HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSA Transportation Warehouse Facility 116 2.5992 0.0108
117 2.6100 0.0107
118 2.6206 0.0107
119 2.6312 0.0106
120 2.6418 0.0106
121 2.6523 0.0105
122 2.6628 0.0105
123 2.6732 0.0104
124 2.6836 0.0104
125 2.6940 0.0103
126 2.7043 0.0103
127 2.7145 0.0103
128 2.7247 0.0102
129 2.7349 0.0102
130 2.7450 0.0101
131 2.7551 0.0101
132 2.7652 0.0101
133 2.7752 0.0100
134 2.7852 0.0100
135 2.7951 0.0099
136 2.8050 0.0099
137 2.8149 0.0099
138 2.8247 0.0098
139 2.8345 0.0098
140 2.8442 0.0097
141 2.8539 0.0097
142 2.8636 0.0097
143 2.8733 0.0096
144 2.8829 0.0096
145 2.8924 0.0096
146 2.9020 0.0095
147 2.9115 0.0095
148 2.9209 0.0095
149 2.9304 0.0094
150 2.9398 0.0094
151 2.9492 0.0094
152 2.9585 0.0093
153 2.9678 0.0093
154 2.9771 0.0093
155 2.9863 0.0092
156 2.9955 0.0092
157 3.0047 0.0092
158 3.0139 0.0092
159 3.0230 0.0091
160 3.0321 0.0091
161 3.0411 0.0091
= 162 3.0502 0.0090
163 3.0592 0.0090
164 3.0681 0.0090
165 3.0771 0.0089
166 3.0860 0.0089
167 3.0949 0.0089
168 3.1038 0.0089
169 3.1126 0.0088
170 3.1214 0.0088
171 3.1302 0.0088
172 3.1389 0.0088
173 3.1477 0.0087
174 3.1564 0.0087
175 3.1650 0.0087
176 3.1737 0.0086
177 3.1823 0.0086
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CIVILCADD /CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 2004 Version 7.0
Program License Serial Number 4061
* ** Street Flow Analysis * **
Upstream (headworks) Elevation = 100.000(Ft.)
Downstream (outlet) Elevation = 98.900(Ft.)
Runoff /Flow Distance = 100.000(Ft.)
Maximum depth(HGL) of flow at headworks = 0.670(Ft.)
Top of street segment elevation = 100.000(Ft.)
End of street segment elevation = 98.900(Ft.)
Length of street segment = 100.000(Ft.)
Height of curb above gutter flowline = 8.0(In.)
Width of half dtreet (curb to crown) = 32.000(Ft.)
Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 10.000(Ft.)
Slope from gutter to grade break (v /hz) = 0.020
Slope from grade break to crown (v /hz) = 0.020
Street flow is on (1) side (s) of the street
Distance from curb to property line = 12.000(Ft.)
Slope from curb to property line (v /hz) = 0.020 ! . S'freet
Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.)
Gutter hike from flowline = 1.330(In.) �� G/K „ r
Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150
Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0150 Tc
Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150
Half street cross section data points:
X- coordinate (Ft.) Y- coordinate (Ft.)
0.0000 0.9067 right of way
12.0000 0.6667 top of curb
12.0000 0.0000 flow line
13.5000 0.1108 gutter end
34.0000 0.5208 grade break
44.0000 0.7208 crown
Depth of flow = 0.670(Ft.)
Average velocity = 4.535(Ft/s)
Total flow rate in 1/2 street = 39.635(CFS)
Warning: depth of flow exceeds top of curb
Distance that curb overflow reaches into property = 0.17(Ft.)
Streetflow hydraulics:
Halfstreet flow width (curb to crown) = 29.458(Ft.)
Average flow velocity = 4.54(Ft /s)
Channel including Gutter and area towards property line:
Flow Width = 1.667(Ft.) Flow Area = 0.922(Sq.Ft)
Velocity = 5.042(Ft /s) Flow Rate = 4.650(CFS)
Froude No. = 1.1945
Channel from outside edge of gutter towards grade break:
Flow Width = 20.500(Ft.) Flow Area = 7.260(Sq.Ft)
Velocity = 4.691(Ft /s) Flow Rate = 34.061(CFS)
Froude No. = 1.3892
Channel from grade break to crown:
Flow Width = 7.458(Ft.) Flow Area = 0.556(Sq.Ft)
Velocity = 1.661(Ft /s) Flow Rate = 0.924(CFS)
Froude No. = 1.0715
Total flow rate in street = 39.635(CFS)
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1 Subsurface Exploration
Subsurface exploration of the subject site consisted of two (2) test pits, excavated on June 12, 2008. Earth
materials encountered within the test pit were classified and logged in general accordance with the visual
manual procedures of the Unified Soil Classification System. The approximate location of the test pits are
shown on the attached Infiltration Test Location Map, Plate 1. Logs of the soils encountered within the
exploratory test pits are presented in Appendix A.
4.2 Infiltration Testing
On June 12, 2008 one (1) double -ring infiltrometer test (DR -1) was performed at a depth of approximately 5
feet in accordance with the procedures described in the ASTM D3385. The double -ring infiltrometer utilized
an internal diameter of six inches with an external diameter of twelve. Clean, clear water was filled within the
two rings and kept at a constant level after inserting the double ring apparatus approximately two inches
below the testing depth. The rate of water falling within the internal ring was measured over the course of the
testing. From a fixed reference point, the drop in water level was then measured and recorded at intervals
over a period of 6 hours until the rate was within a five percent variation. The location of DR -1 is shown on
the attached Plate 1. The infiltration test data sheets are presented in Appendix B.
Earth Materials
The earth materials encountered on the site include Quaternary young alluvial fan deposits to a maximum
excavated depth of approximately 16 feet during this infiltration study. The materials encountered were silty
sands to poorly graded sands, olive to yellow brown, slightly moist to moist, and medium dense to stiff in
5.2 Groundwater
Groundwater was not observed during our investigation, however, the Department of Water Resources
website has local well data for Well ID #'s 01 S05W 16C001 S and 01 S05W22M001 S which indicates
groundwater elevations at 857 feet and 850 feet, respectively.
5.3 Double -Ring Infiltrometer Testing Results
Poorly Graded SAND
DR -1 5.5 30.8 12 (SP)
Project No. 1071801 -10 Page 2 July 3, 20008