HomeMy WebLinkAbout4398-6SENERAL CONL71TIOW.2 L CONTRACT 000UMENT5: 5hnit consist of 5p_-cfl`fcoNon5 and Its general candIttons and the drinwings, The, Intent at those documonksr 15 to Include. all labor, materials, and services necessary for the propor execution OF the worle. The. documonk�� ore to be, considered or one, onc) r-jilatover 1!3 called For by any port sholl be ce birtaing, as IF called For by oil parts, 2, VERIFICATION, The contractor shall vorlFu rloa5t/re.niIsn1:!5 on kho drowings, VePoro beginning work. In coze of error or discrepancy In ffie dro),ong5 or speciPlootlon5 at- )n work a' others ofFes0ne his work, he. ,,hall notify the ownor'5 ropre.-,ontotive Immediately. The contractor sholl be, held responsible, Par- any damage, or loss due, to his Failure to observe those, 05tructlon,­ 3, LICEN5E: All w,!��rk shall be performod by a C-27-OcliPorrlio Licensed Landscape Contractor-, 4. 11,13URANCE; The Contractor 5holl carry all Norkmon�-, Corril,)ersotion, Piibllc. Lloi,,�fllty and Proporty Pornocr . ,o Insuronce cis required by all opiallcobie cadp,5, roqOotforI5 and the, owner, 5. LANP50AFE ARCHITECT15 LIAOUT`f'� Tile owner ondcontractor-5, r,scognizing, the inherent risks connected k4th construction, agree. to lirlilt any and oil liability, claim Pei- domage5, cast of defom.5e, or exporfs,e4� to be lovlor:I against kho Loncisc,c7po Architect on account of any design defect, error, omission, at- proPessional negligence to a slim not to excood T1110,000. 6, CON-5TRVOTiON I�AFIH_71'� The design, cidequocy ond sorety or orectfon, excovotion, brochig, sharing, tempororq sup orks, . . p etc,, is the sole re5pons,lbillty at thst*Controcta', and ties not been considered by the Landscape Architect or his con5ulkonn5. The contractor is responsible Par the stability of any structures and excovotione one sholl provide, the necessary brocIng to provide stability durfig the entire construction propres-S. Observation V15ftf to tho il .91ke by the, Londscape, Arcilteck at- his consultonk5 s;hail not Include inspection of the above, items. 7. 5URVE-r5, FIERKI775, REOULATION5; Tile ol,inor shelf Furnf-5h all cidoe3vote survey OF the property, The, contractor shall obtofil onal pay Pot- a 11 psrrlft,,5 and comply t-ilth all lows and ordinances bearing oil Nio operation or corldoct or the r,4or,k as, drai,m and oj:�ecffled, If the con,�roctor obsorves that 0 vorlonce exists, therewith lie sholl promptly notify the, owners representative In writing, and any necessary charges shall be adjusted o5 provided in the contract For ,,honqe5 In the f,ork, ,�5. PROTECTION OF= 14ORK, PROPERT'i' AND PERSON: The, contractor ,,ha,'ocloquoto�y protect the work adjacent properky and the pub�fc, and shall be, respomF,lbir, for or�q dorrogo or Injury our, to his art, q, 0HANeE_d; IN THE WOP2KI Tile, Owner may order chonges in the, work, The controct 5VM being odilustodoccordingly, All .such orders one adjustments plus clolm�: by tho contractor For extror, mvst be made 4,7oftiro exocutinct tho work- Involved, , to, FIROV15101,15 FOR EXTRA5: No now, work OF any k1nd shah be concfdorect on extra unless a c,oparclto ooklmotto 15 given For , sold work before It lt� commenced and until came 15 approved by Pie Owner, and than flat unloss the or,inor ffrs�, ,a ordered ' in -rftf'9 cod the particular extra work 15 specified in ""tt.115 0 and the �-,Ost Pgreed upon bekween the, owner and the contractor, Fxcep� For ex,tra work- ordered by the owner � oc1clordflig to unit prIcer, which hove boon bid, any ox�.ro work performed, not authorized a,& provIded above,wlil not on& contlok be, paid For by the Owner, 11, 15U855TITUTON5� All hlot.erlols ,shall be specified I)nleti�s the contractor con establish the Pact that they are unovatiable,, and sul�P,kli;vtlons ore cipproved in writing V�y the I and5cotlea Architect, � 12, 1 ANO_Sc,'�APE COORDINA7OR15 5TA705� The, lond,�cajio coordimokor ockr, a,, file authorized r&pr05erlkoVyo or the owner in It 1h e old 05 "'a oulhorl�, � ot L' on" oil " 0 9 0 act' monae ", ' h to , make e is 0 'lo k 5 0" _ , 00 66 0 a 06 hg r m � 11' H _ will - ' 'r" I r ' I 0", t, , %J ' � ,_ n no "' , In wor� not IrIvo" '-tr 'o -I n a ,__ _ _'it �_ _ "" It ` "alt O� J may 't _ t ,I', m_"In Or the ., tract -I--, i1xr, at J� r � s s � , , , r ,., � ""is"ticin , oir� y to 1, ", � It "top the I no ,_ Proper , I 5. CLAX�JFIOATION OF DRANII,165 OEFORE 510PIN0i After reviewIng Illy 11 I , re5 O""'b"Ity , v ou" 5 0 c 'rectors ` ' 6 a 0 " rigs t, r th 0" 15, "' r , I , " cap , ,. - I ' L. as - A, ,1,11� It 11 owner I ' ,_� �n _I on- it _ Iffy s y s h c Ilt-t- may (r1_-_ ,�l--,"-,-.-rl-�,yl,"",,,,--".,"I q 1-scilding a I, �thod , cars � ... kJoh, 1:111-ItItt's 11 , . to or , 11, _ "k or mdk,rlol�h ocilt, a d a do , IF the "niro'kar cannot contact the Landscape Architect or owncr's ropresentotive, the controcifor must quallry Ns, bid or accept the, Interpretation or the Landscape. Architect or Owners representative all this, questionable, orocsi o5 they develop during construc.tron, 14 1 5AMPI_65I The Landscape Arc-hltoct re5tirvo-s the right, to take and analyze 5ompler OF materials Par conformity to spec, IF ice t loll-, ot any time,, Tile, contrackor 5hoil Fortil.5h , �omplos, upon request by the Landscape Architect:, Re, oted � I Je mote,rial shall be Immediately removoa� from the slt:o and roplaced at, controctor-5 expense. The cost or testing materials not meeting specit'loaktons sholl be, paid rot, by khe controctor, 15, PRE-CON-15TRUCTION CONFEiZENCEz 5cliedule a pre -construction meeling j,41th the Landscape Architect at locisk 77 cloyr, ber-orep beginning work. 77ic purpose of this conference Is to reviet,l Ong 9 , u03001,75 tho contractor may have regording the, work 00.1mflil,strotive procedures during cormtruction5 cinct' project work schodule. 16, 60WILETION, 6olinl')Ietlon is deflnod o5 being whon all conattions of the, contract hove been accomplished, 5paclPlcolly whon oil Item,, ore instcillod, the, ctrocI5 clocined and the molrik,orionce period 'OttsfociairlIV ,,ompletod, and hon all spacial tools ond equipment, Instructions, written quar-ontelse, o5-bufl� plans, lion rotooesl5 and any Items required by the, controot documents have been properly executed and cleli'vered to the owner, l ct shelf hove, Full authority to accept or roject, the controa Items and Hill proMoNy notify the, or,iner OF compkstlon� IT CGUARANTEE: In cidelition antec5 provided for in the,, separate sections of the speclFicotion5, the, contractor shall guarantee In wrItIng all workmanship, and materials to be (�cc from detract Par a perfeld of one year From the data or acceptance or, the work by the,, owner without additional cask to the owner, 1FRP-16ATION 5FECIFIC�ATION_5 1. w4m or "mc; The Conti -actor shall provide all lobor, tools, mochtnery and processes nocozs�ory to install a complete, Irripoklon 5ystism as, shown on kho plon5 ancilor sloccl fed her&fri, Men completed the. Irrigottlon 5y5kom,,,qioli Vo iOOR5 coverage system in total Functioning manner. M dvy@Wf� RffWIVJ14VM A. VERIFICATION OF PIMEN510N, All scaled ormonslon,, ore, approximate. 5sForo procooding r -lith any work, the Contractor shall carePull.y check one verl,ty cif dfrnonsfori5, sl:,-)o(,fngr or shrinker hoods, location of volves and vacuum brookers, and proliosed F.0,C. shall be, as Inclicatedon the drawings. Any deviation Prom the plans must hove the cipprovol of the, Okmer's, Re-presentakIve at^ the I-onciseope Architect, 5, VE-RiFICATION OF FINI-15H &RAPE; The Contractor .,,hall Inspect the -site, and check oil PIrilsh grades t,41thfn the, work area In order to insure kheeroper roll coverage, (O5 spaciffed) at sprinkler sy5kc,m pfoo5. C, NATER 5UPFL`i', 'the, Controctor shall vorlFf and be romillor I-ql[h the source or i,�ohsr st,flply U sprinkler a,., friolcoted on the drowlile-o, P. FERMIT5 AND FEIFS� 7ho Contractor sholl apply and pay For all necessary permits and rees, required in the, pursuit, OF hf_� work as roquired by the governing codes, � F� CARE OF EXISIT\16 001i DIN66 AND 51TE, 'rhe Contractor sholl be, hei& re,sporefbic For the care and Preservation at' all exic0tig buildings oncI 51:ruckore5 � on the. property and adjacent preAilse* orld contlqvou5 property, Anq park or them Injuroo, damaged or . disturbee:i be�ouse, or his work shelf be ropolred, roploced, Or clisanee� byhim at his expense,, Un��eround Service Alert SECTION 4216/4217 OF' THE GOVERNMENT I CODE REQUIRES A DIG ALERT IDENTIFICATION I = NUMBER BE �SSUED BEFORE A PERMIT TO EXCAVATE WILL BE VALID I W - FOR YOUR DIG ALERT LD. NUMBER CALL VICE ALERT . TOLL FREE 1-800-227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG F� REVIEN OIx DRANIN65: It Is the 6ontrackors 51.,15-61)RPACE PRAINA6E OR 5011 CONPITION5. Should _,sub- r�, responsibility to re,vl,-,4 Irrigation d-01-41nese end not"" III, OACI<F�ILUNO any areas he bellevoi, additional hoods at, valves are ourPoce d-olnoge a(- soil condlNotis be oncouritoroLJ which would be detrimental to grawkh or survival or ro4llred rlor to siubmUlnq a k�lcf, It no changes ore �fkho diameter ,,,hall be on top or prepared plarit'Ing, bed, i� Pack,F[ll ,,hail not be placed until the, tristolle<1 s"lim Contractor is responsible for Full A, r,prklider system has been In,',pectod and of_,)proved coverage of khe 5prInkler system and providing I pfark material, the Contractor shall notify the by tho Cii-lner'r, representative,, additional equipment Lis nece,5.,,soryot, the, if,'ontroctor'5 grading, wood control, and soil preporot.lon. ls)(Ven.rpo� commonre upon the, Ok,iner',.,� wriften ,njifere)vol or all pha.5os oPplonting insteiHoHon anal shall t>s, For the, 2. Trenches 5holl be bocki"Wed with 0 Iiihilmum or 1 VL 4" OF Fine granulor materials, to protect, the, 65, OOVERNIN07 REOI)LATION� All local, municipal and state 501L PREPARATION� Prepare the 5011 of, per these p1pe From the, clocis or rocks the remaining loi,,I5, rules and regulations governing or relating to og6ovatod dirt-, con be vsed or, bockFffl, I'lle 011=1or this work, are' herobtl Incorporated Into 11 -, NEEDS� Contractor shall germinate and de.e,trot KILLINC ,I oontro(tor shall not piece detrimental suipsolt "I part of those spe-.,,r,fTT6'6tlon5, and their 5, In the top 6" or bockFill, provision,, shall be carried out by the '5prinklor Arcliftecl of sp6h condlklors, he shall be, responsible Por tilank material under the guarantee clouoo of the controctor, 3. IF 'eaterrienk Occurs and od)1)",hilente, in Pipes, areas shall calls , I . st of proper wokerinq, Portlilzaton, - volvsrso, sprinkler hoods or ,rod ore necessary to R DIAORAKIIATIC DE-51ON: Th(6� desIgn Is diagrammatic, bring the, ,system to proper working order, the , All pipe, valves, etc, shown f,410ifn paved areas, olo ORAVINC�.- Areas shall be raked and Flocked smooth to provide a true and uniform surFac.o. Confractor shall a,, a park of the work uncler For design clarlpicatfori only and shall be fn!5talled Pils controct make, all the necessary odjol,0lient In planter areas i,qhero possible. Novel- Instal/ deskroyed onci removed before they have opporkmifty to without extra co5t ko the, Owner, bockffor,,i preventers in town or000, oll-4dysi In shi,vI:,,) 0, 1. AUTOMATIC. CONTROI-LER AND VALVE54 1. IN57AUATIOM All Irrigation materials sf.'oll be P, OUALIT)' OP� FLANT5� Plonte, shall be, heolthy annual installed in accordance w1th the techniques and C-ROUNt') COVL-7R; Oround cover From Plotn-arools wIthoul; 1, A 120 volk electrical i,,�ower outlet to the spocificolions ,",I: Forth by earn respective 3, controller shall be provided bii the electrical monuPockvrer, All perttril-ml: ae6criptive literotwe plant, material In 4" pots in boom, contractor, RoPer to the elli,41.rfcol origineer's , issued by these mcini)FocturerC7 becomes part of these plans for the exact locotion. The, Irrigation ,spoctPlcoillon5 oFter having Veen approved by the rePer to Plon0rig, Notesr oil the Planting Plan, � contre,ictor sholl be responsible, Par making kho Owners outhorized ropre�ontctfve. 5uch Installation hook-up From the crAtil; to the controller, practice,,, shall be followed only it the directions or . oil the afrowind,s and ockulm �orrdltlons re-Froining Prone) d01116 Lilly wor�k In said areas, until olvoll approval to Wit, the Irrigation drowltige, ono' sp,sclPfcotloris do not, 2� Ali wire.. From thr.- conkroller to eioctr)c, conkrol thorovohlq and completely order the misilhods, at- FERT11 IZATiONl Mointenonc,o i-jork sholl Include volver, sholl be solid copper, U F 4 14�600 vott rechrilqui's kc, be Followed, install oil equipment one A, direct, burial, Use white i,41re rot, commort, blue, materials or, shown in ciotofO, baeldill mlx)� Do not use AgriParm plont. toblets. for lewn systems, block Par shrub i,tititarrs, and J, 15ITE FROBLEM5� The Irri9oklon Contractor 6hoil not red for inolill/re sereors% common jonkrol �-jlro. Instal/ in corlimon trorich i,,Ilkh main line pipe ),,hore willFully m5l:dll the sprinkler C-ysterll as frialecitecif oil drar"llngs, wharl it 16 obvious in the Field that there-.,. Contractor shall submit a soil report to the Owner and Landscape Architect, IF lie ,,,all repork 1.5 submitted possible. Provide minimurn 0" (�ovcr. ore. unknown obstructions, grade cilffertsnC66, onolor 5uper,,edoot by the solle report and shall be, or,Dprovooi - dls�crispanclas it) the area dimensions, unkilsorh 3, Nlre connecktons shall be mode with ",-5cotell-Lok" condiklons ore brought to the, attention OF the Immodickol Hokered upon eomplotlon Or Planking, and wine connector scaling packs #3E76 at- 5p,sars � Landscape Arehf�kect� Tirl-opitce" with ,,col6rit 0_5 300, R MATMALS the Landscape Contractor will be requested to give a 4, There shall be a control wire From each control watered tL.roaPfer as required. E, valve running to the controller, and each A, 5prinkler materials and! equIflnionk 6hc40 be of type, control valve shelf be connected to 1:h& common - size, and location or notee and indicated oil the 1-1, �5PACINC; t`�ROH EPOF� "Pho rirsk, rolq of soclsolicil color drawings, Unkss�, permission to change I., granted From thak ay appear In planking areas during the the Londccope Architect at- Or4ncr',,, Repr�bsentclftvo, 0. !,�, Ail electrical work sholl comply with applicable codes. rnotortol ore to Vo now and In rerfect condition, NO should alt,4oy5 be within 6" of the edge of khe plant. -frig acrvicitforlis From the specification" $hail be allowed, ,ists, the 51'�avinqs, bork or 5cl,4dv_sl; Vlot me following requiremontsz The do6tsion or the Lonci,5cdoci Architect shall be Final more thon 612Z clurfrig ,site preparation shall be, ripped 6, Install oil volves Per details. Ili klie determinotion at the, quality of materials, eoni-,Onkt%�lt long, of I-joear_,; meinuolly, 0, EGUIFMENT TO BE FURNIC;HEPI V. PRAMMS (ASAXTSAr 1. 5upplyt as of port of this contract the, PollowIng X. P`r-ocure Prom LeRnolsocirle Ar,,hfteck tron5porerrc (azolld) 9 ft�,016: C_Roulqr;� COVER AREA'25� CWkivake all non-hydreseeded of popping loVout and aocurately loccAte volves7, � � T,vo �Q) sets orspeetoJ tools requIred For existing trees, For Mure u5e, romoke coiltrol volves with number or stations, onaNiring From controller-, reMoving, disas,eenitlifrig and adjusting each � OUALIT-,� 3odsholf be, 06rodo, machine, rut at a , to remote- control valve,,, Dimension Froin two type.) of sprinkler and ��crlve ,supplied on permanent footore,5 %�-,h as bullclln95 and walks. After tilts prvjlsct� Fine/ Inspection and before Final payment, ,two �2) Five root valve keys For operation of transparency shall t�o delivered to Landscape Architect, One 5ek of print5 ,.shall be, supplied to gote volve", 5011nity, 0i,mer by the. Contractor. Two 42) keys For each outornotic controller. 14. CLEAN-WRI Four (4) qylci, coupler key, and matching hose I A� C5COPF ANP FRFz0,,UrFNCY`., After all (ristoHeitlo,rr -swive,15 to r each type or quicl, coutillriq volve olacrotlorif, hove been completed, remove, all trosh, Instoll,ed. excess soil and rubbish from the. proporty, All scors, Z Turn over the requll,ea eqyipment to the Otqrlor at ruts or other marks In the area caused by this wc�rk ,,holf be repoirad and the ground left in ct nook the 6onc.lusion or the, project, prior to final clopkii of 6" by a rokotiller or other acceptable and orderly conctitton throughout the site. The Inspectlom Contractor shol,f pick up all trash re6ulking From kills extrock conductivity, work no less than each Fricicli, be -Fore leaving the sitc, M IIWAUAMi� Once 0, lNeeik ondlor the lost'wor-Onct dog esoch week, romoved, No pruninq shelf be done to shrubs or frees without the opprovol and under the dtr,eckfon of the,, All tramil, shall be. removed complat5ly from the 51te, A, EXCAVA716N; Oil eMPLERM, 1, 7714- Coritila6kor shall verify exact location', of A� 11`45PECTIOM Inspection of complete Irrigation sqstam, all existing 6vespi-roce vNlItle6 (any will be mode, ot pre-frioIntellonce, and Final Inspeek.lon mechanical and electrical) prior to excovoklorl, over 1000 square Peat and raked in Par ,;mail areas, Far ptonting, per arrangement with Landscape Architect. Any u0itles, A4, POV11% .3, concrete, work,etc,, diameter shall be, seated rqtth on approved tre.e.- eclat. detWoyeo! or clamagoof by any work undor th is, 1.0% For bark controck .shall be repofrod or replaced at the 6, 64)ARANTEF5, The onkire sprinkier 5ysitcm shall be Controctor�5 expense, T()RF ARE -A5, Edge and Mow te., a height OF 2 (Inches, guaranteed by the conkroctor a,, to f�ctkerfot ano, 2, Troncho!f; For pipe, shelf be cI)t to re urred grade workillonship, linalvdinq sektllng or bock -tilled orco,5 ,, bc[oi,q grade For a 15 , orlod or (I) year FOI/01-41%3 tile fine, ot a true grocilont t ' 111"OrM rolled lightly and I-jot,si-e,al to a depth OF 6' the day, � date of final acceptance of thc'work, IF, i,jlkhTil one Support rot, the Pull length or pipe, yoor From the date a( completion settling occur-, ond 5, Depth OF froncheic, shall be, 5uHiclent to provide. EXTRANE-005 MATFRiALz In addition to the work adlustmont,,s In piper,, valves and sprInkler licooic, 5oci Of, POvtnq Is necessary to bring the system, sod or a minimum cover above the top Of the pipe,- or, paving tl; the proper level of the pernionent grades, natea on the drowtngs, rode, granular, pre-plont" Fertilizer, one, Flljp,i� the container nitrogen shall be, reocilLy the Contractor, cis port or r,00rk unLler thl,,, controct, sp "I 1110" the Contractor shall remove, oil lltrinlol� rial that 1,�; oxpos:ed on the, 5wroce ond sholl tiloke,- all odJustment.5 without extrot ,co5l: to the. 5, JOININO PIPE� ,_;lJI35URf=ACE DRAM,: All sub5urroe,c, area droln5 shall Ise, periodically Flushed with clear w0ler to clvorc'l Owner, including the complete, rostorotion ototl av,��llcbis Par, initial reedinci, Tile remaining cit�irrcged planting, povinq or other, Improvairente, or any kind, 1� The Contractor Is rerponsil,I)Ie to be Ponifflor IF,15TALLATIOM 5od shall be told In a ritTgored . wlNi the inethods or os-,embling, joining, and hot" of thet nlilroqort and oiror the contained _ Potash shelf be ',�erlved Prom non-iocic;h frig, rn5tol frig the various type to 60 used, C� R�15PON511311_11`7'� �Moulel ony operational dlPfraul"le,s FL�,, wf�l adhere in strick OC101211"l-ce i,q[th the In connection 1,001 the 5i.,,7rinklei�r systom dovolo,o within rilorwPoctorers recommended procec0ros, cooled, ceinkrolled reloose Fertilizer Par sustained Pecolinq of Pool- to six morths, in a the spliciFfed guarontao period rqhtch 1,,, in the,- oi,-�lnlon 2, No PVC pipe shall 0o throaded and off transition OF the, Lond5copo An,,hlterct due. to interior material andlor workmanship, gold difficultice-, sholl be, from P\1r, to metal piping shot) be by PVC mclis, PROTECTION: Purling the mointononco porlod, the Par Immediately corrected by the C,ontractor to the thread odaptor Fitting, sci05footlon OF the Lorici5copc Architack at no protected by i,qatking orl boctrd.c, as Installer moves upi,4ord. On metal stoples j,4111 be 011ow6d. NO sod of cloolitionot cost, to the, Owner, frictualln Lilly onci Controc.tor shall be, responsible maintaining adequate, prokoction of olI planking oroofi, Any Oil other damage- caused by such cteplect�, � 0� T��15,I­5, 1,�'� IN57_RUC,TION: After the systern has been corliptsted and less than 16:� it) fength will be crilowed, NO sea of the connection-, mode, the Contractor ,,hall Instruct 1� All moth lineq One lateral lines I,,hlch hove, 1--ortIlIzer ,shall be, doilverecl to the sike In the. the Orqner at- h/5 reprosonlotiva, in the, operation and glued joints tinder povInq in the, system ,shall be � mofrikerroinee or the system, coppi,d orld F;)re.qsVrlc,d Fasted at 150 psi, e�(plenr,e, original unoporred coiltolne,r, bectring the I-, TEKPORAR�' RPHPA0�5i The Ot,mor resorvx,,,s the,, right to 2, Pressure shall be, su,,tolnod Ili the I)nos For nol- moke temporary rei-"orrr, as necessary to keelp the, loss than Four lic'nirs. IP looks develop the manufockurers, guaranteed orrolysis, Any sprinkier !�lystom equipmerikk In operatincl condition, joint's sholl be reploced and the kest repootod F, ilia exore(ife of this, right I,,y the Owne� 5holl not until the, entire, 5yFstom lz, watertight, RE-H'i'DRO5151FOINO� The Contractor sholf re-hydrose'ed relieve, the, Ct.lntrootor or his rio5r�onslbllltles (inder ForkilIzer that becomem co�ad or damaged, making A, guorontee o5 hercin 5pecf(iod, the term5 of the c , Tests shelf be, observed and opproved by Owner-�5 :5. IF oil, sspoces, occur liotl,joen s�octfons of sod they musk representative tprfor to bockrill. It tin-sultobts For use, Hill not be occeptee. 4, Man the, sprinkler system 15 completed, Iond until all operollons In Conjunction with the before plontilci is bb , gull) the Contractor, in the, , FLANTIN65FECIFIC,ATION3 and or each �30 dayls of maintenance, prooisti4e of kfie Owrlo,ls reprosentahivo, shelf 3, roll Conditioners - shall be a riculturol grocie ptlake, test the, coverage OF wokew oFforde.cl the lown and plontIng orcor, as 6omptsted and adequate. The & w4w OP WWII Corrtrd�tor ,,)loll Purnloh all molerials oAd A� rurn/sh all labor,, me,ite,riols, and c,,qyf merit necc,,,��sory porform oil r,,iork roctulrod to correct any ie',� provice and Install plont: materlor" as, "hown On the tricideqy0cler, of coverage, dfseloscd� ko 5rwallh Out the, sod bed, dror-jinqs at- a-, 5peclhod herch. , 5� The Contractor ,,hall Warm the Owner' -s 5. kqork- Inctuacd tri this r7ecHon-(fIk,sm,_, Includeol bt)k not raorooerqt,��iflvo OF any deviot)orr from the. Plan FortilizoNon as covered In these spocIPIccitlons, lftnited �0)z roquired by i-Ondiplonting, -soil or site Minimum cvorsproy Lik'the end of Pile riloinketionce coridfklonr� khok bear on prosenk coveroqo. � 4, Mile 5ond - sholl be, clean, noturol Fine solid 1. 6,rode, tilclodin mounding, moldinq oil& rhoj,,,;Ing � H, surroces at op, plonth% 3 areas d� Indicated E� ,_5PRINKLER HEAD IN-15rALLATIOM perfect, including the removal or oxisting voqeIkotklr, - - Pree from deleterlour, filoterlol wead seeds, cloy 3� unless otflari,qlze z,talicirted, 1. Virubbiery or qrot)nd cover ,,proy hoods ocifacent Prom drying If moi,Wrigi edge, is not used. to curbs or woll,5 sholl be installed 6"aw4l 2 Prepare and kill solt in ploriting areas, from the curb at- wolk and the nozzle !shall be, 6" stored so they ore. adequately protected From drying file;,tudinq Purnt5h or oil soil amendmentr, as above Finished grade, unless otherwise M. � specified, frldlcot_,�,d. s,leve and to maximum po-se,frig a No, 100 sleve� out, sur), f,ilndburn or ony other Injury, � 1, 5, F-urnish and P�Icrnt all plant mokoriols, clo � 2, 5hrubbery sproy hood.e, adjocen� 14 buliclinc Is, mollitonotirce perlod Par oil plonkod oi,00c, Once Indicated by the droi,,fings, and 5pectPicatlon5. Fences, or similar 5tructur6s sholl be, Installed C. FLANTIN6 TIME: No planting shelf take place during 6" away From the structure and the, nozzle-, shall thoroughly watered to 67 depth of 6". No Foot troFfic 5houla"be olijowee,f for 2 or 5 j,jeek.q From the date a, 4� Perform call pruning 05 reqvlrod� be 6" above finished grade, 5hrvVbc,,ry ,�proy C-citiodlon sphoorlum material, with ph of 43 to 5�5 the mos,.�� silioll be Free, or wood? moterloi and heads not near pavIng or structures, shelf be set oxkroinoly hot, dry, willay or freezing koother, t), 5koko one tke all plant material els ApeclFled, 6" obave, Finish grace, untess, other i,jl5e x �15`, All plont.9 musk 1,>o in a healthy, growing tndlcotcd , mlnerols� or Foreign matter harmful a plant 6. Pt,ovlde Par the maintenance of the piankIng LOCATION5� Relotive po,sltlon at oil plants and troas J until a&-'etzkonce OF the job by Ole Londscci�o 3. All sprinkler heords, ore to have swing Jolhl:5 a,, cond(Non as qppr<-,�vod hry the, Londsr,cloe Archttelct Oro owner� Architect., � delafts'), Is 5object to approval of the l_on,:;lscape Architect and regarding the, <quality of sod lri,�Ialtcitlon a � 7. 0, Isrio5e OF all debris and surplus motertols, 4. Install zj,'irinklor heads per eleitolisc, they 6holl, IF necessary, be, rolocated,ot his ,13. Clean up F, 5FRINKLER HEAD A0J1J_13Tt­fEN'M R CONO/TION OF 517'E� During the, maintencince period, 0, TOF5011_ � q� 6ilarontee 1� Tile, irrigation Contractor shall Flush and adjust frlspe,;t the, installation and the Conh,ctctor called Ouk all ,,prinkfer hoods, Par otitimum perl'ormorce end keep the project, nook oric"Pree from delirlsa ot all 10. Maintenance to prevent oversproq onto i­iolL�, and building5 or, , E, 015TROUTIOM No more plorrt,, rhall be d[stributed much as possible, TOr, sholl include, ,,cl­-6tknq,' H. VMP10A7XW OP 9972 C4MWOr the best degree at orc to Pit, existing sike noturol loom OF untPorrif quality Froo From ,ituatfors, , A. EXCAVATIOM The Conkractor stion verlfq ex-oct, lelcolklons Or all existing zub-surroco vtfllkles� 6� CLO51NO, IN Utill,,19FECTED JAVRK� subs,oll, hordclod5, otrFP cloy, hard pan, me6horilcof and ele6trlcol prior to excrivotion, Any watet,oat on the same cicfy� Al vitIllkles A.C,, paving, concrete work etc,, de5t�royoa. The Controetor sholl not allow or, cause any of his at, domage,d toy any work under thts, controct, sK�41 Lx,,, r,vork to be covered a?- enclosed until it hoE, beer) r,qJ.,:ioIr,od or replac.,ed a t the, Contractors, cxpwnso� tn5pect.lsd, kagke,d end qpprov,,�d by or) ovkhorizea' KVWMV" Impmrm representative or the Owner. 9havid any of his Nork other uncissfrobti moterfal. F, be, c,,nclo5ed or, covered before -quell Inspection ond A, EROVON CONTIR�0)_t installation will be required in test, he, shall uncover khe work of. hf.,. own expense and oPter it has been lnspectec�l, tasked, ond approved, when olon0rig the plants, Cons sN�iflf be ��Ipllt on both shall make, all repairs, with fit-,&. mokoriols, ne6iss,or'y locultIons 6poc�rtc,cilly delineated On the drawings or A. to restore, oil his, Nork and that of other Contractors 2, 7oif,:rsoll shall not contain obnoxIolis: iqste.d,,, such to lk�, orlqktol condition. , sides' An oxe or spade shall not be. used, All . __�__ �P�R �����.� OJE�CT������_S7EET TITLE: [3, 51.,15-61)RPACE PRAINA6E OR 5011 CONPITION5. Should _,sub- r�, ROCK,,5 OR CLO95: Ne rock at, cloc�, Over 314" In X ONA90MAL C4UN, UUMMOMMMUNWams"Namammoommalm XWk HAINM~& ourPoce d-olnoge a(- soil condlNotis be oncouritoroLJ which would be detrimental to grawkh or survival or diameter ,,,hall be on top or prepared plarit'Ing, bed, A, RC-PERENCE: Refor to Parogropht, V, VI, V11. for Nrit--h A, MAINTENANCE pC-RII.,)P; The troltitetionce florkid shall pfark material, the Contractor shall notify the grading, wood control, and soil preporot.lon. commonre upon the, Ok,iner',.,� wriften ,njifere)vol or all pha.5os oPplonting insteiHoHon anal shall t>s, For the, Landscape, Architect. in writing staking Ole coridl0ons and submitting a proposal cci�orlrgf cost at correction VL Pew 40MRat 3� 501L PREPARATION� Prepare the 5011 of, per these Pollor,4ing porfadiqa O,Ail'5. if the Contractor foll, to notify Ole Lcln�,.iscope A, -, NEEDS� Contractor shall germinate and de.e,trot KILLINC ,I spoclPfcations and the, Planting tiote-s oil the. Planting Plan, 5, CRENERAL�I *Ole, general care and maintenance, or oil Arcliftecl of sp6h condlklors, he shall be, responsible Por tilank material under the guarantee clouoo of the &XIsting weed soads� before repairing oroor, for plontlnq� SuFficlant woker 5 riber applied to cause. areas shall calls , I . st of proper wokerinq, Portlilzaton, - spectfIccition, wool, seed to sprout. 'roung wood., sholl the,r) be, C_ ORAVINC�.- Areas shall be raked and Flocked smooth to provide a true and uniform surFac.o. wooding,cloon-up ko maintain all plont'.4 and turr In a healthy, growirig condition and or, noted bolol-1, deskroyed onci removed before they have opporkmifty to 0, PIMEN,15ION5� All ,,6olod dlmenr�4oil� are opproximote. Before proceeding with any work, the Gontroctor shall , ,,at seed, P, OUALIT)' OP� FLANT5� Plonte, shall be, heolthy annual C, C-ROUNt') COVL-7R; Oround cover From Plotn-arools wIthoul; corePully check ond verify all otmen-elems and 3, ADDITIONAL REGUIRENFNT5: Por oddlkk�nal weed k(HIng, plant, material In 4" pots in boom, oversececi - apply a pro-emore.joril; herbicide In accordance with khe mcfnutcle,'�tti�oH,5 printed %Vontitles, and shall Immediately fill'orm the Landscape ,chlkock OF any discrepancy beh-ieen the ImPormotlort rePer to Plon0rig, Notesr oil the Planting Plan, � E. PLANT P175 AND FERTILIZERI Each plant ji,lt For- Instructions. oil the afrowind,s and ockulm �orrdltlons re-Froining Prone) d01116 Lilly wor�k In said areas, until olvoll approval to Wit, SM PWAMrM seasonal color shall be 6"xb`x6` wikh one, teaspoon OF ban-- misol mix into the, bockfill mix, Nso ehrub 0, FERT11 IZATiONl Mointenonc,o i-jork sholl Include ,J do so by the Lcmdscope Archlte,�1,'. A, 501L REPORT� Before, sl�orklng soil preparation the baeldill mlx)� Do not use AgriParm plont. toblets. Fertilization wiff,r a 6ommorclot Fortf/f,ser at 30 day interv,its, as noted heroln. The fertilizer may be-, I I Contractor shall submit a soil report to the Owner and Landscape Architect, IF lie ,,,all repork 1.5 submitted ,5, 14ATERIN6, Eoch section or acclsorrol color shall be, 5uper,,edoot by the solle report and shall be, or,Dprovooi Ill. KATM&& it will Ve os.,ufw,1 that orlondments were nok added and Immodickol Hokered upon eomplotlon Or Planking, and by, the, Loridscalic Architect,', GOIL AMENDMENT5, the Landscape Contractor will be requested to give a watered tL.roaPfer as required. E, HEED11,46; Any concentrok,ed developtlie,lit or I��oed growkki ,A, crocit For Fall preparation, 1-1, �5PACINC; t`�ROH EPOF� "Pho rirsk, rolq of soclsolicil color thak ay appear In planking areas during the 1. Orqc7nic Amendfilent - shelf be, riltroo.lori-skobluzed . 0. 00,r,,tPAC,Tr,D AREA5z ,-;all orects, that ore compacted to should alt,4oy5 be within 6" of the edge of khe plant. -frig a ic re - to r 'no a period shall L ,moved dl JL,ly mof'ril'T 'Ic - ' Intervals, The, Contractor shah rerneve. such ,ists, the 51'�avinqs, bork or 5cl,4dv_sl; Vlot me following requiremontsz more thon 612Z clurfrig ,site preparation shall be, ripped area. eoni-,Onkt%�lt long, of I-joear_,; meinuolly, t4 a mirilmum or 12" prior to beginning ,1011 preparation, There creas sholl be deFlnod by 1,he X. SW ~ MAIFEWALS e PLAfMW 6P OWKWAN.All, F�. C_Roulqr;� COVER AREA'25� CWkivake all non-hydreseeded porticle 51ze", Minimum q5% po�5sfrrg 4 rne5h acrocri (1114') Landscape Ar6littect anal be bltlodct�, all extra IF the unit price, Is quoted In the bid. A, OUALIT-,� 3odsholf be, 06rodo, machine, rut at a q roes at not morie then 10 ,dofy tn�lorvotf,, ground cover a Minlrrrum,�50% posstrig e mosh screen Olel� uniform thickness, of 51Pd" excludlogi tip growth and 5011nity, C, METMOP Or- NUXIN6: IF the .51cpa Is, under 2 IIP to I the ,soft preporoklon materials should be brocldca5t thatch, Need free and shall be no lo,5!�, thon olght moriths not- more, than sIxteen months old, 6, ,5HRUB3 AND TREC-15� All shrubs shall be ploch-pruned as �holl be no higher than 55 tillillons, per uniformly over all jorld-scaper areas and worked to a nocor,sory to encourage new growth, )teod, wilted contimeter at -7.5 C as measured by soturotion clopkii of 6" by a rokotiller or other acceptable O� T11`411,46� Instollallon shall toke place. within 24 hours flowers and dead Foliage o"holl be, c("'WInuously extrock conductivity, mechonicai meon.s to obtain ci unitorm bland to oFter horve5ting. romoved, No pruninq shelf be done to shrubs or frees without the opprovol and under the dtr,eckfon of the,, Nitrogen ccnk,eilt� the soil, IP the, slope is greater hhoin 2 11.2 to I the omendmonks shol,f be, hydraulically applied Pei- area,, C, REEERENC,E� Roper, to Farogroph-, V. Vi, V0, For finish Lorictocolao Architect. All wounds ovor 1-112 inches III 0.7% for scl-qdust or shavings over 1000 square Peat and raked in Par ,;mail areas, grod0g, Need control, and soil preparation, diameter shall be, seated rqtth on approved tre.e.- eclat. 1.0% For bark For the soil omenctmorik mix refer to the Pkinking Noto,-, on the PlonkInq Plan. 0, PR�PARATION� 5od area prior to piontiliq _nholl be, , R T()RF ARE -A5, Edge and Mow te., a height OF 2 (Inches, � rolled lightly and I-jot,si-e,al to a depth OF 6' the day, whonover the turt roa,,hos a heighk of �!t Melics, Oross 2, Commorclol Fortiltzer - shall be commercial D, EXTRANE-005 MATFRiALz In addition to the work p;,ior to planting. IP orty air pockel:5 are, Found, the croo sholl be roqrodied as neaossory. Lightly lqoker cflpi�,�Irrqs sholl be removed OPP-Olte. rode, granular, pre-plont" Fertilizer, one, Flljp,i� the container nitrogen shall be, reocilLy sp "I 1110" the Contractor shall remove, oil lltrinlol� rial that 1,�; oxpos:ed on the, 5wroce ond � the area to be, plontedJusk prior 1, -a plall., . lrlg� L ,_;lJI35URf=ACE DRAM,: All sub5urroe,c, area droln5 shall Ise, periodically Flushed with clear w0ler to clvorc'l av,��llcbis Par, initial reedinci, Tile remaining grode to Facilitate. run -ort OF 6urfoco water. E. IF,15TALLATIOM 5od shall be told In a ritTgored butla-up of 511k and dobrfs, Keep oil droin Inlets hot" of thet nlilroqort and oiror the contained _ Potash shelf be ',�erlved Prom non-iocic;h frig, E, DELIVER 5LIF�5� 6upply delivery slfp6 Prom the it pattern, with tightjoints, and in the, same fraction each time, at) oil 51opos, 5odsholl be, Installed from clear of looves, trat�,h and other debris, cooled, ceinkrolled reloose Fertilizer Par sustained Pecolinq of Pool- to six morths, in a supplier Pei- the call amendments to the site (60k leads From the Contractors yord will rick be accepted, the bottom tip and tho, nowly loidsod should be, J, PROTECTION: Purling the mointononco porlod, the Par ,�- _ .0ow s,oluble, 11011 -burning rorm� I 5upply eirply, bog5 Pot, Pertl Izer ko the Sucterintendent protected by i,qatking orl boctrd.c, as Installer moves upi,4ord. On metal stoples j,4111 be 011ow6d. NO sod of Controc.tor shall be, responsible maintaining adequate, prokoction of olI planking oroofi, Any at the, job,) less than 16:� it) fength will be crilowed, NO sea of damaged areas shelf be. ropalred at. khe Cc�ntroctors 1--ortIlIzer ,shall be, doilverecl to the sike In the. less than 1,!3 Ili length will be, allowed, e�(plenr,e, original unoporred coiltolne,r, bectring the WK SWW AW 7M PLARTM manufockurers, guaranteed orrolysis, Any F, JOIN`11� Acyoln the, seeck.lon or 5od Firmly k0gother, K. RE-H'i'DRO5151FOINO� The Contractor sholf re-hydrose'ed ForkilIzer that becomem co�ad or damaged, making A, CORRELATION: 7'rlsec, ondshrubs, shoit not be plariN50 IF oil, sspoces, occur liotl,joen s�octfons of sod they musk at) hyldr,osoed areas, croded or non-germinoking at thel It tin-sultobts For use, Hill not be occeptee. until all operollons In Conjunction with the be Filled with solid or hove the sod retold, � and or each �30 dayls of maintenance, 3, roll Conditioners - shall be a riculturol grocie ptlake, In,5tolictlon OF the sprinkler systern )love been comf,,)Iei!�od, Final grades hove been ostablished, ond the. Cs. FWLLINO� pall sod w1kh on ade,quote)y weighted roller L, IRRI&ATIONi All Irriqo0on must be operating properly gypst.im, sollsllIFur oil- - planking boas properly prepared by cultivation and ko 5rwallh Out the, sod bed, and oqIvsked proper - Iy For oPPlclorit. coverage, ond' FortilizoNon as covered In these spocIPIccitlons, Minimum cvorsproy Lik'the end of Pile riloinketionce 4, Mile 5ond - sholl be, clean, noturol Fine solid H, PRO'rEC,TION OF E06E5: Regrode to prot,Cct the Ccgo-q, perfect, Pree from deleterlour, filoterlol wead seeds, cloy 3� PANOLINO AND 5TORA6E� Ali plaitc, shall Va. han,,;flod and Prom drying If moi,Wrigi edge, is not used. balls or ro4k, i,Nh cf5Z minfilluill posegIngo No� 4 stored so they ore. adequately protected From drying M. HNAL ACCEPTANCE,, k0l be, given ot hile end or the s,leve and to maximum po-se,frig a No, 100 sleve� out, sur), f,ilndburn or ony other Injury, � 1, kqATERINCS� After insotallotton sod must be, k0pk mollitonotirce perlod Par oil plonkod oi,00c, Once 5, Poet Moser - shall be a commor4hil, boled C. FLANTIN6 TIME: No planting shelf take place during thoroughly watered to 67 depth of 6". No Foot troFfic 5houla"be olijowee,f for 2 or 5 j,jeek.q From the date a, hydro5e,od gorminoblon onct plant ostoblishmenk hor been ot')tolnod and there Ore no barrell areas large.r thon 3" � C-citiodlon sphoorlum material, with ph of 43 to 5�5 the mos,.�� silioll be Free, or wood? moterloi and oxkroinoly hot, dry, willay or freezing koother, installcition, x �15`, All plont.9 musk 1,>o in a healthy, growing , mlnerols� or Foreign matter harmful a plant D. LOCATION5� Relotive po,sltlon at oil plants and troas J jN5PC-6Ttt�)N 0`i'5UPPLIER� if there, ore. any qvooklons, cond(Non as qppr<-,�vod hry the, Londsr,cloe Archttelct Oro owner� tire,. `_13urehine" brand or equal. Is 5object to approval of the l_on,:;lscape Architect and regarding the, <quality of sod lri,�Ialtcitlon a � they 6holl, IF necessary, be, rolocated,ot his representative, at the, supplier shall be, recluested ,',,a R CONO/TION OF 517'E� During the, maintencince period, 0, TOF5011_ � direction or, park of this contract,, frlspe,;t the, installation and the Conh,ctctor called Ouk keep the project, nook oric"Pree from delirlsa ot all 1, Topsoil sholl consist at a Fertile, FrIoble E, 015TROUTIOM No more plorrt,, rhall be d[stributed by the, oupplfier'!5 reprosent.oNve, times. Obtaiii the Ownslr'f, approval Par onsite storage of equipment of, maintonorice materials. noturol loom OF untPorrif quality Froo From abouk the lond.5cope area Olon con be plonted and subs,oll, hordclod5, otrFP cloy, hard pan, watet,oat on the same cicfy� Al er"M OF 0406" CAMRM Nowr XWH� NNAL rA"IMUTM 06MTM AMP fq". sods,portlolly distitagroked clobrl,q, or orty KVWMV" Impmrm other uncissfrobti moterfal. F, CONTAINER REMOVALl Plant contalner.5 shall be r,orricived A, EROVON CONTIR�0)_t installation will be required in when olon0rig the plants, Cons sN�iflf be ��Ipllt on both locultIons 6poc�rtc,cilly delineated On the drawings or A. `=INAL Col,157RUCTION JN3P5CTIOM Men all lorrdscor�ie, 2, 7oif,:rsoll shall not contain obnoxIolis: iqste.d,,, such sides' An oxe or spade shall not be. used, All or necessary clue, to Field condliklons, I rovemank5 have been fr*Wlod In accordance r,dth as morning glary, spore, oxi:005, opurge, onnuol coni:dtnorr, ,,,hall be, renlroved from the 61hv� tl�ll� plans and specit,lcotlon5 the, Controckop sholl poo, nut gross br bermudo ross. It) no case 1, the curPoco of the --lopos shall villitornity smooth nottry the Lorrdsccpe Architect and roquest a "Finot shall there be more, khon 59 by volume OF the, 6. PLANTIN6 PIT5: All tree, and shrub pits shall Prove, a and even wl�h all debris and roe k,,, raked out, Construction" lns�poctlon. 1P the Loirldsccpo Architect rolkiwing4 ofamokor or at least twice, the diameter of the The soil srholl be, sWIclently motcl: to permit dotormlnc.� the wort, to be substantially comp tote onct rookball, Pit depths shall be triltilmr/m 12" deeper then the Firm iciiing of erosion caitro) Matting and in collfarillonce 1,41th plctnor One sideclPfcc?tIons, khe 11 stone5 erallor khon one inch the rootboll Par trees, and e" deeper then the root, to preveriF sloughing OF topsofl, 6ontrockor r,iftl L,A-, advised that the basic maintenance o 60or"'O sand boll for shrubs or oq per plontrng dekoits, period is storked. 11, small cloy lumP5 �2, The erosion control mottinq shall be laid with H, PLACWO� Flonts sholl be placed aid Frotc? ditring the dr-ocklon OF Flow of .,wiFteace drolnogir", and 1, In order to be subs torit folly complote", Ot least 5� 5�ze, - the, size at the plants will correspond bo6kPI/I in oil upright position In the center at tho in occordoncis with the., manufactursir'6 I the Following Must have been rinishod: j,jlth thot normally expecked For specles and pit ,. Flont,, shall 61, held at, or clighkly above dlrec�kioris� The mot.tingsholl be cut to provide variety of corlimeroGily available, nursery stock, nursery level, The, earth boll shall be kept Intact, a visually p1cooliq slope, a. All Fine grading, Including otimInoklon OF or as, measured before pruntno with the branches Any exposed roots sholl be spread, Injured roots low pcifrii.�,� that hold runoft'. In normal po5fklen, sholl hc,twe rGrmolly well shall be prunad, 5, The matting shall be stopled Ili place and, Firmly b, A complete and operable Irrigation ,system. developed branch sys�om5, and vI orous, and embadded by me=6 at tamping or' railing, OF, c, installation of all plant. materials. tibrour, rook sysbom�,; i-ihtch ore, noproot or pot 1, BACKFILLz Plant pit bac,krillIng ,,,all shall consist OP approved by the, Owner, to ensure that the d, ,�'�oeaytlg or all sooded aroor" bovrd� Ali Inspection e,ort1Plccj,,e9 required by I port riltrogon stabilized sowdust - 2 parts topseoll. makkirry 16 In contock with the roll and that no law shall accompany each shIpment and Lx- Mdtorlol,� shall be khoroughly mixed before orosion cort toke place under the matting, 2 F4flar pick-up ifams, may be complekeeJ during the delivered to the Owner, replocemeni:, In acelklon to backPill commercial basic maintenance period otjchas� Pertilizor 20-10-.5 Agr1rorm 21 grain kobleks ,shot] bo 4, Planting at turie, ground covej,6, shrubs, andlor 4. The, collper of oil troes shall be measured 41, added to plant pits at the Poilowing rckes� One's may be requIreol in or-eos, protected by a, Resoddinv of bore spoks in town. above the surteoce, of thoground. erosion �'oofrol rricittinglos ,,pecitfod in the , 1,7, Replo6errionV of domroqos or non --can Pori), Ing . More caliper at, other dimensloris or any lont. 15. 4 One tablet per one ciollon container " two koblot6 per, Five gallon container plans or as becomes necessary, plonk material, c, Ro-stakfilg or PyIng of tr,vos. materials are, emitted Prom thoplont list ir 4 throo tablets per P5 golion container AM RMAC04NM d� Lowering of cletrinklor hoods, to grade after . )e understood that those lank materiels, shall I- r1sked. il Four toblok�r, per 20" and 24" box turf ho.,� ozkoblls,hed, ,shall be normal �,tock Pei, type * five kableks per �':30" box A, 6ENFRAL. The Contractor shall Imillocilotelly replince P, Roptocemont of unauthorized subskikuklons. " six tobhst,5 per !W' box any and all plant moterifole, which for any reason die 6 � Plant material shall be 5yrrinicti-16ol j:q . picot Pei- 6 seven tablets per 42" box or are damaged while order his core. Ropllocamentr� 5. FiNAL MAINTENANCEF IN5FECTIOM At the and or variety ondspocles, and sholl confat:m to 11 efght: tablets, par (50" box shall be made i,jlth plor?t5 at like kind and size in the maintenance period and when ground covers ancl turr riaossuroments, specified in ��he, plant list, 6 fllri6 kobts�s pior 72" box some manner as 5pecifted For the original planking. hove, ostabil.9hed and olf lilck-up Items have been 7� Ou,�7ntltfos ,�hoNn on the colt out5 oil the 11 ton toblets pet, e4,, box * groundcover plants plonted From Flats or liners In AIV. CMAN-W completed, the Contractor shall request a flnol maintenance frtspecit,lon. The, Contractor will be PlontInq Pion ore, Par Hie, converilonce of this -��l or r ,teeper slope,, ,shot/ recorve, One ,5 gram toblok odvi5ed by the Loride3coper Architect, at, the, Final ' CoritraZtor only. Oucinkitie5 drorqn or the plan pet, plant A, OENERAL,. After all instalkition, operation,, hove k;een Inspection that work Is or Is not s,allIsroctory. (killothe-,4, by circles or ,�ots),:�ro the Final completed remove, all trash, ox6o,es ,sell, ompi�y plant ovkhoril!'y 6hd shall be Furnished and Installed J NATERINC7� Nhon khe pit has been backPiNed to threa- containers and rubbish Prom the proporty, All scars, L It the work Is scitib,rackory, the, bask: or, drown, quarters of U depth f-4ater shall be poured about the rut-,; at- other morks in the orea cov-"d by this work mointencince period i,pill end oil kho clate of the, roo�s. Air pockets shall be eliminated and bockFfll shoN be repaired and the pround left. In 0 nook and � Final Inspection, ,,',. Rejecklon or ,_r,ub,sVtvNon - all plants not continued vill-0 the boakrill is brcvqjlt to the er,ado orderly COndttf0r) throughoul� the slite. Contractor, conForming to the requIremeni:s herein spe.61P)ed, be dePe6tive, and level, sholl f6k up all trash re6uINng from Hitift work no thlon 2, It the work fc, unscikkWoctary the, bciaI,�� shall considered -such plants, less --act) FrIdai before leaving the ,site, once a maltiterrionce period will continue at. no marked as K, C,OMPACTINC5� Hockfill shall net be, compacted around . week ondlor the io6? working cloy e5ch week� All trash additional e.xpell.qa to the, Owner until the work d Prom the 51to the roots or boll OF the plant: during or after shall be removed 6o melotolt From the site, Y has been completed, Instioaked orrat approved by I,q plant,s at the picinting, The backtill on which the plant boll rests the Landscape Architect.. sholl be of the shall be lightly compacted 0, TOP 501L, Egcasr, topsoil chat[ be romoved Prom the, n specified site, I C, r-,AJLl;RJF To PA5�5 IN-SPECTION: if work, rcilf,, 1.0 po_,z n will there K ,57AKWC-� 5tokos .-;half be driven to .501"Iclorit depth Pirrot inspection, any ,,�wbsoqverit. lll�,poctlonc� must ba� of to?. there, to hold troo rl to. Tree 5holi be supported by at c- NF_ATNr-55x Leave the sidewalks, and ,,treots In a neat re5cheduled o5 per above, and will be 6harqed to the , ex�,Opk with least two ?�Iloe deioll,$)� and clean condition at. the end at this day, Contractor at the ProvalUng hourly rate, of The, the cxprossec� conso k OF the. Owner, Landscape Architect.. O� PRUNINOt Llmb,5, branches, corle� and runners which 0, REMOVAL OF TA6.15� Remove all togs, lobef,r, norsery require trimming shall be removed to leave a ctiscin cut 6kokee, and ties Prom oil plants uriloss� otherpqlso D, 5TAKP_:5� All stake,,, sholl be as per details, Flu.5h t-410) trunk. (Pruning only os, cilrected by the directed, only at the end of all installations, Lonojr,coj,,�e Arch1koct). tv� OW790TION 9fto" 410000 P, PLANTIN6 OED5: Plontiliq boar, --))all be, ad ed and , gouc Xv. Fpowrmil A, CON'rRACTORS RE_SPON51BIUT'r� Vie Contractor Is cultivated to the line shot�n, r50 -ds sholl be .jilt to a smooth even surface conforming to or�tobftihaol r1si6ronstk7le For vorify[tict the location of all utility , finin,�, and other undorg?Gund ob5truc�tlor,,�, so thoF grades after Full 5attlemellt has 066urred� A, &ENERAL, Ak all tfmc5 during conskruc,tion, odequote orotection shall be, provided rot- oil pIoriked areas proper precoutions mory i�7o token not to disivrb at, A WMCOMAR50i; ' Inol: d�imcgo or any kind, unkil I'lliol acceptance by 6190 danioge svch lmldrovom�rlrrt-, In the, event or a conflict the' Lond5eape Architock. between svc.1i final, and phin� locations, the Contractor shall promptly notIF the Landscape, Architect, f4io , A. -or REPERENCE: Refer to Paragraph,, V, V1, Vill, r 6. RESPOM51BUTr: The Contractor shall be, hold shall arrange Per tL roloaotlonc,F one a?- the, Other, Plillsh grading, weed control, 3nd soft prepciratlon, responsible Par the care and preservation OF oil Follfrig to F��Ilow this procedure, the, C,ontd-octor shall at his iii -m oxperis�e make any and oil repairs Pei- 3. 501L PREFIARATIOM Prepare the roll or, per these,, existing buildIngs, oil& ,struchures on the pIroportt and 2 c adjooent premlseq, Any port OF them injured, amcged damages resulting Prom his, i:jork. spor-iFicationc, and the planking Notes on the Planting or df,,turbed bocou5s at his work shall be, repairs , _ Pion, replaced or cleared by him at hlr- expense, V, F"MM49M C. o,PAPIN6, Arco,,, sholl be roked arid Planted smooth to 6WARAMM A, TILLINO: Till all planking areas as heroin speciFied, qrov�de a true and unkPorm surface, ,i0M. 0, UMFORI,4 6RAPE: After 1:011firy, all areas shall be P� FLANT PIT5 AND FeRrIlLIZIERz Planting plk,, for ground A� 6HRU05: All shrubs sholl be guarolikoed ci,,, to growth and health for a pertict of ninety days Ortor brought to unlrorm grade by Plooting or hand raking, cover slioll be 4" x 4" or adequoto to o6cept material From Flats 1-111:11out cri,ishing Or cieForming the rootboll, completion of the speclFlod Matti kenatice Perfect ondlor C, 6RAPP RELATION!51­41P5� Flrtl��h grade, or planting areas Fioce a 20-10-5- AgrIform .5 gram Pertilizer tablet, In final acceptonce by the Owner' after application of soil amendments shall be P below Cecil ground cciver� 5, )ty,irontood ko live and grow in TREE5., Trise., shall be c top at concrete walks and curb grades and 6" below 'Inish floor of 1,,�Plfdlng or a,,, noted by spot E ground cover areas noted oil the plans PLANTIN6� All c acceptable upright poaft-lon for one year after the spocfle�d rnotintenonce, period onolor final acceptance o levot-10115, shall be rooteat'c,utt,ings Prom Nots and 5hoil be planted In ,5kog ered rowo continvou,,ly under oil trooe, by the 014risr, 'rho owner must provide cidequat:e P, ,5j,.OPr:- FROM OUILPIN05., 5oll orece adjacent to a ge cInq Indlocited oil the plorr5,' All maintenance to insure the exterided guarantee an trees, butfolfrig5 shalt slope owoy from the buildings at 2A5 pionte, ,,hall be protected from drying out prior to , C, 05FINiTION OF DEATI-h Plants which die or lose more mInfillum for )O feet, and shall continue, to slope at a plontliig� k,hicin ,5096 of their crigmal isiave,,6 shall be refoloced, . minfirvi7i or I% until water draftir, to street or storm system, I`, kqATERINO; Each 5ea,lotl of ground cover shall be rl, REPLACEMENT.. The controc�or within --even (7) day.-, of Immediately watered upon cor"eNcil or planking, and tilclroortor� as required, writtell notification by the owner ,,hall remove and replace, all qwrontoed plant materiels which, For any , 6, ,5PACIN6 f--R(',)I-t EVO-El The rlrs[. row of ground c,over reos,on, Fall T 0 meet the requirements of this guarantee. Replacement shall be) mode with plant should ah,loys be i,4ith/n 6" of the edge, of the jolontInq � moteriale, os� Indicated or spie6frlad Par the First areo, planting and oil suc.h replo,nemorit moterlo/r, sholf be guaranteed as speclPled Pot- the, original guaranteed . material, ­�.�_­__ -1 NNAMM h) /11\ I IT -1% J, /_1% r- r- /"\ K I "Ir A K t t (%) CFD LANDSCAPE PLANS MMMMMM BYZ I TRACT 18261 _________ -'---- DEStIGNED BY: SPECIFICATIONS PJD I-,------ _-..1______,____ ------.----- CHECKED BY: P$,��OVF_Dg I 1 ,�L " " It ",C� , A61f' I .- �2 %,,,_'At I � ",A,Z! _2_­­­­ KPK __ 77f.t,�iT�! 01 ale"i" ,- City Engineer, Ricardo Sandovai pilzr , SCM -E. NONE �� ME