HomeMy WebLinkAbout4396-6OENEWAL COWITIONS P. REVIE11\4 OF ORAHIN65: It is [,tic Contractor's 1, CONTRACT POCI)MENT5z 5holl con,,151: of specIFIcat,lon5 onof its responsibility to review Trt I otlon drawings and noto R BAoKFILLINO 0, 5l)15-25URFACE PRMNAc9E OR _501 CONVITION!5� _13hould sub- ge-noral condition-- and the drawings. The intent of these any areas he believes Nttonol hoods or volve5 ore svrroee drolnoge or .,,oil �,ondftloris ba encountered document.5 1,, t<�, Include oil labor, mote,rlciI5, and services re'4ulred prior to _��)bmlttlnqo bld. IF no chonqe.,� are I� 5ackpIll shall not: 00 placed untif I'll&, Installed which Nould be dotrlmentol to growth or, svrvilvol at,, nec,ossary For the, proper excootion of tile work, The submitted the, Contractor r,;' restocnisible for Poll sprinkler ,.��ys��eir ties boon Inc,pactoci ood apl,,)rove:,,.c1 plant niolfarlial, the,, Conhro6tor shall notfP tile, dosumvnts ore to t;,e con5folored as one, and whatover 1�� C'Overoge, or Idle sprinkler syaltom Ono provfain13 , by the Ownor'r representative, I.,on0scape ,-I�rchftcct In i,eft[nq stating tgo conditions called Par k,�y any part, shaft be cis binding as If called for oddit.106al equipment. a.,, recessory at file Gantractor's . _ and suDmittIng, a prq?c,,qa1 covarir,K3 cost OF correc,tion by all parts, expense, 2. Trenches shell be, bockfilled Nith a mInInium oP if the Contractor forf1s, to ratify the Londscope, 4" OF fine gronWor materials to protect, the Architect at ,,�vch conditions lie shall be, responsible 2 VERIFICATION: The, contractor shall ver!Fy mcciBurement_,, on 0, 6-7OVFRNINC5 REOULATIOM All local, municipal and stote pipe From the. clods at rocks the romoming for plant materlal vnOor the guarantee clovee of the the, dropones boFore beginning Nork, In ,,.ose of` orror or laws, rules and requiotionz; ogovernfng,�:,r rotatrnq to � excovot ,on be bised or, bcick -act old r Jlll� _�Io r wFl,cotion, ,p o dlecrepon,ny In the drowlng_,i or specifications, at- In i,qork or any portion OF this work, ore. hcrehj Incorfrorct6e.1 Into oorltroznbor .,,hall nol: place cletrim,mital sub.sotl others offoc.tine his work, he, ,,hall noffy the owners ond mode o part; of these specli'locittons, and their In the, tvp 0" of bor,kFill, (­ PIMFN15101,15z All scoled crlmen,,,fons ore approximate. repro_�ontative Immediately, The contractor .,,hall be., held provisions sholl be carried out by the st,,n"Inklor E'3�91-oro proccocilng with any �,4ork, the Controctor .Gholl re,st,':�onsible, For any damage or loss due to his Failure to contrac tor, 3, IF settlement Occurs aid 0djustmont6 In plpo6, coreFulk check and ,,,a,rjFi4 oil dimenwoms Ono Y ob-,,erve there instructions volves, .,prinkfor needs or sod are necessary to quantitlee, ondshall Immediately Inforrin the Lonci,,cepe- H, DiAORAKMATIC, PC,ortOM Th[5 design Is diagrOMMOtic, brtnf,,the sy,lterr to proj:;ror ;,4orklng order, the, Architect." of any dicare,poncy 6etwoan the InFormatIon, 3� LICEN5Ez Alf work shall be perFormed by a C-27-Collfornic, All pipe, volves, etc, ,Mown within paved areas ore oc Can,( ,tOj_ .,,hall as a part OF the work under on the drawlvi Ono actual conditions refraining From Licensed Land.5colde Contractor. [or design clorlFicotlon only and sholl be tristotted this contract make all file r)ecasoory,-,tdjv6hment cloing any wor � L in sold areas until glvcm approval to in pionter oreos where possible. Never Install without extra cost [a the Owner, do ,,,a kxj the Landscape,, Architect, 4� 11,51)RANCE Thr, Controclor shall carry all k,k�,rkmon's bvckflow preventer5 in IaNn areas, always In shrub Compensation, Public, Liability and Proport L�)omcyga In5uronce as required by all Opp flooble codes, r� _ ylotlon5 and the, 1, AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AM-? VALVE -.5: M. HATMAIA okqnelr� 1, 11,15TALLATIOM All Irrigation materials ,,hall I,,- ln,kolled in occorclon,-�e with the, techniques ond 1. A 120 volt electrical power outlet to the A. �-k)fl_ AHENDMEN7'5� 5, LAN05CARE A,RCM1TE-C,T'5 LIAOILITY� 7"he. owner ond controctors, 5peclFicotions set Forth by eoch re!�pective controller shall be- provided 1;y tile:,, electrical recognizing [tie inherent rr5k-s connected with comikructfon, manufacturer, Alf pertinent cle5criptive literotures contractor. Relisr t.�o the elcctri6ol enqfncer'5 L Organic Amendment, - -sholl be, n1troqon-stoerlized! agree, to limit any and oil liability, claim For damages, issued by those. monuFacturars becomes part (,.,F these plons for tile, exact location, 7he,, irriq5tion Movinqs, bark or nowduct that moJ�s the cost of del'onse, or exponses to or, levied against- the 5l.,�oclf`lcotfon5 ol'tor having been approvcci by the contractor ,.shall 1.,,7o responsible For mZtWng the , � following roqufrcme-,,�,ntsi Londscal-,,o Architect on account OF any dosign cis,Poct, error, Owner's authorized r ­,�rcsrntotive-. 5uch Installation 0 hook-up From the outlet, to the cont,rolle,v-, , omission, or proPesslonol regligonce I:.,,,:I a sum not to exceed praO,joos rholl be, Folr".Z, ;,rll� IF the dIr-ctfons of Particle slzoz . !t,50,000, lie irrigotion erowlnq5 anal o,pce,fflcatlons do not. 1 � thoroughly and cOmpletoly, order the methods or 2, All r,11re Prom the rontrollor to ctlectrlc control mirilmum,45% passing 4 mesh screen (114-') Minlmum,�30% poeiln� ,s mes,h ecreen 0/6'� tochnfqyos to be, Followed. install 0/1 equipment and volves shall be ,solid copt-,)or U F 0 i4�600 volt direct burial. Use white wire Par comnic,)n, blue, �3 r2. COM5TRUCTION 5AFET7': Tile design, odequacy and scu'r ,ty of materials cis shown In dotalb, Far lown sy5tems, biock Far shrub 5yistema cind _15ollnity� erection, oxcavotion, brocinq ,, shoring, temporary supports, red For r-nolsture, ,sensors common control wire, 1 -Moll be tie highor than 35 mfluons per etc,, Is the sole, rospon5lblilty OF the Contractor, and has -1, 5ITE IIROSLEH5� The Irrigotion Contractor shall riot Install In common trench i-4lh moln line, pipe i,Aere contimeter ot 25 C ,-I5 nieo5urod by aoturoticm riot be -on considered by the, Londscc -4po Architect or his willfully Install the. sprinkler system or Inclic,oted on Possible, provide minimum tl�` cover, extroat conductivity, consultontsa. 77)e contractor 15 re_�pon,lbte For the drcKIngr5 when it 16 obvious 16 tho Field that there stability ot' any oh-ucturos and excovotions and shall ore unknown obstructlon,�, grade Offforences, ondler - Nu'rogen content� provide tile noce5sory bracing to provide stability during dl5croparlcle,, In the area dimensione, until !,-,urh 5� INfro connocNons shall t,ro mode with '5cotch-LoV 0,7545 For, 5owdu,5t or shavings [he, entire construction progre,es. Observation vf5it,, to the conditions ore brought to the, attention of the, i,qlre connec.tor soaling pock_�� Va9765 or ��poars 1,0% For bork 51te by the Landscape Architect or his consultants shall not Landscope Archltez5t. Vrr-spllce" with seofont. 1715 504'2� include inspection of the, abov,,�� Items, W. NAMMAdSt 4� 7hore, .shnrl L)o a control kq1ro from roch control 7, 5URVEI'5, FERM1713, REOULATION5, The, owner 5holl Furnish on A. valve running to the, controller, and each Z commercial Fortlitzer - shall be commercial grpdo, gronular, '�,2re-rlont` fertilizer, One, 4 ooaquat:o survey OF the, property, The contractor !��holl 5itrInktor materials and equipment shall bo OF type., location the control volvc-� sti�/ be connected to the common 5olt' of the ",)ritclIner n[troqen ,shall be roodfly obtoln and pay , for all permits and comply i,o0i all fews, and ordInonce.5 bearing on the operation or conducl: OF the i,jork size ond or, noted Ono indicated on drowInc gs. Unless permission to chonge, Is gronted from ova0c4ble, For Inf0of toodlii( 'The remaining g, _ as oras -4n and spo�flocl, If the, contractor ol2serves that a the Lo5o5copo Archltec� or Owner',, Repro5entotive, to 5, All olec,trfcc-41 i,4ork, ,shall corniv 0i with applicable cooles. - tile,, halF oP � rdrogen and off of tho contorned poto,,,h 4-.�holl be derived Prom nc)n-l000hing, vorionce. exists therewith he shall promptly notify the, o�-jner'.q repre5entativo in writincl, and any nec,e55orq chonc .,s, material ore, be now aid III perPect condition, No deviations From the, specificoNon5 shelf be, ollowed, cooled, controlled retectse [or0lizer for - _ _?a shall be, ad u5ted a-, provided 5i the contract Par ehonee,� y The alocl5lon a[, t�hc 1_ono5cope Archltoc,t eholl be, Fine) 6, instoll all Valves pal- details, rustofned Peeding of roo to six months, Ill a , slow soluble, non'-burnlng Perm, Ill tile work, in the detorminatton a,,, the, cIvolity of materials, . &, PROTECTION OF f�-40RK, PROPERTY' ANP PER50M The contractor [3, FONUIPKENT TO BF FURN1,5HED: V� CPAMM 094MM Fertilizer MoU be calivered to the s1to in the, orl,911101 unol")ened container, bearing tile sho ocie, ucitc,ly protect the work adjacent property and the pub? � L, one ohol(bo responsible for any damage or infury k 5uppry a--, a por� of this contract the following Froc,urc F,rom �orOicolnre Arehlt,ect tr,�insjporcncy r`ozofle­t) tiicrnufoatvrer'�, quor�.,.mtoedonafy.sls, Any Fertlll7or thot, becomes ,,oked at, damaged, moktiiq due to his acf_ tools, OF poppinq loyool, end occurotc�y loco�k� volves, _ _ it unsull,oble Par u.,o, tql;l riot be, accop,h5d, If. CHAN&F-5 IN THE NORK� Me owner mo�y order chonges in the Tko (2) sets of special tools, requIred for 0XIsking, t.vocs, For Future use, remoto conProl volve�,: t,-41th number of ,_shnblons, and wiring rrom controller!5 3, 5MI C,onditioners - sholl be og-tculturof groce work", The contrvc,t. r ,um boing oqjl,oted accordingly, All such orders and odl-tmente plus claims L,Nj the, contractor rsMoVInq, dIso_ssomf7Ih%3 end odjust.iny ecrc�h type. OF -5prinkler Ono volve supplied on to remoke e,oritrol volves,. 01monsion From two permanon� Pookur,cs such as buildtrI05 Ono wolks� Ahter _ gypsurn, soil sulfur ond Iran svrF , ote, For extra�, mv,st, be mode be,Fore execut,ing the work Involved. thts project, final inspection and before Pinol payment, 4, Fine 15onct - shah be, ciacin, no�.urot Fine sorid 10� PROV15ION13 F('2R' EXTRA5, No new work OF any kind shall be 7-wo (2) five Pool, volve keys for operation of trorrc,foorenc,�y sholl tie, defliverad to Lonci.,�,ccp,o Arch(le,,I, One, set of prInk!7, shall be 5upplir,41, to Free) From ciole,,kerlovs material i,,4aed seed,", clay bolls or rock with 415* mInfilivm rcts6fng 0 No, 4 consldere.a` an extra unlas-c a separate estimate 15 given for gate volves. Ownor t,�y the, C,ontrortor. sleve and 10 nioximum possing a No, 00, slave, sold rqork befora it Is commenced One until same 15 approved by the, owner, and then not unless the, owrror First .5o ordered Two (2) keys Par oech automatic; controller. YL C42AWWe In writing onof the particular extra Nork Is spoGtFfed in Nrftlr% 3 and tile, cost, oereod upon betwoon the, owner ond the Four (4) quick coupler keys and matching hose � A� � 5GOFIE AN1',I FREGUENC,!". API,er oil histollotion 5, fpcot Moog - 5holl be a commere"Tol, baled Gonodlon sphognum rrotericil, with ph OF 4.5 to the, Free contractor, Excert For extra work Ordered by the owner si,jlvels Par each type OF qvick coupllng volve Installed, � , opercitions have been completed, remove oil trash, _55 moss 4;holl be of woody material oiici mlnerolr� or foreign motter flarmpul to plant occarding to unit price,.,, which hove, been bfo� any oxtro work ' oxcc5s soil and rubkrfsh from the property. All scorr,, � Ilpe, "5ol5titne" 1'�cvrdL or equol� performed, not authorized o5 prowded o1gove, will not and rul:5 or other marks in the area ccTusod by this work cannot bo paid For by the, owner. Z Turn over the re-quired ec7l(filpment to the Owne,r at the concluslon a[ the project, prior to rfr%,�tl sholl be, repaired ci*�,l the ground left'in a neat 13. TOP501L� 11, 51,135TITVTIONI_S� Inspection, and orderly r,oncfII:0n throughc5i,it the ,site., The All rnoterlcrI5 .shall be specified unle,3s the Contractor shall rick uc, all brash resulthic � � from thir, 1, Topsail Moli consist or a rerl.11o, Frlob?e controcfor con establish the Fort that they ore unovoiloble, work no le,55 thon cocli Friday before icaving the. site, noturol loom or untporm quoilky tree froni ond substitutions are approved In wrftInci b�� the Landscape Architect. W. WrAUA7110tr once a wecu, andlor the lost working day each wock. cub,soll, hard cloc .. :Iff cloy, hard pan, -15, M All trash ,,hall be removed corriplcke4y From the. site, , ,� ocl6par� folly dtsintegroted debris, or ar�j " A, EXCAVATION; other- undoI,:,frobIe material. U LANP50AFE- Co�lRDINATOR5 �'�TAIV5: The lonciscaIne coordinator acts as the authorized representative ol' tile, owner in 1. The, Contractor shall voriFy exact locations of wh COMPLEM,we A. INC;Pr_-'07'I0N: Inspection of cornplevke Irri,W.'Non systerf) 2. Topsoil .,,�ho/l not contain obrloxfou!� wcodr,, such , , "' " n ' I " ' Pro c �h er 6 has the dutbor"� '� ' " ' "' n ' � c 'n nc 0 4 he 0 og r' n I � , , 0 �o 5 On ' ' t 'a ... 0 a c's 0 ec 0 � eria's 0" � r , n ' k ' I 1� I 1pt � oil existing subsurface utflittea (ony moctionicoi and olectricol) prior to excavation. �qfll be, mode, at pre-mointenonco and Hino ... I inspection orrcingsme for plontfnc nl� with I-Oriciscope Architect, a.,, morning glory, spore, oxtofls, spurge, annuol poo, nut gro,�,�, or t%��rmvdo oro,;s, III no case . I i extra ,_ " I _ P _ �� - "IIII I In- 1_)I-ng-_� in No' ,-g triv-1ving' " k - - -a work,otc,, Any uMIf;fc,,s, A,C� paving, com,rot _3, per shall thoFa be,, more than 5i by volume ol' the _ _r_ t _'nI _ contra, - -I,- I'll he, n, � _t 'rI_ , or th _�nlonts end may , of� , destroyed or donioged bq4 any -441-k under this , _ j ,t roflok,,Iln�,7� _ , ", """r ."r _ � 'r, If , , It" r, , f, at', I I '; k ,, 9 t, in is 'I'n, C p N, ""cut . r � iie - -or - replace contre-I., sholl b8 ,aired o� ,,d at. the, Contractors, expenso, I I-,, 6i)ARANTIFF-5; The om - a 'ire 15it,,,rr1nklor sy5tom n,h H be, e �,�,one6 6mo�ier thon one Inch 13, CLARIFICATION OF PRAkWN05 0EFORE OIDPINO� Af`t�or rovi - in ON 9 2. Tro,nches for to quorcinteed q the, controc,tor as to material and workmarehip, including settling OF booki'Med oroo�, � � �, "*)ors,& send 11 snlolI clay lumps "ho drai,41ligs, thoroughly it 15 the contractors responsibility plive shall be, cut required grade belo),, grodo Par a 1�5ertod of (1) year Following the, to clorl�q with the, Lond5ccipe Archlte*t or owrior's representative, onq questions the c,ontrortor may have fine at a true, gradient to l'Provide wilform support, Par the, Full length OF p1pe- dento of Final occel.,,,lanoo of the, Work. It, Nithin one year Prom the dorto of completion settling occurs, and 3, 5iz& - tile �slza of the plants will 6orreovoild regarding the metAod of 4,on5frr,rction, quontItfo5, or quality of moterlo1r, Indicoted or called out, If the, contractor 3� DopfJi OF frencrrle5 sholl Lie 5ufffaknn� to provide oc!juatment5 In pipes, \,olve5 onasibrin0er heads, red _� 4,Wi thot normcilly expected for tpeclea' and vorlety at cominerclolly available nursery ,,tock, connot contoct the., Loncbcope Architect at- oj,qnors a minimum cover above the top of the pipe, or , ov 1" naccs 0 " 0 17 1 nc a M, s 'a "' "' to I "' ' 'he , "' ' '� � � � - - o 0 e � 1600" r � 0 "' 'a I �r�l 112 11 �a V I I in � I I "r1"`1e*11 p ' - ' or as meosurec) boPor& pruning with the branches In nornicli sholl hove normally well repro!3entotIve, the, contractor niu5t quoilf`y his bid or accept tho interpretation of the I anciscope Architect or noted oil the drowing,, FrI Cq _ I, _ �.tr_lt__, or r 11 k _r work I - - th _ th- ' n � -11 Pro 1�, , 'I it In ke of -11 I t-te "I b,ut 11-i'r I I ;`_ ol"I 't position, develop,,-,& branch systerns, orid vloloroi)5 one - - -, they o�qnrsrs representative, oil the que5tIoncrLIIe areas a. 5, JOINiNO PIPE -z ,_s , 07,n,r, In,,I,dt,1,q_ I�b. .rl,t,f,� . t,ral, 'n of 'I, Fibrous t%,.ot systenl,,, i-ititc,li ore not root or lie[ bound, All ln.,��rsctk,v certfffcc;iteI� required N develop c4iring con.5truction, 1. The Contractor 15 responsible to be. familiar domiriqed plantinq, poving or othor Improverneni:5 of any kho. � _ few shall occompinq each shipment and be ,, � 14� 5AMPLE5; The Landscape Architect reserves the. right, to take j,q1th the mothodo of ass,embling.joining, and, dellvered to the Oi�ner, oncianoiyzo 5omple_5 or materials for conformity to -�p 'ecINcations at, any time, Tho� contrac,tor r,hoil furn!517 installing the vorfou�s type OF ptioe, to be used, He, Pqil) cictiiere in strfat ciacordorice, i4lth the 0, qff'_3PON'_5 I011- I 77', 5hould any operational d1f`,r-(cu1tIr,5 in connoction Mth the, spr1riklor sr 5tern dew,lop k4htn Y 4, The, collpar of all treec, shall 19c. meosured ,V somf.,,�Ie, upon roquoi-,t by the I -ondscal,ve Araliftect. Rejected monul`crctorer's� rocommondocYpro,cecivres. the� specified guaronte-ve perfect which is In the oi­,�Infon oL,vve the �5urfoce, of the ground. material ,5hall be Immediately removed From the site and replaced at contractors axt,*;en5c% The cost, a F testing 21 No PVC, pipe shall be threaded ond all transition of the Landscape Arol*.ect due to Interior rootcArriol and/c,r workmonship, ,,:,etc' allf,Fic,ultioB ��hcill be 5, 14hore colipor or other cltmenslonr� of any plont moterlo,ts not moctfnq specifications shall be, poid for- 12Y , Prom PVC to motal piping ,,�moll be, by PVC malo, thread oociptor Ntting � ImMed Idly , ,ctecf by the Cont , let -,orre -roc,tor to the moterlo,l.,�, ore, omitted from the plont list It shall be understood that thesetelorit rncrterfoi�, the contractor, sotlstoctlo�i) of the, Landscape Architect ot no 5holl be riormol 5tock For type listed, addIflonol cost f;o the 0),qnor, Includin OI)y and 15, PRIF-CON-15TRUCTiON CONFERENCEI 5ch6ovie a pre--oon5truction q svch octs� all other dornage caused e� P, b. Floni, material �,holi be ,,ymmetrical typical Par meeting with the, Landscqao Architect. at least 7 days before ,t1c,gfflr?tnq work, Tile purpo5c a[ this conFerence lo to review 17), INSTRUCTION: Altar the system has been completed and varlety and specie,5 and shall conform to ,, any questions the. contractor may have regarding the. work 0, TEE7T_'5� the conneetlon5 mode,, the Contractor shall ln,,truct moclourernerits specified In the Intent, Ilst, administrative procedures during constructions and project /. All main lines end tollerol Ifnes which have, the, Oi-iner or his representative., in the operation Ono -1, Guon0ties shown on the coil outs oil the work .5choduio, , ,,crjolnh� under paving In the, system ,shall be �qlvc mointe,,.nonce OF t,�he sys,kcm. Planting Pion or,c� FOI- tile, conventence Or the I 6. COMPLETIOM Completion Ts, cle.Flned cir, bein h - I I q_ w on a capped ond pressurod tested ot, 1,50 ie:�f. f`� TEMPORARl' REP/MR_I�z Tho Owner re-,erve-e the rIqhI,- to r,ontrcetor only . . Ouanfttlec, drown oil the plan rwhether by clr;�le�� or dolfe) or,e the final condliflons of Nic contract hove been occompl�5hod, 2. Pressure shall be, sustained in the lines F,or not make tomf,�)orory repairs a,, n co'so a keep the, outhortt onc) shall be fornished end Installed y 5pecificolly i-�hc,,n oil 8.om5 ore instoIled, the, areas cleoned less I -lion Four hours, It looks devoloj.,I the, sprinkler system eqtAprnanf. Ine��,,,Cr.t,rin'e'c,o.iic,�ttfc,,�n. or, droi,qn, and t,hz-,- maintenance lao,riod satl5l'actorily omplet,od, an4,:t lie G ,n joints shelf be, replaced and the te,51:, repeated The exercise at Oil-,, right; 19y the, Owner shall riot all opocicil tools and equipment, lretrurtfon5, writton until the cm:lro r,y5 k� warterl't9ht, rolleve the C<,mtractor or hI.,5 rospon5tbtllNe!� under ,13, Rqjec.f*,'vi or 5ubstitution - ,,,ill plan[,,, ?lot, gu,:�irnntos.,,5, o5-buflt plan5, Ifen relaosee�s and arly Items roquirod by the c,ontroat oecvmonts, hove been properly 5, Tests shaft 1.%v observed and opproved by Owners the forms at the guoranlfco a!�, fi,�,reln cpocIPk-,,,d conPorming to Ole requlremonk5 herein specIffed, executed and oolfvorcd to the, owner-, representative prior to bockPill, shall be considered clefoctive, and such plants, whother III place or not, �-shofl be, marked as The Lcinoscor�7o Archit,oct sholl have full authority to accept 4. Man the ,,prinkler sy9tom is completed, (and , rcjec.tocl and Irrimedtately removed From the -site of the work, and repto.ced with new plants at the or reject the confroct ltom_� on,;! will promptly notiry the before. plantin Is begun) the 0ontroctor, in the NO FLANTNO 5FE-OIFIGATION5 Controctor's exponso� The plont.!s shall be of the owner OF completion. presence oP Or,wiors, represontolfive, sholl specles, varlel,'y, size and condition specified 17. ,5VARANTEE; in oadit,'lon to spectried qvorant�,�­s provided For test the, coverage OF Hotel, oiiierded the, lown and planting orecisr o5 completed and odequoke. The 1. Sc4m or mm� on the drowings, Onclor no condition will there Lk,, any subotifut,lon of plant,, or ,fzes For 1.,ho5e III tile. soporoto sections of the spociricotion5. the controct,,,7r s,holl guorontoe, In writing oil t4orkman5hip and Contractor �,hcill Furnish all materials and perform 47/1 work reqvirled to correc,t any A, F"urntsh all labor, moterlal,5, onct rucluti,iment ne605-50rl, to provide, and in6,1foll materials o5 shown oil trle listocl oil the occompony/rip plans, except with the MOtOrl0t5 to be Free From dofoct. for a period OF one, year Inadequacies OF coveroge discloc,ecl, plont cfrawlnep� or as .,Ipee IFIed herein, the expressed ,c,ori6e,�,rit o" 0�,qn n--, Prom the, dote. of acceptanoe or the Nork N the olmier without , oad(tionol cost to the owner, 5� The Conf,ractor shall InForm the Opqncr'��-, I 13, I'lork included in thk, 5ectfon-Pt'ems Included but, riot-. T,�, 5TAKF!3, Alf 5tokem eholl t7o as per details, representative, or on deviotlorl From tile Plan rl limited ta)� /RRIOAT/0N _5FE0/F/GAT1(,)N3 required b y win ,Inq soil or 51te � � conditions i:ho�. lb�,or on"prosent coverage, 1, Croce, Including mounding, moldInq and shc7pIng, , � , " " IV awr9wrm WA4N 6VU0 & scam OP pem� E 5PRINKLER tqt�Ar,'� IN57-ALLATION: surfaces of all planbinq areas a s Indicated Including the refilovol 6P o""Whiq vegetation � A, CONTRACTOR5 RE-5FION5113UTY'; 'flic Contrac.for 15 unless bthc,ri,�16& 6pee�fpletd, , � re,sponf,lble, For vorlpyinrn3 tile loccition of all utIfIty The Controctor shall provide, all labor, tools, 1. 5hrubbery or ground covor spray hoods odlocont lines and other underqr:6und obstructions so that machinery and proco,5,-e-5 necessary to Ins[oil a I to curbo'cir walkr, shall be lnqtobed 6" or"Oy 2, Preporeand till coil in planting orecis . proper precoutions rir;��y be token not to dishirb or comploto Irrfration 5y5tom OF, shoNn on the plan,, ,i Prom tile, curb or i,4olk end the nozzle sholl be, 6" Including Furrilsh of oil sell ariondment,s ce domogo ,,urh Improvement5, In the event of a conflict, _ , and?c , �fed heroin. Nhon completed the, obove Plnf5hool grade, unless othcrNf5o , "Pecirled, bt-41,loon 5vch llnc�, and plant locations, the 6ontractor Vrl�?otlon system !Fiholl 12c 100,96 coverage system in Indlooted, s�lczll prorriptf�q noNF14 the, Lond.scope Architect, who total Functioning manner, 3, Furnish and plant all plonit material,-; as s ioli orr(,,;iIlqc For tAe relocation or one ci�, the other. R 493agm NWROCAK"r 2, 5hrubbelry spray hoodc, odjocent to lVidinqz, . Incitcated by Hid droi,jlngs and -elpecIficotions. I Falling to Follow this procedure, the Cont,roc.tor shall Pence,,, or 51mr1or structures shall 0o fnql:�alled ot hfs� own cxp�sn5o make, onq and off repair,, For 6 " aNcy From the _r,trocPvre. eincl the, nozzle ,,holl 4� P&rporm ,�?fl priming cis reqwred. oinrrrogc�,; resulting From his i�ork� A, VERIFICATION Or- PIMENI-5tOM All ecoloof dimensions ore be, 6" above rintshad groda. 5hrublb-,er�y 5proy approximate, BeFone proccoding, with any work, the heads not neor poving or of,rt)ctupeg _,�holl be, set � 5, Storke one tle all plant rviaterial a,, ,,.;fIoctf`Iect V PtORSH 40APIM Controctor sholl carefully chack and verlPy Oil 6" above, HnIeh grodi, unless other I-jiso dimensions, spocing of shrinkor hoods, location at lreticoted� 6, Provide Por the mointerionce or the planting, A, TILLINO� I'M oil planting area.,, as heroin 15poell`led, "Olve5 and vocuum brookers, and propose'd P.O.C. -shall UnIX occe or thojob by tho Lono`66ope be, os; indicated on the, drowings, Any deviotion from 3. All sprinkler heods, ore to have si,41rig joint, ci,, �J',�toncc Archltecl_ , 5, UNIF�')RM &RAPP-i APter MUng, oil areas shall b,c the plans must- hove, the. approval of tile, O�qnor's d -&,a I ledr� brought to uniform grode k�y r�ootlnq or hond raklrio3, RepresentoNve or the Landscape Architect. 'I, rw5t,)4%�& or oil dobrfs ond surplur, ulat,erricIls, 4. In -,tall 5prtnlder heads por afetcrll�,,,, C. 65RAE)TERELATION5HIP93I F�nir,h�-IrodeoP�7iontl),igorcoe, 5, VERIFICAT�ON OF FIN15tq r,RAOL-� The Contractor aholi 5, Vean up after oppirr,at,lon OF soil omendm&ntr, ,,hall be I" bsrloj-� irmfaec,�, Vie, s4te and chock all FInIs,h grodes j,jithin I-, 5PRINKLER� HEAP APJ05TMIFNT'5� top c,l' conc,rote walks and ourk, grode-, and 6" belcri� ' ,.he i-qork oreo in order to Inoure tile. proper soil -1, Ovorcwnteo finish Floor of buildhic 7 or or, noted t�q spot coverocio (0s speciPloo) of sprinkler oy5tem p/pos. , 1, The Irrigation oontroctc�r sholl Flush and acijost otovotiore, all sprinkler recids For Op0murn perFormcince and 10, MaInt,ononce C� INATER 5UPFILY' '. The, Contractor shelf veriFy and be to prevent oversproy onto iqcuk,�s ond buildings or, P� 5L��'�)PF FRON BWLCIN65� 5oll orood acljoconl� to ,Familiar Hit)) the source OF water supply to eho much 0'r Possible, 77715 5holl Inch,46 orolecting 14 V~W MR or *TV com"eft 1,201dinga shall slovo oway From the bufldlng,, at 2,% sprInklor as indicated on the drai�jIng,,,. the bost dogroo OF arc, to Pit cx15t0q 51to ,j � Minimum Far 10 feet, ondshoil con��Fnue to slope at a P, Pr:RI1f/7'5 AND PEE -5, 'rhe, Contractor shnil apply and ptly elf"votions, A, EXCAVATIOM 717e, Conitroctor sholl verfry o>(oct m�nfmum or I,% until Noter droloo to 5troe� or storm �-5yste,m� I For all necesscwy pe�,rillts and roe.5 i-equired in rho 0, CL05IN& IN UNIN50ECTT-D 14ORK: locations OF oil exIsthic ,j evb-surlOce utflftl6s mechanical and elec,trlcof prior to excavation, An Y rursult or big r,qork crE, reqvirod by the governing utlittles A,C,, poving, concrete worl, etc., de5h^11 'yecl codes, The Contractor oohelll not 011,15w or caus,& " OP his or domo�qed by any work under this contract shall be E', C,Ak�E OF EX15TIN6� BUILVIN6_15 ANO 5171-_': The. Contractor work to bv� covered a), encloge,ed until It hop, been Inspected, kested and approved by oil authorized r&polrod or reploced at the Controctor'r, expense,,, Mail Lie held ra%5ponslble For the core and representative at' blie, owner, 5houlci! any Of his work- PrITZ17"Plor, of all exlsttne buildings and stru6bg,os L%-- onclosect or covered be,Pore such lrlspe,��tlon and I'll a roporky and od)ocent prs�ifnes and contiguous Post, he, shall unc,over, the work at ftf,� own expefise and prq.)orty, Any'��ort of t�hom Injured, domo,q,ed or after it hos, been fnsipc4tod, tr9t"O'eJ, end approved, disturbed bo,cwougo of his tNor,k shelf De, repaired, , ,,hall make. oil repolro, with "ke motCriolo nocelr,S�Vry replaced, or 61coned L:y him at his, el,,,�pense. to rcetere, all his iAvrk and that of other r_ontroct��rs, a"k;,I�".A",L�,y��,.�,���")"".-",�,-,,-,�.,.,.",.",.�,,-,�,,_.�,��,,,l,-,�,,,,,-,,,,-,.,-,,,,�,-,�-,-,.,".'��""'�""-'--'-""'---"-""-'-'�"� .............. ,- ' ' ­ _ ....... _­ to lin, orighlol condition, 11-11111- -11 ..1. ___ I- 1,11 ... � ... . .. - -,,,,,, " _­ � 11 .1. � 1-11 I 11 I -111-11-11 I—, ­ I I I I— - 1-1 j�n�d.rLrourfq,qqnjx deft q _1.�j_ SECTION 4216/4217 Or-' THE GOVERNMLN'r "' � �­ CODE REQUIRES A tYl'(.�7' ALERT IDENTIFICATION I ,,, D" CEFORE" A PERMIT TO NUMBER BE ISSUE M I EXCAVATE WILL BE VALID �) �� I FOR YOUR DIG ALERT I.D. NUMBER CALL � UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT �__­ TOLL FREE 1-800-227-2600 TWO WOWNG DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG PROJECT, SHEET ITLE: SPECoPICATION E ROCK50RCLO05, Norockorclodsover3l-l"In dtomelter shall be? oil top of prepared planting bed. _ V1. HIM C42VTROLP A. KILLIN6 kqEEP_5� oonl:rcictor shoP yerminote and cle,5troq � existing Need scoct6 before reportng areas For plorithig, 5uPf1c1e,r ribe opplied to couse week seed to sprout, �`ovng Needs ,shall then bor destroyed and removed beFore they have opportunity to , set soed 5. A[?0yITIONALREOVIREMffNT5I For addlit Iona I weed killing, refer to FlonNng Notes on the Planting Pion. Wk SM FVWAQATWM A, 1301L RE'PORT., Ocfore storttng !��otl ' preparation the Contractor shall 5ubmil. a ,,oil report to the Owner and Landscape Architect, IF, no sell report Is submitted It �,qlll be assumed that amendments I-4cre riot clolded Ono' the Landscape Contractor will be, reqycsted to give a credit, For solf pr(,,�porcelon, � 5, COMPACTIED AREA!3� 5otl areas thot c7ro compe,'�ctod to more,, than q0lb during sibs. ,preparation shall be, ripped to a nittilmum oF 12" prior to boqfrin s 11 � 'a areas r,ho?l ban�; � ieci b� the preparation, ThaF,, 'Fl, Landscape Architect and be billed as on extro if the unit price is quoted In tile bid, 0� MPETHOIP OF HMO: If the slope is under 2 112 to I the sell preparation iwterloI5 should be, broadcast uniformly over all landscape areas and worked to a depth OF 6" by a rototlifer a), other oce,eptoble, mechanical mean,, to obtain a imil'orm blond to the,., ,,all, If tile slope to greater than 2 1/2 to I the, onvndments shall be hydraulically applied For areas over 1000 square feet cind raked III Por small oreos. For the -soil anionciment mix reFer to the Planting Notes� on tha Planting Plan, 0, EFXTRANEOU5 HATERIALz In odditton to the, work soccifted above the contractor chat/ remove oil extroneous moterlo! that Is exposed on the surPoce and grode to facilitate ri)n-oFP of 5urPoce i-jotor, E, E?ELIVEFF1 5LIP5z 5upply delfvery slIps Prom the supplier For the soft onisndmont,,, to the site 65vfl:z toods Prom the Contractors yard will riot be occepted 5un ply empty bogs For- Fertilizer to the 6xiperintendent of' 2 job) WIll MW AW MW PLAWM A, CORRELATION: Trees and shrubs shall not be planted V1101 all operations in conjunction with the, InstolloNon OF the, sprinkler 6Y,5tom hove been completed, final grodes, hove, been established, and the plonNnq beds property prepared by cultivation and fertIltrotlon as covered. In these speelPfccitlons. 5� HANDLINO AND 5TORAOE All ploritc, shenli be handled and stared so they are adequately protected From drylog out, suri, windburn or any other Injuq, r11 PLANTIN6 TIH& No planting sholl take place during ext'rerrely hot, dry, windy or Freezing Neather, V, )LOCATION -5z RelofIve position of oil plants and trees Is subject to approval OF the Landscape ,Architect and they ,shelf, if rreces7sory, (�no relocated at his, directlon as port or this contract, E, PI-17TRIOUTION: No more plants 6,11011 be 015trlbutcd about the landecope oroci thron can be planted and i,,vterrsd on the some, day. F, CONTAINER REMOVAL4 Plant containers, shall be removed when planting tile plonifs. clnni� shall be split oil both eldee, An axe or spode shall riot be used, AH contoloorr, sholl be removed Prom the site, 0, PLANTINCS PIT5. All tree and shrob pito shelf have. a dlometer of at least twice the, diameter of the rootball, Pit depth,,, shelf be minimum 12" deeper than tile rootboll For treec, and 45" deoper thon the root boll Par shrubs or cis par plontInq detoll,G� � R Pi.At,'iNO: Pfc7nt,,t�e(iolibeplac,ectonc�he�d,�IL)t-fng L'rookfI/I in On upright position in the center OF the, pit, Plants shall Cie, hoict ot, or slightly above nursery level, Tile, earth ball Moll be, ke'lot. Intact. Any exposed roots shall be spread, Injurod root -- shall be, pruned, I� BAO<FILL� F�ont pit bocf�lllkig soil shall consist OF I part nitrogen stabilized sowoust - _2 port,r, topsoll. Materfols ,sholl be thoroughly mixed before roplocemank, In addition to bocki'llt commercial Fertilizer 20-10-5 Agriform 21 gt-om tablets shall be added to plant pit.,, at the, Follo)YIng rates, � " on-- tablet par orle gallon container 4 tNo tablets per five gallon container * three tablets per 15 clollon container - 0 Four tablets par 20" and 24' box 11 five, tol,r;�Iot�, Per. ,�30" t%nx 1, , "IX taL�Ierts per 50" box 0 saven tablets r>er 42" box �' e ,�,2ht tablets per 60" box 0 a fab,;ot�� per 72" box , " ton tolnlet.,, per ,54" bo>,, 4 ground cover plant,,, p/ontod From Flats or liners III 2:1 or steeper 5lopas shall receive one 5 gram toblot per pion,'. J. I,IIA7ERINC�: Alhen tile, pit ho,; been t�k-,:ickffllod to thf%,�C- cluorters, of its depth wc,itIsr shall be poured otiout the roots, Air pockets 4,holl be eliminated and bockpilt continued vriNl the bocki'llf 16, brought to Ole grade le ve, 1, K, COMFrACTIN6, BaCkPill shall riot be compacted around the rootr or ball OF the, I,,:iion� durinq or citter plonting* The bockFill on which the plant bell rests shelf be lightly compacted K ,_STAKINC�: 15t�okos shall be driven to sUPPIclont depth to hold tree rf rd, Tree shall be supj.;Iorted by at least iwo I: %0,6 dotolls)� 0, PRVNINC�, Limbs, 1�)ranches, cone,, ond runners which roqyfre trImmIng shall be removed to leave a clean out Flush with trunk. (Froilng only as dirocteo' by the Loricisicatee Archftect)� P, FLANTINO DEV5: Flontlnq bads shall be edged and cultivated to the /tile shoT�n, EL -cis shall be. brouqht to a smooth evor) surrace conrorming to established grades after Full settlement has occurred, X 9M6 C4VW ARFA& A, REFERENCE� Refer to Paragraph:, V, K Vill, for � Hnish grading, weed control, cindsoll prej,,�orotfon, 0, 501L PRFFPARATIOM� Prepare the, soil a-, per these specifications and tile, planting Notes, an the, Planting plan, 0, ORAPINO� Areas shelf be roked and floated smootJi to provide, a true and untForm ,,urPoce, V, PLANTPIT5 ANP� FERTILIZER: Planting pits For ground cover shall be 4" x 4" or oclocivote, to accept material From f�af:6 without crushing or deForMing the root0oll. Floce a 20-10-5- AgriForm 5 grom fertilizer Wolot III each ground cover. E FLANTIN49! Ali grotInd cover oreas noted oil the j.,)Icil,, I shelf I,,7-- rooted cuttInqs From flats and ,,hall bo planted III ,staggered rows continuously under all troes and shrubs at � the spocIng Insf1cotee o5 the plons, All plont,,, sholl be, protected from drying out prior to plOntfnq, � t�. 14ATEFINOz Each socklon of groi,ond cover !��holl be, Immediately Ncltaro��,l upon completion OF planting, and thereopter 05 required, 6, �5PACMCG f�ROM EL�61.--� The, PIrst row of ground cover ,� nhoWd 0114",lys be, within 65" of the odge ol' the pla�irinq area, Crestwood Communities 5 1 0 W. Citms Ed',P-e Street, Gleiadora, CA 91740 Office: 626-914-1943 Fax: (626) 335-9320 pdiaz@crestNvoodeo�iniiiui,-dt.i.es.coii,i (%) 9 SMA0004L ec&m A� REFTERENCEI Refer to Paraqroph5 V, VI, V11, ror Finish , grading, i,,�oed control, and s6ll prep,orotion. E3, 501L FREPARATtOM Frq,,,�dre the soil or, per tho'se 5peclffcatfon,� and the Flonting Notes on the, Planting _ Plan, C� CGRAPINO., Areas shall be raked and Heated smooth to provide> a true and unlForm surface, I?, 0I)ALIT'r OF FLANr5� Plants shall be heofty annual plont material In 4" pots in boom, E PLANT P/7`3 AND FE-RTILIZER� Eac�h plant plt Par ,seasonal color shall be 656`x6` wlkh one, toospoon oP bore, moot mfx Into the bo6kPill mix. (Use skrub backrill mlx), Po not use Aoril'orm plant toblolt5, &� 14ATERINO: Each eectJon of seasonal color sho)l be Immediately watereat upon completion OF Planting, and i-jotered hherecil`fte�r o5 required. H� 5,FIACIN& PRO111 EVIOE� 71le rirst roj,4 of seasonot color should always be within 6" OF the edc ,qe of the plontIng, area, M. SW ~ M41MR04-4 8 FLAOMMS (F APPUCAMPJ6 A. OL)ALIT'r; 5od -shall be 46rocis-, machine cut at, a uniform thfcknos5 oP 516" excluding Up growth Ono � thatch, Need t�roe ondsholl be no less't.hatil elght months, nor more, than sixteen monifho old. I E3. TIMIN6� In5tollotion ,,hall toke ploce within 24 hours ofter harve,rting, 6, RFFERENCE: Refor to Paragraphs V. Vi� VII, for Finish c 3roollng, Need central, and' soil preparation. P. FREPARATtOM 5od area prior to plontln� shall be rolled light/y end watered to a depth OF 6' H,&,,� day prior to p1cinting, IF any air pockets are, found, the, area shot] be regraded a-, necessary. Lightly water the area to be ptonbed.fi)ot. orlor to planting, P_ � IN5TALLA7'ION: 5od shall be told in a s1g,�."r-od pattern, with tichtjoints and tri I, hr� , ection each time,, On oil ,,Ioveo sod shall ee tnst.ellled Prom the bottom up and the, nei-41y lord 5odshould be, protected by i,4nIktnq on boardr, og Installer moves upward. On metal staidles will ba, allowed No eod OF loss than 1,5" in length Pqfil be oHowcd, No :,ad or let,,, than 1,0," III length i-ifil be ollowed. F, _OlNr5� Adjo(h the section a sod rfrmiy together, IF air 5poces occur between ,oectlonn of sod they mu -9t be, Filled Mth sonct or have, the, sod rolold. . 0� ROLUNO� Roil sod with oil cidecluotely weighted roller to 9,mooth out the. sod bad, H. PROTECTION OF EPOE5: Regrode, to torotecl,� the edge -5 Prom dryfrio, IF mowing oeJ5 � 4c, Is, hot used, 1. 14ATERW64 After Installation sod must be kept thoroughly wotered to a depth of 6", No Feet troPtic sholAct be allowed Par 2 or 3 Necks from the dote of' Installation. J, IN5PECTION 5)' SUPPLIER� It there, ore any qvcstfon-, regarding the quolt; of god Installation a ropreoe6totive or tL, sopplier sholl be, requoetod to Inspea the Insitollotion and the, Contractor called out by the, 5upj_ntIor'5 representative. MR swm OF Evem COMM mm A, E-RO51ON CONMOLr Installation Nill be required In locations 5pecipically dollneateof on the drowlngs or a.- necessary due to field conditions. 1, Theourforce of the slapeg shall unif'ormly smooth and even with all debria and rocks raked out. Vie soil shall be, 5ofFIciently moist to pormit the "Irm laying or erosion control motting and , "' to prevent sloughing OF topsoil, 2, The oroston control mottinq shelf be laid with the direction OF Flow of surface droincrqe, and In occordonce with the. monul'ac,turer's direction,,,, The matting ,,,hall bk-, cul: to provtcho a vis,volly plao!Wng slope, 5, Tile, rnattinq ,shall be s,tofelod' in place and firmly � ombocklod by mean,, oF tornpinc or rolling, as � _7 approved bj the Owner, to ensure, that the mailing Is in contoc,t with the s�oll and that no ero-qlon can take, place. unclor the mott,'Ing. 4. Planting oP turf, ground covers, shrubs andlor Ones may be, required in orea,s protected by erosion control mottinq cis specified III the, plons or as becomes, noco5ecrry, AM RMLACROMM A, 6ENF"RAL: 71v Controt,itor shelf Immediately reploce any and all plont materials which Far any rear,on Ole or'ore,�-,fon-roqed i4ille under his core, Roplacermant,, �0icuf be mode with Plants of like kind and size In the , same, monnor OF, specified For tile original plonf,.fne, , W CMA"P ,A, 6PNERAL, After all Insifatlotton Operations licive been completed remove all troch, oxce5s .soil, omptq plant containers cr%I! rvb�boh From, the propew-ty, All scars, ruts or other morks In the oroo, coused by this wark- shall Lie ropolred and the ground left In a neat and orderly condition throughout the site, Contractor shall pick up all trash re5ultlng fraii this work no less than each Friday before lecivInq the site, once a i,,eok oncilor the, lost working day o�icJi Nool- All tro,sh shall be removed completely Fro�i the ,,M,'e, 3, TOP SOlL: Exc.os5 topsoil shot] be removed From the site, C, NEATNE65. Leove the ,Ido�,ioflks and rl�roats in ci neot and aloorn condition at the and oP the day, P, REMOVAL OF TA6575I Remove. off togs, lak�vfs, nursery ,5toke�v, and ties from all plant�s urriess otheri-Ifse, directed, only, at the end of all lm-tcitlotlon5, XV FROMM* A, 0ENERAL: Af; all times during construction, ode, , , be - quo protect:fon .shall be, provided For all plorited areas ogolns�t ddrnoqc OP any kind, until Finol occepPonce by [tic Londs,5,ojn;�, ArcW�ocI, 3� RIESPON51BILIT)'., Tile Cootro6t,or shall be hold re-epori-sible For the core end preservation OF oil ci,xT,,btnq bulld/n95 and structures twi tile to,^ot.7cr�1 and adjacent, pre.mif.o,e5, Any part of them Ir 2111MO96c.1 or� cilaturbed k)ecause of his Nork .shall 6e ratole,od, roplo,,cof or cleaned by him ot his expense. XW. 4WRANTM A, 614RUBC?, All shrubs shall be, guarantood as to qroi,qth and health For 0 period of ninety clays after completion or, the specified matitemorice porlo,"I andlor final acceptance by the Owner. 5, TRE -1`5r Troc,5 sholl bo, ovarenteed to live, and qroi,q III occaotorble, q,�rlght position For one year al'tor the specified moliqlanonce period ond,lor final crac,e,,ptanca b�i the owner, The, ownesr must provide adeq),cite maintenance to Insure the exteriefool guarontee on trrm*, C, PEFINITION OF DEATHI Plants, which die or fose morc than 50,% of their original leaves -,,hall be. repiciced, P. REPLAc�)E-Mr_`Nl) Vic Contractor within saven (7) days of W,ittre 'n no , t[FICOtlon by the Owner shaH remove and reploce all 9110ron"O6 tont materials which, For- any reclson, Pal) to I.."'t, t�1111%,q ' ulroment,n oP this querontoo, Replacement sholl be mode with Plant moterloi-e as, Indicated or specifled For the First, plonting and all such replacement motarlol,, sholl be, � euoranteed or, 5pocifted Per the orighlolgiorantead moterlol. Wif, KAWYNNAME A, MAINTENANCE PERICIO, The maln�enonco periodsholl commence upon the Owners written cisprovol OF all phases of plontinq Installation and shall be Par the, FolloNing rerkiclA) PAI'5, I D. OENERAL, Ther qenerol core.- and maintenance OP all oreceshafl conBlsst of proper j,lotering, fartilizallon, weeding, cfecrn-uf,,� to matntoln all ploni�s and furl' In a healthy, growing condition Old as, noted below, C� C-POUNP COVER� C*,ound cover Prom Plat,,�-oroos, i,ilthout overseed - OF ly a pre -emergent horbickle in accordance, .fril the manufacturers printool lnstruction,,, EI, FERTILIZATION. MoInteponce. i,rork --,hall include fortIlIzoklon with a commercial Fortitt7or at 50 diny Intervals or, noted herein, The, Fertilizer mou tie , 9uperseclod by the ,sells report, and ,,hall be opproved by the Landscape Architect. E I,qEff';IIN6: Any concentrated development of r-joed groi,,ith that, moy cepeor In planting areas during the, ninfrltenanae- perlodsholl be removed at. 10 day intervols, The Contractor shall remove, ouch concon[�rotlors of wov%15 morivolly- P, cGROUND COVER ARE-At3i Cultivoke all non-hydroseeded ground cover areas of. not more, then to day fill,�orvolq. 6, ,13HRUE35 ANTIP 7-REE�5z Ali shrub.s shelf be jz:71nch runed or, noces5orq to encourage now growl: I Tlt'lesd � flowers cind dead folloqrs �Mdll be continuously remove,d No torwirrig, sKall be done, to 5hrui.�� or trees 1�qlthovt Ole ar.irovol and under the, direction OF the, I I rchitect. All wounds ovew 1-1/2 inches In diometor shelf be oeoled i,jlth on qpl,,�'roved tree, 000l. 1-1, TURF AREA_5� Edge and mox to 0 height o(.2 In6hes whenever t.�he turr reaches a helght or�3 Inches. 65raso clippinga sholl be removed off-scfbe, 1. 5,i)Br3L)RPA6E ORAIM,i� All subsurface or,00 drains shell be periodically rb_o,hed with clear Noter to ovold bulid-up of's0l, and debris, Keep oil droln Inlets clear OF leave,-,,, trash and Other debri-1,s, -1, FROTECTION: Puring The moinkencince period, the, Contractor shall be re!Ipon5lbto Far Mointaining � adequate protection OF all planting areas. Any damaged area.,, shelf be repaired ot the Contrac.tor's exlperi5o� K, REF­HTt'W7O5Eff,IIN0: Tile, Contractor sholl ro-hydroseeno' all hydro,,.ieed orea5, croded or non-germinoting at the �61` a ,-,no ,ach ,50 days OF moln[ononco. L� iRRI&ATIOM All Irrigation must be oper-,;lting properiiiij end adjusted property For crPiclent coverage and minimum ovemprcly at the end of the maintenance, period. M� FINAL ACCL-PTANCL-z Hill be, given ot the end ot' the. maintenance period Par oil plonted areas once, hydroseed clerminotion and plant estoblirliment has been Obtained ar�,� there are no barren arocis larger than 3" x 3"� All plants mus,t be In a healthy, 4 gro),wriq _ condition a-, approved by the, Land;c15Pe AFchftect and Owner, N, 4' ,ONPITION OF 151TEn Ourl the matrqtenan,��c period, keep tile, project noolit t Noe From doL,:�r[5 a[, oil ne, . -'r -�r -or om,ll: tir .� Obtolri the Owner �, of ,rovol f .e. o,torckgc of equipment or maintenance materials, XV111. MML C4007"Im neww7m mv P194L MAIROMME RMWIM A, FINAL CON5TRW,TiON IN5PECTIOM Men all lanciscope knprovemento hove been Installed In o6cordance with the lons, and sploclPicatiorm the, Contractor -sholl notIrly, the, Landscape, Architect end roquest: a "Fin -of Oon,ekructlon" In5pection, IF the Londscope, Architect do,tormineo tho work be be sub5tonHolly complete, and in conformance, with plans and specifications, tile, - Contractor w0l be, advisect that his, basic, encinfenance period I-, started, 1, In order to tx:�, sub.qtontlolty complete, at least the Following mu�,t have b,ven Nnished, a. All Fine grading, Including elimination OF low points that hold runoi`P, b , A complete and Operable, irrigation 5ystorn. � 6� Installation OF oil plant materials, of, 5o,co7ng OF all soccied arco�,,, 2. Hiner folck-ul,,:� Items moy be cornpleted during Hle basic maintenance perfect such as; a, Ro5oddMq OF bare 9poto in lown, b. Rofek5cement at domo53o�, or non-conPorming I"lont mote,rlal, 4. Ro-stoklrig or lying ot' tree_,�5. ci. Lowering of siarinl�tsr heod,, to grocts ol'tor turl' has e!�5tot:�115hod. f, Replacement of unauthorf7ocl substitutions, 0, FINAL MAINTENANCC- IN5PE-CTIOM At the, end of' mointenance period and when qrourie,) covor�, and tvrf have e5toblisehed and all lolc,k-up Items hove boon completed, tile C.ontroctor shall req ' uer,t a Final maintenance inspection, The. Contractor will bo, advised by the. Lcindscope Architect at tile, Pinal Inspection'that work to or Is not. sotfnf`o�-,tory. I. ff the work is satisfactory, the, Lw_5fe, mainkencince porlod will and on the clate of the final in,,pection. 2, It the work is unsatisfactory Hie basfc maintenance period "Ill continue at tic addli.forrol ex,ponse to the Owner until the Nork has been completed, inspected ano' approved by the, Lonaiscope Architect. C, FAILURE TO PA55 INC-PECMOM Ir work Falls to lao-os final Inspection, any subsequent: 051f',�c,ctions must be, rescheduled as per above, and Kill be cdiorqed to the Contractor at the forevollftig hourly rote oF the, � .Landscape Architect, FD LANDSCAPE PLANS EMMMM BYZ I TRACT' 1 8,137 DESGNED BY, SPECIFICATIONS PJD ---I------.-- PPROVED-BY- , , , , - -, , I. 142 4,4;4,,� ... I --'---- -tr f ��o-""),k���,,,v,-"-"-7�,c-�l�,-,, W _h, - 4 KPKtlio­ P­f­­ _A_17_,�1_WX;T__Z1==__',__,__ DATE- / fW-1 --- ___.__­_­ - - 4396 U -P! - vffNu Iq ��6