HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract 16290-2HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT MAP NO. 16290-2 CITY OF FONTANAq CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: CENTEX HOMES 2280 WARDLOW CIRCLE, SUITE 150 CORONA, CA. 92880 PREPARED BY. A E I CA S C E r-li (--i I r-li E E F-,> I r ---Ii <--i 937 SOUTH VIA LATA, SUITE 500 COLTON, CA 92324 (909) 783-0101 - FAX (909) 783-0108 REVISED JANUARY 129 2005 AuGUST 1, 2005 "I M!I HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON This report has been prepared by or under the direction of the following registered civil engineer who attests to the technical information contained herein. The registered civil engineer has also judged the qualifications of any technical specialists providing engineering data upon which recommendations, conclusions, and decisions are based. 1A"1; Aric M. Torreys, Registered Civil /Z */0 6 - Date A , Kc.-',, 4o, - 10 11 U C No. 6601M Seal REVIEWED BY WILL,DAN TM CIVIL ENGINEERING DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AL C FOR GENER ONpORMANCE WITH APPUCABLE CITY STANDARDS. ACCEPTANCE By THE REVIEWER OF ANY ELEMENTS OF THE ENGINEERING DOCUMENT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE T14E A ANT OR AppUCANrS CONSULTANTS OF FULL WONSIBILIly FOR COMPLIANCE WITH CODES AND "ARDS - 7 /VJ 0 7--bATE 9ATURE k _ -- - V:\52641\Tr-16290-2\Engincering\Hydrology_Plan\Reports\HYDRAiTLIC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doc HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX A: APPENDIX A. 1: APPENDIX A.2: APPENDIX A.3: APPENDIX AA: APPENDIX A.5: APPENDIX A.6: APPENDLX A.7: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX B. 1: APPENDIX B.2: APPENDIX B.3: APPENDIX BA: APPENDIX B.5: APPENDIX B.6: APPENDIX B.7: APPENDIX C APENDICES 16290-2 RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 100 -YEAR AREA A (USER DEFINE) AREA A AREA B AREA C AREA D AREA E AREA F 16290-2 RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 25 -YEAR AREA A (USER DEFINE) AREA A AREA B AREA C AREA D AREA E AREA F STREET CAPACITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C. 1: V2STREET FLOW FOR 64'RIGHT OF WAY APPENDIX C.2: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO TC FOR 64' ROW APPENDIX C.3: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO ROW FOR 64'ROW APPENDIX CA: V2STREET FLOW FOR 68' RIGHT OF WAY CADocuments and Settings\abuyco%Local Settings\Temporary hitemet Files\OLK250\HYDRAULlC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doc PURPOSE AND SCOPE I PROJECT SITE AND DRAINAGE AREA I HYDROLOGY 1-3 IV. HYDRAULICS 3-8 V. FINDINGS 8 vi. REFERENCES 8 APPENDIX A: APPENDIX A. 1: APPENDIX A.2: APPENDIX A.3: APPENDIX AA: APPENDIX A.5: APPENDIX A.6: APPENDLX A.7: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX B. 1: APPENDIX B.2: APPENDIX B.3: APPENDIX BA: APPENDIX B.5: APPENDIX B.6: APPENDIX B.7: APPENDIX C APENDICES 16290-2 RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 100 -YEAR AREA A (USER DEFINE) AREA A AREA B AREA C AREA D AREA E AREA F 16290-2 RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 25 -YEAR AREA A (USER DEFINE) AREA A AREA B AREA C AREA D AREA E AREA F STREET CAPACITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX C. 1: V2STREET FLOW FOR 64'RIGHT OF WAY APPENDIX C.2: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO TC FOR 64' ROW APPENDIX C.3: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO ROW FOR 64'ROW APPENDIX CA: V2STREET FLOW FOR 68' RIGHT OF WAY CADocuments and Settings\abuyco%Local Settings\Temporary hitemet Files\OLK250\HYDRAULlC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doc HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON APPENDIX C.5: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO TC FOR 68' ROW APPENDIX C.6: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO ROW FOR 68'ROW APPENDIX D: CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS FOR TRACT 16290-2 APPENDIX D. 1: LINE "B-1" APPENDIX D.2: LINE "B-2" APPENDIX D.3: LAT. "B -IC" APPENDIX DA: CP "B -IE" APPENDIX D.5: CP "B-117" APPENDIX D.6: CP "B- I G" APPENDIX D.7: CP "B -2J" APPENDIX D.8: CP "B -2K" APPENDIX D.9: CP "B-21," APPENDIX D. 10: CP "B -2M" APPENDIX D. 11: CP "B -2N APPENDIX E: STORM DRAIN CALCULATIONS FOR TRACT 16290-2 APPENDIX E. 1: LINE "B-1" APPENDIX E.2: LINE "B-2" APPENDIX E.3: LAT. "B-lC" APPENDIX EA: CP "B-lE" APPENDIX E.5: CP "B -IF" APPENDIX E.6: CP "B- I G" APPENDIX E.7: CP "B -2J" APPENDIX E.8: CP "B -2K" APPENDIX E.9: CP "B -2L" APPENDIX E.10: CP "B -2M" APPENDIX E. 11: CP "B -2N" EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A-1: HYDROLOGY MAP EXHIBIT A-2: HYDROLOGY MAP EXHIBIT B: DRAINAGE FACILITIES MAP EXHIBIT C: SOILS MAP EXHIBIT D: ISOHEYTAL MAPS EXHIBIT E: FLOW DIAGRAMS EXHIBIT F: REFERANCE PLANS AND CALCUALTIONS-INFRA. STRUCTURE STORM DRIAN V:\52641\Tr-16290-2\Engineering\Hydrologyjlan\Reports\HYDRAULIC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doc HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON PURPOSE AND ANALYSIS The purpose of this study is to discuss the hydrological analyses associated with the 25 - year and I 00 -year frequency storm events, for the proposed rough grading plans for Tract Map No 16290-2. Additionally, the report discusses the drainage constraints and a drainage solution based upon a proposed storm drain design shown on the Storm Drain Improvements. The following items will be performed and identified in the report: Perform hydrology analyses using the rational method, as outlined in the San Bernardino County Flood Control (SBCFCD) Hydrology Manual, for the 25 -year and I 00 -year frequency storm events. Prepare an exhibit showing the drainage boundaries, drainage nodes, flow lengths, drainage areas, and a peak flow rate summary table for the tract. Prepare a report discussing recommendations and solutions to solve the drainage problems. F"ROLOGY ANALYSES The Coyote Canyon Development lies along the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountain. The topography has an average slope of approximately 5% and drains to the south into the San Sevaine Drainage System. The entire development will be detained by a regional basin known as Rich Basin, which eventually outlets into Hawker -Crawford Channel. The current condition of the site consists of open space with low to medium brush throughout the area. The primary soil within the tract boundary area is soil type "A", which is considered a soil material with high soil loss rates. See the soils map, Exhibit C, which is an excerpt from the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual. The ultimate development will consist of approximately 1/4 acres lots, which is consistent with the Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan prepared for Coyote Canyon LLC, by AEI-CASC Engineering. (Ref 1). The rainfall depth for the I 00 -year, 1 -hour storm event was obtained from the SBDCFCD Hydrology Manual Isoheytal Map. Exhibit D is a copy of the Isoheytal map for the 100 - year, 1 -hour storm event, which includes the approximate location of the project. Utilizing the information obtained from the SBCFCD Hydrology Manual, the 1 -hour rainfall depth for the 25 -year and 100 -year storm events area 1.3 inches and 1.6 inches, respectively. Using the soils, land use, and rainfall data previously mentioned, hydrological analyses were performed for the 25 -year and 100 -year storm events using the R�ttional Method, as I CADocunwnts md Settings\a,_buycoUocM Settmgs\TeffVorary Intenket Fj1es\OLK250ViYDRAUL1C STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doe AEI-CASC ENGINEERING HYDROLOGYAND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON 0 outlined in the San Bernardino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD) Hydrology Manual. The SBCFCD Hydrology Manual stated that the Rational Method is to be used for areas that are less than 640 acres. The Rational Method peak flow rate is then used to design a suitable storm drain facility and to evaluate if the flow rate within the streets meets the requirements set by the City of Fontana. Appendix A through B includes the hydrological result associated with the 25 -year and I 00 -year storm events for Tract Map No. 16290-2. Exhibit's A- 1, and A-2 is provided to illustrate the "Onsite Hydrology Maps" for the above mentioned Tract. E"RAULIC ANALYSES This portion of the report has been prepared to discuss the hydraulic conditions for the proposed storm drain systems and is a complement of the storm drain improvement plans. In order to determine the locations of the proposed catch basins and limits of the storm drain, the streets within the residential tract need to be evaluated. Street Capacity Calculations and Rating Tables, provided in Appendix C, were used to evaluate the flooding within the residential streets for the following three scenarios: * Conveyance capability for a typical half -street section using the depth equal to top of curb. * Conveyance capability for a typical full -street section using the depth equal to top of curb. * Conveyance capability for a typical full -street section using the depth equal to right- of-way. Note the Rating Tables, prepared for the above scenarios, identify the maximum peak flow rate with respect to the street longitudinal slopes. The above hydraulic calculations were used to evaluate potential impacts, using the peak flow rates from the hydrology analyses, within the residential streets. Drainage impacts are defined as segments of streets that do not meet the street flooding criteria that is based upon the City of Fontana Design Policy. The following are the City of Fontana Street Design Policy: + The peak flow rate resulting from a 25 -year storm event cannot have a depth of flow that exceeds the top of curb elevation. * The peak flow rate resulting from a 100 -year storm event cannot have a depth of flow that exceeds the elevation at the right-of-way. Based upon the hydraulic evaluation, a total of 7 catch basins are required. The catch basins are shown on the Improvement Plans. CADocuments and Seftings\a,_buyco\L*W SettingsWenpMary Intemet Fi1es\0LX250\HYDP AULIC SIUDY.REPORT 16290-2.&C AEI-CASC ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON TRACT 16290-2 Tract 16290-2 is a 59.2 acre site that consists of approximately 127 residential lots. Tract 16290-2 is bounded by the Southern California Edison Transmission Line easement to the north, the San Bernardino County Flood Control "Rich Basin" to the south, Roadrunner Road to the east, and existing Hunters Ridge Development to the west. The runoff emanating from the tract will be collected by the following three proposed drainage system: The proposed storm drain facilities were hydraulically analyzed with the CivilD Water Surface Pressure Gradient program. The program evaluates and determines the water surface elevation that results from the vertical and horizontal design of the proposed storm drain. Line B-1 The Line B-1 improvements for Tract 16290-2 include the design of storm drain laterals and two 28 feet long catch basins that are an extension of the proposed Line B-1 storm drain within Coyote Canyon. The majority of the Line B-1 Storm Drain has been designed and is included in the Line B Storm Drain Infrastructure Plans, which is the major drainage system that collects the offsite runoff north of Tract 16290-2. The Line B-1 catch basins will intercept the northwesterly portion of Tract 16290-2. Exhibit G "Drainage Facilities Map" illustrates the proposed horizontal layout for Line B-1. Lateral B -IC Lateral B -IC is a storm drain system approximately 200 feet in length and collects runoff from the northeasterly portion of Tract 16290-2. The storm drain system will consist of a 24 -inch RCP storm drain that discharges into Line B-1. The storm drain will intercept runoff with two proposed catch basins. The catch basins will be 28 feet in length and intercept a total of 26.4 ft3/S for the 100 -year storm event. Line B-2 Line B-2 is a storm drain system approximately 270 feet in length and collects runoff from the southerly 80% of Tract 16290-2. The storm drain system will consist of a 36 -inch RCP storm drain that discharges into Line B. The storni drain will intercept runoff with the proposed catch basins and connector pipes. The intercept flow rate conveyed by Line B-2 is approximately 67.2 ft3/S for the I 00 -year storm event. Lateral B -2A Lateral B -2A is a storm drain system approximately 800 feet in length and collects runoff from the south westerly portion of Tract 16290-2. The storm drain system will consist of a 24 -inch RCP storm drain that discharges into Line B-2. The storm drain 3 V:\52641\Tr-16290-2\Engineering\Hydrology_Plan\Reports�HYDRAULIC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doe AEI-CASC ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC STUDY FOR TRACT 16290-2 COYOTECANYON will intercept runoff with three proposed catch basins and an upstream inlet structure. The intercept flow rate of 28.3 ft3/S for the I 00 -year storm event will be conveyed by Lateral B -2A to Line B-2. Overall, some minor flows from the Tract will bypass the proposed in -tract catch basins and drain into Coyote Canyon Road. Of these flows, Infrastructure Drainage improvements will intercept and convey them to Rich basin. With the exception of approximately 0.56 efs, which will bypass the Line "B" infrastructure system and proceed east along Coyote Canyon Road. It should be noted that this flow is minimal 0.9% of Line "B -l" flows. This small bypass will drain to the Coyote Canyon Line "C" infrastructure where it will have a negligible impact (0.4% of Line "C-3" flows). With the variables involved in hydrology and the timing of concentration differences, the any impacts will be insignificant. CONCLUSIONS Based on the final hydraulic analyses included in this report, the following conclusions shall be noted: 1. The proposed development peak flow rates will be mitigated by the existing regional basin known as Rich Basin as discussed in the Coyote Canyon MDP. Therefore, detention basin for Tract 16290-2 will not be required. 2. The storm drain systems identified in this report shall be designed as part of the storm drain improvement plans for Tract 16290-2, to provide adequate flood protection. REFERENCES Reference I Coyote Canyon Master Drainage Plan, AEI-CASC Engineering, April 25, 2002 Reference 2 San Bernardino County Flood Control District Hydrology Manual, August 1986 Reference 3 City of Fontana Standards and Specification, 1975 Reference 4 Drainage Analysis for Coyote Canyon Infrastructure Improvements, May 17, 2004 V,.\52641\Tr-16290-2\Enginecring\Hydrology_Plan\Rcports\IiYDRAULIC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doc AEI-CASC ENGINEERING APPENDIX A: 16290-2 RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 100 - YEAR OAword pTocessing\job related\526 - Centex\52641 - Tract 16290-1, -2 & F\Reports and Studies\HYDRAULIC STUDY REPORT 16290-2.doc APPENDDC A. 1: AREA A (USER DEFINE) San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 06/02/05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, (USER DEFINE), EXHIBIT A-1 FN: AO 0AIUD. RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 100-000 to Point/Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0-000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0-000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 668.000(Ft-) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1775.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1749.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 26.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.03967 s(%)= 3.97 TC = k(O-412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.595 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.528(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.783 Subarea runoff = 9.933(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 104.0.00 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1749.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1720.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 402.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 12.003(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.394(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.848(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12-846(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.85(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.98 min. TC 11.57 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.295(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.777 Subarea runoff 4.083(CFS) for 1.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 14.016(CFS) Effective area this stream = 4.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 4.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 14.016(CPS) Half street flow at end of street = 14.016(CPS) Depth of flow = 0.410(Ft.), Average velocity = 7.109(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 13.672(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 4.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 14.016(CFS) Time of concentration 11.57 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.295(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 858.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1772.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1720.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 51.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.06037 s(%)= 6.04 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.768 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.485(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.782 Subarea runoff = 7-718(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 7.718(CFS) Time of concentration 10.77 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.485(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Pm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 260.000(Ft.). Top (of initial area) elevation = 1727.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1720.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 6.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.02462 s(%)= 2.46 TC = k(0.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 7.992 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.363(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.802 Subarea runoff = 0.860(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station . 116.000 to Point/Station 104-000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 0.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.860(CFS) Time of concentration 7.99 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.363(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (AC.) (CFS) 1 14.02 2 7.72 3 0.86 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 0.951 * 0.776 * Qmax (2) = 1.051 * 1.000 * 0.816 * Qmax (3) = 1.288 * 1.225 * 1.000 * 4.200 2.200 0.200 TC Fm (min) (In/Hr) 11.57 0.587 10.77 0.587 7-99 0.587 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 4.295 4.485 5.363 1.000 * 14.016) + 1.000 * 7.718) + 1.000 * 0.860) + 22.025 0.930 * 14.016) + 1.000 * 7.718) + 1.000 * 0.860) + 22.128 0.691 * 14.016) + 0.742 * 7.718) + 1.000 * 0.860) + 20.346 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 14.016 7.718 0.860 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 22.025 22.128 20.346 Area of streams before confluence: 4.200 2.200 0.200 Effective area values after confluence: 6.600 6.308 4.733 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 22.128(CFS) time of concentration = 10.768 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6-308(Ac-) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.587(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 6.60(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 104-000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1720.700(Ft.) ,End of street segment elevation = 1714.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 317.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 22.172(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.571(Ft-), Average velocity = 4.493(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property 3.53(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 21-696(Ft.) Flow velocity 4.49(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.18 min. TC 11.94 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 21.899(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 22.128(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 4.214(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.775 Subarea runoff 0.000(CFS) for 0.400(Ac-) Total runoff = 22.128(CFS) Effective area this stream = 6.71(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 7.00(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 22.128(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 22.128(CFS) Depth of flow 0.570(Ft.), Average velocity 4.492(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property 3-51(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 21.680(Ft-) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 24.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No- of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 22.128(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 22.128(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 15.61(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 22.89(In.) Critical Depth = 20.16(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.22(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.98 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 124-000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area 6.708(Ac.) Runoff fromthis stream 22.128(CFS) Time of concentration 11.98 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.206(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL.(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 528.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1726.600(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1714.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 11.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.02254 s(%)= 2.25 TC = k(0.412)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration 10.799 min. Rainfall intensity 4.477(ln/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.782 Subarea runoff = 5.252(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Stati6n 106.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.700(Ft-) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 45.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 5.252(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 5.252(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 12.23(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 11.63(In.) Critical Depth = 11.14(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.90(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe.= 0.15 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.95 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.252(CFS) Time of concentration 10.95 min - Rainfall intensity = 4.439(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0-6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (Ac.) (CFS) 1 22.13 2 5.25 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 0.939 * Qmax (2) = 1. 064 * 1. 000 * 6.708 1.500 TC Fm (min) (In/Hr) 11.98 0.587 10.95 0.587 1.000 * 22.128) + 1.000 * 5.252) + 0.914 * 22.128) + 1.000 * 5.252) + Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 4.206 4.439 27.062 26.780 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 23.128 6.252 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 27.062 26.780 Area of streams before confluence: 6.708 1.500 Effective area values after confluence: 8.208 7.630 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 27-062(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.983 min. Effective stream area after confluence 8.208(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.600 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area total = 8.21(Ac.) End of computations, Total Study Area = 8.50 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by c6nfluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX A.2: AREA A . San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/23/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA A, EXHIBIT A-1 FN:AOOA1.RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 107.300 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 309.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1776.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1760.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 15.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.04919 s(%)= 4.92 TC = k(O.412)*[(length A 3)/(elevation change) ]A0 .2 Initial area time of concentration = 7.456 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.591(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.806 Subarea runoff = 4.054(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 107.300 CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.900(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.054(CFS) Time of concentration 7.46 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.591(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107-100 to Point/Station 107.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 50.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.810(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 562.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1834.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1761.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 72.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.12918 s(%)= 12-92 TC = k(O.706)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.380 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.937(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.715 Subarea runoff = 3.659(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 1.000 Initial area Fm value 0.810(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.200 to Point/Station 107.300 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1761.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1760.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 162.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0-013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 3.659(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 3.659(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 10.21(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 13.99(In.) Critical Depth = 9.27(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.12(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.66 min. Time of concentration (TC) 14.04 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.200 to Point/Station CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.300(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 3.659(CPS) Time of concentration 14.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.825(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.8095(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (Ac.) (CFS) 1 4.05 2 3.66 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 1.586 * Qmax (2) = 0. 647 * 1.000 * 0.900 1.300 TC Fm (min) (In/Hr) 7.46 0.587 14.04 0.810 1.000 * 4.054) + 0.531 * 3.659) + 1.000 * 4.054) + 1.000 * 3.659) + Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 107.300 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 5.591 3.825 7.135 6.282 4.054 3.659 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 7.135 6.282 Area of streams before confluence: 0.900 1.300 Effective area values after confluence: 1.591 2.200 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 7.135(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.456 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1-591(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.836 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.718(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 2.20(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.300 to Point/Station 108.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1760.900(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 448.000(Ft-) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0-0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.860(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.369(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.771(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.635(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.77(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.10 min. TC 8.56 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 5.147(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area, (total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.786 Subarea runoff 5.361(CFS) for 1.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 12.496(CFS) Effective area this stream = 3.09(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 3.70(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.654(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 12.496(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 12.496(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.393(Ft-), Average velocity = 7.166(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.811(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.300 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS'**** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 3.091(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 12.496(CFS) Time of concentration 8.56 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.147(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6545(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.7216 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL0 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 406.000(Ft-) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1736.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 10.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.02562 s(%)= 2.56 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(length^3)/(elevation change) ]A0 .2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.476 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.842(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.791 Subarea runoff = 3.447(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0-600 Initial area Fm value 0-587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.900(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.447(CFS) Time of concentration 9.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 4-842(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 394.000(Ft.) - Top (of initial area) elevation = 1737.000(Pt.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 11.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.02792 s(%)= 2.79 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.203 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.928(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.793 Subarea runoff = 4.298(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.100(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 108-000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 1.100(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.298(CPS) Time of concentration 9.20 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.928(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 12.50 4.926 5.091 5.065 3.091 8.56 0.654 5.147 2 3.45 0.900 9-48 0.587 4.842 3 4.30 1.100 9.20 0.587 4.928 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 12.496) + 1.072 * 0.903 * 3.447) + 1.051 * 0.930 * 4.298) + = 20.032 Qmax(2) =- 0.932 * 1.000 * 12.496) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 3.447) + 0.980 * 1.000 * 4.298) + = 19.308 Qmax(3) = 0.951 * 1.000 * 12.496) + 1.020 * 0.971 * 3.447) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 4.298) + = 19.599 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 12.496 3.447 4.298 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 20.032 19.308 19.599 Area of streams before confluence: 3.091 0.900 1.100 Effective area values after confluence: 4.926 5.091 5.065 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 20.032(CFS) Time of concentration = 8.559 min. Effective stream area after confluence 4.926(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.674 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.628(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 5.09(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1717.600(Ft.) Length of street segment = 155.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 20.057(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.469(Ft.), Average velocity = 7.007(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 16-614(Ft-) Flow velocity 7.01(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.37 min. TC 8.93 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0-6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0. 587 (In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 19.867(CFS). therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 20.032(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 5.019(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.788 Subarea runoff 0.000(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 20.032(CFS) Effective area this stream = 5.03(Ac.-) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 5-80(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.627(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 20.032(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 20.032(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.469(Ft.), Average velocity = 7-004(Pt/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 16.606(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 5.026(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 20.032(CFS) Time of concentration 8.93 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.019(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6270(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6724 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117-000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 133.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1718.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1717.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 0.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.00376 s(%)= 0.38 TC = k(0.412)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change)]�0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.900 min - Rainfall intensity = 5.028(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.795 Subarea runoff = 1.199(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117-000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.300(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.199(CFS) Time of concentration 8.90 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.028(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 20.03 5.026 8.93 0.627 5.019 2 1.20 0.300 8.90 0.587 5.028 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 20.032) + 0.998 * 1.000 * 1.199) + = 21.228 Qmax(2) = 1.002 * 0.997 * 20.032) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.199) + = 21.212 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 20.032 1.199 maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 21.228 21.212 Area of streams before confluence: fraction soil 5.026 0.300 A = 1.000 Effective area values after confluence: soil 5.326 5.311 B = 0.000 Results of confluence: fraction soil Total flow rate = 21.228(CFS) C = 0.000 Time of concentration = 8.927 min. soil Effective stream area after confluence 5.326(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.668 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.625(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 5.33(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1713.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1712.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 35-OO(Ft-) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 21.228(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 21.228(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 20.16(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 23.49(In.) Critical Depth = 19.34(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.67(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = '0-09 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.01 min. ................................................................ ...... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 119-000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: I Stream flow area = 5.326(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 21.228(CFS) Time of concentration 9.01 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.989(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6247(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0-6683 Program is now starting with main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 594-OOO(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1772.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 46.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.07828 s(%)= 7.83 TC = k(0.412)*[(length^3)/(eleva.tion change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.824 min. Rainfall intensity = 5-054(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.796 Subarea runoff = 8.443(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.100(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 112-000 to Point/Station 115.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1718.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 155.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.500(Ft-) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In-) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 8.527(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.380(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.400(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.151(Ft.) Flow velocity 5.40(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.48 min. TC 9.30 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.896(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.792 Subarea runoff 0.090(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 8.533(CFS) Effective area this stream =. 2.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 8.30(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 8.533(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 8.533(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.380(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.401(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.154(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115-000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1713.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1712.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 25.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 8.533(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 8.533(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 9.59(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 14.41(In.) Critical Depth = 13.65(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10.30(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.34 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac-) Runoff from this stream 8.533(CFS) Time of concentration 9.34 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.883(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(in/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac-) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 21.23 5.326 9.01 0.625 4.989 2 8-53 2.200 9.34 0.587 4.883 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 21.228) + 1.025 * 0.965 * 8.533) + = 29.664 Qmax (2) = 0.976 * 1.000 * 21.228) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 8.533) + = 29.246 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 22.228 9.533 maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 29.664 29.246 Area of streams before confluence: 5.326 2.200 Effective area values after confluence: 7.449 7.526 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 29.664(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.015 min. Effective stream area after confluence 7.449(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.648 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.614(In/Hr) Study area total = 7.53(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1712-900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 295.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 29.664(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 29.664(CFS) Normal flow depth in -pipe 20.67(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 22.87(In.) Critical Depth = 22.65(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.07(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.54 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.56 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 7.449(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 29.664(CFS) Time of concentration 9.56 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.818(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6136(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6483 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 240.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1715.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.200(Ft.) Slope = 0-00917 s(%)= 0.92 TC = k(O.412)*[(Iength A 3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.431 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.856(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.791 Subarea runoff = 1.537(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0-400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1710.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow 1.537(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 1-537(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 4.17(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.98(In.) Critical Depth = 6.85(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.68(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.47 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.400(Ac.)* Runoff from this stream 1.537(CFS) Time of concentration 9.47 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.843(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (Ac.) (CFS) 29.66 7.449 TC Fm Rainfall Intensity (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 9.56 0.614 4.818 2 1.54 0.400 9,47 0.587 4.843 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 29.664) + 0.994 * 1.000 * 1.537) + = 31.192 Qmax(2) = 1.006 * 0.991 * 29.664) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.537) + = 31-121 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 30.664 2.537 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 31.192 31.121 Area of streams before confluence: 7.449 0.400 Effective area values after confluence: 7.849 7.785 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 31.192(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.557 min. Effective stream area after confluence 7.849(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.646 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.612(In/Hr) Study area total = 7.85(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 193.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 31.192(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 30-OO(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 31.192(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 19.69(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 28.50(In.) Critical Depth = 22.83(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.14(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0-35 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.91 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 123-000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 7.849(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 31.192(CFS) Time of concentration 9.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.714(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6122(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio.(Ap) = 0.6459 Program is now starting with Main Stream No- 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1-000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0-000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) 32.00 Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.224(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 11.90 min. Rain intensity = 4.22(In/Hr) Total area this stream = 8.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) 17.20(Ac.) Total runoff = 27.10(CFS) ...................................................................... Process from-Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 56.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 27.100(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 27.100(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 15.26(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 23.10(In.) Critical Depth 21.73(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 12.87(Pt/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.07 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.97 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 8.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 27.100(CFS) Time of concentration 11.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.208(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 31.19 7.849 9.91 0.612 4.714 2 27-10 8.500 11.97 0.587 4.208 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 31.192) + 1.140 * 0.828 * 27.100) + = 56-754 Qmax(2) = 0.877 * 1.000 * 31.192) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 27.100) + = 54.445 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 32.192 28.100 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 56.754 54.445 Area of streams before confluence: 7.849 8.500 Effective area values after confluence: 14.884 16.349 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 56.754(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.909 min. Effective stream area after confluence 14.884(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.622 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.599(In/Hr) Study area total = 16.35(Ac-) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 123.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 26.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 56.754(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 56.754(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 16.13(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 17.73(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 28.62(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.92 min- ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 123.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area 14.884(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 56.754(CFS) Time of concentration 9.92 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.710(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5990(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0-6220 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 131.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.098(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 451.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1709.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 8.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.01818 s(%)= 1.82 TC = k(0.304)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 initial area time of concentration = 7.809 min. Rainfall intensity = � 5.438(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.884 Subarea runoff = 1.922(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.100 Initial area Fm value 0.098(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 131.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1704.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 55.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 1.922(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 1.922(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 6.12(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 12.00(In.) Critical Depth = 7-10(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.78(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.19 min. Time of concentration (TC) 8.00 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 131.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area 0.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.922(CFS) Time of concentration 8.00 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.359(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.0978(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.1000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 56.75 14.884 9.92 0.599 4.710 2 1.92 0.400 8.00 0.098 5.359 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 56.754) + 0.877 * 1.000 * 1.922) + = 58.439 Qmax(2) = 1.158 * 0.806 * 56.754) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.922) + = 54.912 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 57.754 2.922 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 58.439 54.912 Area of streams before confluence: 14.884 0.400 Effective area values after confluence: 15.284 12.400 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 58.439(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.924 min. Effective stream area'after confluence 15.284(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.608 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.586(In/Hr) Study area total = 15.28(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 127.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1704.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 58.439(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 39.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 58.439(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 31.98(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 29.97(In.) Critical Depth = 29.28(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.02(Ft/s) travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 9.97 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 127-000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: I Stream flow area = 15.284(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 58-439(CFS) Time of concentration 9.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.698(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5858(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6084 Program is now starting with main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 125.000 to Point/Station 126.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0-587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 132.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1715.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1710.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4-800(Ft.) Slope = 0.03636 s(%)= 3.64 TC = k(0.4l2)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.636 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.613(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.820 Subarea runoff = 2.712(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1705.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.712(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 2.712(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 4.83(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.98(In.) Critical Depth = 8-47(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 11.24(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0-03 min. Time of concentration (TC) 5.67 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.712(CFS) Time of concentration 5.67 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.592(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 58.44 15.284 9.97 0.586 4.698 2 2.71 0.500 5.67 0.587 6.592 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 58.439) + 0.685 * 1.000 * 2.712) + = 60.295 Qmax(2) = 1.461 * 0.569 * 58.439) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.712) + = 51.245 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 59.439 3.712 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 60.295 51.245 Area of streams before confluence: 15.284 0.500 Effective area values after confluence: 15.784 9.190 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 60.295(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.965 min. Effective stream area after confluence 15.784(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.608 Study area averagesoil loss rate(Fm) 0.586(In/Hr) Study area total = 15.78(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 128.000 to Point/Station 129.000 ,**** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1704.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1703.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 34.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 60.295(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 39.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 60.295(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 30.42(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 32.31(In.) Critical Depth = 29.71(In-) Pipe flow velocity = .8.69(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.07 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.03 min. End of computations, Total Study Area 18-10 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.618 Area averaged SCS curve number = 33.3 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/31/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA B, EXHIBIT A-1 FN:BOOA1.RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ---------------------------------------------------------- ********* Hydrology Study Control Information Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117.000 to Point/Station 118.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 274.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1718.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1715.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.00876 s(%)= 0.88 TC = k(0-4l2)*[(length^3)/(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.035 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.679(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.787 Subarea runoff = 2.210(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 0.60 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32-0 APPENDIX A.4: AREA C San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/31/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA C, EXHIBIT A-1 FN:COOA1.RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 129.000 to Point/Station 132.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 370.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1718.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1714.800(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00865 s(%)= 0.86 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 11.345 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.346(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.779 Subarea runoff = 1.354(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 0.40 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0-600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDDC A.5: AREA D San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/24/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA D, EXHIBIT A-2 FN:DOOA2-RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100-00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 301.000 to Point/Station 302.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0-000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 585.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1707.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1684.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 22.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.03897 s(%)= 3.90 TC = k(O.412)*Hlength�3Melevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.083 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.665(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.787 Subarea runoff = 5.139(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 1.40 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX A.6: AREA E San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/24/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA E, EXHIBIT A-2 FN:EOOA2.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 400.000 to Point/Station 401.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 870.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1684.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 33.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.03839 s(%)= 3.84 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 11.854 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.233(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.775 Subarea runoff = 9.190(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 2.80 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences. in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX A.7: AREA F San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date -.August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 12/03/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 100 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA F, EXHIBIT A-2 FN:FOOA2.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRI-8 Builders - SIN 615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 100.00 1 hour rainfall 1.600 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 703.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 35.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.05064 s( -W)= 5.06 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(lenqth'3)/(elevation change)]'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.299 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.606(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 9.767(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.700(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.785 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1647.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 376.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = G.O(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 12.300(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.400(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.712(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 13.153(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.71(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.93 min. TC 11.23 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max ' loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.373(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.779 Subarea runoff 4.202(CFS) for 1.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 13.970(CFS) Effective area this stream = 4.10(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 4.10(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 13.970(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 13.970(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.413(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.922(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 13.841(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1642.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 129.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 13.970(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 13.970(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 13.80(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 19.93(In.) Critical Depth 16.67(In.) Pipe flow velocity 8.34(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.26 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.49 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Effective stream flow area 4.100(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 4.100(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 13.970(CFS) Time of concentration 11.49 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.313(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIALD - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 650.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 35.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.05477 s(%)= 5.48 TC = k(O.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change))^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.826 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.738(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.789 Subarea runoff = 6.725(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SU13AREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1646.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 424.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break -= 18.500(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.714(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.379(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.178(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.124(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.18(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.14 min. TC 10.97 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.435(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.781 Subarea runoff 5.051(CFS) for 1.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 11.776(CFS) Effective area this stream = 3.40(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 3.40(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 11.776(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.776(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.399(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.470(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 13.106(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 3.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 11.776(CFS) Time of concentration 10.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.435(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group.B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 607.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1651.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1646.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.00824 s(%)= 0.82 TC = k(O.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.964 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.837(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.762 Subarea runoff = 4.681(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.681(CFS) Time of concentration 13.96 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.837(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 11.776 10.97 4.435 2 4.681 13.96 3.837 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 11.776) + 1.184 * 0.786 * 4.681) + = 16.129 Qmax(2) = 0.845 * 1.000 * 11.776) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 4.681) + = 14.627 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.776 4.681 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 16.129 14.627 Area of streams before confluence: 3.400 1.600 Effective area values after confluence: 4.657 5.000 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 16.129(CPS) Time of concentration = 10.969 min. Effective stream area after confluence 4.657(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 5.00(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1641.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 57.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 16.129(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 16.129(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 17.02(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 21.80(In.) Critical Depth = 17.38(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.77(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.14 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.11 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Effective stream flow area 4.657(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 5.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 16.129(CPS) Time of concentration 11.11 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.401(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 13.970 2 16.129 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 0.977 * Qmax (2) 11.49 11.11 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 4.313 4.401 1.000 * 13.970) + 1.000 * 16.129) + 1.024 * 0.967 * 13.970) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 16.129) + Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 14.970 17.129 29.727 29.955 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 29.727 29.955 Effective Area of streams before confluence: 4.100 4.657 Effective area values after confluence: 8.757 8.621 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 29.955(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.110 min. Effective stream area after confluence 8.621(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.587(In/Hr) Steam effective area = 8.76(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 48.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 29.955(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 29.955(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 13.76(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 15.28(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 20.68(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.15 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: I Effective stream flow area 8.621(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 5.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 29.955(CFS) Time of concentration 11.15 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.392(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 109.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 322.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1655.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1652.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.01056 s(%)= 1.06 TC = k(O.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.311 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.603(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.785 Subarea runoff = 2.892(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1647.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1643.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 129.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.892(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 2.892(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 5.77(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 11.99(In.) Critical Depth = 8.75(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.75(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.28 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.59 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.800(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.892(CFS) Time of concentration 10.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.530(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 739.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1705.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1658.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 47.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.06414 s(%)= 6.41 TC = k(0.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.021 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.682(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 8.109(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.787 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1653.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1643.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 28.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 8.109(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 8.109(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 6.16(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.37(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 25.18(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.04 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.109(CFS) Time of concentration 10.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.677(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.60oo Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 2.892 10.59 4.530 2 8.109 10.04 4.677 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.892) + 0.964 * 1.000 * 8.109) + = 10.709 Qmax(2) = 1.037 * 0.948 * 2.892) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 8.109) + = 10.953 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.892 8.109 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 10.709 10.953 Area of streams before confluence: 0.800 2.200 Effective area values after confluence: 3.000 2.959 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 10.953(CPS) Time of concentration = 10.040 min. Effective stream area after confluence 2.959(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 3.00(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1643.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1641.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 129.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 10.953(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 10.953(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 12.81(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 20.49(In.) Critical Depth = 14.80(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.13(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.30 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.34 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 2.959(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 10.953(CFS) Time of concentration 10.34 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.595(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 113.000 to Point/Station 114.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 528.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1682.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 35.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.06723 s(%)= 6.72 TC = k(O.412)*[(lengthA3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.678 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.104(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.797 Subarea runoff = 6.099(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 114.000 to Point/Station 115.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1682.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1647.900(Ft.) Length of street segment = 457.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.555(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.368(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.641(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.560(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.64(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.15 min. TC 9.83 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.738(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.789 Subarea runoff 5.857(CFS) for 1.700(Ac.) Total runoff = 11.956(CFS) Effective area this stream = 3.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 6.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 11.956(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 11.956(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.390(Ft.), Average velocity = 7.007(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.665(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1642.900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1641.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 15.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 11.956(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 11.956(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 9.11(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 14.65(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 15.35(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.84 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 3.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 11.956(CFS) Time of concentration 9.84 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.733(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 10.953 10.34 4.595 2 11.956 9.84 4.733 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 10.953) + 0.967 * 1.000 * 11.956) + = 22.509 Qmax(2) = 1.035 * 0.952 * 10.953) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 11.956) + = 22.740 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 10.953 11.956 maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 22.509 22.740 Area of streams before confluence: 2.959 3.200 Effective area values after confluence: 6.159 6.015 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 22.740(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.841 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.015(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 6.16(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1641.800(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1637.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 420.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 22.740(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 22.740(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 19.78(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 18.27(In.) Critical Depth = 20.38(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.21(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.85 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.69 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 6.015(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 22.740(CPS) Time of concentration 10.69 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.503(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117.000 to Point/Station 118.DOO **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 655.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1659.800(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1644.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 15.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.02412 s(%)= 2.41 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 11.612 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.286(In/Hr) for a 100. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 8.324(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(ln/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.777 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1639.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1637.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 29.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 8.324(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 8.324(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 8.26(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 14.92(In.) Critical Depth = 13.56(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 12.02(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.65 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.324(CFS) Time of concentration 11.65 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.277(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CPS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 22.740 10.69 4.503 2 8.324 11.65 4.277 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 22.740) + 1.061 * 0.918 * 8.324) + = 30.847 Qmax(2) = 0.942 * 1.000 * 22.740) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 8.324) + = 29.752 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 22.740 8.324 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 30.847 29.752 Area of streams before confluence: 6.015 2.500 Effective area values after confluence: 8.310 8.515 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 30.847(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.694 min. Effective stream area after confluence 8.310(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 8.52(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1637.600(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Pt.) Pipe length = 143.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 30.847(CPS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 30.847(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 22.31(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 20.45(In.) Critical Depth = 23.01(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.78(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.27 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.97 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Effective stream flow area 8.310(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 8.700(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 30.847(CFS) Time of concentration 10.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.436(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 286.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1649.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1645.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.01259 s(%)= 1.26 TC = k(0.412)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change)]'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.494 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.837(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.791 Subarea runoff = 7.267(CPS) Total initial stream area = 1.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 17.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 7.267(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 7.267(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 6.40(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.16(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 21.64(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.01 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.51 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Effective stream flow area = 1.900(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 1.900(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 7.267(CFS) Time of concentration 9.51 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.833(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 2 3 Qmax (1) Qmax (2) 29.955 30.847 7.267 1.000 * 0.989 * 0.896 * 1.012 * 1.000 * 0.907 * 11.15 10.97 9.51 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 4.392 4.436 4.833 1.000 * 29.955) + 1.000 * 30.847) + 1.000 * 7.267) + = 66.966 0.984 * 29.955) + 1.000 * 30.847) + 1.000 * 7.267) + = 67.239 Qmax (3) = 1.116 * 0.853 * 29.955) + 1.103 * 0.867 * 30.847) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 7.267) + 65.269 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 30.955 31.847 8.267 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 66.966 67.239 65.269 Effective Area of streams before confluence: 8.621 8.310 1.900 Effective area values after confluence: 16.831 18.690 16.457 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 67.239(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.966 min. Effective stream area after confluence 18.690(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.587(In/Hr) Steam effective area = 18.83(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1634.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 150.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 67.239(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 36.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 67.239(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 26.58(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 31.65(In.) Critical Depth = 31.42(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 12.01(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.21 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.17 min. End of computations, Total Study Area 19.70 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX B. 1: AREA A (USER DEFINE) San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 06/02/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, (USER DEFINE), EXHIBIT A-1 FN:A25AlUD.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 668.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1775.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1749.200(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 26-500(Ft.) Slope = 0.03967 s(%)= 3.97 TC = k(O.412)*[(length A 3)/(elevation change) ]A0 .2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.595 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.679(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.756 Subarea runoff = 7.793(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) t ..................................................................... Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1749.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1720-700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 402-OOO(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.411(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.369(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.461(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.637(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.46(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.04 min. TC 11.63 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group 13 = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.479(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.748 Subarea runoff 3.139(CFS) for 1.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.932(CFS) Effective area this stream = 4.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 4.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 10.932(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 10.932(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.384(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.696(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.370(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 4.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 10.932(CFS) Time of concentration 11.63 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.479(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 858.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1772.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1720.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation 51.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.06037 s(%)= 6.04 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]1�0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.768 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.644(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.755 Subarea runoff 6.053(CFS) Total initial stream area 2.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.053(CFS) Time of concentration 10.77 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.644(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 260.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1727.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1720-700jFt.) Difference in elevation = 6.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.02462 s(%)= 2.46 TC = k(O.412)*Hlength�3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 7.992 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.358(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.779 Subarea runoff = 0.679(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 0.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.679(CFS) Time of concentration 7.99 min. Rainfall intensity 4.358(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 10.93 4.200 11.63 0.587 3.479 2 6.05 2.200 10.77 0.587 3.644 3 �0.68 0.200 7.99 0.587 4.358 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 10.932) + 0.946 * 1.000 * 6.053) + 0.767 * 1.000 * 0.679) + = 17.179 Qmax(2) = 1.057 * 0.926 * 10.932) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.053) + 0.811 * 1.000 * 0.679) + = 17.301 Qmax(3) = 1.304 * 0.687 * 10.932) + 1.233 * 0.742 * 6.053) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.679) + = 16-013 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 10.932 6.053 0.679 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 17.179 17.301 16.013 Area of streams before confluence: 4.200 2.200 0.200 Effective area values after confluence: 6.600 6.288 4.718 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 17.301(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.768 min. Effective stream area after c,onfluence = 6.288(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Study area*average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.587(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 6.60(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1720.700(Ft.) .End of street segment elevation = 1714.800(Ft.) Length of street segment = 317.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2-000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 17.335(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.529(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.372(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property 1.43(Ft.) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 19.600(Ft.) Flow velocity 4.37(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.21 min. TC 11.98 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group'A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for 5oil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0-587(In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 17.045(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q 17.301(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 3.419(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.746 Subarea runoff 0.000(CFS) for 0.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 17.301(CFS) Effective area this stream = 6.69(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 7.00(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 17.301(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 17.301(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.528(Ft.), Average velocity.= 4.372(Ft/s) Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb Distance that curb overflow reaches into property 1.42(Ft.) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 19.583(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft-) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.400(Ft.) Pipe length = 24.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 17.301(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 17.301(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 14.81(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 19.15(In.) Critical Depth = 18.26(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.54(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 12.02 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.688(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 17.301(CFS) Time of concentration 12.02 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.411(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0-000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(InAir) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 528.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1726.600(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1714.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 11.900(Ft.) Slope = 0.02254 s(%)= 2.25 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change) ]A0 .2 Initial area time of concentration 10.799 min. Rainfall intensity 3.638(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient.used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.755 Subarea runoff = 4.119(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.500(Ac-) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709-400(Ft.) Pipe length = 45.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 4.119(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 4.119(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 9.97(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 14.16(In.) Critical Depth = 9.86(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.75(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.16 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.96 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.119(CFS) Time of concentration 10.96 min. Rainfall intensity 3.606(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (Ac.) (CFS) 1 17.30 2 4.12 Qmax (1) = 1. 000 * 0.936 * Qmax (2) = 1. 069 * 1.000 * 6.688 1.500 TC FM (min) (In/Hr) 12.02 0.587 10.96 0.587 1.000 * 17.301) + 1.000 * 4.119) + 0.912 * 17.301) + 1.000 * 4.119) + Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.411 3.606 21.154 20.978 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 18.301 5.119 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 21.154 20.978 Area of streams before confluence: 6.688 1.500 Effective area values after confluence: 8.188 7.597 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 21.154(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.018 min. Effective stream area after confluence 8.188(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.600 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area total = 8.19(Ac.) End of computations, Total Study Area = 8.50 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX B.2: AREA A San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/29/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA A, EXHIBIT A-1 FN:A25AI.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 107.300 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 309.000(Ft-) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1776.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1760.900(Ft.) Difference in elevation 15.200(Ft.) Slope 0.04919 s(%)= 4.92 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 7.456 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.543(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.784 Subarea runoff = 3.205(CPS) Total initial stream area = 0.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 107.300 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number I Stream flow area = 0.900(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.205(CFS) Time of concentration 7.46 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.543(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.100 to Point/Station 107.200 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 50.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.810(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 562.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1834.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1761.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 72.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.12918 s(%)= 12.92 TC = k(O.706)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.380 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.199(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.672 Subarea runoff = 2.795(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 1.000 Initial area Fm value 0.810(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.200 to Point/Station 107.300 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1761.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1760.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 162.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 2.795(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 2.795(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 8.51(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 14.86(In.) Critical Depth 8.05(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 3.89(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0-69 min. Time of concentration (TC) 14.07 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station . 107.200 to Point/Station 107.300 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.300(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.795(CFS) Time of concentration 14.07 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.103(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.8095(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 3.20 0.900 7.46 0.587 4.543 2 2.80 1.300 14.07 0.810 3.103 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 3.205) + 1.628 * 0-530 * 2.795) + = 5.615 Qmax(2) = 0.636 * 1.000 * 3.205) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.795) + = 4.833 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 3.205 2-795 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 5.615 4.833 Area of streams before confluence: 0.900 1.300 Effective area values after confluence: 1.589 2.200 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.615(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.456 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1.589(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.836 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.718(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 2.20(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.300 to Point/Station 108.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1760.900(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 448.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6-0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 7.722(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.347(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.391(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 10.516(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.39(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.17 min. TC 8.62 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 4.163(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.759 Subarea runoff 4.138(CFS) for 1.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.753(CFS) Effective area this stream = 3.09(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) 3.70(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value 0.654(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street 9.753(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 9.753(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.368(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.754(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.583(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.300 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 3.089(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 9.753(CFS) Time of concentration 8.62 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.163(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6544(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.7216 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 +Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 406.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1736.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 10.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.02562 s(%)= 2.56 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.476 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.934(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.766 Subarea runoff = 2.712(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.900(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.712(CFS) Time of concentration 9.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.934(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 394.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1737.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 11.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.02792 s(%)= 2.79 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.203 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.004(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.768 Subarea runoff = 3.383(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.100(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 108.*000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 1.100(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.383(CFS) Time of concentration 9.20 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.004(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 9.75 3.089 8.62 0.654 4.163 2 2.71 0.900 9.48 0.587 3.934 3 3.38 1.100 9.20 0.587 4.004 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 9.753) + 1.068 * 0.910 * 2.712) + 1.047 * 0-937 * 3.383) + = 15.708 Qmax(2) = 0.935 * 1.000 * 9.753) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.712) + 0.980 * i.000 * 3.383) + = 15.143 Qmax(3) = 0.955 * 1.000 * 9.753) + 1.021 * 0.971 * 2.712) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 3.383) + = 15.382 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.753 2.712 3.383 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 15.708 15.143 15.382 Area of streams before confluence: 3.089 0.900 1.100 Effective area values after confluence: 4.939 5.089 5.063 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 15.708(CFS) Time of concentration = 8.624 min. Effective stream area after confluence 4.939(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.674 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.628(in/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 5.09(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1726.000(Ft..) End of street segment elevation = 1717.600(Ft.) Length of street segment = . 155.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0-020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In-) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 15.747(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.439(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.605(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics.at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 15.105(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.60(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.39 min. TC 9.02 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 15.539(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 15.708(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 4.054(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.761 Subarea runoff 0.000(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 15.708(CFS) Effective area this stream = 5.04(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 5.80(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.627(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 15.708(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 15.708(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.438(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.601(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 15.090(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: I in normal stream number I Stream flow area = 5.039(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 15.708(CFS) Time of concentration 9.02 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.054(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6270(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6723 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 133.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1718.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1717.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 0.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.00376 s(%)= 0.38 TC = k(0.412)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.900 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.085(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.771 Subarea runoff 0.945(CFS) Total initial stream area 0.300(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Alona Main Stream number: 1 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.300(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.945(CFS) Time of concentration 8.90 min. Rainfall intensity =' 4.085(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate No. (AC.) (CFS) 1 15.71 5.039 2 0.94 0.300 Qmax (1) = TC Fm (min) (In/Hr) 9.02 0.627 8190 0.587 1.000 * 1.000 * 15.708) + 0.991 * 1.000 * 0.945) + Qmax (2) = 1.009 * 0.987 * 15.708).+ 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.945) + Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 15.708 0.945 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 4.054 4.085 16.644 16.594 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 16.644 16.594 dwl/acre) Area of streams before confluence: Decimal fraction 5.039 0.300 group A = Effective area values after confluence: fraction 5.339 5-274 group B = Results of confluence: Decimal fraction Total flow rate = 16.644(CFS) group C = Time of concentration = 9.015 min. fraction Effective stream area after confluence 5.339(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.668 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.625(In/Hr) Study area total (this main stream) = 5-34(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from.Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 119.000 PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) Upstream point/station elevation = 1713.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1712.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 35.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 16.644(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 16.644(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 19.13(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 19.31(In.) Critical Depth 17.64(In.) Pipe flow velocity 6.20(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.09 min, Time of concentration (TC) 9.11 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 5.339(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 16.644(CFS) Time of concentration 9.11 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.028(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6247(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6683 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 594.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1772.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1726-OOO(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 46.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.07828 s(%)= 7.83 TC = k(O.412)*[(length A 3)/(elevation change) ]A0 .2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.824 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.106(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.771 Subarea runoff = 6.652(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.100(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 115.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1726.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1718.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 155.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 22.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 20.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1) side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In-) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.710(CPS) Depth of flow = 0.357(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.101(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.013(Ft.) Flow velocity 5.10(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.51 min. TC 9.33 min - Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.971(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.767 Subarea runoff 0.049(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff 6.701(CFS) Effective area this stream = . 2.20(AC-) Total Study Area (Main Stream No- 2) = 8.30(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 6.701(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 6.701(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.357(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.099(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.007(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1713.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1712.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 25.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 6.701(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 6.701(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 8.20(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 14.93(In.) Critical Depth = 12.48(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.77(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.37 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF 14AIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 6.701(CFS) Time of concentration 9.37 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.960(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC FM Rainfall Intensity No. (AC-) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 16.64 5.339 9.11 0.625 4.028 2 6.70 2.200 9.37 0.587 3.960 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 16.644) + 1.020 * 0.972 * 6.701) + = 23.288 Qmax(2) = 0.980 * 1.000 * 16.644) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.701) + = 23.010 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 17.644 7.701 maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 23.288 23.010 Area of streams before confluence: 5.339 2-200 Effective area values after confluence: 7.477 7.539 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 23.288(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.109 min. Effective stream area after confluence 7.477(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.648 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.614(In/Hr) Study area total = 7-54(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1712.900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 295.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 23.288(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 23.288(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 17.18(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 25.98(In.) Critical Depth = 20.27(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.72(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.56 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.67 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 7.477(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 23.288(CFS) Time of concentration 9.67 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.886(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6136(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6483 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0-6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 240.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft-) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1715.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.00917 s(%)= 0.92 TC = k(0.4l2)*[(length^3)/(e1evation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.431 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.946(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.766 Subarea runoff = 1.209(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1710.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No- of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 1.209(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 1.209(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 3.64(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.84(In.) Critical Depth = 6.07(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.21(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.05 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.48 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.209(CFS) Time of concentration 9.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.934(In/Hr). Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 23.29 7.477 9.67 0.614 3.886 2 1.21 0.400 9,48 0.587 3.934 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 23.288) + 0.986 * 1.000 * 1.209) + = 24-480 Qmax(2) = 1.015 * 0.980 * 23.288) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.209) + = 24.360 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 24.288 2.209 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 24.480 24.360 Area of streams before confluence: 7.477 0.400 Effective area values after confluence: 7.877 7.725 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 24.480(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.673 min. Effective stream area after confluence 7.877(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.646 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.612(In/Hr) Study area total = 7.88(Ac.) ....................................................................... Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1709.800(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Pipe length = 193.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 24.480(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 24.480(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 18.21(In-) Flow top width inside pipe 25.30(In.) Critical Depth = 20.76(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.58(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.37 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.05 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 7.877(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 24.480(CFS) Time of concentration 10.05 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.798(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.6122(In/Hri Area averaged Pervious ratio.(Ap) = 0.6459 Program is now starting with main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 124.000 **** USER DEFINED FLOW INFORMATION AT A POINT **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.432(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm User specified values are as follows: TC = 11.90 min. Rain intensity = 3.43(In/Hr) Total area this stream = 8.50(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) 17.20(Ac.) Total runoff = 27.10(CFS) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/stati6n elevation = 1709.400 (Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1707.900 (Ft.) Pipe length = 56.00(Ft.) manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 27.100(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 27.100(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 15.26(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 23.10(In.) Critical Depth = 21.73(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 12.87(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.07 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.97 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 8.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 27.100(CFS) Time of concentration 11.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.419(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 2� 1 24.48 7.877 10.05 0-612 3.798 2 27.10 8.500 11.97 0.587 3.419 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 24-480) + 1.134 * 0.839 * 27.100) + = 50.267 Qmax(2) = 0.881 * 1-.000 * 24.480) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 27.100) + = 48.667 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 25.480 28.100 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 50.267 48.667 Area of streams before confluence: 7.877 8.500 Effective area values after confluence: 15.010 16.377 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 50.267(CFS) Time of concentration = 10-048 min - Effective stream area after confluence 15.010(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.622 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0-599(In/Hr) Study area total = 16.38(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 123.000 to Point/Stdtion 127.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 26-OO(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 50.267(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 50.267(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 14.60(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 19.33(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 28.16(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.06 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 123.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 15.010(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 50-267(CFS) Time of concentration 10.06 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.795(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5990(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6221 Program is now starting with Main Stream No- 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 131.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** COMMERCIAL subarea type Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D, = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.1000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.098(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 451.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1709.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 8.200(Ft.) Slope = 0.01818 s(%)= 1.82 TC = k(0.304)*Hlength^3)/(elevation change) ]A0 -2 Initial area time of concentration = 7.809 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.418(in/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.880 Subarea runoff = 1.555(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.100 Initial area Fm value 0.098(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 131.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1704.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 55.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 1.555(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 1.555(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 6.68(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 7.87(In.) Critical Depth = 6.88(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.43(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.21 min. Time of concentration (TC) 8.02 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 131.000 to Point/Station 127.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.555(CFS) Time of concentration 8-02 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.350(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.0978(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) 0.1000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 50.27 15.010 10.06 0.599 3.795 2 1.56 0.400 8.02 0.098 4.350 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 50.267) + 0.870 * 1.000 * 1.555) + = 51.620 Qmax(2) = 1.174 * 0-797 * 50.267) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.555) + = 48.549 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 51.267 2.555 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 51.620 48.549 Area of streams before confluence: 15.010 0.400 Effective area values after confluence: 15.410 12.357 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 51.620(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.663 min. Effective stream area after confluence 15.410(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.609 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.586(In/Hr) Study area total = 15.41(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 127.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1704.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 51.620(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 39.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 51.620(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 28.50(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 34.60(In.) Critical Depth = 27.51(In.) pipe flow velocity = 7.95(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 10.11 min- ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 127.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF 14AIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 15.410(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 51.620(CFS) Time of concentration 10.11 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.785(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5860(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6085 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 125.000 to Point/Station 126.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 132.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1715.500(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1710.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 4.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.03636 s(%)= 3.64 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 5.636 min - Rainfall intensity = 5.373(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.802 Subarea runoff = 2.154(CPS) Total initial stream area = 0.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1705.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1704.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.154(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 2.154(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 4.21(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.98(In.) Critical Depth = 7-92(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 10-61(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.03 min. Time of concentration (TC) 5.67 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station 128.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.154(CFS) Time of concentration 5.67 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.355(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Area Flow rate TC Fm Rainfall Intensity No. (Ac.) (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) (In/Hr) 1 51.62 15.410 10.11 0.586 3.785 2 2.15 0.500 5.67 0.587 5.355 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 51.620) + 0.671 * 1.000 * 2.154) + = 53.065 Qmax(2) = 1.491 * 0.561 * 51.620) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.154) + = 45.313 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 52.620 3.154 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data - 53.065 45.313 Area of streams before confluence: 15-410 0.500 Effective area values after confluence: 15.910 9.143 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 53.065(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.105 min. Effective stream area after confluence 15.910(Ac.) Study area average Pervious fraction(Ap) 0.608 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.586(In/Hr) Study area total = 15.91(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 128.000 to Point/Station 129.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1704.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1703.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 34.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = I Required pipe flow = 53.065(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 39.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 53.065(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 27.33(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 35.72(In.) Critical Depth = 27-91(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.55(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.07 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.17 min. End of computations, Total Study Area 18.10 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.618 Area averaged SCS curve number = 33.3 APPENDIX B.3: AREA B San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/31/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA B, EXHIBIT A-1 FN:B25AI.RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117.000 to Point/Station 118.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 274.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1718.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1715.600(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 2.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.00876 s(%)= 0.88 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.035 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.801(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.761 Subarea runoff = 1.736(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In*/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 0.60 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same.area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDDC BA AREA C San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/31/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA C, EXHIBIT A-1 FN:C25AI.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ---------------------------------- 7 ------------------------------------- Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 129.000 to Point/Station 132.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(AP) = 0.6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 370.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1718.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1714.800(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.200(Ft.) Slope = 0-00865 s(%)= 0.86 TC = k(O.412)*[(length A 3)/(elevation change) ]A0 .2 Initial area time of concentration = 11.345 min - Rainfall intensity = 3.532(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.750 Subarea runoff = 1.060(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.400(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 0.40 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area ef f ects caused by conf luences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0-600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX B.5: AREA D San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/29/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA D, EXHIBIT A-2 FN:D25A2.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program License Serial Number 5004 ---------------------------------------------------------- ********* Hydrology Study Control Information Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25-00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 301.000 to Point/Station 302.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D— 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 585.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1707.300(Ft.) ,Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1684.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 22.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.03897 s(%)= 3.90 TC = k(0.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.083 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.790(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.761 Subarea runoff = 4.037(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.400(Ac-) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 1.40 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences, in the rational equation - Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX B.6: AREA E San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2004 Version 7.0 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 05/29/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA E, EXHIBIT A-2 FN:E25A2.RSB Program License Serial Number 5004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25-0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 400.000 to Point/Station 401.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) initial subarea data: initial area flow distance 870.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1684.500(Ft.) Difference in elevation 33.400(Ft.) Slope 0-03839 s(%)= 3.84 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 initial area time of concentration = 11-854 min. Rainfall intensity = 3-440(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.746 Subarea runoff = 7.190(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(ln/Hr) End of computations, Total Study Area 2.80 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences.in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 APPENDIX B.7: AREA F San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1989-2001 Version 6.4 Rational Hydrology Study Date: 12/03/05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COYOTE CANYON - 52641 25 YEAR RATIONAL METHOD ANALYSIS TRACT 16290-2, AREA F, EXHIBIT A-2 FN:F25A2.RSB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRI-8 Builders - SIN 615 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rational hydrology study storm event year is 25.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm year = 25.00 1 hour rainfall 1.300 (In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 703.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 35.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.05064 s(%-)= 5.06 TC = k(O.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.299 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.743(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.759 Subarea runoff = 7.669(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.700(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1647.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 376.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 9.657(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.375(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.334(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 11.925(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.33(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.99 min. TC 11.29 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.542(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.751 Subarea runoff 3.237(CFS) for 1.400(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.906(CFS) Effective area this stream = 4.10(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 1) = 4.10(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 10.906(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 10.906(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.387(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.521(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.530(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1642.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 129.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 10.906(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 10.906(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 13.41(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 15.70(In.) Critical Depth = 15.19(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.73(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.28 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.57 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Effective stream flow area 4.100(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 4.100(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 10.906(CFS) Time of concentration 11.57 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.491(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 103.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 650.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1707.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 35.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.05477 s(%)= 5.48 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.826 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.850(In/Hr) for a 25. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 5.286(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.763 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1672.300(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1646.100(Ft.) Length of street segment = 424.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [11 side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 7.635(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.356(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.834(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 10.983(Ft.) Flow velocity 5.83(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.21 min. TC 11.04 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIALD - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.590(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.753 Subarea runoff 3.905(CFS) for 1.600(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.191(CFS) Effective area this stream = 3.40(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 3.40(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 9.191(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.191(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.374(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.097(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.853(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 3.400(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 9.191(CFS) Time of concentration 11.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.590(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group.B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 607.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1651.100(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1646.100(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 5.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.00824 s(%)= 0.82 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 13.964 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.118(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.731 Subarea runoff = 3.645(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.600(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 105.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 1.600(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.645(CFS) Time of concentration 13.96 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.118(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 9.191 11.04 3.590 2 3.645 13.96 3.118 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 9.191) + 1.187 * 0.790 * 3.645) + = 12.609 Qmax(2) = 0.843 * 1.000 * 9.191) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 3.645) + = 11.389 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.191 3.645 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 12.609 11.389 Area of streams before confluence: 3.400 1.600 Effective area values after confluence: 4.665 5.000 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 12.609(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.037 min. Effective stream area after confluence 4.665(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 5.00(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1641.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Pipe length = 57.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 12.609(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 12.609(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 16.34(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 17.46(In.) Critical Depth = 15.86(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.28(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.15 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.19 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 107.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Effective stream flow area 4.665(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 5.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 12.609(CPS) Time of concentration 11.19 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.561(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 10.906 2 12.609 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 0.976 * Qmax (2) 11.57 11.19 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.491 3.561 1.000 * 10.906) + 1.000 * 12.609) + 1.024 * 0.967 * 10.906) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 12.609) + Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 11.906 13.609 23.217 23.414 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 23.217 23.414 Effective Area of streams before confluence: 4.100 4.665 Effective area values after confluence: 8.765 8.631 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 23.414(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.188 min. Effective stream area after confluence 8.631(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.587(In/Hr) Steam effective area = 8.76(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 48.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 23.414(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 23.414(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 11.39(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 17.35(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 19.85(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.23 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 107.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Effective stream flow area 8.631(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 5.000(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 23.414(CPS) Time of concentration 11.23 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.553(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.60oo Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 109.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group.B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 322.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1655.400(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1652.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.01056 s(%)= 1.06 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]AO.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.311 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.740(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.759 Subarea runoff = 2.270(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.800(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1647.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1643.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 129.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.270(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 2.270(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 6.03(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.46(In.) Critical Depth = 8.08(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.22(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.30 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.61 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 109.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.800(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.270(CFS) Time of concentration 10.61 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.676(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 111.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group.A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 739.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1705.700(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1658.300(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 47.400(Ft.) Slope = 0.06414 s(%)= 6.41 TC = k(O.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.021 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.804(In/Hr) for a 25.0 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 6.371(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) year storm is C = 0.761 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1653.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1643.100(Ft.) Pipe length = 28.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 6.371(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 6.371(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 5.22(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.88(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 23.96(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.04 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 111.000 to Point/Station 112.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 6.371(CFS) Time of concentration 10.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.800(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 2.270 10.61 3.676 2 6.371 10.04 3.800 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.270) + 0.962 * 1.000 * 6.371) + = 8.396 Qmax(2) = 1.040 * 0.946 * 2.270) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.371) + = 8.605 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.270 6.371 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 8.396 8.605 Area of streams before confluence: 0.800 2.200 Effective area values after confluence: 3.000 2.957 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 8.605(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.041 min. Effective stream area after confluence 2.957(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 3.00(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1643.100(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1641.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 129.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 8.605(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 8.605(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 12.35(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 16.71(In.) Critical Depth = 13.63(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 6.65(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.32 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.36 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 2.957(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 8.605(CFS) Time of concentration 10.36 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.728(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 113.000 to Point/Station 114.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 528.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1717.900(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1682.400(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 35.500(Ft.) Slope = 0.06723 s(%)= 6.72 TC = k(o.412)*[(length A 3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 8.678 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.147(In/Hr) for a 25.0 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 4.807(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) year storm is C = 0.773 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 114.000 to Point/Station 115.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 1682.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 1647.900(Ft.) Length of street segment = 457.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.500(Ft Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 2.000(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.346(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 10.475(Ft.) Flow velocity 6.28(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.21 min. TC 9.89 min. Adding area flow to street RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 7. 5 3 1 (CFS) 6.277(Ft/s) Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0-000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Rainfall intensity = 3.634(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.762 Subarea runoff 4.546(CFS) for 1.700(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.353(CFS) Effective area this stream = 3.20(Ac.) Total Study Area (Main Stream No. 2) = 6.20(Ac.) Area averaged Fm value = 0.587(In/Hr) Street flow at end of street = 9.353(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 9.353(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.366(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.607(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 11.459(Ft.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1642.900(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1641.800(Ft.) Pipe length = 15.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 9.353(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 9.353(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 9.52(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 9.72(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 14.00(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.91 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 115.000 to Point/Station 116.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Alona Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 3.200(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 9.353(CFS) Time of concentration 9.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.830(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 8.605 10.36 2 9.353 9.91 Qmax (1) = Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.728 3.830 1.000 * 1.000 * 8.605) + 0.969 * 1.000 * 9.353) + = 17.665 Qmax(2) = 1.032 * 0.956 * 8.605) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 9.353) + = 17.847 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 8.605 9.353 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 17.665 17.847 Area of streams before confluence: 2.957 3.200 Effective area values after confluence: 6.157 6.027 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 17.847(CFS) Time of concentration = 9.909 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.027(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 6.16(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1641.800(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1637.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 420.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 17.847(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 17.847(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 16.08(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 22.57(In.) Critical Depth = 18.2G(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.98(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.88 min. Time of concentration (TC) 10.79 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 6.027(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 17.847(CFS) Time of concentration 10.79 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.640(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 46 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 117.000 to Point/Station 118,000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIAL(3 - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 Max loss rate(Fm)= Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 655.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1659.800(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1644.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 15.800(Ft.) Slope = 0.02412 s(%)= 2.41 TC = k(O.412)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)1^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 11.612 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.482(In/Hr) for a 25. Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) Subarea runoff = 6.516(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.500(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) 0.587(In/Hr) 0 year storm is C = 0.748 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1639.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1637.600(Ft.) Pipe length = 29.00(Pt.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 6.516(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 6.516(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 8.37(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 11.03(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 11.15(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.66 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 119.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 2.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 6.516(CFS) Time of concentration 11.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.475(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 17.847 10.79 3.640 2 6.516 11.66 3.475 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 17.847) + 1.057 * 0.925 * 6.516) + = 24.222 Qmax(2) = 0.946 * 1.000 * 17.847) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.516) + = 23.396 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 17.847 6.516 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 24.222 23.396 Area of streams before confluence: 6.027 2.500 Effective area values after confluence: 8.341 8.527 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 24.222(CFS) Time of concentration = 10.787 min. Effective stream area after confluence 8.341(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.587(In/Hr) Study area (this main stream) = 8.53(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1637.600(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 143.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 24.222(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 27.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 24.222(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 18.12(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 25.37(In.) Critical Depth = 20.65(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.54(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.28 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.07 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 119.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Effective stream flow area 8.341(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 8.700(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 24.222(CFS) Time of concentration 11.07 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.585(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 121.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** RESIDENTIALO - 4 dwl/acre) Decimal fraction soil group A = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 32.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 0.6000 max loss rate(Fm)= 0.587(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance 286.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1649.300(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1645.700(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 3.600(Ft.) Slope = 0.01259 s(%)= 1.26 TC = k(O.412)*[(length'3)/(elevation change)1'0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 9.494 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.930(In/Hr) for a 25.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.766 Subarea runoff = 5.717(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.900(Ac.) Pervious area fraction 0.600 Initial area Fm value 0.587(In/Hr) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1640.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Pipe length = 17.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 5.717(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 5.717(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 5.40(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 8.82(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 20.66(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.01 min. Time of concentration (TC) 9.51 min. ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 121.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Effective stream flow area = 1.900(Ac.) Total study area this main stream = 1.900(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 5.717(CFS) Time of concentration 9.51 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.926(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5867(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 0.6000 Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr.) 1 23.414 11.23 3.553 2 24.222 11.07 3.585 3 5.717 9.51 3.926 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 23.414) + 0.990 * 1.000 * 24.222) + 0.888 * 1.000 * 5.717) + = 52.461 Qmax(2) = 1.011 * 0.985 * 23.414) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 24.222) + 0.898 * 1.000 * 5.717) + = 52.672 Qmax(3) = 1.126 * 0.847 * 23.414) + 1.114 * 0.859 * 24.222) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.717) + = 51.219 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 24.414 25.222 6.717 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 52.461 52.672 51.219 Effective Area of streams before confluence: 8.631 8.341 1.900 Effective area values after confluence: 18.872 18.746 16.375 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 52.672(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.066 min. Effective stream area after confluence 18.746(Ac.) Stream Area average Pervious fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Stream Area average soil loss rate(Fm) 0.587(In/Hr) Steam effective area = 18.87(Ac.) ...................................................................... Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 123.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 1636.200(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 1634.300(Ft.) Pipe length = 150.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow - 52.672(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 33.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 52.672(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe 24.14(In.) Flow top width inside pipe 29.25(In.) Critical Depth = 28.51(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 11.32(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.22 min. Time of concentration (TC) 11.29 min. End of computations, Total Study Area 19.70 (Ac The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused by confluences in the rational equation. Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 0.600 Area averaged SCS curve number = 32.0 Worksheet for Interior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb (6,V RfW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 ft/ft Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 ft Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( ImprovedLotters Open Channel Weighted Roughnm- Improvedl-otters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Horlons Results Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 30.70 ft3/S Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 ft Flow Area: 3.80 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 19.739 It Top Width: 19.2DO ft Normal Depth: 0.50 ft Critical Depth: 0.73 ft Critical Slope: 0.00501 ft/ft Velocity: 8.09 ft/s Velocity Head: 1.02 ft Specific Energy: 1.52 ft Froude Number. 3.21 Flow Type: Supercritical Segment Roughness blart'station End Station Roughn— Coeffidefit (0+00.00, (0+32.00, 0.015 0.740) 0.516) ;Section Geometry Station Elevation 0+00.00 0.740 0+12.�O 0.500 Worksheet for Interiior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb (64' RfW) starm Elevafion 0+12.00 0.000 b+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+32.00 0.516 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 6- Curb (6,W RtW) Project Description Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Input Data Roughness Coefficient: WaterSurface Elevation: Attribute Channel Slope (ft/ft) Irregular Section Manning Formula Discharge 0.015 0.50 Minimum Maximum 0.00200 0.08000 Wetted Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Perimeter Increment 0.00100 Top Width 0.00200 5.46 1.47 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00300 6.69 1.60 3.72 19.54 19.00 O.OD400 7.72 2.07 3.72 '19.54 19.00 0.00500 8.63 2.32 3.32 19.54 19.00 0.00600 9.46 2.54 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00700 10.22 2.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00800 10.92 2.93 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00900 11.58 3.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01000 12.21 3.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01100 12.81 3.44 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01200 13.38 3.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01300 13.92 3.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01400 14.45 3.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01500 14.95 4.02 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.0`1600 15.44 4.15 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01700 15.92 4.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01800 16.38 4.40 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01900 16.83 4.52 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02000 17.27 4.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02100 17.69 4.75 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02200 18.11 4.86 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02300 18.52 4.97 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02400 18.92 5.08 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02500 19.31 5.19 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02600 19.69 5.29 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02700 20.06 5.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02800 20.43 SA9 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02900 20.79 5.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 ft Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb (64* RIW) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.03000 21.15 &68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03100 21.50 5.77 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03200 21.84 5.87 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03300 22.18 5.96 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03400 22.51 6.05 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03500 22.84 6.14 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03600 23.17 6.22 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03700 23.49 6.31 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03800 23.80 6.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 ,0.039W 24.11 6.48 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04000 24.42 6.66 3.72 19.54 19.00 ,0.04100 24.72 6.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04200 25.02 6.72 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04300 25.32 6.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04400 25.61 6.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04500 25.90 6.96 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04600 26.19 7.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 26.47 7.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 6.04800 26.75 7.19 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04900 27.03 7.26 3.72 19.54 '19.00 0.05000 Z7.30 7.33 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05100 27.57 7.41 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05200 27.84 7.48 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05300 28.11 7.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05400 28.37 7.62 3.72 19.54 19.00 6.05500 28.63 7.69 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05600 28.89 7.76 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05700 2915 7.83 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05800 29AO 7.90 3.72 19.54 19.00 .0.05900 29.66 7.97 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06000 29.91 8.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06100 30.16 8.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06200 30AO 8.17 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06300 30.65 8.23 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06400 30.89 8.30 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06500 31.13 8.36 3.72 19.54 '19.00 0.06600 31.37 8A3 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06700 31.60 8.49 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06800 31.84 8.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06900 32.07 8.62 3.72 19.54 19.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb (64' R/W) Wetted Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Perimeter Top Width 0.07000 32.30 8.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07100 32.53 8.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07200 32.76 8.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07300 32.99 8.86 3,72 19.54 19.00 0.07400 33.21 8.92 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07500 33.44 8.98 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07600 33.66 9.04 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07700 33.88 9.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07800 34.10 9.16 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07900 34.32 9.22 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.08000 34.53 9.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - Half Street - 8- Curb (64' R1W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 'ItIft Water Surface Elevation: 0.52 ft Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( ImprovedLotters; Open Channel Weighted Roughnes., ImprovedLotters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Horlons Results Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 35.21 ft3/S Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 ft Flow Area: 4.19 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 20.563 ft Top Width: 20.ODO ft Normal Depth: 0.52 ft Critical Depth: 0.79 ft Critical Slope: 0.00493 ftift Velocity: 8.40 fys Velocity Head: 1.10 ft Specific Energy: 1.62 ft Froude Number: 3.24 Flow Type: Supercriticall Segment Roughness Stai . t Station End I Station Roughness coefficient (0+00.00, (0+32.00, 0.015 0.740) 0.516) Section Geometry Station Elevation 0+00.00 0.740 6+12.00 0.670 Worksheet for IntedDr Street - Haff Street - 8- Curb (6,W RIW) Staflon Elevabon 0+12.00 O.00D 0+13.50 0,115 0+13.50 0.146 0+32.00 0.516 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half. Street - 8" Curb (64' R[W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge Input Data Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Water.Surface Elevation: 0.52 Attribute Minimum Ma)dmum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 Channel Slope Uscharge VeWty Flow Area Welted -6t�r TopWidth p.fi M 0.00200 6.23 1.52 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00300 7.63 1.86 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00400 8.81 2.14 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00500 9.85 2.40 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00600 10.79 2.62 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00700 11.66 2.83 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00800 12.46 3.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00900 13.22 3.21 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01000 13.93 3.39 4.11 20.56 20.00 .0.01100 14.61 3.55 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01200 15.26 3.71 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01300 15.89 3.86 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01400 16.49 4.01 4.11 20.56 20.00 6.01500 17.07 4.15 4AI 20.56 20.00 0.01600 17.63 4.29 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01700 18.17 4.42 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01800 18.69 4.55 4.11 20.56 20.00 '0.01900 19.21 4.67 .4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02000 19.71 4.79 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02100 20.19 4.91 4.11 20.56. 20.00 0,02200 20.67 5.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02300 21.13 5.14 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02400 21.59 5.25 4.11 20.56 20.00 A02500 22.03 5.36 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02600 22.47 5.46 4AI 20.56 20.00 A02700 22-90 5.57 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.028W 23.32 5.67 4.11 20.56 20.00 '.0.02900 23.73 5.77 4.11 20.56 20.00 ft Rating Table for Interior Street - Half.Street - 8- Curb (64' R/W) Channel Slope Discharge Velccity Flaw Area Wetted Top Width, Perimeter 0.03000 24.13 5.87 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03100 24.53 5.97 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03200 24.93 6.06 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03300 25.31 6.16 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03400 25.69 6.25 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03500 26.07 6.34 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03600 26.44 6.43 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03700 26.80 6.52 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03800 27.16 6.60 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03900 27.52 6.69 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04000 27.87 6.78 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04100 28.21 6.86 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04200 28.56 6.94 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04300 28.89 7.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04400 29.23 7.11 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04500 29.56 7.19 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04600 29.89 7.27 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04700 30.21 7.35 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04800 30.53 7.42 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04900 30.84 7.50 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.0500Q 31.16 7.58 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05100 31.47 7.65 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05200 31.78 7J3 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.0530D 32.08 7.80 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05400 32.38 7.87 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05500 32.68 7.95 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05600 32.97 8.02 4A 1 20.56 20.00 0.05700 .33.27 8.09 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05800 33.56 8.16 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05900 33.85 8.23 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06000 34.13 8.30 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06100 34.42 8.37 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06200 34.70 8.44 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06300 34.97 8.50 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06400 35.25 8.57 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06500 35.53 8.64 4.11 20.56 20.00 0,06600 35.80 8.70 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06700 36.07 8.77 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06800 36.34 8.84 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06900 36.60 8.90 4.11 20.56 20.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 8" Curb (64' RM) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.07000 36.87 8.96 4.11 20.56 20.00 6.07100 37.13 9.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07200 37.39 9.09 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07300 37.65 9.15 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07400 37.91 9.22 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07600 38.16 9.28 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07600 38.41 9.34 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07700 38.67 9.40 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07800 38.92 9.46 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07900 39.17 9.52 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.08000 39.41 9.58 4.11 20.56 20.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb (6,V R1W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 Wit Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 ft Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedl-otters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes.- Improvedl-otters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons Results Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 61.39 ft,/S Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 ft Flow Area: 7.59 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 39.478 ft Top Width: 38.400 ft Normal Depth: 0.50 ft Critical Depth: 0.73 ft Critical Slope: 0.00496 ft/ft Velocity: 8.09 ft/s Velocity Head: 1.02 ft Specific Energy: 1.52 ft Froude Number 3.21 Flow Type: Supercritical Segment Roughness St.rt Sta . don Ed StAon Roughness Coefficient (0+00.00, (0+64.00, 0.015 0.740) 0.740) Section Geometry �tafion Elevation 0+00.00 0.740 0+12.00 0.500 Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6- Curb (64' RIW) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 OA46 0+32.00 0.516 0+50.50 0.146 0+50.50 0.115 0+52.00 0.000 0+52.00 0.500 0+64.00 0.740 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC. To TC - 6" Curb (6,V R/W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge Input Data Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 Att ribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 Channel Slope Uscharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Too Width 0.00200 5.46 1.47 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00300 6.69 1.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00400 7.72 2.07 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00500 8.63 2.32 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.006w 9A6 2.54 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00700 10.22 2.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00800 10.92 2.93 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00900 11.58 3.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.0`1000 12.21 3.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01100 12.81 3.44 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01200 13.38 3.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01300 13.92 3.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01400 14.45 3.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01500 14.95 4.02 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01600 15.44 4.15 3.72 19.54 19.00 b.01700 15.92 4.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01800 16.38 4.40 3.72 19.54 MOO 'O.019W 16.83 4.52 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02000 17.27 4.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02100 17.69 4.75 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02200 18.11 4.86 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02300 18.52 4.97 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02400 18.92 5.08 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02500 19.31 SA9 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02600 19.69 5.29 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02700 20.06 5.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.0280D 20.43 5.49 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02900 20.79 5.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 ILI Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6- Curb (64' R/W) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.03000 21.15 5.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03100 21.50 5.77 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03200 21.84 5.87 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03300 22.18 5.96 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03400 22.51 6.05 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03500 22.84 6.14 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03600 23.17 6.22 3.72 19-54 19.00 0.03700 23.49 6.31 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03800 23.80 6.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03900 24.11 6.48 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04000 24.42 6.56 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04100 24.72 6.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04200 25.02 6.72 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04300 25.32 6.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04400 25.61 6.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.0450D 25.90 6.96 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04600 26.19 7.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04700 26.47 7.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04800 26.75 7.19 172 19.54 19.00 0.04900 27.03 7.26 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05000 27.30 7.33 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05100 27.57 7.41 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05200 27.84 7.48 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05300 28.11 7.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05400 28.37 7.62 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05500 28.63 7.69 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05600 28.89 7.76 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05700 29.15 7.83 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05800 29.40 7.90 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.059DO 29.66 7.97 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06000 29.91 8.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 6.06ioo, 30.16 8.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06200 30.40 8A7 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06300 30.65 8.23 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06400 30.89 8.30 3.72 19.54 '19.00 0.06500 31.13 8.36 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06600 31.37 8.43 3.72 19.64 19.00 0.06700 31.60 8A9 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06800 31.84 8.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06900 32.07 8.62 3.72 19.54 19.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb (64' RIW) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow a Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.07000 32.30 8.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07100 32.53 8.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07200 32.76 8.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07300 32.99 8.86 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07400 33.21 8.92 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07500 33.44 8.98 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07600 33.66 9.04 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07700 33.88 9.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.078W 34AO 9.16 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07900 34.32 9.22 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.08000 34.53 9.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (64' RNV) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 ft/ft Water Surface Elevation: 0.67 It Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedt-ofters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes! Improvedl-ofters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons Results Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 0+00.00 Discharge: 172.38 ft3/S Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.910 ft Flow Area: 14.38 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 41.418 ft Top Width: 40.000 ft Normal Depth: 0.67 It Critical Depth: 1.10 ft Critical Slope: 0.00401 ft/ft Velocity: 11.99 ftis Velocity Head: 2.23 ft Specific Energy: 2.90 ft Froude Number 3.52 Flow Type: Supercritical �Sdoment Roughness Stait Statio, n End Station . Roughness Coefficient (0+00.00, (0+64.00, 0.015 0.910) 0.910) Section Geometry, station Elevation 0+00.00 0.910 0+12.00 0.670 Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (64' R1W) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+32.00 0.516 0+50.50 0.146 0+50.50 0,115 0+52.00 0.000 0+52.00 0.670 0+64.00 0.910 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (64' RIW) Project Description Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Input Data Roughness Coefficient: Water Surface Elevation: Attribute Channel Slope (ft/ft) Irregular Section Manning Formula Discharge 0.015 0.67 Minimum Maximum 0.00200 0.08000 C hmnel Slope DLs�arge Velocity 0.00200 14.28 1.86 0.00300 17.48 2.28 0.00400 20.19 2-63 0.00500 22.57 2.94 0.006w 24.73 3.22 6.00700 26.71 3.48 0.00800 28.55 3.72 0.00900 30.28 3.95 0.01000 3`1.92 4.16 0.0i'loo 33.48 4.36 0.01200 34.97 4.56 0.01300 36.40 4.74 0.01400 37.77 4.92 0.01500 39.10 5.09 0,016W 40.38 5.26 0.01700 41.62 5.42 0.01800 42.83 5.58 6.01900 44.00 5.73 0.02000 45.15 5.88 6.02100 46.26 6.03 0.02200 47.35 6.17 0.02300 48.41 6.31 0.02400 49.45 6.44 6.02500 50.47 6.58 0.026DO 51.47 6.71 0.02700 52A5 6.83 0.028W 53.42 6.96 0.029DO 54.36 7.08 Flow Ar" Wetted Perimeter 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 7.68 28.21 Increment 0.00100 Top Width 27.50 27.5D 27.5D 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.56 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.5D 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.5D 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 Z7.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 27.50 It Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8- Curb (64! RfW) Welled Channel Slope Discharge Velocity FlowArea Perimeter Top Wkith 0.03000 55.29 7.20 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03100 56.21 7.32 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03200 57.11 7.44 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03300 57.99 7.56 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03400 58.86 7.67 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03500 59.72 7.78 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03600 60.57 7.89 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03700 61.40 8.00 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03800 62.23 8.11 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03900 63.04 8.21 7.68 28.2i 27.50 0.04000 63.85 8.32 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04100. 64.64 8.42 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04200 65.42 8.52 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04300 66.20 8.62 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04400 66.96 8.72 7.68 28.21 27.50 '0.04500 67.72 8.82 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04600 68.47 8.92 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04700 69.21 9.02 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04800 69.94 9.11 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04900 70.66 9.21 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05000 71.38 9.30 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05160 72.09 9.39 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05200 72.79 9.48 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05300 73.49 9.58 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05400 74.18 9.67 7.66 28.21 27.50 0.05500 74.87 9.75 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05600 75.54 9.84 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05700 76.21 6.93 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05800 76.88 10.02 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05900 77.54 10.10 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06000 78.19 10.19 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06100 78.84 10.27 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06200 79.49 10.36 7.68 .28.21 27.50 0.06300 80.13 10.44 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06400 80.76 10.52 7.68 28.21 27.60 0.06500 81.39 110.60 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06600 82.01 10.69 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06700 82.63 10.77 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06800 83.24 10.85 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06900 83.85 .10.93 7.68 26.21 27.50 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8- Curb (64' RIW) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.07000 84.46 11.00 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07100 85.06 11.08 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07200 85.66 11.16 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07300 86.25 11.24 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07400 86.84 11.31 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07500 87A2 11.39 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07600 88.00 11.47 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07700 88.58 11.54 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07800 89.16 11.62 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.079DO 89.72 11.69 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.08000 90.29 11.76 7.68 28.21 27.50 Worksheet for Interior Street - R/W To R/W - 6- Curb (" RIW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data, Channel Slope: 0.00500 Wit Water Surface Elevation: 0.75 ft ,Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( ImprovedLotters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes.- ImprovedLofters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons 'Results Roughness Coefficient: Discharge: Elevation Range: Flow Area: Wetted Perimeter Top Width: Normal Depth: Critical Depth: Critical Slope: Velocity: Velocity Head: Specific Energy: Froude Number Flow Type: 6e g*Tent Roughness t$6k Stalion 'End Siation -Roughness Coeftident (0+00.00. (0+64,00, 0.015 0.740) 0.740) section Geometry Station Elmation 0+00.00 0.740 0+12.00 0.500 0.015 67.55 0.000 to 0.740 ft 20.70 65.103 64.ODO 0.75 0.75 0.00487 3.26 0.17 0.92 1.01 Supercritical ft3/S ft2 ft It It ft Ift/ft ft/s It ft Worksheet for Interior Street - RfW To RIW - 6" Curb (64' R1W) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 OA15 0+13.50 0.146 0+32.00 0.516 0+50.50 0.146 0+50.50 0.115 0+52.00 O.Ow 0+52.00 0.500 0+64.00 0.740 Rating Table for Interior Street - RM To R/W - 6" Curb (64' RfW) Project Description Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Input Data Roughness Coefficient: Water Surface Elevation: Attribute Channel Slope (fVft) Irregular Section Manning Formula Discharge 0.015 0.75 Minimum Ma)dmurn 0.00200 0.08000 Channel Slope Yischar& velocity 0.00200 20.12 1.99 0.00300 24.64 2A3 0.00400 28.46 2.81 0.00500 31.82 3.14 0.00600 34.85 3A4 6.00700 37.64 3.72 0.00800 40.24 3.97 0.00900 42.68 4.21 0.01000 44.99 4.44 0.01100 47.19 4.66 0.01200 49.29 4.86 0.01300 51.30 5.06 0.01400 53.24 5.25 0.01500 55.11 5.44 0.01600 56.91 5.62 0.01700 58.66 5.79 0.01800 60.37 5.96 0.01900 62.02 6.12 0.02000 63.63 6.28 0.62100 65.20 6.43 0.02200 66.74 6.59 0.02300 68.24 6.73 0.02400 69.70 6.88 0.02500 71.14 7.02 0.02600 72.55 7.16 0.02700 73.93 7.30 0.02800 75.29 7.43 0.02900 76.62 7.56 Increment 0.00100 Top VVIdth 33.00 33.00. 33.00 33.00 33.00 3100 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.OD 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 ft Wetted Flow Area Perimeter 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 Increment 0.00100 Top VVIdth 33.00 33.00. 33.00 33.00 33.00 3100 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.OD 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 ft Rating Table for Inte . rior Street - RIW To RIW - V Curb (64' RfW) Channel Slope Discharge velocity Flow Area Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.03000 77.93 7.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03100 79.22 7.82 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03200 80.49 7.94 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03300 81.74 8.07 10.13 33.76 -33.00 0.03400 82.96 8.19 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03500 84.18 8.31 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03600 85.37 8.43 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03700 86.55 8.54 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03800 87.71 8.66 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03900 88.86 8.77 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04000 89.99 8.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04100 91.11 8.99 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04200 92.21 9.10 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04300 93.30 9.21 -10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04400 94.38 9.31 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04500 95.45 9A2 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04600 96.50 9.52 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04700 97.54 9.63 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04800 98.58 9.73 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04900 99.60 9.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05000 100.61 9.93 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05100 101,61 10.03 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05200 102.60 10.13 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05300 103.58 10.22 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05400 104.56 10.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05500 105.52 10.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05600 106.48 10.51 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05700 107.42 10.60 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05800 108.36 10.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.*05900 109.29 10.79 10.13 33.76 ��33.00 0.06000 110.21 10.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.0000 111.13 10.97 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06200 112.03 11.06 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06300 112.93 IIA5 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06400 113.83 11.23 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06500 114.71 11.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06600 115.59 11.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06700 116A6 11A9 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.068w 117.33 11.58 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06900 118.19 11.66 10.13 33.76 33.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - RIWTo RfW - 6" Curb (6,W RfW) Wetted TopWIdth Channel Slope l3ischarge Velocity Flaw Area Perimeter 0.07000 119.04 11.75 IOA3 33.76 33.00 0.07100 119.89 11.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07200 120.73 11.92 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07300 121.57 12.DO 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07400 122.40 1208 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07500 123.22 12.16 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07600 124.04 12.24 10.13 33-76 33.00 0. 07700 124.85 12.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07800 125.66 12.40 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07 . 900 126A6 12A8 10.13 33.76 .33.00 0.08000 127.26 12.56 IOA3 33.76 33.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - RtW To R/W - 8- Curb (6,V R1W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For. Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.00500 ft/ft Water Surface Elevation: 0.75 ft Options Current Roughness Weighted Mettx Improvedl-otters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes! Improvedl-otters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons Results Roughness Coefficient 0,015 Discharge: 63.71 ft3JS Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.910 ft Flow Area: 17.90 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 49.420 ft Top Width: 48.000 ft Normal Depth: 0.75 It Critical Depth: 0.76 it Critical Slope: 0.00472 tuft Velocity: 3.56 ft/s Velocity Head: 0.20 ft Specific Energy: 0.95 It Froude Number 1.03 Flow Type: Supercrilical Segment Roughness Rou§wwM ,�tart Stalion End Stailon Coefficient (0+00.00, (0+64.00, 0.015 0.910) 0.910) Sedori Geometry Stawn Elevation 0+00.00 0.910 0+12.00 0.670 Worksheet for Interior Street - RIW To RfW - 8" Curb (64' RfW) station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 9+32.00 0.516 0+50.50 0.146 0+50.50 0.115 0+52.00 0.000 0.670 0+64.00 0.910 Rating Table for Interior Street - R1W To RfW - 8" Curb (6,V R/W) Project Description Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Input Data Roughness Coefficient: Water Surface Elevation: Attribute Channel Slope (ft/ft) Irregular Section Manning Formula Discharge 0.015 0.75 It Minimum Maximum Increment 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 Channel Slope Discbarge Velmity 0.00200 20.12 1.99 0.00300 24.64 2.43 O.OwGO 28.46 2.81 0.00500 31.82 3.14 0.00600 34.85 3.44 0.00700 37.64 3.72 0.00800 40.24 3.97 0.00900 42.68 4.21 0.01000 44.99 4.44 0.01100 47.19 4.66 0.01200 49.29 4.86 0.01300 51.30 5.06 0.01400 53.24 5.25 0.61500 55.11 5.44 0.01600 56.91 5.62 .0.01700 58.66 5.79 0.01800 60.37 5.96 0.01900 62.02 6.12 0.02000 63.63 6.28 0.02100 65.20 6.43 0.02200 66.74 6.59 0.02300 68.24 6.73 0.02400 69.70 6.88 .0.02500 71.14 7.02 0.02600 72.55 7.16 �6.02700 73.93 7.30 0.02800 75.29 7.43 0.02900 76.62 7.56 Flow Area Wetted Perimeter 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 10.13 33.76 Top Width 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - R/W To RfW - 8- Curb (6,V RfW) Channel Slope Nscharge Vebcity Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width 0.03000 77.93 7.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03100 79.22 7.82 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03200 80.49 7.94 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03300 81.74 8.07 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03400 82.96 8.19 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03500 84.18 8.31 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03600 85.37 8.43 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03700 86.55 8.54 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03800 87.71 8.66 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03900 88.86 8.77 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.040DO 89.99 8.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04100 91.11 8.99 10.13 �3.76 33.00 0.04200 92.21 9.10 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04300 93.30 9.21 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04400 94.38 9.31 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04500 95A5 9.42 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04600 96.50 9.52 10.13 33.76 33.00 .0.04700 97.54 9.63 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04800 98.58 9.73 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.04900 99.60 9.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05000 100.61 9.93 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05100 101.61 10.03 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05200 102.60 10.13 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05" 103.58 10.22 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05400 104.56 10.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05500 105.52 10.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05600 106.48 10.51 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05700 107.42 10.60 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05M 108.36 10.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05900 169.29 10.79 10A 3 33.76 33.00 0.06000 110.21 10.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06100 111.13 10.97 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06200 112.03 11.06 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06300 112.9� 11.15 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06400 113.83 11.23 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06500 114.71 11.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06600 115.59 11.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06700 116.46 11A9 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.068W 117.33 11.58 10.13 3336 33.00 0.06900 118.19 11.66 16.13 33.76 33.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - RM To R/W - 8- Curb (6,V RfW) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width 0.07000 119.04 11.75 10.13 33.76 33.00 P.67100 119.89 11.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07200 120.73 11.92 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07300 121.57 12.00 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07400 122.40 12.08 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07500 123.22 12.16 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07600 124.04 12.24 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07700 124.85 12.32 10.13 33.76 3i.00 0.07800 125.66 12.40 10.13 33.76 33.00 '0.07900 126.46 12.48 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.08000 127.26 12.56 10.13 33.76 33.00 APPENDIX CA: V2STREET FLOW FOR WRIGHT OF WAY Worksheet for Interior Street - Half Street - 6- Curb (68' RfW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 ftift Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 ft Options . Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedl-otters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes.- ImprovedLotters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons Results Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 30.70 ft3/S Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 ft Flow Area: 3.80 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 19.739 It Top Width: 19.200 ft Normal Depth: 0.50 ft Critical Depth: 0.72 ft Critical Slope: 0.00505 ft/ft Velocity: 8.09 ft/s Velocity Head: 1.02 ft Specific Energy: 1.52 ft Froude Number: 3.21 Flow Type: Supercritical Segment Roughness i S . tart I S 1 16 . ton EndStation 116ughness Coefficlent (0+00.00, (0+34.00, 0.015 0.740) 0.556) Section Geometry Stati()n Elevation 0+00.00 0.740 V+12.00 0.500 Worksheet for Interior Street - Half Street - 6- Curb (68' RfW) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+34.00 0.556 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 6- Curb (68' RIW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 Attribute Minimum Ma)dmum Increment Channel Slope (fttft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 'Channel Slo . pe Discharge VeWiy Fidw Area Wetted Top Width Perimeter 0.00200 5.46 1.47 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00300 6.69 1.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00400 7.72 2.07 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00500 8.63 2.32 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00600 9.46 2.54 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00700 10.22 2.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00800 10.92 2.93 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00900 11.58 3.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01000 12.21 3.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01100 12.81 3.44 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01200 13.38 3.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01300 13.92 3.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01400 14.45 3.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.015w 14.95 4.o2 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01600 15.44 4.15 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01700 15.92 4.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01800 16.38 4AO 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01900 16.83 4.52 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02000 17.27 4.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02100 17.69 4.75 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02200 18.11 4.86 3.72 19.54 19.00 a 0.02300 18.52 4.97 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02400 18.92 5.08 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02500 19.31 5.19 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02600 19.69 5.29 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02700 20.06 5.39 3.72 19.54 100 0.02800 2OA3 5.49 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02900 20.79 5.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 ft Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb (68' RNV) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Fk)w Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width 0.03000 21.15 5.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03100 21.50 5.77 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03200 21.84 5.87 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03300 22.18 5.96 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03400 22.51 6.05 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03500 22.84 6.14 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03600 23.17 6.22 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03700 23.49 6.31 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03800 23.80 6.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03900 24.111 6.�B 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04000 24.42 6.56 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04100 24.72 6.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04200 25.02 6.72 3.72 19.54 19.00 b.04300 25.32 6.80 3.72 1 9.m 19.00 0.04400 25.61 6.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04500 25.90 6.96 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04600 26.19 7.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04700 26.47 7.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04800 26.75 7.19 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04900 27.03 7.26 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05000 27.30 7.33 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05100 27.57 7.41 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05200 27.84 7.48 3.72 19.54 '19.00 .0.05300 28.11 7.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05400 28.37 7.62. 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05500 28.63 7.69 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05600 28.89 7.76 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05700 29.15 7.83 3.7� 19.54 19.00 0.05800 29.40 7.90 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05900 29.66 7.97 3.72 19.54 0.06000 29.91 8.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06100 30.16 8.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06200 30AO 8.17 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06300 30.65 8.23 3.72 19.54 ig.bo 0.66400 30.89 8.30 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06500 31.13 8.36 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06600 31.37 8.43 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06700 31.60 SA9 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06800 31.84 8.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06900 -32.07 8.62 3.72 19.54 19.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 6" Curb (68' RM) Wetted Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Perimeter Top Width 0.07000 32.30 8.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07100 32.53 8.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07200 32.76 8.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07300 32.99 8.86 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07400 33.21 8.92 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.075M 33.44 8.98 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07600 33.66 9.04 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07700 33.88 9.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07800 34.10 9.16 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07900 34.32 9.22 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.08000 34.53 9.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - Half Street - 8" Curb (68' R1W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 Water Surface Elevation: 0.52 Options Elevation Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedl-otters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes.- Improvedl-otters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons; Results Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Discharge: 34.99 Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 ft Flow Area: - 4.19 Wetted Perimeter: 20.759 Top Width: 20.200 Normal Depth: 0.52 Critical Depth: 0.78 Critical Slope: 0.00498 Velocity: 8.35 Velocity Head: 1.08 Specific Energy: 1.60 Froude Number: 3.23 Flow Type: Supercritical Segment Roughness Z . tait . Stafion Ed Siailoh Roughness C6effident- (0+00.00, (0+34.()0. 0.015 0.740) 0.556) Section Geometry, .Station Elevation 0+w.00 0.740 6 +12-00 0.670 fttft ft ft3/S ft2 ft ft ft ft ft/ft ft/s ft ft Worksheet for Interior Street - Half Street - 8" Curb (68' R/W) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+34.00 0.556 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half Street - 8" Curb (68' RAN) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Water Surface Elevation: 0.52 Att ribute Minimum Ma)dmum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 CMnhet Slope Discharge Velocfty Wefted Top Widtfi .-FlowArea Perimeter 0.00200 6.23 1.52 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00300 7.63 1.86 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00400 8.81 2.14 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00500 9.85 2AO 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00600 10.79 2-62 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00700 11.66 2.83 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00800 12.46 3.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.00900 13.22 3.21 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01000 13.93 3.39 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01,10() 14.61 3.55 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01200 15.26 3.71 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01300 15.89 3.86 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01400 16.49 4.01 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01500 17.07 4.15 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01600 17.63 4.29 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01700 18.17 4A2 4.11 20.56 moo 0.01800 18.69 4.55 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.01900 19.21 4.67 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02000 19.71 4.79 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02100 20.19 4.91 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02200 20.67 5.03 4.11 .20.56 20.00 0.02300 21.13 5.14 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02400 21.59 5.25 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02500 22.03 5.36 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02600 22A7 5.46 4.11 20.56 20.00 6.02700 �2.90 5.57 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.028W 23.32 5.67 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.02900 Z.73 5.77 4.11 20.56 20.00 11,q Rating Table for Interior Street - Half.Street - 8" Curb (68' R/W) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flo w Area Welled TopWidlh Perimeter 0.03000 24.13 5.87 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03100 24.53 5.97 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03200 24.93 6.06 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03300 25.31 6.16 4.11 20.56 20.00 0,03400 25.69 6.25 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03500 26.07 6.34 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03600 26.44 6A3 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03700 26.80 6.52 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.038W 27.16 6.60 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.03900 Z7.52 6.69 4.11 20.56 �20.00 0.04000 27.87 6.78 4.11 20.56 20.00 '6.04100 28.21 6.86 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04200 28.56 6.94 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04300 28.89 1.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04400 29.23 7.11 4.11 20.56 20.00 .0.04500 29.56 7.19 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04600 29.89 7.27 4.11 20.56 20.00 -6,04700 30.21 7.35 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.04800 30.53 7.42 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.049M 30.84 7.50 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05000 31.16 7.58 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05100 31.47 7.65 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05200 31.78 7.73 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05300 32.08 7.80 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05400 32.38 7.87 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.055W 32.68 7.05 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.0-rr" 32.97 8.02 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.05700 33.27 8.09 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.058W 33.56 8.16 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.059DO 33.85 8.23 4AI 20.56 20.00 0.060DO 34.13 8.30 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06`100 34.42 8.37 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06200 34.70 8A4 4.11 20.56 20.00 0 .06300 34.97 8.50 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06400 35.25 8.57 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.065W 35.53 8.64 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06600 35.80 8.70 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06700 36.07 8.77 4A1 20.56 20.00 0.068W 36.34 8.84 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.06900 36.60 8.90 4.11 20.56 20.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - Half -Street - 8" Curb (68' R/W) Wetted Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Perimeter Top Wkith 0.07000 36.87 8.96 4A 1 20.56 20.00 0.07100 37.13 9.03 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07200 37.39 9.09 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07300 37.65 9.15 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07400 37.91 U2 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.075W 38.16 9.28 4AI 20.56 20.00 0.07600 38.41 9.34 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.07700 38.67 9AO 4.11 20.56 20.00 0.078W 38.92 9.46 4.11 20.56 20.00 0-07900 39.17 9.52 4A 1 20.56 20.00 0.08000 39.41 9.58 4.11 20.56 20.00 APPENDIX C.5: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO TC FOR 68'ROW Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb (68' RfW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge .Input Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 ftift Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 It Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedl-ofters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes: Improvedl-otters; Closed Channel Weighted Roughne, Hortons Results Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 61.39 f?/S Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 ft Flow Area: 7.59 fI2 Wetted Perimeter 39.478 ft Top Width: 38.400 ft Normal Depth: 0.50 ft Critical Depth: 0.72 It Critical Slope: 0.00501 ftift Velocity: 8.09 ft/s Velocity Head: 1.02 ft Specific Energy: 1.52 ft Froude Number 3.21 Flow Type: Supercritical Segment Roughness ko, * esi Start Statiori- nd Station coeiZen- t io-oo.00, (0+ . 68.00, 0.015 0.740) 0.740) 'Section Geornetry Elevation 0+00.00 0.740 0+12.00 0.5w Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb (68' RNW) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 �0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+34.00 0.556 0+64.50 0.146 0+54.50 0.115 0+56.00 0.000 &56.00 0.500 0+68.00 0.740 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb (68' RIW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For. Discharge Input Data Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Water Surface Elevation: 0.50 .Attribute Minimum Ma)dmum Increment Channel Slope (fttft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 Channel Slope N - sc6i,6� Wo6ity Fl" Area Wened Top W id , th Perimeter 0.00200 5A6 1.47 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00300 6.69 1.80 .3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00400 7.72 2.07 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00500 8.63 2.32, 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00600 9.46 2.54 3.72 19.54 19.00 b.00700 10.22 2.74 3.72 19.54 16.00 0.00800 10.92 2.93 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.00900 11.58 3.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01000 12.21 3.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01100 12.81 3.44 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01200 13.38 3.59 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01300 13.92 3.74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01400 14.45 3.88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01500 14.95 4.02 3.72 19.54- 19.00 0.01600 15.44 4.15 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.01700 15.92 4.28 3.72 19.54 '19.00 0.018w 16.38 4.40 3.72 19.54 19.00 .6.01900 16.83 4.52 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02000 17.27 4.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02100 17.69 4.75 3.72 19.00 0.02200 18.11 4.86 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02300 18.52 4.97 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02400 18.92 5.08 3.72 19.54 19.00 .0.02500 19.31 5.19 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02600 19.69 5.29 3.72 19.54 19.00 �0.02700 20.06 5.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02800 20.43 5.49 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.02900 20.79 6.59 3.72 19.m 19.00 ft Rating Table for Interivor Street - TC To TC - 6- Curb (68' RfW) Wetted Channel Slope Discharge Velocity. Fk.)w Area Perimeter Top Width 0.03000 21.15 5.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03100 21.50 5.77 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03200 2`1.84 5.87 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03300 22.18 5.96 3.72 19.54 ig.00 0.03400 22.51 6.05 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03500 22-84 6.14 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03600 23.17 6.22 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03700 23.49 6.31 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03800 23.80 6.39 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.03900 24.11 6.48 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04000 24.42 6.56 3.72 19.54 19.00 . 0.04100 24.72 1 6.64 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04200 25.02 6.72 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04300 25.32 6.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04400 25.61 6 .88 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04500 25.90 6.66 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04600 26A9 7.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04700 26.47 7.11 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04800 26.75 7.19 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.04900 27.03 7.26 3.72 19Z4 19.00 0.05000 27.30 7.33 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05100 27.57 7AI 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05200 27.84 7.48 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05300 28.11 7.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05400 28.37 7.62 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05500 28.63 7.69 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05600 28.89 7.76 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05700 29.15 -7.83 3.72 10.54 19.00 0.05800 29.40 7.90 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.05900 29.66 7�97 3J2 19.54 19.00 0.06000 29.91 8.03 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06100 30.16 8.10 3.72 19.54 19.00. 0.06200 30.40 8.17 3.72 .19.54 19.00 0.06300 30.65 8.23 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06400 30.89 8.30 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06500 31.13 8.36 3.72 19.64 19.00 0.06600 31.37 8.43 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06700 31.60 8.49 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06800 M.84 8.55 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.06900 32.07 8.62 3.72 19.54 .19.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 6" Curb (68' RIW) Channel Slope Uscharge vewty Flow Area Welted - Top WkIth Perimeter 0.07000 32.30 8.68 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07100 32.53 8,74 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07200 32.76 8.80 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07300 32.99 8.86 3.72 19.M 19.00 0.07400 33.21 8.92 3.72 19.54 19.00 33.44 8.98 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07600 33.66 9.04 3.72 19.54 19.00 6.07700 33.88 9.10 3.72 19.54 19.00 0.07800 34AO 9.16 3.72 19.54 19.00 b.07900 34.32 9.22 3.72 19.54 19,00 0.08000 34.53 9.28 3.72 19.54 19.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (68' RM) Project Description Flow Element Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For. Discharge 1nput Data Channel Slope: 0.06000 ft/ft Water Surface Elevation: 0.67 It Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedl-otters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes! Improvedl-otters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons Results Roug hness Coe fficient: Discharge: Elevation Range: Flow Area: Wetted Perimeter Top Width: Normal Depth: Critical Depth: Critical Slope: Velocity: Velocity Head: Specific Energy: Froude Number Flow Type: Segment 116ughri6ss . Start Station 'Er� Roughness Station Coekrjeni (0+00.00, (0+68.00, 0.015 0.910) 0.910) Section Geometry.. station Elmfim-. 0+00.00 0.910 0+12.00 0.670 0.015 172.29 0.000 to 0.910 ft 14.92 45.419 44.000 0.67 1.08 0.00406 11.55 2.07 2.74 3.50 Supercritical ft3/S ft2 ft ft ft ft Wit ft/s It It Worksheet for Interiior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (68' RfW) Stafion Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+34.00 0.556 0+54.50 0.146 0+54.50 0.115 0+56.00 0.000 0+56.00 0.670 0+68.00 0.910 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (68' RIVV) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Water Surface Elevation: 0.67 Attribute Minimum Maximum Increment Channel Slope (ft/ft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 �Channel Slope Uscharge Velocity Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top wo-h 0.00200 14.28 1.86 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.00300 17.48 2.28- 7.68 2821 27.50 0.00400 20.19 2.63 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.005w 22.57 2.94 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.00600 24.73 3.22 7.68 28.21 27.50 A00700 26.71 3.48 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.00800 28.55 3.72 7.68 28.21 77.50 0.00900 30.28 3.95 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01000 31.92 4.16 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01100 33.48 4.36 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01200 34.97 4.56 7.68 28.21 27.50 b.01300 36.40 4.74 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01400 37.77 4.92 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01500 39.10 5.09 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01600 40.38 5.26 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01700 41.62 5.42 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.018w 42.83 5.58 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.01900 44.00 5.73 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.02000 45.15 5.88 7.68 28.21 Z7.50 0.02100 46.26 6.03 7.66 28.21 27.50 0.0220D 47.35 6.17 7.68 28.21 27.50 0 .0230D 48A1 6.31 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.02400 49AS 6.44 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.025W 5OA7 6.58 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.02600 51.47 6.71 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.02700 52.45 6.83 7.68 28.21 27.60 0.0280D 53.42 6.96 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.02900 54.36 7.08 7.68 28.21 27.50 ft Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (68' R1W) Wetted Top Width Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flaw Area Perimeter 0.03000 55.29 7.20 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03100 56.21 7.32 7.68 28.21 Z7.50 0.03200 57.11 7.44 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03300 57.99 7.56 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03400 58.86 7.67 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03500 59.72 7.78 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03600 60.57 7.89 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03700 61.40 8.00 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03800 62.23 8.11 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.03900 63.04 8.21 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04000 63.85 8.32 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04100 64.64 8.42 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04200 65.42 8.52 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04300 66.20 8.62 T68 26.21. �7.50 0.04400 66.96 8.72 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04500 67.72 8.82 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04600 68A7 8.92 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04700 69.21 9.02 7 68 28.21 27.50 0.04800 69.94 9.11 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.04900 70.66 9.21 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05000 71.38 9.30 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05100 72.09 9.39 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05200 72.79 9.48 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05300 73.49 9.58 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05400 74.18 9.67 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.05500 74.87 9.75 7.68 28.21 27.50 6.05600 75.54 9.84 7.68 28.21 27.50 6.05700 76.21 9.93 7.68 �28.21 27.50 0.05800 76.88 10.02 7.68 28.21 Z7.50 0.05900 77.64 10.10 7.66 28-21 27.50 0.06M 78.19 10.19 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06100 78.84 10.77 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06200 79A9 10.36 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06300 80.13 10.44 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06400 80.76 10.52 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06500 81.39 10.60 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06600 82.01 10.69 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.06700 82.63 10.77 7.6� 28.21 27.50 0.06800 83.24 10.85 7.68 28.21 27.50 , 0.06900 83.85 10.93 7.68 28.21 27.50 Rating Table for Interior Street - TC To TC - 8" Curb (68' RIW) Wetted Top MKM Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flaw Area Perimeter 0.07000 84.46 11.00 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07100 85.06 11.08 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07200 85.66 11.16 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07300 86.25 11.24 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07400 86.84 11.31 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07500 87.42 11.39 7.68 28.21 27.56 0.07600 88.00 11.47 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07700 88.58 11.54 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07800 89.16 11.62 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.07900 89.72 11.69 7.68 28.21 27.50 0.08000 90.29 11.76 7.68 28.21 27.50 APPENDIX C.6: CAPACITY CALCULATIONS USING DEPTH EQUAL TO ROW FOR 68'ROW Worksheet for Interior Street - R/W To R1W - 6" Curb (68' R/W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.00500 Water Surface Elevation: 0.75 Options Current Roughness Weighted Meth( ImprovedLotters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes! Improvedl-otters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne, Hortons tk6sults Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 69.45 Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.740 it Flow Area: 21.56 Wetted Perimeter 69.104 Top Width: 68.000 Normal Depth: 0.75 Critical Depth: 0.75 Critical Slope: 0.00490 Velocity: 3.22 Velocity Head: 0.16 Specific Energy: 0.91 Froude Number: 1.01 Flow Type: Supercritical Segment Roughness Roughnew 'Start;Sialion., End Station, C6effjcj6nf (0+00.00, (0+68.00, 0.015 0.740) 0.740) Section C-;eometry -Station Elevation 0+00.00 0.740 0+12.00 0.5w ftift ft ft,/S ft2 ft ft ft ft ft/ft ft/S ft ft Worksheet for Interior Street - RfW To RfW - 6" Curb (68' R/W) Station Elevation 0+12.00 0.000 &13.50 0.115 0+13.50 0.146 0+34.00 0.556 0+54.50 0.146 0+54.50 0.115 0+56.00 0.000 0+56.00 0.500 0+68.00 0.740 Rating Table for Interior Street - RfW To RfW - 6" Curb (68' RIW) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For. Discharge 'Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.015 Water Surface Elevation: 0.75 Attribute Minimum. Ma)dmum Increment Channel Slope (fVft) 0.00200 0.08000 0.00100 Lhannel Slope Mcharge Velocity Flow Area Wett6d top width Perfmeter 0.00200 20.12 1.99 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.00300 24.64 -2.43 10.13 3-3.76 33.00 0.00400 28.46 2.81 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.00500 31.82 3.14 10.13 33.76 3 3.00 0.00600 34.85 3.44 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.00700 37.64 3.72 10.13 33.76, 33.00 0.00800 40.24 3.97 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.009DO 42.68 4.21 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01000 44.99 4.44 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01100 47.19 4.66 10.13 33.76 33.OD 0.01200 49.29 4.86 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01300 51.30 5.06 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01400 53.24 5.25 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01500 55.11 5.44 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01600 56.91 5.62 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.01700 58.66' 5.79 10.13 33.76. 33.00 0.01800 60.37 5.96 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.619W 62.02 6.12 10.13 33J6 33.00 0.02000 63.63 6.28 10.13 33.76 33.00 10.02100 65.20 6.43 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.02200 66.74 6.59 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.02306 68.24 6.73 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.02400 69.70 6.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.025W 71.14 '7.02 .10.13 33.76. 33.60 0.026W 72.55 716 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.02700* 73.93 7.36 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.028W 75.29 7A3 10.13 33J6 33.00 0.02900 76.62 7.56 10.13 33.76 33.00 ft Rating Table for Interior Street - R/W To RfW - 6" Curb (6W R/W) Wetted Channel Slope Vischarge Velocity Flow Area Perimeter Top Width 0.03000 77.93 7.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03100 79.22 7.82 IOA3 33.76 33.00 0.03200 80.49 7.94 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03300 81.74 8.07 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03400 82.96 8.19 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03500 84.18 8.31 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03600 85.37 8.43 10.13 33.76 3100 0.03700 86.55 8.54 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03800 87.71 8.66 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.0900 88.86 8.77 1043 33.76 33.00 0.04000 89.99 8.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04100 91.11 8 .99 10.13 3176 33.00 0.04200 92.21 9.10 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.04300 93.30 9.21 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04400 94.38 9.31 10.13 33.76 33.00 .0.04500 95A5 9.42 10.13' 33.76 33.00 0.04600 96.50 9.52 10.13 33.76 33.00 .0.04700 97.54 9.63 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04800 98.58 9.73 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04900 99.60 9.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05000 100.61 9.93 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05`100 101.61 10.03 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05200 102.60 10.13 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05300 103.58 10.22 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05400 104.56 10.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.055100 105.52 10.41 10.13 .33.76 33.00 0.05600 106.48 10.51 10.13 33J6 33.00 A05700 107.42 10.60 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05800 108.36 10.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.0.5900. 109.29 10.79 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06000 110.21 10.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06100 111.13 10.97 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06200 112.03 11.06 10.13 33.76 33.00 .0.06300 112.93 11.15 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06400 113.83 11.23 10.13 33.76 33.00 �0.06500 114.71 11.32' 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06600 115.59 11.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06700 116.46 11.49 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06800 117.33 11.58 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.06900 118.19 11.66 10.13 33.76 33.00 Rating Table for Interior Street - RfW To RfW - 6" Curb (68' RIW) Channel Slope Discharge Velocity Flow Area Perimeter Top Width 0.07000 119.04 11.75 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07100 119.89 11.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07200 120.73 11.92 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07300 121,57 12.00 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07400 122.40 12.08 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07500 123.22 12.16 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07600 '124.04 12.24 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07700 124.85 12.32 1 0.13 33.76 33.00 0.07800 125.66 12.40 10.13 33.76 33.00 10.0790 0 126.46 12.48 10M 33.76 33.00 0.08000 127.26 12.56 10.13 33.76 33.00 Worksheet for Interior Street - R1W To R1W - 8" Curb (68' R1W) Project Description Flow Element: Irregular Section Friction Method: Manning Formula Solve For: Discharge Input Data Channel Slope: 0.00500 ft/ft Water Surface Elevation: 0.75 ft ,Opbons 0.670 Current Roughness Weighted Meth( Improvedl-otters Open Channel Weighted Roughnes! ImprovedLotters Closed Channel Weighted Roughne Hortons .Results - Roughness Coefficient: 0.015 Discharge: 65.39 1113/s Elevation Range: 0.000 to 0.910 ft Flow Area: 18.76 fI2 Wetted Perimeter 53.421 ft Top Width: 52.000 ft Normal Depth: 0.75 ft Critical Depth: 0.76 ft Critical Slope: 0.00476 fl/ft Velocity: 3.49 ft/s Velocity Head: 0.19 ft Specific Energy: 0.94 Froude Number 1.02 FlowType: Supercritical Segment Roughness 'Start Station � End Station, : Rougipriess Coefficient (0+00.00, (0+68.00, 0.015 0.910) 0.910) Section Geometry Station Elevation 0+00.00 0.910 0+12.00 0.670 Worksheet for Interior Street - RfW To RfW - 8" Curb (68' RIW) SWOon FJevafim 0+12.00 0.000 0+13.50 0.115 G+13.50 0.146 0+34.00 0.556 0+54.50 0.146 0+54.50 0.115 0+56.00 0.000 0+56.00 0.670 0+68.00 0.910 Rating Table for Interior Street - R1W To RfW - 8" Curb (68' R1W) Project Description Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Input Data Roughness Coefficient Water Surface Elevation: Attribute Channel Slope (fttft) Irregular Section Manning Formula Discharge 0.015 0.75 Minimum Ma)dmum 0.00200 0.08000 Chanrid S" Eiischarge V�lo* 0.00200 20.12 1.99 0.00300 .24.64 2.43 0.00400 28.46 2.81 0.00500 31.82 0.00600 34.85 3.44 0.00700 37.64 3.72 0.00800 40.24 3.97 0.00900 42.68 4.21 0.01000 44.99 4A 0.01100 47.19 4.66 0.0`1200 49.29 4.86 0.01300 51.30 �.06 0.01400 53.24 5.25 0.01500 55.11 5.44 0.0`1600 56.91 5.62 6.01700 58.66 5.79 0.01800 60.37 5.96 0.01900 62-02 6.12 0.02000 63.63 6.28 �0.02100 65.20 6.43 0.02200 66.74 6.59 0.02300 68.24 6.73 0.02400 69.70 6.88 0.025W 71.14 7.02 0.02600 72.55 7.16 0.02700 73.93 7.30 0.02800 75.29 7.43 0.02900 76.62 7.56 Flow Area 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 10.13 16.1�. 10.13 10.13 Weh6d Perimeter 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 33J6 33.76 33.76 33.76 33.76 Increment 0.00100 T60 Width 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 �3.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 L 'i E Rating Table for Interior Street - RfW To RfW - 8" Curb (68' RfW) Channel Slope DL-,cbarge Velocity Flow Area Wetted ... Top Width Perkneter 0.03000 77.93 7.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03100 79.22 7.82 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03200 80.49 7.94 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.03300 81.74 8.07 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03400 82.96 8.19 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03500 84.18 &31 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03600 85.37 8A3 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03700 86.55 8.54 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03800 87.71 8.66 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.03900 88.86 8.77 '10.13 3�1.76 33.00 0.04000 89.99 8.88 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04100 91.11 8.99 IOA3 33.76 33.00 0.04200 92.21 9.10 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04300 93.30 9.21 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04400 94.38 9.31 IOA3 AM 33.00 0.04500 95.45 9.42 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.046DO 96.50 9.52 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04700 97.54 9.63 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.04800 98.58 9.73 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.04900 99.60 9.83 io.0 33.76 33.00 0.06000 100.61 9.93 10.13 33.76 33.00 0. 05100 101.61 10.03 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05200 102.60 10.13 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05300 103.58 10.22 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05400 104.56 10.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05500 105.52 10.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.05600 106.48 10.51 10.13 33.76 33.00 '107.42 10.60 1OA3. �3.76 33.00 0.05800 108.36 10.69 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.05900 109.29 10.79 16.13 33.76 33.00 0.06000 liO.21 10.88 10J3 33.76 33.00 0.06100 111.13 10.97 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06200 112.03 11.06 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06300 112.93 11.15 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06400 113.83 11.23 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06500 114.71 11.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06600 115.59 11.41 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06700 MA6 11.49 10.13 33.76 33.60 0.06800 117.33 11.58 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.06900 1`18.19 11.66 1043 33.76 A00 Rating Table for Interior Street - R/W. To RfW - 8" Curb (68' RIW) Channel Slope DitchaW Velodty Flow Area WelZer Top Width Ped, 0.07000 119.04 11.75 10.13 33.76 33.00 6.07100 119.89 11.83 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07200 120.73 11.92 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07300 121.57 12.00 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07400 122.40 12.08 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07500 123.22 12.16 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07600 124.04 12.24 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07700 124.85 12.32 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07800 125.66 12.40 10.13 33.76 33.00 0.07900 126.46 12.48 10.13 33.76 3100 0.08000 127.26 12.56 10.13 33.76 33.00 APPENDIX D: CATCH BASIN CALCULATIONS FOR TRACT 16290-2 APPENDIX D.l: LINE "B-1" Wo.,%sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet In Sag Project Description Worksheet C13 "H" 100 -YR Type Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For Spread Input Data Discharge 21.20 cfs Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.080000 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Opening Height 0.83 ft Curb Throat Type Inclined Local Depression 4.Q in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle 90.00 degrees Results Spread 20.47 ft Depth 0. 5 cI," ft Gutter Depression 1.1 Jn Total Depression 5.1 in Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \calcs\flowmaster\cb calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM @ Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 5 Wo. Ash eet Worksheet for Curb Inlet In Sag Project, Description Worksheet CB "H" 25 -YR Type Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For Spread nput Data Discharge Gutter Width Gutter Cross Slope Road Cross Slope Curb Opening Length Opening Height Curb Throat Type Local Depression Local Depression Width Throat Incline Angle Results 16.60 cfs 1.50 ft 0.080000 ft/ft 0.020000 ft/ft 28.00 ft 0.83 ft Inclined 4.0 in 4.00 ft 90.00 degrees Spread 17.39 ft Depth 0.44 ft Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \calcs\flowmaster\cb calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 6 APPENDIX D.2: LINE "B-2" Worksheet for CB1-100YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Discharge: /18.70 ft3/s Gutter Width: - 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 28.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Horizontal Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle: 90.00 degrees SOMENIUMV041, Spread: 18.82 ft Depth: 0.49 ft Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0 .44 ft Worksheet for CBI-25YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Discharge: 13.90 ft3/S Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 28.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Horizontal Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle: 90.00 degrees Spread: 15.45 ft Depth: 0.42 ft Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft APPENDIXD.3: LAT."B-IC" Project. Description Wo.,%sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Worksheet CB "C" - 100 yr Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 22.10 cfs Slope 0.063000 fVft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083333 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft1ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression 4.00 ft Width Results Efficiency Intercepted Flow Bypass Flow Spread Depth Flow Area Gutter Depression Total Depression Velocity Equivalent Cross Slope Length Factor Total Interception Length q:\ ... \caics\flowmaster\cb calcs.fm2 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM 0.59 13.07 cfs 9.03 cfs 15.54 ft 0.41 ft 2.5 ft2 1.1 in 5.1 in 8.89 ft/s 0.050638 ft/ft 0.39 71.49 ft Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k) C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Wo, sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Project,Description Worksheet CB "C" - 25 yr Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 17.30 cfs Slope 0.063000 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083333 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency 0.66 Intercepted Flow 11.41 cfs Bypass Flow 5.89 cfs Spread 14.10 ft Depth 0.38 ft Flow Area 2.1 ft2 Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Velocity 8.40 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope 0.053865 ft/ft Length Factor 0.45 Total Interception Length 62.16 ft Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \calcs\flowmaster\cb calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 2 APPENDIX D.4: C.P. "B- I E" U f r Wo.msheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Project. Description Worksheet CB "E" 100 -YR Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 8.50 cfs Slope 0.050000 ffift Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.080000 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 21.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency 0.74.' Intercepted Flow 1� Bypass Flow 2.17 fis Spread Tm ft Depth 0.31 ft Flow Area 1.3 ft2 Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Velocity 6.53 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope 0.062122 ft/ft Length Factor 0.53 Total Interception Length 39.50 ft Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \caics\flowmaster\cb caIcsJm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM 0 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 7 Wo..%sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Project Description Worksheet CB "E" 25 -YR Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 6.70 cfs Slope 0.050000 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.080000 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 21.00 ft Local Depression .4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency 0.82 Intercepted Flow 5.48 cfs Bypass Flow 1.22 cfs Spread 10.07 ft Depth 0.29 ft Flow Area 1 .1 ft2 Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Velocity 6.19 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope 0.066353 ft/ft Length Factor 0.61 Total Interception Length 34.36 ft Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \calcs\flowmaster\cb caIcsJm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 8 APPENDIX D.5: C.P. "B -IF" Wo..,sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Project. Description . Worksheet CB 7" 100 -YR Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data 0.99 Discharge 5.30 cfs Slope 0.047400 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.080000 ftift Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency 0.99 Intercepted Flow 5.27 cfs Bypass Flow 0.03 cfs Spread 9.22 ft Depth 0.27 ft Flow Area 0.9 ft2 Gutter� Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Velocity 5.77 ftfs Equivalent Cross Slope 0.070361 ft/ft Length Factor 0.95 Total Interception Length 29.58 ft Analyzed as flow by due to limited ponding avaiable Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \caics\fiowmaster\cb ca1cs.frn2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM Q Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 9 Wo. %Sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Project Description Worksheet CB "F" 25 -YR Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 4.10 cfs Slope 0.047400 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.080000 fUft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0,015 Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency 1.00 Intercepted Flow 4.10 cfs Bypass Flow 0.00 cfs Spread 8.25 ft Depth 0.26 ft Flow Area 0.7 ft2 Gutter- Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Velocity 5.48 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope 0.075729 ft/ft Length Factor 1.10 Total Interception Length 25.41 ft Analyzed as flow by due to limited ponding available Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \calcs\flowmaster\cb calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 10 APPENDIX D.6: C.P. "B-1 9' A Project. Description ce> "G — Worksheet &B "A" - 100 yr Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Ir P W ...sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Discharge 9.03 cfs Slope 0.030000 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083333 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency Intercepted Flow Bypass Flow Spread Depth Flow Area Gutter Depression Total Depression Velocity Equivalent Cross Slope Length Factor Total Interception Length qA ... \caics\flowmaster\cb caIcsJm2 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM 0.93 8.40 cfs V.—Mc* 12:6-1—ff-' 0.35 ft 1.7 ft2 1.1 in 5.1 in 5.44 ft/s 0.057961 ft/ft 0.77 36.24 ft Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k) C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 3 Wom.%sheet Worksheet for Curb Inlet On Grade Project. Description Cib ki (r " Worksheet G&jA" - 25 yr Type Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For Efficiency Input Data Discharge 5.90 cfs Slope 0.030000 ft/ft Gutter Width 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope 0.083333 ft/ft Road Cross Slope 0.020000 ft/ft Mannings Coefficient 0.015 Curb Opening Length 28.00 ft Local Depression 4.0 in Local Depression Width 4.00 ft Results Efficiency 1.00 Intercepted Flow 5.90 cfs Bypass Flow 1.21 e-3 cfs Spread 10.59 ft Depth 0.31 ft Flow Area 1.2 ft2 Gutter Depression 1.1 in Total Depression 5.1 in Velocity 4.95 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope 0.065146 ft/ft Length Factor 0.99 Total Interception Length 28.25 ft Project Engineer: ceazar aguilar q:\ ... \calcs\flowmaster\cb calcs.fm2 AEI-CASC Engineering FlowMaster v6.1 [614k] 12/28/2005 3:54:37 PM C Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 4 APPENDIX D.7: C.P. "B -2J" Worksheet for CBJ-100YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread Discharge: 13.60 ft -1/s Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Curb Opening Length: 14.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Horizontal Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle: 90.00 degrees iy*�- M IM , M - Spread: 21.34 ft Depth: 0.54 ft Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Worksheet for CBJ-25YR —2� C- _MP , pv FW ,tzm Flow Element: Curb Inlet In Sag Solve For: Spread 'jt�p' fl ,49,'a Discharge: 9.60 ftl/s Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ftift Curb Opening Length: 14.00 ft Opening Height: 0.50 ft Curb Throat Type: Horizontal Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Throat Incline Angle: 90.00 degrees NO Spread: 16.92 ft Depth: 0.45 ft Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 6.44 ft APPENDIX D.8: C.P. "B -M7 mm� Worksheet for CBK-100YR Mi Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency i- i - - � = 1� N-MI-NINNAVERNMORN 'Mm 21114mz Discharge: 14.00 ft3/S Slope: 0.07500 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 It Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 21.00 It Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Efficiency: 57.49 % Intercepted Flow: 8.05 ft -1/s Bypass Flow: 5.95 ft3/S Spread: 12.42 ft Depth: 6.36 ft Flow Area: 1.63 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 8.61 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.06117 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.38 Total Interception Length: 55.52 ft Worksheet for CBK-25YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For. Efficiency Discharge: 10.90 ft -1/s Slope: 0.07500 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 It Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ftift Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 21.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 It #A- N MIMI-,. M�t Efficiency: 64.62 % Intercepted Flow: 7.04 ft -1/s Bypass Flow: 3.86 ft3/S Spread: 11.20 It Depth: 6.33 ft Flow Area: 1.34 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 8.16 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.06570 ftift Length Factor. 0.44 Total Interception Length: 47.88 ft APPENDIX D.9: C.P. "B-21," Worksheet for CBL-100YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency a Discharge - Slope: 0.00500 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 21.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft jffl�� MM Efficiency: 95.99 % Intercepted Flow: 9.70 ft3/S Bypass Flow: 0.40 f?/s Spread: 18.71 ft Depth: 0 .48 ft Flow Area: 3.58 f12 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 2.82 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.04681 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.83 Total Interception Length: 25.22 ft Worksheet for CBL-25YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency ITIMUNISUMAT Discharge: 7.40 ft3/S Slope: 0.00500 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 21.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Efficiency: 99.99 % Intercepted Flow: 7.40 ft3/S Bypass Flow: 0.00 ft3/S Spread: 16.56 ft Depth: 6.44 ft Flow Area: 2.83 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 2.62 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.05051 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.99 Total Interception Length: 21.15 ft APPENDIXD.10: C.P."B-2M" Worksheet for CBM-100YR Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Discharge: 12.00 ft3/S Slope: 0.06430 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ftift Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 28.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Efficiency: 78.19 % Intercepted Flow: 9.38 ft,/S Bypass Flow: 2.62 ft3/S Spread: 12.03 ft Depth: 6.35 ft Flow Area: 1.53 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 7.84 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.06252 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.57 Total Interception Length: 49.05 ft Worksheet for CBM-25YR Flow Element: Solve For: Curb Inlet On Grade Efficiency Discharge: 9.40 ft3/s Slope: 0.06430 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 28.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft 7 Efficiency: 85.64 % Intercepted Flow: 8.05 ft -1/s Bypass Flow: 1.35 ft -'/s Spread: 10.87 ft Depth: 0.33 ft Flow Area: 1.26 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 7.44 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.06707 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.66 Total Interception Length: 42.44 ft APPENDIX D. 11: C.P. "B -2N" Worksheet for CBN-100YR U, 5 MEN Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency Z�' ii ' "�'- -" - X, I ''I I 1 11 ill 1 aK. 78.14 % Intercepted Flow: 6.33 ftl/s Discharge: 8.10 ftl/s ft3/S Slope: 0.05000 Depth: ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 1.24 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ft ft/ft Road Cross Slope: 0.02 Velocity: ftift Manning Coefficient: 0.015 0.06753 fult Curb Opening Length: 21.00 It Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 It Efficiency: 78.14 % Intercepted Flow: 6.33 ftl/s Bypass Flow: 1.77 ftl/s Spread: 10.76 It Depth: 6.33 ft Flow Area: 1.24 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 It Velocity: 6.53 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.06753 fult Length Factor: 0.57 Total Interception Length: 36.82 It Worksheet for CBN-25YR F 2o, E=e Solve For: Efficiency ftl/s Slope: 0.05000 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.09 ftift Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 21.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft Effi Intercepted Flow: 5.47 ft3/S Bypass Flow: 0.93 ftNs Spread: 9.73 ft Depth: 6.31 ft Flow Area: 1.03 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.11 ft Total Depression: 0.44 ft Velocity: 6.22 ft/s Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.07239 ft/ft Length Factor: 0.66 Total Interception Length: 31.99 ft APPENDIX E: STORM DRAIN CALCULATIONS FOR TRACT 16290-2 APPENDIXE.I: LINE"B-I" Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B-1" T3 FN: LINEB1.WSW so 1561.9601708.200 1 1709.990 R 1564.2401708.220 1 .013 ix 1570.6801708.950 3 2 * 1573.2901709.240 3 6.300 * 1608.6301713.220 3 * 1614.6301713.900 3 WE 1614.6301713.900 4 0 SH 1614.6301713.900 4 CD 1 4 1 .000 0 2.500 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 3 4 1 .000 .250 2.000 CD 4 2 0 .000 5.040 Q 21.200 .0 m 1709.990 .013 .000 .000 1 .013 6.300 1708.510 46.8 .000 .013 .000 .000 0 .013 -89.992 .000 0 .013 .000 .000 0 .250 1713.900 .000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 28.000 .000 .000 .00 FILE: LINEBl.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:58:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B -l" FN: LINEB1.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1561.960 1708.200 1.038 1709.238 27.50 14.28 3.16 1712.40 .00 1.79 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.280 .0088 .0351 .08 2.84 1.56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1564.240 1708.220 1.029 1709.249 27.50 14.43 3.23 1712.48 .00 1.79 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .1133 .0532 .34 1.03 2.89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1570.680 1708.950 .820 1709.770 21.20 17.48 4.75 1714.52 .00 1.65 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.610 .1111 .0695 .18 .82 3.92 .73 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1573.290 1709.240 .828 1710.068 21.20 17.27 4.63 1714.70 .81 1.65 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.921 .1126 .0647 .45 1.64 3.85 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1580.211 1710.019 .853 1710.873 21.20 16.58 4.27 1715.14 .75 1.65 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.466 .1126 .0574 .37 1.60 3.63 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1586.677 1710.748 .884 1711.632 21.20 15.81 3.88 1715.51 .69 1.65 1.�q 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.142 .1126 .0504 .26 1.57 3.39 ...72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1591.819 1711.327 .917 1712.244 21.20 15.07 3.53 1715.77 .62 1.65 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.185 .1126 .0444 .19 1.54 3.16 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1596.004 1711.798 .952 1712.750 21.20 14.37 3.21 1715.96 .57 1.65 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.473 .1126 .0391 .14 1.52 2.95 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1599.477 1712.189 .988 1713.177 21.20 13.70 2.91 1716.09 .52 1.65 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.901 .1126 .0344 .10 1.51 2.74 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: LINEB1.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-200"5 Time: 2:58:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B -l" FN: LINEB1.WSW InVert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1602.378 1712.516 1.026 1713.542 21.20 13.06 2.65 1716.19 .47 1.65 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.452 .1126 .0303 .07 1.50 2.56 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1604.830 1712.792 1.065 1713.857 21.20 12.46 2.41 1716.27 .43 1.65 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.060 .1126 .0267 .06 1.49 2.38 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1606.891 1713.024 1.107 1714.131 21.20 11.88 2.19 1716.32 .39 1.65 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.739 .1126 .0236 .04 1.49 2.21 .72 .013 .00 PIPE 1608.630 1713.220 1.151 1714.371 21.20 11.32 1.99 1716.36 .00 1.65 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .304 .1133 .0218 .01 1.15 2.05 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1608.934 1713.254 1.160 1714.415 21.20 11.21 1.95 1716.37 .00 1.65 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.402 .1133 .0203 .03 1.16 2.02 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1610.336 1713.413 1.207 1714.620 21.20 10.69 1.77 1716.39 .00 1.65 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.167 .1133 .0180 .02 1.21 1.87 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1611.503 1713.546 1.257 1714.803 21.20 10.19 1.61 1716.42 .00 1.65 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .961 1133 .0159 .02 1.26 1.73 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE .1612.465 1713.655 1.310 1714.965 21.20 9.72 1.47 1716.43 .00 1.65 1.90 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- .769 -I- .1133 I I -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0142 -I- .01 -I- 1.31 -I- 1.60 -I- .72 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPE 1613.234 -I- 1713.742 -I- 1.367 I I 1715.109 I 21.20 9.27 I 1.33 I 1716.44 .00 I I 1.65 1.86 I I 2.000 1 .000 .00 1 1 .0 . .608 .1133 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0126 -I- .01 -I- 1.37 -I- 1.47 -I- .72 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPE FILE: LINEB1.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-20C�5 Time: 2:58:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B -l" FN: LINEBl.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super ICritiCalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INO Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorM DP I "N' I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1613.842 1713.811 1.427 1715.238 21.20 8.83 1.21 1716.45 .00 1.65 1.81 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .433 .1133 .0113 .00 1.43 1.35 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1614.275 1713.860 1.493 1715.353 21.20 8.42 1.10 1716.45 .00 1.65 1.74 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .263 .1133 .0101 .00 1.49 1.23 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1614.538 1713.890 1.566 1715.456 21.20 8.03 1.00 1716.46 .00 1.65 1.65 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .092 .1133 .0091 .00 1.57 1.12 .72 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1614.630 1713.900 1.649 1715.549 21.20 7.65 .91 1716.46 .00 1.65 1.52 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1614.630 1713.900 3.269 1717.169 21.20 .23 .00 1717.17 .00 .26 28.00 5.040 28.000 .00 0 .0 APPENDIX E.2: LINE "B-2" SH 1333.9301640.530 7 1635.420 .000 .000 .000 .000 12.9001636.5701636.520-30.0 51.1 .000 62.312 .000 1637.450 27.7 .000 CD 1 LINEB2 TI 52641 COYOTE CANYON .000 3.000 0 .000 .000 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LINE "IB -211 2 T3 FN:LINEB2.WSW 1 .000 so 1004.0301632.860 1 .000 R 1012.6301633.020 1 .013 .000 0 1 .000 R 1030.0001633.370 1 .013 .000 0 CD 4 R 1080.0001634.360 1 .013 .000 0 .000 .000 R 1228.7001635.940 1 .013 .000 0 1 .000 ix 1237.0901636.530 4 2 3.013 27.500 .000 CD 6 R 1243.6301636.600 4 .013 .000 0 .000 .000 R 1268.1001636.860 4 .013 .000 0 0 .000 R 1276.3901636.950 4 .013 .000 0 Q ix 1283.6301637.840 6 5 .013 8.100 .000 R 1333.9301640.530 6 .013 .000 0 WE 1333.9301640.530 7 .250 SH 1333.9301640.530 7 1635.420 .000 .000 .000 .000 12.9001636.5701636.520-30.0 51.1 .000 62.312 .000 1637.450 27.7 .000 CD 1 4 1 .000 3.000 .000 .000 .000 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 CD 4 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 CD 6 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 CD 7 2 0 .000 6.000 28.000 .000 .000 Q 18.700 .0 Page 1 1640.530 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 LINEB2 0 FILE: LINEB2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:24: 9 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B-2" FN:LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super JCriticaljFl?dtTop Height/ Base.Wt INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El. Elev I Depth Wi h Dia. -FT or I D. ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope- I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude N Norm Dp "N" X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1004.030 1632.860 2.021 1634.881 67.20 13.26 2.73 1637.61 00 2.62 2.81 3.000 000 00 1 .0 8.600 0186 .0159 .14 2.02 1.74 1.92 013 00 00 PIPE 1012.630 1633.020 2.033 1635.053 67.20 13.18 2.70 1637.75 .00 2.62 2.80 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 17.370 0201 .0153 .27 2.03 1.72 1.87 013 00 00 PIPE 1030.000 1633.370 2.078 1635.448 67.20 12.86 2.57 1638.02 00 2.62 2.77 3.000 000 00 1 .0 3.486 0198 .0148 .05 2.08 1.65 1.88 013 00 00 PIPE 1033.486 1633.439 2.088 1635.527 67.20 12.79 2.54 1638.07 00 2.62 2.76 3.000 000 00 1 .0 23.028 0198 .0139 .32 2.09 1.63 1.88 013 00 00 PIPE 1056.514 1633.895 2.183 1636.078 67.20 12.19 2.31 1638.39 00 2.62 2.67 3.000 000 00 1 .0 14.534 0198 .0124 .18 2.18 1.50 1.88 013 00 00 PIPE 1071.048 1634.183 2.286 1636.469 67.20 11.63 2.10 1638.57 .00 2.62 2.56 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 8.952 0198 .0112 .10 2.29 1.36 1.88 013 00 00 PIPE 1080.000 1634.360 2.400 1636.760 67.20 11.09 1.91 1638.67 .00 2.62 2.40 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 21.642 0106 .0106 .23 2.40 1.23 2.40 013 00 00 PIPE 1101.642 1634.590 2.400 1636.990 67.20 11.09 1.91 1638.90 00 2.62 2.40 3 .000 .000 .00 1 .0 105.168 0106 .0103 1.09 2.40 1.23 2.40 013 00 00 PIPE 1206.809 1635.707 2.475 1638.182 67.20 10.77 1.80 1639.98 .00 2.62 2.28 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 21.891 .0106 .0096 .21 2.48 1.15 2.40 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LINEB2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:24: 9 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B-211 FN:LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super icriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width jDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip Page 1 Page 2 LINEB2 L/Elem ICh,,Slope,, Avel HF SE*Dpth Froude*N Norm Dp X-Fa*l ZR Type Ch 1228.700 1635.940 2.618 1638.558 67.20 10.27 1.64 1640.20 00 2.62 2.00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 0703 .0067 .06 2.62 1.00 013 00 00 PIPE 1237.090 1636.530 3.722 1640.252 26.80 5.46 46 1640.71 00 1.77 00 2.500_ 000 00 1 .0 6.S40 0107 .0043 .03 3.72 00 1.44 013 00 00 PIPE 1243.630 1636.600 3.680 1640.280 26.80 5.46 .46 1640.74 .00 1.77 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 24.470 .0106 .0043 .10 .00 .00 1.44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1268.100 1636,860 3.601 1640.461 26.80 5.4G .46 1640.92 .00 1.77 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.290 .0109 .0043 .04 3.60 .00 1.44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1276.390 1636.950 3.S47 1640.497 26.80 S.46 .46 1640.96 .00 1.77 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .1229 .0056 .04 3.55 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1283.630 1637.840 2.824 1640.664 18.70 5.95 .55 1641.21 .00 1.56 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.879 .0535 .0068 .05 2.82 .00 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1290.509 1638.208 2.504 1640.712 18.70 5.95 .55 1641.26 .00 1.56 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1290.509 1638.208 .926 1639.134 18.70 13.13 2.68 1641.81 .00 1.56 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 8.535 .0535 .0338 .29 .93 2.74 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1299.044 1638.664 .954 1639.619 18.70 12.64 2.48 1642.10 .00 1.56 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 8.127 .0535 .0302 .25 .95 2.59 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LINEB2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:24: 9 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B-21- FN:LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel Energy Super Critical Flow ToplHeight/ Base Wt INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El Elev Depth Dia. -FT or I.D. ZL - Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope -1 SF Ave HF SE Dpth _ Froude N _Width Norm Dp X -Fall ZR Type Ch 1307.172 1639.099 .990 1640.089 18.70 12.05 2.26 1642.34 .00 1.56 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 6.204 .0535 .0266 .16 99 2.41 83 013 00 00 PIPE 1313.375 1 1639.431 1.028 1640.459 18.70 11.49 2.05 1642.51 .00 1.56 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 Page 2 Page 3 LINEB2 4,867 .0535 .0234 .11 1.03 2.24 .83 013 00 00 PIPE 1318.243 1639.691 1.068 1640.759 18.70 10.96 1.86 1642.62 .00 1.56 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.911 .0535 .0206 .08 1.07 2.09 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1322.154 1639.900 1.109 1641.009 18.70 10.45 1.69 1642.70 .00 1.56 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.120 .0535 .0182 .06 1 . 11 1.94 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1325.274 1640.067 1.153 1641.220 18.70 9.96 1.54 1642.76 .00 1.56 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.489 .0535 .0161 .04 1.15 1.80 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1327.763 1640.200 1.200 1641.400 18.70 9.50 1.40 1642.80 .00 1.56 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.996 .0535 .0142 ..03 1.20 1.67 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1329.760 1640.307 1.249 1641.556 18.70 9.05 1.27 1642.83 .00 1.56 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.536 .0535 .0126 .02 1.25 1.55 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1331.296 1640.389 1.302 1641.691 18.70 8.63 1.16 1642.85 .00 1.56 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.165 .0535 .0112 .01 1.30 1.43 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1332.460 1640.451 1.358 1641.810 18.70 8.23 1.05 1642.86 .00 1.56 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .820 .0535 .0100 .01 1.36 1.32 .83 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LINEB2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:24: 9 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LINE "B-211 FN:LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy I super ICritical Flow TOPIHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head Grd.El.1 Elev Depth Width IDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip -I- L/Elem ICh Slope I T -I- SF Avel -I- HF ISE DpthlFroude N Norm Dp*,**"N"**I*X-Fall T -I- -1- ZR* -1 Ch IType 1333.280 1640.495 1.418 1641.913 18.70 7.85 .96 1642.87 .00 1.56 1.82 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .493 .0535 .0089 .00 1.42 1.21 83 013 00 00 PIPE 1333.773 1640.522 1.483 1642.005 18.70 7.48 .87 1642.87 .00 1.56 1.75 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .157 .0535 .0080 .00 1.48 1.10 83 013 00 00 PIPE 1333.930 1640.530 1.556 1642.086 18.70 7.13 .79 1642.88 .00 1.56 1.66 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1333.930 1640.530 2.903 1643.433 18.70 .23 .00 1643.43 .00 .24 28.00 6.000 28.000 .00 0 .0 Page 3 APPENDIX E.3: LAT. "B-1 Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON 4 1 T2 WSPGN RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC" T3 FN: LATBlC.WSW 4 1 so 1049.7801703.810 1 CD R 1054.3601704.310 1 .013 ix 1060.8401705.010 4 2 3.013 * 1104.4501705.850 4 .013 * 1122.1201706.190 4 .013 * 1133.6501706.420 4 .013 WE 1133.6501706.420 5 .250 SH 1133.6501706.420 5 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 4 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 CD 5 2 0 .000 9.230 28.000 Q 13.100 .0 A 1706.310 .000 .000 1 4.900 8.4001704.7001704.730-59.2 45.0 .000 .000 .000 0 44.996 .000 0 .000 .000 0 1706.420 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .00 FILE: LATBIC.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:58:58 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC" FN: LATBlC.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super ICritiCalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Flev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem Ich slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N- I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1049.780 1703.810 2.500 1706.310 26.40 5.38 .45 1706.76 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .000 .1092 .0041 .00 2.50 .00 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.780 1703.810 2.500 1706.310 26.40 5.38 .45 1706.76 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.766 .1092 .0038 .01 2.50 .00 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1051.546 1704.003 2.268 1706.271 26.40 5.64 .49 1706.77 .00 1.75 1.45 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .323 .1092 .0037 .00 2.27 .55 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1051.869 1704.038 2.218 1706.256 26.40 5.73 .51 1706.77 .00 1.75 1.58 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1051.869 1704.038 1.371 1705.409 26.40 9.58 1.42 1706.83 .00 1.75 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .074 .1092 .0122 .00 1.37 1.60 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1051.943- 1704.046 1.371 1705.417 26.40 9.57 1.42 1706.84 .00 1.75 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .771 .1092 .0115 .01 1.37 1.60 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1052.714 1704.130 1.425 1705.556 26.40 9.13 1.29 1706.85 .00 1.75 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .602 .1092 .0101 .01 1.43 1.49 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.316 1704.196 1.483 1705.679 26.40 8.70 1.18 1706.86 .00 1.75 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .468 .1092 .0090 .00 1.48 1.38 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1053.784 1704.247 1.543 1705.790 26.40 8.30 1.07 1706.86 .00 1.75 2.43 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .318 .1092 .0079 .00 1.54 1.28 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: LATBIC.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:58:58 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LATERAL "B -1C" FN: LATBlC.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super jCriticalIFloW ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1054.101 1704.282 1.608 1705.890 26.40 7.91 .97 1706.86 .00 1.75 2.40 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .199 .1092 .0070 .00 1.61 1.18 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1054.301 1704.304 1.676 1705.980 26.40 7.54 .88 1706.86 .00 1.75 2.35 2.500 .000 .00 1 D .059 .1092 .0063 .00 1.68 1.09 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1054.360 1704.310 1.751 1706.061 26.40 7.19 .80 1706.86 .00 1.75 2.29 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .1080 .0046 .03 1.75 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1060.840 1705.010 2.132 1707.142 13.10 4.17 .27 1707.41 .00 1.30 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 8.324 .0193 .0033 .03 2.13 .00 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1069.164 1705.170 2.000 1707.170 13.10 4.17 .27 1707.44 .00 1.30 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 9.777 .0193 .0031 .03 2.00 .00 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1078.941 1705.359 1.814 1707.173 13.10 4.37 .30 1707.47 .00 1.30 1.16 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.285 .0193 .0030 .01 1.81 .48 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1081.226 1705.403 1.765 1707.167 13.10 4.47 .31 1707.48 .00 1.30 1.29 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1081.226 1705.403 .947 1706.350 13.10 8.94 1.24 1707.59 .00 1.30 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.616 .0193 .0161 .07 .95 1.84 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1085.842 1705.492 .947 1706.439 13.10 8.93 1.24 1707.68 .00 1.30 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 18.608 .0193 .0152 .28 .95 1.84 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: LATBlC.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:58:58 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC- FN: LATBlC.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super iCriticallFlow TopjHeight/113ase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width jDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem lCh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1104.450 1705.850 .983 1706.833 13.10 8.52 1.13 1707.96 .20 1.30 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 10.395 .0192 .0134 .14 1.18 1.71 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1114.844 1706.050 1.018 1707.068 13.10 8.15 1.03 1708.10 .18 1.30 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 7.276 .0192 .0118 .09 1.20 1.60 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1122.120 1706.190 1.058 1707.248 13.10 7.77 .94 1708.18 .00 1.30 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.212 .0200 .0109 .01 1.06 1.49 .89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1123.332 1706.214 1.067 1707.281 13.10 7.68 .92 1708.20 .00 1.30 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.213 .0200 .0102 .04 1.07 1.46 .89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1127.545 1706.298 1.109 1707.407 13.10 7.32 .83 1708.24 .00 1.30 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.886 .0200 .0090 .03 1.11 1.36 .89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1130.431- 1706.356 1.153 1707.509 13.10 6.98 .76 1708.27 .00 1.30 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.898 .0200 .0079 .02 1.15 1.26 .89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1132.329 1706.394 1.199 1707.593 13.10 6.66 .69 1708.28 .00 1.30 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.049 .0200 .0070 .01 1.20 1.17 .89 .013 .00 .00 PIPE .1133.379 I 1706.415 I 1.248 I I 1707.663 I 13.10 6.35 I .63 I 1708.29 .00 I 1.30 I 1.94 I 2.000 I 1 .000 .00 1 1 .0 -I- .271 -i- .0200 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0062 -I- .00 -I- 1.25 -I- 1.08 -I- .89 -I- .013 -I- .00 .00 I- PIPE 1133.650 I 1706.420 I 1.302 I I 1707.722 I 13.10 6.05 .57 I I 1708.29 .00 I 1.30 I 1.91 I 2.000 I 1 .000 .00 1 1 .0 . -I- -I- WALL ENTRANCE -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I - FILE: LATBlC.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-200� Time: 2:58:58 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC' FN: LATBlC.WSW Invert Depth Water Vel vel I Energy I super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj jNo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1133.650 1706.420 2.174 1708.594 13.10 .22 .00 1708.60 .00 .19 28.00 9.230 28.000 .00 0 .0 APPENDIX E.4: C.P. B- Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B -IE" T3 FN: CPBlE.WSW SO 1001.6001708.510 1 1709.770 R 1022.6401709.980 1 .013 0 WE 1022.6401709.980 2 .250 SH 1022.6401709.980 2 1709.980 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 9.080 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 6.300 .0 9 FILE: CPBlE.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time; 2:59:19 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B -1E" FN: CPB1E.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrS/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1001.600 1708.510 .498 1709.008 6.30 10.31 1.65 1710.66 .00 .89 1.73 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.462 .0699 .0404 .10 .50 3.06 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1004.062 1708.682 .507 1709.189 6.30 10.03 1.56 1710.75 .00 .89 1.74 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.701 .0699 .0364 .13 .51 2.94 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1007.763 1708.941 .525 1709.466 6.30 9.56 1.42 1710.89 .00 .89 1.76 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.920 .0699 .0318 .09 .53 2.76 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1010.683 1709.145 .543 1709.688 6.30 9.12 1.29 1710.98 .00 .89 1.78 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.341 .0699 .0278 .07 .54 2.58 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1013.023 1709.308 .562 1709.870 6.30 8.69 1.17 1711.04 .00 .89 1.80 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.906 .0699 .0244 .05 .56 2.41 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1014.929 1709.441 .582 1710.023 6.30 8.29 1.07 1711.09 .00 .89 1.82 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.587 .0699 .0213 .03 .58 2.26 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1016.516 1709.552 .602 1710.154 6.30 7.90 .97 1711.12 .00 .89 1.83 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.313 .0699 .0187 .02 .60 2.11 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.829 1709.644 .623 1710.267 6.30 7.54 .88 1711.15 .00 .89 1.85 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.087 .0699 .0163 .02 .62 1.98 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.916 1709.720 .645 1710.365 6.30 7.19 .80 1711.17 .00 .89 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 1 C .898 .0699 .0143 .01 .65 1.85 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPBlE.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:59:19 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B -IE" FN: CPBlE.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super IcriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elerft ICh Slope I I I I SF AVej HF ISE DpthIFroude NINOrm Dp I "N' I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1019.814 1709.782 .668 1710.451 6.30 6.85 .73 1711.18 .00 .89 1.89 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .755 .0699 .0125 .01 .67 1.73 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1020.569 1709.835 .691 1710.526 6.30 6.53 .66 1711.19 .00 .89 1.90 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .599 .0699 .0110 .01 .69 1.62 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1021.167 1709.877 .716 1710.593 6.30 6.23 .60 1711.20 .00 .89 1.92 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .478 .0699 .0096 .00 .72 1.51 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1021.645 1709.910 .742 1710.652 6.30 5.94 .55 1711.20 .00 .89 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .387 .0699 .0085 .00 .74 1.41 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1022.032 1709.938 .768 1710.706 6.30 5.66 .50 1711.20 .00 .89 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .276 .0699 .0074 .00 .77 1.32 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1022.308 1709.957 .796 1710.753 6.30 5.40 .45 1711.21 .00 .89 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .192 .0699 .0065 .00 .80 1.23 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1022.500 1709.970 .825 1710.795 6.30 5.15 .41 1711.21 .00 .89 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .115 .0699 .0057 .00 .83 1.15 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1709.978 .855 1710.833 6.30 4.91 .37 1711.21 .00 .89 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .025 .0699 .0050 .00 .86 1.07 .44 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1022.640 1709.980 .889 1710.869 6.30 4.67 .34 1711.21 .00 .89 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE FILE: CPBlE.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:59:19 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B-lE" FN: CPB1E.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFloW TopjHeight/113ase Wtj INO Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude NINOrM Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1022.640 1709.980 1.385 1711.365 6.30 .22 .00 1711.37 .00 .14 21.00 9.080 21.000 .00 0 .0 APPENDIX E.5: C.P. "B -IF" TI 52641 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B-lF" T3 FN: CPBlF.WSW so 1001.3701704.700 1 1707.142 R 1033.1901707.520 1 .013 0 WE 1033.1901707.520 2 .250 SH 1033.1901707.520 2 1707.520 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 5.500 28.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 5.300 .0 .000 0 FILE: CPBlF.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE I Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:59:31 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B-lF" FN: CPBlF.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem Ich slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1001.370 1704.700 2.442 1707.142 5.30 1.69 .04 1707.19 .00 .81 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.019 .0886 .0005 .00 2.44 .00 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1006.389 1705.145 2.000 1707,145 5.30 1.69 .04 1707.19 .00 .81 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.048 .0886 .0005 .00 2.00 .00 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1008.437 1705.326 1.814 1707.140 5.30 1.77 .05 1707.19 .00 .81 1.16 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.170 .0886 .0005 .00 1.81 .19 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1009.607 1705.430 1.706 1707.136 5.30 1.86 .05 1707.19 .00 .81 1.42 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .938 .0886 .0005 .00 1.71 .23 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1010.545 1705.513 1.618 1707.131 5.30 1.95 .06 1707.19 .00 .81 1.57 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .819 .0886 .0006 .00 1.62 .26 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1011.365 1705.586 1.540 1707.126 5.30 2.04 .06 1707.19 .00 .81 1.68 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .722 0886 .0007 .00 1.54 29 38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1012.087 1705.650 1.470 1707.120 5.30 2.14 .07 1707.19 .00 .81 1.77 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .521 .0886 .0007 .00 1.47 .32 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1012.608 1705.696 1.406 1707.102 5.30 2.25 .08 1707.18 .00 .81 1.83 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1012.608 1705.696 .422 1706.118 5.30 10.97 1.87 1707.99 .00 .81 1.63 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.957 .0886 .0539 .16 .42 3.55 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPBIF.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-200� Time: 2:59:31 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B -IF" FN: CPBIF.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem jCh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1015.565 1705.958 .436 1706.394 5.30 10.46 1.70 1708.09 .00 .81 1.65 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.360 .0886 .0471 .16 .44 3.33 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1018.925 1706.255 .451 1706.707 5.30 9.97 1.54 1708.25 .00 .81 1.67 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.644 .0886 .0412 .11 .45 3.12 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1021.569 1706.490 .466 1706.956 5.30 9.51 1.40 1708.36 .00 .81 1.69 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.122 .0886 .0360 .08 .47 2.92 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1023.691 1706.678 .482 1707.160 5.30 9.07 1.28 1708.44 .00 .81 1.71 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.734 .0886 .0315 .05 .48 2.73 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1025.424 1706.832 .499 1707.331 5.30 8.65 1.16 1708.49 .00 .81 1.73 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.449 .0886 .0275 .04 .50 2.56 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1026.873 1706.960 .516 1707.476 5.30 8.24 1.06 1708.53 .00 .81 1.75 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.207 .0886 .0241 .03 .52 2.40 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1028.081 1707.067 .534 1707.601 5.30 7.86 .96 1708.56 .00 .81 1.77 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.024 .0886 .0211 .02 .53 2.24 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1029.105 1707.158 .552 1707.710 5.30 7.49 .87 1708.58 .00 .81 1.79 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .844 .0886 .0184 .02 .55 2.10 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1029.949 1707.233 .572 1707.805 5.30 7.14 .79 1708.60 .00 .81 1.81 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .732 .0886 .0161 .01 .57 1.97 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPBlF.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:59:31 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B-lF" FN: CPBlF.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super IcriticaliFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthiFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1030.681 1707.297 .591 1707.889 5.30 6.81 .72 1708.61 .00 .81 1.83 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .597 .0886 .0141 .01 .59 1.84 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.279 1707.350 .612 1707.963 5.30 6.50 .66 1708.62 .00 .81 1.84 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .493 .0886 .0124 .01 .61 1.72 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1031.771 1707.394 .634 1708.028 5.30 6.19 .60 1708.62 .00 .81 1.86 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .413 .0886 .0108 .00 .63 1.61 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.185 1707.431 .656 1708.087 5.30 5.90 .54 1708.63 .00 .81 1.88 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .331 .0886 .0095 .00 .66 1.51 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.516 1707.460 .679 1708.139 5.30 5.63 .49 1708.63 .00 .81 1.89 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .258 .0886 .0083 .00 .68 1.41 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.774 1707.483 .703 1708.186 5.30 5.37 .45 1708.63 .00 .81 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .180 .0886 .0073 .00 .70 1.32 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.955 1707.499 .729 1708.228 5.30 5.12 .41 1708.64 .00 .81 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .134 .0886 .0064 .00 .73 1.23 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1707.511 .755 1708.266 5.30 4.88 .37 1708.64 .00 .81 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .080 .0886 .0056 .00 .76 1.15 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1033.168 1707.518 .782 1708.300 5.30 4.65 .34 1708.64 .00 .81 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .022 .0886 .0049 .00 .78 1.07 .38 .013 .00 .00 PIPE FILE: CPB1F.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-2005 Time: 2:59:31 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B-lF' FN: CPB1F.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super IcriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CPS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1033.190 1707.520 .812 1708.332 5.30 4.43 .30 1708.64 .00 .81 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE I 1033.190 1707.520 1.257 1708.777 5.30 .15 .00 1708.78 .00 .10 28.00 5.500 28.000 .00 0 .0 APPENDIXE.6: Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B-lG" T3 FN: CPBlG.WSW so 1001.6401704.730 1 1707.142 R 1023.3301705.440 1 .013 0 WE 1023.3301705.440 2 .250 SH 1023.3301705.440 2 1705.440 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 2 2 0 .000 7.540 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Q 8.400 .0 I Illort R 000 FILE: CPBlG.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE I Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-28-200S Time: 2:59:45 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR CP "B -IG" FN! CPBIG.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super IcriticaliFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1001.640 1704.730 2.412 1707.142 8.40 2.67 .11 1707.25 .00 1.03 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 13.140 .0327 .0014 .02 2.41 .00 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1014.780 1705.160 2.000 1707.160 8.40 2.67 .11 1707.27 .00 1.03 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 5.526 .0327 .0013 .01 2.00 .00 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1020.306 1705.341 1.814 1707.155 8.40 2.80 .12 1707.28 .00 1.03 1.16 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.024 .0327 .0012 .00 1.81 .31 .61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1023.330 1705.440 1.707 1707.147 8.40 2.94 .13 1707.28 .00 1.03 1.41 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1023.330 1705.440 1.961 1707.401 8.40 .20 .00 1707.40 .00 .17 21.00 7.540 21.000 .00 0 .0 APPENDIX E.7: C.P. Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2J" T3 FN:CPB2J.WSW so 1001.8501636.520 1 R 1017.2201640.230 1 .000 0 WE 1017.2201640.230 2 SH 1017.2201640.230 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.000 Q 13.600 .0 CPB2J .013 .250 1640.252 1640.230 .000 .000 .000 .00 14.000 .000 .000 .00 Page 1 .000 Page I CPB2J 0 FILE: CPB2J.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE Program Package Serial Number: 142D WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Dateil2- 9-2005 Time: 2:28t53 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2J" FN:CPB2J.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy Super lCritical Flow ToplHeight/lBase Wtl No Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El.1 Elev Depth Width Dia. -FT or I.D. ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem lCh Slope SF Ave HF �Froude N Norm Dp N-1 X -Fall ZR Type Ch 1001.850 1636.520 3.732 1640.252 13.60 4.33 29 1640.54 00 1.33 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 5.331 2414 .0036 .02 3.73 00 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1007.181 1637.807 2.464 1640.271 13.60 4.33 29 1640.56 00 1.33 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1007.181 1637.807 678 1638.485 13.60 14.49 3.26 1641.75 00 1.33 1.89 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .256 .2414 .0590 .02 .68 3.63 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1007�437 1637.869 .678 1638.547 13.60 14.50 3.26 1641.81 .00 1.33 1.89 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.465 2414 .0553 .08 68 3.63 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1008.903 1638.222 702 1638.925 13.60 13.82 2.97 1641.89 00 1.33 1.91 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1,268 .2414 .0485 .06 .70 3.39 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1010.171 1638.529 727 1639.256 13.60 13.18 2.70 1641.95 .00 1.33 1.92 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.102 .2414 .0425 .05 .73 3.17 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1011.273 1638.795 753 1639.548 13.60 12.56 2.45 1642.00 00 1.33 1.94 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .960 2414 .0373 .04 75 2.96 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1012.233 1639.026 780 1639.806 13.60 11.98 2.23 1642.03 00 1.33 1.95 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .837 2414 .0327 .03 78 2.77 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1013.069 1639.228 808 1640.036 13.60 11.42 2.03 1642.06 00 1.33 1.96 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .725 .2414 .0287 .02 .81 2.58 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2J.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:28:53 52641 COYOTE CANYON Page I Page 2 CPB2J WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2J" FN;CPB2J.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel 1 Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) FPS V:ad H Grd.El . Elev Depth I Width jDia.-FTIor I.D. ZL INo,Wth Pr /Pip L/Ele*m -1ch Slope -1- -I- T T SF Ave HF ISE DpthIFroude N Norm Dp "N" X -Fall ZR -IType Ch 1013.794 1639.403 838 1640.241 13.60 10.89 1.84 1642.08 00 1.33 1.97 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .631 2414 .0252 .02 84 2.41 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1014.425 1639,556 869 1640.425 13.60 10.38 1.67 1642.10 00 1.33 1.98 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .548 2414 .0222 .01 87 2.25 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1014.974 1639.688 901 1640.589 13.60 9.90 1.52 1642.11 00 1.33 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .475 .2414 .0195 .01 90 2.10 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1015.449 1639.802 934 1640.737 13.60 9.44 1.38 1642.12 00 1.33 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .400 2414 .0171 .01 93 1.96 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1015.849 1639.899 .970 1640.869 13.60 9.00 1.26 1642.13 .00 1.33 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .346 2414 .0151 .01 97 1.82 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1016.195 1639.983 1.006 1640.989 13.60 8.58 1.14 1642.13 00 1.33 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 ..285 2414 .0133 .00 1.01 1.70 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1016.480 1640.052 1.045 1641.097 13.60 8.18 1.04 1642.14 00 1.33 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .233 2414 .0117 .00 1.05 1.58 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1016.713 1640.108 1.086 1641.194 13.60 7.80 .95 1642.14 .00 1.33 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .186 2414 .0103 .00 1.09 1.47 47 013 00 00 PIPE 1016.899 1640.153 1.129 1641.282 13.60 7.44 86 1642.14 00 1.33 1.98 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .143 .2414 .0091 .00 1.13 1.37 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2J.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:28:53 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2J-1 FN:CPB2J.WSW Invert I Depth I water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INO Wth Page 2 Page 3 CPB2J Station- Elev I- (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head Grd. El. Elev_ Depth I Width jDia.-FTjor I.D. ZL L/Elem lCh Slope -l- I SF*Ave,****HF*** SE DpthlFroude N Norm Dp X-Falll _lPrs/Pip ZR IType Ch 1017.042 1640.187 1.174 1641.361 13.60 7.09 '78 1642.14 00 1.33 1.97 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .103 2414 .0081 .00 1.17 1.27 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.144 1640.212 1.221 1641.433 13.60 6.76 71 1642.14 00 1.33 1.95 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .058 2414 .0071 .00 1.22 1.17 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.202 1640.226 1.272 1641.496 13.60 6.45 65 1642.14 00 1.33 1.92 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .018 2414 .0063 .00 1.27 1.09 .47 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.220 1640.230 1.328 1641.558 13.60 6.14 59 1642.14 00 1.33 1.89 2.000 000 00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1017.220 1640.230 2.231 1642.461 13.60 44 00 1642.46 00 31 14.00 6.000 14.000 00 0 .0 D Page 3 APPENDIX E.8: C.P. "B-M�' Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2K" T3 FN:CPB2K.WSW so 1002.4901637.450 1 R 1092.2401637.900 1 .000 0 R 1120.0001638.040 1 .000 0 R 1124.7001640.160 1 .000 0 R 1128.4601641.850 1 .000 0 WE 1128.4601641.850 2 SH 1128.4601641.850 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.000 Q 8.100 .0 CPB2K lG40.GG4 .013 .000 .013 70.690 .013 11.968 .013 .000 .250 1641.850 .000 .000 .000 .00 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Page 1 CPB2K 0 FILE: CPB2K.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30: 5 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B-2K'- FN:CPB2K.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy super IcriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt INO Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head- L Grd.El. Elev I Depth I Width jDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL Pr S/Pip L/Elem Ch Slope Ave HF SE DpthIFroude N Norm Dp I .,N" X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1002.490 1637.450 3.214 1640.664 8.10 2.58 10 1640.77 00 1.01 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 89.750 0050 .0013 .12 3.21 .00 1.01 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1092.240 1637.900 2.879 1640.779 8.10 2.58 .10 1640.88 .00 1.01 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 27.760 0050 .0013 .04 .00 .00 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1120.000 1638.040 2.793 1640.833 8.10 2.58 10 1640.94 00 1.01 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.654 4511 .0013 .00 .00 .00 .31 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1121.654 1638.786 2.048 1640.834 8.10 2.58 10 1640.94 00 1.01 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1121.654 1638.786 451 1639.237 8.10 15.26 3.61 1642.85 .54 1.01 1.67 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .124 4511 .1030 .01 .99 4.77 .31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1638.842 .451 1639.293 8.10 15.25 3.61 1642.91 .54 1.01 1.67 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .884 4511 .0964 .09 .99 4.77 .31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1122.661 1639.240 .466 1639.707 8.10 14.54 3.28 1642.99 .49 1.01 1.69 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .770 4511 .0843. .06 .96 4.47 .31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1123.432 1639.588 482 1640.070 8.10 13.87 2.99 1643.06 45 1.01 1.71 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .674 4511 .0737 .05 .94 4.18 .31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1124.106 1639.892 499 1640.391 8.10 13.22 2.71 1643.11 42 1.01 1.73 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .594 .4511 .0645 .04 .92 3.92 .31 .013, .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2K.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30: 5 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2K" FN:CPB2K.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy super CriticallFlow ToplHeight/ Base Wt INO Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El . Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTior I . D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip Page I Page 2 CPB2K L/Elem ICh Slope I SF Ave HF ISE DpthIFroude N Norm Dp I "N" I X -Fall ZR -IType Ch 1124.700 1640.160 516 1640.676 8.10 12.61 2.47 1643.14 00 1.01 1.75 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .031 4495 .0598 .00 52 3.67 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1124.731 1640.174 517 1640.691 8.10 12.55 2.45 1643.14 00 1.01 1.75 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .519 4495 .0557 .03 52 3.65 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1125.250 1640.407 535 1640.943 8.10 11.97 2.23 1643.17 00 1.01 1.77 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .457 4495 .0488 .02 54 3.41 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1125.708 1640.613 554 1641.167 8.10 11.41 2.02 1643 .19 00 1.01 1.79 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .405 4495 .0427 .02 55 3.19 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1126.113 1640.795 573 1641.368 8.10 10.88 1.84 1643.21 00 1.01 1.81 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .357 4495 .0374 .01 57 2.99 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1126.470 1640.956 593 1641.549 8.10 10.38 1.67 1643.22 00 1. 01 1.83 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .314 4495 .0327 .01 59 2.80 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1126.785 1641.097 614 1641.711 8.10 9.89 1.52 1643.23 .00 1.01 1.85 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .278 4495 .0286 .01 61 2.62 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1127.063 1641.222 .635 1641.857 8.10 9.43 1.38 1643.24 .00 1.01 1.86 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .242 4495 .0251 .01 64 2.45 31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1127.305 1641.331 658 1641.989 8.10 8.99 1.26 1643.24 00 1101 1.88 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .213 .4495 .0220 .00 .66 2.29 .31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2K.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time-. 2:30-. 5 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP IIB-2KI- FN:CPB2K.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel Energy Super ICritical Flow Top Height/lBase Wt No Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev I Depth Width Dia. -FT or I.D. ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem** Ch*Slope* SF*Ave HF SE*DpthjFroude N Norm Dp 'IN" X -Fall ZR Type Ch 1127.518 1641.427 681 1642.108 8.10 8.58 1.14 1643.25 .00 1.01 1.90 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .186 4495 .0192 .00 68 2.14 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1127.704 1641.510 .705 1642.215 8.10 8.18 1.04 1643.25 .00 1.01 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 Page 2 CPB2K .160 4495 .0169 .00 71 2.00 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1127.864 1641.582 730 1642.312 8.10 7.80 94 1643 .26 00 1.01 1.93 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .135 4495 .0148 .00 73 1.87 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1127.999 1641.643 .757 1642.400 8.10 7.43 .86 1643.26 .00 1.01 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .117 4495 .0130 .00 76 1.75 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.116 1641.695 784 1642.479 8.10 7.09 78 1643.26 00 1.01 1.95 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .098 4495 .0114 .00 78 1.63 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.214 1641.739 812 1642.551 8.10 6.76 71 1643.26 00 1.01 1.96 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .078 4495 .0100 .00 81 1.52 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.292 1641.775 842 1642.617 8.10 6.44 .64 1643.26 .00 1.01 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .063 4495 .0088 .00 84 1.42 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.355 1641.803 .873 1642.676 8.10 6.14 .59 1643.26 .00 1.01 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .048 4495 .0077 .00 87 1.33 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.403 1641.824 905 1642.729 8.10 5.86 .53 1643.26 .00 1.01 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .033 .4495 .0068 .00 .91 1.24 .31 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2K.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30: 5 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2K" FN:CPB2K.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel Energy Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth Width I- Dia.-FTjor I I.D.1 ZL Prs/Pip I L/Elem* -jCh Slope -I- SF*Ave 71 HF S Dpth E* Froude*N Nor m p - -I- N"**l X-Fallj ZR Ch *D IType 1128.436 1641.839 .939 1642.778 8.10 5.58 .48 1643.26 .00 1.01 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .018 4495 .0060 .00 94 1.15 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.454 1641.847 975 1642.822 8.10 5.32 44 1643.26 00 1.01 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .006 4495 .0052 .00 98 1.08 31 013 00 00 PIPE 1128.460 1641.850 1.013 1642.863 8.10 5.07 40 1643.26 .00 1.01 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1128.460 1641.850 1.600 1643.450 8.10 24 00 1643.45 00 17 21.00 6.000 21.000 00 0 .0 Page 3 APPENDIX E.9: C.P. "B-21," Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2L" T3 FN:CPB2L.WSW so 1001.4101639.840 1 R 1037.4801641.780 1 .000 0 WE 1037.4801641.780 2 SH 1037.4801641.780 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 2 2 0 .000 6.000 Q 9.700 .0 CPB2L .013 .250 1643.905 1641.740 .000 .000 .000 .00 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Page 1 we Me CPB2L 0 FILE: CPB2L.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30:20 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B-21,11 FN:CPB2L.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Ve 1 Energy I super icriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth I Width Dia. -FT or I D. ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem -1ch Slope- SF Ave HF SE DpthjFrou,de N�Norm Dp "N" X -Fall ZR Type Ch 1001.410 1639.840 4.065 1643.905 9.70 3.09 15 1644.05 00 1.11 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 36.070 0538 .0018 .07 4.07 00 58 013 .00 00 PIPE 1037.480 1641.780 2.191 1643.971 9.70 3.09 15 1644.12 00 1.11 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1037.480 1641.780 2.376 1644.156 9.70 .19 .00 1644.16 .00 .19 21.00 6.000 21.000 .00 0 .0 Page 1 APPENDIX E. 10: C.P. "B -2M" Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2M" T3 FN:CPB2M.WSW so 1001.4101643.960 1 R 1020.5101646.630 1 .000 0 WE 1020.5101646.630 2 SH 1020.5101646.630 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 2 2 0 .000 7.790 Q 9.400 .0 CPB2M 013 250 1647.555 1646.630 .000 .000 .000 .00 28.000 .000 .000 .00 Page I Imm CPB2M 0 FILE: CPB2M.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30:43 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP ".B -2M" FN:CPB2M.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj No Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CPS) (Fps) Head Grd.El.1 Elev_ Depth I - Width jDia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL lPrs/Pip I -I- -I- -IType Ch Ch Slope SF Ave HF ISE DpthIFrou "N" X-Fallj ZR L/Elem de N Norm Dp 1001.410 1643.960 3.595 1647.555 9.40 2.99 14 1647.69 00 1.10 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 11.553 1398 .0017 .02 3.60 00 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1012.963 1645.575 2.000 1647.575 9.40 2.99 14 1647.71 00 1.10 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.237 1398 .0016 .00 2.00 00 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1014.201 1645.748 1.814 1647.562 9.40 3.14 15 1647.71 00 1.10 1.16 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .671 1398 .0016 .00 1.81 34 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1014.871 1645.842 1.706 1647.548 9.40 3.29 17 1647.72 00 1.10 1.42 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .118 .1398 .0016 .00 1.71 .41 .45 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1014.989 1645.858 1.706 1647.564 9.40 3.29 .17 1647.73 .00 1.10 1.42 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1645.858 .682 1646.540 9.40 9.94 1.53 1648.07 .00 1.10 1.90 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.006 1398 .0258 .03 68 2.48 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1015.995 1645.999 706 1646.705 9.40 9.47 1.39 1648.10 .00 1.10 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .857 1398 .0226 .02 71 2.31 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1016.852 1646.119 732 1646.851 9.40 9.02 1.26 1648.12 .00 1.10 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .741 1398 .0198 .01 73 2.16 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1017.594 1646.222 758 1646.980 9.40 8.60 1.15 1648.13 .00 1.10 1.94 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .633 .1398 .0174 .01 .76 2.02 .45 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2M.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30:43 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2M" FN:CPB2M.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj No Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CPS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.j Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL lPrs/Pip Page I CPB2M L/Elem C h Slope SF Avel HE' _1S- E Dpt� F-roude NiNorm*Dp- X-Fallj ZR IType Ch *IINI,* 1018.227 1646.311 785 1647.096 9.40 8.20 1.05 1648.14 00 1.10 1.95 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .530 1398 .0152 .01 79 1.89 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1018.757 1646.385 814 1647.199 9.40 7.82 95 1648.15 00 1 1.10 1 1.97 1 2.000 000 00 1 1 .0 .446 1398 .0134 .01 81 1.76 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1019.203 1646.447 844 1647.291 9.40 7.46 86 1648.16 00 1 1.10 1 1.98 1 2.000 000 00 1 1 .0 .371 1398 .0117 .00 84 1.65 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1019.574 1646.499 875 1647.374 9.40 7.11 79 1648.16 00 1.10 1 1.98 1 2.000 000 00 1 1 .0 .304 1398 .0103 .00 88 1.54 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1019.878 1646.542 907 1647.449 9.40 6.78 71 1648.16 00 1.10 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .236 1398 .0091 .00 91 1.43 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1020.115 1646.575 941 1647.516 9.40 6.46 65 1648.16 00 1.10 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .174 1398 .0080 .00 94 1.34 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1020.289 1646.599 977 1647.576 9.40 6.16 59 1648.17 00 1.10 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .125 1398 .0070 .00 98 1.24 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1020.414 1646.617 1.014 1647.631 9.40 5.88 54 1648.17 00 1.10 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .073 1398 .0062 .00 1.01 1.16 45 013 00 00 PIPE 1020.488 1646.627 1.053 1647.680 9.40 5.60 49 1648.17 00 1 1.10 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .022 .1398 .0055 .00 1.05 1.08 .45 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2M.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:30:43 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP IIB-2MII FN:CPB2M WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy Super lCritical Flow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station- Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth Width Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem Slope SF Ave HF SE DpthIFroude N Norm T)p I "N" X-Fallj ZR Type Ch 1020.510 1646.630 1.095 1647.725 9.40 5.34 .44 1648.17 .00 1.10 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE I 1020.510 1646.630 1.750 1648.380 9.40 .19 .00 1648.38 .00 .15 28.00 7.790 28.000 .00 0 .0 Page 2 APPENDIX E. 11: C.P. "B -2N" Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR CP "B -2N" T3 FN:CPB2N.WSW so 1000.0001651.240 1 R 1000.0101654.600 1 WE 1000.0101654.600 2 SH 1000.0101654.600 2 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 2 2 0 .000 5.000 Q 6.300 .0 CPB2N 013 250 1650.261 1654.600 .000 .000 .000 .00 21.000 .000 .000 .00 Page I ME A Page 1 CPB2N 0 FILE: CPB2N.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-29-2005 Time: 1:17:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP IIB-2NII FN:CPB2N.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy Super ICriticaliFlow Top Height/ Base Wtj INo Wth Station- Elev (FT) Elev (CPS) (FPS) Head Grd.El . Elev I Depth width I IDia.-FT or I.D. ZL L/Elem** Ch Slope SF Ave HF SE Dpth -IFroude N Norm -1 Dp X - Fall _jPrs/Pip ZR IType Ch 1000.000 1651.240 358 1651.598 6.30 16.52 4.24 1655.84 00 89 1.53 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .1540 .00 .36 5.84 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1000.001 1651.411 363 1651.774 6.30 16.15 4.05 1655.83 .00 .89 1.54 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .001 .1396 .00 .36 5.66 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1000.002 1651.768 375 1652.143 6.30 15.40 3.68 1655.83 00 89 1.56 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .001 .1220 .00 .38 5.30 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1000.003 1652.090 388 1652.478 6.30 14.69 3.35 1655.83 .00 .89 1.58 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .001 .1066 .00 .39 4.97 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1000.003 1652.381 401 1652.783 6.30 14.00 3.04 1655.83 00 89 1.60 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .001 .0931 .00 40 4.66 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.004 1652.644 415 1653.059 6.30 13.35 2.77 1655.83 00 89 1.62 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .001 .0814 .00 42 4.36 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.005 1652.882 429 1653.311 6.30 12.73 2.52 1655.83 .00 .89 1.64 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .001 .0711 .00 43 4.09 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.006 1653.097 443 1653.540 6.30 12.14 2.29 1655.83 00 89 1.66 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .001 .0622 .00 44 3.83 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.006 1653.289 459 1653.748 6.30 11.57 2.08 1655.83 00 89 1.68 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0544 .00 .46 3.58 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2N.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-29-2005 Time: 1:17:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP IIB-2NII FN:CPB2N.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super Icritical Flow ToplH?ight/ Base.Wt Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.j Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTior I D-1 ZL JN%Wt� Pr /Pip Page 1 CPB2N L/Elem Ch Slope SF Ave HF thlFroude N-INorm Dp* X -Fall ZR Type Ch ISE **'IN" 1000.007 1653.463 474 1653.937 6.30 11.03 1.89 1655.83 00 89 1.70 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0475 .00 47 3.36 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1000.007 1653.618 491 1654.109 6.30 10.52 1.72 1655.83 00 89 1.72 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0416 .00 49 3.14 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.008 1653.758 507 1654.265 6.30 10.03 1.56 1655.83 00 89 1.74 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0364 .00 51 2.94 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000,008 1653.882 525 1654.407 6.30 9.56 1.42 1655.83 00 89 1.76 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0318 .00 53 2.76 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.008 1653.993 543 1654.536 6.30 9.12 1.29 1655.83 00 89 1.78 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0278 .00 54 2.58 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.009 1654.092 562 1654.654 6.30 8.69 1.17 1655.83 00 89 1.80 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0244 .00 56 2.41 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.009 1654.178 582 1654.760 6.30 8.29 1.07 1655.83 00 89 1.82 2.000 000 00 1 0 .000 .0213 .00 58 2.26 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.009 1654.255 602 1654.857 6.30 7.90 97 1655.83 00 89 1.83 2.000 000 .00 1 .0 .000 .0187 .00 60 2.11 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.009 1654.322 623 1654.945 6.30 7.54 88 1655.83 00 89 1.85 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0163 .00 .62 1.98 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2N.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-29-2005 Time: 1:17:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP IIB-2N-- FN:CPB2N.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy Super Critical Flow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INO Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth Width Dia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem Ch Slope SF Ave HF ISE Dpth Froude N Norm Dp I 'IN" I X Fallj ZR IType Ch 1000.009 1654.381 .645 1655.026 6.30 7.19 .80 1655.83 .00 .89 1.87 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- .000 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- .0143 -I- .00 -I- 65 -I- 1.85 -I- 06 -I- 013 -I- .00 00 I- PIPE 1000.010 1654.431 .668 1655.099 6.30 6.85 .73 1655-83 .00 .89 1.89 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 Page 2 1000.010 1654.600 889 1655.489 6.30 4.67 34 1655.83 00 89 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1000.010 1654.600 1.385 1655.984 6.30 22 00 1655.99 00 14 21.00 5.000 21.000 00 0 .0 Page 3 CPB2N .000 .0125 .00 67 1.73 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.474 691 1655.165 6.30 6.53 66 1655.83 00 89 1.90 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .00 69 1.62 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.509 716 1655.225 6.30 6.23 .60 1655.83 .00 .89 1.92 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .000 .0096 .00 72 1.51 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.538 742 1655.280 6.30 5.94 55 1655.83 00 89 1.93 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0085 .00 74 1.41 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.562 768 1655.330 6.30 5.66 .50 1655.83 .00 .89 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .000 .0074 00 77 1.32 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.579 796 1655.375 6.30 5.40 45 1655.83 00 8.9 1.96 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0065 .00 80 1.23 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.591 825 1655.416 6.30 5.15 41 1655.83 00 89 1.97 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0057 .00 83 1.15 06 013 00 00 PIPE 1000.010 1654.598 855 1655.453 6.30 4.91 37 1655.83 00 89 1.98 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .000 .0050 .00 .86 1.07 .06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: CPB2N.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-29-2005 Time: 1:17:40 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR CP IIB -2N" FN:CPB2N.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel , Vel Energy I super lCriticallFlow TcpjH�ight/jBase.Wtj No Wth Station- Elev L (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev Depth Width Dia. -FT or I D. ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem Ch Slope -1 F I SF Avel HF -Is I lFroude NINorm Dp, I 'IN" I X-Fallj _ ZR _ Type Ch 1000.010 1654.600 889 1655.489 6.30 4.67 34 1655.83 00 89 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1000.010 1654.600 1.385 1655.984 6.30 22 00 1655.99 00 14 21.00 5.000 21.000 00 0 .0 Page 3 APPENDDC E. 12: LAT. "B -2X' Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON 0 T2 WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL IIB-2AII T3 FN:LATB2A.WSW so 1002.7301636.570 1 R 1005.2801636.700 1 .000 0 R 1017.0601637.310 1 .000 0 R 1048.0001638.920 1 .000 0 R 1144.3801639.820 1 .000 0 ix 1150.5401639.870 3 2 .000 R 1505.6501643.180 3 .000 0 R 1540.9901643.500 3 .000 0 R 1577.8201643.840 3 .000 0 ix 1584.2001644.190 5 4 .000 R 1655.9701648.180 5 .000 0 R 1691.3201648.360 5 .000 0 R 1695.3201648.380 5 .000 0 ix 1698.3201648.890 7 6 .000 R 1819.7201649.500 7 .000 0 SH 1819.7201649.500 7 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 4 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.000 CD 6 2 0 .000 10.960 CD 7 4 1 .000 1.500 Q 2.900 .0 LATB2A 1640.252 .013 .000 .013 29.997 .013 .000 .013 .000 .013 9.700 1639.840 -45.0 .013 .000 .013 89.992 .013 .000 .013 9.400 1643.960 45.0 .013 .000 .013 -90.000 .013 .000 .013 6.300 1654.600 .0 .013 .000 1649.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 21.000 .000 .000 .00 .000 .000 .000 .00 Page I LATB2A 0 FILE: LATB2A.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:27:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL I1B-2AII FN:LATB2A.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel Energy super Icritical Flow ToplHeight/ Base Wtj No Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev Depth Width jDia.-FT or I.D.1 ZL 1PrS/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I SF Avel HF SE Dpth Froude N Norm Dp 'IN" X -Fall ZR IType Ch 1002.730 1636.570 3.682 1640.252 28.30 9.01 1.26 1641.51 .00 1.83 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.550 .0510 .0156 .04 3.68 .00 1.06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1005.280 1636.700 3.592 1640.292 28.30 9.01 1.26 1641.55 .00 1.83 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 11.780 .0518 .0156 .18 .00 .00 1.06 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1017.060 1637.310 3.312 1640.622 28.30 9.01 1.26 1641.88 .00 1.83 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 30.940 0520 .0156 .48 3.31 00 1.06 013 00 00 PIPE 1048.000 1638.920 2.186 1641.106 28.30 9.01 1.26 1642.37 .00 1.83 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 96.380 .0093 .0156 1.51 2.19 .00 2.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1144.380 1639.820 2.794 1642.614 28.30 9.01 1.26 1643.87 .00 1.83 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0081 .0112 .07 2.79 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1150.540 1639.870 4.035 1643.905 18.60 5.92 .54 1644.45 .00 1.55 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 355.110 0093 .0068 2.40 4.04 00 1.42 013 00 00 PIPE 1505.650 1643.180 3.126 1646.306 18.60 5.92 .54 1646.85 .00 1.55 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 35.340 .0091 .0068 .24 .00 .00 1.43 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1540.990 1643.500 3.154 1646.654 18.60 5.92 .54 1647.20 .00 1.55 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 36.830 .0092 .0068 .25 3.15 .00 1.42 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1577.820 1643.840 3.063 1646.903 18.60 5.92 .54 1647.45 .00 1.55 .00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0549 .0042 .03 3.06 .00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LATB2A.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:27:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON Page 1 Page 2 LATB2A WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -2A" FN:LATB2A.WSW Invert Depth water Q vel Vel I Energy I super IcriticallPlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head- Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem -IC-h Slope- -I- SF Avel HF ISE DpthlFroude _I_Width N _jDia.-FTIor Norm Dp 'IN" -1 I -X -Fa -I- 111 ZR -jType Ch 1584.200 1644.190 3.365 1647.555 9.20 2.93 13 1647.69 00 1.08 00 2.000 000. 00 1 .0 25.307 0556 .0016 .04 3.37 00 56 013 00 00 PIPE 1609.507 1645.597 2.000 1647.597 9.20 2.93 13 1647.73 00 1.08 00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 2.818 0556 .0015 .00 2.00 .00 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1612.325 1645.754 1.835 1647.588 9.20 3.05 14 1647.73 00 1.08 1.10 2.000 000 00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1612.325 1645.754 608 1646.362 9.20 11.39 2.02 1648.38 00 1.08 1.84 2.000 000 00 1 .0 5.249 0556 .0408 .21 .61 3.03 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1617.574 1646-045 .608 1646.654 9.20 11.37 2.01 1648.66 .00 1.08 1.84 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 9.227 0556 .0382 .35 .61 3.02 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1626.801 1646.558 630 1647.188 9.20 10.84 1.83 1649.01 00 1.08 1.86 2.000 000 00 1 .0 6.504 0556 .0335 .22 .63 2.83 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1633.305 1646.920 .652 1647.572 9.20 10.34 1.66 1649.23 .00 1.08 1.88 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.864 0556 .0293 .14 .65 2.64 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1638.169 1647.190 .675 1647.865 9.20 9.86 1.51 1649.37 .00 1.08 1.89 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.783 .0556 .0257 .10 .68 2.47 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1641.952 1647.401 699 1648.100 9.20 9.40 1.37 1649.47 .00 1.08 1.91 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.013 .0556 .0225 .07 .70 2.31 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LATB2A.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:27:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL I1B-2AI- FN:LATB2A.WSW Invert I Depth I water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase WtI INo Wth Page 2 LATB2A Station- Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev Depth I Width jDia.-FT or I.D. ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem** Ch Slope _1_ SF Ave HF** SE*DpthIFroude N Norm*Dp 'IN" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1644.965 1647.568 724 1648.292 9.20 8.96 1.25 1649.54 00 1.08 1.92 2.000 000 00 1 .0 2.436 0556 .0197 .05 .72 2.16 .56 .013 .0 0 00 PIPE 1647.401 1647.704 750 1648.454 9.20 8.54 1.13 1649.59 00 1.08 1.94 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.987 0556 .0173 .03 .75 2.02 .56 .013 .0 0 00 PIPE 1649.388 1647.814 777 1648.591 9.20 8.15 1.03 1649.62 00 1.08 1.95 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.625 0556 .0152 .02 .78 1.89 .56 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1651.013 1647.904 805 1648.709 9.20 7.77 94 1649.65 00 1.08 1.96 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.329 0556 .0133 .02 .81 1.76 .56 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1652.342 1647.978 834 1648.812 9.20 7.41 85 1649-66 00 1.08 1.97 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.058 0556 .0117 .01 .83 1.64 .56 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1653.400 1648.037 .865 1648.902 9.20 7.06 .77 1649.68 .00 1.08 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .847 0556 .0103 .01 .87 1.53 S6 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1654.247 1648.084 897 1648.981 9.20 6.73 70 1649.69 00 1.08 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .644 0556 .0090 .01 .90 1.43 .56 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1654.891 1648.120 931 1649.051 9.20 6.42 64 1649.69 00 1.08 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .486 0556 .0080 .00 .93 1.33 .56 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1655.378 1648.147 966 1649.113 9.20 6.12 58 1649.69 00 1.08 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .347 .0556 .0070 .00 .97 1.24 .56 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LATB2A.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:27t23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL IIB-2AII FN:LATB2A.WSW Invert Depth , Water Q Vel Vel. I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj jNo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head Grd.El. Elev I Depth Width IDia.-FT or I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope- T I SF Avel****HF*** SE Dpt�jFroude _I NJINorm Dp-11 'IN" I X-Fallj ZR -IType Ch Page 3 LATB2A 1655.725 1648.166 1.002 1649.168 9.20 5.84 53 1649.70 00 1.08 2.00 2.000 000 00 1 .0 .184 0556 .0062 .00 1.00 1.16 56 013 00 00 PIPE 1655.909 1648.177 1.041 1649.218 9.20 5.56 .48 1649.70 .00 1.08 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .061 0556 .0054 .00 1.04 1.08 56 013 00 00 PIPE 1655.970 1648.180 1.082 1649.262 9.20 5.31 .44 1649-70 .08 1.08 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 34.602 0051 .0051 .18 1.16 1.00 1.08 013 00 00 PIPE 1690.572 1648.356 1.082 1649.438 9.20 5.31 .44 1649.88 .08 1.08 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .748 0051 .0051 .00 1.16 1.00 1.08 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1691.320 1648.360 1.083 1649.443 9.20 5.30 44 1649.88 00 1.08 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 2.616 0050 .0050 .01 1.08 1.00 1.09 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1693.936 1648.373 1.087 1649.460 9.20 5.27 43 1649.89 00 1.08 1.99 2.000 000 00 1 .0 1.384 0050 .0050 .01 1.09 .99 1.09 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1695.320 1648.380 1.087 1649.467 9.20 5.27 .43 1649.90 .00 1.08 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR 1700 .0028 .01 1.09 .99 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1698.320 1648.890 1.371 1650.261 2.90 1.71 05 1650.31 00 65 84 1.500 000 00 1 .0 18.095 0050 .0007 .01 1.37 .21 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1716.415 1648.981 1.288 1650.269 2.90 1.80 05 1650.32 00 65 1.04 1.500 000 00 1 .0 14.702 .0050 .0007 .01 1.29 .25 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 FILE: LATB2A.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 5 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 . WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:27:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -2A" FN:LATB2A.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel V 1 Energy Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lEase Wtj INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (F PS)_ H:ad_ Grd.El. Elev- Depth I I Width [Dia.-FTjor I.D.1 ZL Prs/Pip I L/Elem ICh S I- SF Ave HF _ SE DpthIFroude - - N - - Norm Dp I- - I !- X-Falil - ZR _ IType Ch 1731.116 1649.055 1.220 1650.275 2.90 1.88 .06 1650.33 .00 .65 1.17 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 12.701 .0050 .0008 .01 1.22 .29 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE Page 4 * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * I * * * * * * * 1815.175 1649.477 .829 1650.307 2.90 2.89 .13 1650.44 .00 .65 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- 4.545 0050 .0023 .01 .83 .62 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1819.720 1649.500 808 1650.308 2.90 2.99 14 1650.45 00 65 1.50 1.500 000 00 1 .0 D Page 5 LATB2A 1743.817 1649.119 1.161 1650.280 2.90 1.98 06 1650.34 00 65 1.25 1.500 000 00 1 .0 11.385 .0050 .0009 .01 1.16 .32 .65 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1755.202 1649.176 1.108 1650.284 2.90 2.07 07 1650.35 00 65 1.32 1.500 000 00 1 .0 10.533 0050 .0010 .01 1.11 .35 .65 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1765.735 1649.229 1.059 1650.288 2.90 2.17 07 1650.36 00 65 1.37 1.500 000 00 1 .0 9.661 0050 .0011 .01 1.06 .39 .65 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1775.396 1649.277 1.014 1650.292 2.90 2.28 .08 1650.37 .00 .65 1.40 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.760 0050 .0013 .01 1.01 .42 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1784.156 1649.322 973 1650.295 2.90 2.39 09 1650.38 00 65 1.43 1.500 000 00 1 .0 8.645 0050 .0014 .01 .97 .46 .65 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1792.801 1649.365 933 1650.298 2.90 2.51 10 1650.40 00 65 1.45 1.500 000 00 1 .0 7.677 0050 .0016 .01 .93 .50 .65 .013 .00 00 PIPE 1800.478 1649.404 .897 1650.301 2.90 2.63 .11 1650.41 .00 .65 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 7.562 0050 .0018 .01 .90 .54 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1808.040 1649.442 862 1650.304 2.90 2.76 12 1650.42 00 65 1.48 1.500 000 00 1 .0 7.135 .0050 .0021 .01 .86 .58 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE D FILE: LATB2A.WSW W S P G W CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 6 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 9-2005 Time: 2:27:23 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -2A" FN:LATB2A.WSW Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel Energy Super CriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj jNo Wth Station- Elev (FT) Elev (CFS j (FPS) Head Grd.El.1- Elev Depth Width Dia. -FT or I.D.1 ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I - I SF Avel HF -ISE DpthlFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR _ IType Ch * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * * * I * * * * * I * * * * * * * 1815.175 1649.477 .829 1650.307 2.90 2.89 .13 1650.44 .00 .65 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I- 4.545 0050 .0023 .01 .83 .62 .65 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1819.720 1649.500 808 1650.308 2.90 2.99 14 1650.45 00 65 1.50 1.500 000 00 1 .0 D Page 5 14 10 EXHEBIT F: REFERANCE PLANS AND CALCULATIONS - INFRASTRUCTURE STORM DRAIN A L44 A 0 Tl Line Bl T2 T3 so 1014.5401696.960 1 1697.900 90.0 Jx 1048.5201698.330 3 2 .013 .600 1698.830 .000 .000 1 R 1058.0601698.720 3 4 .013 1.800 1699.320 .000 -90.0 .000 Jx 1062.7301698.910 5 .013 .000 1 R 1085.5101699.510 5 6 .013 24.800 1699.560 .000 41.2 .000 Jx 1090.9201699.650 7 .013 .000 1 R 1234.8801703.460 7 8 .013 3.700 1704.040 .000 30.0 .000 Jx 1240.9201703.620 9 .013 .000 0 R 1350.0001706.500 9 .013 .000 0 R 1492.5401707.640 9 .013 .000 88.388 .000 .000, 0 R 1561.9601708.200 9 .013 SH 1561.9601708.200 9 1708.200 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 000 .000 .00 CD 2 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 3 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 4 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 5 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 6 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 7 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 8 4 1 .000 1.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 CD 9 4 1 .000 2.500 .000 .000 .000 .00 Q 27.500 .0 L44 A 0 0 FILE: LINEB1.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 EleV I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I -N- I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch -------------------- WARNING - Junction Analysis - Large Lateral Flow(s) ------------------ 1014.540 1696.960 1.838 1698.798 58.40 15.10 3.54 1702.34 .00 2.38 2.21 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0403 .0227 .77 1.84 2.01 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.520 1698.330 2.053 1700.383 57.80 13.40 2.79 1703.17 .00 2.38 1.92 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.547 .0409 .0191 .11 2.05 1.57 1.54 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1054.067 1698-557 2.152 1700.709 57.80 12.86 2.57 1703.28 .00 2.38 1.73 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.993 .0409 .0178 .07 2.15 1.41 1.54 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1058.060 1698.720 2.293 1701.013 57.80 12.26 2.33 1703.35 .00 2.38 1.38 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0407 .0180 .08 2.29 1.17 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1062.730 1698.910 2.048 1700.958 56.00 13.01 2.63 1703.59 .00 2.36 1.92 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.235 .0263 .0184 .10 2.05 1.53 1.76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1067.965 1699.048 2.080 1701.128 56.00 12.83 2.55 1703.68 .00 2.36 1.87 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 12.395 .0263 .0174 .22 2.08 1.48 1.76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1080.360 1699.374 2.202 1701.577 56.00 12.23 2.32 1703.90 .00 2.36 1.62 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 5.150 .0263 .0164 .08 2.20 1.28 1.76 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1085.510 1699.510 2.363 1701.873 56.00 11.66 2.11 1703.98 .00 2.36 1.14 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0259 .0110 .06 2.36 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE w w 0 FILE: LINEB1.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super IcriticallFlow TOPIHeight/lBase wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I 'N' I X-FallI ZR IType Ch 1090.920 1699.650 4.586 1704.236 31.20 6.36 .63 1704.86 .00 1.90 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 91.830 .0265 .0058 .53 4.59 .00 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1182.750 1702.080 2.707 1704.787 31.20 6.36 .63 1705.41 .00 1.90 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1182.750 1702.080 1.278 1703.358 31.20 12.36 2.37 1705.73 .00 1.90 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 24.102 .0265 .0202 .49 1.28 2.17 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1206.853 1702.718 1.328 1704.046 31.20 11.78 2.15 1706.20 .00 1.90 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 16.664 .0265 .0178 .30 1.33 2.01 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1223.517 1703.159 1.379 1704.538 31.20 11.23 1.96 1706.50 .00 1.90 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 11.363 .0265 .0157 .18 1.38 1.81 1.20 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1234.880 1703.460 1.435 1704.895 31.20 10.71 1.78 1706.67 .00 1.90 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0265 .0192 .12 1.43 1.74 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1240.920 1703.620 1.155 1704.775 27.50 12.40 2.39 1707.16 .00 1.79 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 31.567 .0264 .0226 .71 1.16 2.32 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1272.487 1704.453 1.184 1705.637 27.50 12.01 2.24 1707.88 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 26.137 .0264 .0203 .53 1.18 2.21 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1298.624 1705.143 1.229 1706.372 27.50 11.45 2.04 1708.41 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 16.245 .0264 .0179 .29 1.23 2.06 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE w 0 0 FILE: LINEB1-WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1314.869 1705.572 1.276 1706.848 27.50 10.92 1.85 1708.70 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 11.216 .0264 .0158 .18 1.28 1.92 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1326.085 1705.868 1.325 1707.193 27.50 10.41 1.68 1708.88 .00 1.79 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 8.077 .0264 .0139 .11 1.33 1.78 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1334.162 1706.082 1.377 1707.459 27.50 9.92 1.53 1708.99 .00 1.79 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 6.018 .0264 .0123 .07 1.38 1.66 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1340.180 1706.241 1.431 1707.672 27.50 9.46 1.39 1709.06 .00 1.79 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.395 .0264 .0108 .05 1.43 1.54 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1344.575 1706.357 1.489 1707.846 27.50 9.02 1.26 1709.11 .00 1.79 2.45 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.206 .0264 .0096 .03 1.49 1.43 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1347.781 1706.441 1.550 1707.991 27.50 8.60 1.15 1709.14 .00 1.79 2.43 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.219 .0264 .0085 .02 1.55 1.32 1.12 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1350.000 1706.500 1.615 1708.115 27.50 8.20 1.04 1709.16 .00 1.79 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 68.283 .0080 .0080 .55 1.61 1.22 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1418.283 1707.046 1.615 1708.661 27.50 8.20 1.04 1709.71 .00 1.79 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 74.257 .0080 .0080 .59 1.61 1.22 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1492.540 1707.640 1.617 1709.257 27.50 8.19 1.04 1710.30 .11 1.79 2.39 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 40.323 .0081 .0078 .32 1.73 1.22 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE X FILE: LINEBI.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12- 3-2005 Time: 5: 0:52 Invert Depth water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I -N' I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1532.863 1707.965 1.639 1709.604 27.50 8.06 1.01 1710.61 .11 1.79 2.38 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 24.894 .0081 .0072 .18 1.75 1.19 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE .1557.757 1708.166 1.710 1709.876 27.50 7.68 .92 1710.79 .09 1.79 2.32 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 4.203 .0081 .0064 .03 1.80 1.09 1.61 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1561.960 1708.200 -I- -I- 1.788 -I- 1709.988 -I- 27.50 -I- 7.32 .83 -I- -I- 1710.82 .08 -I- -I- 1.79 2.26 -I- -I- 2.500 .000 -I- -I- .00 1 .0 I- X Tl 52637 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC' c T3 FN:LATBlC.WSW So 1002.7201699.620 1 R 1025.0001701.110 1 .013 R 1049.7801703.810 1 .013 R 1049.7801703.910 1 .013 SH 1049.7801703.910 1 CD 1 4 1 .000 2.500 Q 26.400 .0 �44 A 1704.236 1703.810 .000 .000 .000 .00 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 45.000 0 0 0 FILE: latbl-c.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-22-2005 Time: 9:54:21 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC" FN:LATBIC.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFloW TOPIHeight/lBase Wti INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1002.720 1699.620 4.616 1704.236 26.40 5.38 .45 1704.69 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 22.280 .0669 .0041 .09 4.62 .00 .85 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1025.000 1701.110 3.218 1704.328 26.40 5.38 .45 1704.78 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.097 .1090 .0041 .01 3.22 .00 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1027.097 1701.339 2.996 1704.335 26.40 5.38 .45 1704.78 .00 1.75 .00 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1027.097 1701.339 .970 1702.308 26.40 15.00 3.49 1705.80 .00 1.75 2.44 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.635 .1090 .0397 .06 .97 3.11 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1028.732 1701.517 .984 1702.501 26.40 14.70 3.35 1705.86 .00 1.75 2.44 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.698 .1090 .0362 .13 .98 3.02 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1032.430 1701.920 1.020 1702.940 26.40 14.01 3.05 1705.99 .00 1.75 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 3.114 .1090 .0318 .10 1.02 2.82 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1035.544 1702.259 1.057 1703.316 26.40 13.36 2.77 1706.09 .00 1.75 2.47 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.629 .1090 .0279 .07 1.06 2.63 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1038.173 1702.545 1.096 1703.641 26.40 12.74 2.52 1706.16 .00 1.75 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 2.229 .1090 .0245 .05 1.10 2.46 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1040.402 1702.788 1.137 1703.925 26.40 12.15 2.29 1706.22 .00 1.75 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.903 .1090 .0216 .04 1.14 2.29 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE w RE FILE: latbl-c.WSW W 9 P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-22-2005 Time: 9:54:21 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B-lC' FN:LATBlC.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1042.305 1702.996 1.179 1704.175 26.40 11.58 2.08 1706.26 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.604 .1090 .0190 .03 1.18 2.14 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1043.910 1703.170 1.224 1704.395 26.40 11.04 1.89 1706.29 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.357 .1090 .0167 .02 1.22 1.99 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1045.266 1703.318 1.271 1704.589 26.40 10.53 1.72 1706.31 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 1.141 .1090 .0147 .02 1.27 1.85 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1046.407 1703.443 1.320 1704.763 26.40 10.04 1.57 1706.33 .00 1.75 2.50 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .951 .1090 .0130 .01 1.32 1.72 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1047.358 1703.546 1.371 1704.917 26.40 9.57 1.42 1706.34 .00 1.75 2.49 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .773 .1090 .0115 .01 1.37 1.60 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.131 1703.630 1.425 1705.055 26.40 9.13 1.29 1706.35 .00 1.75 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .603 .1090 .0101 .01 1.43 1.49 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1048.734 1703.696 1.483 1705.179 26.40 8.70 1.18 1706.35 .00 1.75 2.46 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .469 .1090 .0090 .00 1.48 1.38 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.203 1703.747 1.543 1705.290 26.40 8.30 1.07 1706.36 .00 1.75 2.43 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .318 .1090 .0079 .00 1.54 1.28 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1049.521 1703.782 1.608 1705.390 26.40 7.91 .97 1706.36 .00 1.75 2.40 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .200 .1090 .0070 .00 1.61 1.18 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 FILE: latbl-c.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:12-22-2005 Time: 9:54:21 52637 COYOTE CANYON WSPG RUN FOR LATERAL "B -IC" FN:LATBlC.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow Top[Height/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) EleV (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL [Prs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1049.721 1703.804 1.676 1705.480 26.40 7.54 .88 1706.36 .00 1.75 2.35 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 .059 .1090 .0063 .00 1.68 1.09 .75 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1049.780 1703.810 1.751 1705.561 26.40 7.19 .80 1706.36 .00 1.75 2.29 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- I - ISE Tl 52641 COYOTE CANYON T2 WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B-2" T3 FN: LINEB2.WSW so 1004.0301632.860 1 R 1012.6301633.020 1 R 1030.3001633.370 1 R 1080.0001634.360 1 R 1225.7001635.900 1 ix 1229.7001635.950 3 2 R 1243.6701636.100 3 R 1266.9301636.350 3 R 1327.8401641.030 3 WE 1327.8401641.030 4 SH 1327.8401641.030 4 CD 1 4 1 .000 3.000 CD 2 4 1 .000 2.500 CD 3 4 1 .000 3.000 CD 4 2 0 .000 5.430 Q 29.000 .0 11 A .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .013 .250 35.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 14.000 .000 1635.420 1636.210 1641.030 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 .000 .00 0 .000 .000 0 .000 -45.000 0 .000 .000 0 .000 .000 0 45.0 .000 .000 .000 0 .000 59.234 0 .000 .000 0 0 0 FILE: lineb2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time:10: 3:39 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B-2" FN: LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1004.030 1632.860 1.954 1634.814 64.00 13.13 2.68 1637.49 .00 2.57 2.86 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 8.600 .0186 .0159 .14 1.95 1.77 1.86 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1012.630 1633.020 1.966 1634.985 64.00 13.04 2.64 1637.63 .00 2.57 2.85 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 17.670 .0198 .0153 .27 1.97 1.75 1.82 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1030.300 1633.370 2.006 1635.376 64.00 12.74 2.52 1637.90 .00 2.57 2.82 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.763 .0199 .0148 .04 2.01 1.68 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1033.063 1633.425 2.014 1635.439 64.00 12.68 2.50 1637.94 .00 2.57 2.82 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 22.835 .0199 .0139 .32 2.01 1.67 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1055.897 1633.880 2.103 1635.983 64.00 12.09 2.27 1638.25 .00 2.57 2.75 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 14.773 .0199 .0124 .18 2.10 1.53 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1070.670 1634.174 2.198 1636.372 64.00 11.53 2.06 1638.44 .00 2.57 2.66 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 9.330 .0199 .0111 .10 2.20 1.40 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1080.000 1634.360 2.303 1636.663 64.00 10.99 1.88 1638.54 .00 2.57 2.53 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 59.891 .0106 .0104 .62 2.30 1.28 2.30 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1139.891 1634.993 2.316 1637.309 64.00 10.93 1.85 1639.16 .00 2.57 2.52 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 74.257 .0106 .0099 .73 2.32 1.26 2.30 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1214.148 1635.778 2.433 1638.211 64.00 10.42 1.69 1639.90 .00 2.57 2.35 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 11.552 .0106 .0090 .10 2.43 1.14 2.30 .013 .00 .00 PIPE X X FILE: lineb2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 2 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time:10: 3:39 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B-2" FN: LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow TOPIHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 EleV I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1225.700 1635.900 2.569 1638.469 64.00 9.93 1.53 1640.00 .00 2.57 2.10 3.000 .000 .00 1 1 .0 JUNCT STR .0125 .0052 .02 2.57 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1229.700 1635.950 4.104 1640.054 29.00 4.10 .26 1640.32 .00 1.74 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 13.970 .0107 .0019 .03 4.10 .00 1.36 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1243.670 1636.100 3.980 1640.080 29.00 4.10 .26 1640.34 .00 1.74 .00 3.000 .000 1 .00 1 .0 23.260 .0107 .0019 .04 3.98 .00 1.36 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1266.930 1636.350 3.825 1640.175 29.00 4.10 .26 1640.44 .00 1.74 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 1 .0 9.430 .0768 .0019 .02 3.83 .00 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1276.360 1637.074 3.116 1640.191 29.00 4.10 .26 1640.45 .00 1.74 .00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 HYDRAULIC JUMP 1276.360 1637.074 .907 1637.982 29.00 16.08 4.02 1642.00 .00 1.74 2.76 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 9.890 .0768 .0448 .44 .91 3.50 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1286.249 1637.834 .939 1638.773 29.00 15.31 3.64 1642.42 .00 1.74 2.78 3.000 .000 .00 1 1 .0 7.901 .0768 .0391 .31 .94 3.27 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1294.150 1638.441 .972 1639.413 29.00 14.60 3.31 1642.72 .00 1.74 2.81 3.000 .000 .00 1 1 .0 6.248 .0768 .0343 .21 .97 3.06 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1300.397 1638.921 1.007 1639.928 29.00 13.92 3.01 1642.94 .00 1.74 2.83 3.000 .000 .00 1 1 .0 5.097 .0768 .0300 .15 1.01 2.86 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 0 0 FILE: lineb2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 3 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time:10: 3:39 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B-2" FN: LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticalIFlow TOPIHeight/lBase Wtj INo Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-FallI ZR IType Ch 1305.495 1639.313 1.042 1640.355 29.00 13.27 2.74 1643.09 .00 1.74 2.86 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 4.171 .0768 .0263 .11 1.04 2.68 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1309.666 1639.634 1.080 1640.714 29.00 12.66 2.49 1643.20 .00 1.74 2.88 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 3.499 .0768 .0231 .08 1.08 2.50 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1313.165 1639.902 1.118 1641.021 29.00 12.07 2.26 1643.28 .00 1.74 2.90 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.908 .0768 .0202 .06 1.12 2.34 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1316.073 1640.126 1.159 1641.285 29.00 11.51 2.06 1643.34 .00 1.74 2.92 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.452 .0768 .0178 .04 1.16 2.18 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1318.525 1640.314 1.201 1641.515 29.00 10.97 1.87 1643.38 .00 1.74 2.94 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 2.072 .0768 .0156 .03 1.20 2.04 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1320.597 1640.474 1.244 1641.718 29.00 10.46 1.70 1643.42 .00 1.74 2.96 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.717 .0768 .0137 .02 1.24 1.90 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1322.314 1640.605 1.290 1641.896 29.00 9.97 1.54 1643.44 .00 1.74 2.97 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.426 .0768 .0120 .02 1.29 1.78 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1323.740 1640.715 1.338 1642.053 29.00 9.51 1.40 1643.46 .00 1.74 2.98 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 1.187 .0768 .0106 .01 1.34 1.66 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1324.927 1640.806 1.387 1642.193 29.00 9.07 1.28 1643.47 .00 1.74 2.99 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .933 .0768 .0093 .01 1.39 1.55 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE w 0 0 FILE: lineb2.WSW W S P G W - CIVILDESIGN Version 14.04 PAGE 4 Program Package Serial Number: 1420 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date: 9-30-2005 Time:10: 3:39 52641 COYOTE CANYON WSPGN RUN FOR LINE "B-2" FN: LINEB2.WSW Invert Depth Water Q Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtj [No Wth Station I Elev (FT) Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El.1 Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FTIor I.D.1 ZL jPrs/Pip L/Elem ICh Slope I I SF Avel HF ISE DpthIFroude NINorm Dp I "N- I X-Fallj ZR IType Ch 1325.860 1640.878 1.440 1642.318 29.00 8.64 1.16 1643.48 .00 1.74 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .750 .0768 .0082 .01 1.44 1.44 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1326.610 1640.935 1.494 1642.430 29.00 8.24 1.05 1643.48 .00 1.74 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .559 .0768 .0072 .00 1.49 1.34 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1327.169 1640.978 1.551 1642.530 29.00 7.86 .96 1643.49 .00 1.74 3.00 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .371 .0768 .0063 .00 1.55 1.25 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1327.540 1641.007 1.612 1642.619 29.00 7.49 .87 1643.49 .00 1.74 2.99 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .228 .0768 .0056 .00 1.61 1.16 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1327.768 1641.025 1.675 1642.700 29.00 7.14 .79 1643.49 .00 1.74 2.98 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 .072 .0768 .0049 .00 1.68 1.08 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE 1327.840 1641.030 1.743 1642.773 29.00 6.81 .72 1643.49 .00 1.74 2.96 3.000 .000 .00 1 .0 WALL ENTRANCE 1327.840 -I- 1641.030 -I- 2.801 -I- 1643.831 -I- 29.00 -I- .74 -I- .01 -I- 1643.84 -I- .00 -I- .51 -I- 14.00 -I- 5.430 -I- 14.000 -I- .00 0 .0 I - Fal A A44 [A Worksheet for C8 - 100 yr roject Descnp ion Flow - E le .. ment: Curb Inlet On Grade Intercepted Flow: Solve For: Efficiency 0.56 pu� 22 23.14 Depth: S�6 '&, rge. 3.30 ft3/s Slope: 0.01800 % Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.08 Wit Road Cross Slope: 0.02 ftift Manning Goefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 4.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 ft k -.,: Efficiency: 83.09 Intercepted Flow: 2.74 Bypass Flow. 0.56 Spread: 23.14 Depth: 0.56 Flow Area: 5.43 Gutter Depression: 0.09 Total Depression: 0.43 Velocity: 0.61 Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.04017 Length Factor: 0.63 Total Interception Length: 6.38 ft3/S CPS WV ft, ft ft ft/s ffift 7, 07,* It Worksheet for CB -b-ld- - 100 yr !:,p pe�pj ton, Flow Element: Curb Inlet On Grade Solve For: Efficiency 'Data ---i Discharge: 3.70 ft3/S Slope: 0.01830 ft/ft Gutter Width: 1.50 ft Gutter Cross Slope: 0.0833 fttft Road Cross Slope: 0.0200 ft/ft Manning Coefficient: 0.015 Curb Opening Length: 21.00 ft Local Depression: 4.00 in Local Depression Width: 4.00 4n� U -4 X-0 Efficiency: 100.00 intercepted Flow: 3.70 ft3/S Bypass Flow: 0.00 ftl/s Spread: 9.66 It Depth: 0.29 ft Flow Area: 1.00 ft2 Gutter Depression: 0.09 ft Total Depression: 0.43 ft Velocity: 3.69 fus Equivalent Cross Slope: 0.06933 ft/ft Length Factor: 1.09 Total Interception Length: 19.29 ft A