HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract 14245 Hydrology Study HYDROLOGY STUDY TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD 3/24/98 HYDROLOGY & HYDRAULICS STUDY FOR a mip TRACT NO. 14245 TANK ROAD CITY OF FONTANA mit 1 PREPARED BY : PHB ASSOC. ,INC. • 1620 S. GRAND AVENUE GLENDORA , CA 91740 TEL : (626) 914-6256 FAX : (626) 914-5756 i 419,i RoBEF, OKERMAN , RCE 42723 ATE moo Exp 3-31-00 iisOfEkt/ 4 <11/41 0/( 4t i t NO. C42723 EXP. 3 * * 444. O C F IVI C„ %. * C " • imp 1.0 HYDROLOGY STUDY TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD gm TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL 2 DESIGN CONCEPT �I 3 RUNOFF 4 CONCLUSION 5 CONC V -DITCH DESIGN 6 REFERENCE CHART se 7 10 YEAR HYDROLOGY CALCULATION r 8 100 YEAR HYDROLOGY CALCULATION 9 HYDROLOGY MAP 1 1 1 HYDROLOGY STUDY p I or TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD 1 1. GENERAL : 1 THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BEACH AVENUE AND ELM AVENUE IN THE CITY OF FONTANA. THE AREA UNDER THIS STUDY IS APPROXIMATELY 8 ACRES. a 2. DESIGN CONCEPT : THE STORM WATER WILL DRAIN INTO AN EXISTING STORM DRAIN ,., INLET WITH 18" R.C.P. PER CITY DWG NO. 1822 THROUGH PROPOSED CONCRETE V- DITCH. 1� 3. RUNOFF : SEE ATTACHED HYDROLOGY MAP. THE PROJECT SI'Z'E IS SUBDIVIDED INTO 5 SUB -AREAS . THE ACREAGE AND RUNOFF OF EACH SUBAREA WERE CALCULATED AND SUMMARIZED AS FOLLOWS : AREA ACREAGE RUNOFF (CFS) 10 YEAR 100 YEAR A 1.74 3.3 5.2 B 0.97 1.4 2.4 no C 2.50 3.8 6.3 2.20 3.6 5.8 E 0.20 0.2 0.3 qua 1� 1� r us HYDROLOGY STUDY FZ di TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD 4 CONCLUSION : aaa AFTER ANALYSIS OF 100 YEAR AND 10 YEAR EVENT STORMS, THIS STUDY FINDS THERE IS ADEQUATE CAPACITY WITH CONCRETE V — DITCH AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED HYDROLOGY MAP. 1 .A SUR Aim 1 1 i 1 j 1 1 1 1 _ . "! HYDROLOGY STUDY • TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD d 1 1 CONCRETE V - DITCH CALCULATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 di gio mit • al. iNg Project: Southridge Fire Access Road Improvements Date: October 9, 1997 Project Description: Erosion and debris problems were encountered within certain reaches of the existing Southridge Fire Access Road. The dirt access road that is eroded in certain areas may have had an impact on certain utilities and storm facilities within the fire access road. In anticipation of the increase rainfall this winter, improvements to the fire access road are considered to lessen the erosion and debris impacts. Scope of Project: Attached is a concept plan and details that identifies in general the recommended improvements which may control the erosion and debris problems. A proposal shall be submitted which identifies the required improvements. Additionally, please review in detail the following areas which will impact the project design and construction: • Field review and analyze the existing condition of the road (additional topo may be required) and all existing utilities within the road. • Field review and analyze the existing condition of the water line which is exposed due to the erosion. The water line owned by Fontana Water Company. Special backfill (slurry or aggregate base) may be necessary. • Field review and analyze the existing condition of the down stream storm inlets, drains, and the sanitary sewer west of the Elm Street culdesac. • Verify the appropriate capacity for the proposed concrete trench drain based on the tributary drainage areas (Southridge Master Hydrology is on file with City). • Field review the existing ravine areas and analyze the need for any down drains and splash walls. • Field review the existing condition of the existing gates and bollards and provide necessary gates and bollards at all areas leading into the fire access road. Preliminary Cost Summary: Total Construction Cost $48,510.00 Design and Administration $12,128.00 (25 % of Construction Cost) Total Hard and Soft Cost $60,638.00 . P� �J . r� i ► �� (frn') PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE Project: Southridge Fire Access Road Improvements Date: October 9, 1997 Item Description Quant. Unit Cost Cost 1. Install A.C. 3" (16' wide) over 344 TON $45.00 $15,480 12" compacted native material 2. Grade Preparation 21850 SF $0.20 $4,370 3. Install 3' wide concrete terrace 1150 LF $15.00 $17,250 drain 4. Backfill and compact exposed 50 CY $30.00 $1,500 water line with aggregate base material 5. Install gates and bollard at each 2 EA $1,500.00 $3,000 • end of access road 6. Clearing and Grubbing 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500 Subtotal $44,100 10 % Continency $4,410 Total Construction Cost $48,510 Design and Administration (25% of Construction Cost) $12,128 Total Hard and Soft Cost $60,638 ' ' , \ a� I \VV '2° ,C 4. t X X - 11 rA i p 3 ,;.;.\\;:........ ' i '''- f pl r l k_ L t , ___,_______ , ., , '1ii - _„ ,-,-.1 , .k • - A, //. A i! 1/4---.....„...-- I Y `1 )4 / i ' ' ....,I _ - 7 _ ' _ r . I i . 1 1 i ' ' ' . UPI '-‘,\"`__ N (' — : - `'\ 'IL ; is i o t , \3\ ■ ..3al 1 .. II, 1 . -1-- • - g i _.2 r 4 .., -4 4 P 1 ■ t - D. - 4 0 1?) 3;1 N NAi � - M NNN 1 — ' AN; fl Soo vi tot E. 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T l0 3• -a , 35 p 1 1 & K P j„ 3 t�) 11 • 400 "� F 30 Undeveloped 2 1 1 Good Cover 0 = 12 , N 1 g 350 ° 25 Undeveloped c 0 13 0 o E Fair Cover 0 •4 t4 M 1 300 Undeveloped 0 .3 Zl 15 • e c 20 Poor Cover c : 16 20 19 o u 18 Single Family 17 E 1 J 250 ~ 16 (5.7 OWAC) ....../ 1 8 t - Commercial 111 19 u L 15 (Paved) S K 20 H I ; 200 13 I L- H- Tc -K -Tc o • J i 12 Zl 2 u it 1 25 I ° 10 c PI pevelooment 150 g 9 80 Apartment o 1 75 Mobile Home 30 8 65- Condominium E • 60- Single Family-5,000 ft 2 Lot F 1 T 40 Single Family-I/4 Acre Lot 35 20 Single Family - I Acre Lot 6 10 - Single Family- 21/2 Acre Lot I 100 40 EXAMPLE 5 (1) Ls 55d, Hz 5.0% K: Single Family (5 -7 Ou /AC) I Development, Tcsi2.6 min. 4 (2) Ls 550', He 5.0', Ks Commercial Development, Tcs 9.7 min. 1 TIME OF CONCENTRATION SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY NOMOGRAPH 1 HYDROLOGY MANUAL FOR INITIAL SUBAREA 1 11 f'I2 1 1 3.5 ' 3.5 1 1 3 3 1 1 2.5 2.5 v) 1 W U Z I Z 2 2 2 1- a W G J LL , 1.5 ' 15 I Z / . 00°' a III . 1 . I 1 0.5 .° 0.5 , . 1 0 0 2 5 10 25 50 100 RETURN PERIOD IN YEARS NOTE I. FOR INTERMEDIATE RETURN PERIOOS PLOT 10-YEAR ANO 100 -YEAR ONE HOUR VALUES FROM MAPS, THEN CONNECT POINTS ANO READ VALUE FOR DESIRED RETURN PERt00. FOR EXAMPLE GIVEN 10 -YEAR III ONE HOUR • • 0.95' AND 100 -YEAR CNE HOUR • 1.`0' , ES -YEAR ONE H • • t.iS'. REFERENCE +NOAA ATLAS 2, VOLUME II - CAL.,1975 RAINFALL DEPTH VERSUS - SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY RETURN PERIOD FOR I HYDROLOGY MANUAL. 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" - .01 MMMMIMMMMMMIMMIM WM MIMMINIMMISMIMM __I__ MIMS ISM MMIGIMMISIMMUS IIMMIMMIM■:".■■ "Mill MUM WM NM MN =mu. MIMMMMMM MMIMIMMIM MOONS WM MTh MMUSIMIN ISSMIMMb..■Z•Z ," MGM WM MU NM sonseratt tmesuomassr aux mu =mem ........0 sun Za Bum sun sun mrs...--, .ntsa. nee Ma imam. semnimmas namarmauffisu mom um met MINIM sumem a nu a mu I'm ummil mom% .n. mu ma ming 0.I MMUMMIMMI easimma wasters ormom m iases I im su asinuammammumen n gs ninsumans.. -vaionmes ma 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 6090 1 STORM DURATION (MINUTES) DESIGN STORM FREQUENCY YEARS 1 ONE HOUR POINT RAINFALL = INCHES LOG-LOG SLOPE = 1 PROJECT LOCATION = 1 INTENSITY - DURATION SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CURVES HYDROLOGY MANUAL I CALCULATION SHEET n 0 FIGURE 0-3 r ' HYDROLOGY STUDY TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD P� 1 1 10 YEAR HYDROLOGY 1 CALCULATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 San Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program N� (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c) 1990 Version 2.3 N� Rational Hydrology Study Date: 3/2 |RACT 14245 . TANK ROAD N� 10 YEAR STORM FILE 10245' RSB 3-24-98. JL ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** N� Rational hydrology study storm event vear is 10 ' 0 N� Computed rainfall intensity: Storm vear = 10.00 1 hour rainfall o = 0.910(In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 -- | , �// N� //� �� 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ w� Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUA1ION **** I UNDEVELOPED (000r cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil grouo A - 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group 8 = 1.000 I Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 II SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 78.00 Fervious ratio(Ao) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.404(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 680.000(Ft.) Top (of initial area) elevation = 1273.000(Ft.) I Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1193.000(Ft. ) Difference in elevation = 80.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.11765 s(%)= 11.76 I TC = k (O.525) *[ (length^3) / (elevation change) ]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10-941 min. II Rainfall intensitv = 2.52(In/Hr) for a 10.0 vear storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0. 756 Subarea runoff = 3.324(CFS Total i r.ztial stream area = 1.740 (Ac' ) Pervious area fraction = 1.60 I lnitial area Fm value = 0' 404(In/Hr) II 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 1 �' ' - I t"/� / � / 1 ++ +++ + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** N I ---------- ------- -------------------- ------------------------------ Upstream point elevation = 1193.00(Ft ) Downstream point elevation = 1135.00(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 600 00(Ft.) I Channel base width = 0 .000 (Ft . . ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.000 I Manning's 'N' = 0'015 Maximum depth of channel = 1.000(Ft.) Flow(o) thru subarea = 3.324(CFS) I Depth of flow = 0'563(Ft. ) Average velocity = 10.497(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1.126(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 10'50(Ft/s) I Travel time = 0'95 min. Time of concentration = 11.89 min. Critical depth = 0.930(Ft.) �� �� 1 1 1 I 1 1 II 1 1 1 I r^» 1 + ++ +++++ ++ + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++1++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3'000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** I -------------------------------------- ------------------------------- UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0'000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 U Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 I Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.548(In/Hr Time of concentration = 11.89 min. Rainfall intensitv = 2.403(In/Hr) for a 10.0 vear storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified �� rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.730 Subarea runoff = 1.426(CFS) for 0.970(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.751(CFS) Total area = 2.71(Ac.) II Area averaged Fm value = 0'455(In/Hr) II 1 II II 1 II 1 1 . �� �� 1 I �� �' _ _ i X II / r ^ / II +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++_ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4,000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** N� ---------------------------------------------— m� Upstream ooint elevation = 1 135.00(Ft. ) - ----------------------- Downstream point elevation = 1096.00(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 4 II Channel base width = 0.000(F ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 II Slope or `Z` of right channel bank = 1.000 Manning's ' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 2.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.751(CFS) Depth of flow = 0,645(Ft') II Average velocity = 11.408(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1.291(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 11.41(Ft/s) I Travel time = 0'60 min' Time of concentration = 12.49 min. Critical depth = 1.070(Ft') II I� | -- II . II II II 1 1 _ n� ~ / ��� II / ~- N� +++++++++++++++�+ �� Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** N� --------------- ----------- --- m� UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0,000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 I Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 II SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.O0 Pervious ratio(Ao) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)- 0.548(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 12.49 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.333(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified II rational method) (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.707 Subarea runoff. = 3.847(CFS) for 2.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 8.5q7(CFS) Total area = 5.21(Ac.) II Area averged Fm value = 0,500(In/Hr) 1 II 1 1 II • 1 II 1 1 II -^ _ �� �r / � �� � 1 �� +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** - -- - N� ------------- ------- ------------------------------ --- ---- �� Upstream point elevation = 1096.00(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1092.00(Ft,) I Chnnl length thru subarea = Ft 4 0.O 0(Ft Channel base width = 0.000(. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or `Z' of right channel bank = 1.000 I Manning's ' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 2.000(Ft') Flow(q) thru subarea = 8.597(CFS) I Depth of flow = 0.799(Ft. ) Average velocity = 13'482(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1,597(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 13.48(Ft/s) I Travel time = 0'05 min. Time of concentration = 12.54 min. Critical depth = 1.359(Ft.) 1 II 1 1 . 1 1 1 II �� �� 1 1 1 1 - 41, � � 1 6 � �� r 4-~ 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4'000 to Point/Station 5.000 II **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- The following data inside Main Stream is listed: -- In Main Stream number: :;. I Stream flow area = 5.210(Ac. ) Runoff from this stream = 8.597(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.54 min. 1 � Rainfall intensity = 2.328(In/Hr) � �� N� Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.4997 (In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 � • I /r.� � / ' 1 �� +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++!- Process from Point/Station /.000 to Point/Station 5.000 I **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Jmuc - �� �� � - �------------------------------------ ------------------ u.cLur�u (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 N� Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 1 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 . Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 I Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate (Fm) = 0. 548 ( In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 660.000(Ft.) N� Top (of initial area) elevation = 1272'000(Ft.) �� Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1092.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 180.000(Ft.) I Slope = 0'27273 s(%)= 27'27 TC = k(0.706)*[(length change) Initial area time of concentration = 12.28S min. Rainfall intensity = 2.356(In/Hr) for a 10 vear storm 1 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.691 Subarea runoff = 3.581(CF3) Total nitial stream area = 2'200/Ac' �� N� Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.548(In/Hr) 1 1 II 1 II 1 1 1 1 ' � I -1-1-1-4- +1- -I- ++4-0 ÷-1-1-+ 4-1-1-1-1-1-4:1-1- +-1-1-1-++ 4. +1- -1-1-1-1- 4-I- ± -FA- 4-I- ÷+ ÷ '1 Process from Point/Station 7.000 to Point/Station 3.000 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 II Stream flow area = Runoff from this stream :±!..200(Ac.) 3.581(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.29 min. II Rainfall intensity = 2.356(In/Hr) Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5479(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ab) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data: I Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity II 1 8.597 12.54 2.328 2 3.581 12'29 2'356 I Qmax(1) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 8.597) + 0.984 * 1.000 * 3.581) + = 12.121 I Qmax(2) = 1.016 * 0.980 * 8'597) + • 1.000 * 1.000 * 3.581) + = 12.136 I Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 8.597 3.581 I Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 12'121 12.136 Area of streams before confluence: 5.210 2.200 - I Effective area values after confluence: 7.41C? 7.305 II Results n� ,:onfluence: Total flow rate = 12'136 N� Time of concentration = 12.20;2 mio �� Effective stream area after confluence = 7.305(Ac,) Studv area average Pervious fractiun(Ap) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.314(In/Hr) I Study area total = 7.41(Ac') II II 1 /�. I �� �^ I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000 I **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** -------------------------------------- ------------------------ Upstream ooint elevation = 1092.00(Ft.) ------- Downstream point elevation = 1078.00(Ft.) I Channel length thru subarea = 150.(Ft ) Channel base width = 0. 000<�t. > 0 . Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.000 I Manning's ' = 0,015 Maximum depth of channel = 2.0D0(Ft.) Flow(d) thru subarea = 12.136(CFS) I Depth of flow = 0.921 (Ft. ) Average velocity = 14.321(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1.841(Ft.) NI Flow Velocity = Travel time = 14.32(Ft/s) � 0.17 min. Time of concentration = 12.46 min. 1 Critical depth = 1.563(Ft.) 1 1 1 II II • I il II 1 II ' I � � �� I ++++++++++++++ + ++.1 +++++ ++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000 *�� S F ADDI * II --- ------'------------------------------------------------------------ UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 I Decimal fraction soil group B = 1. Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 I Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.548(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 12.46 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.337(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm I Effective runoff coefficient used for area, (total area with modified rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.833 Subarea runoff = 0.167(CFS) for 0.200(Ac.) II Total runoff = Area averaged Fm value = 12'303(CFS) Total area = 0.515(In/Hr) 7.50(Ac.) ! End of comoutations, total studv area = 7.61 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hvdrograph studv of the same area �� � . Note These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused bv confluences in the rational eouation' I Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Area averaged SOS curve number = 71.1 1 1 II -- � II . �� �� II II 1 )?. I HYDROLOGY STUDY p 1 TRACT NO 14245, TANK ROAD 1 1 • 100 YEAR HYDROLOGY I CALCULATION 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 2,@ y�� Tian Bernardino County Rational Hydrology Program N� (Hydrology Manual Date - August 1986 CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software. (c) 1990 Version 2.3 N� Rational Hydrology Study Date: 3/23/98 ____________________________________________ TRACT 14245 . TANK ROAD N� 100 YEAR STORM FILE 10245.RSB 3-24-98. JL N� ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** N� Rational hydrologv study storm event vear is 100.0 Computed rainfall intensity: Storm vear = 100.00 1 hour rainfall o = 1.340(In.) Slope used for rainfall intensity curve b = 0.6000 Soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) = 2 • �-g II � -y NI ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 II **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** - U ------ ---- ---------------------------------------------------____ NDEVELOPED (poor cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 II Decimal fraction soil grouo B = 1'000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0'000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 78.00 I Pervious ratio(An) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.404(In/Hr) Initial subarea data: Initial area flow distance = 680.000(Ft.) �� N� Too (of initial area) elevation = 1273.000(Ft.) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1193.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 80.000(Ft.) Slooe = 0.11765 s(%)= 11'76 I TC = k(0.525)*[(length^3)/(elevation change)]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 10.941 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.72O(In/Hr) for a 100.0 vear storm @� Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.802 -- Subarea runoff = 5.194(CFS) Total initial stream area = 1.740(Ac') Pervious area fraction = 1'000 I � Initial area Fm value = 0.404(In/Hr) II II II II II II II II Z- P3 ' ' + + Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** N� — '---------------------------- ------------------------- - ------ Upstream ooint elevation = 1193.00(Ft. ) Downstream ooint elevation = 1135.00(Ft,) N� Channel length thru subarea = 60�.0(Ft. ) |� Channel base width = 0'000(Ft. Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or 'Z` of right channel bank = 1'000 N� Manning's ' = 0.015 • Maximum depth of channel = 1.000(Ft,) Flow(d) thru subarea = 5.194(CFS) N� Depth of flow = 0.665(Ft. ) w� Average velocity = 11.736(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1.331(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 11.74(Ft/s) N� Travel time = 0.85 min. Time of concentration = 11.79 min. Critical depth = 1.094(Ft.) II -2 ' II �J/ NI ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.0()0 I **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 . I Deimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 I Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.548(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 11.79 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.557(In/Hr) for a 100.0 vear storm I Effective runoff coefficient used for area, (total area with modified rational method) (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.785 Subarea runoff = 2.370(CFS) for 0.970(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.564(CFS) Total area = 2.71(Ac.) I Area averaged Fm value = 0'455(In/Hr) II II II . , II • II II II II � � 8» � y � Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** N� ------------------------------------------------------------- Upstream point elevation = 1135.00(Ft.) Downstream ooint elevation = 1096.00(Ft.) N� Channel length thru subarea = 410.00(Ft.) ~~ Channel base width = 0.000(Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.000 N� Mannino's ' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 2'000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 7.564(CFS) N� Depth of flow = 0.768(Ft.) Average velocity = 12.815(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1.537(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 12.81(Ft/s) Travel time = 0,53 min. Time of concentration = 12.33 min. Critical depth = 1.289(Ft.) 7 11 �� -- � • � � Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** - --- N� ------------------- UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 I Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SOS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 N� Pervious ratio(AP) = 1 . 000O Max loss rate(Fm)= 0'548(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 12.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.463(In/Hr) for a 100.0 vear storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified I rational method) (Q=KCIA) is 0 = 0.770 Subarea runoff = 6.333(CFS) for 2.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 13.897(CFS) Total area = 5.21(Ac.) N� Area averaged �m value = 0'500(ln/Hr) II ��^�� ���r , 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++1++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 II **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** � ----------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- .ostream ooint elevation = 1096.00(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 1092.00(Ft.) N� Channel length thru subarea = 4 > I Channel base width = 0,000(F ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or `Z' of right channel bank = 1.000 �� Mannino' s ' = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 2.000(Ft.) I Flow(q) thru subarea = 1 3.897(CF S ) Depth of flow = 0'956(Ft' ) Average velocity = 15.202(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 1.912(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 15.2O(Ft/s) I Travel time = 0. 04 min. Time of concentration = 12.37 min. II Critical depth = 1'641(Ft.) II II II II II II ~~ • II II II "I 7 / Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** N� ------------------------- --------------------------------------------- The following data inside Main Stream is listed In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 5.210(Ac.) �= Runoff from this stream = 13.897(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.37 min. Rainfall intensitv = 3.456(In/Hr) N� Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.4997(In/Hr) Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 -- m �cr� ���� �m Process from Point/Station 7.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** • UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 N� Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 �� Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.548(In/Hr) Initial subarea data Initial area flow distance = 660.000(Ft.) N� Top (of initial area) elevation = 1272.000(Ft. ) Bottom (of initial area) elevation = 1092.000(Ft.) Difference in elevation = 180.000(Ft.) Slope = 0.27273 s(%)= 27.27 N� TC = k (0.706)*[ (length^3) /(elevation change) ]^0.2 Initial area time of concentration = 12.288 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.470(In/Hr) for a 100.0 vear storm N� Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 m� Subarea runoff = 5.785(CFS) Total initial stream area = 2.200(Ac.) Pervious area fraction = 1.000 Initial area Fm value = 0.548(In/Hr) ~� ~~ � . ���� II � ~'/ II +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++�++++++++++++++++++++ � Process from Point/Station 7.000 to Point/Station 5.000 I **** CDNFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.200(Ac.) I Runoff from this stream = 5.785(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.470(In/Hr) � N� Area averaged loss rate (Fm) = 0.5479 (In/Hr) �� Area averaged Pervious ratio (Ap) = 1.0000 Summary of stream data II Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) II 1 13.897 12.37 3.456 2 5.785 12.29 3.470 N� Qmax (1) = N� 1.000 * 1.000 * 13.897> + ` 0.995 * 1.000 * 5.785) + = 19.655 Qmax(2) = I 1 .005 * 0.993 * 13.897) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.785) + = 19.655 N� Total of 2 main streams to confluence: �� Flow rates before confluence point: • . 13.897 5 .785 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data I � 19.655 19'655 Area of streams before confluence: 5'210 2,200 II Effective area values after confluence: 7.410 7'75 °= Results of. confluence Total flow rate = 19.655( Time of concentration = 12.370 min. II Effective stream area after confluence = 7,410(Ac. Study area average Pervious fraction(An) = 1.000 Study area average soil loss rate(Fm) = 0.514(In/Hr> N� Study area total = 7' 41 (Ac' ) �� II II |I /0 ��� li �~~v� II + ++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000 II **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** _____________________ Upstream ooint elevation = 1092.00(Ft,) ----- Downstream ooint elevation = 1078.00(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 1 50,00(Ft.) I Channel base width = 0.000<Ft.) Slope or `Z' of left channel bank = 1.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 1.000 I Manning`s ` = 0.015 Maximum depth of channel = 2.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 19.655(CFS) I ^ Depth of flow = 1.103(Ft.) � Average velocity = 16.155(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 2.206(Ft') Flow Velocity = 16.15(Ft/s) I Travel time = 0.15 min. Time of concentration = 12.52 min, II Critical depth = 1.891(Ft. II . I � II II II II II II II -- - / / Y �� N� ~�� � ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** UNDEVELOPED (average cover) subarea Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 1.000 N� Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 0.000 SCS curve number for soil(AMC 2) = 69.00 Pervious ratio(Ap) = 1.0000 Max loss rate(Fm)= 0.548(In/Hr) Time of concentration = 12.52 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.430(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area,(total area with modified m� rational method)(Q=KCIA) is C = 0.855 Subarea runoff = 0.313(CFS) for 0.200(Ac.) Total runoff = 19.9L3(CFS) Total area = 7.61(Ac.) N� Area averaged Fm value = 0.515(In/Hr) End of computations, total study area = 7.61 (Ac.) The following figures may be used for a unit hydrograph study of the same area. Note: These figures do not consider reduced effective area effects caused bv confluences in the rational equation. N� Area averaged pervious area fraction(Ap) = 1.000 Area averaged SCS curve number = 71.1 ~~ �~ 11 . �� /7