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It Data f... € I ._.r..........__w._. ..._..............-......� ..---»........._r ...... ...- __1_1_1 ------ w _...�. _» ......». _._.�.............._ .�.._ --.........�...-.-.. __...___ -.--_.__.._..._. - _ ........ � � 1111 __........._..........._..._,..___.....-" . ... .._-....-.....�..._......_..».._.....-..--.",-,- .........-...-... __»..._....,.:. _...-._,.._...»w........__-_:..-111.1-....,... ___�-......�.. I -.y �..�.»�.��. I Reference Eva otranspiration Eto Amounts: -7-, .-» - �....I ...... .........I.. ....... ........... ...... ............. ...I.... ..I........... ...... ............. ....... ............... ........ ......... ....... ............... ..... .......... ........ ........ ...................................... ;.. ... ........ 11:11 .. • . ;... 1111 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 2.06 2.99 4.02 4.64 5.87 6.70 7.52 1 7.32 1 6.08 4.33 2.68 2.16 _...__.._._____ Total Yearly Eto: : 56.37: inches :­ .... 1. I ..... S ..stem...lnfo Information:: o n.....................................f..................­­­­­­­_­._.1.......,....�............. Irri......ati o n .......... __ ». �� , 1111. » .�_»».. Station "Plant Factor Irr Type sq ft area ................................... i..........................................................................j....................................... CONT. U I ................................................................... ..... ......��......... _ ........�..�,.. ..�,.... �.�,,....�..»..�»..�.. .. w..... �. 11 .......�.....,.......,.».,.�. ,....,;� 1111», », 4 ppt Efficiency I GPM Run Days :Cycle/Day I ...................................... ....................................... i U1 0.5 Rotor 1, 010 0.39 85% 8.00 5 3 U2 0.8 Drip 850 0.46 90% 6.30 5 3 U3 0.8 Rotor 21850 . 0.61 85% . 25.00 5 3 U4 0.5 Drip 840 0.46 90% 4.20 5 3 U5 0.2 Rotor 6,240 0.39 . 85% 12.00 5 3 U6 0.5 Bubblers 35 1.00 85% 17.50 5 3 U7 0.5 Drip 640 0.46 90% 4.50 5 3 U8 0.5 Rotor 600 0.39 85% 4.00 5 3 U9 0.5 Rotor 2,580 0.39 85% 19.00 5 3 U10 0.5 Bubblers 29 1.00 85% 14.50 5 3 U11 0.8 Drip 1,320 0.46 90% 9.90 5 3 U12 0.5 Drip 220 0.46 90% 1.70 5 3 U13 0.5 Rotor 1,780 0.39 85% 15.00 5 3 - U14 0.5 Bubblers 25 1.00 85% 12.50 5 3 U15 .0.8 Drip 1,420 0.46 90% 10.70 5 3 U16 0.5 Rotor 1, 920 0.39 85% 13.00 5 3 U17 0.5 Drip 205 0.46 90% 1.50 5 3 U18 0.5 Rotor 1,430 0.39 85% 12.00 5 3 U19 0.5 Bubblers 30 1.00 85% 15.00 5 3 U20 0.8 Drip 1,820 0.46 90% 13.70 5 3 U21 0.5 Rotor 1,670 0.39 85% 13.00 5 - 3 U22 0.5 Drip 240 0.46 90% 1.80 5 3 U23 0.5 Rotor 1,470 0.39 85% 14.00 1 5 3 _.-............................................................................................T.................................................:........................ CONT. V Eto PF HA IE _ ..................�. -.............M........ 56.37 -............,.11 V1 0.5 Rotor 2,380 0.39 85% 16.00 5 3 V2 0.5 Drip 210 0.46 90% 1.60 5 3 V3 0.8 Drip 1,500 0.46 90% 11.30 5 3 V4 0.5 Bubblers 38 1.00 85% 19.00 5 3 V5 0.5 Rotor 4,300 0.39 85% 21.00 5 3 V6 0.5 Rotor 5,310 0.39 85% 19.00 5 3 V7 0.5 Bubblers 35 1.00 85% 17.50 5 3 V8 0.8 Drip 1,400 0.46 90% 10.50 5 3 V9 0.5 Rotor 5,320 0.39 85% 18.00 5 3 V10 0.5 Drip 210 0.46 90% 1.60 5 3 V 11 0.5 Rotor 4,450 0.39 85% 18.00 5 3 V12 0.8 Drip 890 0.46 90% 6.70 5 3 V13 0.5 Rotor 4,350 0.39 85% 17.00 5 3 V14 0.5 Rotor 4,830 0.39 85% 24.00 5 3 V15 0.5 Bubblers 19 1.00 85% 9.50 5 3 V16 0.5 Drip 260 0.46 90% 2.00 5 3 V17 0.5 Drip 740 0.46 90% 4.50 5 3 V18 0.5 Drip 540 0.46 90% 3.30 5 3 V19 0.5 Rotor 4,225 0.39 85% 21.00 5 3 V20 0.5 Drip 260 0.46 1 901 2.00 5 3 V21 0.5 Bubblers 19 1.00 85% . 9.50 5 3 V22 0.5 Rotor 5,200 0.39 85% 18.00 5 3 V23 0.8 Drip 1, 640 0.46 90% 12.30 5 3 V24 0.5 Rotor 4,350 0.39 85% 18.00 5 3 V25 0.5 Bubblers Bu bb 39 1.00 0 85 /0 19.50 5 3 V26 0 .5 Drip p 21 � 0 0.4 6 0 90 /0 1. 0 6 5 3 V27 0.5 Rotor 5,400 0.39 85% 18.00 5 3 V28 0.8 Drip 1,180 0.46 90% 8.90 5 3 V29 0.5 I Rotor 4,660 0.39 1 85% 1 18.00 1 5 1 3 FALLOW I 56.37 I . 4,750 85% 391 V22 56.37 0.5 Calculations THE MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER ALLOWANCE MAWA ..................................................................... ,Formula per County of Riverside: MAWA =(Eto)(0.62)[(0.7)(LA)+(0.3)(SLA)] .-­­­.­­,..-­+­­, ....._...._.�.»..,.....,....__1111...»....w...»_�..............»-....._....__-,»....»......--,--w..w_.w__v , . � .. w .- _ .. ...__-_._..._........ Eto:156. 37 LA:: 97, 939 S LA: 0 . .............................._...... .....-._......._:._..._..........».....�...._.__.---......_..........._...._.r..._......__.__... rMAWA - 2,396,036.50 i j :........ .......................... ........ ..... ............ _..... ...... ...... _..._.....:.-.._........ ..._.._._....-........ ..,..... ..._...:._..,.......... ............ ....... ......_........ ..... .__._........ ....... ....... _....,._......_....._....... _. ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE I f i ; �......._...... .......... .............. ....... ... .... ............... ..... .. ...., €Formula per County of Riverside: EWU hydrozone) = (E to)(0.62)[(PF)(HA)/(IE)+(SLA)] I ..........................> .............,,........_.._.......*-1-..............._........_........................r......................................�........................ ............1111........------...�. �....... i Eto is the evapotransiratio_n rate per year (not month). : _ ..»:.._. .........:...»..1111,:.....,....,1111,., .._ ». ... .., ,_» � 11_.11 -1 ..._..».-,».»�._... »_ » 11.11 . » �.» » » ». 1111 : » PF is the plant factor for plants watered by this station (hydrozone). ..........................................................._.......I—...... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ HA is area in square feet watered by irrigation station (hydrozone). :...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................<.............................. IE is the irrigaiton efficiency of this station (hydrozone). I _,.,..,.._..... f .............,.......» ., ,,..:.-,� ,,,,.�,..�.»"-...,..,»».. ...,».-,-,-,� .,..r.».,»..».,,.,.. .� _»»:.......» �_ 1111:r.. »v 1111... ,, ».....n.. » 1. :SLA is the total special landscape area. M» Station Eto PF HA IE SubTotal U1 56.37 0.5 1,010 85% 20,764 U2 56.37 0.8850 per week 90% 26,406 U3 56.37 0.8 2,850 i 85% 93,747 U4 56.37 0.5 840 90% 16,310 U5 56.37 0.2 6,240 85% 51,314 U6 56.37 0.5 35 I 85% 720 U7 56.37 0.5 640 90% 12,426 U8 56.37 0.5 600 85% 12,335 U9 56.37 0.5 2,580 85%53,041 43 U10 56.37 0.5 29 85% 596 U11 56.37 0.8 1,320 90% 41,007 U12 56.37 0.5 220 90% 4,272 U13 56.37 0.5 1,780 85% 36,594 U14 56.37 0.5 25 85% 514 U15 56.37 0.8 1,420 1 90% 44,114 U16 56.37 0.5 1,920 1 85% 39,472 U17 56.37 0.5 205 90% 3,980 U18 56.37 0.5 1,430 85% 29,399 U19 56.37 0.5 30 85% 1 617 U20 56.37 0.8 1,820 90% 56,540 U21 56.37 0.5 1,670 85% 34,333 U22 56.37 0.5 240 90% 4,660 U23 56.37 0.5 1,470 85% 1 30,221 Station Eto PF HA IE SubTotal V1 56.37 0.5 2,380 85% 48,929 V2 56.37 0.5 210 90% 4,077 V3 j 56.37 0.8 1,500 90% 46,599 V4 1 56.37 0.5 38 85% 781 V5 56.37 0.5 4,300 85% j 88,401 V6 56.37 0.5 5,310 85% 109,165 V7 56.37 0.5 35 85% 720 V8 56.37 0.8 1,400 90% 43,493 V9 56.37 0.5 5,320 85% 1 109,371 V10 56.37 0.5 210 90% 1 4,077 V11 56.37 0.5 4,450 85% 91,485 V12 56.37 0.8 890 90% 27,649 V13 56.37 0.5 4,350 85% 89,429 V14 56.37 0.5 4,830 85% 1 99,297 V15 56.37 0.5 19 85% 391 V 6 1 56 37 0.5 260 0 90 /0 5 048 V17 56.37 0.5 740 90% 14,368 V18 56.37 0.5 540 90% 1 10,485 V19 56.37 0.5 4,225 85% 86,860 V20 56.37 0.5 260 90% 5,048 V21 56.37 0.5 19 85% 391 V22 56.37 0.5 5,200 1 85% 106,904 V23 56.37 0.8 1,640 90% 50,948 V24 56.37 0.5 4,350 85% 89,429 V25 56.37 0.5 39 85% 802 V26 1 56.37 1 0.5 1 210 1 90% 1 4,077 V27 56.37 0.5 5,400 85% 111,016 V28 1 56.37 0.8 1,180 90% 36,658 V29 56.37 0.5 4,660 85% 95,802 Annual EWU using County Formula: 1,995,084: gallons ........................... ..:...__...................... ..-........................ ............ .... _................. .......... ........................................ ........ ............... .... .... ......... ............. ...... . m ........ ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ......... ...... ....... .................. ,.,... ..,..... ........ ._.............. ..................... -........................................... 1111.... ......... . ......... -, ......... . ................... i I E t bl hment r i ion h I t s a s r at Schedule:: e 9 ..........................................................................................................................................................................:............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . . i : . : . . ....................................•...................,....................................................._.,................,...............,..........................,..........._.....,....-----........-................................................................................:..............................•.,...,......,...................................,.....,.........t............................. .»..................................................•...... E £ e I t f Run Days Run Da Ru s Y Cycles Y ....................................................................................................................... 1 rri i n 9 at o Schedule i a Minutes per Cycle Minutes r C Cycle P e Y i 2 Run Days Cycles .1111,-.....­..,......_ Station Station per week (Start times) Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. CONT. U CONT. V Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec CONT. U 28 32 36 U1 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 1 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 U2 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 U3 5 3 15 . 22 30 34 43 50 56 54 45 32 20 16 U4 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 U5 5 3 6 •9 12 13 17 19 22 21 18 13 8 6 U6 5 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 U7 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 U8 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 U9 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 4 9 54 53 44 3 1 19 1 6 U10 5 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 U11 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 U12 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 U13 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 U14 5 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 U15 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 U16 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 U17 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 1613 17 U18 5. 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 U19 5 . 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 U20 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 U21 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19. 16 U22 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 U23 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 -------- ------ .... ..................... _ I Y : f y t i f i I i Z s ........................... i I � Run Days Cycles _ .. "...... i Established sed i ....................................................................................................................... 1 rri i n 9 at o Schedule i a Minutes per Cycle . Run Days Cycles .1111,-.....­..,......_ Station ........w.-.-.�..�.1.-.......�.-.»..-,...,-....�..........--... per week (Start times) Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec CONT. V Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec CONT. U 28 32 36 35 29 21 V1 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 V2 S 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 V3 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 V4 5 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 V5 5 3 15 22 29 34 1 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 V6 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 V7 5 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 V8 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 V9 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 V10 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 V11 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19. 16 V12 5 3 19 28 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 V13 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 ' 53 44 31 19 16 V14 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 V15 5 3 6 . 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 V16 5 3 12 17 23 2734 24 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 V17 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 V18 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 V19 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 . 54 53 44 31 19 16 V20 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16 13 V21 5 . 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 V22 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 31 19 16 V23 ' 5 - 3 1928 3 37 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 25 20 V24 5 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 - 53 44 . 31 19 16 V25 5 3 6 8 11 13 17 19 21 21 17 12 8 6 V26 5 3 12 17 23 27 34 39 44 42 35 25 16. 13 V27 5 3 15 22 29 34 1 42 i 49 1 54 1 53 1 44 1 31 1 19 16 V28 5 3 19 1 28 1 37 j 43 54 62 70 68 56 40 4 25 120 V29 5 1 3 15 22 29 34 42 49 54 53 44 1 31 19 1 16 -------- ------ .... ..................... _ I Y : f y t i f i I i Z s ........................... i I � _ _______ _----- _ .. "...... i Established sed i ....................................................................................................................... 1 rri i n 9 at o Schedule i a I x i . Run Days Cycles W I 5 Minutes per Cycle 12 I 24 28 35 Station per week (Start times)» Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec CONT. U 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V3 5 3 16 U1 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 U2 5 3 16 23 31 3645 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 U3 5 3 13 18 25 29 36 41 46 45 38 27 17 13 U4 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 U5 5 3 5 7 10 11 14 16 18 18 15 10 6 5 U6 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 U7 5 . 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 U8 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 U9 .5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 U10 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 U11 5 3 16 23 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 U12 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 U13 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40' 45 44 37 26 16 13 U14 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 U15 5 3 16 23 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 U16 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 U17 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 U18 5. 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 U19 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 U20 5 3 16 23 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 U21 5 1 3 i 12 1 18 1 24 1 28 1 35 1 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 U22 5 1 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 1 36 1 35 1 29 1 21 13 i 10 U23 5 1 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 1 45 1 44 1 37 1 26 16 113 CONT. V CHK W JOB # OS -019 L25 a Q W V1 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V2 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V3 5 3 16 23 . 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 V4 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 V5 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V6 5 3 1.2 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V7 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 V8 5 3 16 23 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 V9 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V10 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V11 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V12 5 3 16 23 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 V13 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V14 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 * 45 44 37 26 16 13 V15 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 V16 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V17 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 '32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V18 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V19 5 3 12 18 24 28 . 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V20 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V21 5 3 5 7 9 I 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 V22 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V23 5 3 16 23 31 3F 45 52 58 57 47 33 21 17 V24 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V25 5 3 5 7 9 11 14 16 18 17 14 10 6 5 V26 5 3 10 14 19 22 28 32 36 35 29 21 13 10 V27 5 3 12 18 24 28 35 40 45 44 37 26 16 13 V28 5 3 16 23 31 36 45 52 58 57 47 1 33 21 17 V29 1 5 1 3 1 12 1 18 24 28 35 40 1 45_____j_44 37 26 16 13 :................................................................................................. ....................:................ ............................. ............................... :............................ :.............................. ,.............................,.............................. ;.............................. :.............................................................;...............................:............................., `This irrigation schedule uses the following formula: . . :.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................:............................................................ t.............................:..............................;................. :. ............... I _ Wonthl Eto / efficiency / t * 60 / run days per month /cycles per da * plant factor = single cycle run time in minutes I � i Y Y PP Y !? Y P Y P 9 Y 'Notes 1111-c .-.....�.... �, 1111.» �.�.....�.._.... ... _1111..» 1131.. �.-11.11 . �... 1111». »...�. - ..._ �. �..................... _ . _»: . ..........., »- _......_..............� ...,................... .._.....Mw...._.. _ .w . , w » w- .....M.�,.......,_ 1111_... _,,.........»,» ................M.,.......�......�......,...... � - »........ 111.1.., .._.� ..�,........- , ,--....__..__... ......V....».».. 1111 - �� 1111 w » :- ..n...w...I... �w Run da s are the number of da s er week the Irri anon station o erates. ...................... ..............y...... ... ....... ...................Y. P................... ..... ....9 ........ p I ...:........ ................... 1111. ......... ... .. .. ... .................. 1111 ... 1111 .. ......... 1111... 1111 ...: . ... 1111.. 1111... :For example; if the station operates every M_onday,_Wedne_sda_y and Friday that would be 3 run days. i i »1. Cycles are the number of times the station operates per ruri day. »»�» »» 2»» w ,�. ..._»»�� »�»�» 1111» ...1111 ................. ... .............. .. ........ ......... ...................... ......... ........ ... .. 2 I... ;.. ;.......... ... 1111.. 1111.. ... :Cycles and "start times" are the same thing. Many irrigation controller brands use the term "start time" in place of "cycle". --M. -.. _..__._ £ w ._» .................... .......r ._.._.. _ - _1111.».w. --"-1111..._ ..._..._.. __-...�......... -- �. _._. .........�. __ ..»_.. »_......_......__.... M..�.-- % ...................... .................................................................:........................ % ..,.... ;............................. k . 3.......................................................................................................................5.............................., .................. .....-...-..-....-... ,�_...,. ....1111. 4...................-... ............»...... ._..... i ..1111... ...._...._.._...__i_...._.....................z....:.. ..._ _..........-. : , .................- i : %. 3 ..........................:......1111.. ..._... ....f.............................. • 2 f .. Irri ationTutorials.com : g . • 2 i ........... 1111. 1111 1111... 1111. ......................... ......................... 1111 ........... .............. 1111.. .......... 1111.. _............1111- ... ..........._...._......, 1.1....--. ........».................... < ;Irrigation Calculations Spreadsheet, Version 1.0 :11 .I. ... ,. ...........____......_.._.._�.:.-...�...»..........�....,.__._.......w..-.._......... .......................-........_........___..........-................................................-.....................................I :... I :Use at your own risk. Check and verify all results _ -,,- ...,.,-.-,»._.......... --1 ,,--»...� --- .... ,-,.».-» %-,,...,.»...M. ,..-wM»„-.»M......,.»�» »�.--%"�..._... , -,---%-V..,._,-, �. �..... ,..�..11%K � ....•»».�.�.....V. _ ».w.»„ x 1111,: 111:1.. 11.:_11_ ...:..,.. c Co 'Copyright ht Jess St I O ker, 2009 A I rights reserved. :......................... ........................... I ..................................... ................ ......................1.31.......................1 ....................... .................. PY 9 rY g :....................................................... ---.. I 1131 . f . 1113... 1111... 1111 ... . .» _. ,-,-,--...m......�.»... I- ; » �_.�..,.,»»..».�.-,",».».»,..»."--.,,..�,.,,--"-- .. ___,. -- 'Permission .».� °n_granted for .._»e provided ».�. -- %--,%, notices » » » ». _. r 11__11». » 1111 » » . . ermissi __ use vided the above noti are not removed i 'Contributors:_ » ....................... ........................... ....... ................1...................................... .. 2.. .. �...... I f gess Stryker, Landscape Architect CA #2743 .....-_..._.�...-�.____..-..-...._._�-.........._........_....-.......-_...-_.�.._ti.............-....-.._....._w............--._..-....._...._......,....-.....--.......................---�..._................. -. l-_�..........._......�..-__.1.._11__.1..-..- -, �.__..._.........,,,-....--_......._--..-.....-_-_._._..._..-.......-----.-....._...........­........_.-......... ! __. _�_ f fn O;vr// _...,-,� w J L ,l -,�.� .. . I . ) 1 s Landscape Architecture 91 B2 Airport••• Drive Costa. , CA 92626 0 1 Richard Polharnus, License CA -#2782 1 (949) 644-9370 (714) 210-3140 FAX I N0. REVISION Q10-14-10 - PLANB MWD CHECK 0 A . \ 82 c ��p P 0� R. y4 G, , %� 27 s (0, a I * * SIf TURF L�DATE 9% Q. Dat.`,0�� F �F CAS% 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 DVM CHK W JOB # OS -019 L25 a Q W CO) , zz 11-- o� z �o 3 o ►-a U U \ 82 c ��p P 0� R. y4 G, , %� 27 s (0, a I * * SIf TURF L�DATE 9% Q. Dat.`,0�� F �F CAS% 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 DVM CHK DATE 9/7/10 JOB # OS -019 L25 OF 25