HomeMy WebLinkAbout4360-672-5 CONCRETED -ROCK S�OPE PROTECTION 72-5-01 Description.—This' work shall consist of placing revetment SECTION 72 SLOPE PROTECTION ype concreted -rock courses on the slopes, The rock sloPe Protection $hall 'be concreted as shown on the planu Rocks sball be so placed as to provide a minimum of voids and the and as specified in these specifications and the special provisions. larger rocks shall be placed in the toe course and on the outside sur - The size of the individual pieces of rock shall be as indicated in the face of the slope protection. The rock may be placed by dumping and table in Section 72-5.02, "Materials," or as specified in the special provi- may be spread in layers by bulldozers or other suitable equipment. sions. The classes of conereted-rock slope protection are indicated by the Local surface irregularities of the slope protection shall not vary average size of the individual piece to be used and will be designated in from the planned slopes by more than one foot measured at right an - the Engineer's Estimate as 1/2 ton, 1/4 ton, Light, Facing, and Cobble. gles to the slope. 72-5.02 Materials.—Tbe individual classes of rocks used in can- At the completion of slope protection work, the footing trench shall be creted-rock slope protection sball conform tn the llnuAn "nInge A+6 e.11 A 14'L wise specified in the special provisions or sho, b P 1p� U W excavatedmaterialandco pactionwinnotuerequirea, PIPE wn on, the plans. 72-5.04 Placing Concrete. -The surfaces of the rock to be co*n- GRADING OF CONCRETED -ROCK SLOPE PROTEOnON creted shall be cleaned of adhering dirt and clay and then moistened. Percentage Larger Than* The concrete sliall be placed in a continuous operation for any day's run Brick laid lengthwise Classee at any one location. Concrete shall be brought to the place of final de- and mortared posit by use of chutes, tubes, or buckets, or may be placed by means of Rock Size 112 Ton 114 Ton LiWht F<wing Colbbk pneumatic equipment or other mechanical methods. In no case shall I Ton . ......... ............... 0-5 concrete be permitted to flow on the slope protection a distance in excess 112 Ton - ............. ........ 50 -loo o__5 of 10 feet. 200 Lb. _ ___'��Inide edge of R,C,P. groove 114 Ton.. ................ . ..... 50-100 0-5 - Immediately after depositing, the concrete shall be spaded and rodded 1'± Cement grout . ........ ... _ ...... go -100 - 5D-100 0-5 - 76 Lb, . ..... _._ ............ - 90�400 9�400 50-100 0-5 into place with suitable spades, trowels or other approved means until capping at end of pipe SECTION or end of pipe( if broken) 25 Lb. _ .......... ......... - - 90-100 95-100 the minimum penetration is that shown in the table entitled "Grading of Hnimuni Penetration Concreted -Rock Slope Protection" in Section 72-5.02, "Materials.' of Concrete (inches) .,,. 18 14 10 8 6 After the concrete has been placed, the rocks sball be thoroughly The vanount of material smaller than the smallest size listed in the brushed so that their top surfaces are exposed, The outer rocks shall D" project 1/3 to 1/4 their diameter above the concrete surface. After com- table for any class of concreted -rock slope protection shall not exceed pletion of any 10 -foot strip, no workman or load shall be permitted on the peroentage limit listed in the table determined on a weight bases. -Cernent grout capping Compliance with the percentage limit shown in the table for all,other the surface for a period of at least 24 hours, and longer it so ordered by ,d -rock slope protee sizes ofthe individual pieces of any class of concrete the Enginee -rock slope protection shall be cured as provided in Section tion shall be determined by the ratio of the number of individual pieces Concreted larger than the specified size compared to the total number of individ- 90-7, "Curing Concrete." ual pieces larger than the smallest size listed in the table for that class. 72-5.05 MeasuremenL-Concreted-rock slope protection will be The rocksball also conform to the following quality requirements: measured by the ton or cubic yard for the rock as designated in the Bn- (72-6) Quantities of rack: to be paid for by the cubic yard will be determined from the dimensions shown on the plans or the dimensions directed by gineer's Estimate and by the cubic yard for the concrete. the Engineer and rock placed in excess of these dimensions will not be .......... . . paid for. Brick 13 mortar closure Quantities of rock to be paid for �y the ton will be weighed in accor- dance with the provisions in Section 9-1.01, "Measurement of Quanti- ties." ELEVATION Quantities of concrete to be paid for by the cubic yard will be mea- sured at the mixer as provided in Section 90-11, "Measurement and SLOPE PROTECTION Payment." PIPE CLOSURE -TYPE it B SEMON 72 72-5.06, Payraent,-The contract price paid per cubic yard or per ton for concreted -rook slope protection (the class of rock and method of (Brick and Mortar) Tests California Placement to be designated in the Engineer's Estimate) and per cubic Te8t Requirement,% yard for concrete (eoncreted-rock slope protection) shall include full com- Apparent SPecfic Gravity, .................................. 206 2.5 min pensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and inci- NOTE: Absorption .. . ... _ ....... .............................. ____ 206 42% max,* ype "B" closure for "D" not forger than SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Durability Index-- .............. ............... ............ 229 52 Tnin.* 1. T FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Coarse urlabilit Index (72-8) 36" unless approved or specified by the REVISIM OWW BY DATE %Absorption + I Durability Absorption Ratio (DAR) Engineer. Based On the formula contained herein, absorption may exceed 4.2 per� 2,See specifications foradditional information. C, L. 5-9-63 cent if DAR is greater than 10. Durability Index may be less than 52 if FILE NO. DAR is greater than 24. S, R 176 A Rocks, when conforming to the provisions in this Section 72-19; a5t SLOPE PROTECTION SECITON 72 be obtained from rock excavation of the roadway prism or other excava- dentals, and toy doing all the work involved in constructing the corii tion being performed under the provisions of the contract, in accordance creted-rock slope Protection, complete in place, including excavation, an with the provisions in Section 4-1.05, 'Use o.f.Materials Found on the backfilling footing trenches, as shown on the plans, and as specified in Work." these specifications and the special provisions, and as directed by the Rocks shall be of such shape as to form a stable protection structure of Engineer. the required section. Flat or needle shapes will not be accepted unless the thickness of the individual pieces is grea r than 1A, th� A Concrete sh I be Class B concrete or minor concrete conforming to L LR WNGWALL the provisions in Section 90, "Portland Cement. Concret,-,' using V max. L R 717 f - .',1 38 mm E combined aggregate and mixed as provided for structures. The water STIFFENER BAR F -::E I BARS 76 x 10 mm 2 content of the concrete shall be such as to Permit gravity flow into the in. ROUNDED hall be that designated by the Engineer. (3" x 3/8") WELDED 38 Mrn terstices with limited spading and brooming. The amount Of water used � �72 �nI2 X n: 76 x 10 mm FMAXI SEE CASE A ON BOTTOm OF RACK FOR DIMENSIONS (1 1/2-) 7TI71777'- WEN Lg IMS 1.8 rn MM TYP -Rock for concreted -rock slope protection (72") 0 ORE 1 1/4', 72-5.03 Placing Rock, 6 m 7�7P7�_ E nated in the Brigineer's Estimate E shall be placed in accordance with one of the following methods as desig HEADWALL "-#I 3M (#4) AND WNGWALL--_-,C F1 '.�g V #10M (#3)CJ0 Method A Placement A41:L 6 MM 610 nim (24"), 75 mm (3") A footing trench shall be exe typ I OUTLET E > on the plans. avated along the toe of slope as shown -H 5 C:7-, LJ TLE T 0 F_ MIN COVER tq�i �a C4 —CCFNDUIT CONDUIT aECTION C -C SECTION D -D 305 mm K,�e W 0 ooting trench, 0-1 Q� The larger rocks shall be placed in the f I Rocks shall be placed with their lo - - - - - - 4 (12") MIN ngitudinal axis normal to the I embankment face and arranged so that each rock above the founda- tion course has a 3 -point bearing on the underlying rocks. Foundation DETAIL E, course is the course placed on the Slope in contact with the ground BOLTS PER NOTE 5 E 9: SHEET 2 SLOT11-:D HOLE surface. Bearing on smaller rocks which may be used for chinking 0 t PER DETAIL F IW voids will not be acceptable. Placing of rocks by dumping will not be �, I permitted. PLAN EX OR PROP W CASE A CASE B $LOPE (4") LOCal surface irregularities of the slope protection shall not vary � M r - PLAN nm fka 1 .4 7 FLEVATION 15 MM P-4- SOPeDymorethanone ot measured at right an, gles to the slope, 14 1 Method B Placement SEE SECT C -C, SHEET 2 A tooting trench sh I be excavated along the toe of the slope as STIFFENER (VMEN REVD) PCC SUPPORT shown on the plans. I -T- BARS 76 x 10 mm "__00 DETAIL E (,31IX3/811) Typ ____�,,TOP OF CHANNEL HEADWALL-,,r-1-.,�1f. k Mrn (5/16") R (72-7) SEE SECT D -D. E _25 --ma- THREADED ROC E (I") MIN- A3 x 175 mm I SHEET 2 (1 /2" x 7") -Cpoxy SECTION PCC SUPPORT 7�rt7 t_J USE ONLY FOR PCC SUPPOR DETAIL I �H_EET � HEADWALL - - - - - - & VANGWALL SLOPE F E _0N I PCC BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY DUMP ROAD AS PER RECORD OF SURVEY BOOK 79 PAGE 6, RECORD OF SURVEY, IN THE CITY OF FONTANA, RECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BENCH MARK: WN BERNARDINO COUNTY SURVEYOR B.M. SPSN-00485 FOUND RAILROAD SPIKE IN POWER POLE, 2 MILES NORTH ALONG SIERRA; 1AVENUE FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE, 30 FEET EAST OF THE C/L OF SIERRA AVENUE 2 FEET NORTH OF THE S/E CORNER OF SEC. 18, TIN, R 5 W, SBBM, FACING N/'W. ELEVATION = 1,815.971' KNGVD 1929 / FONTAND QUAD / 1980 ADJ.) ---- DIAL 4ORKING B_ BEFORE YOU DIG YOU DIG TRENCH WALL ni 300 mm 300 MM 300 MM (1r) MIN 150 MM 0 2-) MIN IKV" . DETAIL F REMOVABLE PORTION RETROFIT -ATTACHMENT NOTES 1, MAXIMUM SIZE OF OUTLET FOR THIS RACK IS, 1200 mm (W) PIPE OR 1 .2 m (48") VADE RCB. MAXIMUM LENGTH OF RACK LR IS 3 m (W -O"). 2, ADJUST LR SO THAT THE SLOPE OF THE RACK IS APPROXIMATELY 2 HORIZONTAL TO I VERTICAL, 3. THE PCC SUPPORT IS NOT NEEDED IF THE INLET STRUCTURE HAS A SUITABLE CUTOFF WALL. THE PCC SUPPORT SHALL NOT REPLACE THE CUTOFF WALL, 4� GALVANIZE RACK AFTER FABRICATION. 5, BOLTS SHALL BE 13 x 175 mm (1/2'0"). BOLTS FOR REMOVABLE PORTION SHALL EF. STAINLESS STEEL. PROVIDE WASHERS AT EACH SOLT, 6. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS PER SSPWC 2-5.3.3. FOR RETRORT WORK,.INCLUGE DETAILS FOR ATTACHMENT' TO FXISnNG STRUCTURE. STANDARR PLAN STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBUC WORKS CONSTRUCTION MET iC 361-1 TRASH RACK (INCLINED) SHEET 2 OF 2 -4 V &,- -W 5 w4tmo t." r & -4 1 P6 cirl - #�2 '6� - A j - e /P 1� , " . 1 4?1-- AW Kvt'411 I ,v 4VPa,-W,, "p, fpa lit V AARr ION617VOINAL 36= Neormliee N-,tm ot rVr-0e;WW1, I Y'> C4t FOR A�A Malif W 11,Fhilrf.cW��V A L fW UAXf1WV1,d '�� _�Er&C_ J221_ M��e, R no "4,101,pot PMA� evefof fl,�m�wo JAC ",-JIII C-I'Vasion iWor a7e we hogh 401,',5 ko 10-. $.WCii?V t, �4 40 -VAS L&Vow"�-X ENO ELEVATION -,Vo� har, - 9- VP;VA4-0 V114 WNWI$M� 0 ff 01 wsffepm 6W� filler is �W sbaytp 'Pt 6"S jp- somefs 0. Iva W OVKW. W SECTION F -F '0701V 4-A _SE r .7 w-wjN-v "01?1 '0' W'd tavfr hw.,�W or, revil 1:0, 6"tlW VV AW WO -Pope roors P n& -olf bwao tweawl -1 a 4rr efmna*� onjt*g MW 4Z�� cf 7� Zu", ftw _11-# co MO M�__ Fel"fl, tah 0) '4 V R - 5V, W > A?,- _ALKV?N_471V,�� WXIRRE0 k1JV6WA4,4 I '4 �?10- 440 W"V14, 0d04"'PWJ P'O"raP7 -o tw P/ S J ,NrbM-t0V,1f is _�b lk" et 4 W41QN1 A0. VoQflFgF0 WINOWA41-S col Otis ale Id" lid ?/Sl as A II I I I . 9 . 14 /? 14 14 2�0' Wtpep >)Q' -407 i4Tp_Af $ __9=1 DE It E fe, eb Remvt fore 167 _7�5/p 8 4,W ffJ !E(ty i _1"_ V, w,# fW 4.912 Pe Q PLAN 4 1144110 X , Z=57ZWE 4 a4_14 0 J A /-.,V Rov 4--ce eelw" 4 1 2 A Z" 0 - 0EPMTVCN'( 4Y 4. WS a" 91W 7 a PIPE CULVERT HEADWALLS, ENDWALLS VWf 11"at wwocor 010 o7i*Kaomy ("" f1,01 or cia-00 w0i 10 AND WARPE0 WINGWALLS. NO SCALE I _D8 _4 W B MR SLOPING TRENCH WALL FOR VERMAL TRENCH WALL TRENCH MOM 4) BARS G 10 MrAI 4 (4') OP110NAL CONST JOIN (4 INDISTURGEO EARTH E_ E t, I IN L40 - B SECTION A --A TABLE A Y ELEVATION PIPE ANCHORS NOTES: t ANCHORS SHAU- 8E CLASS 265--C-14 (450-0-2000) CONCRETE. Z FOR CLAY PIPE, ANCHOR$ SHAU. NOT BE PLACED MTHN 150 mm (6') OF THE PIPE JOINT. 3. TRENCH SHALL BE BACKALL PER NOTE 4 ON SHEET Z 4. SPACING OF ANCHOR$ FOR PIPE SLOPES BETWEEN VALMES SHOWN TABLE "A:' MAY BE: PROPORTIONED. ANCHORS FOR SLOPING TRENCH WAtZ I FOR VERMAL FOR SLOPING TRENCH WALL FOR VERWAL TRENCH WALL TRENCH WALL ni 300 mm 300 MM 300 MM (1r) MIN 150 MM 0 2-) MIN IKV" 1 ->-2 REDWOOD BOARDS :+ (In M IGO MM 'A 100 MM TREN /'(4 . X 4-) REDWOOD POST 51 mm (2") GALV PIP TRENCH WAL PIPE F-111111) IN ANCHOR OR PIPE Vr PRE-EMBEDDEO SLEM Es I/ CONCRETE / E 2 - 171-i-_ AL-TERNATE 2 ELEVATION BACKFILL STABILIZERS t!0TE!5; i. REOWOOD BOARDS SHALL BE 50 x 300 mm (2' x 12") YMERE DEPTH OF COVER CVFR PIPE PERMITS. OTHERIMSE USE 50 x 250 mm (2" x 10"). 2� REDWOOD BOARD$ SHALL BE PLACEO ON THE HIGH GROUND SiDE OF THE POSTS. 3. EACH REOWOOD BOARD SHALL BE FASTENED BY USNG 2-16d NAILS TO EACH REDWOOD POST OR A 10 mm (3/8") SOLT AND NUT MTH WASHERS TO EACH GALVANIZED PIPE. ALI, HARDWARE SHALL BE GALVANIZ.ED, 4� TRENCH BACM-L SHALL SE CONSOUDATED BY MECHANICAL COMPA0110N. IN UEU OF MECHANICALLY COMPACWN, SOIL CEMENT MAY BE USED, HOWEVER, THE TOP 300 mm (12") OF BACKFILL SHALL BE NAME SOIL, MECHANICALLY COMPACTEO. 5. SPACJNG OF STABUZERS FOR GROUND 5LOPES 8ETWEEN VALUES SHOWN IN TABLE "S" MAY BE PROPORMONED. 6. THE CONTRACTOR MAY, AT ITS OPMN, SUBSIFITUTE DOUGLAs nR FOR THE REDWOOD PRONADED IT HAS BEEN TKATE0 WTH PRESERVATIVES. S-FAI31LIZERS S ANDARD PLAN STANDARD Pl�ANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION METRIC 221-1 PIPE ANCHORS AND BACKFILL, STABILIZER SHEET 2 OF 2 REMSION DESCRIP11ON DATE ENGR, CITY DATE OFESS�'O/) *A� - -'dVRO pp Thl�naq Zn 0 yv;?i9i91h7y An SHOULD CONSTRUCTION OF THE REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS NOT WVX ENGWEERING LAND SURPEYING <�� '1JV i i Ev 4349 FRESTONE BOUL ARD LA UMDA C41FORMA 906J8 COMMENCE WITHI TWO YEARS OF THE DATE OF APPROVAL PH.(714)521-481f FAY(714)521-4173 DRAWN BY. SHOWN HEREON Ar441D CARRIED FORTH IN A DILIGENT MANNER, r-1 � ------- -.1-- ;;a 1 Prepored Under The Supervision Of AC THE CITY ENGINEER MAY REQUIRE REVISIONS TO THE PLANS TO R.CZ NO, 43293 �i * 1i DESIGNED BY ', (PA Exp. 3-31-1() 'IT BRING THEM INTO CONFORMANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND AC _5r - ------- ------ --- - - ------- , \ , clv\ Do 7_ STANDARDS IN EFFECT. CHECKED BY. C N HAIDOOK 1. AGHAI N RC N . 4�293 FL -111 HIA