HomeMy WebLinkAboutSan Sevaine Creek Water Project SAN SEVAINE CREEK WATER PROJECT ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES FOR SAN SEVAINE CREEK FLOWS ABOVE SUMMIT AVENUE December, 1985 Prepared By BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES 1814 Commercenter West Suite A San Bernardino, CA 92408 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 SECTION I. GENERAL DISCUSSION ON EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 SECTION II. ALTERNATE PLANS FOR SAN SEVAINE CREEK ABOVE 4 SUMMIT AVENUE SECTION III. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATE PLANS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 13 APPENDIX EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The major findings of this report are summarized in this Executive Summary. The order of presentation follows the sequence of topics in the report. General Discussion An application is being prepared for non - interest loan from the Bureau of Reclamation under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956 to fund the San Sevaine Creek Water Project. This report reviews alternatives for water conservation and flood protection for the San Sevaine Creek System north of Summit Avenue. The area north of Summit Avenue is a spreading ground area of approximately 150 acres. San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Creeks enter the spreading ground north of Summit Avenue. The area is approximately 1,000 feet wide and extends from Summit Avenue to the toe of the mountains. The Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks System Drainage Plan dated March, 1983, recommended a reception type levee system to control flood flows and debris movement within the spreading grounds area. Alternatives to the reception levee and channel system are reviewed in this report. Figure No. 1 is a vicinity map of the general area. MWD has a major pipeline that crosses the spreading grounds and is used for spreading imported water. Local storm flows are spread in the spreading grounds and in the basins to the south. There are developments proposed to the east and west of the spreading grounds. A desire to keep the area in as natural a state as possible has been expressed. Refer to Section I, pages 1 thru 4 for a more detailed description of existing conditions. i Alternate Plans The following alternative plans are analyzed in this report: Alternate No. 1 - A reception channel and levee system for San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Canyons. See Figure Nos. 2 and 3. Alternate No. 2 - A debris dam and concrete lined channel for San Sevaine Creek. See Figure No. 4. Alternate No. 3 - A debris dam and concrete lined channel for San Sevaine Creek and a concrete lined channel for Morse Canyon. See Figure No. 5. Alternate No. 4 - A debris dam for San Sevaine Creek without a downstream con- crete lined channel. See Figure No. 6. The following table provides a comparison of estimated costs of the four alternatives: Alternate Estimated Cost 1 $1,530,000 2 4,935,000 3 6,000,000 4 3,280,000 All four alternatives are based on providing flood flow control of the major natural drainage courses entering the spreading grounds. Due to the major emphasis in the Bureau of Reclamation Small projects Act on water conserva- tion, water conservation and not flood flow control in the project must be stressed. Alternate No. 1 is the plan recommended and accepted in the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks System Drainage Plan. Refer to Sections TT and III, pages 4 thru 19, for detailed descriptions of each alternative. ii Analysis of Plans Alternate No. 1 Alternate No. 1 will provide for flood protection from San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Creek flows as long as an adequate reception levee and channel system are provided along the boundary of the spreading grounds. Refer to Figure Nos. 2 and 3 for a schematic cross - section of the proposed spreading grounds. Alternate No. 1 has the lowest construction cost. It may have the highest maintenance costs although maintenance costs have not been analyzed. This plan would provide for continued spreading of local storm flows and imported water and would keep the spreading grounds in its natural state. Although there would be some periodic flooding and debris deposition, the spreading grounds could be used for open space park purposes. The estimated cost of this alternate is $1,530,000. Refer to Figure Nos. 2 and 3 for a schematic plan, and pages 13 and 14 for a more detailed analysis of this alternate. Alternate No. 2 Alternate No. 2 includes a concrete lined channel and debris dam for San Sevaine Creek. Even with the channel and dam, the control of Morse and Henderson Creek flows would still be necessary. The spreading grounds would still be necessary and a reception type levee and channel along the west side of the wash would be required. The concrete lined channel would extend from the canyon mouth to Summit Avenue. The cost of the dam and channel for San Sevaine Creek and the reception levee along the west side of the wash is estimated at $4,935,000. i i Refer to Figure No. 4 for a schematic plan and pages 15 and 16 for a detailed description of this alternate. Alternate No. 3 This alternate includes a concrete lined channel for Morse Creek in addition to the channel and debris dam for San Sevaine Creek. A debris dam for Morse Creek is not included in this plan. Also, the estimated cost of controlling Henderson Creek flows at the southerly end of the spreading grounds is not included. This plan is the most expensive at approximately $6,000,000. Refer to Figure No. 5. Alternate No. 4 This alternative plan provides a debris dam for San Sevaine Channel, but does not include a channel below the dam. Therefore, this alternate would only provide for the capturing of debris and not the control of flood flows below the San Sevaine Creek dam. It would still be necessary to provide the reception levees and channel described in Alternate No. 1 to control flood flows. The cost of the debris dam and reception levees and channel is $3,280,000. The spreading grounds would still have to be retained beause of flood flows passing through the area. The only advantage to the plan would be the control of debris from San Sevaine Canyon. The preliminary location of the dam site is in close proximity to the Cuca- monga Fault Zone, which may require special design for the dam and extensive cost increases. Refer to Figure No. 6 for a schematic plan and pages 17 thru 19 for a more detailed analysis of the alternate. iv Total Construction Costs of Bureau of Reclamation Non - Interest Loan Project The limitations placed on the San Sevaine Creek Water Project by the Bureau of Reclamation Act will not permit the additional costs necessary in Alternatives 2, 3 and 4. The maximum project construction costs for 1986 is approximately $41,000,000 with a maximum loan and /or grand total of approximately $26,000,000. These maximums are set by the Secretary of Interior annually using the Bureau's composite construction cost index based on 1971 base costs. The estimated cost of the project is now approximately $44,700,000 based on the required escalation increases required by the Bureau with a three -year construction period. The $44,700,000 estimate includes $1,465,000 on San Sevaine Creek above Summit Avenue. It will be necessary to decrease the project cost to the approximate maximum of $41,000,000. Due to the maximum cost limitation, it will not be possible to increase the cost of the project above Summit Avenue. Additionally, the San Sevaine Creek Water Project is a water conservation project and not a flood control project. The addition of additional concrete lined channels and /or a debris dam, without correlating the facilities to water conservation, could jeopardize the approval of the loan by the Bureau. v SECTION I. GENERAL DISCUSSION The firm of Engineering- Science has been retained to provide an Application Report and Environmental Statement to support a non - interest loan from the Bureau of Reclamation under the Small Reclamation Projects Act of 1956. Bill Mann & Associates is a subconsultant on the project and is assisting in the report preparation. One of the items under Task No. 2 of the agreement between the County of San Bernardino and Engineering- Science requires the review of an alternative of a debris dam and hard -lined channel for San Sevaine Creek above Summit Avenue. We have reviewed several alternatives to handle flood and debris flows from San Sevaine Creek above Summit Avenue. The various alternatives are discussed herein to provide data to assist in making a decision on the treatment of San Sevaine Creek flows above Summit Avenue. A general discussion on existing conditions and background is provided in addition to the various alternatives. The area north of Summit Avenue is presently a spreading ground area with mountainous drainage courses traversing it. San Sevaine Creek is the pre- dominant drainage course with a drainage area of 1,270 acres at the canyon mouth. Morse Canyon traverses the middle portion of the spreading grounds and has a drainage area of approximately 600 acres at the canyon mouth. Henderson Canyon originates to the northwest and traverses along the westerly edge of the spreading grounds. Henderson Canyon has a drainage area of approximately 440 acres at the canyon mouth. Several smaller drainage courses confluence with Morse and Henderson Creeks below the mouth of the canyon. All three drainage courses enter the San Sevaine Basins located immediately south of Summit Avenue. Figure No. 1 is a vicinity map showing Henderson, Morse and San Sevaine Canyons and the general are. above Summit Avenue. The Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks System Drainage Plan was completed in March, 1983. The recommended plan for San Sevaine Creek at that time was a reception type levee from the canyon mouth to Summit Avenue and a reinforced 1 4 :),:i .' 1' ' ' '' ■:\1 . ` ) . : 01, V \ .^N,„ ( f ,-, , '' , ) 6 (c ) ' V ' :‘ ., '7 ); ; ‘,, , . U K " ' Fi --; 3\, - 5, s p r ,,: " \\ ,I 7 m ‘I'',•,'1 , --- - \ ' \ , '.. 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', ..:_ - L c ,..• 11111110) . h..-- 2 / ). 7k 0 _ _,....,,/-_--;„, .. ;."'.. ...... \ il` s _ ?_)- - - - c r ‘ _‘.. - -. 2 - :',/*- .- i. . 1 9 s , 1\ ...co , 0 co II r? 1,,,___ ts...--‘..c.,.._ 4 7,., a. , ,w...„ _ et • „ ' -- it --- '1_ --, N„_„,....4-5./ ,;''. czr , ,, (,),, i -1.:AR-- , —4- „ <_, \ „ . . . . .. 4 r „ . . , \3 5- ,,, ,..„ 4,, iiiir ,..,„,. 0,.. „.‘, r r \ ,.1' t' ' '' - - ,..s, _ II il 7 vi'l 4' I. ‘ " 'N./••' " \ s , . . . . . „.,,''''.:- -; 2 . At 3 0 1°4 V ,,, 0 fj ' .‘ "'.1 , i 5 il I I II ' ''1 \\ , f 7 111 /47 7i - -4 it''''' F „ , \ „: • 9 concrete box structure under Summit Avenue. The proposed reception type channel would be an extension of the existing channel and levee. Because of the existing San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds west of the channel and the large proposed basin area below Summit Avenue, it was assumed at that time the channel velocities and debris could be handled without the expense of a lined channel and debris dam. However, an alternate design with concrete channel and debris dam was included in the Drainage Plan, but was not recommended. The spreading ground area was recommended to be maintained as a water spreading area and left in its natural condition as much as possible. The MWD Foothill Feeder crosses the San Sevaine Creek Channel approximately 2,500 feet north of Summit Avenue and crosses the spreading grounds diagonally. The CBMWD uses a turnout from the pipeline north of Summit Avenue to spread imported water. At the time the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan was com- pleted, a reception type channel was also proposed along the west side of the spreading grounds to confine Morse and Henderson Canyon flows to the spreading grounds. Morse and Henderson Canyons were to be joined north of Summit Avenue and conducted under Summit Avenue in one reinforced concrete box structure. Due to the large spreading ground area available, a reception channel and levee system was designed to handle the design flow and keep the area in as much a natural state as possible and still sustain flood and debris flows. The 1983 Drainage Plan included $1,350,000 in the cost estimate for the recom- mended channel and levee works above Summit Avenue. The cost of the alternate channel and dam was not estimated at that time. The $1,350,000 estimate was based on 1983 dollars. The approximate 300 acres west of San Sevaine Creek and north of Summit Avenue are proposed for development. There is also a proposed development immedi- ately east of San Sevaine Creek. The existing San Sevaine Spreading Grounds are proposed to be left as natural as possible by both the developers and City of Rancho Cucamonga. The preliminary plans call for a park area linking the area north of Summit Avenue to the proposed Lower San Sevaine Basin south of Summit Avenue. 3 Maps showing the drainage areas for San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Canyons are provided in the Appendix. SECTION II. ALTERNATE PLANS FOR SAN SEVAINE CREEK ABOVE SUMMIT AVENUE The following alternatives are discussed below for comparison purposes. Cost estimates for each alternative are provided. A more detailed analysis of each alternative is provided in Section III. Alternate No. 1 - A reception channel and levee system for San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Canyons. Alternate No. 2 - A debris dam and concrete lined channel for San Sevaine Creek. Alternate No. 3 - A debris dam and concrete lined channel for San Sevaine Creek and a concrete lined channel for Morse Canyon. Alternate No. 4 - A debris dam for San Sevaine Creek without a downstream concrete lined channel. The hydrology used to size the San Sevaine Creek Channel for cost estimating purposes was based on the 1983 Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan. The hydrology for Morse and Henderson Canyons was supplemented by later studies for those canyons and correlated with the Day Creek Drainage Plan Hydrology. Alternate No. 1 This alternate is basically the plan recommended and approved in the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks System Trainage Plan for the area above Summit Avenue. 4 The plan includes a reception type channel and levee for San Sevaine Creek and a reception channel and levee on the west side of the wash. Morse and Hender- son Creeks would be realigned as necessary to outlet to the wash. The wash area would be narrowed slightly to a width of approximately 900 feet from the outside of the west levee to the outside of the east levee. The levee and channel plan is shown schematically on Figure No. 2. An approximate schematic cross - section of the wash area is shown on Figure No. 3. Based on the "Tatum Method ", the approximate major flood debris production estimates for San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Canyons are provided below. The 100 -year frequency design flow for each creek is also shown. Creek Area (mi2)* Debris (yd3)* Design Flow (cfs) San Sevaine 1.99 318,200 1970* Morse .92 114,000 1820 ** Henderson .70 66,000 1380 ** * At the canyon mouth. ** Includes additional tributary drainage below canyon mouth. The estimated cost of Alternate No. 1 is $1,530,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is provided in the Appendix. An updated unit price estimate is also included. Alternate No. 2 This alternative includes a concrete lined channel and debris dam for San Sevaine Creek. This alternative is similar to that included in the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks System Drainage Plan as an alternate plan. The concrete channel would extend from the debris dam to Summit Avenue. A concrete box structure would conduct San Sevaine Creek flows under Summit Avenue. A splash pad would be necessary immediately downstream of the RCB. Below Summit Avenue, the flows would enter the San Sevaine Basins. 5 ! - I, - -. ; 7 6 1 :g: 1 - - ' . , f __ ,, , , , . , , r .. s. i O 1 �� 4 �' �� � ) , - fl, ,� /��' J) I � V 1 • F 33H� _ — A��- - l 1. N # N z r 1 �1 37 Q if \ ' ./' . _:____jr / , ' . / " _ `') ,,,� � �\ = � 1 , - i ce, • / cr i ,_. J \ ' -- � 1^= 'i ce -_ �� - G - JJJ ! !,� • I C7 fib- -��_ \ 1 / f / _ i %'• Q M ,.}. 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I ~ = Q J (J O W co Z 1 .i oz �1 ti GO 11� - r +1 m r n I T t T 1 (V .i .. v `- N 1 0 N 1 z O I w I m N — 1 1 _ N I - 1 A rectangular channel would be preferable to a trapezoidal channel due to high velocity flow (30 fps - 40 fps) and rocky terrain. The debris production, based on the "Tatum Method ", for San Sevaine Creek at the canyon mouth is approximately 318 200 yd3. The channel and debris dam are shown schematically on Figure No. 4. The estimated cost of Alternate No. 2 is $4,935,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is provided in the Appendix. The cost estimate includes a reception levee and channel along the west side of the spreading grounds and a structure under Summit Avenue. Alternate No. 3 This alternative includes a concrete lined channel for both San Sevaine and Morse Creeks and a debris dam for San Sevaine Creek. A concrete lined channel is included for Morse Creek in this alternative due to the fact Morse Creek flows could act against the San Sevaine Channel if not controlled. Morse Creek below the canyon mouth is located totally within the San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds. The San Sevaine Creek Channel would extend from the debris dam to Summit Avenue. The Morse Creek Channel would confluence with the San Sevaine Channel approximately 5,000 feet north of Summit Avenue. Except for the connection of the Morse Creek Channel, this alternative would be the same as Alternate No. 2. The San Sevaine Channel would have to be increased in size below the Morse Creek Channel confluence. A rectangular section was assumed for both channels. A debris dam was not included for Morse Canyon. The debris dam and channels are shown schema- tically on Figure No. 5. The estimated cost of Alternate No. 3 is $6,000,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is provided in the Appendix. This cost does not include a reception type levee and channel along the west side of the spreading grounds. 8 . ,, ,‘, / r, ) - - ll`; ,.2 �' 1 � -) � tg -� - �, , ., ,, •► r N336.0 / 3 71 A N Z 41 . ) i _, / i �_ 1 . "Q Q Z �1 "�I /, a * a f. Z �_ . c' 0 . ,. / ,‘. •___,--_-_- ---- ;11 \,,....,--- /--- I/ (ic -) ,. _ _.----___ _7 ■ o /-. ,,.. ' , = 1 (..)--W 41f) \ U. ' _2_ -; .''' I _ . _ • II 1 5 , i .' \`‘\ ‘ '' -- 'ff --- ---:./' 7 !--,--;, - .‘,.....r -.-..,-__))) 2.4 - _ - ' A ' ''.‘";' ', \''' X \ \ \,,-/-_-.- -- --- V 5,Y,1_ ig cn 0 --\\: , -�� ), ) -, "- 1� i , ) -' • 7 A �.��.. ∎∎ 'r, ' ; 1 , • 1 ,;,r ;,;' �. •f" � lI \,_ _�' - \ ' fr , , . 11 • 1 , , ,1;1 1 I I I i � _ ' : V" ` )•.� V/ .1,11,` .t1;:11:1'1.!.. � 11,q�' \> L- 1 ______ ) , , ; ,'. a EE , ;,11; ; I I , -1 \)11. // 1/ m 1 ; r 1 1 ) - - -- - / \ J - 1 �✓ �``` //'; `. ` \�� - t g \ , la • , , .. 1'i' 1 11 1111 ' --). 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Flows from the debris dam would outlet into the spreading ground area immediately below the mouth of the canyon. Except for the addition of the debris dam, this alternative would be identical to Alternate No. 1. An energy dissipator would be necessary below the dam spillway to dissipate spillway flow energy and assist in controlling erosion. The debris dam would be designed for a one major flood debris production estimated at 318,200 yd3. The debris dam would be sited approximately as shown on Figure No. 6. The Day, Eetiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan dated March, 1983, provides a preliminary plan and profile for the debris dam. The estimated cost of Alternate No. 4 is $3,280,000 based on existing available information. The Cucamonga Fault Zone has several splinters that cross the general area of the proposed dam site. In addition, based on recent studies, there is some indication the Red Hill Fault extends into the general area. Therefore, it may be difficult to economically construct a dam at the canyon mouth. Detailed geotechnical and soils investigation will be necessary to determine a site for the dam and subsequent construction costs. 11 - : - '' -•'-` ' — /- . ' ``',' ) '' '' i( geL =_.- , , ' /%,/, - s '`. `U LU/ = C_ - j , - ,. ' 5 - ` l . ) , � � �T , , , -- F a< \ . 34331+0 r 31.< �� N Z O 1 -\)) ,_'L ./,'' ` �) 1 , r i _ \: ) /,. ,., ) . lye Z a { %: l w r" = 5l) ),; \� c`; A 1I, . F ‘-"\-, -. _ } , , . ,t .7 i 8 .S.'' 6P J 1, Li... - --' , r , c , ' CC i_j =---.--;).. - ... -----•:.,-..., .0 j).„,,,,,k ) � . - ll )), �\/ i ', _. . � '✓.• /'. W \ W,= N � OYDY N: L_ =J I L ;) d, W w v. -. ' : 4•-• ( ':..:. ,..;‘, I .2 // '~ ���) it /i ce ) � ��, ` 1) ) w , j 1�� i � l • E _ / � I ‘..-"\ \ --- ‘4 ,--,--::: \ N-,..,,` _I( \ i 'v : )(1 . . . ,>,..;.• , , .T . 1 '. 'cs . , ......\-....- 7 — .....; , .... , , ,„ , , -,. 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The plan provides for an ultimate spreading ground area width of approximately 900 feet from Summit Avenue to the upper power line. Henderson Creek Channel would be realigned as shown on Figure No. 2. Morse Canyon would enter the spreading grounds at the same location as it does at the present time. The reception levee and channel for Morse and Henderson Canyon flows would provide the westerly confinement of the spreading grounds. The San Sevaine Channel and levee would provide the easterly confinement of the spreading grounds. The levee heights would vary from 12 to 20 feet in height. The channels would vary from a width of 50 to 75 feet and depths of 6 to 10 feet. The channels would be designed for 100 -year design with a 100% bulked flow. Figure Nos. 2 and 3 show the proposed spreading grounds, approx imate levee alignment, and approximate channel widths and depths in schematic form. The combined debris production estimate for San Sevaine and Morse Creeks based on a major flood is 432,000 yd3. If Henderson Canyon debris for a one -time major storm is added to the total for San Sevaine and Morse Creeks, the combined total is 498,000 yd3. If the approximate 498,000 yd3 combined total of debris is theoretically spread over the entire spreading grounds area (750+ feet wide), the depth of debris would be approximately 3 feet deep. It is recognized the debris would not be spread over the entire spreading ground area evenly; however, it is also evident the spreading grounds are more than adequate to handle debris from all three creeks in the event of a major flood due to its width and the height of the proposed levees. 13 Based on information in the Riverside and Los Angeles County Flood Control District Hydrology Manuals, the average annual debris production for the three creeks would be approximately 23,500 yd3. This estimate is based on long term records (30 years or more) from Los Angeles County. Average annual debris production rates range from 700 to 12,J00 yd3 per square mile for one square mile watersheds in the San Gabriel Mountains. The average annual rate in these watersheds is approximately 6,450 yd3 per square mile (about 4 acre - feet) for a one square mile watershed. If the maximum 12,000 yd3 per square mile figure is used, the average annual debris production for the three creeks would be approximately 43,500 yd3. Alternate No. 1 will provide for adequate flood protection and debris control and will maintain the natural environment of the wash area. The semi - structural channel and levees can be blended into the existing terrain and the spreading ground area can be maintained as a water spreading area. The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has a major pipeline that crosses the spreading grounds as shown on Figure No. 2. The Chino Basin Watermaster spreads imported water from the pipeline in the spreading grounds and basins to the south. if the spreading grounds are developed as an open space /park area, it must be realized the area will be subject to periodic major flooding and debris depo- sition, and therefore will require periodic maintenance and debris removal. The existing San Sevaine Basins are located immediately south of Summit Avenue. Flows from the spreading grounds above Summit Avenue would be con- ducted under Summit Avenue into the San Sevaine Basins by two double 12' x 10' RCB's. Any debris not deposited into the spreading ground above Summit Avenue would be deposited into the San Sevaine Basins or the proposed Lower San Sevaine Basin. The updated cost of Alternate No. 1 is estimated at $ 1,530,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is included in the Appendix. The cost estimate includes a reception type channel and levee system for San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Creek flows. 14 Alternate No. 2 This alternate provides for a debris dam for San Sevaine Creek and a concrete lined channel from the debris dam to Summit Avenue. A reinforced concrete box structure would conduct flows under Summit Avenue and into the existing basins immediately below Summit Avenue. A grouted rock splash pad (dissipator) would be necessary south of the RCB. The debris dam would be designed for approximately 318,000 yd3. An area for debris storage would have to be set aside immediately below the dam site. The approximate location of the debris dam, if located at the canyon mouth, is shown on Figure No. 4. The dam site is based on the preliminary plan in the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan. A rectangular channel is proposed from the dam to Summit Avenue. The channel would vary from a 12 -foot wide, 7 -foot deep section at the upstream portion to a 12 -foot wide, 8 -foot deep section at the lower end. Channel velocities would approach 40 feet per second. Because of the high velocity and rocky terrain, a rectangular channel is recommended. The Cucamonga Fault Zone crosses the San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds near the upper power line in close proximity to the proposed debris dam site. In addition, recent studies indicate the Red Hill Fault may extend to the general area of the dam site. It may be difficult to economically construct a debris dam at the canyon mouth. Detailed geotechnical and soil investigation will be necessary to determine a site and develop detailed construction costs. It must be recognized that the construction of a debris dam and concrete lined channel for San Sevaine Creek does not eliminate the need for the San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds unless channelization of Morse and Henderson Canyon flows is also provided. Morse Canyon enters the spreading grounds area at the north end. Henderson Creek is proposed to enter the spreading grounds about 2,000 feet north of Summit Avenue. Therefore, the spreading grounds would have to be retained, although at a reduced width, even though the additional 15 cost is expended to control Sevaine Creek flows. A reception channel and levee system would still be necessary along the west side of the spreading grounds to contain Henderson and Morse Canyon flows. If a concrete channel and debris dam are provided for San Sevaine Creek, the spreading grounds could be used as an open space park. The park would still be subject to periodic major flooding, annual nuisance flows, and debris deposition although at a lesser scale. • Due to the fact Morse Canyon flows enter the spreading grounds at the north end, uncontrolled Morse Canyon flows could damage the San Sevaine Channel. Therefore, an alternate (Alternate No. 3) of providing a concrete lined channel for Morse Creek flows and a connection to the San Sevaine Channel is also considered. The cost of Alternate No. 2 is estimated at $4,935,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is included in the Appendix. The cost estimate includes a reception levee and channel along the west side of the spreading grounds. Maps showing the preliminary site of the San Sevaine Creek debris dam and Cucamonga Fault Zone are included in the Appendix. Alternate No. 3 This alternate is the same as Alternate No. 2 except for the addition of a concrete lined channel for Morse Creek. Refer to Figure No. 5 for the schematic alignment of Morse Creek Channel and its connection to the San Sevaine Channel. Under this alternate, a debris dam is not proposed for Morse Canyon. However, the channel would be designed to intercept flows from the approximate 370 acres of drainage between Morse and San Sevaine Creeks. The San Sevaine Creek Channel would be designed for the combined flow of Morse and San Sevaine Creeks below the confluence of the channels. The Morse Canyon design flow would be bulked 100% if no debris dam is provided for Morse Creek. 16 Based on a 100% bulked flow and a 2% grade, the channel for Morse Creek flows would be 16 feet wide and 9 feet deep. The channel for combined San Sevaine and Morse Creek flows would be approximately 18 feet wide and 9 feet deep. A double 12' x 10' RCB under Summit Avenue would be required. The estimated cost of Alternate No. 3 is $ 6,000,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is provided in the Appendix. If a debris dam for Morse Canyon is included, the increase in cost would be approximately $750,000, not including any necessary right -of -way acquisition. The above estimated cost of $6,000,000 does not include any work along the west side of the wash. Alternate No. 4 This alternate includes a debris dam for San Sevaine Creek without a concrete lined channel below the dam. Therefore, this alternate would only provide for the capturing of debris and not the control of San Sevaine Creek storm flows below the dam. Except for the addition of a debris dam at the mouth of the canyon, this alternate would be practically identical to Alternate No. 1. An energy dissipator at the end of the dam spillway would be necessary to control erosion and conduct flows back to the spreading grounds. Refer to Figure No. 6 for the proposed location of the debris dam. The loca- tion of the dam is based on the preliminary plan in the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan. The dam would be designed for a debris production of approximately 318,000 yd3 based on a major flood. It would be necessary to set aside an area below the dam for debris storage. Under this alternative, it would still be necessary to provide the reception type levee and channel system proposed in Alternate No. 1. Therefore, the cost of this alternate would include the cost of the dam plus the cost of the 17 levee and channel system as described in Alternate No. 1. It might be possible to decrease the size of the San Sevaine Creek Channel and levee slightly, but not significantly. A debris dam at the canyon mouth would capture any debris from the two square -mile San Sevaine Canyon. Due to the velocity in the channel below the dam, there would still be some channel erosion and debris pickup in the event of a major flood. The Cucamonga Fault Zone crosses the San Sevaine Creek Spreading Grounds near the power lines and in close proximity to the proposed debris dam site. Also, there have been some recent studies that suggest the Red Hill Fault extends into the general area of the proposed dam site. It may be difficult to economically construct a dam at the canyon mouth. Detailed geotechnical and soils investigation would be necessary to determine a site for a dam and develop construction costs. During the preparation of the Day, Etiwanda and San Sevaine Creeks Drainage Plan, a debris dam at Summit Avenue was reviewed. A dam immediately north of Summit Avenue was not considered due to lack of confinement, aesthetics and disruption of water spreading activities. A debris dam at Summit Avenue was also reviewed as a part of this study. The following disadvantages of a debris dam just north of Summit Avenue are noted: 1. A levee approximately 35 to 40 feet high at Summit Avenue would be required to contain the debris from San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Creeks. The levee would extend approximately 1,000 feet upstream. 2. The reception type channel and levees would still be necessary to contain flood flows above the debris dam. 3. Water conservation and park uses within the spreading grounds would be severely impaired. 4. A dam at Summit Avenue would be much more aesthetically displeasing. 18 The cost of Alternate No. 4, with the debris dam at the canyon mouth, is estimated at $ 3,280,000. A breakdown of the cost estimate is included in the Appendix. Maps showing the preliminary siting of the San Sevaine Creek debris dam and the Cucamonga Fault Zone are included in the Appendix. 19 7 APPENDIX 1. Hydrology Map of San Sevaine, Morse and Henderson Canyons 2. Cost Estimate 3. 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J , I T ' i'' .-- - . , . 1 �,. , j, ,' \I ' f- - - • , \ , ..„.____.....-/ • / .t N . 2-......--- \ / . . //// N. f ,,,,, ,,,,,,,...._-_____--....-- Ny\,,, \., - „ \ , \, - ,-- -, \. - -'- ,' / 1 .. ' • I / 1 - _Fault trac ti / / N - in trench - - \.- I . \� . ..-�, � l ___ _..._ _-_._. , -_,.____ f ,/ __ ... Q a I t ren�t�" N - -- -E _ - -_ j \ i • •t ..S .. / } _� f - ' _ �1 ��a i ,,,___,, / / r \ /! ench _- -� - gy p _ l / ^ m _ - � Y ' - i / / _ : t . -. r ,gin tree c -,- _ it - 7 _._f 1•____ •. ,,, . / ... , , 1:1 1 ( / • ----: _-. --- . ----- . . ..... 1 -1 '''', iii .."'' . I ' 0,________- -- � BILL MANN & ASSOCIATES Civil Engineering • Drainage — Flood Control • Special Studies December 20, 1985 File: 85 -30 85 -31 Mr. Chuck Laird Assist. Director San Bernardino, County Flood Control District 825 E. Third Street San Bernardino, California 92415 Subject: San Sevaine Creek Water Project - San Sevaine Creek above Summit Ave. Dear Chuck: Enclosed are ten (10) conies of the "Analysis of Alternatives for San Sevaine Creek Flows above Summit Ave." We have enclosed five (5) conies with cost estimate calcs. and five (5) without. Cordially, AIL �I6 111. Consultin Engineer BCM:gm enclosed as noted. c.c. Dave Hall w /enclosure Bob Schoenborn w /enclosure r/ Reed Flory w /enclosure 1814 COMMERCENTER WEST - SUITE A • SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92408 • (714) 885 -4309