mmkhgs must be able to be applied in terpperatures down to 37F without any special storage, preheating ortreatment of the material before applicatton. MATERIAL: 1. Must be composed Df an ester modffiecl rosin resistant to degradation by motor fuels, krbricants etc. In con4uhdion with aggregates. pigments, binders, abrasives, and glass beads which have been factory produced as a finished product, and me is the regAements Of the current edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Cartrol Devices for Streets and Highways. 2 Graded Glass Beads: t Thai material must contain a minimum of thirty i rant (30%) intermixed graded glass beads by welght. The httermded treads shall be dear and transparent. Nat more than twenty percent (20°%) cbnsfsts of kregularfused spheroids, or silica. TI he irmdex of refraction shaft not be less than 1.50. The rr>iiiteU must have factory applied rated m�ace beads and abrasives in addition to the inteanixect bei at a rate of Ift, (t 20%) per 11 sq. ft Thd surface beads and abrasives must be applied se thatevery other stout portion can tat is glass treads, or abrasives with a mWmum hardness of 7 (Mohs scale). 3. Pigrr"W. i Blue:- Sufficient pigment Is to be used to ensure a color s'umilar to Federal Highway Blue, as per federal standard. 4. Heating hdicators _The fop surface of the mateslt Tal (same side as the factory applied surfaoe beads) shall have regularly spaced indents. These Mats shall act as a vfsuat cue during application that the material has reached a moften state so satractory adt6sion and pumper ted embedment has been adhieved and a post-sppkation visual cue that the installation pros edum: have been followed. 5. Skid resistance _The surface of the preformed maddng matedal% wherein every other shaped portion contains glass beads, or abrasives with a minimum hardness of 1(Mobs scale), shall upon appficatfon provide a mink" skid msis nce value of 60 8PN when tested as omit to ASTM: E 303. 6. ThIrdmess _The material must be supplied at a minimum, tfndmess of 90 mils (2.29 mm) or 125 mils (3.15 mm). 7. Retfei;W. lime preformed refieme marking materials upon application shall exhibit adequala and unifonn night me reflectivity. 8. Environmental resistance _The material must b resistant 6 deterioration due to exposure to sunlight; water, salt or adverse weather condfts and impervious to ail and gasoline. 9. Abrdsives _The material must have fadary applied surface abrasives, wherein every other shaped por5on contains &w beads, or abrasives with a minimum !hardness 7 (Mobs snots). 10.TIhe preformed signage shag meet,state spel icalions arhdlbe approved for use by Bine City of Fontana. i TECHNICAL SERVICES: The successful bidders iall provide technical services as requked ' PACKAGING: The preformed signage shall be placed in prok.Kgve plastic flim with cardboard stiffeners where necessary to prevent damage in transit The cartons in which paled shat be non4eWmable and shall not exceed 40" in length and 25" in I ih, and XlAeled for ease of iderhti . The weight of the inthvidival carton must not exceed seventy (TO) pounds. A protective firm must be apptiW atound the box in order to protect the material from rain or mature aging. i APPLICAON:The materials shag be applied us' I the propane torch method recommended by the marftluw. The makWal must be able to the applied at am 4v mt arcl road tem*akm down to VIF without. any preheating of the pavement to asp 3dfic temperature. The materlal must be able to be appr'ied rl bout the use of a thermometer. The pave shall be de of Supplier must endow application bshdkm with each ti Wpack.V. 2 of 2 i • r a FESS/ONq -C �O �� y C 36637 o r &P, CIVIV q�0FCPXILW � i NOTE: WATER QUALITY INSERT INSERT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH CATCH BASIN INLET INSTALL KATCHALL 'X-TEX AM" FABRIC OR EQUAL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT. BENCH MARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS. THE BENCHMARK IS AT SOUTHWEST CORNER THE BEARING OF N 89'5648 W ALONG OF WALNUT & SIERRA AVENUES, 32 FEET THE CENTERLINE OF BASELINE AVENUE SOUTH OF WALNUT AVENUE, 42 FEET WEST OF SIERRA AVENUE, DRIVE PIN IN AS SHOWN ON PM NO. 1588, ' P.M.B. 17/95, PpII44113E 70-63 FACES INTERSECTION. WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS ELEVA 770N: # 1470.7550 1 FOR THIS MAP. Prepared Under The Supervision Of : CITY OF FON TA NA, CA L IFO RN/A - ",1 " STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PLANS MADOLE DRAWN BY _Am 760-A 5. ROCHESTER AVE. SCALE.' Uj _zg: No. 36637 c ; ONTARIO, CA 91761 AA/CC TRACT NO. 6383 AND 17460 AS SHOWN 909.937.9151 Exp: 06-30-08 Engineering Communities for Life www.madoleinc.com DESIGNED BY TA/LS DA TF• CC FEB. 2006 C 1 V 1 �- �� F0 CALIF O ate CHECKED B Y PPRO Y DRA WING N0. ' RCE 6637 EXP. 6:00 8 L P v� 4093 WENDELL L. I WA TSURU �� '�` CITY ENGINEER R. C. E. 51152 DA 7E JA652-1942\storm\sd07.dwa. 8/18/2006 8:54:37 AM. Comelia A� N� Lw�l 1613 . V r' _ - :�,= CAD 4 Blup Material Open areas to allow concrete to show through PLACEMENT Thermoplastic' ignage is to be installed on the top of the curb approximately %Z inch. behind the curb face. It should be placed laterally centered over the inlet structure. NOTE: See page 2 of 2 for material specifications. Standard pecificatio City ofFontana Storm Drain inlet Signage Standard Specification Storm Drain Inlet Education Signage SE A dumb, high skid resistant, reflective ent signage material to be used on Storm Drain inlets. i .EQUIREMENTS: The maddngs must be a resilient blue therm astir product, wherein every other shaped pofion contains glass beads, or abrasives with a minimum hardness of 7 (Mobs scale). -The markings must be resistant to the detrimental effeds of motor Is: Lubricants, hydraulic flulds ere. Skgnmge must be capable of beim affixed to biilummois and/or Portland cement concrete pavements by the use of the normal Meat of a propane torch. ' ?. The markings must be capable of conforming t� pavement; contours, breaks and faults through the action of traffic at normal pavement temperatures. The signage shall have resealing dharacte&9cs such that if is capable of Rising with itself and �rehnously applied thermoplastic when heated with a torch. i. The mmkhgs must be able to be applied in terpperatures down to 37F without any special storage, preheating ortreatment of the material before applicatton. MATERIAL: 1. Must be composed Df an ester modffiecl rosin resistant to degradation by motor fuels, krbricants etc. In con4uhdion with aggregates. pigments, binders, abrasives, and glass beads which have been factory produced as a finished product, and me is the regAements Of the current edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Cartrol Devices for Streets and Highways. 2 Graded Glass Beads: t Thai material must contain a minimum of thirty i rant (30%) intermixed graded glass beads by welght. The httermded treads shall be dear and transparent. Nat more than twenty percent (20°%) cbnsfsts of kregularfused spheroids, or silica. TI he irmdex of refraction shaft not be less than 1.50. The rr>iiiteU must have factory applied rated m�ace beads and abrasives in addition to the inteanixect bei at a rate of Ift, (t 20%) per 11 sq. ft Thd surface beads and abrasives must be applied se thatevery other stout portion can tat is glass treads, or abrasives with a mWmum hardness of 7 (Mohs scale). 3. Pigrr"W. i Blue:- Sufficient pigment Is to be used to ensure a color s'umilar to Federal Highway Blue, as per federal standard. 4. Heating hdicators _The fop surface of the mateslt Tal (same side as the factory applied surfaoe beads) shall have regularly spaced indents. These Mats shall act as a vfsuat cue during application that the material has reached a moften state so satractory adt6sion and pumper ted embedment has been adhieved and a post-sppkation visual cue that the installation pros edum: have been followed. 5. Skid resistance _The surface of the preformed maddng matedal% wherein every other shaped portion contains glass beads, or abrasives with a minimum hardness of 1(Mobs scale), shall upon appficatfon provide a mink" skid msis nce value of 60 8PN when tested as omit to ASTM: E 303. 6. ThIrdmess _The material must be supplied at a minimum, tfndmess of 90 mils (2.29 mm) or 125 mils (3.15 mm). 7. Retfei;W. lime preformed refieme marking materials upon application shall exhibit adequala and unifonn night me reflectivity. 8. Environmental resistance _The material must b resistant 6 deterioration due to exposure to sunlight; water, salt or adverse weather condfts and impervious to ail and gasoline. 9. Abrdsives _The material must have fadary applied surface abrasives, wherein every other shaped por5on contains &w beads, or abrasives with a minimum !hardness 7 (Mobs snots). 10.TIhe preformed signage shag meet,state spel icalions arhdlbe approved for use by Bine City of Fontana. i TECHNICAL SERVICES: The successful bidders iall provide technical services as requked ' PACKAGING: The preformed signage shall be placed in prok.Kgve plastic flim with cardboard stiffeners where necessary to prevent damage in transit The cartons in which paled shat be non4eWmable and shall not exceed 40" in length and 25" in I ih, and XlAeled for ease of iderhti . The weight of the inthvidival carton must not exceed seventy (TO) pounds. A protective firm must be apptiW atound the box in order to protect the material from rain or mature aging. i APPLICAON:The materials shag be applied us' I the propane torch method recommended by the marftluw. The makWal must be able to the applied at am 4v mt arcl road tem*akm down to VIF without. any preheating of the pavement to asp 3dfic temperature. The materlal must be able to be appr'ied rl bout the use of a thermometer. The pave shall be de of Supplier must endow application bshdkm with each ti Wpack.V. 2 of 2 i • r a FESS/ONq -C �O �� y C 36637 o r &P, CIVIV q�0FCPXILW � i NOTE: WATER QUALITY INSERT INSERT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH CATCH BASIN INLET INSTALL KATCHALL 'X-TEX AM" FABRIC OR EQUAL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS IN EFFECT. BENCH MARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS. THE BENCHMARK IS AT SOUTHWEST CORNER THE BEARING OF N 89'5648 W ALONG OF WALNUT & SIERRA AVENUES, 32 FEET THE CENTERLINE OF BASELINE AVENUE SOUTH OF WALNUT AVENUE, 42 FEET WEST OF SIERRA AVENUE, DRIVE PIN IN AS SHOWN ON PM NO. 1588, ' P.M.B. 17/95, PpII44113E 70-63 FACES INTERSECTION. WAS USED AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS ELEVA 770N: # 1470.7550 1 FOR THIS MAP. Prepared Under The Supervision Of : CITY OF FON TA NA, CA L IFO RN/A - ",1 " STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PLANS MADOLE DRAWN BY _Am 760-A 5. ROCHESTER AVE. SCALE.' Uj _zg: No. 36637 c ; ONTARIO, CA 91761 AA/CC TRACT NO. 6383 AND 17460 AS SHOWN 909.937.9151 Exp: 06-30-08 Engineering Communities for Life www.madoleinc.com DESIGNED BY TA/LS DA TF• CC FEB. 2006 C 1 V 1 �- �� F0 CALIF O ate CHECKED B Y PPRO Y DRA WING N0. ' RCE 6637 EXP. 6:00 8 L P v� 4093 WENDELL L. I WA TSURU �� '�` CITY ENGINEER R. C. E. 51152 DA 7E JA652-1942\storm\sd07.dwa. 8/18/2006 8:54:37 AM. Comelia