HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject 3 - 4 Vol IPREPARED BY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ' FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT PLANNING DIVISION FL 0 uL H 1 t LOCAL AREA DRAINAGE PLAN � � PROJECT 3 -4 1 ENGINEERS REPORT VOLUME #1 OCTOBER 1992 PREPARED BY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ' FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT PLANNING DIVISION FL 0 uL H 1 t I. BACxmmm: San Bernardino County's existing Comprehensive Storm Drain >4 Plan #3, Project 3 -4 depicts a means of intercepting storm flows generated in the area generally bounded by Interstate 10, Riverside Avenue, Riverside County Line and Tamarind Avenue, and conducting them to the Santa Ana to River. The hydrology method used in developing the storm drain plan predates the County's current methodology. The San Bernardino County Flood Control District and Cities of Rialto and Fontana recognized the need to update the hydrology, facility sizes and cost estimates for this storm drain project, in order to develop a funding mechanism. A steering committee consisting of major property owners and representatives of the city of Rialto and Fontana and the county met periodi.callVI to discuss study results and make recommendations. II. PURPOSE AM : This study (1) updates the hydrology, drainage facility sizes and cost estimates for the existing Project 3 -4 facility alignments (Model #1), (2) evaluates alternate aligrments for conducting storm flows generated within the Project 3 -4 boundaries to the Santa Ana River (Models #2 & #3), (3) evaluates the use of detention basins to reduce total project costs, and (4) determines an equitable developer fee for the recommended alternate. ON III. ONS: The recommended plan (Model #1) for regional and local storm drains is shown on Plate #1. A summary of recommended project costs, developer fees and funding is as follows: * *Assumes area is responsible only for costs associated with the percentage of flows generated within that area. ** *Areas not subject to fees deleted. Includes steep hillsides, parks, schools, and cemeteries. 0 Total Subarea "An Subarea "B" Facility Costs $30,700,000 $14,700,000 $16,000,000 Fair Share Costs $30,700,000 $21,400,000* $9,300,000 ** it Total Tributary Area 4,423 ac. 2,423 ac. 2,000 ac. Adjusted Tributary Area * ** 4,017 ac. 2,054 ac. 1,963 ac. Proposed Fee $10,419 /ac. $4,738/ac. Developable Area 1,709 ac. 776 ac. 933 ac. Fee Revenue $12,500,000 $8,100,000 $4,400,000 $4,900,000 Unfunded Costs $18,200,000 $13,300,000 *Includes $6.7 million increased facility costs through Subarea "B" * *Assumes area is responsible only for costs associated with the percentage of flows generated within that area. ** *Areas not subject to fees deleted. Includes steep hillsides, parks, schools, and cemeteries. 0 ODI-- -MMIVE SINI D}tAN PLAN PRWBCP 3 -4 EI Demos REPORT Table of Contents Volume #1 IM L I. Backgrow d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II. Purpose and Alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 n III. Hydrology and Facility Sizing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IV. Detention Basins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 V . VI. Cost Estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reccazm�ended Iocal . . 5 Area Drainage Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VII. Vacant /Developable Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 VIII. Financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 IX Rec a miendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 X . Plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Plate #1 - Project 3 -4 Model #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Plate #2 - Project 3 -4 Model #2 . . . . . . . . . . 13 Plate #3 - Project 3 -4 Model #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Plate #4 - Project 3 -4 Model #1 with Basin . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Plate #5 - Project 3 -4 Model #2 with Basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Plate #6 - Project 3 -4 Model #3 with Basin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Plate #7 - Project 3 -4, Development Distribution . . . . . . . . . . 18 Plate #8 - Project 3 -4, City Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Plate #9 - Project 3 -4, Suba "B" Facilities Cmparison . . . . . 20 XI. Appendix 'A' - Reooamnended Plan Cost Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . 21 XII. Appendix 'B' - Detailed Line Cost Breakdown . . . . . . . . . . 33 0 1 n C PROJECT 3 -4 ENGIIG2 IMPORT Revised May 30, 1991 Revised February 12, 1992 Revised June 1992 I. BACK3ROM San Bernardino County's existing Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan #3, Project 3 -4, depicts a means of intercepting storm flows generated in the area generally bounded by Interstate 10, Riverside Avenue, Riverside County Line and Palmetto Avenue, and conducting them to the Santa Ana River. The hydrology method used in developing the storm drain plan predates the County's current methodology. At the February 3, 1988 Zone 2 Advisory Committee budget hearing, representatives of the City of Rialto and developers in the project area requested that funds be budgeted to update Project 3 -4 and evaluate alternatives for conducting storm flows to the Santa Ana River. The Zone Advisory Committee recommended $25,000 be budgeted for F.Y. 1988/89 for the requested study. A steering committee consisting of major property owners and representatives of the Cities of Rialto and Fontana and the County met periodically to discuss study results and make reconrendations. Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District was also contacted for their c onwnts and recxinunendations. The study results and reconnendations were also presented to the Aqua Mansa Industrial Growth Association. This study 1) updates the hydrology, drainage facility sizes and cost estimate for the existing Project 3 -4 facility aligm nts (Model #1), 2) evaluates alternate aligments for conducting storm flows generated within the Project 3 -4 boundaries to the Santa Ana River (Models #2 & #3), 3) evaluates the use of detention basins to reduce total project costs, and 4) determines an equitable developer fee for the recanuended alternate. 0 2 A The existing Project 3 -4 (Model #1) assumes all storm flows generated within its boundary will not enter Riverside County, but will be intercepted at the County Line (E1 Rivino Road) and be Conducted easterly then south along Riverside Avenue to the Santa Ana River (ref. Plate #1). This required the storm drain in El Rivino Road to be placed 48 feet below the road surface in the vicinity of Cactus Avenue. Based on 1966 contour mapping and 1986 aerial photography, the Project 3 -4 area consists of two distinct drainage areas. Storm flows generated within the project area westerly of Cedar Avenue (subarea "A" depicted on Plates #2 and #3) have historically continued south Un ugh Riverside County easterly of Rubidoux Blvd. and Market Street to the Santa Ana River. Presently, during more frequent storms, these flows enter a borrow pit located on the north side of El Rivino Road and 300 feet easterly of Rubidoux Blvd. During a major storm, a portion of the flow could continue south through a cement plant MIN directly south of the pit, circumventing the basin and the remaining flow would enter the pit and may overtop E1 Rivino Road then traverse the cement plant. Model #2 (Plate #2) Subsystem " A " investigates intercepting these flows at the borrow pit and conducting them easterly to the cement plant's east boundary then south to the Santa Ana River. Model #3 (Plate #3) investigates conducting these flows through the cement plant to the Santa Ana River. Subsystem "B" of Models #2 and #3 intercepts the flows generated east of Cedar (a natural divide) along the power line corridor and conducts them south easterly to the Santa Ana River at Riverside Avenue. III • HYDROLOGY AND FACILI'T'Y SIZING The County's 1986 rational and hydrograph methods were used to update the peak flow rates. The rational method was used for Models #1, #2 and #3 without detention basins. The hydrograph method was used for the detention basin analyses. Precipitation amounts and intensities were determined from the isohyetals and charts in the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual, dated August 1986- Drainage subarea acreage, flow path length and elevation difference, soil type, land use and routing were taken from the existing Project 3 -4 calculations except through the Owl Rock properties where a City s 3 NI-11 of Colton raved 1 aPP grading plan exists. Within Riverside County, aerial photography and Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District 1985 topography maps were used to develop this information. The AES Rational Method cagxiter software version 4.5F and the Flood Routing caputer software version 2.7C were used for the rational and hydrograph method routing. Pipe sizes and flow velocities were determined by the caqxzter assuming a friction slope which was 90% of the natural grade to account for friction and manhole losses. When channels were ]mown to be required, an assumed base width was input into the program to determine flow depths and p•� flaw velocities. V The pipe and channel sizes determined by the AES Hydrology programs were reviewed to determine if sizes were reasonable. Where pipe sizes or channel flaw depths were excessive, reasonable channel base widths and flow depths were determined using Manning's formula. Racammended channel heights in this study include freeboard based on flow velocity in accordance with the "Los Angeles County Flood Control District Hydraulics Manual ". Roll waves and super - elevation were not considered. All channels were assumed to be trape- zoidal except where existing right of way was.a constraint. At these loca- tions, a rectangular channel was analyzed. Hydrology and hydraulic calculations for all alternatives are on file in the San Bernardino County Flood Control District Flood Control Planning and Water i Resources Divisions. it IV. DETENTION BASINS Detention basins were analyzed along the mainstream of each model. For Model #1 a 35 acre flow - through basin was analyzed at the confluence of Dines D and E. The basin was assumed to be 15 feet deep. The outlet was designed such that 100 -year storm flows ponied to a depth of 13 feet (2 feet freeboard). The basin location is shown on Plate #4 and the reduced downstream facilities are shown on Plate #4. 4 11 For Models #2 and #3 an existing 15 acre quarry pit was analyzed as both a flcW-by and flCW- through basin. As a flow -by basin, 750 c.f.s. were assured not to enter the basin. In each case the basin drain was sized to pond 100 - year storm flaws to a depth of 14 feet (2 feet freeboard) . Plates #5 and #6 show the reduced downstream facility sizes for Models #2 and #3 respectively. ,. V. COST ESTIMATES Construction costs for storm drains include the pipe, manholes and excavation. The costs for concrete channels are based on the cubic yards of concrete and excavation and right of way acreage. The unit construction costs for both facility types include 20% engineering, inspection and administration costs. Unit construction cost tables from Montgomery Engineer's 1987 "Rialto (cannel Master Plan of Drainage" were updated to May 1988 based on the "Engineering News Record" construction cost index for Los Angeles. Fee right of way costs were estimated at $90,000 /ac. except for the borrow pit used in the detention basin analysis as recommended by the steering coumittee. Since the pit would need to be filled for any other use, the land value was assumed to be $25, 000. Where underground culverts were recommended and were not within public rights of way, it was assumed easement could be purchased at $25,000 /ac. Updated unit cost tables and itemized cost estimates for each storm drain and channel are on file in the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, Flood Control Planning and Water Resources Divisions (Volume V & VI). In order to account for utility relocations and other construction uncertainties, the total estimated cost was increased by 15 %. Cost summaries for each model are given in Table #1. The detailed cost estimate for the reccamnended plan is provided in the Appendix VI. RECCHMENDED IOCAL AREA DRAINAGE PLAN The use of detention basins is not econoantcally feasible as can be discerned from Table #1. f Z 5 0 TABIE #1 Oost OoaQarison of Alternatives (in millions of dollars) PM Since Model #1 has the lowest total construction cost of the three models it is recommended that Model #1, without basin, be adopted as the i0cal Area Drainage Plan for the Project 3 -4 area. VII. VACANT /DEVELOPABLE IANDS In the financial analysis that follows the number of developable acres is required to determine revenue derived from developer fees to construct new developments fair share of the required drainage infrastructure. Vacant acreage was estimated from February 1986 aerial photography and updated using September 1990 photography. Only minimal development could occur in the hillside areas in the southwest portion of the study area, therefore, these areas were not considered vacant. Areas with 90% or more build -out were assumed not to have any vacant area. The vacant /developable areas are shown on Plate #7 and summarized by jurisdiction and subarea for the recommended plan in the following Tables #2 and #3. s C All Storm Mainline Alternative Drains Only Model - #1 Without Detention Basin 30.7 23.2 Model- #1 Detention Basin w /ds 33.2 25.4 Model - #1 Detention Basin w /ds Channel 32.2 24.1 Model - #2 Without Detention Basin 37.1 28.6 Model - #2 Flowby Detention Basin 39.6 31.1 Model- #2 Flovthrough Detention Basin 38.8 30.4 Model - #3 Without Detention Basin 34.4 26.2 Model- #3 Flowby Detention Basin 35.3 26.8 Model - #3 Flowthrough Detention Basin 34.9 26.5 PM Since Model #1 has the lowest total construction cost of the three models it is recommended that Model #1, without basin, be adopted as the i0cal Area Drainage Plan for the Project 3 -4 area. VII. VACANT /DEVELOPABLE IANDS In the financial analysis that follows the number of developable acres is required to determine revenue derived from developer fees to construct new developments fair share of the required drainage infrastructure. Vacant acreage was estimated from February 1986 aerial photography and updated using September 1990 photography. Only minimal development could occur in the hillside areas in the southwest portion of the study area, therefore, these areas were not considered vacant. Areas with 90% or more build -out were assumed not to have any vacant area. The vacant /developable areas are shown on Plate #7 and summarized by jurisdiction and subarea for the recommended plan in the following Tables #2 and #3. s C C E E C ' sumirlaty ' Fontana ! Rialto ! San Bdno ! RE'VISID'DOTAL Total ' Vacant Area Ac ! Area Ac Total . Area Ac, ' Vacant Area Ac Total ' . Area Ac l Vacantl Total Area Ac ! Area Ac ' Vacant ! Area Ac <10% Vacant 1101 -0- 84 —0— -0- -0- 1017 -0- Hillside 297 -0- 226 -0- -0- -0- 71 -0- 1 50% Vacant 292 146 -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 292 146 1 70% Vacant 1 103 1 72 -0- 1 -0- 0- 1 -0- ( 103 ( 72 1 80% Vacant -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ( -0- 100% Vacant 630 630 298 298 -0- -0- 332 332 TOTAL 2423 776 608 298 -0- -0- 1815 478 Adjustment for 1 I I I I I 1 483 I Undevelopable ! i i I Public Lands 37 1 j Hillside & Public 37 4 I REVISED TOTAL I 933 -0- -0- 681 450 1282 483 Lands ' -369 RE'VISID'DOTAL 2054 776 375 298 -0- -0- 1679 478 TABLE #3 DEVELOPMENT DISTRI 3MCN Model #1 - Subarea 1 W City of City of County of ' Summary ! Fontana ! Rialto ' San Bdno ' Total ' Vacant Total ' Vacant Total ' Vacant Total ' Vacant !Area Ac.Area Ac Ac Ac Ac.Area AclArea Ac Ac. <10% Vacant 884 -0- -0- -0- 136 -0- 748 -0- 50% Vacant I 113 I I 56 -0- -0- 39 19 74 37 70% Vacant 184 ( ( 129 1 -0- -0- 1 1 84 59 1 100 70 80% Vacant 355 284 1 -0- -0- 1 252 202 1 103 82 100% Vacant 464 1 . 464 1 -0- -0- 1 170 170 1 294 294 TOTAL 2000 1 93 1 -0- - 0- 1 1 319 681 450 1 483 Adju for i i i I Public Lands 37 1 j 37 4 REVISED TOTAL 1963 933 -0- -0- 681 450 1282 483 7 Due to total project cost, Model #1, without the detention basin, is reo zuezxled as the local area drainage plan for the Project 3 -4 area (see map, pg. 22).Since two of the mainlines cross over the subarea bo6ndary and they both feed into mainline "E", which is entirely within Subarea "B", an equitable fair share cost allocation for these lines is vital for project approval. Any lines contained oompletely within a subarea, and unaffected by flows generated within the other subarea, are entirely the responsibility of that subarea. r1hus, Subarea " A " is responsible for the entire cost of System A (Lines A, A2, A3, A4), System B (Dines B, B1, B2), System C (Line C), System G (Line G) , Mainline D within Subarea " A " and Mainline F within Subarea "A". Subarea "B" is responsible for the entire cost of Lines El through E4, Lines D1 through D3 and Mainline E North of the confluence with Mainline D. The costs for the remaining stretches of Mainline D, Mainline E and Mainline F were allocated between the two subareas. � " To determine the cost allocation, the hydrology model was run twice on the L System. The first run included full participation of both subareas. This resulted in the Model #1 design discharges (Qs) and total facilities' cost. The second run included only flows generated from Subarea "B ". This yielded the Qs which would result if no Subarea " A " flows were allowed into Subarea "B" (Models #2 and #3). From these two runs, one can determine the percentages of design discharges that each subarea is responsible for in each line. These percentages are then used to determine the fair share cost allocations for each line. For exanple, Mainline D, between Line D1 and Line D2, is designed to acccawodate 2480 cfs at a cost of $881,930. Assuming no inflow from Subarea "A ", the design discharge of this reach is only 285 cfs. Therefore, Subarea "B "'s percentage of the Model #1 design discharge is 11.5% (= 285/2480) . The corresponding fair share cost is $101,351. The detailed breakdowns for Lines D, E and F are tabulated and presented in Appaxiix B. 1 8 0 r t. There are 1,963 acres within Subarea "B" Over which the $9.3 million oon- struction costs (fair share) can be spread, or $4,738 per acre. Unless it can be shown that new development has not created the need for the required drainage facilities or that existing development has provided its fair share of the existing drainage facilities, a $4,738 per acre developer fee would be equitable for Subarea "B". Based on September 1990 aerial photography there are app 933 acres of vacant developable land within the subarea (Plate #7 and Table #3). A developer fee of $4,738 per acre Over Subarea "B" would then generate approximately $4.4 million of the required $16.0 million to construct the recommended plan facilities within Subarea "B". The recommended plan (Model #1) costs $30.7 million. Therefore, Subarea " A " is responsible for $21.4 million ($30.7 - $9.3 million) of the project costs. This cost ($21.4 million) spread Over the subarea less undevelcpable hillside and public lands (2,054 acres) yields a cost of $10,419 per acre. As addressed above, this could be adopted as an equitable developer fee within Subarea " A " . A fee in this amount would generate another $8.1 million Over the 776 vacant acres (Table #2) in Subarea "A ". Depending on the priority of the facilities and the order in which they are constructed, Subarea "A" may be required to fund $6.7 million of the estimated $16.0 million facilities costs in Subarea B , due to the increased flaws generated within Subarea "All. Developer fees in the above amounts would generate $12.5 million of the recommended project costs. Table #4 summarizes the revenues derived by subsystem and jurisdiction for the recomTended plan Model #1. C� H� F�� f: 0 c IX. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Model #1 without basin and this report be adopted as the Project 3 -4 Local Area Drainage Plan and drainage fees in the amount of $10,419 pa within Subarea " A " and $4,738 within Subarea "B ", be established within the unincorporated areas of the County for the construction of the Model #1 storm drains. B. This report be provided AMIGA, and the Cities of Fontana and Rialto with a request for their support of the Project 3 -4 I.Acal Area Drainage Plan and for them to establish the aforementioned drainage fees within the Project 3 -4 boundaries and within their jurisdiction for the financing of this Plan's re=m ended storm drains. C. The Cities of Rialto and Fontana, AMIGA, County and District evaluate funding sources for the remaining $18.2 million required to cmplete the project. D. New development within the tributary area should continue to be designed to be protected fraan storm runoff and continue to mitigate any incre- mental increase in runoff generated by the development until adequate drainage facilities are constructed. t 10 C 'INB Z #4 DEVELOPER FEE 1MVENUES BY JORIBDICTIC)Ld City of City of . County of Fontana Rialto San Bdno Total Model #1 (total) 3.1 2.1 7.3 $12.5 Subarea " A " 3.1 -0- 5.0 $8.1 Subarea "B" -0- 2.1 2.3 $4.4 If these developer fees were established by the Cities of Fontana and Rialto and the County of San Bernardino there would remain $18.2 million to be funded by another means. IX. RECOMMENDATIONS A. Model #1 without basin and this report be adopted as the Project 3 -4 Local Area Drainage Plan and drainage fees in the amount of $10,419 pa within Subarea " A " and $4,738 within Subarea "B ", be established within the unincorporated areas of the County for the construction of the Model #1 storm drains. B. This report be provided AMIGA, and the Cities of Fontana and Rialto with a request for their support of the Project 3 -4 I.Acal Area Drainage Plan and for them to establish the aforementioned drainage fees within the Project 3 -4 boundaries and within their jurisdiction for the financing of this Plan's re=m ended storm drains. C. The Cities of Rialto and Fontana, AMIGA, County and District evaluate funding sources for the remaining $18.2 million required to cmplete the project. D. New development within the tributary area should continue to be designed to be protected fraan storm runoff and continue to mitigate any incre- mental increase in runoff generated by the development until adequate drainage facilities are constructed. t 10 C f C L fl E L X. PLATES 11 i�J v c c v a e 0 i i PLATE NO.1 PLATE N0.1 0 C U_ N // O �/ Z O U m� O i O J to V_ Z O U O crc Z ` � c o Z Q N Z w W m Z Q V) O 0 O O to N J M W t O o � V O O 0 0 Oi N it N N II II O O v 0 Q m v v QS Qt W N W y Z w �< z Q LLJ ° Z o ° W Z N U Z Q Z O d i r U z O `-^ W a O ° OJ N =o ?O an: zo�'�� 4E MU WW� c W = 4. J o ED W zo ° J a a a PLATE N0.2 m rt- c p p Z� a z i O p p U N Z� La C 0 p O W a 0-1 g P) W) N N M N O�HJ�N ' N Q Z ' O Lbi 9= W C it II zo i W 5 a ' < c Oa U 9 a o� O U Q` Co` O O J v as <s z W y W Q ` NW yW ILL I J \0'x1 \• GC ��� .� Z 3V-111 At m O b V � s.troto t I satrotn oaroto � \ \\ \ � 0 r — AC s it � C � ! I aroro tro sstroto satroto t _ c O I surot ouro at.ot I S 5260 0100 =73r SRG !t J N f LA- ItUDIDOUx ewo �a cw aro3� t it 9 t NO i Z t 3�L__1L a Lt Slot =Sl � I II I I O CL N3pNll N to �I I Z W ZZ LL) O I R ostrot0 AtrotO� s Wtro10 O Q III o Qf itri Z ° f lu b` z �' O ° li II ('� f/1 F-•• � S; t T3anrt I W Z U J J W Li. III Z Q —' Q N1 X III / a, Q p CL CL Li Z ' ro l N �34T1 m o rnv III I III � VI I o vaa3ls j 0 Pi ATP IJ 7 `'Ofies C E3 o2s =7s 186 W cn a ~ LINE -� �v F LEGEND 025 =490 FREQUENCY /PEAK FLOW RATE (c.t.s.) ZE E MAINLINE STORM DRAIN 7r RCP DIAMETER OR TRAP CHANNEL WIDTH Y DEPTH LOCAL SYSTEM DRAINS — — PROJECT DRAINAGE AREA DETENTION BASIN E � t O� LINE E4 Off' 0 2000 +1. 126 120' P� �O �P J P� Li Q z 3 0 m 02 120' J J 0 T O 5 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY / FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT LOCAL AREA DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT 3 -4 MODEL -1 WITH BASIN SAN BERNARD O COUNTY BY JLD PLANNING FILE N0. RIVER OUNTY DATE JUL 88 PM —D 1 -1 15 /q 5th 122 4th °°c 0 3rd m = 19 4// 0100 =2020 1 B,a�b, L � IVINO Bxd- 10'x8.5' FE 0�� �� �G O f L O L po N 0 2000 ft. '' rrrrccAA''nn J.r� 025 =490 FLOWBY FREOUENCY /PEAK FLOW RATE (c.f.s.) 72' RCP DIAMETER OR TRAP CHANNEL WIDTH x DEPTH MAINLINE STORM DRAIN 4 FLOWTHROUGH FREQUENCY /PEAK FLOW RATE (c.f.s.) 72� RCP DIAMETER OR TRAP CHANNEL WIDTH x DEPTH — — — PROJECT DRAINAGE AREA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT 3 -4 MODEL -2 WITH BASIN BY JLD PLANNING FILE NO. DATE JUL 88 PM —D1 -115 I � 1 I I IL i I 1 � � Zz I �P o J I m LO P I z l uj J I Lo Cl� i� IL o - co o � O W - N N x o g 11 m 0100 =750 I pw 16 108' RCP ' 2nd 0100= 0 w I Q 0 PON Bxd- 0 ' BASIN 9 0O 12a 125 =71 0100 =1506 SAN RNAR 0 C RCp L z NTY Bxd= 10'x8' — — -- RIVERSIDE COUN Otoo = 19 4// 0100 =2020 1 B,a�b, L � IVINO Bxd- 10'x8.5' FE 0�� �� �G O f L O L po N 0 2000 ft. '' rrrrccAA''nn J.r� 025 =490 FLOWBY FREOUENCY /PEAK FLOW RATE (c.f.s.) 72' RCP DIAMETER OR TRAP CHANNEL WIDTH x DEPTH MAINLINE STORM DRAIN 4 FLOWTHROUGH FREQUENCY /PEAK FLOW RATE (c.f.s.) 72� RCP DIAMETER OR TRAP CHANNEL WIDTH x DEPTH — — — PROJECT DRAINAGE AREA SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT 3 -4 MODEL -2 WITH BASIN BY JLD PLANNING FILE NO. DATE JUL 88 PM —D1 -115 I � 1 I I IL i I 1 � � Zz I �P o J I m LO P I z l uj J I Lo Cl� i� IL o - co o � O W - N N x o g 11 � II o I Q m 0 m V) J moo' N ' 0 cm o� m Y � M. .-- J25 L B C C C E C C C G 1 1 1 1 E 0 i i 0 PLATE N0.7 • • • y i WE , - 000000 F ®r, MN s I - ; /vEl", po" g oo. y o, molop/ �'o i A `� 77 p", Flo, a*"" Ho"ploll � % � % � •r'i� %/. %iii � / ,, r � _ • • ' 0 0.0 .4 M , mova 01- /. 0 i i 0 PLATE N0.7 C ilk U _ /� 6L - I O m H Z O V m 0 v � O O N Z D O U O� Z ` m� ^ ? e Q VI Z cr- W cb Z Q V) Fr Z Z- a �m z 0o ; t 't W v ccIv O 2MW ZO C air VZ Lai mU zCCU mo Li Zp QJ U O IV t $ o u � N X d 0 O � La �c W Ir C PLATE N0. 8 w Ul Z W ° J V_ ? -"" Z C ° w 0 CL Cn Li O Z w r Q < Q D Z Li o Q o W ° �- Z < a U N ° o�,° Z N I.- Z = LAJ Z F_- Z J LJ U Q J 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 o� s O IV t $ o u � N X d 0 O � La �c W Ir C PLATE N0. 8 >- I- _ „ V ZiE a Z c i O l o UO g ' o °' O a Z -j X m m � i G 0 Ln Y N H o d �H W a n z cn W ! z o> Vi c -3 cr O ZV o bE Z W =1Z J (� J J J 0 Z '>, CDC a U z F-O� I Q° o F (� I -OW W W A I` V bi n I) aM wo= V, o W — M �� Z 0 Q 404, +4 h z = o N m Z �o n n W 0Z � U N Z W h c `��� I� jx;n W W W m� I `��► Cl w 1� O {i m W x o F— F o o� a s" 6. 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APPENDIX NA' Recommended Plan Cost Estimate 21 0 B 1 C E E E C E E I C J o Z a 'J Oy Z ow 4 I UD �M� Z -j ° z c � N of Q CS az M� �U z ~Z a U — o MC) X: W N e O apex off, Zp Cr W as* - 0 000 ' Of d - W ' N Ln O W W W W M 22 C MODEL -1 EXISTING ALIGNMENT.PROJECT3 -4 Estimates as of 9- 17 -88, file: Cost -1a; Revised: 9 -1 -92 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE _ESTIMATED COST LINE A 72" RCP 1320.00 LF $214 S282,480 93" RCP 1320.00 LF $310 $409,200 114" RCP 2640.00 LF $393 $1,037,520 120" RCP 660.00 LF $414 $273,240 MANHOLE NO. 2 72" 1.00 Ea $3,201 $3,201 93" 1.00 Ea $4,293 S4,293 114" TO 120" 1.00 Ea $5,774 $5,774 114" 3.00 Ea $5,620 S16,860 120" 1.00 Ea $5,928 $5,928 MANHOLE NO. 4 42 TO 72 & 45 1.00 Ea $4,504 $4,504 45" TO 93" & 72" 51" TO 114" & 93" 1.00 1.00 Ea Ea $5,388 $6,978 $5,388 $6,978 120" TO 120" & 48" 1.00 Ea $6,325 $6,325 L TOTAL LINE A S2,061,691 LINE A2 36" 1320.00 LF $112 $147,840 42" 1320.00 LF $127 S167,640 MANHOLE NO.2 36" TO 42" 1.00 Ea $2,185 $2,185 36" 2.00 Ea $2,185 $4,370 42 1.00 Ea $2,185 $2,185 TOTAL LINE A2 S324,220 C LINE A3 . 36" 1320. 00 LF $112 $147,840 45" 1320.00 LF $131 S172,920 MANHOLE NO. 2 36" TO 45" 1.00 Ea $2,185 $2,185 36" 2.00 Ea $2,185 $4,370 45" 1.00 Ea $2 $2,263 TOTAL LINE A3 $8 LINE A4 30" 51" 1000.00 2640.00 LF LF $101 $139 $101,000 $366,960 MANHOLE NO. 2 30" TO 51" 1.00 Ea $2,225 $2,225 30" 1.00 Ea $2,185 $2,185 51" 3.00 Ea $2,416 $7,248 TOTAL LINE A4 $479,618 SUBTOTAL $2,874,347 t, t, t, t***, t**, t, r*******, t, t, t, t, t*, t*, t****» t* �******, t, t, r**** i*:, r****, t, t, t*, t**•• r:, t, t*********** i *: *,t * * *,r * *,r,t *,t *,r * * * * *,r, LINE B 39" RCP 240.00 LF $123 $29,520 45" RCP 1320.00 LF $134 $176,880 48" RCP 1320.00 LF $140 $184,800 120" RCP 3820.00 LF $413 $1,577,660 MANHOLE NO. 2 45" TO 48" 1.00 Ea $2,340 $2,340 36" 1.00 Ea $2,224 $2,224 39" 45" 1.00 1.00 Ea Ea $2,224 $2,302 $2,224 $2,302 48" 1.00 Ea $2,377 $2,377 54" 1.00 Ea $2,530 $2,530 120" 3.00 Ea $5,928 $17,784 MANHOLE NO. 4 54" TO 45" & 39" 1.00 Ea $4,313 $4,313 36" TO 120" & 120" 1.00 Ea $7,422 $7,422 TOTAL LINE B $2,012,376 LINE B1 54" RCP 660.00 LF $148 $97,680 MANHOLE NO. 2 54" 1.00 Ea $2,530 $2,530 TOTAL LINE B1 $100,210 LINE B2 36" RCP 660.00 LF $112 $73,920 MANHOLE NO. 2 36" 2.00 Ea $2,185 $4,370 TOTAL LINE 62 $78,290 SUBTOTAL $2,190,876 *****, r***, r**•******, r*******, r, r**, r*„ r* �**, t*, t**, r***** e, r,*, r*, t** tr***** *:********* * * * *i *: * * * * * * *,r * * * * * * * *,r,r * *, 7 LINE C 69" RCP 1380.00 LF $209 S288,420 78" RCP 1380.00 LF S249 $343,620 81" RCP 1780.00 LF $255 $453,900 87" RCP 850.00 LF 5286 $243,100 MANHOLE NO. 2 No 69" TO 78" 1.00 Ea $3,526 $3,526 78" TO 81" 1.00 Ea $3,622 $3,622 81" TO 87" 87" 1.00 2.00 Ea Ea $3,660 $3,814 $3,660 $7,628 8 4.00 Ea $3,526 $14,104 OR 78" 69" 1.00 1.00 Ea Ea $3,640 $3,297 $3,640 $3,297 63" 1.00 Ea $2,894 $2,894 16 48" 1.00 Ea $2,512 $2,512 TOTAL LINE C $1,373,923 SUBTOTAL $1,373,923 7 LINE D T.C.C. B =10' d =8.5' 3003.38 C.Y. $298 $895,006 R/W COST 6.92 ACRES $90,000 $622,800 B =10' d =11' 1820.91 C.Y. $298 $542,630 R/W COST 3.77 ACRES $90,000 $339,300 n =.015 Z =1.5:1 SLAB THICKNESS = 6" 108" RCP 2640.00 LF $364 $960,960 MANHOLE NO. 2 87" TO 108" 1.00 Ea $3,832 $3,832 108" 5.00 Ea $5,140 $25,700 TOTAL LINED $3,390,228 LINE D1 42" RCP 1320.00 LF $131 $172,920 45" RCP 1320.00 LF $137 $180,840 48" RCP 1980.00 LF $142 $281,160 51" RCP 950.00 LF $146 $138,700 MANHOLE NO. 2 42" TO 45" 1.00 Ea $2,321 $2,321 45" TO 48" 1.00 Ea $2,397 $2,397 48" TO 51" 42" 1.00 3.00 Ea Ea $2,473 $2,281 $2,473 $6,843 45" 2.00 Ea $2,359 $4,718 48" 51" 3.00 1.00 Ea Ea $2,435 $2 $7,305 $2 512 TOTAL LINE D1 $802 LINE D2 39" RCP 1140.00 LF $124 $141,360 45" RCP 1320.00 LF $137 $180,840 48" RCP 1320.00 LF $142 $187,440 60" RCP 1320.00 LF $165 $217,800 63' RCP 1070.00 LF $174 $186,180 j TOTAL LINE D3 $923,781 SUBTOTAL $6,056,951 * t* t* t** t* t*•*********** r r**** k* t t �* r t********* ti*:******* tr, t, t**•*: it, t*, t**, t, t, t *,t * *i *: * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * * * *t * * � u r n 's -0 MANHOLE NO. 2 39" TO 45" 1.00 Ea $2,281 $2,281 45" TO 48" 1.00 Ea 52,397 S2,397 48" TO 60" 1.00 Ea $2,588 $2,588 60" TO 63" 1.00 Ea $2,780 $2,780 39" 2.00 Ea $2,281 $4,562 45" 1.00 Ea $2,359 $2,359 48" 2.00 Ea $2,435 $4,870 60" 2.00 Ea $2,648 $5,296 TOTAL LINE D2 $940,753 LINE D3 39" RCP 45" RCP 1320.00 1320.00 LF LF $124 $137 $163,680 $180,840 48" RCP 1320.00 LF $142 $187,440 51" RCP 57" RCP 1320.00 1100.00 LF LF $146 $157 $192,720 $172,700 MANHOLE NO. 2 39" TO 45" 1.00 Ea $2,281 $2,281 45" TO 48" 1.00 Ea $2,397 $2,397 48" TO 51" 1.00 Ea $2,473 $2,473 51" TO 57" 1.00 Ea $2,588 $2,588 39" 2.00 Ea $2,281 $4,562 45" 2.00 Ea $2,359 $4,718 48" 2.00 Ea $2,435 $4,870 51" 1.00 Ea $2,512 $2,512 TOTAL LINE D3 $923,781 SUBTOTAL $6,056,951 * t* t* t** t* t*•*********** r r**** k* t t �* r t********* ti*:******* tr, t, t**•*: it, t*, t**, t, t, t *,t * *i *: * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * * * *t * * � u r n 's -0 e LINE E T.C.C. 0 C 0 u B =10' d =5.5' 1077.21 C.Y. $298 S321,010 R/W COST 2.98 ACRES S90,000 $268,200 B =10' d =10' 3778.26 C.Y. $298 $1,125,921 R/W COST 8.14 ACRES $90,000 $732,600 B =10' d =11' 2483.05 C.Y. $298 $739,950 R/W COST 5.14 ACRES $90,000 $462,600 n =.015 Z =1.5:1 1.00 Ea $2,512 $2,512 SLAB THICKNESS = 6" 1.00 Ea $2,648 $2,648 R.C.C. B =25' d =15' 3800.00 C.Y. $381 $1,447,800 R/W COST 2.77 ACRES $90,000 $249,300 n =.014 WALL & SLAB THICKNESS = 12" TOTAL LINE E $5,347,381 LINE E1 45" RCP 1320.00 LF $137 $180,840 48" RCP 1320.00 LF $142 $187,440 51" RCP 1380.00 LF $146 5201,480 60" RCP 1380.00 LF $165 $227,700 75" RCP 440.00 LF $226 $99,440 MANHOLE NO. 2 45" TO 48" 1.00 Ea $2,397 $2,397 48" TO 51 " 1.00 Ea $2,473 $2,473 51" TO 60" 1.00 Ea $2,627 $2,627 60" TO 75" 1.00 Ea $3,028 $3,028 45" 2.00 Ea $2,359 $4,718 48" 1.00 Ea $2,435 $2,435 51" 1.00 Ea $2,512 $2,512 60" 1.00 Ea $2,648 $2,648 TOTAL LINE E1 $919 S LINE E2 42" RCP 1320.00 LF $131 S172,920 48" RCP 1320.00 LF $142 $187,440 78" RCP 950.00 LF $238 S226,100 MANHOLE NO. 2 42" TO 48" 1.00 Ea $2,359 $2,359 48" TO 78" 1.00 Ea $3,047 $3,047 42" 2.00 Ea $2,281 $4,562 48" 2.00 Ea $2 $4,794 TOTAL LINE E3 TOTAL LINE E2 _ $601.222 LINE E3 TOTAL LINE E4 $433 SUBTOTAL $7,446,196 r*, r**, t****, r, r, t* xx**********, r, r**, r, r,** �*, r* x***, r** x** y* �**, r****, r****•* �******, r*** * * *i *; * * * * * * * *,r * *,r * * * *+r,r *x, 36" RCP 1250.00 LF $112 $140,000 MANHOLE NO.2 36" 2.00 Ea $2,185 $4,370 TOTAL LINE E3 $144,370 L LINE E4 54" RCP 1400.00 LF $151 $211,400 63" RCP 1200.00 LF $174 $208,800 go MANHOLE NO. 2 54" TO 63" 1.00 Ea $2,703 $2,703 54" 3.00 Ea $2,588 $7,764 63" 1.00 Ea $2,818 $2,818 TOTAL LINE E4 $433 SUBTOTAL $7,446,196 r*, r**, t****, r, r, t* xx**********, r, r**, r, r,** �*, r* x***, r** x** y* �**, r****, r****•* �******, r*** * * *i *; * * * * * * * *,r * *,r * * * *+r,r *x, MANHOLE NO. 2 LINE F 45" RCP 1500.00 LF $142 S213,000 66" RCP 3320.00 LF $192 $637,440 90" RCP 1410.00 LF $300 $423,000 108" RCP 2670.00 LF $364 $971,880 ! 120" RCP 5700.00 LF $414 S2,359,800 MANHOLE NO. 2 45" TO 66" 1.00 Ea $2,780 $2,780 90" TO 108" 1.00 Ea $4,678 $4,678 108" TO 120" 1.00 Ea $5,620 $5,620 45" 2.00 Ea $2,512 $5,024 66" 4.00 Ea $3,047 $12,188 90" 2.00 Ea $4,139 $8,278 108" 3.00 Ea $5,140 $15,420 120" 7.00 Ea $5,928 $41,496 MANHOLE NO. 4 72" TO 90" & 66" 1.00 Ea $6,421 $6,421 EXCAVATION & HAULING 120" RCP 193414 C.Y $4 S7 TOTAL LINE F $5 SUBTOTAL $5,480,681 TOTAL $26,695,616 15 PERCENT CONTINGENCIES $4,004,342 GRAND TOTAL $30 d LINE G 54" RCP 510.00 LF $157 S80,070 69" RCP 1360.00 LF $202 $274,720 72" RCP 1060.00 LF $214 $226,840 75" RCP 400.00 LF $226 $90,400 78" RCP 2380.00 LF $238 $566,440 MANHOLE NO. 2 54" TO 69" 1.00 Ea $2,933 $2,933 69" TO 72" 72" TO 75" 1.00 1.00 Ea Ea $3,163 $2,359 $3,163 $2,359 75" TO 78" 1.00 Ea $3,353 $3,353 78" TO 72" 1.00 Ea $3,316 $3,316 54" 1.00 Ea $2,740 $2,740 69" 1.00 Ea $3,124 $3,124 72" 2.00 Ea $3,201 $6,402 78" 2.00 Ea $3 $6 TOTAL LINE G $1,272,642 SUBTOTAL $1,272,642 TOTAL $26,695,616 15 PERCENT CONTINGENCIES $4,004,342 GRAND TOTAL $30 d H I 1; XII. APPENDIX IBI Detailed Line Oost Breakdowns 0 d FIT7 1 33 0 f 0 _ N t =W n O W W t 70 C r 1 Z N O O t � N � � O t � I �4. Y o ° I �a t N � �a ��J f I I I W i OOO — CO C. I EA fig f!9 I N N O b9 I I N I Cn co S CO I I M LO Cl N 1 CCC cc ^^ i � L (/) r- CO O T (O I O M I O I CO N O M O IT N I I co (O r` � Y ff) EA fH i 69. i E��9 I I I 1 I I N fig cn fR W Q Cl o I O O (O O Il. N I cwiUn I er N M I 1 (D I 1 ��� co cl: 10 10 c`oo_ M a co I I rn (� - r- cnM I N l I O CDN f0 ff3 fA 1613 d? o Q 69 i i i co I i I I I I i OOOOtn O I MMcomr-r, (O N I O D7 c) 1 cn 0 I ( LJO I N -r-P- i^ rn U ( I ( N I N CVO 1 (O (O L ��fs6F�� I M I M ��� t o O C7 (h oft I I I 000�nr,r� I OOO CC) r�m W O o O CO I (O Z Z W Q N O O O M N O rl_ 0 0 W W W } U N (O J J J 000 p 0 Z Z 222 Q p W Z J J Z Z Q Q Q w < J � Q g O O . O to Ln O (C) In Cn q O CO Cn 2 � �� � N N N CC') O O (V CM 0 0 U) O = H p o p 0 0 Q 0 ZZZ O O U U U I— NtoovOo � _J fA EA ffl ffl 69 fA Q W p = 0 0 0 0 0 0 M �r CO V CO� C7' Z� J Q J_ W U N ` Q W Z J J cc LA- (n UAL � to WQ pp 00 O J E, M X X X X co a U 2 2 ~ p 0 Co 0 0 Cl r r W L J 0 0 J O F- w Z Z Q UU �6 U ~ dUUUUU ww o� cc U U U U U U U CC 0 U J CL v) < F- 0 00 Q Z N T Un( rticocf) Q U J J » OU O OO O O ( � p w p w Z ZC* I— O c� 00 LL� OU o T I RT � O N O II II II 11 II II W r T O- U ^ N (~n 0 Z Z 0 Cr- F - Z Z QO : O ° U J � 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 F O to O O O O Ur CO O I� M r� <T Zv . - - r — N� W F- F- F- H E- Q W O Lo O (O to O I -4t co N O to I Lo O) 0 00 cc M Wto M u) N co M 2 W W 0 W W 1 LV o i 1� N M CO O Z Z m - N - F- U U : CO 1\ O to O) I p M I m N ' > Q 1 O I O O) y 69 69 69 69 69 E9 69 69 f9 69 0 0 F- Q OZ m W W I Efl I U I 69 (A > > O I I W W O O I I 1 O F- LU W ! W O tt O 1 Ln N 1 co O O O O I O CO Q 69 O 1- O to lqr I r� 69 69 69 69 I 69 r- 11 II U U II II � II Q N O7 1" 1l Lo I - a: F- 1 O CIJ O N U 1 (_ (O M to O I I N N a? N (O O) I Lo L' H 69 69 to EA f9 I I ( ENn I I I I I F- 0 C) O Cl) O O I N co N O L 1 to t` M N O LO O O M N CO 0) O') O N O to to I Cl t� N M I O .- w (� (3) O CO N 1�z CO CO CO O) O M i ^ I qzr O) v r O CT M I CO I O) (O �t r to qt 1- Lr) N (O M M (O — V O �t g 69 69 69 6s r I Ljr) 69 EA 69 E9 I d9 t!9 i 6g CV ( v9 1l- E9 I I I I Q O � M (O N tt O �Y r 0) 1 % , M c Lo LP) q* to LO W F- N N O U M Loo v'It u•) W y CO T O) O ¢t LO J W O .- N N N z W W J U) (n C) U Ir J Z Z 2 2 2 2 W Q CC N O to to Lo O O �S J O O V LO (O m O (D LL- W LL O M CV) vvLOLO O NM ct O O U) O F- W W W w U (n WWWW U) O Z Z Z Z O O U U J J J J U U 1\ O O) O7 LO N 0 U- N to to to -t *- W � Cl) � et V I�t N ��11 _J F- 69 vi 69 Eg ER r 69 W 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 F O to O O O O Ur CO O I� M r� <T Zv . - - r — N� W F- F- F- H E- Q J Z W N U X X X X X X ¢v ooaOCD0 U- N W LLB CL W ~ U U U U U U U Q F- F- F- H E- Q LL Z N M et to (O I-- o W M M M M M M 0 00 O Z a U N M � to O 1` W M M Cl) M Cl) M 0 O Z U) W F- Q J LLB '� N W Q Z --1 - j CC LL Z W W Q r a 2 00 a U M 2 W W 0 W W 0 0 J O F- w W Z Z m Q (n U) F- U U : > Z m > Q a a co Q J< 0 0 F- Q OZ W 0 W W U U — O > > O Q O N W W O O � O F- LU W ! O O O F- UO w a m CC F- L- LL � U 11 II U U II II � II Q II U) a: F- 1 O O ° U J W O O O o 0 a a o M o (D I tT O 1 0 cc fA 69 EA 69 69 69 69 69 W M i - C) � i Q o o o LO _ VT r� N I M r. I T C14 cli Cl) co I O y 69 69 69 ( 69 69 m 1 I � � I I I 1 W o a(D O O 0 0 0 r N .V 1 (D O I Cl) Q O O It O O O CD O r O M 1 _ O_ O <T R. 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