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Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan Project #2
a ,. F + r^ MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1 '4, LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • PORTLAND, OREGON io nN c MoFr > ** March 14, 1969 No RoROON MRR.. ROBERT M BONNEV ' O NN i CUiNRIC Mr. M. A. Nicholas, Chief Engineer Ro•`R.oN`NO` io NN M Nic NOE San Bernardino County Flood Control District 825 East Third Street San Bernardino, California 92410 Attention: Mr. W. A. Sidler, Flood Control Engineer Subject: Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan - Project No.2 Dear Sir: Submitted herewith is our Final Report on the Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan, '=roject No.2, covering the portion of San Bernardino ' County bounded on the west by the Cucamonga Creek Channel, on the t north by the San Gabriel Mountains on the east generally by Sierra Avenue in the City of Fontana, and on the south by the Jurupa Mountains and the Riverside Coun`v Boundary. This plan was deve- loped in a cordance with instructions contained in our Engineering Service Agreement with you dated January 1968. The report com- prises two volumes: Volume 2 attached herewith describing the project plan, and Volume 1 (approved by you in draft form in an earlier phase of the study) describing the hydrologic and hydraulic criteria used in preparing the plan. We are also transmitting at this time the tracings of drawings and reproducible calculation sheets referred to in the section Introduction and Scope in Volume 2. We wish to reiterate that the purpose of this study and report was primarily to devise an integrated plan of storm drains for the Study Area, and to detail the systems thus developed only to the extent requ to assure their general adequacy and to permit a reasonably relit'le estimation of construction costs. Considerable detailed en i; =ring will be required to implement each of the separate storm drat ;v,tems . The ::operation extended by you and your staff and by the Cities of Ontario and Fontana as well as by other public and private agencies concerned with the development of the Study Area is grate- fully acknowledged. It has been a pleasure to serve you in this capacity. MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS A / , / / IR Y �• :J G. Moffatt, Pre 'iwent. JGM -h Encls. 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD • LONG BEACH • CALIFORNIA • 90807 • (213) 426 -9551, 774 -5650 A REPORT ON THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 Cucamonga Creek Channel to Fontana } Volume 2 Storm Drain Systems, Plans, Profiles and Cost Estimates Prepared for SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT BY Moffatt & Nichol, Engineers 250 W. Wardlow Road Long Beach, California March 1969 f CONTENTS Page Introduction and Scope 1 Discussion of Plan 4 General 4 Project 2- 1 6 2- 2 6 2- 3 7 It 2- 4 8 2- 5 9 2- 6 10 s " 2- 7 11 2- 8 11 2- 9 12 1 2 -10 13 IT 2 -11 14 2 -12 14 IT 2 -13 15 2 -14 15 2 -15 16 " 2 -16 16 " 2 -17 17 " 2 -18 18 " 2 -19 19 2 -20 19 " 2 -21 20 2 -22 21 2 -23 22 11 2 -24 22 " 2 -25 23 IT 2 -26 24 2 -27 24 rt 2 -28 25 2 -29 26 11 2 -30 27 " 2 -31 27 Construction Sequence 29 Recommended Priorities 31 Cost Estimate Summary 32 1 Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan (Plates 1 & 2) Plans, Profiles, Cost Estimates of Individual Projects } INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE In 1966 a Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan was prepared for the extreme west end of San Bernardino County extending from the Los Angeles County boundary to the Cucamonga Creek Channel. Although the planning for and providing of main flood- channel facilities in that area had been actively pursued for many years by the San Bernardino County Flood Control District in close cooperation with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, this first storm- drain - improvement study, designated as Project 1, was undertaken to provide the initial planning for a comprehensive system of storm drains to cope with local runoff problems in the area serviced by the main flood - control channels of the region. The study described in this report, designated as Project 2, is an extension of the Project 1 Study from Cucamonga Creek Channel eastward to the divide between westward and eastward flows on the alluvial fan on which the City of Fontana is located. The Study Area is bounded on the north by the San Gabriel Mountains and on the south by the Jurupa Mountains and the Riverside County Boundary. It embraces_ about 110 square miles. Local agencies have constructed or are presently in the process of building several storm drains that supplement the main flood- control channels. These existing storm drains and the main flood- control channels are shown by dotted lines on the comprehensive plan for the Project 2 Study Area (see Plates 1 and 2). Although some storm drain planning within the Study Area has been under way for several years, the plans are not sufficiently comprehensive nor well enough coordinated to provide adequate coverage of the over -all project area. The main objective of this study and report is the development of a comprehensive plan of storm drains for the entire Study Area, including those areas lying within the incorporated limits of the Cities of Ontario and Fontana. Plates 1 and 2 indicate the locations of the main storm drains and their tributary laterals. Report plans and profiles have been limited generally to storm drains requiring capacities equivalent to 48 -inch diameter pipe or larger. Drainage subareas contributing runoff in amounts requiring less than 48 -inch pipe capacity will be left for drainage planning by individual subdivision or local handling. With indications that most of the Study Area will be fully developed { in the not too distant future, the capacity of the drainage system is estimated on the basis of ultimate land development in accordance with zoning plans and anticipated land use as r recommended by San Bernardino County and the Cities of Ontario and Fontana. 1. The study was undertaken in three phases: Phase I covered the development of hydrologic and hydraulic criteria for use in estimating runoff and sizing conduits. The Phase I findings and recommendations as to criteria are presented in Volume 1 of this report. Phase II covered the collection of field data and the development of the storm- drain - routing pattern for the Project 2 Area. This pattern was developed thru coordination with the Cities of Ontario and Fontana, the San Bernardino County Flood Control District, the Metropolitan Water District, the Corps of Engineers, the State Division of Highways, the San Bernardino County Road Department and various public utility companies, private land owners and industrial firms. Phase III covered the preparation of plans, profiles and cost estimates for each separate system of the comprehensive plan, the estimate summary and a recommendation of construction priorities. In this volume we present the Phase II storm - drain - routing pattern (Plates 1 and 2) and the Phase III plans, profiles, cost estimates and recommended priorities. Certain addi- tional aids for use in detail planning are on file at the office of San Bernardino County Flood Control District. They include reproducible calculation sheets on which the discharge rates for each system were determined and addi- tional drawings to a scale 1" = 1000' giving planning data for the comprehensive system and for the individual subareas. Prints of the applicable large -scale drawings should be obtained from the County Flood Control District prior to the development of an internal drainage system for any particular drainage subarea. Prints of applicable calcu- lation sheets may prove useful in understanding how discharge rates were computed for any given reach of a particular drainage system. A hypothetical example of subdivision drainage planning is presented in Volume 1 of this report. Planning of the conduit systems presented herein is predicated on accepted hydraulic principles. However, final design will need to be based upon actual field conditions as determined by surveys and detailed engineering. Elevations and distances have been taken from the best available topo- graphic maps of the area and are sufficient for alinement studies and cost estimates for preliminary purposes. However, each system must be independently designed and estimated for final construction. Every effort has been made to avoid major interferences with large utility lines as indicated on the profile drawings, but field checks must be made to locate these lines more precisely and to establish the final loca- , tion of drainage structures as necessary for economy of construction as each successive unit of the plan is imple- mented. In this plan every effort was made to confine storm drains to existing public roac? s and other rights of way, or to • existing water- course routes. Diagonal diversionary routes have been avoided except in certain special cases where hydraulic, technical and economic considerations have dictated the adoption of such diagonal routings. This comprehensive plan should be used primarily as a guide in the detail planning of individual sub - systems as the need arises. It should be systematically reviewed periodically and revised when warranted by the cognizant agencies. This report does not include recommendations either for financing the construction or for projection of schedules for the plan or component parts thereof. It is understood that arrangements for these will be developed as circumstances require among the several jurisdictions involved. 3. 4 DISCUSSION OF PLAN General. Under the comprehensive plan presented herein, the Study Area will be drained by 31 separate conduit systems numbered individually generally in downhill sequence from the San Gabriel Mountain foothills southward and in columnar sequence from west to east. Inasmuch as the overall Study - Area storm drain system is designated Project 2, each separate system is designated "Project 2" followed by the system number. Because of the need for drainage subarea designations for reference purposes, the Study Area has been subdivided into • plots of about 80 acres or less and each plot given a letter - number designation: Although the letter portions of many of these designations have some local significance, the J choice of letters is essentially arbitrary, and no key to their derivation is suggested. The growing interest in view lots suggeststhat even the steep mountainous areas will eventually be covered with residen- tial developments. Accordingly, the comprehensive plan extends northward to the San Bernardino National Forest Boundary and southward to the ridge line of the Jurupa Mountains. As stated in Volume 1, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design Criteria, the intermediate storm drains are designed for • a 10 -year return - period discharge so long as the streets can accommodate the difference between a 10 and 25 -year return - period discharge. In the Project 2 Area (in nearly every instance) it will be found that before the pipe size reaches 48" for the 10 -year design this difference overflows the gutters, and a 25 -year design must be used. Hence, unless otherwise noted in the profile data and descriptive comments of the individual systems, each storm drain is designed for a 25 -year return- period discharge. The Project 2 systems contain many railroad crossings, most of which must be kept open. Although this problem may not be specifically mentioned in the descriptive resumes of indi- vidual systems, it will usually entail jacking the conduit under the tracks. The extra cost of this work is not speci- fically covered in the itemized estimates, it being assumed that the contingency allowance is sufficient to cover this additional cost. 4. 1 Where conduits follow or cross any State Highway and certain other heavily travelled roads, all traffic lanes must be kept open at all times. The costs of detours and traffic control are covered in the estimates, but the contractor must ascertain from the cognizant authority the requirements for maintaining traffic flow before construction begins. Where trapezoidal channels intersect roads it is assumed that the side slopes will be transitioned to vertical walls and that the channel will pass under the road through a box culvert. Although the profiles do not show these changes, their costs are covered in the estimates. Also, where pipe conduits or channels discharge fnto unlined basins or spreading grounds, some type of energy disipator will be required. Such devices are not indicated on the profiles or mentioned in the description of the various systems, but their costs are covered in the estimates. In undertaking the detailed design of any given conduit system, the engineer should first consult Plates 1 and 2 herein for general familiarization with the location of its main conduit and proposed tributary systems, the extent of its drainage area, and its relationship to adjacent drainage areas. He should then obtain from the San Bernardino County Flood Control District a print of each of the larger scale maps (1" = 1000 feet) which are required to cover the conduit system in question. A comparison of the hydrologic and hydraulic data presented on those drawings and in Volume 1, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design Criteria, with the then - current or planned development in the system's drainage area will indicate whether any modification of conduit sizes is required. If modification is indicated, the system shall be redesigned using new parameter values. Possible interferences with large buried utilities, indus- trial lines etc. are believed to be complete as of the date of this report, but a final thorough check must be made prior to construction of any system. For example, small utility lines and sewers were disregarded in this study. Also, the profiles show only intersecting interferences. Where a flood conduit parallels another line in the same street right of way, the precise position of that line must be determined in final design and the conduit located so as to avoid it. The hydraulic design criteria presented in Volume 1 should be applied in final - design planning. Of special importance is the need to provide adequate catch basins or side inlets to introduce excess surface flows into the channels or conduits of any given system at points of increase in the design return period. The calculated increase in discharge 5. rate at each such point is indicated on the large -scale (1" = 1000') drawings on file with the San Bernardino County Flood Control District. Unless such provisions are made, the overflow of the larger storms will continue as surface runoff down the north -south streets. The various features of each system of the Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan are described in the succeeding paragraphs, and special problems to be solved in final design are pointed out. PROJECT 2 -1 This is the tributary drainage system of the existing Demens Creek Channel which drains an area bounded on the north by the Almond Intercept, on the west by Cucamonga Creek Channel, and on the east by the Demens Canyon Debris • Basin and its tributary mountain area. It comprises 1632 acres in Subareas X -1 thru X -4, S -1 thru S -4, J -1 thru J -6, CN -1 and CN -2, V -1 thru V -5, B -1 and B -2, and DE -1 thru DE -3. Line A is a trapezoidal channel that follows Jasper Street from the Grant Boundary Road to its confluence with the Demens Creek Channel. About 50 feet of 72" pipe conduit will be required at its lower end to provide a satisfactory junction structure. Because Line A drains the large moun- tainous Subarea J -1, a small debris basin must be constructed at its intake. Line B is a trapezoidal channel draining the large mountainous Subarea J -2. It too will require a small debris basin at its inlet about 1000 feet east of Jasper Street. Line B extends a few hundred feet southward from its inlet and thence about 1000 feet southwestward to its junction with Line A, all through private easement. Line C is a pipe conduit which follows Vineyard Ave. from Hillside Road to the Demens Creek Channel. Subareas not drained by these three storm drains will require separate smaller pipe systems draining directly into Demens Creek Channel or Cucamonga Creek Channel. No known interferences of buried utility lines or commercial pipe lines are in the System 1 area. Project 2 -2 This tributary drainage system of the existing Cucamonga Storm Drain is bounded on the northwest by the Demens Creek Channel and on the southwest by the Cucamonga Creek Channel. Its northeast boundary is adjusted so that the Cucamonga Storm Drain will not have to be enlarged to accommodate a discharge of 25 -year return period. The system comprises 6. 2330 acres in Subareas S -5, S -6, J -7 thru J -10, CC -2, CC -3, CN-3 thru CN -7, V6 thru V -11, B -3 thru B -9, A -6 thru A -12, CS -1 thru CS -5, RH -1 and H -1 thru H -4. Within this area is the existing Red Hill Basin into which discharges the existing Beryl Ave. Storm Drain, a rubble conduit with a concrete arch cover limited to about 180 cfs capacity. Line A of the proposed system follows Vineyard Ave. extension from the north side of the Foothill Freeway site to within about 1500 feet of Base Line Road, thence southwestward 700 feet and southward another 400 feet thru private easement to discharge into the Red Hill Basin. This is a pipe conduit which increases from 48" to a maximum of 84 ". Line B is a 66" pipe conduit extending from the north side of the Foothill Freeway site at Beryl Ave. southwestward about 2000 feet through private easement to its confluence with Line A. The existing spillway and channel leading from the Red Hill Basin to Cucamonga Creek Channel are adequate to accommodate all discharges into that basin. If the Foothill Freeway is constructed before the storm drain system, a 48" pipe must be buried under the freeway fill for future accomodation of Line A. Beryl Ave. crosses the freeway thru an underpass; hence, preconstruction of the conduit there will not be required. All of the System 2 area north of the freeway site can be drained with pipes smaller than 48 inches. These lines will be mostly in north -south streets and will pass under the freeway fill. Those not draining into Lines A or B will continue southward to their respective confluences with Cucamonga Creek Channel or the Cucamonga Storm Drain. Several subareas south of the freeway site that are not drained by these two lines will drain directly into Cucmonga Creek Channel or the Cucamonga Storm Drain thru a system of smaller pipes. The only known major underground interferences are the 12 -foot Metropolitan Water District Foothill Feeder which traverses the area from east to west about 400 feet north of the Foothill Freeway and the 39" San Gabriel Valley MWD Line in Base Line Road which must be recognized in final design. Project 2 -3 This system primarily covers the tributary drainage area of the Alta Loma Basins. It is bounded on the west by Systems 1 and 2, on the east by Deer Creek Channel, on the north by the mountain tributary areas of the Demens and Deer Canyon Debris Basins, and on the south generally by the Alta Loma Basins. It comprises 1838 acres in Subareas A -1 thru A -5, AL -1 thru AL -10, HR -1 thru HR -3, M -1 thru M -3, N -1, CL -1, CL- 2 , DC -5 and DC -6. Line A is a trapezoidal channel 7. extending from the foot of mountainous Subarea AL -1 south - southwestward about 2400 feet thru a private easement (existing natural watercourse) to the inlet of the existing Alta Loma Storm Drain. Line B is a 51" pipe conduit replacing an existing rubble drain extending eastward on Wilson Ave. from Archibald Ave. to the Alta Loma Storm Drain. Line C is a 48" pipe conduit that parallels Line B thru a private easement about 1900 feet to the south. An existing rubble drain along Hillside Road extending from a point 600 feet east of Amethyst St. to the Alta Loma Storm Drain will remain as part of the system. Westward extensions of Lines B and C in smaller pipes, a few smaller pipes in streets east of the Alta Loma Storm Drain (some draining directly into the Deer Creek Channel) and a small open conduit draining Subarea AL -2 to the intake of the Alta Loma Storm Drain will be required to drain various subareas not contiguous to the three proposed lines or existing drains. A small debris basin will be required at the inlet of Line A and at the inlets of any smaller lines originating at the base of the mountain area. The Alta Loma Storm Drain has adequate capacity to carry a 25 -year return flood discharge with all existing and proposed subsystems connected. The only known underground interferences in the System 3 area are the 12- foot MWD Foothill Feeder on Summit Ave. and a 16" water line on Haven Ave., which must be recognized in final design. Project 2 -4 This system drains that part of the Deer Creek Channel tributary area extending generally from the Alta Loma Basins and Summit Ave. southward to the existing Church Street Storm Drain. It is bounded on the west by System 2 and on the east by the Milliken Ave. extension. It comprises 2602 acres in Subareas R -1 thru R -7, A -13, A -14, HR -4 thru HR -10, C -1 thru C -5, HA -1 thru HA -7, N -2 thru N -5, CB- 1,M -1, DC -7 thru DC -16a, 0 -1 thru 0 -3, CL -3 and CL -4. Line A is a pipe conduit originating at the south end of the existing outlet pipe from the Alta Loma Basins on Haven Ave. It continues south on Haven Ave. increasing in size progressively from 66" to 96" before reaching Base Line Road at which point it turns southeastward flowing thru about 1450 feet of private easement in an open rectangular channel to its confluence with the Deer Creek Channel. Line B is a pipe conduit that follows 19th Street from Hermosa Ave. to its junction with Line A, increasing from 57" to 66" at Center Ave. Line C is a pipe conduit that follows Base Line Road from Ramona Ave. eastward to its junction with Line A, increasing progressively from 8. 48" to 78 ". Line D is a pipe conduit on Base Line Road extending westward from a point about 1200 feet east of Cleveland Ave. to the Deer Creek Channel increasing from 48" to 5)4" at Cleveland Ave. The last 500 feet of this conduit will follow the Deer Creek Channel right -of -way to a point where grade and velocity factors permit intro- duction of the Line D waters into the channel. The existing overflow spillway of the Alta Loma Basins, about 1200 feet east of Archibald Ave., will discharge all inflows in excess of the 570 cfs capacity of the existing 60" outlet pipe after the basins fill to spillway level. This structure and the spillway channel extending southward to Highland Ave. and thence southeastward to Hermosa Ave. are retained as part of the system. Line C has been so located that the Church St. Storm Drain will carry the 25 -year runoff from subareas south of Line C, and it, too, is retained as part of the system. Several • smaller lines will be required to drain subareas not drained directly by the proposed system. Some of these lines may extend under the proposed Foothill Freeway and the buried sections of pipe must be installed during freeway construc- tion if the freeway is built first. Provision must also be made to spill overflow waters from the Church St. Basin into Deer Creek Channel. The only known interference which must be recognized in the final design of System 4 is the 39" San Gabriel Valley MWD Line in Base Line Road. Project 2 -5 This system drains that part of the Deer Creek Channel tributary area extending from the System 4 area southward to the AT &SF Railroad. It is bounded on the west by the Deer Creek Channel except for a westward extension of the boundary to Amethyst St. between Church St. and Foothill Blvd. It is bounded on the east by the Milliken Ave. extension. It comprises 1831 acres in Subareas A -15, R -8, HR -11, C -6 thru C -8, DC -17 thru DC -23, HA -8 thru HA -10, N -6 thru N -9, CL -5 thru CL -8, and 0 -4 thru 0 -7. Line A is a pipe conduit on Church St. extending westward from a point about a quarter mile east of Cleveland Ave. to its junction with the Deer Creek Channel. Lines B and C parallel Line A on Foothill Blvd. and Arrow Route respectively. Line D parallels Line C on the north side of the AT &SF Railroad to a point about 900 feet east of Haven Ave. where it crosses • under the tracks at an existing bridge to continue westward on 8th Street to its junction with the Deer Creek Channel. Line E extends eastward on Foothill Blvd. from Archibald Ave. to Center Ave., thence southward to its junction with the Deer 9. • Creek Channel. All five lines start as 51" pipes and increase in size toward their junction with the channel. The following possible interferences in road segments, road crossings or private easements must be recognized in the final design of System 5: A 24 " asbestos cement telephone cable duct in Foothill Blvd., west of Deer Creek. A PT &T coaxial cable in Arrow Route. A 21" RCP Waste disposal line (So. Calif. Edison Co.) in 8th Street. A 36 " gas line that enters from the west in 9th St., turns north on Center St. and continues eastward on Arrow Route. A 15" sanitary sewer in Archibald Ave. south of Foothill Blvd. Project 2 -6 This system drains the area south of the Cucamonga Storm Drain bounded on the west by the Cucamonga Creek Channel and on the east by the Systems 4 and 5 drainage areas. It comprises 1745 acres in Subareas V -12 thru V -14, CC -4, B -10 thru B -12, H -5 thru H -13, A -16 thru A -18, R -9, R -10, HR -12, HR -13, DC -20 and DC -22. Line A is primarily a pipe conduit extending southward on Hellman Ave. from Foothill Blvd. to its junction with the Cucamonga Creek Channel. It increases progressively from 57" to 96" except for a 640' segment of rectangular channel between 8th St. and the MWD Upper Feeder which is required to effect a crossing above that 12' -8" aqueduct. Line B is a 1320 foot length of 48" pipe conduit on Foothill Blvd. west of and tributary to Line A. Line C is a 1320 foot length of 48" pipe conduit in the AT &SF Railroad right of way west of and tributary to Line A. Line D is a pipe conduit in the AT &SF Railroad right of way extend- ing from Ramona Ave. westward to its junction with Line A and increasing from 60" to 72" at Archibald St. The following possible interferences in roadsegments, road crossings or private easements must be recognized in the final design of System 6: 10. A 24" asbestos cement telephone cable duct in Foothill Blvd. A P.T. &.T. coaxial cable in Arrow Route. A 30" gas line in 9th Street. A 21" RCP Waste Disposal Line (So. Calif. Edison Co.) in 8th St. The 12' -8" MWD Upper Feeder about 500' south of 8th St. Project 2 -7 This system drains the area lying between the tributary areas of Systems 5 and 6 on the north and the Turner Basins and Ontario Motor Stadium on the south. It is bounded on the west by the Cucamonga Creek Channel and on the east by the Milliken Ave. extension. It comprises 1549 acres in Subareas CC -5, CC -6, A -19, DC -24 thru DC -29, R -11, R -12, HR -14, HR -15, T -1, 0M -2, OM -3, C -9, C--10, HA -11, HA -12, N -10, N -11, CL -9, CL -10, 0 -8 and 0 -9. Line A is a trape- zoidal channel in a future street right of way 1300 feet east of Haven Ave. extending from 6th St. to the existing channel along the north side of the Ontario Motor Stadium. Line B is a trapezoidal channel which carries the runoff from the Stadium channel westward 1600 feet thru the Stadium parking lot 600 feet south of San Bernardino Ave., thence southwestward another 1100 feet to discharge under Turner Ave. into the Turner Basins. Line C is a 60" pipe conduit on Archibald Ave. extending from San Bernardino Ave. to the Deer Creek Channel. The only known possible major inter- ference in the System 7 area is a 15" sanitary sewer in Archibald Ave. which must be recognized in final design. The MWD Upper Feeder crosses the northern part of the area and should be beyond the upper ends of the smallest conduits of the system. Project 2 -8 This system extends from the Turner Basins southward to include the Ontario International Airport. It is bounded on the west by the Cucamonga Creek Channel and on the east by Turner Ave.. It comprises 819 acres in Subareas CC -7, CC -8, A -20 thru A-22, R-13 thru R -16 and OA -1 thru OA -5. It consists of a single line starting with a 54" pipe conduit 11. which picks up the runoff from Archibald Ave. at East St., carries it westward 370 feet, thence southward past the S. P. Railroad under an existing bridge, thence south- eastward thru a trapezoidal channel in a private easement back to Archibald Ave.,andthence southward to discharge into an existing trapezoidal channel flowing westward along the north boundary of the airport to its confluence with the Cucamonga Creek Channel. The confluence structure is a 54" pipe with a capacity far less than that of the trapezoidal channel. This restriction may cause the channel to overflow its banks in the event of a 25 -year flood, and it should be eliminated when the Cucamonga Creek Channel is improved. The airport has its own internal drainage system, which in the System 8 area, empties into the Cuca- monga Creek Channel. North of the airport, some smaller pipe conduits will be required to receive the runoff from the north side of the San Bernardino Freeway. This runoff is collected by ditches and carried under the fill thru two culverts between Archibald and Turner Avenues. The discharge from these culverts must be carried in small pipes or ditches back to Archibald Ave. and thence down to the 54" pipe at East St. The following possible interferences in road segments, road crossings or private easements must be recognized in final design of System 8: The 27" Chino Basin Industrial Waste Line which enters from the east on Colton Ave., turns south on Archibald Ave. and continues westward along the south side of the A St. approach to the San Bernardino Freeway. A 15" Sanitary Sewer on Archibald Ave. A 27" Sanitary Sewer on Colton Ave. west of Archibald Ave. Project 2 -9 This is part of the Lower Deer Creek System which will receive only local drainage after the upper reach of Deer Creek Channel is diverted by the Corps of Engineers west- ward into the Cucamonga Creek Channel just north of the Turner Basins. It drains an elongated area extending from the System 7B channel southward to the lower Cucamonga spreading grounds about 1100 feet north of Schaeffer Ave. It is bounded on the east generally by Haven Ave. and on 12. 1 the west by Turner Ave. and by the Cucamonga Creek Channel south of the Ontario International Airport. It comprises 2427 acres in Subareas A -23 thru A -26a, CC -9 thru CC -13, R -17 thru R -24, R -26, T -2 thru T -11 and C -11 thru C -15. Line A starts as a rectangular channel which follows the present bed of the Deer Creek Channel in a private ease- ment along the east side of Turner Ave. from the south end of the existing concrete channel under the Southern Pacific Railroad, to about 750 feet south of East Ely St., thence it crosses under Turner Ave. and continues in SBCFCD right of way, transitioning to a trapezoidal channel as it emerges from under the Pomona Freeway and flows generally south- westward to its discharge into the Lower Cucamonga Spreading Grounds. Line B is a 57 -inch pipe conduit extending along the north side of the Union Pacific Railroad from Ramona Ave. eastward to its junction with Line A. Line C is a 66 -inch pipe conduit extending from Center Ave. westward along Jurupa Ave. to its junction with Line A. Line D is a pipe conduit which extends from the Pomona Freeway site south- ward to Walnut Ave. thence, enlarging from 48 to 66 inches, follows Walnut Ave. eastward to its junction with Line E. Line E is a pipe conduit extending from the Pomona Freeway site southward to its junction with Line A, enlarging from 48 inches to 66 inches at its junction with Line D. Line F is a 48 -inch pipe conduit that follows Francis St. and the north side of the Union Pacific Railroad from Center Ave. westward to its junction with Line A. If the Pomona Freeway is constructed before the storm drain system, provisions must be made for carrying Lines A, D and E under the freeway fill. The only known possible major interferences in the System 9 area which must be recognized in final design are the 27 inch Chino Basin Industrial Waste Line on Ely St., a 15 inch sanitary sewer on Archibald Ave. and a 36 inch gas line which parallels Line A for a short distance near its lower end. Project 2 -10 This system drains a roughly triangular area extending southwestward from Mission Blvd. bounded on the west by the System 9 area, and on the southeast by the Southern California Edison Co. right of way. It comprises 1029 acres in Subareas 0 -15, 0 -16, N -15, N -16, CL -19, HA -16 thru HA -18, C -16 thru C -18, T -12, R -25 and R -27. Line A starts as a 57" pipe which follows a future street right of way a quarter mile west of Adams Ave. from the Pomona Freeway site southward about 800 feet to the Edison right -of way; thence it continues as a trapezoidal channel southwestward 13. in that right of way to its junction with the Lower Deer Creek Channel. Line B is a pipe conduit extending from the Pomona Freeway site southward in a future street right - of -way a quarter mile east of Haven Ave. to Walnut Ave.; thence, westward to Haven Ave. and thence, enlarging from 51 to 60 inches, southward to its junction with Line A. If the Pomona Freeway is constructed before the System 10 storm drains, provisions must be made for carrying both lines under the freeway fill. The only known major inter- ference in the System 10 area which must be recognized in final design is a 36 inch gas line which follows the Edison right of way southwestward to Archibald Ave. and thence turns southward. Project 2 -11 This system drains a roughly trapezoidal area lying generally between Haven Ave. and the Cucamonga Creek Channel and between System 10 and the Riverside County Boundary. It comprises 1686 acres in Subareas CC -14 thru CC -18, R -28 thru R -33, A -27 thru A -30, T -13 thru T -15, and C -19 thru C -23. Line A is a pipe conduit which follows Schaeffer Ave. from a point about 700 feet east of Turner Ave. to Ramona Ave.; thence enlarging from 48 to 57 inches, it follows Ramona Ave. southward enlarging progressively to 78 inches near its junction with the System 13 trapezoidal channel at the Riverside County Boundary. Line B is a pipe conduit which follows Center Ave. from Schaeffer Ave. to its junction with the System 12 trapezoidal channel a quarter mile south of Eucalyptus Ave., enlarging progressively from 48 to 54 inches. The only known interferences of buried utility lines or commercial pipe lines in the System 11 area • which must be recognized in final design are an 8" and a 12" hot oil line in Edison Ave. Project 2 -12 This system drains all the area lying south of the System 10 area and east of the System 11 area and is bounded on the east by the Riverside County Boundary and on the south first by Schaeffer Ave., then Edison Ave. and then Eucalyptus Ave. in east -to -west order. It comprises 1048 acres in Subareas HA -19 thru HA -22, N -17 thru N -20, CL -20 thru CL -24, and 0 -17 thru 0 -19. Line A starts as a pipe conduit following Chino Ave. westward a quarter mile to Cleveland Ave., thence south to the Southern California Edison Co. right of way enlarging from 66" to 78" at Schaeffer Ave.; thence it transitions to a trape- zoidal channel and continues southwestward to its confluence with the System 13 channel at the Riverside County Boundary. 14. Line B is a pipe conduit following a future street right of way a quarter mile west of Cleveland Ave. from Chino Ave. to its junction with Line A and enlarging progressively from 48" to 57 ". Line C is quarter mile length of 51" pipe conduit in Schaeffer Ave. east of its junction with Line A. The only known interferences of buried utility lines or commercial pipe lines in the System 12 area that must be recognized in final design are an 8" and a 12" hot oil line in Edison Ave. Project 2 -13 This system drains all the area south of the System 11 and System 12 areas. It comprises 696 acres in Subareas 0 -20, 0 -21, M -6, CL -25 thru CL -27, N -21, N -22, HA -23, C -24, T -16 and T -17. It consists of a single trapezoidal channel following Belle Grave Ave. from Adams Ave. south- ` westward to its confluence with the Cucamonga Creek Channel. No known interferences of buried utility lines or commercial pipe lines are in the System 13 area. Project 2 -14 This system drains the area between the Day Canyon Spreading Grounds and the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds. It is bounded on the north by the Day Canyon Debris Basin and on the south by 24th St. It comprises 1726 acres in Subareas DA -1, DA -2, G -1 thru G -4, K -1 thru K -4, L -1 thru L -4, ET -1 thru ET -4, U -1 thru U -4, E -1, E -2 and Y -1. Line A is a trape- zoidal channel that follows Etiwanda Ave. from a point one mile north of 24th St. for a distance of about a half mile southward; thence, along an existing SBCFCD right of way that curves eastward to 24th St., and thence along 24th St. to the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds. Line B is an 1800' length of trapezoidal channel that follows a future street right of way a half mile south of the San Bernardino National Forest Boundary eastward to the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. Line C is a trapezoidal channel that follows 24th St. from a point a quarter mile east of the Day Canyon Channel east- ward to its confluence with Line A. Line D is quarter mile length of a trapezoidal channel in a future street right of way paralleling Line B a half mile to the south that joins the upper end of Line A. Line E is a 4190 foot length of trapezoidal channel in a future street right of way that parallels Line C a half mile to the north and joins line A just east of Etiwanda Ave. The only possible major inter- ference in the System 14 area that must be recognized in final design is a segment of the 12 foot Foothill Feeder of the Metropolitan Water District which follows 24th St. east of Etiwanda Ave. 15. Project 2 -15 This is the local tributary area of the Day Canyon Channel extending from the Day Canyon Spreading Grounds and System 14 on the north generally to Base Line Road on the south. It is bounded by the System 4 area on the west and generally by Etiwanda Ave. on the east. It comprises 2236 acres in Subareas P -1 thru P -3, Q -1 thru Q -3, RO -1 thru RO -3, DA -3 thru DA -10, G -5 thru G -8, K -5 thru K -8, L -7, L -8, ET -7, ET -8, U -8, E -6 and E-7. Line A is a pipe conduit that follows Hanley Ave. from the Foothill Freeway site southward to the Day Canyon Channel, enlarging progressively from 54" to 66". If the freeway is constructed first, a 54" pipe must be buried under the freeway fill to drain the north side into the Line A conduit. Also, no bridge exists at the Pacific Electric Railroad crossing, and the conduit may have to be jacked under the railroad bed at that point. Line B is a pipe conduit that follows Base Line Road from a point a half mile west of Rochester Ave. to its junction with the Day Creek Channel, enlarging from 57" to 66" en route. Line C is a 48" pipe conduit following Etiwanda Ave. from Base Line Ave. southward to its junction with the Day Creek Channel. Line D is a 51" pipe conduit following the north- west side of the State Highway 31 freeway site from Pecan Ave. southwestward to its junction with the Day Creek Channel. The only possible major interferences that must be recognized in the final design of System 15 are the 39" San Gabriel Valley MWD Line in Base Line Road, Hanley Ave., and Victoria St., and the 12 -foot MWD Foothill Feeder which skirts the north side of the area. Although the latter is north of any of the major conduits planned for this system, small tributary conduits may have to be installed in close proximity to it. Project 2 - This system drains an irregularly- shaped area tributary to the upper reach of the Etiwanda Creek Channel bounded by System 14 and the Etiwanda and San Sevaine Spreading Grounds on the north, by System 15 on the west, by the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds and a segment of the State Highway 31 freeway site on the east, and by segments of the Etiwanda Creek and Day Creek Channels near their confluence on the south. It comprises 2601 acres in Subareas L -5, L -6, ET -5, ET -6, ET -6a, U -5 thru U -7, E -3 thru E -5, Y -2 thru Y -4, EE -1 thru EE -7, EE -9 thru EE -11, EE -13, BA -1 thru BA -4, HC -10, SS -2, VB -1, DA -11, DA -12, MU -1 and MU -2. Line A is a pipe conduit on Victoria St., extending from East Ave. eastward to its junction with the Etiwanda Creek Channel and 16. enlarging progressively from 54" to 60 ". If the Highway 31 • freeway is constructed first, a 60" pipe conduit must be buried under the freeway fill to permit the later completion of Line A. Line B is a 51 inch pipe conduit extending east- ward from the bend in Summit Ave. southwest of the Etiwanda Spreading Grounds directly eastward in a future street right of way to the spreading grounds. Line C is a pipe conduit that follows Casmalia St. for 1320' eastward to Etiwanda Ave., thence enlarging from 48" to 51" following Etiwanda Ave. south 200' to the proposed foothill freeway drain. The only possible major interferences in the System 16 area are the 39" San Gabriel Valley MWD Line in Victoria St., and the 12 -foot MWD Foothill Feeder which skirts the north side of the area. Although the latter is north of any of the major conduits planned for this system, small tributary conduits may have to be installed in close proximity to it, and the presence of both lines must be recognized in final design. Project 2 -17 This is the most northerly of four systems draining into the System 18 channel. It is bounded by System 5 on the west, by System 15 on the north, by the State Highway 31 freeway site on the southeast except for 5 subareas lying southerly thereof, and by A.T. & S.F. Railroad on the south. It comprises 1769 acres in Subareas P -4 thru P -6, Q -4 thru Q -6, R0 -4 thru R0 -6, DA -13 thru DA -18, SH -1, G -9 thru G -lla, K -9 thru K -12, L -9 and ET -9. Line A is for most of its length a pipe conduit that follows a future street right of way a quarter mile west of Rochester Ave. from Foothill Blvd. southward to Arrow Route; thence, enlarging from 48" to 84" it flows eastward to Rochester Ave. and thence south- eastward thru 1900 feet of private easement to its junction with the System 18 channel, transitioning to a trapezoidal channel as it emerges from under the State Highway 31 free- way fill. If the freeway is constructed first, an 84" pipe conduit must be buried under the freeway fill to permit the later completion of Line A. Line B is a pipe conduit following the northwest side of the State Highway 31 freeway site from Foothill Blvd. southwestward to its junction with the System 18 channel, enlarging from 48" to 72" at the Line C junction 1600' southwest of Foothill Blvd. Line C is a pipe conduit that follows a future street right of way paralleling Hanley Ave. a quarter mile to the west from Foothill Blvd. southward to its junction with Line B, enlarging from 48" to • 51" 400 feet south of Foothill Blvd. Line D is a 57" pipe conduit that follows Arrow Route from a point a quarter mile west of Hanley Ave. westward to the State Highway 31 right of way and thence, southwestward in that right of way to its junction with the System 18 channel. Line E is a 17. trapezoidal channel that follows the north side of the AT &SF Railroad right of way from a point a quarter mile west of Hanley Ave. westward to its junction with the System 18 channel. Line F is a quarter mile length of 57" pipe conduit that follows Arrow Route from a point a half mile west of Rochester Ave. eastward to its junction with Line A. Line G is a 54" pipe conduit that follows Foothill Blvd. from Rochester Ave. eastward to its junction with the System 18 Channel. The only known possible major interferences that must be recognized in the final design of System 17 are a 36 inch gas line and a PT &T coaxial cable on Arrow Route. Project 2 -18 This is the improvement of the Lower Day Creek Channel which, after the proposed diversion of the upper channel from Base Line Road southeastward to the Etiwanda Creek Channel, will receive only the runoff from Systems 17, 19 and 20 and most of System 23, a drainage area totalling 6347 acres. The channel will be improved in its present right of way to a lined trapezoidal section from Foothill Blvd. to the Riverside Basin except for a 1200 foot reach thru the Wine - ville Basin. Room is available to carry the trapezoidal section under bridges at the AT &SF Railroad, at the Southern Pacific Railroad and at the San Bernardino Freeway crossings. All other crossings will require multiple box culverts as stated in the general discussion of the overall project. A new outflow spillway will be required at the Wineville Basin followed by a 650 foot transition section to reduce the width from 85 feet at the spillway to a 25 foot bottom width for the reach leading to the Riverside Basin. The following possible major interferences must be recognized in the final design of this channel improvement: A 36" gas line and a PT &T coaxial cable at Arrow Route. The Metropolitan Water District 12' -8" diameter Upper Feeder and an 8" and a 12" hot oil line about 800 feet south of the AT &SF Railroad. A 27" industrial waste line at Colton Ave. A 36" gas line and a 24" industrial waste line at Patton Road. (The gas line also parallels the channel a short distance to the east from the San Bernardino Freeway southward to the Wineville Basin) . 18. Project 2 -19 This system is bounded on the north by System 17 and on the west by Systems 5 and 7, the Ontario Motor Stadium and parking lot and the State Highway 31 freeway site. It is bounded on the east by a poorly defined ridge running south - southwestward about a quarter to one -half mile west of Etiwanda Ave., and on the south by Santa Ana Ave. It comprises 2181 acres in Subareas P -7 thru P -9, OM -5, OM -6, RO -7 thru RO -11, SH -2, SH -3, DA -19 thru DA -28, K -13 thru K -16, L -13, L -14, and Q -7 thru Q -9. Line A is a trapezoidal channel that follows a future street right of way a half mile west of Rochester Ave. from 6th St. southward to San Bernardino Ave. and continues southward thru the Ontario Motor Stadium parking area to a point 900 feet past San Bernardino Ave.; thence southeastward thru the parking area to the corner of Rochester and Colton Avenues; thence eastward 500 feet in Colton Ave., and thence southeastward in a State Highway 31 freeway interchange right of way to its confluence with the System 18 channel. Line B is a trapezoidal channel in a future street right of way a quarter mile west of Rochester Ave. from 6th St. southward to San Bernardino Ave. and thence continues southward thru the Motor Stadium parking area to its junction with Line A. Line C is a pipe conduit that follows San Bernardino Ave. from Hanley Ave. westward 660 feet; thence southward in a future street right of way to Colton Ave.; thence westward 660 feet; thence southward in a future street right of way to the San Bernardino Freeway; and thence westward along the north side of the freeway fill to its junction with the System 18 channel, enlarging progressively from 60" to 84 ". The only known possible major interferences which must be recognized in the final design of System 19 are a 27" industrial waste line in Colton Ave., and an 8" and a 12" hot oil line in Rochester Ave. System 2 -20 This system drains part of the Ontario Motor Stadium and a small area lying south of it directly into the Wineville Basin. It is bounded on the west by Milliken Ave., on the north by Line A of System 19, on the east by the State High- way 31 freeway site, and on the south generally by Jurupa Ave. It comprises 814 acres in Subareas OM -7 thru OM -10, M -2, M -2a, M -3, P -10, P -10a, P -11, P -12, P -14 and Q -10 thru Q -13. Line A starts as a trapezoidal channel which receives the discharge of an existing box culvert under the San Bernardino Freeway about a quarter mile east of Milliken Ave. It follows a southwestward curving interchange road to Milliken Ave.; thence it transitions to a pipe culvert (which 19. may have to be jacked under the Southern Pacific Railroad) and follows Milliken Ave. southward to Jurupa Ave.; thence it flows eastward to a future north -south street a quarter mile east of Milliken Ave., and thence southward a quarter mile to another future east -west street enlarging progress- ively from 60" to 90 ". The final quarter -mile reach, flowing eastward in this future street right of way to the Wineville Basin, is a box culvert. If State Highway 31 is constructed first, the portion of this box culvert extending under the freeway fill must be constructed at that time. Line B is a pipe culvert that follows a future street right of way a half mile east of Milliken Ave. from Santa Ana Ave. south- ward to Jurupa Ave., thence it enlarges from 51" to 54" and follows the west side of the State Highway 31 freeway site to its junction with Line A. Line C is a quarter mile length of westward - flowing trapezoidal channel along the north side of the Southern Pacific'Railroad which joins Line A at Milliken Ave. The only known possible interferences that must be considered in the final design of System 20 are a 10" gas line in Rochester Ave. and an 8" and a 12" hot oil line that follows Rochester Ave. southward to Slover Ave.; thence westward to Milliken Ave., and thence south- ward in Milliken Ave. Project 2 -21 This system drains part of the Ontario Motor Stadium and the area south of the Stadium as far as the Union Pacific Rail- road, all into the Riverside Basin. It is bounded on the west by System 9 and on the east by System 20 and Rochester Ave. It comprises 2498 acres in Subareas OM -1, OM -4, OM -11 thru OM -14, HA -13 thru HA -15, N -12 thru N -14, CL -11 thru CL -18, 0 -10 thru 0 -14, P -13, P -15 thru P -17, M -4, M -5, SH -4, SH -5, Q -14 and RB -2. Line A starts as a trapezoidal channel which receives the discharge of an existing box culvert under the San Bernardino Freeway about 1900 feet east of Haven Ave. and continues southward 1400 feet thru private easement passing under the Southern Pacific Railroad thru an existing bridge; thence it extends southeastward thru another 1230 feet of private easement to Cleveland Ave., thence it extends southward in Cleveland Ave. to the Union Pacific Railroad, transitions there to a rectangular channel and follows the northeast side of the railroad right of way southeastward to its discharge into the Riverside Basin. Line A crosses into Riverside County at Milliken (Adams) Ave., and the lower 4300 feet of this channel should be constructed by Riverside County. Line B is a trapezoidal channel that follows the Union Pacific Railroad from Haven Ave. southeast - • ward to its junction with Line A. Line C is a trapezoidal channel that follows the Southern Pacific Railroad from Haven 20. Ave. eastward to its junction with Line A. Line D is a trapezoidal channel that follows the Southern Pacific Railroad from a point about a quarter mile east of Cleveland Ave. to its junction with Line A. Lines E and F are quarter - mile lengths of trapezoidal channel following Ballou Road and Jurupa Ave., respectively eastward to their junctions with Line A. The following possible major interferences must be recognized in the final design of System 21: The Chino Basin 24" industrial waste line which follows Patton Road except for a short segment which follows Milliken Ave. and thence the Union Pacific Railroad to a point about a quarter mile west of Milliken Ave. A 16" gas line and an 8" and a 12" hot oil line in Milliken Ave. A 36" gas line crossing under the Union Pacific Rail - Road just west of the State Highway 31 freeway site. Project 2 -22 This system drains a rather narrow area extending from the Day Canyon Diversion Channel southward to the San Bernardino Freeway. It is bounded on the west by Systems 17 and 19, and on the east by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It comprises 1360 acres in Subareas L -10, thru L -12, ET -10 thru ET -14, U -9 thru U -21, SD -1 and DA -12a. Line A is a trapezoidal channel that follows the Southern California Edison Company right of way from Arrow Route southward to Colton Ave. with diversion gates into the Etiwanda Conser- vation Basin; thence it turns eastward thru about 1620 feet of private easement on the south side of the Kaiser Steel Mill slag dump to the East Etiwanda Creek Channel right of way; and thence, transitioning to a rectangular section, continues southward within that right of way just east of the Etiwanda Creek Channel about 1050 feet to a point just south of the San Bernardino Freeway where the velocities of the two channels are such that they can be merged. Some difficulty may be encountered in constructing Line A under bridge spans near its lower end. Line B is a short length of 51" pipe conduit that follows Arrow Route from Etiwanda Ave. eastward to its junction with Line A. Line C is a trapezoidal channel that follows the north side of the AT &SF Railroad from a point a quarter mile west of Etiwanda Ave. eastward to its junction with Line A. Line D is a short trapezoidal channel that follows Randall Ave. from Pecan Ave. westward to its junction with Line A. The following possible major interferences must be recognized in the final design of System 22: 21. A PT &T coaxial cable and a 36" gas line in Arrow Route. An 8" gas line, a 10" water line and a 12" sewer in San Bernardino Ave. The 12' -8u NWD Upper Feeder 1000 feet south of the AT &SF Railroad. Project 2 -23 This system drains the area lying south of Systems 19 and 22 and east of Systems 20 and 21. It is bounded on the east by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel and on the south by Patton Road. It comprises 2565 acres in subareas WB -1 thru WB -4, RB -1, G -12 thru G -14, DA -29, K -17 thru K -21, L -15 thru L -24, ET -15 thru ET -2.0, U -22 thru U -32, and EE -23. Line A starts as a trapezoidal channel following the south side of the San Bernardino Freeway from its junction with an existing box culvert under the freeway fill about 1000 feet west of Etiwanda Ave. eastward to the existing unimproved Etiwanda Creek bed; thence, south southwestward in SBCFCD right of way under an existing Southern Pacific Railroad bridge to Slover Ave., thence, transitioning to a pipe conduit, it follows a future street right of way a quarter mile west of Etiwanda Ave. southward to Santa Ana Ave. enlarging from 66" to 72" at a grade change en route; thence transitioning back to a trapezoidal section it follows the Southern California Edison Co. right of way southwestward to a point about 1500 feet east of Wineville Road; thence, westward in a future street right of way a quarter mile south of Jurupa Ave. to its discharge into the Wineville Basin. Line B is a pipe conduit that follows Jurupa Ave. from Etiwanda Ave. westward to its junction with Line A, enlarging from 60" to 66" enroute. Line C is a pipe conduit that follows Santa Ana Ave. from a point a quarter mile east of Etiwanda Ave. west- ward to its junction with Line A, enlarging from 51" to 57" enroute. Line D is a 60" pipe conduit that follows Slover Ave. from Etiwanda Ave. westward to its junction with Line A. The following possible major interferences must be recognized in the final design of System 23: A 16" gas line that extends north and east of the intersection of Etiwanda Ave. and Slover Ave. A Chino Basin industrial waste line in Etiwanda Ave. A 36" gas line in Wineville Road. Project 2 -24 This system drains a triangular area in the northeast corner of the Project 2 area bounded on the northwest by the ` Crawford Diversion Channel, on the east by Sierra Ave., and 22. on the south by Lytle Creek Road. It comprises 838 acres { in Subareas LY -1, KN -1, KN -2, CW -1, CW -2, CI -1, 0I -2, OL -1, OL -2, CY -1 thru CY -3, JU -1 and Ju -2. Line A is primarily a trapezoidal channel following the east -west segment of Lytle Creek Road and its east and west exten- sions in future streets extending from Juniper Ave. westward to its junction with the Crawford Diversion Channel. A 300 foot length of box culvert will be required under State Highway 31, and if this arterial is constructed first, the culvert must be buried under the freeway fill to permit the later completion of Line A. A 50 foot length of 60" pipe will be required at the west end of Line A to accelerate the flow for proper hydraulic injection into the swifter flowing Crawford Diversion Channel. Line B is a trapezoidal channel in a future street right of way half a mile north of Lytle Creek Road extending from State Highway 31 westward to its junction with the Crawford Diversion Channel. It will not be needed until Highway 31 is constructed, as its primary purpose is to dispose of runoff trapped by that freeway. Also, neither Line A nor Line B should be constructed until the Crawford Diversion Channel is available to carry away their discharges. The only known possible interference that must be recognized in the final design of System 24 is a 36" gas line that follows the Southern California Edison Company right of way about half a mile southeast of the State Highway 31 freeway site. Project 2 -25 This system drains a roughly rectangular area bounded on the north by System 24 and the Crawford Diversion Channel westerly thereof, on the east by Sierra Ave., on the south by Summit Ave., and on the west by the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. It comprises 1619 acres in Subareas SS -1, RE -1, L0 -1, L0 -la, HE -1, HE -2, BE -1, BE -2, LY -2 thru LY -4, KN -3, KN -4, CW -3, CW -4, CI -3, CI -4, OL -3, OL -4, CY -4, CY -5, JU -3 and JU -4. The system consists of a single trapezoidal channel which will be an enlargement of the existing channel along Summit Ave. from Juniper Ave. to its discharge into the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. The only possible major interferences that must be recognized in the final design of System 25 are a 36" gas line in the Southern California Edison Company right of way crossing Summit Ave. near Lytle Creek Road, a 16" water line in Summit Ave. west of Lytle Creek Road, and the 39" San Gabriel MWD Line in Summit Ave. east of Lytle Creek Road. The MWD Foothill Feeder traver- ses the north part of the drainage area and should be north of any small tributary conduits required to complete the drainage system. 23. Project 2 -26 This system drains a roughly rectangular area bounded on the north by Summit Ave., on the east by Sierra Ave., on the south by the proposed Foothill Freeway and on the west by System 16. It comprises 2098 acres in Subareas SS -3 thru SS -5, VS -2, CH -1, CH -2, RE -2 thru RE -4, LO- 2,L0- 3,HE- 3,HE -4, BE -3, BE -4, LY -5, LY -6, KN -5, KN -6, CW -5, cw -6, CI -5, CI -6, OL -5, OL -6, CY -6, CY -7, JU -5 and JU -6. The main intercept for this system is the proposed drain along the north side of the Foothill Freeway site which will flow westward from Juniper Ave. to its junction with the existing spillway channel from the San Sevaine Spreading Grounds. When the freeway is constructed, the confluence of this freeway drain with the San Sevaine spillway channel will be built under the freeway fill, and a single box conduit should • emerge on the south side of the fill. The only County construction required for System 26 is the improvement of the trapezoidal San Sevaine spillway channel from the south side of the freeway to the Victoria Basin. This channel will then carry the discharge from both the System 25 and the System 26 drainage areas, but this can be done within the SBCFCD right of way. The only known major interference which must be considered in the final design of System 26 is the 39" San Gabriel Valley MWD Line in the Southern Cali- fornia Edison Company right of way north of Walnut St., and in Walnut St. west of Almond Ave. Project 2 -27 This system drains a roughly rectangular area bounded on the north by the proposed Foothill Freeway, on the east by Mango Ave., on the south by Base Line Road, and on the west by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel and Cherry Ave. (south and north of Walnut St., respectively). It comprises 2389 acres in Subareas EE -8, CA -1, BA -5, AD -1, CH -3, CH -4, RE -5, RE -6, LO -4, LO -5, HE -5, HE -6, BE -5, BE -6, LY -7, LY -8, KN -7, KN -8, CW -7, cw -8, CI -7 ci -8, OL -7, OL -8, Cy-8, CY -9, JU -7, JU -8, SI -1 and SI -2. It consists of a single conduit that follows Base Line Road from Sierra Ave. westward to its junction with the East Etiwanda Creek Channel, starting as a 57" pipe that increases in size progressively to 102" and then at Hemlock Ave. transitions to a box section and so continues to its confluence with the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. The following possible major interferences in road segments, road crossings and private easements must be recognized in the final design of System 27: 24. A 36" gas line that follows the Southern California Edison Co. right of way, crossing Base Line Road near Calabash Ave. A 20" water main on Base Line road between Sultana Ave. and Citrus Ave., extending north on Citrus Ave. A 10" water line on Base Line Road east of Citrus Ave. Project 2 -28 This system drains a large, roughly rectangular area bounded on the north by Base Line Road, on the east generally by Mango Ave., on the south by the AT &SF Railroad, and on the west by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It comprises 5475 acres including part of the City of Fontana's residential and business districts and embraces Subareas EE -12, EE -14 thru EE -16, W -1 thru W -3, MU -3 thru MU -6, CA -2 thru CA -5, BA -6 thru BA -9a, AD -2 thru AD -5a, CH -5 thru CH -8a, RE -7 thru RE -10a, LO -6 thru LO -9a, HE -7 thru HE -10a, BE -7 thru BE -10, SU -1 thru SU -4, LI -1 thru LI -4, AA -1 thru AA -4, TO -1 thru TO -4, CI -9 thru CI -12, OL -9 thru OL -12, CY -10 thru CY -13, JU -9 thru JU -12, and SI -3 thru SI -5. Line A is essentially an eastward extension of the Fontana Channel. It starts at Sierra Ave. as a 48" pipe conduit and follows Orange Way westward to Juniper Ave., thence southward to the AT &SF Railroad and westward 645 feet as a 66" pipe conduit; thence it continues westward as a trapezoidal channel along the north side of the railroad right of way to a point 300 feet west of Lime Ave. where it turns northwestward 100 feet to join the upper end of the Fontana Channel. Line B is a pipe conduit extending from Foothill Blvd. southward on Cypress Ave. to its junction with Line A. It increases from 54" to 60" at Arrow Route. Line C is a pipe conduit extend- : ing from Foothill Blvd. southward on Citrus Ave. to its junction with Line A. It increases from 48" to 54" at Arrow Route. Lines D thru H are all pipe conduits extending from Miller Ave. southward on Lime, Beech, Liveoak, Cherry and Banana Avenues respectively to their junctions with Line A or the Fontana Channel. They range in size from 42" to 72 ". Line I is a pipe conduit extending from Foot- hill Blvd. southward on Mulberry Ave. to its junction with the Fontana Channel. It increases from 48 ° to 51" at Arrow Route. Line J is a pipe conduit extending from Calabash Ave. westward on Miller Ave. to its junction with the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It increases from 48" to 54" at Mulberry Ave. Lines B thru F all cross the Pacific Electric Railroad and may have to be jacked under it to keep the Railroad open. The following possible major interferences in road segments and road crossings must be recognized in the final design of System 28: 25. I A 36" gas line near the junction of Line J and the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. A PT &T coaxial cable in Arrow Route. A 24" water main in Beech Ave. A 10" sanitary sewer in Citrus Ave. A 12" sanitary sewer and several water mains in Juniper Ave. Project 2 -29 This system drains a large roughly rectangular area bounded on the north by the AT &SF Railroad, on the east generally by Sierra Ave., on the south by the Southern Pacific Rail- road, and on the west by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It comprises 5720 acres including the Kaiser Steel Plant and the southwest Fontana residential area, embracing Subareas EE -17 thru EE -19, SD- 2,KS -1 thru KS -10, MU -7, MU -8, CA -6, CA -7, BA -10, BA -11, AD -6, AD -7, CH -9 thru CH -13, RE -11 thru RE -15, LO -10 thru LC-14, HE -11 thru HE -15, BE -11 thru BE -15, EL -1 thru EL -5, PO -1 thru PO -5, CW -9 thru CW -13, CI -13 thru CI -17, OL -13 thru OL -17, CY -14 thru CY -18, JU -13 thru JU -17, and SI -6 thru SI -8. The main intercept for this system is the shallow State Highway drain along the north side of the San Bernardino, Freeway that discharges into the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. Wherever possible, the 8 north -south lines of System 29 that discharge into this drain are pipe conduit. In three instances, however, the invert elevation of the drain was found to be too high for round conduit in the size required, and open channels are specified to achieve hydraulically workable junctions. Lines A, B, C, E and F are all pipe conduits of 48" to 54" diameter extending from Valley Blvd., southward on Cypress, Citrus, Poplar, Liveoak and Cherry Avenues respectively to their junctions with the State drain, except that short reaches of trapezoidal channel are required at the lower ends of Lines C and E. Line D is a trapezoidal channel extending from Valley Blvd. southward on Beech Ave. to the State drain. Line G is a pipe conduit extending from San Bernardino Ave. southward on Banana Ave. to the State drain. It increases from 57" to 66" at Valley Blvd. Line H is a pipe conduit extending from San Bernardino Ave. southward on Mulberry Ave. to the State drain. It increases from 60" to 66" at Valley Blvd. A narrow strip of land between the San Bernardino Freeway and the Southern Pacific Railroad ponds water from Mango Ave. to Cherry Ave., acting as a small spreading ground. From Cherry Ave. west- , ward this strip slopes gradually downward to a culvert under the railroad embankment at Mulberry 'Ave. south of which the run -off is picked up by System 30. 26. The following possible major interferences in road segments and road crossings must be recognized in the final design of System 29: The 11' -8" MWD Upper Feeder crossing Line D near Valley Blvd. A 17" water main on Cherry Ave. A 21" sanitary sewer on Poplar Ave. Project 2 -30 This system drains a small roughly rectangular area bounded on the north by the Southern Pacific Railroad, on the east by Redwood Ave., on the south by Jurupa Ave., and on the west by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It comprises 1295 acres all draining into the Jurupa Basin including Subareas EE -20 thru EE -22, W -4 thru W -6, MU -9, MU -10, CA -8 thru CA -12, BA -12 thru BA -14, AD -8 thru AD -10, W -4a and CH -14 thru CH -16. Line A is a pipe conduit extending from Almond Ave. westward on Jurupa Ave. to its discharge into the Jurupa Basin. It increases progressively from 66" to 102 ". Line B is a pipe conduit extending from Santa Ana Ave. south- ward on Almond Ave. to its junction with Line A. It increases from 45" to 48" at a grade change 900 feet north of Jurupa Ave. The only known possible major interferences that must be recognized in the final design of System 30 are a 16" gas line on Mulberry Ave. and a 12" industrial waste line on Jurupa Ave . • Project 2 -31 This system drains a large irregular area bounded on the north by Systems 29 and 30, on the east by Mango Ave., on the south by the ridge line of the Jurupa Mountains, and on the west by the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It comprises 6244 acres in Subareas EE -24, EE -25, MU -11 thru MU -15, W - FD -1 thru FD -4, BA -15, BA -16, AD -11, AD -12, CH -17 thru CH -19, RE -16 thru RE -20, LO -15 thru LO -18, HE -16 thru HE -19, BE -16 thru BE -19, EL -6 thru EL -9, PO -6 thru PO -9, CW -14 thru CW -17, CI -18 thru CI -21, OL -18 thru OL -20, CY -19 thru CY -21, JU -18 thru JU -20, SI -9 thru SI -11, MA -1, MA -2, JH -1 thru JH -11, and RC -1. Line A follows the valley formed by the Fontana alluvial fan on the north and the outwash cones of the Jurupa Mountains on the south. From its beginning as a pipe conduit at Mango Ave. • it extends westward thru private easement to Cypress Ave., thence southward to Jurupa Ave., and thence westward to 27. Oleander Ave., increasing progressively from 54" to 90 ". West of Oleander Ave. it follows the SBCFCD Declez Channel right of way as a trapezoidal channel to its confluence with the East Etiwanda Creek Channel. It crosses into Riverside County at a point just east of Banana Ave. beyond which it is called the Fontana Channel on Riverside County drawings. That portion of Line A that is in pipe conduit is designed for a return- period of 25 years as it is in residential area where street flow can carry most of the excess of larger floods. In the trapezoidal section where the discharge rates are higher, the channel follows the natural drainage course and is designed for a 100 -year return period. The existing Declez (Fontana) Channel in Riverside County has a capacity of only 4200 cfs without freeboard and should be improved to carry safely the esti- 4 mated 100- year - return- period discharge rate of 4330 cfs. Lines B, C and D are pipe conduits extending from Jurupa Ave. southward to Line A in Catawba, Elm and Hemlock Aves. respectively. They range in size from 48" to 66 ". Most of Line E is a pipe conduit extending from Santa Ana Ave. southward on Redwood Ave. to Marlay Ave. This portion of the line increases in size progressively from 48" to 57 ". Between Marlay Ave. and its junction with Line A, Line E is a trapezoidal Channel. The only known major inter- ferences that must be recognized in the final design of System 31 are the 11' -8" MWD Upper Feeder on Poplar Ave. and the Fontana Sewage Treatment Plant thru the south side of which Line A passes. 28. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The sequence of construction of the various subsystems of the Project 2 Comprehensive Storm Drain Plan should be dictated primarily by the need for protection. Sub- areas containing extensive improvements that would suffer severe flood damage without the proposed storm drains should receive first priority, and those with fewer or less vulnerable improvements or those already containing flood control facilities of some sort should be placed lower in the priority listing. Although the scope of studies involved in the preparation of this report did not include the economic research needed for a complete system -vs- system analysis of storm- damage potential, it did create an opportunity to study the problem areas and provide general recommendationson the proper sequence for project implementation. Accordingly,a priority group listing has been prepared on this basis for use as a general guide in determining the order in which the various subsystems should be constructed as funds become available. Of the five priority groups used, Priority Group 1 includes those projects for which the need is now readily apparent. They cannot all be undertaken at once because funds are limited. Before all the Priority Group 1 subsystems are completed, however, new developments may suggest the upgrading of certain lower priority storm drains into Priority Group 1. From time to time the priority listing should be reviewed and modified as current trends may warrant. In making such modifications, certain general principles (in addition to the basic " need- for - protection" criterion) which were used in this initial listing should be kept in mind. They are: 1. Intercept storm drains that divert flood waters into main channels should have priority over tributary lateral storm drains. 2. New storm drains should not be built before the channels into which they discharge are improved to receive their design discharges. 3. Subsystems that divert surface flows into water conservation basins and spreading grounds are given higher priority, other considerations being equal. 4. Diagonal runs over undeveloped private easements are given higher priority to avoid the extra costs and objections that might arise if con- struction were delayed until improvement of adjacent lands had begun. 29. 5. In partially developed areas, "leap- frog" construction should be employed to take advan- tage of the lower runoff rates of lands still in their natural state, i.e., alternate sub- systems should not be constructed until improvements increase the runoff to the extent that they are really needed. 6. Where existing drains or natural channels are reasonably adequate for present flows they should not be improved until their tributary areas are developed to the extent that they require improved facilities to carry the increased storm runoff. 7. Maximum advantage should be taken of freeway drainage projects. Some of the recommended priorities are based on the assumption that freeway construction will precede intensive development of the area. If this does not occur, the priorities should be revised to recognize deferred freeway construction. 30. COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Subsystem Priority Group System A B C D E F G H I J Cost 1 2 2 5 $ 347,800 2 2 2 713,500 3 5 4 3 182,300 1 4 2 4 3 3 1,850,400 5 4 3 5 1 3 2,318,000 6 1 4 2 1 1,531,100 7 3 3 3 280,900 8 2 48,100 9 3 5 5 4 4 5 2,761,900 10 2 5 977,800 11 2 5 1,357,600 12 3 5 5 1,316,800 13 3 811,200 14 3 3 3 5 5 683,200 15 5 3 5 5 1,126,800 16 2 5 5 440,400 17 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 1,178,800 18 2 3,194,800 19 1 2 2 1,280,000 20 1 3 3 1,581,000 21 1 3 3 3 3 3 1,659,100 22 1 4 2 5 923,800 I 23 1 3 4 5 1,256,000 24 3 5 350,300 25 4 586,600 26 5 473,900 27 4 4,338,900 28 1 2 2 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 4,398,900 29 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 1,002,800 30 3 5 765,100 31 4 5 5 5 5 2,83 Total Cost of Project 2 $42,572,300 Note: These estimates are based on March 1969 prices when the Engineering News Record Index was $1251.00. To update them, multiply by the ratio of the current ENR Index to 1251.00. M Z O8s (Wee 1'.e. /77 32. COST ESTIMATE SUMMARY Subsystem Priority Group System A B C D E F G H I J Cost 1 2 2 5 $ 347,800 2 2 2 713,500 3 5 4 3 182,300 4 2 4 3 3 1,850,400 5 4 3 5 1 3 2,318,000 6 1 4 2 1 1,531,100 7 3 3 3 280,900 8 2 48,100 9 3 5 5 4 4 5 2,761,900 t l0 2 5 977,800 11 2 5 1,357,600 12 3 5 5 1,316,800 13 3 811,200 14 3 3 3 5 5 683,200 15 5 3 5 5 1,126,800 16 2 5 5 440,400 17 1 3 5 5 5 5 5 1,178,800 18 2 3,194,800 19 1 2 2 1,280,000 20 1 3 3 1,581,000 21 1 3 3 3 3 3 1,659,100 22 1 4 2 5 923,80o 23 1 3 4 5 1,256,000 24 3 5 350,300 25 4 586,600 26 5 473,900 27 4 4,338,900 28 1 2 2 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 4,398,900 29 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 1,002,800 30 3 5 765,100 31 4 5 5 5 5 2,834,500 Total Cost of Project 2 $42,572,300 Note: These estimates are based on March 1969 prices when the Engineering News Record Index was $1251.00. To update them, multiply by the ratio of the current ENR Index to 1251.00. 32. 1 v.- _ _ v a . rl- j Y 8 0 : 1 b n g s m Q cq Vg o° .1 2 n § `) o i o a zo 00or -° w m F, c. , Q z = --= N Q x F W = ,. z ` � ° ) qO W V Q2 0 O i • c- _ _ :y m Z O „re ° § 1 a o ah ,a w m� Ix() .z Q_ 11 - W mp '1 `' `' '1 -j 1-6 d 8 mO r S f 791. o r 0 ' N J i O W� } EP oil woo is t. ��,`- ,.... f, ,.. I r• 3J ly }y jg G• \; I'; e ` N„,'" \ 1 1• I k I .:'y'*m, - j�, �, ` \ ` 4 '� • �\•.` • 5 - 1 .� - 1 { ti r r "�I /��I �... N '� 1- T - � ice- `€ ^`"'. L ` _ _+ - ` „ 11, • •, ,. a l -'' ,,•-_, ;, , , r 4 iff 1- , •..._-, - , nn, . .-- ,,,,,,- . d , oianmal :;,.' Elie" ,' R L ,c-----, . ' -7; , ,41-_,-,_ A - ,, ,, - , . , :„ , „. i MI ° 3 ' 3��� `' _ _ ,�... J'' `;r . l' E � . • • o ilit I Ellitit ), ., , 11 _EV , , t. 0 1: Milli , 4 • • . 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Bb • '9 l3N Ntl HJ . GS i. ,Z G T [� ` 1 Ell ME 8 B 10- - � 0 .11111111 . _ 01:J13 + IR ' 1 :11 ': lib `' i a r Er C' ' ++.a?R i r q d a 3 \ .. ,� f $ tl (n \ 4 :` OIN t.HJ IIT 3 Vt✓Iry tl.L N,YS x., 9x vv r •� I $ P a ' �N s. ry Y I t .V 1. ' : 1 ,1 x Y / I m % a ." f ' , :' o ' 7 I a + it —a—, ., l 1 j P . III I 0 ,.'' _v ,, \` • tip .. : f , I co'/ - ; ti',..', ( "'ij ,., -" - - -- ..}, _. —_ _ -- _, s: - > ..; = n • ".`° _'tic'• - "-^r . : :.. � j,, ^ gin.. /r;r 0'` 2 DEfIRIS BASINS .. - ; 2 -�a i, Div B tir ^ n It 7 _ - ,, i` ° ao LINE' B .013 Perco'aUCr - S' • ... - , _ ..---- .r oas:n L'J - _ ?∎. - �;` \-___- l ! / N �� ,, Mi 4 — a o _ _ _ _ HILL$IOE• �., LLA LINE`- N.E C _ ac ; m NN 0 ,. W 2000 Cr/ , ` e • d 1855. / �� --`.% --n WILS6N AVE r N L� . ,J R + z " C •. A. M 0 N A>< 2 - - • • J p �, /" -_ 0'11‘ G - -v __ -. . _� BANYAN - _ - __ ST • ` . c, � 1555 ... .4 A676 a we a N e \ , C -- - ;Eat .� F Z t'' FOOTHILL ''?"----- FREEWAY ,__1 • '— o I I I y . o Res 1.5 • iASI N 7� [ b 48�� = v _ LEV•_ 72" TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. L E G E N D SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED - ME - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- I PREPARED BY III (� MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 r 72 "RC .' T •pe;oido/ Cho/7n6/ 1 Jasper Sf Japer 5/ C t. 0 2000 mum 1 _ ` ® -- V z 120 980 � � 1/4, 1.11n111 -�4 2100 To• ofPovin� 1960 2080 /A4 1940 , ,I G�aun• Line _` kc) 2060 O 11 A . / 5 ):1 3 5 7, 1920 rz, I.7 /' 2040 b =30' �-1 ToR of '"/fig ! '602/;/170111111 _.N .6 .0 - 1900 .6 ` '•0 2020 Ai 5 =060 Q2s 26°675. D' SO' 18801 f/o Line b' = /d.0' 2000 Q25 770c s Grou d Line Pi.047 S l860 D 33' °;:;.111111 1980 Emmy D A. b 5.0' I ■ r 1840 FA b • /d.0' PP , b' / : S' Q.s= 7706/3 Q2 1960 i ` 1 F /ow Linc -- 5 =.0'7 6 =30' - - ' D -3. b' =/6.3 1940 S .05/ D'=4! Qzs-67 f.s. I D3.3' /'-.5.0' 1900 1920 .6-3.0' LINE A "'•/d. 0' 029= d07cfs b' 72" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY il FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN '" TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C. P. P R OJ ECT NO. 2 1 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING • 0 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 0 10 20 0 10 20 "' ii oi Channc/ 46"RC.P Pr /vote fasemen/ Vineyard Ave. a , `c r o ti 0 2160 - 2lG0 1020 Q 1920 2140 2140 1000 1900 / Ground:')' --y, A Top c'Poving 7 =Mg I 2120 , e I 1880 . ho /e -T •. / 4 �1 2100 /A Y ICI 1860 Group• �i- �, :7'5. 055 I °.is 2080 �/ s _ .• WA 1840 D °2.4' D' 4.0' 2060 b•20 / / h' °/40 5 °.07/ 1820 An Q25 404c , 025 °3 /6c / 2040 2040 1000 1800 / f /ow the 2020 5:055 5 =2 D °2.6' 9'-/40 D'- X25.109cfs LINE B IN E C b' 48` I SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY �� a FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT .t b .1 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. PROJECT NO. 2 1 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � it MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST • LINE A Excavation 12250 CY 2.75 $ 33,688 Concrete - Trapezoidal 190 CY 40.00 7,600 Channel Concrete - Transition 200 CY 75.00 15,000 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 430 CY 75.00 32,250 ABM Walls 940 CY 42.00 39,480 Reinforcing Steel 111000 Lb 0.14 15,540 Wire Fabric 30100 Lb 0.25 7,525 Debris Basin 1 Job L.S. 15,000 72" RCP 50 LF 65.25 3,263 TOTAL LINE A $ 169,346 LINE B Excavation 2750 CY 2.75 7,563 Concrete - Trapezoidal 50 CY 40.00 2,000 Channel ABM Walls 300 CY 42.00 12,600 Reinforcing Steel 4640 Lb 0.14 650 Wire Fabric 9650 Lb 0.25 2,413 Debris Basin 1 Job L.S. 15,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 40,226 LINE C 48" RCP 1200 LF 44.00 52,800 Manhole No. 2 48 " 1 Ea 610.00 $ 610 TOTAL LINE C $ 53,410 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - 1 r PREPARED BY I( �' n MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAO - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE • UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST TOTAL LINES A, B & C $ 262,982 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 39,448 SUBTOTAL $ 302,430 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 45,370 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 347,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - I PREPARED BY rt FFA. & L, N ER MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 2 M 5 00 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG NICHO BEAC CALIFORN E S h y: • it ,n _ n 1.4 4 We. ' • Zi in Q , :44 FOOTHILL FIINEE Y • • • a LI B ... ''' • isr� ' ms _ _ .: ; '...•' ' sr =. — — ... C a LINE A o I. " P .�ltaL ,48 . 3 8 . 4 •• _ PIN _ j ' ' s \= ----� _ . C. / E' Alta � N 0r , 35 • r , � „ , ) - r•! I, '� -„` _ _ ', •' '.",,, a ; , • . �- � ` O D 1 RED •. . -4� HILL �� ' 4 , ` i i _ r_ j � :ASMI i ` , � A , ei% 4 ' t `,4 _ ....Y ;,,,Ape r r w ^ . J 4,t__ i � , '\ / - " ^ Mt** : ti '-C 5 V -/ .. M ().. _ \ C� c ar. _ - ,,,� ;d, �. � O y, -: � - -__ : - ._ ..:�f't'it Id7liUtl�ii � P II # •f, p_, ?! , ,"a -, .:;s -- - FOOTH L '"'-"`_Y_ —..- 5 L ✓ L' . ..„. • : . • m y , 1 v i r . :.+ �. w 48 "TO �. �,_ 200.0 ea" LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MIIIIIIIMM STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED E - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN m EXISTING ENCLOSED DRAIN PROJECT NO. 2- 2 1 1) PREPARED BY rt 250 T WARDLOW MOFFA& ROAD HO BEACH, CALIFORNIA L,ENGIINEER MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 4 . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 72 "R. C.R , 84 "R. C.R 72 "R. C P. 67 "RC. P, 48 "R, C.R Pr /va /e tosem. of 4 rivale vineyard Ave. VineyardAve.' 'Vinevar 'Ave } e7sei77e77, , 0 k h 1600 b 0 1600 aQ G A O b0 o b l 1580 0 \ �i " � v C n 1580 O' i / i ‘11 /i 1560 1 ■ ∎ / • — / 1560 1 / / / • • 1540 , / 1540 i i i S=. 03 3 1520 Ground Line�, Qzs =24'c.is. Iszo i S =. 0 1500 , Q2E'JV/ C.P.S. IS00 i //� 1480 Manhole-4/,,,* - -_ _ / / 1480 r / ofiiiiiii 5 =.0294 / (;)8s= ;10 c. f's. 1460 / / 1460 , // S =.o/os / Qes =674c.t. s. . 1440 , 1440 S ..0.-55 - Qzs'a 74c.f. s 1420 O . 1420 tN L I N E A 4a TO 84' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 0 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 2 PREPARED ev: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 2 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 0 10 20 30 GGN,P.C.P. - GG "RC.P Psi vaf Easemem ` 1 - Bevy/ Ave. • v r„ ti 0 1 1560 �� 4560 - Ground Line - - -- --- IMO 1540 t— 1549 1520 S= 009 -1-520 AS= 2BBafs. 1500 1500 L I N E B 66" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 2 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING it ) MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A 84" RCP 700 LF 101.50 $ 71,050 72" RCP 3000 LF 78.00 234,000 60" RCP 750 LF 57.00 42,750 48" RCP 850 LF 41.50 35,275 Manhole No. 2 72" 2 Ea 985.00 1,970 48" 1 Ea 345.00 345 84" to 72" 2 Ea 1190.00 2,380 Manhole No. 4 72" to 60" & 48" 1 Ea 2815.00 2,815 60" to 48" & 42" 1 Ea 1900.00 1,900 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 3,200 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 400,685 LINE B 66" RCP 2100 LF 65.25 137,025 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 830.00 830 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 138,855 TOTAL LINES A & B $ 539,540 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 80,930 SUBTOTAL $ 620,470 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 93,030 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 713,500 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN _ PROJECT NO. 2- 2 PREPARED BY i i. ) PREPARED A.TT 81 , RS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 4 250 MOFF WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG NICHOL BEACH ENG INEE CALIFORNIA I . — . r - 77 ` - - --,---- ' ,> ' • ' ' ,' , - N i '-----7, • 1? ,,,,,- . l '''" --c ' ., ,-,, " a ',,., . ' j ,,,-,. f s:,.. ;-,._ - i .- ' • . \ 1 --.. , '_- .!--,->----- i : ',.',F. '-:\ - )..:, :'-',- t-_:,... 1 C . , . (, 'f ,-,..../ %, '\-.....___ ' k , -,,' : , - :, I • . !,, ' ' ' % i -4 - ' - ' \ ,.,,,■.,',' i'^ . '.; , ,'' :•.-' ? ' , ' ,-,.-- r'-.:=.--) .,.J.: __,.. <,:--_-. - ■ \ re ---i 1 ‘----- 7 , - ..t'iC-. - .'7%.,,,-- , „ ' , , ■,,: . ,- ,'. • 1 .:_, _ ,, --,-. r fs---=‘,. _ ..,/ ,. _,/ _ f - : •- :\ L '-- - ---- _ :7 7" ' f ,_',' - '' ' 7' \'-:-/7-- '7 - 7 ''''' i - Z ' -- ... • ". ^.J \ -, ' ' 4 " -- s._,- -- -- --- ....,-- -- ' ' \ 1 - . - -- . ‘-■.-- : 14 - ro• ,.. - ■ = ' , - ,,t..,\,. 4.,;', ) {-',._.„,--- -''‘,., , ), ! - - r\;;;50ii: •-N . , k - . - . ,. r 2 40‘, : . t , , - z - .. , ,_,.- ._■,,,-'• ,:),) , ---- • \ -,- ,. )i- ,, ) -, .•/./, , 1 • - j • v „ . „ ., • -, , -.' • , ,• - ,-.), \\,-,. -,.-t , 3 ,, • •" i \„.. j „,- .: ,;, ,„ ,, ! --,, &.=:' ':,.-.,:',, . — --..--, . s -1,.._ - .:_) 4 .,--—,:,:. D BR I $;•1.6,_,S I ft ' - - - 4_ - • _ .1 „- — _ • -- _ .-11 -. t ,‘___ \ -.. - ''.- ..1_/ _ i ----. — "-- - „-_,__ _ ' • , . 7-` 1 ‘-..„ ..,..4.............._ - „ • ' , . , 1-- - , - „ 0 - , _ 0181 ' - , ili II , • - '?-' i ■■' , .- - - — ' 4 LINE 4 Z '' s 0' , .. ,- . / - - . • -..„ -- :..__ , .. „. .._-_:__ - c t :. ,____ , .....____ . Res Res 23 ----.N, - \ - . ' - - ... 2 4 — _ , - 27 „,---- ,,_ __ _.— _ _. , c ' `• Res -------. ----....... .,•:, 0 ' )------------ 7 ..-.,;- 1 - t ..._ HILLSIDE L4 143.9 '', ^ - - - ' • • >4t ' - --- ICIONIV . — t - - - - - • -- •r • . RD -i --- .. , , . 1”. ?cm' v, • • 4 — — _ , ) `-- - - - 51 B.07 • E . .‘t _ - ' . LIN.E B • 411 -t 0 . . -- . t' . ) N- -- u (-,• ._ - _A ..-... • vz , ...: • .. W t4 . -', - - • '. . ,,, , -: . ,_ L 57- IN Z -11211 .c -,..,-• ALTA' L LT) -OMA - BASINS . ' ? — •' - - - - - ,.... ... . ,. . ..., >.• •--• ..4 _ -__- - - - — _ - — , 41 _ z ,.. , 6 ■1 ----- .----- , _or . • 4 ., • , ..4 cc• . .. 0 .A2-c - r *, -F • FVf Y _ 1 b .1 • • '• 51 ST ,......_ ......., 17 —1 ":.. T. (7 — ' '....!_. TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED MI IN ON EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN WI EXISTING ENCLOSED DRAIN P ROJ EC T NO. 2 - 3 PREPARED BY C I‘Z MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA MARCH 969 DRAWING I OF 3 1 ■ ' 0 10 20 30 10 0 Tra e . oido/ Cho -he/ .5 "RCP • Private L ent il l _ N. on Ave. =MR 11 0 VI o V ' �� 1 Gro. no' o 1780 Li II 2040 - - 1700 .... Wit _ Re/.7ove fX /sf �� RU. /e C�dU 2020 / - 1740 _ ' °.0096 1740 ,/ Q•5= /09cfs 2000 - 2000 --- — Grownd Line r L I N ;MI Isao r -- T Top of Pa /rig 19Do 5 -.063 1960 _ D=Z9 D/ =90 ' — - i'9C.P h =3.0' • /iuo%faseirif, b' =/50 1sa0 -- - _. 025.932c _ / /ow Z / ' R e p �x h 1920 1920 0 Q Gr.und o L nc IC 80 M•'nho /e- k 1680 1900 / 5 '052 7/. Q ti D 25' F900 D 90 1660 1660 b30' U 1880 b' /50' F880 ,` Q . = 932cfs — ' - 0/0 vs -/Xcfs 1640 LE A L I N C b' a SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • o 7 r FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT , L5 —= _ I p . b - COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 3 Q PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING r0 MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA i I . COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 3960 CY 2.75 $ 10,890 Backfill 3080 CY 1.25 3,850 Concrete - Trapezoidal 90 CY 40.00 3,600 Channel Concrete - Transition 80 CY 75.00 6,000 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 90 CY 75.00 6,750 ABM Walls 370 CY 42.00 15,540 Reinforcing Steel 32200 Lb 0.14 4,508 Wire Fabric 11900 Lb 0.25 2,975 Debris Basin 1 Job L.S. 12,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 66,113 LINE B 51" RCP 800 LF 44.50 35,600 Remove Rubble Conduit 1 Job L.S. 4,000 Manhole No. 2 51" 1 Ea 640.00 640 TOTAL LINE B $ 40,240 LINE C 48" RCP 700 LF 44.00 30,800 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 690.00 690 TOTAL LINE C $ 31,490 TOTAL LINES A, B, 6 C $ 137,843 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 20,677 SUBTOTAL $ 158,520 Administration, Engineering 8 Inspection 15% 23,780 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 182,300 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - 3 ( 1, 4 � PREPARED BY A 81 H R DRAWING 3 OF 3 250 MOFF WEST TT WARDLOW ROAD NIC H. LONG OL BEACH CALIFORNIA ENG INEES MARCH 1969 I ; +' w. CSCn h ^+ s • — Q \ •-- : zit . .,....s. • L Q y I N • ALTA • ; LOMA BASINS 2G ?5 • 4 zCr SON CASMHL lA -- S ni „ .. V,ater % ._s .rte - { A �`1' « �� - -'' -.-- HIGHLAND '' — . 1 '9 T' r. u ~ $ I I, F : ST — 57 e ,, ' aN:� via PE t _ _ LIN E B a :Cr__ r • � '' CO A 1 2000' _ - J �� c arr.r,- � QCO I _ Urapeland _ 4S e0 1. • M 7 78 _ M1 `` BA fi° LINE ROAD ra L INE n C n � 6•.> LINE is 11- ' -�- • • ' 1'rr .ral r 2 ME �. W 01!//14 ti°8rr:t�ti a ( P( I, r , �— _ 9e. RECTANGULAR CHANNEL R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED MI - III EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN EXISTING ENCLOSED DRAIN PROJECT NO. 2- 4 PREPARED BY A MOFFATT B NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 - 72 "RCP, 84'R .CP .90 'RCP 96"RCP Re t.n.uar- Cnanne/ • •HavenAv Hav:nAve. oven Av HavenAv Priv - Easemen/ � ��� 1460 ii,C x o \ . 1460 NJ NI 1440 \_O1 O --- ' 1440 EN o 1420 1420 , S= 04 MI IQ25 =830cr" 1400 , ` 1400 " 5 03'6 , N r Q25 =/ •Ocfs 1 'p /e-7 , 1380 -- `I -- P 1380 l 1360 `I 1360 1 S= 0275 `'I` Qzs' //90 . — &hZill _ 1340 0 6• 1- 6. '1C/Pm 72 //av Ave. �I oven Ave. ll i. 1320 111MI ■‘%11 ... _ p� a 5 =.0275 `` — = � a ifs. 1300 `.Gro/ ,7dL v S 0085 1280 EOM � 0 =.S' _ —`1 b =/0,5' 42s- /630cfs IN osz,-. z 6, MEM MIN 5 = . 041 Qzs33ocf - L I N E A b _ 66"T. --::-.1.,,-- SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY + FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • r ' COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN • RECTANGULAR CHANNEL R.C.P PROJECT NO. 2 - 4 Q PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING • �0 MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 30 20 10 0 57 R.CP. GG /971/2. St /92`h ,t Q v j4 v `4- LO ,0 V 14C0 1460 ` \ r - Gr.und Line \ Mon, o/e T • •. 1440 S= .0/2 a 24Gcfs 1420 1420 5 =.0075 I (,1 =295c rs. L I N E B I 40 3.3 13 0 48 Go',P.C.P. 72 RCP 78'RC.P. _ 9cse Line Al.. .Bose L. i'e 'go'. - .Bose Line Rd, dose Line Rd — Q o Q 1 Q a Q 0 0f o Vl0 '0,0 L'0 • - - -- 0 b - a S'' ' ,1- 0ti 4 t340 1340 roan. Line -- - - -_ -- J( __ Manho /e -Typ 1320 --.1— ' — _ —�1 -- --- 1320 • 1 1 'z5 = /55cf.. -. 1300 5=.0038 Qes ' /55 al.'s. S :004 1300 Q2s = 73c/s. 5...0036 Qrr =305c. fs. L I N E C 48 TO pii SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY - ) FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 4 ( PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING u:✓W MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 1 0 20 30 r dC.fCQRd dose Li7e ,Pd. 1 &seLinC M C) Ill 1111 lir IMIERIN KM MI MEI rl -I Goa d 11 _ __ _ Line 1 11 anh. e TO L. 320 I��; 1��i� -, -- ii�!1..� � IIII giall S- 004. Q 50/ q2s S s /03C /M �� --- 75` =. /30. �- 1300 --- Q z. =/30c D n I e. a 48" a 54 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY E "' FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 4 T PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING ro MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 4 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 19140 CY 2.75 $ 52,635 Backfill 8870 CY 1.25 11,087 Concrete - Rectangular 1780 CY 75.00 133,500 Channel Reinforcing Steel 223000 Lb 0.14 31,220 Fence 6 Gates 1 Job L.S. 6,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 3,200 96" RCP 1450 LF 125.00 181,250 90" RCP 1600 LF 109.50 175,200 84" RCP 900 LF 95.75 86,175 72" RCP 1160 LF 74.75 86,710 66" RCP 200 LF 65.25 13,050 Manhole No. 2 90" 1 Ea 1280.00 1,280 90" to 84" 1 Ea 1240.00 1,240 72" to 66" 1 Ea 905.00 905 Manhole No. 4 96" to 90" 6 39" 1 Ea 2970.00 2,970 84" to 72" 8 66" 1 Ea 2755.00 2,755 TOTAL LINE A $ 789,177 LINE 3 65" RCP 1280 LF 65.25 83,520 57" RCP 1360 LF 51.75 70,380 °anhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 835.00 835 57" 1 Ea 710.00 710 66" to 57" 1 Ea 790.00 790 TOTAL LINE 3 $ 156,235 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -4 PREPARED BY ot MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST . LINE C 78" RCP 1320 LF 93.50 $ 123,420 72" RCP 1320 LF 86.50 114,180 60" RCP 700 LF 57.00 39,900 48" RCP 700 LF 41.50 29,050 Manhole No. 2 78" 1 Ea 1230.00 1,230 72" 1 Ea 945.00 945 78" to 72" 1 Ea 1140.00 1,140 60" to 48" 1 Ea 700.00 700 Manhole No. 4 72" to 60" 8 33" 1 Ea 2360.00 2,360 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE C $ 314,925 LINE D 54" RCP 1550 LF 51.00 79,050 48" RCP 1300 LF 43.00 55,900 Manhole No. 2 54" 2 Ea 750.00 1,500 48" 1 Ea 615.00 615 54" to 48" 1 Ea 730.00 730 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE D $ 138,795 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, t; D $1,399,132 Utility Relocation S Construction Contingencies 15% 209,868 SUBTOTAL $1,609,000 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 241,400 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,850,400 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-4 ( PREPARED BY MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA :, - ._,- 1• A:U1 L(1, ... •1:I, ! 1 PA CIFIC F ELECTRIC i1 rare! And ; Alta - _ 35 36 • BASE LINE 4, 1 90hJ - - -- -- J W W . > pU,vCN - ' • 66 1 60 11 1 51 CHdfiRCH_,& • i - - - ME so -el . • �i G. A • 1 . 4 ``h c= , ' _. — W IC - - -- I t- 4 � ?= ' • • 1"-- ' 11 ,tt 11 � ••` i = 6611 60 11 51 .. , 1 ' . 51 • 66 n 72 2� -- __ELfl.THi LL w _� - - FL' ✓l • — LINE II es . o - .LI- NE- - es 8 i_ _ .. `1. w . I'� 1 ` ARROW :1 8 41 84 11 ,. , 72 66 11 12 51" ;cUT. . -. _ -_— Q �• • :•..:,-- •:r 1 } iii: - -- :-r _ 66 66 de- -- - l _s- _ = . _ —+k i. - -LINE . S T i zi I ' kes 0 '. /Q'S 0 :µJ W. �_,2 __�,1 % .I a • ? .. p 1 11i = 2000 -_ 6 1 1 - ST REET ?, 1 4 ' \J � - = \� � 13 51 TO = = ___ -_ .- ., -,.. ' — -_ =s'; - "968' 84 �� � � O. 1 /069 �_ - • _ R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED - - NI - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN WI EXISTING ENCLOSED DRAIN PROJECT NO 2 - 5 PREPARED BY MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 7 •I Z 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA , 0 10 20 30 40 ... '. CP 60'RCP 51 RCP , Wil7 St I , ---. 4 riu7 t, 1 , , , ,s, ... .. Cr•unc/ &m MIMI 1280 ..(,. -- '' ilek11/70/9 MEM (11) — 11.11MMOMMIE 1260 - 1111111111 IMIN•o■.- 1 • mom i______. 11■1111110.11 111. wm....- 5-.102 1240 5-.0030 025- '3c/ 40 ___i 5-.00 025-152cf- ■ 025- 211cis i •1 A 7 LINE I A i - I . 9 10 20 1 3' 40 50 r , IEWMC.e 66CR 111111M 60".CP /"RCP _ foothill Blvd. 1 /501 a Blvd r BlvalMil lopthil/ Blvd' 1 - --- 1,.., . i 1 -+: . (,) '■' SI. c, EIMEMERM 122 , . Grout& one 1, illt •nhole-yp. T . 1 ---- , - 1 11111 mom ME I W II . , . -F- -- - - 111119—....MBNI 11.11111111111111= ' • 1200 ..:-...,----- e e 5-.002, 5-,00/8 5-.0025 025-12 025-Pacfs 1180 5-0132 026 /7.5c1:5 : e 025- 7cfs M LINE B 51 TO . Mai SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT II) _ COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2 - 5 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING 4D MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 77"RCP MIME 66')9.C.f .5/TCP MEM AT ow Route il crow /?ou/ Arrow MiliTOW /90U/S. 11 ti 1 r r C3 0 !I . . I 180 4. , 1 1180 .4 ' Ground Z 14 LIIIMMIll 1- Ma fl7o/e c) . IIIIIM ill.11 1160 W s 1 wiraiii II A dimom 1160 ilr--- iMill a 11011111111_ ........ ---- , 11 5..00/6 1140 ----"" -- ' 1111 M 0 Q 2 3 77cfs 1140 50025 Q25' '7cf's 5= 0026 5..002 025-2//cfs .,. 023.3240S 025= 294•fs ' I. C L -- __ 0 1.0 2 0 30 4j0 0 60 ■ 84' R.C.P COW ! 5 /' R C, "Mil AL 5f 81 .57! I _1 /IT 5.1 R, ' _,, _ 1 1 . :HI 1 •I . . e] . 1 14 ,) ,.., , ,, ., 4 -, ' , -., , , , ,d.,:•.:)&_ u I 1140 , % . *, • ., .,;,) GrOU/70 L 1140 ■ e,IN. %I.. C_, ,-, , 0 1 '-) N .■.' '5 ,, 11 c.. c0 M0/2/70/C - 02 ir . • -- Amur/agel/ -- 1120 1120 - - - - i All --- --IF -- - - II-.......■•=11.1.. __--- ,,aim....I..__ _m 1100 ---:_,,.••••___m 5 002 _LII.m. . • Imo MI 1080 _025 = 270cf. 5:007 ' 5-,0035 5..00 8 Q25 72c 02. -270cfs 025.203cfs 025 1' 2c fs 5 111` Ell 1080 LINE D 51" TO 11 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 0 Ilifi FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2 - 5 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING 0 ro MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 4 50 40 30 20 10 0 5 / "R.C.. J 66 "RCP 72'RCP 60'RC.P 1. foo /hi// /vd. foo /hi// Nei. , foo /h �7/ B/vd CC/7 c. cr Av ■ ■ .1 Q Q c I Q f ib 3a Cif - � iO O -E Q r„ 1 Eli 1220 Around Linc Mcnha /c-TYA. I J - - -- — -- - - -- MIMI i �— II - 1200 i \ NM 5 =00 ?5 y Q25 dicfs 5 °.002/ 5 °.0025 -.go 1180 Qzs • /52cfs 025' 2 / /cfs 5•.0/3 Q2 11C0 1160 1160 L I N E E - I 51" TO pi SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 10 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 5 T PREPARED 8r: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING �iW MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A 66" RCP 1050 LF 71.50 $ 75,075 60" RCP 1320 LF 59.75 78,870 51" RCP 1320 LF 46.00 60,720 Manhole No. 2 60" 1 Ea 825.00 825 51" 1 Ea 675.00 675 66" to 60" 1 Ea 970.00 970 60" to 51" 1 Ea 785.00 785 TOTAL LINE A $ 217,920 r LINE B 72" RCP 950 LF 74.75 71,013 • 66" RCP 1270 LF 66.50 84,455 60" RCP 1320 LF 57.00 75,240 51" RCP 1320 LF 44.50 58,740 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 865.00 865 60" 1 Ea 750.00 750 51" 1 Ea 645.00 645 72" to 66" 1 Ea 915.00 915 66" to 60" 1 Ea 840.00 840 60" to 51" 1 Ea 710.00 710 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,800 TOTAL LINE B $ 298,973 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-5 PREPARED BY II lort1 MOFFATT O 8 RO C HO L, EACALIFORNIA GINEERMARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 7 i E COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 84" RCP 1980 LF 90.00 $ 178,200 72" RCP 1320 LF 74.75 98,670 66" RCP 1320 LF 65.25 86,130 51" RCP 1320 LF 44.50 58,740 Manhole No. 2 84" 1 Ea 1215.00 1,215 72" 1 Ea 910.00 910 66" 1 Ea 865.00 865 51" 1 Ea 675.00 675 84" to 72" 1 Ea 1100.00 1,100 72" to 66" 1 Ea 915.00 915 66" to 51" 1 Ea 765.00 765 , Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,500 TOTAL LINE C $ 430,685 LINE D 84" RCP 28,60 LF 99.50 284,570 66" RCP 1820 LF 68.50 124,670 51" RCP 1320 LF 47.00 62,040 Manhole No. 2 8 2 Ea 1215.00 2,430 66" 2 Ea 905.00 1,810 51" 1 Ea 720.00 720 66" to 51" 1 Ea 840.00 840 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE D $ 479,080 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- 5 Imo) PREPARED BY '(T MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 7 1 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE E 72" RCP 1320 LF 90.00 $ 118,800 66" RCP 1320 LF 66.50 87,780 60" RCP 800 LF 60.75 48,600 51" RCP 1320 LF 46.00 60,720 Manhole No. 2 72" 1 Ea 1030.00 1,030 66" 1 Ea 865.00 865 51" 1 Ea 645.00 645 72" to 66" 1 Ea 880.00 880 72" to 60" 1 Ea 975.00 975 66" to 51" 1 Ea 765.00 765 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL LINE E $ 326,060 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D, 8 E $1,752,718 Utility Relocation 8 Construction Contingencies 15% 262,902 SUBTOTAL $2,015,620 Administration, Engineering 8 Inspection 15% 302,380 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,318,000 . SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - 5 O PREPARED BY (z MOFFATT R paw II O HO , E NGINE MARCH 1969 DRAWING 7 OF 7 • , '' F'X ' k1':'• 1 Lin\ _ - -- _ 1 [ � . � . .. . . 1C. 4l �• A,' M _.. ._. �. G. L 1 - _- ___ m • .- i : :..:, ;• •c'ari;:it,f, a I I' ( • ' ..• .. .... n'• -• •Y , '! LINE 1111 Tw•- :i - ' _ ';twV , �. - _ _ F.O iT£ •I '• �• _ 2 w} sz Ii;. - 9TH f •. ' 7' - • / ^'.. _ —;� ,�_�� _ " • • � ^ • 1 • y j ; ) 11 11 - � .... . ,,q-.. v LtNE C I 't'ticr►r�;c��i ;�t ' :i Arc/I/soh' _ . ` _-TOPEKA` �� 4� 2� 72 .. ~• .ti :: • . • . _ $ANTA., • , • k N = 5 LINE* 1 ::. - - -. -1 :1.:: . -.: y ^-- cr r )) 7 1 *- 1 % -411 „ .,;f 7 0o I •• - 2000` /: \ .,�� •- _ * . T d - ••• ' • 5 y!/ / H 3 4 �� _ u ISAN ley 8 NAQL IN 0 A -' £s\% '� It t. 9 R illi\ - -+- --� „DT. ' -� z 1 tr X21. - � r 21 b 48" TO yam_` - •1 _ 96 __ ,-,r5- RECTANGULAR CHANNEL R.C.P• LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED IIII E IN EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- 6 PREPARED BY MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 _96"/PCP _ 90' :CP MINE/r'ec /Chn. 90'RCP, ' 7'"RC.P - He/ /man , ve. 1/e// an Ave. O He / /mon, gi/e / /mon ! ve. _ He/rnon Ave. 1140 - IIIII - - 71 ■��� I i! 1140 MEE t , 1120 � o �� PIo 80 'Gos-N 111 o l u 2 o C. MISMIEWPIRP 1100 =E 1111, ■mil- /MM 1100 Group. Linc �1- S = , 0/74 MO ' ( 5 =.0070 Q 42R5=945 ifs. loeo Li MvnhO /e - T o, i C 0 `� ,, �� 6= 2.5' h4 1060 - ' 1060 42s ti_ b 5- 0/80 loao00 � 025995c5 IIMINI ! �■ 1040 50/5 N E A 025.0..5(15 60 70 8A 0 1/e//mop ve. M Zs O .. IN 1200 111 1200 Gerund Line _ 1180 I� . � ti -_ 1160 �p 5-.02. �� _ I14 0 Q25'3 ' 3Cfs - L I N E A b 57 ° TO :� SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ( FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT L COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN RECTANGULAR CHANNEL R.C.P. P ROJECT NO 2 - 6 m PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING r4 MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ i 20 10 0 4B "R.C.P ` foothill ,/vd. h L C v " 1220 Ground //he 1220 Moreno /e Tyo 1200 1200 .5=.00.10 Qz5 °93cfs 1180 1180 L I N E B 0 10 20 30 40 10 0 72 "RC.P 60 "R.C. P 48 "RCP A.T. '5.f R R. A.7 (5.f RR 4.T(5.f, RR. Q ei Q Q ° ° 1140 1140 -'•-) ao �� 0 1120 G round Line a 1120 -tal Ground Line - Manhoge Typ. _ __ - -- - - - -�� Man,o /c Typ. noo -____ — - -- - -- __ 1100 " 5 -.6 5 -.0030 5=.0039 025• /79cfs e�, Q25'/40ef5 1080 025'232crs h 5 =.c 5 1080 ' Q25'80;fs L I N E D L I N E C 48" TO 72" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 0, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. ... PROJECT NO. 2 - 6 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING Y0 MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 V E R T. I " = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 8500 CY 2.75 $ 23,375 Backfill 2200 CY 1.25 2,750 Concrete - Rectangular 770 CY 75.00 57,750 Channel Reinforcing Steel 110880 Lb 0.14 15,524 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 3,200 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 96" RCP 700 LF 122.25 85,575 90" RCP 2060 LF 105.50 217,330 72" RCP 2580 LF 76.50 197,370 57" RCP 2640 LF 54.75 144,540 Manhole No. 2 90" 1 Ea 1205.00 1,205 72" 2 Ea 945.00 1,890 57" 3 Ea 785.00 2,355 Manhole No. 4 96" to 90" & 42" 1 Ea 2975.00 2,975 72" to 57" & 42" & 39" 1 Ea 2355.00 2,355 TOTAL LINE A $ 762,194 LINE B 48" RCP 1320 LF 43.00 56,760 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 615.00 615 r Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,500 TOTAL LINE B $ 58,875 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- 6 PREPARED BY iv) r'0 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 a 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 48" RCP 1320 LF 44.00 $ 58,080 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 685.00 685 TOTAL LINE C $ 58,765 LINE D 72" RCP 2640 LF 74.75 197,340 60" RCP 1320 LF 57.00 75,240 Manhole No. 2 72" 3 Ea 910.00 2,730 60" 1 Ea 750.00 750 72" to 60" 1 Ea 855.00 855 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE D $ 277,915 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, & D $1,157,749 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 173,651 SUBTOTAL $1,331,400 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 199,700 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,531,100 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - 6 r PREPARED BY ' " m MOF E AT ow T 8 R � BEACH, OL, R NGIINEER � S MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 250 1 si 1 !. i& O , - - Ur , .\ .1 • J N1 I '1,11 J'� t` l / '` ( '' I, ' 1 �' I a 1 I cy I � . t , I ' J CO 3AV A 'I , !li r i ( i 1 \ N I i \ A ` 1 V U. I I ! c . ', ,, � ', \ : I / ■ \ ` \r ye \ O n ICI /— r N CD • ? ;I � 1 I z J Z __ 1 J \ C c • -\ • C r- Y .-r_-+-- ;.' ,,, v' : •' :r - ; .4 tr ..... . c _...' ^' f - - - ' � _ 3l11A N!M I,.....: C y,.... 0 t t H h �.��_ rf.,�_ : ' " ... s 6 , W 2 0) t- y " -- d `f J -I- - f.,;.' - i- • k - - MK- t - - - 1 i '....1,i c l c - / �� 01 , II I a r , !!aYs /' ob I . \ � $ � W �i. ,� 1 I 1 Z 0 A = • t N ' V) LL, d V d0 o d � Q 1 11 i ii• ( � . �` .I / , \ \t V 1 ti J M "i " Q I 1 1 • , 1 1 I f ,� r ;' !I i n 1 W fn a .1 ) j " } l II U W CC i ir n O ;': 111 jjj1 1 . , ( , O Z O Z u _I .1V r.. V Q G I I t N3HillIW W = W m • 'y , i ` i Z O II ' Z N a u c.) .7 n J Q cl Q U---/I1 1 �, W Q O W Z ° z i 1. N , / (\ Cr IC i9 t / ‘C. 0 Z Z a) w -' N i I i c W f 1- 1- 0 F- 4 f/I � � Iql cti ' i O I I i / cr In rn w F- 3 Al1 II 1/13A.310 0 i � 1 H / • > i , 1 : I J O x x Q cr W " • , H i in W W d LL / i 1 , a � N ( jl Il 3 N 11 ` 1 ti , I W '0• : Q O :<.) ! 1 T al 1 , . \ I \ ' . ) I.. 1 • ,•- nd ': II 1 . N3AV} 'd ` q ) „ _ J II j l, • ( ; M _ ( " 0 tY ' :I4 :1 1' ' . I 1 - N 7 m / : ...A an y 1 •i : 1.3 - 1 lf31N3� , .D 0 :� � •C ' m 1 I I ��; • Q \ CC -� -,,;.a ; - cl ! ow . =_ -� 2 ' n .i 2 • , 7 .) I w • I : 'u ' I t. ' I : ;g 73NNDrN,a� • )133b1"� b/330 — 1 0, ••,. • ' �C • • • -- f1 .,,....ii. _ 1, I "h" -_ .' J i .•+ J € � ' -- t' - - • J J c� N ,, , � Ilo rr 3Ab 1.. ' " � ` j o n ^� ,. , . � "1 1- ; �: a Oa I* ! r.j1 W . ( ) 1 , hst);, E , , N .\ ire ; y • �' I , 3 A j , • • i 3 N 11 , • . s, ,�:, o a tr • MI . 3,1, "-.. � :•}1,;' :Y`- 1 .... • /' •. 09 aibslH�aZ o ' O .a., eoi I • III .1 ' . 41 ._ O I I / / I Q II rn 1i 1 } • (� 9: N A 2 I w.' I , L1 10 1 u 1 • II: in v. \ - zt . C l y • [ , t z,, GI I1 I m,. \ 1� \ j ' I • II : , ! 1011111`1111. 7 1,1444 ,,, , ' , I:\ -10 0. 0 t44\14j \ \ \ r ) 1 ; ''I l i \ • •/ ' 0' • ( •. • „ illy , did,{ 3N/n t ..•,\,/, 4 " ,1 ;AV . f/ lc - • / t , \� ...✓r.'' • VA a21VA "3N1 (' • II! 1 „ �i , i. • i ' \ ;\ , 1 . al .. t :, ' I`,: ,. . ., ,: : \\ t, \to • •1 \ - P r1 " iii , I . , F ..r 4 '\ +. , ., �s 'i; iii ` ) - 7/ • `4' 3 AV \ u r ; ' a s ' F., .. / i \ ,• it ii F • , , 0 • / � P • � .•: , , • \ 1 ( ' I Q a ,. •/ / V. 1 . . k ' \ '1 N \ 4 \ \• Ii. ' ....4 •••• I I „: k '..;;;• ' j II I': - V./ - :11\ t v Y I . h l { / r I � 1 »ri,'.' t v y "' ! N •• i • y ,_ N , : 4.4 a .:` ! ' � / \ t. �- 1 t • 3.0409t ' A -1 9t ^ , _ • 1 - rr� > ' A r • 1 _ ' 4". •, �f .fly` ,r ••`.� f • ,, \ \', " mo d 1 :1 t �.. � •i•t_ -..._ . . i t a e �3 .r - 1 1 1 4 0444.01 I 0 10 20 30 0 10 Trope3.ida/ Cha rye/ • fu urc S /rec yo C 1080 ,, h v 1000 C , 60'R. P. o Archibo /d Ave. GrOUn. Zinc �' 1 /00 o loeo M■ Top 0 Paving ut_-- IMI M. 1040 IIPA— PM 0W Ell In 1. 1040 � D / 5 .0/4 Ground Li c �'� °2.55' 10201 D'= 9.0' 1020 • -_ b' ° 30' - ��� /. 025 /55c 1000 1000 L I N E A 5-.0/ . Q25 o 10 2• L I N E Tra•ewoido/ Ch•nne/ 0 !ono M0 . S /adiu Parkin -reo ME MEN e�• � 1040 �' h ME =-� N O ----_ L. I Ground Li M IME + mili Top of'Pavhg '-101.. 1020 1 ,���� _-_ 1000 imi S °002 mom:X2t - 0 =3,4' 1-34 1/ D' °45' 0 =45' b °20.0' b - 20.0' b' =33.5' b 33.3' Q25 673c Q 5 °662cfs _------ L I N E B b' 60 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY j� FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P P ROJECT NO. 2 7 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 2 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA I COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 4550 CY 2.75 $ 12,513 Concrete - Trapezoidal 40 CY 40.00 1,600 Channel Concrete - Transition 30 CY 75.00 2,250 Channel ABM Walls 440 CY 42.00 18,480 Reinforcing Steel 10500 Lb 0.14 1,470 Wire Fabric 14000 Lb 0.25 3,500 TOTAL LINE A $ 39,813 LINE B Excavation 17000 CY 2.75 46,750 Concrete - Trapezoidal 700 CY 40.00 28,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 70 CY 75.00 5,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 90 CY 75.00 6,750 ABM Walls 480 CY 42.00 20,160 Reinforcing Steel 65300 Lb 0.14 9,142 Wire Fabric 15600 Lb 0.25 3,900 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 126,952 LINE C 60" RCP 800 LF 57.00 45,600 TOTAL LINE C $ 45,600 TOTAL LINES A, B, 8 C $ 212,365 Utility Relocation 8 Construction Contingencies 15% 31,855 SUBTOTAL $ 244,220 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 36,680 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 280,900 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -7 orl PREPARED BY f t MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 3 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ,,-r - ... N Uk r - arm - = -. -_- a, _ - _ - .S� 1. :�cuNag/-i,si i.../E,-.-------- _ 0 = . c ..-.• _ \I 0 22 1 '. = "_ - -- r - - -- - - - - - _ - COLT.. !.VE ,..mpwrazimais FR EE W_ • IU 'f�� -'' i J ' Nb I - V •—. - - .- ,OZTRa I' ua'-t1 �, �I - I'"�.r/..1.... :i• t' - 2000 i ,..ii 4 u • • •' t ; a � .s t 6 mo w , - C) ..---- 45C ii'� Z. a o a -� W \i c. a .. 28 i \_ i ik Q W c ■ is ti r - - - -- - - - - --.,- -1 t��f1 "f' � r. #3al1Qu Spur v + . Air Nat'l Guard , _ J` R U PA - +- -+W`E` '` £- , 1) - i 1 •-•••..-___. rii'h. It • G _' - • __ 3 - - - - -- - - sr 34 I' b ...I . TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED - all EN NM EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN ri PROJECT NO. 2- 8 T PREPARED BY rZ MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 Trop. Ch.nne/ Trop.Ch 51 VCR Archib #/d Ave. 'rivoie 1 fosernt O � j V Q Q 4,1? �O • Q Q Ground Zhe - � Bri.ye s6o T oo o /�a�ing , 960 fxis/ honne // von/ � � sao S° 0/2 aao f /ow Li Q2_ = 208cfs 0/O 920 I.2 04'40' 9a0 °4.0' • • "/60' "25.23/c/$ • b' S4• SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY . ° FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I I. S L_ S I ° • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. P ROJECT NO. 2 - 8 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING (Q MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE Excavation 1000 CY 2.75 $ 2,750 Concrete - Trapezoidal 82 CY 40.00 3,280 Channel ABM Walls 235 CY 42.00 9,870 Reinforcing Steel 5000 Lb 0.14 700 Wire Fabric 7300 Lb 0.25 1,825 54" RCP 370 LF 48.50 17,945 TOTAL $ 36,370 Utility Relocation a Construction Contingencies 15% 5,450 SUBTOTAL $ 41,820 Administration, Engineering 6 Inspection 15% 6,280 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 48,100 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - 8 PREPARED BY 1 ( MOFFATT 13 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 3 OF 3 ', 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA z ,i; .1. .t;ili, ! is , 3n - _ - - [vS7S123 _ _ \�` } `` ' �-' a .._ , „lilllii,..i i, , i'1 ).. .. - ...,.•_ - - _ - -. . --• -- • - 4 : _ . - - :„ - -. -- _ ��� _ >.. U 3 �-: � _ 444 4 • ... :a a I iiiiiiit i ii l l�l .tar. F. !•ill t, 0. .1 ^s _• •: -- a w, ' . ` O ir 2 ' p • C7 • o £1 m bI - - i S T O J Z z n _ /— • _ ? ° c� _ f ` - ` X 0 ' 9 U . _ ,< Ct I N 111. Cr � ` : I I nv a.�3dvH Q Z W ♦ 1 O ' i V ` • 1 3N,NV$3 ia'in kNV.D3M . ' - Z O W / ' 09 ' 0 • ! � U N .�� • ,02£ Ol ,0'91 = Q u) Z O Ch 1 � I , 0 Z O ct 7 �\ --- \ ,_,,/ .. N a 0T a • n `� / M � � Q W _ a a. • . L \ 4i 1 �> Q V W W ar . \ O 0 2 r ( O 1- o • ' ` r/ a " Io Z Cr 1n W W \I .. O O V j ° ` Z Z (� Z Z v • . G-' . 3n I NO • • " - L� 77TS• i/ J � ,..., a =' °�+� •• W S m v ,_ Il� yry� V a J 0 Z y O it If 11 �� 1 1 1 -- - r " - - \ � N Z m C CC Ct a. W >74.414%.44444.0 ? `b66 y \ 1e 99/ J o o �' CC a s�e r.�t ui,.. �99yy I W a. W 3 cr O o I 11 • ,tµ 1 a • • . 1 .0 r \ J / , - -- ,'--. - . - `- \_y -A�dWO - 1 1 '3 m - 3N11 ., \� - 1 0 , i . 5Z8 __' 11 11 h y L �•� — I p —� 1 s Ala 1 e ` I2IVa 1" j-* ` 1 SV 3 1 • O 6 �' � .. 1, 11) F / moo; 0 it_ s 1 d , .1 r 3 aD ti _ ` X lJV I l W o f 9g- " n 3 NM I1 J I • I! � � moo, 1 .0 J _� 111 3 N I�'- - • / , __-.,, N •' �\� 1 0 Cr 2 _ -= N . ' —006 „ v �_ Aga! ::� W a. • 4 "' '' P..1011.3 P..1011.3 .11V,1 06' + .Ind ' nn = 4 S T > > ' �/ H Cr mt' 1 • n V n 3 / / -- 1 1. y1 SZ f / -_�_ /, , < W • 0 1 a � - 0s6 _d - . ! •a 1 G _ �e Y L' -c _: _r a' -_ - - -Y z _ "� - -- 3 n ' _ • ,. =- - - - - . .." i . - - -== -- AOIS \ ,-a . .�___ v SY n `5 46 -- t; psPPfiJ 1tY�. --.�. ,...., 9 ` --- -- .----- Z r C 6 1 - ) - , ' " 33/3d _ .... ' — •• - •• ....3 m , ..iirigi llillIlliir bi..,... , .__„..,,•.,, AI MIIIIIIIIIea io ,, o ,... - 3AV i, / I Cr • f- EZ ' 1 � 1 ZZ .. _- ___�"� +`_ - - -''J - A �. - - - • / 0001 - w flovis a 0-UaVIN0 \ I ' W l a Cr 110 r �•- �- -' -- °�_-.' - I - t ` / , 14 �/ -- _ ` --v-- _- -- -- `•f 6,O/ -' - -- 8 UUUNNN 6 n 3i1V . � _- N ANIOL/VNLI38 - - " 1 NV.9 • s 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Re /angu /ar ha/we/ fxisf Tro.e oido/ 4 anne/ ' M Tri• /• 56C/CD. ' AIIIIII i; 0 800 ����° - ii o11 fth Q -- 800 dYesf Bo Teo Q �' C hannel /raver/ -������_ 7130 ��� � To. of Roving -- 5 =.0065 760 f — � 760 '1 ��� 'r f /aw 4 / 27 e --b 0O' N 740 • p� _� 5.008 b''3/.0 ,I li∎I D 3. /' — _ — •ze /473cf- Tao � '�I� j D - =7. _--- (—` S =.-.4' b 5/0,0 0' —_-- 5 =.009 D. 'ries b' =3/.0' 720 D`3.7' D' °:0 0 2s ' s= /627 / - 32.0 ' Q = ,77'0,9 ,77'0,9 720 b 32,0 Qzs''440c1s Qzs= 244scIs L 1 N 2 A 6• 7. 80 9 I .0 1 0 120 Tro..' oida/ Channe/ •rVx7 i R /an•u /o Channel �.C,fC.O. /r /W M /6 5 I viva /e fa '-.■--- iI RU1.nli Channel raver/ 840 = MI MI o. To' of Raving �, o 1 , .111L !MPO -1340 820 ME- fx /5/ Wcs /.Ban � k airammom— 820 M Fri i1 OS�� /70W Liras aoo U .� 1� S °0 /0 D 53' �-D'5..0' i .0086 Qzs =/O cfs D' 75 C D' =75 800 ���_� D-4.3' Qz = /03 ?c/'s -Qzs 872 780 di 5=.0086 D' °65 D=¢4 4 7' 6 --- 780 D' =63' b' =27.3' .6 BO' Q25• /073c —__-- 6' =273' Qzs ///Oc LINE A b - 10e L i ° =,-- -- ,;— SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY RECTANGULAR CHANNEL R.C.B. CHANNEL FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b' t ;L C OMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN 5��� PROJECT - NO. 2 9 TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING ,W (Q MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 2 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . • 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 c/anqu /o Chonne/ 1 " 'rivo% fo . emenf 920 • Pm �-_ , 11 - J 920 1111.11 MEM 900 F - I 900 880 IIME Chonne MIIMIEW14 0 =24' � S= 0 /a' D =45' 880 860 9i � ' _ �, f /oin L D'- = . 0 ' Q2111 / WPM= 860 — Q25 /33c?& ��li' S .0//7 b-.5.9 840 D , S'Q25= 434cf 5 =006 6 ° /00' -- D 7S' 840 D °5.0 Q25=872c s L I N E A D' =75' 1 :0 1 200 210 2 0 ec/on0U/er Chonne Privo/e '.semen / —� 1 960 [xi Wes! Bo '>) � �1�PAP To. o Povin� 94 0 _ IMM1 In — �'OW Line III 920 � � ��� h o nne //n e�f a -- S =• »r/23 b =-0' D = '633 / D' PM 900 — -i L I N E A b SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY y FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 1.64 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN RECTANGULAR CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - 9 0 PREPARED 8Y: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING it) MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA -+ 0 10 20 20 10 0 56'/9C./ 37 8 RC.R • ✓uruoo Ave. fi 11/9/2,7 Q :Q e, e0 CI Q O i1, - C v 8-80 Ground Linn 880 900 Gr.undLine 900 Moreno /e , Man o /e -Typ, , — — —_ — / _ 860 L _ 860 W �� 880 880 11111•.— - —_ MIN 840 3.0045 370076 860 0 , 5' 228cfs 860 Q25- /72c(s LINE C LINE B 1 0 10 20 4BRC.P, 4B 4 R.C/C 7 UFRR. franc/5. 5/ e; Q `, Q p v 880 •C 000 Grou 0 Line Monho/ i Typ. -.)— 860 _ _ _ 860 840 5=0058 840 Q25-77cfs LINE F 48" TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 11) FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 9 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING � (o MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 40 30 20 10 0 48 C.r? 66°QCp Archibald Ave. Wo /au/ Ave. 3, tio ov. Q v 840 s„ - - B /dge c; C 840 Manhole - Typ. 020 820 Ground Lire aoo 5°0093 �� — -- - 800 Rio = / /6cts S °0037 700 O25 /85th 780 L I N E D 30 23 13 0 45"RCP 66'RCP 'among Ave. 19cmona Ave. oco ; 84-0 Q- • � 840 r Ground Linc I - / Manho/e-72/p. 4, _ 000 800 5-.003 ` 780 .2'o= /22ats 780 S= 0/4 Q25=388 c fs_ L I N E E 48' a 66. SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 411 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 9 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING �Q MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 5 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 29600 CY 2.75 $ 81,400 Backfill 140800 CY 2.00 281,600 Concrete - Trapezoidal 1040 CY 40.00 41,600 Channel Concrete - Transition 690 CY 75.00 51,750 Channel Concrete - Rectangular 8810 CY 75.00 660,750 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 1124 CY 75.00 84,300 ABM Walls 2225 CY 42.00 93,450 Reinforcing Steel 723 Ton 280.00 202,440 Wire Fabric 71900 Lb 0.25 17,975 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 70,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 10,000 TOTAL LINE A $1,599,265 LINE B 57" RCP 1470 LF 54.50 80,115 Manhole No. 2 57" 1 Ea 790.00 790 TOTAL LINE B $ 80,905 LINE C 66" RCP 1250 LF 66.50 83,125 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 870.00 870 TOTAL LINE C $ 83,995 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- 9 PREPARED BY IO I MOFFA ROAD C H O , ENGIINEE MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 8 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST ` LINE D 66" RCP 1350 LF 65.25 $ 88,088 48" RCP 1600 LF 41.50 66,400 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 830.00 830 48" 2 Ea 610.00 1,220 66" to 48" 1 Ea 750.00 750 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,500 TOTAL LINE D $ 158,788 LINE E 66" RCP 500 LF 66.50 33,250 48" RCP 1600 LF 43.00 68,800 Manhole No. 2 48" 2 Ea 650.00 1,300 Manhole No. 4 66" to 66" & 48" 1 Ea 2565.00 2,565 TOTAL LINE E $ 105,915 LINE F 48" RCP 1270 LF 46.25 58,738 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 780.00 780 TOTAL LINE F $ 59,518 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- 9 PREPARED BY I1 C D MOF A T 8 NII MARCH 1969 DRAWING 7 OF 8 WEST COST ESTIMATE • UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D, E & F $2,088,386 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 313,254 SUBTOTAL $2,401,640 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 360,260 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,761,900 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2- 9 PREPARED BY 05 MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 8 OF 8 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . g .. . , C \ '••-_./ 4 16 C tint Ipagt I-• . 1 I • ti' • ;' ...., ' -../ , , ' ."•-• 44 +...k , , - ... •. - • , \ 7_ . t' w r 1 - r ..,,, _ -- -- - - :i ■ ROA I 0 N .. ' ' ' ' --- --.01111111111■ 4 / \ > . • 7 . . A ( I . • ' • • •ta .../ . "*"..." 7 ...,... _ Z • ?‘ • L ;' it:: . , i • WM) tairi VIPW.^, . . • 51" '' - ' 11.- / 41 , -- , „ . • , i' S - -- ---- 2 . ...........,.........: c o . )" • I . \ , • :: 02 in . . I - • s 1 \ 6 • — 4 '' r -,___ • •-•'- -- • ,, RIV . ,.. ,..., . • .. . , . • • E-r-TF:': re - - ITT _ , ,e;• ': • ', .....' '''' n I .'''. A •• .' „ 1-• ''',•••-- —' i ...._ .... ....s,,, „)...... .. ...... ..... . 1 .,. I.„ c) N__..-t !'r.... , ; ' • ' . • V Jo' % lib,' .ven P . ,. k • ' . tt./ k '' . — : t4 i I • 0 , ct ; • Ct 6 \,‘ ,,, 1 ,---. .... ..._ ' -- QII 10 ' 4. ...(D- c; --. ..,- .°O-(2. 1 1 ' . 1 '2 j Jai ni V _. ' ' = . c ----- ----- . ( ' Dr, irturiityj 'fl 0 , , te 1 , 'cr \, ?' ; . C.s.] '..• . .. . \ ; 0 • oe. \ , ,/ s _ ) _ lc -- ‘ LOWER CUCAMONGA ,, _ / , ----- I SPREADING GROUNDS • (__, • - / -, .‘ \ , ;_ , cy-FFt4 41 r y--;- , ..... • i ( \ - • ,-, `,,;,_ ..-1 1 41 F 2000 ...- . o••2" .., •:,,,.„ . :-. 4. ,,....— Z .1. • ,• • , 1 '‘t 14 l''' , .‘ - I 0 .. -. — , ,";•• tb. ... /0 R ..., 41110 Q . 1 .-.. - - • -/-* , • k — 1.5 .\ \Nbs...csmmmIcelocoff - - . E t I .: C ' ' A . E it!PE! E 1 4 =min:: 1 5 1,„.. ---- - - - -- - f . .41S--; b ] 51"T0 , 60" • 1 ) ,.: .:: TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. . t= LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ■NIIMI STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED INI•INII• PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN al IN I. EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL PROJECT NO 2-10 PREPARED BY (11 et MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 4 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA I A. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Trope3oide/ Channe/ . 5o. Ca/ Edison R /!4/ Q ei Q •Q Qo 800 V O O 0 0 O 800 CJ Ground Line - _ – -- 780 h - — — 780 To. cfPawn. 1 5 °004/ 760 _ _ — --- — 5901 D'65 760 - -- D °4.4' b-4.0' __ Ron Line D''6.5 b''23.5 740 b -40' .� Qzs °62 /c 740 '� 5-.0069 b=30' b' =23.5 C 5 =0033 h-.5.0' D -47' b' °243' 025 .746cfs D -53' b' -26.0' D'=65' Qz5=750c/3 720 v D' °7.0' Q23 -844c/3 720 o lo L I N E A 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 � Trape30i■ /Chonne/ 57'926:/? So. Co/ ,Bison R/W fri /urn 52' 3 3 h .,z() D O 1O elm , T,,, .U� \ k 'iQ �\ \ 820 �'C t., \ r 820 v Ground line - }__ _ 0 (TopofPa✓ing ___ — – � 800 I 50075 800 – 5 -603/ Q25 ° /94cfs _ / S °.X3/ 0.3.3' f/owCine -' D -37' D"50' 780 F— - S °0072 D' 5.0' b °9.0 780 D -335' h -30' b' = /d0' D' °SO' bd/B.0' Q2 " /94cfs 760 b =3.0' Q2 •725c/s .6'. /(5.0' 760 Q75- 32/cr3 L I N E A b' 57" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY - - FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT p O� 1 0 1.5 ° �..,.........e� - - 5 b . ,1 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. P ROJECT NO. 2 -10 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � itl MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 60'PC,P _ _ _ _ __- 5/ - S /'RC.P I/oven Ave. Wo /nu!Ave, 1 fu/Jre SI_ o %i. ,k. Q R� h C o �m ti h h o C , Q 860 860 1 840 — - - 840 Grounc' Line _ L 820 11111111.w.. — ' 820 /Ilanh&c - 7 1 - - 800 _ _ _ — �� 5 =.002 800 _ Q25= /57C/S i 780 I 5 =.0072 — 1 ' 780 Q23 q/205' ' 0 0 760 -L v �° j L I N E 6 760 51" d Pill SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY , FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ,om COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -10 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING fro MOFFATT Si NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT, I" = 40' 3 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE, ► UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST 4 LINE A Excavation 44900 CY 2.75 $ 123,475 Concrete - Trapezoidal 500 CY 40.00 20,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 620 CY 75.00 46,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 620 CY 75.00 46,500 ABM Walls 2390 CY 42.00 100,380 Reinforcing Steel 217200 Lb 0.14 30,408 Wire Fabric 76900 Lb 0.25 19,225 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 57" RCP 800 LF 51.75 41,400 TOTAL LINE A $ 436,888 4 LINE B 60" RCP 3400 LF 57.00 193,800 51" RCP 2180 LF 46.00 100,280 Manhole No. 2 60" 4 Ea 745.00 2,980 51" 4 Ea 680.00 2,720 60" to 51" 1 Ea 745.00 745 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 302,525 TOTAL LINES A & B $ 739,413 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 110,907 SUBTOTAL $ 850,320 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 127,480 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 977,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -10 I) PREPARED BY �� MOF A WARDLOW LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA T 8 ow IICHOL,ENGIINEER MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 4 CRl/vC nb'_ 1 ' t1 . I 1 c 5�-- '1 d,ni ' ■ l'orrimuni '' h - c w t �,, ti . a rvP 1 Ili - 48" 48" — ' i iI s t 1< ;� 4 1 1 ' • � F • � -.• �_ '-r. • . .y. •-• =a 72 .: 1:: • N • .- •- — 15 _ _ Q 1 4= _. ... •3 _ . 4-: • J i W �� T . - _,� . ID Z - 700 - - '''.. •.. - ,_ ? • _ =680 J _ ...1 , ._S' • . )4 . E'JC A:,' 4 VE � 1,_ - -- : -680 .d: • ?. / ik • . 4 r . , , G J N ;••• .. •••• r - ?• : : :: — t bf EFhfLL Q ' AVE �.• .� �4� _ ' / 6 6L ..... 2 -= # 23 �L.: ' 24 • C_ 2000i I cc - Q= N 6 D ... A •? ! \ Z.1) I Q �p� N �6� • REMINGTON AV£ CI-0 - ✓EP OA,-4 PtlA3 fi :.1.... , a.= _ �ud� _ arm .1..= mow a. 4 1 \ _ _ ft LI 41 4 $N ''� � 1 I sa° g • .,. •I , _ , . 48"T0 78" R.C. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY STORM DRAINS TO SE CONSTRUCTED FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . III••• • PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN - - - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2 -1 i PREPARED BY MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7B "R.CP. 77 "RCP 66 "'.C.R • Romano A /e. ,' mono 4v°. =WM no Ave. a .. \ 720 720 a 700 ° ,. Grou dLine 700 �' 680 Mnnho /e Tye. _ 6 � 680 _ _ _ _ 1�' !095 cfs 1 _ � — $ 660 1 5-.008 660 Q25= 377crs 640 s =.007/ L I N E A 640 0 407c'. __ 6' 7' 80 90 100 110 12' 66 "RC/.? Si "RCP i 15' .C.P Ramon < ve. III. _ Ramona .4 ye. Sch offer Ay 6 Q Q c " O o 760 760 '� � `\ ` I O Ground L 17e 740 _ _ I I 740 L 1 1 iiMINIO, p �- 720 ■ Manhole •Ty ' ��� 720 S °.0060 6 Q25' 98Cf5 -11S °.0076 700 ..- 025.703cfs 700 \B, /7'1./of0 / 1 5:0095 680 A25 '� 680 L I N E A 48" 70 --", 78" SAN BERNARD.I_NO` 'COUNTY al FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -11 T PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING i r o MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 J4'RC, ! 5/'/J.CP 4B'RC. 4 ' Center A� Center 4 . o ci C v v o Q Q Vh o c '� •h N r ',Le o � 740 x 740 ■ _ _ J h 720 .e �• ,round Li�� 1 �„ i 720 O t ►►��1 5'.0079 Imo% 025 • /22cf 700 -- w ' - B' it/ea 700 Manhole yp, j__ , S=0 � (?2..5 • 7cfs 680 - 1 �' 5=.009 660 w Q 2s7 /57cfs S °.0094 660 660 Q2s =192cfs L I N E B i 60 7• - Center Ave. Q . �� 760 "� 7G0 Ground L.%7e Monha. & 740 - �� 1 720 5 '.0079 Q2s' /22cfs L I N E B 48" TO 54 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • 0 ' FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 1 1 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A 78" RCP 1400 LF 85.00 $ 119,000 72" RCP 2640 LF 74.75 197,340 66" RCP 2640 LF 65.25 172,260 57" RCP 2640 LF 51.75 136,620 48" RCP 1700 LF 44.00 74,800 Manhole No. 2 78" 1 Ea 1005.00 1,005 72" 2 Ea 910.00 1,820 66" 3 Ea 835.00 2,505 57" 3 Ea 710.00 2,130 48" 2 Ea 685.00 1,370 78" to 72" 1 Ea 975.00 975 57" to 48" 1 Ea 710.00 710 Manhole No. 4 72" to 66" & 42" 1 Ea 1735.00 1,735 66" to 57" 6 30" 1 Ea 1965.00 1,965 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 716,235 LINE B 54" RCP 1600 LF 48.50 77,600 51" RCP 1075 LF 46.00 49,450 48" RCP 4205 LF 41.50 174,508 Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 675.00 675 51" 1 Ea 675.00 675 48" 6 Ea 680.00 4,080 54" to 51" 1 Ea 665.00 665 51" to 48" 1 Ea 635.00 635 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 310,288 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -II r PREPARED BY I `en MOF FA 8 RO oH LONG BEACH, OL,ENGIINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST TOTAL LINES A & B $1,026,523 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% $ 153,977 SUBTOTAL $1,180,500 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 177,100 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,357,600 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 - 1 1 PREPARED BY �� ON MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 ', 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 C / — 11 W h s----66/"-----N' ` —' 1' ,�.h N 7 T: r k v io d` / T1! W co i-� Q � 1-- z "� ..-• /- ' \ � i, -.�'� , v X 5 0 , 7. - _ �` . -- LINE. ` ` ' s \ 1 - , -- t -- ` ' +---- -'- y '.. "y • � - 735 --- • :. ..: . µ.,.� , .. Itril i t lip • 'j i .17:;3• ; F'... - -_ 1 \ _ ^ .. - : . . . .. . ::.: ' I:, , } • . 73 0 l� • " 'N Yom.:_ =` .. '"'SC: • fi l i- I• • :FS' y�t �:::? , . s - _ : - - A ✓F - -- - ▪ -- _ 1 Ri sl s {h I is l EDISO .. .... -. �.,r:..'�.:5:: • ; . I I , Iii : .. � _ • Q I fl 1,i = »rL7= ,f O , t . le l f 1 700 _ - : ' , {V z - m _ " =_ v 41 ; , -w T. EUCALYPTUS AVC .4A-#17"L . i = '00.-______ --140:..„„ - se :: s f J � _ JE�< ui 2 8 ° 0 ``' -'' P I(C) 6 70 t:. _. .. _ = I /f, s ...=• I-: - ' 7:) IL. .. _Ji 44 :or 2 —1 48 �T0 °; b Q I t 11 i 66 Z TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. • u LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED • IIIIII•1•Il • PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-12 PREPARED BY 'Ti MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 -- E EOM= 0/ • onNiEl 5..Ccilif Zdi,on fose Er , . 1 ,. ..,. I ---4 RI M 11111.21E„).; .,,,, ., 720 720 I MOM Ground Li c I ..- - - -.. Top .f PoviagN11111111111 700 ,44. 700 .4. IIMMITI -4. , K■4 5-.005; 1 D-1.751 680 ' — .Ill flow Zinc 680 D'=65', ---- - , 5-.0127 r D-3,9' 025=7dcfs 660 I 660 --. I I 5=.0063 b-60' 1 D'=65 Q23-789cf 1 I L I N 1 E 05-935c 1 60 70 8, 1 9M 1.. -- I 110 12p 1_ I 1 1 t 7 osc oido; Chonne/ 78kP ' .6'ieCP So ,Co/if folisbn ZO5C/77 - -- 1 [ C/eVe cad L act/ /and Av 1 I i 1 c_s iflanho/c 7y,o. 760 -Z4 - 760 3,k) , • t. i ,k, --..41=1 ,_ ‘ ,•, ),I. opp„„,,, .v, Crouno L/120 ---- "--, 740 s. .. 740 MEM ?) I Top ofp„w„ -- litagoimillill- =5.C.I0g,(5 .••••=--m- 5-,poso , — mos 02.5-47/cfs 7 720 720 I i Il I Il S alE 1111111 1011111 m 1111111.• 1/0 Z/i70 .5 -.PI b „3.0' 700 700 .0=9.75 Dc6.5' Q -47/cfs b=6.11MR Q75' '89cfs L I N ill b' . 601 1 -- - I 78' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I i.5 i.5 I 13 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN b --I TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P PROJECT NO. 2-12 RA PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA , 120 130 140 0 10 20 66'4%fi9 la C eve/and Ave, 1 Chino Ave. 5c/77e (ter Ave. 1 Q.; e :4. 1 1111 Mill kr) T MN •.... -.. 0-, ''- I I 7C0 Ground 11117C 780 Manhole Typ. -- k... Gr ad Li/7C _um --- ' 760 760 j 1.1 ____ 1111 - 7C0 111 111111.-- — - - - - 740 5= 003 . 740 5 02g.1_7dcfs , 5!0023 -. 740 Q25: gOCf5 1 02571Ci5 I 1 , LINE A 1 i LINE C 0 10 2i0 3. 40 50 60 .57%C. 1 future 5/ _ _ i_ 1 Tutu St 6 J tL1 ---4 Grounc/ Li4e _ -- — - -- 760 1 k.,1 760 '''-)1 - ...--- --- -- : ..............„.............. .,!1 - - k., Arforinote Typ. _— — 1 740 740 1 111111W11. 1 5-.0070 — — — IWO / 0/or/ i4cfs 1111 720 -- 720 5'.0/0 025.1_92, fs 700 700 LINE B 48' TO Pk SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT imp COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. R. PROJECT NO. 2-12 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING it) MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST . LINE A Excavation 43500 CY 2.75 $ 119,625 Concrete - Trapezoidal 640 CY 40.00 25,600 Channel Concrete - Transition 470 CY 75.00 35,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 534 CY 75.00 40,050 ABM Walls 2240 CY 42.00 94,080 Reinforcing Steel 199400 Lb 0.14 27,916 Wire Fabric 66000 Lb 0.25 16,500 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 78" RCP 550 LF 85.00 46,750 66" RCP 3960 LF 68.50 271,260 Manhole No. 2 • 66" 4 Ea 910.00 3,640 Manhole No. 4 78" to 66" a 51" 1 Ea 2600.00 2,600 TOTAL LINE A $ 685,271 LINE B 57" RCP 2640 LF 51.75 136,620 48" RCP 2640 LF 41.50 109,560 Manhole No. 2 57" 2 Ea 675.00 1,350 48" 3 Ea 610.00 1,830 57" to 48" 1 Ea 670.00 670 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 251,030 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -12 ivl PREPARED BY et MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 ■ 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 51" RCP 1320 LF 44.50 $ 58,740 Manhole No. 2 51" 1 Ea 640.00 640 TOTAL LINE C $ 59,380 TOTAL LINES A, B, 6 C $ 995,681 Utility Relocation 8 Construction Contingencies 15% 149,349 SUBTOTAL $1,145,030 Administration, Engineering 8 Inspection 15% 171,770 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,316,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -12 r PREPARED BY I �`' ( j MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 1 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 15: t 14 13 -- '35 .i _... ..=,......._. "' -^ 6.:=:::::'=:::n.: ' 7 . 4 loP,:•.:1 i !. • ,fltil il • . ii; . , t5 _ . 15_ j______ • ..�.:. ^•ter':. -. ^ .— 'x_. - - -- _._ '__ _ -�- -- _. E! - r '� -•' �- - -- E ^ - - - T.i!�1�'!li " ��}�'i�� S . • 14 -:1:;11; r. •, .__ i. , _ __, i, ,...............,....„:„.,_,,,,...„:„.,. .„....:::•........,....,.....,...,..:„..,....„ • . ..... -- _ 690 I _ y' ^ ._t .�:1. ? ' I 20001 F—.�' � 0 p` =4' ::::::::,' :: I CDC::: • C S iMAERRILL A VE Q. _' 3 6, 24 • I °$ O / b ` ,1 . 6'0 • :90'' eel' .'E. V W v a a /6'30 1 6a.: W to 2 26 25 a • 27 1 • o Ti o IL —I I I • Q 1.5 1.5 I • --..-t"- s • 1 e ' f1°S , F — 1 R TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL v.. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . =WIN • PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN I 1.11. - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2 -13 PREPARED BY e MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 4 ' 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ t 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Trope3oid/ Chan e/ ' Be //e Crave Ave. v ` 'a � �- ® � _ h 680 1 �-- 680 0 L Ground Line 660 1 — — — �� �� , 1� 660 Ta� of Paving — —�= y -�1� f /o; Line 5.0067 640 - -- --- - - - - -- 11_ D=3,/' 640 5 5.0074 D =5.5 040 D °.0' b =40' '''' 0 =6.4 D'° 70' 6'=20.3 D =65' 620 0' -B.0 B0' _B9 OZS °301k 620 b =B0' 6' =32.0' 025 /250cfs b' -320' Q25= /550c • Q25 /600c /s 6 • 70 EO 90 I s . 110 120 Trope3o /ca/ Chonn. / Be //e Grove Ave. 1 1 I c 700 `' X ya ; A To of Paving Q °° 700 Group. Line 680 �= � :� - -,I 680 — � 5 ,00 /B S °.OMB flow Lin - D °36 - D ' ' 660 5, �u "7 5 -.00 /B D' D °3.0' 0 =3.B' h =4.0' ' 660 5°.006 7 D' =55' D'-5.5' b'= /9.0' b' - / 0 =3./' b =4.0' b =40' — Q25 =2 /0cs Qzs'i /tits 640 0 "5.5 b' 2n.5' b' -20 640 b =4.0 025= '78cis Q25•252+/'s • 6'=20. 025' 36061'5 b' _ SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY L ,s 0 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 5 7 1.5 .. b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R O J E C T NO. 2- 13 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING fit MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD — LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA - 120 130 140 1 1 1 1 ■ irope3oida/ 'Channel _ _ Belle Gray.: Ave. 1 i I . , i 1 --.. . -Lk. -7c* 720 720 I I 6roono Line 1 ] . , 700 1 L Top o +1 745°- -- 680 .:: 1 1 --- 5-.00/B 1 1 5= 00/8 /2= Jo , Now Line 0=30' ! ! b=/.0 1 , 122.5-77cfs _t ■ 025 fs 1 i l I , 1 I 1 I 1 I ! ' 1 1 I I 13' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - I 3 (:) PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING le ) MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE Excavation 82400 CY 2.75 $ 226,600 Concrete - Trapezoidal 830 CY 40.00 33,200 Channel Concrete - Transition 850 CY 75.00 63,750 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 854 CY 75.00 64,050 ABM Walls 3070 CY 42.00 128,940 Reinforcing Steel 309700 Lb 0.14 43,358 Wire Fabric 98000 Lb 0.25 24,500 Fence 8 Gates 1 Job L.S. 24,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL $ 613,398 Utility Relocation 6 Construction Contingencies 15% 92,002 SUBTOTAL $ 705,400 Administration, Engineering 8 Inspection 15% 105,800 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 811,200 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -13 PREPARED BY O MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 4 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA I Q r r` J Son a -�S � `/ �, , ! ` r _ .1 _ 16 'Art* . - 1.1 ' v ' .. _ ::: 7 ii::: _. 4 II II - L--24� :L I N , _ ., �� ti ./- - _ 4 /".-"7.•- 1861 LINE "„ / - o . . ET I W AN. e o �I o SPREADING DS r'II' .. 1 k'� Z ...,. `Jj�` [tJUV � „ =a N .E A Y D 0 � I / � 2 " q, - ; LINE .. Y f W m � '� A - b :2.0 ?r ' „b :4.0; --.Z 24 rH D ' = 4 "D1 :5.5 __ _ sf -i1 LINE III I� ■ _ -___- met . N..• 1 T ank 152 W y /600-- ,-�- ''_ 1 - -� I� •1', e .� ,..= � '27 27 . 2g 281 :. ,- . I t L_ CASMALIA•' = t-'7 W O 1 \ „rQ 1 FOOTHILL FREEWAY ` _ r . . a • - _ ' '� • TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED NI MN - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -14 PREPARED BY C MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Tra• Ch'/ Tiv . e of io Channel -- T�aoe oi.a /Chan re/ __ Efiwon Ili0 F0 D. R/W ■ 2¢ h Sf Ave. 1 780 IS 4 ':' Ici' EK '.1 1940'h �--,�� L O \ 1760 C O O • 1920` L 1 � \ �� Ni II — \ J ` 1740 \ 1 1900 \ \ v 1 Line 1720 1880 /ow L./he 1 \ Line i vnoun Line \\ t 1700 1860 L\ b = .080 \ _4.9= 231 \\ Too OfPavin. S =.070 \ I -- — • 1680 D'. 40' 1 \\\ 1.0'---.40' D 2 1 � 1840 6= /30 ,, _ 54¢ c ry. \\ } b'= 1 02s - 274c .s. L6'./,5 0 \ 1660 Qa = \ O 1820 -4o 070 ‘ I 1640 1\ To. o 1800 - -- - - - -- _ as- 17�Cfs, 5 =.0575 ,` 5 = 070 \ � -_ 1 0 2.7' \� 1620 I r D=Z7, \ J' =4.0' 1780 ; — 540 ' - b =3.0 ■ • I b =210 1 6'= /5.0 1 b 1 1 .6'- Qzs= S44c. fs. S= .020 \ Q25= , 44c Ps 0= 39 `�� 1600 1760 ; O'= 5. S' b 0. b'= 20.5 5= , '11,1 1580 Qzs = 780 cfs b= b= 1 - - b= os 1 - Qzs 8 /0cfs SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY -9 " FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1.5 ° L b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R O J E C T NO. 2- 14 PREPARED BY: Q MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING r0 MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 2 OF 8 t 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ . 20 10 0 eo 70 60 Ira e oido /Chonne/ Tra.e,.ido /Cho ne/ • fuiure St hi ondo Ay . Q 1 - - ti l • 2080 Q o ", ,, ,,, ,.. • G ►� 2060 IIM-M IIIEL 2oao Ground Li fe 2380 MIN -_� \ 2020 Top of 'aving . MN flow Line k 2360 \ 2000 .\ Top of wing 11.1 2340 �` Gr. Po' Zinc 5•.080 III 1980 2320 f /ow NMI '- 1 b' /30' \ \\ 1960 S °.045 I -Ell Mil 025.279afs MIMMIIII 0' °95 L. o ,\ 2300 b =00 b'° /3.5' 111111. NIL 1940 025° 27 /cfs �\ 22e0 =095 1920 Ili ,0-30 2260 b - 00' 1900 To l b' /3.5' MI MI 025.302cfs L I N E En A b' 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY —, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT r b I COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2 - 14 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING it MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Trape3o /da/ Chanel 24th 5t. h Q y ' O e: R 1740 1740 a O Q ;� C T' g b, „k.,'.) 1720 1 720 _ �, �u 5..002 ` f /ow Line ` ` 1700 D.2.8' — 1 1700 D'4.5' .5..0066 . Ground Zinc 6•2 D-26' /'— b' - /S5. S' D' °44 5' C / Isso Q2s.69cfs b °2.0' ' 1680 b'= /S.S' 5 °.022 Q2s' /58cfs D °25' .. D'445' b ° 20 ' 1660 1660 — b'°/S.5' Q2s =224cfs 5 -.022 D °28' 4 1640 D'`45 1640 6.2,0' L 1 N E C b'= /S.S' Q2s •287cfs 1 -- 1620 20 10 0 _ Tro/gesoida /Channel y I fu/ fir 5/ h �o Q C 2120 `k, " 2120 o Top of Paving 2100 i 2100 �— Groun Zinc f /cw � 2080 2000 5•.034' b =l0' �� D -2.4' 6' =/3.0' 2060 D'=4 025=2 /2cf5 2000 L I N E D b SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I.y ° 1.5 . b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN '"' TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 14 (''l PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING it) MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 4 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 40 30 20 10 0 Trap f3oicla / Channe/ - future S1'. -- L 1 1 0 is C > (o ,o o "c Oc, li Oco I MEIN ii 1940 • e -- 1920 Ground Z/i 111111.110 111 .1 I - .1414104 I ,5=0/53 MI 1 v 1-900 1900 0 Now , ' D'= -0' 'MI Tos I Of/Davin.. • S= 0/89 1 ■ar, 6Jes= .9/ c ,f's. D'r- 4.0' -Nre on 1880 h...] 860 N 1840 y= •0 025= 30 c if S. L 1111 E l ---1--- ... M M P SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . b , COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - 14 0. PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 5 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD — LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 1 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED ' DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 18200 CY 2.75 $ 50,050 Concrete - Trapezoidal 250 CY 40.00 10,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 300 CY 75.00 22,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 430 CY 75.00 32,250 ABM Walls 1260 CY 42.00 52,920 Reinforcing Steel 137100 Lb 0.14 19,194 Wire Fabric 39500 Lb 0.25 9,875 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 18,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 221,789 LINE B Excavation 3300 CY 2.75 9,075 Concrete - Trapezoidal 30 CY 40.00 1,200 Channel Concrete - Transition 60 CY 75.00 4,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 60 CY 75.00 4,500 ABM Walls 310 CY 42.00 13,020 Reinforcing Steel 22700 Lb 0.14 3,178 Wire Fabric 9600 Lb 0.25 2,400 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 3,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 41,873 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -14 m PREPARED BY �'"(� MOFFA.TT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE t UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C Excavation 13500 CY 2.75 $ 37,125 Concrete - Trapezoidal 150 CY 40.00 6,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 230 CY 75.00 17,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 160 CY 75.00 12,000 ABM Walls 980 CY 42.00 41,160 Reinforcing Steel 76500 Lb 0.14 10,710 Wire Fabric 31600 Lb 0.25 7,900 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 . TOTAL LINE C $ 134,145 LINE D Excavation 2420 CY 2.75 6,655 Concrete - Trapezoidal 20 CY 40.00 800 Channel Concrete - Transition 60 CY 75.00 4,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 50 CY 75.00 3,750 ABM Walls 250 CY 42.00 10,500 Reinforcing Steel 22300 Lb 0.14 3,122 Wire Fabric 8000 Lb 0.25 2,000 TOTAL LINE D $ 31,327 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -14 cr PREPARED BY � � MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 7 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE E Excavation 7250 CY 2.75 $ 19,938 Concrete - Trapezoidal 60 CY 40.00 2,400 Channel Concrete - Transition 190 CY 75.00 14,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 150 CY 75.00 11,250 ABM Walls 600 CY 42.00 25,200 Reinforcing Steel 61500 Lb 0.14 8,610 Wire Fabric 19400 Lb 0.25 4,850 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE E $ 87,498 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D & E $ 516,632 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 77,498 SUBTOTAL $ 594,130 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 89,070 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 683,200 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT f COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -14 PREPARED BY 1 10 7 4 MOFFA.TT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 8 OF 8 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA I C - %•41 ,, . --'--'" FOOTPILL FFE E WAY -,- •... ,••=•R HIGHLAND A V E ••� — � • j. c . in . ,. I 1 I • U .I• N 4 • f • .`.• VICTORIA . ST 1 0 eland _ f':titk :a • PAC f FIC ... _a.a► 1. "3r:' . nnr E. EC TFIC , ; . .\ Z...I r } ... _ I v f r • .._ z BASE — - LINE-- - -,•.- a''w • ? -- . - , . r - - _. LINE' B ... - e r ku f , � 81* ' mop, / J • 6 1 - ^ i . . ft: ,ze , • i. II/ I" .,/1.............,:,...,• . .,:, .._ FOO N_L a_.,7 • . ' - c I • , .• � •/ . ri , p 0 1 .. — — 48" TO - -- 66" R.C.P. - L E G E N D SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED . El IN - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -15 PREPARED BY r MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 54 "R.C.P. S7 'R C. P. GG "PCP, • _ Hon /ey Ave. hcn /ey Ave. H /ey Ave. I 1440 - - 1440 3. 1420 `� i \\ 4 o .1420 gi 1400 N N m 1400 ` '6u 'N 0 O N N '441 1360 � N\\ I -- 1380 d. 1360 5.0283 1� Q225 ' 291c. f. S. 1360 3 • \\ I , , ( -- "Gro /no' Line 1340 70 60 ` \N Manho /e -Ty,o. I 54" R.C. P. 1320 Han /eU Ave. o S. .0265\ 3 Q2 s x 358 c.1's . qi I I ∎ � 1300 - k ' 1 . _ 1 � \ '' , 1460 - 60 1280 WW rounae 1440 _Ward' L /he 1440 S =0/60 ltn4n o/e 1260 1 - `yP zs =400c.Fs. 1420 &N - S =, 0283 1400 Q25 9 /C 1900 r L I N E A 54" TO P ill SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY . 0 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN r R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2-15 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING (0 MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ' 40 30 20 10 0 ■ 57"RC. ? CC" 'RCP 4:05e Line Rd 4cse Li e 'd I m ■ • Q. a � SIN • 1360 1360 • 1340 Mc iho/e T o. ', Ground L ine __ I 1 . - -- - -- . ------.611 1320 1300 S= 0022 1300 P2s= /02cfs 5=0025 2.5 /GOcfs S= ,00¢ Qes =2 /2c. ifs. L I J E B T ■ 51 66 "? " SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2-15 g PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000 DRAWING �� MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ' 30 20 10 0 48 "R. Et/wando Avenue 0 o o v� v �' o 0 laj v 1300 1300 Q Ground Line — 1200 ! Ma o % -Typ. 1280 1260 ■ 1260 0 10 20 1240 $ 0/86 1240 Q25' /82 c Ifs, S/' RC.P Sta/e Hwy. 3/ R/W _ - fu L I N E C O Q t, c n rt o0 1290 C QN 1200 <°, -ui o Grouna Line - Q _ 1260 Manho% -Typ _ — 1260 1240 1240 S= . o/o Qe = /60cfs, 1220 1220 L I N E D 48" a SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT _ COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2 - 15 T PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING �- MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 4 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A 66" RCP 1550 LF 68.50 $ 106,175 57" RCP 2550 LF 54.50 138,975 54" RCP 2900 LF 50.00 145,000 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 910.00 910 57" 2 Ea 790.00 1,580 54" 3 Ea 710.00 2,130 66" to 57" 1 Ea 865.00 865 Manhole No. 4 57" to 54" & 39" 1 Ea 2545.00 2,545 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 3,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 401,180 LINE B 66" RCP 2520 LF 68.50 172,620 57" RCP 1320 LF 53.50 70,620 Manhole No. 2 . 66" 3 Ea 910.00 2,730 57" 1 Ea 750.00 750 66" to 57" 1 Ea 865.00 865 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 249,585 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -15 1 PREPARED BY I V! ) MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 48" RCP 2640 LF 43.00 $ 113,520 Manhole No. 2 48" 3 Ea 650.00 1,950 TOTAL LINE C $ 115,470 LINE D 51" RCP 1900 LF 44.50 84,550 Manhole No. 2 51" 2 Ea 640.00 1,280 TOTAL LINE D $ 85,830 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, & D $ 852,065 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 127,805 SUBTOTAL $ 979,870 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 146,930 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,126,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -15 *) PREPARED BY I "' MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 6 '� 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA N r V r/ w .r, 0 n, N 2 :rfi. - IC SUMMIT /,'F Td/ W tek • ' W ,0i'\. f , "_ 28 LINE II Si ! 27 11 1 - -" - - • .455 � -2000 11 - ' y p CASMALIA T 48 I" 1 1 ° 1 FREEWAY DRAIN /N ' , FT, ' . JAY FOOTHILL �� _ - _ at us we LINE —h HIGHLAND —• _.x. / A V ( �.. �' I i,y 4 a • ' / � ' w " � W Q • n W I, • �k. W p 11 11 + ;: • 32 . VICTORIn sr •54 • 57 34 34 i . ti . ` ' 1 : LINE "A" ' 1: �- .. (• Etiwanda • i l ; �' ,'� -• lank I' 1, O ;C� hP `.`,_ -r .•y. ACiF! -77- +.. c E T "4",4,,,,./.. /: • _ - _ - - fr \- - ' " F - .2 7--', - - • - - - - - _ .✓ , �t 8 ASE .��— f N . LE __ 4 —_ Q - --_ J - - t , 41 4 5 1. /�� �_ _ 4 .. 1 ._ 48 "TO 60 •` °� R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ONMEIMM STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED MN MI EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN 1 PROJECT NO. 2 -16 PREPARED BY � Kb MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 40 30 20 10 0 - ERE 54" RCA' 57 "A.C.R Go "R.C.P. icfonio St, Victoria , /cto /74 St MEE =ME — L. 7, r .. ,. x • a ME Ground Line �L 1360 -= � Mao'7o /e- T •. �L� 1340 - s = 006/5 `MII `— 8 di 4320 Q25/.S / CfS. I 1320 5=.0i/5 ��I� Qzs =2 /Scf. _�l\ S = 0/2 1300 s°279cf. 1300 L IN E A i 210 10 0 20 I 0 0 o S/" 48"R.CR MRCP SI "R i Casmy /ib Str el I qi Et /wanda Ave. I Q o I ) 0' O N C' p b . 1480 1500 Ground dine ` Gi ound L in: 111M 0 IM + 1460 Mrnho /e -T p .. til''' TyP W .11111 - �� 11 _I� I_ 1480 1440 009/ 't� S. _� 1460 Qzs- /%c.fs. S= . 0/2 _ 5 =. O/2 Qzs /73cfs. _ Qzs L 1 N E M MINMN E nill 48" TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ° " FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2-16 Q PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I =1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 2 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A 60" RCP 550 LF 58.00 $ 31,900 57 " RCP 1300 LF 51.75 67,275 54" RCP 1300 LF 48.50 63,050 Manhole No. 2 57 " 1 Ea 710.00 710 54" 1 Ea 670.00 670 60 " to 57" 1 Ea 770.00 770 57" to 54" 1 Ea 700.00 700 TOTAL LINE A $ 165,075 LINE B 51" RCP 1820 LF 46.00 83,720 Manhole No. 2 51" 2 Ea 720.00 1,440 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 4,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 89,160 LINE C 51" RCP 200 LF 51.25 10,250 48" RCP 1320 LF 49.00 64,680 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 835.00 835 51" to 48" 1 Ea 990.00 990 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE C $ 78,755 . SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -16 PREPARED BY `( MOFFATT B NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 3 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST TOTAL LINES A, B, & C $ 33 2 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 49,950 SUBTOTAL $ 382,940 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 57,460 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 440,400 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -16 PREPARED BY (l ( �1 MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 4 ' 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • - r 1 . ■ [. 1 Z ! • F OOT, -, ILL I - 1 m •.- - 'ALVD e - - - ` LIME G �* a - i �- " J • I 12 I ERR _4- . 5 7 84 — 57 ROUTE - LINE �� — eV ' LINE "D" I. ! I .. - D! =6.• , , - ; s — Di =3.5 - ,•r- - __ - - - 4 T a _ - 75 -: L I N€ •- " R -. - - . ,"t•h,r.t� -[ j -c • • ., • i, .-I I q . co • • • ~ J 1 N _ ' I II. IL.. [ 11 v 3 ` .� I. .' -_ 18 ±o� W6 a _ _ i .. N.......---. = � . l- -----� .. ^ J '../ 1W _ J /' _ . 2 - .--- — -- - - '•t SAN BERNARC■NO AVE -- - ' :,.,__ \ ' — '.".. ------ , =2s� '- G JI O 41 4 R STADIUM I 1.5 J 1" =20001 y [,, b 48"TO '� 84 .E COL -ON • AvE 1 TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT IIII•=I • PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -17 - PREPARED BY irn MOFFATT 8, NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 7 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Trpeyordo 4% RC.P 84' R.C.P. B4 "R.C.P. Channel foi re St Arrow Route Psi ate Ease ent Private' Eosemen IL CI � O ; C -_I o O Ib 1220 1220 1200 ■MI -IMI -IIM 1200 mbmi. Ground Line '--,---'- 1180 _ _ =MEM 1 - 1180 --- 11' Monho e- Tyo. TopOfPa ing 1 1160 S=.0/.2 -.1441 -m- _WA 1 1160 11 ao ---_- s =. - ,-__MI 1140 ----- Qro= /63cfs. s= .004 ��,� Qzs .5B7c, f, s. 1120 S. 0065 . 1120 4zs °525cis 0 = . 5' -- --_-_-- bl 6.0' 6= S.0' ---__-- zs ZO' Q 25'.52SCfS . L I N E A b' 1 48 °8 84 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY °'",, - , rJ1" o '��'� FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1 5,.m..�'` 1.5 NIF . b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL RC.P P ROJECT NO. 2 17 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I =1000' DRAWING (Q MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 2 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA w. - 0 10 20 30 40 72".C9 48'1Y ' ' Slate N .3/ R/W .5/41e //w .3 R /frV S .111.111 1220C.� ` O - -- 1200 ME - O Ground '��MI - 4lanh. . ��� � 1.1 1180 MAIM'� .1 =. —� -- 025r /6.5c Pli 1160 - - 02,5'34(5c. . . _ � -- 1140 - 1 -- L I N E . . B i 10 20 5/" •.CP 48"RCP.' 1 Future Street Future L St 1 i 1220 o OX °o . s' &L El Grown. Line 1200 INEM/I 111. M , 1180 0 5 =.022 --- /— Qzs= 200cf. �� _-- --- 1160 S Qes ?00 11.111 --- --_ S= 700c.t.5, L I N E • C 48' TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY . Ii FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R.C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 17 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000 DRAWING � (� MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD — LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 20 10 0 • _57 "R.C.P' 57 "RCP. 57 "RC.P, - State Arrow Route Arrow Route Hwy3 /R /w R 1180 C o - . . .. 1180 QGraun 9 L ine - '� Graz/adz/fie /qe j l Manno /e -Typ. ,u, , Manho% Typ. 1160 / IIGO 1160 — - -- - - - -- 1160 ■ �„ 1140 ` '.00 2 1140 5:0027 6225 -/ 0c fs, 1 F`{0 S 1140 = .003 42.5- Q2s' /28c. f. s. ' L I N E D L I N E F 1 i • ' 0 10 2• - 210 10 0 Trgoegoida/ C/70/71. e/ ,� 54 "R.C.P _ LT SF. RR R/W -` foothill B /vd. Ii h l 0� �' o 3. . 1140 -.3 around L /ne R40 E22e 'c GroundG h e 1220 Top OfP4vinq Monho /e TyP 1120 , ----11-20 1200 — ' 1200 --F /ow Lime 5 =.002 1100 2 1100 1100 5 = 1180 D' =3.5' Qzs = 95c.f. s, b =5.0' b' =/55' Q2s =75cfs L I N E E L I N E G b' 1 54 " No SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY i'Ll_ _�� 4 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN • TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL RC.P. P ROJECT NO. 2 — 17 T PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING i0 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE ' UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST ' LINE A Excavation 4900 CY 2.75 $ 13,475 Concrete - Trapezoidal 50 CY 40.00 2,000 Channel ABM Walls 150 CY 42.00 6,300 Reinforcing Steel 3100 Lb 0.14 434 Wire Fabric 4700 Lb 0.25 1,175 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 84" RCP 2500 LF 94.25 235,625 48" RCP 2640 LF 41.50 109,560 Manhole No. 2 84" 2 Ea 1055.00 2,110 48" 4 Ea 615.00 2,460 Manhole No. 4 84" to 48" & 57" 1 Ea 2755.00 2,755 TOTAL LINE A $ 377 LINE B 72" RCP 2000 LF 74.75 149,500 48" RCP 1600 LF 41.50 66,400 Manhole No. 2 72" 1 Ea 910.00 910 48" 1 Ea 615.00 615 Manhole No. 4 72" to 48" & 51" 1 Ea 2360.00 2,360 TOTAL LINE B $ 219,785 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -17 Ivl PREPARED BY 'ern MOF F A WARD LOW a NIIC LONG BEACH, OL, CALIFORNIA MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 7 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 51" RCP 1000 LF 44.50 $ 44,500 48" RCP 400 LF 41.50 16,600 Manhole No. 2 51" 1 Ea 640.00 640 51" to 48" 1 Ea 710.00 710 TOTAL LINE C $ 62,450 LINE D 57" RCP 1550 LF 51.75 80,213 • Manhole No. 2 57" 1 Ea 705.00 705 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE D $ 82,918 LINE E Excavation 2160 CY 2.75 5,940 Concrete - Trapezoidal 80 CY 40.00 3,200 Channel ABM Walls 180 CY 42.00 7,560 Reinforcing Steel 5900 Lb 0.14 826 • Wire Fabric 5600 Lb 0.25 1,400 TOTAL LINE E $ 18,926 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -17 PREPARED BY 05 MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE F 57" RCP 1320 LF 51.75 $ 68,310 Manhole No. 2 57" 1 Ea 705.00 705 TOTAL LINE F $ 69,015 LINE G 54" RCP 1200 LF 48.50 58,200 Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 670.00 670 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,500 TOTAL LINE G $ 60,370 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D, E, F & G $ 891,358 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 133,704 SUBTOTAL $1,025,062 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 153 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,178,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -17 PREPARED BY DRAWING 7 OF 7 eil MMD O w sA &w IICHOL G , B ENGIINEER ' S MARCH 1969 r I / - ~ , / >, '''''' 4, e... )ci • 1 .... ; v i o I i , „, ' '', i ' � I , I j c�" % f . ' ov / g ,. I �-= , - ` - _ 311 W' H N I!. s_. - - ��/ y_ _ _ _ - - - — -� - - C r - L _ r ---- C -- G = __� -_ 4 r y \ • RIVERS 1 ri',*t- 3 BA IN r �� ` J D_ /\ \ I . , 1 N cr W a 1.1 25.0' TO 85;0 / / z i �-- J 3 1d1S ! - i // / l \ - C � � • n ' i of / ... N j/j)) 1 irw i 1 r_ # - r - i'' .i' /, -- c-", ti . :! 1 e' =r 3C'�.\• 4.. 9 _ 1 d ( (' ` i a. , ' CM . (Si7;2111/1_ - / ) . r ( . u ~ `'\ bl V 4 pe"1 - 1 ,, ,,- . r G END 0 9'--- COUNTY f/� 1 DRAINS TO BE CON! ° N.., )I STR I CT ',) • , . ` , SED STORM DRAIN DRAIN PLAN • f . ) ' 2 -I8 BY (c t (v/ I OF 5 a NICHOL, ENG WDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 1 60 5 40 30 20 10 0 Troocjoida/ Chonne/ iV evi/ /e ,Do in 72-6/7 /lion 7 of is /Cf onne/ 53,,C.(CD RAY 55 „1CD, ' .:.C.fCO.,9 /W ci ° M� 920 ' . C ,�- g Q 920 \ � � -- Tap of Paving .,,Oi/ /Noy ; 900 900 ` \ Woler Sur `ace Row Line - - 880 S• I - Exist Cho nne / /nver 680 ,0-,5,5' D'- ZS' , b = /2.0' \---- furJre Bas ---I 860 5',345' Qzs ° 3040cfs L_.__ 1 5 =.0/0 ® b 860 D °varies 3-.0 /O =2 ■ D'=7.5' D-5.9' 5'=475' 840 _ b - varies D'• Qzs =4B60c's 36', as - � 840 025. 4860/• 24 " /n.Wos/e 120 110 100 93 80 70 60 Trope ; oido / Chonne ' 5.6.CfC2. R/W 1000 ' Q ; 1000 t.3 " 6ridgc o o hi C sea - Exis/ Chonne / Inver/ £'� 980 0 , 0 5-.0/2 - - -r, ,. 960 „0'.7.5' 960 b -/20' b'- 345' f /ow Lin Al Top of Pev 940 025-7,530c/8 5-.0/3 --""141111� 940 0 =57' D' =75' �� -- � 920 b -/20' \� 920 b' =343' Q25= 2920c,ss 5 =.0/2 ,5 900 D =.5.8' b' =34.5' 900 D' °73' 025'3046cfs b SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY el 11.5 1 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2 18 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I” =1000' DRAWING � r4 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD — LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 Trope3oi../ Chann•/ — • V S.6.C.Ff.,O. 4'4V 1111111 o 1080 a 1080 3,,,;.. .. . 1060 _�-�----� 1115' 1060 1040 O a9 • �_EM' : 1040 - b °B. I f/o �M�' Top of 'oving I . > II 1020 AZS ; 95C(.5 --- \__ 1020 D=94' ��,Bridge ,' 1000 6°B. 0' , 'a, A ----- 5 • /39Scfs 17' /nd`� 1 ,' 1000 .5-.0/B 6-6.0 Mill 980 p 2' 6416.4' D'.0' Qzs °/3 % seo 2 • •0 2 0 20 •• 1 :• 7iopc3oido/ Cho ne/ ., . 5B. /CO. AV 1180 t F . i It ■-■ ------ 1180 1160 A INSI ® - I C ---- 1160 P Z T. Coox ,,,M =P of Pow ,g 1140 a 6a. 36 1140 � � i 5 .0/7 �� .— l Bridge D ..50 �� ��� C honnc / _ • 1120 D _ 3 0 1120 b 60 b 2/.0' -' °44' �11■1� b' °26.0 �, $2s /24 1100 QM 1/-60 lloo ° 7c I f /ow ine 1080 111,' � S °.0 -3 6.8.'� D-4. c b' °2.0 � ,oeo `l D' °6.e' Q25• /'44cfs 1060 1060 r b 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY L - FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I c _ 1.5 1.5 I - o b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R O J E CT NO. 2 - 18 lT PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING (Q MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 270 260 250 240 7 Chonne/ S.B.0 /C.2 R/W oti Li • 1220 Top of Poking 1220 /'fxistChonne / /rne% 1200 1200 1180 � ` 1180 fP W Linc 1160 D - 24 1160 ' ' b 3.O' b' =/5.0 1 140 Q75'236c/s 1140 b' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY o FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b 1 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - 18 PREPARED Br: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 4 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD — LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE Excavation 173500 CY 2.75 $ 477,125 Backfill 129000 CY 1.25 161,250 Concrete - Trapezoidal 14020 CY 40.00 560,800 Channel Concrete - Transition 3230 CY 75.00 242,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 4350 CY 75.00 326,250 Concrete - Spillway 800 CY 50.00 40,000 ABM Walls 3360 CY 42.00 141,120 Reinforcing Steel 1045 Ton 280.00 292,600 Wire Fabric 85400 Lb 0.25 21,350 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 125,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 8,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 20,000 TOTAL $2,415,745 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 362,355 SUBTOTAL $2,778,100 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 416,700 TOTAL PROJECT COST $3,194,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ` FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -18 PREPARED BY I " ( t ;l MOFFATT 6 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 '� 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ,t,.. 4 as aTCHI„oN A ND SANTA Fc ; —_ - - i - _ "may. S TOPEKA - _ --- - t- 7 .. .- - .ccc • • t l i ..1 - ` =4„- • • • i _ . . - • f - 6TH . STPET_ I >I 75' ' I ' - In — r M � T. • 1 u 1 • - gin c o N T • =7.) .0-0 Z Z -�' I H — . - " J J W ._ sa N 60 ee.efr n _ 4vF - r i i II 0 ael z 0.' iii a _v S'At31 }JM� � '�S O� i ° 6 a W - -- - i —I w • _ " s , LINE A s.s• 78" - ____i_ijg ir -- , ON ' 19 78 2� OL O - ' - . � SAN B ,. ^1.= �,C,rJ ^v �_6 84 _� A. 'FREEWAY '41 )1 - LANE- -�- • ir ` . - • ----^ -'- '- `eWTNE t?h ''- �. PACIF: - {r K _. -. iT 375. i- �. ■� i " - ... M. 1 ` 1 Li • II J I • , � — — 0 1.5 1.5 0 • • - ._ •,� b 60"T0 - ,-'1 =2000' 84" TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. L E G END SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED • IN• MO • PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -19 Crl PREPARED BY (rz MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 Trop.Ch. Tro0e3o /0 Channc/ Tr.... Ch ►.e oido/ A hone/ • fufure5t Ontario k'/or.5/a. r. Areo P3' oa AvcilliSia/c //v, 3/ R W 1060 p � _ x r x 1060 l ■ 1040 - Top of Paving " \ .1, 1040 S :0/4 ` Bridgc 1020 0 26 - I °UndL /n.�, 1020 0'45 =!�1 �1 l b =40' 5-.C17 ���_ 6"/75' 0 =.,.0' f /ow Lire 1000 025 =234c& 0'='5' 5 =.0043 -- ���II� - -- � 1000 6 =�0 0 =3.8 004 B /2` .6'- ,75' D' =3S' '49' H. /0i/ 5 =,' � `'- _ 025 4406-15' 6=60' I' -6.5' D = •.7 X 27 /nd. Was c 980 b''225' =6.0' 0' 6 025 =460c .' =25,5' 6 80' 5 -.0066 6 =8.0' 980 A 5 =764cfs 6' 275' 0=46' 6' °275' L I A 02 824cfs 0'=6,5' 2s=942cfs se . 77 60 ape5oido/ Channel fufur 5/ hc? $ ti �u 6 6 r . und Line - • - 1080 114 Top ofPowig IOGo ` \ 1060 5 = -0/4 6 =4.0' \ \ \ Joao 0'26' 6' =/75 D'=4.5' 025'2946-/: L I N E A b' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY s s l FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN _ „ TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2 -19 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING ( MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 2 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 50 40 30 20 10 0 Tiooejjoida/ Channel Tirpcjoio'a /Chonne✓ fufure St 0n/12rio ,Wo/nr Siod /uin Po /ii o Arch �� o � 1100 1 100 Ground Lire loeo loco �To vofPovinr 1060 ` — 1060 Nov Line 5 °0/6 1010 D °2 1040 6-3.0' �, \ b' = /S.0' 1020 Q25 .200cfs 1020 5•.0/3 1000 0 ?S • O' 1000 1 Q2.s.280cfs L I N E B • b SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY W f � FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT o , COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - 1 ✓ rt1 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING ) MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 B4'RCP 84'R,C4 7eX?C,P 72'iP.C,P. _ 60i2CP ' San .Be Hardin fay R/W future ...:t Co 'ton Ave, future St, / San Bern lino Ave. ci ° c a h1 0 h CO 1060 ` x ` , 1060 a �ti .,%,,, 1040 Monho/e T b + — 1040 Grouno Line - -'11 1020 t � I //' .. 1020 1 _ _ 025=232c '11111i_� 5 °.008 a 1000 - - . .. Q2s =356cis 1000 _ . -_ , z.7//70,14,0,57,6 5 =, 007 S -.00.E Q25=425c / 980 5 = Q25= 453cfs Q25.17 c/ eeo L I N E 60 70 ( i 60 "RCP - San Bernard no Ave, 6 Q o 1 � cti • 1060 6 IOGO ' 1040 1040 S,O/ 1020 1020 Q25-232cf LINE C 60. TO 84' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY A FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P, . PROJECT NO. 2 -19 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 6 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 37000 CY 2.75 $ 101,750 Concrete - Trapezoidal 540 CY 40.00 21,600 Channel Concrete - Transition 550 CY 75.00 41,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 550 CY 75.00 41,250 ABM Walls 1580 CY 42.00 66,360 Reinforcing Steel 194500 Lb 0.14 27,230 Wire Fabric 51400 Lb 0.25 12,850 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 314,290 LINE B . Excavation 16600 CY 2.75 45,650 Concrete - Trapezoidal 150 CY 40.00 6,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 260 CY 75.00 19,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 232 CY 75.00 17,400 ABM Walls 690 CY 42.00 28,980 Reinforcing Steel 88600 Lb 0.14 12,404 Wire Fabric 22200 Lb 0.25 5,550 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 136,484 4 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -19 1 � I PREPARED BY o MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 6 1 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAO - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST ' LINE C 84" RCP 2300 LF 94.25 $ 216,775 78" RCP 660 LF 85.00 56,100 72" RCP 2640 LF 74.75 197,340 60" RCP 660 LF 57.00 37,620 Manhole No. 2 84" 1 Ea 1090.00 1,090 72" 2 Ea 905.00 1,810 84" to 78" 1 Ea 1055.00 1,055 78" to 72" 1 Ea 970.00 970 Manhole No. 4 72" to 60" & 33" 1 Ea 2360.00 2,360 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE C $ 517,120 TOTAL LINES A, B & C $ 967,894 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 145,186 SUBTOTAL $1,113,080 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 166,920 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,280,000 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -19 PREPARED BY � "` � �, MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 6 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 2 . 4.. ' ----."----'• . 19 - 20 --_- - ' _ , - - -- ,, Si, N .5 EFi AUDI , '". , - \L 4I AO .-- - - i'rc'EF:',.,) , ___., L . __:...t. - • • .: ..- 0— N - . :,. • .... .. - _ . , . , b z2.0. 1 * D "' ii,CIFI sourr;ERN . ----- - LINE C ' ' •- .. , ,7' , .... ., ._ ,......_ .. - .) -. .c. — ,..7-: - v , . 1 - . •,,, 03 4 . - , ' - • i . , .- 4' < . 25 _ , _ , 4 ■e S .4 ' 1 i , .- A 3 _i__-,-- - - ----. . 29 • UJ -I . . \ Z - . -I \ • .--. - 7 -- - . • 4 ... to • , ., ' f; • . I :2000 , . '... _..... — 900 _ \ • -'i. 84 — — . - . .44 , .. , . ... CY) 10.04x 8.0'D R.C.B. -----, _..-----, WINEVILLE ' . • 12.120Wx8.dD R.C.B, ., .. , BASIN ' . '6 ,\ ...,• ,,, 3 • •. \._ .,. , _ , - ._ _ • .__ z• r" .-• ., • ) Lil . t - - - - - J • ' V- , .. (f) •I`. - ' • • •''''' •,-• • CO e .,I .. 3 7.N -•• 1.5 12.0' & io.o' I 1... b 1 51"TO 90' R.C. B. CHANNEL TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R. C. P LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT mom= STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED - COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN - PROJECT NO. 2-20 ) I PREPARED BY 1 IID. ICZ MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA k 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 . . , /2.0' :.0i9C.5. .90 1 /00' x 63.o' R. callIM mafx- - III IN g t a Ave. future $ . 7 1111== re Sit 1 1 Ii _ min IIII 1111 Mill IMI 1111 940 IIRI • `1. MILI 4) Li ilar, 940 MO 1 c'c', 11111M11 .. 3,,It■ (j) 11. II 1. nil 920 IIIIII IliblIblAillibbilli I Crou// Jfie El El 920 MEI 900 4111. ---- 900 880 a lli 6 111111 1 11111111 7 1.1111 IlirlIM * 6225 =3 . . ' 6 /2"1/o 'Oil -..............m.m. 5= 0045 1111111111 111111111 1 h 880 Qes 4/9 c./'.5. S...004 s25.-49/c.7f5. 5=. 00/5 MEE A • ! ' Q25- 23c.fs, 5-.003 Q23 725c/s 12J.0 110 10 . _ M SO i 7. , 60 tejoielo/ CIA7/205/ th ci;O'R.C.P Mill e a Ave. ' 50,7 ger/7020 /5 II Y ' . irea A enue •illil A impum 1 1 .L1 t 1 MEM 73. of Paving _ .1'?e' 4 MIIIIIIIII ■ il ,,;,kri qi,'1-• 1 ,, , ..1% i m 980 ,f_ _ _ 980 * Now Line --- M111.1= 1 6'round ine 960 960 0... 2.4' 1 . M - -Too. I b'=/5 6=3.0' 111111E1111 . 0' . 940 940 S=. 0/2 .1.11.1..1_1101..::: sai 02.5.285c.= 12111111M1 920 M11110..._ -...... 920 Prial wi L M A a =354 c f:s. R. C. P b' r El 12 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ni I. b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.B. CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2-20 0, PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING 141 2 W F S 7 R L o RNO A I D CHO LO 1- N4 B 1CNALEIFEORRNISA 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 5 40 30 20 10 0 I S / 'R.CR 54 "RCP 1 Fu/are S ` — St, / • Hwy, 3 /R /4' Q' I Qo 4 ON '. x QX fd1 V 940 940 0 MYn17o /e -70. I 920 � 920 Ground Line A S =. 0/05 — 900 900 .�zs- /74cfs t 1 S= 0 /2/ 880 0 10 L I N E B is'203c.£ . 7roape9o/da/ Chcnne /_ Sou /he . Pacific R.R. C ` 'L v •,) a IL 980 380 960 5 =. 0038 b. 2.0' 9G0 0 =2.2' b- /4.0' D' =4.0' Qzs= 72c.fs. L I N E C r b ' 51 ., s` SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ,/""°° FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I � Wi t. b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. P ROJECT NO. 2 - 20 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING fo MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 30400 CY 2.75 $ 83,600 Backfill 17700 CY 1.25 22,125 Concrete - Trapezoidal 60 CY 40.00 2,400 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 2440 CY 75.00 183,000 ABM Walls 240 CY 42.00 10,080 Reinforcing Steel 239400 Lb 0.14 33,516 Wire Fabric 7800 Lb 0.25 1,950 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 3,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 90" RCP 1320 LF 111.75 147,510 84" RCP 1320 LF 99.50 131,340 66" RCP 2740 LF 65.25 178,785 60" RCP 3100 LF 57.00 176,700 Manhole No. 2 84" 1 Ea 1215.00 1,215 66" 1 Ea 835.00 835 60" 3 Ea 750.00 2,250 RCB to 90" 1 Ea 2530.00 2,530 90" to 84" 1 Ea 1290.00 1,290 84" to 66" 1 Ea 1115.00 1,115 66" to 60" 1 Ea 805.00 805 TOTAL LINE A $ 989,046 LINE B 54" RCP 1320 LF 48.50 64,020 51" RCP 2700 LF 44.50 120,150 Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 675.00 675 51" 3 Ea 645.00 1,935 54" to 51" 1 Ea 665.00 665 TOTAL LINE B $ 187,445 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO.2 -20 � I PREPARED BY � '(�I MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 h 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C Excavation 2100 CY 2.75 $ 5,775 Concrete - Trapezoidal 40 CY 40.00 1,600 Channel ABM Walls 220 CY 42.00 9,240 Reinforcing Steel 4000 Lb 0.14 560 Wire Fabric 7200 Lb 0.25 1,800 TOTAL LINE C $ 18,975 TOTAL LINES A, B & C $1,195,466 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 179,314 SUBTOTAL $1,374,780 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 206,220 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,581,000 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -20 PREPARED BY 10 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA \ ' \� - • • r j a ( o �., ry �` � N o - ; 3 n 6.1491 /Ed 1 , _ t s_ � . - - ii r. ....., _ .-, Leeee- ) t'M -3 q 9 . -.•*• 41i .. • 0h 1, u r 0 r :t : , � A, x' U) a (.) ___., 'V.:, Z 0 tij . - .0 J �b >n -= - - ° ■ • _ - .OS ,•' ,p . 9N 0) 4 w z �,' HO cn 0 N 0., a ti i —':••' r '6/: '� .� �/ by / c O z ° Z c , 0 ��0 �� �s 2 a v a v,' - � • w / - 3 O b cy it W cr W W m n � ,OF, O X o 0 • • ' ,o b 9 , / 0 • • - / \ 't Z 0 o z U o _ \ — .111 _ _ . l / J - 3 Q Z 3 ;fit_ W j O - i Q o a i... s d 3 to -� O oo U) a W Li_ W N m 1 t0 tp j O o .• _ - ,� _ • r �. ' Q •'� ; - -' 3nv 1:;',//01'/, 1 -.4(4. s 5'b: �9 - - z 0 a6Z= q :} - 2. �- I. 4 ` � - 7 � - 0 1‘) o �d 1ri , _ -- __ - - y r F \ .. . r _ _ _ _. -- _ .- ■ a. - -� 0 a0 ",7 J -`-- ' ' -, N , W " I � , 11 14 4 , , .„...,,, -1 - _ _ . a - �, . - -- '�: N .-- W a. l i t l I' a 11 1,3, HQ Cr F sus - ,� - - i a N 3fiin s -- -- - -• - -- - -- - - -r-= L -- Jr31 � Vd r 0 b: 0 - ,� S =1a i ":: ° ' a AL 0'Z: q rev .0•£' ».,� 2. { anv ,. ,0 £- Q - ° ° e - s � �s�rn0 v. 1,r� W ' . Aillhei„ ... .1 l y � �� �.ti I Q y V N y ± V• Z �, 'VI liar - �t= t a �W Y i i �.+�� w , V 61 az" -- -�►a r, _ .., . ...] Cr — z • a J ip,'�, ''O nuac. -___ ._ , _ :1 IL M Z 7 _ '' w . 000Z : ` wniavls a OIQw Otad1NO 1 �; a L fl \ W Cr �+, {. 3n r l rJUlr; ,,,., r,3d ldVS .� ..W \•-•.. ,\ - ."'?.• s„ r • +! el 4t 69U: I _ i R96,./ 4 . _ M` /�1{/� f . `� u a 0 _ • L 1 • _., 3 �--F - - , NV S O W V � . '. , - - --}- _. V 13..1 _ __, -, i -` , _ � . .. N O /H•7117 - ; *` _ .. --' 7. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 f9octongd/ar Chonne Union Roc/ ic APR - ,5c7/7 6ernordino_ i \ BM II1N111' W 860 _—E�--, —��_ .� 860 III-- Top of o// r drid g c 840 � •■E 6roun•�—_ 840 820 D S 0 FM 5•.00 0 • • �� M 1* ' -�= 820 D = 0.0 ∎' D6.5 Linc 6 /Z/,�o /✓ h ° 90' ■ ...%) D'' /Q I 5 =0047 Q25 = /SOOcfs e h' /9. I 0'5.3' ' S °.0047 800 025 = / , I D'>/0.0' D -55' Boo 025-1670c b= /90 - I • 120 110 •• Qzi /77oc 90 810 1 710 6• • .. /anqu /ar hmer in • 0 ' �_ ' c n /0n Pacifi ar RR. ■. Q�`, -� , F) q- 900 -- -- , 900 `I 880 5 ° `�� Ground /,,t �' o 880 860 i -6.0 14 -46' �``� Top o WO // 860 840 -- 1111U25 25'// 0015 -_ S -.0083 h 70' •I 840 5 . 0030 _---_-- D i- - 820 - D � 820 LINE A h- I 380cfs b b' r SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY - ,,5� FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT , ,.., b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN RECTANGULAR CHANNEL TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R O J E CT NO. 2 - 21 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING � (d) MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 2 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 Trc,ae oidoi Chonnc/ , Trace oido/ Channel Private Easement C /eve /and Ave. v ck ,�� o"- .c 980 C c4 C 980 h �'v V o dridgc � . 960�� � ,n, 960 5.0090 ------,..z....... Top o(P w,9 e 0.1,8' \ 0'•4,3' 5 =.0/20 940 940 6.30' 0,34' Ground Line b'• /6.3 J'•5.0' f /ow Line Q25.230cfs 3.5.0' -, -- t 920 .5' °20 5.0/34 _ 920 Q25.550c/ D=3.3' 0' >5.0' 6.50' 6' 900 Q25 .55Ccs 5.0,04 b =6.0 900 0-4/' b' i L I N E A 0''55' Q25•87.4cfs 190 180 . Ti n. 7p.Cha Private Easement .. 1000 , 1000 Ground � / Zoe - 960 - -I MP °M7v /7 - 9' '\ 980 flaw Line 3C0 960 ., 0090 0.28' 0'•4.5' 1).3,0' b'•/65' 025.230cfs L I N E A b 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY °T FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT _____ COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN ..- TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2-21 PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � it MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW.R0A0 - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA .. 30 20 10 0 Trope7o /do/ Chcnne/ ■ Union Rocific RA C O ` O , C. a 60O 880 Top of Roving -� Ground Line Rrq 860 _ C sao S ° 6.2.0' f /owLinc�- 840 D -27' b' °/4.0' 5-.003 6.3.0' D'4..0' Q25=94cfs D'27' b' =/50' D' -40 Q2s= 117cfs L I N E B 0 10 20 20 10 0 Tope joida/ Chonnc/ _ Trapc3o do/ Chonnc/ 5.R AR S. RRR. GI � C O o C5 Top of Raying- , 980 980 980 Top ofRcving-- 980 Ground Line - ) 6raund Line � - 1 960 960 f /ow /27C 5 =. 002 5 =0027 5 -002 D .. 29' D =25' Now !Mc 0=2.2' D' °40' D' °45' D'-45' b -2 0' b =3,0' b -30' b' =/90' b' =/65' b' °/6.5' Q25 ° 60cfs 025•/25cfs Q25 ° / /0cfs L I N E D L I N E C b' 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • ,1_ =- o 1 v FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I.5 1.5 b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - 21 0 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING (o MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD — LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 20 10 0 Trape3oido /Channel Bo/ /au Rd. J � V Top of po ling 94 o Grc and Line 940 920 1 920 Now Line 5=.0020 b'2.0' D. 27' h' =/5.5' 300 D' =450 Q25 °B3cfs 900 L I N E E 20 IA Tr7pe5oida/ Channel , ✓urupo Ave. h � o .e 020 a 920 Top of pc ving Grp and Line 000 � _ 900 flowLne- 000 S .00 /Z b'2.0' Bao D'29' b'155' Q25 °77cfs L I N E F b' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • � -- FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT ° 1.6 b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN • TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R O J E CT NO. 2- 21 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1 " = 1000' DRAWING iQ MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 5 OF 7 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 108200 CY 2.75 $ 297,550 Backfill 21600 CY 1.25 27,000 Concrete - Trapezoidal 770 CY 40.00 30,800 Channel Concrete - Transition 830 CY 75.00 62,250 Channel Concrete - Rectangular 4740 CY 75.00 355,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 1420 CY 75.00 106,500 ABM Walls 2280 CY 42.00 95,760 Reinforcing Steel 294 Ton 280.00 82,320 Wire Fabric 73700 Lb 0.25 18,425 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 14,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL LINE A $1,095,105 LINE B Excavation 9400 CY 2.75 25,850 Concrete - Trapezoidal 100 CY 40.00 4,000 Channel ABM Walls 480 CY 42,00 20,160 Reinforcing Steel 9700 Lb 0.14 1,358 Wire Fabric 15500 Lb 0.25 3,875 TOTAL LINE B $ 55,243 LINE C Excavation 3600 CY 2.75 9,900 Concrete - Trapezoidal 50 CY 40.00 2,000 Channel ABM Walls 320 CY 42.00 13,440 Reinforcing Steel 5700 Lb 0.14 798 Wire Fabric 10100 Lb 0.25 2,525 TOTAL LINE C $ 28,663 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-21 1) "`(,f PREPARED BY 1 MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 7 ' 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD • LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST ' LINE D Excavation 4300 CY 2.75 $ 11,825 Concrete - Trapezoidal 70 CY 40.00 2,800 Channel ABM Walls 330 CY 42.00 13,860 Reinforcing Steel 6400 Lb 0.14 896 Wire Fabric 10300 Lb 0.25 2,575 TOTAL LINE D $ 31,956 LINE E Excavation 2600 CY 2.75 7,150 Concrete - Trapezoidal 40 CY 40.00 1,600 Channel ABM Walls 250 CY 42.00 10,500 Reinforcing Steel 4000 Lb 0.14 560 Wire Fabric 7900 Lb 0.25 1,975 TOTAL LINE E $ 21,785 LINE F Excavation 2600 CY 2.75 7,150 Concrete - Trapezoidal 40 CY 40.00 1,600 Channel ABM Walls 250 CY 42.00 10,500 Reinforcing Steel 4000 Lb 0.14 560 Wire Fabric 7900 Lb 0.25 1,975 TOTAL LINE F $ 21,785 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D, E & F $1,254,537 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 188,173 SUBTOTAL $1,442,710 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 216,390 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,659,100 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN , -F- PROJECT NO. 2-21 PREPARED BY I� '" l MOF WEST 6 BEACH, NIICHOL, CALIFORNIA ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 7 OF 7 - of 11 51" -- .. • .. F ` l:Kh Plw, � .. • , ' hnUTF. 1 0 , .. .., LINE B _ • H.u.i 1 - , �: u: D r ' - - F - _ 'R4"..er Stdmg • �_ . 1 Z . - - -<-T_ .T":.:1 I - _ . I • • • .. - � ' J 2 �,•• -r - i- _ - - --" 4 '' . - f7 ' = . ' - - - - Z . 1i 11..j. - cill , . • " I . . D' :4.0 P -- - $ +gii: - _� i OS'•• - 7 , 1 :- - 4 . 1 EN ER N ap __ Ix • }iQ r� I"�20.00 3 t' � ETIWAN 1 s CONSERVATION • W ' • 5 Y ... : ... - ; - - -BA -SINS '` ,:., f , a: • • ,O :�Lro.v E Z :1.0 (' �— • M • t -4' E ° . 6 :1 . :r .5LYO L :8A, Q D _ • .r4 RERN AR^I :.-c' _ 411. -.a. - I . F,t • i • _•---= - �� t fREt''t - ...1111 RECT` ' � OM ANi. • _ ~ - - � b :12,Q '�C E T, •D' = 75 Pa crlc Q Q 1� /1=1— *kg 1 Z b b J RECT NGULAR C �I 1., CHANNEL TRAPEZOIDAL , CHANNEL R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED . MO • NI EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-22 © PREPARED BY ez MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Two. joido /C'onne/ _ Trooej.ido/ Chan e/ ?ec %onquior Chan. • 5o. g a /iffdiso VII/ or/va foseme / S.d.C.f.CD /PA/ Q • 3 G o 0 e o� Q _ a r 1060 oN ������ x1060 ■ t 1040 To. OfpOV ` 1040 m .8fidges h _� G2 nd Line =.� L 1020 1020 ��-� =0 // D °4o Z` _ ' D' =S0 _ —• —:_ —\ 1000 - b =50 f/o Line - 1000 b '= /9 0 Z =/0 -003 b =%0' Q2s =B6 c/s L 1 N E A ° 57' b' -; .0' 5=0045 =/20' 980 1'75' Z- 0 D =59' 25 =9 /5cfs 980 Qz5=867c t D'=75' 1 . 0 11. 1. 0 9. 8D 73 60 T /-ape 70/0 Chonne — -- -- . -_ -_- So.Co /,Y3.ison R/ -- ■ • h I p • Q Q Ci 1120 ,. • — 3rid ` : 1120 \I Top o paving ° I � ` � t R 5 =.0/4 ` _ - r M�t• 1100 D=27 f /ow 7ine� 11 00 D' =45' li�� �I b =40' II Joao b'= /75' 1 5 =.0//7 _\I�I Ground Ghe 1080 Z =/ `� ,„..374„,, D'= 4,5' .0/6 '� 1 a,' b BO' i-27 �� � 1060 b =2/5 i' =45 1060 7= /5 • Q2s =53/ ='' /. S' =/5 5 =.0/6 6=60 Joao 0 S =S73 0=35' 6'-23.0' Joao L I N A D'=.57' Z °/5 Q ?s= 770c/3 b b SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • , Z � = Z , FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT -. NI L b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN • RECTANGULAR CHANNEL TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R O J E C T NO. 2- 22 Q PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING it MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 140 130 120 Trvoe-oida/ Channe/ • So. Cd/,( Edison R /lV bu f;r0U120' Line 1160 1160 EXP Coax. Top ofPauing 1140 3eGos f /ory L 'PC 1120 S -.0/4 1120 D -27 D =4.5' 1100 b - 1100 • b =/75' Q. °321cfs L I N E A SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 1� o J I" FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1.5 1.5 1 b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 -22 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING rit MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 10 0 Tro.. Chan. 3 / ''RC.P. • Randall '111 A ow Rout. 't, R C� ao 1 100 1100 ,," Ground Top of • . . I I C O - Lin\ 1160 . , GTOUnd Line 1080 mmmr! ....M..1 F /ow Line 1140 ` Ilao 5 002 b' .0' 1060 0 = 23' b /50' - 5 =009 D' =4.0' 02 59cfs Q25- /50cfs r L I N E D L I N E B 20 10 0 Troz'e3o,do/ Chanr.e 4.T,0,,fRR e o 3� 'w 4u Ground Li ♦ 1140 1140 Toff of Paving + r _ 1120 Now Line .__. 5..003 b °20' 1100 D•24' b' =/4.0' .5-.0/0 b =20' Iloo D'°40' Qzs °66c.fs D =24' h "14.0' D Qzs= /18cfs LINE C bI SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY "�" " _ S �.g, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. PROJECT NO. 2- 22 T PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE { UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 63600 CY 2.75 $ 174,900 Backfill 3000 CY 1.25 3,750 Concrete - Trapezoidal 1200 CY 40.00 48,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 540 CY 75.00 40,500 Channel Concrete - Rectangular 930 CY 75.00 69,750 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 920 CY 75.00 69,000 ABM Walls 2520 CY 42.00 105,840 Reinforcing Steel 202 Ton 280.00 56,560 Wire Fabric 81500 Lb 0.25 20,375 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 13,500 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 6,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 608,175 LINE B 51" RCP 660 LF 49.75 32,835 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 33,835 LINE C Excavation 5400 CY 2.75 14,850 Concrete - Trapezoidal 50 CY 40.00 2,0 Channel Concrete - Transition 70 CY 75.00 5,250 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 50 CY 75.00 3,750 ABM Walls 300 CY 42.00 12,600 Reinforcing Steel 20000 Lb 0.14 2,800 Wire Fabric 9700 Lb 0.25 2,425 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE C $ 45,675 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -22 PREPARED BY I ; l MOFFATT BEACH, T 8 NIICHOL,ENGIINEE CALIFORNIA R MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 6 ''-'' 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST -..t LINE D Excavation 1400 CY 2.75 $ 3,850 Concrete - Trapezoidal 30 CY 40.00 1,200 Channel ABM Walls 110 CY 42.00 4,620 Reinforcing Steel 1900 Lb 0.14 266 Wire Fabric 3600 Lb 0.25 900 TOTAL LINE D $ 10,836 TOTAL LINES A, B, C & D $ 698 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 104,778 SUBTOTAL $ 803,299 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 120,501 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 923,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-22 IO PREPARED BY e�I MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 6 1 230 WEST WAR ROAD -LONG B EACH, CALIFOR 1 ■ - 19 : -:- - - �� - f,�' i� ^ .� . . 1 ... �- � G,�„E'_ L4I� � J .,S�s4 [� FHrvnRDlrvt� � _ ' _ - .., a '; b :4.0' 71 SO' a°� D'=4:0' _ " L. _,_ ` -4 -71 - -i– - - 6 (JTH EI W 1 Kaiser vaClFrC . _563. 9' S - 1 SL ` / • 4 .. !F - AVE 4 N `/ M cE // L 4 11 - - - - \./ � ��ll; - - •\ - - �` _\ , \4 , I r a,' a . -� i —� ° 1l .._ �c - : - _ SANTYI AN '� ' '�� • ' _ Av _ - � O 7 51 ,s,,,,_ _ j kr �� I - , LINE ' I� C 11 { O p 2 5 p O . X15 _/" -to h �� . h ; • .0o iv 9.. ,, 3 .�fp r I • - - - - -- -y °a' 66,�� _ 1 oao sr a ; - i' - � LNo - b 16.0 - ��.. _ - -. _. _ v t - -- 1 _. ' - 3 {7,;:14.Q1, ,. fC M / , BASIN r .., 7 #} {4x `' - . / - J � ` J 2 — - - -- - -� 111 - MARL AYAVE _ 3 w ' — 675 -\.2._e_."'"--------- ' r a_ , j Z r o R - t -. as k—_ 1.5 L5 - 1' I '' `,�Cj_A TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. L E G E N D SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT EINNEINII STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED I•• IN • PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN 1 PROJECT NO. 2 -23 PREPARED BY MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tro.e oid Chan - 4t'c oid./ Chonne • _ Privele = • Co /if .dison AA MI WI 111111 .--:4 94 0 � C - �r .. 940 - ', ° QI �� Top o 'Paving i 920 M FM I c. I V MI 111 920 - 1111 Grou7d Line IMI III INFIN'I Nor � Line ■, _ �� ��I / ' S ° .0/2 900 =M —''....... ■I — ciiii 03 .0 b •6.0 900 ��i 5= 0 //S b =..0 b' 2/.0' 880 0073 D 59' b' 22.5' s2. = 655cfs- 5 °.0025 5 =0025 D -.6' 0 - 6.0' 0 655cfs 880 0=46' 0 =50' D 6.5' b 6.0' =/60 b - / 4 7 e ' b 2 - 74.0 ---- :' : b b ° /6,0' b °/40' _ b 2Z3' 4. -604th aso \ b' =355' b' -33,5' Q2.= / /03cf 860 h ' Q25 = //70 025= / /03cf L I N E A 6• 70 80 9• I.0 110 I.0 Trope,aido /Cha f 72 "R.._,9 _ __ _ _ 66 "2CP TTa.PcjoiIo /C •annc-/ Tro•.Ch L� fu /u re Sf Adore Sf ' B.C. CD /{/V ,. S - , a EMU 4 i . IOOO • AI , O �� r' ` u• • O 1000 - h Ltii -N., •. of ooving MI 980 .. )b w - Gro4 Line M br /dg �� l ` 980 �I/r =.0// 0 x= 40' . 960 Mil am _ 1 � 5 =. 0/3 440' 0 b ' == 4.0' Ma o% T _ D °2.S' 40 6.0 960 111E 111E yP ��— D' =4.0' 1,'=/6.0 6' =/ 025 = /49. ���I'� .6=40' 825= /97cfs 940 �I�!-� 5 .O/7 b' =/60'� � ox�- Q25=393c= Q25 254,1's 940 920 In92 Q25= 93cfs 920 L I N A _ b' 66 a SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY �'� � *°"� a FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1.5 L5 L b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. P ROJECT NO. 2 -23 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1 = 1000' DRAWING � i* MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 . 0 10 0 10 20 30 67 "RCP _ STiPC.P 5 /RCP__, 5/o'er Ave, S7n /o Ano Aye, San • Ana Ave. Q ci Q Q e o' H ' C 1: :' c V x Cx l� iim. ' Mr Groun V Line 960 G�c and Linc 980 Llonho/ 44an1/2c% _ -- y— WM i — -- 940 960 5.0025 5.003 Q25 ° /22cfs __ 920 5• Q2 °B /cf 920 Q25= /49c/3 L I N E D L I N E C 0 13 23 33 _ 66 "RCP 60 "RCP ✓urupo A e ✓uru000 A . ci Q Q Q h. a `; o i. v 0' tiro Di v i s) '''' a,, 920 1 020 Ground. "ne hlonio /e-TwP. * 900, J 900 .5-.002 S 1003 Q2s ° //7 s 880 Q2s- /67 ODO L I N E B 1 51" TO Pil SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT CW COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN i R. C. P. ' PROJECT NO. 2-23 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING (0 MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 62100 CY 2.75 $ 170,775 Concrete - Trapezoidal 930 CY 40.00 37,200 Channel Concrete - Transition 280 CY 75.00 21,000 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 300 CY 75.00 22,500 ABM Walls 1700 CY 42.00 71,400 Reinforcing Steel 131500 Lb 0.14 18,410 Wire Fabric 55000 Lb 0.25 13,750 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 3,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 72" RCP 1300 LF 74.75 97,175 66" RCP 1500 LF 65.25 97,875 Manhole No. 2 72" 1 Ea 905.00 905 66" 1 Ea 830.00 830 72" to 66" 1 Ea 875.00 875 TOTAL LINE A $ 560,695 LINE B 66" RCP 1650 LF 65.25 107,663 60" RCP 1320 LF 57.00 75,240 Manhole No. 2 . 66" 1 Ea 830.00 830 60" 1 Ea 745.00 745 66" to 60" 1 Ea 800.00 800 TOTAL LINE B $ 185,278 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN , PROJECT NO. 2-23 ir PREPARED BY 1 "( . , 1 MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 1 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 57" RCP 1400 LF 48.50 $ 67,900 51" RCP 1300 LF 44.50 57,850 Manhole No. 2 57" 1 Ea 705.00 705 51" 1 Ea 640.00 640 57" to 51" 1 Ea 685.00 685 TOTAL LINE C $ 127,780 LINE D 60" RCP 1320 LF 57.00 75,240 Manhole No. 2 60" 1 Ea 745.00 745 TOTAL LINE D $ 75,985 TOTAL LINES A, B, C & D $ 949,738 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 142,462 SUBTOTAL $1,092,200 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 163,800 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,256,000 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -23 or PREPARED BY f MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA .., _ ' r , 1 ,;' y w i , , _ N V '' • • a6. moo. ' /' / i - 1 - 1 DE,BVitt` / ' . � r is ' z� • • �. : 2.0' • / , \X 4: 1� ___. — ` 1 r! x 2000' 13 D I_ � anh , ^t y .. i , ' J , 1' __ 1 .. – r = .• , ,1 .I C V, 54 104•?.. LINE 111 , • 1 8' " J ♦ _ • : ♦V, . n ! i vy �.lA .S• TG ' „. Res . X 11 , t . _ _ - - W • V `f 0 1 41; , I 1 . J � 'b =4.01 , b =4.0 .1 b =4:0 b :2.0' b:I.O H =4.5' Y D :4.5' ' 1 =4.5�' - D =4.5' D :4.5 •Re, `li '" _ •t # # • LYTLE ♦' 11 j u .1 �FO 60' I 66 '-E L I N E 1 , . /OW. _N w --\ c 23 's s oo r . Ji ` I U- N \ G IL_ 1 1•: • I 1.5 1.5 s _ MMtr AVE -" -..• J ft0 °--er - --Aii - - -- -__ -- b 548 1 { 1 66° 1 1 `' • M TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED E MI - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -24 PREPARED BY e MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA t 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ra -e 0/ CM/ ' Ti'ase . /._. /Chonae/ ,6 Z oido /C onne/ ' Tra.e oidai Channel i Fu use Sf. 1111112, ee, Rd. iralliiiilliMillingEZERCI, Fu use S1 1800 V ° 1800 Nk h a . b�. 1780 min a ', o k, Top 0 Paving �� �� 1780 I , - , 36 `bas 1760 Q v k . - S= .0099 1760 v �'� o h 1 '" D =2.9' C ti� 4-..%, D =4.5' cr) , �� S. 0/89 b= 4.0' 1740 a f /ow L/ e D". 4.5' Qzs - 323c.fs. 17ao 6=4,0' v, aun. Lioe- Y ' / / 5 =. 0227 b' = /Z5' 1720 O 5=.02/2 D =2 Qe6 =383cis 1720 • Q25 -93 /cis. D b =40' b' =/75' 1700 5 °02/2 Qzs =4oG c' s. 700 S 0=2.9 / 6=40' 1680 QpS= 46,,.fs, 1680 - 022 b= 40' D=30 b'= /7 5' L I N E A D'= 45' Qes =4644 60 7. 80 90 • 10 20 T o.c oido Chonne/ 54'77 oth / Channel fufunc // � ei' v n . u "e St. ^1. ct 1880 Q vi .�^ � V�1. 1.3 , 1620 ; ° '` � g' ° w o 0 Top Of Paving NM v a� GlOUndL /r /� ___ 1860 • 1800 liMilE1 � ow Line N o w Lin S= •003 0l S =.00sG D =3.0 D =2 S =.0/2/ b =2.0' D'= 45' 1010 O D =4o' 1840 D =SO' b' -/5.5' b= /.O' v b= 2.0' 176° 0 =4.5' Qzs =223cf b= /45 ' 17Y® b =/4.0' Q2s=9 /cf5. Qes= /33cfs. L I N E A L I N E B b' 5470 66° SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ' -.1, • ,..�.�. � 5 J o 0 1. FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 5 �, 1. 1 b ] COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. P R OJ ECT NO. 2 —24 A , PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I =1000' DRAWING eft MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 2 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA j COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED I „ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 18200 CY 2.75 $ 50,050 . Concrete - Trapezoidal 330 CY 40.00 13,200 Channel Concrete - Transition 370 CY 75.00 27,750 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 400 CY 75.00 30,000 ABM Walls 1420 CY 42.00 59,640 Reinforcing Steel 150200 Lb 0.14 21,028 Wire Fabric 46000 Lb 0.25 11,500 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 66" RCP 300 LF 69.75 20,925 60" RCP 50 LF 60.75 3,038 TOTAL LINE A $ 239,131 LINE B Excavation 1700 CY 2.75 4,675 Concrete - Trapezoidal 30 CY 40.00 1,200 Channel Concrete - Transition 35 CY 75.00 2,625 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 40 CY 75.00 3,000 ABM Walls 180 CY 42.00 7,560 Reinforcing Steel 10400 Lb 0.14 1,456 Wire Fabric 5500 Lb 0.25 1,375 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 1,000 54" RCP 50 LF 57.75 2,888 TOTAL LINE B $ 25,779 TOTAL LINES A & B $ 264,910 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 39,740 SUBTOTAL $ 304,650 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 45,650 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 350,300 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -24 7 PREPARED BY I ( , MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 3 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ,................................ T 4,.. • . .. 1 . . 1 ''' '''' '''''-'------''' \ . . 11 Ct 1'41111 / / C ' 0 1 Z.. • CV - .•=='" ''''44f:- • o CA .>' .,..-...--. - ,,, „_-?-1.- T , >- I- Cl. LC) wt , , 3 ■-- , • . s., \ rt I 0 , Ll. 11 II 1 11 II \ II .. _=. z _ z c\J . , . 0 • -' c_) _ 0 ... _• 4,2 \ 0 2 O. CD , , , 09 0 Z . , °-‘14) . . " Z _J t 0. 1 7 1 • , , , , —0 ' , , • __,,, cr • 4.--,...--—......-.4.------, 1 ,...---- 3AV • 141, V11111319 -. • 0 I • < z I.LI 0 • i . • 1„ . I1• cr z 0 cn ? Lu , „ ? (li / "' „ • 1 , , . - „ hiad.n, 1 . w Z --2 3AV ' ,... cr) _ _-__,_ _ _ — \ 1 • . co a LI 0 co .., I \ I , I i x en , 0 .... • - ur • ;,I z 0 ) gl■ a. u • . - 0 -, q . co , rt---1, --:-- 01 re) V* ra . _ -,1- . _ ,.-. „ ,-11. - _ < 11 11 1. , niAv si 4 1 ' 0 •.....,,, v- 2 ' -• • .0 -0 /H c.) .....,.., , , . , .. 4 / : .,,,, ii.; (n a ,„,. •. cr 2 'e . • . • • . u' o w g .., 0 , • cr Ill n l. ri In •,‘ ?(,,. - ' su ■ 1:179 . I 1 ' ' 0 1,.. I , . (f) Z ...... f.) (9 j . 4 ' ', \ , . : ,I _ 3,1 _ • , vt snei.cio 1 - --- - •• 8 2 . , , • H - 0 — -,--•....._.,-..... ...--_1.r _ _— __.....-..-, A-- - _ , , 1 r . r., • • • • • r 03 La il ''),Z - 4 . dm • • ••• • •• . ( ' „ ' Ca ...I , II ' • / 1- , o , • •1111 • • 0 o 3 ‘"•=-,,...• ' - 0 i o • • ., , . J. . 0 .• - - , , ?", ) , •,`1 I, • 1 --&-- • - z m ,, l ‘..t . t • o o . 1 0 c.) 9 . . • cc am [._ _____reni*i.vo j_ ..... Lii z : , • •• ii in 1 - o • 0 0 z , , • • • . . • 1 * , / . 0 • , . a - , •, „ %. .1 .0 "b i ____ . . >"• " 0 ,_./ , , . , : L. : .. . . . . 0 <I CD •••••• - 0 ,t, . ' , • o ,,,‘ 1,■,, \ •":• `, ,.. 7/ r•=f7: • 11 1. ------• • • LLJ > . ' Cr . i ' in i„,„,.3Av• . A • xo N >I • _ ,-;,-,---,...---..--- ,I 0 \ ..3 _. _x9__NNI cl• ..- / I- N CV 1. . . if . 0 , :' .c.- • --'"--- / - 1 ' .' ./. 1 11 - id cr 0 0 \ .' ''•:.‘,.,, : , Z- I , . . . . 11 {... .• _ • I • \ , . • .,: 0 I 1 , I . ,,• . :,,, , . .\\.. 1 /--., „. , • -.1 , :)'''' .__ _.-- ,i1 , >133e10 311A .• ... 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II . , - ‘`I • ' __. - 7 '' A• ', ,, , , , . . .). , . in 111.-. • ' 1 . % 1.— :,-i 1 - - -- , ‘, . 1 CO ik • l• V/1V 1SY3 , • 1 • • • I C \ ' ' ' ' ''' ''' ' ‘''' . ' ''',-, ,• ', \ ' ,, N, '. .. "" ' '.' I • ',-;.'-.., 1 ,,, 1- ','-, ; ." s. 7 , - ) --. . 1 - , ' ' - , ; . ;,r • :'• , . : • kiN , , • _ . 1 ? i ' ., k . - '. 1■'i.c.. '- _ li 1 .., ce,, 4 ' i -;,_ ' 1 ' cv ", 1; , ; . 1 , .1 -‘ • ., . i \ , , , A - . •1 •.--, ''.,1' % ' • L - 1 -• - ' 1 - 1‘1 ' 40 . ' • '1 \ '1 ' ' ' , ' . 1 1 , i ,, „ ,, • •,1 ,,, 1 0 ' -, ' 1 1 t • ''' " • a " Ill I ■ \ ' r ' - - -.ma -- ..‘INS., ‘ ..■ " L :1•1011,1‘ ' - ,r 1 r 1-1 4. --4 ---'„- - --4'11'1111„1=-11' 144111 LN ' 1 44 t 1'4= - . 11 4.7 . . •,, 11 0 Al ii .3 51‘. • .. • • • .1 1" .. • " , • , ,t. ',?, , ", ° .,„, i . • -----.‘ • ' r ' '.. 0, ' \ 1 , \ ' ' , .• f 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tsai e oida/ Channel , - ` 1600 Sun mi Ave.' 1600 O 0 i 4. 0 - ‘. 1580 Q) O ` / / ck 1580 o �'� Top OfPaving / �N v �: h' � ``�' Cry 1560 lr 1560 � � Br i d ge S =.0/74 a 0 =39 "p v c 1 O =s.S' , -w 1540 O S =. o/62 b =4.0' 1540 D = 4. /' b' =20.5' ko 62 A h7e - A NOW Line D'= 5.5' 025=75/c is. a �� b= 4.0' co 1520 Po D. S =. 0/73 b= 20. S' 4 1520 D= /' Q25 = 8094 5% 0 =5.5' • 5 =.0 // b= 4.0' 1500 D= 4 . 5' b'= 20 1500 5-.0/3/ 0'= 6'.0' Q 832c f. ;. D= 4.5 b =50' 0 =6.0' b' =23.0' 1480 6 =5.0' QZ5=989c.is 6'.0,..9.0' laeo Q /0i /cf -. 7. 80 90 100 11. 120 Tea•- oida/ anne/ ' Summi'Ave. 1660 Q' 1 _ 1660 yi0 o �' I m Grounc�'Line - _ 1640 ` !� - - - -- � 1640 � i - -- - / S =.00(8 �' $ =.0098 ' 0 =3./' 1620 �� f /ow ine D. . 0 0'-4.5' 1620 0111110"--Em D= 5. o' • ' b = 3, o' 5 =.0068 b= 3.0' �.7 b�= /6•s' 0= 3 . 5 ' 6= /8.0' • Qzs 24Bcfs 1600 �', 5 = _ 0 =5o' ._ (2,5 355c.fs. � 1600 / 0=d 4' b =4.0' D =S. o' 649.o' 5 =.0/3: 6 =4.0' 6=40' 225 =467c.,75. 0=3.9 6' =20.5' b' =/9.0' 1580 1580 0 -5.S' Q25 GG 2 cfs. Q25 = 6G8c..s. b' 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ' ;' e = - =off FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1.5 o' 1.5 b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P ROJECT NO. 2 - 25 i PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING Q MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 120 130 140 T44e o /.4. C onW= ilegliM f Ave. l' "'\ 1E P mil .111 Li H 1680 IIII I Line _-_- , To• OfPa . 1660 -- I, �- a ---- -IIIIIE flow L/ 164 S =.0068 111 5= 0023 D =3. 0'34.. 5' - 0 ----- b =30 b =3.o' b' =/63' b'. /6.5' NE Q2s =248c .s s2s =/30c4 r ill . --__--- b' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN .,.,. TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2-25 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I =1000' DRAWING 0 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT I" = 40' 3 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORN COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE Excavation 42500 CY 2.75 $ 116,875 Concrete - Trapezoidal 650 CY 40.00 26,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 730 CY 75.00 54,750 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 870 CY 75.00 65,250 ABM Walls 2600 CY 42.00 109,200 Reinforcing Steel 298300 Lb 0.14 41,762 Wire Fabric 83000 Lb 0.25 20,750 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 5,000 TOTAL $ 443,587 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 66,533 SUBTOTAL $ 510,120 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 76,480 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 586,600 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -25 O PREPARED BY "�;1 MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 4 1 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 22,1 V. Z2 --- - ----- /- — . 1 ,,,H 23 . • - - . -0, . __.-• • /- IN r , , .., --c O' , fP , • t . ....... . 60° .1 • 1. . . • ..,r, . ._-• - -, . SUMMIT 11 4V E 1---• - - _ = - , - 7.--..........-=-..... c - :- ,, ". 0 - -. amok - - : ..:.,:...... ,.-7.Np■. • .„ . . • . ^liter Ay - • '' c - TwA '' - •, P.s1,' IIII • . . • • • , •, . . re. • - . • tr • .„ • . . -: • . so, - • 't ' - . • / 4." .----- - .11 . . ' ,. . 1 '27 27 zl - 5 111 . ., 7,-,, . • - >ii_ • . ..1 ,. .. • • '41 , i 74200 „ .. • _ I :„,, • . 1 • e .• . Res :. It • • FOOTHILL ...2" , - '•-•c / `, ,-",,, = 1111 Illa lip F I- N E E V i A Y -. - - `-• - - - -4,--- - - \--1 ' 1,13I — --- 3■1.,-,IIMINNI,..■f ,NIMMIl - 11■11,--, ■4": --- - HI GHI-41V0 '• e• A • ,, ' • AV E Al U'E il .--- c•' 4:- 0 • NO . -•t• • , 1._ ;,..„, /, 7 ; .. 2. . , •.(1: r - a 0 -.„ •• , ,.• ,3 ' . ,. • i • kJ ' . TORIA .1%; ,, (.), • VIC vA, ••• - 0 . , 0 1i• -..., BASIN • s r ,,,. '!•WALAILIr • .S • , 33' to CTORILI • i 34- I • --. ,...,__ __. ■ , ' ,• ..., 1 ' ! • N q . ' ■ C. , • C:3 / ' <1 / • 0 • ' .-• • ./.' . f /, _, ..., , • .. / .1 B AS r? 7 "" - -- --,-=r,-__-__-_ _„_ - 2 ' ' - . - __:;,-- NE F?0,1D t'l • __ IL_ 1.5 v. ....JI ....___ 1.5 ; --• . , . . b , __ . rae....... • .... - . ( . • ! , i 1 . . _,. i, • TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY , FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT WEENIE. STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED El IN - EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-26 PREPARED BY MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING I OF 3 ilZ 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA . 0 10 20 30 40 T/'gp i /o/ Channe/ • S. 6 :C.f. C,D. Fr 0 t R o Q 3' , 0 a -v C1 • C 'NJ 1400 1400 Top of waving � i r 1380 fxis/ We:/ 13ank F380 ---), fxiSrChanne/ , ver/ / 1360 $'.0/67 1360 D =3.S - Now bin 6.200' 6' 3.5, 0' 1340 1340 5.0/2 Q25°2/20cf� D °3.5' D' =5.0' 1320 6°230' 1-320 b' •900' Q25.2/20cfs 1 b SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • ~� o �, a FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1.5 . 1 .5 b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL PROJECT NO. 2-26 I PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � it MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 3 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA I COST ESTIMATE ` UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE Excavation 6700 CY 2.75 $ 18,425 Backfill 12000 CY 1.25 15,000 Concrete - Trapezoidal 3600 CY 40.00 144,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 170 CY 75.00 12,750 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 740 CY 75.00 55,500 Reinforcing Steel 306 Ton 280.00 85,680 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 17,500 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 7,500 ' TOTAL $ 358,355 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 53,755 SUBTOTAL $ 412,110 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 61,790 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 473,900 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-26 I PREPARED BY I( "`t MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 3 OF 3 a 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • u �� ',, " ¢ p - � r .o. 3AV -' - — - ., - � I - •'V-1 ' -- - '' '`_._:-" __ - l • ' P h :� •• q bVYPV1 II. IL (; Q l '7 \ ' .II. i. I_ :h :I' , �I J o i it CV ( I z 2 0 N . 3 I - �F3 .= • = =-ir= 3 AV N .. Il 0113W7Vd F" • N 9 • . W = _ u ti� I II . • g — G N W =� \ ■ I llr V — a 1 I �� ` \ 1 il� . • j O • O Z • : ' ,....._____,L._.....L,,.— ** - " 3A a . II �,I O T . . i I I 0 i i , I ., , 1 :U I p 0 cr N Q • 11 R I li ' M+ �'(��`..'++�� I�� ; . I m , / 'c W U I I • . II Z Z 4. 3AV V.11•11313 13 T I , n• 3AV • • • -- � �1 Vaa31S; U re I I . !! • O _ • . ! I , •III • . I i : � _J[. W z 7 c ;' 3 nrb3dlNnr' �� - :�- — lr. I•:'L:u�I Z 0 W Li h. , 1 ii ' • r ,...,..= I h / J I 1 ( : I O Q G 1• .--4 II 1 ,� I 0 2 �' 1�= =' -'� ___`__ n Y SS3bdN0. --- =T. Jar _- .. S3LIdA3.��� • �; ,: W • 11■ 1 • Il m a.•i • 1: � • 1'- 2 3AV M30NV3 I ! W s 1 _ II_ _ - _ 1 ` la z N I • e ° ' I v Q Ww h I - '• • _ • 1 •' -- - =1 - - - -- - ° °_ ' = __ _ - R— _ :T... • —��� _ -- F - - -- �.�= /_-_ =__� -_ = -- = 2 3AV ' snei l0 1- a3 ° z O O �� � • I „ Z N W V O / i II i i . �1 w z a — O h ti _ p , ' I , C7 Cr c9 co o e. 0 co / • .. .... • • ,.•• . a r..... ,...... • : ., F - 3 IL : • II J O — Q -- - _I• - _ -- . 1 - s-: =. -_ - Q L, N / ... .. • .`-�. a 3nv -� / j �1 i vla3 �r • • 1 X N W d LL 3 • n W Q p — �• 21:_fl, - J I 1 a N N — . r. .. fr'1 r'' l 1 ' F __s -- _- - - - - - , "D - 3A / _ _ JI - - - -- - - - - - - F- r cr • • I , 0, W � V -,� - � ,r Hill 7 \ < a J I ° I _ 1 O )13380 311.11 .•I -.1 ,O 1 • I • w . : o i , / • / _ - - i - - - -_- . -- s -�i = - - -= , N V1l Q , • 1 3AV' , '-' 11D e, > Z 1 . 11 o a O 3Ar NOOI H -_ __ T-.. -- -a - - -_ .- ='�jr- -- ,/ ./ _� ` V 1,- _ _ -- — N 4 — M c y i N u 1 / Ov02! J ' 3N/Yn 33 NYS V m i O , /CI. O ' , 1 / M . ' . / / 23' // / • / �w j I � J m O. 3 'w � cT OoO ha3a • �,.•• ,. -;v t W • z �4 i c z' - 2 W 4v u ^ - Q +, 1 4(' u ' ' o ` p tD / tit ` / ti i ( / , 5 8 • • c \I '. i g ,O B Y ( Pal\ c . ; . ... N I mo - =� ( _ _. ' .:., I CV A li CO 1 ° 3 • NSVObI I ' ` ft) M/ . 3. , �' 0-,i),,,,,',....: a " ° fit iwan a I Creek .1 �„ 73NNDAN •., . J , ,,, 'j, • of 11 _ _ _+ -- .W�'W�,1 .' - - -'�- = =ac -, LL__ --, \4 =_ -- - 1 _ if ` / - __- - - -•. • -__. _ - : t • • .. . Q • I ,: \ \ 1 .. ,\ \ tip` 4' oa ^ h % u , 1 ,... , , , M � d 3nVll N01•b00r 7 . f • • , • 1! • - c:i - ' I : a • a Mli a ;� i sr 3 Y ; - •� As ( i..4 ' 11 • , -- �,_ - t -- - - i1• a • •� v.— - )� z:- 1 ! . r_ -= t--Z -< (.. y 'C; - - i . . IAY 1sr3 �� I .•� 1 . i5 b, ; S i= - t .t --,- l _� M f IuI �S 1 , a 4. . , • ; : b. :, , I cc a, CC p „.. il • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 //S' Wxd S'D rCB /0.OWxxO "0 R.C.B._ • Base Line Rd Base Line Rd 1340 -- - - -_ 1340 ci - O -- - -- 2 C • u I �0 30 by 1320 , a '' , , 1320 R �' ,c,3--.., ' Gr ound Line . , — — - - ■ o 6 \ Manha Ty . 1300 �- - 1300 y _ — a 5-.0085 1280 i 0�5 ° /120cFs �1280 5 5 ..0070 007G Q2s'4300c6 Q25-4325:6 • 1260 --- 5=.1070 _ Q2s•/345cfs 1260 5 =0070 Q25 =/365c „4 6 0— -- 70 8 0 _ _ 90 100 110 120 I - ,- - - /OI'vYX600 .CB. /02 "ACP 96"R.CP _ _ Jose Line d, Base Linc /Qd nose Line Rd . ei Q �1- k,� 1380 C � j 1380 -_ - - o Ground Line z 34, - 1360 -- -- 0 1360 ' Macho/e - Typ, 1 1100000 1340 f / / _ — — k 5 - .0 93 13ao — I�� .5!00-52 .5!00-52 o Q2s d62cfs — — 1320 i L - - _ - - - _ 025.' Z53cf5 1320 i��� 5:0085 -......1111110 - - J25 - 1042cfs 1300 - 5-.008 Q25 - / % &Cf' 1300 s -.0085 I Q25-/220c s • 10' 811.5' 96" 6 102" I SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R.C.B. CHANNEL R.C.P. P R O J E C T NO. 2- 27 Q PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING Co MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 -WPC ' 90'R.CP ..1.. B4 R.C.P , ^5DR.CP Base Lin6 Rd. B7se Line PL' Bose Zinc Rd. Bose Line Rd. io Q � 1420 L b 1420 ��Q U �i d✓ Ground Line vai 1400 MI I - - - i 1400 •1 7i7o/C T� _ _ - ---- i 111.11311 I��"' '- 1380 f 5'.0050 1380 r 25 i.3Scts �� ' a 570052 Cgs- 960cfs _� 5 •.0058 �� Q 1360 5 =.0058 `� 1360 025.666cf- 5 -.075 1340 Q2s- 7t6cfs 1340 183 19 ' 200 210 2S 0 7d RC.P 72'RCP. 5 RC/? BoseLineRdl :.se Linc ',. Bose 1i e Rd. Q Q O h J 1420 Monh.� JI,-- - - - -lam 1 400 ���' 1400- ��= 5 -.x035 025- 2c/ -.0032 5 - .0050 P25- 239cfs 1380 Q25- 355cfs 1380 57 TO 96" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • '"' • `` FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 - 27 PREPAREO BY MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � (o MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 5 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE Excavation 100600 CY 2.75 $ 276,650 Backfill 54000 CY 1.25 67,500 Concrete - Box Culvert 17220 CY 75.00 1,291,500 Reinforcing Steel 1100 Ton 280.00 308,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 12,000 102" RCP 1300 LF 152.25 197,925 96" RCP 3960 LF 129.50 512,820 90" RCP 1320 LF 113.50 149,820 84" RCP 1400 LF 101.50 142,100 78" RCP 1320 LF 90.00 118,800 72" RCP 1320 LF 78.00 102,960 57" RCP 1320 LF 54.50 71,940 Manhole No. 2 RCB 6 Ea 710.00 4,260 96" 1 Ea 1535.00 1,535 90" 1 Ea 1375.00 1,375 84" 1 Ea 1260.00 1,260 78" 1 Ea 1130.00 1,130 72" 1 Ea 985.00 985 57" 1 Ea 790.00 790 RCB to 102" 1 Ea 2285.00 2,285 96" to 90" 1 Ea 1495.00 1,495 84" to 78" 1 Ea 1225.00 1,225 72" to 57" 1 Ea 915.00 915 Manhole No. 4 102" to 96" & 39" 1 Ea 3295.00 3,295 96" to 96" & 36" 1 Ea 2970.00 2,970 90" to 84" & 36" 1 Ea 2870.00 2,870 78" to 72" & 36 1 Ea 2410.00 2.410 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -27 r PREPARED BY � l'rl MOFFA R 8 ow N IC H OL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 5 a 250 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST TOTAL $3,280,815 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 492,125 SUBTOTAL $3,772,940 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 565,960 TOTAL PROJECT COST $4,338,900 • SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-27 ( r I PREPARED BY "`ft, MOFFATT 8 NICHOI, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 5 J• 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA = • 1 --- • ' • • ■ , • 11 ‘, r , , . ..... , .:.., :,.., ,,.., i ii: 4 ' r i _ -1 >- 1— d P I_ _ 1 _ - ' I_• —_ r L - • • � . , .I -.f, 2_ _ -• - - - -ji ' i i•- 2 ..— 3AV • " II ' t -s ! .�/ • • .._.. • -.- .. • I • . i • Z Z /1 W • - -. __ 7r ' - I .Y I ' , • , I Ii 1. L I t '� ' I , _ .� ..� I . r -- r � r - O V Q ` � V 1. ft g .i . A , . .. • 7: • . • . .- :. li , 4Ifsikea._ - ,. . . : . 1 *.- ,.. . • :i .;• ': 1 ; :i v ) ': : '. ..: N ,.• ;1E 1 Itr_ fan Is. z ...I C K,...,, Z , i . .... . ) :• . ci i : i : i ...1 4 : --- --- iiii . 11 -1 '-•:•••• -L. ' i -.1 ' x u) E— .I 3riv '• J I h(L ! Z O I , 0 • • Ill Z O O) .. •I\ __ - 1 � 3 :. . . nv ' CO p W il 3a+dn� J� � _ ce A ...vg • , . • • 0-. ., . . LLA CL 2 co cr 1 • , , I _ • 1 1 I .' /• • I , fi b ° ,, : / , � , • •l Q 1 • • I I :: ._. W 0 • _ GI ' ,' II 3 . II A'. i_ cr Z 1 - 0 I I' U W t • , • • I/ It n n et? • i,.... I b -.lC_ • �• -, r • - rg1191 'p 1- W _ Z a 03 I n p - z;i a V Q a -- _ — ilC �` 'tYlN3 7 . ..• ' l j i • I• " w i t � Z z • . , ,-,- - .' , -- • . — ., • -„ 7...., ...• • . ., • .. - -+- • --- - 1: ---- ; i' ..... • • • -- L ; ' qIt 3nV n Il 3N1 ` 3YJ,7i - ' -� , j4 t _ 1 � o / ° in _ . w W 3 . / ` II ai --- -• f . : •. '• • piv af r._"' 1 - � ° n • v / r4 - � - 9 = • --= III —_ 3nV �1N1 - -'� I • • I ,I Z Q 1 I I ilils i / „Zb 1 ,. bg • LS yr• '.1 ri333e :I •I j / o• , A ��• .. tll l _.,_ 0 ;,\ G = =` . .• ` . en v , : : 111-- r ' j et L ' � d��a3H � Q / •. N/-1Z.: ,�li 1 • i i. .• • • •J r ''' \ l 0• a • 817 - S . '•-+ 31� :`.:: s • 1 ,;:, , k) . 1 • , o ¢ I O .I •• �I W . :: ,, ,1 i / . .-: , 4, r .,..:, 7 , : , ... 9 1 i.) " / / ry a ' • Q+ a I- ' : I. Z 1 z = „817 ^ „bS .."--4 3n 0 • i 1 �b bo Y r U i t i • � a J • • ( p J - _ = _ c ONOW 7 i 1 1 1 �_/ . ' I r-- , - / ► ' i t cn IIi .' I I ' � • I d J „ 'J l • , H „ 3NI� ; III < �I u O. ' IA '' I 0 \ y `� , ��'` / J u •3nV, VNVN 8 I w I ' A III ° I I 0 ~ T J i j .,99/ I , T. I , I; s im is J ,/ ? • / • p I I • I I ' I ljhi�il' ° I • � I iii: i' ,1 / , / , / i r � , • i /- / .) g e'/�3 r f _ , • • 1 (II 'lll l jl�:ul�r -4. ��iM ji 1 I. E s t 3 N 1 r II 'ill, qt (� ± r I i W E ' I I I • • tri , 1 I b :iir' �IIII I II J I�. I� I►' j L , ; l _ i /, � 1 � . . . �' . -. i7 i. .� ; , - 3" i l'i I i .. J ' 4- ,, l u I r, I . N I � ! ) C ` - !! i1 IL ! ,� � I� r , j � . • g . , , 4 1 3 r ° '1' ...1:: : • r . ' owi io 1 7,f ....4-- - : I. ! i I i ' 1 , , ! I , i r `''* 6 aiiii- - ,, ga l l , -11 N a Lt , � ) ,) . • ,a , \ i i , 1-s •l 4' 3/7/ ` v.... _ . • I , ��k I 1 ` i �I /'' 7 `H ° ~ � - .3 � l' , o ,e/ , �Y Spa ..J i i ; I1'i lc _ ! I ( I + � '.1 ` , •l . O ' �I I j ' — _ i - '' I x j , 1 ��! �„ : ' �! O l 1 / , J ,. ¢ i 1 y.r a 1,1.\ \ \ ' ' I t / ) �,IA 01 -1 _ r ' = Z I ; l W N ' � il 1. I IR\' � \ , l , o , ! ° , '9 41 i., N' Y Jq \ / - -,`:F • -* . - - -. - • c : } - - '- -, _{ .- • Qn - • = Tom - ' \ ° (' �. � ` 'y\ , a -- .— _t1:,4,1.;,:::::' 1 I � /( 1 l \\ 1 ) �' �� , • , 11 I J .Jr -t, - \,. j; , ( . I li \ b .4\ j cri', JM ' }.�. ( 111 �\�, .� - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ro• e oleo/ Chem. / Afc ' /son, Top -Ka $ San o Fe R. ki 1260 C - y p 1260 C.1• ...'t ‘ 2.! 0 IMk EN C' ' ■ i . `` v C o' er '' .>) 1240 �Q C ' - - --- 1240 Ground ine- I Ill— - --- 122o To • Of Firvin•� - -- - I ■I ' 1220 �1 - - - - - -- I ■ ��= !inc 5 =.005 limi' =, o0S e 0= S.4' 1200 ■ S = . 00' D =35' D'= 7.5' S= .004.' D= 6.5 D'=.5.0' b =30 1200 5 =006 5 =.0045 0 =6.8' 0 =8.5 0 6 =3,0' b' = /B.0' D=6.4' D= 65' D' =B.S' 6=4,0' 6' =150' Qu S3 / cif s, D' =8.5' D =8.5' 6 =40' b' =2/.0 Qrs =625cfs. ■,' 1180 Z'60 6 =5.o' b' =2/.0 1180 6' =25,0' b= 22.0' Q2.5=9,9,3 c. fs. Q2s °B"cfs - 025 =/563c.( Q25 V026c, f s L I N E A 60 73 BJ 9' Tra•e o) o /Chortle/ 66 "kCP. .6 ?19 115,KP 4 . . . 5 ' 4 ' R . A. T Q'S. F R-R un/ O. ongc Wo Ave ci (6 e c Qo QI A Q p 0.4 ■ 1260 Gra/no/Li/7e. • � 1� — , :,1 Top 0 f2 _ _ _ - RM 'i �r =1 I _ � — = �°ssl� /6," 8(30 "11/o/c ME 1 :0635 S= 0035 - S =.0035 5 =.0035 Q25= /60cfs, Qzs=7Scfs. —MI 1220 S ='005 D =4.0' A 25 ° /92.fs iii 0=54 D'= 60' k> D "7.5' 6 = 2. o' b "30' 6' =/4.0' N 6'' /B.0' Qes= /3ZC.fs. Q23- 53 /c.f5'. L I N E A b' 48" 66" ' SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • " ,, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I L o' J I ° E k b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R. C. P. P R O J E C T NO. 2- 28 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING iQ MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA , 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 "R.C:9 54 "Rc. ° _ J Cu Ave. CyAress Ave. R o `�, o , \ o V ` � � � °o ff a 1320 - -- 1320 Grou d Line —_ __ e 1 1300 I 1300 --- _ 1280 �� /// 1280 ,.nho/e - Ty •. — � W, 1„010 1111111W- Izeo -- 11 S'.0 /7,9 12c0 OP Q2.5 - 7/a Cf3 — — " 1 -- / o 1240 �I - -- • — -- 1240 5 =.0/4 _ Ile 2.5 =271 fs 1220 -- - - -- i 1220 L I N E B 54" & SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • pa, FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -28 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � it MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. 1" = 40' 3 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 54"R. C./? 48 "RC.P Citrus Ave. Citrus Ave. o :-.o o Q o o 1300 1300 Mo /717o /e- Ty 1280 I 1200 - 1 1260 '-- 1200 GroutedLii7e-\ _ - S =.0/59 aa` /69 cfs. 1240 � 4240 O a 1220 / = .o/ \v , Wa L 34C.fs, 1200 00 L I N E C 48" a 54" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • �� FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT y COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -28 PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING 0 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA • 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 .41is. 72 #-.C.P. 60' .C,p 48 "R.CP. Lime WIMIll Limy Ave, 111 Lime Ave � 1320 IR 1 320 I o a 1300 -- -• 1300 1280 - ME ,1111=M INI 1280 - � Manho - Tyo p� 5 =.0 /G 1260 p Rio= /G / C. f . 1260 e 1240 v Ound � 1240 ME�M 0/7 e . '32 /c 1220 � s.. �/' g --_---- 1220 1200 5=. 0 43 1200 Qes=4.3 c i',1 L I N E D 6• 7. 4B "R.C..R Lim- Ave. 0 � � � n 1 34 0 Ground MO -_-__- 1320 Monh � o /i - --_- 1300 Eo / ! Q, /G /c.f.'s 111. --- L I N E D 48" TO 72" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT a COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2-28 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I =1000' DRAWING (..4 PREPARED MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 5 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 "". S7 "RCP. 54'RCP, 48 "CP. 42 "R.C..P Beech Ave. Beech Ave, � R Beech Ave. Beech Ave. n: 1300 V W 1300 j \ a a ch i� c) � � wpm-- 1280 I 1280 0 \ u 'da Q �/ 1 Nal 1260 Ground Line �_ S= .0/6 1260 1 — 0,,,,../26 c es. i S=.0/8 -- i 2,0 /26cf. 1240 , - - '''' 1240 1 1220 Mahno /e -T_ — 1 / 1220 0 S= . 0/63 Q, 252c.fs 1200 ' 1200 S =.o/82 Y Q23 275c. �'s, L I N E E 1180 1180 60 70 42' RCP Beech Ave. _ QT o .. 13 Ground t 4 1320 Manho /e - p �� " 1300 ' 1300 5_.0/8 1280 1290 Q, _ /26 c.f.'s. L I N E E 42" TO 57" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY AK FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN ` R. C. R PROJECT NO. 2 - 28 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING iQ MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 6 OF 15 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ` 60'Pg P 37 .CP 54 f 'B "PC.A . Live Oak Ave. Live 1 sk Ave. Live Oak , e. Li - Oak Ave, , . c, 1280 , 1280 c 0 ;c --11 o 1260 �. --LE- -MEM 1260 c -- 111--�Monho% no /i� 1240 ` --NE l immwIs' • - 1240 IPP Po • /66cfs 1220 Ground Line _���' 1220 1200 �_'� 5 .0 12 __---- 1200 Q . 25 3cfs o / 1180 1180 gill 5= 0 1160 s2s .B6cfs L I N E F 1160 MIMI 6• 70 15"'CP /ve0o Ave 1300 _ Q • o -_-----_ Ground LIM. �-_-__- + 1280 Manh% , P � ---- - 1260 milli. Q25 /660S EMI ---_---_ L I N E F 48� 60� TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2 -28 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I = 1000' DRAWING I''' PREPARED MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 7 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ ti 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 "R.C,R 57 R. C. R. R 54 " 48 A Cherry Ave. I fhe rgAve Che ✓y A ✓e Cherry Ave. 3. 1260 N 0 O ` p 1260 it C0 r0 �O O 01, C `� `1.' - R � �'ti � a ''' 1240 0 '� - - -' - 1240 Gro ',7Q' L ifie ' 3. 1220 _ - / S =.0/53 1220 Om= /640.45. - ' —' 1200 ' 1200 cMa o /e -Too. S =.0/0 Qio =249c. 4. 1180 , - - / 1180 5 =.0/2 ' -- Q/o =2490.fs 1160 S= .0/92 1160 Q2s =273c4s L I N E G 60 73 48 "R. OR Che ry Ave. A : � 1280 noun L / ` ` 1 411 Monho /e- 7 /,o 1260 1200 5 =,0 /S3 1240 1210 PO /04 c.fs. L I N E G 48" TO 60" SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY A`iik FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2 -28 PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING r4 MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I = 40' 8 OF 15 250 WEST WARD LOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA ■ 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 - 66 RC. P, 6¢ "R.C.R 60",4?c, 48 "R,C. - 4 — .Bona o Ave. Banono Ave. ,Banana Ave. Banano Ave. - a o 0 1240 C n . 1240 Cr a 1220 O Q \ "411 ' 1220 i • O Ground Line 1� 1200 - - -- �i S = 1200 /.- 1 47,0= /6c.fs. 1180 ! / / � 1180 S= . 0/8 M•nho /e -T,. 11 C?„,-- 336 c.fs. - 1160 /�yl. S90// - 1160 �' 4J, 33GcFs. 1140 ti `S- O /oS L I N E H 1140 Qa5 349cfs 60 7• 48 " RC.P _ Bona/7O Av.. i a; - `o 1260 Ground " /%7e -1.).1 12C0 . Manho /e- Ty,o , - -- 1240 ' -4-240- S =. 0i52 1220 Q,o /66 c I's. - - - -moo L I N E H 48" TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY , PI FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN • R. C. P PROJECT NO. 2 - 28 PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING f r o MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 9 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA , 0 10 20 30 40 50 S/ # R.C.R. 49 "R.C.R Mu /beer Ave. Mu /berry ve. � I 1220 o CL tk. 1200 C 11';') -- 1200 Ground Line - A MN ° -L j 1180 �' 1160 Mavho b - Tyo / - - 0 00 S =.0 /4S i1c0 O., /accts. 1140 '— p oi 1140 ti• S. o/a, L I N E I 4zs'202c.... 1120 1120 0 10 20 33 S4 "R.C.R 4B 'R.C.R• Miller Ave . ,W///e, Ave. al AMEN= o ° te e, 1260 X • Groan, Line ,� 1240 Manh. �� � 1220 5 = . 00¢B -1220 a Qzs /00c f' s. .5=.0/0 Qzs = /9 /c / 1200 1200 L I N E J 48' TO 54 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 410 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2-28 T PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING it MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 10 OF 15 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A Excavation 61800 CY 2.75 $ 169,950 Backfill 1900 CY 1.25 2,375 Concrete - Trapezoidal 330 CY 40.00 13,200 Channel Concrete - Transition 820 CY 75.00 61,500 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 890 CY 75.00 66,750 ABM Walls 1840 CY 42.00 77,280 Reinforcing Steel 135 Ton 280.00 37,800 Wire Fabric 59700 Lb 0.25 14,925 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 35,600 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 66" RCP 945 LF 65.25 61,661 48" RCP 1320 LF 41.50 54,780 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 610.00 610 Manhole No. 4 66" to 48" & 36" 1 Ea 1900.00 1,900 TOTAL LINE A $ 600,331 LINE B 60" RCP 1580 LF 58.00 91,640 54" RCP 2640 LF 52.75 139,260 Manhole No. 2 60" 1 Ea 775.00 775 54" 3 Ea 800.00 2,400 60" to 54" 1 Ea 900.00 900 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE B $ 236,975 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY P FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -28 L I PREPARED BY � 0) MOFFA 8 N I oH BEACH, ENGINEERS 1969 DRAWING II OF 15 250 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 54" RCP 1640 LF 52.75 $ 86,510 48" RCP 2640 LF 43.00 113,520 Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 800.00 800 48" 54" to 48" 3 Ea 650.00 1,950 1 Ea 775.00 775 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE C $ 205,555 LINE D 72" RCP 1720 LF 81.25 139,750 60" RCP 2640 LF 59.75 157,740 48" RCP 2760 LF 41.50 114,540 Manhole No. 2 72" 1 Ea 1080.00 1,080 60" 3 Ea 825.00 2,475 48 " 3 Ea 610.00 1,830 Manhole No. 4 72" to 60" & 45" 1 Ea 1735.00 1,735 60" to 48" & 45" 1 Ea 1660.00 1,660 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 TOTAL LINE D $ 424,810 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-28 / .1) PREPARED BY ( � MOFFATT 8 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 12 OF 15 '� 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE ' UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE E 57" RCP 1600 LF 56.25 $ 90,000 54" RCP 2640 LF 50.00 132,000 48" RCP 710 LF 44.00 31,240 42" RCP 2030 LF 35.50 72,065 Manhole No. 2 57" 1 Ea 835.00 835 54" 3 Ea 710.00 2,130 42" 3 Ea 590.00 1,770 57" to 54" 1 Ea 825.00 825 48" to 42" 1 Ea 670.00 670 Manhole No. 4 . 54" to 48" & 42" 1 Ea 1560.00 1,560 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 TOTAL LINE E $ 337,095 LINE F 60" RCP 1680 LF 62.50 105,000 57" RCP 1560 LF 56.25 87,750 54" RCP 1080 LF 51.00 55,080 48" RCP 2740 LF 41.50 113,710 Manhole No. 4 60" 1 Ea 920.00 920 ' 57" 1 Ea 835.00 835 54" 1 Ea 750.00 750 48" 4 Ea 610.00 2,440 60" to 57" 1 Ea 905.00 905 57" to 54" 1 Ea 825.00 825 Manhole No. 4 54" to 48" & 33" 1 Ea 1460.00 1,460 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 TOTAL LINE F $ 373,675 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-28 I T ) PREPARED BY ' I rl MOF TT es N BEACH, MARCH 1969 DRAWING 13 OF 15 a 250 WEST COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST . LINE G 60" RCP 1760 LF 63.50 $ 111,760 57" RCP 920 LF 54.50 50,140 54" RCP 1720 LF 50.00 86,000 48" RCP 2740 LF 41.50 113,710 Manhole No. 2 60" 1 Ea 970.00 970 5 1 Ea 710.00 710 48" 4 Ea 610.00 2,440 60" to 57" 1 Ea 955.00 955 57" to 54" 1 Ea 775.00 775 Manhole No. 4 54" to 48" & 33" 1 Ea 1460.00 1,460 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 TOTAL LINE G $ 372,920 LINE H 66" RCP 3450 LF 68.50 236,325 60" RCP 1070 LF 60.75 65,003 48" RCP 2740 LF 44.00 120,560 Manhole No. 2 66" 3 Ea 910.00 2,730 60" 1 Ea 870.00 870 48" 4 Ea 690.00 2,760 66" to 60" 1 Ea 925.00 925 Manhole No. 4 60" to 48" & 45" 1 Ea 1660.00 1,660 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 4,000 TOTAL LINE H $ 434,833 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -28 1r) PREPARED BY inn MOF sr TT B ow I ICHOL, e E A NGIINEER � S MMARCH 1969 DRAWING 14 OF 15 O I COST ESTIMATE UIT DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT RN E ES COST TEO .:,.. .. LINE I 51" RCP 1850 LF 48.75 $ 90,188 48" RCP 2640 LF 41.50 109,560 Manhole No. 2 51" 2 Ea 765.00 1,530: 48" 4 Ea 610.00 2,440 51" to 48" 1 Ea 755.00 755 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE I $ 206,473 LINE J 54" RCP 1320 LF 57.75 76,230 48" RCP 1320 LF 41.50 54,780 Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 985.00 985 48" 1 Ea 610.00 610 54" to 48" 1 Ea 965.00 965 TOTAL LINE J $ 133,570 . TOTAL LINES A, 5, C, D, E, F, G, H, I & J $3,326,237 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 498,933 SUBTOTAL $3,825,170 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 573,730 TOTAL PROJECT COST $4,398,900 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN .. PROJECT NO. 2 -28 I T ) PREPARED BY I 1 " MO w A ROW T D ROAD O C H c BEACH, ENGINEERS 1969 DRAWING 15 OF 15 250 .` I Oar3vw ENI s 3nr Z o • f, • t, O 13 j _ — Z C V .. _ f, . - - �.-� _ _ _ -+ r _ .... •: — 3 nv n . fr.. i • �� T.♦: N J 0 • - -.,R I , . 1 , " 0 1 . II , �I ' • ;: , . -_ • - — _ III. II _ O O Q • Fi g ' ,I '' .:: , I� :. "'1 • , III r + i P • � y_-7, I / I :II r. I vdrrl3rs W • • 4 I _,_ _ . -=-X� !� Il jr , b N : • ' ( iii U Z W ' I I � « _ - -: i r - .. ' .1.. } 0 = a) • i� ' •0 -_ , __"t`" • •` ", t 1 . - 3Y' 4 f I 3wnr , : 1 to t � • -_ ' •_ l.� . •• �r 1�p NI�•® � •I .I 1 , I(•, • • . . m • 3nr • : • !. I � • ii • I• 1: 4 I , 1', 1• .'D II C71 I W O _+s b S332/d.l D :I \ I 1 ■ CC i _ 1 1 • r I ' v W o cc =1 - IL :1 'I " n, • • 34 t/ . :II. - � bf30nlv3'10 • I' H W _ Z Q • ,l „ i1• . li y rn. 1 I o ° III •Ii• O Z Zo ' I ' ' Ai:. �Il q pp 1 1. 7 \ �� w ' U Q W W II II i wx , NIA, i i 1 .1 • _ - - r - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -!- — - O �' • 3nr • 1 - - -x.: Z 0 � 1 Z N o : •• W W o — O ° • I � ' , f 7 11 1 ii' .1�,• �I • W CC ' . _ : f : Q Q Z 3 II II J -- -; �" x_. w - o I�!I� .I ' ; 1 I' V9MV1 r0 1 - • O Q cr '�I I r : i ;' : 1 '. t _ WI 3 v ; I to w F a a' • : �i W Q I ; W d L. w N 11 L 1 , , 3 • • r � V 1 •/ 3 • •• . a l g' w bY1dOd to q � .1 p ' l f. ' X 4 ; ,- ! ' ', 1 • . 1 411 : : I� _ 3nY •I •• ..... •• • `.:'. 33 I f, f ,� • � .. .. -:- il - -_ - -- w _ :-E • 1• - -- d • '1 t'7,)1 ' i 1 ' � -,1' II 1 � I : •1 � b 7 nV' 1�N 39..: ,• - y, - • � , ' 1� — • h 2 • W 1: 7 : t ' �.. i!L _ q L r • • , I I , O - O • h � ' 1' • i 1 : O j l - • • oo' • ,1 : '� .�. 1 ; t •, - "Ill' -1 , • 3/17 • •. ... 7 vJ : • „ � • �:a - �- # W , ' it %s• —e J t a' i� 3H • I " all !(�1- ti �P ' •• 1... W , ' ¢• ti e, 1 • a ' ' ' ; - ic) , . I 3Ab i1 I J. ]! ' p 11� u) j \ I 0 d,_ ( 7If1 W is • t I�. 1r03n11 - t..r •t• /JV .,. . �..._ Z Oa. :'it iI '.1 •, I Iit `lt Z II . .I ••I , i: ~;I 2 !I I: S'� - Q j . Q r _ a, I ' I O 'Z-4. �I j :I a • , � i , ' on ,11 . ; ell' U • i i 11 , I I • ' �0 - - - •t _.. - • 3nY • • '14- I. OOO M0 3 2/ l ( ' Q ..... • t• • il l 0 1 . „ A li pr' N1 1; k + .i. , ,.,} r.i 3 /1r • 1 /. 1 1• ±T 1 : • w _- - - _ - - -- 4 a. CC - 9 I •l Ab bfai-i n ' Q • I. • .\\ 4 ' 1 ' • / ., ` •1 • • EA. u• '�� O 1Jp"W7Y '11 • h / I I I h,1i l __J / , i col 11�I. -.5 (1 • k i g :I •I I • ■ , \ N I 'I I II 1 11 i 1 - •!I - - t „LS, • '' 99 �r- -: — � I. f , � , � ''c 1 • ,I 1 1 1 II 1. : I l l , ] 4i /'' 1. ' • •,I I! • • N a, I I v I a , • ---,,,,,-.., ,1 1i 1 � il ,I,, ,,• � �` \.. LL 4- ' � `_ - - I r � . 1 . 4.1-.... : ; / - :-:- - . • _'{I I , -4- - y IIH' PI �‘" O T Y e } 3rst Ay ■ • -} �7 ti�/ I r 1111 Al • 1 JI I I ( ' Y S Bd�o �f 1 h II1 [1 / �[' .aa +� ='7 M11t.. pr 1 v \ 2 1 \ N I • r. , 1 t 1.� j ' \ � >, �, t -' ' 3 i IIII 11I ,. I ♦ N� IO 11]' I 1 ,n \ I � ) '� \ _ ,' f I I I II J " I • ,� I ,I, _ 1. n I I I • `'r _ III I I ll 11 1 .. 3,N I.• , 0 1 I QG. i b� , ) / 1 s i I l I k- I]CI° t'} ,' I I '" `- # - -• - c =. - 1 - —4- t —, - _ . --4- - --- —rt1i% • . ° . i 11 .- . n I' : I c n - , • �'' F u- - ,._ , ' - • 1 \* - - =- u r - I: II 1/ 5 f 99 3nr g -` •; r. 0,, 4 � , - 1 ♦ r 11.} 1 111 :, I, �P' '''''t -::. • ,3 T. o o •--( / • , . ' , ' � ` - - ) y + n 1 p I ! i I lir".•'".'"Ii:: .333333:11.1:1111.311:1: iss . n ,,,-.1":1 , ' `„` :1'3,1: I (/ I , / l I ' / / ' •, ', a .I � ,• ' t i 1 r1, SI}a I , f �,I _� I �� D t JN 1 8/ �" ° r ' D'O V41;113 %13 z ; -, _. - `� CO ill / ' 0 / ` I I O n � Y I * " /I II I h� 1 v 1 6 I / \ I I r b i • ':.. 11 Ai W. \ •, , •- r I- p II r .I` 'I / , . / / / • • ,,�.' , :, ; ‘ .. : ' t_. L •• , .. i ° `_� ' � a l PI 4 0 10 20 0 10 20 .5/ 7vpc 2ida /Chorine/ _ CU,ress Ave, Beech Ave. o ¢� o a �� 3 x 1120 lIZ Ground Line b+ n`e loao o Graurot Zinc—, / 1080 O �� J Monhc/c Top of Povinq 1100 k,, 1100 loco �f // 1060 5-.0/28 el Q25158cfs 5-.0/45 h-20' Q 1080 10�— ___- D =2.5' h' °/25' 1040 D ' °35' Q23= /60cfs L I N E A L I N E D w 54`RCP .Trap. Ch. 549.CP. Ci /rusAve. Live Oa Ave, Live Oak Ave. c. : v o Ground Zinc mo .. '6 � �,h 1100 410/7/70/0-7 �' l oco Gr °und L %ne o � 1060 iv � ' —' -- I Top °fPoving C111 1080 - - - - -- . - - 1040 -- - 1040 5'.0085 5 -.0085 b=20' 5'0680 Q25= /69cfs I 5 Lf' /2.5 Q25'f53cfs D' =35' Q25 /53cfs i L I N E E B L I N E E Tro..Ch S / "2C. 46°'RCP. Po /or _! Pa/or Avr. v _ r Che -ry Ave. v 1100 a 1100 IOW 1060 Avec,i , - o � 0 4 o �, o Ground Li c ; � Q � � h 3 Ground Line k • 1080 j Tap of.urn�= =1 e: Afanho'e --C., 1040 % 5 0/0 ' 5 -,0 /O 025= /5'cis � 1060 h 1000 1020 1020 0 =25 1 0' >35' `\ 5-.0/65 h.20' Q 25 - /64cfs b' =/25' 025 ° /57c/ L I -N E C L I N E F b 4 Pill � SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY • -�, I� o FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I.5 II 1.5 b COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN • TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R,C.P. P ROJ ECT NO. 2 - 29 4 I 0 PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. 1" = 1000' DRAWING (� MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 e 66" RCP S7 "R.CF B• Ave Bonona 4ve .1 loeo — — a ° .:4 o' II Q 01 1060 • Monho/ l 111111 M � 1040 Gro d Line 111' li 5-.0/40 M— 1020 � �l Q25° 25 /c1s a l000 wp S =0/?0 025 l's L I N E G 10 23 30 40 50 L CCRC/ 60 ° R.CR. /berry A c. Mu /berry Ave. y Q, 2 Ct a h o 1060 v - Group Lin --- loco 4 1040 �� iLlonho /e - - ��� 1020 ®' 5:0/40 Q25 - 262c4 IMM11.1.11111111 PM 1000 Mill SO/20 _ 111111 L I N E H 111111 980 57" TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Pill FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 0 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -29 (' PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING (o MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 6 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE - UNIT ESTIMATED DESCR,IPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST _. LINE A 51" RCP 1100 LF 44.50 $ 48,950 Manhole No. 2 51" 1 Ea 640.00 640 TOTAL LINE A $ 49,590 LINE B 54" RCP 1000 LF 48.50 48,500 a Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 670.00 670 TOTAL LINE B $ 49,170 LINE C Excavation 800 CY 2.75 2,200 Concrete - Trapezoidal 10 CY 40.00 400 Channel ABM Walls 70 CY 42.00 2,940 Reinforcing Steel 1300 Lb 0.14 182 Wire Fabric 2000 Lb 0.25 500 51" RCP 800 LF 44.50 35,600 TOTAL LINE C $ 41,822 LINE D Excavation 2100 CY 2.75 5,775 Concrete - Trapezoidal 40 CY 40.00 1,600 Channel ABM Walls 190 CY 42.00 7,980 Reinforcing Steel 4000 Lb 0.14 560 Wire Fabric 6300 Lb 0.25 1,575 TOTAL LINE D $ 17,490 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-29 I r ) PREPARED BY ft MOF A o NICHOL, ENGINEERS CALIFORNIA NGIINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 6 ■ COST ESTIMATE t UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST " LINE E Excavation 1200 CY 2.75 $ 3,300 Concrete - Trapezoidal 20 CY 40.00 800 Channel ABM ' 80 CY 42.00 3,360 Reinforcing Steel 1500 Lb 0.14 210 Wire Fabric 2400 Lb 0.25 600 54" RCP 85o LF 48.50 41,225 TOTAL LINE E $ 49,495 LINE F 48" RCP 1150 LF 44.00 50,600 Manhole No. 2 • 48" 1 Ea 615.00 615 TOTAL LINE F $ 51,215 LINE G 66" RCP 1400 LF 65.25 91,350 57" RCP 2640 LF 53.5o 141,240 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 830.00 830 57" 3 Ea 745.00 2,235 66" to 57" 1 Ea 825.00 825 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE G $ 238,480 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT . COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -29 PREPARED BY 1 0 5 MOF WEST 8 NICHOL, E CALIFORNIA MARCH 1969 DRAWING 5 OF 6 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE H 66" RCP 1500 LF 65.25 $ 97,875 60" RCP 2640 LF 59.75 157,740 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 910.00 910 60" 2 Ea 825.00 1,650 66" to 60" 1 Ea 880.00 880 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 TOTAL LINE H $ 261,055 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D, E, F, G & H $ 758,317 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 113,743 SUBTOTAL $ 872,060 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 130,740 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,002,800 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-29 PREPARED BY '(n MOFFATT a NICHOL ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 6 250 WEST WAROLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA / c s' �Tlr' .. Gtav�i W F . -4 -- • . 1 , - - ,.__,025 --l�`_ -.• -1, /'r T-_ = _ "' 1 r 1'11 M • it - • . a s - - _ -- - ,Gi .. ALLE �_'•• •• O • • • •.ALVD, ._ ��- ��� f y � miy - , y raTel N -- 11 ilk O oO � � � SqN '�f RN.1 R 4---\ � � FFEEwAY �" 1 LANE 10 • - - dh _ ; '� — = - - -+c.c 1` .Z - `NE- - P 4 CIF!C S1oVt _ h>3User OUTHf't Al- � �` �� ^�- i 1 V s fi r *" :,. 1. V , Id I: ! 97 , m �K F x • — 411 , x'' U • \ _ - — 8- - - -; ••1 '� A� SANTA _ G _ __ IIN' -- 95r•••4 • • • • __ - _- - - - �� �� _ -_/'. 959 ... -. , 2/ - - -..., V \ -) - o � m • ' JURUPA • — --g2 - . 2 •, -- -- ' 90 ' • 66 v J tlo - dLIRU • A J 4 VE -- _ &3 _- - - - -__ = _- _ - . , _ - - - A r m •`. 1i ,--- 9 i9 -- a - Li.NE " A " A M `9oe - -, _ N -- - --- - x l y k l �- N , - _ - - !r-� /,- - N �; .1: l 0 ... h. " . j 1 _ --N--11 o Q 4 _ •. 2. ;, , g � � , x a eae:q• • x xRIE � f)t'!�O J1 . -0 ^3td Fiu PA �� - -_ -_� � • RIB = DE GO -_ \ _ 4, . R0AD 45 TO 102 ,--,---�-, R.C. • LEGEND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY MENEM FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT STORM DRAINS TO BE CONSTRUCTED NI ME III EXISTING OPEN CHANNEL COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-30 PREPARED BY fz MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 1 OF 4 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 10 20 30 40 50 M /02 '0"/PCP ///42. ( P EL/•O A c/u u•0 ' c/uru.a .ve. K � v Q� _C 960 . I t Ir Co . 'Q --?, M All `,. 1 c2. 940 M4n/7o% ry0 MI C,R Goo /74/ —�E,, jj' MINIM 920 - - . �� = � - a ME 900 '__ ►070 5= .0030 Qes- 2B0 elf's . S=.0030 Iles =374c zs S44.fs. L I N E A • 10 2. 30 1 1 ■ 48'. CP.. _ 45 "RC. '. A /rnon 1 � Ave. 4/mon. 'ye, _ NM - _ Q 1 R 980 -Zi C C 111E • 960 — ) - i � (;�ouna' Line 40 'o /e,7 y 940 PPLIZIA 5= .0/32-- MI 920 Na = /34Cf8. -- L I N E B 45" TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN ■ R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -30 Q PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I =1000' DRAWING CO MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS ' 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 4 r 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE ' UNIT ESTIMATED — DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A 102" RCP 1450 LF 149.75 $ 217,138 90" RCP 1320 LF 105.50 139,260 66" RCP 1320 LF 68.50 90,420 Manhole No. 2 90" 1 Ea 1105.00 1,105 66" 1 Ea 910.00 910 90" to 66" 1 Ea 1135.00 1,135 Manhole No. 4 . 102" to 90" & 45" 1 Ea 2970.00 2,970 66" to 45" & 48" 1 Ea 2545.00 2,545 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 Downstream End Protection 1 Job L.S. 6,000 TOTAL LINE A $ 463,483 LINE B 48" RCP 900 LF 46.25 41,625 45" RCP 1800 LF 39.25 70,650 Manhole No. 2 48" 1 Ea 780.00 780 45" 2 Ea 615.00 1,230 48" to 45" 1 Ea 775.00 775 TOTAL LINE B $ 115,060 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -30 1 PREPARED BY 1 " `e� I MOF FA g WARDLOW oHO , NG IINEE I RS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 3 OF 4 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST TOTAL LINES A & B $ 578,543 Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 86,777 SUBTOTAL $ 665,320 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 99,780 TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 765,100 % SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-30 1�1 PREPARED BY '(,� MOF WEST RDOW ROAD 8 HO , E CALIFORNIA MARCH 1969 DRAWING 4 OF 4 3nr ONitJVNrot ,I 1, ' .,. " Q Z �.' - i I. a — CO ;� � '.4 )1 • _ Z � LL 0 11 ' b d r, J , . r / (7 • 3nb • o�N vw f L:::-1', ' J . � ) i 1 �� i�� Z O 3 ii l' „_ t I I, " ~ , _ s - tiy ' --,'`` S ' \ , ,` U to * �n �r t13d Nn! • _ ill \ . j � : _ = J \ ,. i k \ ` Q a U - _i ` ` \ ' .1 Cr) LL • i i ▪ q , \ \ la +l. , ,ll' , . te / (x"-' -,.> ) ! 1 , — � ✓y'�'1400 -J'�c 0 .. ter � ,I • •u - lyi ` --. - -•.,/ t - 1W4 : b� 30Nr370 -.I; a -`• - • • - y ' * I \ , _ � I . I „ am • U09i- -- -; y F • c `� ---, N Z ? 0 oe o l. '''• (,,9 �0 a 0 yk j — ,, i , y - -��... \ ' -\ .., y` W = W m • • �{TV l Wn2111 .._" ' « fit "� "", r -- -••— u /^ ,_\ ---'-," T Z 1— W = . • iR} , „ ^ \ ' l J , N a V o ;! 6 11 3NI' ao �~ °� `,`" ) o z i wo ..0:°).„, 1 C fr • II , • ' ' ''. Lke 'k.-"- ..) w a. u _ w Y) X i 3AV'br-IdOd - t In - - -= liN 0 d. I J .. �+ UP II o o - 1 . 0 O x � l ' % ( •1' 11 11 3N1"1 w ; � 1. --2, �� � ' V • 0" 0 1 . a: I • ;I 11 3 1 1 1 .0z) ,,,.7 . $I' • 'te ' ;: N "'\ �'. ;Y F � "•c)Y' .:i. o for `' f 7 f. Ti I > 1 t �n f W • k —; o p / . N N2f3H1f10S - cg � 1 3 " 1[; N r03Ai7�.. .� 1 411:› _ • 13 1 Ar' OOOM03 el ' �r 1 ( ,�� ..- ��_ f .\' ' \ \ \ti .' ',,1�', � " Q O• ` 8 b I S b L S I a O yi' >i O R • l { J W �.I �I/ Dom m Q • 0.Il. .3/1t A2/EhH0 •l' • Cr • I , c,••\ , • t x • 'env ON(d I' '� �I. / 4 1 " �' - - - • - - - 4 ,_ __ F _n JI it '1'10 �. � i, ' J r �i.Krv�al -= �_ . � � \�--� y1. «, • T o � • • ■ t - -dr — V i' o' _ -.. -. -- I / / '■ I'o,�. .- `_\ N *--S,..-1/\ _ - - ,4-...7,40,\...',w',..4, �i' : 'r . •T J / i 1 / 3 Y { '. i - 4 • -�. t. si- - -- , 14 3 t ; a 1 i L = 4 - z=.. - k - 4,1* � 1(v" . f , . ` _ _ ,/,- C. z. . i=.., ) • 3nr ~ i ) J ,, A 313 7HW 1 �,I I - • , 11.3R ` TS \ '. . "! -,.. ; k _ N H r J I. • 1 /' \ n \ jy 4 % ? .' op .i- - i t ' p I / I # 1 1\ AilH• J J 2 Y ' PPP + * ' • 1 YY V , , \ � r� F'- _' c.. ,_j .: -. CO -t•7; M �lSD^ 0 , /�.�i • ; ,,' : 21 1 ., , .t ■ NNbH,? i ( • 1/33k/.7 - , . \ c Q ...) ' 7 .) ; I' x a 1 1 y � 4 ' P i III. _� J ' � • C I / ' � .� -- • l 2 1 / uni I \ I 1 77 ' • 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Traoejoida/ Chan,/ Tropejoio'o/ Chonne . R /verside County .5:6!C/C.D. R V O ti tlk 880 -, . O .....14.) 880 �, O h ,� '' Top ofpoviny 860 � I . _ — — .75...0/2 860 C Ground Line I. �� � ' 840 111 / / /,� :=-1 • �G .. b =/40' 840 5=.CO9 b' -35.0' D =69' Q o0=9090cfs Now Li 'e D' -' 0' 820 _ - b = /.z0' 820 / 5 =.U/ b = /5.I' b' =3;.0 D =e76' ,6'.36.s' 0i00- 9 /50c/3 D'• '.0' Qioo • - S0cfs , •/50' 800 0 =6./ =36.0' 800 D' =70' Q a9- 9200cf,• L I N E A 60 n 83 90 ICO 110 Ik0 7i Chown. / S.B.C.f. D R /f4' R cs O C, O O . a O C l b C r 940 ` o° Groun„ o,o� o _ Br illiii 940 920 111. O I .5: .005 920 - �, S =.00S 0=66' ' b = 1� � ' P f/o Line D'=70' b = /B.0' 900 0 CYO /8.0' b =39.0' 900 / 6.0 6 Qico °3700cf� PAIMO /'=6.0' Qioo =3960cfs b =30 880 S °.oi2 .' 300' 0 =6B' --0� 3460. 880 D' °70' b =/2.0 860 5-•0 12 6 =/40' 8=330' D =6.6' 6' =350' Qioo •3960 fs 860 D'=70' 2ioo = 4090c/. L I N E A C 1 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY l FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT I�� _ I o I.5 1.5 b _1 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN , , TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL P R OJ ECT NO. 2-31 I n , PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING 6 ro MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 2 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 Tra•e 0 ob/ Cho ne/ • 1000 � [-.,1 1� E 1000 �1 o � � I. 980 MI 115/ NI 980 Grcund Line ��� Tc of pavi II �i 0 -4.9 960 S .00 95 . S9 960 i � 5=50 � b =/40 :�I D''50' j a b'= 29.9' _ " 3 = b = /4.0' p Qroo = /?OOcfs Sao D °12S2 ' b =290 940 —r c 3 =.0/0 ,0'=5.3 Q/c9= 2 /70cfs 0 =5.8� b =/40' • 5=605 /> = / 4 b'a -23' �_-- 920 0 = b = / Ova-2330. 0' =70 b' =32 0 920 b =/60' Qrao •00cfs • b' =39.0' L I N E A Qioo = 3200c/ 1: 0 190 2t0 210 220 2 •0 2 0 Trot o /do/ C - "nnc/ MEM 90 "A.C/.P 54 ..C./,> 78 "RCP 5 :.C.fC.D R W MEM ✓uru•c Ave. OWI .s s Ave. Pnvofe 1.11=111111111 fcsemen/ GPI ■ , a o h0 1040 .' J 0 V . � .' F =W I O \ \ = C� O ���� � 1040 Mo nhoM_ T ,. 1 ��� o- 1020 bi � ' round/,✓IC I ■ ■E - - - --- ■ — .I - 1020 To of — �� � 5 =.005 F 9 - - - -- — ��', 005 . ?25=360ces �; -7„„,z, fs 1000 _ ,_ 02-604/c13- S= 0065 Q25 4 /2c 1000 5-.003 5= 0035 - 0 /15 5-57 5 .0' is ■--- /=46 D' =60' 5' CO 980 5= -0075 b = /00' /'=50' 6-80' b :0' 980 L% =5.4 b' =?6.5 • °60 6' =260 6' 2610 /' -5.5' Qrac = /750cfs "' =230' Qroo = /3JOcfs' Qr•o = /270c/3 0/00= /3506 ' L I N E A ' � b' 78" TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY r'°` FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 1ii:__ J G I p IP 1.5 1.5 V. b -i COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P PROJECT NO. 2-31 PREPARED BY MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � (0 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 3 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 240 250 260 270 280 o 78 ° RCP 72RC' 45PCP 54'''CP /'rivakfa ivo%fos ent I icrra /°/7 •scmcnf ` I Ave. E 'O O �♦ Q o �o 1060-- �� -- MI - ma round Li MINE Rauh r /e -Tyip, I MI 1040 �I =� !1� - -- 5 MI • MI -� Q25 60cPs POI 1020 S °00 Q25 Q2s = /0 /09cf S°005 Q25 23 ' cfs ME --- 4 - L I N E A --- n I. 2. rip I• 2 • • 7 "RCP, _ li a Co owbo Avc1.111 wiumillacipc ilri MI e3 - Linc , 1 020 11111 tiles ho% GIoun,• Line 11111Mill ��= Oa t9onho 980 . 1000 ��.-�� =�T.� -�-� - 960 seo ° 005 �- �� Q25` B C f S � 075 -P46cf MI ------- L I N E = ------ I N E C 54' TO SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY . V FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT • COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN r R. C. P. PROJECT NO. 2 -31 0 PREPARED 9Y: MARCH HORIZ. I" =1000' DRAWING CO MOFFATT a NICHOL, ENGINEERS 1969 VERT. I" = 40' 4 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 Tra.e oi:'o /Ch. r' .59 " "C.F 3 / "RC.P 4B "R IP Re•woo• Ave, r Re• ood Ave=111. 9Peo'woo Ave. /" c//vood4v /co''voo.. Ave. • En li Mal k 980 i ?. • O 1� l oil MI � 980 960 ��-� � � -�• 1' 960 I - ■1 Groun• �, �- 940 - ' ■ 41. ho%- Ty,�`�i�l—�'' ',/ mod 940 � — '-= //S � o - —_ 920 4 920 Qio =/ 7 0c Top of ' aving ' �i 11 ---_— 4io 220c fs o ---- 900 p 900- NNW I -- . io=220 F /ow ,,; ��o =220cf --- S L2 Y5' 4 /9 D' =,.5.0 025 =265c . L I N E E a 7 O MIN 'e 60 'C .P /enCP cR --- 'e ve, Hem /o. Ave. f F leet %k ve. o =ME 980 MI 111111 /licinho/eMIROP 960 Ba 111IA 5=.0/S ME ��06'5 Q25 = 20//c � �I� Qio' /70c ' _ N . Q 2 3 0 / c f s -_ 1.11 — L I N M 1.1111M N E D -NMI b' 48 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ... 2 ...--- pil '''' ',L , s, - 0111111rii, - al „ FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT F b 1 COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN TRAPEZOIDAL CHANNEL R.C.P. P R O J E CT NO. 2- 31 rT PREPARED BY: MARCH HORIZ. I" = 1000' DRAWING � • �4 8 MOFFATT NICHOL, ENGINEERS 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1 6 9 V E R T. I �� = 40' 5 O F 8 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE A .. Excavation 119500 CY 2.75 $ 328,625 Concrete - Tranezoi_ dal 2800 CY 40.00 112,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 690 CY 75.00 51,750 Channel Concrete - 3ox Culvert 2.230 CY 75.00 167,250 ABM :falls 4050 CY 42.00 170,100 Reinforcin., Steel 322 Ton 280.00 90,160 ' Wire Fabric 132000 Lb 0.25 33,000 Fence & Gates 1 Job L.S. 80,000 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 6,000 90" RCP 1380 LF 105.50 145,590 84" RCP 660 LF 94.25 62,205 78" RCP 1320 LF 86.50 114,180 72" RCP 1320 LF 76.75 101,310 54" RCP 1670 LF 48.50 80,995 Manhole No. 2 54" 1 Ea 710.00 710 90" to 84" 1 Ea 1200.00 1,200 72" to 54" 1 Ea 860.00 860 Manhole No. 4 84" to 78" & 36" 1 Ea 2800.00 2,800 78" to 72" & 36" 1 Ea 2600.00 2,600 TOTAL LINE A $1,551,335 LINE B 57" RCP 1320 LF 51.75 68,310 Manhole No. 2 57" 1 Ea 710.00 710 TOTAL LINE B $ 69,020 ` SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT -,. COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2-31 Iv) PREPARED BY 'ail MOF F 8 ROAO LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA MARCH 1969 DRAWING 6 OF 8 COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE C 66" RCP 2000 LF 69.75 $ 139,500 Manhole No. 2 66" 1 Ea 955.00 955 TOTAL LINE C $ 140,455 LINE D 60" RCP 1000 LF 57.00 57,000 48" RCP 500 LF 41.50 20,750 W Manhole No. 2 60" to 48" 1 Ea 700.00 700 TOTAL LINE D $ 78,450 I ` 1 � SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -31 1 PREPARED BY ' ��; 1 MOFFATT 81 NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 7 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA COST ESTIMATE UNIT ESTIMATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE COST LINE E Excavation 3000 CY 2.75 $ 8,250 Concrete - Trapezoidal 50 CY 40.00 2,000 Channel Concrete - Transition 40 CY 75.00 3,000 Channel Concrete - Box Culvert 60 CY 75.00 4,500 ABM Walls 170 CY 42.00 7,140 Reinforcing Steel 2900 Lb 0.14 406 Wire Fabric 5300 Lb 0.25 1,325 Detour - Traffic Control 1 Job L.S. 2,000 { 57" RCP 1300 LF 51.75 67,275 54" RCP 2500 LF 52.75 131,875 4 51" RCP 1590 LF 44.50 70,755 Manhole No. 2 4 ti 57" 1 Ea 705.00 705 54" 3 Ea 675.00 2,025 51" 2 Ea 645.00 1,290 57" to 54" 1 Ea 820.00 820 54" to 51" 1 Ea 665.00 665 I TOTAL LINE E $ 304,031 TOTAL LINES A, B, C, D & E $2,143,291 i Utility Relocation & Construction Contingencies 15% 321,489 SUBTOTAL $2,464,780 Administration, Engineering & Inspection 15% 369,720 - ' TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,834,500 • i _., SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT lc- COMPREHENSIVE STORM DRAIN PLAN PROJECT NO. 2 -31 or PREPARED BY 05 MOFFATT & NICHOL, ENGINEERS MARCH 1969 DRAWING 8 OF 8 250 WEST WARDLOW ROAD - LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA