HomeMy WebLinkAbout3802-25448 mm �. Cl' -5 5/ ') I600 nn C 1' -1 5/8 ' ) Grate bars BASIS OF BEARING 12. 7 mm 1 X-�I Imo- X--.11.- mm --I�X X__1832ffnffnffnffm . � m 600 m (1'-1 1 /tF') or J L �If X X�I_{ `:;BAR SPACER 89 mm ( 1/E') 12. 7 m C 50 ') i 448 art (11-5 /8 ' 6 ria C 1/ ) � 600 0� (I'- 5�g )mm t weld or peen chart 67 mm 16 mm C 5/8 '> or 19 mm C 3/4 ') FI flet X C3 1/2 610 mm CI' -1 1 5/8 ') OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, CU CU 300 mm C12'> 448 mm (1' -5 /8 '> 448 tato (1'-5 8 ' ) c X50 qq C 1 See Plan ED -3. _ 9mmx 2.7 mm 89 mm x o v DETAIL C 9 mm C3 1/2 •) x MME12. 3 1/2 ' C3 la 7 ' mm I ^ 7 mm C 1/2 ') Bars ( -6) TYPE B 2 300 mm (12') B°' E L3 mm( lr•�- 5 mm CAST END BLOCK N❑TESL TYPE 450-9 TYPE 600-9 TYPE 600-12 35 mm (1 3/8 ') C l mm ( I 3/8 ') Clear e9f CU Cu o, m C 3/16 Typ a �_ o CU v 25 mm C1) Hole 1. Grate type numbers refer to approximate w l dth Of grate I n m i l l i meters and number bars, sp acing. Use within the roadbed on mm <2) Clear space Use In locations off acing. Use within a roadbed on m „ 89 mm x. 1- 12.7 mm AL k 38 mm of respectively, 2 Contractor has the option of using highways There the roadbed on all highways where 10 mm C 3/�I�- C3 1/2 ' <1 1/ cast nodular Iron, cast steel, welded, bicycles and types of highways, bicycles and See Beta I t SECTION A -A Bars I 25 mm C 14 i•-•25 mm ( 1' ) bolted, or cast end block grate. pedestr I ons are excluded. pedestr I ans are excluded. V/3 75 m (3', Cr- END ❑F BAR 3. See Special Provisions for requirements RECTANGULAR GRATE DETAILS /8 TYPES A, B AND C pertaining to galvanizing or asphalt 525 mm ti m it ALTERNATIVE CAST NODULAR IRON ALTERNATIVE dipping of grates and frames. 305 m (1' -0') (See table below) systens of ineasta'emerttt International System Units (SI or 'metric') and United S TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL 4. Rounded top of born optional on all gr two syr M ns necessashown rily equal or t Crrtercto►Q ablb e. See "the ts e"rorewor'd at ttht H=1. 2 Irl ( 4' ) THRU 3. 7 rrl C 12' )H=4. 0 1rt (13') GRATE ❑R CAST STEEL GRATE Spacing snore as for WELDED GRATE welded or bolted gra 5. Pipe Inlets with n rate shall be lace Type 600 = 6.4 mm< 1 L102 x 76 x 6.4 6 C 1/ Cl 4 x 3 x 1/4) None (48') sothatburs parallel direction ofpprlr surface floc. rate 635 mm (2 - 1) mm X89 mm <3 1/2 ) 41116Mb7 a 16M (# 300 m (121) 6. Full penetration butt welds may be 450 #19M (6) a 600 m (24' #19M (16) 2 450 m C18') #22M C#7) e 430 m C17') substituted for the fillet welds on all ype rate ^ 483 mm (1 -7') 100 < 4�i6. 4 mm C 1/4 ') �� I�nm �- mm (1 3/4 ' anchars. 7. Standard square, hexagon, round or ) N, Cl) m ( ') ( 1/2 �! Min anchors #32N (110) a #32M (#10) a 2Mm(I 1' 225m(7) equivalent headed anchors may be c ( 3/16 • • d' , bars Both ends held substituted for the right angle hooks I CROSS SECTI❑N #29M (#9) a 300 m (12') together by solid casting on the anchors shown an this plan. iv Type 600 grate = Q 80 (0. 0. 95 (Q B. Grate and frame weights are based ., E 610 mm (2'-0') (Thru frame) Type 450 grate = 1.98 C M 7 ALTERNATIVE CAST an welded grates (weights of face 2 % C 1. I W 457 mm (1'-6') 1.02 m C3'-') -4T (1.36) NODULAR IRON OR CAST are of nctaction bars, etc luded) 6 mm1/4 l02 x 76 x 6.4 19 (13) 24 (16) STEEL END BLOCK GRATE ( ) 1 13 (76) 1 09 (73) 134 (90) 155 (104) 183 (123) 210 (1 4 1 600 mm (1'-1 1 5/8 ') 281 (189) 111 1.05 m C3'-5 3/8 )I 76m(7) 89rim x6.4rim x 1.04mBar (3 1/2 ' x 1/4 ' x 3'-4 7/8CONG I TUD I NAL SECT I❑N TYPICAL FRAME (Thru frame and grate) RECTANGULAR FRAME DETAILS (For at l rectangular grates) INLET TYPE COVER TYPE MASS CVEI GRATE BAR SPACING TABLE k(LB) S NO. CLEAR BARX OL -2. 1 ' TYPE BARS SPACING _ nam (In) mm (Int)M PLATE 77 (170) m 450-9 9 35 (1 3/81 27 (1 1/1 1 Oa . PLATE S51 CPI 3 600-9 9 51 40(l 9 I REDWOOD 600-12 1 12 P5 (1 3/8' 32 (1 1141 BO C 1 0 or '-5 /6 ') 448 mm C1 16 mm C 5/8 '> or 19 mm ( 3/4 ' Holes 89 mm x BASIS OF BEARING 12. 7 mm 1 41 dam C 1-W8f--1 C3 1/2 ' i• -X Bars - BOLTED END BLOCK `:;BAR SPACER 89 mm ( 1/E') 12. 7 m C 50 ') bolts for 16 m C 5/8') hpies W bolts for 19 m C 3M1 P mho �/8J-) (3 1/ Barsrashers *XSee v t weld or peen chart 67 mm 16 mm C 5/8 '> or 19 mm C 3/4 ') P DETAIL 'SaceBOLTING A E NATIVE SPACER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, 35 mm (1 3/8 ') or 50 mm (21) ALTERNATIVE BOLTED GRATE 300 mm C12'> STATE OF CALIFORNIA c X50 qq C 1 See Plan ED -3. _ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION N GRATE DETAILS These 'Standard Plans for Construction of Local Streets and Roads' contain slits in t systems of measly enertfi International of Units (SI or 'metric) and United St BASIS FOR M I SC IRON & STEEL FINAL PAY MASSES FOR DRAINAGE INLETS standard Meastres shown In the parentheses ( ) . The measurements expressedIn the two systems are not necessarily equal or Interdtangeable. See the 'Foreword' at the (See General Notes, No 8) beginning of this publication. NO SCALE D77A 0 CO C J = Gutter or 0 nx Gutter or shoulder .. ,� shoulder � E BASIS OF BEARING LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E 0I THE BASIS OF BEARING IS BASED ON THE WESTERLY Vert i c #900 m#( 362) o m ' • • b' , baro c m BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A L_ -0 LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 (n TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST, S.B.M. AS SHOWN Br Det 3-1 2 4.5 m 415') i Vert I ca -0>, 2-#19M (#6) OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, �I E ON FINAL TRACT MAP NO.13750, FILED IN BOOK 250, 300 mm C12'> H Short Std a ``c,' b c X50 qq C 1 See Plan ED -3. _ RANGE 6 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO N AT PAGES 48 THROUGH 66, INCLUSIVE, IN THE OFFICE Vertical unless next m n battered section, F' #13M (114) e " LOOF TYPE A 2-#19M (# E I` - MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF SAN i " THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN BERNARDINO ( -6) TYPE B 2 300 mm (12') Const Jt- X230 mm (9.) 35 Di BERNARDINO. o COUNTY, BEING NORTH 00'30'24' WEST. " d" bars m(6' d 1 mens 1 ons and reinforcement "Footing #13M (#4 E w C (0 BENCH MARK• STRAIGHT WINGWALLSsee Step" on OWNER/DEVELOPER CENTEX HOMES 1265 CORONA POINTE COURT CORONA, CA 92879 PH: (951) 279-3000 FAX. (951) 279-2100 N DESCRIBED BY METROPOLITAN WATER DISTRICT SO.CD Q 0 CALIFORNIA 1992 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, NEAR THE LO o INTERSECTION OF SUMMIT AVE. AND CHERRY AVE. AT THE _ SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CHERRY AVE. AND SUMMIT AVE. 101 45 FEET WEST OF THE CENTERLINE OF CHERRY AVE. AND 37 DIAL E Q)FEET SOUTH OF THE CENTERLINE OF SUMMIT AVE. SET FLUSH Z a ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A 10 FOOT WIDE BEFORE �o YOU DIG CATCHBASIN 0.8 FOOT SOUTH OF CURB FACE. A STANDARD •Q v MWDSC 3 INCH BRASS DISK STAMPED "33A 1992". 0 --I NAVD 88 - 1508.56 (FEET) TOLL FREE 'mmmm" 1-800-227-2600 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT REV. e Use for He I nforcement a t2 4 3. 0 m 300 600 rim #13M (#4�I Icor 2 300 Toe of slo (6, (�) (1(Y) P C12' C12'#19M (#6) Tota ­`1 P To of wall ItI Varle BO- #16M (#5) 2 300 mm (12') Top of ' L Mar Max-- H+150 "' footing INLET OUTLET 13 m ( 1/2') Exp Jt filler Neoprene strip Typ C6') RC PIPE DETAILS PART PLAN A -A SECTI❑N B -B 355 mm 2. 0 2, 6 m (8'-6') Max W _ ( 6' -6') Max E • E cu #19M C #6) Total a+ E I I ) If required, slope protection details In C N Optional footln B=1270 tam (4'-2' 16M (#5) 2-#19M (#tD 19M C#6) are shown elsewhere In the road ^ m .! l I ne ^ 300 ,own C 12' Totn l 6 plans, or as d I rected by the Eng i neer. 13M (#4� N I E I o N #19M C#� 300 mm Cu � #19M C#6) Bars for (121) Cu .. u ., concrete pipe only SECTI❑N C -C SECTI❑N D -D 150 mm Ground line of E I LC=610 mm C2'-0'> C6'b ,Q=, Nn channel slop Idr va:. Layout line Hook bolts aIV)° r Use hook bolts 2 for meta t I Des t gn` ` H' ' _ �o or 485 mm (19D May be varied by the P 0.6 Dla +150 mm Ci spacing, size and TYPICAL LAYOUT EXAMPLE Engineer to suit const J (61) length provided b Number above" b" f1, " c" bars Indicates distance conditions In the field. 2-#13M C mnnufncturer for from top of footing to upper end of bars. Bar 19M (#0 4 metal pipes only cutoffs may be varied In Increments of 150 mm (6'). 300 mm 300 nm C12' E Relnf shown Is In addition 2-019M C#6) Bars <9M ( Cutoff wall If by t cu to regular wall - for RC pipes NOTES E 19M C#6) 2 and as directed by the •••� Reinf I Unit Stressestsf = 165 MPa <24,000 >9 MPa (1,300 psi), n = SO CU 300 mm (12') Engineer. May be varied L--_-- J by the Engineer to suit Additional Maximum Tae Pressure = 144 kPa (3 k/sf). #13M (#4)U Elevation, length and angle of flare of wings may be conditions In the field #13M C#4) bars I? 2 300 mm (121) varied by the Engineer to suit conditions encountered SECTION E -E SECTI❑N F -F TYPE C WALL In the field. Walls designed for 600 mm C2') live load surcharge, 1 t 1.5 (1. it 5) sloping surcharge not to exceed 1.5 m (51) in e l evat I gn ` ` L" plus 600 mm (24') live load surcharge, or unlimited It (211) surcharge. A 2-#19M (#"(2'-9') 840 mm #13M C#4)cD IT or 2 300 mm CIE) 900 A If It 1.5 (1 1/21 1) slope exceeds 1.5 m (5'), use Type 2 retaining wall. <3'-0') t I� Yale height may be exceeded by 150 mm (6') before going to-----------�---- the next 13 mm C 1/2 > greater H . Jt fill 150 mm0- Neoprene strip �+t'�er 0 mm 1. 5 m (5') Max for I t 1.5 ( 1 1/21 1) fill s lion ( 5') M°x for I t 1. 5 (1 1/21 1) fill slopes, B 6 TYp �( 4� (9•» un l I m i ted for slopes f latter than 1 t 1. S (1 I/Z 61 SUXed for s lopes f latter than 1 t 1. 1 1/2 t 1) + 13 mm ( 1/2 ') Exp #13M C #h4) A long F I t l s e #16M (;5)q 600 mm ( 2' -0' `�, 7 top of wnl #1t3oM of �nAlongFlll s e 300 mmC12') P C C 300 mm Gutter or 0 nx Gutter or shoulder .. ,� shoulder #16M <#5ii1 c 2 300 mm o C12') Unless otherwise ti.5.8 n EQQ I a7m(12') 1 300 mm (S'-0') designated #16M (# 2-#19M (# c Vert i c #900 m#( 362) o m ' • • b' , baro c m os 2300 mm C 12') o _ #13M (#4) .. " c" bars m.. 300 Short " b" burs C 121;!-T E .. 2-0,19M(410, - 450 m (18') Br Det 3-1 2 4.5 m 415') i Vert I ca Batter 99 to 4t 100 C 1/2 t 12) 2-#19M (#6) c centers 300 mm (12') above '#13M ( ) 2 outs t de ground " c" bars 300 mm C12'> H Short Std a ``c,' b c X50 qq C 1 See Plan ED -3. _ Short ` ` c" bars h 4.9 n C Vertical unless next m n battered section, F' #13M (114) e m (1' -4' m (1' -6 10 m (1' TYPE A 2-#19M (# E I` - 35 DI then match 9D0 m, (�) 120 m (3' -8' ( -6) TYPE B 2 300 mm (12') Const Jt- X230 mm (9.) 35 Di m(2' 65m(2'-6 For footing step END ELEVATION (541) " d" bars m(6' d 1 mens 1 ons and reinforcement "Footing #13M (#4 - const o mm (9') R STRAIGHT WINGWALLSsee Step" on , Total 200 mm <8') 'd" bars td Plan 83-8. STATE 13F CALIFORNIA 75 mm 00 mm C8') Li CU DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (3') Ct #13M (44), Tota N PIPE CULVERT HEADWALLS, .300 MM_ V/3 75 m (3', Cr- 300 m (1'-0') ENDWALLS AND WINGWALLS n 37n i ) C (1'-°') B /8 TYPES A, B AND C (721) (84') 525 mm ti m it These 'Standard Plaits for Construction of Local Streets and Roads' contain units In - 19808�mm 305 m (1' -0') 1650 m 2080 systens of ineasta'emerttt International System Units (SI or 'metric') and United S TYPICAL SECTION TYPICAL SECTION two syr M ns necessashown rily equal or t Crrtercto►Q ablb e. See "the ts e"rorewor'd at ttht H=1. 2 Irl ( 4' ) THRU 3. 7 rrl C 12' )H=4. 0 1rt (13') THRU 6.1 Irl (20') beginning of this publication NO SCALE D90A ""' T'm m MOP" MMM MOmm 175 nn 190 M 200 mm 150 m 375 M 375 m 300 m 275 mm 225 m 200 m 225 FW 215 mm (24') (2(') (14•) (1(r) (7) (7 1/2 ') ((') (6') (15') C15') CIL") (1 1') (91) (8') (7) (8 1/2 ') REINFORCED CONCRETE WINGWALLS .. b„ bars 'b' bars .. C, , ban 'c' bars Desi "33" 1.2n(4') 1 1.5m(5') 1 1.8m(6') 2.1 "7') S4n(B') ti.5.8 n I') I a7m(12') 1 4.0m(17) 1 4.3n(14') 1 (19') t#� 5 n .. 4.9n(16') 1 5.2n(171) 15.5m(18') L 1 5.8m(19') 1P ZD -2L 120 m (3' - m (4' "m (4' rim (5' Ham. 2 n � m C 7' -8' 440 m C 8' -0') m (8' -8' (17') m (10' E m (1 1' h 4.9 n C E m (1' -4' m (1' -6 10 m (1' h1=4.6 m (2' -2' 10 m (2-4')l 760 m C2' -6') 815 m C 2' -8') 915 m (3' -0') 015 m ( 3' -4' 120 m (3' -8' m C4' W4.3 n t � m(2' 65m(2'-6 m(2'-1 m(3' rim C3' -b 70 mm (3'-IWND mn C4'-Z3G70m(4'-6 (541) (14') m(6' ,� m(7'-4') (361)/4 13=4.0 n `D ) (72') 355 m (1' -2')405 1050 H=. 7 n (17) ¢ tgi CU (12') ih m C 1' -4') N - Now h3=3.4n I, (36') 1820 30 mm n 37n i ) i- ""' T'm m MOP" MMM MOmm 175 nn 190 M 200 mm 150 m 375 M 375 m 300 m 275 mm 225 m 200 m 225 FW 215 mm (24') (2(') (14•) (1(r) (7) (7 1/2 ') ((') (6') (15') C15') CIL") (1 1') (91) (8') (7) (8 1/2 ') REINFORCED CONCRETE WINGWALLS .. b„ bars 'b' bars .. C, , ban 'c' bars Desi "33" 1.2n(4') 1 1.5m(5') 1 1.8m(6') 2.1 "7') S4n(B') 27n(9') 1 a0n(10') 13.4n(I I') I a7m(12') 1 4.0m(17) 1 4.3n(14') 1 4.6m(15') 1 4.9n(16') 1 5.2n(171) 15.5m(18') L 1 5.8m(19') 16.1 mCar) > -2L 120 m (3' - m (4' "m (4' rim (5' m (5' m (6' m (6' -8' 185 m (7' -2' m C 7' -8' 440 m C 8' -0') m (8' -8' win C 9' -4' m (10' m City m (1 1' m (12'-W C m (1' -0' m (1' -2' m (1' -4' m (1' -6 10 m (1' m C 1' -1 10 m (21 -Ir m (2' -2' 10 m (2-4')l 760 m C2' -6') 815 m C 2' -8') 915 m (3' -0') 015 m ( 3' -4' 120 m (3' -8' m C4' 1320 m (4' -4' 425 m (4' -8' B m(2' 65m(2'-6 m(2'-1 m(3' rim C3' -b 70 mm (3'-IWND mn C4'-Z3G70m(4'-6 (541) 75m(4'-1(r575m(5'-2')11625mC51-4')725m(5'-8')I830m(6'-0' 930m(6'-4' m(6' 135m(7'-0' m(7'-4') (361)/4 .i.' ) (72') 355 m (1' -2')405 1050 (121) (2 3/4 1600 1980 mm CU /4 Imm m C 1' -4') Batter - Now Cu (36') 1820 30 mm ) a, (481) /8 41 100 ( 1/2 (721) (84') 525 mm ti m 1350 S 19808�mm 305 m (1' -0') 1650 m 2080 (541) 8 470. m (1' -6 1 t40 m (1'-7') 490 m C 1' -7 /600) m (Y-8 1520 m (1, -8 IJ am m (1' 550 m (1' -9 1 Mw m (1' -1 ••b" bars m None (48') (241) (4') (72') •16M (#a a 375 m (151) 41116Mb7 a 16M (# 300 m (121) #16N (335) a 275 m (1 1' SIM (i5) a 225 m (9') #19M (6) a 600 m (24' #19M (16) 2 450 m C18') #22M C#7) e 430 m C17') ..c„ bon 413M (#4) a SIM #4) a 1116M (#57 a 116M (#5) a #1610105) a 600m(24) 450rA4Mr) 5DOm(20' 350m(14') 250m(IO' #16M (415) a #19M (#w a 175m(7') 190m(7 1 #22M (#7) a EMm((') #22M (07) a 150m(6') #29M (09) a 375m(15') #32M C#10) a 375m(15') #32M 010) a 300m(12') #32N (110) a #32M (#10) a 2Mm(I 1' 225m(7) #32M C#10) 200m(8') #%M (#1 1) 1 225m(9') #36M (#1 1) 215m(8 1 • • d' , bars 113M (#4) a 013H #4) a #16M (#5) a #16M (#5) a #16M CM a #19M C#6) 2 #22M (#7) a 600 m (24') 450 m (1(r) 500 m (20' 350 m (14' 250 m (10') 350 m (14') 380 m (151) #25M (#8) a #22N (#7) a 400 m (161) 300 m C121) #25M C#8) a 375 m C 15') #29M C#9> a 375 m (151) #29M (#9) a 300 m (12') #29N (#% a #29n C#9) e . 275 m < 1 1' 225 m (9'> MY #29N (#9) a 200 m (8') #32M 010) a 225 m '9) #32M (#10) e 215 m (8 1/ Q 80 (0. 0. 95 (Q 1.10 ( 0. ) 1.23 (Q 49 138 Q 1.53 ( 0. 6) 1 68 (Q 6 1 83 1.98 C M 7 256 (1.02) 2.76 C 1. 10) 2 % C 1. I W 3 16 C 1.26 -4T (1.36) 364 C 1. 3 89 C1. 55) 3 < 1. ReInf n (lb/If) 19 (13) 24 (16) 28 (19) 37 (25) 45 (30) 55 37) ( 9) 92 (62) 1 13 (76) 1 09 (73) 134 (90) 155 (104) 183 (123) 210 (1 4 1 281 (189) 307 (206) STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PIPE CULVERT HEADWALLS, ENDWALLS AND WINGWALLS TYPE A, B AND C These 'Standard Plans for Construction of Local Streets and Roads' cot, in ,nits systems of nensta enerrt+ I nternat I ona�of Un I is CSI or ' netr i e) and Un I U Sinrdard Ne°sves shown In the C) . The measurements expressed to ti two systems are not necessarlly equal or Interchangeable. See the 'Foreword' at beginning of this pubticntion NO SCALE OFE SOIL ENGINEER � q <4 ALBUS-KEEFE AND ASSOC., INC. No. 4.6 9 �+ 1011 N. ARMANDO STREET• 3 f 31 I Z ANAHEIM, CA 92806 7k' PH: (714) 630-1626 FAX. (714) 630-1916r REVISION DESCRIP11ON DATE ENGR. CITY DATE SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT COMMENCE WITHIN TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL SHOWN HEREON AND CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND STANDARDS IN ,#A, 4 Q �.I - II EFFECT. RFcoed ,bR-�w/N�; 101105;111 CD CD ❑J d d SEAL -ENGINEER RW ES/ F wARIC M. TORREYSO m ,r No. 66068 -cx Exp. 06-30-06 CIv�L 9lF OF Construct PCC cutoff rnl04 A ra PLAN Tongue end on Inlet section Groove end an outlet section Limit of payment for pipe L (8 SECTION A -A w B END VIEW PRECAST CONCRETE FLARED END SECTI❑N TYPEA Construct PCC cutoff Wall d-EzgkII k -I I B -I--NB PLAN Tongue end on Inlet section. Groove end on outlet section C I D I -i 3'> Limit of payment-.� for pipe 200 mm SECTI❑N B -B w B END VIEW MINIMUM DIMENSIONS 1. Contractor has the option of using either Type A or B PIPE Dln A B C D E SLOP 300 mm 100 mm 45 mm SLDP 600 mm 600 mm L C12') (4')C 3/4 > (24') ') systems of measurement International System of Units CSI or 'metric') and United States 450 mm 225 mm 58 mm 675 mm 910 mm e (181) (91)C 1/4 600 mm 240 mm 70 mm ) Cu o (27') (361) (18') 1 100 roL210 mm C241X 1/9 X1/4 ) 0(431/2 )(481) o 750 mm mm Z 1 060 1370 1520 mm (301) /4 ) d (541) (42') 1600 1820 mm 900 mm mm °� 750 mm (361)/4 .i.' ) (72') ru 1050 (121) (2 3/4 1600 1980 mm CU /4 Imm ) 8') - 1200 Cu (36') 1820 30 mm ) a, (481) /8 ) (721) (84') 525 mm ti m 1350 1600 19808�mm cu 1650 m 2080 (541) 8 ) C65') C82') PRECAST CONCRETE FLARED END SECTI❑N TYPEA Construct PCC cutoff Wall d-EzgkII k -I I B -I--NB PLAN Tongue end on Inlet section. Groove end on outlet section C I D I -i 3'> Limit of payment-.� for pipe 200 mm SECTI❑N B -B w B END VIEW PRECAST CONCRETE FLARED END SECTI❑N TYPE B NOTESi MINIMUM DIMENSIONS 1. Contractor has the option of using either Type A or B precast concrete flared end section. PIPE Dim A B C D E SLDP 300 mm 100 mm 39 mm 550 mm 600 mm (12') (4')C 1/2 ' systems of measurement International System of Units CSI or 'metric') and United States (i 1 3/4 ) 2 ' 450 mm 225 mm 45 mm NO SCALE I L- 630 mm 910 mm q. (18') (91) 1 3/4 ) (25') (36') L 600 mm 240 mm 58 mm 1 060 2 0 mm o (24.1 1/2 1/4 ) °1 (42') (48') 750 mm 3DO mm 71 mm .i.' 1340 MP1520 mm (30') (121) (2 3/4 ) z° (53') 900 tam 375 mm 81 mm Cu 1570 1820 mm Cu (36') 5' 3 1/4 ) a, (721) 1050mr 525 mm ti m 1600 19808�mm cu 390 ) 1200 mr 600 tom 1 03 m 1820 mi,2130 m (48') (241) (4') (72') (84') 1350 miJ675 mm 112 mm 1670 mr 2080 m (54') (27'1 3/8 ' (66') (82') PRECAST CONCRETE FLARED END SECTI❑N TYPE B NOTESi 1. Contractor has the option of using either Type A or B precast concrete flared end section. 2. C dimension varies by manufacturer and will be paid for as concrete pipe. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONCRETE FLARED END SECTI❑NS These 'Standard Plans for Construction of Local Streets and Roads' contain units In two systems of measurement International System of Units CSI or 'metric') and United States Standard Measures shown In the ()The measurements e)ressed In the two 'Foreword' systems are not necessarily equal or In terdtnngenble. See the at the beginning of this publication. NO SCALE I L- Use reinforcement for H= 1.8 m,E 4 m,3.0 m NOTE, Match Fitt slope Toe of slope-. (61) C 8') C 10' > Top of wait Where 1 t 1. 5 (1 1/2 t 1) surcharge exceeds 1. 5 m (5' ), parapet use Type 2 retaining wail. 305 mm (1' 1. 5 m C 5' ) Max for 300 mm E = I It 1.5(l 1/21 1) fill slopes, (121) MI E #13M C#4) A ngI unlimited for flatter ^ Match FILL to of rat than 1 t 1. 5 (1 1/2 t 1) in Max=H+150 (6' at i ,`D o Top of footing Parapet slope. 300 mm (11) M I n �}- 305 mm C 1' 1.5 m (5) Max f Gutter or shoulder 355 mm C 1' -�9 #13M ( #4) At n I I 1 , 1. 5 (1 1/2 , 1) 58� Optional footing -1270 ma (4'-21) 8 slopes, unlimited or C2 C 865 660 mm oat I ng l I nes top of watt ft than 1 t 1.5 C 1 1/2 1> Batter 100, 4 C 1/2 , 12) C2'-10' '- (22') 300 mm ( 1') M l n Vert I cn Detn I l " Y" E ""Gutter or shoulder 1.113M " c" bars o iu c' bars N - --- -- - m Vert en c 450 13M m (lE CUD .. I - 963M (#4) 2 405 #13M (#4) 2900 mm C36) to 0 mm C36') C 1-41#6(3 D5 mm -2) C�10 mm (2' -0' H- 6� m -Eb 50 mn 8 2 50 mm C 2') C lr Q Short " c" bars TYPICAL LAYOUT EXAMPLE "- 4 N' TYPICAL ( " c" bars"' S0 nm <2'> Br Det 3-1 2 4.5 m (15') + ce Angle of fl nd all Longitudinal bars H- 3 Short`%c'I 00 mm (1') above outside ground n box Walls 600 mm C2'-0') In o ( S0 mm Elev „ n , rings, except where expansion H- . 0 See Standard P inn BO -3. I (2' ) C lr FI ores nt to of " c" bars H= .7( I 35 DI rticnl unless adjacent DetalI " Y" Joint occurs. (v g P to battered section, Construction joint .. „ CD Indicate distance from to H�.4< .. 50 then match 511 �. ,, Detail X p of footing to upper end of OC w b+ C2') C r d� bars (2') lr d bars N ` • c" bars. 7( I Zo :4 �., (9') R oo mm (e•) mn (�') �(1 -own) TYPE C d pp33 .. „ H_ E #13M C#4) To 75 _T Total( C .. I E o trot C3' C 75 mm (31) p , f l °r8ee' of D o -� 300 mm (1' �- 300 mm C1' R=T3 Cownit tf nng le of flare r - H=1 8 T E C3 N Cu g tc ., Is less than 3D) H=1. 2 al 5 E 3 o 0 - TYP I CAL SECTI ❑N TYPICAL SC `��" short "c" ECT I ❑N Toe of slop TYPE " A" TYPE " B" -- bars H=1. 2 1r1 (4' THRU 3, 7 tri C 12'H=4. 0 l+T C 13' ) THRU 4, 9 mC 161) Elev " " PLAN Where design ` ` H' ' exceeds P-7 m ( 9' ) or length of ■in wall exceeds 1.5 `. Ide A 11t3 -#13M C Parapet ��L,, jttpctionlace 3of boxland rn Exp joint fill I d C34�0't) 1n let), 10 me tj 9mm ° 150 mm C6') (3'-00'0 60 i�m 50 2 1 11m 19� r7l 6 u 3 2 nm #13M (#41 ti�'L � Match D (24') C20 (1017 7 1/ AA <6) (15 C1 1) round d 450 1�m 0 11m 175 mm 200 7m 3 5 300 mm C 12') " L� 4 r Z '187 (14') (7') Ce•) (1517 13') DETAIL X y Ine o REINFORCED CONCRETE WINGWALLS `� "H" m Cft) .2 (4') 1.5 (5')1.8 (6') 1 (7' 4 (8') 2.7 (9' .0 (10' 4 C 1' 7 (12' 0 (13' .3 (14 6 (151) 9 (16' Neoprene 1' d mm W m (ft -In) (3' 20 C3' C4' (4' (5' (5' <6' C6' B5 (7' C7' 90 C8' C8' (9' ) strip ,°i C20) Min00 C m Cf�IN C1' C1' C11-4' C11-6 0 C1' C1'-10 (2'-0' (2'-2' 10 (2'-4' 60 (2'-6. 15 C2' (2'-1 15 (7-ir B m Cft-IN (2' C2' C2'-1 (3'-21 (3' 15 (3'- (4' 870 C4' (4'-1 (5' 75 C5' CY-10M 6' 300 Cutoff wall 1.2 n (4'-0') May be varied by Eng I neer to Batter None 4t 100 ( 1/2 t suit conditions In the fief S m Cft-IN (1' (1' C1' (1' (1' (1' CI' -0' CI' -0' <1' (1'-5 1 79(1' (1'-7 1 (1'�'1. END ELEVATION %, Bar's • ' • ( I As • -#13M C Q TYPE ` ` A' ' TYPE ` ` B' ' ..d„ Bars ' ' For footing sTep dimensions STRAIGHT WINGWALLS CQ 95 CO. 10 CO. 23 (Q4 38 (11 n 53 (0.6 68 (01.6 .83 C0. .98 (Q 56 (1. 76 (L1 % (1. 1811. 16 (L26 45 and reinforcement see I of n 19 (13) 24 (16) 28 (19) 37 ( 25) 45 ( 30) 55 (37) 73 ( 49) 92 ( 62) 1 13 (7A% 109 ( 73) 134 (90) 155 (104) 186 (12x7 tip "Footing Footing Step' ' on Std Plan 113-8, Quantities do not Include that portion above the design "H" limit #ELEVATI❑N N❑TEST 30o m�12') 2 Unit Stressest f =165 MPa (24,000 I), f =9 MPa (1,300 psi), n=10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA s P# P � 3-$13M <#4) DEPARTMENT � TRANSPORTATION Maximum Toe Pressure = 140 kPa. C 1 1/2 Tons/sq, ft. > 1_ B❑ X CULVERT WINGWALLS Elevations, length and angle of flare of rings may be varied by the Engineer to suit conditions 113M (#4) 2 encountered In the field Valls designed for 600 nm (2') l I ve load surcharge, 1 t 1.5 (1 1/2 t ah 50 mm (18'x+ TYPES A B AND C not to exceed 1. 5 m C 5' ) I n e l evat i on p lus 600 mm C 2') 11 ve load surcharge, or un l i m i ted I t 2 ( sort e. These 'Standard plans for Construction of Local Streets and Rands' tonin i n units I n Dimensions "H","L","M","N", Elevation "a" and "Angle of flare" (ns l) are shown an the l 13M ( 2 8 apply) P tro systems of mensxrenentt Internntlonnl of Units CSI or 'metric') and United Stites Wall height may be exceeded by 150 mm (6') before going to next greater "H". (18' ) nters - _ -I I Standard Measures shown in the pares ( ) . The measurements expressed in the E l I m I ante cutoff wall I f adjacent channel I s aced and steer t s 20 max t mum 300 mm (1' -04 � two systems are not necessor I ly equa l or I rater changeob le. See the ' Foreword' at the Far wall offset values, see Standard Plan 113-11 DET -% Y" SECTION B -B begiming of this publication. NO SCALE 084 STANDARD PLAN 1184 INCLUDES CHANGES THAT WERE INCORPORATED IN REVISED STANDARD PLAN RSP D84, DATED OCTOBER 26, 2000, AND ISSUED AS A PART OF ERRATUM N4 99-1 FOR THE 1999 METRIC STANDARD PLANS. E I\I Ci I N E E R I 1 \1 G DRAWN BY. 937 SOUTH VIA LATA, SUITE 500 COLTON, CA 92324 O.S. PH. (909) 783-0101 FAX (909) 783-0108 DESIGNED BY. A.T./0.' PREPARED BY. ARIC M. TORREYSON R.C.E. NO. 66068 CHECKED BY: EXP. ATE: 06-30-0 DATE. C.V.A. CITY OF FONTANA, CALIFORNIA COYOTE CANYON LINE wX AND 'B° -� STORM DRPJN IMPROVEMENTS s� I TY ENGINE R.C.E. 51152 DATE: N 0 0 ro d D r C Z H M M -I d -O D tj Z 10 -P bd SCALE: AS SHOWN DATE: NOVEMBER 2005 DRAWING NO.: 725 3802