HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Conservation Report 1 1 1 1 ' DAY, ETIWANDA AND SAN SEVAINE CREEKS 1 DRAINAGE PLAN WATER CONSERVATION REPORT 1 1 1 1 By Bill Mann & Associates 1814 Commercenter West, Suite A San Bernardino, CA 92408 1 1 March, 1983 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 SECTION I. INTRODUCTION 1 ' SECTION II. GROUNDWATER 8 RECHARGE TERMINOLOGY FACTORS I SECTION III. GROUNDWATER RECHARGE IN SPREADING 18 GROUNDS AND WATER CONSERVATION BASINS SECTION IV. GROUNDWATER RECHARGE IN GRAVEL PITS 26 SECTION V. CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER SUPPLY FROM DAY 31 CREEK AND ETIWANDA CANYONS SECTION VI. ESTIMATED ANNUAL CONSERVABLE RUNOFF 35 SECTION VII. CHINO BASIN CONJUNCTIVE USE STUDY 54 1 APPENDIX 1. REFERENCES 1 2. PROPOSED WATER CONSERVATION BASINS AND SPREADING GROUND PLANS ' 3. SCHEMATIC SAND AND GRAVEL MINING PLAN FOR DAY CREEK SPREADING GROUNDS 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 SECTION I 1 INTRODUCTION ' 1. GENERAL 1 Although the main purpose of the development of the drainage plan for the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek System is ' for flood control, an important part of the overall drainage plan is the water conservation element. By retaining drainage 1 flows within the watershed area and reducing runoff downstream, in addition to reducing the downstream flood problem, water con- ' servation is also enhanced. ' The Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek drainage areas are within the Chino Groundwater Basin. As producers of groundwater within the Chino Basin are aware, the water levels have dropped 1 tremendously during the last few decades, as much as five to ten feet per year in some cases. This trend, extended over wet ' and dry cycles, has shown the basin to be in overdraft. This means water in excess of safe yield continues to be mined. ' Figure No. 1 is a vicinity map showing the drainage areas and creek systems, and Figure No. 2 indicates the Chino Basin boundary. The Chino Basin has been adjudicated and the Chino Basin Water- ' master was established under the Judgement entered in Superior Court of the State of California for the County of San Bernardino, as a result of Case No. 164327 entitled, "Chino Basin Municipal 1 Water District vs. City of Chino et al ", on January 27, 1978. The adjudication established the safe yield of the basin at ' approximately 145,000 acre -feet per year, whereas the Chino Basin extractions have been higher in recent years, such as the 181,000 ' acre -feet extraction in 1975/76 prior to the adjudication. The 1 1 -. �� ,„ to 0 F1— \ W J , • . / /. -.. s (2) ..., 1 1 i , . . , 111°'-'' . • • / o to a ,., .3.31: /:- • . - • • • • ':: •:,:. .. . ■;. :1, : • I • . *. A .. • `[., . ,, . . , :...:7 . ; -; . .... .•-••••••••:;:-:- ....;.:.:•-...::::... .•.• :: ..,..--• i' • .. ... :<'. t . • ,; ;.'". '' .::. </'•, .... ". .. !': : S ti : ! t • I 7 < . • uu )le3 .•: • . : i i • . 0 • ;_i:.' .:. 3Af a:..: J.DI)18! 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According to the I Fourth Annual Report of the Chino Basin Watermaster dated 1980/81, approximately 90,000 acre -feet of water have been percolated 1 into the basin from imported supplies since implementation of the Judgement through June 30, 1981. 1 Because all the proposed water conservation basins and flood t storage basins within this drainage plan area overlie the Chino Basin, all groundwater percolation assists in recharging the II basin. Therefore, the greater the groundwater recharge with storm flows and local runoff, the less amount of replenishment water that has to be purchased to maintain the basin safe yield 1 of 145,000 acre -feet. 1 For information purposes, the following tables are taken from the Fourth Annual Report of the Chino Basin Watermaster, 1980/81. 1 Table No. 1 shows the total water used within Chino Basin during the period 1974/75 to 1980/81. Table No. 2 shows the production I by pool for the same period. Table No. 1 I Total Water Used Within Chino Basin** (acre- feet) 1 Fiscal Chino Basin Other I Year Extractions Imported Supplies Total 1974/75 175,757 39,383 225,140 1975/76 181,017 57,686 238,703 II 1976/77 173,355 55,765 229,120 1977/78 154,675 61,567 216,242 1978/79 141,412 75,864 217,276 I 1979/80 141,574 70,727 212,301 1980/81 144,416 77,120 221,536 1 1 4 1 1 Table No. 2 - b I Production by Pool ** (acre -feet) I Overlying Overlying Fiscal Appropriative (Agricultural) (Non - Agricultural) I Year Pool Pool Pool Total 1974/75 70,312 96,567 8,878 175,757 1975/76 79,312 95,349 6,356 181,017 II 1976/77 72,707 91,450 9,198 173,355 1977/78 60,659 83,934 10,082* 154,675 1978/79 60,597 74,026 7,127 141,750 II 1979/80 63,834 70,377 7,363 5,650 140,566 1980/81 70,726 68,040 144,416 *Includes 3,945 acre -feet of mined water pumped by the Edison I Company as agent for the Chino Basin Municipal Water District. * *Fourth Annual Report - Chino Basin Watermaster. I As related above, one form of corrective action bein g taken is I the recharge of imported water to augment the natural recharge that occurs through rainfall, mountain runoff, and return of applied irrigation water to the underground basin. Another 1 corrective action that can be taken is to increase the amount of natural recharge that occurs. The more natural recharge of the I basin that occurs, the less imported water that has to be pur- chased for groundwater replenishment. I The drainage plan will include hard lining of Day, Etiwanda and g P g Y► San Sevaine Creeks. That amount of percolated water lost by I lining the channels will have to be replaced by offsite recharge I facilities, namely the use of recharge basins. The amount of groundwater recharge lost by hard lining of channels can readily g g Y g y be replaced by the use of recharge basins. It is intended to 1 increase the amount of groundwater recharge over that obtained naturally, by developing additional groundwater recharge facilities 1 1 5 1 I 65 ` 1 as a part of the drainage plan. This will be accomplished by turning flows out of the channels into recharge basins, the increased use of the spreading ground areas, the use of retention basins as a part of development, and the development of flood 1 retardation basins and debris basins. 1 Successful water resources management plans must satisfy at least three basic requirements: 1) social acceptance, 2) legal con- 1 1 formances, and 3) organizational effectiveness. In the imple- mentation of a management scheme, successful management will develop and implement programs and operations that satisfy these requirements. The existing Watermaster program does or can meet the above requirements. The main problem will be the technical ability of recharging the groundwater basin. 1 Recharge in a groundwater management plan is influenced by two factors. The first is the potential demand for groundwater. This in turn is influenced by economic and legal considerations, both of which can be altered by management processes. The second factor is the physical limitations of the groundwater basin. The possibility of coordination of a groundwater recharge opera- tion with the State Division of Water Resources /Metropolitan Water District conjunctive use study is being explored. Also 1 the physical limitations of the basin, particularly in the area of existing or potential recharge sites, must be considered. 1 Some of these limitations include basin storage capacity, re- chargeability of recharge basin sites, transmissivity of aquifers ' under and around the recharge sites, land area appropriate for replenishment activity, and other related matters which will be explored later in this report. 1 6 {4 { C [ 1 i I 1 The quality of water in the Chino Basin can be enhanced by in- creasing the basin recharge with local drainage and flood flows. 1 This is due to the fact State Project imported water has an average total dissolved solids (TDS) of 260 and Colorado River 1 imported water has a TDS of 750. Storm flows and local runoff has a TDS ranging from 180 to 220. Therefore, any increase in I 1 groundwater recharge with natural runoff will improve the water quality of the basin. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 t d 1 SECTION II GROUNDWATER RECHARGE TERMINOLOGY FACTORS ' ' Groundwater recharge is not an exact science. It requires a con - siderable amount of soils testing, geologic investigation, field 1 evaluation and historical observation. The proper understanding of groundwater recharge technology requires at least a passing under- standing of the terminology. Some of the more important definitions are given below to assist in later evaluation of this report. 1. INFILTRATION RATES 1 Recharge capacity is the volume rate (cubic feet per second) of water that can be recharged for extended periods at a given site. 1 The potential recharge rate, which is the infiltration rate (feet per day) that can be maintained over extended periods under normal basin operating conditions, is based on controlling geologic and hydrologic factors. Estimated recharge rates range from less ' than one foot (1') per day in areas underlain by older alluvium to four feet (4') per day in areas underlain by coarse - grained younger alluvium. The recharge capacity (cfs) equals one -half 1 the recharge rate (feet per day) times the area (acres). 1 Data supplied by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District and USGS provides useful design criteria based on numerous years 1 of experience operating spreading areas and research. However, in most cases, certain design criteria were not available or ' precisely applicable to the spreading areas of interest. The infiltration rates used for the immediate area below the base of the San Gabriel Mountains are 3 cfs /wetted acre, or about 6 feet/ ' day; however, it is doubtful that this is a long -term rate. 1 8 1 s 1 I The U. S. Geological Survey in their publication "Artificial I Recharge in the Upper Santa Ana Valley" has estimated recharge capacity figures for recharge facilities in the San Bernardino Valley Area. These estimated rates are used in this report. t A portion of that tabulation is included in this report as Table No. 3. The recharge capacity figures are based on existing con- , ditions and not developed basins. Information is not available for all basin areas. 1 Table No. 3 1 Recharge Capacity Factors in Existing Facilities . I Surface Estimated I nfiltration Perching Recharge Rate Recharge Facility Rate Siltation Layers (feet /day) II Day Canyon A C A 3 Spreading Grounds II Day Creek A C A 3 Spreading Grounds Etiwanda Conser- B B C 2 1 vation Basins Etiwanda Spreading A C A 3 Grounds ' Wineville Basin B C C 1 San Sevaine A C A 3 II Spreading Grounds Surface - Infiltration Rate II A: very permeable, coarse - grained younger alluvium -5 ft /day B: permeable, fine - grained younger alluvium -2 to 5 ft /day C: moderately permeable older alluvium -3 ft /day 1 D: low permeability, consolidated rocks -1 ft /day Siltation A: source water relatively clear, few silt problems B: source water relatively clear, some silt problems II C: source water potentially turbid, moderate silt problems D: source water potentially turbid, serious silt problems Perching Layers II A: none exist B: exist at depth C: exist near surface, may affect recharge rate I Recharge capacity (cfs) equals one -half recharge rate (feet /day) times area (acres). 9 1 2. TRANSMISSIBILITY 1 Transmissibility as defined and used by the USGS is the amount of water in gallons per day that would flow through a one foot (1') width of the saturated portion of aquifer under a unit hydraulic gradient and prevailing water temperatures. It quanti- 1 tatively describes the ability of the aquifer to transmit water. 3. PERMEABILITY 1 The permeability of a porous medium describes the ease with which a fluid will pass through it and indicates its capacity 1 for transmitting water under a differential head. 1 The field coefficient of permeability is the flow of water, in gallons per day, through a cross - section of aquifer one foot (1') thick and one mile wide under a hydraulic gradient of one foot (1') per mile, at field temperature. 1 Coefficients of permeability and transmissibility pertain to the character of the porous materials found primarily in the zone of saturation. 1 4. DEEP PERCOLATION After water enters the soil through surface infiltration, it 1 must move downward to a zone of saturation before it can be re- claimed. Generally, water must reach the water table before it can be economically recovered. However, in some places, the zone 1 of saturation may be a perched water body that has developed to a sufficient quantity to make extraction through wells feasible. 1 1 10 In the unsaturated zone, a complex interplay of forces controls ' the movement. In addition to the obvious gravitational and frictional forces that control flow in saturated material, matrix forces, such as capillary, may substantially affect flow 1 in unsaturated sediments. The matrix forces are dependent not only upon the physical character of the matrix, but also upon 1 moisture content, chemistry, temperature, and previous condition (hysteresis effects). Water movement in the unsaturated zone caused by the resultant of these forces is complex and difficult to predict. See Figure No. 3 for pictorial view. For the purpose of this report, matrix forces are assumed to be negligible, and water in the unsaturated zone is assumed to move ' vertically downward until it reaches the water table or a zone of significantly reduced permeability. When water reaches a zone of 1 reduced permeability, a perched water body develops that grows until leakage through or around the zone is equal to the recharge. 1 The potential formation of perched water bodies, particularly where the perched water mound may rise to intersect the surface, is an important factor in evaluation of recharge potential. The known low permeability zones below the potential recharge sites are given on Table No. 4. The information was obtained from the 1 U. S. Department of Interior, Geological Survey, "Artificial Recharge in the Upper Santa Ana Valley" open -file report dated 1972. 1 The permeability zones are provided for reference only and based 1 on known data. The permeability factors were used by USGS in estimating recharge capacities, which are used in this report. Table No. 3 indicates the estimated recharge rate in feet per day P Y for Wineville Basin which is one foot /day. This may be slightly on the low side. The U.S.G.S. report referred to above indicates the recharge rate ranges from one to two feet per day. The low ' number has been used in this report for the most part. 11 1 Table No. 4 ' Low Permeability Zones Beneath Recharge Facilities (based on logs of nearby wells) I Approximate Depth to Water (feet below Confining Beds Facility land surface) (depth- feet /thickness -feet) Day Canyon 500 (1) Spreading Grounds Day Creek 500 (1) Spreading Grounds Etiwanda Conserva- 375 25/65, 100/35, 135/70, 210/10, tion Basins 250/300, 320/10, 335/15 ' Etiwanda 550 (1) Spreading Grounds Wineville Basin 230 5/5, 25/5, 40/20, 70/40, 160/35, 205/70 San Sevaine 550 (1) Spreading Grounds (1) No reliable driller's logs in the vicinity. Geologic environment ' indicates that no shallow confining beds exist. Based on U.S.G.S. Report dated 1972. Also see Table No. 3. ' S. INCREASED RUNOFF FROM URBAN DEVELOPMENT ' Although not a part of groundwater terminology in the strict sense, conserving increased runoff from urban development is an ' important factor in the basin groundwater recharge. Increased runoff due to urban development decreases the available water ' supply. To conserve this runoff, recharge facilities need to be developed to replace permeable areas lost to urban expansion. The number, size and location of facilities needed in the future can only be estimated based on the proposed or projected urban development and the estimation of conservable runoff. See ' Section 111,2 for further discussion on urban runoff. 1 12 1 6. CONSERVABL E RUNOFF That amount of urban runoff of storm flows that can be "conserved" or precolated back into the ground is conservable runoff. Con - 1 servable runoff is approximately the difference between the average annual water supply from precipitation and the average losses by 1 evaporation and transpiration. The residual runoff, after the losses of transpiration and evaporation, includes surface and /or subsurface flows which are theoretically recoverable. See Sec- tion VI,2 for formula for "conservable runoff ". 7. SILT CLOGGING 1 Surface deposition of silt from flood water may reduce the re- charge capability of a conservation basin in a very short time. 1 Silt carried into a recharge facility is not only deposited as a crust over the basin floor, silt may also move some distance into the natural soil before depositing. The major siltation problem is due to deposition on the basin floor and silt movement into the natural soil to a depth of 4 to 8 inches. Maintenance of the recharge facilities, such as silt removal 1 and disking or plowing of the basin floor, is necessary to main- tain the recharge capability. Removal of the silt from the 1 basins is the best maintenance method. 8. GROUNDWATER ZONES A. Zone of Aeration 1 Water occurring in the zone of aeration may be more or less permanent of "suspended" water, or water on its way downward 1 13 5 1 to the zone of saturation (see Figure No. 3). Water in this upper zone is acted upon by the opposing forces of I gravity and of molecular attraction. The latter, acting over only very small distances, tendsto hold the water in 1 the very minute interstices that occur in the rock between soil particles, or within the minute cracks and crevices 1 of the rock itself, and also to spread water in thin films over rock surfaces and granular particles, this action being against the downward pull of gravity. The remaining space in the interstices is occupied by atmospheric gases. In I I some areas there may be practically no zone of aeration, E and the water table may be at or close to the ground surface. 1 The zone of aeration is divided into three belts: (a) The belt of soil water, (b) the intermediate belt, and (c) the I capillary fringe. The belt of soil water extends to a depth from which water can be discharged into the air be trans- 1 piration through plants. This distance is seldom more than from 10 feet to 15 feet, although in areas of deep rooted I plants, such as alfalfa and mesquite, it may extend to a depth of from 30 feet to 50 feet, or even more (see Figure No. 3). Water held in this zone against gravitational action may 1 later pass into the atmosphere by transpiration or soil evaporation. The intermediate belt, ranging in thickness from nothing to I several hundred feet, extends downward to the top of the r capillary fringe. Water moving into it from the belt of I soil water continues its slow downward passage until it reaches the zone of saturation. 1 1 14 i 1 1 The capillary fringe, which lies just above the zone of I P Y g J saturation, contains water that is held above this zone by capillary force. Its thickness may range from a fraction of an inch in coarse material with large interstices, to 1 8 feet or more in very fine material. All interstices near the base of the fringe may be completely filled with 1 capillary water, but the water content decreases as the top of the fringe is approached. In areas where the water table is near the surface, the capillary fringe may extend upward 1 to plant roots, or even to the surface of the ground, 1 allowing water from the zone of saturation to discharge directly into the atmosphere. 1 FIGURE NO. 3 1 Groundwater Zones I Land Surface 1 Belt of f W�` //A-W-7 A I c Soil Water Soil Water L. } 15 :13 0 Q Intermediate Intermediate 03 I Belt Water c o m a o • iv 3 C (0> O 1 N Frn ry Fringe Water 03)..-. o . C H O 4- NJ o o Ground Water (Phreatic Water) 1 N co 1 m o ; Internal Water oao I 1 N li 1 15 s I B. Zone of Saturation The zone of saturation lies below the zone of aeration. I Its thickness varies greatly, extending downward to depths where the interstices have been closed. All interstices in the zone of saturation are completely filled with water I under hydrostatic pressure. It is in this zone that groundwater storage, as herein discussed, occurs. Where 1 the upper surface of the zone of saturation is under atmos- pheric pressure, and is free to rise and fall with changes 1 in volume of stored water, it is referred to as the "water table ". Water occurring under these conditions is called "free" or "unconfined" groundwater. Where the upper surface 1 of this zone is under hydrostatic pressure, due to a more or less overlying impermeable formation, the water is termed I "confined" groundwater, or "artesian water ". ,1 In places, the main zone of saturation is overlain by un- saturated material that contains an impervious formation, 1 above which a local zone of saturation may occur. Ground- water in such a zone is termed "perched" water, and its I upper surface is a "perched" water table. II C. . Recharge of Groundwater Reservoirs 1 Of the total precipitation infiltrating below the ground surface, a part may appear later as runoff, whereas the II remainder passes downward into the zone of aeration. Of this, part will be returned to the atmosphere by evaporation, II part may be brought to the surface by capillary action and evaporated, part will enter plants through their root systems 111 and transpired, part will be used to make up deficiencies in 1 16 soil moisture, and the remainder will ultimately reach the zone of saturation (see Figure No. 3). That water not reaching the zone of saturation, or otherwise not reclaim- able by pumping, is considered in the "losses" in the "conservable runoff" formula (see Section VI ). 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 8 1 ' 17 1 a , SECTION III 1 GROUNDWATER RECHARGE IN SPREADING GROUNDS AND WATER CONSERVATION BASINS 1 1. POTENTIAL AREAS OF RECHARGE There are a number of existing and potential areas where water 1 (natural or imported) may be percolated into the underground for recharge of the groundwater basin. The recharge of ground- , water basins can technically be accomplished by a number of agencies, since the enabling legislation of various organiza- tions permits the recharge of various types of water into the 1 underground. This includes flood control districts, conserva- tion districts, municipal water districts, county water districts, 1 cities and special corporations such as water companies. In actual fact, the great majority of recharge area comes under the 1 jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Flood Control District because of its responsibility for handling of flood runoff and 1 ownership of most of the channels and water spreading areas. I Plans for the future development of the water conservation basins and spreading grounds are included in the Appendix of this report. The existing and proposed area within the recharge facilities, 1 the recharge capacity, and the storage capacity of the various recharge facilities is tabulated in Table Nos. 5 through 7. 1 Figure No. 1 shows the proposed spreading grounds and water con - 1 servation basins within the Day and San Sevaine Creek Systems. The recharge areas are listed below in Table Nos. 5 and 6, I showing the existing and proposed useable area for water spreading and the storage capacity of the facility. 1 18 i t i 1 1 Table No. 7 expands the data on the recharge facilities, 1 showing the estimated recharge rates, proposed recharge capacity, and the storage capacity. "Recharge rate" and "recharge capa- city "are defined in Section ILL 1 Table No. 5 Day Creek Channel System Recharge Facilities II Existing Area Proposed Area Proposed Storage Facility (acres) (acres) Capacity (ac -ft) t Day Creek 826 719 265 Spreading Grounds II Day Creek Basin 23 28 650 Wineville Basin 50c 48 700 I Riverside Basin SO 44 1,100 Total 949 839 2,715 1 Table No. 6 1 San Sevaine Creek Channel System Recharge Facilities I Existing Area Proposed Area** Proposed Storage Facility (acres) (acres) Capacity (ac -ft) I S Etiwanda Creek 73 6 O preading Grounds Etiwanda Basins 42 8 59 II San Sevaine 155 155 Oa Spreading Grounds I San Sevaine Basins 51 47 440 1 Lower San Sevaine 19 71 1,720 Basin II Victoria Basin 19 19 240 Jurupa Basin 19 46 1,300 II Total 378 352 3,759 * Figure is for interim recharge plans. The ultimate storage capacity I based on possible future gravel operation is 459 acre - feet /day recharge capacity and 6,684 acre -feet of storage capacity. ** Proposal Area - useable bottom area for water spreading. II 19 1 • 1 1 0 r1 a) I v 00 rn 0 o . ,W 0 0 0 0 1J 11 G " av . v g cn z z ° 0 ) b1'+ CU 0 CO 0 p co W 0 0 « •K td cd • ,O in 0 0 0 0 rn 0 0 0 0 0 • - 1 (.0 • 4J cd 0 w ,p u'1 0 0 «1 - N O r. U V) cn O P+ U N ,O N. ,--1 -7 r--• N M I cd b N 0. C/) Cn U v ,-r �0 0 0 ✓ r-1 x 0 1. CO t v 0 V ' 00 •r4 W 1 c� oa CO C2) � ° a • v 0 vcd vv • v4 "0 M M .-4 r-1 M M M VIM M , --4 1 f• cc) .1 1J cd 1J 4.4 00 0.0) U) uv 4 ) Z Cn croad v N W 0 0 0) ct1 x 03 0 . r--1 C!) v H 17 H ?. cd )4 b is 4C * * • 0) 4.1 cd u1 i� ,0 ,C 00 �t C, rI M r— .0I M U) v G .0 1J N , --1 In cr1 , -.4 N -4 .-+ ill cn G w 0 ro V U w ■ Z .■i N CO 0 1 N ' a 0 0 r-4 1 cti 0 •.1-1 U 0) M al 00 00 0, N d, r-... 0' M a 0) to • CA , . O Z ri U 4:2 In N N 1-4 fr•-• 0 N N I N ,G 1J i w .4 U P+ 11 •r1 v Cll CO >l 4 • O r ro orl I ' , 'IV CO 1 • 0 •1-1 CO FO 0 •l A. y, 1� 0) 0) 0) 0 0) 0 1-4 O 1J .14 ' , .� m G v > 0. c o ) c CU /4 1 M U) 1.1 0)) N G cd 14 0 u Gh PQ W Pa 1+ C7 cc) v C9 v ca cd ri 00 a) v 0 . b0 .54 a) 0) 0 00 CA •,4 00 • •1 0 ccc) 0 01 CO 02 00 ' 0 �C a) G v r-1 •0 co G co o co co co IYl 11 11 al W a) r♦ 0) •r1 "0 -1 '0 'J r♦ > r./) •r1 11 d ' 11 M-1 0) p '0 G a) 'C7 0) 11 W 000 4-1 0 0 0 cd 0 ' 11 cd CO cd cn CO Cr) 11 0 0 •r1 0 1J 0) D, 1 P, 0 . • 3 W •3 •r1 11 r1 G 14 0 g 1) 14 w w m w I cd O. 0 •♦ •1 41 P. 1J co a. co 0 'r4 G A cn A 3 t24 W c/) W v) 11) CI) ra a h •)c . 1 20 1 1 1 Notes to Tables 1 a) The Etiwanda Creek Spreading Grounds and the San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds are flow- through areas with no storage capability. ' b) Day Creek Spreading Grounds is a flow- through area at the present time with no storage capacity. The ultimate plans for the spreading grounds include significant storage ' capacity. Refer to plans in Appendix for possible storage and recharge capacity from conceptual gravel mining operation. c) The existing areas shown in Table Nos. 5 and 6 are the bottom of the existing basins. The existing bottom areas have been reduced by plans to deepen the basins. 1 The spreading grounds have a higher potential for percolation because they overlie coarser ground materials that permit higher ' rates of percolation. Conversely, the water conservation basins which are located lower down on the alluvial fan are located in ' areas of finer grained materials and thus have reduced rates of percolation. As indicated in Table No. 7, estimated perco- lation rates range from approximately one to three feet per day. 1 Wineville, Jurupa and Riverside Basins have lower percolation capacity, whereas the Day Creek and San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds have a higher percolation capacity. 2. PRECIPITATION AND RUNOFF 1 A. General 1 As urban developments replace agricultural and undeveloped acreage, rooftops and paved areas replace permeable recharge 1 areas. Under natural conditions, the surface material overlying most of the study area is sufficiently permeable 1 to absorb almost all precipitation, except for severe storms. Only in a few areas of low permeabilities or in times of ' intense rainfall would runoff occur from the valley area. The natural condition, of course, predates any development. 1 21 1 1 1 In urban areas, however, much of the permeable area is re- placed by hard surfaces, thus substantially decreasing the absorption capacity and increasing runoff. In addition to the above, urban expansion also increases the need for flood control facilities to protect life and ' property. This requires that flood waters be channeled to prevent inundation of the developing areas. Because of 1 the high erosion ability of the major streams, channeling of flood flows often necessitates complete lining of channels. Thus, natural recharge is lost not only in the overflow areas, but also in the streambeds. Replacement of these areas is ' imperative if the prime local source of water supply, runoff from mountain areas, is to be conserved. We can show that ' offstream recharge basins not only can replace the groundwater recharge lost by hard lining channels, but can also increase the recharge over the natural channels by turnouts from the ' channels into selective sites. 1 The natural water supply (as opposed to imported water or wastewater reuse) originates as precipitation, nearly 7570 of which occurs during the period of December through March. The average annual precipitation ranges from less than 15 inches per year in the lowest part of the valley floor to more than 45 inches near the crest of the San Gabriel Moun- tains. The average season rainfall in the Rancho Cucamonga area is approximately 17 to 20 inches. ' Runoff is the residual of precipitation after the extrac- tions of evaporation, transpiration, and percolation have t taken their share. Runoff tends to be more variable than the precipitation. The rainfall- runoff process on an urban watershed consists of hydrologic and hydraulic components. 22 r 1 1 Rainfall losses due to groundwater infiltration and surface 1 depression storage and the resulting routed overland flow comprise the hydrologic component and can be characterized by an inlet hydrograph. The summation of inlet hydrographs and the routing of the resultant flow through the drainage net- work comprise the hydraulic component. While the hydraulic aspects of flow routing through conduit networks have been understood for some time, the hydrologic phenomena, involving much more complex interrelationships 1 between many different physical processes, are not well understood. The hydrologic component, regarding precipita- tion losses, are discussed in Sections II and VI. A continuity equation for the precipitation- runoff process can be written as: 1 V =V +V where: 1 V = the volume of precipitation V = the volume of precipitation losses, and V = the volume of runoff. 1 This equation is shown in a slightly different form in Section VI,2and is expressed as "conservable runoff ". Con- servable runoff is defined in Section VI. 1 Surface runoff increases following urban development; flood volumes have been observed to increase by 1.5 -2 times, and flood peaks two or more times. These effects are generally illustrated by Figure No. 4. Storm drainage systems are installed to remove this excess water from urban surfaces. 1 23 1 1 1 e l { When these systems are discharged into local streams and I the capacity of these streams is exceeded, the streams are straightened, deepened, widened or enclosed, and the problem I is passed on downstream. Downstream solutions become more difficult and costly because structures such as bridges and culverts must be enlarged or constructed, channels must I be constructed, and because flood plains are occupied by costly construction that must be protected. Additionally, I storage facilities have to be constructed to conserve or detain runoff. I Figure No. 4 1 1 • URBAN 1 0 J W W 0 II W F- a m 1 II PRE -URBAN 1 1 TIME -IIIw 1 URBANIZATION INCREASES PEAK FLOWS AND RUNOFF VOLUMES (THE AREA UNDER THE CURVES) 1 24 i It is the conservation of this increased runoff that is I emphasized in this report. If storm runoff can be captured and percolated back into the underground water basin, it I not only decreases the downstream runoff problems, but also increases the available water supply for the people overlying I the groundwater basin. The facilities proposed for water conservation are shown in I Table Nos. 5 through 7 and the plans for these facilities are included in the Appendix. An estimation of the "con- 1 servable runoff" is given and discussed in Section VI. i t 1 i i 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 25 E e SECTION IV 1 RECHARGE IN GRAVEL PITS 1 1. GENERAL 1 Two major types of major recharge facilities are used in the San Bernardino Valley area. One type is the use of existing 1 and /or abandoned gravel pits which are used as recharge basins. Existing or abandoned gravel pits are found at 1 various locations in the Santa Ana River, Lytle Creek Wash, Cucamonga Spreading Grounds, San Antonio Spreading Grounds, 1 and other minor spreading grounds or water conservation areas. The second type of major recharge facilities consist of a I complex of levees, interconnecting ditches, and small shallow basins generally located on the alluvial fans below the toe 1 of the mountains. These type of facilities are located in the Deer Creek Spreading Grounds, Etiwanda and San Sevaine 1 Creek Spreading Grounds, as well as many other locations on the alluvial fans. 1 Because of the ability of gravel pits to capture and hold 1 large amounts of storm flows, the recharge capability is much greater than the flow - through spreading grounds. Due to the large water conservation capability of the gravel I pits, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District has promoted sand, rock and gravel mining operations in the 1 spreading ground areas. 1 Water conservation basins developed in the valley area below the alluvial fans are also important as outlets for storm 1 drain systems and turnouts from major flood channels. However, 1 26 r , i s 1 1 the recharge capability in the conservation basins are minor 1 in comparison to the spreading ground areas due to their lower recharge rates. The recharge rates in the spreading 1 ground areas can vary from three feet /day to five feet /day, whereas the recharge rates in the water conservation basins are generally in the order of one foot /day to two feet /day. 1 The difference is due to the location of water conservation basins further down on the alluvial fans in the moderately 1 permeable older alluvium. Due to silt clogging and other factors, the sustained recharge rates are less, in the order 1 of one foot /day to three feet /day. 1 Because of the aforementioned groundwater recharge capability of gravel pits, the enhancement of water conservation in coordination with rock and gravel mining operations was con- 1 sidered early in the development of the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek Drainage Plan. This concept was supported 1 by the Technical and Steering Committees. g The Day Creek Spreading Grounds provide the optimum location 1 for a sand and P ravel operation within the Drainage Plan g drainage area. This is due to its size (830± acres), the I existing levee system, and the size of the mountain drainage area (5± square miles). Other areas that could be reviewed 1 for sand and gravel operations are the San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds and the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds. How- 1 ever, those areas are not considered for sand and gravel mining operation in this report. They should be considered 1 • for future gravel mining operations. } 1' 1 . 1 ' 27 1 2. DAY CREEK SPREADING GROUNDS There are approximately 800 acres within the spreading ' grounds from the proposed debris dam site to Highland Avenue. The major part of the spreading grounds is owned in fee by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. The daily production rates for most large sand and gravel operations are in the 300 tons /hour to 650 tons /hour range. This is approximately equivalent to 575,000 to 1,250,000 tons per year. ' Based on discussions with several sand and gravel mining operators, a 20 -year reserve is necessary to establish a large sand and gravel mining plant. Based on a 1,250,000 ' per year production rate, a 25,000,000 ton reserve would be required. 1 In order to determine the available material in the spreading 1 grounds, a preliminary excavation plan was developed. The preliminary plan was developed solely to determine possible ' available mining material and it is not assumed the plan provided herein is the most desirable, or the most optimum mining and processing plan. The following assumptions were made in developing the prelim - 1 inary plan: 1 A. No excavation within the SCE or LADWP right -of -way. B. The processing plant will require approximately 20 acres for the plant itself and 40 acres for storage. 1 1 28 1 C. A mininum pit depth of 40 feet and a maximum pit depth I of 90 feet were used. Side slopes for the pits were assumed to be 3:1. These dimensions could vary, depending 1 upon an approved plan. D. The plant site was established in the approximate middle 1 of the spreading grounds. This would remove the plant from Highland Avenue, but minimize the haul distance 1 from Highland Avenue. 1 Based on the above preliminary assumptions and the schematic plan, the available material that can be mined in the Day I Creek Spreading Grounds is approximately 35,000,000 tons. It is emphasized the analysis was done to indicate a 20 -year material reserve for a mining operation is available. 1 I 3. WATER CONSERVATION 1 Based on the schematic plan for gravel and sand mining opera- tions referenced above, an estimate was made on the storage I capacity that would be available in the excavated pits, assuming the pits were completely excavated to the plan. 1 The bottom area of the pits was also calculated to provide an estimate of the recharge capacity that would be available 1 in the completed pits. These estimated values are shown in Table No. 8 below. 1 1 1 1 29 _ 1 I TABLE NO. 8 1 Day Creek Spreading Grounds Gravel Pit Recharge Capacity II Recharge Recharge * Storage I Bottom Area Capacity Capacity Capacity Pits (acres) (ac -ft /day) (cfs) (ac -ft) II 1 36 108 54 1,455 2 31 93 47 1,225 II 3 33 99 50 1,512 4 33 99 50 1,512 I 5 20 60 30 980 II TOTAL 153 459 231 6,684 II NOTES: I * Based on a recharge rate of three feet per day on bottom area only with no consideration of percolation through side walls. 1 II The schematic gravel mining plan for the Day Creek Spreading Grounds referred to above is included in the Appendix. I 1 1 I I 30 I 1 SECTION V CUCAMONGA COUNTY WATER SUPPLY FROM DAY AND ETIWANDA CANYONS 1 The Cucamonga County Water District presently utilizes the water 1 supply from Day and East Etiwanda Canyons. The Day Canyon System consists of two tunnels., Bee Tunnel and Smith Tunnel, along with a surface catchment in the main channel from which the major water supply from this source is obtained. The East Etiwanda Canyon System consists of a surface diversion located at a narrow bedrock construction immediately below the con- fluence of the main channel and west fork of East Etiwanda Creek. The locationsof the systems are shown schematically on Figure No. 5. 1 Based on a report by James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., 1 entitled "Cucamonga County Water District Water System Development Plan ", dated May, 1974, the maximum potential water supply is given in Table No. 9. TABLE NO. 9 1 MAXIMUM POTENTIAL WATER SUPPLY FROM DAY AND EAST ETIWANDA 1 Area Precipitation Evaporation Maximum Potential Water Supply Canyon (acres) acre - feet /year acre -feet acre -feet 1 Day 2,957 7,747 3,943 3,804 E. Etiwanda 1,786 4,437 2,381 2,056 The above information is from the referenced Montgomery Engineers' 1 Report. They also estimate the long term average water supply from 1 31 d 1 Day Canyon at 2,400 acre -feet per year and an average annual supply from East Etiwanda Canyon of 1,000 acre -feet. For varying reasons, it is not possible or practical to try to re- ' cover all of the maximum potential water supply at the Cucamonga County Water District intake systems. A significant quantity of I the water will pass through the collection works as subsurface flow, or as surface flow during heavy storms. The canyon flows not inter- ' cepted by the Cucamonga County Water District intake works should and can be intercepted downstream by adequate recharge basins. I The recoverable yield at the mountain canyons would be approximately II the difference between the average annual water supply (from precipi- tation), and the average annual water loss (by evaporation and trans- piration). The residual runoff would include surface and subsurface flows which are theoretically recoverable. I In summary, the water quantities considered by the Montgomery Report as ultimate annual Cucamonga County Water District supply are as I follows: Day Canyon - 2,400 acre feet East Etiwanda Canyon - 1,000 acre -feet II Any remaining canyon flows would be recoverable downstream in spreading areas. These remaining canyon flows can be significant during periods II of heavy storm flow. 1 The Cucamonga County Water District Master Plan was updated by Mont- gomery Engineers in December, 1981. It is noted from that report the II 1980 diversion from Day Canyon was 1,320 acre -feet. The estimated future diversion from Day and Etiwanda Canyons are still 2,400 acre - feet and 1,000 acre -feet, respectively. 1 y Y y i 32 1 For ready reference, a schematic map from the Montgomery Report of I 1974 is included herein as Figure No. 5. The schematic map shows the approximate location of the intake and distribution facilities I from Day and Etiwanda Canyons. Refer to the Cucamonga County Water District Master Plans dated 1974 and . 1981 by Montgomery Engineers I for a detailed analysis of the canyon flow diversions. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 .,, i 1 •-, 4. / „ , , .:-i• fs \-- ----, 0 ,1;, - _ I i 1 i I i ! . , I co ,r .. 3 / ! / 1 I PI] -' - --•- ti / - / -I tn - i ' , --' "•'' , ' ' , 1 ) 1 LL 0 , \ 1. ^''-) - it •, , f , „ ,.. . , ' ., 0 ). ) • 0 ) J. ‘ pok ,,,,,:. • olikaw p , • ........, , \ '\ \ , / , 7 ,1,4 _-_- - ' • • - '' -„,1 ' --- ,." 11111111111•P"L' . \ z - (,) '---- -- ' ' ■ \)< 1 w cc 54' , .........- ...,‘ - calk i i. ,.7,41Pir ..... Mk ‘, , t . 2 w < iv '-',, . ,IR I i.: 1 • ...I w cl -_.. P .." '111.• - ' * -40 rfgrot.C ,. 1 •• ..., ': .., ' ww., 2 • • OZ z La 4.4 - , ,---, ' - ° ' .-4 4111 7 . ■W r " - , j- lik „ ,,-- , J •• ■Ct .-I -- ( ,- - Nili ••It - . 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The runoff I available for groundwater recharge is a function of precipita- tion, the area over which the precipitation occurs, storm frequency, and precipitation losses due to many factors. At I best, the amount of runoff available for groundwater recharge can only be estimated using historical data, average annual 1 precipitation data, and an estimate of losses based on either historical recorded data and other studies and analysis. 1 There is very limited historical data recorded in the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek watershed. Also, there is I limited data on conservable runoff estimates, most of which have been compiled by the U.S.G.S. 1 Often the terms "salvageable runoff ", "conservable runoff" t or "recoverable yield" are used interchangeably, referring 1 to the amount of runoff that can be recovered from the ground- water table. In this report, the term "conservable runoff" 1 is used to indicate the estimated amount of annual runoff that can be conserved for future use by recharging the under- ' ground basin. I 35 r This analysis is based on the assumption the Day, Etiwanda I and San Sevaine Creek Channels will be improved and the various proposed storm drains in the various subareas will 1 be constructed to conduct drainage flows to the main channels. In the event no water conservation facilities, either basins I or spreading grounds, are developed to capture the conservable runoff, the runoff will be conducted to the Prado Basin by the storm drain and channel systems. Also, the precipitation I losses have been estimated, based on the information available in the form of past studies, historical data, and best engi- neering judgement. 1 The estimated "conservable runoff" definition is discussed below in Section VI,2. Research provided very limited infor- I oration on a reasonable estimate of conservable runoff appli- cable to the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek System I watershed, and particularly the Day Creek System. The Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek watershed will consist ul- timately of an elaborate system of storm drains and flood 1 channels below the toe of the San Gabriel Mountains. Because of the_proposed system, precipitation in the valley areas will 1 run off very quickly and be conducted to a channel and /or a water conservation basin. If adequate water conservation 1 facilities are not provided to retain and percolate the runoff, the runoff will be lost to the lower Chino Basin area. I A summary of the known analysis on conservable runoff is y pro- y P vided below for information purposes, although in most cases 1 the results are not entirely applicable to the study area watershed. The study area watershed below the mountains is 1 almost entirely proposed for development, a large percentage of which will be developed as industrial and commercial uses. 1 This will increase the runoff factor, or more importantly, the 1 36 1 i M 3 conservable runoff factor, over that of most of the studies 1 referred to below. The watershed conservable runoff is estimated in Section VI,2 below. 1 I 2. CONSERVABLE RUNOFF The computation of "recoverable yield" or "conservable runoff" 1 from annual precipitation is at best only an approximation. The recoverable yield or conservable runoff may be defined as 1 the difference between the average annual water supply (from precipitation) and the average annual water loss from evapora- I tion and transpiration. Theoretically, the remainder of the precipitation should be recoverable. 1 Conservable runoff is expressed as follows: 1 Conservable Runoff = Average Annual Precipitation x drainage area - losses 1 = acres x inches - losses = acre - feet /year - losses 1 The runoff average has a very wide range and can vary from II approximately 1570 to more than 5070. The highly developed areas and the mountain areas will produce more runoff than I the non - developed areas and the valley areas. An estimation of conservable runoff is developed later in this report. 1 A brief summary of researched analysis of runoff and /or con- servable runoff is given below. Although not applicable to 1 the study watershed in most cases, they are provided for infor- mation and reference purposes. The reports are listed in the Appendix under "References ". 1 1 37 1 a � { 1 A. According to the "Hydrology Handbook, ASCE Manual of I 1 Engineering Practice No. 28 ", dated 1949, the country -wide average precipitation is 30 inches per year, in contrast III with average runoff of 8.5 inches. The difference of 21.5 inches (losses) is indicative of the quantity that is abstracted annually by evapo - transpirative process. 1 The 21.5 -inch loss is eventually returned to the atmos- phere by the combined influences of evaporation and trans- 1 piration. The average runoff of 8.5 inches, or 28.3% of total average precipitation, remains as all or mostly 1 available for conservation. I This analysis is based on the nation -wide macro - system and assumes the runoff is eventually recovered and /or 1 returned to the hydrologic cycle. B. In a study by the U.S.G.S. entitled "Generalized Stream - 1 flow Relations of the San Bernardino and Eastern San Gabriel Mountains ", dated 1972, the runoff averaged 23% 1 of the annual average precipitation. This study was based on 29 stations studied with annual precipitation on the I drainage areas of a range from 10 to 35 inches, with runoff ranges from 0.54 to 17.2 inches. The runoff average I for the 29 stations was 6.34 inches, or 23% of the average precipitation. This analysis was based on primarily moun- tainous streams where high losses would occur. The runoff 1 in an urban area would tend to be higher. 1 C. In a study by Omer H. Brodie & Associates, Consulting 1 Engineers, entitled "Report on the Comprehensive Plan of Water Resources Conservation ", dated October, 1968, it was estimated that the residual conserved runoff after losses I 1 38 i E , 1 I was equal to 177 to 227 of the annual applied runoff. 1 In this study, the drainage area was predominantly residential. The study was based on historical rainfall 1 and runoff records provided by the San Bernardino County , Flood Control District. The study was considered to be 1 somewhat conservative and involved long drainage travel times in unlined facilities which would tend to decrease I the conservable runoff totals. 1 D. Based on a study by Lowry-Engineering Science, Consulting Engineers, entitled "Preliminary Investigation-San Diego I Creek Watershed Project in Orange County, California", dated May, 1971, it was estimated that the amount of water 1 that could be conserved for that particular project was approximately 147 of the average annual water production I in the area. That study states that historically water storage reservoirs in the area of the study conserved I about 1.5 acre-feet (96 ac-ft/mi 2 ) for every 10 acres of tributary drainage area. The Lowry-Engineering Science study was done for the Orange County Flood Control District 1 and the San Juan Capistrano Soil Conservation District. II This study was on a predominantly agriculture, open space area where water development for agriculture reuse was I proposed. Therefore, the losses were very high and the conservable runoff relatively low. ° II E. Based on an analysis by Montgomery Engineers on the Cuca- I monga County Water District water supply from the Day and Etiwanda Canyons, the "maximum potential water supply 1 1 39 1 1 1 i 1 (acre- feet)" from the average annual precipitation 1 averaged 48 %. This was based on an estimated evapo- transpiration or the potential evapo- transpiration, or II approximately 16 inches per year of an average rainfall of approximately 30 inches. The maximum potential water I supply from the canyons was estimated to be 5,860 acre - feet from 12,184 acre -feet of precipitation per year. II However, the 48% figure (potential conservable runoff) is probably not comparable to the conservable runoff that is available in the valley area. Part of the yield is II percolated water that returns quickly to the surface or is captured by tunnels, where as part of the percolated I I water in the valley area is held in the upper soil profile and is later lost by additional evaporation and /or trans- ' piration processes. F. According to Warren Viessman, John W. Knapp and Gary L. Lewis in their book entitled "Introduction to Hydrology ", dated 1977, they estimate that out of 30 inches of water received annually by precipitation in the U. S., 70% is li returned to the atmosphere through evapo- transpiration. The remaining 307 appears as runoff to the oceans or 1 lakes, and would therefore be recoverable if it could be captured and percolated into the underground water table. II This analysis is also based on a nation -wide macro - system. II G. According to Bulletin No. 104 -3, Meeting Water Demands in the Chino - Riverside Area, by the State of California, II Department of Water Resources, the percentage of precipi- tation that is percolated is approximately 30%. Their II analysis was based on a mean rainfall of 15.7 inches over 1 40 1 1 the entire valley area throughout the period 1970 -2015. 1 Using the curve development in that report (Seasonal Percolation of Precipitation vs. Seasonal Equivalent 1 Precipitation), the percentage of rainfall estimated that will be percolated into the water table over the Day 1 Creek -San Sevaine Creek Watershed would vary from 27% to 40 %. 1 This would appear to be a conservative percentage of "conservable runoff" for our watershed which is approxi- 1 mately 24% industrial /commercial areas. The DWR study was done over a large valley watershed (Upper Santa Ana 1 River). The Day Creek -San Sevaine Creek Watershed and particularly the Day Creek Watershed will have a much higher runoff due to the proposed development. The Day I Creek Watershed will have a very high ultimate runoff 1 factor because the high percentage (45 %) of industrial/ commercial area in the watershed. 1 3. ESTIMATED CONSERVABLE RUNOFF 1 A. General Discussion on Methodology 1 Groundwater recharge terminology was discussed in Sec - 1 tion II. As indicated previously, the determination and predictability of groundwater recharge is not an exact science. The estimation of conservable runoff is a complex 1 analysis which has to be based on many factors. These factors include the degree and type of proposed develop - 1 ment in the study area, the proposed storm drain system, if any, the proposed artificial recharge methods, precipi- 1 tation losses, and many others. 1 41 1 The components of percolation, as considered in this 1 analysis, are artificial recharge and percolation of precipitation. These two components will be discussed 1 further below. Three types of recharge facilities are considered in this analysis. One type is a system of complex levees, ditches, and shallow basins in the major 1 spreading ground areas such as the Day Creek Spreading Grounds and San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds. Another 1 is the water conservation basins such as Wineville, Riverside, Lower San Sevaine, and Day Creek Basins. The 1 other major type of recharge facility is abandoned or existing sand and gravel pits, such as proposed in the I Day Creek Spreading Grounds. Artificial recharge does not include normal percolation occurring in residential backyards, open spaces, landscaped areas, and unlined 1 streams and /or drainage ditches. 1 Percolation of precipitation is considered to include both percolation of precipitation on the land surface 1 and in the stream channels. Because of the proposed lining of most natural streams in the watershed area 1 below the foothills, streambed percolation is not a factor in future percolation. 1 Percolation of precipitation is equal to the sum of pre- cipitation less the sum of losses or consumptive use', 1 which in this analysis is considered to be all losses due to evaporation, transpiration, and possibly water held in 1 the soil. The "recoverable water" or "conservable runoff" . is comprised of waters that percolate below the "belt of 1 soil water" and eventually reaches the zone of saturation (see Section 11,8). 1 1 42 li 1 1 The various studies and analyses on "conservable runoff" 1 referred to in Section VI,2 above were provided for reference purposes. Upon detailed study of the referenced ' analyses, it appears that a 30% runoff or "conservable runoff" factor generally prevails for a large watershed analysis. The 30% runoff factor is low for the Day Creek- , San Sevaine Creek Watershed area because of proposed development and the proposed system of flood channels and 1 storm drains. The general 30% storm flow runoff referred to in the reference studies is based on macro - systems, 1 consisting in most cases of large drainage areas without the type of development and /or proposed drainage system ' proposed for the Day Creek -San Sevaine Creek area. There- fore, the runoff in this study area will be much higher. 1 Because of the lack of historical artificial recharge data and difficulty in assessing percolation of precipitation 1 in the watershed area, the conservable runoff was estimated using hydrologic methods based on acceptable runoff cri- 1 teria. The runoff criteria was based on estimated runoff coefficient ( "C" factor) presently in use in the area and 1 the average annual rainfall. ' The methodology and estimated conservable runoff is dis- cussed below. 1 B. Estimating Conservable Runoff 1 The draft "San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual ", dated 1 January, 1983, was used in this analysis to determine the runoff of flood and drainage flows. For purposes of the estimation, a rainfall intensity of one inch per hour 43 and "Soil Group A" were used. The various coefficients of runoff for the various types of conditions and /or ' development from the charts in the manuals were used. It was assumed the above referenced charts and criteria accounts for losses that should be deducted from rainfall 1 as it pertains to the specific sites in the watershed area. Other losses occurring in the water conservation basins, 1 in the storm drain or channel systems, as well as other minor losses, are discounted from the site runoff coef- ficient to arrive at an overall conservable runoff percen- tage. 1 The runoff factors assumed for the various conditions within the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine.Creek Watersheds 1 are summarized below in Table Nos. 10 and 11. These were derived from the "San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual" presently being prepared. The runoff factors ( "C" fac- tors) were then adjusted to compensate for the basins, freeways, open areas (such as SCE corridor), and other similar areas within the overall drainage area. To arrive at a conservable runoff factor ( %) to compute the estimated amount of "conservable" or "recoverable" 1 runoff, the "C" factors (runoff factors) were further adjusted to compensate for the following losses: 1) Evaporation from the conservation basins and spreading 1 grounds ' 2) Losses in the "Belt of Soil Water" zone due to trans- piration and /or evaporation (see Figure No. 3). 1 44 4 1 1 3) Losses in the "Capillary Fringe" zone 1 4) Losses in drainage pipe and /or channel system, if any The above losses were estimated to be 5% and effectively II reduced the percentage of conservable runoff from the adjusted "C "factor (runoff coefficient). The "conservable runoff factors" that were applied to the estimated pre - 1 cipitation are shown on Table Nos. 12 and 13. 1 The "average annual rainfall" is shown on Figure No. 6 and on Table Nos. 12 and 13. Based on the tributary ti II drainage areas, the average annual precipitation in acre- feet per year was computed and shown on Table Nos. 13 and 1 14. The estimated conservable runoff in acre -feet per year was computed by applying the conservable runoff factors ( %) to the average annual rainfall. The results 1 are shown on Table Nos. 12 and 13. F 1 i {1 1 1 1 1 1 45 Table No. 10 1 Storm Runoff Coefficients Day Creek Watershed ' "C" Factor Range Adjusted Reach "C" Factor Above Debris Dam .50 .50 Debris Dam to Highland Avenue .24 to .50 .40 Highland Avenue to Foothill Blvd .24 to .58 .49 Foothill Blvd to Riverside Basin .24 to .84 .80 NOTES 1. The storm runoff coefficients ( "c" factor) were derived from the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual. Refer to Figure No. D -4a in Hydrology Manual. 2. The storm runoff coefficients ( "c" factor) were weighted to account for open space in the drainage area, such as the SCE corridor, basins, freeways, etc. • 1 1 46 1 , i I 1 Table No. 11 1 Storm Runoff Coefficients 1 San Sevaine Watershed "C" Factor Adjusted II Reach Range "C" Factor Above Debris Dam .50 .50 II Debris Dam to Devore Freeway .24 to .58 .50 II Devore Freeway to AT & SF Railroad .24 to .84 .59 AT & SF Railroad to Pomona Freeway .24 to .84 .64 II II NOTES 1. The storm runoff coefficients ( "c" factor) were derived from 1 the San Bernardino County Hydrology Manual. Refer to Figure No. D -4a in the Hydrology Manual. 2. The storm runoff coefficients ( "c" factor) were weighted to II account for open space in the drainage area, such as the SCE corridors, basins, freeways, etc. 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 47 1 1 35" 35" i i i . I 1 d 30" 30" IIPIIt / 1 25" i , ...-- "".... ...0----.. 1 i 25 /' ....... 20" I ...----- I t 1---- Highland Avenue 20" • / 18" • .�- 18" - —� ""� Base Line 1 G d a) a 16" II w w '4 a L- 16" --- --- -- - - co I a 0 i 3 San Bernardino Freeway Sc ale L_____ W -"........ l" =9001 r 14" 1 14" "' 1 I AVERAGE ANNUAL RAINFALL FIGURE NO. 6 48 1 • • 1 1 o � • o 0 14-1 -1 .. in • N- ° o ° o ("1 • O 11 �t ....t r+ N N ▪ CO 0 CU 0 to O 4 1 M N .-a vp M N 0 z O r4 U .-I .-a O al I cj v .0 11 11 ra i H M H 0 q O • 0) 3 �f�i -. A 0 0) t a) 1 (0 4W-' •-- M �7 1--. U W 0 14 O 14 � a) � 0 0 14 C.) a ° 1 w 3 I 0) 1 44 U b N • %O U b 4J G = t". •r1 0) • 1.1 4-1 1 J 0 •rl n Q c0 Z N 4a 0 4-1 14 'Lj cd + N 00 Q\ n P 00 •r1 a) V) W 1+ 1 . 4-1 \ M to N N -1• cti a 0 w a) 94 i.► . 00 to M �t $4 0 • M El I Q) Li U 0 I's +13 N 00 N >C W N 'J 4J 0 H %_ (V ca 0 Pa o • 0 O 01 4.1 0 14 W � 2 r --1 a O. 4 1 "' 0 a) ' , cad 1+ 0) +4 u 4.1 e I r C/1 > 0) 0) N M �D -4 N 1-i 0 O 1a 0 4 1-1 4.3 O) a) - to CO M .-i P . b a) RS .yi a) • 00 1+ 0 N �O to to m d 44 a) H a) cn .a td U w w w . . 1 0) .C1 ■ 4-1 0 c0 M M - +0 -:1 0) a) P4 4J I U U H W .. 0 .0 N • O A ctl 0 0) b ca a) 9..1 (0 O N A 0 0 0 o 0 0 H 0 M in re) o el II • 4 w o O) 0 O. O • 00 L n p. 4a •1 4-I I M N ...-1 '-i 4 744 •r1 0 441 0 44 N J b 0 1+ 0 1-1 1+ "01 1.1 w G a ca ` 0 a) a) o ' a, w ° c -1 r-1 0 0+ D 0 8 cd a) N 4.1 o 0 4 a) 0 a) 0 r1 A oq aro b> 0) 0 u I • 4) o a) 4-1 a) 00 o 0 0 a) 1 + 44 44 PQ PQ U) ai U U U cA O 1+ td A A � of or-1 ..-1 u) U Q.' L-• 4.1 O • En 44 • • 0) N O ,O DO bD O O q N H H H N M �t to 0 c o4 d A x x W W 3 I Z 1 49 i d 1 r 11 1 1 (L 1 r-1 cd 4-1 'J, O ■0 In ■O 1• O N. csi in m 0 1 M rn rn rn N .--1 . z o P4 d M M 4) ,--1 1 II II 0 i H M+ r4 O O CV O 04 4- U a) ' o n N • 1 W 4 v d In In co 4) W w A em u) O4 o 1a o I-+ v a w I N 0 1 4.1 U 3 P CO CO CD A C) cd ■0 U b 'b N o 4r1 N • I.1 44 4 CO z° ate) 44 ° $.+ c ›, › ON u, O In a% A • -I 0) co as a d) 4,.1 co M —I in w cd )4 0 •■ v N ..a 1 4.) • 3 CO In ,o •o v 0 •r Cr) p 1 •r1 1 I O n ■O N m W 41 r7 r-0 4-I a) cd N .-1 r1 v 4) a) M (1) G a o o o aa) o b 1 ,- -) N > cd U1 %.0 M In O 11 cd > co N. U , p U N �O •D O In W CO a) 4-1 a) cd CU CU o H : d M rn 1--i i I -c M c CU CU cd A c0 O 41 • ° 3 ° 4) r CO W 0) 1 cd o v , u� '° rl O ri N - - - - a c w c co 4.1 U) a) ZD O O N CO 1 Qi U N N .1 W ( ° 4-) ° D! 44 a) 0 b la a ° w ) rO 14 a cd g rI r-1 1.4 r 0 1 -I o a) 0 c w c cd b b a) 4 a) 0 0 •ri 1+ . ' 1 A O t ?, RI N O O cd a! R O U o �+ 3 3 1+ 0 00 o U o CU A d N •r4 • ao) CO I U N U U A A Fx• w 1Y• a w a U > 4 0 a) d 1 u )4 o o O w • gi a] cd O r a ? ? ` `') IEI H H r-1 N M .t In E c na AA A<4 <4 z 1 s 50 } i 1 1 C. Summary 1 The estimated conservable runoff is g iven in Tables 12 I and 13. The conservable runoff for the Day Creek System is 10,836 acre - feet /year and for the San Sevaine System is 31,117 acre - feet /year. The estimated numbers do not 1 include the potential water supply diverted by the Cuca- monga County Water District of 2,400 acre -feet and 1,000 1 acre -feet for Day Canyon and Etiwanda Canyon respectively. 1 Tables 12 and 13 show the approximate sub -area breakdown of the runoff from the mountains to the approximate San I Bernardino - Riverside County Line. It should be recog- nized the conservable runoff figures are estimates only I based on best judgement, historical data, previous studies, and a reasonable knowledge of what the watershed will look like in the future. The conservable runoff 1 totals are based on the ultimate development of the watershed. This is a reasonable analysis due to the long 1 range need for water supply and the long life of the flood control and drainage facilities, once they are II constructed. 1 1) Day Creek Watershed The estimated conservable runoff for the Day Creek 1 Watershed is 10,836 acre -feet. The total proposed interim storage capacity for drainage flows is approx- 1 imately 2,715 acre -feet in the interim period. If the Day Creek Spreading Grounds are developed for I maximum water spreading, either through future gravel excavation pits or development of conservation basins 1 within the spreading grounds, the storage capacity can 1 51 j S d 1 be increased to approximately 9,000 acre -feet or more. (See Table Nos. 6 and 7.) 1 Due to the higher percolation rates in the Day Creek Basin and Day Creek Spreading Grounds (3 feet /day or 1 more vs. 1 -2 feet /day in the lower area), a maximum 4 effort should be to develop those areas for water I spreading. That is the reason a gravel -sand mining operation in the spreading grounds is important. However, in the interim period the Wineville and I Riverside Basins must be utilized to the fullest extent because of their existence and proposed de- 1 velopment, although the percolation rates are low. 1 Based on the data in Table No. 7, the estimated interim recharge capacity within the Day Creek System 1 is 354 acre - feet /day. If you assume,for instance, , that the basins and spreading grounds will have water I in them 30 days out of a year, then the recharge would be in the range of 10,620 acre -feet. Although no in -depth analysis has been made of the recharge 1 capabilities, the above figures are given to indicate the need to develop the recharge capability of the 1 upper watershed area in the vicinity of the Day Creek Spreading Grounds. Also, it is important to recognize I that even though the Wineville and Riverside Basins do not have high recharge rates, the recharge capability I of the basins is significant and should be utilized to the greatest, extent possible for groundwater re- f charge in the interim period. 1 Wineville and Riverside Basins will have 1,800 acre- 1 feet of storage for water percolation when developed and a 116 acre - feet /day recharge capacity. 1 , 1 52 2) San Sevaine Creek Watershed 1 . The estimated conservable runoff for the San Sevaine I Creek Watershed is approximately 32,100 acre -feet/ year. The total proposed storage capacity for 1 drainage flows is approximately 3,700 acre -feet. Except for Jurupa Basin, almost all of the storage 1 capacity is north of Baseline Avenue. Therefore, there are abundant spreading areas and proposed con- 1 servation basins to capture mountainous runoff, but limited water conservation capacity for the urbani- 1 zing area below Baseline Avenue. I Based on the data in Table No. 7, the proposed recharge capacity within the San Sevaine Creek System is ap- proximately 500 acre - feet /day. If you assume the 1 spreading grounds and basins will have water in them 30 days out of the year, the recharge would be approx- 1 imately 15,000 acre - feet /year. I Unless there are additional recharge areas developed in the area south of the Devore Freeway and north of I the Jurupa Hills, there will be a significant amount of conservable runoff that will be lost to the upper Chino Basin area. 1 1 1 1 1 53 1 1 1 SECTION VII 1 CHINO BASIN CONJUNCTIVE USE STUDY In early 1980, the California Department of Water Resources and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California joined I together to fund a feasibility study of a program for groundwater storage in Chino Basin. Conjunctive use, in the context of overall 1 State water management, is the coordination of underground storage with above ground storage as an overall water management tool. I The purpose of the conjunctive use study is to determine the feasi- bility of developing additional water supply for the State Water I Project by utilizing the Chino underground basin as a storage facility in wet years when excess water is available. The stored water would I be pumped from the basin for use in dry years. The range of possible storage in the Chino Basin at one time was 1 estimated at 500,000 to 1,000,000 acre -feet. It is understood other alternatives are being reviewed by the State DWR, MWD and the Engi- II veering Consultant. These alternatives include the possibility of storing water in the Chino Basin by substituting treated SWP water I for groundwater pumped from the basin during periods of SWP excess. The use of injection wells is also being reviewed as a means of con- ducting flows into the basin. I Although alternatives to water spreading and percolation are being looked at by DWR and MWD, it is assumed some imported water will be conducted into the Chino Basin by the use of water spreading facili- ' ties. There are not sufficient recharge facilities presently developed to satisfy the Conjunctive Use Program needs. 1 The Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek Drainage Plan proposes the 1 expansion and development of water conservation basins and spreading 1 54 1 1 grounds for conservation of local storm flows and flood flows. I These facilities include the Lower San Sevaine Basin and the Day Creek Spreading Grounds and Day Creek Basin. Whereas the ground- water recharge with storm flows and imported water is compatible, 1 the same facilities can be used for both purposes if regulated properly. II It is therefore recommended an effort be made to promote and coordi- 1 nate the joint use of basins and that possible sharing of costs in developing groundwater recharge facilities be explored. Refer to 1 Figure No. 1 for location of existing and proposed water conserva- tion facilities. Table Nos. 5 through 7 give the proposed storage I capacity and estimated recharge capacity of the various proposed facilities. 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 55 1 . 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX 1 1 1. References I 2. Proposed Water Conservation Basins and Spreading Ground Plans 1 3. Schematic sand and gravel mining plan for Day Creek Spreading Grounds 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 i 4 1 REFERENCES 1 3 1. Chino Basin Municipal Water District, "Fourth Annual Report of the Chino Basin Watermaster ", 1980/81 2. Bill Mann & Associates, "Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creek Drainage Plan ", February, 1983 3. ASCE Manual No. 40, "Groundwater Management ", 1972 1 4. U. S. Geological Survey, "Artificial Recharge in the 1 Upper Santa Ana Valley ", 1972 1 5. State of California, Department of Water Resources, Bulletin No. 104 -3, "Meeting Water Demands in the Chino - Riverside Area ", 1970 1 6. ASCE Manual No. 28, "Hydrology Handbook ", 1949 7. Warren Viessman, Jr., John Knapp, Gary Lewis, „ Introduc- 1 tion to Hydrology ", 1972 8. James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., "Cuca- monga County Water District Water Supply Development Plan ", 1974 1 . 9. James M. Montgomery, Consulting Engineers, Inc., "Cuca- 1 monga County Water District Water System Master Plan Update ", 1981 10. U. S. Geological Survey, "Generalized Streamflow Relations 1 of the San Bernardino and Eastern San Gabriel Mountains ", 1972 1 II 1 11. Omer H. Brodie & Associates, "Report on the Comprehensive Plan of Water Resources Conservation ", 1968 II 12. Lowry - Engineering Science, Consulting Engineers, "Pre- liminary Investigation -San Diego Creek Watershed Project II in Orange County, California ", 1971 13. San Bernardino County, "Hydrology Manual ", Draft Copy, II dated January, 1983 II II II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 { 1 5 1 II y ow, _ , \ 1 Q . pe • nbov eqoi M/4 Icuoiopb►d z ti ft--- / / w o \ / • / a I in / n d to aVO I , / __ __ . N011t1d z 0 Z z � H - i , � ,, / 8 4 5 O (n z u) it • <-.1,;> /4 / 3 ° _4. < _ • ��, / cc Z p V w o 0 ZW �4) (3 m N �z 4-j ec 1- Y 2 „ 790 / v fl Cr W W o o C u, E 3 0 0 ' v o ›- v) fi o 0 o g cn .- �n 7 ;� Ti O Q 3 co Q N c0 CO N m . a a F- - Z N Q. N d O F v ti � o • L 1 all • w ~ o ,: 0 Q W N - _ O Q Li 122 all N - Q Z z w CD Z Z � z a N oQW. Q V Wm� U G � J O m co NN m N c .d u) LLI c i Z _ o J N N .- Z U a` z Q I CO W 3 LL c Ia W I 0 �I , 0 0 z o o — • O U O W °) n o: a, (J) J N N v CC o °D 8 >. ) O cc 2 W O. I C7 — 4 Ct �� o o 1,002 co o to \\ 0, N . 4,0 1 k .\ I 0 3 09 +Z83 'NS 1) Q QV : h E . . *1‘- ft...--" :5) \ . 0 c co v f4lbd ':'''''N CC M c z o t- w v + - w o w W a J ci) 14 i MA >..1 H _ 1- ca W � _ zI- Z z o o 6 Z 0 0 I O = m :___ II N - I CC i / N z O U w ni cn cc o \ cc Y — o w (0 z0 W _ > tri 7) `= W p o CO m 0 ,, > J O U a i 4 5 = 7 � O U Q', J }. CO U_ = o c41l,•1 Q O _ 3 0 L x p. LL) 0 w cn t " O p 4 N a CO 0. 0 i C 1 I W N M — ti I - x I } vO a M o I �, m 1 L : M I M ' J _ 1 U 3 Cr) lil / — O U (n w 0 1 N1- w ‘7"-lircit � `� \� a� o z o I oc a cn \ a Z a 4 cc 1 v w m u ( ` If) I \ ~ J st I- _1 iii II Ca \ — - (9\ o+ w IM Ili p N N C M O Q v p- > I W I t L w E o Q c n w I m o \ E Z 0 o Z x • - 0 0 o 0 1 0 0 IC ).--'' m ~ c'n / H w � N O W o I o W I o (1) 0 0 �' m (i) I 0. in 3 X 1 I \ O. w ' 0 law E I O + - -- - • 0 M 1 E I E ti O __ CO 1 J > a a) 5. I / I- w LT; 1 � I J 1 w u 3 o I 1 0 / / 0 1 'al 7"--/ LY_ - Ei L _ ____ 4 1 / _ 1 f 1 21 I 1 I O I > I M a� — J co N c I ; w u> / W — J Li o J f y a J I N 1 w 0 i 0. 0 3 Q. r 0 � 0. 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